Well.. Rosa Parks and Mahatma Gandhi did actually change things 😉 Not the first day or the second day, but by setting an example. The example that, I have nothing more to lose, so I'll stand up to tyrrany nomatter the cost. If you can come up with something else that works better, please do 😉
I think they gave off the wrong message by saying they want to go to jail but they should have said they're willing to fight for serious matters that can have a negative effect on generations' of lives because there was no attention given to these specific topics but yes, I agree with you I had to explain to a relative that in order to demand change, the people have to be strong headed and stand up for what is right, for instance if Rosa Parks did not refuse to give up her seat and go to jail for it, their would not be protests to change societys' view.
We've tried political solutions for 30 years and we have increased carbon emissions by 60%. The journalist here thinks we should continue with these same failed political solutions. The definition of insanity.
"We" haven't done this, but China (now possibly reformed), India and the USA have. Populations of the UK and indeed of the European continent have remained remarkably constant, in contrast to the quadrupling that has taken place in India and China. We have abandoned coal for natural gas, whilst Germany produces 75% of its electricity from coal and lignite. The UK has done well, not because we are terrifically wonderful, but because of our geographic and geological advantages. But I remain impressed by the safe and apparently efficient way that we have been transitioning to renewables. But we did ought to stop contributing to forest loss by our use of palm oil in multiple products.
In my generation, I'm 64, we heard about global cooling, now it's global warming. We started recycling, we started planting trees, and cleaning the trash from the environment. That was when I was a child in Washington state, now I live in Florida, We have beautiful beaches, scenic wetlands, and stunning wildlife that is hard to beat. Yet we have Skeena, a disruptive hypocrite, that thinks that blocking roads, keeping people from doing their work or having their lives go peacefully turn into a disruptive headache because you have to express your "feelings" of doom. We've heard it all before, it has never come true. Oh, and take that stupid little girl by the name of Greta and shove that nobel peace prize she might get up your ..........
Doesn't "no Brexit on a dead planet" mean that Brexit is comparatively unimportant compared to the climate change issue? The journalist said they were anti Brexit I don't think that was the point of that !
That's true, their both just as important as each other but after we go out of brexit this might be another chance to protest because of the outcome 🤷🏻♀️
Only if you actually believe the crap that XR claims. According to independent scientists at Harvard and elsewhere, if the whole planet stopped looking for anymore green solutions to global warming, i.e. just continued to live our lives as we do now, global warming could become a critical issue... in around 1,825,000 years. Ooo scary! You lot are just deluded. You're like a mass-hypnosis cult, putting the fear of God into young children without cause. It's child abuse and you are all child abusers for spreading statistics which even your own leaders have now admitted, are grossly exaggerated. It's disgusting and sickening in equal measure. If you really do want to be arrested, and you think the end of the world really is nigh anyway, why not just agree to cut out the middle man? Then we could arrest every single one of you, and introduce you all to a delightful cocktail of barbituric acid, tubocurarine and potassium chloride. Yum yum yum. Meanwhile, we can just get on with our happy lives. Well, at least for the next 1,825,000 years or so!
“We have to think very carefully” - we’ve had 50 years to think of solutions and industry has responded by accelerating the process at which our planet is degrading. Talking clearly isn’t getting us anywhere and we’ve got a limited amount of time - action is now what’s desperately needed.
Right, well here's your action. - In my generation, I'm 64, we heard about global cooling, now it's global warming. We started recycling, we started planting trees, and cleaning the trash from the environment. That was when I was a child in Washington state, now I live in Florida, We have beautiful beaches, scenic wetlands, and stunning wildlife that is hard to beat. Yet we have Skeena, a disruptive hypocrite, that thinks that blocking roads, keeping people from doing their work or having their lives go peacefully turn into a disruptive headache because you have to express your "feelings" of doom. We've heard it all before, it has never come true. Oh, and take that stupid little girl by the name of Greta and shove that nobel peace prize she might get up your ..........
titovalasques hold on do you drive a car do you fly on for your holidays do you watch tv and use a Fridge I know that you use all them items in my eyes and many others say that your all a bunch of big Hypocrites so fuck off with your bull shit lies !!!!!
i live and work in a town in Australia where the river hasn't run for a year and the kangaroos are falling over dead and mass fish kills are happening now I am going to do what I have to do People are totally already in distress This is an emergency
@@sodthong The whole Darling River - selling water rights to Chinese owned cotton corporations in a devastating drought.... highlights the capitalist corporate take overs of so called two-party democracies. This is the SYSTEM THAT MUST CHANGE! #ExtinctionRebellion
It does NOT need more politics. It needs action that is in accordance to the threat level, which is worse than anything most people are aware. We are talking about civilization ending, and that's not alarmism. That's what the scientists are telling us. You can deny it all you want, but the facts are the facts.
Agreed, except... it is W.A.A.A.Y worse than civilisation ending. Tragic though that would be, we are bringing about not only the end of civilisation, not only the extinction of the human species, not only the extinction of higher animal and plant species, but the end of all life on earth, i.e. obliterating the biosphere, including, of course simple life forms like bacteria, which otherwise could provide the basis for future life. The planet will be effectively dead. Even the hydrosphere will be lost, and the planet is likely to look like a hot Mars. Is it too late to stop this? Probably. Should we do our utmost to stop this insane rush towards that endpoint? Of course. If things go according to every scenario inj our knowledge, we are doomed, along with all life forms, organic material and water. BUT even the most hubristic of people will admit, we are not omniscient, and circumstances or events unforeseen may intervene, fortuitously, and mitigate the situation. Who knows? So we should act as though there is a tiny slender chance that either some higher life, or at least some form of life or at very least, some conditions conducive to future life, will persist through the catastrophe that is on our doorstep. So, of course we must act as if there is hope. First mourn our loss in advance. Then act to the bitter end.
Ella Whelan, you may think that protests that you joined in in the past where not ultimately effective and you'd e right, but you are not right in thinking that tweaking the current system with a bit more talking to politicians will do the trick. I listened to an MP last year who said that if there is no mass movement to call on demands for change, parliament will be incapable of delivering the change necessary to transform this broken system of ours. All the neoliberal principles that have infected our global, social and political instiutions over the last decades have given us vicious Austerity and Climate Crisis. Yes, we do need to talk to people, engage them and XR is doing that as well as disrupting. This is a movement unlike those of the past - from student protests of the 60s to Occupy in the 2000s: this is to the end.
"This is to the end" - this is exactly how it is ! Having listened to the XR core team introduce themselves at Marble Arch, and having spent time in the XR office, it is clear that they are all totally dedicated, they are not going to stop, and this movement will only get bigger.
Then do something that really will make a change you bunch of hypocrites. Go clean up a beach, go plant trees, clean your areas you live in. Show the world you care by doing something positive and not whining and disrupting normal common people. This is all about MONEY . In my generation, I'm 64, we heard about global cooling, now it's global warming. We started recycling, we started planting trees, and cleaning the trash from the environment. That was when I was a child in Washington state, now I live in Florida, We have beautiful beaches, scenic wetlands, and stunning wildlife that is hard to beat. Yet we have Skeena, a disruptive hypocrite, that thinks that blocking roads, keeping people from doing their work or having their lives go peacefully turn into a disruptive headache because you have to express your "feelings" of doom. We've heard it all before, it has never come true. Oh, and take that stupid little girl by the name of Greta and shove that nobel peace prize she might get up your ..........
Good balanced coverage. I'll be travelling down to London on Monday. This feels like the most important thing I've done, in 30 years of campaigning, protesting and low carbon living. None of these has had any appreciable impact on the upward trend of greenhouse gases and other pollution. If we do nothing, we are doomed. If we continue doing what we were doing before, we are doomed. If we do something radically different, there is a small possibility that we may actually change something and have a more positive outcome.
