Incredible Vanda Orchids - Care Instructions

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 125

  • @donnanowik7955
    @donnanowik7955 Год назад +68

    I think Donna gets the award for the most entertaining and personable hostess I've seen in a long time. Thanks for introducing us! She could sell me an orchid any day!

    • @Yvonne_ennovY
      @Yvonne_ennovY Год назад +3

      I absolutely love her personality - I'm watching a 2nd and 3rd time simply because she cheered me up 😁🙏🏾

    • @khayescobar1819
      @khayescobar1819 Год назад +3

      Wow wow beautiful orchids love them all what a collections, thank you very much Jim and Stephany 👍🙏❤️

    • @donnagoodwin6311
      @donnagoodwin6311 Год назад +1

      ❤ that’s so sweet! Thanks!! xox😊

    • @donnagoodwin6311
      @donnagoodwin6311 Год назад +1

      @@Yvonne_ennovY ❤I think I love you!

    • @donnagoodwin6311
      @donnagoodwin6311 Год назад +1

      @@khayescobar1819 They are such sweet people!

  • @staciejackson7497
    @staciejackson7497 Год назад +13

    Wow, no wonder Donna is so lively and warm! Living among those gorgeous plants must be a mood booster! Thanks for the great guests and informational content.

  • @kso808
    @kso808 Год назад +17

    Jim, you’ve done it again! Never saw a greenhouse of orchids. So many colors. Such interesting plants! What a delight to watch this on a gray, rainy winter day! 👍

  • @brittanymartin1251
    @brittanymartin1251 4 месяца назад +1

    I love her energy, I bet her visitors feel so welcome and excited to care for their new orchids.

  • @michelelara5982
    @michelelara5982 Год назад +1

    You can tell
    Donna is passionate about her business and loves to

  • @jimblair7724
    @jimblair7724 Год назад +7

    Yea that lady has a very good operations and she knows her business , and lot of her answers apply to other plants ! Great Show

  • @wildlifegardenssydney7492
    @wildlifegardenssydney7492 9 месяцев назад +1

    10/10 Donna is a natural teacher. She explained everything so well! Your questions and insights too Jim.

  • @be6715
    @be6715 10 месяцев назад +2

    Donna is a Wonderful person - and she has been very patient with me in the past - and let me wander throughout the greenhouses before I was able to make up my little mind. Hi Donna from IL!

  • @susanmarkovich3168
    @susanmarkovich3168 7 месяцев назад +3

    I actually bought a Vanda from Home Depot and it ended up being a double grown together and I got blooms at the same time from both, two different colors, it was so cool.

  • @RCPrepping
    @RCPrepping Год назад +3

    Donna and Duane registered a variety in honor of my late wife. I have one of those and am watching it grow every day! Vanda Orchids are beautiful and easy to grow here in zone 9b central Florida.

  • @annjudd7283
    @annjudd7283 Год назад +1

    I watched this 3 times, great video!
    I’m making plans to go to the greenhouse, only an hour from my home. Donna is a great speaker and I can’t wait to meet her at the greenhouse.

  • @HandcraftedintheFoothills
    @HandcraftedintheFoothills Год назад +7

    Awesome content! This grower is fantastic! Thanks Jim for introducing us to her and her nursery!!

  • @franciscoecleonel9206
    @franciscoecleonel9206 Год назад +1

    Thank you the video beautiful orchid. 15:48

  • @raneesmith3530
    @raneesmith3530 Год назад +4

    So Beautiful learned a lot about Orchids, thanks

  • @sarahhayhurst9944
    @sarahhayhurst9944 Год назад +3

    Sensational video, Jim, and a lovely lady too. Really enjoyed this. Thanks for posting. I think orchids are so, so beautiful. The ultimate flower 🌸

  • @Tofog22000
    @Tofog22000 Год назад +1

    Great to have winter blooms in the house and the flowers on some vaterites lasted over 2 months.

  • @joyrussell1974
    @joyrussell1974 Год назад

    Donna and Mr Goodwin is so awesome on her orchids. I ;love the way treated there vanda. its a real kids got very extra special care. I am so glad i found them this year.

  • @Riverdale270
    @Riverdale270 Год назад +1

    orchids are such a gift of nature... beautiful beautiful plants

  • @aliciaconnolly1227
    @aliciaconnolly1227 Год назад +2

    YES - more orchid grower videos please 😍 great info on how to care and grow. Thanks Jim!

