Build 12Volt Compressed Air Tank using Old Fire Extinguisher

  • Опубликовано: 24 янв 2019
  • How to Build a 12Volt Compressed Air Tank using Old Fire Extinguisher at home
    Thanks for watching, Have a great day !
  • ХоббиХобби

Комментарии • 2,4 тыс.

  • @larrytobos3671
    @larrytobos3671 3 года назад +62

    Lets try to guess all the parts used.
    At 1:37 looks like a manifold, 3/4" MNPT by 5x 1/4" FNPT. At 1:50, we see an overpressure relief valve (with the red cap). At 2:37 there is a pressure sensor relay- only needed if you want a feedback loop to turn off the pump when you reach a preset pressure; much cheaper to use a manual pumo - tires inflate to 30-60 psi (2-4 atm), therefore you should be able to get to 150 -200 psi with some effort/elbow grease :)
    At around 7:37 we have a critical component, the backflow prevention valve - this can run you up to $80 at McMaster here in the us)

    • @tristan6509
      @tristan6509 2 года назад +3

      That checkvalve costs $2 where I live
      You can get a 3/4hp compressor+tank set for $80 where I live...

    • @TheGuajardo77
      @TheGuajardo77 2 года назад +6

      Do you know where I can find that manifold piece

    • @williamrodriguezmswlcsw8119
      @williamrodriguezmswlcsw8119 2 года назад +6

      You rock! They should put the materials list in the video description, but since they didn't, Thank you for taking the time to put this list together.

    • @pierre-rose7783
      @pierre-rose7783 2 года назад +2

      Nice project and all, but there 's an amazing 3 gallon compressor on sale at a local hardware store for $ 118.97 ! The savings are not worth the effort !

    • @ximcinema4083
      @ximcinema4083 2 года назад +1

      @@pierre-rose7783 this is DC and works as onboard air for vehicles. The compressor you are taking about is AC and not able to fit in an engine bay.

  • @1allan2
    @1allan2 Год назад +9

    I love how the box of stuff on your shelf has everything that fits 😉

  • @danewert2306
    @danewert2306 4 года назад +15

    Nice build! You don't need to use so much Teflon tape. 3 wraps is plenty. Great job.

    • @TheOzthewiz
      @TheOzthewiz 3 года назад +1

      Also, why install fittings, only to remove them so you can add teflon tape?

    • @blacktalon1597
      @blacktalon1597 3 года назад

      Good thing manifold wasnt plastic, he used so much tape, he would've split every joint.

  • @donaldshimkus539
    @donaldshimkus539 5 месяцев назад +1

    ALRIGHT! Now I know how to put air horns on my Town Car. Thanks.

  • @ikweetvannixx
    @ikweetvannixx 5 лет назад +93

    Ah yes, the seemingly random collection of valves and pressuregauges... How convenient ;)

