1st degree murder is when it is planned out, for example: The murderer could have been stalking the victim for years and have plotted out how they want to murder and dispose of the body. 2nd degree is when it isn't plotted before-hand but still having the intention to kill the victim. Third-degree murder falls between manslaughter and second-degree murder charges. This murder is not based on having the intent to kill. Third-degree murder is often charged as a depraved heart or mind crime. This charge can arise when a person fires a gun in a crowd without intending to kill anyone. Manslaughter is when you do not have the intention of killing the victim, it just happens in the moment. For example: Someone could be nagging you on at a bowling alley and you throw a bowling ball at their head. Involuntary Manslaughter is when you murder someone unintentionally, for example: You give someone peanut butter ice cream with no idea that they are allergic and they die.
1st degree murder is when it is planned out, for example: The murderer could have been stalking the victim for years and have plotted out how they want to murder and dispose of the body. 2nd degree is when it isn't plotted before-hand but still having the intention to kill the victim. Third-degree murder falls between manslaughter and second-degree murder charges. This murder is not based on having the intent to kill. Third-degree murder is often charged as a depraved heart or mind crime. This charge can arise when a person fires a gun in a crowd without intending to kill anyone. Manslaughter is when you do not have the intention of killing the victim, it just happens in the moment. For example: Someone could be nagging you on at a bowling alley and you throw a bowling ball at their head. Involuntary Manslaughter is when you murder someone unintentionally, for example: You give someone peanut butter ice cream with no idea that they are allergic and they die.