I am amazed at the order of the ingredients. I cook my soup in the following order: onion, potato, carrot, leek, broth, garlic. Then all the ingredients are cooked at the same time after 12 minutes and fewer vitamins are destroyed. And as long as I have teeth, my soup will not see a hand blender, after all, good chewing aids digestion.
I agree in sautéing your order of vegetables - the harder vegetables, first, the softer ones later. The blender she only used it for a short time, and I think the purpose was to create a thicker soup so not all the vegetables were thoroughly blended. She also didn’t call this vegetable so she titled mushroom soup so she wants the mushrooms which were not blended to stand out. I can see that.
@@maureenhargrave3568 I would never put mushrooms in a soup with those other ingredients, which are the makings of a decent vegetable soup. But everyone has his/her own variants. I prefer a good Scotch broth. Onions, cabbage,potatoes, carrots, parsnip, leeks, Brussels sprouts, parsnip, even rutabaga and finally peas, on a base with lentils, barley and rice. No need for stock, but it can be added if desired -- or a bit of ham bone if you have it. Delicious, nutritious, very good when you are feeling chilled!
Klar doch - erst kommt das Fressen und dann die Moral. Auch anders gesagt - der Körper wird schlank und der Kopf bleibt ein dicker Wasserkopf mit zu viel gequältem Ballast. LOL. Abgesehen davon - noch mit Suppenpasta hinzu getan - schmeckt italienischer und besser. Fakt!
@@sisterdi64 I agree. I make several vegetable soups, all healthier than this one because they do not include butter and most do not contain oil (one Italian one does, a little). I also do not consider it a mushroom soup and, given the choice of other veggies, I think it would taste better without them. It looks tasty enough, but calling it healthy is a very misleading tag.
Helo. Zsuzsi vagyok Magyarországból. Kipróbáltam a levesed, igazán nagyon finom. Én még megspékeltem karfiollal, úgy is nagyon jó lett. Köszönöm a receptet, gyakran el is készítem. Jó egészséget kívánok és sok jó finomságot.
I make a varied version of this without the pitatoes and use cabbage. Very good soup. With fakl season approaching I will be trying this version. Thank you.
Yo soy de España, me gustan mucho tus recetas, estoy intentando perder peso, pero a los 60 me está resultando imposible, tenía entendido que el pan y la patata no se podían comer. De hecho los tengo tachados de mi lista de alimentos. Cuantos días a la semana debería comer esta sopa para adelgazar? Un saludo y te aseguro que te sigo
It looks amazing - can't wait to try it out - but will leave out the potatoes because it is carbs. The less carbs the better and will add lentils and maybe white beans or chick peas and split peas to help the liver do it's job.
Thanks for watching and commenting! 👏 I'm glad you liked my recipe! 😋 Try making this recipe and let me know how it turned out for you? Please subscribe to the channel and stay in touch! ❤️ Have you tried my other recipes? 😘
Is it really a diet soup?All the butter and olive oil? Please say it is because I will love it. It looks so very fresh an yummy at the same time! More like this PLEASE!
Looks like a lot of servings per pot therefore butter calories will be minimal per serving. She used a trace of olive oil to cook the mushrooms and olive oil is good for you. I will make this soup and probably saute the vegetables with just olive oil. Thank you for the recipe.
You did a similar soup where you added cream cheese, so I did a similar one of my soups and finish it with soft cheese that had Garlic and herbs in it and it really added a creamy texture and flavour to the soup, I am 76 y/o man who loves to make my own soups, stews and chicken stir fry’s, etc. but I your idea of adding cream or soft cheese is a brilliant ! Thanks 👍
ciorba asta de de toate legumele...o fac des primăvara și vara...o bat cu ou și cu oțet de mere și miere . ultima dată îi pun verdeață: pătrunjel țelină și leuștean .e teribil de bună
Thanks for watching and commenting! 👏 I'm glad you liked my recipe! 😋 Try making this recipe and let me know how it turned out for you? Please subscribe to the channel and stay in touch! ❤️ Have you tried my other recipes? 😘
I also cannot eat tomato...I have learned to substitute broth and seasonings. Taco seasoning is a good substitute... Seasoning and herbs can replace any recipe that calls for tomato. It is not everybody's friend, it's too acidic. Also there is a product called Nomato sauce. Or you can make your own with carrots and beets, by using the proportions 3 parts carrots, 1 part beets... Season as you would for a tomato recipe. You cannot taste the difference.