    • @rasimstovrag8287
      @rasimstovrag8287 4 года назад


    • @mariannasanfilippo835
      @mariannasanfilippo835 3 года назад

      @@rasimstovrag8287 ĺĺllvlvllvllcllvllllvlvlkvnlcclllkçlvvklllklllvvvklvkvvkvllvlkcvklkvlvlvvvvlvvvlvvvvvvvvvvvkvvlvlvlvllvkvkvlnkllklcllvllvlvvlvlvvkvkvvlvvlvlvlkvkvvclvkvclvvvvlllvlvvckllvjlvckvllvlvlklkvlvllkvkvlclkvlvlllkvvvllllvklvlvkvlvlvvllvvlvkvllvvvkvllvllvvvvvvkvlbvkvlvvvvlvllvlkvlkvklvlvlvllvlnkknklvlvllvlvkklvkvkvlllvlvkllvvvvlkvkclllllvllvvvkvkkklclvkckvlvklvklvlllkvlvlvvvvkvckvvvlvvlvvvvvvljkkvlvllljkvvjllvkvvlvvvvvkvvvlvvvvvlvlvvvlvlvlvkvvvlvlvvlvvlkkcvvlvvvvlvkvvvvlvvvkvvvkbkllvlvvvvvlvlkvvlkvvvvvlvvvvlvvvvvvvvvlvvvvvvvlvvvvvvvvllvvvvlvvclvvvlvlvlvvvvvvvvvvlvvkvvvvvvvkvklvlvvvvvvlvvvvlvvvvvvvkvlvvvlvkvvvvvvvvvlvlvvvlvvlvvkvvvvvvkvlvvvvlvvvvbbvkvlvvlvkvvvvkkvvvlvvvkvvvvvvvljcvvlvvlvvvkvlvvvvvvlvvlvvvvvvlvvvlvvvvvlvvvvvvvvvkvvvvllvlvlvvvklvkvvlvlvvvvlvvljcvvvvvjcvlvvvkbvvvvvvblvvvlvvvvvvvvvvvvclclclclclclclclckclckclclckclclclclcklclckckcllclclckclclclclclclclclclclckclclclclcclckclclclclckckccclkckcckclclclclclclccclckckclcllckckccllcclclclkckkclclcccclcckclcckcllclllclckckclclclclclcclcclclclclckclckckclllclclkclclllkllkclclclclclclclclclkclclclkllclclllckcklklclklclcllckcllclckkcllclkckckckckcllclckclclclcllclclckllclclckcckclclclcllclclckclclclclclclclclclkclckclclclclckclclclclclclclclclclclclclclclclclckclclkckclclclclkclclclclclclclcclclclclclckclclclclclckclckcllckckclcllclclclcllclclclckckclcklclclclclckclclclclclclcklcllclckclclclclcllclclclklcclclclclclclckclclckclclckclckclckclkclclckclckclckckckclckclckclclckclcllclcllclclckclcllclkclclclclclckclclclclclclckclckclclcllclklclclclclclckclckclclclclclclclcllclclckllclclclckckllclclclclckcllclclclcllkkkcllclcllkckclclclclcllclcllkclcllkclcklclckcklcklckcllckcklllclclllkclkclcllklckvlcklclklckclckclckckclckclclclckclckclclckckclkkclclclckclclclclclclclclkclclclclclclkclclclclclclclckclclclclclclclclclckclclckclclckkckclkckckckclclclclckckclclclckclclclckclckckckckclclclclckclclclclckckckclckclckcllckkclckclclckcklckclclclclclclclclckclclllclclclclclclckclclclclckkckclckclclckckclclckckckclclclclclclclclclckkclclclclclckcllclckclclclclclckclclclclclclcllcklclclcllclclcllkckckcllclclclclckclclclckcllckckcklclclclklckclclckclclckckclclcklclclcllclclckcllclckclclclckclclcklcllclckckclckckcllclclclllckllllclclcklcllckclclclckckckclclcllclclclckckclckclcllclkclclckclclckclckllllckckcllkllcllclckclclcllclclkclckclclckclckcllclclclclclclckcllckclckclkcklckckclclclclclclclclclckckclckclclckclcllckclcclclcllckclllclckclckclckckkclcllklcllckcklklclcllkclckclclclclcllclclclcklckclckckckcllcklcllclckclclcclclclclclclckckkcllcclclckckclclclclcllclclllckkclclcllckclckclckcllclckckclclckclckclclkcllclclckclclckclklclckcclckclclckckclclclcclckllclclcllclckclckclkkclclccllclclclllclckcklclckkkclclckckclclclclclckclclckckclclclclclclvckclclclcklclkclccklcllllclklllclklvlclclccklclclclclkcclclclclclclclclclclckclclcclclclclckckclkclclckclclclcclclclckclclckclclccclckccclclllclkclclclkcclclclccllclclclcklcclclclkclcclllclclclclccclcclcckcllclccclccclclcllcllclccccklcclclklcclccclckckclclcclllcckccclkccclclclclccllclkllllccllllllclclkclklkcllllllllllllkclklkcklclcclcllllllcllckllclkkllclclckclckclckccllcllklklllkcklklklkkllckklcllkkcccllccccllllclcllklkklcccllclcclckkllklllllkjklkkclllklccllckklllkllclclccccckccclcllkllckcvcllclllcclckckllclllllllcclclckclclclclclclcclckclcclclclclcclcclclckcckclclclckckclcccclkcclclclkckcckclclckclcllckclclclclcclccccllclkckclclcckclckclcllclclclckclcclclclclkccclckclcclccclclclclclclclckckclclcccckclclclcclckclcckcccclckccclclckckcccclclcccclcclcccclclcclckclclcclccclclclclcclccclclclclcckckclcclcclclclclclclclclcclcclclclckcckclckckcclclclcclccllclpccllclllcklcllccccvllllçclclllkkllllvklvvlllkkkkvlvvvvvvvvvvvlvlklvvvvkvvvvvlvvlvkvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvkvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvkvvvvvvvvvvvvvvjvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvjvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvlvvvvvvjvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvjjvvvvvvvvvjvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvcccccccccccccclcçççcccccc 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    • @amittalekar1
      @amittalekar1 3 года назад


