真實植髮個案4 - 素人 Tommy 剖白實錄 (Feb 2024)

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • tell me about your story…
    自我哋嘅植髮真人實錄出街後,都鼓勵咗好多朋友仔,不論年長後生,去積極面對自己嘅脫髮問題。 而今次呢輯新嘅真人實錄,就請嚟咗一位年青有為嘅素人Tommy嚟做嘉賓!雖然未到中年,但 Tommy 已經睇到自己嘅脫髮問題,尤其係個 “M”字額位,一直都想去正視同解決佢。 好!Tommy!果然夠積極!咁就俾個機會你,等你可以親身感受,同大家分享一吓你今次响我哋呢度嘅植髮心得先~! 事不延遲,馬上去片!
    睇完 Tommy嘅真情剖白之後,係咪覺得好鼓舞呢~?想好似我哋呢位素人嘉賓咁,去感受到植髮後嗰種喜悅同自信嘅話,唔駛再三心兩意喇,而家就同我哋聯絡啦!
    Hair transplant case # 4 documentary - real-life people Tommy (Feb 2024)
    Since our real-life hair transplant documentary program came out, it has served as a great encouragement to many people, whether they are senior or young, to face their hair loss problem upfront. In this new documentary, we have our new real-life-people guest, Tommy, a promising young man! Although he is not a middle-aged man, Tommy has fully aware of his hair loss issue, especially the "M" shaped hairline, and he’s been finding a way to deal with it. Alright then! Since you’ve been such courageous to face your hair loss issue upfront! We got a chance for you this time! So let’s share your experience here with everyone about your hair transplant journey and recovery etc.! Without further ado, let’s begin now!
    After watching Tommy’s documentary, do you feel inspired and confident about hair transplant treatment? If you want to experience the joy and confidence after the hair transplant treatment like Tommy, then don’t hesitate any longer, come and get in touch with us now!
    地址: 香港中環夏慤道12號美國銀行中心508室
    營業時間: 星期一 至星期五10am-7pm, 星期六 10am-6pm
    電話查詢 : (852) 2526 6238
    whatsapp: (852) 9149 1611 (或點擊此連結: api.whatsapp.c...)
    Facebook: HairWorks專業醫學植髮中心
    Instagram: hairworks_hk
    微信公眾號: SkinWorkshk
    #hairworks_hk #haircare #hairloss #脫髮 #脫髮治療 #專業脫髮治療 #男仕脫髮 #男仕植髮 #香港脫髮治療專家 #真實個案 #素人剖白實錄 #professionalhaircare #hairlossexpert #hongkong #hairtransplant #hongkongmen #realcase #hairline #noworries #actnow #takechargeofyourself

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