The biggest thing that anyone could possibly do right this moment, is absolutely nothing. And I mean, do absolutely nothing. Don't drive your car, go to work, eat at the fast place down the street. Don't follow the status quo of everyday life. Once you've fallen out of our usual destructive habits, you have to do the opposite of what most people around you are doing. No matter how futile it may seem. Laze about in hammocks, start a garden, no more meat, ride a bike to the store, take a day to literally do nothing... Plant some trees, get together with your neighbors. Come together.
One thing that keeps me from being enthusiastic about this movement: We can go carbon neutral all we want, but if we don't change the system from its path of perpetual growth it will destroy the earth in some other way. We are in overshoot on EVERY conceivable measure. Climate change, soil loss, destruction of fisheries and wildlife habitat, social inequality, pollution, deforestation, etc, etc. All of these are SYMPTOMS of a system that embodies the belief that perpetual growth is possible on a finite planet. We should be attacking that central pillar. Not just 'be carbon neutral'.
You have a very good point. But I worry that if the government won't accept a carbon neutral target, they are even less likely to accept a system change target.
Consumption level changes are insufficient. We need radical, system level change. And if governments or institutions don't like it we can overthrow them. Iceland did exactly this after the bankers drove their country off a cliff. Now the bankers are in jail and the constitution prevents banks from setting up schemes that can ruin the lives of actual living people.
One more point: effecting change through consumption is accepting capitalism's redefinition of oneself as 'consumer'. We are so much more than that! Activists, parents, teachers, mentors, strikers and countless other roles that can effect change.
Decoupling our financial system from our reliance on fossil fuels is a massive undertaking, which will affect millions of peoples livelihoods. From agriculture to health care, the sacrifices and changes people need to make will be the unprecedented. There are real alternatives, redistribution of energy production, changing our dietary demands, and ultimately something the elites have always found intolerable, rule by the public. Good luck.
Yes, let's stop airport expansions. But also all fossil fuel expansions -- including the internal combustion automobile, yes. But also electric automobiles, because they consume vast quantities of energy to build (and there is the mining and the smelting, etc.). Let's begin by putting an end to the automobile and by embracing bicycles and pedestrianism. Ultralight electric vehicles may play a role--because they are very lightweight, consume very little materials and energy by comparison to a car.
*Denialism:* "In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event, when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality." *Denial:* "The theory of denial was first researched seriously by Anna Freud. She classified denial as a mechanism of the immature mind, because it conflicts with the ability to learn from and cope with reality."
For people who ask about solutions - look at Drawdown, the 100 workable solutions to bring carbon back home (Paul Hawken editor). This is doable but we've got to implement these things real fast.
Epictetus read all you want, as long as human population, consumption & ghg continue to increase what the fck is reading a fkng book going to accomplish??? Ffs wasf 🔥🔥🔥🌎🔥🔥🔥
It is frightening and terrifying to contemplate the short time frame in which we have to act in order to avoid these scenarios. But then again we knew 30 years ago. We really want to live as a race of beings on this planet Earth, we do not want to doom ourselves.
I see vegans driving around all day in enormous SUVs, spouting about how our diets are ruining the planet. Let us please talk about the elephant in the room. This elephant should not be ignored.
Extinction rebellion is also getting a foothold in the US and it is a big country. Throw in a few Hollywood celebrities, and most Americans will think this is an American phenomenon a year from now. This is going to gather crowds as big as Occupy Wall street, except Americans will drive to protests in their SUVs. What every one need, is to get their personal CO2 emission down to 1 tonne per year! This is stark for us westerners that are in the 14-20 tonnes / year category. Refrain from flying, don't commute, manage with less than two incomes per household. buy only local produce, buy second hand everything and get stuff repaired, get your electricity use down to 2 MWh/year and finally limit your animal protein intake to 40g/ day. Then you end in the 4-6 tonnes category, which still isn't enough, but the rest is government responsibility, to invest in wind farms (so we can truely zero carbon energy. Getting an EV is only half the equation) and taxing emitters. So as much as I'm for Extinction rebellion, I hope they are gazing in a mirror while shooting this video, as personal responsibility is 2/3 of the problem.
@@Tore_Lund Don't know what the two imcomes have to do with it. More money needn't necessarily mean more consumption or more Co2. I was quoted £8,000 for solar panels; an electric car costs £12, 000; a new efficient boiler costs a few thousand too. Having 2 incomes could help you to afford stuff like that.
If people deny all this information and if they are unwilling to do there part they are free to go to another planet. This earth is for the courageous, who love and care for this planet and all life on it. THANK YOU ! brothers and sisters of E.R. For taking a stand. I stand with you.
As a private individual in the west, I simply don't know how to cook my food, warm my home and have lights on without fossil fuels. What to do? There is no appetite from the people running this planet for thing to change. Without the means to shift, as a single person, I don't know what to do.
Agree, switch your power to a green energy company Good Energy, Ecotricity are best. We put solar panels on our roof in August and are managing to cook most of our food and run our appliances off it. When batteries become cheaper that will increase a lot. Heating still an issue , but you can make many efficiencies to improve. If everyone did something it would make a big difference quickly.
One of our very top priorities must be the ending of "car culture". And electric cars cannot save us, 'cause they use too much energy in manufacture, mining, smelting.... Let the bicycle (and ultra-light electric vehicles) be among the emblems of our movement. If we're going to block traffic, let that blocking of traffic mean it's time to give up our automobiles.
I do not think you can. I think more death is the only way to convince them. I am convinced of this after following this issue and interacting with people online for about five years.
@@domitron Since 1989, I have been actively seeking a way, a way to live that helps, and restores well being on earth, and to that end, I have been to many ecovillages all over the world where a group of people realized decades ago to align with Nature and abandon the degenerative ways of society, to embrace indigenous wisdom held in our cells and souls and ancestral memory, and to them we owe our attention and support: Findhorn, in Scotland, Crystal Waters, in Australia, and Damanhur, in Italy, to name a few, shows them all over the world. Tune in. I have also seen the end by death and dementia of all those I knew and tried to love who chose addiction to run from their trauma and confusion. Denial seems to be too much for many to overcome. We have each other. Thank you for caring and standing together. I have learned the only hope is to align with Nature, to be empowered by being honest, vulnerable, and clear about values that enhance life, for all!, and to work together in mutual support and unity. Talk openly, speak your truth, and feel what you feel and trust love. I am here, grieving the losses, sowing actual seeds for resilient Permaculture gardens, food forests, and restoring the soil where I am, so we can perpuate a life of stability and balance, as Nature invites us. From birth, we are born for Permaculture, so as we dissolve and dismantle the distractions, we will see clarity rising out of the ashes. Mahalo. Thank you for your part...EVERYONE has VALUE.
