I’m pretty new here but I’m curious is this a Nintendo only channel? I got nothing against that but I was under the impression that this was a retro gaming tube channel. Also, I’m trying my best to look past the fact that he repeats words over and over again, seems like he’s really trying to pad his videos to make the 10 minute mark. Again I could be wrong
I was there for the 90's arcade scene and played tons of Cruis'n USA and Cruis'n World and played their ports on the N64... this is gonna nostalgia trip for me a bit... gonna play some Cruis'n Blast and crank some 90's music playlist and drink tons of Barq's root beer
@@carlbramblett1985 they have a steering well? What hahaha I legit just played this game at Dave and busters back on Sunday so everything is still fresh, just bought it and my kids love it hahaha
I waited an hour at my local Walmart for the employees to find a copy of this, came home empty handed. Had a nice conversation with the manager about the series though! Hoping to get my hands on the physical edition of this, eventually. (ended up ordering one online)
@@SoukaDeezNutz They couldn't find them even though they were in stock, they said that products have been getting lost due to a lack of organization and employees lol
I got mine about a half hour away from my local WM (where I work). It’s the only one in my area that got copies (I saw 2…was only 33.88). Put in ur zipcode on their website you might have to go on a mini trip.
The switch has so many bangers for a portable. I desperately wanted the ps vita to have this many great titles……..but……..thank you Nintendo….. as a portable gaming fan I have to show some respect to you. 👍🏿
I still love my vita, it was around for a lot of developments in my life, but the switch library is truly something deserving all the hype... I was a super late switch adopter (bought one in 2020) but I got a v.2, and it's an absolute portable powerhouse, my battery has never died on me before I could charge it, and I play primarily in handheld mode... it's what I had hoped the ps vita would be (after playing that incredible uncharted title) but alas, Nintendo for the win...
I ordered the hori pro wheel and it arrived today. It works really well with the game. It uses the right button on that actual wheel for drift and that left wheel button for burst. I played over and hour and it flew by like 10 min. Watched the Apple event and I’m going right back into it now.
This is one of the best reviews on a Switch game I've seen. I hate reviews that go on and on, but this one was succinct and to the point. Nice footage too.
Most fun thing that i noticed is that the game makes you feel you're in danger all the time but if you try to brake and stand still the chaos will stop too and start again when you pass. 🤣
I'm really happy you're covering this game! Got my physical edition and it's such a "blast"! Bruh I grew up playing Cruis'N USA and World on N64, so this was goi6to be an instant buy for me on day one. It's just dumb fun, I hope they patch in Online play as that would be incredible!
Yeah. If this sells well, the game's director said we might get an arcade trilogy collection of the previous 3 titles 👍. Love the Cruis'n series & Midway games, in general.
@@SoukaDeezNutz I could see them throwing some new tracks and cars at us. It's gotta sell well though. Here's to hoping enough people support the game.
I think my wife is sick of hearing that theme song cus I was all over every trailer when this was originally announced, haha. but I just ordered my copy I can't wait to tear it up with all the crazy cars and tracks, and going back to get all the unlocks and play around with the customization stuff. been too long since I've played a great arcade racer on switch, so was definitely looking to pick this one up!
I picked this game up tonight after work and played for 3 hours. I wanted to keep playing but 5 am comes early ... LOL!! Great job Nintendo and if you love arcade racing this is a must own!!
Yeah. I know the description of The Fast and Furious story was a gag. But as absurd as the current Fast and The Furious movies, might as well shove it into the Cruis'n story line.
My son and I raced against each other in the arcade at Virginia Beach in July and had a great time . We came home and I looked it up to see if it was on any home consoles and saw that it was coming to the Switch in September so I preordered it . The tracking said that it would be here today on launch day . It is 7:30 PM . Still hasn't been delivered .
Thanks for the review! So glad this game seems to be as much fun as it looks! I've been looking for this type of arcade racer for a long time now! I'm looking forward to picking this up!
I was fortunate enough to play this at an arcade in Reno with my wife, we didn't want to get out of the seats!! When I saw this was ported over to the Switch I about lost my mind. Best Arcade Racer on Console Period! So glad to see that you reviewed this. I love that you went and bought the physical copy to support them!! I agree that the online multiplayer was a missed opportunity here.