Thanks for watching and commenting! 👏 Glad you liked my recipe! 😋 Try this recipe and let me know how it turned out for you? Please subscribe to the channel and stay in touch! ❤️ Have you tried my other recipes? 😘
Thanks for watching and commenting! 👏 Glad you liked my recipe! 😋 Try this recipe and let me know how it turned out for you? Please subscribe to the channel and stay in touch! ❤️ Have you tried my other recipes? 😘
Thanks for watching and commenting! 👏 Glad you liked my recipe! 😋 Try this recipe and let me know how it turned out for you? Please subscribe to the channel and stay in touch! ❤️ Have you tried my other recipes? 😘
Inwiefern verbrennt diese Suppe Körperfett? Viel Fett wird verwendet (tierisch und pflanzlich) und Sie nutzen das Prinzip der retrograden Stärke bei den Kartoffen nicht. Weißmehlcroutons, ernsthaft? Der Titel ist ein irreführender Clickbait, wenn auch die Suppe lecker aussieht, ich würde noch Petersilienwurzel oder Pastinake mit andünsten.
Zato što je u Evropi sve bolje i zdravije i vodi se računa o zdravlju gradjana. Količina šećera koja se stavlja u proizvodima u US u Evropi je zabranjena, koristi se dosta manje šećera i ljudi generalno zdravije žive i hrane se zdravije. Evropa je stara dama. 😊
Live in London in the UK, this soup will be a refreshing change using all natural ingredients away from all the processed muck in the supermarkets. Good way of getting vegetables onto my grandsons (may have to wizz a bit so they don't recognise the vegetables, at this stage anyway )also for me desperate to lose weight . Thank you for this.
Hej Jeg ser dig på RUclips fra Danmark. Det ser godt ud den suppe du har lavet. Jeg har fået lyst til at spise den suppe 😋😋😋. Jeg vil gerne prøve og lave denne suppe 🤗. Mvh. herfra Aalborg 🤗🥰
I am amazed at the order of the ingredients.
I cook my soup in the following order: onion, potato, carrot, leek, broth, garlic. Then all the ingredients are cooked at the same time after 12 minutes and fewer vitamins are destroyed. And as long as I have teeth, my soup will not see a hand blender, after all, good chewing aids digestion.
Yes! You put in the ingredients that take the longest first (aside from onions, which give a flavour base). And certainly no need to blend.
Köszönöm hogy elküldted Románia Erdély
I agree in sautéing your order of vegetables - the harder vegetables, first, the softer ones later. The blender she only used it for a short time, and I think the purpose was to create a thicker soup so not all the vegetables were thoroughly blended. She also didn’t call this vegetable so she titled mushroom soup so she wants the mushrooms which were not blended to stand out. I can see that.
@@maureenhargrave3568 I would never put mushrooms in a soup with those other ingredients, which are the makings of a decent vegetable soup. But everyone has his/her own variants. I prefer a good Scotch broth. Onions, cabbage,potatoes, carrots, parsnip, leeks, Brussels sprouts, parsnip, even rutabaga and finally peas, on a base with lentils, barley and rice. No need for stock, but it can be added if desired -- or a bit of ham bone if you have it. Delicious, nutritious, very good when you are feeling chilled!
I think the hand blender would just release more flavor.. I would add cabbage to that.
Veoma dobar recept! Hvala,gledam iz Smedereva,Srbija.
Thats some yummy looking vegetablesoup!!!❤️❤️❤️
I'm going to make the soup it looks delicious. I will use chicken broth in place of water.Thanks for sharing ❤
I was just thinking why water and not Stock . Still looks yummy. from North Scotland .
@@fredacameron9227 I was thinking the same thing. One other change for me would be to leave out the mushrooms as I am allergic.
rica y deliciosa sopa gracias
Iam from east yorkshire.near hull will be making your soup this week thankyou
I'm from Hull, what a small world !
Eine gesunde Suppe, die sichèr schmeckt. Ich werde sie nächste Woche zubereiten, danke😊
Klar doch - erst kommt das Fressen und dann die Moral. Auch anders gesagt - der Körper wird schlank und der Kopf bleibt ein dicker Wasserkopf mit zu viel gequältem Ballast. LOL. Abgesehen davon - noch mit Suppenpasta hinzu getan - schmeckt italienischer und besser. Fakt!