There is no such thing as an ecosystem that thrives without animals, so being vegan is suicidal to earth's resilience and balance. 100% agree that ending violence and suffering for animals is key to a healthy earth. Eating meat is magic, and respecting the lives of animals results in thriving soil, thriving ecosystems and humans living in harmony with life, including slaughter done with sensitivity. Trust Nature.
"An ecosystem that thrives without animals"? Who said anything about our ecosystem being without animals? Are we a part of the natural ecosystem while living in concrete cities and intensively farming animals in concrete buildings? Are you living a natural life, sitting on youtube? Are there other ways of living in harmony with nature, without killing animals? Animals will still kill animals - but we human beings, the so-called enlightened ones, have the mental capacity to figure out ways of living without contributing to the suffering of living entities - so why not just do that? Can you slaughter someone with sensitivity? Is slaughter ever humane? Trust nature? So you want us to trust in nature who allows infanticide, suicide, killing, torture and rape? By this definition I trust that you won't have any problem with another person killing or raping you, just because? Trust nature.
@@claireandersongrahamkeller2744 Humans along with animals we grow for food make up 98% off the biomass of ALL animals on earth. There is nothing natural about it, but rather it is detrimental for the survival of other species and biodiversity. Going vegan is not an ecological suicide, but rather one of the most crucial things we can do in order to free up land for recovering natural ecosystems. Trust nature.
Arable farming, ie plowing up the soil, is a huge source of CO2 as well as devastating to biodiversity. Livestock raised using mob grazing techniques can hammer carbon back into the soil in a stable form at the same time as being a boon for biodiversty. This isn't by and large what we are doing now. But we could.
@@claireandersongrahamkeller2744 watch cowspiracy, your views are very outdated. animal agriculture is causing the destruction of our planet, fossil fuels are second.
This is amazing and I fully support 100% and stuff but I wanted to comment to say @20:01 WHAT AN INCREDIBLE PHOTO I think that could go down in history (if there is one)
RUclips or my smartphone keeps unliking my like. The truth about the pickle we are in is the only thing that can save us. I read that somewhere once, that "the truth will set you free".
This beautiful video is the truth. Our government should require every man, woman and child in the country to watch it. To panic, to grieve, to get angry and to act. We are in state of emergency that is only comparable to being in a world war. In a war governments have to take extreme measures such as rationing, expropriation of necessary resources, etc, to protect the population. We need our governments to take measures such as carbon rationing, massive investment in renewable energy sources, etc, now. Not after Brexit is fixed, or after the next general election, or when the first famine hits, but NOW. Panic, grieve, get angry, act.
Yes, it's kind of ridiculous how easy it is to implement this right now, compared to when hell breaks loose. I guess people in power didn't "sign up for this".
Wait a sec... The IPCC didn't actually say that if we don't hold temp rise to 1.5 societal collapse starts in 2030 - as far I could tell from the summary report. Any idea what Rupert Read was referring to?
You are probably correct. Crop failure is probably not 10 years away. That's why these people can't be taken seriously. If corn fails in the USA, it will be planted in Canada. I think these people, who are advocating for societal collapse in 10 years, are doing a lot of harm to anybody who's motivated to do something about Climate Change. In 10 years we'll play these videos and say, look, there is still plenty of food around, so these guys were wrong. Stop worrying and listening to them. Of course, that would be a disaster. I do believe crop failure will happen, but not in 2030, probably closer to the end of this century. Did you look at the size of Canada Northern Territory, at Groenland? Even at Siberia? Before we collapses, these place will produce our food. All grains will go to people, of course, forget about maintaining cattle. Now if a huge amount of methane is releases, extremely fast from the permafrost, then yes, maybe we'll be done by 2030.
@@PhilippeOrlando i feel a bit better by you're comment. I know were in trouble but I've been listening to so many it felt like i only have about a year or so to prepare. I really hope you are right.
Philippe Orlando So you think simply moving agriculture up north will not lead to mass migration and massive wars over these territories? There have been so many reasons for societies to collapse, it doesn’t need so much to tip our fragile democracies and economies over
I love everything about XR. EXCEPT for the demands. To be taken seriously please prove the ineffeciency of goverment actions. They do a lot, obviously not enough, but it cant just be a few hippies jumping around on a bridge. WE NEED THE WHOLE COUNTRY.
You don't have to sit out criticizing others that act, you know? You can take action on what you feel is most important. The momentum is there, and this is in many ways the last actual chance.
Then take action , no matter how small . If you are not already involved then attend a meeting until the end . You are of value even if it is just there for moral support and connection / possible friendships ; )
I transport end of life drugs to care homes. So that someone can die as peacefully as possible, not choking and in immense pain. Your mob blocked the main artery through my city this week. I have had to take massive diversions, using more fuel and dying people had to endure more pain and fear on there final day on earth. Great job, you lot. Bravo
if "we" .....the citizens of the world are not organized and effective at change ..then "we"...must endure the demise the animals..worse if we don't have $
childfree and vegan since 1999, vegetarian since 1976. most "doomers" (those who believe) still fail to agree veganism is or would have been a way to slow this impending collapse down...
Beyond citizen's assemblies, what are the required actions? I am asking about the science. I have my own views but I need to know XR's views to see if we are aligned. We might be able to go carbon neutral by 2025 but it's a big ask and will take massive investment all around the world. The UK is only 1% of the world but it uses more than 1% of the fossil fuels. I think we need to head for a total rebuild of the built environment, starting asap and going on for 100 years until every last person in the world can live well without any fossil fuel use. Two trillion extra trees will need to be planted and tended over the rebuilding period and the whole population of the world will need to be decentralised in an orderly fashion.
@noobenstein I don't agree. We are nature. It's not us, per se, but the way some of us are using the earth, that is the problem. 100 years ago in the UK, the countryside was vastly more populated than now and wildlife was thriving. Now you have creatures actually migrating to the cities. What we're doing to the land has to be stopped and reversed.
@@Katy-sh3ru I am with you Katy. There is plenty of space and if diets changed towards a plant-based diet then more space would be released for nature. Over consumption is the problem, with over-population secondary to that.
Yes Toby , if we all share info on the positive effect regards becoming Vegan with just one other person , then we have a GREAT impact on our environment and ALL living beings on it . Keep speaking up Toby
Totally with you here, but what kind of changes do you expect to be done more specifically? We are a big part of the system politically and economically as well, so how do we change radically? I don't find that quite clear in your agenda?
The whole of humanity adapted the modern industrial way of life in the past 50 years, and it is this life style that is destroying life on this planet in such an incredible speed, plus the fact that the human population also grew so fast in such a short time. Personally, I am more shocked and saddened by the fact that we have been causing the extinction of all those amazingly sophisticated and beautiful forms of life of earth than eventual human extinction, but the two are linked as we know. I believe that asking our governments to come up with new policies to save us is useless! If anything could be done, it has to be done by individuals. We need to change our lives radically!. Step one is to go Vegan, not only by adapting a plant based diet, but also by recognizing the equal right of all the other beings we share this planet with. The second step is to abandon all comforts of our modern life that in my opinion is not going to happen! We have lost the knowledge of pre industrial era! Only people who live in warm climate may be able to achieve such a radical change, but in western Europe and UK with cold and damp climate, dramatic change of life style is not really possible in my opinion. What are your thoughts on this?
