When people say to me “riding horses is so easy” I say “thank you” because that means they might have watched me ride and thought that looks easy which means I must have been doing something right to make it look easy.
Personally I prefer jumping, but I used to play polo, and it does feel like most people do not know what it is, I quit bc I only enjoyed the tournaments, so now I am jumping instead but I would not give it up for anything. My fav horse died 3 years ago and my dad asked me this. Do you want to quit? Me: NO are you crazy???
At horse ridding you have a unsepperable friend that talks to you in silence. It teaches you the lessons of life and will be there for you when no one else is
YES!!! I`ve seen so many of those videos saying "Why Horse Riding is a Sport" and stuff like, but now we finally have one saying it`s so much more! I`ve been riding for so many years now (I`ve lost count lol), and not once has it felt like a sport. Tysm for this video!
People think it’s easy when it can be extremely dangerous every day I risk my life for riding but I continue to enjoy riding that’s what keeps me on it I keep going until there’s a stop I don’t give up when I fall off I get back up when I get bucked I hold on and when I rear I hold on even tighter I NEVER GIVE UP❤️
I have fallen while taking riding lessons but that hasn’t stopped me. I love horses so much I don’t think anything can make me give up riding them. The risk is worth it because you are rewarded with a partner forever. I hope one day to have my own horse but for now I am content to ride the riding school’s ponies. Pretty much every sport has a risk involved and horse riding is no different.
I once fell off a horse and broke my two legs and one arm. the boys at my school had been saying all along that horseback riding wasn't a sport. now they are finally silenced🙌🙌🙌
My mother got bucked off her horse in full galopp this spring. Wasn‘t really her or the horse‘s fault, the horse was bucking because it had a lot of energy and we were on a long straight and even path so it was bucking rather high and my mom fell off. She broke 4 bones around the hip region and heavily damaged her shoulder. She fell on the end of her spine so it could’ve been much worse but still. She wasn‘t sure wether it was „that bad“ at first and insisted on leading her horse for a while until she told us „Yeah my vision is still blurry“ and called my dad to pick her up (she hadn‘t told us her vision was blurry, otherwise we wouldn‘t have let her lead her horse for a bit - it wasn‘t a concussion though, luckily. Just shock from the fall). I led her horse back to the stables. For context, neither me or my mother are horse owners and she only rides for 2 weeks a year when we go on holiday in a location we go to each year, but we both have the skills and experience necessary to ride in full galopp (I ride once a week throughout the whole year). We were on a trailride with a bunch of other people and she was at the back. Edit: Typos
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVEEEE this not to mention we are with them everyday not just riding but caring for our horses lifting water bucks, shavings, hay and so much more every day we workout multiple times for fun! or caring for a sick horse everything to do with our horses is challenging my look like we sit their in the ring well thanks that means i have done my job but they have not seen the everyday life that goes on to get us into that show ring!
When I’m riding, (I fell off and broke my arm in a fall that left me scared of my favorite animal for three years) my biggest concern is, “Is the horse okay?” After I know that my horse is fine after I’ve fallen off, I get back up. I don’t lay on the floor, crying, instead I try to roll over and make sure my horse is okay. I don’t think people understand these 600kg beasts have souls and live for us. They fly over jumps and gallop across fields for us mere humans. They could stomp on us and kick us if they wanted to. But they don’t. They do what we ask them to. And that’s why so many girls and boys are equestrians.
"You fall a few inches we fall a few feet" "Have you ever trusted your life with a 1000 pound animal?" "But then you say it's easy?" "You try it then, heels down, straight back but sit heavy in your saddle, make sure to know what you're doing or the horse might take advantage of you, shorten your rains, keep control of the horse, and much more."
Yup. Keep the horse to the wall Don’t have your reins too tight Don’t keep your reins too long Heels down Don’t look or that’s where you’ll be Every game we play we hand our life over to our partner that could end it within seconds Have a relationship with your partner or something will happen Sit up straight Your partner will only be spot on if you are too exactly how it works for your partner Your partner won’t go if they know your not ready Relax in the saddle or you’ll be flopping around like a sack of potatoes in a car Keep your stirrups in the right part of the feet Practice everyday with your partner And so much more before and after of that one game
OMG, for riding my entire life and the ups and downs, l %100 agree on you that people done see behind the sense in training and learning. I love how you put in almost every single horse discipline out there in this video.
To ride a horse is such a gift. These are truly amazing animals. They have changed my life, and many others. To have a bond with a horse is really special, and something you should cherish. You will have a friend for life, that is with you every step of the way.
Now, this person is saying “This is for the people who thinks horse riding isn’t a sport.“ They do not agree with your fake comment. (and so sorry if you’re saying “Finally someone understands that riding is a sport)
@@nala_timmy wth dud it is you need strength, balance, its alot of work and for your legs it's a full work out for your legs so dud stop being rude I hate people like this just like my brother.
