Dave is the first guy since Ron Paul that I could see making the LP a cultural force to be reckoned with, while staying true to its libertarian principles.
If one ignores who the messenger is,.. then consider the following statement... *_I know that fewer people are won over by the written word than by the spoken word and that every great movement on this earth owes its growth to great speakers and not to great writers._* ~ Adolf Hitler, _Mein Kampf_ ... as well as ... *_[Humanity] has unquestionably one really effective weapon, laughter. Power, money, persuasion, supplication, persecution, these can lift at a colossal humbug, push it a little, weaken it a little, century by century, but only laughter can blow it to rags and atoms at a blast. Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand._* ~ Mark Twain
*_Humor is the great thing. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations and resentments flit away._* ~ Mark Twain
*_Irreverence is the champion of liberty and its only sure defense._* ~ Mark Twain Thanks to the internet,.. the spoken word is becoming as powerful as the written word has always been,.. if only people read books anymore. *_You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them._* ~ Ray Bradbury
Paul was 1000x more presidential than Dave and he got demolished. I don't understand why you people keep trying to play a game that everyone knows is rigged.
@@khatharrmalkavian3306 First of all, how would you possibly measure being "presidential"? Secondly, running for the LP is not so you can win the election, but so you can manage to reach people with your ideas, and you reach people through the election process that you don't reach otherwise.
@@khatharrmalkavian3306 he actually did not get demolished in 2012, even in the GOP. If not Boehner’s sudden, short bout of deafness, who knows. There was quite a bit of momentum behind him in 2012.
@@livewithmeterandnomeasureb1679 Well that and I just don't really believe in voting but at this point with the lockdowns and shit I may have changed my mind.
@@CigEconomy Don't think of it as voting to give someone power over you but a way to let the state know you don't support tyranny any longer and are fed up with the state. A vote for Dave Smith is a way to let the tyrants know we are mad as hell and will not take this anymore.
Thank you for finally talking to Dave Smith. Just to make it crystal clear, this is why Mises libertarians have a beef with Reason: You people offered a quicker and more unequivocal defense of Cuties than you did of basic human liberty in the face of covid totalitarianism.
@@livewithmeterandnomeasureb1679 Why do you think nobody wants to give voluntarily? How many millions of left wingers that think people would die if tax payers werent being robbed? Maybe all those people that think that can give their money to charities that help people unable to work, charities that have a better track record of actually helping people than the government. Stop thinking the only way certain things can happen is through coercive government action. Good ideas don't require force.
I think Dave Smith is the best hope libertarians have had in years. Easily the best candidate, and articulate enough to make a difference. He has the best approach to running yet. To change minds first rather than gaining votes (gaining votes means lying, dumbing down, avoid tough questions etc)
@@VoluntaryistSkeptic "Libertarian" can include just about anything. It's not a well-defined concept and it's not based on anything in reality. By the way, the anti- big business attitude I was referring to was espoused by Smith in this very video if I'm not mistaken.
I felt like an ass for years after voting for Gary Johnson instead of Trump in 2016. Now it seems like Trump will not run in 2024 and the Republicans are pathetic without him.
@@tolpacourt lol yeah ironically enough I couldn't vote Gary Johnson because of Weld and hearing Dave bitch about Bill Weld was why I started listening to him. So in reality Bill Weld is the reason I voted Trump and the reason I give any shits about the LP today. Dave for POTUS 2024.
To say Jo promoting BLM was cringe is an understatement imo because BLM openly stated from the beginning it was about the overthrow of capitalism and creation of a communist state which they always state is the only way to make up for past discrimination as a lifelong green I never considered really voting LP but Jo imo killed the idea that LP even really cares about capitalism and then all that's left is drug legalization which is a good cause but not worth a vote and passed it required advocacy almost
A good chunk of people definitely voted for them because they wanted to vote for something else not Trump or Biden. I voted third party because I didn't like either candidate in 2016.
Dave Smith is a breath of fresh air in politics.👏👏 Listen to him talk about the war on drugs. It’s therapeutic to anyone who has been effected personally by the drug war.✌️ Dave Smith 2024 🇺🇸
Dave has it a absolutely correct. It’s clear that government is exerting a coercive force on the market. Wether through legislation or threat of legislation. It’s all the same.
Bare-minimum level of respect I guess. Bending over backwards on blatant tyranny through excusing lockdown policy is just disgusting. Having a seat at the table is what the beltway strategy is, and being willing to throw out good libertarians under the bus for the corporate press’ appeasement (which they’ll never give) ought to be called out.
@@Hibernial 100% agree. When I originally made this comment it was before CATO sent a faux libertarian to the corporate press to be a state apologist. I include 99% of reason with the belt way types that sell out liberty to get patted on the head by authoritarians.