I agree we are all too used to our comforts unfortunately. methane production from animal agriculture is more of an issue than fossil fuels yet it is barely talked about. going vegan is the biggest impact an individual can have
I totally agree, population expotenially growing, consumption ever increasing, everything about our lives is unsustainable, and people just don't sacrifice what they have unless its forced on them, it will just be one disaster after another untill everything collapses, then we die off in droves. Its just so obvious
I hope everyone here is vegan. As animal agriculture is the largest contributor to human caused greenhouse gas emissions, more that all transportation combined
Vegans, yes, you know all the facts, and statistics of a dying paradigm, and it is dying. Actually, that WAS true, and is true where Degenerative agriculture is, but I have designed a Regenerative Farm, 260 acres, and seen the vast healing, and well being all animals can live in and provide, and the beautiful soil restored by using a Yeomans Plow, the Keyline system and intensive grazing with cows, chickens and sheep. The animals transformed 260 acres back to a vibrant healthy diverse healthy ecosystem, from poisoned dead, plastic-filled-tilled (3 feet down) soil after toxic pineapple farming, so please VEGANS, the fact is: it is TORTURE that needs to stop. Brutality, hurtful, hellish pain for animals in factories needs to stop, and we would do better to unite, align our values and intentions behind NATURE, and her way of healing, regenerating, including animals living their best lives, and enjoying, savoring, and honoring the gifts of food, fiber and other valued resources animals provide, and only when they have been loved, respected and given the opportunity to thrive before slaughter. Listen to Nature. I was a Vegan, a professional Vegan chef, in the 90's, so I know the way of vegans, and I know the Way of Love for animals and life on earth includes animals being welcomed as family into sacred service, and they are willing, health-giving as food, as in cold climates, they turn sun into nourishment, as Nature intends. I am not here to argue, nor do I agree with vegans bashing meat eaters or vice versa. I invite reality to be held in our all hands, as it is. Healthy animals, living in partnership with humans has been proven to be beneficial to all life: Polyface Farms, White Oak Pastures, ethical food farmers, and consider the quality of food, and how organic raw milk cures cancer, for example, as it is in the living enzymes, the wholeness that our health is empowered. Happy animals produce beautiful food & healthy, balanced, resilient ecosystems.
@@claireandersongrahamkeller2744 there are 8 billion people on this planet and rising there is not enough land for everyone to eat meat i would love to see to see a link to research supporting 'organic raw milk curing cancer'!! not everyone wishes to eat meat or animal products, I for one am thriving without them
I work in the applied sciences and I have pretty much all my life. And, me and many others, not enough obviously but many none the less, have been talking about the very composition of the atmosphere itself and how it has and continues to be changed by the over 2 billion internal combustion engines (ICE's) used daily across the planet. These ICE's are all around you every day and in large numbers, however the mainscream media has somehow managed to get the majority of you to look at coal electric generation and several other unsubstantiated by the load calculation industries as the main culprits in the changes our home world has been undergoing. Load Calculations,
And what is the time frame for this? Ummm, well, Year Zero, as in: zero species remaining, is slated to hit based on the current rate of extinctions at around 2026 on most projections and not much later than this on all of them, so, yeah, right now. We need all of these death machines turned off right now.
Bless you for taking the time to share your wisdom. Thank you!!! I concur and love your expression: "...all the mainscream media has ever done is thrown a wall of stupid at us." I am learning from Nature, and you are Her Voice.
A few difficult questions. What temperature should the earth be at ? What level of CO2 should be in the atmosphere ? Where is it written that earth's climate *ought to be* suitable for man's existence ?
Well it's not written, however, it's my personal preference that the earth be suitable for my existence. I am that selfish that I would prefer not to die.
Truth: as any addiction, there is a bottom, a place of opportunity, crisis, choice: to turn around and choose. I chose Permaculture to restore my health, vision, hope, healing of trauma, grieving losses, and I invite all humanity to bring unity to ethics and principles that provide a way to act, bring balance, harmony, resilience, abundance of food, rich, vibrant soil, gut health, and beauty. This is scary, watching the facts and state of the imbalanced ecosystems due to human actions. Panic is reasonable seeing the devastation of degenerative society trickling down into human lives wasted and threatened. Now.... Action is helpful, in the direction of Permaculture, regenerative design, as we are born for. Let's work together. Permaculture.
Thank you. Yes to Courage, more & lots more People's Assemblies & leading our adventures in life. Please tho can you increase the volume in this video!!!
I'm one who gave a thumbs down, so let me explain. I agree that we need to act and something needs to be done, yes. But this doco is too dramatic and emotional. It isn't going to convince your opposition to join to your side. The whole thing just reminds me of the Kony 2012 movement, remember that one? Turned out that one had a hidden dark agenda. So now I'm wondering if Extinction Rebellion does too. WHY are we ONLY allowed to blame c02? Come on, there are much much much bigger things at play here, like weather modification technologies. Don't say they don't exist, the patents for them are online. Also some of the world wide fires were created with directed energy weapons. WHY is that not being discussed?! Extinction Rebellion won't even allow the discussion of these VERY related topics!
Because Extinction Rebellion is a tool of the Elites and the UN climate control fanatics that want all use of resources monitored by 5G. (YES!!! Electromagnetic warfare... radiation etc is the solution to the problem of fossil fuels according to the UN who maintain that 5G is essential to Agenda 2030) ... Being Vegan lowers IQ it seems.
I agree with everything but you will NEVER achieve your noble goals. I offered some lovely fresh picked salad leaves to my next door neighbor they were refused its rabbit food I was told. These are the very people, the young, who need to change.
You already have it inside of you. You just have to witness it. Don't wait for a survival situation to let you courage and heart come out. We need you now.
I feel the same...aware of the crisis...but what needs to be done..looking at the government to act...what needs to be done?..cant you bypass the government and communicate with the industries that need to change..what can us as individuals do...make a list so we can folow...people are aware but apart from recycling ..what can we do...yes, you have peoples attention..but whats the next step...
Small problem: with regenerative agriculture, animals live their best lives, and restore ecosystems:There is no such thing as a vegan ecosystem, anywhere, ever, so please help stop the brutality and abuse of animals, inc. suggesting that humans being vegan is some great idea. It is death. No one in a cold climate would be aligned with Nature by avoiding the respectful inclusion of animal foods and gifts. Yes, what animals give to a profoundly reverent culture are gifts. Stop the brutal factory-so-called farming, it is that which is hurting the earth and destroying health on every level. Not eating meat is not helpful. Not eating tortured animal-meat is. Stop the vegan propaganda. Eat meat, and learn about Nature, Regenerative Ag, Permaculture and how we work together. Now.