I love this people always tell me all you do is sit on a pony they jump the jump for you but horse back riding is way more we make bonds with our ponies and we could loss them in a heartbeat horse mean so much to me. Also after we ride our horse we have to feed them clean there stalls and sooo much more thank you for making this🐴
This is one of the most amazing videos! I barrel race horses, I jump them, I run them as fast as they go bareback in a halter and I risk my life every single day, but it is worth having a bond that nobody will ever experience with a animal until you risk your life like we did. I am only 12 years old and have been riding since I was 3, I have gotten kicked in the face by a 2 year old 1000 pound filly, and I still love her, you might think i'm crazy for still keeping her, but everyday I go and see her, and she is the first one that comes up to me, she loves me and I love her. And I have gotten bucked off countless times, and have dents in the knee from running into the barrel, and getting reared up by a horse and even getting kneed right in the nose by them when cleaning their feet, WE HAVE ALL BEEN THROUGH IT!! And whoever thinks otherwise, think again. about horses.
Horse riding IS a sport. In fact, it's probably one of the most dangerous as well. A horse has the strength and power to kill you, but when you create that friendship with it, your an unstoppable team!
A team? Horses are being bred for the sole purpose of being ridden. Horses do not need to be ridden, horse riding is the result of humans using animals for their own benefit. You do it out of your own pleasure. How about we stop breeding animals into existence to be used, and just love and care for the ones who are here with us already?
You are right. In 2017, some people realized that horse riding caused more injuries than snowboard, climbing, skiing, bunjee jumping and much more all added together in just one year.
THANK YOU!!!!!! I am going to show this vid to people when they say that horse riding is not hard work or that it’s easy this was such a good and insperational video thx so much 😊
This is so true. Some of my friends as well as most of the students in my grade say that horse riding isn't a sport, or it's so But, this video is . For all the non-equestrians that watched this video, know that of the horse riders in the world put their bodies and horse through so much - - just for a couple causes. HORSE RIDING IS A SPORT!
This is so true many people don't know how hard we work we have to have hearts of steal and ride through the hardest falls and bucks equestrians have to be strong
So true Absolutely love this as it really shows what this sport can do to you and how much the equestrian community risk there life and how much we also commit to failing like 20 thousand times before getting that tiny tiny inch of success Because for us the small bit of success means the world to us And u know what it rly rly hurts when we do all that for our enjoyment and other peoples entertainment just for people to say how it is not a sport and the horse does all the work!!!!!
Oh my god. I respect you more than myself, im gonna go to my lesson in a few hours. And this just made me so emotional, to see how clever this video is.. to see how persuading this was. Just, Thank you ohmigod.
This is amazing and so true I’m so happy and lucky to used. To be in this community and I’m rlly regretting leaving this amazing sport and animals to join cheerleading
This is like, I don't now how to describe it it's so wholesome and true and amazing because everything in this video is all true. It really isn't easy at all.
I have had to fight back and try to explain this to the people in my class so many times in my life, and they say it's easy, all we do is sit there, we'll I got really frustrated that night but then I came across this vid during the term and showed it to them, and it shut them all up real quick! Thank u for posting this!
This is exactly what I needed today because I had a jumping lesson and I put it on my instagram and I got soooo many comments saying ‘horse riding is easy’ Note: I have anger issues and go to a therapist but I have stopped for a bit because I thaught I did not need. I do again
You've probably heard it before, but don't listen to those people. Seriously, there is really no need to listen to people who have absoutely no clue of what they are talking about, as if they're right somehow. They're not, and you know it. Like, nobody would listen to a person who knows nothing about building houses, if he said "oh it's easy to build a house". People would prob just laugh at him.
I love this video. Everyone say to me "horse back riding is not a sport" but they haven't even seen when people train. People think horse back riding is only who can jump the highest but there is dressage, vaulting, racing, cross country, & way more. Horse back riding improves strength in things like posting(up down up down) and 2 point(standing up in saddle) and more, it also improves balance with jumping or you're horse getting spooked or shaking, and more, and it improves in way more. At the beggining I thought u actually thought it wasn't a sport until u said it is much more and it is.
Very true. My mom rode a chestnut gelding and his name was Cessna. One time they were practicing jumps in the arena at her barn and she was knocked off and she knocked the wind out of herself for 4 minutes. But after that, she got back on. Also one time she fell off and hurt her leg, but she also got back on. Even if people say “I can get on a horse and do very good” They don’t know what we go through.