    • @TheOzthewiz
      @TheOzthewiz 3 года назад +1

      I HAVE all of of those random valves and pressure gauges. The problem I have is, finding that bailing wire! LOL

    • @maestrono.7746
      @maestrono.7746 3 года назад


  • @gilesj2215
    @gilesj2215 2 года назад +31

    Was so so lucky to have every single component just laying around! You sir have some outlandish luck good for you !👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    • @lucianoarevalo1343
      @lucianoarevalo1343 2 года назад +1

    • @jregamey
      @jregamey 2 года назад +1

      Government here hates it. I have so much junk around. Always find my self using it eventually.

    • @LBitoeverything
      @LBitoeverything 2 года назад


    • @joew1865
      @joew1865 Год назад +1

      "every single component just laying around" ... don't be silly. That's just the magic of RUclips. ⇨Disingenuous⇦

    • @ngelencerjauuhh5497
      @ngelencerjauuhh5497 Год назад

      Just laying around..?? Wkkkkkkk 👍

  • @yanchy
    @yanchy 4 года назад +5

    А главное то что... Не показал, как он из огнетушителя воздух стравил изначально. А то какой нибудь умник начнет по его инструкции новый огнетушитель сразу так же открывать - будет "приятно" удивлен фокусом с белым облаком вокруг :D

  • @juancarlosleal1785
    @juancarlosleal1785 4 года назад

    muy vueno las ideas

  • @MrJbrountas
    @MrJbrountas 5 лет назад +22

    I'm totally amazed you made it look like you just had the stuff laying around while everybody else would have to make 10 trips to the hardware store

  • @mrimbusyt
    @mrimbusyt 5 лет назад +29

    This is just awesome 👍😁 Great Job man 👍♥️

  • @chuckchuck8177
    @chuckchuck8177 6 месяцев назад

    Best one with detail.

  • @presidentstaatshoofd473
    @presidentstaatshoofd473 3 года назад

    I like your flip flops.

  • @frogjunk
    @frogjunk 5 лет назад +4

    That pressure switch is far better than the points box on my compressor

  • @alejandrodelabarra2838
    @alejandrodelabarra2838 4 года назад +9

    Incredible: I had it just in front of my face. I've got an old extinguisher from my car, and a little compressor. Thanks!

  • @rogeliovillegasvelazquez8708
    @rogeliovillegasvelazquez8708 4 года назад

    Me gusto este video

  • @sugihjayacendana5403
    @sugihjayacendana5403 2 года назад

    👍 Mantap very-very good

  • @MagicGate814
    @MagicGate814 3 года назад +7

    Great idea! I wished I had those fittings laying around

  • @mohamedarthil6249
    @mohamedarthil6249 4 года назад +7

    from the whole build ... like that stand made from PVC... great idea..!!! add rubber to prevent moving :)

    • @TheOzthewiz
      @TheOzthewiz 3 года назад

      Also, maybe replace bailing wire with "zip-tie"?

  • @haha2562
    @haha2562 3 года назад


  • @justinfoster6135
    @justinfoster6135 4 года назад +1

    Nice 👍

  • @fsfu100
    @fsfu100 4 года назад +15

    i find this video fascinating!! That's exactly what i was looking for - all the bits can be easily purchased - you have inspired me to make one with a really big tank, with a few modifications here and there - thanks for the tip - top marks!

