New Neighbor Selling My Private Property ! I Am the Owner of This House and land r/EntitledPeople

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 72

  • @aulduronsmith5577
    @aulduronsmith5577 2 года назад +7

    You have 4 choices:
    1 hire more people
    2 help me
    3 fire me
    4 STFU
    Which do you choose?

  • @ramadaxl
    @ramadaxl 2 года назад +15

    Never mind about hair about NO hair ?
    You don't like my hair ?
    OMG...MY HAIR !!
    I had a manager who didn't like all ! the time ( Mid 70's ) my hair was fairly was everyone else's come to it. I even had the nickname of 'Wild Bill' ). However...One of those rare occasions came around where I had a long weekend off...Friday, Saturday ( obviously the Sunday as well ) and the Monday.
    Great ! I'm thinking...I'm going camping ! Well one or two of the other guys were natural there we are all sitting around a campfire when one of them came out with a joke that literally had me gasping for the extent that I fell of the log I was sitting on...and fell head first into the fire ! My hair caught alight, people were rushing around to put it out and I was taken to the local hospital. Fortunately no permanent injuries...just a scorch mark or two ( hardly visible ). hair...OMG !... MY HAIR ! Basically it was GONE...reduced to a few crunchy wispy strands.
    So rather then be left with a few tufts of shrivelled hair...I shaved the rest of it can see where this is going lol
    So the Tuesday morning comes around...I turn up for work...with a shaved head...the manager went ape on me...and I was sent to our head office to 'explain myself'. Fortunately the staff director had a great sense of humour and he actually liked me. When I walked in his jaw dropped...when he'd recovered he managed to blurt out. 'What in Gods name happened to you' !
    I sat and told him what had happened, produced the letter I'd got from the hospital ( that was me thinking ahead lol ). Once he realised I wasn't hurt ( apart from my pride and joy...MY HAIR ! ) he sat there and nearly cried with laughter. He then picked up the phone and spoke to the manager telling him he had two choices...I could either return to work right now ( as I was ) OR...he could sign me off on paid leave until my hair grew back to an acceptable length...which would leave the manager short staffed...for about two MONTHS...or...I could be back at the shop in around an hours time. Give you one guess which he chose ;-)

  • @WayWardWonderer
    @WayWardWonderer 2 года назад +33

    My old boss had the same sentiment about it being stupid to try to control a person's hair color. He flat-out stated: "Your hair color isn't going to affect your ability to run the registers." He was a cool boss and I still respect him even though I no longer work under him!

    • @route66paul
      @route66paul 2 года назад +3

      As long as you are clean and respectful to the customers, you should be fine. I remember working at a carwash in 1970, the owner tried to get us to cut our hair. None of us high schoolers would and then he started getting complaints because the high school kids were not working on the weekends. He kept an even amount of workers - never all black or Mexican, or ex-cons. The people that came to the car wash liked to see that kids could work. He finally had to put up with it, as long as it was tied back.

    • @route66paul
      @route66paul 2 года назад +2

      Believe me, we worked hard there.

    • @carljacobs1837
      @carljacobs1837 2 года назад

      @@route66paul Ran into a long hair problem at an old job once. I was told that because of my long ponytail, I should just hide from corporate when they did their little tour. Since I worked maintenance, I had to go to different areas to fix things. One of the board members walked up, we got to talking, and I could see one of the bosses ready to lose his mind. The board member, dressed in a suit, hair pulled back into a ponytail, asked what the death glare was about. I explained they don't care for long hair. It made the company look bad. He smiled and just said ""Really. Be back in a minute." He ripped my boss a new one right there. They never mentioned my hair again.

    • @route66paul
      @route66paul 2 года назад

      @@carljacobs1837 Long Hair, back in the day(and even in places like Utah) was looked upon as Biker or criminal, even though Guys in the pen shave their heads. Similar to the way many people(myself included), don't care for tattoos. To me, it is desecrating your temple, your body. To each their own, it doesn't mean I am offended by them, I just prefer clear skin. I understand the reasons, but 30 years later, they look like crap.