I think I know what RGT’s favorite movie is, literally read the entire synopsis for The Fast and The Furious. Sad part is I realized it when he said “Dominic” 🤣
I just bought it, I love it. Mario Kart fans will love how familiar the controls are, and the fantasy elements of the stages. Also, developers of the original Cruis'n games like Eugene Jarvis worked on the game. Unlocking the bizarre racers like the triceratops are also rewarding.
@@TexasHollowEarth I always seem to forget about Best Buy when it comes to games. I need to quit doing that. I'm going to pass until the new year as I've already pre-ordered enough games this year. I just bought 6 games within the last week, 4 from LRG and 2 from Walmart.
I mean, to the defense of the "plot" you gave off, raw thrills, the developer did make all those fast and the furious games that have cropped up in the place of the classics
Crusin blast is straight up adrenaline-filled craziness in a cart. This kind of, over the top, surreal was just what I was looking for. And Triceratops is my current favorite “vehicle” so far. Though it does have that car model from Crazy Taxi in it, which I will have to try.
It feels great. The pedal might need to be modded if you want to attach them to a racing cockpit. The game has auto acceleration so you might not need to use the pedal. The wheel controls, and pedal inputs can be reassigned with different buttond as well.
Good review, I'm sold on the game, but is a wheel controller a must? The reason I ask, I don't have any other driving games, I want to see if I can get away with just using the joycons, at least for now. Thanks!
This game is a amazing arcade racer. Amazing to look at, thrilling, cool music, straight to the point and cool unlockables with great levels. If you are a fun of crazy arcade racers with a option for local multiplayer, get this!
Cruis'n USA, Cruis'n World, California Speed, San Francisco Rush, and Rush 2 were some of my all time favorite games. Those games felt perfect, so I'm glad to here this game is good, will definitely have to pick it up.
I'm still waiting on my pre-order from Best Buy. I am so excited to play this game and seeing all the footage just makes me even more excited. Do you use a wheel when you race or just the joycons?
after playing Horizon Chase Turbo I've wanted another arcade style racer and this looks ridiculously fun, but I'm worried the difficulty will take away from that now. I wonder if playing it only on easy mode will be more casual, or still frustrating?
Loved the games back in the 64 days and bought this game as soon as I got out of work today… glad to have a physical copy and would start playing ASAP if I wasn’t about to crash out bc of work.
Hey RGT 85. Could you tell me how to do flips and whatever you did there at the 0:17 mark of your review video? I just got the game on Switch and I can't see anywhere in the game that explains how to do these tricks. Much thanks man, I'm enjoying the game so far.
@@jbaize80 Yeah, I just recently found out thanks to the Loading screen tips from the game itself but you have to do a Wheelie just before any type of ramp/slope in order to flip. Also, double tapping the Drift button as well as tapping the Blast button once (when your out of Blasts to use) does this too.
I played this joint at Dave & Buster's back in 2017. I was practically begging for this game to get on the Nintendo Switch. It's definitely fun to play.
Nothing seen here makes any sense. Dinosaurs racing and doing flips and tricks between cars and choppers... And I'm not even going to try and describe the rest. This could easily become my new favourite racing game, taking over from Excite Truck / Bots, NFS Nitro on Wii, and MK:DD, I think. My second Cruis'n game, the first being Cruis'n Velocity on GBA. I also enjoyed Midnight Club 3 a lot, the older Burnout games, and some others, including the f2p Asphalt 9. I'll wait a little longer, but will probably get it eventually.
First of all, your singing voice is hilariously awesome! I gotta get you in the studio. Lol Second, this game is so much fun! I played it on a big screen TV and it felt like I was in an arcade again. I agree with your review.
I found and played on a Cruisin Blast arcade machine at a Flying-J truck stop in Altoona,IA I was surprised to see a arcade racing cabinet that said Nintendo on it. This was back in 2018 or 2019 and it was a fun game and I plan on picking up a physical copy for the Switch.
Awesome review. Be on camera, be off camera, no matter, I always look forward to your channel come up on my RUclips feed everyday while I’m at work. I bought the game on first day preorder because of your channel. Stay awesome 😎
Best on couch racing game out on the switch right now hahaha. Bought it Jan 2023 on $20 sale. Perfect nostalgia brought to the now that you'd want to play over and over till you win it all while competing against friends.
