More Women's and Subaltern People's Archives in a Traditional Archival Institution

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • ANAMED Library Talks continued in September. The talk is entitled “More Women's and Subaltern People's Archives in a Traditional Archival Institution: Towards a New Policy”. This month's guests were Celso Castro and Amurabi Oliveira. The FGV CPDOC, a traditional Brazilian archival institution, has more than 200 personal archives, less than 5% of which were of women in 2015, with almost no documentation of subaltern people (such as indigenous people). However, since 2015, the CPDOC has taken institutional initiatives that have resulted in greater diversity and inclusion in its documentary collection about gender (in)equality and inclusion of documents related to subaltern peoples. The presentation will explain how we changed the “Archival Policy” of the institution and its outcomes. Amurabi Oliveira was the moderator.

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