    • @carljacobs1837
      @carljacobs1837 2 года назад

      @@route66paul No tats. Mainly. "No identifiable marks." Old habit. When I first bought my cabin in the country, a neighbor came down and was telling about the neighbors. Warned me to stay away from the long haired ones down the road, about half mile away. My GF at the time nudged me, to show them. I smiled and pulled a two feet long ponytail out from under my hoodie. Immediately "Oh, I didn't mean you." I laughed. Knew what he meant. Crackheads. My heart attack, surgeon tried to lecture me on meth. Tall, skinny, long hair. Made him apologize for stereotyping me. 59, ponytail reaches the middle of my back.

  • @bigdickpornsuperstar
    @bigdickpornsuperstar 2 года назад +10

    Story 2 ~ Having 3 managers running a single employee is a "Red Flag" the size of small country.
    Knowing that place was due to self destruct at any moment, I would have had fun playing the 3 Stooges off of each other.
    Your MC was good but there was so much more potential for creative mayhem, here.

    • @kaitan4160
      @kaitan4160 2 года назад

      I do have a similiar situation at Work.
      But honestly its fun. Everytime something goes wrong i can just say "X told me to do Y".
      For simplicity we do have 3 Department Heads.
      Signal tech, Pylons and "small Parts".
      Since 90% of our Stuff ends up in "my" Department (Paint) all 3 Department Heads are also my direct Superirors.
      Yo ucan guess where this goes? Everyone claims "my Stuff is the most important, do that First".
      HEre is teh Funny thing, i do get a Shipment Plan. Detailing what has to be ready when. Even with Details as "pre assembled", which ofc means i need to finish that 2-3 Days beforehand.
      Everytime i show them that something else needs to be shipped first its the same "that can wait".
      And yes, i have to pack that Stuff, no one comes in and packs it for me. So Painting and Packing is my Job.
      But the absolute best is our "Production Lead". The one above the 3 Department Heads. Every Friday (Boss leaves early) he comes around with something Private. And as we all know, Private automatically has the highest Priority.
      Its really fun getting called into his Office, getting yelled at for 10 minutes to finally come to the Question "So why wasnt X done on Time?"
      Just so i can asnwer:
      "Well i would have done X on Friday but you sir demanded that i have to do your new Gate first."
      And if you now thing "wow thats a Fun Workplace" there is another Red Flag that makes it even better.
      Material Depratment (ordering Stuff) is headed by the Son of the Owner/Boss.
      So about once a Month i get a Job for which i have no Paint. Or i get told that i have to come in Saturday to get the Primer done because Monday will the 9010 (White) be deliverd. Only to get told on Monday that they just ordered it that Day and now half my Workspace is blocked by half done stuff (happened just a few Weks ago).
      Last Week i was forced to stay home (payed at least) because the Filters i ordered 5 Weeks ago werent ordered by the Son. No Filters=No Work.
      Ohh and today i got told that the Order meant to shipped next Friday is now to be shipped this Friday. So i cleared as much Space as possible, put it all into my Space ..... and then got told that nope, change of Plans. Since everything is to be pre-assmbled but they (the Son of the Owner....) didnt order the Screws and Washers etc. So everything back to the old Plan, everything out again and in with the Stuff that needs to get out next Tuesday.
      Great Fun, 8h of emtpying my Paint Hall, filling it, emtpying it again to fill it with the Stuff that was originally in it.
      Will i make it? Probably not. Am i responsible? Nah, got everything via E-Mail so im ready for a Fun 2h Meeting discussing how it happened and who is at fault. Which wil lend with "well, no ones at Fault so lets try to not do that again", because the Son of the Owner can never be at fault.
      At least his second Son has left the Company, those were Times .... back then i needed Therapy ....

  • @michaeltelson9798
    @michaeltelson9798 2 года назад +1

    EBay is terrible about selling stolen property. There was an acquaintance that worked for a company and they had a monitoring device on a hill, legally situated. Someone stole it. They then listed it on eBay and an employee spotted it and notified eBay. EBay refused to considered it as a stolen property. Next, they had the local sheriff notify them with the report of the theft and the identification of the instrument. Someone overseas bought it, after that I didn’t know what happened. I might not have left the country due to Customs regulations. This wasn’t a cheap instrument and may have been restricted from foreign sales. But eBay just refused to listen to lawyers and law enforcement that they veered involved in the sale of a stolen item worth $50-75k that sold for $15 to the bidder.

