(Don't Watch This Or Read My Comment As Well) Sheikh Uthman Vs Daniel Haqiqatjou - Live Debate

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024
  • Muslim Skeptic Vs Sheikh Uthman Vs Daniel Haqiqatjou Vs Saajid Lipham Vs Ali Dawah Vs Smile 2 Jannah Vs Muhammad Hijab Debate Islam
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    #IOnlyFearAllah #MuslimSkeptic #SheikhUthman #Vs #DanielHaqiqatjou #SaajidLipham #Debate #AliDawah #Smile2Jannah #MuhammadHijab #Islam

Комментарии • 6 тыс.

  • @IOnlyFearAllah007
    @IOnlyFearAllah007  Год назад +439

    🔥Read Full:
    The fact that you call yourself deobandi or salafi is not my primary concern. The core issue is that people have this arrogant belief that they are the only ones who are guided, while those who disagree with them are deviants.
    What is arrogance?
    Muhammad ﷺ said: “No one who has an atom’s-weight of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise.” A man said, “O Messenger of Allaah, what if a man likes his clothes and his shoes to look good?” He said, “Allaah is Beautiful and loves beauty. Arrogance means rejecting the truth and looking down on people.”
    Narrated by Muslim, 91.
    Therefore, when the truth is presented to someone who holds a deviant belief, they reject it. Instead of sincerely discussing the matter to seek out the truth, they typically resort to labelling each other as deviants and produces false arguments against it
    Al-A'raf 7:36
    But the ones who deny Our verses and are arrogant toward them - those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide therein eternally.
    For example, if someone told me that what I am doing or believing is a shirk or an innovation, I should be open to the truth and ask them to debate it with me and provide proof for their claims rather than becoming outraged and labelling them as extremists. I should ask Allah to guide me, and if I lack the required knowledge, I should consult those who do. And when you listened to the arguments from both sides, Allah revealed the solution.
    An-Nisa 7:36
    O you who have believed, obey Allāh and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allāh and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allāh and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.
    Al-Anfal 8:29
    O you who believe, if you fear Allah, He will provide you with a criterion (to distinguish between right and wrong) and will write off your evil deeds and will forgive you. Allah is the Lord of great bounty.
    And indeed, no one is All-Knowing and All-Wise except my Lord ALLAH, nor is any human being a perfect role model for mankind except my Prophet Muhammad ﷺ; everyone else is only a vessel to Him ﷺ.
    🔥He Believed In Science Not God
    🔥She Discovered The Scientific Miracle In The Quran
    🔥Misconception About The 99 Names Of Allah
    🔥He Believed God Is Not Merciful
    🔥He Did Zina Everyday And This Happened
    🔥YT Shorts:

    • @MuhammadAbdullah-kx3kn
      @MuhammadAbdullah-kx3kn Год назад +16

      The *Athari* Aqidah & *Neo-Salafi* Aqidah is NOT the same thing.

    • @MuhammadAbdullah-kx3kn
      @MuhammadAbdullah-kx3kn Год назад +7

      Must read - *Al-Ijaz fima Ikhtalaf fihi al-Albani wa ibn Uthaymin wa ibn Baz* (A Brief Summary with regards to some Aqidah issue in which al-Albani, ibn ‘Uthaymin, and ibn Baz differed). This book is written by a Saudi Salafi Scholar)

    • @tooti3138
      @tooti3138 Год назад +11

      @@MuhammadAbdullah-kx3kn read quran and hadith, tafsir ibn kathir before you go to saudi scholars. If you dont, the golden rule is to never take from them in politics

    • @aliismail
      @aliismail Год назад +4

      I have shared rooms for rent in madinah Close to masjid nabawy

    • @muhammadsalafiahlulhadith
      @muhammadsalafiahlulhadith Год назад +3

      @@MuhammadAbdullah-kx3kn *The Meaning of Tāghūt According to the Early Scholars & That It Does NOT Necessitate Kufr in Every Case! The word tāghūt [1] is mentioned in several places throughout the Qurān & its meaning is distorted by the OVER ZEALOUS radical preachers to refer to the disbelievers or to major idolatry & since some of the great scholars mentioned in their writings that ‘the one who does NOT rule by that which Allāh has revealed’ is a tāghūt, then they conclude that all of the rulers are therefore disbelievers.*
      *However, the reality is that the term tāghūt can refer to the unbelievers & to the heads of misguidance from the Muslims. I will prove this from the sayings of the great scholars of the past. Imām al-Jawharī stated in as-Sihāh: “At-Tāghūt: the soothsayer, Satan & every leader of misguidance.” [2]*
      *The esteemed scholar of the Arabic language, Ibn Mandhūr stated:“At-Tāghūt: Whatever is worshipped besides Allāh, the Mighty & Majestic & every leader of misguidance is a tāghūt.” [3]*
      *He also stated:“Abū Ishāq said: Everything that is worshipped besides Allāh, the Mighty & Majestic, is a sorcerer & a tāghūt. It is said, ‘[Everything that is worshipped besides Allāh:] the sorcerer, the tāghūt, the soothsayer & Satan…Ash-Shaʿbī, ʿAtā’ & Mujāhid all said: ‘The sorcerer, the magician. At-Taghūt is: Satan, the soothsayer & every head of misguidance.” [4]*
      *Imām Mālik (died 179H, rahimahullaah) explained:“At-Tāghūt: Everything that is worshipped besides Allāh.” [5]*
      *Ibn al-Jawzī said:“As for at-Tāghūt: it is a term taken from tughyān & it is to go beyond the set limits.” [6] Regarding the statement of Allāh “& We sent a Messenger to every nation calling them to the worship of Allāh & to abandon the Tāghūt”, al-Qurtubī, the famous Quranic commentator, stated:“Meaning: Abandon everything that is worshipped besides Allāh such as Satan, the soothsayers, the idols & everyone that calls to misguidance.” [7]*
      *& Imām ashShawkānī stated the same in his Quranic commentary, Fath al-Qadīr [8].*
      *Ibn Hishām, the writer of the famous biography of the Prophet (salallaahu ‘alaihi wassallam), stated:“At-Tāghūt: Everything that misguides from the truth.” [9]*
      *Shaikh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728, rahimahullah) stated regarding at-Tāghūt:“It is a generic title into which enters: the Satan, the idols, the soothsayers, the dirham, the dīnār (forms of currency) & other than that.” [10]*
      *Shaikh Muhammad bin Sālih bin ʿUthaimīn (rahimahullaah) stated:“Ibn al-Qayyim has gathered what has been said regarding it (at-Tāghūt), it is: ‘That which is exceeded by the servant beyond its limit whether it be with respect to following, or worship or obedience.’” [11]*
      *The Meaning of Tāghūt According to Shaikh al-Islām Muhammad bin ʿAbdul-Wahhāb►It is somewhat surprising that modern day radicals should attempt to utilise the statements of Shaikh Muhammad bin ʿAbdul-Wahhāb (rahimahullaah) to support their argument, since he was from the scholars who consistently warned from the performance of takfīr & from disobeying the Muslim rulers, even if they be from the most tyrannical of rulers, as he has expressed in the famous letter to the people of al-Qasīm, ar-Risālah ilā Ahlil-Qasīm [12].*
      *Regarding the discussion surrounding the subject of at-tāghūt, Shaikh Muhammad bin ʿAbdul-Wahhāb said:“The tāghūts are MANY & their heads are 5:*
      *Iblīs (Satan), may Allāh’s curse be upon him,*
      *The 1 who is worshipped and he is pleased with that,*
      *The 1 who claims anything from the knowledge of the Unseen,*
      *The 1 who calls people to worship him,*
      *The 1 who judges by other than that which Allāh has revealed.*
      *& the proof is His saying, the Most High:“There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in at-Tāghūt & believes in Allāh, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break & Allāh is the All-Hearer, All-Knower.”►& this is the meaning of lā ilāha illallāh.” [13]*
      *So some may understand from this that the Shaikh is declaring as an unbeliever THE 1 WHO RULES BY OTHER THAN WHAT ALLAH HAS REVEALED!►►►However, this is NOT the case for 2 reasons: 1STLY, due to the consensus from IbnAbdulBarr who narrated that ruling by other than what Allāh has revealed constitutes MINOR DISBELIEF (MAJOR SIN) that does NOT exit from the fold of Islām (At-Tamhīd of Ibn ʿAbdul-Barr, 5/74-75), & 2NDLY that the term atTāghūt does NOT necessitate MAJOR KUFR! This is made very clear in the following statement of Shaikh Muhammad bin ʿAbdul-Wahhāb RAHIMAHULLAH:*
      *“The tāghūts are MANY (NOT just 5), & the CLEAR ONES to us from them are 5:*
      *The first of them is Satan.*
      *The tyrannical ruler.*
      *The 1 who takes bribery.*
      *The 1 who is worshipped & pleased with that.*
      *The 1 who acts without knowledge.” [14]*
      *So he ALSO considered that from the heads of the clear tāghūts are:*
      *►The tyrannical ruler*
      *►The 1 who takes bribes*
      *►The 1 who does NOT act upon knowledge*
      *AND these affairs constitute MINOR DISBELIEF/MINOR KUFR (al-kufr al-asghar) in their origin►Indeed the 1 who takes bribes is NOT a KAFIR outside of the fold of Islām by the consensus (ijmāʿ) of the scholars, UNLESS & UNTIL he makes that HALAL (ISTIHLAAL).►►►So this makes it perfectly clear that the Shaikh & the scholars before him did NOT restrict the title at-Tāghūt to only the KAFIR, rather the term can ALSO REFER TO MUSLIM UPON SIN OR TYRANNY OR the 1 who does NOT act upon knowledge or the person of misguidance who misguides others, such as the BIDATI JAAHIL ideological heads of the Khārijites like isis daesh, alqaeda, bokoharam, ikhwaanul mufliseen, nusra, hamas, hizbuttahreer surooriyyah hurooriyyah etc..◄◄◄*
      *So from this we can conclude the term Tāghūt includes the disbelievers, the heads of misguidance & innovation - so it is NOT permissible after this clarification to ascribe to Shaikh al-Islām Muhammad bin ʿAbdul-Wahhāb that he declared as disbelievers the tyrannical rulers or those who do NOT rule by that which Allāh has revealed, using as a proof his speech regarding at-Tāghūt & the same can by said of the other scholars as I have stated regarding Shaikh al-Islām Muhammad bin ʿAbdul-Wahhāb RAHIMAHULLAH.*
      *1 Singular: tāghūt; plural: tawāghīt.*
      *2 See Mukhtār asSihāh, p. 265.*
      *3 Lisān alArab 8/444.*
      *4 Lisān alArab 15/9.*
      *5 Reported by Ibn Abī Hātim with an authentic chain of narration, 2/495, 3/976.*
      *6 Zād alMasīr, 2/125.*
      *7 Tafsīr alQurtubī 10/103.*
      *8 3/161.*
      *9 AsSīrah an-Nabawiyyah, 3/100.*
      *10 Majmūʿ alFatāwā, 16/565-566.*
      *11 AlQawl alMufīd, 1/10-12.*
      *12 Recently printed with the title Sharh ʿAqīdah al-Imām al-Mujaddid Muhammad bin ʿAbdul-Wahhāb, explained by Shaikh Sālih al-Fawzān. Translated into English with the tile, The ʿAqeedah of Muhammad ibn ʿAbdul-Wahhaab; published by Sunnah Publishing, Michigan USA.*
      *13 AdDurar AsSanniyyah, 1/136*
      *14 AdDurar AsSanniyyah, 1/137*

  • @freePalestine237
    @freePalestine237 Год назад +1737

    Probably the best hadith you’ll ever hear 🤯
    Aws bin Aws narrated:
    Allah's Messenger said to me:
    "Whoever performs Ghusl on Friday, and
    bathes completely, and goes early,
    arriving early, gets close and listens and
    is silent, there will be for him in every
    step he take the reward of a year of
    fasting and standing (in prayer).
    At-Tirmidhi (496)
    Sahih hadith

    • @phyrestarter
      @phyrestarter Год назад +4

      What if this is actually da'if?

    • @NinjaGamer-so2tg
      @NinjaGamer-so2tg Год назад +36

      @@phyrestarter it's hadith sahih, i just checked.

    • @justmeok6685
      @justmeok6685 Год назад +1

      So what is the prob if the hadith is dhoif

    • @rashadmahmood8753
      @rashadmahmood8753 Год назад +17

      Mashallah i was 1st or 2nd to arrive at jummah last week. Felt so good

    • @wass006
      @wass006 Год назад +30

      My father used to always go early, now he's passed away, I understand why he did so.

  • @superbrownsful
    @superbrownsful Год назад +1305

    Ya Allah help us to be free from the groups we as an Ummah separate ourselves into. Ya Rabb make us into Mu’mins and nothing else. Allow us to be of the Mutaqin. Ameen

    • @ocerco93
      @ocerco93 Год назад +24

      Ameen ameen ameeen !! If I was able to say ameen 1000x to this I would do it ! Allah was clear in the qu’ran about group and divide ourselves... this is sad n

    • @tg4106
      @tg4106 Год назад +20

      Ameen. Forget Sunni Shia or whatever sect people put themselves in. Your a Muslim or your not. Simple. The religion is very simple, Qur'an is very simple, but imaan are just making it too complicated.

    • @Shanstar614
      @Shanstar614 Год назад +2


    • @oddvun
      @oddvun Год назад +2


    • @floatingdisembodiedhead8975
      @floatingdisembodiedhead8975 Год назад +3

      Aminn Aminn Aminn Ya Rabbal Alaminn

  • @bonleofen
    @bonleofen Год назад +656

    Wow! This was crazy respectful. I could learn a lot from both brothers in terms of manners. They are talking about difficult issues in public and yet maintained to keep this very civil and honest. May Allah reward both of the brothers.

    • @mohdridzuanramli9316
      @mohdridzuanramli9316 Год назад +7


    • @nadeemhussain2087
      @nadeemhussain2087 Год назад +4

      Aameen 💙🕋💙

    • @esseabdi1095
      @esseabdi1095 Год назад +8

      Nothing is difficolt in islam Everything is clear

    • @emzed6053
      @emzed6053 Год назад +9

      I only saw one civil and honest man and that was not fooqui

    • @bonleofen
      @bonleofen Год назад +1

      @Isa of Quran is not Yusu of Bible bro 😂😂😂
      You're obsessed with sects

  • @Islamis4all
    @Islamis4all Год назад +16

    Deobandi Scholars are the ones who worked hard against Paganism and innovations in religion in India, some people due to their ignorance confuse themselves and others with Brailvies and Deobandies.

  • @ahmedlunat1248
    @ahmedlunat1248 Год назад +397

    I don't call myself a Deobandi, although I went to a Deobandi madrassa, but I can say with 100% conviction that we were not taught to worship graves, it is totally haraam, also we were not taught to believe the other things that Sheikh Uthman is talking about. I would love for Sheikh Uthman to have a debate with some prominent Deobandi scholars from South Africa to lay these issues to rest, also a debate between them about Tablighi Jamat.

    • @uzairpatel5052
      @uzairpatel5052 Год назад +23

      Exactly my thought Im also from South Africa and was amazed to hear that we were supposedly taught such things. Allah knows best.

    • @muhammadhamza8074
      @muhammadhamza8074 Год назад +11

      Brother totally agree
      I grew up in Portugal and Mozambique and both deobandi darulum with tabligh background . Many hafiz and haalim in our family and we don’t go to graves and make sijdah or wear any tawiz like sheik uthman was saying . Yes this case do exist but they are wrong on doing so , but you can’t generalize

    • @Kiani27
      @Kiani27 Год назад +5

      He would never debate with anyone who have the knowledge to shut him down one time.

    • @zahirkhan-yq3gr
      @zahirkhan-yq3gr Год назад +7

      Do u believe fazail e amal the Deobandi Books got Shirk and Bidah or not?

    • @BleskofTruth
      @BleskofTruth Год назад

      Hmmm 🤔 so would u prefer a hadith or fatwa of imam Abu hanifa (ra) ?

  • @holimolibebalanced9348
    @holimolibebalanced9348 Год назад +121

    There are many who don't know their own Mathhab. It's common. Well said. He gives the due that is deserved. Deobandis have changed the world and spread Islam far and wide. Give their due. Shukran brother Daniel. South Africa owes Deoband manhaj so much.

    • @jasonbaxter1201
      @jasonbaxter1201 Год назад +20

      Was Muhammad SAW also belonged to Deobandi sect? If no then no should be a Deobandi.

