I use a greater than ourselves edict mod that gives that edict to you from the start. It’s much better, though you still have the problem of it not moving slaves, and it putting species wherever it can, rather than where they are best suited. We really need a system where when you are building a tech ringworld and all your other planets are full, that every planet then grows the best pops it can for that ringworld and sends them all over.
It really is frustrating. I just hope they also make it easier to force grow one type of pop. I hate having to reverse the AI's dumb decisions every few months on every single one of my planets. Especially since, if I don't, some foreign alien race suddenly becomes my main pop and that makes me feel awkward. I don't want some damn billy goat ruling my bug empire!
I hate moving around pops in the late game and looking forward to this change. Uncoupling building slots from total population is a great change as well.
Potential problem, especially counting on the usual shoddy work they do with updates: will this hub automatically resettle an unemployed pop as soon as it’s created? And if so, will the planet AI ever build new job slots, since it won’t perceive a need for it? Hopefully someone will sit and test it before launch, for a change
Srđan Bezmalinović the AI already builds new jobs before pops grow. So that shouldn’t be an issue at all. And greater than ourselves moves pops pretty much instantly. So I’d imagine it would be much the same. If you don’t have automation on it still works fine. Just go through your planets once in awhile and prebuild some jobs. Then let the pops grow.
I hope you’re all right and this doesn’t introduce yet another inscrutable problem to the planet AI’s already goldfish-level strategic capacity :) fingers crossed
Hey Aspec, I do not know if you usually check comments, but I just want to leave a small message for you: I want to thank you for making me playing Stellaris. Since the game came out, I was always fascinated by the game, but after seeing how confusing it was, and the many videos I saw, I never bought the game. This was a problem for me, since I love strategy games. I am 48 years old, I started playing the first titles of Civilization (in MS-DOS if u can believe that!), saw the birth of RTS games like Dune 2 and Command & Conquer. Play to death, all the series of Master of Orion and many others. For the first time since Stellaris came out, I found out your channel and your videos. I even spent many hours of playing other strategy games from Paradox. I spent the whole video of you explaining the interface. Because of that video, I got the game, all the DLC's and I just fucking love this game! So, thank you, for your well made videos, well explained to start in Stellaris and finally, thank you very much for making me playing this amazing game that has still today, so many potential to grow. All the best for you and your channel. Thank you.
managing pops is why I'm scared of conquering other empires once I can afford to conquer them..... they have so many useless planets that I just dont wanna deal with
Especially if they have fecking serviles? Oh my god. It’s the *worst,* because I play trade empires, so serviles are *worthless.* and for some reason they *always* grow more often then every other pop type. (Also, because xenophile, I can’t simply genocide them.)
I always use the small garbo worlds as refining worlds. Since refining provides a smaller amount of jobs than the other industrys. Just retool them to feed your industry on your core worlds. Its a pain when you get them but you can squeeze out some value out of those tainted worlds inhabited by xenos filth.
Yeah, Influence cost is... savage. Make it cost credits, anything I can trade for, influence is always at a premium until end game unless you're a purifier.
That could actually be nice. Maybe it could be a planetary decision which is limited to non-FanEgalitarian empires. It gives a housing bonus on the planet but when deactivated, it creates a Sprawling Slums blocker with a base cost of 1000 credits
@@MrBones-td6qn 25 influence per pop is ridiculously high. That's 40 non slave pops max at maximum influence. And I'm very rarely at max influence. I spend it like hotcakes from making claims, building ecus and megastructures. Only after I've completely maxed out megastructures, ecus, and conquered every bit of the galaxy do I have the luxury of having spare influence.... By then the game is over. I just am aggressive about that stuff and unfortunately I love moving pops around manually. This removes that ability entirely for me.
The devs said they're considering a planet-based building instead to enable automatic Pop movement. It's all hot code and up to change. Maybe we could get both starbase module and planet building, picking which one is more convenient at the time?
From the look of it though they're reducing building slots on planets. Unless that changes as well. Because the planetary rework dev diary only shows 12 building slots whereas vanilla stellaris rn has 16. I would hate if this got turned into planetary building, because yeah with the planetary rework you'll probably have some extra building slots on industrial and forge worlds but I don't think that will be enough to make up for the reduction on say research worlds and the like. I appreciate decoupling the slots from population, I do not appreciate having the slots reduced.
Heyo Aspec, Just wanna say thanks my dude. You've been helping me and my growing circle of friends who play stellaris get into the game. I'm a huge RTS buff but they're more casual but cause of you they've gotten into stellaris & you've definitely helped me increase my skill :)
@@TheExi123 but if it was a planetary building, it would only work on that planet, what if you have more than one planet and multiple habitats? Or a fully developed Ringworld?
@@MisterW0lfe This building for starbases only exchanges pops between starbases which both have it. If its a building on planets (or both) the system becomes much more flexible. Binding it to starbases only is not flexible enough imo.
The colony automation improvements are a definite plus for me, but the way transit hubs are being handled is weird to me. Given how essential Transit Hubs are going to be for egalitarian empires in the late game, why not just have the building built into the starbase by default? FTL Inhibitors work that way, so why not Transit Hubs or a bunch of other common starbase buildings like Crew Quarters?
@@agamemnonofmycenae5258 not really they should be able to do the same thing it just would give the ability to use the planets building and stuff on the habitat or the other way for the price of 2 building or 2 districts or an choice for 100 to 500 metal and void dwellers should get no housing on planets. Also probably a good idea for the one planet challenge for an extra 8 districts and 16 buildings.
While a neat idea, I'd rather they instead add in the option of having planetary rings that increase pop cap and planet size. Habitats are more for uninhabitable areas imo, while that upgrade is already implemented in mods and could easily be incorporated into the game.
The only bad thing about the transit hub (or good depending on how you wanna look at it) is that it requires starbases above every system you have which early on your gonna be limited in the amount you can build, they really should just make it an edict you have at the start of the game or an edict you can research come the early to mid-game, or possibly make it so that once the tech with transit hub is research all your outposts gain it automatically but you have the option to turn it off (dunno if it would be possible to code something like that or not).
The only time using influence points would be a little more acceptable is if a pop is not one of your main species or slaves. Or maybe influence cost for free nations.
Just like aspec here, i don't much do automated stuff, i like to manage the building of stuffs on my planet by myself, even when i have dozens of inhabited planets in my empire. Edit: 3:12 this is a nice and welcome QOL improvement and prob my fave of the whole dev diary.
A little eye-candy I would love to see connected to this: A transport ship going from the starting transport hub to the end transport hub that has the pop in it. i.e. you actually see it flying through your systems, and if you click it it says "Transporting pop (Human Specialists from Earth to Dumpsterfire)".
if it's purely visual with no interactable component, I wouldn't mind, however it's also got potential to result in additional slow down. (similar to SoaSE's issues with it's refineries and trade convoys which do that very thing but end up bogging the game down due to all the calculations involved). Pure visual fluff on the other hand gives a similar effect but could result in a much reduced processing weight.
@@ZanathKariashi Yeah. The dream would be pop transfers, trade ships, material transfers etc etc all being visible and interactible on some level. Would make for some amazing nice flows of space ships in many systems. But that would probably hog computer resources to a completely unplayable level. Probably similar for calculating trade on a per-goods, per-province basis for games like EU4 and Vicky.
the concepts you mentioned for civil engineering are really interesting and would be a good idea if trade could affect it. like they could up the dangers of space piracy (even make mini crises) of say a pirate force on the scale of a really weak marauder that could spawn once every hundred years or so for every empire when piracy is getting out of hand and it would balance by having civil engineering reduce piracy in those lanes as well as allowing for other buffs to the systems. This way there is some cost to maintaining certain/good trade routes and empires that dont care about trade just dont need to sink resources into it (or if there is a similar system for them then its less resources) kind of aligning that the traders often get buffs and advantages whereas the non traders focus more on raw power and the buffs they may already have (like with determined exterminators)
I feel this'll make egalitarian empires more fun to play imo, since they have less population controls. Now it'll be automated in a sensible way without upsetting your main faction.
