Prof. Mearsheimer WARNS of the CATASTROPHIC Outcomes of the Ukraine and Middle East Conflicts

  • Опубликовано: 1 июл 2024
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    In this video, Professor John Mearsheimer, the prominent international relations scholar, discusses NATO's actions and escalation in Ukraine, the risk of nuclear conflict, the influence of Israeli lobby, the potential war with Hezbollah, Iran, and Russia, the outcomes of the war in Gaza, the impact of the US election results, and Biden vs. Trump foreign policy.
    Dans cette vidéo, le professeur John Mearsheimer discute des actions et de l'escalade de l'OTAN en Ukraine, du risque de conflit nucléaire, de l'influence du lobby israélien, de la potentielle guerre avec le Hezbollah, l'Iran et la Russie, des conséquences de la guerre à Gaza, de l'impact des résultats des élections américaines et des politiques étrangères de Biden et Trump.
    در این ویدیو، پروفسور جان میرشایمر درباره اقدامات و تشدید ناتو در اوکراین، خطر درگیری هسته‌ای، نفوذ لابی اسرائیل، جنگ احتمالی با حزب‌الله، ایران و روسیه، نتایج جنگ در غزه، تأثیر نتایج انتخابات آمریکا و سیاست خارجی بایدن و ترامپ صحبت می‌کند.
    في هذا الفيديو، يناقش البروفيسور جون ميرشايمر تصرفات الناتو وتصعيده في أوكرانيا، خطر الصراع النووي، تأثير اللوبي الإسرائيلي، الحرب المحتملة مع حزب الله، إيران وروسيا، نتائج الحرب في غزة، تأثير نتائج الانتخابات الأمريكية، وسياسات بايدن مقابل ترامب الخارجية.
    En este video, el profesor John Mearsheimer discute las acciones y la escalada de la OTAN en Ucrania, el riesgo de conflicto nuclear, la influencia del lobby israelí, la potencial guerra con Hezbollah, Irán y Rusia, los resultados de la guerra en Gaza, el impacto de los resultados de las elecciones estadounidenses y la política exterior de Biden vs. Trump.
    Neste vídeo, o professor John Mearsheimer discute as ações e a escalada da OTAN na Ucrânia, o risco de conflito nuclear, a influência do lobby israelense, a potencial guerra com o Hezbollah, Irã e Rússia, os resultados da guerra em Gaza, o impacto dos resultados das eleições americanas e a política externa de Biden vs. Trump.
    اس ویڈیو میں، پروفیسر جان میرشایمر نیٹو کی یوکرین میں کارروائیوں اور کشیدگی، جوہری تنازعے کے خطرے، اسرائیلی لابی کے اثر و رسوخ، حزب اللہ، ایران، اور روس کے ساتھ ممکنہ جنگ، غزہ میں جنگ کے نتائج، اور بائیڈن بمقابلہ ٹرمپ کی خارجہ پالیسی پر تبادلہ خیال کرتے ہیں۔
    В этом видео профессор Джон Миршаймер обсуждает действия и эскалацию НАТО в Украине, риск ядерного конфликта, влияние израильского лобби, потенциальную войну с Хезболлой, Ираном и Россией, исходы войны в Газе, влияние результатов выборов в США и внешнюю политику Байдена против Трампа.
    Dalam video ini, Prof. John Mearsheimer membahas tindakan dan eskalasi NATO di Ukraina, risiko konflik nuklir, pengaruh lobi Israel, potensi perang dengan Hezbollah, Iran, dan Rusia, hasil perang di Gaza, dampak hasil pemilu AS, dan kebijakan luar negeri Biden vs. Trump.
    In questo video, il professor John Mearsheimer discute delle azioni e dell'escalation della NATO in Ucraina, del rischio di conflitto nucleare, dell'influenza della lobby israeliana, della potenziale guerra con Hezbollah, Iran e Russia, degli esiti della guerra a Gaza, dell'impatto dei risultati delle elezioni americane e della politica estera di Biden e Trump.
    इस वीडियो में, प्रोफेसर जॉन मीरशाइमर यूक्रेन में नाटो की कार्रवाईयों और वृद्धि, परमाणु संघर्ष के खतरे, इजरायली लॉबी के प्रभाव, हिज़्बुल्लाह, ईरान और रूस के साथ संभावित युद्ध, गाजा में युद्ध के परिणाम, अमेरिकी चुनाव परिणामों का प्रभाव और बाइडेन बनाम ट्रम्प की विदेश नीति पर चर्चा करते हैं।
    In diesem Video spricht Professor John Mearsheimer über die Aktionen und die Eskalation der NATO in der Ukraine, das Risiko eines Nuklearkonflikts, den Einfluss der Israel-Lobby, den möglichen Krieg mit der Hisbollah, dem Iran und Russland, die Ergebnisse des Krieges in Gaza, die Auswirkungen der US-Wahlergebnisse und die Außenpolitik von Biden vs. Trump.
    In hierdie video bespreek professor John Mearsheimer die NAVO se aksies en eskalasie in Oekraïne, die risiko van 'n kernkonflik, die invloed van die Israel-lobby, die potensiële oorlog met Hezbollah, Iran en Rusland, die uitkomste van die oorlog in Gaza, en Biden vs. Trump se buitelandse beleid.
    Bu videoda, uluslararası ilişkiler alanında önde gelen akademisyenlerden Prof. John Mearsheimer, NATO'nun Ukrayna'daki eylemlerini ve tırmanışını, nükleer çatışma riskini, İsrail lobisinin etkisini, Hizbullah, İran ve Rusya ile potansiyel savaşı, Gazze savaşının sonuçlarını, ABD seçim sonuçlarının etkisini ve Biden ile Trump'ın dış politika yaklaşımlarını tartışıyor.
    Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
    #usa #russia #israel #ukraine #gaza #iran #palestine #middleeast #nato #europe #politics #political #geopolitics #realism #analysis