I can only wish everyone in the world could see this right now and finally us equestrians can be able to prove what’s truly there and not what seems “easy”
I absolutely love this I really wish I could show this to all the guys in my class who play football and stuff and each time I talk about horses they say it is an a real sport
this made me emotional because as a rider, iv’e kinda had the fear of telling people what sport i do, because people judging me. people say “riding isn’t a sport” and i agree its way way more than that. your riding a 1,000 pound or more beast at fast speeds and a animal thats way bigger than a human. like have you tried controlling a 1,000 pound animal? have you fallen off a giant animal multiple times. its such a hard sport, like with other sports (no hate i think all sports are awesome in general!) - your putting your life in danger when riding, so many people die or get serious injuries from riding. but equestrians keep going they don’t give up. Some people think riding is easy. Its the hardest sport in the world, and there’s so many kinds of disciplines all of them are dangerous. your training a really big animal that could potentially injure you severely or kill you, and it’s not like communicating with a teammate in soccer or football, etc. there’s really no way to tell the horse what to do alone, it’s a wild animal not all horses are as trained as the ones you see on tv. and the horse isn’t doing all the work, horses are big animals they could decide to buck or throw you off whenever. And your thinking so much thoughts in your head while riding. and i agree with everything in this video, riding should be known not as a sport but more. don’t give up!!! ❤️
There was this group in camp( I was in it) that involved ALOT of horseback. Barrel racing was one of the last things we had to do, and needless to say my horse was TIRED after that. I completely understood why she didn't listen, and (slowly) did our routine. She was relaxed after I said that I understood. It was a BIG crowd and she usually isn't used for racing( we had to bring our horses out no exceptions). I loved grooming her and her nearly identical "twin"!
Why so inspirational I myself ride horses and loan a horse and many people and even some of my closest friends say “well you just sit there right?” Thankyou for this video
the only problem with training every day your whole life to make horseback riding look easy and beautiful is that people believe that it truly is easy and safe and they insult and disrespect your career, life, and passion because you are too good at it for them to understand.
I love this so much. my friends always ignore me when I talk about the difficult times I go through when I do horse riding. They think tennis, and basketball are difficult I love this vid 😊
This is so true!! I have had so many people at school tell me that it is so easy and that they could get on a horse and jump 5 feet any day and I’m like, seriously! You try riding an animal that is ten times your size and get thrown and bucked and you see how it is. I risk my life for riding and I love it. Thank you for making this video so people can really see how hard it is.
When people tell me "it's easy " I sometimes will get so mad at them ill say " Have you ever got on a 5 ft animal and fell until you did it? I don't thing you have. Have you ever trusted a animal with a mind of it's own? Have you ever risked 2 lives to win a medal? Everything I listed you have never done "
thank you so much for posting this because anyone who watches this and isnt an equestrian can be proven wrong bout everything they have ever said about horse riding.
Horse riding isn’t a sport. It’s a feeling that comes to you that you never leave behind that an animal such like this can be like this to provide you a better life and can be just there for you and again horse riding isn’t a sports it’s a talent!❤
This is a completely accurate message to ppl who don’t ride m riding is not easy , and I don’t even do it myself , the horse had a complete mind of its own
THIS IS SO TRUEEEE, My hips hurt after I ride it's not all fun and games like everyone says it's super hard to train and get your horse/horses to work with you... :(
Are my heels down, hands up, looking where I’m going, staying on the rail, speed up, now slow down, let go, now pull back, is my back straight, am I in my seat, make sure to release, find a distance, fingers closed, what is my horse going to spook at. These are just some of the things we are thinking about and some people call it easy.
everyone who can ride a horse is talented even if they fall off im still very young but horse riding is my passion horses are so graceful i love riding them so much when i can the time before last time i did one i fell off i was so scared but even though i fell off im not just gonna give up my dream is to one day have my one horse or go to horse camp so i hope i will be able to at some point stay safe
I love this t made me cry bc of all the time people have said it not a sport and I know it’s more but no one sees that and I’m glade I have so many amazing people by my side ❤
My best friend has three horses. every time she comes to the stables, she just takes the horse to the transporter, takes it to the race there with her, I completely prepare it there and she just mounts it and goes to lead, and I, who risk my life with those horses every day while training them, get just that scolded for not performing well enough in the races. And I love this unpaid job. All her horses love my and they work together with me. I am the real equestrian, she don’t see that but, I love horses and them love me also.
My friend took her horse to her school and a boy said "that looks easy" so she got off and told him to get on. He couldn't even get his foot in the stirrup.
Even before I started to ride, I knew it wasn’t easy. Learning to ride proves that horse back riding isn’t easy. The horse doesn’t do all the work. You tell the horse where to go. You don’t just sit there. When the horse acts up or is going at full speed, you use balance and your core muscles to stay on.
When people say \Horse back riding is so easy all you have to do is sit on a horse/ Its Sooo much more then just siting on a horse people don’t know how hard it is and how dangerous it is but its worth is to keep trying and get back up people need to realize that its not easy
When people say that it lools like I just sit in the saddle I say thank you and they say that it was not a complete but I say I know then they ask me why I said thank you then I tell them about the endless hours that I spent trying to perfecty jumping and cantering seet and how many times I felt like I almost died then they understand why I say thank you.
soccer players when they fall ont he field:🤕😓😥😖 Me when I fall off my horse: DID YOU GET THAT ON VIDEO?!?!? Also me: Proceeds to ride that same horse bareback later that day.