Doomsday doesn't cost influence to resettle from the homeworld due to it's special modifier that reduces resettlement costs. It already reduces the energy costs significantly, and post-patch will also waive influence costs for resettling away from that planet.
@@ZanathKariashi To be fair, if the doomsday origin just kept those wavered things it'd become a really REALLY interesting origin that would be more than a challenge one, but a way to also get a free civic as an origin on top of its challenge, which is interesting.
saw the post a while back and was wondering when you'd get around to covering it given how big it is for dealing with the pain that is pop management, especially with the influence costs for certain types of pops
Love the idea of the transit hubs but I'm a little disipointed that they are only for a single system and cost 5. I'll still use it since it's nice but damn, it's way more limited than I'd like.
Its not for a single system people will migrate from any system without jobs or housing with a transition hub installed to any system with a transition hub installed, decent habitability jobs and housing, simple
@@darkxieon bro its for the lategame their upkeep and cost is meaningless unless you are doing something wrong with the economy, i can have +2k credits a month just with trade in the late game
@@Alberto-sv1ou Also aware. Using it for mid-game (2300) or so when you can start getting flooded with pops and your income in energy credits is like +200 is a lot harder though (which it would be cool to use then). I'm not saying they aren't useful, I'm saying I hate micromanaging pops so if I could get rid of that from early to mid game it'd be great. Which I still CAN do but at 2250-2300 it'll be a much larger hit to your economy
ASpec: Resateling pop now gona cost influence. Me: Well there goes my voidborn empire. ASpec: Transit hub mow move pop in one system. Me: Well considering my empires 21 colonies is in one system that works great. :)
Actually if I read it correctly it says it will allow pops in a system with a Transit hub to move to a colony with the space and jobs for them in ANY of your systems system with a Transit hub not just the one with the rent
Is it though? 25 influence per pop moved. I usually quickly end up with full pop'ed habitats and use the extra pop growth to settle other habitats faster. At 25 per pop, my initial 10 habitats would usually require some ~250 influence every other year to move pops around.
@@ocadioan Well the travel hubs should make it automatic, so making a bunch of tall systems with these, which is what habitats do, would pretty much accomplish this.
So many amazing quality of life improvements already I'm so excited for what more there is to come. Hell it could just be the changes to districts/buildings and the changes to pop management and I'd be hyped.
I always love new features and i'm always excited for new content. But I am dying for more indepth ground combat (units, movements, battlelines, etc) when invading a planet or defending
I think I'm happy with this. Automizing pop resettlement in such a way is a step in the right direction, and it offsets the increased cost for manual resettlement imo. MY only gripe is that they should have put in a mechanic to let us designate which races are to grow/migrate to which planets while they were at it.
The Greater Good is such a lifesaver tbh, but the transit hub is a good thing too. I also find that I end up trying to figure out what to put in my starbases, so this will be great.
I know that feeling. My starbases will be with this. Travel Hub Deep Space Blacksite Hyperspace uplink (until I get a gateway system, then i replace with 4th building) 4th building depends on base.
Trying for the Greater Good tree is always such a pain but almost necessary in the late game. I've spent hours just moving pops around because I was playing an empire with slaves. I think this would be an amazingly welcome addition and great substitution for those kinds of empires that oppose the Greater Good.
I just imagine you dressing up a necroid as a slave and then going through customs arguing that this is in fact not a ruler, but a slave, so you don't need to pay any duties on it.
the idea is kinda... take a big Rock (500minerals) Slam it into a planet to make 2-3 pops, then unearth 2 pops more for (2000minerals) from the crater. then send them back home pox (2500energy)... get it? you got a create 5 pop for 2500/2500 energy/mineral... then repeat. and repeat. and repeat.. this sound a little expensive tho... so you can leave the pops burried and stack them up so at some point you get like 20 pops burried... then you get a governoer whit a 33% clear tile blocker. a edict for 25% more and whereever you can find more reductions... so you can get the pops for almost free whitout spending minerals the 200 influence to destroy the colony, stops this exploid... or alteadt makes it really expensive :D
Should be mentioned that those prices can be reduced a lot. You can get the colony ship down to around 350 minerals (might have been 375) with the right empire type and you can stack reductions to blocker removal costs to 0 unless i'm mistaken. Combine that with the fact that you can start with a extra pop on a new colony and the trait that makes resettlement cheaper and you get a lot of pops for cheap. So the influence cost for removing the last pop of a colony is kinda a good idea if they want to prevent stuff like this.
Yeah. I abused this in a game played with a couple friends. There's a poor little size 12 planet in my empire that has -400% habitability because of the **eight** impact craters I've created on it. A couple thousand minerals is very cheap in the early-mid game especially since lithoids mine extra, you don't have enough planets to spend a lot on buildings, and lithoids have low pop growth. Being able to effectively buy 4 pops in the span of a year is extremely effective. I approve of this particular nerf.
The problem with transit hubs is they are soft capped to the amount of starbases you have, meaning the wider you play the less useful they will be which forces you into taking the civic. I am worried about this homogenizing empire designs.
you can take edicts/ ascension perks and there is no reason you shouldn't have enough upgraded starbase capacity for most major population centers. realistically you should want to have a better station in any location with more planets/pops, to prevent it being taken in war
@@ikxalenull7 in most galaxies planets are spread out and you have a max of like 25 starbases at the very end game. If you are playing on a huge galaxy its very easy to hit the soft cap without even needing to blob too excessively. Plus this makes conquring new planets even worse for anyone who isn't a xenophobe or slaver guild when you need to spend influence to manually fix the ai's horrible planet design and overpopulation problems.
I like how the transit hub gives a slight edge to tall empires over wide ones. It seems like wide is the meta and tall could use a little help. At least that's what my newbie understanding is.
You guys remember when every OTHER action, besides all the rest of them we were doing was cycling through every settlement activating the planetary decision on each one to dump loads of apples on said colony to make the colonists more frisky?
After owning multi sectors and planets, one had to pay attention to which planet need modifying and moving unemployed pops. It makes you workaholics high but unwelcome though... , since it is a game. It should be more fun without too much working effort. Looking forward to see good change to happen.
Yeah, that free pops from colony starting/shutting down exploit is clearly being addressed with that influence cost. I dig improving the 'useless' civics.
for the 48975th time: trade ships would be cool but they'd cause CPU death for not that much more added gameplay value. there were some civ trade mods back in the day, you couldnt get past tier 4 weapons before the game ground to a halt
@@SBezmy im pretty sure it would still eat up CPUs as you'd need to calculate routes for the trade ships, even if they were purely aesthetic. and if they were purely aestehtic, it would suck cause you wouldn't be able to hit them with your fleets and it'd break immersion and just feel bad overall honestly if the tech allowed it i'll be all over civ trade ships, but as it stands it doesn't strike me as a good idea. and they have other priorities, like making combat a bit more interesting (personally i want to see task forces and sub warfare, but that's another subject entirely)
And of course . . they give you more slots technically to work with on planets with the district rework . . And on the other hand they take away another slot from your star bases. These hubs should be planetary buildings, not system station buildings.
i generally find i run out of things to put in stations, because my playstyle is very tall, i prefer having a system station building as it wont take up potentially 12 building slots per system
i would really like to see gateways have a more important economic function with trade routes and resettlement. Also it always pains me that I can't build them in the systems of my vassals. Why can I not construct the gates of war in the realms of my loyal war pets hm?