@@claireandersongrahamkeller2744 we will not have a planet if we continue to mass produce animals. we are loosing our rain forests feeding and raising farm animals. it is not vegan propaganda if we all continue to eat meat humanity is doomed. I understand the beautiful concept you are talking about but it is not possible for 8 billion people. how do you propose this is possible for all of humanity.
This video is useless unless we take the necessary step first. The reason we have failed to address climate disruption is because of FEAR! Fear is the mind killer. Fear is what keeps us from facing the truth and knowing what must be done. Fear is controlled by the amygdala, which also controls anxiety and aggression. The people who stand in our way the most are people with over large amygdala. So that means we should have either have found a way to shrink people's over large amygdala, or have bred that trait out of the system, but people either were not smart enough, or willing enough to do what was necessary. Now it's too late. Working to stop climate disaster will only prolong the suffering. It's time to admit we did not have what it takes to survive, and we never will.
what we need to do is target traffic lights and cut them down or paint the lights....? im going to walk around the roads and wave a board around saying stop polluting our earth before its too late.
He fewer people that believe this, the greater the chance for survival. Our realities depend on our beliefs. The world’s reality depends on the consensus of beliefs. This video creates suffering.
Its far too late , we are not enough people in Europe to do what is nessecary to stop the big climate catastrophe coming . What about China , USA , South America , they not doing anything and only lough (Trump) about their scientists warnings. I am not expecting any change ,unless people are forced by hardship and hunger .
In Canada Alberta we have the tarsands I want to start a slow moving convoy on the highway from Edmonton to Fort Mac. Renewable energy cars should be used to drive as slow as the law allows. Get arrested with out breaking any laws.
The trouble is and I have heard it already off family members, and without meaning to sound sexist but unfortunately its usually women, it is only the 2nd of October and the weather where I live in the UK has been a beautiful warm sunny day, indeed I took a swim at my local lake today on the way home. But I am hearing about people already switching on their HEATING! the message is just not getting through. The availability of what used to be cheap fossil fuel delivered in pipes, as made a generation of weak pansies, who just think they have a god-given right to be over warm all the time instead of putting on a jumper and a slightly thicker duvet on the bed. People also think they have a right to light everywhere and at night every single square centimeter of pavement should be lit lest they fall and hurt themselves, they do not think well I will just enjoy the stars and the night sky and maybe carry a torch. Too many spoilt namby pamby's, if those who died in the great war could see how weak people are now. Sorry but I am not a humanist, I hate what humans have needlessly done to the planet, I would sooner save a dog from drowning than a human, we are simply not worthy.
Ten year old article, whose title isn't quite correct, but a view of how a post-capitalist society might look like living within climate catastrophe:
the tone of this is culty and aggressive, which probably isn't what you were going for from my perspective you're focusing on this particular set of existential risks to the exclusion of others that are more immediate and fundamental, such as the danger of unfriendly AI, and your intense narrow focus on this one kind of risk seems to you so much like a bigger picture that idk if or how you could look up to the shape of the larger situation
*Nuclear power enables:* -Electrification of transport. -Electrification of agriculture (vertical farming/hydroponics - locally produced food) -Energy abundance required for direct air carbon capture/direct ocean carbon capture -Decoupling of economy from environmental destruction -Low carbon (whole life cycle of reactor) *Renewable sources:* -Low carbon on their own -Absolutely require fossil fuel backup until storage problem solved -Solving storage problem alone will not be low carbon process -Huge land requirements -Terrible affect on biodiversity where installed (in most cases) *Extinction rebellion* -Non violent -Brave -Noble -Inspiring -Naive... You talk about renewables all the time but can we please have a discussion about Nuclear! You understand the influence of big oil and therefore must understand their interest in discrediting nuclear, the no1 zero carbon threat to their profits. Please understand the reality that commitments to renewable technologies are just commitments to fossil fuels in disguise.
Nuclear power: toxifies environment; generates toxic waste; radiates and KILLS; power stations take over a decade to power down safely and in that time, industrial power is required. Stop spreading lies that nuke power is safe or nontoxic.
"Will the lifeboats be seated according to class?" Rose's mother as the Titanic sinks.
I think so...actually the elite are letting us perish bcs with automation, the working class is nolonger useful to the powerful!
It's nice to know that at 20 I'm already having a midlife crisis.
You may not have that long.
You're ahead of the curve, kid. I had my midlife crisis at 7 though haha.
I think it's a thing of the new gen, cuz I know many ppl our age who that are struggeling hard..
The biggest thing that anyone could possibly do right this moment, is absolutely nothing. And I mean, do absolutely nothing. Don't drive your car, go to work, eat at the fast place down the street. Don't follow the status quo of everyday life. Once you've fallen out of our usual destructive habits, you have to do the opposite of what most people around you are doing. No matter how futile it may seem. Laze about in hammocks, start a garden, no more meat, ride a bike to the store, take a day to literally do nothing... Plant some trees, get together with your neighbors. Come together.
One thing that keeps me from being enthusiastic about this movement: We can go carbon neutral all we want, but if we don't change the system from its path of perpetual growth it will destroy the earth in some other way.
We are in overshoot on EVERY conceivable measure. Climate change, soil loss, destruction of fisheries and wildlife habitat, social inequality, pollution, deforestation, etc, etc.
All of these are SYMPTOMS of a system that embodies the belief that perpetual growth is possible on a finite planet.
We should be attacking that central pillar. Not just 'be carbon neutral'.
You have a very good point. But I worry that if the government won't accept a carbon neutral target, they are even less likely to accept a system change target.
I agree with this and others have mentioned a vegan diet, vast reduction in animal agriculture and going carbon neutral is the only way forward.
Consumption level changes are insufficient. We need radical, system level change.
And if governments or institutions don't like it we can overthrow them.
Iceland did exactly this after the bankers drove their country off a cliff. Now the bankers are in jail and the constitution prevents banks from setting up schemes that can ruin the lives of actual living people.
One more point: effecting change through consumption is accepting capitalism's redefinition of oneself as 'consumer'.
We are so much more than that! Activists, parents, teachers, mentors, strikers and countless other roles that can effect change.
Decoupling our financial system from our reliance on fossil fuels is a massive undertaking, which will affect millions of peoples livelihoods. From agriculture to health care, the sacrifices and changes people need to make will be the unprecedented. There are real alternatives, redistribution of energy production, changing our dietary demands, and ultimately something the elites have always found intolerable, rule by the public. Good luck.
End automobile dependency and use as swiftly as humanly possible, says the elephant in the room.
I agree with everything except rule by public. Public rule is terrible
Totally compelling. Essential viewing for anyone with the slightest interest in engaging with reality.
One million people flying at any given time. Step one no more airport extensions.
