How to Make Faux Fur Poms with Strings or Snaps - Pom School Part 1- DIY Faux Fur Poms

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 196

  • @atthemoment6823
    @atthemoment6823 3 года назад +12

    My dude n where was your channel years ago...I love this

  • @kellypassalaqua3427
    @kellypassalaqua3427 4 года назад +16

    I’ve seen a few faux fur Pom Pom videos but your’s is the most detailed and I learned a lot. I have seen faux fur Pom Poms cut with scissors and it does work, only going thru the backside and not cutting the fur. Your hats are also gorgeous! Thanks so much!

    • @HookedUpCrochet
      @HookedUpCrochet  4 года назад +1

      KELLY PASSALAQUA thank you so much! I tried scissors and failed so that’s when I went to my rotary blade lol! I’m all about what works best for you, thank you for sharing! ❤️

  • @momofschnauzers
    @momofschnauzers 4 года назад +9

    Excellent EXCELLENT video tutorial. Clear, precise, to the point with great results. Thanks very much for sharing your expertise.

  • @huxy6719
    @huxy6719 4 года назад +21

    I don't understand why anyone would down thumb this video!! I've just watched about fifteen in a row and this is by far the best. You got yourself a new sub, your video is excellent 💖

    • @HookedUpCrochet
      @HookedUpCrochet  4 года назад +5

      Huxy thank you soooo much! You are so kind! I call them angry elves 😂 I got that term from my girl Kaytedid ❤️ we are all about positive vibes! Thank you so much again I’ve got some new vids coming soon! ❤️❤️❤️

    • @huxy6719
      @huxy6719 4 года назад +2

      @@HookedUpCrochet haha, I like that, Angry Elves. Think that's what I will call them now. I will look out for your videos and send positivity your way 💖

    • @TheNanabanana127
      @TheNanabanana127 4 года назад +2

      I agree! I’m now a new subscriber, too! Love the poms!

    • @tigerlilly9038
      @tigerlilly9038 Год назад +2


  • @MsYorkie007
    @MsYorkie007 9 месяцев назад +1

    Your video is the best I’ve seen. 😊Your blog link doesn’t work it is non existent? Goes to spam. It’s not on web or your site has changed for part two blog link. Thanks! any other way to see part 2?

  • @mpachecoburgos
    @mpachecoburgos 4 года назад +11

    Thank you for sharing your supply list! I tried making poms before, but my thread always broke! This tutorial was very thorough and explained all the questions I had! Thank you! 😊

  • @ellenelder9941
    @ellenelder9941 11 месяцев назад

    Yes, this is an awsome video. I'm going to be making a lot of these fur pom poms for the hats I made.

  • @maryparson1224
    @maryparson1224 Год назад +1

    Love it! Didn’t know you could make your own faux fur poms. I’m going to definitely try this.

  • @melissairwin7616
    @melissairwin7616 2 года назад +1

    Please please post part 2 I need this fabric in my life. This was a fantastic video I never even considered snaps for changing out the poms

    • @HookedUpCrochet
      @HookedUpCrochet  2 года назад +3

      Part 2 is on my blog- The post is called Pom School and it has links for all my resources i use

    • @melissairwin7616
      @melissairwin7616 2 года назад

      @@HookedUpCrochet thank you

  • @martinahinojosa325
    @martinahinojosa325 4 года назад +5

    Omg, I love it, I going to try to do it, thank you so much for cheering with us your wonderful ideas.

  • @tigerlilly9038
    @tigerlilly9038 Год назад

    Thank you for sharing this, especially about the scissors.

  • @caitlinreum100
    @caitlinreum100 4 года назад +8

    This video was super helpful! Thanks Karen!