Hey, there's a command that can help with performance. The command is ticksperturn 4. This command increases the game speed regardless of how many pops, ships or whatever. You can set the number higher but you will have major issues. You will have to pause the game now and then because the speed is a little too high to register commands. DO NOT SET IT TOO HIGH, seconds turn into months the higher number.
I would love to see them replace the star base limit with a star fortress limit, and lock the heavy weapons behind that upgrade. Make civilian stations infinite and give them small strength increases up to maybe around 1k at full strength, help them fight off strike craft. That would give you so much more to do in managing your nation and deciding where to prioritize spending your resources, you’d always have something that would be useful upgraded.
so i'm at the start haven't watched much of this, but would love to see more life in this game. like civilian traffic moving to and from stations trade ships moving down trade routes etc. i know there was a mod early on for this but it was never kept up to date.
I dont think we have to worry about influence cost for pop ressetlement. If the transit hub is in use it will move pops automatically to vacant planets without influence cost. No doubt the utility on starbases is meant to be used at every trade center and overflowed population centers.
I would love to have an acceleration field on my starbases, or maybe a rapid recharge field which allows ships to travel in hyperspace near instantly after docking at the starbase for a short while. EDIT: I would also like a system where you can automatically set development such as in technology or fleets. The higher the level of your leader currently doing a thing, the better they'll use what they're given. We already have automatic survey, I want to expand on stuff like that. Maybe with governers, they'll just do general benefits on every world at level 1, but at max level they'll strategically develop worlds to ensure that the profits exceed the deficits on worlds, automatically colonize worlds if the benefits of having the world exceed what you lose from it in a major way. With scientist leaders, at level 1 they'll go for the researches that take the least time to develop, but at max level you can set technological preferences, in which they'll prioritize developing certain things (For example, set your Engineering Scientist to prioritize Voidcraft developments, then Material developments). With Admirals, at level 1 they'll go exclusively for the systems that you claimed, in the aims of just ending the war right then and there, or they'll automatically seek out enemy threats if you set them to wander. At max level, they will strategically cripple the enemy, taking out shipyard stations and then taking the systems you claimed, and will constantly aim to strategically cripple enemies. This makes you more likely to want to level up your admirals for more than just their perks. I think the Admiral system could be expanded further but I'll go in further on explaining 'Phases of Attack' admirals will use after I explain my ideas for how Generals might work. With Generals, at Level 1 they will either try to train as many of your best armies as possible, without caring for the costs of your empire (often independent to Governors, though maybe there'd be a special event where the Governor and General leaders get into a big argument, and depending on how you handle it and your ethics, you might cause an insurrection started by the General, or the Gorvernor loses EXP), and when commanding transport fleets, they will recklessly toss their soldiers towards an enemy world, regardless of whether or not it's claimed. When at max level, they'll train special squads that have unique synergy, then command transport fleets to worlds. Admirals and Generals will work together to ensure that transport fleets can get to and invade enemy worlds. Now, about Admirals. I DID mention the 'Phases of Attack' yes? I did. Now. I'm going to list each phase of attack, and also explain how they work in their own little thing. The phases of attack would be "Assault", "Reinforce", "Hunt", "Retreat", and "Defend". Assault - This is the basic phase of attack during a war. Admirals will use tactics (according to their level and strategic doctrine, a new form of trait that comes with their new one) to specifically attack the enemy. In general they hunt down enemy fleets, occupy enemy stations, and may command individual ships in a fleet and create unique forms of attack to basically turn the tables on opponents (For example, they might use a corvette swarm armed with point defense to neutralize enemy strike craft and then ram powerful cruisers into the enemy to attempt to pound enemy carriers into submission) in battles. They might strategically utilize Jump Drives to hunt down enemies. Reinforce - When an admiral's fleet takes near lethal damage, and after they've retreated, they'll enter the Reinforce phase of attack, where they will request reserve ships to reinforce their fleets (High level admirals will automatically request reserve fleets to be established. Reserve Fleets are basically just reinforcement stock), and make sure that their fleet is accessible to reinforcements. After they have gotten adequate reinforcements (About 80% or so, or as much as the reserve fleet can manage), then they will go back to Assault. Hunt - Basic phase of attack during non-war situations. They'll hunt down leviathans and other space-borne threats. It's basically Assault but stations aren't something that is usually considered unless necessary. Retreat - When admirals take too much damage (The higher the level, the lower they will fight until), they will retreat. They might also pull back to commence the Defend phase of attack. Defend - When enemy fleets attack your territory, and an admiral isn't too far away, they will attempt to quickly get back to your systems to defend your territory against attacks. Low level admirals are simply unable to commence this phase of attack. Feel free to expand on anything I say here, or even put these ideas to Paradox themselves. If you want to ask me if you can implement these ideas into a mod or something, well you don't need to give me credit but I'd like it. :P God that sounded arrogant.
It would be nice if A.I. can build necessary amenities building during colony phase and then automatically switch to whatever planet's designation role.
There should be an evacuate planet feature. Let’s say the unbidden is attacking one of your frontier world so you use your fleet to by time and evacuate all pop from the planet
As of Dev Diary 191 automatic resettlement can now happen even without GTO and/or a Transit Hub, these just now increase the chance of it happening. Transit Hub doubles the chance and GTO triples it, the two stack additive so having both quadruples the chance. Democracies also now increase the chance by 50% stacking additive with the other bonuses.
one thing i'd love to see in stellaris is a HUGE megatstructure military station with HUGE guns on it think the star base fully upgraded but dialed upto 11
@@solidsnake6206 that would be the fun part tbh it could be amazing built in the right place or used to protect ur most valuable system imo it would be nice to create some from of blockade where any enemy force would need a HUGE force to take it out
@@hyperkaioken4982 yeah, but before doing that they should really just focus on pops, one planet being taken away shouldn't completely cripple your entire economy.
@Jay X True but wide players like myself don't appreciate this logic lmao. But lets say you are at cap, that's still only what? 40 pops you can move before you go from max to zero influence. Which is horrendously low. 25 influence for every pop? LOL 50 for others. Geez. lmao
@@renaldoawes2210 Yeah but they kinda need a penalty for tall players after they made admin cap really easy to get. Now they need to make nerfs to talk empires.
The transit hubs need to have a way to modify their range. If there is no range modification in the late game you will probably have a trade route protection/collection issue if you are trying to automate pop distribution when you hit the star base cap.
the transit hub basically requires 1 upgraded station in every system with a colony. Maybe i'm playing wrong but i generally put those in areas of strategic value over colonized systems. This seems like it would make the ascension of "grasp the void" more of a requirement than an option.
So much this. I loved this game so much before leguinn, but that update made colony and pop management utterly miserable. Hopefully these changes make the game fun again
Rob Hand get the greater than ourselves edict mod so that edict is always available. It will move any non-slave pop automatically once you enable the edict.
The transport hub sounds great and all, but it is going to be annoying that trading hubs won't be as effective anymore. Because the whole point of the trading hub was that all the trade value in a given sector (or once you get gateways potentially your whole empire) goes through one starbase. But now if you want your pops to move freely between planets then you need to have a different starbase for each of your planets, which will drastically increase the desire for a higher starbase cap. I would really enjoy if they changed the transport hub to be like a trade hub module where if you have multiple it increases the range. In that case you might have two starbases per sector rather than one. One that has all the trade hubs and potentially 1 transport hub for its own planet (if in an inhabited system), and then another that has all the transport hubs and that way you could make it work efficiently without having to waste your starbase capacity on a starbase for every planet. Like you might still have one each for the really important ones so you can have black sites and whatever, but you wouldn't need it for your super small and frontier planets too, the planets that most often need pops moved to/from them.