Don't forget that we must do all of this-while MAKING IT LOOK EASY. to control the horse with the lightest tug of the reins, or the slightest movement of the foot. To anticipate their movements, to keep them steady, to be their safe place so that they don't freak out, all while trying to control our own nerves so that they don't sense them. My friend told me that riding is not a sport. She says anyone can sit on a horse. She is right. Anyone can sit on a horse, but only select people can learn to trust their animL completely, to put their absolute 💯 faith into their horse. Thank you for making this video.
I've seen someone comment "Well its only a sport if you compete, when you're just walking around and training its more a hobby" but like bro just because you're not in the olympics playing football doesn't mean it's not a sport
That gave my chills I got bullied in school for riding horses and people saying “it’s not a sport” I would die for my horse and the rude comments about horses that I had to deal with in school are confusing why would I get made fun of just because of a thing I liked to do when people call me horse girl I look them strait in the eye and reply “yes can I help you that’s me”
It’s true amazing video, I ride this stubborn horse named shadow but she means the world to me and however stubborn she is I keep riding if I fall I get back on if she bolts of I slow her down (not always easy) horse riding is a sport it’s also amazing realationship u get to have with a wonderful animal
So true not even my own brother thinks horse riding is a sport, But it is so much more we break bones and fall and the horse decides if he is I the mood basically I agree with you so much!
People know me as a horse girl. I love horses. That's it. My friend was telling me how easy it is, and how she almost died in surfing. (Not saying it's easy). I want to do a speech about how hard it is. How I dedicate so much time, money, and love, for just a fail. Or my horse just decides to refuses, or bolt during a show. I end up in last because of my horse. But it isn't their fault. Being equestrian is more than just skill. It requires to be a bigger person. To admit when your horse refuses than its your fault. To expect the worst. You'll get pushed when your already down. To push yourself farther than limts. To try new things, that might cost your life. But it's all for love. Tears, pain, smiles, fails, wins, teamwork, dedication. Never give up to fit in. We work hard just to enjoy love. Imagine getting on an 1,000 pound animal that can kill you in seconds. And doing it over and over again. And that animal can do whatever they want. Then when you go talling about it people discourage you. Almost insulting you, on how easy it is. But every day you get up and do it again. Why? Because equestrians are built different. They are so strong, mentally and physically. They were made to do this life. And their gift is the love for it. The passion and smiles they get with their horse. So is it really so easy?
When people say to me “riding horses is so easy” I say “thank you” because that means they might have watched me ride and thought that looks easy which means I must have been doing something right to make it look easy.
Best comment of all
Yes and those ppl never rode I understand
@@hiiiii759 True!
Can't agree more with that
@@cringer78 wdym its very counfusing when you say it like that do you think horse back riding is or is not a spot?
Thank you for also including dressage, vaulting and racing... Most people think horse riding is only jumping and it's honestly a bit annoying
Personally I prefer jumping, but I used to play polo, and it does feel like most people do not know what it is, I quit bc I only enjoyed the tournaments, so now I am jumping instead but I would not give it up for anything. My fav horse died 3 years ago and my dad asked me this. Do you want to quit? Me: NO are you crazy???
And they also think the only saddle that exists is a western saddle
I know right I want to be a jockey and my friend goes "wHaTS THatT"
I’m sad they didn’t put barrels
They only say that because we make it look easy and their jealous that we get a partner for life.
There you go
The answer to this whole thing
@@averiwalkowiak7557 Yes.
For equestrians, would you A: rather break all your bones or B: put your horse down?
At horse ridding you have a unsepperable friend that talks to you in silence. It teaches you the lessons of life and will be there for you when no one else is
This is true
So true
Not true
@Mandy Brickell no its just a wild animal grow up
@Mandy Brickell riding aint a sport and u dont deserve to partake in it
I`ve seen so many of those videos saying "Why Horse Riding is a Sport" and stuff like, but now we finally have one saying it`s so much more! I`ve been riding for so many years now (I`ve lost count lol), and not once has it felt like a sport. Tysm for this video!
Not a sport skill issue
People think it’s easy when it can be extremely dangerous every day I risk my life for riding but I continue to enjoy riding that’s what keeps me on it I keep going until there’s a stop I don’t give up when I fall off I get back up when I get bucked I hold on and when I rear I hold on even tighter I NEVER GIVE UP❤️
Me neither even though i have never fallen of.....yet
My teacher said horse are horrible dirty things that kick and bite
I was like NO THERE NOT!!!!!
if there trained
I have fallen while taking riding lessons but that hasn’t stopped me. I love horses so much I don’t think anything can make me give up riding them. The risk is worth it because you are rewarded with a partner forever. I hope one day to have my own horse but for now I am content to ride the riding school’s ponies. Pretty much every sport has a risk involved and horse riding is no different.