Overpopulation is the root cause, too many people knocking out too many kids, putting excessive pressure on limited natural resources. Solve this, you've solved the problem.
dave Oliver which limited resources? What overpopulation? To my knowledge we make more food than we can eat, it it’s simply not being distributed to the third world. A rise in population does lead to more emissions, but reducing population cannot be a feasible solution- the number of people on the planet will stabilise soon (there is a video here on RUclips which explains this) so the most productive solution would be to reduce carbon emissions per person- specifically though targeting industry and consumer culture and converting our energy sources to sustainable solutions- not stopping people from having kids or by killing people.
The fact fact fact is that capitalism cannot go green, cannot stop the trajectory to destruction. Either we get rid of capitalism or we face barbarism. There is no ignoring the "politics". It is like a person falling out of a plane without a parachute and in desperation hoping gravity goes away.
Extinction Rebellion are intelligent, kind, diverse, fluid, inclusive, trained in non-violence and de-esculation and most importantly directly active. The more I investigate the movement the more impressed I am!
The interviewer and the journalist have a blinkered view. They aren't grasping the magnitude of the threat to mankind. They're like children holding their hands over their ears exclaiming: "NO,NO,NO, I'm not listening!" Why has it become optional to listen to virtually all climatologists making grave predictions based on years and mountains of research? Stakes not high enough for them? It's truly mind-boggling.
Okay sure but how does it plan on actually tackling climate change once everyone is somehow on board with them? They had a goal of net 0 carbon emissions by 2025. Has this goal been based of 'scientific research' or is it just a dream that has no logical solution to be accomplished?
Dark Destroyer anything can be done with the right investment. In the 1800s we would upgrade entire rail lines in one night by having tons of men working along the line all at once. And look at the massive mobilisation for WW2, all the tanks, planes and ships we made in such a short time. The point is we need a government that is the top spender on climate policies, even above the NHS, so we can get the change we need. And these can be massive with the money. We’d be looking at free public transport, reopening rail lines, making electric cars affordable with subsidies so we can ban new petrol and diesel cars, switching to 100% renewable energy, taking CO2 out the atmosphere, etc etc. If only the money was put into it....
The point of a good journalist is to question beliefs and ideas. Asking real questions is true journalism, asking softball questions is something a bias opinion journalist does.
Emma Whelan is a classic eurocentic who is rooted in the idea of British Empire. Throwing around words like middle class, working class. No people from XR think it's cool to be arrested. The key word she keeps missing that is being said is that people are willing to be arrested to drive the message home! Middle class? I am not middle class and I have been to the XR protest for the last 2 days (and will go to more) and I went in November last year too! I am African however and the negative effects of climate change are already being felt there! For her it's the case of, let's not do too much or it will affect the lives of people here in England while the actual global poor in the South are likely to experience mass genocide very soon! There have already been cyclones and droughts that have caused many deaths and displacement of 100s of thousands and there is much more and much worse to come! Sorry to inconvenience your cushty little life Emma! trying to protect your comfy life here as you don't want to make the changes that will save the lives and livelihoods of brown and black people....
Despite the population of Africa being over a billion they have contributed less than 5% of greenhouse gas emissions. A lot of manufacturing in Asia and Africa is to meet the consumption patterns of the wealtheir countries in the west. So despite people having lots of babies they still don't contribute much to greenhouse gases. Britain and China are number 8 contributors per capita and their population sizes are vastly different. This shows that the population argument you have brought up is void.
mnjm, acknowledge you posted six months ago. Well said however the home truth is when Africa goes down with cimate collapse so will much of Europe's food supply while Europe now are seeing some serious loss of crops and a heat wave across most of the northern hemisphere. Half the population of India will suffer from water shortages in the next 10 years pushing them north. Lake Chad will see the same problems. I have spoken to people from Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda around three years ago who have experienced 2 weeks of temperatures being in the mid 40s destroying their crops. South East Asia has much the same problems. France and Germany have already reached these temperatures while much of Central Europe's water comes from the Alps which will melt far quicker than the Himalayas. This year Australia has become a net importer of wheat for the first time in decades. Our food supply is already locked in to serious disruption what we haven't seen yet is serious crop diseases that will follow the weather disruption and the mass migrations. We have disruption to crops from drought, flooding and loss of nutrition.
Thank you so much for this. Actually I'm from germany and I'm shocked to see this and I'm very sad the politicans don't do anything. They do so less in the whole world - so you're commitment is such important and I hope it will spread around the earth. I'm father of three children and I learned so much in your video. Thank you for yout principle being a non-violent movement. Again, thank you so much.
I'm so glad that people are holding up the roads with protesting. That extra pollution caused by congestion is really solving all the world's problems.
*Save the Planet, Save the Animals, and Save Ourselves - Go Vegan* Animal agriculture is the largest contributor of greenhouse gases. Changing to a vegan lifestyle is the fastest, cheapest, and easiest way to make a difference. The power is in our hands.
@@emcc8598 How do you think the water and grain to feed the animals gets to them? TRANSPORT. It is a fact that meat-heads' carbon footprints are TEN TIMES bigger than those of vegans. You have a closed mind.
@@coolrocknroll Lol. You lot are crazies for sure. Firstly animals are mainly fed the left overs / by products of the Human food industry. If they weren't used in this way - they would have to be dumped/ transported elsewhere. Unlike your rabid misinformation - Those eating a normal diet eat a range of foods including vegetables *and* meat. The diet that humans have eaten and thrived on for millennia. Ye are nothing better than a bunch of shite hawk propagandists that peddle crap about food and agriculture. And btw how exactly do you think your food arrives on your plate?
Rebellion is a behavior change. Can people join together to eliminate the single occupancy vehicle, all fossil fuel powered engines, eat responsibly, end corporate inequity? These are the bigger actions that need to happen. Perhaps rebellion is the first step. Hopefully it leverages the policy changes and responsible economics in time to make a difference.
i applaud the youth- its their (and their kids) future! the people in power now are vested in keeping things the same- as history repeats itself- BUT this is different- this IS an emergency that effects every one and every living thing! "when hope ends- action must begin"!!! and of course we all need to VOTE !
Its unusual how journalists comment on every particular at hand apart from climate change and the switch to renewables. Theres a complete avoidance of discussing the concepts behind the protest.
Zeb Perhaps that shows a lack of intelligence and ability to see beyond their 'safe' mental zone. Denial. They are on the front line too when reporting and probably not qualified for the task.
Under the current global economic and monetary system, what they are demanding is impossible, so everything they are doing is pointless. You have to take care of the basics first.
The house is not on fire! Population growth from 2.5 to 7.5 billion people in the last 70 years has meant we have built our house rapidly and built it on poor foundations. Poor architects, profit driven builders and inadequate building regulations. Our passion for consumption has also lead to some very large, comfortable, well furnished rooms. No one is taking redesigning and improving the house seriously and it is staring to collapse. Those in the large rooms are happy to keep redecorating and improving their lives, whilst we shore up the walls up as we add more loft extensions (and solar panels). The very ground it stands on cannot support it anymore. Most of us are living quite comfortably in the house, and are reluctant to suffer the inconveniences of tearing it down and rebuilding. There are high winds coming.
In Canada Alberta we have the tarsands I want to start a slow moving convoy on the highway from Edmonton to Fort Mac. Renewable energy cars should be used to drive as slow as the law allows. Try to find and think of ways to get arrested with out breaking any laws.