Yes, let's stop airport expansions. But also all fossil fuel expansions -- including the internal combustion automobile, yes. But also electric automobiles, because they consume vast quantities of energy to build (and there is the mining and the smelting, etc.). Let's begin by putting an end to the automobile and by embracing bicycles and pedestrianism. Ultralight electric vehicles may play a role--because they are very lightweight, consume very little materials and energy by comparison to a car.
*Denialism:* "In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event, when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality."
*Denial:* "The theory of denial was first researched seriously by Anna Freud. She classified denial as a mechanism of the immature mind, because it conflicts with the ability to learn from and cope with reality."
For people who ask about solutions - look at Drawdown, the 100 workable solutions to bring carbon back home (Paul Hawken editor). This is doable but we've got to implement these things real fast.
@Donald McCarthy You haven't read it.
Epictetus read all you want, as long as human population, consumption & ghg continue to increase what the fck is reading a fkng book going to accomplish??? Ffs wasf
Planting trees and take care off our oceans, stop overfishing!
All things we can do but we are utterly failing at.
It is frightening and terrifying to contemplate the short time frame in which we have to act in order to avoid these scenarios. But then again we knew 30 years ago. We really want to live as a race of beings on this planet Earth, we do not want to doom ourselves.
Great video and well spoken. We have to act now
without a doubt
TRUE brother true !
@@72marshflower15 It would NOT mean little if it happened on a global scale. The environmantal impact would be massive, for one thing.
@@72marshflower15 I would rather have my own farm if that's what you mean.
I see vegans driving around all day in enormous SUVs, spouting about how our diets are ruining the planet. Let us please talk about the elephant in the room. This elephant should not be ignored.
We need a better response to climate catastrophe in the USA. PEOPLE need to wake up
Extinction rebellion is also getting a foothold in the US and it is a big country. Throw in a few Hollywood celebrities, and most Americans will think this is an American phenomenon a year from now. This is going to gather crowds as big as Occupy Wall street, except Americans will drive to protests in their SUVs. What every one need, is to get their personal CO2 emission down to 1 tonne per year! This is stark for us westerners that are in the 14-20 tonnes / year category. Refrain from flying, don't commute, manage with less than two incomes per household. buy only local produce, buy second hand everything and get stuff repaired, get your electricity use down to 2 MWh/year and finally limit your animal protein intake to 40g/ day. Then you end in the 4-6 tonnes category, which still isn't enough, but the rest is government responsibility, to invest in wind farms (so we can truely zero carbon energy. Getting an EV is only half the equation) and taxing emitters. So as much as I'm for Extinction rebellion, I hope they are gazing in a mirror while shooting this video, as personal responsibility is 2/3 of the problem.
@@Tore_Lund Don't know what the two imcomes have to do with it. More money needn't necessarily mean more consumption or more Co2. I was quoted £8,000 for solar panels; an electric car costs £12, 000; a new efficient boiler costs a few thousand too. Having 2 incomes could help you to afford stuff like that.
If people deny all this information and if they are unwilling to do there part they are free to go to another planet. This earth is for the courageous, who love and care for this planet and all life on it. THANK YOU ! brothers and sisters of E.R. For taking a stand. I stand with you.
eh, nuke the whole damn universe, what has it ever done for us?
As a private individual in the west, I simply don't know how to cook my food, warm my home and have lights on without fossil fuels. What to do? There is no appetite from the people running this planet for thing to change. Without the means to shift, as a single person, I don't know what to do.
You could change your energy supply to ecotricity?
Agree, switch your power to a green energy company Good Energy, Ecotricity are best. We put solar panels on our roof in August and are managing to cook most of our food and run our appliances off it. When batteries become cheaper that will increase a lot. Heating still an issue , but you can make many efficiencies to improve. If everyone did something it would make a big difference quickly.
One of our very top priorities must be the ending of "car culture". And electric cars cannot save us, 'cause they use too much energy in manufacture, mining, smelting.... Let the bicycle (and ultra-light electric vehicles) be among the emblems of our movement. If we're going to block traffic, let that blocking of traffic mean it's time to give up our automobiles.
Too many people are in denial .... what can you do to make them believe that there is a crisis?......
I do not think you can. I think more death is the only way to convince them. I am convinced of this after following this issue and interacting with people online for about five years.
@@domitron threat of imminent death or dire suffering will get attention.
@@domitron Since 1989, I have been actively seeking a way, a way to live that helps, and restores well being on earth, and to that end, I have been to many ecovillages all over the world where a group of people realized decades ago to align with Nature and abandon the degenerative ways of society, to embrace indigenous wisdom held in our cells and souls and ancestral memory, and to them we owe our attention and support: Findhorn, in Scotland, Crystal Waters, in Australia, and Damanhur, in Italy, to name a few, shows them all over the world. Tune in. I have also seen the end by death and dementia of all those I knew and tried to love who chose addiction to run from their trauma and confusion. Denial seems to be too much for many to overcome. We have each other. Thank you for caring and standing together. I have learned the only hope is to align with Nature, to be empowered by being honest, vulnerable, and clear about values that enhance life, for all!, and to work together in mutual support and unity. Talk openly, speak your truth, and feel what you feel and trust love. I am here, grieving the losses, sowing actual seeds for resilient Permaculture gardens, food forests, and restoring the soil where I am, so we can perpuate a life of stability and balance, as Nature invites us. From birth, we are born for Permaculture, so as we dissolve and dismantle the distractions, we will see clarity rising out of the ashes. Mahalo. Thank you for your part...EVERYONE has VALUE.
Heavily reduce your meat intake or go vegan.
Both counts greatly.
There is no such thing as an ecosystem that thrives without animals, so being vegan is suicidal to earth's resilience and balance. 100% agree that ending violence and suffering for animals is key to a healthy earth. Eating meat is magic, and respecting the lives of animals results in thriving soil, thriving ecosystems and humans living in harmony with life, including slaughter done with sensitivity. Trust Nature.
"An ecosystem that thrives without animals"? Who said anything about our ecosystem being without animals? Are we a part of the natural ecosystem while living in concrete cities and intensively farming animals in concrete buildings? Are you living a natural life, sitting on youtube?
Are there other ways of living in harmony with nature, without killing animals? Animals will still kill animals - but we human beings, the so-called enlightened ones, have the mental capacity to figure out ways of living without contributing to the suffering of living entities - so why not just do that?
Can you slaughter someone with sensitivity? Is slaughter ever humane? Trust nature? So you want us to trust in nature who allows infanticide, suicide, killing, torture and rape? By this definition I trust that you won't have any problem with another person killing or raping you, just because? Trust nature.
@@claireandersongrahamkeller2744 Humans along with animals we grow for food make up 98% off the biomass of ALL animals on earth. There is nothing natural about it, but rather it is detrimental for the survival of other species and biodiversity. Going vegan is not an ecological suicide, but rather one of the most crucial things we can do in order to free up land for recovering natural ecosystems. Trust nature.