  • @christinacruden886
    @christinacruden886 4 года назад +5

    Perfect. And thank you so much. This is the best video I’ve seen, on fur Pom poms. ❤️🇨🇦

  • @dragonflytaniilai4110
    @dragonflytaniilai4110 2 года назад +1

    Wow! I loved this turtutogrial you made everything so clear

  • @anac472
    @anac472 2 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for the awesome tutorial on how to make fur Pom poms with snaps. I’ve tried round but dreaded doing them cuz they just never made them right. I can see how the square would be a better method. I can’t wait to try them. Also, I am looking for the snaps but thought didn’t realize you use the 19MM. I will purchase those. Once again, thank you for education on how to make beautiful pom poms with the correct materials. Many blessings to you.🥰

    • @HookedUpCrochet
      @HookedUpCrochet  2 года назад

      If you go to my blog post I have links for everything! Thank you so much for the kind words and feel free to message me if you need any help! 🙃

  • @karenamoroso1851
    @karenamoroso1851 3 года назад

    Cool idea if you want hat look different make extra poms different colors. Can make it gray Change to white , yellow blue or green etc

  • @theoriginalburgandy550
    @theoriginalburgandy550 Год назад +1

    Just sitting here watching instead of heading to pick up my Joann’s order debating going in to raid the faux fur area 😂

  • @lasinmt106
    @lasinmt106 4 года назад +2

    Loved your video. You did a great job or showing details that make our own trial run a success. Thanks for sharing.

  • @Lavavoth
    @Lavavoth 3 года назад +7

    AWESOME!!! Super inspired--thanks so much for sharing your process and your beautiful items ♥♥♥

  • @darlynhayduk2072
    @darlynhayduk2072 4 года назад

    Excellent video...yes agreed, a half circle upholstery needle would help.

  • @raincsolak1997
    @raincsolak1997 4 года назад +10

    Thank you so much for this tutorial, I Love it and definately will be making some for grands thanks to you!! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @vivianwilson7183
    @vivianwilson7183 3 года назад +2

    I love it! Easy, simple and time saving...Thanx! 😀👍

  • @jolynkling481
    @jolynkling481 4 года назад +1

    So much nicer than the pre made ones.

  • @donkeybutt3239
    @donkeybutt3239 4 года назад +6

    These poms are so cute, thank you for the video.
    Seems these would make a good pom pom rug for a bedroom. Would that be possible to make a small rug out of these? I've seen yarn pom pom rugs but never seen fur pom pom rugs just wondering if it could be possible? 🤔🧐

  • @mcstephens944
    @mcstephens944 Год назад

    Very interesting first time I have seen a pompom done with fou fur really liked it.thank you for showing us how to do it.and four your time,keep up the good work have a blessed day,night a new subscriber,connie

  • @lisasimon9067
    @lisasimon9067 3 года назад

    This video is awesome, thanks!! You mention a Part 2 where you provide information on where you get your fabric. Can you help me find that video? Thanks again!!

  • @jamieA19
    @jamieA19 4 года назад +5

    I’m glad I watched this video first . Amazing 🤩🤩

  • @barbarastothart4172
    @barbarastothart4172 4 года назад +1

    To avoid breaking thread, I would use embroidery thread to make the running stitch. I recommend trying to match the fur colour.

    • @HookedUpCrochet
      @HookedUpCrochet  4 года назад +2

      Barbara Stothart maybe it was the embroidery thread I was using but mine always broke, so that’s why I decided to change to Upholstery thread, especially when double threaded it’s super strong.

    • @Shinimul
      @Shinimul 3 года назад +1

      I used everything and it always broke. Now I use upholstery thread doubled as suggested by Karen and its the best thing.

  • @RD9_Designs
    @RD9_Designs 2 года назад

    Thank you for posting this! As a hat crocheter, this is a great tutorial for me!

  • @laritownsend2527
    @laritownsend2527 3 года назад +1

    I'd love to show you what I make of these. I bought a bunch at JoAnn's on sale for $2. Now I can make my own. Thanks so much

  • @sonyabarkwell6077
    @sonyabarkwell6077 Год назад

    Thanks,Love the tutorial most certainly will make them myself from now on!

  • @kikelomoBaker
    @kikelomoBaker Год назад

    Wow looking amazing

  • @thequeenbee9299
    @thequeenbee9299 3 года назад +1

    Loved the Video...thank you! Do you have the pattern for the grey beanie? 😬

  • @dopeinsomanyways8944
    @dopeinsomanyways8944 Год назад

    Most definitely can use scissors you use the tip of scissors to cut. cut only the back fabric

  • @dorisgonzalez6987
    @dorisgonzalez6987 4 года назад

    No me imaginaba como se hacían estos pompones gracias y como se colocaban en el gorro!!! Esta fácil las dos formas

  • @BallerinaBe
    @BallerinaBe 4 года назад +3

    Love the hats too. Are there patterns for them? Thanx for an awesome video.