This soup looks delicious and I will be definitely making it. Thank you 😊
Looks delicious. Why don't you actually make it then comment??
I live in New Zealand beautiful soup,will make this tomorrow thankyou so much
I don't live in New Zealand but thanks for your comment. Let us know if you ever actually taste this soup??? Just a thought.
me too. Here in Chrsitchurch NZ
Pennsylvania here! Tasty soup.
Spróbuję dziś i dam znać 😘
I am from England and this is going onto my playlist looks amazing
I am also from England, but I'm not sure why that is relevant.
@@Whatzzzz999 I bet you're fun at parties
I am from Wyoming U.S.A. This looks delicious! Thank you!
Have you cooked it yet? Can I try it together? 🥰
I am from Shropshire Uk. Comment when you've cooked it.
Oglądam z Polski na pewno ugotuje ta zupę dziękuję ❤
I'm from Reedsburg, Wisconsin. I enjoy watching the ingredients you put into your soup & how delicious it looks 😮 Thank you 😊
Watching from Illinois in USA...need 2 lose weight.
I will use olive oil instead of butter if this recipe is for diet.
Thus looks delicious. I am making it tomorrow. Much appreciation from Alberta, Canada.
Let us know how it went.
Glad to hear you're in Alberta, it's in Canada I understand...
Very healthy, thanks from Poland
I love reading the comments from ppl all over the world!! Such a great thing.😊
Guten Tag, Danke für das rezept. ❤
От Пловдив, България.
Gut gemacht, fantastische Suppe - voller Vitamine und Aromen!❤❤
Delicious and healthy set of food thanks for sharing
I’ll make this without the butter. Much healthier that way. Thanks for the recipe.
Also without the oil.
@@sisterdi64 I agree. I make several vegetable soups, all healthier than this one because they do not include butter and most do not contain oil (one Italian one does, a little). I also do not consider it a mushroom soup and, given the choice of other veggies, I think it would taste better without them.
It looks tasty enough, but calling it healthy is a very misleading tag.
Watching from Dade City, Florida, USA. Good recipe
Helo. Zsuzsi vagyok Magyarországból. Kipróbáltam a levesed, igazán nagyon finom. Én még megspékeltem karfiollal, úgy is nagyon jó lett. Köszönöm a receptet, gyakran el is készítem. Jó egészséget kívánok és sok jó finomságot.
I live in Hong Kong. Love the recipe
I make a varied version of this without the pitatoes and use cabbage. Very good soup. With fakl season approaching I will be trying this version. Thank you.
Yo soy de España, me gustan mucho tus recetas, estoy intentando perder peso, pero a los 60 me está resultando imposible, tenía entendido que el pan y la patata no se podían comer. De hecho los tengo tachados de mi lista de alimentos. Cuantos días a la semana debería comer esta sopa para adelgazar? Un saludo y te aseguro que te sigo
It looks amazing - can't wait to try it out - but will leave out the potatoes because it is carbs. The less carbs the better and will add lentils and maybe white beans or chick peas and split peas to help the liver do it's job.
Thanks for watching and commenting! 👏 I'm glad you liked my recipe! 😋 Try making this recipe and let me know how it turned out for you? Please subscribe to the channel and stay in touch! ❤️ Have you tried my other recipes? 😘
Lots of things look amazing.
Why not actually cook it, then comment? Just a thought.
Lentils chickpeas etc are carbs too.
Why does no one like pinto beans? They have more flavor than navy beans. They taste a little like boiled peanuts.
Is it really a diet soup?All the butter and olive oil? Please say it is because I will love it. It looks so very fresh an yummy at the same time! More like this PLEASE!
Looks like a lot of servings per pot therefore butter calories will be minimal per serving. She used a trace of olive oil to cook the mushrooms and olive oil is good for you. I will make this soup and probably saute the vegetables with just olive oil. Thank you for the recipe.
Los veo desde Huehuetoca edo.de México saludos
Magyarorszagbol nezem a 3:46 leves kesziteset,jonak tunik!❤
Magyarországról néztem, tetszett, megfőzöm.
Troppo buono non vedo l'ora di farla complimenti io sono calabrese italiana
Ich habe sie nachgekocht und sie war yummy! danke 🤩
Sziasztok Magyarországból nézem nagyon gusztusos a levesed ,holnap megfőzőm ,köszönöm a receptedet !!!