I was surprised with how much fun this game was! Enjoy.
I haven't seen an f&f movie in so long that you totally got me! Good one 👌
I’m pretty new here but I’m curious is this a Nintendo only channel? I got nothing against that but I was under the impression that this was a retro gaming tube channel.
Also, I’m trying my best to look past the fact that he repeats words over and over again, seems like he’s really trying to pad his videos to make the 10 minute mark. Again I could be wrong
You guy's are really lucky there's no online mode. If there was I'd take every one of you to school😎
Dave and Busters is where you can find an arcade today
I was waiting for your singing!!!
"It's a racing game. With dinosaurs. Of course it's gonna be good."
Wise Words.
I was there for the 90's arcade scene and played tons of Cruis'n USA and Cruis'n World and played their ports on the N64... this is gonna nostalgia trip for me a bit... gonna play some Cruis'n Blast and crank some 90's music playlist and drink tons of Barq's root beer
Can I come too??? 😂😂😂
Amen I thought I was the only one that like Barqs and Cruisn
Barqs has bite!
There was also San Francisco Rush and San Francisco 2049. Really great arcade racers
@@danielorourke6922 Yep I remember those as well... those games could use a huge remake
Cruis'n on the N64 was my childhood
Me to man
me too i still own my n64 and my cruis'n games
This and San Fransisco Rush were my go to games as a child.
@@erk8520 dude, yes! I would love to see that series make a comeback too!
My guy 🤙🏻 Cruis’n Exotica was mine
Not gonna lie, I cracked up when he started to describe the Fast and the Furious. RGT is a comedy gold channel.
It doesn’t matter if you win by a inch or a mile winning is winning.
For real, hits even better when you don't know FatF like that and then he hits you with the jk, loool
Wasn't that funny dude
I’m ashamed to say this but I’ve never seen fast & furious so he seriously had me going 😂😂
Comedy gold? Lol
I can tell your sense of humor is that of a 9 year old.
My favorite part of Cruis’n Blast is the emphasis on “FAMILY” 💪😉
This game is about family! Love it.
I played this at a Dave & Busters, it was pretty fun. Ill totally check this out for switch.
The Nintendo steering whee feels and responds exactly like the arcade
@@carlbramblett1985 they have a steering well? What hahaha I legit just played this game at Dave and busters back on Sunday so everything is still fresh, just bought it and my kids love it hahaha
@@emanuelrivera8048 yeah it’s $99 and works with Mario kart.. and obviously responds with cruis’n like I’m right at Dave and busters
Now if only the Rush series would come back
Hopefully if this sells really well they might possibly put the other 3 on a collection. That would be sweet.
I waited an hour at my local Walmart for the employees to find a copy of this, came home empty handed. Had a nice conversation with the manager about the series though! Hoping to get my hands on the physical edition of this, eventually. (ended up ordering one online)
Walmart didn't order any copies? Or have they started scalping them?
@@SoukaDeezNutz They couldn't find them even though they were in stock, they said that products have been getting lost due to a lack of organization and employees lol
There are still preorders up at GameStop
Amazon has some up for preorder right now!
I got mine about a half hour away from my local WM (where I work). It’s the only one in my area that got copies (I saw 2…was only 33.88). Put in ur zipcode on their website you might have to go on a mini trip.
The switch has so many bangers for a portable. I desperately wanted the ps vita to have this many great titles……..but……..thank you Nintendo….. as a portable gaming fan I have to show some respect to you. 👍🏿
I still love my vita, it was around for a lot of developments in my life, but the switch library is truly something deserving all the hype... I was a super late switch adopter (bought one in 2020) but I got a v.2, and it's an absolute portable powerhouse, my battery has never died on me before I could charge it, and I play primarily in handheld mode... it's what I had hoped the ps vita would be (after playing that incredible uncharted title) but alas, Nintendo for the win...
I own both but please don’t sleep on the Vita!!!
@@MadnessMan13 I do too.
Vita is over man.
Time to move on.
It's a cool game. My kid was literally shrieking with delight at the mayhem onscreen.
I ordered the hori pro wheel and it arrived today. It works really well with the game. It uses the right button on that actual wheel for drift and that left wheel button for burst. I played over and hour and it flew by like 10 min. Watched the Apple event and I’m going right back into it now.