  • @franktuckwell196
    @franktuckwell196 2 года назад +5

    I love your tales, especially STEVE. I have seen this many times over the years, where the 'Boss', suddenly knows far more than any of the people who actually do the job. So we just let them hang themselves and let them prove how incompetant they really were.

  • @markrahm6900
    @markrahm6900 Год назад +1

    That understaffed machine shop would have OSHA called on them so fast they wouldn't have time to do anything to cover their own butts. Expecting and demanding one person to do the work of 5 or more people isn't even legal in the U.S., and working that many hours not being paid overtime or allowed breaks also violates health codes and labor laws. I hope the customers found out why their orders were so late from that place and went somewhere else.

  • @strangeworldsunlimited712
    @strangeworldsunlimited712 2 года назад +5

    I thought he tried selling her HOUSE on ebay!

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 года назад +5

    Me: Make a choice!
    A) Do I run the machines non stop and do no Post-Processing which means we can't ship customers orders...
    B) Do I run the machines and then do Post-Processing to get an Order ready for shipping...
    C) Do I run the machines non-stop and you send people over to do the Post-Processing so the Orders can be shipped...
    What's it going to be? There is no Option D!!!

    • @draco51683
      @draco51683 2 года назад

      Yeah, I doubt this happened the way OP said it happened. Why aren't those parts being sent to de-burring, or final QC to check the parts before getting sent to the customer? I have never heard of a shop that goes from machine to shipping to the customer, let alone the machinist doing the shipping, and that sets off red flags for me that this story is fake or at least the info is heavily edited.

    • @lindad1612
      @lindad1612 2 года назад

      @@draco51683 Remember, 5-person team and everybody else quit. No replacements were hired.

  • @MedOKC
    @MedOKC 2 года назад +3

    Unpaid overtime?????? . . .when hell freezes over.

  • @welshdragonfunhunter3461
    @welshdragonfunhunter3461 2 года назад +2

    Catching up on the video. Thanks for sharing your stories everyday RedWheel. Please stay safe.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿😷😁👍. Hi everyone hope you are all well and safe and are having a great day and a wonderful week ahead

  • @stoopingfalcon891
    @stoopingfalcon891 2 года назад +2

    We have all met Patrick at one time or another in our lives.

    • @carljacobs1837
      @carljacobs1837 2 года назад

      Patrick decided it was healthier to not walk onto my property again.

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 года назад +3

    Manager: Change your Hair Colour!
    Me: No Thank You, Hair Colour isn't regulated by the Dress Code...
    Me: I'm in full compliance with Dress Code, you can't Legally Fire me and if you try, I WILL Sue your Ass for Wrongful Termination and make a complaint to the Department of Labour for Creating a Toxic Work Environment, Workplace Harassment, Wrongful Termination & Illegal please leave me alone...

    • @carljacobs1837
      @carljacobs1837 2 года назад +2

      Kid at our local store had always died his hair blonde. One day he went back to brown, natural hair color. The store threw a fit. No dying of hair allowed. It has to be a natural color. He tried pointing out brown is natural. I was standing there when they fired him over it. I calmly told him to take out his phone and get pictures of him, and the assistant that just fired him. Sue the hell out of them. The assistant had blue, yellow, and orange hair (weird combo, but whatever). He smiled and did just that. They ended up settling out of court over it.

  • @joeschmo622
    @joeschmo622 2 года назад +6

    That's soooooooo funny. Neighbor learned who is true owner of the house, land, and private property!

  • @MrChaos211
    @MrChaos211 2 года назад +1

    1st 1 us discrimination case if i ever heard of 1

  • @Kati_P
    @Kati_P 2 года назад +9

    1st OP's brightly colored hair has about as much effect on their job performance as my tattoos have on mine, which is none.

    • @GhostRider-sc9vu
      @GhostRider-sc9vu 2 года назад

      True but there are customers who might question your ability to do the job because of your personal choices. Not defending the customers but if they complain and say they will take their business elsewhere and there are several of them who do you think is not going to be happy with you.

    • @johnwick535
      @johnwick535 2 года назад

      @@GhostRider-sc9vu screw them and screw you. Oh because people are judgemental pos you should just cave to their whims because money. Goddamn I hate the world we have collectively created.

