As a Rengar Main, you have to try soo much harder to make him even viable in a match when other champs just are straight up better than him. However it does feel amazing when played correctly to 1 shot everyone
Yeah i think kled is kind of the same but from a bruiser pov. Managing to get your lizard back during an enemy gank and getting a doublekill feels so good.
@RIP Me As a fellow Rengar main I must say that after unlocking many champions I just have to say that, it took me to mastery 7 to do the things with Rengar That I can do with no mastery on khazix or zed I have to agree with Rengar is like azir where you need to be sooooo good to only be on par with the other assassins and it feels just as good playing the others But at the end of the day im still a Rengar main so BUSH A-LEAPING ENEMIES FLEEING I GUT THEM WITH MY KNIFE LENS A-SWEEPING ENEMY BOT-LANE FEEDING RENGAR MAIN FOR LIFE!!!!
Rengar early game is so oppressive that you get delusions of being able to carry but the moment the 1v1s end you get splashed with cold water to make you wake up and that wake up call is team fights Either way this is me being negative if you get fed you can mostly try to roam around getting your teammates fed while you get more trophies and get more fed
Maybe if Riot stopped releasing champions that can build bruiser and then do over 2k true AOE damage with a non-ultimate ability that also shields them for 75% of their HP...
@@Justme-ip3wc posted that here by mistake, anyway, that's just due to the meta favoring shaco otherwise he's rarely picked with a low banrate, same case with the why no one plays taliyah video
I agree. Everytime I get infernal Drake I assume that game is already a losing game and when I get ocean Drake I assume that it will be an easy game or a free win.
playing rengar was fun, but i really dont wanna play inconsistent champs just because of how much they rely on getting lucky early kills and still being limited to bushes.
As a OTP I can tell you that once you manage to learn his mechanics you won't have a bad game but you also need to have a very good gameplan of what you need to do to get fed.its different every game and for most players it's hard to adapt to every situation but if you do it feels really rewarding.
@@mihail221 in league u always need luck dosent matter how good you are ^^ i was a Rengar otp 1 season ago always d1 - d2 but if ur team is shit rengar will have a hard time to get fed other champs are just much better into shity team mats
Rengar is legit the only champ I don’t get bored of, his jumps always make fights fun for me and specially trying builds like, lethality mythic into crit, or strikebreaker into crit, or even AP. God damnit
Said it for another comment of yours, repeat it here. I highly agree, rengar is what kept me playing this game, whether i lose or win, i have fun, and your snowball can also come in clutch when you are 0/4, and then get a triple, which is totally possible
@@ponglenis9273 There have been many games where I'm playing Rengar top with a score of 4/12/18 or something like that with a full on bruiser build getting flamed into infinity by my team for split pushing, or as I like to call it "You either send 2-3 people or I'm ending that shit*, of course that wins the game and then someone says shit like "you're welcome" while I got 10k+ dmg on them and 3-4k gold lead with a 65-70% kp. There aren't many champions that can get ahead that quick while constantly getting roamed on. I'd say Rengar top forces a lot of junglers to spend time top in the early game which leads to your botlane popping off if your jungler is not a monkey and a dragon as well.. gotta love that kitty.
Out of all the ad assasins i feel he's the most 'fair' of the buch, especially in the jungle. No low CD stealth that can be combined whit mythic to be permanently invisible or an untargetability to stay safe while waiting for the cds. Great mobility but mostly only being able to use it aggressively in a specific scenario and a high skill ceeling. And yes, I prefer a m7 otp rengar on the enemy team over kha or blue kayn
@@ivandelcarmencampos5988 I started this season playing lol, I have basically a main for each role and my first role main which I still love is jungle, started from nunu, to xin zhao and when i tried rengar i fell in love with his playstyle, 3 games in a row win with over 30 kills when I got counter picked. He is fair but when you got the skills he is more op sometimes than kha zix or even shaco
A champion can be fair and op in the right circumstances. The problem (at least for me) comes when It feels like I can't do anything to deal whit a champion. Against rengar you can avoid playing teamfights arround bushes and make him use his ult to get to the backline, while a champion like blue kayn for example can e half of the map, smite, ult, pop your backline whit his aoe and scape out of danger.
@@ivandelcarmencampos5988 If the rengar got a good early game using ult to escape wont really be useful since the cooldown will be short and hell use it to atack next time, but in the fact that he is fair its correct, unlike kha zix and his ult rengars ult alerts you before the atack
@@gentlemannpootis8372 And that's why I think rengar is the best assassin design-whise because he doesn't have the amounts of bs other champions on his role have.