Комментарии • 710

  • @wtf_usa5597
    @wtf_usa5597 2 дня назад +190

    "The goal is NOT to win these wars. The goal is to use the wars to wash money out of the tax bases of the United States and out of the tax bases of European countries and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. THAT is the goal. To have ENDLESS wars, NOT SUCCESSFUL wars."
    ~ Julian Ass.ange - Stop the War
    Interview - 8 October 2011

    • @danielmcleod2674
      @danielmcleod2674 2 дня назад +4

      last one now

    • @zuzanazuscinova5209
      @zuzanazuscinova5209 2 дня назад +9

      Makes sense

    • @Tom-xl6wq
      @Tom-xl6wq 2 дня назад

      Right, that is why the US and NATO attacked the Ukraine. Makes perfect sense!

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 2 дня назад +3

      Your paranoia is simply adorable. Conspiracies make your boring life exciting. Let's chat about you being well informed and educated, instead. Pleased to meet you!

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 2 дня назад +3

      @@zuzanazuscinova5209 Paranoia is adorable, but well informed folks aren't insecure and gullible. Any education?

  • @hawkeyed77
    @hawkeyed77 День назад +36

    The US have completely lost the plot

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 18 часов назад

      Your paranoia is so cool! Any education? Read the New York Times and smile, Dude. Everything is fine, but stoking the Paranoia Machine is the only way to own you, Dude. Old white men always do this online, Rube. Let's chat about your critical thinking skills and being baited. Pleased to meet you!

    • @TheGreatness-gg1jx
      @TheGreatness-gg1jx 9 часов назад

      Considering Russia is teetering on the edge of collapse I'd say we knew the plot and invited Putin in, and being the sucker he is, he jumped in with both feet. LOL

  • @Kgjl1234
    @Kgjl1234 2 дня назад +199

    Russia never wanted this war. But the USA certainly did.

    • @JP-up3vv
      @JP-up3vv 2 дня назад +22


    • @johnmaisonneuve9057
      @johnmaisonneuve9057 2 дня назад

      And, Russia’s economic dealings with Europe was increasing; supplier of gas to Western Europe; and not being a Communist State for over the last 40 years or more. Of course Russia does not want a 55 military alliance surrounding its borders etc. so this conflict is caused by the US wanting total control over Russia. Why on earth would Putin accept this?

    • @rogerblair9916
      @rogerblair9916 2 дня назад +23

      So why did Russia invade?

    • @peerpaulin8486
      @peerpaulin8486 2 дня назад +29

      @@rogerblair9916If you by now haven't realized what the reasons are, you will never realize it. Sleep on.

    • @peerpaulin8486
      @peerpaulin8486 2 дня назад +9

      @@JP-up3vv It happened 25 years until they got Russia provoked to be the aggressor. You obviously have not been awake all this time.

  • @viuaxxing
    @viuaxxing 2 дня назад +27

    It seems that this situation suits some people, the weapons manufacturers and some people who want another country in Europe.

    • @adikosmoszula1416
      @adikosmoszula1416 2 дня назад

      hahaha exactly, he'll never mention the J mafia

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 2 дня назад

      Paranoids know. During Covid did you do OK?

  • @PerceivedREALITY999
    @PerceivedREALITY999 2 дня назад +133

    Instead of arming Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan; US tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education, homelessness etc.

    • @Robert-xs2mv
      @Robert-xs2mv 2 дня назад +5

      Exactly what the Chinese government does.
      Though one might debate there methods.

    • @Tom-xl6wq
      @Tom-xl6wq 2 дня назад

      And let the Russians roll through the rest of Eastern Europe and continue their land grabs. What do you think they will do if they are unchecked? If they think they can successfully invade other countries and go unchecked, they will do exactly that. Don't forget that Putin has aspirations about restoring the great Soviet empire of old. Unfortunately, the West can't put their heads in the sand on this one, like you'd like to.

    • @Tom-xl6wq
      @Tom-xl6wq День назад +5

      Just stop

    • @Greek0715
      @Greek0715 День назад +7

      62.3% of the US federal budget goes toward social programs alone. For SS, unemployment, and labor we spend $2.81 trillion a year, which is 39.63% of our total budget. For Medicare and health, we spend $1.61 trillion a year, which is 22.67% of our total budget. The military budget is $773 billion, which is only about 10.91% of the total budget. In 2023, the US is projected to spend about $45 billion in foreign military aid, which is less than 1% of our total budget and barely moves the needle when compared to the trillions we spend every year. So, would an additional 1% make a huge difference if we decided to spend it on the other programs instead of foreign military aide? Probably not. And all of that 1% does not even go to Ukraine and Israel. About 33-34% does, which means we are spending about $15 billion of that $45 billion for Ukraine and Israel aid, which is about 0.33% of the federal budget. Is that too much to protect democracy and help support our valuable allies? Probably not. Taiwan does not even rank in top 10 countries that we provide foreign military aid to. For the most part, Taiwan pays for the military hardware we send to them, which actually helps our economy. So, you need to look at the numbers and the big picture before you just randomly say we should spend that 1% elsewhere. It would not even move the needle for a country this size.

