I put in the code off your one into Google and bought the one that It came up with it was the exact same code and in the description it said for ford cars but the design is different on the front to yours I haven't been able to try it to see if it works yet I have a 08 do you think it should still work fine?
Ford Tire Pressure Monitor Sensor TPMS Reset EL-50449 Relearn Tool for Ford Cars www.amazon.com/dp/B07JJTRX8V/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_T0QY9YEPFBAW84FTMQQK
The tpms sensor is for the tires so it shouldn’t have effected your horn. I would check your fuses and make sure one didn’t go out. Did the tpms alert go away thought after you completed it?
@@rebeccadiy117 after doing turning the key to the on position on the last step I did not hear the honk to go and use the tool. And on the dash it did not change anything
@@rubend.rodriguezjr.530 Hmm that’s weird. Maybe try the steps again but make sure the car isn’t turning on. Just to the “on” position. That should’ve worked.
@@rebeccadiy117 I’m turning in to the on only the engine doesn’t turn on if that’s what you’re thinking but I’m thinking that in my situation the tpms are dead and need a change
You mean the BRAKE pedal and not the Gas pedal, right?
YOURE RIGHT!! Thank you I will have to correct this video or make a new one
Nice I like it❤
Helpful thanks
Thank you... Becky...❤️👍
No problem!
Thank you so much!
I put in the code off your one into Google and bought the one that It came up with it was the exact same code and in the description it said for ford cars but the design is different on the front to yours I haven't been able to try it to see if it works yet I have a 08 do you think it should still work fine?
Hey Liam, didn’t see this comment! May be a little late But yes most of the same options apply when it’s the 2005-2009 mustangs.
@@rebeccadiy117 should work on all 5th generation S197 Mustangs 2005 - 14
link or name of the tool you specifically have?
Ford Tire Pressure Monitor Sensor TPMS Reset EL-50449 Relearn Tool for Ford Cars www.amazon.com/dp/B07JJTRX8V/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_T0QY9YEPFBAW84FTMQQK
Thank you 🥺
This work with 2010 Mustang? what year is your car?
Mine is a 2007. Usually works for 2005-2009 year mustangs so don’t know if it’ll work on a 2010 :/
I bought the tool but the honk does not sound after doing this process. Could it be that my tpms sensors don’t work anymore?
The tpms sensor is for the tires so it shouldn’t have effected your horn. I would check your fuses and make sure one didn’t go out. Did the tpms alert go away thought after you completed it?
@@rebeccadiy117 after doing turning the key to the on position on the last step I did not hear the honk to go and use the tool. And on the dash it did not change anything
@@rubend.rodriguezjr.530 Hmm that’s weird. Maybe try the steps again but make sure the car isn’t turning on. Just to the “on” position. That should’ve worked.
@@rebeccadiy117 I’m turning in to the on only the engine doesn’t turn on if that’s what you’re thinking but I’m thinking that in my situation the tpms are dead and need a change
@@rubend.rodriguezjr.530 OH I see what you’re saying, then yes that could be it. The TPMS Can fail over time.
it's the brake pedal not the gas pedal!