    • @darlynhayduk2072
      @darlynhayduk2072 4 года назад

      Yea, if the hat patterns are available, that would be much appreciated. They are gorgeous. I'm having difficulty finding nice toque patterns. Thank you.

  • @AS-lm9xm
    @AS-lm9xm 2 года назад

    Thank you for sharing. I will have to try to make it.

  • @angiep5216
    @angiep5216 4 года назад +10

    Nice. It would not be better to use a xacto knife and cut the fur round?

    • @HookedUpCrochet
      @HookedUpCrochet  4 года назад +10

      angie p you can def use that as well. I find squares easier to cut, I’ve done circles before and when you make the Pom they come out the same way. Using squares is just easier IMO 😀

  • @sincerejones364
    @sincerejones364 3 года назад

    You can still use scissors and cut the weft only the same as that rotary

  • @lindabambrough3128
    @lindabambrough3128 3 года назад +1

    fabulous x may I ask did you make the second hat, the one with the string pom? that pattern is gorgeous..

  • @gatica2407
    @gatica2407 10 месяцев назад +1

    Where is part 2 😩

  • @mariad4183
    @mariad4183 4 года назад +1

    Awesome tips! Thank you for sharing honey!
    Happy New Year! xoxo

  • @eldalopez663
    @eldalopez663 4 года назад +4

    I loved it. I was looking for a tutorial like this one. Thank you! Good pictures and explanation 🤩

  • @Kyddoemiko13
    @Kyddoemiko13 3 года назад +1

    Most excellent my local craft store is out of faux pom poms this is the ticket to solve that problem 😉🙌💡

  • @cynthiabasil8356
    @cynthiabasil8356 4 года назад

    Exactly knives also work well

  • @2010redshift
    @2010redshift 3 года назад

    You explain everything so well, thanks man :)

  • @HayleyGomes
    @HayleyGomes 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you for this! Any idea what the benefit is of the snaps? Would it mean the hat can then be washed once the pompom is removed?

    • @bedcrafter
      @bedcrafter 4 месяца назад

      Thought I'd reply and help you out given you didnt get a reply, especially as this comment was only a few months ago rather than years...better late than never right? Although I do hope you found your answer already though 🙂.
      The benefits of the snap pom but also the button one as well, is that it makes the pom pom removable 🙂. You shouldn't be washing this kind of pom pom as it will ruin it, so you need to remove it before washing the hat. Using either snaps or a pom pom button (or even a normal button) means you can do exactly this 🙂. You could even change up the pom poms for a different look if you liked as well, because either method is removable so it means you can change the pom instead of putting the same one back on if you wanted.
      Hope this answers your question and helps any others seeing this and wondering the same 🙂.

  • @DesignedByAna
    @DesignedByAna 3 года назад

    No sabía que se podía hacer los pompones,gracias por el video

  • @dorisgonzalez6987
    @dorisgonzalez6987 4 года назад +1

    Ya probé y esos 6 son cm? Muy pequeño, son pulgadas? Muy grande, yo lo hice de 12 cm y quedo buen, gracias

  • @orisisorisis6946
    @orisisorisis6946 4 года назад +3

    Muchas gracias por tan útil tutorial. ¿Nos puede enseñar a tejer esos gorros? Están realmente hermosos.¡Excelente nuevo año!

  • @watchareediy6683
    @watchareediy6683 4 года назад +1

    Wow!! So cute.👍👍👍👍👍

  • @winnepeterson7740
    @winnepeterson7740 3 года назад

    Have you tried cutting with an OLFA faux chenille cutter? I would recommend it.

  • @lindabrown2170
    @lindabrown2170 4 года назад +1

    Thankyou for a great video. I will be making a bunch of these thanks again.

  • @richardcornellier3663
    @richardcornellier3663 4 года назад +27

    Awesome tutorial but a reminder guys, you don't need a rotary tool. You can just use a craft knife to the back of the faux fur and it works the same way. 😊

    • @halleborland
      @halleborland 3 года назад

      x-acto's always work for meeee!