  • @Yvonne_ennovY
    @Yvonne_ennovY Год назад +2

    What an amazing place!! 🤩🌺 Just what we needed in this rainy season. And Steph feeding the livestock at the end was icing on the cake. ❤️ Great video Jim, thanks!

  • @bjsikorski3271
    @bjsikorski3271 Год назад +1

    Yep stopping by there sometime! What a gem she is!

  • @khayescobar1819
    @khayescobar1819 Год назад +1

    Wow so beautiful collections of orchids love them all, thank you very much Jim and Stephany 👍🙏❤️

  • @heatherw.2751
    @heatherw.2751 Год назад

    I love this gal! She is like a ray of sunshine and her orchids are gorgeous!!! Thanks for introducing us to her! Great video!

  • @MelindaBrooks-vj3fr
    @MelindaBrooks-vj3fr Год назад +1

    Wow! What beautiful flowers. Great video!

  • @jennifergreene8891
    @jennifergreene8891 Год назад +1

    I LOVE ORCHIDS! These are STUNNING 😍 Thank you for the tour!

  • @myragooden8667
    @myragooden8667 Год назад +1

    I really, really enjoyed this video. Beautiful orchids.

  • @sherylemoore8626
    @sherylemoore8626 Год назад +3

    Thank you for such a great video! I love orchids and have success with phalaenopsis and at one time cymbidiums! Donna was wonderful in her knowledge and her "on screen" presence. Delightful. I may have to spring for a Vanda now.

    • @michelelara5982
      @michelelara5982 Год назад

      I never knew about vanda orchids before. I’ve grown mokara, and Phalos only.

    • @donnagoodwin6311
      @donnagoodwin6311 Год назад

      Come and see us!!❤

  • @judymckerrow6720
    @judymckerrow6720 Год назад +1

    Thanks Jim. ❄️💚🙃

  • @cece_marie
    @cece_marie Год назад +1

    Another top notch video! Donna is a delight, and those orchids are incredible. (Also, I really like the 15-30 second soothing intro, that audio choice is one of my favs, really makes it a pleasant video experience)

  • @ShareefaMohammed-r6w
    @ShareefaMohammed-r6w 7 месяцев назад

    Donna I loved your Vanda orchids
    Very beautiful plants

  • @jjj32801
    @jjj32801 Год назад

    Great interview. I could listen to Donna all day.

  • @annwoleben5439
    @annwoleben5439 Год назад +1

    Wow! Another wonderful field trip! Gorgeous orchids~

  • @david020218
    @david020218 Год назад +1

    Orchids are the best I love them

  • @julieh2935
    @julieh2935 Год назад +1

    How fun! What a beautiful place! Thank you for the tour and information! 😊👍

  • @SaiaRose
    @SaiaRose Год назад +1

    Gorgeous ! I'm Flo Grown , can't wait to go here ! Thank You Both , God Bless !

  • @timgarner1957
    @timgarner1957 Год назад +1

    Another awesome episode!! Such beautiful orchids .. I'm glad to see both of you having fun down south..

  • @alejandrayong5411
    @alejandrayong5411 Год назад

    I came across your video, loved it. Beautiful Vandas and Donna is very knowledgeable, I enjoyed listening to her. Thank you

  • @diannbarbacci1031
    @diannbarbacci1031 Год назад

    Wow! Amazing video. Jim has done it again. Thank you Donna

  • @rustynailmendlesohn8710
    @rustynailmendlesohn8710 Год назад +1

    This was a really wonderful and beautiful vid to watch while it is snowing here today in Illinois. TY Jim. I sure enjoyed that. Wow, I have never ever seen such orchids!!!!!

  • @dianawestmark
    @dianawestmark 10 месяцев назад

    Excited to see your beautiful flowers bloom? Keep that beauty shining for years by preserving them! Don’t waste your hard-earned money on fleeting joy when you can save big and enjoy their splendor for years to come! 💐✨

  • @WestSide2400
    @WestSide2400 Год назад

    Thanks Jim! Orchids are my favorite 😊

  • @wendywerner3242
    @wendywerner3242 Год назад +1

    Awesome! We will definitely visit

  • @loriledner6528
    @loriledner6528 Год назад +2

    I love this video- thank you !!

  • @marvelousmicah5560
    @marvelousmicah5560 Месяц назад

    Im moving to Florida just for these

    @ARIQAFATINA371 Год назад

    Sangat Indah bunga-bunga anda. Terimakasih

  • @orchidsstudio1986
    @orchidsstudio1986 Год назад

    Hai Jim.. Thanks For made this video .. Beautiful Vanda Orchids Garden..!