Arable farming, ie plowing up the soil, is a huge source of CO2 as well as devastating to biodiversity. Livestock raised using mob grazing techniques can hammer carbon back into the soil in a stable form at the same time as being a boon for biodiversty. This isn't by and large what we are doing now. But we could.
@@claireandersongrahamkeller2744 watch cowspiracy, your views are very outdated. animal agriculture is causing the destruction of our planet, fossil fuels are second.
This is amazing and I fully support 100% and stuff but I wanted to comment to say @20:01 WHAT AN INCREDIBLE PHOTO I think that could go down in history (if there is one)
My mum has booked me a transatlantic flight - please can someone help me get out of it.
Refuse to go. Can you go by train or by boat?
No it's New York and there is is not enough time to go by boat. Although I do endeavour to learn to sail in the future
@@ssleeman8514 You can compensate
@Donald McCarthy but she will have already made the trip?
Gwen Rees she’s right just take the train!
Amazing video! Thank you so much
RUclips or my smartphone keeps unliking my like. The truth about the pickle we are in is the only thing that can save us. I read that somewhere once, that "the truth will set you free".
I'm convinced. We've been debating climate change as a way of procrastinating for far too long. The time to act is right now.
You have my attention, thank goodness that you have, thank you
This beautiful video is the truth. Our government should require every man, woman and child in the country to watch it. To panic, to grieve, to get angry and to act. We are in state of emergency that is only comparable to being in a world war. In a war governments have to take extreme measures such as rationing, expropriation of necessary resources, etc, to protect the population. We need our governments to take measures such as carbon rationing, massive investment in renewable energy sources, etc, now. Not after Brexit is fixed, or after the next general election, or when the first famine hits, but NOW.
Panic, grieve, get angry, act.
Yes, it's kind of ridiculous how easy it is to implement this right now, compared to when hell breaks loose. I guess people in power didn't "sign up for this".
Wait a sec... The IPCC didn't actually say that if we don't hold temp rise to 1.5 societal collapse starts in 2030 - as far I could tell from the summary report. Any idea what Rupert Read was referring to?
You are probably correct. Crop failure is probably not 10 years away. That's why these people can't be taken seriously. If corn fails in the USA, it will be planted in Canada. I think these people, who are advocating for societal collapse in 10 years, are doing a lot of harm to anybody who's motivated to do something about Climate Change. In 10 years we'll play these videos and say, look, there is still plenty of food around, so these guys were wrong. Stop worrying and listening to them. Of course, that would be a disaster. I do believe crop failure will happen, but not in 2030, probably closer to the end of this century. Did you look at the size of Canada Northern Territory, at Groenland? Even at Siberia? Before we collapses, these place will produce our food. All grains will go to people, of course, forget about maintaining cattle. Now if a huge amount of methane is releases, extremely fast from the permafrost, then yes, maybe we'll be done by 2030.
@@PhilippeOrlando i feel a bit better by you're comment. I know were in trouble but I've been listening to so many it felt like i only have about a year or so to prepare. I really hope you are right.
Philippe Orlando So you think simply moving agriculture up north will not lead to mass migration and massive wars over these territories? There have been so many reasons for societies to collapse, it doesn’t need so much to tip our fragile democracies and economies over
How do you have a wildfire in the Arctic? What burned? No trees, no grass..... did dirt burn?
I'm scared for my life
We all are
Im scared for all my pets life.❤
I’m in!
You guys are amazing,keep it going as long as you can,save the 🌍
Another excellent XR offering. I'm proud of you, and I'm proud of the small part I'm playing in the movement. We may not win, but it's worth trying.
I love everything about XR. EXCEPT for the demands. To be taken seriously please prove the ineffeciency of goverment actions. They do a lot, obviously not enough, but it cant just be a few hippies jumping around on a bridge. WE NEED THE WHOLE COUNTRY.
You don't have to sit out criticizing others that act, you know? You can take action on what you feel is most important. The momentum is there, and this is in many ways the last actual chance.
It scares the Willies out of me.
Then take action , no matter how small . If you are not already involved then attend a meeting until the end . You are of value even if it is just there for moral support and connection / possible friendships ; )
@@veganvocalist4782 You should start eating meat. Veganism is terrible for your health.
Can you turn the volume up a bit please?
We got to change the whole livestile in which most of us are deeply addicted to.
I transport end of life drugs to care homes. So that someone can die as peacefully as possible, not choking and in immense pain.
Your mob blocked the main artery through my city this week. I have had to take massive diversions, using more fuel and dying people had to endure more pain and fear on there final day on earth.
Great job, you lot.
Great video, the cancer analogy strikes home.
Incredible. Thank you 💖
Time to act...wake up HUMANITY!
Fire and Ice ! literally Ice is burning ! hysteria !
if "we" .....the citizens of the world are not organized and effective at change ..then "we"...must endure the demise the animals..worse if we don't have $
Vegan✔️minimalist ✔️Resource Based Economy ✔️
childfree and vegan since 1999, vegetarian since 1976. most "doomers" (those who believe) still fail to agree veganism is or would have been a way to slow this impending collapse down...
@@WASF2024 ditching your car is the best thing you can do if live in the West
Harrison Kelly - what’s unrealistic about it?
@@WASF2024 that's awesome what you have done! And right!
@@WASF2024 Same as Amy
Beyond citizen's assemblies, what are the required actions? I am asking about the science. I have my own views but I need to know XR's views to see if we are aligned. We might be able to go carbon neutral by 2025 but it's a big ask and will take massive investment all around the world. The UK is only 1% of the world but it uses more than 1% of the fossil fuels. I think we need to head for a total rebuild of the built environment, starting asap and going on for 100 years until every last person in the world can live well without any fossil fuel use. Two trillion extra trees will need to be planted and tended over the rebuilding period and the whole population of the world will need to be decentralised in an orderly fashion.
@noobenstein I don't agree. We are nature. It's not us, per se, but the way some of us are using the earth, that is the problem. 100 years ago in the UK, the countryside was vastly more populated than now and wildlife was thriving. Now you have creatures actually migrating to the cities. What we're doing to the land has to be stopped and reversed.
@@Katy-sh3ru I am with you Katy. There is plenty of space and if diets changed towards a plant-based diet then more space would be released for nature. Over consumption is the problem, with over-population secondary to that.
Be Vegan! Don't be a hypocrite! :)
agree but the biggest contributor to GHGs in the UK comes from transport, so cycle too!
@@rcismeking amen! Cycle and go vegan
Yes Toby , if we all share info on the positive effect regards becoming Vegan with just one other person , then we have a GREAT impact on our environment and ALL living beings on it . Keep speaking up Toby
Go Extinction Rebellion!
When SHTF arrives the UK will be a good place to be because of Extinction Rebellion. Thanks for leading the way, again :)
Totally with you here, but what kind of changes do you expect to be done more specifically? We are a big part of the system politically and economically as well, so how do we change radically? I don't find that quite clear in your agenda?
Take a look at the burning Peat in the north of England.