Me: sees changes to Pop resettlement and hates it also Me: sees that the civic that I used anyway completly handwaves the changes Crisis aveted Corvee System is basically Autocrathy confirmed as based
As someone who likes to have spawning pool fringe worlds to massively populate my core worlds making it so moving pops costs influences completely breaks my playstyle as I'm moving hundreds of pops around by year 2300.
Pop Resettlement gets a huge pain in the ass especially with the Necrophage Civic. I ended up scanning worlds for eligible pops and resettled to worlds with free Necrophyte jobs just to keep them going. Also I think they should buff the Transit Hub to work in tandem with a Starbase's Trade Value Collection Range.
A tip for you that i like to do is to make the people on the planet undisirebls so they are made into necrophages. Your normal slave pops should migrate to the planet after some time (if you have slaves that like the planet that is)
We need a proper logistic system: ammo and supply depot, refueling station, fleet that support the logistic of the armies, etc. Granted it might be micro-managing hell and slow the game down to a crawl but the fact that you can forgot a fleet out in the wild for years on end with little consequences beside increase energy upkeep is kinda odd. This will also make certain system a more important target beside just another choke point or mining planets. For example now when you start planning for a war, you either construct a star base in the nearby system and turn it into a supply depot, or use the nearest planet for safety reason and not wanting to waste a star base slot but now you ship might have to travel further for resupply. They can even add new resupply ship which can range from just a giant container to automated industrial ship capable of resupply fleet on the move.
It’s a very micromanagement style idea I think they could sort out lore wise if they just explained refuelling ships were sent out to the fleet which is why the 25% cost comes into effect. Perhaps a flat 25% cost every six months you are away from a hub
Mentioned on the paradox forums they should rethink starbases because of course people had concerns about starbase capacity being a problem in regards to getting transit hubs in all of the systems they've colonized. I wasn't here at the start of the game, so if the devs did explained the logic, I missed it. I assume they weren't keen on the idea of 100 system empires being allowed to easily setup a starfortress in each and everyone of those systems. Anyways, split starbases into two groups. Military stronghold starbases, which are focused on defense and are the only starbase that can build hanger bays, missile and artillery starbase modules and are subject to a limit. AKA starbase limit becomes your military stronghold starbase limit. Then we get the civilian side of things and we can call those interstellar hubs, these can not build the militarized modules and can only dish out the damage of outposts and have the same defense platform limit, even if you fully upgrade it to the equivalent of a star fortress, but losing them will have no impact on war score because they can't really do anything military wise in most cases. They are limited to only inhabited systems, doesn't matter if it's a planet or habitat and there is no limit on how many players have. Players will have the option to militarize these if they feel that is for the best, maybe it's on their border or in a really good chokepoint. Anyway interstellar hubs would be geared towards the macro level of civil infrastructure management and open a way to make starbases, at least in inhabited systems, an interesting component of the game with further iterations. Also cause I know someone wills say, "but what about systems with just a blackhole or a blackhole & artisan/curator base?" IIRC you can't build habitats in those because you can't build habitats around stars and depending on where that is, you might not want to militarize a starbase there because any attacker won't waste their time taking it. I feel this would be an excellent chance to declutter the megastructure build icon on construction ships. First we make it so habitats, the vanilla form can't be build in blackhole systems. Then we add in a new research called blackhole habitats. Maybe the flavor text is along the lines of "Blackhole systems are some of the most extreme environments in the universe. Not only is it hard to convince someone to live there, but even harder to build something safely there." Blackhole habits can only be build in blackhole system, they can be build around blackholes or any planetary bodies within the system. Now we can have a habitat icon on construction ships, a gateway icon and maybe split megastructure into megastructures and galactic wonders. You know reduce the amount of scrolling people have to do.
Finally! I feel like late game I'm basically a galactic travel agent moving my pops to other planets constantly.
I use a greater than ourselves edict mod that gives that edict to you from the start. It’s much better, though you still have the problem of it not moving slaves, and it putting species wherever it can, rather than where they are best suited. We really need a system where when you are building a tech ringworld and all your other planets are full, that every planet then grows the best pops it can for that ringworld and sends them all over.
It really is frustrating. I just hope they also make it easier to force grow one type of pop. I hate having to reverse the AI's dumb decisions every few months on every single one of my planets. Especially since, if I don't, some foreign alien race suddenly becomes my main pop and that makes me feel awkward. I don't want some damn billy goat ruling my bug empire!
@@SamN234 The empire of the NEETs
I feel this so much!!
This is legit one of the reasons I choose genocidal races.
I hate moving around pops in the late game and looking forward to this change. Uncoupling building slots from total population is a great change as well.
Potential problem, especially counting on the usual shoddy work they do with updates: will this hub automatically resettle an unemployed pop as soon as it’s created? And if so, will the planet AI ever build new job slots, since it won’t perceive a need for it?
Hopefully someone will sit and test it before launch, for a change
@@SBezmy Possibly but i could easily see it will only move a pop if there isn't any available district or buildings that can be built.
Srđan Bezmalinović the AI already builds new jobs before pops grow. So that shouldn’t be an issue at all. And greater than ourselves moves pops pretty much instantly. So I’d imagine it would be much the same. If you don’t have automation on it still works fine. Just go through your planets once in awhile and prebuild some jobs. Then let the pops grow.
Finally giving a reason for starbases rather than baby capacity
I hope you’re all right and this doesn’t introduce yet another inscrutable problem to the planet AI’s already goldfish-level strategic capacity :) fingers crossed
Hey Aspec, I do not know if you usually check comments, but I just want to leave a small message for you:
I want to thank you for making me playing Stellaris. Since the game came out, I was always fascinated by the game, but after seeing how confusing it was, and the many videos I saw, I never bought the game.
This was a problem for me, since I love strategy games. I am 48 years old, I started playing the first titles of Civilization (in MS-DOS if u can believe that!), saw the birth of RTS games like Dune 2 and Command & Conquer.
Play to death, all the series of Master of Orion and many others.
For the first time since Stellaris came out, I found out your channel and your videos.
I even spent many hours of playing other strategy games from Paradox.
I spent the whole video of you explaining the interface. Because of that video, I got the game, all the DLC's and I just fucking love this game!
So, thank you, for your well made videos, well explained to start in Stellaris and finally, thank you very much for making me playing this amazing game that has still today, so many potential to grow.
All the best for you and your channel.
Thank you.
You're welcome
Dang if thats a small message i wonder what a long one would be like lol
@@itspetz7421 You should read when I am pissed 😜
@@itspetz7421 probably longer I would assume, hint’s in the name.
Yeah bro I’m like 14 and aspec made me get into and play this game
managing pops is why I'm scared of conquering other empires once I can afford to conquer them..... they have so many useless planets that I just dont wanna deal with
You could make them vassals as a megacorp, thats what i do so i never have to handle 10+ planets.
Slave them all, hoard enough resources and them apply the genocide oil massage on your eyebrows for relaxation.
Especially if they have fecking serviles? Oh my god. It’s the *worst,* because I play trade empires, so serviles are *worthless.* and for some reason they *always* grow more often then every other pop type. (Also, because xenophile, I can’t simply genocide them.)
I always use the small garbo worlds as refining worlds. Since refining provides a smaller amount of jobs than the other industrys. Just retool them to feed your industry on your core worlds. Its a pain when you get them but you can squeeze out some value out of those tainted worlds inhabited by xenos filth.
What I've always wanted, better pop management.
Influence? Thanks I hate it.