  • @my360degreeview
    @my360degreeview Год назад +1

    I order from them all the time! They ship wonderfully! Love their orchids! 😊

    • @tuyetvo4353
      @tuyetvo4353 Год назад

      How much is cost for 1 Vanda?

    • @my360degreeview
      @my360degreeview Год назад +1

      @@tuyetvo4353 they are all different pricing but I love her Vandas

    • @tuyetvo4353
      @tuyetvo4353 Год назад

      @@my360degreeview / Thanks -
      I love Vanda orchids too.

  • @branch7010
    @branch7010 Год назад +1

    Very cool video. Did you take one home and if you did what's the winter strategy?

  • @emiliareataza3721
    @emiliareataza3721 24 дня назад

    Hello...You have a nice and great orchids nursery, I appreciate it much, but I ask about how you get out of the green fungus in the roots of the orchids for treatment...? because you have a nice green rooting of your orchids...thank u ma'am...have a great day. im from Philippines 🇵🇭...👍

  • @VaniaStoimenova
    @VaniaStoimenova 9 месяцев назад

    Awesome video, really helpful. I’m a little far from the nursery but I’d love to visit someday. I recently got my first Vanda and I already have Superthrive at home. Any advice on how/how much to use? I’d appreciate it!

  • @annapala529
    @annapala529 Год назад +1

    Great video ❤

  • @aliciabaylina6275
    @aliciabaylina6275 Год назад

    She is fantastic

  • @capblap
    @capblap 4 месяца назад

    Great video by the way :) I have a question about fertilizer. When applying a water based msu fertilizer do I need to be careful to not splash the leaves of my vanda? If I do splash the leaves will it cause burn?

  • @catreeves963
    @catreeves963 Год назад +1


  • @rocketman3534
    @rocketman3534 9 месяцев назад

    is there a link to which superthrive to use on the orchids that Donna mentioned towards the end of the video? and she also mentioned about a "bloom booster" thank you

  • @rosebowen8924
    @rosebowen8924 Год назад

    Thanks for sharing, they are beautiful.

  • @Celebritypulse123
    @Celebritypulse123 Год назад


  • @lorraineclark3517
    @lorraineclark3517 Год назад +1


  • @franciscoecleonel9206
    @franciscoecleonel9206 Год назад

    Thank you the the video. Beautiful orchid.

  • @cynthiadameron1399
    @cynthiadameron1399 9 месяцев назад

    Great video. Thank you.

  • @naturenel
    @naturenel Год назад

    Just came across your channel. Great stuff! Just subscribed. 💚

  • @cappgunn2426
    @cappgunn2426 11 месяцев назад

    I’m coming to see you from Ocala!!😊

  • @judymckerrow6720
    @judymckerrow6720 Год назад

    I wanted to try orchids a few years ago so I went on an on line orchid shopping spree, I wanted the easy care most fragrant ones I could find. Well things happened and I didn’t end up taking care of them and all but one dried out, crispy, crinkle, dead! The one that hadn’t died got misplaced among some other indoor plants and was totally forgotten about, if I’m not mistaken for approximately two years. Anyway when I found it it was still green but wrinkled, I gave it some water and the little bugger has made a come back. Still to be determined if it will ever produce anything, namely flowers but it has grown some. Maybe this summer I’ll move the little guy outside so he can soak up some humidity. A real life experience in zone 6a. ❄️💚🙃

  • @kimbar11
    @kimbar11 Год назад

    So beautiful! How interesting.

  • @SherrisPlace
    @SherrisPlace Год назад

    Can you ship to Canada since there is no soil on the roots?
    Thank you

  • @tuyetvo4353
    @tuyetvo4353 Год назад

    I love to get 1 Vanda in the basket .
    I bought one little Vanda in orchids show in Pasadena - just wonder how long is take to bloom a new flowers?

  • @karenschwartz5209
    @karenschwartz5209 Год назад +1


  • @Jubebebe
    @Jubebebe Год назад

    Your vandas are beautiful ❤
    Just wondering if you can give us the name of the yellow and red one with mauve lip please :)

  • @BridgetSumma
    @BridgetSumma Год назад

    What is the name of the mini(red) in the beginning of the video?

  • @scotmckittrick7059
    @scotmckittrick7059 Год назад

    Can I leave the ends of vanda orchid in water while on vacation?

  • @shradhahansda4151
    @shradhahansda4151 Год назад

    Kindly tell me the ratio of the fertilizer

  • @ionareavis3271
    @ionareavis3271 Год назад +3

    Sweet lady!