    • @styleasif1
      @styleasif1 Год назад

      @@jasonbaxter1201 👍

    • @rizwanbinhabib
      @rizwanbinhabib Год назад

      @Ama'an Kidwa'i
      Then why all common people called as Deobandi and Tablighi ? Those who not studied in deoband?

    • @usmanbinaffan8405
      @usmanbinaffan8405 Год назад +1

      @holimolibebalanced very well said bro

    • @Ryan-lf6ds
      @Ryan-lf6ds Год назад +6

      @@jasonbaxter1201 was Muhammad(SAW) a salafi, kid?

  • @T33K4Y
    @T33K4Y Год назад +422

    i spent 6-7 years studying under deobandi teachers and not once did i ever hear anything like the prophet pbuh actually being alive or practicing shirk through taweez. i thought this was a brelvi thing. this is news to me

    • @tmmmohseni2560
      @tmmmohseni2560 Год назад +118

      Unfortunately shaikh uthman has a very clear, biased, disdain towards deobandi ulama. All of those accusations he made are attributed to the brelwis.

    • @umarfarooq4825
      @umarfarooq4825 Год назад +29

      ​@@AAPublicity the reason is that he is a pakistani ahle hadith / salafi those people, not all of them, literally live on spreading lies and calling deobandi kaafirs, this is not the case mostly with the salafi from arab baggrund, becouse they respect deobandis and a lot of the teachers in Madinah university and ummul qura university and in the haramain are in fact deobandis and if there is any one who is doing big service to islam then that os none other then deobandis this is a fact ans reality

    • @johnhopkins3192
      @johnhopkins3192 Год назад

      Brelvis are not Mushrik. Read the works of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan if you have ability. Read the fatwa against the deobandi scholars that is (Hassamul harmain). I am here somewhere far away in China a hundred years old Mosque of Chinese people they all practice Islam same like Brelvis unlike deobandis or wahabis. Matter of fact is neither Barelvis came to china to teach Chinese nor Chinese went to bareli sharif. Yes wahabi najdi and deobandi started deviating from main stream Sunni School.
      Husamul Haramain (Ḥusām al-Haramayn) or Husam al Harmain (The Sword of the Two Holy Mosques) 1906, is a treatise written by Ahmad Raza Khan (1856- 1921) which declared the founders of the Deobandi, Ahle Hadith and Ahmadiyya movements as heretics.[1][2][3][4]
      The treatise is published in Arabic, Urdu, English, Turkish and in Hindi language and its pledge is mandatory in Al Jamiatul Ashrafia.[5]
      In 1905, Khan performed pilgrimage to holy sites in the Hejaz. During this period, he prepared a draft document entitled "Al Motamad Al Mustanad" (The Reliable Proofs) in which he argued against opinions of founders of Deobandi, Ahle Hadith and Ahmadiyya movement for presentation to his contemporaries in Mecca and Medina. Khan collected scholarly opinions of thirty-three fellow scholars' verdicts. All of them concurred with his assertion that the founders of Deobandi, Ahmadiyya and Ahle Hadith movements were apostate and blasphemers. They also exhorted the government of British India to execute the founders of those movements for heresy.[6][7][8]
      The fatwa deals separately regarding each of the following:
      The major Deobandi scholars Muhammad Qasim Nanautawi, Rashid Ahmad Gangohi and Ashraf Ali Thanwi were stated as infidels allegedly for producing blasphemous texts against Allah, Prophet Muhammad and the Awliya. Khalil Ahmed Saharanpuri then compiled a set of questions and answers and took signatures from various scholars at Darul Uloom Deoband entitled Al-Muhannad ala al-Mufannad and submitted it to scholars of Makkah and Madinah. The book consisted of agreed upon creeds of Deobandi scholars which in turn confirmed the beliefs of Barelvi muslims.[9]
      Mirza Ghulam Qadiyani, the founder of Ahmadi movement stated as being outside the fold of Islam due to supposed violation of the belief regarding the finality of Prophethood of Muhammad.

    • @funfanclub2390
      @funfanclub2390 Год назад +31

      I'm also surprised that why he is lying to prove his point. He passed too many false statements in discussion, it would not be wrong if say all of his statements are totally biased and false.

    • @umarfarooq4825
      @umarfarooq4825 Год назад +15

      @@funfanclub2390 somebody should tell this guy that as a matter of fact sheikh bin baaz has ijaza in hadith from Mufti Taqi Usmanis father and few days before a lot of arab ulama took ijaza in hadith from Mufti Taqi Usmani in Masjid Nabawi. And ask any arab aalim of sheikh anbul hassan an Nadawi and sehikh Habib ul Rahman al Aazami, and to further prove the statement the imam kaba when last time visited Pakistan prayed the Salah behind Moulana Fazlur rahman, so it is only these burned pakistani salafi and those misguided by these who has issues with ulama of deoband

  • @youtubedweller
    @youtubedweller Год назад +540

    I'm from Bangladesh, a region where deobandism is the dominating ideology. Never in my life I've seen a deobandi scholar teach or preach these things that shykh Usman accused them of. He actually described brelavis, a sect clearly upon error, and ulema e deoband has refuted them and criticised them on many occasions. Yes there have been deobandis who have made mistakes, some even sold the deen for worldly gains, but those types are present in every other ideology/school of thought. However largely speaking, deobandism has been the blessing from Allah for the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent. This was a blatant slandering of deobandism, an ideology that has been able to keep the true essence of Islam alive in the Indian subcontinent even after 200 years of British occupation and 70+ years of aggression of modernism and liberalism. Shykh could be gravely misinformed about deobandism, but his claim of studying under them for 10 years kinda nullifies that possibility.

    • @rezasiddiqui
      @rezasiddiqui Год назад +32

      Bro Deobandi is true Islam Bro

    • @englishteacher3145
      @englishteacher3145 Год назад +12

      Well said. Mashallah.

    • @englishteacher3145
      @englishteacher3145 Год назад +12

      Shaikh's side of slopy homework!

    • @bvc1922
      @bvc1922 Год назад

      @@rezasiddiqui worshipping grave is true Islam ? 😂 ignorant clowns

    • @icecoldtruth7149
      @icecoldtruth7149 Год назад +38

      Totally agree with you brother. Salafis like Uthman love to muddy the waters. Never ever in my life have I heard any Deobandi scholar say anything that Uthman talks about.
      What Uthman fails to acknowledge is the massive work the Deobandi scholars have contributed towards worldwide. Ironically I have heard Uthman himself say that he wasn’t on deen when he was young and it wasn’t until he began to go in Tabligh Jamaat that he turned towards deen. So his initial steps towards deen were from a Deobandi influence. So he is talking complete nonsense.
      Also his point towards the end where he claims Barelvis have also produced 100,000s of Hafiz and Ulema, is total rubbish. The number of Hafiz and Ulema that Deobandi schools have produced is almost unmatched. Deobandi schools have been set up worldwide and Tabligh Jamaat has also spread to all the corners of the world. Yes there are times when individuals may say or do something that is wrong, but an individual does not condemn an entire group. If that were the case then there have been millions of muslims from the time of our beloved prophet to the present day who have done and said things that are abhorrent and against the quran and sunnah. So by extrapolation does that condemn Islam and all Muslims?
      Uthman is talking nonsense and is blinded by his own personal opinion and ideology.

  • @OIX1453
    @OIX1453 Год назад +196

    This is how we resolve our differences, elhamdulillah! I love both of these brothers for the sake of Allah (swt). I learned a lot from both of them.

    • @manubeez1708
      @manubeez1708 Год назад +4

      Same. I follow and listen to them both.

    • @thisismylongusernameonyoutube
      @thisismylongusernameonyoutube Год назад +2

      False. No issue is resolved here. We need to live with our differences.

    • @BM-wt3po
      @BM-wt3po Год назад +2

      They're at the same sect. But Daniel see it in wide perspective while Usman just see it in salafy view.

    • @trajictempr8574
      @trajictempr8574 Год назад

      Fr fr

    • @Saber23
      @Saber23 Год назад

      We resolve our differences by throwing Wahhabi’s like Uthman Ibn Farooq in the trash

  • @frdxefjdrk
    @frdxefjdrk Год назад +13

    yeah, i lost all respect for Mr Uthman from this.

    • @Truthfnd
      @Truthfnd 5 месяцев назад +2

      For a great dawah scholar, I think we should request sheikh uthman to publicly discuss with renowned Muslim scholars from the Deoband school of thought such as Grand Muft Taqi sb of Pakistan and clarify this accusation he made at 6:25 of this clip. I believe it was disrespectful of him to make a blanket accusation.

  • @fahadibnhasib7375
    @fahadibnhasib7375 Год назад +356

    Look at the love and respect both of them giving each other...

    • @iamzimj6724
      @iamzimj6724 Год назад +48

      Sorry brother I don't see that. Are you for real? What I see is Salafis trying to make it look like Deobandis or anyone connected to them is deviant. I love Sheikh Uthman but sorry he got this wrong for trying to interrogate him and so did Sheikh Karim for making Br Daniel say he Shahadah...that's big time disrespect!

    • @Anonymous-rz6vq
      @Anonymous-rz6vq Год назад +17

      @@iamzimj6724 he made him say that to vindicate him for any doubts from others. So people know that he’s on the Haq. This was not done to patronise Daniel but to PROVE to his doubters that he is on the Haq! So he’s vindicated! This wasn’t disrespect but love

    • @emzed6053
      @emzed6053 Год назад +1

      @@Anonymous-rz6vq who are you people to vindicate anyone, you have to be a block head or a simpleton to be a salafi

    • @iamzimj6724
      @iamzimj6724 Год назад +7

      @@Anonymous-rz6vq That's my point brother. He's studied for many years plus and Academic in the forefront of Da'wah and doesn't call himself a Scholar not even once in his videos, whereas no hate intended Sheikh Uthman who we don't exactly know in terms of where he graduated and also sadly to say makes basic Arabic mistakes and all over the place from Qur'aan and Hadith. It's all over the internet see for yourself.
      And lastly what gives you Salafis the right to Manhaj check others? Like who made you guys the police when you're not following the early scholars, you should be named Khalafis because you guys quote these recent Scholars?
      Everyone knows what the 2 Sheikhs did was wrong, humble yourself bro and just admit it.

    • @iamzimj6724
      @iamzimj6724 Год назад +1

      @@emzed6053 exactly bro. Like Salafis think they can go round policing others now

  • @Sarc00000
    @Sarc00000 Год назад +16

    This organisation is disgusting the way they treated Daniel. These are the people who disunite the Ummah.

  • @azizurrahmankhan4318
    @azizurrahmankhan4318 Год назад +154

    My father is a mufti and he studied from deoband but I never ever heard those words from him. He never claimed those types of things beside that he even said completely opposite of those claim like worshipping qabr. Darul ulum deoband in India but that doesn't mean that everything Indians do is deoban's teachings.

    • @Qishqildaq
      @Qishqildaq Год назад +1

      It is enough to except their aqida in your heart.
      Some of qubur worshippers also are saying that is haram, BUT they are explaining it differently. They say that ia isn't worship to the deads, but they are asking them for help, and make a dua for them. BUT THEY ARE DEAD.
      And dua is also worship, and the stuffs what they do also.

    • @Platonism474
      @Platonism474 Год назад +7

      Deobandi are kaafir because their elders said abusive words for the Prophet and their founder Qasim Nanotwi said , Khatam e Nabuwat doesn't mean last or final . Hypothetically if a new Prophet borns after the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam, it wouldn't affect Khatam e Nabuwat. Also he said Prophets are superior to Prophets just in knowledge, apparently sometimes a normal person reaches or even go above the Prophet in doing good deeds.
      This is blasphemy against the Prophet. Deobandi are as kaafir as qadiani ahmadi. But layman Deobandi aren't kaafir unless they agree to these kuffr beliefs.

    • @muhammadfaisal-ux4pw
      @muhammadfaisal-ux4pw Год назад

      You are lair or ur father stop. Lieing without a doubt deobandi are mushirk they preach shrik

    • @H12457
      @H12457 Год назад +5

      @@Qishqildaq why ask dead people for help when you can just pray to Allah (SWT) directly. Its like believing they have some power to help you which might be a form of shirk or something that leads to shirk. And Allah knows best.

    • @imeeeemi6929
      @imeeeemi6929 Год назад

      There is no better work/group for self reformation! Kalaas
      Try it for YOURSELF and if you maintain and improve whatever you've practiced (authentic).

  • @madysarr8845
    @madysarr8845 Год назад +421

    Daniel is calm, respectful and very logical. May Allah bless him

    • @muazfahim6120
      @muazfahim6120 Год назад +16

      Both of em were

    • @EmperorThePro
      @EmperorThePro Год назад +7

      @RUclips Censorship Me too. Anyone who is honest and is not medically blind can see arrogance in him.

    • @EmperorThePro
      @EmperorThePro Год назад +7

      @@prizma4464 Its not unfair to him. He misled alot of people. If there is smoke, there was a fire. If people of knowledge like Uthman Ibn Farooq are trying to correct him then he did something wrong.

    • @93boxing81
      @93boxing81 Год назад +5

      @RUclips Censorship you see what you want because you are biased.

    • @pandamanou
      @pandamanou Год назад +3

      @@EmperorThePro "He misled alot of people" how ?

  • @Tiger_the_Gunner
    @Tiger_the_Gunner Год назад +600

    I think Brother Daniel's response was not bad, it was kind of mutual understanding to be united as Muslims in today's world against non-muslim unity 👏🏽

    • @ALGfunk
      @ALGfunk Год назад +88

      You don't unite under falsehood...

    • @mohammadaffan2404
      @mohammadaffan2404 Год назад

      @@ALGfunk keep fighting each other thn...and keep being slaughtered by the kuffar..

    • @alizee4343
      @alizee4343 Год назад

      Daniel little brat rushing kid mock schoolers for no evidence, always like Shia saying mdkhali wahabi

    • @Optimus174
      @Optimus174 Год назад

      @@ALGfunk Yeah Wahabism is Poison!

    • @Hafsa8660
      @Hafsa8660 Год назад +31

      So should unite with shias?

  • @abdullah6701
    @abdullah6701 Год назад +6

    'Shaikh' Uthman is making huge accusations against Deoband movement.

  • @4thdisciple514
    @4thdisciple514 Год назад +662

    I hope Shaykh is okay, he doesn't sound so well🙁❤️

    • @shakarzamdar6632
      @shakarzamdar6632 Год назад +42

      I got same illness it’s mostly people got it may Allah subhana wa taal give us shifaa in sha allah

    • @Highpek
      @Highpek Год назад +28

      Amiin. There’s been viruses spreading the past couple of weeks. I had it as well. Hope Sheikh Uthman feels better. Hope the matter gets resolved. I like brother Daniel and Sheikh Uthman

    • @muthiurrahman3207
      @muthiurrahman3207 Год назад +23

      The sore throat was a sign; sheikh should've stayed home.

    • @jacksonroad9263
      @jacksonroad9263 Год назад +5

      @@muthiurrahman3207 but we will miss out on his lessons

    • @IbrahimAhmed-ci7zy
      @IbrahimAhmed-ci7zy Год назад +1

      Because he is speaking Garbage

  • @snoylak
    @snoylak Год назад +101

    That's how we must speak to each other.

    • @abusawdan9986
      @abusawdan9986 Год назад +5

      yes with respect, and no acrimonious attitude. shaykh uthmaan is a respectable shaykh who understand the differences and knows how to deal with it,same with daniel

    • @markadams3008
      @markadams3008 Год назад +12

      this is not speaking, it’s an interrogation.
      shaykh uthman is treading on dangerous ground here with his blanket takfeer and he has been addressed on this issue by the hanafi fiqh channel.
      for those with limited understanding of Islam, it would be wise to listen to it.
      anyone who has the audacity to accuse the akabireen of deoband of “shirk” has a screw loose, and i say that after carefully considering my words.

    • @ryancooper3449
      @ryancooper3449 Год назад +2

      @@abusawdan9986 if you think that is what genuine is you are very naive.

    • @abusawdan9986
      @abusawdan9986 Год назад +1

      @@ryancooper3449 look at the good leave the bad. You are being judgemental without any significant proof.