It is eazy
@@theadventuresofmuffin1277 grow up pls
I once fell off a horse and broke my two legs and one arm. the boys at my school had been saying all along that horseback riding wasn't a sport. now they are finally silenced🙌🙌🙌
My mother got bucked off her horse in full galopp this spring. Wasn‘t really her or the horse‘s fault, the horse was bucking because it had a lot of energy and we were on a long straight and even path so it was bucking rather high and my mom fell off. She broke 4 bones around the hip region and heavily damaged her shoulder. She fell on the end of her spine so it could’ve been much worse but still. She wasn‘t sure wether it was „that bad“ at first and insisted on leading her horse for a while until she told us „Yeah my vision is still blurry“ and called my dad to pick her up (she hadn‘t told us her vision was blurry, otherwise we wouldn‘t have let her lead her horse for a bit - it wasn‘t a concussion though, luckily. Just shock from the fall). I led her horse back to the stables. For context, neither me or my mother are horse owners and she only rides for 2 weeks a year when we go on holiday in a location we go to each year, but we both have the skills and experience necessary to ride in full galopp (I ride once a week throughout the whole year). We were on a trailride with a bunch of other people and she was at the back.
Edit: Typos
Incorrect loud buzzard
This is simply amazing no one understands the hard ships we face as equestrians
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVEEEE this
not to mention we are with them everyday not just riding but caring for our horses lifting water bucks, shavings, hay and so much more every day we workout multiple times for fun! or caring for a sick horse everything to do with our horses is challenging my look like we sit their in the ring well thanks that means i have done my job but they have not seen the everyday life that goes on to get us into that show ring!
When I’m riding, (I fell off and broke my arm in a fall that left me scared of my favorite animal for three years)
my biggest concern is, “Is the horse okay?” After I know that my horse is fine after I’ve fallen off, I get back up. I don’t lay on the floor, crying, instead I try to roll over and make sure my horse is okay. I don’t think people understand these 600kg beasts have souls and live for us. They fly over jumps and gallop across fields for us mere humans. They could stomp on us and kick us if they wanted to. But they don’t. They do what we ask them to. And that’s why so many girls and boys are equestrians.
We practice 5 hours 7days a week and we fall but we will allways get back on we take risks every day and we are strong.
"You fall a few inches we fall a few feet"
"Have you ever trusted your life with a 1000 pound animal?"
"But then you say it's easy?"
"You try it then, heels down, straight back but sit heavy in your saddle, make sure to know what you're doing or the horse might take advantage of you, shorten your rains, keep control of the horse, and much more."
Ikr this is so true
Keep the horse to the wall
Don’t have your reins too tight
Don’t keep your reins too long
Heels down
Don’t look or that’s where you’ll be
Every game we play we hand our life over to our partner that could end it within seconds
Have a relationship with your partner or something will happen
Sit up straight
Your partner will only be spot on if you are too exactly how it works for your partner
Your partner won’t go if they know your not ready
Relax in the saddle or you’ll be flopping around like a sack of potatoes in a car
Keep your stirrups in the right part of the feet
Practice everyday with your partner
And so much more before and after of that one game
OMG, for riding my entire life and the ups and downs, l %100 agree on you that people done see behind the sense in training and learning. I love how you put in almost every single horse discipline out there in this video.
WOW - that was amazing and when you get that trust and connection with your horse - IT IS ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!
To ride a horse is such a gift.
These are truly amazing animals. They have changed my life, and many others. To have a bond with a horse is really special, and something you should cherish. You will have a friend for life, that is with you every step of the way.
Finally someone who understands 😀😀😀
Now, this person is saying “This is for the people who thinks horse riding isn’t a sport.“ They do not agree with your fake comment. (and so sorry if you’re saying “Finally someone understands that riding is a sport)
@@nala_timmy wth dud it is you need strength, balance, its alot of work and for your legs it's a full work out for your legs so dud stop being rude I hate people like this just like my brother.
It's partly a sport, depends of how you think of it though.
I can’t tell you how many times I have watched this video. I have been riding for a while and this video has helped me a lot. Thank you.
I do appreciate the work the goes into riding on every level ..Horse and rider are a team .
I love this people always tell me all you do is sit on a pony they jump the jump for you but horse back riding is way more we make bonds with our ponies and we could loss them in a heartbeat horse mean so much to me. Also after we ride our horse we have to feed them clean there stalls and sooo much more thank you for making this🐴
This made me cry. Its because they say "We just sit there" but actually we wrisk our lives doing this. Its so sad. :c
Omg this made me cry 😢
The music just makes it so much more meaningful to equestrians
"Are my heels down?"
As a hunter/jumper I felt that in my s o u l
This is so true. Thank you so much for doing this video!