    • @Luellen.24
      @Luellen.24 3 года назад

      Either way, there should be a strong warning to everone who uses a rotary cutter or a exacto knife in this particular way to do this kind of cutting! Looks dangerous for even the seasoned crafter! I did not hear a single word about being careful in this video. I think there should be a way to use scissors which would be less of a risk. Just my opinion.

    • @richardcornellier3663
      @richardcornellier3663 3 года назад

      @@Luellen.24 well I do agree. They should have had a warning about using these types of tools but you really can't use scissors for this faux fur. You'll ruin it if you do so. So there tools are necessary for this type of crafting. So if you think its unsafe don't do it.

    • @Elena-ru2my
      @Elena-ru2my 3 года назад

      If you're worried about cutting your hand, you can actually purchase special gloves that protect your hands from the blade. :)

  • @BlackCat_2
    @BlackCat_2 4 года назад +3

    That is really awesome and thanks so much for sharing this. Sometimes I have had a hard time finding the colors I want or the look I want and if I do then the size is not right. :P This way I can just find the fabric with the right look and colors which is much easier to do and make it the size I want it. :D - Heidi

  • @magalyfisher5879
    @magalyfisher5879 Год назад

    Do you have a pattern for that puff stitch hat that you made the one that you just put the snap pom-pom on?

  • @odettedecarie4195
    @odettedecarie4195 2 года назад

    vraiement bien fait merci

  • @mireyavillegas8549
    @mireyavillegas8549 Год назад

    Bello Bello hermoso gracias x enseñar tú talento estoy aprendiendo dé tí Dios te Bendiga 💓💕💓

  • @the_musical_penguin
    @the_musical_penguin 3 года назад

    Oh my gosh... THIS IS HOW?!!!

  • @dawngheerkins4590
    @dawngheerkins4590 Год назад

    Love your work

  • @maryhallengren3299
    @maryhallengren3299 2 года назад

    Love it, so adorable.

  • @calicopurr
    @calicopurr 3 года назад

    Will the button get caught on your hair?

  • @creationsbyjocey
    @creationsbyjocey 2 года назад

    How much fur do you typically purchase, i see it is a little pricy

  • @christinedearing2594
    @christinedearing2594 4 года назад

    Have you tried using a seam ripper? Or dental floss instead of thread...

  • @JenniferHughes-s5n
    @JenniferHughes-s5n 18 дней назад

    This is so cool

  • @veronicahuidobro6374
    @veronicahuidobro6374 3 года назад

    Muy lindos ,ahora aprendí hacer pompones gracias...

  • @aubsweets5116
    @aubsweets5116 4 года назад +2

    How long ifs your faux fir pile?

  • @racheldobson389
    @racheldobson389 3 года назад

    Can you tell where you buy your faux fur? I looked for the second video you mentioned, but can’t seem to find it.

  • @sannepdk
    @sannepdk 3 года назад

    I love tour hats. Do you sell the pattens Greetings from copenhagen Denmark

  • @shelleymessier1494
    @shelleymessier1494 4 года назад

    Super! I just saw this and it was so fantastic I checked out your channel and I am a new subscriber thank you for your educational videos and sharing your knowledge with everyone

  • @kindredinspirit
    @kindredinspirit 4 года назад

    Pretty! Hint Using a fabric glue would probably be better for the snap.

  • @arzellecolon7812
    @arzellecolon7812 4 года назад +9

    They very beautiful ‘ but It would be easier if you use a half circle needle so you can go in and out the fur easy

  • @drpflower75
    @drpflower75 4 года назад +1

    thankyou dear,i was in need of this tutorial

  • @faithramsey9090
    @faithramsey9090 2 года назад

    Where do you get your faux fur?? I can’t find it

  • @supermariomaker2glitchhunt329
    @supermariomaker2glitchhunt329 4 года назад +2

    Hello. Can I ask, what length / thickness of fur are you using please. I’ve never made a fur Pom Pom, but I’d love to have a try xx
    Thankyou for sharing xx

    • @HookedUpCrochet
      @HookedUpCrochet  4 года назад

      Super Mario Maker 2 Glitch Hunters if you go to my blog, and look up the Pom School blog post, I have links for resources for faux fur etc... listed there 😃

  • @alankarcreations4469
    @alankarcreations4469 3 года назад

    Which pattern is that grey beaine?