Australia - Tasmania
Recipes so lovely and delicious and all family eats this healthy food Thanks
Debe estar deliciosa la sopa lista para comer desde España 🇪🇦
I added spinach and hot sauce ❤
En France, très bien cette soupe car il n'y a pas d'ingrédients spéciales
Desde Bucaramanga ( Colombia).🎉
Jeg kommer fra Danmark..🇩🇰 - Jeg har fulgt mange af dine FANTASTISKE suppe opskrifter - de er helt Forrygende og Virkelig Lækre.♥️👍♥️
Mi ispira!!!Brava 😊❤.
Mmmm, köstlich lecker 😋...koche ich bestimmt auch mal nach
Danke 😊
Very lovely to eat well done ❤
Schoenen Gruss aus Tomaj, Slowenien. Die meisten Sachen haben wir in unserem Garten... :-) Das mit dem Brot muss ich noch ausprobieren🙂
Looks good will try it this week, will use sweet potatoes instead,
Thank you Alice from USA
Yum! Looks so delicious. Nearly midnight here, so I'll make it tomorrow.
From Australia.
You did a similar soup where you added cream cheese, so I did a similar one of my soups and finish it with soft cheese that had Garlic and herbs in it and it really added a creamy texture and flavour to the soup, I am 76 y/o man who loves to make my own soups, stews and chicken stir fry’s, etc. but I your idea of adding cream or soft cheese is a brilliant ! Thanks 👍
شكرا لك على طبق الحساء انه جيد جدا من سوريا اريد ان اطبخه كثيرا اروع خساء ❤❤
Gracias por compartir Rica receta👍😋👍🙏🙏me gusta la sopa
ciorba asta de de toate legumele...o fac des primăvara și vara...o bat cu ou și cu oțet de mere și miere . ultima dată îi pun verdeață: pătrunjel țelină și leuștean .e teribil de bună
Very comforting looking especially as autumn and winter approach. Thanks from the UK
Харесва ми да гледам такива рецепти!
Благодаря Ви!
I’m watching from Toronto Ontario Canada 🇨🇦. Your recipes are enticingly healthy. Thanks for sharing.
Hello, je regarde depuis la France avec mes légumes bio du jardin , je sens que je vais me régaler et perdre agréablement quelques kilos . Merci
Aus Griechenland😂😊😊
Yum this looks delicious and I can't wait to make it-minus the bread as
I don't want any carbs. Thank you
Thanks for watching and commenting! 👏 I'm glad you liked my recipe! 😋 Try making this recipe and let me know how it turned out for you? Please subscribe to the channel and stay in touch! ❤️ Have you tried my other recipes? 😘
I would substitute vegetable stock for the water.
I will substitute butter for Olive Oil.
I also cannot eat tomato...I have learned to substitute broth and seasonings. Taco seasoning is a good substitute...
Seasoning and herbs can replace any recipe that calls for tomato. It is not everybody's friend, it's too acidic.
Also there is a product called Nomato sauce. Or you can make your own with carrots and beets, by using the proportions 3 parts carrots, 1 part beets... Season as you would for a tomato recipe.
You cannot taste the difference.
There is no vegetable stock on that recipe
@@lorieastman9432there is no tomato in that soup
I am watching from Malta. It is very interesting to watch you cutting the veggies and the result I am sure is fantastic. Mary.
From South West Texas, thank you for that delicious soup recipe.
Looks delish and it’s on my next “to do” soup list.
Delicious recipe 🎉🎉
Thanks for watching and commenting! 👏 Glad you liked my recipe! 😋 Try this recipe and let me know how it turned out for you? Please subscribe to the channel and stay in touch! ❤️ Have you tried my other recipes? 😘
ازشهر طبس
Danke fur recept Jana aus Prague ❤❤❤❤
Werde ich morgen sofort kochen und sicher wird die Suppe auch gut schmecken
I think if you replace the butter with olive oil it will be better. Greetings from Spain
Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec vous 😂, où l'huile de coco, et surtout pas de pommes de terre .le bonjour de Belgique 🇧🇪
Looks wonderful! Watching in Oregon USA
Very nice alternative to the plain vegetable soup. This little trick with the saute'd mushrooms ups the taste.
looking at thiss cooking video is making me hungry
Είμαι Ελληνίδα θα την κάνω κι εγώ αυτή την σούπα λαχανικών σε ευχαριστώ πολύ
De Chile
Saludos al mundo.
