It definitely takes planning and effort to prepare your own meals, but it's so worth it. You save a ton of time and money, and, since you made it yourself, you know exactly what you're putting into your body. I also like your statement about how "you fall to the level of your systems." This is so true. I once attended a business workshop on the importance of "systems". I remember the instructor saying that a bad system will result in even your most talented and hard-working employees to fail. Either they will fail, or they will become so frustrated working within an inefficient system that they will quit. Thank you for the book recommendation! I will definitely check out Atomic Habits!
It definitely takes planning and effort to prepare your own meals, but it's so worth it. You save a ton of time and money, and, since you made it yourself, you know exactly what you're putting into your body. I also like your statement about how "you fall to the level of your systems." This is so true. I once attended a business workshop on the importance of "systems". I remember the instructor saying that a bad system will result in even your most talented and hard-working employees to fail. Either they will fail, or they will become so frustrated working within an inefficient system that they will quit. Thank you for the book recommendation! I will definitely check out Atomic Habits!
it’s such a good (and practical) book! and so true about the meal prepping!