    • @mikekoch4151
      @mikekoch4151 День назад

      Naw they won't do that. They can make money and pad their pockets in pointless proxy wars. They won't fix those domestic problems because they can't make money doing that. In election years they say they will fix those problems to get reelected but they never keep their promises and people vote for them anyway.

  • @sinamirmahmoud7606
    @sinamirmahmoud7606 2 дня назад +27

    they should have avoided this mess ... future historians ... if you watching this ... sorry ... we fucked up ... don't fuck up like us ... cherish life and grow a garden ... have fun with your family

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 2 дня назад +1

      Poorly informed folks think so. Paranoia validates your fears and makes you a winner. Let's chat about your baiting, Dude. Pleased to meet you!

    • @Blanka1100
      @Blanka1100 2 дня назад +1

      We are not responsible for russian greed and Putin's paranoia. Every Eastern European knows Russia is always the same and Nato is just another excuse. Russia has a break sometimes and always comes back for more. Nato has nothing to do with it. Every bully needs excuses.

    • @MarilynFry-vc1gg
      @MarilynFry-vc1gg День назад

      @@Blanka1100What about Finland, on Russia’s Border causing problems? 6:08

    • @opheliaelesse
      @opheliaelesse День назад +2

      Lots of trolls around.
      We want PEACE!!!

    • @Blanka1100
      @Blanka1100 День назад

      @@opheliaelesse Everyoe wants peace but it should not be peace at any cost because appeasement never works in a long run and Putin would come back for more in few years time.

  • @ninovelez100
    @ninovelez100 2 дня назад +67

    Ukraine war remains me Iraq invasion by US under false justification, Russia at least has a point in not wanting the encirclement by NATO (US) on its borders.Few people comment or know about the origin or cause of Russia invasion, which is the continued encirclement of Russia by NATO (US) on ex USSR republics. How people expect for Russia not to defend its border from the continuous encroaching of US? What would US do in a hypothetical situation in which Russia or China start building bases on its borders? Remember the Cuban missile crisis?

    • @RTC1655
      @RTC1655 2 дня назад

      RuZZia wants its empire back, end of story. Case in point, by invading Ukraine, NATO is now closer and more powerful than ever. The NATO excuse was always a red herring. Mearsheimer is a clueless disgrace.

    • @akskier44
      @akskier44 2 дня назад +5

      Cuban missile crisis demonstrates exactly what the US did when USSR put offensive weapons on its border.

    • @BocaoZ
      @BocaoZ 2 дня назад +11

      @@akskier44 the USSR deployed missiles in Cuba AFTER the US deployed missiles in Turkey

    • @akskier44
      @akskier44 2 дня назад +6

      @@BocaoZ And after US, 1961 Bay of Pigs, tried to oust Castro.

    • @rogerblair9916
      @rogerblair9916 2 дня назад

      Russia does not want NATO on its borders because that would stop Russia from invading its neighbors. Put the blame where it belongs. NATO is a defensive organization.

  • @ultrahd3388
    @ultrahd3388 День назад +8

    When cities get blown off and communications world wide goes offline in nuclear war and smoke fill the skies, just imagine the horror and pain every one who doubt this would ever actually happens.

    • @-M0LE
      @-M0LE День назад

      People don’t understand the reality is most people won’t die from nuclear radiation but the fact there is no sunlight and no food no way to grow food ever again no water and everyone stuck together in a very hostile environment
      Massive loss of life from slow starvation and eventually no more life on earth

  • @francisravenscroft-dw6gi
    @francisravenscroft-dw6gi День назад +8

    The Americans are interested in the mineral resources in Ukraine, because the US decision to cut trade with China means a massive cut in the Chinses export of rare earth minerals, to the US . By making Ukraine for ever in debt to the US, the US gain access not only to the massive grain reserves, but un interupted access to these limited materials.

    • @yabby6550
      @yabby6550 13 часов назад

      Yes. Same with Russia. Russia wants easy-access minerals with the slaves to dig them to them. Cf Hitler’s plans to access oil fields.

  • @mihaliprefti2507
    @mihaliprefti2507 День назад +4

    “Natanyeahoo thinks that when it comes to Izrael American politicians have no backbone.”_John Mearsheimer

  • @Fleezblarp
    @Fleezblarp День назад +9

    I've got a sneaking suspicion that extensive privatization in the american military apparatus and transparent corruption may have been contributing factors in intentionally escalating to war with Russia. Normally attaching a capitalist to anything just makes it better(for the rich) like healthcare and education, by cutting the quality of the service being offered, making it more expensive and ensuring that it's understaffed and that the staff are over worked. But with the military, they make so much money that they can not only can they easily get away with gratuitous price gouging on planes that can't fly, but also they have enough money to swing elections and write foreign policy.

  • @williammarotz7406
    @williammarotz7406 2 дня назад +4

    The president will have no choice, my ass. This whole decade no 2 decades has been bulls×××.

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 10 часов назад


  • @Aluminumfurniture
    @Aluminumfurniture 19 часов назад +2

    The US had never had a war and dead on its soil. So unless they experience it on their soil, they will continue business as usual. Export the weapons and the war.