Yeah, Influence cost is... savage. Make it cost credits, anything I can trade for, influence is always at a premium until end game unless you're a purifier.
@Anteep no need to worry about pop happiness when the pops no longer exist :)
8:18 I like how "is the Senate" is official Stellaris terminology.
"Iam the senate!"
Not yet.
If they add an emergency housing decision this should be an overall improvement.
That could actually be nice. Maybe it could be a planetary decision which is limited to non-FanEgalitarian empires. It gives a housing bonus on the planet but when deactivated, it creates a Sprawling Slums blocker with a base cost of 1000 credits
I'm definitely not happy with that influence cost.
I'm always drowning in Influence mid-late game, it's completely un-used it feels like.
i second that
given that it is meant for the late game im okay with this
For those who like Ant colony style gameplay, Corvee system is now looking REAL good as it should be.
@@MrBones-td6qn 25 influence per pop is ridiculously high. That's 40 non slave pops max at maximum influence. And I'm very rarely at max influence. I spend it like hotcakes from making claims, building ecus and megastructures. Only after I've completely maxed out megastructures, ecus, and conquered every bit of the galaxy do I have the luxury of having spare influence.... By then the game is over. I just am aggressive about that stuff and unfortunately I love moving pops around manually. This removes that ability entirely for me.
The devs said they're considering a planet-based building instead to enable automatic Pop movement. It's all hot code and up to change.
Maybe we could get both starbase module and planet building, picking which one is more convenient at the time?
From the look of it though they're reducing building slots on planets. Unless that changes as well. Because the planetary rework dev diary only shows 12 building slots whereas vanilla stellaris rn has 16. I would hate if this got turned into planetary building, because yeah with the planetary rework you'll probably have some extra building slots on industrial and forge worlds but I don't think that will be enough to make up for the reduction on say research worlds and the like. I appreciate decoupling the slots from population, I do not appreciate having the slots reduced.
@@TheCoal27 this'd be pretty quick to patch with a mod thankfully
Heyo Aspec,
Just wanna say thanks my dude. You've been helping me and my growing circle of friends who play stellaris get into the game. I'm a huge RTS buff but they're more casual but cause of you they've gotten into stellaris & you've definitely helped me increase my skill :)
OK, that transit hub... that I like.
Though it's going to be limited by how many stations you can float.
It was further discussed in the developer thread that this should be an option as planetary building, which would make much more sense.
@@TheExi123 but if it was a planetary building, it would only work on that planet, what if you have more than one planet and multiple habitats? Or a fully developed Ringworld?
TBF, a big empire is supposed to be a logistics nightmare
@@MisterW0lfe This building for starbases only exchanges pops between starbases which both have it. If its a building on planets (or both) the system becomes much more flexible. Binding it to starbases only is not flexible enough imo.
I tend to have more planets than starbases, especially as sometimes bottlenecks AREN'T inhabited systems, so would prefer a building.
Looks like a starbase building and YES, I am ABSOLUTELY here for it!!!
Thank you for the update Mr. Black Hole!
The colony automation improvements are a definite plus for me, but the way transit hubs are being handled is weird to me. Given how essential Transit Hubs are going to be for egalitarian empires in the late game, why not just have the building built into the starbase by default? FTL Inhibitors work that way, so why not Transit Hubs or a bunch of other common starbase buildings like Crew Quarters?
Maybe some changes to the slots in the starbases? (probably wishful thinking...)
There is a chance the player doesnt want their system pop redistribution automated.
@@lunasigmund8096 If thats the case then one would not build the hub on a starbase right?
@@kar351 If they made it built in (like FTL inhibitors, as OP suggested) then that wouldn't be a option.
@@GaratghDeloi Ops, yeah, forgot that option.
Welp, imma just prepare a remove influence resettlement cost mod lmaoooo
They should add for utopia or federations space elevator building to attach habitats to worlds
Will surely mess up void dwellers
@@agamemnonofmycenae5258 not really they should be able to do the same thing it just would give the ability to use the planets building and stuff on the habitat or the other way for the price of 2 building or 2 districts or an choice for 100 to 500 metal and void dwellers should get no housing on planets. Also probably a good idea for the one planet challenge for an extra 8 districts and 16 buildings.
This could be an upgrade for home worlds plus if the planet gets wiped out with an netron beam all workers should die on the planet.
A debuff for them could be they have a tiny chance to destroy a building or districts
While a neat idea, I'd rather they instead add in the option of having planetary rings that increase pop cap and planet size. Habitats are more for uninhabitable areas imo, while that upgrade is already implemented in mods and could easily be incorporated into the game.
The only bad thing about the transit hub (or good depending on how you wanna look at it) is that it requires starbases above every system you have which early on your gonna be limited in the amount you can build, they really should just make it an edict you have at the start of the game or an edict you can research come the early to mid-game, or possibly make it so that once the tech with transit hub is research all your outposts gain it automatically but you have the option to turn it off (dunno if it would be possible to code something like that or not).
"Welcome to the Transit Hub Bus! Tickets please.......Sir, this influence ticket has expired! Leave this bus, now!"
The only time using influence points would be a little more acceptable is if a pop is not one of your main species or slaves. Or maybe influence cost for free nations.
Just like aspec here, i don't much do automated stuff, i like to manage the building of stuffs on my planet by myself, even when i have dozens of inhabited planets in my empire.
Edit: 3:12 this is a nice and welcome QOL improvement and prob my fave of the whole dev diary.
A little eye-candy I would love to see connected to this:
A transport ship going from the starting transport hub to the end transport hub that has the pop in it. i.e. you actually see it flying through your systems, and if you click it it says "Transporting pop (Human Specialists from Earth to Dumpsterfire)".
if it's purely visual with no interactable component, I wouldn't mind, however it's also got potential to result in additional slow down. (similar to SoaSE's issues with it's refineries and trade convoys which do that very thing but end up bogging the game down due to all the calculations involved). Pure visual fluff on the other hand gives a similar effect but could result in a much reduced processing weight.
@@ZanathKariashi Yeah. The dream would be pop transfers, trade ships, material transfers etc etc all being visible and interactible on some level. Would make for some amazing nice flows of space ships in many systems. But that would probably hog computer resources to a completely unplayable level.
Probably similar for calculating trade on a per-goods, per-province basis for games like EU4 and Vicky.
the concepts you mentioned for civil engineering are really interesting and would be a good idea if trade could affect it. like they could up the dangers of space piracy (even make mini crises) of say a pirate force on the scale of a really weak marauder that could spawn once every hundred years or so for every empire when piracy is getting out of hand and it would balance by having civil engineering reduce piracy in those lanes as well as allowing for other buffs to the systems. This way there is some cost to maintaining certain/good trade routes and empires that dont care about trade just dont need to sink resources into it (or if there is a similar system for them then its less resources) kind of aligning that the traders often get buffs and advantages whereas the non traders focus more on raw power and the buffs they may already have (like with determined exterminators)
So basically, they added public transport, but in SPACE.
I feel this'll make egalitarian empires more fun to play imo, since they have less population controls. Now it'll be automated in a sensible way without upsetting your main faction.
>I usually cannot stop talking about the greater good because of how good it is
Tau in a nutshell.
Whoa, the Doomsday origin is about to become impossible. Why every diary sounds like one step forward and two steps back?
Doomsday doesn't cost influence to resettle from the homeworld due to it's special modifier that reduces resettlement costs. It already reduces the energy costs significantly, and post-patch will also waive influence costs for resettling away from that planet.