    • @snoylak
      @snoylak Год назад

      leave the discussions to the knowledgeable men, and act with what you undestand and what you know, this is my way in this limitesd test, i m one in responsability toward Allah, i m everyone toward responsability toward muslims, because we are united by the order of allah subhanahou wataala, if i see a discussion between ppl of knowledge, i keep my self in the place of a student, who listens and try to understand, i don't support a characters, i support the truth, or at leat i try to. the dicussion was in heigh lvl. and i love both of them.

  • @onlymuslim01
    @onlymuslim01 Год назад +63

    Allah named us "Muslim" in the Qur'an. So, Alhamdulillah i fell proud calling myself a Muslim.
    May Allah unite umaah into the true teachings of Qur'an and Sunnah.

    • @plottin
      @plottin 9 месяцев назад +2


    • @Baerock
      @Baerock 5 месяцев назад

      the problem is that people that attach themselves to deobandism, most likely believe in wahdiyat al wujud, singularity of existence, in which they believe allah is not above his throne, he is under it, over ot, around ti, in it everywhere. and the righteous salaf, from ibn abbas, may allah be pleased with him, to ahmad ibnu hanbal, all agree that people like that are not muslims.

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 5 месяцев назад +1

      Allah named us Muslims
      But He also used the term Mominun and Mohsinun, Mutaqun, not just Muslims.

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 5 месяцев назад +1

      We have to unite on Sunna not bida
      Quran 9.100 also said follow Muhajirun and Ansar, exclusive virtues.
      Hadith said there will be a saved sect, Sunni is from Abi Dawud 4607 because she'uh reject 4 Sunni Caleefs.
      Term salaf is from the athari Ijma of the 1st 3 generations who reject 4 main bida, cariji, she'uh, qadri, murji.

    • @onlymuslim01
      @onlymuslim01 5 месяцев назад

      @@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 Yes obviously Allah used those terms in the Qur'an referring to believers but when it come to 'NAME' he named us Muslims. هُوَ سَمَّىٰكُمُ ٱلۡمُسۡلِمِينَ, )He named you Muslims.)
      Surah Haj Verse 78
      Referring and Naming are two different things.
      Say No to Sects.

  • @azizpaktia7672
    @azizpaktia7672 Год назад +135

    MashaAllah! May Allah swt bless Daniel! He is clearly not bending to the same old dividing tactics.

    • @conormerdage6256
      @conormerdage6256 Год назад +2

      Lol funny

    • @ThePunisher014
      @ThePunisher014 Год назад

      Exactly! whilst it's important like Sheikh Uthman said to be open and clear about things that are considered Shirk or Bida'a but Daniel made an excellent point that we must avoid stigmatizing people based on a particular issue that seems to be apparent within a particular sect, especially if it's not the majority.

    • @AbdulH97
      @AbdulH97 Год назад

      @@ThePunisher014 Uthman is not a shaykh, he's a jaahil

    • @jafarboxodirov4485
      @jafarboxodirov4485 Год назад

      ​@@AbdulH97 brother tell me about him more , why u r saying so? Plz i want to know

    • @AbdulH97
      @AbdulH97 Год назад

      @@eat.sleep.conquer.repeat Speak in English, I don't know what jibberish you typed

  • @Ouzai
    @Ouzai Год назад +388

    May Allah honor brother Daniel for holding respectful manners while being on a public trial…

    • @hotaryuzaki
      @hotaryuzaki Год назад +13

      What do you expect?
      He knows he cannot do anything than that

    • @MS-Hussain
      @MS-Hussain Год назад +34

      @@hotaryuzaki he can do much, we can as well, I swear it's only islam, concern of hereafter, and concern of ummah being divided, that's stopping us from exposing dirt of some ppl

    • @shairsko9360
      @shairsko9360 Год назад +40

      Dani is arrogant about his knowledge tbh ! He’s not a sheik of Islam at the end of the day !

    • @hotaryuzaki
      @hotaryuzaki Год назад +12

      @MS Hussain please, we just talk about him not anyone outside the religion.
      the context is he is not a scholar and Shaikh uthman is a scholar, so in here he is not have enough competency to make a statement but showing a respect to Shaikh.
      Shaikh uthman give an advice to him that he was make a mistake when he praised deobandi (and Hizbut Tahrir).
      And what I see here he defend himself with a BS.
      When he said "I don't teach aqidah, fiqh,... "
      In every video he talk about aqidah and islamic teaching right? This is correct, this is wrong, blabla.
      When he talk about that to his viewers it means he teaching islamic knowledge to his viewers.
      Teaching it doesn't have to in class or in majelis.
      When he praised deviant sects so he just told to his viewers that sects is good and in the straight path.
      Alhamdulillah Shaikh already give an advice to him about this.
      When Shaikh give him an advice about point 1, he defend himself then he said "I'm not saying don't clarify this issues, don't debate this issues, and pretend that doesn't exist"
      Actually that was what he did, he praised Deobandi and silent about the mistakes in their teaching.
      I never heard he talked about their mistakes in aqidah and the bid'ah they created.

    • @hotaryuzaki
      @hotaryuzaki Год назад +16

      @@shairsko9360 I agree.
      He was arrogant he was like "I'm knowledge man, I'm not fool"
      He was realized that he made a mistake and all Shaikh want give him an advice.
      But he was so defensive and acted like he had competence to debate with Shaikh.
      I think it was not respectful to do that with

  • @yxmxxn
    @yxmxxn Год назад +171

    I’m not a deobandi but I grew up around them and attended their mosque growing up, majority of what I learned in terms of salah etc was from a deobandi. I have never been taught about the Prophet PBUH being alive and walking the earth today, since hearing this, I have questioned many deobandis who say that this is a fringe group of people who claim deobandi.

    • @afzalshaikh2128
      @afzalshaikh2128 Год назад +38

      Sheikh Uthman is lost. I’ve never heard anyone say what he’s saying.

    • @GIXXRBRAH750
      @GIXXRBRAH750 Год назад +12

      @@afzalshaikh2128sheikh uthman is typical it’s his kind how he doesn’t agree or doesn’t think correctly unless it aligns with his views

    • @ezzywish417
      @ezzywish417 Год назад +19

      Yup. He is a Salafi and not AhlusSunnah WalJamaah. Deobandi is just a school under AhlusSunnah WalJamaah. Brelvi/Brelwi is not AhlusSunnah WalJamaah.
      Therefore, the are contradictions from what he said.

    • @trumanetalks
      @trumanetalks Год назад +2

      Here i think they have mistaken it with certain groups that have formed in later stages. Like berelvis. Same here im with you bro

    • @saifdonsayyed
      @saifdonsayyed Год назад

      I have grown up as a deobandi and they are deviants for sure .. not just this incident ..but their system(manhaj) is wrong ... Deoband is a deviant and brainless sect

  • @zaheer855
    @zaheer855 Год назад +69

    I dont know where Sheikh Uthman got his Deobandi Knowledge, I never heard things which he is saying, ALLAH know the best.

    • @marxistsabusegermansatn-bu38
      @marxistsabusegermansatn-bu38 5 месяцев назад

      dan was in error!
      There were pictures of qubur in big tabligi masjids. This opposes Sahih M. 532, book of Masjids.
      I have seen tabligi or deoband Ashari imams say Allah is everywhere. Not good. Quran says Allah is over His Throne, hadith of the abd bint, miraj, farewell haj prove this. Sahih M. Kitab iman says there is a barrier between Allah and creation.
      From Tauhid is Allah is separate from creation.
      Quran 20.46 shows Allah is with us Hearing and Seeing.

    • @marxistsabusegermansatn-bu38
      @marxistsabusegermansatn-bu38 5 месяцев назад

      Sunnah Tawassul is allowed (Quran 5 :35), calling Allah through:
      1. His 99 or more names (Quran 7 :180)
      2. One's own Good deeds (Quran 34 :37, ex: Bukhari 2215, Dealership)
      3. Ask a reachable living one to make dua for you. (S. Bukhari 1010, Invoking for Rain)
      4. One's Hardship. (Quran 28 :25 & Quran 19 :4)
      1. Call Allah by rank of the Prophet Messengers or righteous. (Quran 2 :141)
      1. Calling creation or intercessors to Allah! (Quran 17 :56, refuted by verse 57, see top of this list & 72 :18 - 22)

    • @marxistsabusegermansatn-bu38
      @marxistsabusegermansatn-bu38 5 месяцев назад

      Doubt : The pious who passed hear du'a [due to living in barzakh (Quran 2:154)]
      Answer : The pious who passed can only hear Taslim. (Abi Dawud 2041, Hajj)
      Abu Hurairah reports The Prophet (ﷺ peace & blessings be upon him) said: If you greet me Allah returns my souI to me and I reply.
      Answer 2 :
      Abu Marthad al-Ghanawi reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him) as saying:
      Do not pray facing to the qubur, and do not sit on them.
      - Sahih Muslim 972, Janazah

    • @marxistsabusegermansatn-bu38
      @marxistsabusegermansatn-bu38 5 месяцев назад

      ebn Taymiyya/ebn Abdul Wahab revived sunna of 4 mathhab & 6 hadith imams after decline from mihnah.
      For example Bukhari kitab Tawhid believes Allah's Hands are real.
      Sahih M. 1827 kitab G0V says be next to Right Hand of Allah.
      Tirmidhi commentary 662 Zakat says Allah's Hands are real like His Hearing and Seeing.
      Ebn Majah kitab Sunnah says Allah wrote by Hand My Mercy Overcomes...
      It shows you can't mix din with other ideas like kaIam and deny words of Allah and call it figurative or like Qadriya who use Majuicy idea to deny Allah's Knowledge.
      Din defines itself and is complete, so stiq to it.
      when ppl made up stuff
      spIits occurred.

    • @lmn3668
      @lmn3668 5 месяцев назад +5

      dan was in error!
      There were pictures of qubur in big tabligi masjids. This opposes Sahih M. 532, book of Masjids.
      I have seen tabligi or deoband Ashari imams say Allah is everywhere. Not good. Quran says Allah is over His Throne, hadith of the abd bint, miraj, farewell haj prove this. Sahih M. Kitab iman says there is a barrier between Allah and creation.
      From Tauhid is Allah is separate from creation.
      Quran 20.46 shows Allah is with us Hearing and Seeing.

  • @Mak78-r3o
    @Mak78-r3o Год назад +338

    Daniel is brave, i hope he continues to progress.

    • @manubeez1708
      @manubeez1708 Год назад


    • @ss1212ss
      @ss1212ss Год назад +12

      brave like how ?

    • @lorddlorddd1707
      @lorddlorddd1707 Год назад +2

      @@mohdsadiq.salafi imagine saying that when you’re the one misguided.

    • @ss1212ss
      @ss1212ss Год назад +15

      @BAZINGA153760 the only thing he owned is more grease

    • @watdat2468
      @watdat2468 Год назад

      @BAZINGA153760 have some respect dog. How are you gonna own your brother in islam

  • @shamaselahi5606
    @shamaselahi5606 Год назад +123

    Respect to all speakers.

    • @elamir5231
      @elamir5231 Год назад

      Taqiya idiots

    • @AbdulDanmalan
      @AbdulDanmalan Год назад +2

      @BAZINGA153760 It was not a debate, it was a clarification for the audience. Something that wouldn't be understood if made online.

    • @AbdulDanmalan
      @AbdulDanmalan Год назад

      @BAZINGA153760 have fun

    • @coffe2270
      @coffe2270 Год назад

      @BAZINGA153760 wow your slandering under a Islamic state you would be executed why don’t u obey Allah?

  • @alia11111a
    @alia11111a Год назад +113

    We are Sunni Muslims. Happy to see Sunni muslims sit down and advise each other as brothers rather than over the internet. I hope I don’t see the day the ummah is divided into 73 sects.

    • @whatsnew2138
      @whatsnew2138 Год назад +35

      It is already divided into many sects

    • @manuelcardinali1287
      @manuelcardinali1287 Год назад +8

      too late, it's already like this

    • @Dirandra1506
      @Dirandra1506 Год назад +5

      As much as I wanted it too, it has been done since a long time ago, the first sect: The khawarij.

    • @yotose
      @yotose Год назад +9

      but you are a sunni, there were no sunni in islam.

    • @taisirghazi2963
      @taisirghazi2963 Год назад +1

      Ameen ya Rab

  • @zenithvideos
    @zenithvideos Месяц назад +2

    As a new Muslim, Alhamdulillah, I've found the debates and videos of both Daniel and Sheikh Uthman's very valuable for myself. They have different personalities though.

  • @mixedtape5459
    @mixedtape5459 Год назад +247

    Masha Allah Brother Daniel won my respect. He is inviting all to come together and unite.

    • @hassaanabdullahsoomrani3153
      @hassaanabdullahsoomrani3153 Год назад +17

      Unite upon what, when it comes to unity you have to have one core aqeedah.

    • @sabr159
      @sabr159 Год назад +7

      @@hassaanabdullahsoomrani3153 the aqeedah is لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱلله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ ٱلله
      There are transgressors in every manhaj
      assume the best of your brothers until theres clear transgression and blame those who transgress only

    • @unbknt111
      @unbknt111 Год назад +10

      Daniels response is a typical ikhwani response

    • @idressiqbal
      @idressiqbal Год назад +8

      To unite and make partnerships with different sects sayings we are one group this is in fact falsehood, rather the true uniting is the uniting upon the way of the early generations, uniting upon the belief of the generations which Allah has explicit mentioned and the ones who Allah mentioned on the tongue of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa Salam. There is no doubt that the early generations if they have been granted jannah they are upon truthhood whoever is not upon what they are on they are upon falsehood.

    • @Justme0003
      @Justme0003 Год назад +3

      @@idressiqbal remember that Islam is one. Only after the prophet's demise did the divisions come to be so calling all Muslims to unite on the truth as the prophet S.A.W taught is what we Muslims should do. And as you saw in the video, both brother Daniel and Shaik Uthman agreed to the fact that we have to call out those who deviate.

  • @serventoftheone1840
    @serventoftheone1840 Год назад +120

    Brother Daniel is a blessed brother when it comes to intelligence! He is special tabarak Allah. May Allah protect him

    • @conormerdage6256
      @conormerdage6256 Год назад +8

      Daniel is rushing kid talking shit about schoolers this khwarj identity mock schoaloers of Islam like wahabi mdkhali and he didn’t show any wrong from their books just repeat what he told like parrot whabi mdkhali

    • @AbdulDanmalan
      @AbdulDanmalan Год назад +1

      He only speaks English

    • @AbdulDanmalan
      @AbdulDanmalan Год назад +6

      @@yassinhamza574 what is intelligence without proof? He didn't back any of his words with an evidence. And he didn't deny that some of the Deobandis sections have faults in their "core" aqeedah, rather he's trying to make analogy with Isis on Salafi. The topic was about faith, not judgements.

    • @AbdulDanmalan
      @AbdulDanmalan Год назад +1

      @@yassinhamza574 you know nothing about me. Just because you can use the keyboard doesn't mean you should label people with all sort of names.

    • @AbdulDanmalan
      @AbdulDanmalan Год назад +3

      @@conormerdage6256 that's it! I still don't understand how people like them are been supported. Just refuting scholars for no reason, no evidence of whatsoever. And most of them are self learned fueled by hate.

  • @sulemanrashida8451
    @sulemanrashida8451 Год назад +161

    May Allah increase us in knowledge. Ameen.

    • @elamir5231
      @elamir5231 Год назад

      Allah is a arabian joke god who muhamad use for his sex maniac mind disgusting

    • @fidelcatsro6948
      @fidelcatsro6948 Год назад

      ameen amigo

    • @mynmeisname4825
      @mynmeisname4825 Год назад


    • @MS-Hussain
      @MS-Hussain Год назад

      Ameen, and in amal as well

    • @kots2121
      @kots2121 Год назад

      Doesn't Allah tell Muslims not to think?

  • @shosuke3822
    @shosuke3822 7 месяцев назад +5

    In Bangladeshi perspective, what I understood in past few years that Deobondis are basically Salafis but they follow madhab where salafis follow Hadith and sunnah directly. So they may contradict in few issues but maximum time their message remains the same, following Quran and sunnah.
    Meanwhile Berelvis tend to visit and pray to shrines and graves, they do milad-qiams and Deobondis in Bangladesh are always against it. At least that's what I understood, I might be wrong, but from shykh uthmans speech I think he talked about Berelvis, not Deobondis.