I usually like assassins. But Rengar is my exception. I just can't get into the enemy without any bushes. Unlike other assassins like Evelynn, who has her passive to let her sneak in, Akali which have dashes and a smoke, Katarina with her blinks, or Kha'zix with his leap and ult. Sure Rengar has an ult that makes him invisible but Evelynn has that too, and it's in a passive. And he also has a trophy collection passive which you have to deal with. Forcing you to kill people to snowball. And he also has no easy escape once he commits. And not only that, he is more vulnerable to cc than other assassins. Since you can always see him except in his ult and he doesn't have an on command dash or blink too. Even his cleanse is hidden behind 4 ferocity stacks. And it just gives you move speed. No leaping over walls, or any positioning. And he has a hard time sticking to targets too. Since he lacks mobility like Akali and Katarina, or other special ability that actually works without bushes like Evelynn, or Warwick(Not really an assassin but still acceptable for his class). But heck, I love him because His passive is just too fun, while very situational. And he can build bruiser too. Just someone who could do better. Even though not as fun or lovable as assassins, he brings a different kind of fun that some assassins can't bring.
One thing that I'll add to all the problems rengar has. If he builds ad most of this dmg comes from basic attacks so building plated steelcaps is more effective that whit any other assassin, and if u build him ap he only has 1 ability that can deal dmg that is also his only survival tool out of his basic kit.
The loss of true stealth on his ultimate ruined him. I don’t even mind losing the old triple Q, but knowing that they see you when you press R is such a let down. Especially when Evelyn and twitch can use better stealth for much longer/better
What rengar truly lost was his utility. Same with leblanc. Those reworks could have worked(especially leblanc) but as always riot does not know how to buff or nerf champions.
It kinda makes sense tho, his old ult had no counterplay. You couldn't stop him until he one-shoted someone and that is unfair, there shouldn't be an ability that allows you to kill someone without giving them the option to fight back somehow, and the only two ways you could avoid dying was with a Zhonya, a Guardian Angel or Kayle's ult, but both items have pretty long cooldowns meaning you wouldn't have access to them Everytime Rengar wanted to kill you, and there's not always a Kayle in the team
@@jeffulloa218 i think they could fix him if they return his ability to hold ferosity BUT his ulti could no longer max ferosity on cast. Basically reworking his ult to only give camouflage + Passive jump with True sight on the nearest enemy champion. They could also add a Passive on his ult that would give him ms while in stealth (would end 1,5 secs after becoming visible) and the ability to jump while in stealth. However if he was proven to be to strong with this change, they could simply put a cooldown on both Passive leaps with a refresh on takedowns.
Remember the mess of the bonetooth necklace history? From being an item you actually had to buy and stack a lot of kills on it, and that the first final effect was an active that automatically maxed your ferocity on-command? How it then straight out turned into a trinket, and finally it became just the actual passive.
Rengar top enjoyer here: also a thing is when teams aram in soloqueue randomly you cant do anything about it you cant R into 5 ppl even if you are 20 0 you need to fight around objectives and also when there is an infernal soul up in a game it can make the game way more difficult (ocean makes little easier ofcourse) wich is quite frustrating in some cases
Hes a mix between a skirmisher and an assassin, but has none of the extreme strengths of either, and almost ALL of the weaknesses of both. It kinda sucks. His reputation proceeds him because when people think of him they think of the absolute nightmare his history brought upon squishies, but how often is that nightmare reality in high levels of play? AND even in low levels, where it might be possible to 0-100 a squishy, how often would low level player be able to do that successfully? The game has changed, and he hasn't.
They showed winrates/dragon soul a while back and rengar actually had lowest winrate with ocean map and highest with infernal map. At the end of the day the drakes themselves are more important than the brush changes.
Thematics-wise, rengar is the best champ riot has ever released... There's just something special about a lion jumping around one-shotting people, he's the main reason I've played league in the first place
Rengar is super strong this season as an assassin and bruiser, the reason his winrate isn't very high is because he is a high skill champion like akali
@@naser3000x Because he literally has a worse winrate than all of them?? A 45% winrate across all ranks and several Challenger 800+ LP Rengar players now being stuck in GM or Masters?? Did everyone playing this champion just get worse? No, the champion is objectively weak vs. everything Rengar players find themselves playing against.
@@-ASTROMAGIC why are you looking at win rate across all ranks? you always only look at plat + to see if the champ is balanced because that is where people are actually good at the champ. also everywhere i looked he had at least 47.5% winrate in jungle higher in top, that is on par with akali and qiyana who are other hard to play champs so are they weak too????