  • @samasonedderman
    @samasonedderman 4 года назад

    Brilliant. Thanks. Stella

  • @sandrasnyder3286
    @sandrasnyder3286 3 года назад +1

    Great tutorial and love the snap idea ..thank you 😊 🧶🪡

  • @marianaarellano4982
    @marianaarellano4982 4 года назад +2

    where do you get the pom from?

  • @salmaali9735
    @salmaali9735 3 года назад

    Where do you buy the fur just tell me

  • @JkattOn66
    @JkattOn66 4 года назад +2

    Great video! When will part 2 be out?

    • @HookedUpCrochet
      @HookedUpCrochet  4 года назад +1

      JkattOn66 my blog post is up! I was waiting on the rainbow faux fur to come in to make sure it was a good place to order from!

  • @koalabearqld
    @koalabearqld 2 года назад

    do they do custom labels?

  • @nicoleeliza2702
    @nicoleeliza2702 Год назад

    Thank you so much for this video!!!! :)

  • @gracepornel7591
    @gracepornel7591 2 года назад

    👍🏵🌺🌻🌸🌷so so helpful. You are an angel. Thank you so much much much!!!!!

  • @giovannabenitez7390
    @giovannabenitez7390 4 года назад

    Thank you for sharing 😊 question the snaps have a size? For some reason look bigger then the regular ones

  • @veronicahuidobro6374
    @veronicahuidobro6374 3 года назад

    Amiga son 6cms o es en pulgadas?

  • @lovepreetsokhal6043
    @lovepreetsokhal6043 3 года назад

    Sis aap yeh fevric kha se laaey the

  • @emiliebergevin6773
    @emiliebergevin6773 4 года назад +3

    Were do you buy the faux fur ? 😍 thanks

    • @HookedUpCrochet
      @HookedUpCrochet  4 года назад +1

      Émilie Bergevin my blog post is up with resources for faux fur fabric

  • @katiecharlton6511
    @katiecharlton6511 4 года назад +1

    Excellent video!!! Thank you sooooo much!

  • @perlavaltierra4018
    @perlavaltierra4018 4 года назад

    Que hermoso, pero dime por que un cuadro y no un círculo gracias

  • @SakshiKumari-wq5oq
    @SakshiKumari-wq5oq 3 года назад

    From where I will take this cloth

  • @verob1982
    @verob1982 4 года назад +5

    Great video thank you. The gray hat it’s very pretty, Do you have a tutorial for the hat? 👍🏼

    • @HookedUpCrochet
      @HookedUpCrochet  4 года назад

      Veronica Flores it’s one of my paid patterns on Etsy and Ravelry. The pattern does come with a private video tutorial though. Thank you for the kind words & happy making! ❤️

    • @verob1982
      @verob1982 4 года назад

      @@HookedUpCrochet, thank you for your reply may I please have the link for your Etsy store? What is the name of the hat? ☺️

  • @gloriaanntirado9186
    @gloriaanntirado9186 4 года назад

    Love your tutorial. Please let me know the name of the bubble beanie and name of the shop you purchased on revelry. Thanks

    • @HookedUpCrochet
      @HookedUpCrochet  4 года назад

      Gloria Ann Tirado hi! It’s called The Braidy! My shop name is the same as my RUclips channel 😃 Happy Making!

  • @pushamkhatiwada5759
    @pushamkhatiwada5759 3 года назад

    omg tysm for this video, it makes a lot more sense now :)

  • @jamilahussain9652
    @jamilahussain9652 3 года назад

    How do u put a key ring lol

  • @Vanessa-re6ij
    @Vanessa-re6ij 2 года назад

    Love this! Thank you so much

  • @pdiaz2270
    @pdiaz2270 4 года назад +4

    Why square vs round?

    • @HookedUpCrochet
      @HookedUpCrochet  4 года назад +1

      Pamela Diaz for me I find it easier to cut a square vs a circle especially if I’m making a bunch at a time. 😀

  • @jarmilavaleckova3382
    @jarmilavaleckova3382 4 года назад

    Díky za super návod 👍🤩

  • @odettepross2435
    @odettepross2435 3 года назад

    thank you for the video..much appreciated ❤️

  • @johannapaciullo2601
    @johannapaciullo2601 4 года назад +1

    Brilliant, thank you.