    • @mfahadfayt
      @mfahadfayt 6 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah absolutely I am from Islamabad Pakistan and he is mixing Barelvi with Deoband Jammat which is not wrong

  • @sportyyyy100
    @sportyyyy100 Год назад +60

    The alislam productions and hanafi fiqh channel have both refuted these misleading accusations against the deobandi school on their channels and have challenged uthman bin farooq to have a debate with them. So far he hasn't posted any response to their challenge.
    You can visit both channels to listen to their replies if you genuinely seek the truth.

    • @abdusalam3ar
      @abdusalam3ar Год назад +1

      Wahhabis never debate with Ulama'. Because if they do everyone will see how ignorant they are.

    • @sportyyyy100
      @sportyyyy100 Год назад +1

      @ahmad hanbal yes, right. They are the ones doing the slandering and running away from the challenge 😂

    • @kingsalladin6445
      @kingsalladin6445 Год назад

      They have refuted nothing. One of this jahil deobandis meet a Brother to discuss a Debate and the Brother Exposed the deobandi to be a ignorant jahil.
      They Just playing with words Like the Guy from the hanafi Figh Channel. He didnt answered anything correctly or distracted Like the fact that deobandi elders teach black magic

    • @TechBoxHD1
      @TechBoxHD1 Год назад +9

      @@sportyyyy100 how are they running away. They’ve been calling him for ages and exposing the salafi beliefs

    • @sportyyyy100
      @sportyyyy100 Год назад +1

      @@TechBoxHD1 it was sarcasm, brother.

  • @mdtalhaansari1096
    @mdtalhaansari1096 Год назад +68

    I think Daniel's point is that:
    The the issues pointed out by our beloved Shaikh Uthman are not endemic to the Deobandi method, but rather they appear despite the Deobandi method.
    That the method itself adheres to the right aqeeda and generates a great deal of goodness in the world of Islam.
    The net good of Deobandi method far, far outweighs the net evil.

    • @A.A.
      @A.A. Год назад

      Net good of deobandi exist because deobandi followers do not do any research and are prohibit to do any research own their own by their shieks..
      It can't be good if their founders had so many mistakes in their teachings
      Once general deobandi public start looking on their own it will be things of the past InshaAllah.

    • @mdtalhaansari1096
      @mdtalhaansari1096 Год назад +1

      @@A.A. it is the age of the internet. Nobody can stop anyone from researching anything, ok?

    • @A.A.
      @A.A. Год назад +1

      @@mdtalhaansari1096 not ok

    • @reshmaakthar6970
      @reshmaakthar6970 Год назад

      ​@@mdtalhaansari1096 what have you been smoking?

    • @MsEternalpeace
      @MsEternalpeace Год назад +1

      Any evil is not acceptable and must be condemned out rightly. Daniel ain't ready to do that. Someone doing g good isn't an excuse to accept their evils. And when it comes to spreading wrong aqeedah there's nothing called small or little. Why and how did the right scholars from deobandis have failed to eliminate and shut down the wrong ones

  • @muthiurrahman3207
    @muthiurrahman3207 Год назад +64

    Sheikh uthman shouldn't name Taqi uthmani; shouldn't debate people not present, counter productive. Sheikh Taqi is a renowned scholar with very large following, these public comments and references will create sectarianism and factions in Muslims.
    Daniel is right, he should talk directly and not in this way; more harm than good .

    • @HuseinKirefu
      @HuseinKirefu Год назад +4

      Sheik Uthmani paper on Islamic Finance is problematic. I am not an Islamic scholar, but as a laymen and financial professional I can see the issues.
      His positions on Islamic finance have effectively made what is haram (1/3 riba, and 5% haram activity) halal within the Islamic world.
      Further, the conflict of interest he and other AAOIFI associates have with the financial institutions they work for as sharia advisors is ridiculous.

    • @zalzala5406
      @zalzala5406 Год назад +25

      @@HuseinKirefu u answered urself , u r just a layman with no knowledge in Islamic banking and finding a renowned scholar with specialization in Islamic banking’s paper to be problematic. 😅

    • @ryancooper3449
      @ryancooper3449 Год назад +4

      @@HuseinKirefu who are you exactly? 🤣🤣🤣

    • @WaqManVR
      @WaqManVR Год назад +3

      @@HuseinKirefu Mr Layman, it's like you saying to a doctor you shouldn't cut people open when doing an operation because it can cause harm and infection. Either study it or learn from those that have.

    • @ridwanaburaiyan3253
      @ridwanaburaiyan3253 Год назад

      So who should he name then? Pope? Deobandis follow their elders blindly so the sheikh named one of them

  • @ranazaman9561
    @ranazaman9561 Год назад +21

    Sheikh Uthman did not even know a little bit about Deoband... Unfortunately, he is making a lot of false claims about Deoband in his video 😐😐😐

    • @MasoodAzhar-my8bc
      @MasoodAzhar-my8bc 6 месяцев назад


    • @MasoodAzhar-my8bc
      @MasoodAzhar-my8bc 6 месяцев назад

      We need Ilyas guman for that 😊

    • @hanafi_9
      @hanafi_9 2 месяца назад

      @@ranazaman9561 what saddens me most about his claims is the lack of proper evidence. He just said that he knows some Deobandi guys. How the one who claims to be scholar or talib can speak in a such way? If you say something about salafiya, they insist dalil. But when they do claiming and slandering, they forget about “Dalil”. Hypocrites.

    • @Mddanish-eo7st
      @Mddanish-eo7st 2 месяца назад


  • @mohammedsurti3044
    @mohammedsurti3044 Год назад +52

    Oh Shaykh Uthman, quickly pointing at Deobandis and Brother Daniel putting him straight back into place. May Allah reward him for that.

    • @SAAAA1998
      @SAAAA1998 Год назад +3

      theyre valid concerns.

    • @Dan-do6zh
      @Dan-do6zh Год назад +1

      Why are you crying.. it’s not as prophet Muhammad taught us Islam. Or through Quran. Drop the ego

    • @mohammedsurti3044
      @mohammedsurti3044 Год назад

      @@Dan-do6zh Jazakallah Khair for the ego check. However considering I didn't call anyone for a conference and then Manhaj check them for no reason, I'll pass on that comment for this discussion. May Allah Reward you though

    • @mohammedsurti3044
      @mohammedsurti3044 Год назад +2

      @@SAAAA1998 noy really no, calling someone for a conference then Manhaj checking for no reason isn't justified. Saying you've studied under deoband scholars and not brining up or not going to the right ones isn't justified. Ignoring all points mentioned about Salafis and there issues and just concentrating on deobandis isn't justified. I like how he thinks Deobandis are an Aqeedah group. Shaykh Sudais praised the Aqeedah of Deobandis in his visit in 2011. I know he doesn't speak for the general mass but enough said on our Aqeedah. Go see a Deobandi scholor who knows. You'll have all your answers in front of you

    • @Dan-do6zh
      @Dan-do6zh Год назад

      @@mohammedsurti3044 you clearly are a deobandi.. oh well he clarified the manhaj did he make a grave sin??
      Do you think it’s okay to mawlad, believe prophet Mohammed alive, do shabe barat, do all the innovation not done by prophet Mohammed or his Sahabas?

  • @notadoctorr
    @notadoctorr Год назад +21

    I've been raised a Muslim Alhamdulillah and after growing up actually found out that we classify ourselves as deoband. Have never been taught any of the shirk and bidaat mentioned by Sheikh Uthman , however they are prevalent to a certain population (majorly because of illiteracy).
    Alhamdulillah there are hundreds of millions of deobandis following the proper Aqeedah without the Shirk and Bidaat involved. Disregarding them feels a little off.
    I have watched videos of both Daniel and Sheikh Uthman and have admired them immensely. This video has just got me confused :/

    • @0M4CrYsTaL0
      @0M4CrYsTaL0 5 месяцев назад

      They were both put on the spot. That sheikh in the middle is the one who called Daniel on stage to address "some" allegations made against him. And Sheikh Uthman was forced to have this interaction with him. That's why he said he didn't know about this beforehand and preferred to do it privately instead. I don't like the way he approached it (he could have politely refused to discuss things with Daniel publicly) but I can't really blame him when he's in an islamic conference and was put on the spot for an interrogation like that. May Allah bless and guide both.

  • @Rubz361
    @Rubz361 Год назад +157

    Daniels stance is a breath of fresh air. Never bend

    • @livingthedeen
      @livingthedeen Год назад +1

      Yes keep exposing yourself Daniel so we can see who will follow you as an ikhwani. Keep inciting Muslims to over throw their leaders so we can expose your khawariji tendancies, it's Ok as long as you say after "I don't believe in over throwing the leaders, this is not what I want", this will be enough to blindside your fan base. And remember to play the "they are making spilling of my blood halal card", this will draw sympathy for you and the foolish will believe that this is what they meant by khawariji traits. You got this Danny. Keep making general praise of deobandis, after all you are a self proclaimed fan boy, it doesn't matter that 90% atleast of them have major Aqidah flaws and your general praising of them will misguide Muslims generally, keep up the good work, shaiytaan is very happy you are bearing some of his work load.

    • @Rubz361
      @Rubz361 Год назад +1

      @@livingthedeen bruh say that to daniel why you saying that on my comment? Soft ass.. go hang up your christmas tree 🎄 and decorations

    • @gannaadaraar8808
      @gannaadaraar8808 Год назад +40

      He’s just hardheaded don’t be misguided

    • @livingthedeen
      @livingthedeen Год назад

      @@Rubz361 ahh so you are learning from your teacher, doing takfir on Me by implying I am actually a Christian who follows pagan rituals. It's OK though, remember the haqiqatchu rules, imply all you want, but after just do a disclaimer that you 'are not saying I am a kafir'.

    • @Rubz361
      @Rubz361 Год назад +1

      @@livingthedeen nobody asked for your comment, you will bend the knee to satan on halloween if your so called ‘leaders’ do

  • @PeerMuhammadMarri
    @PeerMuhammadMarri Год назад +10

    I am fan of sheykh uthman but I disagree sir because I know many deobandi's they never said (hayat walking or meeting) about with our beloved MUHAMMAD PBUH , I can say I am a deoband but I will not say this because deoband's says never says this ,we all are just Muslims not any thing else , so please because of few people do not put everyone on same line .thank you and love ❤ from Pakistan.

  • @yusufuabusufiyan4558
    @yusufuabusufiyan4558 Год назад +102

    From the looks of Daniels videos, he hates Shirk.

    • @TheMercifulAndJust
      @TheMercifulAndJust Год назад

      Do you commit Shirk ?

    • @calonyoutuber1399
      @calonyoutuber1399 Год назад +14

      Is there any moeslim hwo like shirk .. if i sending dua, reciting surah to my grandfather on top of his grave, is that shirk ?

    • @silentbyte196
      @silentbyte196 Год назад +54

      Indeed, every muslim must hate shirk. Our Prophet peace be upon him literally smashed the Idols in the Kaaba.

    • @i3rki
      @i3rki Год назад +26

      @@calonyoutuber1399 Yes, it is shirk to make dua to you grandfather, you should make dua "FOR" you grandfather.
      context matters...

    • @gman2713
      @gman2713 Год назад +1

      Then why he praised deobandis....

  • @damascusyt6426
    @damascusyt6426 Год назад +118

    Daniel did not fold. Very bold ما شاء الله

    • @Bestlivexg
      @Bestlivexg Год назад +4

      When there was nothing against him??

    • @WaqManVR
      @WaqManVR Год назад +4

      Fold on what? What was the accusation?

    • @F4RH4D
      @F4RH4D Год назад +1

      ​@bossdog ge watch the full video, this is not the full video

    • @frd6260
      @frd6260 Год назад

      Ok then daniel won uthman lose. Unsubscribe uthman and subscribe daniel thn. Wht a weak minded you are boss. So freaking weak. You are too easy

  • @abdurrahmanalothman4900
    @abdurrahmanalothman4900 Год назад +76

    May Allah heal brother Uthmaan.

  • @MuslimMindsUnveiled
    @MuslimMindsUnveiled Год назад +79

    I'm a muslim , and InshaAllah I will stay muslim as long I remember Allah , Allah Will also remember me ! ❤ Barak Allah Fiq

  • @merajfaizi8720
    @merajfaizi8720 Год назад +33

    Sheikh uthman is beating around the bush
    He said : staw away from Deobandis
    That's where brother Daniel pointed out that how can you say that,
    Actually Sheikh uthman is not differentiating between Deobandis and Barelvis

    • @Ummmaryameesa
      @Ummmaryameesa Год назад +6

      Because they’ve stigmatized them all. I’m with Br. Daniel on this one, even though I’ve been a big fan of Shaikh Uthman for quite a while now.

    • @ahsan.v8
      @ahsan.v8 8 месяцев назад

      Yeah I don't get this. I'm from India and there are Deobandis and there are Bareilvis. These are literally two opposing groups. Deobandis never go to graves or do things like tabeez while Bareilvis believe a lot in these things. I don't understand where he's getting his information on Deobandis from.

    @NRLANRLA Год назад +49

    Love both of them. May Allah grant both our heroes of Dawah, Jannah!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      dan was in error!
      There were pictures of qubur in big tabligi masjids. This opposes Sahih M. 532, book of Masjids.
      I have seen tabligi or deoband Ashari imams say Allah is everywhere. Not good. Quran says Allah is over His Throne, hadith of the abd bint, miraj, farewell haj prove this. Sahih M. Kitab iman says there is a barrier between Allah and creation.
      From Tauhid is Allah is separate from creation.
      Quran 20.46 shows Allah is with us Hearing and Seeing.

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      Doubt : The pious who passed hear du'a [due to living in barzakh (Quran 2:154)]
      Answer : The pious who passed can only hear Taslim. (Abi Dawud 2041, Hajj)
      Abu Hurairah reports The Prophet (ﷺ peace & blessings be upon him) said: If you greet me Allah returns my souI to me and I reply.
      Answer 2 :
      Abu Marthad al-Ghanawi reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him) as saying:
      Do not pray facing to the qubur, and do not sit on them.
      - Sahih Muslim 972, Janazah

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      Sunnah Tawassul is allowed (Quran 5 :35), calling Allah through:
      1. His 99 or more names (Quran 7 :180)
      2. One's own Good deeds (Quran 34 :37, ex: Bukhari 2215, Dealership)
      3. Ask a reachable living one to make dua for you. (S. Bukhari 1010, Invoking for Rain)
      4. One's Hardship. (Quran 28 :25 & Quran 19 :4)
      1. Call Allah by rank of the Prophet Messengers or righteous. (Quran 2 :141)
      1. Calling creation or intercessors to Allah! (Quran 17 :56, refuted by verse 57, see top of this list & 72 :18 - 22)

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      ebn Taymiyya revived sunna of 4 mathhab & 6 hadith imams after decline from mihnah's
      For example Bukhari kitab Tawhid believes Allah's Hands are real.
      Sahih M. 1827 kitab G0V says be next to Right Hand of Allah.
      Tirmidhi commentary 662 Zakat says Allah's Hands are real like His Hearing and Seeing.
      Ebn Majah kitab Sunnah says Allah wrote by Hand My Mercy Overcomes...
      It shows you can't mix din with other ideas like kaIam and deny words of Allah and call it figurative or like Qadriya who use Majuicy idea to deny Allah's Knowledge.
      Din defines itself and is complete, so stiq to it.
      when ppl made up stuff
      spIits occurred.

  • @royhutch2514
    @royhutch2514 Год назад +151

    Brother Daniel is fantastic, his mannerisms and responses. SubhanAllah!!

    • @filipgrozdanovski7988
      @filipgrozdanovski7988 Год назад +18

      he is a bit arrogant but he will learn in time..,

    • @eldeenguy
      @eldeenguy Год назад +8

      To me Sheikh Usman came across a bit arrogant

    • @zaismail786
      @zaismail786 Год назад +4

      Its unfortunate that he did become condescending.
      The amazing thing is he is not anywhere in the class of Mufti Taqi in academics, yet he boldly over stepped.
      Duaat should stay in their lane else they create more fitna than good

    • @zaismail786
      @zaismail786 Год назад +1

      He was humiliated by Sh Karim Abu Zayd. Painfully humiliated. You clearly didn't pay too much attention or didn't watch the other parts

    • @filipgrozdanovski7988
      @filipgrozdanovski7988 Год назад +1

      @@zaismail786 bro i did watch all the parts,its not just simple conclusion made by its a little bit complexed and bealive it or not i realy stand by my opinion which i can back it whit facts..,

  • @Amir400The
    @Amir400The 4 месяца назад +1

    Well said Daniel Haqiqatjou. You handled this so well. Even though Shaikh Uthman was very adamant on one point.