@@naser3000x That argument can easily be used against you. Many people still think that Plat and low Diamond are also low elo. If I check in Master, GM, and Challenger stats, Rengars win rate barely goes over 46% according Are you going to tell me players in that skill range that Plat+ win rates mean anything to them? Of course not cause people in Plat and Diamond still don't play the game at the highest level. Akali's play rate is 5x's higher than Rengar so that is a pretty shitty and uneducated example to use. If anything it just proves my point even more cause a champion with a 25% banrate can still have comparable winrate to a champion that is only ever target banned against specific players. No one with a brain thinks Akali and Rengar are even in the same realm of effectiveness. Rengar is exclusively played by OTPs judging by his playrate even the OTPs are struggling to make him work. You really sound like you don't actually play this champion at all. I could never get the full understanding of a champions' state just by looking at their win rate and what they should be able to do when kind of ahead. Playing Rengar leaves little room for error and other assassins just do his job better. There isn't a really reason to pick him over Khazix or Blue Kayn unless you like him or are good at him, and both champions do his job with way less effort.
onestly as a kha'zix main i wish they buffed rengar, haven't played "the hunt is on event" in game for years now, and when i do it's not even a challenge. i also enjoy playing rengar a lot
@@panikk2245 second wind and revitalize are to busted on him to ever consider bone plating. I'd rather take a 7k over the match heal than only blocking 300 damage over a game
dude, I otp Rengar, and I honestly feel so happy whenever I get to play against Kha'Zix, "the hunt is on' is such a nice thing to witness, but yes I agree with you 100%, I would have to go 100/100, no mistakes at all!!! never in the hole game with an all engage super high risk champ to even get a chance to get the last reward from the event... it's a shame how in the lore they are equal adversaries, and in game Kha'Zix is just superior, not because raw strength, Id say a super fed Rengar is stronger than a super fed Kha, but because as Rengar you can't make mistakes... there is no comeback from a death in the first 5 minutes... or a failed invade, Kha'Zix is just better suited as a champion all around.... a shame, I really love this champ
The new champs are legit disturbing with how good most of them are. Like overload kit but nobody knows how to play them for a few days so riot hotfix buffs them and they become pick or ban 1v9 machines. Only new champ that i think is still pretty bad is Rell.
@@note3neo411 Yeah but nautilus and leona are just better imo. Her unmounted form is so useless and slow that unless she gets more than a 2 man engage she just dies instantly
This video is actualy insanely accurate. honestly im a rengar otp since last season (i started playing league a few months earlyer) and everything in this video fits a lot of gaps i had from rengars background. i really feel he has an identity crisis now that all champions have very expresive abilities, also he is not a good assasin nor bruiser and riot probably needs to update that .but i love the fact that he is the hardest he is ever been, and if riot changes him in some way i hope he is as hard or even harder to play, macro and micro wise. i think that is the only thing that rengar has always been and the main reason i started playing him.
The issue with Rengar is that the only people who play him are psychopaths (rengar mains), so it feels like every game you play against a rengar, he curbstomps your entire team
The Guy really hates yone, I don't really think yone is that broken, comparing to the likes of master yi, tryndamere and Katarina, yone is strong but not broken
@@alucard5841 As someone who plays Yone, I would say Yone is stronger than any of those 3. The main contender there would be Yi just cause we all know how Yi is when he's ahead. If Yone has his E out and forces Tryn to ult, he can just E away and wait it out or just use E when Tryn ults and use the movespeed to outrun him and if Tryn catches up, E back. For Kat, when I play that match up, I usually just lifesteal/shield through all her burst or just knock her out of it with Tornado Q or Ult. Yone's E alone is what makes him so busted, he just gets to go in for free against basically any champion, he has ramping movespeed so they can't escape, ult to gap close, Q is a low CD so he'll probs get his tornado if he didn't have it already, and then he procs Zed ult on you and gets out for free. Oh and his passive makes it so you can't build against him as every other hit does half physical half magic damage. The thing about Yasuo is that he has a crap ton of damage, but once he's in, there is no getting out for him and burst assassins have to wait for their Cooldowns to come back to reengage (Zed, Leblanc, etc...), Yone basically ignores both of those issues as he can just leave for free during trades and his autos/Q (And sustain once he has Shieldbow or Bloodthirster) are enough to win fights.
@@CrimsonKnightmare1 solo Baron at LV 14 with Just 2 itens isn't broken? Not to mention on hit true damage, untargetable that resets, immunity to slow and grounded, atk speed way above the 2.5 limit, heal and damage reduction.
I honestly used to love playing renagr but honestly I feel like renagr is the worst champion in league this season. He gets overshadowed by so many assassins and bruisers especially his nemesis khazix.