  • @VelmaDennis-ge1gc
    @VelmaDennis-ge1gc Год назад

    Do you ship to Jamaica

  • @ralfhermans4256
    @ralfhermans4256 Год назад

    What fortelizer are good for vandas and how much for the roots i think your roots are so white

  • @Unkn0wn1133
    @Unkn0wn1133 Год назад

    I have a vanda that is dehydrated, and there was dirt and blackness in the bottom leaves where the old flower spikes were. I removed those leaves to let those spots dry out.There are no new roots and the existing ones have gone woody but still turn green in water. I dont know if i should just cut the stem where the healthy leaves start or keep soaking the roots so it can rehydrate itself. The humidity where i live is only 20/30% theres new roots starting to poke out where the stem is bare. Please help

  • @minecraftsaurus5765
    @minecraftsaurus5765 5 месяцев назад

    In India you get three Vanda orchids small size, with shipping in under 2 dollars. They grow here natively.

  • @Scashleynicole
    @Scashleynicole Год назад

    That was so neat!!

  • @thel.a.texmexlady9637
    @thel.a.texmexlady9637 11 месяцев назад

    Please help. I live in southern. California. My leaves are yellowing and falling off my baby vanda😢 I spray mist it and it seems to hate getting watered. Another leaf will yellow and fall

  • @lowcountryrambler1251
    @lowcountryrambler1251 Год назад

    Super-what? Hormone booster name?? Couldnt catch the name. Thanks.

  • @adance9966
    @adance9966 Год назад

    I didn't hear any info on how to care? Do the roots need to be cut? Pruning?

  • @lizabethhofschneider7665
    @lizabethhofschneider7665 Год назад

    Do you sell online?

  • @SandraKurz
    @SandraKurz Год назад

    Frage habe mir eine Vanda Orchidee gekauft.Hängt am Küchenfenster und die Wurzeln frei. Was ist Sinnvoller täglich besprühen oder wöchentlich tauchen?

    • @kelly34731
      @kelly34731 Год назад

      Hi there, I'm a friend of Donna's and she is here but unable to get to her phone to reply. She said to tell you to spray daily especially if it's in the house! She said remember that these are tropical plants that like it hot and humid. So your job is to try to replicate that if you can. Happy growing!

  • @tessieantipala9985
    @tessieantipala9985 5 месяцев назад

    ilike yuor orchid flower beautiful

  • @jacksonlima8058
    @jacksonlima8058 Год назад

    Whats the name of the hormo thats is apply one a month??

  • @ShareefaMohammed-r6w
    @ShareefaMohammed-r6w 7 месяцев назад

    How can I buy one Vanda orchids I am leaving in CA

  • @tan-vinhvuong5592
    @tan-vinhvuong5592 Год назад

    Bonsoir 'avez vous vendez des vanda ? combien une vanda ? merci

  • @Wintersmen
    @Wintersmen Год назад


  • @janetcalderin9687
    @janetcalderin9687 6 месяцев назад

    Why are my vanda leaves drooping

  • @DrNedu
    @DrNedu Год назад

    The pause at 3:00, he must be thinking "can we have a baby"

  • @mehmetercengiz5209
    @mehmetercengiz5209 5 месяцев назад

    Türkçe altyazılı istiyorum

  • @Teriberi12345
    @Teriberi12345 Год назад

  • @passepartoot
    @passepartoot Год назад +1

    Surely she is a relation to Stephany.

  • @annaloph
    @annaloph 3 дня назад


  • @johninbelmont
    @johninbelmont Год назад +1

    Super what?

    • @jul7673
      @jul7673 Год назад +1

      Superthrive. I buy mine on Amazon. Think I saw it at Lowe’s, too.

    • @donnagoodwin6311
      @donnagoodwin6311 Год назад +1

      SuperThrive! Vitamins and hormones for your plants!!

  • @hconnell4177
    @hconnell4177 Год назад

    Great video thank you.

  • @Mopoppy
    @Mopoppy Год назад

    My previous comment was deleted… the web site is wrong. It took me a bit to find out the right one. It should be monstervandas. Missing an “s” in the description..

    • @JimPutnam
      @JimPutnam  Год назад

      Thank you! I just updated it.

    • @Mopoppy
      @Mopoppy Год назад

      @@JimPutnam thank you! i enjoyed looking at the orchid.☺️

  • @michelelara5982
    @michelelara5982 Год назад +10

    You can tell
    Donna is passionate about her business and loves to