@@breezy_7727 CATO’s vice president is a committee member on Facebook’s oversight team for speech regulation. They love to pretend like they’re wielding power when it’s just a carrot on a stick that makes them controlled opposition. That can only lead to as you pointed out in your example willfully becoming a stool to be stepped on. It’s their character type of being an empty-suit-for-rent that’ll leave future generations forgetting about that crowd having at all existed, outside of being a cursory note on digital record.
Good conversation. When will we be seeing an interview with Michael Malice about his #1 Amazon bestseller 'The Anarchist Handbook' and his upcoming book 'The White Pill'?
@@spfcasual3786 They’re both examples of two sides on different trajectories because of differing attitudes between either tolerating or holding to full account the welfare-warfare State.
Reason = blue pilled libertarians, POTP = red pilled libertarians, blue pilled libertarians will never get anywhere, they've been a failure for years now,, Ron Pual showed us the way being the first real red pilled libertarian to run since Harry Brown and Harry brown didn't do well simply because the internet was so much smaller than and his campaign funding was far less than Paul's, all things being equal though the red pilled libertarian will always perform best.
@@zk3212 Don't get me wrong... I support Dave and agree with a more aggressive libertarian movement. Its just too late. What libertarians should have noticed is that no one's vote really counts. The party that controls the everyday agencies controls the government.
Dave is the most effective messenger for liberty since Ron Paul, maybe even better. And he’s still young so hopefully he will keep getting better. Really hope he runs
@@kaparg The one thing I noticed is that Dave Smith doesn't consider himself a right-winger. Probably because he doesn't want to associate himself with the conservative section of the right-wing side.
Dave has genuine traction. Most of the right center southern base (the vast majority) are 💯 with Dave. He's living the life our founders meant to establish.
Censorship is very expensive, it is just another barrier to limit competition...like Parlor, that was one of the reasons AWS kicked them off their servers...they said they were letting people say "bad stuff".
Everyone always misunderstands Rand's position on business and government. She was well aware of cronyism. Hell, it was the major antagonist of Atlas Shrugged!
Smith seems utterly clueless about Rand in general. She was not opposed to charity. Quotes on the topic: ************************************************* My views on charity are very simple. I do not consider it a major virtue and, above all, I do not consider it a moral duty. There is nothing wrong in helping other people, if and when they are worthy of the help and you can afford to help them. I regard charity as a marginal issue. What I am fighting is the idea that charity is a moral duty and a primary virtue. Playboy, March 1964 The fact that a man has no claim on others (i.e., that it is not their moral duty to help him and that he cannot demand their help as his right) does not preclude or prohibit good will among men and does not make it immoral to offer or to accept voluntary, non-sacrificial assistance. It is altruism that has corrupted and perverted human benevolence by regarding the giver as an object of immolation, and the receiver as a helplessly miserable object of pity who holds a mortgage on the lives of others-a doctrine which is extremely offensive to both parties, leaving men no choice but the roles of sacrificial victim or moral cannibal . . . . To view the question in its proper perspective, one must begin by rejecting altruism’s terms and all of its ugly emotional aftertaste-then take a fresh look at human relationships. It is morally proper to accept help, when it is offered, not as a moral duty, but as an act of good will and generosity, when the giver can afford it (i.e., when it does not involve self-sacrifice on his part), and when it is offered in response to the receiver’s virtues, not in response to his flaws, weaknesses or moral failures, and not on the ground of his need as such. The Objectivist “The Question of Scholarships,” The Objectivist, June 1966, 6 The proper method of judging when or whether one should help another person is by reference to one’s own rational self-interest and one’s own hierarchy of values: the time, money or effort one gives or the risk one takes should be proportionate to the value of the person in relation to one’s own happiness. To illustrate this on the altruists’ favorite example: the issue of saving a drowning person. If the person to be saved is a stranger, it is morally proper to save him only when the danger to one’s own life is minimal; when the danger is great, it would be immoral to attempt it: only a lack of self-esteem could permit one to value one’s life no higher than that of any random stranger. (And, conversely, if one is drowning, one cannot expect a stranger to risk his life for one’s sake, remembering that one’s life cannot be as valuable to him as his own.) If the person to be saved is not a stranger, then the risk one should be willing to take is greater in proportion to the greatness of that person’s value to oneself. If it is the man or woman one loves, then one can be willing to give one’s own life to save him or her-for the selfish reason that life without the loved person could be unbearable. The Virtue of Selfishness “The Ethics of Emergencies,” The Virtue of Selfishness, 45 The small minority of adults who are unable rather than unwilling to work, have to rely on voluntary charity; misfortune is not a claim to slave labor; there is no such thing as the right to consume, control, and destroy those without whom one would be unable to survive. Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal “What Is Capitalism?” Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 26 ************************************************* aynrandlexicon.com/lexicon/charity.html
Dave is obviously new to this. He was told sometime in the past by left leaning folks that Rand was the devil. His internal bias prevents him from seeing this is false.