It's weird this doesn't have online leaderboards when GARFIELD had it. lol
Maybe they’ll patch it in?
Hey wait a tick; theres a Garfield game?
@@kylerobinson6102 yeah it’s a kart racer
Because Garfield is a superior racing game.
@@qphlat27 you didn’t just say that…….
……..tell me…..you did not just say that!
Lol You had me when you were giving the “story” for this game 😂
This is one of the best reviews on a Switch game I've seen. I hate reviews that go on and on, but this one was succinct and to the point. Nice footage too.
Most fun thing that i noticed is that the game makes you feel you're in danger all the time but if you try to brake and stand still the chaos will stop too and start again when you pass. 🤣
0:00 Intro
0:45 A Brief History & Story
1:50 Gameplay Review
7:26 Is There Anything Bad?
9:20 Outro
8:36 DreamcastGuy logs into Cruis'n Blast online
I'm really happy you're covering this game! Got my physical edition and it's such a "blast"! Bruh I grew up playing Cruis'N USA and World on N64, so this was goi6to be an instant buy for me on day one. It's just dumb fun, I hope they patch in Online play as that would be incredible!
Bought 2 copies 😁 1 digital to play, 1 physical to keep sealed. Love old N64/Arcade racer games!
Yeah. If this sells well, the game's director said we might get an arcade trilogy collection of the previous 3 titles 👍. Love the Cruis'n series & Midway games, in general.
@@TexasHollowEarth and possibly DLC for Blast. Hopefully that includes an online mode.
The funny thing is its not actually that old, 2016.
@@ytyndale3643 I'm talking about the series as a whole. This series started in the mid to late 90's.
@@SoukaDeezNutz I could see them throwing some new tracks and cars at us. It's gotta sell well though. Here's to hoping enough people support the game.
I love how the more the difficulty is harder, the chaos of the tracks increases
I have a feeling this is gonna be one of those underrated gems
Damn it, I'm in the office and started laughing when you described the plot of The Fast and The Furious.
The game looks way better than it does on this video. So don’t let that discourage you. It’s crystal clear and smooth.
I think my wife is sick of hearing that theme song cus I was all over every trailer when this was originally announced, haha. but I just ordered my copy I can't wait to tear it up with all the crazy cars and tracks, and going back to get all the unlocks and play around with the customization stuff. been too long since I've played a great arcade racer on switch, so was definitely looking to pick this one up!
I picked this game up tonight after work and played for 3 hours. I wanted to keep playing but 5 am comes early ... LOL!! Great job Nintendo and if you love arcade racing this is a must own!!
I’m sold.
I love arcade racers.
There aren’t many anymore.
In fact, the only other I can think of is Horizon Chase Turbo.
hotshot racing is great as well!
Will never forget stress free times as kid playing Cruisin at arcade booth outside our favorite chicken place. 🎮 🏁 🏎
Definitely going to get this game. Having a lot of fun with 80’s Overdrive too!
I got that last night after preordering crusin. Ended up paying 1.04 for it using my coins from the preorder. . I like it.
@@infernonine it’s really fun!
Get Horizon Chase Turbo , it’s the best one of the three .
This is what the Switch OLED is for. Games with big, bright colors.
Got it yesterday (physical). Loving it. Took me back to those days where you got a new game and couldn’t put it down. MUST BUY!
Yeah. I know the description of The Fast and Furious story was a gag. But as absurd as the current Fast and The Furious movies, might as well shove it into the Cruis'n story line.
My son and I raced against each other in the arcade at Virginia Beach in July and had a great time . We came home and I looked it up to see if it was on any home consoles and saw that it was coming to the Switch in September so I preordered it . The tracking said that it would be here today on launch day . It is 7:30 PM . Still hasn't been delivered .
This game kind of reminds me of Excite Truck and Excite Bots. Those were great games.
Thanks for the review! So glad this game seems to be as much fun as it looks! I've been looking for this type of arcade racer for a long time now! I'm looking forward to picking this up!
For me the fact that it's challenging is definitely a plus and so much nostalgia!!! I'm getting it today!
I like the look of this game. A chaotic good time, just the kind of games I like on the switch.
This does look like a fun arcade racer. Rush 2049 was my jam in the arcade Crusin the world was great too
I like the video and I’m actually getting it after work today, I’m a fan of that series from N64
Same here!