God bless everyone of you whether you believe in god or not , we are watching and support you ❤️❤️❤️🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎
The whole of humanity adapted the modern industrial way of life in the past 50 years, and it is this life style that is destroying life on this planet in such an incredible speed, plus the fact that the human population also grew so fast in such a short time.
Personally, I am more shocked and saddened by the fact that we have been causing the extinction of all those amazingly sophisticated and beautiful forms of life of earth than eventual human extinction, but the two are linked as we know.
I believe that asking our governments to come up with new policies to save us is useless! If anything could be done, it has to be done by individuals. We need to change our lives radically!. Step one is to go Vegan, not only by adapting a plant based diet, but also by recognizing the equal right of all the other beings we share this planet with. The second step is to abandon all comforts of our modern life that in my opinion is not going to happen! We have lost the knowledge of pre industrial era! Only people who live in warm climate may be able to achieve such a radical change, but in western Europe and UK with cold and damp climate, dramatic change of life style is not really possible in my opinion. What are your thoughts on this?
I agree we are all too used to our comforts unfortunately.
methane production from animal agriculture is more of an issue than fossil fuels yet it is barely talked about. going vegan is the biggest impact an individual can have
I totally agree, population expotenially growing, consumption ever increasing, everything about our lives is unsustainable, and people just don't sacrifice what they have unless its forced on them, it will just be one disaster after another untill everything collapses, then we die off in droves. Its just so obvious
We are in a deep global eco-disaster !
An essential component of the necessary alteration, is spiritual (psychological/emotional/social, if you prefer).
What’s more important:
Or the fate of our planet?
I hope everyone here is vegan. As animal agriculture is the largest contributor to human caused greenhouse gas emissions, more that all transportation combined
Vegans, yes, you know all the facts, and statistics of a dying paradigm, and it is dying. Actually, that WAS true, and is true where Degenerative agriculture is, but I have designed a Regenerative Farm, 260 acres, and seen the vast healing, and well being all animals can live in and provide, and the beautiful soil restored by using a Yeomans Plow, the Keyline system and intensive grazing with cows, chickens and sheep. The animals transformed 260 acres back to a vibrant healthy diverse healthy ecosystem, from poisoned dead, plastic-filled-tilled (3 feet down) soil after toxic pineapple farming, so please VEGANS, the fact is:
it is TORTURE that needs to stop.
Brutality, hurtful, hellish pain for animals in factories needs to stop,
and we would do better to unite, align our values and intentions behind NATURE,
and her way of healing, regenerating, including animals living their best lives, and enjoying, savoring, and honoring the gifts of food, fiber and other valued resources animals provide, and only when they have been loved, respected and given the opportunity to thrive before slaughter.
Listen to Nature.
I was a Vegan, a professional Vegan chef, in the 90's, so I know the way of vegans, and I know the Way of Love for animals and life on earth includes animals being welcomed as family into sacred service, and they are willing, health-giving as food, as in cold climates, they turn sun into nourishment, as Nature intends.
I am not here to argue, nor do I agree with vegans bashing meat eaters or vice versa. I invite reality to be held in our all hands, as it is. Healthy animals, living in partnership with humans has been proven to be beneficial to all life:
Polyface Farms, White Oak Pastures, ethical food farmers, and consider the quality of food, and how organic raw milk cures cancer, for example, as it is in the living enzymes, the wholeness that our health is empowered.
Happy animals produce beautiful food & healthy, balanced, resilient ecosystems.
there are 8 billion people on this planet and rising
there is not enough land for everyone to eat meat
i would love to see to see a link to research supporting 'organic raw milk curing cancer'!!
not everyone wishes to eat meat or animal products, I for one am thriving without them
essential viewing
what food grows in the dust after the ground water dries out
thanks to the ppl who wrote this off for us to handle..
I work in the applied sciences and I have pretty much all my life. And, me and many others, not enough obviously but many none the less, have been talking about the very composition of the atmosphere itself and how it has and continues to be changed by the over 2 billion internal combustion engines (ICE's) used daily across the planet. These ICE's are all around you every day and in large numbers, however the mainscream media has somehow managed to get the majority of you to look at coal electric generation and several other unsubstantiated by the load calculation industries as the main culprits in the changes our home world has been undergoing.
Load Calculations,
And what is the time frame for this? Ummm, well, Year Zero, as in: zero species remaining, is slated to hit based on the current rate of extinctions at around 2026 on most projections and not much later than this on all of them, so, yeah, right now. We need all of these death machines turned off right now.
Bless you for taking the time to share your wisdom. Thank you!!! I concur and love your expression: "...all the mainscream media has ever done is thrown a wall of stupid at us." I am learning from Nature, and you are Her Voice.
Please upload this to facebook x
I'm going to the London demo this Saturday 12th October 2019 for my Grandchildren and their children and future generations.
A few difficult questions. What temperature should the earth be at ? What level of CO2 should be in the atmosphere ? Where is it written that earth's climate *ought to be* suitable for man's existence ?
Well it's not written, however, it's my personal preference that the earth be suitable for my existence. I am that selfish that I would prefer not to die.
The ruling class is to blame.
Truth: as any addiction, there is a bottom, a place of opportunity, crisis, choice: to turn around and choose. I chose Permaculture to restore my health, vision, hope, healing of trauma, grieving losses, and I invite all humanity to bring unity to ethics and principles that provide a way to act, bring balance, harmony, resilience, abundance of food, rich, vibrant soil, gut health, and beauty. This is scary, watching the facts and state of the imbalanced ecosystems due to human actions. Panic is reasonable seeing the devastation of degenerative society trickling down into human lives wasted and threatened. Now.... Action is helpful, in the direction of Permaculture, regenerative design, as we are born for. Let's work together. Permaculture.
Europe is learning what it is to be human on this planet.
Inspiring ✊✊
Thank you. Yes to Courage, more & lots more People's Assemblies & leading our adventures in life. Please tho can you increase the volume in this video!!!
I'm one who gave a thumbs down, so let me explain. I agree that we need to act and something needs to be done, yes. But this doco is too dramatic and emotional. It isn't going to convince your opposition to join to your side. The whole thing just reminds me of the Kony 2012 movement, remember that one? Turned out that one had a hidden dark agenda. So now I'm wondering if Extinction Rebellion does too. WHY are we ONLY allowed to blame c02? Come on, there are much much much bigger things at play here, like weather modification technologies. Don't say they don't exist, the patents for them are online. Also some of the world wide fires were created with directed energy weapons. WHY is that not being discussed?! Extinction Rebellion won't even allow the discussion of these VERY related topics!
Because Extinction Rebellion is a tool of the Elites and the UN climate control fanatics that want all use of resources monitored by 5G. (YES!!! Electromagnetic warfare... radiation etc is the solution to the problem of fossil fuels according to the UN who maintain that 5G is essential to Agenda 2030) ... Being Vegan lowers IQ it seems.