@@ZanathKariashi To be fair, if the doomsday origin just kept those wavered things it'd become a really REALLY interesting origin that would be more than a challenge one, but a way to also get a free civic as an origin on top of its challenge, which is interesting.
saw the post a while back and was wondering when you'd get around to covering it given how big it is for dealing with the pain that is pop management, especially with the influence costs for certain types of pops
I sadly had to work crazy hours
@@A_Spec that blows, i do hope said crazy hours don't mess with how much sleep you're getting
Love the idea of the transit hubs but I'm a little disipointed that they are only for a single system and cost 5. I'll still use it since it's nice but damn, it's way more limited than I'd like.
you can personally mod this just by adjusting numbers in the game files
Its not for a single system people will migrate from any system without jobs or housing with a transition hub installed to any system with a transition hub installed, decent habitability jobs and housing, simple
@@Alberto-sv1ou I was saying each hub is for 1 system. I know how they work lol
@@darkxieon bro its for the lategame their upkeep and cost is meaningless unless you are doing something wrong with the economy, i can have +2k credits a month just with trade in the late game
@@Alberto-sv1ou Also aware. Using it for mid-game (2300) or so when you can start getting flooded with pops and your income in energy credits is like +200 is a lot harder though (which it would be cool to use then). I'm not saying they aren't useful, I'm saying I hate micromanaging pops so if I could get rid of that from early to mid game it'd be great. Which I still CAN do but at 2250-2300 it'll be a much larger hit to your economy
ASpec: Resateling pop now gona cost influence.
Me: Well there goes my voidborn empire.
ASpec: Transit hub mow move pop in one system.
Me: Well considering my empires 21 colonies is in one system that works great. :)
Actually if I read it correctly it says it will allow pops in a system with a Transit hub to move to a colony with the space and jobs for them in ANY of your systems system with a Transit hub not just the one with the rent
Influence cost huh? Guess i have to start purging undesirables immediately.
Aspec is the only reason I can even play stellaris
Honestly, I'll just wait for a mod that'll remove this influence cost off resettlement.
today in the game that never stops being updated we talk about how you are gonna have to relearn the entire game again.
As someone who LOVES to play habitats...this is amazing....
Is it though? 25 influence per pop moved. I usually quickly end up with full pop'ed habitats and use the extra pop growth to settle other habitats faster. At 25 per pop, my initial 10 habitats would usually require some ~250 influence every other year to move pops around.
@@ocadioan Well the travel hubs should make it automatic, so making a bunch of tall systems with these, which is what habitats do, would pretty much accomplish this.
So many amazing quality of life improvements already I'm so excited for what more there is to come. Hell it could just be the changes to districts/buildings and the changes to pop management and I'd be hyped.
I always love new features and i'm always excited for new content. But I am dying for more indepth ground combat (units, movements, battlelines, etc) when invading a planet or defending
I think I'm happy with this. Automizing pop resettlement in such a way is a step in the right direction, and it offsets the increased cost for manual resettlement imo. MY only gripe is that they should have put in a mechanic to let us designate which races are to grow/migrate to which planets while they were at it.
This will be a huge help especially mid to late game
I wanted to be angry about influence, but since the changes, the influnce in midgame stacks anyway, so it seems fine-ish.
I'm glad that they tried to solve the pop problem. But this seems to just make me scratch my head even more when I manage my pop.
The Greater Good is such a lifesaver tbh, but the transit hub is a good thing too. I also find that I end up trying to figure out what to put in my starbases, so this will be great.
I know that feeling. My starbases will be with this.
Travel Hub
Deep Space Blacksite
Hyperspace uplink (until I get a gateway system, then i replace with 4th building)
4th building depends on base.
Trying for the Greater Good tree is always such a pain but almost necessary in the late game. I've spent hours just moving pops around because I was playing an empire with slaves. I think this would be an amazingly welcome addition and great substitution for those kinds of empires that oppose the Greater Good.
I just imagine you dressing up a necroid as a slave and then going through customs arguing that this is in fact not a ruler, but a slave, so you don't need to pay any duties on it.
that influence cost is the first thing I'm finding a mod to disable, whether I can disable it myself in the files or not.
Hopefully it's something that can be changed in defines.
What’s this about slamming a rock into a Lithoid planet with Calamitous Origin now?
the idea is kinda... take a big Rock (500minerals) Slam it into a planet to make 2-3 pops, then unearth 2 pops more for (2000minerals) from the crater. then send them back home pox (2500energy)... get it? you got a create 5 pop for 2500/2500 energy/mineral... then repeat. and repeat. and repeat.. this sound a little expensive tho... so you can leave the pops burried and stack them up so at some point you get like 20 pops burried... then you get a governoer whit a 33% clear tile blocker. a edict for 25% more and whereever you can find more reductions... so you can get the pops for almost free whitout spending minerals
the 200 influence to destroy the colony, stops this exploid... or alteadt makes it really expensive :D
Should be mentioned that those prices can be reduced a lot. You can get the colony ship down to around 350 minerals (might have been 375) with the right empire type and you can stack reductions to blocker removal costs to 0 unless i'm mistaken. Combine that with the fact that you can start with a extra pop on a new colony and the trait that makes resettlement cheaper and you get a lot of pops for cheap. So the influence cost for removing the last pop of a colony is kinda a good idea if they want to prevent stuff like this.
Yeah. I abused this in a game played with a couple friends. There's a poor little size 12 planet in my empire that has -400% habitability because of the **eight** impact craters I've created on it. A couple thousand minerals is very cheap in the early-mid game especially since lithoids mine extra, you don't have enough planets to spend a lot on buildings, and lithoids have low pop growth. Being able to effectively buy 4 pops in the span of a year is extremely effective.
I approve of this particular nerf.
The problem with transit hubs is they are soft capped to the amount of starbases you have, meaning the wider you play the less useful they will be which forces you into taking the civic. I am worried about this homogenizing empire designs.
Wide has been the meta for a while, so buffing tall doesn't seem out of place.
@@eagames456 its not really a buff its a QOL fix.
you can take edicts/ ascension perks and there is no reason you shouldn't have enough upgraded starbase capacity for most major population centers. realistically you should want to have a better station in any location with more planets/pops, to prevent it being taken in war
@@ikxalenull7 in most galaxies planets are spread out and you have a max of like 25 starbases at the very end game. If you are playing on a huge galaxy its very easy to hit the soft cap without even needing to blob too excessively. Plus this makes conquring new planets even worse for anyone who isn't a xenophobe or slaver guild when you need to spend influence to manually fix the ai's horrible planet design and overpopulation problems.
I'm really glad the Devs were communicating with the community this time, their original ideas would have been a real hassle.
This update and change is going to make soooo many things viable again. The Devs are at it again!
Holy crap thank god. Should have been in the game for years already.. might play a run again now
I like how the transit hub gives a slight edge to tall empires over wide ones. It seems like wide is the meta and tall could use a little help. At least that's what my newbie understanding is.
You guys remember when every OTHER action, besides all the rest of them we were doing was cycling through every settlement activating the planetary decision on each one to dump loads of apples on said colony to make the colonists more frisky?
I want space trains or space monorails to carry my pops to my newly terraformed Gaia worlds in the next update.
After owning multi sectors and planets, one had to pay attention to which planet need modifying and moving unemployed pops. It makes you workaholics high but unwelcome though... , since it is a game. It should be more fun without too much working effort. Looking forward to see good change to happen.
Yeah, that free pops from colony starting/shutting down exploit is clearly being addressed with that influence cost. I dig improving the 'useless' civics.
@3.30 how can something so simple have taken so long to implement? Finally!
and there are no *[Trade Ships]* :[
for the 48975th time: trade ships would be cool but they'd cause CPU death for not that much more added gameplay value. there were some civ trade mods back in the day, you couldnt get past tier 4 weapons before the game ground to a halt
@@jambondepays1969 then you just add it as system graphics :D wr can have less asteroids in belts, just add intra-system traffic graphics
There's a mod for it. ISBS. Adds cosmetic-only trade ships flying between your trade hubs and some in-system traffic.