    • @littlestarling3005
      @littlestarling3005 2 года назад

      Not really I guess? In Japan tattoos is/was related to Yakuza. Especially older people would rather avoid people with tattoos. So I can say your tattoos will make an effect on your job performance

    • @Kati_P
      @Kati_P 2 года назад

      Someone else's perception of my competence at my job based solely on my appearance can be vastly below my actual performance capabilities, and I should be given the opportunity to prove my skills and my value as a worker before being dismissed out of hand because of my body art. I've had doctors and nurses with visible tattoos and they've treated me just as well, both medically and personally, as their non-tattooed counterparts. I personally know lawyers, dentists, nurses, accountants, and one funeral director with tattoos who are just as professional, sometimes more so, than their uninked peers. While I understand the stigma of tattoos in other cultures and with the elderly it's still an unfair judgement on me and my worth as a human and an employee based solely upon the way that I look, and that mindset is what we need to work on changing as a society, imho.

  • @gingerray2834
    @gingerray2834 2 года назад +6

    Great job today! Keep it up. Short and sweet yet detailed stories are nice and easy to follow.

  • @LunaP1
    @LunaP1 2 года назад +11

    Second story is just power tripping, pure and simple. They let the power go to their head so much that they lose all rational and proper thinking.

    • @markrahm6900
      @markrahm6900 Год назад

      We have a production manager where I work, who demands that a certain line be kept running "because we have to keep the numbers up". We now have several thousand packages on hold, because the seals on many of them are faulty due to issues with the capping machine. Until those seals are checked, we can't send the product to the customer. What good are high numbers when we have nothing to show for it but overpacked warehouses and frustrated employees?

  • @dabblebabblegirl
    @dabblebabblegirl 2 года назад +1

    Omg I think I know what factory that is! Hahaha I knew I'd eventually find one from there. Yep sounds like they still haven't gotten their head out their...........

  • @poppaluv
    @poppaluv Год назад +1

    I like that patrick is a loser for having people at his house and drinks, but when his dad and his friend drink and tell the story it is just GRAND! Hipocrites!

  • @richewilson6394
    @richewilson6394 Год назад +1

    If they did meeting on Skype I would have hoped that they would have recorded it that way they could have evidence against Steve saying that he's making the work environment Toxic by being this aggressive.

  • @jerrybaker8597
    @jerrybaker8597 2 года назад

    First story its about representing the company

  • @Zanto1050
    @Zanto1050 2 года назад

    First story reminded me of a guy that works at my local walmart. He always has his hair dyed up in some vibrant color, sometimes styled in a funky way to match said colors. Then one day I see him again and his hair is a natural color. Idk what management said to him but I always enjoyed seeing colorful hair. It brings more life and fun to the world.

  • @stoopingfalcon891
    @stoopingfalcon891 2 года назад +2

    The letter story. Another "Steve the fixer" story.

  • @WuTangClanster
    @WuTangClanster 2 года назад

    PWWPS - Patrick Was Watching Pawn Stars.

  • @Rylosalex
    @Rylosalex 2 года назад +1

    When Head AH turned toward the ceiling and screamed, I totally died

  • @BobBlumenfeld
    @BobBlumenfeld 2 года назад +2

    Regarding the "KEEP THE MACHINES RUNNING" segment, if OP is telling the story as it happened, HEAD AH, even after he realized the post processing wasn't getting done, could not resist the urge to keep producing widgets as fast as possible. Man, that's OCD.

    • @draco51683
      @draco51683 2 года назад

      I highly doubt that the OP did tell the story as it happened. I work in a CNC machine shop, and I have visited several others. In each shop you only do one process of the part (As in the first machine cuts a flat surface on a round bar with a dovetail to fit on the next fixture, next machine does the basic outside cuts to get the shape of the part, next machine {or sometimes 2 machines} do the underneath/inner cutting, then any machines after that do the final details of the part. This of course is a simple example, and process can of course change depending what you are making), then the parts going to de-burring (softens the sharp corners of the part so that they don't slice up customers hands), and then final QC to double check the parts before they get shipped out. That last part is a major part that is missing from this OP's story, which makes me highly doubt that this actually happened the way that OP said it happened. I have never heard of a shop that goes from the machine to right out the door to ship to the customer. So I call BS on OP's story.