  • @PerceivedREALITY999
    @PerceivedREALITY999 2 дня назад +112

    NATO is not a defensive alliance. They illegally bombed Yugoslavia (direct violation of the UN Charter). We must never forget what they did to Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc.

    • @Tom-xl6wq
      @Tom-xl6wq 2 дня назад +12

      Did Russia attack Afghanistan legally? At least be objective in your analysis.

    • @tunny5802
      @tunny5802 2 дня назад +14

      @@Tom-xl6wq The Afghan government invited Russia to help them, after America (Preident Carter?? and Zibignew Brzinzki) destablised the country, following the Oxford University doctrine of lighting fires all around USSR.

    • @Tom-xl6wq
      @Tom-xl6wq 2 дня назад +10

      @@tunny5802 And is that why the Afghan people fought the Russians and successfully defended their country from foreign invaders?

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 2 дня назад

      Old white paranoids own you. Relax, everything is fine. You are stoked by the Paranoia Machine and binge-watch this pap. Any education? Well informed educated people have confidence and few insecurities. Let's chat about your adventure in fear, Dude. Pleased to meet you!

    • @socialjusticewarrior2998
      @socialjusticewarrior2998 2 дня назад

      @@Tom-xl6wqRussia is the usa’s dog, bro. I live in Moscow.

  • @koenraad4618
    @koenraad4618 2 дня назад +2

    No electricity, no cooling, less food etc ....

  • @Callousedhands.
    @Callousedhands. 2 дня назад +15

    The evil people calling the shots from behind , have lit both ends of the candle in hopes that something major happens on both ends , whichever conflict burns out first to become the catalyst to a population control / decline circumstance.

    • @daveg5857
      @daveg5857 День назад

      Right. It's "they", whoever "they" are. How illuminating.

    • @catalincarceanu7991
      @catalincarceanu7991 День назад

      @@daveg5857 They are the khazar jews,is not a secret

  • @user-bp7pc3ph1o
    @user-bp7pc3ph1o День назад +1

    Good leaders don't fear war, great leaders dont fear peace. Greatness has left earth.

  • @karayuschij
    @karayuschij 19 часов назад +2

    if US GO HOME (and stay there) we will have peace in the whole World for centuries…

  • @christinapankey1415
    @christinapankey1415 2 дня назад +3

    Nobody said Saddam Hussein Obama was smart

  • @seanohare5488
    @seanohare5488 13 часов назад +2

    Big bad John merscheimer is a top notch scholar historian

  • @p3ngi3
    @p3ngi3 2 дня назад +2

    This guy is a little late. It’s too late for this. Thank congress and the politicians.

  • @ninovelez100
    @ninovelez100 2 дня назад +52

    Professor Mearsheimer for US president!

    • @jpweek5885
      @jpweek5885 2 дня назад +1

      USA currently have a glove puppet as president. They won't allow an actual functioning human being in no chance they'd let in someone who wrote the book on the jewish lobby

    • @lebzhau1401
      @lebzhau1401 2 дня назад +4

      One of the best brains in the US ever. He uses his head and NOT the heart

    • @RTC1655
      @RTC1655 2 дня назад

      He is a useful idiot.

    • @StompingRabbits
      @StompingRabbits 2 дня назад

      Big brain my fat Irish ass! This is basic common sense, any reasonably intelligent 10 year old could arrive at the same conclusion after reviewing the history.....

    • @xuyizhen00
      @xuyizhen00 2 дня назад +2

      Trump is sufficient, he wouldn’t have let these wars start in the first place

  • @user-ml9rh6od4w
    @user-ml9rh6od4w 2 дня назад +8

    War breeds war

    • @Tom-xl6wq
      @Tom-xl6wq День назад

      Accurate. Tell that to Putin.

  • @Africanchild825
    @Africanchild825 2 дня назад +66

    Ukraine, Gaza, Somalia, Vietnam, Iraq... America is always on the wrong side of history.😢

    • @Yannickille
      @Yannickille 2 дня назад +5

      It creates all the wars

    • @kaptinbarfbeerd1317
      @kaptinbarfbeerd1317 2 дня назад

      But. But, the US only starts wars for defending freedom and democracy. Oh wait, no they don't. People are figuring this out but our national leaders still keep telling us this nonsense anyway

    • @Lucia-sy7le
      @Lucia-sy7le День назад +2

      Except for WWII.

    • @davidburke2697
      @davidburke2697 День назад +1

      @@Yannickille It's unbelievable.

    • @kaptinbarfbeerd1317
      @kaptinbarfbeerd1317 День назад

      But the us fights for freedom and democracy. Oh yeah, no they dont

  • @nalaabdou9747
    @nalaabdou9747 2 дня назад +9

    I've heard Americans complaining about the US education system not teaching much of world history, the world geography actually not much about what is going on outside of the US. The fact is that it is easier to make the population believe in a narrative when they don't know about the geopolitics, the agreements signed after the end of each word war that the US violated repeatedly, everything that was done to push Russia to react.
    People do not know that Ukraine made it's Russian speaking population subcitizens with less right than the others , took Russian from the National languages making them unable to communicate with the government and much more.
    They will come here with insults but they will not do some research outside of mainstream media not even check on the UN library online.