This is insane. Google "GB National Grid Status" to see the growing contribution that wind power is making to our electricity supply. Between 5 and 10 GW most days, for a demand that is around 30GW now we are out of winter. Tidal turbines are being tested in Scotland, and from the results people are projecting that around 25GW will be available, from the 7 best sites around our coast. Wind power is set to double in a few years, and consideration is being given to doubling it over again. Most economic activity is within a triangle about 100 miles tall, so we have very low transport costs compared to the rest of Europe. It is calculated that 33% of Europe's available wind power is available to the UK, I assume because of our extensive coastline, and the effect of the Gulf Stream on the Jet Stream.. The solar panels on my roof are delivering 20 KWH per day in summer. Lithium batteries are getting cheaper and are being used to buffer periods of darkness (predictable) and of no-wind. You might also look at the Wikipedia article "Wind power in the United Kingdom". The big problem is what to do about India and China who continue to over-populate and now want the power-hungry convenience features of the Western home. If you protested against the Indian and Chinese embassies you might be doing some good. Given 3 nuclear power disasters over a 40 year period when there were only 100 to 150 reactors operating, the last thing we want now is a panic into dangerous nuclear power. Every change costs money and increases carbon footprint, , and we cannot afford to make mistakes. By all means discuss the technical issues in public, but do not destroy the efficiency of mass-transport systems.
That Whelan is just ridiculous: and if what is a virtue signing of the middle class? She is for the complete and blatant lack of any virtue in people, whatever its social class? At least those are trying to confront their own class struggle dilemmas as Greta does and whose example is so strong also for that courage. The typical bad argument of the right-wingers: why not talk about the issue is prompting the disruptive actions of Extinction Rebellion? People like her, who try to sound sensible but are just treacherous and cynical, democraps (word that I love and got from someone i don't know the name, on RUclips comments, lol), really deceive people and are paid to do sensitive-washing to the corporate structure which has put us on this road to hell. Typical BBC, once upon a time a real public and trusty channel, now just a paid by the people display of how far the cooptation of institutions has gone. Everybody should be under scrutiny, more so the ones who claim to fight for the common good as XR and everyone who try to defend some cause - does Whelan ask herself that type of question when pretend to be the warrior for free speech? speech to be really free need to be honest, unless is just advertising ... -, but a person like Whelan is not the better one to do that kind of assessment. Just disgusting. Sampa/SP, Brasil, 12/05/2019 - 17:36 (GMT - 3) - alterado às 17:50
Each Extinction Rebellion member should get a medal. Workers and bosses of fossil fuel related complete portion of industry should go to jail until they switch job. My brain can not accept that we are not able to force each and every human being to care for our habitat. This should not be force, this should be natural instinct of preservation. Homo Sapiens is the animal that learned to keep a tool for next time. Earth is the best tool we have : we need to keep it going.
Should us Environmental scientist and engineers get a medal? We just spend hours upon hours learning our trade and Trying to figure out solutions. These people only protest for a couple of hours on the weekend. Are you really saying they are doing more than the STEM workers? Do you think they do more than the green urban developer, architect, businesses, volunteers?
More than 150 acres lost every minute of every day, and 78 million acres lost every year! More than 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest is already gone, and much more is severely threatened as the destruction continues. It is estimated that the Amazon alone is vanishing at a rate of 20,000 square miles a year. How many trees are cut down every year? Rainforests across the world are in great danger. Food and Agriculture Organization's 2016 State of the Forests report revealed that 7 million hectares of forest are lost annually while agricultural land expands by 6 million. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses. An estimated 18 million acres (7.3 million hectares) of forest, which is roughly the size of the country of Panama, are lost each year, according to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Human-driven and natural loss of trees-deforestation-affects wildlife, ecosystems, weather patterns, and even the climate. Forests cover about 30 percent of the planet's land mass, but humans are cutting them down, clearing these essential habitats on a massive scale. The reckless nature of the socio-economic system that produces for value in lieu of producing for direct use is too severe on nature and too sever on working people.
The future.....a political solution???? check the decline in arctic sea ice volume + the increase in arctic temperatures. Research the impact of on ocean and air currents as the temperature gradient between the equator and the arctic reduces and how this will change weather patterns in the major crop producing areas of the northern hemisphere. The facts of the decline in land and sea life, the loss of insect life. 20% loss of food production in the northern hemisphere in 2018. This is no time for talking other than about how we address this dire situation
I'm not sure how helpful this was which is a damn shame. Problem is I don't know how to make people care about this either. The raw part of me wants to rage against it all, but I know that's what they want because then I'm the bad guy - the violent criminal who is a danger and should be captured and sequestered. A lot of people, probably most of them, just can't conceive of the effects of an extinction event and I'm afraid they won't until after this one hits them at home. Some GMO additive that kills off all the dogs or livestock or the year the nets all come back empty every time the boats go out. People who are in an active combat zone or the rubble left behind afterwards understand the concept better, but it's not the same because that only destroys the structures, families, and fabric of society whereas an extinction level event is a much deeper crisis because it effects the ability to exist at all. The last time anything like what's coming happened was 12,000 years ago and that was just the megafuana on the land dying off. When you disrupt the food chain at the lower levels with species like plankton and bees being taken out of the equation - okay, I'll stop. Not like I'm saying anything the rest of you don't already know. See you on the 20th.
I stopped protesting and went back to school to study ecology/Environmental science and biotechnology. I don't feel the need to protest because everyday I feel like I am part of the solution. We need more young people to choose STEM and urban development, architecture and political fields to find solutions. I met a few young people at a protest and they were training to become accountants and dancers. Protesting doesn't help because it tells the government to find solution but we need STEM workers to create these solutions, making a 0 carbon emission by 2025 is the most rediculous thing I have ever heard, no wonder the politicians aren't paying attention to them, they are not reasonable. You need fossil fuels in the manufacturing of solar panels and wind turbines.
I am certainly not blaming anyone for being greatly concerned at whats happened to our environment , But to think that we can somehow bring back the ice caps or the glaciers that all life on Earth relies on, or somehow restore the ocean currants that are needed to regulate the Earths temperature , I personally do not believe that what has happened or happening can be reversed , I am sorry to sound so negative but this a natural process of the Earth being wiped clean and being reborn as has happened six times previously , The only thing we can do is accept what is going to happening and that a new Earth is going to evolve , Nothing that we do or do not do will ultimately change anything.
Green New Deal not Carbon Tax!!! Inequality is real, we need a solution that will not benefit the rich, but the longer we wait the less likely this is.
Will ER pay the police bill for their week long protest in London? Could MOP sue them for any loss associated with any unlawful action they may have encouraged or facilitated?
Commuting must be drastically reduced. Make moving home quicker and cheaper. Like a week or less. This is 2019 not 1999, we have Internet and machine learning now.
Why aren’t the environmentalist talking about the negative impact with animal agriculture, we can all make a difference with the food choices we make everyday. Animal agriculture is the largest contributor to greenhouse gases and going vegan is one of the easiest ways we can all make a difference 🌱🌱🌱
The koch brothers want to thank you for you service. The world needs to know that climate change is not caused by the burning of fossil fuels. (sarcasm)
Your heart may be in the right place and going vegan may be a good thing for many reasons, but your data is still incorrect. www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions
Going vegan is a good thing to do as an individual but 70% of the earths pollution is caused by only about 100 corporations. Going vegan won’t make a big enough difference.
I also think it's hugely important to go vegan, but it won't change things fast enough, we need change on such a huge scale, so fast, like the next ten years or so. However on an individual level it's a great thing to do. Greta Thunberg recently listed going vegan among the five most important things you can do for the climate. The others were: Stop flying, don't buy new things, read up on climate change, talk to others about climate change.