  • @ordazanpeixoto4395
    @ordazanpeixoto4395 5 лет назад +7

    Parabéns, linda montagem, eu usaria um compressor de geladeira, este. Que vc usou é muito fraco , não vale nada. Mais ficou bom, Pode ficar melhor.

  • @manolinrodriguez5459
    @manolinrodriguez5459 Месяц назад

    Brilla por su ausencia la explicación necesaria para saber que leches son cada una de las piezas! Un genio del cine mudo!

  • @ayushpardeshi2005
    @ayushpardeshi2005 3 года назад

    Love from india

  • @TecnicaX
    @TecnicaX 5 лет назад +11


    • @pupiombo
      @pupiombo 5 лет назад

      EXCELENTE.En español.

    • @alexdupont3378
      @alexdupont3378 4 года назад

      Tecnica X вы русские что за люди тупые

  • @happygilmore2100
    @happygilmore2100 3 года назад +3

    Wow! You mysteriously had those parts, even the custom made parts in a container.

    • @kdrapertrucker
      @kdrapertrucker 3 года назад

      Custom made? That was all standard pneumatic fittings.

  • @aparnachopade1790
    @aparnachopade1790 4 года назад

    Very nice idea

  • @jhunbaidavao8487
    @jhunbaidavao8487 3 года назад

    Wow...very good idea....salute you sir

  • @jeffmccrea9347
    @jeffmccrea9347 5 лет назад +7

    Cute idea. I did the same basic thing years ago except I used a children's helium tank bought at Walmart that was used to fill floating balloons. It is similar to, but larger than, a 30 pound Freon tank. It has a built in on / off valve and automatic over pressure release. The threaded output for the included fill device is a flair threaded fitting exactly the same size as a 3/8 inch coiled air hose. I stripped the rubber off from 2 old car tire valves exposing the brass insides. I drilled 2 off set holes in the top of the tank. I then removed the core from one valve and threaded it into 1 hole and soldered it into place. I then connected a pressure gauge to the valve through a small piece of rubber hose with hose clamps. I removed the core from the other valve and threaded and soldered it into the second hole. After it cooled, I replaced the valve and use this to pressurize the tank. I fitted a 3/8 inch coiled air hose to the tank's output fitting and a double foot chuck on the other end to complete the modification. I doubt that my tank would hold 20 bar of pressure like the extinguisher but it's volume and over pressure release valve have been tolerant of 120 pounds per square inch pressure and has filled a standard size car tire on 1 fill. It also holds enough air to blow off my work bench more than once.

  • @user-qz9ib6hi2n
    @user-qz9ib6hi2n 5 лет назад +4

    и без слов все понятно, молодец!

  • @enesyavuz3854
    @enesyavuz3854 4 года назад

    very good professional

  • @eltallerdeltian
    @eltallerdeltian Год назад

    muy bueno, gracias

  • @paulofarias648
    @paulofarias648 4 года назад +4

    Esse cara é um gênio da criatividade....Sou fã desse canal👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @bugs181
    @bugs181 5 лет назад +15

    I've built something similar to this but replacing the compressor with a refrigerator compressor/motor. It's extremely quiet for late night airbrushing. The tank I'm using is just a pancake tank that I bought for $20. It was super easy to do. You can find a lot of these builds on RUclips.

    • @hanbot6709
      @hanbot6709 2 года назад +1

      What turns the compressor on/off? I know there's a switch, but how does it know when the tank is full?

    • @bugs181
      @bugs181 2 года назад +1

      @@hanbot6709 it uses the same sensor that came with the original motor. The tank itself doesn't change, so all of the electronics stay the same.

    • @rolabcrypto115
      @rolabcrypto115 Год назад +1

      @@hanbot6709 pressure switch

    • @barbarapeddycord2478
      @barbarapeddycord2478 Год назад

      Can you help me on how to build one ?

    • @chris01479
      @chris01479 Год назад

      ​@@bugs181 Have you been built air compressor used with fire refrigerator?
      If so how many litre and psi do you store the air in the refrigerator for car respray?