  • @catsmeow5566
    @catsmeow5566 2 года назад

    Story 1: The hair color thing is because some obnoxious customers complain about employee hair color/styles. They will bitch up a storm and say it is "unprofessional". The rule is to reduce the number of complaints about hair from stupid customers. I personally think its asinine. If a customer doesn't like someone's hair color they should mind their own business.
    Story 2: Man, AH manager was a moron. Machines need time to cool down in between jobs sometimes. They need parts changed out or they will overheat and/or dull and start doing defective work. Sounds like typical for today-- making 1 person work the job of 5 people, not paying overtime, & not giving breaks but then bitching about their productivity.
    Story 3: Steve sounds like one of those people who has no practical experience and doesn't look at the big picture. I hope he gets fired. It's like when the new manager of restaurants in the casino my brother worked at decided to shut down the ala cart places and only do buffets & stuff. Huge mistake. Then there was some new jerk at Pizza Hut who decided that they needed to cut staff drastically, take away all medical/dental benefits from hourly employees (without notifying them first), & cut hours so they would not be "high on labor". This led to at least one store manager altering the books (via computer) to steal hours and pay from employees while padding his own.
    Story 4: I'm glad the thief got caught.

  • @andreastroud5561
    @andreastroud5561 2 года назад +1

    Too many chief's NO Indians!!! Very like the NHS!!!!

  • @clifffischer4409
    @clifffischer4409 2 года назад +1

    Where is the story described in the title?

  • @Juggzy
    @Juggzy 9 месяцев назад

    The first one, you should have made him need an ambulance and a hospital stay for how he was screamin at and threatening you. I definitely would have. That’s not in any way how to treat an employee or anyone else.

  • @nunomateus243
    @nunomateus243 2 года назад

    i would have checked that uniform policy before doing anything but ok...

  • @davidshattock9522
    @davidshattock9522 2 года назад

    If ever a country needed workers in trade unions and proper industrial law by these posts these managers would spend all Thier time either getting sued or Infront of an industrial tribunal prior to getting company in court for breaking laws ,

  • @Zuraspl
    @Zuraspl 2 года назад

    Hello hello

  • @karendudley3606
    @karendudley3606 2 года назад

    I loved the revenge stories on this one.

  • @sonyahannah
    @sonyahannah 2 года назад +2

    Short, sweet stories read by a capable and enthusiastic narrator -- and in no need whatsoever of a senseless, OVER-used teaser with exactly one tiny connection to the last story.

  • @golab41
    @golab41 2 года назад

    Hello from Poland Redwheel and everyone!!!

  • @tovelokiwifeodindottir9936
    @tovelokiwifeodindottir9936 Год назад

    First story should have looked up natural accuring colors in nature and dyed your hair those colors lol

    @FFTVII 2 года назад

    *Comment & Like 👍*

  • @jayfenwenzel6531
    @jayfenwenzel6531 2 года назад

    This is my natural hair color you do understand my last name is Simpson

  • @luissantiago5163
    @luissantiago5163 2 года назад +1

    Oh hells yeah

  • @michaeljohnson1117
    @michaeljohnson1117 2 года назад

    Your ability to serve wasn't affected at all your manager and company are trying to cater against discriminatory people who have problems with anything they don't see as normal

  • @patricialadd520
    @patricialadd520 2 года назад +1


  • @sirfrydryk360
    @sirfrydryk360 2 года назад +1

    Always press charges, just so those poor Karen's and Chad's the mental health they need.

  • @maximus1811
    @maximus1811 2 года назад +1

    At the end of the story you say " Thanks for watching the video till the End"... We don't watch the video? We listen to the story's being told, there is no watching any video's.
    # DUH...🤦‍♀️

  • @darkchia00
    @darkchia00 2 года назад


  • @dooglestc
    @dooglestc 2 года назад

    Good afternoon RedWheel ! Enjoy and remember our fallen on Memorial Day everyone

  • @lewischase
    @lewischase 2 года назад

    Good afternoon RedWheel
    Happy Memorial Day everyone

  • @edpalmer5403
    @edpalmer5403 2 года назад +1

    Why do I have to listen which you'll tell me I wouldn't have to if that's the case then I shouldn't be subscribed to you to the same stinking repeated stories from you and other editors