Well done. I'm hanging out for more content on the 960! I just managed dead start with it using the +1 shim on 375p. It's super hard work to get it up high on the mast into the sweet spot. I'm also wondering how a skinny would improve things.
A deadstart on this wing is super impressive, well done! I can't speak for the progressives since I haven't used them, but I've been really hally with the skinny 50. Are you on a high dock for the dead start?
@@FoilFanatic42 probably only about half mast length high. Here is a bad clip of the launch.. basicly throw the board and jump after it with hands on the board, landing in a crouch. Initiating a circle also gives some extra low end. ruclips.net/user/clipUgkxJIh032eVVTi5T1ojBYHqeBY1sX_Qs_qQ?si=ieM0fVL-E1dAEgBb
I weigh 210 lbs. you think the 960 is too small for my weight surfing behind a wake boat and pumping back to 2nd or 3 rd wake? I’ve got the 1180 and love it but want to try something more playful behind the boat. I was thinking maybe the 1030?
The 960 would likely be good for your weight at 210. We have the wave turned down to 3/6 and I surfed the 3rd wake today easily with the 960 and I could probably go for an even smaller wing, but the pumpability of the 960 is probably as small as I'll go due to how well it pumps.
Nice one! Still waiting for the static 960 start using Yvon's technique! reverse start
Yessir! Going to have to give that a try at the lake this weekend with the higher dock 🤙🏼
Well done. I'm hanging out for more content on the 960! I just managed dead start with it using the +1 shim on 375p. It's super hard work to get it up high on the mast into the sweet spot. I'm also wondering how a skinny would improve things.
A deadstart on this wing is super impressive, well done! I can't speak for the progressives since I haven't used them, but I've been really hally with the skinny 50. Are you on a high dock for the dead start?
@@FoilFanatic42 probably only about half mast length high. Here is a bad clip of the launch.. basicly throw the board and jump after it with hands on the board, landing in a crouch. Initiating a circle also gives some extra low end. ruclips.net/user/clipUgkxJIh032eVVTi5T1ojBYHqeBY1sX_Qs_qQ?si=ieM0fVL-E1dAEgBb
@powis-tv8ln Nice! Probably a launch I could do at the lake with the higher dock. Also want go try Yvon's inverted dock start to see the success rate.
Impressive 👍, but could you please mention, in the description or somewher else, your whole setup? e.g. fuse and stab Thanks
it's the 75cm mast, US Advanced+ fuse and skinny 50 tail 🤙🏼
I weigh 210 lbs. you think the 960 is too small for my weight surfing behind a wake boat and pumping back to 2nd or 3 rd wake? I’ve got the 1180 and love it but want to try something more playful behind the boat. I was thinking maybe the 1030?
The 960 would likely be good for your weight at 210. We have the wave turned down to 3/6 and I surfed the 3rd wake today easily with the 960 and I could probably go for an even smaller wing, but the pumpability of the 960 is probably as small as I'll go due to how well it pumps.
@@FoilFanatic42thank you! Appreciate all the great content
Where's the watch data??? :P
No worries, we'll be using it soon! Can't trust this dirty water lol