No, Rand was in favor of government interference in the market to protect businesses and entrepreneurs. I love Rand for her contributions, but he is correct.
The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was including that cheese pizza lover on her justice recommendation’s list, on account of some intern’s decision to use her platform for the umpteenth time on social media. If you can’t get your shit together to organize a team that isn’t stabbing you and everyone in the back, you’re not fit to be a leader or a messenger. Just pass the baton to someone better ready.
"Paradoxical as it may appear, it is probably true that a successful free society will always in a large measure, be a tradition bound society." F. A. Hayek
Even more Technology as the solution for problems created by the use of technology? sounds absurd and dangerous in my opinion. Technology already massively diminishes autonomy and freedom as it is.
Dave literally described me in a nutshell when he talked about the audience to reach out to. I supported Tulsi Gabbard because of her anti war stance, and pro school choice position. I supported both her & Trump because I wanted to give the middle finger to the establishment, but hated that Tulsi would've joined Trump and the previous Presidents in their needless spending. That explains why I'm so captivated by him and the Ron Paul Revolution.
Lolbertarians be like: We just want gov't to enforce contracts *Big Tech breaks contracts by kicking people off who haven't violated TOS* Lolbertarians: lol that's just the free market, they can kick off whoever they want.
Show me any TOS that binds a social media company to serve you or makes even the slightest hint that they're in any way even obligated to feel bad momentarily for banning whoever they want.
Considering the history our government had with the big three car companies I question if these entities where largly government funded into power or not
Here's why I will supports dave. When face to face with Nick. Rather than pander to a large group of libertarian viewers he confronted it and said what he believes to be true.
It defies logic to demand that kids must be vaccinated to go to school since the children that have been vaccinated are not at risk. The only children at risk would be the unvaccinated child. So there is no justification for keeping an unvaccinated child out. None of my children, who are all grown now was ever vaccinated. The few years they went to public schools some parent would inevitably find out our kids were unvaxxed and would voice concern. We would point out my above comment and it was like a light bulb going on, they would realize that it wasn't actually a problem. People are so conditioned that they just stop thinking. It's pitiful really.
This is how media is supposed to work and MUST work for us to have a country. Show airs, mischaracterizes someone, that someone challenges that, show invited that someone on to set the record straight.
Larry Elder for California Governor! Spread the word everywhere, especially cali residents! be an advocate, get the word out! theres not much time... the election is in less than 2 months, sept 14th! This election is all about turnout and might be the only serious shot we get to turn the state red! For freedom. Lets gooo!!!! "You can lose a fight, but you can't win a surrender." - Andrew Klavan
Smart people need to run for President even if they don’t want the job to help weed out those who don’t know what they’re talking about. If a single intelligent person had been on the Democrat debate stage, they all would’ve been decimated and we’d not be living through this BS
@@AltKuyperian Tulsi might have been better, but now she’s a shill for secret military action around the world. Maybe she’s being told what to say by the deep state or maybe she was lying about her ideology.
@@techguy651 How so? Haven't heard of this. Perhaps she's now under the influence, but at the time it was clear they were targeting her and making room for Biden.
The war on drugs is prohibition writ large. An absolute tragedy of epic proportions. I was once a proponent of hard drug prohibition in my 20s when I identified as a conservative. I now consider myself a libertarian leaning conservative. The main reason is my absolute disgust at the damage of the WOD.
Nick is the only editor at Reason I like (other than Brian Doherty). I agree waaaaaaaay more with Dave Smith on pretty much everything but I respect Nick and enjoy his interviews.
What Dave said about there being pockets of places in this country that look/are 3rd world, it's so true. I grew up in Stockton, CA and there are areas that are just...you wouldn't believe it if you weren't seeing it with your own eyes.
"How do we get out of it?" Well Nick, step one is to acknowledge that we done fucked up in our handling of everything related to covid. It's sort of like someone who drank too much, arguing over whether next time we should garnish with a lime or cherry and maybe that way we won't get a hang over. The garnish is not the problem, the problem is that just because you had a bad day at work, maybe just maybe drinking 2 litters of vodka was not going to fix the problem, just make the problem worse.
You can get Covid after being vaccinated. I been vaccinated. Got Bell’s palsy as a possible side affect. And now as of this video I have Covid. Very mild.
Dave Smith says Ayn Rand got it wrong because we have cronyism. She absolutely wrote about that. In her stories, including Atlas Shrugged, there were examples of villainous company owners who lobbied government for special favors. That's exactly where I learned about crony capitalism.
I’d vote for him . Been listening to him for years and now that he has a family , you can tell his ideas have molded and matured . Dude is really On point with a lot
It ain’t worth much now but it’s gaining traction, especially thanks to lockdown madness. It has better chance of accelerating long-term success than ever before. 2024 is mostly about introducing new people to the idea.