Täiuslik supp.siin ei oskagi midagi küsida😊.
❤ зор Каракалпакстан Республикасы.
No mushrooms for me but all in all a lovely soup.
Thanks for watching and commenting! 👏 Glad you liked my recipe! 😋 Try this recipe and let me know how it turned out for you? Please subscribe to the channel and stay in touch! ❤️ Have you tried my other recipes? 😘
Assistindo do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro.
Amo sopas e essa me convida a fazer, eu só não usaria o mix, mas me parece perfeita. Obrigada!!! 🙋🏻♀️🍀🥀
Sieht sehr lecker aus.👍
Thanks I'm going to try it.
Great way to whip up dinner quickly.
He visto tu receta desde Montevideo -Uruguay
Prahy. Je super ❤
Watching from Alaska, your recipes are delicious and very healthy
Hello 👋🏻 from Virginia, USA 🇺🇸!! Going to try this soup as well as the bread also! Thank You for sharing 😁
Ich koche seit Jahren die gleiche Suppe
Kannst du das Rezept für diese Suppe verraten?
Ist fast dasselbe. Nur ich nehme Knollensellerie. Und streue Petersilie oben drauf@@essenkochen
Oi mitä herkkua,teen heti tänään! Terveiset Suomesta/ Helsinki
Siii cuando tengo tiempo veo mucho tus recetas me encantan ,desde CHILE 🇨🇱 mi cariño !!❤❤❤❤
Wonderful soup thank you, hugs from Cyprus. 💙💙🤗🤗
At last! Someone made the soup.
Depuis Nice France merci pour les recettes
Watching from kildare ireland.
Thanks for watching and commenting! 👏 Glad you liked my recipe! 😋 Try this recipe and let me know how it turned out for you? Please subscribe to the channel and stay in touch! ❤️ Have you tried my other recipes? 😘
Gostei muito de sua receita, bem nutritiva , parabéns "sou Angelina moro em Joinville SC
Just going into winter here in Australia I will make this soup. Just right for cold days.
England. Thank you for sharing your recipe. ❤And yes, I do agree that we should use olive oil instead of butter.
Ich schaue aus Hamburg dir zu ich mache gleich auch eine Gemúsesuppe_danke
Inwiefern verbrennt diese Suppe Körperfett? Viel Fett wird verwendet (tierisch und pflanzlich) und Sie nutzen das Prinzip der retrograden Stärke bei den Kartoffen nicht. Weißmehlcroutons, ernsthaft? Der Titel ist ein irreführender Clickbait, wenn auch die Suppe lecker aussieht, ich würde noch Petersilienwurzel oder Pastinake mit andünsten.
Stimmt doch.
Zajímavé že?? Spalovač tuku 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Exactement , c'est ce que je voulais écrire , car quand j'ai vû TOUT CE GRAS utilisé !??!!?? Titre mensongé ET C'EST PAS LA 1ERE FOIS .....👎
I'm watching from Melbourne Australia
me too
Why do European vegetables look better than what we can get in US?
Zato što je u Evropi sve bolje i zdravije i vodi se računa o zdravlju gradjana. Količina šećera koja se stavlja u proizvodima u US u Evropi je zabranjena, koristi se dosta manje šećera i ljudi generalno zdravije žive i hrane se zdravije. Evropa je stara dama. 😊
Because in Europe, food is not genetically modified
Vegetables look like this when they’re homegrown or purchased at farmers markets
@@maureenhargrave3568 I grow some of my own,they’re good, and also been to farm stands here in Amish county. Not the size of these in the video
Because European vegetables aren’t poisoned by Monsanto.
Live in London in the UK, this soup will be a refreshing change using all natural ingredients away from all the
processed muck in the supermarkets. Good way of getting vegetables onto my grandsons (may have to wizz a bit so they don't recognise the vegetables, at this stage anyway )also for me desperate to lose weight . Thank you for this.
wow yummy yummy host
Hola, soy nueva y te sigo desde Barcelona, la sopa la hago mańana, gracias
Jeg ser dig på RUclips fra Danmark. Det ser godt ud den suppe du har lavet. Jeg har fået lyst til at spise den suppe 😋😋😋. Jeg vil gerne prøve og lave denne suppe 🤗. Mvh. herfra Aalborg 🤗🥰