@@Fmagyar Sorry (sajnálom) but the United Nations trumps epa.gov. Please read the following if you truly care. Going vegan is actually The Most powerful thing any individual can do and they can do it Now: www.fao.org/3/a0701e/a0701e00.htm
Talking about children, we need to reduce our human numbers if we are truly to be a species which is sustainable on the planet. The human population is growing by 83 million people a year. That's like the human population growing by the population of a country the size of Germany. We are not going to solve any environmental problems if we carry on growing in numbers. If you don't know about population matter please follow this link www.populationmatters.org
Interviewer and journalist are way too relaxed. They are sitting on burning issues and denying it and hoping it would go away. I applaud the lawyer for ER for caring enough to make a stand. Nelson Mandela went to jail for a cause and the same people he freed are now trying to burn down his country If people dont understand the cause and correct it and STAY accountable for it they will repeat the mistakes of the past
Getting arrested and building a movement is a good start. Helping sane politicians get elected like Mead2020 (0rg) is a strong second step that enhances the first.
We need more and more on shore and off shore wind farms, solar should be mandatory building regulations for domestic and commercial roofs that face South, East & West (North instead of South for southern hemisphere counties). Heat pumps, hydro electric, geo thermal and insulation grants can be applied vast majority of buildings private, public & commercial property stock. Also fully funded research in battery technology, tide and wave energy, the boring underground tunnel transport, hyperloop transport, material recycling and host of other green technology research. All government inc local government vehicles should be 100% electric or hydrogen fuel cells by 2025. Look over $500 billions was given by G20 in subsidies to Fossil Fuels and only $121billion annually in 2018 to renewables that's flat out wrong, corrupted and weak. Tick Tock time is running out for ALL of us on planet earth, to have any agency or control over the sea level rises and the ensuing myriad of environmental impacts We have the tiniest window of opportunity remaining only 10-15 years at the very best. WE DO NOT LACK RESOURCES, WE LACK WILL
In this video and on your website there is no mention of adopting a plant-based diet - something that everyone can do now. Are you aware that animal agriculture contributes to 18 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions - 5 percent higher than global transportation? Here's a link to the paper: www.fao.org/3/a0701e/a0701e00.htm If you don't want many to see you as "hippy"crites, I would strongly advise adding it to your manifesto. "We are doing our best as human beings" is hard to swallow when your chief representative, live on British television makes no mention to what is without doubt the most empowering change everyone can make to saving the environment, ie, going vegan.
Ella Whelan calling it a middle class thing is lazy. Who gives a fuck what class of people are doing it? You can spot types in any sociological movement (sport, diet, music, comedy), it doesn't change the relevance or impact of it, and to make it partisan is the cheapest and quickest route as it just appeals to the primitive ego. If the world can be saved and it takes people who know which fork to use and when, who cares? Plus there is more than just one type of working class person! Why do people always make out like there's only one - with this image of struggle. Many of the ones in my street have more cash flow and flamboyant lifestyle than my parents ever did! This veering between patronising and fetishising the working classes when it suits is gross. This things gonna get bigger and bigger, and soon you'll have all sorts involved anyway
You are giving the Government exactly what they need to impose more draconian laws. The way to actually make a mass protest is to not pay your bills to the power companies, not pay council tax etc etc. And lets see how much you people care about the planet then !?
Well one-things for sure by holding up the traffic,and being driven to the police cells a few more tons of CO2 will be added to the atmosphere,still its all in a good cause.
When in practice, in my...... not opinion but perception, we need to get rid of almost all fossil fuels, world wide, within as little as 15 years or we're f***ed...... then blocking a few cars a couple of days seems pretty trivial, doesn't it?
@@Ree1981 "we need to get rid of almost all fossil fuels, world wide, within as little as 15 years or we're f***ed....." I admire your optimism however running our planet by 2035 on renewable energy with expected population growth 8.8 billion using wind turbines and solar panels is beyond a nonsensical ideal,no disrespect meant stats 18% 22% renewable 2035 however you do understand even if tomorrow the whole globe ran on renewable energy every main electric-grid would need restructuring. www.renewableenergyfocus.com/view/21984/global-renewable-energy-share-in-2035-18/ www.ecowatch.com/renewable-energy-growth-eia-2426701265.html "then blocking a few cars a couple of days seems pretty trivial, doesn't it?" Regarding thee above it was meant as humor,even as bad as our current situation is, and even if current carbon emissions are cut by 45% next decade carbon neutral 2050 still representing some atmospheric CO2 450ppm including other factors optimistically loss of albedo +0.1 degree C particulates +0.1 a recent published paper 8.4% increased atmospheric water vapor per degree there are other factors to include without including venting from Earths GHGs pools,i am not sure what you think this represents in future warming,? however i can most certainly tell you carbon emissions reduction 45% by 2030 is not achievable let alone total reduction by 2035.
@Donald McCarthy "The Voodoos, you seem to think we have some agency here some control over negotiations." I am presuming by your above comment you are part of Extinction Rebellion however if you care to read my comments i have already said 450 ppm atmospheric CO2 concentrations and above are now unavoidable,so regarding control negotiations your comment is nonsensical,regarding my shame or embarrassment if you are trying to indicate that your time spent on this planet along with the present population of 7.7 billion has had no impact then you are living in a dream world,P.S just to add i believe i have had conversations with you before about future climate change,? and by recollection you knew nothing then and little seems to have changed.
«Getting arrested is not going to change anything.»
You should have told that to Rosa Parks and Mahatma Gandhi.
It is if you have a job!
Well.. Rosa Parks and Mahatma Gandhi did actually change things 😉
Not the first day or the second day, but by setting an example.
The example that, I have nothing more to lose, so I'll stand up to tyrrany nomatter the cost.
If you can come up with something else that works better, please do 😉
I know you didn't compare XR to Rosa Parks ... Are you mad ?
Climate change is happening. No one is stopping it. Do you have any better ideas?
I think they gave off the wrong message by saying they want to go to jail but they should have said they're willing to fight for serious matters that can have a negative effect on generations' of lives because there was no attention given to these specific topics but yes, I agree with you I had to explain to a relative that in order to demand change, the people have to be strong headed and stand up for what is right, for instance if Rosa Parks did not refuse to give up her seat and go to jail for it, their would not be protests to change societys' view.
We've tried political solutions for 30 years and we have increased carbon emissions by 60%. The journalist here thinks we should continue with these same failed political solutions. The definition of insanity.
"the journalist here" is part of spiked who are climate change deniers.
"We" haven't done this, but China (now possibly reformed), India and the USA have. Populations of the UK and indeed of the European continent have remained remarkably constant, in contrast to the quadrupling that has taken place in India and China. We have abandoned coal for natural gas, whilst Germany produces 75% of its electricity from coal and lignite. The UK has done well, not because we are terrifically wonderful, but because of our geographic and geological advantages. But I remain impressed by the safe and apparently efficient way that we have been transitioning to renewables. But we did ought to stop contributing to forest loss by our use of palm oil in multiple products.
In my generation, I'm 64, we heard about global cooling, now it's global warming. We started recycling, we started planting trees, and cleaning the trash from the environment. That was when I was a child in Washington state, now I live in Florida, We have beautiful beaches, scenic wetlands, and stunning wildlife that is hard to beat. Yet we have Skeena, a disruptive hypocrite, that thinks that blocking roads, keeping people from doing their work or having their lives go peacefully turn into a disruptive headache because you have to express your "feelings" of doom. We've heard it all before, it has never come true. Oh, and take that stupid little girl by the name of Greta and shove that nobel peace prize she might get up your ..........
Doesn't "no Brexit on a dead planet" mean that Brexit is comparatively unimportant compared to the climate change issue? The journalist said they were anti Brexit I don't think that was the point of that !
cheeky woka the journalism from the BBC on this has been poor to say the least.
cheeky woka
Brexit is a selfish act of futility to keep the Tories occupied. It has no future. Unity is the future.