@@harbl99 oh cool, thx for that
@@SBezmy im pretty sure it would still eat up CPUs as you'd need to calculate routes for the trade ships, even if they were purely aesthetic.
and if they were purely aestehtic, it would suck cause you wouldn't be able to hit them with your fleets and it'd break immersion and just feel bad overall
honestly if the tech allowed it i'll be all over civ trade ships, but as it stands it doesn't strike me as a good idea. and they have other priorities, like making combat a bit more interesting (personally i want to see task forces and sub warfare, but that's another subject entirely)
All HAIL the talking black hole of knowledge
And of course . . they give you more slots technically to work with on planets with the district rework . .
And on the other hand they take away another slot from your star bases.
These hubs should be planetary buildings, not system station buildings.
i generally find i run out of things to put in stations, because my playstyle is very tall, i prefer having a system station building as it wont take up potentially 12 building slots per system
holy shit yes I need this. playing a multiplayer game with 10 others and a wide/tall empire and 24/7 fast mode is fekkin near impossible to keep up.
i would really like to see gateways have a more important economic function with trade routes and resettlement.
Also it always pains me that I can't build them in the systems of my vassals.
Why can I not construct the gates of war in the realms of my loyal war pets hm?
Hey, there's a command that can help with performance. The command is ticksperturn 4. This command increases the game speed regardless of how many pops, ships or whatever. You can set the number higher but you will have major issues. You will have to pause the game now and then because the speed is a little too high to register commands. DO NOT SET IT TOO HIGH, seconds turn into months the higher number.
I do think that establishing trade routes that give bonuses to routes would be awesome and possibly be used by your enemies
I would love to see them replace the star base limit with a star fortress limit, and lock the heavy weapons behind that upgrade. Make civilian stations infinite and give them small strength increases up to maybe around 1k at full strength, help them fight off strike craft. That would give you so much more to do in managing your nation and deciding where to prioritize spending your resources, you’d always have something that would be useful upgraded.
Automatic Pop Migration, we salute you!
You’ve kept us calm and saved meters of unburnt nerves, your job is almost over, at last)
so i'm at the start haven't watched much of this, but would love to see more life in this game. like civilian traffic moving to and from stations trade ships moving down trade routes etc. i know there was a mod early on for this but it was never kept up to date.
I love the influence cost, IMO. It makes RP sense.
I dont think we have to worry about influence cost for pop ressetlement. If the transit hub is in use it will move pops automatically to vacant planets without influence cost. No doubt the utility on starbases is meant to be used at every trade center and overflowed population centers.
Influence cost makes sense, because people hard cheese sending colony ships and sending the pops back. glad its going
That Influence cost to move pops is about ten times as high as I would've expected it to be. Seems like a targeted Influence sink, all right! ='[.]'=
Late game with my current empire i have to shift over 10 to 20 pops a turn. Would love that station upgrade.
I would love to have an acceleration field on my starbases, or maybe a rapid recharge field which allows ships to travel in hyperspace near instantly after docking at the starbase for a short while.
EDIT: I would also like a system where you can automatically set development such as in technology or fleets. The higher the level of your leader currently doing a thing, the better they'll use what they're given. We already have automatic survey, I want to expand on stuff like that.
Maybe with governers, they'll just do general benefits on every world at level 1, but at max level they'll strategically develop worlds to ensure that the profits exceed the deficits on worlds, automatically colonize worlds if the benefits of having the world exceed what you lose from it in a major way.
With scientist leaders, at level 1 they'll go for the researches that take the least time to develop, but at max level you can set technological preferences, in which they'll prioritize developing certain things (For example, set your Engineering Scientist to prioritize Voidcraft developments, then Material developments).
With Admirals, at level 1 they'll go exclusively for the systems that you claimed, in the aims of just ending the war right then and there, or they'll automatically seek out enemy threats if you set them to wander. At max level, they will strategically cripple the enemy, taking out shipyard stations and then taking the systems you claimed, and will constantly aim to strategically cripple enemies. This makes you more likely to want to level up your admirals for more than just their perks. I think the Admiral system could be expanded further but I'll go in further on explaining 'Phases of Attack' admirals will use after I explain my ideas for how Generals might work.
With Generals, at Level 1 they will either try to train as many of your best armies as possible, without caring for the costs of your empire (often independent to Governors, though maybe there'd be a special event where the Governor and General leaders get into a big argument, and depending on how you handle it and your ethics, you might cause an insurrection started by the General, or the Gorvernor loses EXP), and when commanding transport fleets, they will recklessly toss their soldiers towards an enemy world, regardless of whether or not it's claimed. When at max level, they'll train special squads that have unique synergy, then command transport fleets to worlds. Admirals and Generals will work together to ensure that transport fleets can get to and invade enemy worlds.
Now, about Admirals. I DID mention the 'Phases of Attack' yes? I did. Now. I'm going to list each phase of attack, and also explain how they work in their own little thing. The phases of attack would be "Assault", "Reinforce", "Hunt", "Retreat", and "Defend".
Assault - This is the basic phase of attack during a war. Admirals will use tactics (according to their level and strategic doctrine, a new form of trait that comes with their new one) to specifically attack the enemy. In general they hunt down enemy fleets, occupy enemy stations, and may command individual ships in a fleet and create unique forms of attack to basically turn the tables on opponents (For example, they might use a corvette swarm armed with point defense to neutralize enemy strike craft and then ram powerful cruisers into the enemy to attempt to pound enemy carriers into submission) in battles. They might strategically utilize Jump Drives to hunt down enemies.
Reinforce - When an admiral's fleet takes near lethal damage, and after they've retreated, they'll enter the Reinforce phase of attack, where they will request reserve ships to reinforce their fleets (High level admirals will automatically request reserve fleets to be established. Reserve Fleets are basically just reinforcement stock), and make sure that their fleet is accessible to reinforcements. After they have gotten adequate reinforcements (About 80% or so, or as much as the reserve fleet can manage), then they will go back to Assault.
Hunt - Basic phase of attack during non-war situations. They'll hunt down leviathans and other space-borne threats. It's basically Assault but stations aren't something that is usually considered unless necessary.
Retreat - When admirals take too much damage (The higher the level, the lower they will fight until), they will retreat. They might also pull back to commence the Defend phase of attack.
Defend - When enemy fleets attack your territory, and an admiral isn't too far away, they will attempt to quickly get back to your systems to defend your territory against attacks. Low level admirals are simply unable to commence this phase of attack.
Feel free to expand on anything I say here, or even put these ideas to Paradox themselves. If you want to ask me if you can implement these ideas into a mod or something, well you don't need to give me credit but I'd like it. :P
God that sounded arrogant.
It would be nice if A.I. can build necessary amenities building during colony phase and then automatically switch to whatever planet's designation role.
*Aspec you glorious bastard.*
There should be an evacuate planet feature. Let’s say the unbidden is attacking one of your frontier world so you use your fleet to by time and evacuate all pop from the planet
As of Dev Diary 191 automatic resettlement can now happen even without GTO and/or a Transit Hub, these just now increase the chance of it happening. Transit Hub doubles the chance and GTO triples it, the two stack additive so having both quadruples the chance. Democracies also now increase the chance by 50% stacking additive with the other bonuses.
one thing i'd love to see in stellaris is a HUGE megatstructure military station with HUGE guns on it think the star base fully upgraded but dialed upto 11
Thats sounds great and all but figuring out which chokepoint you want it on would he a nightmare
@@solidsnake6206 that would be the fun part tbh it could be amazing built in the right place or used to protect ur most valuable system imo it would be nice to create some from of blockade where any enemy force would need a HUGE force to take it out
@@hyperkaioken4982 yeah, but before doing that they should really just focus on pops, one planet being taken away shouldn't completely cripple your entire economy.