  • @kikikoko607
    @kikikoko607 Год назад +19

    Allahumma ishfi ash-Sheikh Uthman ibn al-Farooq ! Everybody seems to have a cold these days. 😮‍💨🤧Just recovered from two weeks of bronchitis!😁 Good video! I love good content.

  • @mohammedgt8102
    @mohammedgt8102 Год назад +145

    May Allah remove those who innovate in the religion and try to split us into groups. We can have differences of opinions, but we should all be united on the core message. If the intent is to seek Allah and the approach doesn't violate the laws of the religion, then we should be good. Let's not use differences of opinions to start groups and differentiate ourselves from others.

    • @thaknobodi
      @thaknobodi Год назад

      Well said.

    • @abdelhakyac7285
      @abdelhakyac7285 Год назад +1

      We are all united..... except clear misguidance like shiism..... only the nadjdi guys who claim to be salafis but arent that love following the way of their grandguru of spying on everyone trying to find anything to make takfeer of them...... thats what happenned to daniel when he wanted to say truth about the danger of halloween...... and they still dare open their mouth against deoband school just becausd some exceptions say this and that while their great gurus always followed their king quietly in every step toward erasing islam from the hijaz...... that is mind blowing

    • @shahmoneyshahmoney9250
      @shahmoneyshahmoney9250 Год назад +6

      so when are salafis going to free palestine and kashmir

    • @AntonioRodrigues-cc2fw
      @AntonioRodrigues-cc2fw Год назад

      57 yrs old white supremacist toothless rapistprophetphedophilemohamad 😈 the shaytan of Islam married and sex six yrs old child Aesha disgusting and slept with his own adapted son's wife 👿. phedophileMohammed of phedophilislam is Dead ate poison food poisoned by Jewish women pedophileMohamad died and went to hellfire eternally.

    • @mikaelfarro
      @mikaelfarro Год назад +2

      @@shahmoneyshahmoney9250 tomorrow

  • @shadowwalker3958
    @shadowwalker3958 Год назад +16

    Most of the accusations made by shaykh are followed by the Beralwi aqidah not Deobandis.

    • @imdaadhusnat9405
      @imdaadhusnat9405 Год назад

      wahabi deobandi like hand and gloves... both khwarji sect...

    • @shakirsohail1681
      @shakirsohail1681 3 месяца назад

      ​@@imdaadhusnat9405barelvies or qadianies or shiaas spoted here

  • @thankyou___
    @thankyou___ Год назад +10

    Say no to sects! One Allah swt, one Muhammad pbuh, one ummah. Stay strong and united 💪

    • @alibrahym
      @alibrahym Год назад

      if u believe in sahih albukhari youre among the sunni muslims.

    • @marxistsabusegermansatn-bu38
      @marxistsabusegermansatn-bu38 5 месяцев назад

      Those who oppose Quran and sunnah are those who divide like she'uh reject sahaba & sunni caleef we to follow.

    • @BrightStar-bz5oj
      @BrightStar-bz5oj 2 месяца назад

      Yes you can be part of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah but don't say you're a part of a sect
      And don't say you're sunni (unless really necessary)
      Because if you say Sunni, questions will arise what kind of sunni, then what kind of subsect, then sub sects in sub sects.
      That's why we're just Muslims.

    • @alibrahym
      @alibrahym 2 месяца назад

      @@BrightStar-bz5oj The practice of sunni was the practice of the time of sahabah and propeht muhammad salla allahu alayhi walihi waslm, because of other devisions its called sunni now.

  • @happinesstolerant
    @happinesstolerant Год назад +55

    Shaikh Uthmaan is very wise. Alhumdulilah. Daniel and him are blessing to our ummah.

  • @donotaskmemyname3902
    @donotaskmemyname3902 Год назад +82

    They invited him as a speaker then prosecuted him publicly. Why didn't they ask him these questions off camera?

    • @Lonestar10443
      @Lonestar10443 Год назад +37

      Because that only applies when it comes to criticizing their favourite rulers.

    • @calonyoutuber1399
      @calonyoutuber1399 Год назад +8

      Maybe they want to set a way to confronts and unite our differences publicly so people know there are better way to speaks then to go back and forth through video like M.Hijab and Shamsi. Also the young learner and audience maybe can learn something

      @WU-HU-XI-LIAN-DA_STRIKE Год назад +22

      This proves your lack of knowledge,
      It is a must for muslims to debate these things in publicly.
      This is what Islam teaches us, aslong we dont slander and mock.

    • @mohameda5947
      @mohameda5947 Год назад +9

      Because the issue is public and so they wanted the brother to clarify in public

    • @fidelcatsro6948
      @fidelcatsro6948 Год назад +15

      naaaah they were reminding him.. Daniel is good but he needs to be reminded of what some of the ugly deobandi ideas that exists in the group

  • @abdulrahmanabdulghani8833
    @abdulrahmanabdulghani8833 Год назад +83

    Brothers we want peace for everyone.I am from Malaysia

    • @azakisma.1.mo_ago
      @azakisma.1.mo_ago Год назад +6

      Not with wahabis and salafis. Their teaching are banned in many parts of malaysia. Exceot perlis and few others. Even singapore dont allow their ideologies to be taught there.

    • @faizal85z
      @faizal85z Год назад

      @ Abdul Rahman Abdul Ghani
      Im Just Share. YTChannels: One True Message Foundation, One Message Foundation, MasjidRibat, and The Muslim Lantern.

    • @faizal85z
      @faizal85z Год назад

      👆 Great yt channels to watch :)

    • @MS-Hussain
      @MS-Hussain Год назад +1

      @@azakisma.1.mo_ago where r u from

    • @servantofthemerciful3511
      @servantofthemerciful3511 Год назад +2

      Let's be Muslim only

  • @ranazaman9561
    @ranazaman9561 Год назад +55

    Sheikh Uthman is making false claims about Deoband 😐😐😐

    • @Bilal21160
      @Bilal21160 2 месяца назад

      Deobandis are misguided

    • @AnasBinZia.Official
      @AnasBinZia.Official 2 месяца назад +10

      You Don't Know Your Aqaid Brother Read Your Book Watch Your Hayati Ulama Debates And Then Say Something About Shaikh Uthman Brother

    • @shariquemahmood6712
      @shariquemahmood6712 2 месяца назад +1

      حَدَّثَنَا هَدَّابُ بْنُ خَالِدٍ، وَشَيْبَانُ بْنُ فَرُّوخَ، قَالَا: حَدَّثَنَا حَمَّادُ بْنُ سَلَمَةَ، عَنْ ثَابِتٍ الْبُنَانِيِّ، وَسُلَيْمَانَ التَّيْمِيِّ، عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ: أَتَيْتُ - وَفِي رِوَايَةِ هَدَّابٍ: مَرَرْتُ - عَلَى مُوسَى لَيْلَةَ أُسْرِيَ بِي عِنْدَ الْكَثِيبِ الْأَحْمَرِ، وَهُوَ قَائِمٌ يُصَلِّي فِي قَبْرِهِ

    • @aliibnuali9620
      @aliibnuali9620 2 месяца назад

      @@shariquemahmood6712so he didn’t died U mean ! btw qabar is for dead people !

    • @MrShawnamir
      @MrShawnamir 2 месяца назад +2

      You are Deobandi.... I am Qila Bandi.... And my neighbor mansooba Bandi 😂

  • @onncpp
    @onncpp Год назад +7

    This is at another level.. I wonder if this is how ancient muslim scholar had their debate .. full of respect and dignity

  • @muhammadumarfarooq7004
    @muhammadumarfarooq7004 4 месяца назад +5

    To be honest I studied in a deobandi madrassah also my family follows deobandi school of islam. I will try to clarify some points which sheikh usman addressed.
    First of all as sheikh said deobandi school is an ambrella term in which there are differences in some things.
    now let's go to their teachings.
    1. They Follow Imam Abu Hanifah in Fiqh
    2.They never ever involve in quboor, Milad, etc
    3. Aqeedah wahda tul wojud is unknown to almost 90 percent of deobandis nor they follow it. It might exist in some of them as they have differences as sheikh mentioned but i don't know any scholar who promotes or preaches this.
    4.yeah taweez system exist in them but there are two groups on this issue, one consider it shirk and second consider is permissible.
    5. Regarding this aqedah that weather prophet Muhammed is physically alive or not, most of them consider that every prophet is alive but in tomb, they say if a Shaheed can be alive then why not a prophet. But what sheikh is saying i would disagree with it,that their aqeedah is that prophet meet with people is totally wrong if you will say this to any deobandi he may give fatwa against you. I think sheikh mixed this aqeedah with bravelies. A minority say no prophets is physically not alive.
    6. They don't believe that prophet Muhammed is present every where and nor they believe he knows ilm e ghaib as these are the attributes of God.
    Note: don't 100 percent rely on this information please do you own research as well
    Best of luck
    May allah guide us all and keep us connected and attached with ahle sunnah.

  • @thabel4737
    @thabel4737 Год назад +27

    This is the kind of people and conferences we need to reunite the Ummah

    • @hopsie9983
      @hopsie9983 Год назад

      And what was the end result? What was achieved?

    • @abdebnadam6237
      @abdebnadam6237 5 месяцев назад

      Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon called to Tawhid for 23 years.
      More ppl are aware and can research.
      Instead of asking a question as a complaint it seems put effort in helping others in effective ways.

    • @abdebnadam6237
      @abdebnadam6237 5 месяцев назад

      dan was in error!
      There were pictures of qubur in big tabligi masjids. This opposes Sahih M. 532, book of Masjids.
      I have seen tabligi or deoband Ashari imams say Allah is everywhere. Not good. Quran says Allah is over His Throne, hadith of the abd bint, miraj, farewell haj prove this. Sahih M. Kitab iman says there is a barrier between Allah and creation.
      From Tauhid is Allah is separate from creation.
      Quran 20.46 shows Allah is with us Hearing and Seeing.

    • @abdebnadam6237
      @abdebnadam6237 5 месяцев назад

      Sunnah Tawassul is allowed (Quran 5 :35), calling Allah through:
      1. His 99 or more names (Quran 7 :180)
      2. One's own Good deeds (Quran 34 :37, ex: Bukhari 2215, Dealership)
      3. Ask a reachable living one to make dua for you. (S. Bukhari 1010, Invoking for Rain)
      4. One's Hardship. (Quran 28 :25 & Quran 19 :4)
      1. Call Allah by rank of the Prophet Messengers or righteous. (Quran 2 :141)
      1. Calling creation or intercessors to Allah! (Quran 17 :56, refuted by verse 57, see top of this list & 72 :18 - 22)

    • @abdebnadam6237
      @abdebnadam6237 5 месяцев назад

      Doubt : The pious who passed hear du'a [due to living in barzakh (Quran 2:154)]
      Answer : The pious who passed can only hear Taslim. (Abi Dawud 2041, Hajj)
      Abu Hurairah reports The Prophet (ﷺ peace & blessings be upon him) said: If you greet me Allah returns my souI to me and I reply.
      Answer 2 :
      Abu Marthad al-Ghanawi reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him) as saying:
      Do not pray facing to the qubur, and do not sit on them.
      - Sahih Muslim 972, Janazah

  • @dawabrasil
    @dawabrasil Год назад +69

    Let's unite our Ummah!🤲🤲🤲

    • @mimirotatito786
      @mimirotatito786 9 месяцев назад

      with Wahhabis!?

    • @Araiz-g6t
      @Araiz-g6t 9 месяцев назад

      with Wahhabis!?

    • @sabtiy80
      @sabtiy80 9 месяцев назад

      Never gonna happen. You guys are takfiris, you have destroyed Islam and the Middle East, according to you, Shia are kufar, Sufis are kufar and so many other minorities. Nationalism is the only way at this point, because you will never accept others.

    • @Qishqildaq
      @Qishqildaq 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@Araiz-g6tunite our ummah.. ON QURAN AND THE SUNNAH !!!!!!!
      NOT only on the name MUSLIM !!!

    • @09ziyad
      @09ziyad 6 месяцев назад +1

      Why would the believers unite with disbelievers? It was reported in a hadith with multiple chains of transmissions that the Prophet (pbuh) said: "This ummah will divide into 73 sects, all of them will be in Hellfire except for one."

  • @mahadi84
    @mahadi84 Год назад +50

    I love these two brothers .. may Allah increase Barakah and Rahmah to them both

  • @shahibmania9862
    @shahibmania9862 Год назад +58

    Sheik uthmaan is so much comprehensible Masha-Allah. May Allah guide all those and make us everyone follow the Quran and the sahih sunnah . Ameen

    • @muhammad1347
      @muhammad1347 Год назад +5

      😂 he’s not a shaykh, he’s simply a daee. He made multiple false allegations in this speech alone and has been called out on many of them by a number of scholars and has now gone into hiding 🫣

    • @mo5746
      @mo5746 Год назад +7


    • @muhammad1347
      @muhammad1347 Год назад

      @@mo5746 🤦indeed...

    • @napolien1310
      @napolien1310 Год назад +9

      ​@@muhammad1347 can you tell me on what he said was wrong and these scholars who called him out? I'm interested on the response.

    • @muhammad1347
      @muhammad1347 Год назад

      @@napolien1310 Asalamualaikum, here are a few videos, they have now put out lots more as Shaykh Uthman is not providing evidence for his claims:

  • @HaiderEli
    @HaiderEli Год назад +68

    Brother Daniel is so calm and humble...

    • @Meetingpeoplefive
      @Meetingpeoplefive Год назад +5

      @@abqadeer1834 Stop the hate brother It's really unnecessary.