Dave is the first guy since Ron Paul that I could see making the LP a cultural force to be reckoned with, while staying true to its libertarian principles.
If one ignores who the messenger is,.. then consider the following statement...
*_I know that fewer people are won over by the written word than by the spoken word and that every great movement on this earth owes its growth to great speakers and not to great writers._*
~ Adolf Hitler, _Mein Kampf_
... as well as ...
*_[Humanity] has unquestionably one really effective weapon, laughter. Power, money, persuasion, supplication, persecution, these can lift at a colossal humbug, push it a little, weaken it a little, century by century, but only laughter can blow it to rags and atoms at a blast. Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand._*
~ Mark Twain
*_Humor is the great thing. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations and resentments flit away._*
~ Mark Twain
*_Irreverence is the champion of liberty and its only sure defense._*
~ Mark Twain
Thanks to the internet,.. the spoken word is becoming as powerful as the written word has always been,.. if only people read books anymore.
*_You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them._*
~ Ray Bradbury
Paul was 1000x more presidential than Dave and he got demolished. I don't understand why you people keep trying to play a game that everyone knows is rigged.
@@khatharrmalkavian3306 Give me an alternative that doesn't throw in the towel immediately. If false hope is naïve,.. what isn't?
@@khatharrmalkavian3306 First of all, how would you possibly measure being "presidential"? Secondly, running for the LP is not so you can win the election, but so you can manage to reach people with your ideas, and you reach people through the election process that you don't reach otherwise.
@@khatharrmalkavian3306 he actually did not get demolished in 2012, even in the GOP. If not Boehner’s sudden, short bout of deafness, who knows. There was quite a bit of momentum behind him in 2012.
Dave is one of the best political commentators I have ever heard.
I dont ever want to vote again. It doesnt really do anything. But if he runs i may consider it. Im NPA (no party affiliation)
@@livewithmeterandnomeasureb1679 Same. I vowed to never vote again after Ron Paul in 2012 but I'm considering it for Dave.
@@CigEconomy I don't blame you. The candidates all suck epically usually. The two party system sucks.
@@livewithmeterandnomeasureb1679 Well that and I just don't really believe in voting but at this point with the lockdowns and shit I may have changed my mind.
@@CigEconomy Don't think of it as voting to give someone power over you but a way to let the state know you don't support tyranny any longer and are fed up with the state. A vote for Dave Smith is a way to let the tyrants know we are mad as hell and will not take this anymore.
We need to roll back the state !
Our prisons are *flooded* with non-violent drug offenders.
Alright guys let's take a quick second to thank our sponsor, BLUE CHEW.
Abolish it
You forgot “DING! Fill her up!”
@@ericrodwell8706 FUH-LOODED
Thank you for finally talking to Dave Smith. Just to make it crystal clear, this is why Mises libertarians have a beef with Reason: You people offered a quicker and more unequivocal defense of Cuties than you did of basic human liberty in the face of covid totalitarianism.
Because all these companies are owned by the same tribe
Which Dave is a part of btw
@@krazykkarl He sure looks like it
Beautifully put.
Dave rules. Also, good of Nick to have him on when they needed to talk.
he dont miss
Nick’s like do you think that was unfair?
Dave be like “bruh we moved our group to me wee”
Wtf is miwi 🥝?
Dave is a sign of the change that needs to occur in political thought
If Dave Smith like libertarians ran the LP, I’d quit the GOP, join the LP and never look back.
Your state and local LP's is where the action is. Dave Smith is not an outlier.
Look into the “Mises Caucus”, all Dave Smith types
Fuck man why do people wanna abolish welfare. Not everyone is able to work.
That's the plan. Seek out your local Mises caucus.
@@livewithmeterandnomeasureb1679 Why do you think nobody wants to give voluntarily? How many millions of left wingers that think people would die if tax payers werent being robbed? Maybe all those people that think that can give their money to charities that help people unable to work, charities that have a better track record of actually helping people than the government. Stop thinking the only way certain things can happen is through coercive government action. Good ideas don't require force.
Dave Smith isn't rising, he's already bigger than Jorgensen.
Both can be true
Pull a daily wire "largest and fastest growing".
That anti racist tweet got a fuck you from me.
Jorgensen was poison
If Dave is the LP nominee, I will vote 3rd party for the first time in my life.
Foe sure
I think Dave Smith is the best hope libertarians have had in years. Easily the best candidate, and articulate enough to make a difference. He has the best approach to running yet. To change minds first rather than gaining votes (gaining votes means lying, dumbing down, avoid tough questions etc)
"big businesses are making too much money"
-- Libertarians, 2021
@@phamnuwen9442 Sounds like you're talking to communists who are calling themselves Libertarians. There's a lot of that going around these days.