  • @8290Wgu
    @8290Wgu 2 года назад

    good job.....well done 👍

  • @markletts8802
    @markletts8802 2 года назад

    The feet..BRILLIANT..🇬🇧

  • @nortonnimnul2441
    @nortonnimnul2441 5 лет назад +3

    Толково сделано, и всё из подручных материалов. Классно получилось!

    • @vinpol6183
      @vinpol6183 4 года назад +5

      Из подручных??? Вы прямо меня насмешили. Подручные могут только оказать насос и огнетушитель. А остальное всё специально куплено.

  • @jonneduke65
    @jonneduke65 5 лет назад +35

    Minimal tools, maximum effort for a manga result. I will never look at an old extinguisher in the same way again 😁👍👍👍

  • @Agent.K.
    @Agent.K. 2 года назад

    What a genius!

  • @user-wj7xz2vp6x
    @user-wj7xz2vp6x 4 года назад +2

    I think you are genius good luck

  • @bluehaze6132
    @bluehaze6132 5 лет назад +44

    Wow! Is that a coincidence that you have all those fittings, gauges, relief valves available at home?

    • @bluehaze6132
      @bluehaze6132 5 лет назад +1

      Entertaining though

    • @terrandroid
      @terrandroid 5 лет назад

      Blue Haze maybe he wanted to make a video of the build or something

    • @Voltrondefenderoftheuniverse
      @Voltrondefenderoftheuniverse 5 лет назад +5

      Blue Haze ➡️ I was thinking the same . On all his videos when he doing a project he finds everything and exactly what he needs for the project. Never has run to a supply house

    • @nash624
      @nash624 5 лет назад +2

      Also, everything conveniently kept in one container...

    • @marekant7776
      @marekant7776 5 лет назад +4

      I don't know, maybe he, like, bought them? You know, like a normal person would? 🤔

  • @mrgenius5
    @mrgenius5 5 лет назад +5

    Great work! Really creative.


    Filmes. Velozes. Top. 10.

  • @mareklukes9419
    @mareklukes9419 Год назад

    These 12v mini compressors will burn if u will use them for longer time turned on, i think it should be good with some tuning. Its great video i dont wanna hate it just sayin, in my opinion there can be removed front plastic cover with holder and with little bit customization install 12v Fan for better piston cooling and some very easy (for example) Arduino Overheat protect module and maybe for less amortization some pressure control module (just control min-max pressure in the tank(bottle) to keep compressor rest if it reach these values, buz very good video keep doing ! Thank you

  • @Fumingzeus
    @Fumingzeus 5 лет назад +37

    I found it amazing that he had all the items needed to build this, in a plastic container 🤨

    • @tynix1
      @tynix1 4 года назад +1

      Pure luck I guess...:)))

    • @mulespur4806
      @mulespur4806 4 года назад +2

      I think he knew something we didn't. Lol

    • @lazyh-online4839
      @lazyh-online4839 4 года назад +1

      Lots of people do, I do and so do most of the people I know, it's not like these parts are expensive or things we wouldn't use so why wouldn't we have them?

    • @JungKook-ij6dj
      @JungKook-ij6dj 4 года назад +2

      Its obvious they have a hardware store.... hmmmm thinking of starting a business... Hardware!

    • @miguelcastaneda7236
      @miguelcastaneda7236 4 года назад +3

      yea pressure realease valve and quick realease fittings arent usually just lying around either a hvac job or works machine shop cnc

  • @feitian
    @feitian 5 лет назад +4

    That's exactly what I want it 😍

  • @ibrhmeris6580
    @ibrhmeris6580 4 года назад +1

    Nice video

  • @13756
    @13756 Год назад


  • @user-ct3vs9bq4k
    @user-ct3vs9bq4k 5 лет назад +26

    такое ощущение, что он снимал этот ролик для себя.
    на память, что бы не забыть как делал.

  • @artemoff79
    @artemoff79 5 лет назад +17

    Я, смотрю, в твоей мастерской можно легко собрать ракету и полететь в космос. :)

  • @myhamer6003
    @myhamer6003 3 года назад +1

    Bravo bravo bravo bravo bravo

  • @AnilKumar-db7tc
    @AnilKumar-db7tc 3 года назад

    Great idea.