I was fortunate enough to play this at an arcade in Reno with my wife, we didn't want to get out of the seats!! When I saw this was ported over to the Switch I about lost my mind. Best Arcade Racer on Console Period! So glad to see that you reviewed this. I love that you went and bought the physical copy to support them!! I agree that the online multiplayer was a missed opportunity here.
I think I know what RGT’s favorite movie is, literally read the entire synopsis for The Fast and The Furious. Sad part is I realized it when he said “Dominic” 🤣
I just bought it, I love it. Mario Kart fans will love how familiar the controls are, and the fantasy elements of the stages. Also, developers of the original Cruis'n games like Eugene Jarvis worked on the game. Unlocking the bizarre racers like the triceratops are also rewarding.
Thank you for the great review. I was skeptical on this game but now I want to purchase this. It's going to be an expensive 2 half of the year
Best Buy gave a $10 e-giftcard for pre-ordering 👍. What a bargain on an already budget Switch game!
@@TexasHollowEarth I always seem to forget about Best Buy when it comes to games. I need to quit doing that. I'm going to pass until the new year as I've already pre-ordered enough games this year. I just bought 6 games within the last week, 4 from LRG and 2 from Walmart.
I did not expect to have as much fun as I did playing this game. Glad I picked this up randomly.
I've played the arcade version at Dave n' Buster's, of course I'm getting this game on Switch.
Love for DreamcastGuy showed up for a moment! The YT Gaming Cinematic Universe is starting to come together!
I love how Nintendo keeps it fresh with awesome art design and fun gameplay!
Lol you almost got me with the Fast and the Furious synopsis
You can race as a Triceratops?! 10/10! Take my money!
Ironically when you sang "Let's Go Cruis'n" but apologized even though it was one of the few times your singing actually sounded pretty good!
I mean, to the defense of the "plot" you gave off, raw thrills, the developer did make all those fast and the furious games that have cropped up in the place of the classics
What's the retail on one of those?
Crusin blast is straight up adrenaline-filled craziness in a cart. This kind of, over the top, surreal was just what I was looking for. And Triceratops is my current favorite “vehicle” so far. Though it does have that car model from Crazy Taxi in it, which I will have to try.
If someone has this and the HORI Nintendo switch racing wheel pls tell me how it feels with this game, I was considering getting one for this game
It feels great. The pedal might need to be modded if you want to attach them to a racing cockpit. The game has auto acceleration so you might not need to use the pedal. The wheel controls, and pedal inputs can be reassigned with different buttond as well.
@@SoukaDeezNutz guess who got the racing wheel???? And it works GREAT!!!
Good review, I'm sold on the game, but is a wheel controller a must? The reason I ask, I don't have any other driving games, I want to see if I can get away with just using the joycons, at least for now. Thanks!
top game, bit of speed devils, burnout and looks like something the Dreamcast would pump out, miss these pure arcade games
I loved Cruis'n back in the day. Also this one reminds me of Excite Truck, man that was a fun game.
This looks like alot of fun. I feel like arcade racers are slowly making a comeback.
The best part of this video was the Fast & Furious story read description 😆
This game is a amazing arcade racer. Amazing to look at, thrilling, cool music, straight to the point and cool unlockables with great levels. If you are a fun of crazy arcade racers with a option for local multiplayer, get this!
Thank Goodness It’s Available Physically 😩
Cruis'n USA, Cruis'n World, California Speed, San Francisco Rush, and Rush 2 were some of my all time favorite games. Those games felt perfect, so I'm glad to here this game is good, will definitely have to pick it up.
I'm still waiting on my pre-order from Best Buy. I am so excited to play this game and seeing all the footage just makes me even more excited. Do you use a wheel when you race or just the joycons?
This looks like a total banger, the place where I work has the arcade machine and it was pretty darn fun. Gonna get this when I can, most likely
after playing Horizon Chase Turbo I've wanted another arcade style racer and this looks ridiculously fun, but I'm worried the difficulty will take away from that now. I wonder if playing it only on easy mode will be more casual, or still frustrating?
Mine comes tomorrow, can not wait, great vid man.
"So, the story is..."
Me: Oh no...
"Joking, there is no story."
Me: Oh thank god.