@@VoluntaryistSkeptic "Libertarian" can include just about anything. It's not a well-defined concept and it's not based on anything in reality.
By the way, the anti- big business attitude I was referring to was espoused by Smith in this very video if I'm not mistaken.
I don’t think Gary Johnson and Jo Jorgensen got their vote share because of cringey stances, but in spite of them.
I’d bet 80% of their vote were the types that just went “I’LL VOTE IN PROTEST” but wouldn’t be able to pick those two out of a three person lineup.
I felt like an ass for years after voting for Gary Johnson instead of Trump in 2016. Now it seems like Trump will not run in 2024 and the Republicans are pathetic without him.
@@tolpacourt lol yeah ironically enough I couldn't vote Gary Johnson because of Weld and hearing Dave bitch about Bill Weld was why I started listening to him. So in reality Bill Weld is the reason I voted Trump and the reason I give any shits about the LP today. Dave for POTUS 2024.
To say Jo promoting BLM was cringe is an understatement imo because BLM openly stated from the beginning it was about the overthrow of capitalism and creation of a communist state which they always state is the only way to make up for past discrimination as a lifelong green I never considered really voting LP but Jo imo killed the idea that LP even really cares about capitalism and then all that's left is drug legalization which is a good cause but not worth a vote and passed it required advocacy almost
A good chunk of people definitely voted for them because they wanted to vote for something else not Trump or Biden. I voted third party because I didn't like either candidate in 2016.
Dave Smith is a breath of fresh air in politics.👏👏
Listen to him talk about the war on drugs.
It’s therapeutic to anyone who has been effected personally by the drug war.✌️
Dave Smith 2024 🇺🇸
Dave has it a absolutely correct. It’s clear that government is exerting a coercive force on the market. Wether through legislation or threat of legislation. It’s all the same.
Which is against the constitution regarding speech. Can't create a chilling effect
Why did Reason pretend that the #1 Best Selling Book Anarchist Handbook didn't exist
Why would a left-wing outlet care about Anarchist or Libertarian principles?
Your welcome!!
Because anarchism is toxic as a brand.
@@frankovercrest2317 Anarchism is a relationship, the only toxicity is your lack of knowledge on definitions
@@waynespringer501 You clearly have never read "Positioning - The Battle For Your Mind" by Ries & Trout. FrankOverCrest clearly has.
Respect Reason for reaching out and having this conversation
Bare-minimum level of respect I guess. Bending over backwards on blatant tyranny through excusing lockdown policy is just disgusting. Having a seat at the table is what the beltway strategy is, and being willing to throw out good libertarians under the bus for the corporate press’ appeasement (which they’ll never give) ought to be called out.
@@Hibernial 100% agree. When I originally made this comment it was before CATO sent a faux libertarian to the corporate press to be a state apologist. I include 99% of reason with the belt way types that sell out liberty to get patted on the head by authoritarians.
@@breezy_7727 CATO’s vice president is a committee member on Facebook’s oversight team for speech regulation. They love to pretend like they’re wielding power when it’s just a carrot on a stick that makes them controlled opposition. That can only lead to as you pointed out in your example willfully becoming a stool to be stepped on. It’s their character type of being an empty-suit-for-rent that’ll leave future generations forgetting about that crowd having at all existed, outside of being a cursory note on digital record.
@@breezy_7727 Bunch of Kochsucking bot shill sycophantic apologists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@Hibernial Bunch of Kochsucking bot shill sycophantic apologists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dave Smith gives me hope for our future as libertarians, and americans.
Good conversation.
When will we be seeing an interview with Michael Malice about his #1 Amazon bestseller 'The Anarchist Handbook' and his upcoming book 'The White Pill'?
40...45 years?
We need to roll back the state...
We spy on all of our own citizens
Our prisons are flooded with non-violent drug offenders.
If you want to know who America's next enemy is, look at who we're funding right now.
Every single one of these problems is a result of government being too big
Alright guys, lets get back into the show
Thanks for giving Dave an opportunity to respond, Nick! LFG Davey!
POTP > Reason
They're both good
@@spfcasual3786 No
@@spfcasual3786 The red pilled vs the blue pilled.
@@spfcasual3786 They’re both examples of two sides on different trajectories because of differing attitudes between either tolerating or holding to full account the welfare-warfare State.
Reason = blue pilled libertarians, POTP = red pilled libertarians, blue pilled libertarians will never get anywhere, they've been a failure for years now,, Ron Pual showed us the way being the first real red pilled libertarian to run since Harry Brown and Harry brown didn't do well simply because the internet was so much smaller than and his campaign funding was far less than Paul's, all things being equal though the red pilled libertarian will always perform best.
Nick did a pretty good job here on the interview. Thanks, Nick. Credit where it is due.