  • @benjamindion7221
    @benjamindion7221 День назад +3

    Why did I hear the casualty rate is 6 Russians to 1 Ukrainian

    • @user-kv3ww2gb2e
      @user-kv3ww2gb2e День назад +4

      😂😂😂 because of corrupt Western media.
      Remember, "Russians blows up Nord Stream II"!
      Did you believe that?

    • @arlieferguson7442
      @arlieferguson7442 18 часов назад

      The figure is probably true, but what he isn’t saying is that the rate needs to be higher so that each side is losing the same relative to the size of their population. That being said, Russia is experiencing incredible losses. It is estimated that they have had 500,000 casualties. In Vietnam we had somewhere around 50,000 after 10 years of fighting. It is only one aspect of the war. I think many more Ukrainians have a will to fight then the Russians.

    • @dr.embersfield1551
      @dr.embersfield1551 17 часов назад

      @@arlieferguson7442 Obviously your sources are Ukrainian and you should not believe those numbers at all, since many of their lies have already got exposed. Instead, you should think with your head. For example, we know from many western mercenaries who took part in the conflict, that the 95% of the casualties are from artillery fire. Do you really think Ukraine's artillery dominates the Russian artillery 6:1 in order to inflict this number of casualties? The reality is, it's reversed - 1:6, and Ukrainian losses are between 500,000 and 800,000. This is also supported by the fact that Ukraine conducted eight mobilizations so far.

    • @user-kv3ww2gb2e
      @user-kv3ww2gb2e 16 часов назад +2

      Get of the juice.
      Or, start to believe your eyes and ears, not corporate media!😂

  • @shaheengk5352
    @shaheengk5352 2 дня назад +25

    Thanks for an excellent coverage
    On a different note:
    Please raise your voice to
    Free leader Imran Khan

  • @66Freesia
    @66Freesia 2 дня назад +37

    Professor Mearsheimer is a brilliant scholar - thank you!

    • @Blanka1100
      @Blanka1100 2 дня назад

      And he still does not give a damn Eastern European countries have their own agenda and security concerns

    • @worfoz
      @worfoz День назад +1

      Yes, scholars have opinions, we should listen en think. There are many brilliant scholars, thanks goodness.

  • @user-vr3bk3cx2y
    @user-vr3bk3cx2y 2 дня назад +6

    excellent analysis

  • @joylarson9040
    @joylarson9040 2 дня назад +1

    Thank you for your wise insight and assessment of the war in Ukraine.

  • @nachman5570
    @nachman5570 19 часов назад

    It is a privilege to have known you sir. I hoped we could exist longer 😮

  • @karlhacki6890
    @karlhacki6890 2 дня назад +3

    the iron curtain will move into the sleeping west

  • @hecimbecir8482
    @hecimbecir8482 2 дня назад +5

    I expect at least 50 Million of Americans enlisting.Everyone is so patriotic and loves fireworks.

  • @jane0001
    @jane0001 День назад +1

    Israel is looking with contempt USA, and the latter is looking with contempt EU. Vassal of my vassal is not my vassal... Or is it?

  • @blackieblack
    @blackieblack 2 дня назад

    "As many politicians are finding out in the united states" - Chilling

  • @khidaral-mukhtaar7327
    @khidaral-mukhtaar7327 2 дня назад +8

    Na-to IS in the fight.✅

    • @attilakormanyos2381
      @attilakormanyos2381 2 дня назад +6

      And its quite "funny" that Ukraine is not a NATO member, yet NATO is supporting them ...

    • @StompingRabbits
      @StompingRabbits 2 дня назад

      NATO is a giant paper tiger & Russia called their bluff.

    • @StompingRabbits
      @StompingRabbits 2 дня назад

      If your idea of NATO supporting Ukraine is using them as a battering ram against Russia without the least little concern for the enormously huge casualty rate the Ukrainians have suffered I think there's something wrong with you. I see it as NATO ordering Ukraine to commit national suicide as NATO uses Ukraine like a $5.00 whore....

    • @totalstrangerthing7419
      @totalstrangerthing7419 2 дня назад

      ​@@attilakormanyos2381 So Blackrock can invest on building infrastructure after war.

    • @Tom-xl6wq
      @Tom-xl6wq День назад +1

      @@attilakormanyos2381 NATO supports a sovereign nation on their door steps. that is invaded.

  • @Michel-gv1sr
    @Michel-gv1sr 18 часов назад

    Last week Zelensky for the first time talked about negotiations. Apparently, he woke up.

  • @user-gf3lw5pi4t
    @user-gf3lw5pi4t День назад

    If China is going to move on Taiwan ,it’s now or never

  • @davidstein1376
    @davidstein1376 23 часа назад

    Please list all events predicted by Prof. Mearsheimer in his career that have occurred.

  • @kandasamys7981
    @kandasamys7981 День назад

    Thank For your Sharing ❤❤❤

  • @geoeconomics5629
    @geoeconomics5629 День назад

    Those who control EurasiA control the World
    John Halford Mackinder

  • @01karmacop
    @01karmacop 2 дня назад +12

    We are all going to die

    • @StompingRabbits
      @StompingRabbits 2 дня назад +10

      Don't worry, with any luck we'll be vapor before we realize what hit us...

    • @maxcloutier5285
      @maxcloutier5285 2 дня назад +6

      This is the only justice: from birth, we know that we will die one day.

    • @fredschoepke7916
      @fredschoepke7916 2 дня назад

      NATO/AUKUS will probably get us all killed.