This is one of the most amazing videos! I barrel race horses, I jump them, I run them as fast as they go bareback in a halter and I risk my life every single day, but it is worth having a bond that nobody will ever experience with a animal until you risk your life like we did. I am only 12 years old and have been riding since I was 3, I have gotten kicked in the face by a 2 year old 1000 pound filly, and I still love her, you might think i'm crazy for still keeping her, but everyday I go and see her, and she is the first one that comes up to me, she loves me and I love her. And I have gotten bucked off countless times, and have dents in the knee from running into the barrel, and getting reared up by a horse and even getting kneed right in the nose by them when cleaning their feet, WE HAVE ALL BEEN THROUGH IT!! And whoever thinks otherwise, think again. about horses.
evrytime i go to school they say aw horse riding isnt a sport i tell them well have you ever tried riding them they can kill you with one jump
Yes I know that feeling and only one other person in my school rides!
And they always say yes I ride all the time but there all liers
Horse riding IS a sport. In fact, it's probably one of the most dangerous as well. A horse has the strength and power to kill you, but when you create that friendship with it, your an unstoppable team!
I agree with you
A team? Horses are being bred for the sole purpose of being ridden.
Horses do not need to be ridden, horse riding is the result of humans using animals for their own benefit. You do it out of your own pleasure. How about we stop breeding animals into existence to be used, and just love and care for the ones who are here with us already?
You are right. In 2017, some people realized that horse riding caused more injuries than snowboard, climbing, skiing, bunjee jumping and much more all added together in just one year.
@@francesca6317 if we didn't have horse humanity would still be at a low evolution level, when we just started using wheels.
That was amazing and I hate it when people say it is “easy” it is not
THANK YOU!!!!!! I am going to show this vid to people when they say that horse riding is not hard work or that it’s easy this was such a good and insperational video thx so much 😊
This is so true. Some of my friends as well as most of the students in my grade say that horse riding isn't a sport, or it's so But, this video is . For all the non-equestrians that watched this video, know that of the horse riders in the world put their bodies and horse through so much - - just for a couple causes. HORSE RIDING IS A SPORT!
This is so true many people don't know how hard we work we have to have hearts of steal and ride through the hardest falls and bucks equestrians have to be strong
So true
Absolutely love this as it really shows what this sport can do to you and how much the equestrian community risk there life and how much we also commit to failing like 20 thousand times before getting that tiny tiny inch of success
Because for us the small bit of success means the world to us
And u know what it rly rly hurts when we do all that for our enjoyment and other peoples entertainment just for people to say how it is not a sport and the horse does all the work!!!!!
Oh my god.
I respect you more than myself, im gonna go to my lesson in a few hours. And this just made me so emotional, to see how clever this video is.. to see how persuading this was. Just, Thank you ohmigod.
This is amazing and so true I’m so happy and lucky to used. To be in this community and I’m rlly regretting leaving this amazing sport and animals to join cheerleading
This is like, I don't now how to describe it it's so wholesome and true and amazing because everything in this video is all true.
It really isn't easy at all.
I have had to fight back and try to explain this to the people in my class so many times in my life, and they say it's easy, all we do is sit there, we'll I got really frustrated that night but then I came across this vid during the term and showed it to them, and it shut them all up real quick! Thank u for posting this!
This is exactly what I needed today because I had a jumping lesson and I put it on my instagram and I got soooo many comments saying ‘horse riding is easy’
Note: I have anger issues and go to a therapist but I have stopped for a bit because I thaught I did not need. I do again
You've probably heard it before, but don't listen to those people. Seriously, there is really no need to listen to people who have absoutely no clue of what they are talking about, as if they're right somehow. They're not, and you know it. Like, nobody would listen to a person who knows nothing about building houses, if he said "oh it's easy to build a house". People would prob just laugh at him.
This was really good
The worst injuries happen when they don't let go of the reins as they fall
Got goose bumps a thousand times! Thanks for someone to understand!🔥
Thank u so much for making this i showed all my friends and made them read it
You’ve touched on everything and it’s amazing
Girl that was so good it got me emotional!
I love this video. Everyone say to me "horse back riding is not a sport" but they haven't even seen when people train. People think horse back riding is only who can jump the highest but there is dressage, vaulting, racing, cross country, & way more. Horse back riding improves strength in things like posting(up down up down) and 2 point(standing up in saddle) and more, it also improves balance with jumping or you're horse getting spooked or shaking, and more, and it improves in way more.
At the beggining I thought u actually thought it wasn't a sport until u said it is much more and it is.
Very true. My mom rode a chestnut gelding and his name was Cessna. One time they were practicing jumps in the arena at her barn and she was knocked off and she knocked the wind out of herself for 4 minutes. But after that, she got back on. Also one time she fell off and hurt her leg, but she also got back on. Even if people say “I can get on a horse and do very good” They don’t know what we go through.
I can only wish everyone in the world could see this right now and finally us equestrians can be able to prove what’s truly there and not what seems “easy”
thank you for making this video!
this is so true, everybody says when I ride it looks so easy but its really hard and risky
After the horse landed on her the way the horse got up to protect her was beautiful
This was one of the set horseback riding messages ever and as a rider I will say that people really do need to know this!