I would love to see Dave on a debate stage against biden and the republican nominee
It wouldn't matter. Democrats count the votes.
Even better would be watching Malice as press Secretary. I would watch eagerly tune in to every single press conference. 😂
It would be a blood bath.
@@Andrew-nh5zg he could still shake things up and get a movement going
@@zk3212 Don't get me wrong... I support Dave and agree with a more aggressive libertarian movement. Its just too late. What libertarians should have noticed is that no one's vote really counts. The party that controls the everyday agencies controls the government.
This is amazing. I LOVE this long-form discussion. Thank you! I would love more of these. This discussion made me change my views on section 230
In what way?
Dave is the most effective messenger for liberty since Ron Paul, maybe even better. And he’s still young so hopefully he will keep getting better. Really hope he runs
Great podcast and I feel like it's Dave's first presidential-ish interview
I'm worried Dave will lose his edge. If he disavows The Legion of Skanks, I'll be forced to shun him.
He's dropped to mant nbombs to disavow.
Excellent guest! Thank you for getting him on your show.
Dave Smith 2024!
Good to see you here
Reed is a gangster.
“When he said “everything” I knew I had to pay attention.
I'm glad to see Dave here. Excited to watch!
He's got my vote.
The first normal candidate the LP has had in a long time.
I actually going to vote for him as well
LP forgot the "right" part of right libertarianism, it's nice to see him as a change
@@kaparg The one thing I noticed is that Dave Smith doesn't consider himself a right-winger. Probably because he doesn't want to associate himself with the conservative section of the right-wing side.
@@drowjack thought so, he would have probably tried to get in the republican freedom caucus otherwise, certainly what i would prefer
Love Dave. Great talk!
Dave has to be the nominee.
Dave has genuine traction. Most of the right center southern base (the vast majority) are 💯 with Dave. He's living the life our founders meant to establish.
Great conversation. He knows his stuff. Gives me some hope.
Censorship is very expensive, it is just another barrier to limit competition...like Parlor, that was one of the reasons AWS kicked them off their servers...they said they were letting people say "bad stuff".
honestly I wish these two would just start a weekly podcast together. that'd be amazing.
Yeah they have a weirdly good chemistry
Dave is the man. If he keeps getting his way I will *have* to join the LP.
Same bro. Dave is amazing. Imagine him on a presidential debate stage just bodying fools
The longer this went on, the more the interviewer started loving his own voice. Constant interrupts.
Everyone always misunderstands Rand's position on business and government. She was well aware of cronyism. Hell, it was the major antagonist of Atlas Shrugged!
Yeah, that was a weird comment on Rand.
Smith seems utterly clueless about Rand in general. She was not opposed to charity.
Quotes on the topic:
My views on charity are very simple. I do not consider it a major virtue and, above all, I do not consider it a moral duty. There is nothing wrong in helping other people, if and when they are worthy of the help and you can afford to help them. I regard charity as a marginal issue. What I am fighting is the idea that charity is a moral duty and a primary virtue.
Playboy, March 1964
The fact that a man has no claim on others (i.e., that it is not their moral duty to help him and that he cannot demand their help as his right) does not preclude or prohibit good will among men and does not make it immoral to offer or to accept voluntary, non-sacrificial assistance.
It is altruism that has corrupted and perverted human benevolence by regarding the giver as an object of immolation, and the receiver as a helplessly miserable object of pity who holds a mortgage on the lives of others-a doctrine which is extremely offensive to both parties, leaving men no choice but the roles of sacrificial victim or moral cannibal . . . .
To view the question in its proper perspective, one must begin by rejecting altruism’s terms and all of its ugly emotional aftertaste-then take a fresh look at human relationships. It is morally proper to accept help, when it is offered, not as a moral duty, but as an act of good will and generosity, when the giver can afford it (i.e., when it does not involve self-sacrifice on his part), and when it is offered in response to the receiver’s virtues, not in response to his flaws, weaknesses or moral failures, and not on the ground of his need as such.
The Objectivist “The Question of Scholarships,”
The Objectivist, June 1966, 6
The proper method of judging when or whether one should help another person is by reference to one’s own rational self-interest and one’s own hierarchy of values: the time, money or effort one gives or the risk one takes should be proportionate to the value of the person in relation to one’s own happiness.
To illustrate this on the altruists’ favorite example: the issue of saving a drowning person. If the person to be saved is a stranger, it is morally proper to save him only when the danger to one’s own life is minimal; when the danger is great, it would be immoral to attempt it: only a lack of self-esteem could permit one to value one’s life no higher than that of any random stranger. (And, conversely, if one is drowning, one cannot expect a stranger to risk his life for one’s sake, remembering that one’s life cannot be as valuable to him as his own.)
If the person to be saved is not a stranger, then the risk one should be willing to take is greater in proportion to the greatness of that person’s value to oneself. If it is the man or woman one loves, then one can be willing to give one’s own life to save him or her-for the selfish reason that life without the loved person could be unbearable.