That's true, their both just as important as each other but after we go out of brexit this might be another chance to protest because of the outcome 🤷🏻♀️
Exactly. In the bigger picture Brexit seems but a folly, keeping politicians and us busy - and distracted.
Only if you actually believe the crap that XR claims. According to independent scientists at Harvard and elsewhere, if the whole planet stopped looking for anymore green solutions to global warming, i.e. just continued to live our lives as we do now, global warming could become a critical issue... in around 1,825,000 years. Ooo scary!
You lot are just deluded. You're like a mass-hypnosis cult, putting the fear of God into young children without cause. It's child abuse and you are all child abusers for spreading statistics which even your own leaders have now admitted, are grossly exaggerated. It's disgusting and sickening in equal measure.
If you really do want to be arrested, and you think the end of the world really is nigh anyway, why not just agree to cut out the middle man? Then we could arrest every single one of you, and introduce you all to a delightful cocktail of barbituric acid, tubocurarine and potassium chloride. Yum yum yum. Meanwhile, we can just get on with our happy lives. Well, at least for the next 1,825,000 years or so!
“We have to think very carefully” - we’ve had 50 years to think of solutions and industry has responded by accelerating the process at which our planet is degrading. Talking clearly isn’t getting us anywhere and we’ve got a limited amount of time - action is now what’s desperately needed.
Right, well here's your action. - In my generation, I'm 64, we heard about global cooling, now it's global warming. We started recycling, we started planting trees, and cleaning the trash from the environment. That was when I was a child in Washington state, now I live in Florida, We have beautiful beaches, scenic wetlands, and stunning wildlife that is hard to beat. Yet we have Skeena, a disruptive hypocrite, that thinks that blocking roads, keeping people from doing their work or having their lives go peacefully turn into a disruptive headache because you have to express your "feelings" of doom. We've heard it all before, it has never come true. Oh, and take that stupid little girl by the name of Greta and shove that nobel peace prize she might get up your ..........
titovalasques hold on do you drive a car do you fly on for your holidays do you watch tv and use a Fridge I know that you use all them items in my eyes and many others say that your all a bunch of big Hypocrites so fuck off with your bull shit lies !!!!!
i live and work in a town in Australia where the river hasn't run for a year and the kangaroos are falling over dead and mass fish kills are happening now I am going to do what I have to do People are totally already in distress This is an emergency
@@sodthong The whole Darling River - selling water rights to Chinese owned cotton corporations in a devastating drought.... highlights the capitalist corporate take overs of so called two-party democracies. This is the SYSTEM THAT MUST CHANGE! #ExtinctionRebellion
Louise Moriarty my heart goes out to you. Most are unwilling to admit that this is end of times.
It's called a drought, Australia has them and will always have them regardless.
It does NOT need more politics. It needs action that is in accordance to the threat level, which is worse than anything most people are aware. We are talking about civilization ending, and that's not alarmism. That's what the scientists are telling us. You can deny it all you want, but the facts are the facts.
We need and indeed are moving towards a different politics. Our 2 party system 'democracy' is bust.
Agreed, except... it is W.A.A.A.Y worse than civilisation ending. Tragic though that would be, we are bringing about not only the end of civilisation, not only the extinction of the human species, not only the extinction of higher animal and plant species, but the end of all life on earth, i.e. obliterating the biosphere, including, of course simple life forms like bacteria, which otherwise could provide the basis for future life. The planet will be effectively dead. Even the hydrosphere will be lost, and the planet is likely to look like a hot Mars. Is it too late to stop this? Probably. Should we do our utmost to stop this insane rush towards that endpoint? Of course. If things go according to every scenario inj our knowledge, we are doomed, along with all life forms, organic material and water. BUT even the most hubristic of people will admit, we are not omniscient, and circumstances or events unforeseen may intervene, fortuitously, and mitigate the situation. Who knows? So we should act as though there is a tiny slender chance that either some higher life, or at least some form of life or at very least, some conditions conducive to future life, will persist through the catastrophe that is on our doorstep. So, of course we must act as if there is hope. First mourn our loss in advance. Then act to the bitter end.
Ella Whelan, you may think that protests that you joined in in the past where not ultimately effective and you'd e right, but you are not right in thinking that tweaking the current system with a bit more talking to politicians will do the trick. I listened to an MP last year who said that if there is no mass movement to call on demands for change, parliament will be incapable of delivering the change necessary to transform this broken system of ours. All the neoliberal principles that have infected our global, social and political instiutions over the last decades have given us vicious Austerity and Climate Crisis. Yes, we do need to talk to people, engage them and XR is doing that as well as disrupting. This is a movement unlike those of the past - from student protests of the 60s to Occupy in the 2000s: this is to the end.
"This is to the end" - this is exactly how it is !
Having listened to the XR core team introduce themselves at Marble Arch, and having spent time in the XR office, it is clear that they are all totally dedicated, they are not going to stop, and this movement will only get bigger.
I agree. It's to the end, because this is the end. We must act now or die on our knees.
Then do something that really will make a change you bunch of hypocrites.
Go clean up a beach, go plant trees, clean your areas you live in. Show the world you care by doing something positive and not whining and disrupting normal common people. This is all about MONEY . In my generation, I'm 64, we heard about global cooling, now it's global warming. We started recycling, we started planting trees, and cleaning the trash from the environment. That was when I was a child in Washington state, now I live in Florida, We have beautiful beaches, scenic wetlands, and stunning wildlife that is hard to beat. Yet we have Skeena, a disruptive hypocrite, that thinks that blocking roads, keeping people from doing their work or having their lives go peacefully turn into a disruptive headache because you have to express your "feelings" of doom. We've heard it all before, it has never come true. Oh, and take that stupid little girl by the name of Greta and shove that nobel peace prize she might get up your ..........
Good balanced coverage. I'll be travelling down to London on Monday. This feels like the most important thing I've done, in 30 years of campaigning, protesting and low carbon living. None of these has had any appreciable impact on the upward trend of greenhouse gases and other pollution. If we do nothing, we are doomed. If we continue doing what we were doing before, we are doomed. If we do something radically different, there is a small possibility that we may actually change something and have a more positive outcome.
💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 totally agree, first time I've felt this level of motivation in years
Same, but Stockholm instead of London.
compostjohn Good for you mate! 🤘💚🤘
Overpopulation is the root cause, too many people knocking out too many kids, putting excessive pressure on limited natural resources.
Solve this, you've solved the problem.
dave Oliver which limited resources? What overpopulation? To my knowledge we make more food than we can eat, it it’s simply not being distributed to the third world. A rise in population does lead to more emissions, but reducing population cannot be a feasible solution- the number of people on the planet will stabilise soon (there is a video here on RUclips which explains this) so the most productive solution would be to reduce carbon emissions per person- specifically though targeting industry and consumer culture and converting our energy sources to sustainable solutions- not stopping people from having kids or by killing people.
The fact fact fact is that capitalism cannot go green, cannot stop the trajectory to destruction. Either we get rid of capitalism or we face barbarism. There is no ignoring the "politics". It is like a person falling out of a plane without a parachute and in desperation hoping gravity goes away.
Bullshit. It's not capitalism, it's consumption: supply and demand. Stop the demand, and the supply will follow.
Extinction Rebellion are intelligent, kind, diverse, fluid, inclusive, trained in non-violence and de-esculation and most importantly directly active. The more I investigate the movement the more impressed I am!
That reporter is biased . Poor article. If you look at the science you would join the rebellion
Where does the science come from? Is it government approved science?