@@solidsnake6206 oh for sure
Hey @Aspec, I feel a read of the latest dev blog is in order, as they kinda revised a few of the changes they announced in earlier posts.
Am aware, also working 12 hour shifts atm.
Lathrix gonna hate this update for not able use low habitability world for pops
But he’s going to love how much time it’ll save lategame, which’ll save him so much recording time
It would make much more sense for colony ships to actually cost a pop or two. Then you gain nothing by doing that exploit.
@@slipknottin a logicial idea!? Hahahaha! Noe!
@Jay X True but wide players like myself don't appreciate this logic lmao. But lets say you are at cap, that's still only what? 40 pops you can move before you go from max to zero influence. Which is horrendously low. 25 influence for every pop? LOL 50 for others. Geez. lmao
@@renaldoawes2210 Yeah but they kinda need a penalty for tall players after they made admin cap really easy to get. Now they need to make nerfs to talk empires.
Thanks heaven, now i can scrap habitats! Thanks Paradox overlord.
The transit hubs need to have a way to modify their range. If there is no range modification in the late game you will probably have a trade route protection/collection issue if you are trying to automate pop distribution when you hit the star base cap.
Automation is good to get new players but i find the more hands on you are the better
the transit hub basically requires 1 upgraded station in every system with a colony. Maybe i'm playing wrong but i generally put those in areas of strategic value over colonized systems. This seems like it would make the ascension of "grasp the void" more of a requirement than an option.
Broken colony management and population migration is why i quit this game.
So much this. I loved this game so much before leguinn, but that update made colony and pop management utterly miserable. Hopefully these changes make the game fun again
@Ban I want them to move there automatically. So sick of baby sitting pops at that point in the game.
Rob Hand get the greater than ourselves edict mod so that edict is always available. It will move any non-slave pop automatically once you enable the edict.
@Ban mod: automatic pop migration. there is no other way to enjoy the game.
There's actually a mod that helps with this.
The transport hub sounds great and all, but it is going to be annoying that trading hubs won't be as effective anymore. Because the whole point of the trading hub was that all the trade value in a given sector (or once you get gateways potentially your whole empire) goes through one starbase. But now if you want your pops to move freely between planets then you need to have a different starbase for each of your planets, which will drastically increase the desire for a higher starbase cap. I would really enjoy if they changed the transport hub to be like a trade hub module where if you have multiple it increases the range. In that case you might have two starbases per sector rather than one. One that has all the trade hubs and potentially 1 transport hub for its own planet (if in an inhabited system), and then another that has all the transport hubs and that way you could make it work efficiently without having to waste your starbase capacity on a starbase for every planet. Like you might still have one each for the really important ones so you can have black sites and whatever, but you wouldn't need it for your super small and frontier planets too, the planets that most often need pops moved to/from them.
That influence cost for resettlement is putting me in the mood to grab a pitchfork... Apart from that the rest of the stuff looks promising.
Me: sees changes to Pop resettlement and hates it
also Me: sees that the civic that I used anyway completly handwaves the changes
Crisis aveted
Corvee System is basically Autocrathy confirmed as based
Oligarchy giving a buff to influence gain could not be more perfect for my playstyle 😁👍
As someone who likes to have spawning pool fringe worlds to massively populate my core worlds making it so moving pops costs influences completely breaks my playstyle as I'm moving hundreds of pops around by year 2300.
Pop Resettlement gets a huge pain in the ass especially with the Necrophage Civic. I ended up scanning worlds for eligible pops and resettled to worlds with free Necrophyte jobs just to keep them going.
Also I think they should buff the Transit Hub to work in tandem with a Starbase's Trade Value Collection Range.
A tip for you that i like to do is to make the people on the planet undisirebls so they are made into necrophages. Your normal slave pops should migrate to the planet after some time (if you have slaves that like the planet that is)
I’m still waiting for 2022 where someday megacorp will come out like why 2021 ahhh so long
I appreciate this further diversification--BUT WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE GESTALTS AND MEGACORPS?! XD
OMG, I feel so SEEN! xD
I wonder if there will be worlds that can focus on specific techs like social. Not sure if you can focus on the other 2 via buildings...
Goddamn that highlight of unemployed pops is a quality of life update!
I think with shared burdens you will be able to move pops for the same ammount of credits
Just played a FP game with 162 Planets in my outliner, i would have died managing this if i didnt have the GC resolution unlocked by a mod
We need a proper logistic system: ammo and supply depot, refueling station, fleet that support the logistic of the armies, etc. Granted it might be micro-managing hell and slow the game down to a crawl but the fact that you can forgot a fleet out in the wild for years on end with little consequences beside increase energy upkeep is kinda odd. This will also make certain system a more important target beside just another choke point or mining planets. For example now when you start planning for a war, you either construct a star base in the nearby system and turn it into a supply depot, or use the nearest planet for safety reason and not wanting to waste a star base slot but now you ship might have to travel further for resupply. They can even add new resupply ship which can range from just a giant container to automated industrial ship capable of resupply fleet on the move.
It’s a very micromanagement style idea I think they could sort out lore wise if they just explained refuelling ships were sent out to the fleet which is why the 25% cost comes into effect. Perhaps a flat 25% cost every six months you are away from a hub
Mentioned on the paradox forums they should rethink starbases because of course people had concerns about starbase capacity being a problem in regards to getting transit hubs in all of the systems they've colonized. I wasn't here at the start of the game, so if the devs did explained the logic, I missed it. I assume they weren't keen on the idea of 100 system empires being allowed to easily setup a starfortress in each and everyone of those systems. Anyways, split starbases into two groups. Military stronghold starbases, which are focused on defense and are the only starbase that can build hanger bays, missile and artillery starbase modules and are subject to a limit. AKA starbase limit becomes your military stronghold starbase limit. Then we get the civilian side of things and we can call those interstellar hubs, these can not build the militarized modules and can only dish out the damage of outposts and have the same defense platform limit, even if you fully upgrade it to the equivalent of a star fortress, but losing them will have no impact on war score because they can't really do anything military wise in most cases. They are limited to only inhabited systems, doesn't matter if it's a planet or habitat and there is no limit on how many players have. Players will have the option to militarize these if they feel that is for the best, maybe it's on their border or in a really good chokepoint. Anyway interstellar hubs would be geared towards the macro level of civil infrastructure management and open a way to make starbases, at least in inhabited systems, an interesting component of the game with further iterations.
Also cause I know someone wills say, "but what about systems with just a blackhole or a blackhole & artisan/curator base?" IIRC you can't build habitats in those because you can't build habitats around stars and depending on where that is, you might not want to militarize a starbase there because any attacker won't waste their time taking it. I feel this would be an excellent chance to declutter the megastructure build icon on construction ships. First we make it so habitats, the vanilla form can't be build in blackhole systems. Then we add in a new research called blackhole habitats. Maybe the flavor text is along the lines of "Blackhole systems are some of the most extreme environments in the universe. Not only is it hard to convince someone to live there, but even harder to build something safely there." Blackhole habits can only be build in blackhole system, they can be build around blackholes or any planetary bodies within the system. Now we can have a habitat icon on construction ships, a gateway icon and maybe split megastructure into megastructures and galactic wonders. You know reduce the amount of scrolling people have to do.
I've only ever resettled pops on my one "evil" playthough...
Anyone know when the next DLC is coming to console and which one it is?