    • @PBTexasBoy
      @PBTexasBoy 2 дня назад +3

      This is true.

    • @robmyers8948
      @robmyers8948 День назад +1

      Not me, I have a bunka, I’m going to live for eternity 😂

  • @margaretneanover3385
    @margaretneanover3385 2 дня назад +2

    Which of those regions put napal as it's own and had some far back conflicts? Once it was heard that napal was some remnant of another state as pushed over some and as lately adding to some joining Israel. Yet the place that was is part of northeastern mostly but Europe regional point. Who continues to push ? Why would that be a point?

  • @Hot_Stank653
    @Hot_Stank653 День назад +1

    Look at these wars as entertainment and nothing more, it’s all about the numbers …the numbers

  • @mattfoster2021
    @mattfoster2021 2 дня назад +5

    Only about $$$
    Deaths for cash
    Easier to steal military $
    Double - coffins
    What did one casket say to the other casket? Is that you coughing?

  • @riyantinilykhine9623
    @riyantinilykhine9623 2 дня назад


  • @jacksonripholmes3236
    @jacksonripholmes3236 2 дня назад +1

    Is there anything new here! NO

  • @BrokenneckYgor
    @BrokenneckYgor 5 часов назад

    He put da boogie in boogie woogie

  • @PerceivedREALITY999
    @PerceivedREALITY999 2 дня назад +4

    NATO needs to understand that playing Russian roulette with a nuclear superpower is never a good idea.

    • @adikosmoszula1416
      @adikosmoszula1416 2 дня назад +1

      oh the will learn it.. the hard way

    • @totalstrangerthing7419
      @totalstrangerthing7419 2 дня назад

      Problem is US elkte think they can win. They pushing nuclear war since 60s. JFK said it.

    • @Kaiza-n9j
      @Kaiza-n9j День назад +1

      but putin playing russian roulette with 3 nuclear superpowers somehow is ?

    • @PerceivedREALITY999
      @PerceivedREALITY999 День назад

      @@Kaiza-n9j Zelensky, Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande admitted that Ukraine had no intention to honor the Minsk agreements.
      Who didn't want peace? Who advised against the 2022 peace talks in April? Hint: someone visited Zelensky in Kiev at that time.

    • @Blanka1100
      @Blanka1100 20 часов назад

      Nato is a nuclear super power as well. Russia is a gas station only.

  • @aaronsmyth7943
    @aaronsmyth7943 18 часов назад

    Pretty obvious that John politics are informing his opinions. Realist in name only.

  • @user-je2ny1mq1o
    @user-je2ny1mq1o День назад

    🙋‍♀️John Mearshiemer

  • @user-ex1fq6oz4p
    @user-ex1fq6oz4p 7 часов назад

    Mersheimer. = Lindberg 1940
    He understands the aggressors
    Telling half truth without blinking an eye
    A collaborator

  • @vesakaitera2831
    @vesakaitera2831 15 часов назад +2

    Well, although prof. Mearsheimer has a military career, he is more a political expert than a military analyst. His knowledge about the status of the current Russian army and the Russian war-industry is pitiful and he is not much better inforned about the Ukrainian army either. So he is basing much of his war predictions from the Russian war-propaganda and some reports, which have been made such Western reporters, who have suffered a bad war fatigue. So his opinion is, that Ukraine is doomed, and we in Finland have a very different opinion about it. And we know the Russians and the Russian army, it's strengths and weaknesses far better than Mearsheimer, because it has been essntial to us to know that. Now the Ukrainian military situation is pretty stabile, and the Russian army will not advance much more. The time will start to work on Ukraine's behalf, if the West will continue to support Ukraine enough strongly militarily and economically. If Trump is re-elected, then this scenario will damage Ukraine, but probably not decisively, because Trump can have an impact only to th U.S. support, not the European and Asian ones. And there are plenty of countries, which will continue supporting Ukraine in any case, the three Baltic countries, five Nordic countries, Poland and Germany at least. Glory to Ukraine ! Glory to the heroes !

  • @jm5009
    @jm5009 День назад +1

    This guy just said there was no evidence that Russia wanted to conquer all of Ukraine, and I would like to point out that at the beginning of the invasion that huge column of military equipment and personnel moving down from Belarus to Kiev. You know the one where they forgot to bring fuel!!!!

    • @user-kv3ww2gb2e
      @user-kv3ww2gb2e День назад

      😂😂😂Could you please compare Hitler's army, crossed the USSR border and Putin's army , crossed Ukranian border?

    • @jm5009
      @jm5009 День назад +1

      @@user-kv3ww2gb2e can you properly structure a sentence?

    • @user-kv3ww2gb2e
      @user-kv3ww2gb2e День назад +1

      Can you properly answer my question?
      Could you please compare German forces crossing the USSR border in 1941 with Russian forces, crossing the Ukranian border in 2022?

    • @jm5009
      @jm5009 День назад

      Sure lol, you going to get off Russias nuts?

    • @jm5009
      @jm5009 День назад

      @@user-kv3ww2gb2e nobody gives a fuck what happened between Russia and Germany 80 some odd years ago. What we are concerned about is what the fuck y’all Russians are doing now!

  • @organizer14
    @organizer14 2 дня назад

    Thank you very much for your truthful comments to help American neocons to change US policy.