If you looked at the science you would be advocating for veganism - www.fao.org/3/a0701e/a0701e00.htm
The interviewer and the journalist have a blinkered view. They aren't grasping the magnitude of the threat to mankind. They're like children holding their hands over their ears exclaiming: "NO,NO,NO, I'm not listening!" Why has it become optional to listen to virtually all climatologists making grave predictions based on years and mountains of research? Stakes not high enough for them? It's truly mind-boggling.
Extinction Rebellion is NOT a 'knee jerk' reaction. To think this is to NOT have done any research into the existence of this movement.
Okay sure but how does it plan on actually tackling climate change once everyone is somehow on board with them? They had a goal of net 0 carbon emissions by 2025. Has this goal been based of 'scientific research' or is it just a dream that has no logical solution to be accomplished?
Dark Destroyer anything can be done with the right investment. In the 1800s we would upgrade entire rail lines in one night by having tons of men working along the line all at once. And look at the massive mobilisation for WW2, all the tanks, planes and ships we made in such a short time. The point is we need a government that is the top spender on climate policies, even above the NHS, so we can get the change we need. And these can be massive with the money. We’d be looking at free public transport, reopening rail lines, making electric cars affordable with subsidies so we can ban new petrol and diesel cars, switching to 100% renewable energy, taking CO2 out the atmosphere, etc etc. If only the money was put into it....
Where did they find such an uninformed journalist? Every argument was a strawman trying to throw XR arguments off
They get plenty of air time don't they...It must be the Greta Soros effect.
The point of a good journalist is to question beliefs and ideas. Asking real questions is true journalism, asking softball questions is something a bias opinion journalist does.
Well done Skeena and all at Extinction Rebellion. I'm with you all 100%.
Proud of your courage and involvement, Skeena.
Epic work. You have my support
Urgency is why an instant solution is needed. The politicians got us here, they have no play in this now if we're to win
I'd vote for politicians like this!
Emma Whelan is a classic eurocentic who is rooted in the idea of British Empire. Throwing around words like middle class, working class. No people from XR think it's cool to be arrested. The key word she keeps missing that is being said is that people are willing to be arrested to drive the message home!
Middle class? I am not middle class and I have been to the XR protest for the last 2 days (and will go to more) and I went in November last year too! I am African however and the negative effects of climate change are already being felt there! For her it's the case of, let's not do too much or it will affect the lives of people here in England while the actual global poor in the South are likely to experience mass genocide very soon! There have already been cyclones and droughts that have caused many deaths and displacement of 100s of thousands and there is much more and much worse to come! Sorry to inconvenience your cushty little life Emma! trying to protect your comfy life here as you don't want to make the changes that will save the lives and livelihoods of brown and black people....
Despite the population of Africa being over a billion they have contributed less than 5% of greenhouse gas emissions. A lot of manufacturing in Asia and Africa is to meet the consumption patterns of the wealtheir countries in the west. So despite people having lots of babies they still don't contribute much to greenhouse gases. Britain and China are number 8 contributors per capita and their population sizes are vastly different. This shows that the population argument you have brought up is void.
mnjm, acknowledge you posted six months ago.
Well said however the home truth is when Africa goes down with cimate collapse so will much of Europe's food supply while Europe now are seeing some serious loss of crops and a heat wave across most of the northern hemisphere. Half the population of India will suffer from water shortages in the next 10 years pushing them north. Lake Chad will see the same problems.
I have spoken to people from Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda around three years ago who have experienced 2 weeks of temperatures being in the mid 40s destroying their crops. South East Asia has much the same problems. France and Germany have already reached these temperatures while much of Central Europe's water comes from the Alps which will melt far quicker than the Himalayas. This year Australia has become a net importer of wheat for the first time in decades.
Our food supply is already locked in to serious disruption what we haven't seen yet is serious crop diseases that will follow the weather disruption and the mass migrations. We have disruption to crops from drought, flooding and loss of nutrition.
Thank you so much for this. Actually I'm from germany and I'm shocked to see this and I'm very sad the politicans don't do anything. They do so less in the whole world - so you're commitment is such important and I hope it will spread around the earth. I'm father of three children and I learned so much in your video. Thank you for yout principle being a non-violent movement. Again, thank you so much.
I'm so glad that people are holding up the roads with protesting. That extra pollution caused by congestion is really solving all the world's problems.
The young journalist sounds clever but thats just a confident and cocky way of talking bollocks.
Its these protstors that are talking bollocks
3:20 "Ecocentric" not "Egocentric"!
*Save the Planet, Save the Animals, and Save Ourselves - Go Vegan*
Animal agriculture is the largest contributor of greenhouse gases. Changing to a vegan lifestyle is the fastest, cheapest, and easiest way to make a difference. The power is in our hands.
Earth Poets Agree 100% we can all make a difference with the food choices we make everyday. Go Vegan 🌱
BULLSHIT. It's 's not. Fossil fuel use, industry and transport are responsible for 80% of all greenhouse gases. More rubbish vegan propaganda.
@@emcc8598 How do you think the water and grain to feed the animals gets to them? TRANSPORT. It is a fact that meat-heads' carbon footprints are TEN TIMES bigger than those of vegans. You have a closed mind.
@@coolrocknroll Lol. You lot are crazies for sure. Firstly animals are mainly fed the left overs / by products of the Human food industry. If they weren't used in this way - they would have to be dumped/ transported elsewhere. Unlike your rabid misinformation - Those eating a normal diet eat a range of foods including vegetables *and* meat. The diet that humans have eaten and thrived on for millennia. Ye are nothing better than a bunch of shite hawk propagandists that peddle crap about food and agriculture. And btw how exactly do you think your food arrives on your plate?
Rebellion is a behavior change. Can people join together to eliminate the single occupancy vehicle, all fossil fuel powered engines, eat responsibly, end corporate inequity? These are the bigger actions that need to happen. Perhaps rebellion is the first step. Hopefully it leverages the policy changes and responsible economics in time to make a difference.
Let's see something on November the 5th, Guy Fawkes Day. Do it right. Do it now! Our world, OUR rules.
i applaud the youth- its their (and their kids) future! the people in power now are vested in keeping things the same- as history repeats itself- BUT this is different- this IS an emergency that effects every one and every living thing! "when hope ends- action must begin"!!! and of course we all need to VOTE !
Its unusual how journalists comment on every particular at hand apart from climate change and the switch to renewables. Theres a complete avoidance of discussing the concepts behind the protest.
Perhaps that shows a lack of intelligence and ability to see beyond their 'safe' mental zone. Denial. They are on the front line too when reporting and probably not qualified for the task.
Good on them!
Under the current global economic and monetary system, what they are demanding is impossible, so everything they are doing is pointless. You have to take care of the basics first.
Esh What a lousy negative interviwer
Protest outside the Chinese Embassy or are you too afraid of the Chinese response???
The house is not on fire!
Population growth from 2.5 to 7.5 billion people in the last 70 years has meant we have built our house rapidly and built it on poor foundations. Poor architects, profit driven builders and inadequate building regulations. Our passion for consumption has also lead to some very large, comfortable, well furnished rooms. No one is taking redesigning and improving the house seriously and it is staring to collapse. Those in the large rooms are happy to keep redecorating and improving their lives, whilst we shore up the walls up as we add more loft extensions (and solar panels). The very ground it stands on cannot support it anymore. Most of us are living quite comfortably in the house, and are reluctant to suffer the inconveniences of tearing it down and rebuilding.
There are high winds coming.
What hair products is skeena using? Can she do her part better?
I'm witnessing history. How lovely ;)
In Canada Alberta we have the tarsands I want to start a slow moving convoy on the highway from Edmonton to Fort Mac. Renewable energy cars should be used to drive as slow as the law allows. Try to find and think of ways to get arrested with out breaking any laws.
Or, you know, you could break the laws that protect the wealthy energy concerns and victimize the rest of us.