    • @muhammadsalafiahlulhadith
      @muhammadsalafiahlulhadith Год назад +2

      @@Meetingpeoplefive Daniel is a jaahil fraud innovator ikhwani

    • @muhammadsalafiahlulhadith
      @muhammadsalafiahlulhadith Год назад

      @@Meetingpeoplefive *_ALL RADICAL KHARIJI TAKFIRI EXTREMIST IDEOLOGIES SUCH AS CIVILIAN KILLINGS SUIC!DE BOMB!NGS ETC🔥DEBUNKED BY PROPHET MUHAMMADﷺ✅️AbuAminaEliasاعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم✅️It is NOT LAWFUL for us to violently rebel against an unjust Muslim ruler or any ruler, as long as we can practice the basics of Islam in safety. Rather Muslims MUST be patient & encourage reform through non-violent action✅️Obedience to civil laws, whether in a Muslim or non-Muslim state, is obligatory as long as we are not commanded to commit sins✅️If the rulers command us to commit sins or they stubbornly persist in oppression, then we must strive to reform them without resorting to violence or destabilizing civil order✅️Allah said:يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَأَطِيعُوا الرَّسُولَ وَأُولِي الْأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ✅️Oh you who believe obey Allah & obey the Messenger & those in authority among you✅️Quran 4:59✅️IbnUmar reported The Prophet saidالسَّمْعُ وَالطَّاعَةُ عَلَى الْمَرْءِ الْمُسْلِمِ فِيمَا أَحَبَّ وَكَرِهَ مَا لَمْ يُؤْمَرْ بِمَعْصِيَةٍ فَإِذَا أُمِرَ بِمَعْصِيَةٍ فَلَا سَمْعَ وَلَا طَاعَةَ✅️Listening to & obeying the leader is an obligation upon a Muslim, whether he likes it or dislikes it, as long as he is not commanded to disobey Allah. If he is commanded to disobey, then there is no listening or obedience✅️Bukhari 2796 Grade Muttafaqun Alayhi✅️In many narrations the Prophet FORBADE us from rebelling against the rulers as long as they pray & allow Islam to be practiced in their lands. Violence that leads to civil war almost always results in a much worse situation than the unjust ruler himself. While an unjust ruler is an evil in itself, the violence required to overthrow him is even worse✅️Hudhayfa ibnAlYaman reported The Messenger of Allah saidيَكُونُ بَعْدِي أَئِمَّةٌ لَا يَهْتَدُونَ بِهُدَايَ وَلَا يَسْتَنُّونَ بِسُنَّتِي وَسَيَقُومُ فِيهِمْ رِجَالٌ قُلُوبُهُمْ قُلُوبُ الشَّيَاطِينِ فِي جُثْمَانِ إِنْسٍ✅️Rulers after me will come who do not follow my guidance & my tradition (SUNNAH). Some of their men will have the hearts of devils in a human body‼️I said “O Messenger of Allah what should I do if I live to see that time?” The Prophet saidتَسْمَعُ وَتُطِيعُ لِلْأَمِيرِ وَإِنْ ضُرِبَ ظَهْرُكَ وَأُخِذَ مَالُكَ فَاسْمَعْ وَأَطِعْ✅️You should listen & obey them even if the ruler strikes your back & takes your wealth EVEN STILL LISTEN & OBEY✅️Sahih Muslim 1847✅️SAHIH✅️AwfIbnMalik reported: The Messenger of Allah saidخِيَارُ أَئِمَّتِكُمْ الَّذِينَ تُحِبُّونَهُمْ وَيُحِبُّونَكُمْ وَيُصَلُّونَ عَلَيْكُمْ وَتُصَلُّونَ عَلَيْهِمْ وَشِرَارُ أَئِمَّتِكُمْ الَّذِينَ تُبْغِضُونَهُمْ وَيُبْغِضُونَكُمْ وَتَلْعَنُونَهُمْ وَيَلْعَنُونَكُمْ✅️The best of your rulers are those whom you love & they love you, who pray for you & you pray for them. The worst of your rulers are those whom you hate & they hate you, whom you curse & they curse you✅️It was said “Shall we confront them with swords?” The Prophet saidلَا مَا أَقَامُوا فِيكُمْ الصَّلَاةَ وَإِذَا رَأَيْتُمْ مِنْ وُلَاتِكُمْ شَيْئًا تَكْرَهُونَهُ فَاكْرَهُوا عَمَلَهُ وَلَا تَنْزِعُوا يَدًا مِنْ طَاعَةٍ✅️No, as long as they establish prayer among you. If you find something hateful from them, you should hate their actions but not withdraw your hand from obedience✅️Sahih Muslim 1855✅️Sahih✅️UmmSalamah reported:The Messenger of Allah saidسَتَكُونُ أُمَرَاءُ فَتَعْرِفُونَ وَتُنْكِرُونَ فَمَنْ عَرَفَ بَرِئَ وَمَنْ أَنْكَرَ سَلِمَ وَلَكِنْ مَنْ رَضِيَ وَتَابَعَ✅️There will be rulers from whom you will see both goodness & corruption. One who recognizes their evil & hates it will maintain his innocence, but one who is pleased with it & follows them will be sinful✅️It was said “Shall we not fight them?” The Prophet saidلَا مَا صَلَّوْا✅️No‼️as long as they pray✅️Sahih Muslim 1854✅️Sahih✅️Many of those who call for violent rebellion have resorted to the use of terrorism against innocent civilians to destabilize the government🔥Such acts are completely forbidden in Islam. The Prophet severely warned those who engage in unlawful civil disobedience & acts of reckless & indiscriminate violence saying that they have nothing to do with Islam & will have died a death of ignorance✅️AbuHuraira reported The Messenger of Allah saidمَنْ خَرَجَ مِنَ الطَّاعَةِ وَفَارَقَ الْجَمَاعَةَ فَمَاتَ مَاتَ مِيتَةً جَاهِلِيَّةً وَمَنْ قَاتَلَ تَحْتَ رَايَةٍ عُمِّيَّةٍ يَغْضَبُ لِعَصَبَةٍ أَوْ يَدْعُو إِلَى عَصَبَةٍ أَوْ يَنْصُرُ عَصَبَةً فَقُتِلَ فَقِتْلَةٌ جَاهِلِيَّةٌ وَمَنْ خَرَجَ عَلَى أُمَّتِي يَضْرِبُ بَرَّهَا وَفَاجِرَهَا وَلاَ يَتَحَاشَ مِنْ مُؤْمِنِهَا وَلاَ يَفِي لِذِي عَهْدٍ عَهْدَهُ فَلَيْسَ مِنِّي وَلَسْتُ مِنْهُ✅️Whoever rejects obedience to the ruler & divides the community & dies will have died upon ignorance. Whoever fights under the banner of 1 who is blind, raging for the sake of tribalism or calling to tribalism or supporting tribalism & is killed will have died upon ignorance. Whoever rebels against my nation, striking the righteous & wicked alike & sparing not even the believers & does not fulfil the pledge of security, THEN HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME & I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM✅️Sahih Muslim 1848✅️Sahih✅️The righteous predecessors (al-salaf al-ṣāliḥ) recognized that the evil of violent rebellion is far worse than the evil of an unjust ruler himself. For this reason, they counseled patience & wisdom in the face of injustice. In fact they would pray for the ruler to be guided to righteousness, as the reform of the ruler would benefit the entire society✅️HasanAlBasri saidلَوْ أَنَّ النَّاسَ إِذَا ابْتُلُوا مِنْ قِبَلِ سُلْطَانِهِمْ صَبَرُوا مَا لَبِثُوا أَنْ يُفْرَجَ عَنْهُمْ وَلَكِنَّهُمْ يَجْزَعُونَ إِلَى السَّيْفِ فَيُوَكَّلُونَ إِلَيْهِ فَوَاللَّهِ مَا جَاءُوا بِيَوْمِ خَيْرٍ قَطُ✅️If the people had patience when they are being tested by their unjust ruler, it will not be long before Allah will give them a way out. However, they always rush to their swords, so they are left with their swords. By Allah, not even for a single day did they bring about any good✅️Source alṬabaqātAlKubra 8789✅️FudaylibnIyad saidلَوْ أَنَّ لِي دَعْوَةً مُسْتَجَابَةً مَا جَعَلْتُهَا إِلَّا فِي إِمَامٍ فَصَلَاحُ الْإِمَامِ صَلَاحُ الْبِلَادِ وَالْعِبَادِ✅️If I had 1 supplication to be answered, I would make it for no one but the ruler. If the ruler is righteous then it will lead to the righteousness of the country & the people✅️Source SiyarA’lam An-Nubula 8/434✅️AtTahawi saidوَلَا نَرَى الْخُرُوجَ عَلَى أَئِمَّتِنَا وَوُلَاةِ أُمُورِنَا وَإِنْ جَارُوا وَلَا نَدْعُو عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا نَنْزِعُ يَدًا مِنْ طَاعَتِهِمْ وَنَرَى طَاعَتَهُمْ مِنْ طَاعَةِ اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ فَرِيضَةً مَا لَمْ يَأْمُرُوا بِمَعْصِيَةٍ وَنَدْعُو لَهُمْ بِالصَّلَاحِ وَالْمُعَافَاةِ✅️We do not recognize the rebellion against our leader or those in charge of our affairs even if they are unjust, nor do we wish evil for them, nor do we refuse to follow them. We hold that obedience to them is part of obedience to Allah the Exalted & therefore obligatory as long as they do not command us to commit sins. We pray for their right guidance & pardon✅️AlAqidahAlTahawiyyah_*

    • @muhammadsalafiahlulhadith
      @muhammadsalafiahlulhadith Год назад

      @@Meetingpeoplefive *_AhmadibnHanbal saidلَا يُتَعَرَّضُ بِالسُّلْطَانِ فَإِنَّ سَيْفَهُ مَسْلُولٌ✅️Do not confront the ruler, for his sword is unsheathed✅️Source JāmiAlUlūmwalḤikam 34✅️AnNawawi summarizes the views of the righteous predecessors sayingوَأَمَّا الْخُرُوجُ عَلَيْهِمْ وَقِتَالُهُمْ فَحَرَامٌ بِإِجْمَاعِ الْمُسْلِمِينَ وَإِنْ كَانُوا فَسَقَةً ظَالِمِينَ وَقَدْ تَظَاهَرَتِ الْأَحَادِيثُ بِمَعْنَى مَا ذَكَرْتُهُ وَأَجْمَعَ أَهْلُ السُّنَّةِ أَنَّهُ لَا يَنْعَزِلُ السُّلْطَانُ بِالْفِسْقِ وَأَمَّا الْوَجْهُ الْمَذْكُورُ فِي كُتُبِ الْفِقْهِ لِبَعْضِ أَصْحَابِنَا أَنَّهُ يَنْعَزِلُ وَحُكِيَ عَنِ الْمُعْتَزِلَةِ أَيْضًا فَغَلَطٌ مِنْ قَائِلِهِ مُخَالِفٌ لِلْإِجْمَاعِ قَالَ الْعُلَمَاءُ وَسَبَبُ عَدَمِ انْعِزَالِهِ وَتَحْرِيمِ الْخُرُوجِ عَلَيْهِ مَا يَتَرَتَّبُ عَلَى ذَلِكَ مِنَ الْفِتَنِ وَإِرَاقَةِ الدِّمَاءِ وَفَسَادِ ذَاتِ الْبَيْنِ فَتَكُونُ الْمَفْسَدَةُ فِي عَزْلِهِ أَكْثَرَ مِنْهَا فِي بَقَائِهِ✅️As for rebelling against the ruler & fighting him, it is forbidden by consensus of the Muslims even if he is sinful & oppressive‼️I have mentioned many narrations with this meaning✅️The people of the Sunnah have agreed that the ruler should not be removed due to his sinfulness. As for the view mentioned in the books of jurisprudence from some of our companions that he should be removed, which is also the opinion of the Mu’tazilites, then it is a serious mistake from them & is in opposition to the consensus. The scholars have said the reason his removal & rebellion against him is forbidden is because of what that entails of tribulations, bloodshed & corruption for the harm in removing the ruler is greater than letting him remain✅️Sahih Muslim 1840✅️Some Muslims claim that the narrations mentioned earlier forbidding rebellion against a Muslim ruler only apply to a ruler who “implements the Sharia” as they understand it. This is an unjustified restriction of the prophetic command that they have invented✅️Rather, the Prophet has forbidden violence even if “THEY STRIKE YOUR BACK & TAKE YOUR WEALTH” & “THEY DO NOT FOLLOW MY GUIDANCE OR TRADITION” & "THEY HAVE HEARTS OF DEVILS.” The only criterion the Prophet mentioned is that they allow the prayer✅️For this reason, Imam Muslim collected all of these narrations under the following chapter heading:وُجُوبِ الإِنْكَارِ عَلَى الأُمَرَاءِ فِيمَا يُخَالِفُ الشَّرْعَ وَتَرْكِ قِتَالِهِمْ مَا صَلَّوْا وَنَحْوِ ذَلِكَ✅️The obligation to denounce the rulers when they contradict the Sharia & to avoid fighting them as long as they pray & so on✅️To claim that the Sharia is a political system, the absence of which necessitates violence, is a modern innovation in the religion✅️Instead the proper way to enjoin good & forbid evil regarding the rulers is through non-violent preaching, advising✅️AhmadIbnHanbal saidالتَّغْيِيرُ بِالْيَدِ لَيْسَ بِالسَّيْفِ وَالسِّلَاحِ✅️Changing evil with one’s hand is NOT DONE with swords or weapons✅️Source Jamial Ulumwal Hikam 34✅️MUSLIMS MUST SINCERELY ADVISE THE RULER USING CALM & MEASURED SPEECH✅️ALLAH SENT MOSES & AARON ALAIHIMUSSALAM TO SPEAK TO PHARAOH GENTLY EVEN THOUGH HE WAS A GREAT TYRANT WHO CLAIMED TO BE GOD & ENSLAVED & MASSACRED THOUSANDS✅️Allah saidفَقُولَا لَهُ قَوْلًا لَّيِّنًا لَّعَلَّهُ يَتَذَكَّرُ أَوْ يَخْشَىٰ✅️Speak to him with mildly that perhaps he may be reminded or fear Allah✅️Quran 20:44✅️Moses & Aaron spoke to Pharaoh with the intention to guide him to the truth, not to condemn him to Hell. If this is how Allah asked his Prophets to speak to 1 of the worst tyrants the world has seen, then we should act the same in our situation✅️We must also have a good intention to benefit the ruler on a personal level, as part of the good will (nasiha) they should receive from us. We should advise them of their misdeeds in private only✅️IyadibnGhanam reported The Messenger of Allah saidمَنْ أَرَادَ أَنْ يَنْصَحَ لِسُلْطَانٍ بِأَمْرٍ فَلَا يُبْدِ لَهُ عَلَانِيَةً وَلَكِنْ لِيَأْخُذْ بِيَدِهِ فَيَخْلُوَ بِهِ فَإِنْ قَبِلَ مِنْهُ فَذَاكَ وَإِلَّا كَانَ قَدْ أَدَّى الَّذِي عَلَيْهِ لَهُ✅️Whoever intends to advise 1 with authority, then he should not do so publicly. Rather, he should take him by the hand & advise him in seclusion. If he accepts the advice, then all is well. If he does not accept it, then he has fulfilled his duty✅️Musnad Ahmad 14909✅️Sahih✅️ Even so it may be necessary to become more vocal & assertive if the ruler is a stubborn oppressor. Speaking the truth to him in this case is a form of non-violent jihād without weapons✅️AbuSaeedALKhudri reported The Messenger of Allah saidإِنَّ مِنْ أَعْظَمِ الْجِهَادِ كَلِمَةَ عَدْلٍ عِنْدَ سُلْطَانٍ جَائِر✅️Verily among the greatest jihād is a word of justice in front of a tyrannical ruler✅️Tirmidhī 2174✅️Sahih✅️Muslims should reform an unjust ruler & enjoin good without resorting to violence or destabilizing society✅️Violence & terrorism leads to the fracturing of Muslim society, which is even worse than the oppression of the rulers. Rather Muslims must be patient & wise in the face of injustice & we should pray for Allah to guide the rulers to right conduct✅️Allah knows best_*

    • @muhammadsalafiahlulhadith
      @muhammadsalafiahlulhadith Год назад

      @@Meetingpeoplefive *Forbidden to revolt against the Muslim ruler by speech & action | Written by:Muhammad Ali Mazari✅️Prophet ﷺ said:“Do not revile your rulers, do not employ trickery against them & do not hate them. & fear Allah, for Indeed the affair is near.” (Ibn Abi Asim in asSunnah, 2/474, Sahih according to Shaykh Al Albani)✅️Prophet (‎ﷺ) said: “Obey the leader, whether it is hard for you or easy for you, whether you are pleased or displeased, even If others are given (unjust) preference over you. Even If he consumes your property and whips your back.✅️IbnMajah, Sahih Muslim, classed Sahih by Muslim & ShaykhAlbani✅️Prophetﷺsaid:Whoever insults the (Muslim) rulers, Allah will insult him✅️RiyadusSalihin 673 authenticated by Tirmidhi✅️Prophet (‎ﷺ) said: “Whoever obeys me has obeyed Allah and whoever disobeyed me, has disobeyed Allah. Whoever obeys the ruler I appointed, obeys me, whoever disobeys him, disobeys me.”✅️Bukhari & Sahih Muslim✅️Anas Ibn Malik said: “The most senior amongst the companions of the Messenger of Allah (‎ﷺ) used to forbid us from abusing and reviling our rulers.✅️Al Tameed 7/287 asSunnah, 2/488 classed as Sahih by Shaykh Al Albani)✅️Prophetﷺsaid:Whoever wishes to advise the one in authority, he should NOT do so publicly. Rather take the ruler by the hand, If he accepts your advice, well and good, If he does not, the adviser has fulfilled his duty✅️Musnad Ahmad 14909, Sahih according to ShaykhAlbani✅️Prophet (‎ﷺ) said: “Whoever rebels against obedience to the Muslim ruler, abandons the Muslim community & then dies, has died a death of the days of ignorance✅️Sahih Muslim, Book 9, Hadith 1233✅️Junadah asked:O Messenger of Allah ‎ﷺ we do not ask you concerning a pious ruler, but a wicked one, who does such & such.’ The Messenger of Allah ‎ﷺ replied: ‘Fear Allah! Hear and obey!’✅️AsSunnah 2/494 Sahih according to ShaykhAlbani✅️Prophet ﷺsaid:Whoever sees something from his ruler which he disapproves of, he must remain patient✅️Bukhari & Sahih Muslim)✅️Prophetﷺ said:Obey the Ruler, even If he is an Abyssinian slave whose head looks like the head of a raisin.✅️Abu Dawud Sahih✅️Prophetﷺ) said:After I’m gone, you’ll see rulers not giving you, your right (but you should give them their right) & be patient till you meet me✅️Bukhari*

  • @wiseman4556
    @wiseman4556 Год назад +10

    What a high level of civility! These 2 portrays one of the best examples for how to discuss Islamic disagreements

    • @fernandovriese6685
      @fernandovriese6685 7 месяцев назад

      Why are you muslims so proud that these two guys where civil? Is being civil so rare in your community?

