YOLO Session 8: Never Be The Same: Ephesians 2

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024
  • Session 8
    Never Be The Same
    Ephesians 2
    The grace of God is a whole new way to live, and it's a whole new way of thinking. It's a philosophical change. It's a whole new paradigm. We could define the grace of God in several ways.
    1. It’s God's unmerited favor.
    2. It’s God's love in action.
    3. It's giving me what I need, not what I deserve.
    All are great definitions of grace, but when we understand these things, it begins to change everything.
    The grace of God begins to change the way we look at the world, the way we look at our lives, the way we look at God, the way we look at our family, and the way we look at our relationships. When these things change we begin to see life from a whole new perspective. We want to immerse ourselves in an understanding of the grace of God because it begins to transform everything in our life. When it comes the Christian experience, following Jesus Christ is a whole new paradigm.
    His grace is something that is totally different from the other paradigm which is based on achievement, what you can do, how hard you can work, and what you can achieve. It's really hard, oftentimes, for us to begin to think in a whole new world, a whole new paradigm and perspective, because everything around us operates in an opposite fashion. In our spiritual life, when we begin to understand the grace of God, it begins to fill our hearts with joy, it begins to transform our relationships, and it begins to make the world around us look and seem different.
    Discussion Starter
    When has someone in your life shown you grace you did not deserve? How did you feel when grace was shown to you? What happens when you show grace to others?
    Verse to Remember
    For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV)
    Discussion Questions
    1. Share how your life was different before you met Christ. What did it look like for you to be spiritually dead?
    2. How have you come alive in Christ? How is your life different now that you’ve been redeemed from spiritual deadness?
    3. In what ways are you experiencing God’s incomparably rich grace right now? Share a recent story of God’s blessing in your life.
    Application Questions
    1. How can you be an example of grace this week by giving someone a second chance, third chance or more? Discuss the potential challenges in extending second chances and grace.
    2. Because of God’s grace, how will you be motivated this week to show others the same grace you have received from Him?
    Prayer Focus
    Pray for specific people to experience the life-changing grace of God.

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