I am happy to release my mangos in parliament if it means we stop destroying the earth
If XR fails to achieve its objectives, I am waiting in the wings with plan B.
Wish I could like this twice 👍👍.
Your comment reminded me to click like, so, in effect, you have!
This is insane. Google "GB National Grid Status" to see the growing contribution that wind power is making to our electricity supply. Between 5 and 10 GW most days, for a demand that is around 30GW now we are out of winter. Tidal turbines are being tested in Scotland, and from the results people are projecting that around 25GW will be available, from the 7 best sites around our coast. Wind power is set to double in a few years, and consideration is being given to doubling it over again. Most economic activity is within a triangle about 100 miles tall, so we have very low transport costs compared to the rest of Europe. It is calculated that 33% of Europe's available wind power is available to the UK, I assume because of our extensive coastline, and the effect of the Gulf Stream on the Jet Stream.. The solar panels on my roof are delivering 20 KWH per day in summer. Lithium batteries are getting cheaper and are being used to buffer periods of darkness (predictable) and of no-wind. You might also look at the Wikipedia article "Wind power in the United Kingdom".
The big problem is what to do about India and China who continue to over-populate and now want the power-hungry convenience features of the Western home. If you protested against the Indian and Chinese embassies you might be doing some good. Given 3 nuclear power disasters over a 40 year period when there were only 100 to 150 reactors operating, the last thing we want now is a panic into dangerous nuclear power. Every change costs money and increases carbon footprint, , and we cannot afford to make mistakes. By all means discuss the technical issues in public, but do not destroy the efficiency of mass-transport systems.
Criminal damage? Isn't that what we are doing to our planet?
Pledge pledge pledge kick the can kick the can down the road down the road, we are at the end 12 years
Join us
Gilets Jaunes a good example of climate policy done badly, Spain a good example of laying off miners done well.
great work rebels !
Apparently we have 8 years left ! What happens if we are not extinct in 8 years ?
Indifference should be a crime
Gdy nadzieja umiera, do dzieła!
Globalny festiwal pokojowej rebelii czas zacząć
That Whelan is just ridiculous: and if what is a virtue signing of the middle class? She is for the complete and blatant lack of any virtue in people, whatever its social class? At least those are trying to confront their own class struggle dilemmas as Greta does and whose example is so strong also for that courage. The typical bad argument of the right-wingers: why not talk about the issue is prompting the disruptive actions of Extinction Rebellion?
People like her, who try to sound sensible but are just treacherous and cynical, democraps (word that I love and got from someone i don't know the name, on RUclips comments, lol), really deceive people and are paid to do sensitive-washing to the corporate structure which has put us on this road to hell.
Typical BBC, once upon a time a real public and trusty channel, now just a paid by the people display of how far the cooptation of institutions has gone.
Everybody should be under scrutiny, more so the ones who claim to fight for the common good as XR and everyone who try to defend some cause - does Whelan ask herself that type of question when pretend to be the warrior for free speech? speech to be really free need to be honest, unless is just advertising ... -, but a person like Whelan is not the better one to do that kind of assessment. Just disgusting.
Sampa/SP, Brasil, 12/05/2019 - 17:36 (GMT - 3) - alterado às 17:50
Would like to know who Whelan writes for as a "Journalist" clearly playing the government propaganda card.
Questioning ideas is what journalists do
English people in London, now that is rare.
#liveconsciously #livevegan
Each Extinction Rebellion member should get a medal. Workers and bosses of fossil fuel related complete portion of industry should go to jail until they switch job. My brain can not accept that we are not able to force each and every human being to care for our habitat. This should not be force, this should be natural instinct of preservation. Homo Sapiens is the animal that learned to keep a tool for next time. Earth is the best tool we have : we need to keep it going.
Should us Environmental scientist and engineers get a medal?
We just spend hours upon hours learning our trade and Trying to figure out solutions.
These people only protest for a couple of hours on the weekend.
Are you really saying they are doing more than the STEM workers?
Do you think they do more than the green urban developer, architect, businesses, volunteers?
why don't you campaign for the use of nuclear power, which can meet our power needs and have a negligible carbon output?
both journalists are whacked
More than 150 acres lost every minute of every day, and 78 million acres lost every year! More than 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest is already gone, and much more is severely threatened as the destruction continues. It is estimated that the Amazon alone is vanishing at a rate of 20,000 square miles a year.
How many trees are cut down every year? Rainforests across the world are in great danger. Food and Agriculture Organization's 2016 State of the Forests report revealed that 7 million hectares of forest are lost annually while agricultural land expands by 6 million.
Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses. An estimated 18 million acres (7.3 million hectares) of forest, which is roughly the size of the country of Panama, are lost each year, according to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Human-driven and natural loss of trees-deforestation-affects wildlife, ecosystems, weather patterns, and even the climate. Forests cover about 30 percent of the planet's land mass, but humans are cutting them down, clearing these essential habitats on a massive scale.
The reckless nature of the socio-economic system that produces for value in lieu of producing for direct use is too severe on nature and too sever on working people.
The future.....a political solution???? check the decline in arctic sea ice volume + the increase in arctic temperatures. Research the impact of on ocean and air currents as the temperature gradient between the equator and the arctic reduces and how this will change weather patterns in the major crop producing areas of the northern hemisphere. The facts of the decline in land and sea life, the loss of insect life. 20% loss of food production in the northern hemisphere in 2018. This is no time for talking other than about how we address this dire situation
Well done, people! So let's share this.
I'm not sure how helpful this was which is a damn shame. Problem is I don't know how to make people care about this either. The raw part of me wants to rage against it all, but I know that's what they want because then I'm the bad guy - the violent criminal who is a danger and should be captured and sequestered. A lot of people, probably most of them, just can't conceive of the effects of an extinction event and I'm afraid they won't until after this one hits them at home. Some GMO additive that kills off all the dogs or livestock or the year the nets all come back empty every time the boats go out. People who are in an active combat zone or the rubble left behind afterwards understand the concept better, but it's not the same because that only destroys the structures, families, and fabric of society whereas an extinction level event is a much deeper crisis because it effects the ability to exist at all. The last time anything like what's coming happened was 12,000 years ago and that was just the megafuana on the land dying off. When you disrupt the food chain at the lower levels with species like plankton and bees being taken out of the equation - okay, I'll stop. Not like I'm saying anything the rest of you don't already know. See you on the 20th.
Getting arrested is it great thing police record may refuse to give your friends jobs
Journo Whelan is typical of the out of date left. Nothing will change without direct action. This movement is unstoppable.
I stopped protesting and went back to school to study ecology/Environmental science and biotechnology.
I don't feel the need to protest because everyday I feel like I am part of the solution.
We need more young people to choose STEM and urban development, architecture and political fields to find solutions.
I met a few young people at a protest and they were training to become accountants and dancers.
Protesting doesn't help because it tells the government to find solution but we need STEM workers to create these solutions, making a 0 carbon emission by 2025 is the most rediculous thing I have ever heard, no wonder the politicians aren't paying attention to them, they are not reasonable.
You need fossil fuels in the manufacturing of solar panels and wind turbines.
The Club of Rome wrote something interesting in 1968...
Should be arrested for stupidity!
I am certainly not blaming anyone for being greatly concerned at whats happened to our environment , But to think that we can somehow bring back the ice caps or the glaciers that all life on Earth relies on, or somehow restore the ocean currants that are needed to regulate the Earths temperature , I personally do not believe that what has happened or happening can be reversed , I am sorry to sound so negative but this a natural process of the Earth being wiped clean and being reborn as has happened six times previously , The only thing we can do is accept what is going to happening and that a new Earth is going to evolve , Nothing that we do or do not do will ultimately change anything.