This video is amazing, so much work was put into it! I liked and subscribed your effort was amazing. I watched the whole thing!
the heck the whole world needs to hear this
I absolutely love this I really wish I could show this to all the guys in my class who play football and stuff and each time I talk about horses they say it is an a real sport
this made me emotional because as a rider, iv’e kinda had the fear of telling people what sport i do, because people judging me. people say “riding isn’t a sport” and i agree its way way more than that. your riding a 1,000 pound or more beast at fast speeds and a animal thats way bigger than a human. like have you tried controlling a 1,000 pound animal? have you fallen off a giant animal multiple times. its such a hard sport, like with other sports (no hate i think all sports are awesome in general!) - your putting your life in danger when riding, so many people die or get serious injuries from riding. but equestrians keep going they don’t give up. Some people think riding is easy. Its the hardest sport in the world, and there’s so many kinds of disciplines all of them are dangerous. your training a really big animal that could potentially injure you severely or kill you, and it’s not like communicating with a teammate in soccer or football, etc. there’s really no way to tell the horse what to do alone, it’s a wild animal not all horses are as trained as the ones you see on tv. and the horse isn’t doing all the work, horses are big animals they could decide to buck or throw you off whenever. And your thinking so much thoughts in your head while riding. and i agree with everything in this video, riding should be known not as a sport but more. don’t give up!!! ❤️
There was this group in camp( I was in it) that involved ALOT of horseback. Barrel racing was one of the last things we had to do, and needless to say my horse was TIRED after that. I completely understood why she didn't listen, and (slowly) did our routine. She was relaxed after I said that I understood. It was a BIG crowd and she usually isn't used for racing( we had to bring our horses out no exceptions). I loved grooming her and her nearly identical "twin"!
Thank you for making this! It’s great! I love it!
Why so inspirational I myself ride horses and loan a horse and many people and even some of my closest friends say “well you just sit there right?” Thankyou for this video
This video is so true!!! As a horse rider my self every day I hear this!
the only problem with training every day your whole life to make horseback riding look easy and beautiful is that people believe that it truly is easy and safe and they insult and disrespect your career, life, and passion because you are too good at it for them to understand.
Link wtf you doing here
@@definitely.ssmartehhua *link sounds etc.* I've been discovered oh no-
I love this so much. my friends always ignore me when I talk about the difficult times I go through when I do horse riding. They think tennis, and basketball are difficult I love this vid 😊
This is so true!! I have had so many people at school tell me that it is so easy and that they could get on a horse and jump 5 feet any day and I’m like, seriously! You try riding an animal that is ten times your size and get thrown and bucked and you see how it is. I risk my life for riding and I love it. Thank you for making this video so people can really see how hard it is.
When people tell me "it's easy " I sometimes will get so mad at them ill say " Have you ever got on a 5 ft animal and fell until you did it? I don't thing you have. Have you ever trusted a animal with a mind of it's own? Have you ever risked 2 lives to win a medal? Everything I listed you have never done "
thank you so much for posting this because anyone who watches this and isnt an equestrian can be proven wrong bout everything they have ever said about horse riding.
Horse riding isn’t a sport. It’s a feeling that comes to you that you never leave behind that an animal such like this can be like this to provide you a better life and can be just there for you and again horse riding isn’t a sports it’s a talent!❤
And a sport
This is a completely accurate message to ppl who don’t ride m riding is not easy , and I don’t even do it myself , the horse had a complete mind of its own
THIS IS SO TRUEEEE, My hips hurt after I ride it's not all fun and games like everyone says it's super hard to train and get your horse/horses to work with you... :(
thank you so much for this video. i don’t know how many times i have watched it
True, is isn't easy, but when you give them a lot of love, they will give it back
Are my heels down, hands up, looking where I’m going, staying on the rail, speed up, now slow down, let go, now pull back, is my back straight, am I in my seat, make sure to release, find a distance, fingers closed, what is my horse going to spook at. These are just some of the things we are thinking about and some people call it easy.
everyone who can ride a horse is talented even if they fall off im still very young but horse riding is my passion horses are so graceful i love riding them so much when i can the time before last time i did one i fell off i was so scared but even though i fell off im not just gonna give up my dream is to one day have my one horse or go to horse camp so i hope i will be able to at some point stay safe
I love this t made me cry bc of all the time people have said it not a sport and I know it’s more but no one sees that and I’m glade I have so many amazing people by my side ❤
Same thing I started 4 years ago and just started cantering it is fun/hard/my life
thank you so much for making this video ❤ you re truly amazing 👏
My best friend has three horses. every time she comes to the stables, she just takes the horse to the transporter, takes it to the race there with her, I completely prepare it there and she just mounts it and goes to lead, and I, who risk my life with those horses every day while training them, get just that scolded for not performing well enough in the races.
And I love this unpaid job. All her horses love my and they work together with me.
I am the real equestrian,
she don’t see that but,
I love horses
and them love me also.