  • @Deathbytroll
    @Deathbytroll 2 дня назад +1


  • @marttimattila9561
    @marttimattila9561 День назад

    Only wait when Russia againg reguires land from Finland for their safety. We know that missiles flew more than 200 kilometers.

  • @timkbirchico8542
    @timkbirchico8542 День назад

    How does the tail wag the dog? Who is in control? It must be the tail. What is their method of control? It is all about money honey. Who controls so much wealth that they can wag the most powerful country on earth?

  • @harrybaulz666
    @harrybaulz666 День назад

    If it means no more of your videos bring it on!

  • @staspastukov5944
    @staspastukov5944 2 дня назад +4

    At the same time, Zelensky exports electricity at a tenfold spread.

  • @misterbd9641
    @misterbd9641 18 часов назад

    Dates given for the start of both wars is incorrect.

  • @mozartsbumbumsrus7750
    @mozartsbumbumsrus7750 День назад

    Where is Sevas Topol? I've heard of Sevastopol. As a Californian, I've been to Sebastopol.

  • @ursgantner1114
    @ursgantner1114 17 часов назад

    What about legal aspects of the russian-ukrainian war?

  • @KOIFishcat
    @KOIFishcat День назад +3

    Putin's professor is screaming. It means that the Kremlin is in a bad position

    • @Blanka1100
      @Blanka1100 20 часов назад +2

      John is loved by russian trolls for a reason.

  • @chrishedlund3196
    @chrishedlund3196 11 часов назад

    Look at the 1930’s.

  • @aliceinabsentia
    @aliceinabsentia 2 дня назад +2


  • @enedinopadilla6320
    @enedinopadilla6320 День назад

    Tampoco los gringos quieren madrazos, no son estupidos, son exageradamente ambiciosos, pero no a ese grado, revientan el planeta! Ademas si esa guerra se puede extender (forever) que mejor, todos lucramos!

  • @prosimulate
    @prosimulate День назад

    Honey badgers getting anti-ship missiles in Yemen.

  • @guntherullery
    @guntherullery День назад

    End of times

  • @peterilcken8865
    @peterilcken8865 17 часов назад

    🇳🇱 Holland .🌷 👍 🙂

  • @samahirrao
    @samahirrao 2 дня назад

    Greenwich line of conflict should be a term.

  • @frankiecal3186
    @frankiecal3186 2 дня назад +4

    This only makes Thomas Massie a bad ass.

  • @AS-np3yq
    @AS-np3yq 9 часов назад

    It is just Russia beeing russia. Do not overthink it.

  • @rff6866
    @rff6866 14 часов назад

    It's going to take lunacy to end lunacy

  • @usr0377-xvt
    @usr0377-xvt День назад

    2028 it will start and 2030 will be peak. armageddon? who knows. 2032 Fini. Done. 2034 Rebuild if anyone is around.

  • @karolwilhelm4075
    @karolwilhelm4075 День назад

    Slava Ukraini!!!

  • @kotiax
    @kotiax День назад +3

    Professor is misleading in most subjects and is certainly motivated

    • @jeffreyhhatcher3992
      @jeffreyhhatcher3992 11 часов назад

      Evidence, please?

    • @kotiax
      @kotiax 4 часа назад

      @@jeffreyhhatcher3992 first days of war Russia attacked Kiev, intentions where clear when Putin addressed Ukrainian generals to surrender, to conquer Ukraine . Professor is saying Russia didn’t intend to conquer all Ukraine, that is a lie!!!!

  • @comments2840
    @comments2840 День назад

    The solution is: Cut Federal tax. If tax payers are still willing to shell out for that part of the tax money, let them pay it into state tax instead.

  • @clancyhughes
    @clancyhughes 2 дня назад +2

    Anyone who spent any time in Reno or Las Vagus knows better than to double down, not US Neocons.

  • @craiglarge5925
    @craiglarge5925 2 дня назад

    There are of course to sides to this coin. The EU and NATO to step up their game and re-arm to at least 1989 levels with a re-instatement of universal military selective service and bring back heavy industries.

  • @MarilynFry-vc1gg
    @MarilynFry-vc1gg День назад +1

    I don’t believe Tony Blinken can be that Delusional. You are making excuses for him. If he is that thick he should be removed. That goes for Biden as well by the way. 4:22

    • @IblameBlame
      @IblameBlame 11 часов назад

      You don't think Biden is delusional?

    • @MarilynFry-vc1gg
      @MarilynFry-vc1gg 3 минуты назад

      @@IblameBlame He wasn’t talking about Biden he was talking about Blinken.

  • @GaryThompson-gq4nl
    @GaryThompson-gq4nl День назад

    Gonna make for great movies and books

  • @jeronimotamayolopera4834
    @jeronimotamayolopera4834 2 дня назад +4


  • @rul4522
    @rul4522 День назад

    By the way, nothing will get away! (One might think so…)

  • @Vajrabodhi37
    @Vajrabodhi37 2 дня назад


  • @jm9980
    @jm9980 2 дня назад +1


  • @nadinebelin6988
    @nadinebelin6988 21 час назад

    J'aimerai que vous ayez des bases Russes sous votre nez au Mexique , et là j aimerai savoir , ce que vous ressentirez et si vous allez accepter ça !? Ne faites jamais aux autres ce que vous ne voudriez pas qu'on vous fasse !!!!!!! Rappelez vous en !!!