  • @eudesaraujo8241
    @eudesaraujo8241 5 лет назад +8

    Genial... Parabéns pela invenção!!!

  • @ronniegodwin5538
    @ronniegodwin5538 4 года назад +8

    Amazing how you just had that stuff lying around

    • @lazyh-online4839
      @lazyh-online4839 4 года назад +1

      Like any regular person, and no that's not sarcasm. It's just pipe and air fittings, the only people who wouldn't have them already are people who wouldn't even need an air tank in the first place. (Obviously exaggerated blanket statement, I know there are some people that would need an air tank but not need all the fittings and the like, but seriously these components are so common and cheap there's no reason why you can't just make a 5 minute drive to literally ANY hardware store and pick them up, they're like Legos)

    • @ei9ju
      @ei9ju 4 года назад

      @@lazyh-online4839 Can you point me to a supplier or part number for the air manifold he attaches first, I@ve searched online for ages and can't find it.

    • @lazyh-online4839
      @lazyh-online4839 4 года назад

      @@ei9ju since it's just a manifold with standard pipe threads I just looked up npt manifold or not splitter and all sorts of options came up. Some are like bars, some are like t or y splitters, some are hexagonal branching out like a snowflake, it just depends on what fits your needs. Personally I prefer the bar style because it fits where I want to fit mine and it's more intuitive about where to put plugs and fittings instead of having all the lines coming off of random spots all over a cylindrical piece of metal. If you want one like what he has it'd be just as easy and likely cheaper to just screw a couple x or cross or 4-way-"t" fittings together.

    • @lazyh-online4839
      @lazyh-online4839 4 года назад

      @@ei9ju to clarify I'm not sure of that exact model but there's plenty out there just like it that have just as many ports and in my opinion are even easier to use like the bar style of manifold here:

    • @kdrapertrucker
      @kdrapertrucker 3 года назад

      It's actually pretty common stuff to find in a garage if you own an air compressor and pneumatic tools.

  • @edisan2009
    @edisan2009 3 года назад +1

    Parabéns!! belo trabalho 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @tiptopcreatures.
    @tiptopcreatures. 2 года назад

    Thank you for sharing this guide

  • @user-ir6hx9gh2m
    @user-ir6hx9gh2m 5 лет назад +44

    Проволока? Его дед точно был из СССР, нехватает только синей изоленты :)

    • @user-ht9dq4uy1b
      @user-ht9dq4uy1b 5 лет назад

      да,нужно было бы хомут пластиковый.

    • @user-pf6ne2ug6m
      @user-pf6ne2ug6m 5 лет назад +1

      А как он фум мотает?! Я бы его расстрелял за такую работу)

    • @user-eb2ou6iz6r
      @user-eb2ou6iz6r 5 лет назад

      @@user-pf6ne2ug6m согласен !!! Руки оторвать нахер!!!

    • @user-yb8hw8sw8r
      @user-yb8hw8sw8r 5 лет назад

      Он заменил её двухстороннем скотчем

    • @mo7amaddaher421
      @mo7amaddaher421 5 лет назад


  • @victimovtalent6036
    @victimovtalent6036 5 лет назад +15

    Wow coinsidence..all the parts already there😱.use rubber pad on,to reduce vibration

  • @madeleine856
    @madeleine856 2 года назад

    It’s amazing you found all parts in your box

  • @abdulameerbahrouh1316
    @abdulameerbahrouh1316 4 года назад

    Nice job.

  • @josefabianopereiradeolivei6391
    @josefabianopereiradeolivei6391 5 лет назад +3

    Trabalho muito bem feito...
    Ficou muito bom curti

  • @abuubaydullah1
    @abuubaydullah1 5 лет назад +3

    simplest of it is make it great and a very handy tool to have thank you for your post Creative Channel

  • @prolijo6672
    @prolijo6672 2 года назад

    uuuuuffffff genial la idea con materiales al alcanse de la mano y lo bueno q se puede reciclar

  • @Jarisson--Jari
    @Jarisson--Jari 3 года назад

    Não é atoa que eles estão dominando o mundo. Bicho inteligente é o chinês

  • @scottpecora371
    @scottpecora371 5 лет назад +14

    Regarding the legs, instead of a screw, use a 3/16" Aluminum pop rivet with a pressure washer on the compression side to prevent cracking the plastic. Will hold indefinitely, no sharp edges, and won't corrode. Pop rivets, one of the most over looked tools after zip ties!