My friend took her horse to her school and a boy said "that looks easy" so she got off and told him to get on. He couldn't even get his foot in the stirrup.
Even before I started to ride, I knew it wasn’t easy. Learning to ride proves that horse back riding isn’t easy. The horse doesn’t do all the work. You tell the horse where to go. You don’t just sit there. When the horse acts up or is going at full speed, you use balance and your core muscles to stay on.
Yess girl show this to your sibling who always says horse riding isnt a sport it isnt its our life you dont see that we risk our life for what we love
This is the best one I have seen so far!
Omg! I go to school and they don’t consider this a sport. This is so true. I have tried everything but racing.
When people say \Horse back riding is so easy all you have to do is sit on a horse/
Its Sooo much more then just siting on a horse people don’t know how hard it is and how dangerous it is but its worth is to keep trying and get back up people need to realize that its not easy
When people say that it lools like I just sit in the saddle I say thank you and they say that it was not a complete but I say I know then they ask me why I said thank you then I tell them about the endless hours that I spent trying to perfecty jumping and cantering seet and how many times I felt like I almost died then they understand why I say thank you.
Same i'm trying to perfect my canter and gallop.
soccer players when they fall ont he field:🤕😓😥😖
Me when I fall off my horse: DID YOU GET THAT ON VIDEO?!?!?
Also me: Proceeds to ride that same horse bareback later that day.
I say i would love to see you try. We need to keep making these videos to show that is a sport just as much as any other sport
i love how when she put all we do is sit there it was someone getting thrown off😂 it’s a sport!
EXACTLY like, “it’s not a sport.” IT IS, IT DEFINITELY IS!
this so relatable.One person at my school(of course it’s a boy)told its too easy to trot and canter and they can’t do a proper trot thx for the video
Don't forget that we must do all of this-while MAKING IT LOOK EASY. to control the horse with the lightest tug of the reins, or the slightest movement of the foot. To anticipate their movements, to keep them steady, to be their safe place so that they don't freak out, all while trying to control our own nerves so that they don't sense them.
My friend told me that riding is not a sport. She says anyone can sit on a horse. She is right. Anyone can sit on a horse, but only select people can learn to trust their animL completely, to put their absolute 💯 faith into their horse.
Thank you for making this video.
I've seen someone comment "Well its only a sport if you compete, when you're just walking around and training its more a hobby" but like bro just because you're not in the olympics playing football doesn't mean it's not a sport
Omg I love this. All of the kids in my class think it’s easy, “I rode a horse around an arena. I jump and I do dressage and nearly laughed at this.
When you said at the start, I agree it’s not
I was like NOOOOO UGHHHH NO WAY but then you were like it’s so much more and I was like PHEW!!
This video is just perfection periodt
That gave my chills I got bullied in school for riding horses and people saying “it’s not a sport” I would die for my horse and the rude comments about horses that I had to deal with in school are confusing why would I get made fun of just because of a thing I liked to do when people call me horse girl I look them strait in the eye and reply “yes can I help you that’s me”
It also costs your faith and heart because if your horse falls and dies or breaks a bone a piece of you also dies
The music toward the end...😘 I love it I'm a Equestrian of 4 years so I have been told that horse riding isn't a sport by many people
this video was so inspiring!
I can't stop watching this it's so true. I get so cross when people say horse riding is easy but this video just proves how wrong they are
It’s true amazing video, I ride this stubborn horse named shadow but she means the world to me and however stubborn she is I keep riding if I fall I get back on if she bolts of I slow her down (not always easy) horse riding is a sport it’s also amazing realationship u get to have with a wonderful animal
So true not even my own brother thinks horse riding is a sport,
But it is so much more we break bones and fall and the horse decides if he is I the mood basically I agree with you so much!
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH (I watch it. all the time)
People know me as a horse girl. I love horses. That's it. My friend was telling me how easy it is, and how she almost died in surfing. (Not saying it's easy). I want to do a speech about how hard it is. How I dedicate so much time, money, and love, for just a fail. Or my horse just decides to refuses, or bolt during a show. I end up in last because of my horse. But it isn't their fault. Being equestrian is more than just skill. It requires to be a bigger person. To admit when your horse refuses than its your fault. To expect the worst. You'll get pushed when your already down. To push yourself farther than limts. To try new things, that might cost your life. But it's all for love. Tears, pain, smiles, fails, wins, teamwork, dedication. Never give up to fit in. We work hard just to enjoy love. Imagine getting on an 1,000 pound animal that can kill you in seconds. And doing it over and over again. And that animal can do whatever they want. Then when you go talling about it people discourage you. Almost insulting you, on how easy it is. But every day you get up and do it again. Why? Because equestrians are built different. They are so strong, mentally and physically. They were made to do this life. And their gift is the love for it. The passion and smiles they get with their horse. So is it really so easy?
I am showing this to every one that says it’s not a sport
They say we only sit there,but we don’t, I think they don’t know how much I’ve fallen💀