The Virtue of Selfishness “The Ethics of Emergencies,”
The Virtue of Selfishness, 45
The small minority of adults who are unable rather than unwilling to work, have to rely on voluntary charity; misfortune is not a claim to slave labor; there is no such thing as the right to consume, control, and destroy those without whom one would be unable to survive.
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal “What Is Capitalism?”
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 26
Dave is obviously new to this. He was told sometime in the past by left leaning folks that Rand was the devil. His internal bias prevents him from seeing this is false.
No, Rand was in favor of government interference in the market to protect businesses and entrepreneurs. I love Rand for her contributions, but he is correct.
@@allysagilbreath Do you reject the idea of a government protecting property?
please bring back the Ron Paul LP. Dave gets it, been so disappointed in LP for a long time. We need Dave, ill gladly volunteer in the campaign
Jo Jorgensen lost me when she started quoting Kendi. F&$@ all that.
The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was including that cheese pizza lover on her justice recommendation’s list, on account of some intern’s decision to use her platform for the umpteenth time on social media. If you can’t get your shit together to organize a team that isn’t stabbing you and everyone in the back, you’re not fit to be a leader or a messenger. Just pass the baton to someone better ready.
"Paradoxical as it may appear, it is probably true that a successful free society will always in a large measure, be a tradition bound society." F. A. Hayek
Ultimately, we need decentralized, cryptographic solutions to the problem of tech and government monopoly. But decentralized tech is really hard.
Really hard ... .... for now.
There just isn't a large market. That may change in the future.
Even more Technology as the solution for problems created by the use of technology? sounds absurd and dangerous in my opinion. Technology already massively diminishes autonomy and freedom as it is.
Dave literally described me in a nutshell when he talked about the audience to reach out to. I supported Tulsi Gabbard because of her anti war stance, and pro school choice position. I supported both her & Trump because I wanted to give the middle finger to the establishment, but hated that Tulsi would've joined Trump and the previous Presidents in their needless spending. That explains why I'm so captivated by him and the Ron Paul Revolution.
Dave Smith 2024
Lolbertarians be like: We just want gov't to enforce contracts
*Big Tech breaks contracts by kicking people off who haven't violated TOS*
Lolbertarians: lol that's just the free market, they can kick off whoever they want.
Show me any TOS that binds a social media company to serve you or makes even the slightest hint that they're in any way even obligated to feel bad momentarily for banning whoever they want.
Turn them into public utilities.
Considering the history our government had with the big three car companies
I question if these entities where largly government funded into power or not
This Is a terrible point. I can't believe you thought this made any sense.
Nice. Been waiting for this interview
Dave Smith has my vote, should he decide to run. I would also add abolishing the public sector unions.
Reason used to be so cool.
Here's why I will supports dave. When face to face with Nick. Rather than pander to a large group of libertarian viewers he confronted it and said what he believes to be true.
It defies logic to demand that kids must be vaccinated to go to school since the children that have been vaccinated are not at risk. The only children at risk would be the unvaccinated child. So there is no justification for keeping an unvaccinated child out.
None of my children, who are all grown now was ever vaccinated. The few years they went to public schools some parent would inevitably find out our kids were unvaxxed and would voice concern. We would point out my above comment and it was like a light bulb going on, they would realize that it wasn't actually a problem. People are so conditioned that they just stop thinking. It's pitiful really.
I have been turned off with reason for about a year or so. Although, this Dave Smith conversation is much welcome.
Dave, you running makes more sense than almost anything I've heard in this dystopian age!
Thanks reason for bringing him on and asking real questions .. Dave has got my vote
I love these arguments when it comes to immigration. "But Americans do use more welfare than immigrants" ok... therefore fuck it?.. opem the border?
This is how media is supposed to work and MUST work for us to have a country. Show airs, mischaracterizes someone, that someone challenges that, show invited that someone on to set the record straight.
Larry Elder for California Governor! Spread the word everywhere, especially cali residents!
be an advocate, get the word out! theres not much time... the election is in less than 2 months, sept 14th!
This election is all about turnout and might be the only serious shot we get to turn the state red!
For freedom.
Lets gooo!!!!
"You can lose a fight, but you can't win a surrender." - Andrew Klavan
Dave for President! Great communicator!
“unworkable, theatrical, suggestions that are guaranteed to lose” should be the RNC tag line
Dave smith 2024
Reason- advocating for a smaller totalitarian government.
1:15:35 Deceptive editting? Did Dave Smith ask this to be cut?
Man, Dave has really impressed me here, once he got up to maximum velocity. Please run!
Great interview. Good job.