Green New Deal not Carbon Tax!!! Inequality is real, we need a solution that will not benefit the rich, but the longer we wait the less likely this is.
Give an example of inequality or at least one we can do something about.
While I respect their sentiment unfortunately it’s locked in, we’ll be gone within 20 years, the unraveling is well underway and can’t be stopped
Will ER pay the police bill for their week long protest in London? Could MOP sue them for any loss associated with any unlawful action they may have encouraged or facilitated?
Commuting must be drastically reduced. Make moving home quicker and cheaper. Like a week or less. This is 2019 not 1999, we have Internet and machine learning now.
Why aren’t the environmentalist talking about the negative impact with animal agriculture, we can all make a difference with the food choices we make everyday. Animal agriculture is the largest contributor to greenhouse gases and going vegan is one of the easiest ways we can all make a difference 🌱🌱🌱
The koch brothers want to thank you for you service. The world needs to know that climate change is not caused by the burning of fossil fuels. (sarcasm)
Your heart may be in the right place and going vegan may be a good thing for many reasons, but your data is still incorrect.
Going vegan is a good thing to do as an individual but 70% of the earths pollution is caused by only about 100 corporations. Going vegan won’t make a big enough difference.
I also think it's hugely important to go vegan, but it won't change things fast enough, we need change on such a huge scale, so fast, like the next ten years or so. However on an individual level it's a great thing to do. Greta Thunberg recently listed going vegan among the five most important things you can do for the climate. The others were: Stop flying, don't buy new things, read up on climate change, talk to others about climate change.
@@Fmagyar Sorry (sajnálom) but the United Nations trumps epa.gov. Please read the following if you truly care. Going vegan is actually The Most powerful thing any individual can do and they can do it Now: www.fao.org/3/a0701e/a0701e00.htm
Talking about children, we need to reduce our human numbers if we are truly to be a species which is sustainable on the planet. The human population is growing by 83 million people a year. That's like the human population growing by the population of a country the size of Germany. We are not going to solve any environmental problems if we carry on growing in numbers. If you don't know about population matter please follow this link www.populationmatters.org
Interviewer and journalist are way too relaxed. They are sitting on burning issues and denying it and hoping it would go away.
I applaud the lawyer for ER for caring enough to make a stand.
Nelson Mandela went to jail for a cause and the same people he freed are now trying to burn down his country
If people dont understand the cause and correct it and STAY accountable for it they will repeat the mistakes of the past
I am not middle class and I am at the protest. There are homeless people at this protest. What a terrible terrible argument.
Why are you having children?
Shall we just wait until the titanic is on its way down to the ocean floor ??
Getting arrested and building a movement is a good start. Helping sane politicians get elected like Mead2020 (0rg) is a strong second step that enhances the first.
Extinction rebellion not a very original title
I've never heard it before. Have you? Besides, a good title is powerful and concise. Two check marks in my view. Got a better one?
Poor Victoria has very little knowledge of what's going on behind the scenes of Government.
We need more and more on shore and off shore wind farms, solar should be mandatory building regulations for domestic and commercial roofs that face South, East & West (North instead of South for southern hemisphere counties). Heat pumps, hydro electric, geo thermal and insulation grants can be applied vast majority of buildings private, public & commercial property stock. Also fully funded research in battery technology, tide and wave energy, the boring underground tunnel transport, hyperloop transport, material recycling and host of other green technology research. All government inc local government vehicles should be 100% electric or hydrogen fuel cells by 2025. Look over $500 billions was given by G20 in subsidies to Fossil Fuels and only $121billion annually in 2018 to renewables that's flat out wrong, corrupted and weak. Tick Tock time is running out for ALL of us on planet earth, to have any agency or control over the sea level rises and the ensuing myriad of environmental impacts We have the tiniest window of opportunity remaining only 10-15 years at the very best. WE DO NOT LACK RESOURCES, WE LACK WILL
In this video and on your website there is no mention of adopting a plant-based diet - something that everyone can do now. Are you aware that animal agriculture contributes to 18 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions - 5 percent higher than global transportation? Here's a link to the paper: www.fao.org/3/a0701e/a0701e00.htm
If you don't want many to see you as "hippy"crites, I would strongly advise adding it to your manifesto. "We are doing our best as human beings" is hard to swallow when your chief representative, live on British television makes no mention to what is without doubt the most empowering change everyone can make to saving the environment, ie, going vegan.
A diet of meat and dairy hardens the hearts of humans, and closes their minds.
They want the government to listen but go down when parliament is on holiday great thinking
Ella Whelan calling it a middle class thing is lazy. Who gives a fuck what class of people are doing it? You can spot types in any sociological movement (sport, diet, music, comedy), it doesn't change the relevance or impact of it, and to make it partisan is the cheapest and quickest route as it just appeals to the primitive ego.
If the world can be saved and it takes people who know which fork to use and when, who cares? Plus there is more than just one type of working class person! Why do people always make out like there's only one - with this image of struggle. Many of the ones in my street have more cash flow and flamboyant lifestyle than my parents ever did! This veering between patronising and fetishising the working classes when it suits is gross. This things gonna get bigger and bigger, and soon you'll have all sorts involved anyway
Global emergency, lol. Mass extinction, lol.
What must the energy bill be of that corporate floor they occupy?
After watching this I can now see humankind is screwed. Ffs
The KING CANUTE society
goverment to little too late
fanatism here is your new face
Too little, too late.
You are giving the Government exactly what they need to impose more draconian laws. The way to actually make a mass protest is to not pay your bills to the power companies, not pay council tax etc etc. And lets see how much you people care about the planet then !?
The return of fascism, ecototalitarianism?
northern britian has 6, months of winter already, as doues most of britian, the farmer,s fields lye cold wet and lifeless for 6. months..
Well one-things for sure by holding up the traffic,and being driven to the police cells
a few more tons of CO2 will be added to the atmosphere,still its all in a good cause.
When in practice, in my...... not opinion but perception, we need to get rid of almost all fossil fuels, world wide, within as little as 15 years or we're f***ed...... then blocking a few cars a couple of days seems pretty trivial, doesn't it?
"we need to get rid of almost all fossil fuels, world wide, within as little as 15 years or we're f***ed....."
I admire your optimism however running our planet by 2035
on renewable energy with expected population growth 8.8 billion
using wind turbines and solar panels is beyond a nonsensical
ideal,no disrespect meant stats 18% 22% renewable 2035
however you do understand even if tomorrow the whole globe
ran on renewable energy every main electric-grid would need
"then blocking a few cars a couple of days seems pretty trivial, doesn't it?"
Regarding thee above it was meant as humor,even as bad as our
current situation is, and even if current carbon emissions are cut
by 45% next decade carbon neutral 2050 still representing some
atmospheric CO2 450ppm including other factors optimistically
loss of albedo +0.1 degree C particulates +0.1 a recent published
paper 8.4% increased atmospheric water vapor per degree
there are other factors to include without including venting from
Earths GHGs pools,i am not sure what you think this represents
in future warming,? however i can most certainly tell you carbon
emissions reduction 45% by 2030 is not achievable let alone
total reduction by 2035.
@Donald McCarthy
"The Voodoos, you seem to think we have some agency here some control over negotiations."
I am presuming by your above comment you are part of Extinction Rebellion however if you care to read my comments i have already said 450 ppm atmospheric CO2 concentrations and above are now unavoidable,so regarding control negotiations your comment is nonsensical,regarding my shame or embarrassment if you are trying to indicate that your time spent on this planet along with the present population of 7.7 billion has had no impact then you are living in a dream world,P.S just to add i believe i have had conversations with you before about future climate change,? and by recollection you knew nothing then and little seems to have changed.
Who is paying for the headquarters?
What's with the interviewer pulling faces? Off putting to say the least.
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