  • @paulmacleod3559
    @paulmacleod3559 3 года назад +7

    Nice one mate. You could use an old 2kg CO2 cylinder, they're solid aluminium or steel bodies that are, usually, pressurised to 51bar and tested at 1000psi.

    • @babylonhobbiesandfpv4862
      @babylonhobbiesandfpv4862 2 года назад +1

      Would a few soda stream c02 canisters work?

    • @paulmacleod3559
      @paulmacleod3559 2 года назад +1

      @@babylonhobbiesandfpv4862 they can withstand around 2000 to 3000 psi before failing, so I don't see why they wouldn't work.

  • @stampatur
    @stampatur 2 года назад

    While the idea is brilliant, and one gets the satisfaction of putting it all together when considering you have to buy all components and are not cheap, economically is not viable. But as stated you did a great job having all the knowledge.

  • @mtrevino01
    @mtrevino01 3 года назад

    Seems cheaper and easier to just buy one with a warranty and less of a chance at tempting fate . Ijs, cool concept however so thumbs up for that!

  • @king502sf7
    @king502sf7 3 года назад +7

    سُبْحَانَكَ اللَّهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ ، أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لا إِلَهَ إِلا أَنْتَ ، أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْك.َ^-^؛♡♡

  • @kenw.1112
    @kenw.1112 5 лет назад +9

    Everything set up from rehearsal so nothing goes wrong... Bravo! In the real world you will have unexpected obstacle(s) come up and foul language . Just like Hollywood they make things go so smooth and perfect despite the many bloopers that occurs. Nice video I grant you that . You are very organized. Good job!

    • @brianjohnston9822
      @brianjohnston9822 4 года назад +1

      Ken W. agreed, to well planned, just happened to have all the right fittings.

    • @abuxxx3607
      @abuxxx3607 4 года назад

      Easy to comment but if you will do it, how many rehearsal it would be? Lol....

    • @lazyh-online4839
      @lazyh-online4839 4 года назад

      It's really not that hard, it's just threading some fittings together, I've done this several times with propane tanks and fire extinguisher tanks, and air compressors and fridge/air-conditioning compressors and there's never been a reason to "rehearse" or swear or cut out bloopers, it's as easy as putting one pipe in another and turning until tight.

  • @Ernavdeepsingh
    @Ernavdeepsingh 4 года назад

    Good work

  • @RestorationAustralia
    @RestorationAustralia 3 года назад

    Cool idea.

  • @GianniPirolaFaidate
    @GianniPirolaFaidate 5 лет назад +3

    Nice 😉👍

  • @octaviusgalacticus2253
    @octaviusgalacticus2253 3 года назад +3

    I've been watching your channel for 5 years now you've evolved so much

  • @supianianz
    @supianianz 4 года назад

    Good job

  • @nelberndepablo1539
    @nelberndepablo1539 3 года назад

    Nice diy - it's much better that you install air unloader between the check valve and the air compressor. So that, with that 0 psi air space - the motor can pump easliy without overdoing. With that - the motor can easly pump

  • @mohammadashrafkhokhar5678
    @mohammadashrafkhokhar5678 3 года назад +4

    Absolutely Brilliant. Can you please list all the parts needed.keep it up

  • @twicebittenthasme5545
    @twicebittenthasme5545 5 лет назад +4

    For the cost of those parts here in the u.s., you could buy an inexpensive compressor with tank, and a d.c. inverter, already assembled. Those parts are priced at more than gold or platinum and most people will not have them laying in a parts bin.
    Nice build, though. Thanks for sharing.

    • @bkDmitry
      @bkDmitry 5 лет назад

      in a lot of other countries, its vice versa - assembled its cost an a fortune, when all parts lie around like in a garbage... I like reuse parts

  • @newdrjkk1401
    @newdrjkk1401 4 года назад

    Well done

  • @GerardoAriasMeneses
    @GerardoAriasMeneses 8 месяцев назад

    Excelente, muchas gracias. Saludos desde Costa Rica.