Smart people need to run for President even if they don’t want the job to help weed out those who don’t know what they’re talking about. If a single intelligent person had been on the Democrat debate stage, they all would’ve been decimated and we’d not be living through this BS
There was one and they tried to evicerate her. #tulsi2024
@@danielluke6763 Oh yeah, and took her Google pay account and shadow banned her on RUclips. Tulsi would be infinitely better than Biden
@@danielluke6763 You mean Tulsi the Russian Asset? I was told by Hillary, CNN, MSNBC and a meme that she loves Putin so it must be true.
@@AltKuyperian Tulsi might have been better, but now she’s a shill for secret military action around the world. Maybe she’s being told what to say by the deep state or maybe she was lying about her ideology.
@@techguy651 How so? Haven't heard of this. Perhaps she's now under the influence, but at the time it was clear they were targeting her and making room for Biden.
Spike Cohen/Dave Smith for the win in '24! Vote Gold because Liberty is Essential. 💛
Reason Magazine. The safe space home for blue-pilled libertarians, neoliberals, and authoritarians for decades.
See also: Cato
God dam dave was on fire! That was tremendous.
The war on drugs is prohibition writ large. An absolute tragedy of epic proportions. I was once a proponent of hard drug prohibition in my 20s when I identified as a conservative. I now consider myself a libertarian leaning conservative. The main reason is my absolute disgust at the damage of the WOD.
Very wise and very big of Nick to take the high road and get the record strait with Dave.
Well done gentlemen. Keep it up.
Nick is the only editor at Reason I like (other than Brian Doherty). I agree waaaaaaaay more with Dave Smith on pretty much everything but I respect Nick and enjoy his interviews.
100% I will vote for Dave Smith
The Endgame is to keep the public in fear. To keep them thinking "if it weren't for the government, I'd be dead, or living in poverty."
What Dave said about there being pockets of places in this country that look/are 3rd world, it's so true. I grew up in Stockton, CA and there are areas that are just...you wouldn't believe it if you weren't seeing it with your own eyes.
Have you ever been to Detroit?
Dave is the best thing for the Libertarian party since Ron Paul
Great interview Nick. You pushed back when you needed to but you were super fair and the conversation had great flow.
LOL are you kidding. Rather than pushing back, Nick was constantly cutting Dave off when he was making a great point.
Ron Paul woke me up when I was watching C-span in the early aughts ...
Dave is great. Would love to see Tom Woods or Michael Malice on Reason again soon
Dave Smith on Rogan changed my life. I cannot wait for him to run in 2024, let’s change the world.
Dave "Libertarian 2Pac" Smith.
Dave Smith is the best!
Excellent discussion. 👍
Dave Smith for President!
"How do we get out of it?" Well Nick, step one is to acknowledge that we done fucked up in our handling of everything related to covid. It's sort of like someone who drank too much, arguing over whether next time we should garnish with a lime or cherry and maybe that way we won't get a hang over. The garnish is not the problem, the problem is that just because you had a bad day at work, maybe just maybe drinking 2 litters of vodka was not going to fix the problem, just make the problem worse.
I gave this video a like only for Dave smith. Not for reason. Reason not been reasonable for years.
You can get Covid after being vaccinated. I been vaccinated. Got Bell’s palsy as a possible side affect. And now as of this video I have Covid. Very mild.
Dave Smith says Ayn Rand got it wrong because we have cronyism. She absolutely wrote about that. In her stories, including Atlas Shrugged, there were examples of villainous company owners who lobbied government for special favors. That's exactly where I learned about crony capitalism.
I would without hesitation vote for dave in 2024.
Terrific interview
This was a great discussion.
Hello. Where can I purchase the lawn sign for you that I’d put up? 👍🏼
Nick Gillespie is ok with rounding people up and shoving them into boxcars so long as the boxcars are owned by Walmart.
I'll never again vote for anyone with a D or R by their name.
Free speech is scary. And nobody but me should have the right to say whatever they want because I am the smartest Persian know
Interesting that you haven't modernized and started calling your self Iranian. Kudos for kicking it old school.
Lol...how dare you say that.🤣
I’d vote for him . Been listening to him for years and now that he has a family , you can tell his ideas have molded and matured . Dude is really
On point with a lot
If someone says something ambiguous, you don't get to decide what he meant.
Dave Smith is definitely the future of the LP. but unfortunately that's like being the quarterback in the XFL. It ain't worth much.
The cheerleaders are better
It ain’t worth much now but it’s gaining traction, especially thanks to lockdown madness.
It has better chance of accelerating long-term success than ever before. 2024 is mostly about introducing new people to the idea.
I love Trump but I’d vote for Dave Smith over Trump, as long as he restricts immigration. I don’t like most libertarians but Dave is awesome.
I would vote for Dave Smith in a heartbeat!
We can only hope for Dave's success getting his foot into the current political swamp.
It’s more about his success of getting his ideas into mainstream.