    • @911mossadvanbombersclassif4
      @911mossadvanbombersclassif4 5 месяцев назад

      There were pictures of qubur in big tabligi masjids. This opposes Sahih M. 532, book of Masjids.
      I have seen tabligi or deoband Ashari imams say Allah is everywhere. Not good. Quran says Allah is over His Throne, hadith of the abd bint, miraj, farewell haj prove this. Sahih M. Kitab iman says there is a barrier between Allah and creation.
      From Tauhid is Allah is separate from creation.
      Quran 20.46 shows Allah is with us Hearing and Seeing.

    • @911mossadvanbombersclassif4
      @911mossadvanbombersclassif4 5 месяцев назад

      Sunnah Tawassul is allowed (Quran 5 :35), calling Allah through:
      1. His 99 or more names (Quran 7 :180)
      2. One's own Good deeds (Quran 34 :37, ex: Bukhari 2215, Dealership)
      3. Ask a reachable living one to make dua for you. (S. Bukhari 1010, Invoking for Rain)
      4. One's Hardship. (Quran 28 :25 & Quran 19 :4)
      1. Call Allah by rank of the Prophet Messengers or righteous. (Quran 2 :141)
      1. Calling creation or intercessors to Allah! (Quran 17 :56, refuted by verse 57, see top of this list & 72 :18 - 22)
      Sunna Intercession
      1. To ask Allah for intercession. (Quran 39 :44, ex: Bukhari 614, Book Call to prayer)
      Polytheistic Intercession.
      1. Calling creation as intercessors of Allah (Quran 10 :18 & 35 :14 refuted by 40 :60 & 6 :56 etc.)

    • @911mossadvanbombersclassif4
      @911mossadvanbombersclassif4 5 месяцев назад

      Doubt : The pious who passed hear du'a [due to living in barzakh (Quran 2:154)]
      Answer : The pious who passed can only hear Taslim. (Abi Dawud 2041, Hajj)
      Abu Hurairah reports The Prophet (ﷺ peace & blessings be upon him) said: *If you greet me Allah returns my souI to me* and I reply.
      Answer 2 :
      Abu Marthad al-Ghanawi reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him) as saying:
      *Do not pray facing to the qubur,* and do not sit on them.
      - Sahih Muslim 972, Janazah
      Jundub reported I heard from the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) five days before his passing and he said: I stand acquitted before Allah that I took any one of you as friend, for Allah has taken me as His friend, as he took Ibrahim as His friend. Had I taken any one of my Ummah as a friend, I would have taken Abu Bakr as a friend. *who preceded you used qubur of their prophets and righteous as places of worship, but you must not take qubur as mosques; I forbid you to do that.*
      - Sahih Muslim 532, Book of Masjids.

    • @911mossadvanbombersclassif4
      @911mossadvanbombersclassif4 5 месяцев назад

      ebn Taymiyya revived sunna of 4 mathhab & 6 hadith imams after decline from mihnah's
      For example Bukhari kitab Tawhid believes Allah's Hands are real.
      Sahih M. 1827 kitab G0V says be next to Right Hand of Allah.
      Tirmidhi commentary 662 Zakat says Allah's Hands are real like His Hearing and Seeing.
      Ebn Majah kitab Sunnah says Allah wrote by Hand My Mercy Overcomes...
      It shows you can't mix din with other ideas like kaIam and deny words of Allah and call it figurative or like Qadriya who use Majuicy idea to deny Allah's Knowledge.
      Din defines itself and is complete, so stiq to it.
      when ppl made up stuff
      spIits occurred.

  • @haswanazri2159
    @haswanazri2159 Год назад +8

    I am respect the way bro Daniel commenting and not bending on the dividing tactical manuevre.. may Allah SWT unite us all

  • @fAhdbaLLaHo
    @fAhdbaLLaHo Год назад +70

    The scariest/saddest part is when you believe (kibr) that you are the only guided or correct one. Allah surely can turn the table.

    • @muneeryusuf8900
      @muneeryusuf8900 Год назад +12

      Bro, the truth is only one. Regardless of a person believing he is the one upon it.

    • @fullsendit292
      @fullsendit292 Год назад +7

      @@muneeryusuf8900 yes nbut clearly uthman and co think they are the saved sect

    • @snapcapone4760
      @snapcapone4760 Год назад +3

      @@fullsendit292 There is only one sect. It's the way of the Salaf. You're misguided if you say otherwise.

    • @Ahmed-ye5sd
      @Ahmed-ye5sd Год назад +2

      @@fullsendit292 Deobandis follow the Quran and Sunnah aswell

    • @usmanbinaffan8405
      @usmanbinaffan8405 Год назад

      @@Ahmed-ye5sd truly said

  • @talhapatel7046
    @talhapatel7046 Год назад +24

    Mashallah Daniel stay firm on telling haq no matter who is u talking to

    • @fullsendit292
      @fullsendit292 Год назад +1

      they tryed to slander him and he made them look stupid haha

    • @user-ue4fh5mv9s
      @user-ue4fh5mv9s Год назад +2

      no danial spoke without knowledge with shiekh uthamn who has been studying islam for over 20 year

  • @---Jeep---
    @---Jeep--- Год назад +14

    Two tigers of Islam. MashaAllah. Love yall both. 🐅 🐅

    • @9-11amossadvanbomberplotai9
      @9-11amossadvanbomberplotai9 5 месяцев назад

      May Allah guide us & them !

    • @911amossadvanbomberplotaip9
      @911amossadvanbomberplotaip9 5 месяцев назад +1

      Ok but dan was in error!
      There were pictures of qubur in big tabligi masjids. This opposes Sahih M. 532, book of Masjids.
      I have seen tabligi or deoband Ashari imams say Allah is everywhere. Not good. Quran says Allah is over His Throne, hadith of the abd bint, miraj, farewell haj prove this. Sahih M. Kitab iman says there is a barrier between Allah and creation.
      From Tauhid is Allah is separate from creation.
      Quran 20.46 shows Allah is with us Hearing and Seeing.

    • @911amossadvanbomberplotaip9
      @911amossadvanbomberplotaip9 5 месяцев назад

      Sunnah Tawassul is allowed (Quran 5 :35), calling Allah through:
      1. His 99 or more names (Quran 7 :180)
      2. One's own Good deeds (Quran 34 :37, ex: Bukhari 2215, Dealership)
      3. Ask a reachable living one to make dua for you. (S. Bukhari 1010, Invoking for Rain)
      4. One's Hardship. (Quran 28 :25 & Quran 19 :4)
      1. Call Allah by rank of the Prophet Messengers or righteous. (Quran 2 :141)
      1. Calling creation or intercessors to Allah! (Quran 17 :56, refuted by verse 57, see top of this list & 72 :18 - 22)

    • @911amossadvanbomberplotaip9
      @911amossadvanbomberplotaip9 5 месяцев назад

      Doubt : The pious who passed hear du'a [due to living in barzakh (Quran 2:154)]
      Answer : The pious who passed can only hear Taslim. (Abi Dawud 2041, Hajj)
      Abu Hurairah reports The Prophet (ﷺ peace & blessings be upon him) said: If you greet me Allah returns my souI to me and I reply.
      Answer 2 :
      Abu Marthad al-Ghanawi reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him) as saying:
      Do not pray facing to the qubur, and do not sit on them.
      - Sahih Muslim 972, Janazah

    • @911amossadvanbomberplotaip9
      @911amossadvanbomberplotaip9 5 месяцев назад

      ebn Taymiyya/ebn Abdul Wahab revived sunna of 4 mathhab & 6 hadith imams after decline from mihnah.
      For example Bukhari kitab Tawhid believes Allah's Hands are real.
      Sahih M. 1827 kitab G0V says be next to Right Hand of Allah.
      Tirmidhi commentary 662 Zakat says Allah's Hands are real like His Hearing and Seeing.
      Ebn Majah kitab Sunnah says Allah wrote by Hand My Mercy Overcomes...
      It shows you can't mix din with other ideas like kaIam and deny words of Allah and call it figurative or like Qadriya who use Majuicy idea to deny Allah's Knowledge.
      Din defines itself and is complete, so stiq to it.
      when ppl made up stuff
      spIits occurred.

  • @myproductions6225
    @myproductions6225 Год назад +40

    may Allah bless them both and increase them in knowledge ❤❤️

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      dan was in error!
      There were pictures of qubur in big tabligi masjids. This opposes Sahih M. 532, book of Masjids.
      I have seen tabligi or deoband Ashari imams say Allah is everywhere. Not good. Quran says Allah is over His Throne, hadith of the abd bint, miraj, farewell haj prove this. Sahih M. Kitab iman says there is a barrier between Allah and creation.
      From Tauhid is Allah is separate from creation.
      Quran 20.46 shows Allah is with us Hearing and Seeing.

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      Doubt : The pious who passed hear du'a [due to living in barzakh (Quran 2:154)]
      Answer : The pious who passed can only hear Taslim. (Abi Dawud 2041, Hajj)
      Abu Hurairah reports The Prophet (ﷺ peace & blessings be upon him) said: If you greet me Allah returns my souI to me and I reply.
      Answer 2 :
      Abu Marthad al-Ghanawi reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him) as saying:
      Do not pray facing to the qubur, and do not sit on them.
      - Sahih Muslim 972, Janazah

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      Sunnah Tawassul is allowed (Quran 5 :35), calling Allah through:
      1. His 99 or more names (Quran 7 :180)
      2. One's own Good deeds (Quran 34 :37, ex: Bukhari 2215, Dealership)
      3. Ask a reachable living one to make dua for you. (S. Bukhari 1010, Invoking for Rain)
      4. One's Hardship. (Quran 28 :25 & Quran 19 :4)
      1. Call Allah by rank of the Prophet Messengers or righteous. (Quran 2 :141)
      1. Calling creation or intercessors to Allah! (Quran 17 :56, refuted by verse 57, see top of this list & 72 :18 - 22)

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      ebn Taymiyya revived sunna of 4 mathhab & 6 hadith imams after decline from mihnah's
      For example Bukhari kitab Tawhid believes Allah's Hands are real.
      Sahih M. 1827 kitab G0V says be next to Right Hand of Allah.
      Tirmidhi commentary 662 Zakat says Allah's Hands are real like His Hearing and Seeing.
      Ebn Majah kitab Sunnah says Allah wrote by Hand My Mercy Overcomes...
      It shows you can't mix din with other ideas like kaIam and deny words of Allah and call it figurative or like Qadriya who use Majuicy idea to deny Allah's Knowledge.
      Din defines itself and is complete, so stiq to it.
      when ppl made up stuff
      spIits occurred.

  • @Crimson_Blade858
    @Crimson_Blade858 Год назад +18

    Well done Daniel brother for holding yourself and being respectful and your logical responses are very refreshing likewise brother Uthman. This is how you deal with difficult topics

  • @AadilAadil-sh4qi
    @AadilAadil-sh4qi Год назад +23

    Just to be fair I'm not a comment person but I fell like I have to clarify this thing . About Shiekh Uthman , when Shamsi asks you about your manhaj,
    your respons was ( I don't care about that ) now you you asking about Daniel Manhaj ?????!!!!

    • @TheMercifulAndJust
      @TheMercifulAndJust Год назад +1

      Harqous manhaj

    • @Freedom_for_Palestina
      @Freedom_for_Palestina Год назад +2

      He asks may be because he wants to know ????

    • @hotaryuzaki
      @hotaryuzaki Год назад +2

      It's different.
      When shamsi ask about the manhaj of Shaikh uthman its already there.
      But when Shaikh ask the manhaj of Daniel, he need to clarify it because Daniel had praised Deobandi and Hizbut Tahrir, a deviant sects

  • @mikecast1525
    @mikecast1525 Год назад +5

    Uthmam is out of line. Im glad that Daniel is cool calm and collected

  • @geekengr
    @geekengr Год назад +12

    Thank you Brother Danial for speaking up about this.

  • @astghferseb724
    @astghferseb724 Год назад +15

    What led you into Hell Fire?
    They will say: 'We were not of those who prayed.'” (Qur'an 74:42-43)
    🌹Don't forget your five daily prayers 🌹

    • @Junior-yt6cx
      @Junior-yt6cx Год назад

      I believe the more correct translation would be that we did not adhere rather than did not pray.

    • @astghferseb724
      @astghferseb724 Год назад +1

      The ones I read used pray

  • @The_Majid_Bhat
    @The_Majid_Bhat Год назад +13

    They are both right but Br Daniel is unaware of things that deoband believe which sheikh uthman mentioned : deobandis believe that Prophet Muhammad saw is physically alive (not everywhere)
    This video has been very educational and clarifying from both sides I like the way how Br Daniel thinks that how we muslims can unite and acknowledge the differences without fighting eachother..May Allah preserve you both 🤍

    • @youtuber_00786
      @youtuber_00786 Год назад +9

      Can you share where Mufti Taqi Usmani makes that claim that Sheikh Uthman brought up?

    • @zahrasaman7759
      @zahrasaman7759 Год назад +2

      I don't think so that's what deobandi believe! It's for the first time I'm hearing sucha thing, being from deobandi sect myself.

    • @vikings5653
      @vikings5653 Год назад +1

      I heard this claim 1st time in my 26 years of life

    • @kuxhbhi1000
      @kuxhbhi1000 Год назад +1

      I advise u to present facts before claiming anything i have been learning from deoband sects since childhood never i heard in my whole life what u just said they say the opposite of what ur saying 😑

    • @The_Majid_Bhat
      @The_Majid_Bhat Год назад

      @@kuxhbhi1000 Maulana Khaleel Ahmad Saharanpooree said
      According to us and our scholars the Messenger of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhee
      Was-Sallam) is alive in his grave and his living is as a worldly living and this is only
      specific to him and the martyrs, and this living is not as if he is in the state of
      barzakh rather this living is possessed by all the Muslims infact the whole of
      mankind." (al-Muhannad A'la Mufannad (pg.21)
      Maulana Ashraf Alee Thanwee said,
      "The Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Was Sallam) and the Prophets are
      alive in their graves and they continue to pray."
      Nashr at Tayyib Fee Dhikr an-Nabee al-Habeeb (pg. 247), See also Fadhail Durooc
      Shareef pg.41), see also Shamaaïim Imdaadiyah (pg.50)1
      Maulana Qaasim Nanautwee said,
      The Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Was Sallam) is alive in his grave and
      he is in solitary seclusion." (Aab Hayaat (pg.2)

  • @RRC905
    @RRC905 Год назад +5

    You cannot generalise these groups. Think salafis are the worst of all the sunni groups.

  • @bobslave7063
    @bobslave7063 Год назад +10

    And hold firmly to the rope of Allah and do not be divided. Remember Allah’s favour upon you when you were enemies, then He united your hearts, so you-by His grace-became brothers. And you were at the brink of a fiery pit and He saved you from it. This is how Allah makes His revelations clear to you, so that you may be ˹rightly˺ guided. (Ali Imran 103...)

    • @east-2-west
      @east-2-west Год назад

      Beautiful. Jazakallahu khair

  • @a5amr2
    @a5amr2 Год назад +55

    We are all united on 'lailaha ilallah muhammadur rasoolallah'

    • @OCEAN-fc9wl
      @OCEAN-fc9wl Год назад +5

      Well yes, but at the same time no. The only muslims who truly understand what la ilah ila allah means are salafis.

    • @yassinbelfar7422
      @yassinbelfar7422 Год назад +3

      Even the liberals say 'lailaha ila lah' even the secularists say 'lailaha ila lah' even the feminists say 'lailaha ila lah', then should we all seek to unite each other with this false sects? Of course not.
      Abu `Amir al-Hawdhani said:
      Mu`awiyah b. Abi Sufiyan stood among us and said: Beware! The Apostle of Allah (ﷺ) stood among us and said: Beware! The people of the Book before were split up into seventy two sects, and this community will be split into seventy three: seventy two of them will go to Hell and one of them will go to Paradise, and it is the majority group.

    • @antelbow5270
      @antelbow5270 Год назад +1

      There are conditions for this statement.quranists say lailaha ilallah muhammad rasolallah, are they still Muslims?

    • @fattymcboomboom9254
      @fattymcboomboom9254 Год назад

      @@OCEAN-fc9wl I see no differemce between shia and salafis.

    • @OCEAN-fc9wl
      @OCEAN-fc9wl Год назад

      @@fattymcboomboom9254 what😭 ? My man are you good?

  • @s0uljah71
    @s0uljah71 Год назад +15

    This comes across as an inquisition, who gave Uthman the moral high ground !