  • @leonardzapata5753
    @leonardzapata5753 5 лет назад +4

    ficou ótimo só achei que para fixar o motor poderi ter usado cintas de plásticos iria ficar mais seguro e esteticamente mais organizado tudo ficou muito caprichado más está parte ficou estranho .

  • @georgederisse9564
    @georgederisse9564 5 лет назад +7

    From a great idea to an awesome realization. Very interesting. Could you please make a list of the main parts and a link where to buy them. I will appreciate it. Thanks for the video.

  • @Doyy34
    @Doyy34 3 года назад

    คุณเก่งและสร้างสรรค์ได้ดี เสียอย่างเดียวครับ คุณพัน เทปพันเกลียว ไม่ถูกต้อง

  • @user-jx9es8lk7p
    @user-jx9es8lk7p Год назад

    You are the best , Thanks

  • @Cheva-Pate
    @Cheva-Pate 4 года назад +10

    Turn the teflon tape 180° when you roll it on, then you allways have the same distans to the object!

    • @therealjpxd1509
      @therealjpxd1509 3 года назад

      will also end up causing more leaks using that much on a copper fitting

  • @retsetman9698
    @retsetman9698 5 лет назад +4

    Nice building

  • @MrScrew
    @MrScrew 4 года назад +1

    very good

  • @user-vn7so5bs4o
    @user-vn7so5bs4o 8 месяцев назад


  • @priyamd4759
    @priyamd4759 4 года назад +3

    Thanks for a Great video. It seems you need to adjust the diff / hysteresis settings on the switch if it is possible. That way the switch will not turn ON/OFF so often. What is the make of the switch? A link to the switch purchase/ nfgr will be really cool. Regards,

    • @TheOzthewiz
      @TheOzthewiz 3 года назад

      He was trying to keep the cost of the project to a minimum. Why else would he be using bailing wire instead of "ty-wraps" to secure the pump? A differential switch would have added quite a bit to the cost, imho.

  • @ecoslast1394
    @ecoslast1394 4 года назад +15

    Put the components as a link where to order them in the bottom please.

  • @cadirlampe4545
    @cadirlampe4545 3 года назад

    Awesome creative piece of equipment for the hobbyist ......Great.......

  • @ApaiEmryChannel
    @ApaiEmryChannel 3 года назад

    Yes.Very creative.I like it👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • @InventorChannel2023
    @InventorChannel2023 5 лет назад +4

    Who Likes Creative Channel 👍👍

  • @1nsanewayn3
    @1nsanewayn3 5 лет назад +10

    Everything on his channel is about creativity, not simplicity.. So don't say "it will be better to buy this or that"

    • @lazyh-online4839
      @lazyh-online4839 4 года назад

      Even then you can get these tanks free from the junkyard and all the fittings can be had for pennies, so even then it's better to buy than to build.

  • @Usuario-vj9cq
    @Usuario-vj9cq Год назад

    very good tutorial video will also serve this homemade compressor with a small paint gravity gun to paint a vehicle

  • @domenicozagari2443
    @domenicozagari2443 2 года назад +1

    You can use clear silicon instead of the tape its much better.

  • @miusername6082
    @miusername6082 4 года назад +3

    Pretty cool. Aside from not giving a parts list for others to make use of the video.
    On a side note, why do some people have the one "crack nail" (as I call it) on the pinky finger? Serious question. Is it for snorting coke or picking your nose? Maybe both?

  • @pepepesca5886
    @pepepesca5886 4 года назад +13

    Can you put the list of materials necessary for manufacturing ?, Thank you

    • @user-xi5kh8fe7o
      @user-xi5kh8fe7o 3 года назад +1


    • @russhainallysultan5612
      @russhainallysultan5612 3 года назад

      @@user-xi5kh8fe7o rea nice work you get them material quite quick.

  • @prooftest9484
    @prooftest9484 4 года назад


  • @samueloluwadaisi9309
    @samueloluwadaisi9309 2 года назад

    I have been looking for a project like this for spray paint gun. Thank you for making this video