I agree with everything but you will NEVER achieve your noble goals. I offered some lovely fresh picked salad leaves to my next door neighbor they were refused its rabbit food I was told. These are the very people, the young, who need to change.
I disagree. The young are less backward than elders such as myself. (I am not backward however)
The young need to learn to cook proper meals, stop feeding their young on plastic-wrapped, preservative injected easy meals.
I wish I could find the courage to do what is right...
You already have it inside of you. You just have to witness it. Don't wait for a survival situation to let you courage and heart come out. We need you now.
All these videos but nothing on solutions! Here's one we could start tomorrow: Stop mowing grass verges, gardens and parks.
I feel the same...aware of the crisis...but what needs to be done..looking at the government to act...what needs to be done?..cant you bypass the government and communicate with the industries that need to change..what can us as individuals do...make a list so we can folow...people are aware but apart from recycling ..what can we do...yes, you have peoples attention..but whats the next step...
Small problem: with regenerative agriculture, animals live their best lives, and restore ecosystems:There is no such thing as a vegan ecosystem, anywhere, ever, so please help stop the brutality and abuse of animals, inc. suggesting that humans being vegan is some great idea. It is death. No one in a cold climate would be aligned with Nature by avoiding the respectful inclusion of animal foods and gifts. Yes, what animals give to a profoundly reverent culture are gifts. Stop the brutal factory-so-called farming, it is that which is hurting the earth and destroying health on every level. Not eating meat is not helpful. Not eating tortured animal-meat is. Stop the vegan propaganda. Eat meat, and learn about Nature, Regenerative Ag, Permaculture and how we work together. Now.
@@claireandersongrahamkeller2744 There would not be enough room on the planet to breed animals to supply 10 billion people with animal products.
@@claireandersongrahamkeller2744 we will not have a planet if we continue to mass produce animals. we are loosing our rain forests feeding and raising farm animals. it is not vegan propaganda if we all continue to eat meat humanity is doomed.
I understand the beautiful concept you are talking about but it is not possible for 8 billion people. how do you propose this is possible for all of humanity.
This video is useless unless we take the necessary step first. The reason we have failed to address climate disruption is because of FEAR! Fear is the mind killer. Fear is what keeps us from facing the truth and knowing what must be done. Fear is controlled by the amygdala, which also controls anxiety and aggression. The people who stand in our way the most are people with over large amygdala. So that means we should have either have found a way to shrink people's over large amygdala, or have bred that trait out of the system, but people either were not smart enough, or willing enough to do what was necessary. Now it's too late. Working to stop climate disaster will only prolong the suffering. It's time to admit we did not have what it takes to survive, and we never will.
This is a bit depressive but your most likely right we breed the wrong people. For generations!
Great video, can you allow the translation in other languages?
They mucked up the title. Should have read:
Act as if this is real.
what we need to do is target traffic lights and cut them down or paint the lights....? im going to walk around the roads and wave a board around saying stop polluting our earth before its too late.
He fewer people that believe this, the greater the chance for survival. Our realities depend on our beliefs. The world’s reality depends on the consensus of beliefs. This video creates suffering.
Its far too late , we are not enough people in Europe to do what is nessecary to stop the big climate catastrophe coming . What about China , USA , South America , they not doing anything and only lough (Trump) about their scientists warnings. I am not expecting any change ,unless people are forced by hardship and hunger .
Sending love from Jersey
There are more important things we need to do than to go to warming!
Very well presented and from the heart. Awwwww but why does his name have to be Rupert??
Perhaps "Act as if your unsubstantiated beliefs were true" would be a better title.
Where were you 7 years ago?! I left the Green Party because they were reluctant to talk about Climate Change!
Physics and Biology. Hallam talks sense.
None of these people practice what they preach.
In Canada Alberta we have the tarsands I want to start a slow moving convoy on the highway from Edmonton to Fort Mac. Renewable energy cars should be used to drive as slow as the law allows. Get arrested with out breaking any laws.
Inspired 💚 Thank you for all you do! 🌲🌳🌱🌿🌍🌏🌎🌊💚
The trouble is and I have heard it already off family members, and without meaning to sound sexist but unfortunately its usually women, it is only the 2nd of October and the weather where I live in the UK has been a beautiful warm sunny day, indeed I took a swim at my local lake today on the way home. But I am hearing about people already switching on their HEATING! the message is just not getting through.
The availability of what used to be cheap fossil fuel delivered in pipes, as made a generation of weak pansies, who just think they have a god-given right to be over warm all the time instead of putting on a jumper and a slightly thicker duvet on the bed.
People also think they have a right to light everywhere and at night every single square centimeter of pavement should be lit lest they fall and hurt themselves, they do not think well I will just enjoy the stars and the night sky and maybe carry a torch.
Too many spoilt namby pamby's, if those who died in the great war could see how weak people are now.
Sorry but I am not a humanist, I hate what humans have needlessly done to the planet, I would sooner save a dog from drowning than a human, we are simply not worthy.
Ten year old article, whose title isn't quite correct, but a view of how a post-capitalist society might look like living within climate catastrophe:
Go vegan👊🏻🌱
Act ias if .... "scientific opinion" ... is truth rather than an opinion
Yes. Just like I act that the theory of gravity is true...
The issue is that this idea that the world ends in 12 years is not based on any evidence.
the tone of this is culty and aggressive, which probably isn't what you were going for
from my perspective you're focusing on this particular set of existential risks to the exclusion of others that are more immediate and fundamental, such as the danger of unfriendly AI, and your intense narrow focus on this one kind of risk seems to you so much like a bigger picture that idk if or how you could look up to the shape of the larger situation
@Donald McCarthy shame and blame = perpetuating dysfunction.
Brexit now. Only way to save the Green Belt and ecology.
Carbon neutral by 2025 are you silly lol.
that number isn't based on what can easily be done, it's based on what must be done to avert catastrophe, thus the apocalyptic tone
*Nuclear power enables:*
-Electrification of transport.
-Electrification of agriculture (vertical farming/hydroponics - locally produced food)
-Energy abundance required for direct air carbon capture/direct ocean carbon capture
-Decoupling of economy from environmental destruction
-Low carbon (whole life cycle of reactor)
*Renewable sources:*
-Low carbon on their own
-Absolutely require fossil fuel backup until storage problem solved
-Solving storage problem alone will not be low carbon process
-Huge land requirements
-Terrible affect on biodiversity where installed (in most cases)
*Extinction rebellion*
-Non violent
-Naive... You talk about renewables all the time but can we please have a discussion about Nuclear! You understand the influence of big oil and therefore must understand their interest in discrediting nuclear, the no1 zero carbon threat to their profits. Please understand the reality that commitments to renewable technologies are just commitments to fossil fuels in disguise.
Nuclear power: toxifies environment; generates toxic waste; radiates and KILLS; power stations take over a decade to power down safely and in that time, industrial power is required. Stop spreading lies that nuke power is safe or nontoxic.
go vegan, as well