    • @manubeez1708
      @manubeez1708 Год назад

      Exactly but they dare not question the mornarchs.

  • @Theratsnatcher
    @Theratsnatcher 9 месяцев назад +1

    you can see how sick sheikh Uthman is but still wouldn't back down

  • @amanazim9681
    @amanazim9681 Год назад +20

    Brother Uthman is very respectfully tried to not offend and present his point but brother Daniel seems offended each time he speaks. However both are amazing knowledgeable I love them both

    • @nasdoc1
      @nasdoc1 Год назад +6

      Brother Daniel has a small problem. He thinks he knows it all, what he says is correct. No one can correct his interpretation of things.
      He needs to be humble.

    • @amanazim9681
      @amanazim9681 Год назад +3

      @@nasdoc1 Allah knows best who is more correct I like them both

    • @fasiuddinahmed4885
      @fasiuddinahmed4885 Год назад +2

      Daniel is smart, he knows in which direction shaykh uthman is taking him. He is tackling him in his own words.

    • @nyalmh1
      @nyalmh1 Год назад

      Totally agree, I noticed the same thing too.

    • @Jjj-nl7jt
      @Jjj-nl7jt Год назад

      You guys are making assumptions and clearly not paying attention

  • @sali96
    @sali96 Год назад +13

    I love the response that Daniel gave as that was perfect to those extreme views few Salafis have against other sects. He is someone that we can look upto

    • @marxistsabusegermansatn-bu38
      @marxistsabusegermansatn-bu38 5 месяцев назад

      dan was in error!
      There were pictures of qubur in big tabligi masjids. This opposes Sahih M. 532, book of Masjids.
      I have seen tabligi or deoband Ashari imams say Allah is everywhere. Not good. Quran says Allah is over His Throne, hadith of the abd bint, miraj, farewell haj prove this. Sahih M. Kitab iman says there is a barrier between Allah and creation.
      From Tauhid is Allah is separate from creation.
      Quran 20.46 shows Allah is with us Hearing and Seeing.

    • @marxistsabusegermansatn-bu38
      @marxistsabusegermansatn-bu38 5 месяцев назад

      Sunnah Tawassul is allowed (Quran 5 :35), calling Allah through:
      1. His 99 or more names (Quran 7 :180)
      2. One's own Good deeds (Quran 34 :37, ex: Bukhari 2215, Dealership)
      3. Ask a reachable living one to make dua for you. (S. Bukhari 1010, Invoking for Rain)
      4. One's Hardship. (Quran 28 :25 & Quran 19 :4)
      1. Call Allah by rank of the Prophet Messengers or righteous. (Quran 2 :141)
      1. Calling creation or intercessors to Allah! (Quran 17 :56, refuted by verse 57, see top of this list & 72 :18 - 22)

  • @mohammadadaileh6218
    @mohammadadaileh6218 Год назад +2

    This is not acceptable in Islam. Shiekh Uthman acts like he is a scholar; he should focus on himself rather than talk about stuff he does not understand

  • @deadpoolshaikh8199
    @deadpoolshaikh8199 Год назад +23

    Brother Daniel, his confidence is absolute alHamduliLLAH!

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      ebn Taymiyya revived sunna of 4 mathhab & 6 hadith imams after decline from mihnah's
      For example Bukhari kitab Tawhid believes Allah's Hands are real.
      Sahih M. 1827 kitab G0V says be next to Right Hand of Allah.
      Tirmidhi commentary 662 Zakat says Allah's Hands are real like His Hearing and Seeing.
      Ebn Majah kitab Sunnah says Allah wrote by Hand My Mercy Overcomes...
      It shows you can't mix din with other ideas like kaIam and deny words of Allah and call it figurative or like Qadriya who use Majuicy idea to deny Allah's Knowledge.
      Din defines itself and is complete, so stiq to it.
      when ppl made up stuff
      spIits occurred.

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      Doubt : The pious who passed hear du'a [due to living in barzakh (Quran 2:154)]
      Answer : The pious who passed can only hear Taslim. (Abi Dawud 2041, Hajj)
      Abu Hurairah reports The Prophet (ﷺ peace & blessings be upon him) said: If you greet me Allah returns my souI to me and I reply.
      Answer 2 :
      Abu Marthad al-Ghanawi reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him) as saying:
      Do not pray facing to the qubur, and do not sit on them.
      - Sahih Muslim 972, Janazah

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      dan was in error!
      There were pictures of qubur in big tabligi masjids. This opposes Sahih M. 532, book of Masjids.
      I have seen tabligi or deoband Ashari imams say Allah is everywhere. Not good. Quran says Allah is over His Throne, hadith of the abd bint, miraj, farewell haj prove this. Sahih M. Kitab iman says there is a barrier between Allah and creation.
      From Tauhid is Allah is separate from creation.
      Quran 20.46 shows Allah is with us Hearing and Seeing.

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      Sunnah Tawassul is allowed (Quran 5 :35), calling Allah through:
      1. His 99 or more names (Quran 7 :180)
      2. One's own Good deeds (Quran 34 :37, ex: Bukhari 2215, Dealership)
      3. Ask a reachable living one to make dua for you. (S. Bukhari 1010, Invoking for Rain)
      4. One's Hardship. (Quran 28 :25 & Quran 19 :4)
      1. Call Allah by rank of the Prophet Messengers or righteous. (Quran 2 :141)
      1. Calling creation or intercessors to Allah! (Quran 17 :56, refuted by verse 57, see top of this list & 72 :18 - 22)

  • @amna8639
    @amna8639 Год назад +28

    May Allah bless the brother Daniel for his strong and respectful arguments☝️

  • @zaharahhussein2156
    @zaharahhussein2156 Год назад +7

    May Almighty Allah shower Daniel H and his family abundantly with His abundant and miraculous blessings..Aameen Ya Rabb Alamin

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      he was in error!
      There were pictures of qubur in big tabligi masjids. This opposes Sahih M. 532, book of Masjids.
      I have seen tabligi or deoband Ashari imams say Allah is everywhere. Not good. Quran says Allah is over His Throne, hadith of the abd bint, miraj, farewell haj prove this. Sahih M. Kitab iman says there is a barrier between Allah and creation.
      From Tauhid is Allah is separate from creation.
      Quran 20.46 shows Allah is with us Hearing and Seeing.

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      Doubt : The pious who passed hear du'a [due to living in barzakh (Quran 2:154)]
      Answer : The pious who passed can only hear Taslim. (Abi Dawud 2041, Hajj)
      Abu Hurairah reports The Prophet (ﷺ peace & blessings be upon him) said: If you greet me Allah returns my souI to me and I reply.
      Answer 2 :
      Abu Marthad al-Ghanawi reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ peace and blessings be upon him) as saying:
      Do not pray facing to the qubur, and do not sit on them.
      - Sahih Muslim 972, Janazah

    • @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8
      @911mossadvanbomberplotaipa8 5 месяцев назад

      ebn Taymiyya revived sunna of 4 mathhab & 6 hadith imams after decline from mihnah's
      For example Bukhari kitab Tawhid believes Allah's Hands are real.
      Sahih M. 1827 kitab G0V says be next to Right Hand of Allah.
      Tirmidhi commentary 662 Zakat says Allah's Hands are real like His Hearing and Seeing.
      Ebn Majah kitab Sunnah says Allah wrote by Hand My Mercy Overcomes...
      It shows you can't mix din with other ideas like kaIam and deny words of Allah and call it figurative or like Qadriya who use Majuicy idea to deny Allah's Knowledge.
      Din defines itself and is complete, so stiq to it.
      when ppl made up stuff
      spIits occurred.

  • @muhammadamjad2537
    @muhammadamjad2537 Год назад +2

    I don't know from where sheikh Uthman has heard these things about the Ulema deoband. Uleman Deoband strictly prohibit from such things..

    • @Abdullah_2442
      @Abdullah_2442 Год назад

      He is liar bro

    • @muhammadamjad2537
      @muhammadamjad2537 Год назад

      @@Abdullah_2442 Dear, Sheikh Uthman might have misconception about Deobandi Ulema. He is doing brilliant work for Islam. A lot of Non Muslims have reverted to Islam by his Dawah. I think he has misconception or someone has given him wrong information about Ulema Deoband. Both these are great ulemas and I have great love and respect for them. Although here Sheikh Uthman has disappointed me for he is labelling wrong aqeeda on Rasekhul Aqeeda Muslims...

    • @Abdullah_2442
      @Abdullah_2442 Год назад +2

      @@muhammadamjad2537 you are right he is doing good work but creating a doubt in the Muslims of the India Pakistan Bangladesh is not good

    • @takiyaazrin7562
      @takiyaazrin7562 Год назад

      @@Abdullah_2442 We captured excellent women for ransom. We decided to have sex with them but by observing 'azl (Withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid-conception). We asked Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), and he said: It does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born.
      Sahih Muslim 1438a

  • @uncledan2u
    @uncledan2u Год назад +7

    The Deobandis have served so much for the spread of Deen. May Allah keep them safe from any harm. Ameen Ya Robbul A'lameen 🤲

  • @johnbap1265
    @johnbap1265 Год назад +419

    Im not deobhandhi not sunni not wahabbi not shia not salafi Mashallah i have no labels attached!!!! I AM MUSLIM & NABI MUHAMMAD SAW IS THE FINAL MESSENGER OF ALLAH SWT SIMPLY THE MESSAGE BEING LETS UNITE UNDER ONE BANNER ALLAH IS THE GREATEST

    • @nailamnemoi5829
      @nailamnemoi5829 Год назад +26

      So, what's your anquidah?

    • @rockyblacky3667
      @rockyblacky3667 Год назад +67

      ...and my Ummah will split into seventy-three group. All of them are in the Fire Except one group." He said: "And which is it O Messenger of Allah?" He said: "What I am upon and my Companions." (Tirmidhi 40:36)
      there is no chance that you can be out of those 73 groups...

    • @adamaze2920
      @adamaze2920 Год назад +17

      @@rockyblacky3667 stop quoting weak and divisive hadith

    • @rockyblacky3667
      @rockyblacky3667 Год назад +75

      @@adamaze2920 wow...
      just because you say weak, it won't make authentic hadith weak.
      don't be silly

    • @ayaloid7533
      @ayaloid7533 Год назад +17

      @@rockyblacky3667 I Always Wonder about this Hadith ...is it Strong or Weak Hadith, so if I doubt about Hadith...Im just gonna be Neutral and look into Al- Quran .. in Al-Quran it's Prohibited to Divide into Sect
      6:159] Those who divide themselves into sects do not belong with you. Their judgment rests with GOD, then He will inform them of everything they had done.
      [30:31] You shall submit to Him, reverence Him, observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and - whatever you do - do not ever fall into idol worship.
      [30:32] (Do not fall in idol worship,) like those who divide their religion into sects; each party rejoicing with what they have.

  • @idolwrecker
    @idolwrecker Год назад +22

    Tablighi jamaat is doing great job spreading message of Allah swt and Rasul Allah saw all over the world.

    • @tazboy1934
      @tazboy1934 Год назад +1

      Dawat e islami too

    • @logicrulzz8791
      @logicrulzz8791 Год назад

      ​@@tazboy1934Dawat e Islami also talk ill about other firkas.

    • @hassanalim9218
      @hassanalim9218 Год назад

      Like spreading Firqawariat for gaining charity and making a living out of dividing people.

    • @Truthseeker004
      @Truthseeker004 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@hassanalim9218no. You are wrong perhaps

    • @lmn3668
      @lmn3668 5 месяцев назад

      dan was in error!
      There were pictures of qubur in big tabligi masjids. This opposes Sahih M. 532, book of Masjids.
      I have seen tabligi or deoband Ashari imams say Allah is everywhere. Not good. Quran says Allah is over His Throne, hadith of the abd bint, miraj, farewell haj prove this. Sahih M. Kitab iman says there is a barrier between Allah and creation.
      From Tauhid is Allah is separate from creation.
      Quran 20.46 shows Allah is with us Hearing and Seeing.

  • @darattaqwa
    @darattaqwa Год назад +12

    Brother Daniel Masha’Allah very intelligent, eloquent and cool as a cucumber under public trial

    • @ahmeds754
      @ahmeds754 Год назад +3

      This isn't about intelligence. It's about Aqeeda which Shaykh is teaching him

    • @ezzywish417
      @ezzywish417 Год назад

      I follow Uthman Farooq related to theology but not aqidah and fiqh. I follow AhlusSunnah WalJamaah and not Salafis.

    • @ahmeds754
      @ahmeds754 Год назад

      @@ezzywish417 Prove that Salafis aren't ahle sunnah wal jamaat

    • @ezzywish417
      @ezzywish417 Год назад

      The aqidah is different from AhlusSunnah WalJamaah.

    • @ahmeds754
      @ahmeds754 Год назад

      @@ezzywish417 Elaborate

  • @IMAI1991
    @IMAI1991 9 месяцев назад +1

    Saikh Usman allegation regarding, that deobandis have this aqedah that Nabi SAW is meeting with people is wrong, we don't believe this aqedah. :(

  • @ak-964
    @ak-964 Год назад +9

    Since brother Uthman is a Pathan and speaks Pashto I'd love to see him debate Mufti Nadeem here in Pakistan. Mufti Nadeem is a scholar here and salafis run away from him debating.

    • @emzed6053
      @emzed6053 Год назад

      His Bengali

    • @POPALZAiii
      @POPALZAiii Год назад

      Shaykh RiazUllah Dirve destroyed him in debate

    • @emzed6053
      @emzed6053 Год назад

      @@POPALZAiii these so called salaifis are usually block heads and simpletons

  • @JT-sf5ol
    @JT-sf5ol Год назад +10

    MashaaAllah brothers, MashaaAllah. May Allah be pleased with you for such an ethical debate, without even.otiins and attacking personalities or taking the criticism personally. Unfortunately these days, rarely you would see Muslims being able to disagree but remain upon ethics of brotherhood. You guys were actually saying the same thing but just wanted to make sure that everyone understood you correctly. BarakAllahu feekum!

  • @fraserghume
    @fraserghume Год назад +10

    Brother uthman, I haven't met any deobandi saying that the Prophet (Pbuh) is alive. Also, some of the things you have said are incorrect, I live with deobandis, so have first hand experience. I'm with broth Daniel on this, he's a lot more balanced.

    • @mrbeanz6451
      @mrbeanz6451 Год назад

      Can say the same thing for Brelvis......not met one worshipping a grave or accepts that OK. or believes the prophet PBUH is not in the life of the Barzakh.

    • @ahmeds754
      @ahmeds754 Год назад

      You live with them and he has studied the exact thing he is taking about.

  • @RakibHossain-mq7qv
    @RakibHossain-mq7qv Год назад +11

    My ustad is student of student of a teacher of Darul Ulum Dewbond. It’s really sad how people misunderstand dewbond's teaching. Yes, some people are calling themself student of dewbond and doning shirk and bidah.
    It’s sad because in my village there was a lot of shirk and bidah. It's Dewbond's education that changed my understanding of Islam.

    • @peasant7214
      @peasant7214 Год назад

      Why are they smearing them? Can you clarify this school? What is 5 important ideas in this dewbond school?

    • @Quantum-1157
      @Quantum-1157 Год назад

      Well deobandis never stop sufi stories and their trademark books like fazail a’maal fazail Saadaqat contain sufi stories and they never object to that - and many sufi stories from india.

  • @sameeremamdee3686
    @sameeremamdee3686 Год назад +18

    Masha Allah brother Daniel, you are so calm, smart, intelligent and cool with your response. Even though i disliked some of your positions before, but always appreciate your calmness and intelligence. May Allah bless you!!

  • @bashar4550
    @bashar4550 Год назад +30

    Daniel H is a class.

  • @Gulchih
    @Gulchih Год назад +7

    6:27 Actually Sheikh Uthman is not correct here. This is a misrepresentation of Deobandis. It is simply incorrect, to say that Deobandis believe such a thing. I wish Shaikh Uthman would revise his view by talking to the Darul Uloom, Deoband, India, himself and getting an official stamped fatwa of their view on this subject. Because if he spreads knowingly this it could harm him on Day of Judgment.

  • @mawlududdin2891
    @mawlududdin2891 Год назад +2

    It's laughable that one doesn't even look into their own Salafi errors but like to point at others. But this is what they are good at ie attacking others while rubber stamping taghut governments. Manhaj, ie following Qur'an and Sunnah and so what do others follow but in reality they only follow their own scholars understanding and are pretty partisan