We need a crusi'n collection for the switch arcade perfect
Loved the games back in the 64 days and bought this game as soon as I got out of work today… glad to have a physical copy and would start playing ASAP if I wasn’t about to crash out bc of work.
I was like wait Dominic, isn’t that fast and furious haha. Great video!
loved playing cruisn usa while traveling the country for soccer tournaments as a teenager
The game is pretty to look at, the mechanics of the game is ok
Picking up my steel book copy today
U got me with the Fast and Furious plot description.
Got it with the $10 gift card. Feels extra kicky!
I played this game at an arcade in Atlantic City, back in 2018. Now I can’t stop playing this video game on my Nintendo Switch!
Hey RGT 85. Could you tell me how to do flips and whatever you did there at the 0:17 mark of your review video? I just got the game on Switch and I can't see anywhere in the game that explains how to do these tricks. Much thanks man, I'm enjoying the game so far.
Most of the time you have to tap gas pedal twice to do flips. I think
Hope this helps
@@jbaize80 Yeah, I just recently found out thanks to the Loading screen tips from the game itself but you have to do a Wheelie just before any type of ramp/slope in order to flip. Also, double tapping the Drift button as well as tapping the Blast button once (when your out of Blasts to use) does this too.
Cruisn' Blast or Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit?
if you had to choose one, which one?
Definitely love this game brings back my 90’s arcade racing nostalgia. Definitely a game of the year contender for me
I played this joint at Dave & Buster's back in 2017. I was practically begging for this game to get on the Nintendo Switch. It's definitely fun to play.
Nothing seen here makes any sense. Dinosaurs racing and doing flips and tricks between cars and choppers... And I'm not even going to try and describe the rest. This could easily become my new favourite racing game, taking over from Excite Truck / Bots, NFS Nitro on Wii, and MK:DD, I think. My second Cruis'n game, the first being Cruis'n Velocity on GBA. I also enjoyed Midnight Club 3 a lot, the older Burnout games, and some others, including the f2p Asphalt 9. I'll wait a little longer, but will probably get it eventually.
The physical for the game isn't being sold within 60 miles of where I live, and most stores won't even let you order it.
Best Buy. Have it shipped. They also give you a $10 gift card.
@@charliehustle2591 Yeah, I figured that out, last night. 👍 I didn't know they were gonna give me the gift card, nice little surprise.
@@Metallic-Sun sweet!
New show: “Kickass or Suckass with RGT85!!”
I’d watch that!!
A question please
Can you control de cars with the digital pad ?? Or just with the left stick ??
Thank you for your videos
RGT you had me going with the opening story, that was hilarious.
And I thought driving the Grey Bus was crazy in Cruis'n USA, but this takes the cake!
Now all we need is cruzin usa, world and exotica remasters.
First of all, your singing voice is hilariously awesome! I gotta get you in the studio. Lol
Second, this game is so much fun! I played it on a big screen TV and it felt like I was in an arcade again. I agree with your review.
I found and played on a Cruisin Blast arcade machine at a Flying-J truck stop in Altoona,IA I was surprised to see a arcade racing cabinet that said Nintendo on it. This was back in 2018 or 2019 and it was a fun game and I plan on picking up a physical copy for the Switch.
Awesome review. Be on camera, be off camera, no matter, I always look forward to your channel come up on my RUclips feed everyday while I’m at work. I bought the game on first day preorder because of your channel. Stay awesome 😎
I can't find this game on the shop. Has it not been released yet?
Best on couch racing game out on the switch right now hahaha. Bought it Jan 2023 on $20 sale. Perfect nostalgia brought to the now that you'd want to play over and over till you win it all while competing against friends.
I'm pleasantly surprised that the Cruis'n franchise is still alive, this looks awesome!
I will be a Proud And Full Supporter of Cruis'n Games and I will buy this Today. I appreciate your honesty. Thanks for the review.
Coincidentally, I just acquired a copy of cruis'n USA for 64. Glad it sounds like the series has made a fresh splash.
I absolutely loved the arcade game and I love this switch version! Pick it up!
25 years and they still have the cars clipping through each other
Is there a cruising collection for switch?
With cruising USA,wolrd,exótica and blast in one single collection?
I wonder...with the local play, Do you have to be near the other player to play?
it would be cool to see motorstorm ps3 port on nintendo switch