  • @marina1463
    @marina1463 День назад +5

    That is not Ukraine-conflict. That is a fullscale russian war in Ukraine at this time. russia attacked previously other countries and wasn't held accountable. So this was a permission for russia to continue wars as strategy to achieve its aims.

    • @Karpesh
      @Karpesh 19 часов назад +2


    • @dr.embersfield1551
      @dr.embersfield1551 17 часов назад +1

      Now apply this same logic to the US. Should they be held accountable?

    • @marina1463
      @marina1463 15 часов назад

      @@dr.embersfield1551 I do not see any country beeing atracked by USA now.

    • @user-df3pz2xt4c
      @user-df3pz2xt4c 14 часов назад

      Кастрюлька иди в тцк

    • @marina1463
      @marina1463 14 часов назад

      @@Karpesh real human

  • @jansrensen7582
    @jansrensen7582 2 дня назад +12

    God bless russia and Putin ok❤

    • @JP-up3vv
      @JP-up3vv 2 дня назад +5

      God does not bless evil people, whatever their name or position.

    • @peerpaulin8486
      @peerpaulin8486 2 дня назад

      @@JP-up3vv Oh come on. All the bloody bastards in the world nearly never had to bear the consequences of their evil deeds.

    • @StompingRabbits
      @StompingRabbits 2 дня назад +2

      @JP.....Putin & Russia didn't provoke this conflict. You've assigned evil to the wrong side laddy boy.....

    • @Robert-xs2mv
      @Robert-xs2mv 2 дня назад

      Putin is an atheist!

    • @davidburke2697
      @davidburke2697 День назад

      @@StompingRabbits Braindead and close minded...lost cause, leave it alone.

  • @user-lr2ib1cv4d
    @user-lr2ib1cv4d 2 дня назад +2

    Netanyahu, as well as Israel, falls (also) under the fateful power of international finance. This is something not mentioned. It's like saying "Voldemort" in much of the Harry Potter series.

  • @gabrielacontreras2640
    @gabrielacontreras2640 4 часа назад

    G7.... The beast of seven heads of Apocalipsis!!!

  • @CliffordClaytonGorovoy
    @CliffordClaytonGorovoy 2 дня назад +4

    Tony blikin? He doesn't do alot of actual blinking weird right like out of they live and you just gotbyour new glasses

  • @phils4634
    @phils4634 2 дня назад +1

    Russia would PREFER not to have a direct conflict with NATO, but understand that the Russians have absolute conventional escalatory dominance in this part of the World, and if they consider the need, they WILL escalate, to match (and exceed) NATO / US capability. Also remember it's not "just" Russia - they have defence treaties with China (the US's next "target") and North Korea.
    Then, there's the issue of the Israeli Hawks clearly stating they are considering the use of nuclear weapons against Gaza, and the Hezbollah in Lebanon. If that comes to pass, we're in for a really bad time. As for entitlement, Prof. Mersheimer should do well to see just who has effective control of the US "Economy". Those who control the money (via lobbying) control the Country.

  • @slckb0y65
    @slckb0y65 День назад

    Oy Vey!

  • @tjasagustin3342
    @tjasagustin3342 2 дня назад +4

    Stop financing

  • @boboakes980
    @boboakes980 День назад +7

    John has been wrong on Ukraine for a long time. Appeasement is not a good strategy

    • @kubhlaikhan2015
      @kubhlaikhan2015 14 часов назад

      It isn't appeasement to support the secession of an ethnic minority disenfranchised by a coup d'etat.

    • @Blanka1100
      @Blanka1100 12 часов назад

      @@kubhlaikhan2015 Austrian painter style excuse.

  • @NZ2Tokyo
    @NZ2Tokyo День назад

    Turn to the Lord Jesus Christ our only Hope for eternal life in heaven. If 'the CATASTOPHIC Outcomes' does not get us, our brief moment called life will. Please do not delay, no one knows when, that last day will be. All those Ukrainian who have lost their lives what a shame. I can guarantee that just a few years ago they never imaged they would be leaving this earth in such a wasteful way. Sure is a mad mad world. Turn to Jesus.

  • @RogerDosethee-bg8rw
    @RogerDosethee-bg8rw 2 дня назад +3

    US keep thinking Russia doesn't have a government is a comedian like zelensky.😅

    • @craiglarge5925
      @craiglarge5925 2 дня назад +1

      Russia is led by a Stalin wanna be who knows how to make people disappear.

    • @Blanka1100
      @Blanka1100 20 часов назад

      Russia is a dctatorship. Always was and always will be. Russian election is a joke.

  • @juanluistostadocanales3955
    @juanluistostadocanales3955 2 дня назад +3

    That is right Professor

  • @ricardosegundo6389
    @ricardosegundo6389 День назад +1

    Yo seem to justify Putin...And Putin, after Crimea, and Ukraine, he would go on to fullfill his sick idea of going back to USSR.
    Countries left the USSR, not because of NATO, but because, life under the soviet model stinks. He blames NATO for that, and not the comunist model.
    So at some point, at some time, somone, must say thats enoph.

    • @Blanka1100
      @Blanka1100 20 часов назад

      He blames Russia's victims for calling the police because they were tired of being abused by Russia.

    • @petrosmpampalis6097
      @petrosmpampalis6097 14 часов назад

      Really Ricardo? And why United States have 12 sea carrier planes?? 🤯
      Are you in danger from somebody? Or you want them to play rugbe?? 😁