They can just pull one of the other fuses out and put it in port 19 to power the obd. You’re better fitting a dummy obd port because that gives them something to plug into, and doesn’t make them rip the dashboard apart looking for the obd port
In Thailand. Just had a keyed brake block attachment fitted that also cuts off the ignition on my wife's 2012 Ford Fiesta automatic. At a cost of 3200 Baht, about 128 Australian dollars. Great anti-theft device at a very reasonable price. REPLY
This video should be removed. Your telling the world how you are securing your car. Removing the fuse has no benefit. It only cuts out power. Dislocs easy to get past. Want to secure your car put on a proper aftermarket immobilser and alarm.
Fiestas are being stolen everywhere at the moment, this is spot on info and I will be doing it to mine, thank you
Good information, I'll be doing this to my fiesta st when I get it next year
It's next year. Did you do it?
Its the year after the next. Did you do it?
It's the year after the year after the first year... Did you do it?
Sauterelle Sauvage forgot I wrote this, I didn't buy a fiesta st in the end. I bought a mk6 golf instead
They can just pull one of the other fuses out and put it in port 19 to power the obd. You’re better fitting a dummy obd port because that gives them something to plug into, and doesn’t make them rip the dashboard apart looking for the obd port
Won't they realise it's a dummy and do what you mentioned after anyway
In Thailand. Just had a keyed brake block attachment fitted that also cuts off the ignition on my wife's 2012 Ford Fiesta automatic. At a cost of 3200 Baht, about 128 Australian dollars. Great anti-theft device at a very reasonable price.
wackojacko123 GREAT ON YOU!
Got a link?
Maybe add a nice note too. Something like "F*ck off"
Great vid cheers for posting.
Very good info!
Love it thanks
What is the length on the factory obd connector from the loom?
Basically how far away can u tuck the cable?.
Not sure of the exact length.but it is enough to tuck it up high under the dashboard,or back deep against the firewall.
thanks for the vid mate. lots of bastards about lately knicking these.
I like your description of the scummy bastards
Ouch think we hit a nerve ppl
Get a fake OBD and put it where the real one should be ha ha
This video should be removed. Your telling the world how you are securing your car.
Removing the fuse has no benefit. It only cuts out power.
Dislocs easy to get past.
Want to secure your car put on a proper aftermarket immobilser and alarm.