@@komgoo4974 I honestly got luckily a kha zix main which was a smurf, i did kinda bullied him but my mid laner was yasuo and had his favorite syndrome so we lost at the end... It was a good feeling tho bullying a champion that counts better as my fav
@@dylanhelvetios2300 noct has been broken for most of the season. Stridebreaker noct has been meta for a while and it became even better after the stridebreaker changes
Everything in the video is right, but I believe one thing may have been missed. If it is mentioned and I didn't see it sorry about that, but I want to add. New Rengar ult sucks because it actually reveals your location to the enemy. Back then Rengar could see everyone in the enemy team if they're in ult range, not be seen, and then attack with all strength. Now Rengar can only see 1 enemy, and if 2 players are together they can easily understand where Rengar is by moving around. If the player on the left is lit, then Rengar is around your left, if the player on the right is lit, then Rengar is on your right. More players together means more information as to where Rengar is. 4 players together and the one on the top left is lit? You already know where he is and how to deal with him. I played a lot of Rengar back in the day. After the rework Rengar wasn't just what it used to be anymore. I remember way back around Season 5/6 I saw how Rengar plays from a friend, who used to main Kha'Zix before he had a taste of Rengar, and then after I played him for about a year like an otp a friend of mine also saw Rengar from me, tried the champ from the free weekly rotation and got it to Mastery Level 5 in that week. Remind you that 5 was the highest back then. Rengar was strong, fun and addicting. Then the rework hit and even if the Q got reverted I just can't have the same fun anymore. Countering that champion has become so easy in time.
I didnt even think about that, you're right. By nature of how his kit works with the way the ultimate works it literally nerfs you, i always wondered why it didnt reveal all champions in the radius. If for comparison nocturne gets to globally BLIND everyone and then ult them from the CENTER of the massive radius then rengar should reveal all in his ult radius.
Definitely needs a buff. Has been my main for 5 years, it's just sad how other junglers can do his job way better than he can. Every time there's a Rengar on the enemy team, I instantly pick Xin since there's no way in hell Rengar can beat him in a 1 v 1.
@@jeremias-serus bug fixes? he has the only 1 bug with nexus. he need buffs. remove E-cast time, return ferocity generation/add ms after jumping from ulti, return back elements of old bonetooth necklace every t1-t2 jungler has way to go in and go out and deal a lot more impact overall then this tier5 shit champ. he rly need buffs, but the buffs which wont skyrocket him into tier1 toplaner. (im not even d1 pisslow peaker euw, dont try to argue with me)
I only play league with my friends and it is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally apparent when you see a main rengar and someone just playing him. My friend has like 500k mastery with him and plays him even in mid lane and carry games HARD, its so nice to see him play and doing crazy builds. But when you see someone whos just playing it for playing it its.. sad.
Problem is - Rengar's gap closer is an external element i.e. bushes . So Infernal drake already nerfs him . Old Rengar had true invisibility ult, so even if something went wrong after he jumps out of a bush , still he can abuse ult and decide his next move . Now his ultimate is just an extra bush jump. Solution - 1) give back his true invisibility R 2) movement speed buff element on normal E 3) a mechanic where he can jump from anywhere to an enemy if he is unseen to that enemy i.e. from behind a terrain or wall.
His E should give him the leap from the passive. That would be great to make his ganks easier, and his ferocity bar shoud have the decay removed, like the old Rengar. And a little more base stats for resistance.
Here's a drinking game: Take a shot every time Vars says that Yone can jump from 5 screens away and one-shot the enemy team. (he is broken tho, i agree. But its an anime protagonist, what did you expect?) Also, on a more serious note: Rengar's whole concept is great, with the whole trophy hunt and bush mechanic and everything. But the execution is mediocre at (a very generous) best. Forcing you to kill (or damage in the last 1.5 secs, but generally to kill) the entire enemy team to get full value from his passive is too much; Kha gets his upgrades by virtue of existing (you get the point). Honestly, i believe that a few tweaks to his numbers (not damage numbers, he received nothing but buffs in that regard for the last year and more) would make his execution simpler, while still retaining his core weaknesses; Making his leap grant a ferocity stack regardless of whether he is at 0 ferocity or not; Increasing his W grey health duration, but dropping the healing by a bit; alternatively give his passive an adaptive force increase instead of just ad, and open up new ways of playing him, etc. He has enough damage in his kit, and on paper has all the tools he needs to do his job, but has no access to them.
I disagree, I like the idea of having to “hunt” all 5 members of the enemy team, fits his character theme, and it’s not that hard to get all 5 stacks since assists count
@@peterd4047 i didnt elaborate enough. Its an okay mechanic, like you said it fits his theme, but it shouldnt be that restrictive imo. Maybe the passive stacking a lot faster if you kill different people, so that it encourages killing everyone, but doesnt *force* you into it.
Yone is not broken ask any pro player he will tell you that he needs buffs because u see yone has so many terrible matchups and relies on getting ahead in the early if he dosent he's useless in high Elo atleast this makes your only win factor is hoping your lane opponent is bad he's terrible in high Elo and because of his kit and itemisation is best in low to mid Elo he's not broken.
He really felt the Tiamat removal in my opinion. He had a good camp clear so he could path at a good tempo but with new items it just hasn’t been the same. he could use a buff
I think the issue is too many people are trying to play him like a lethality assassin when the truth is, he doesn't function like that anymore. Dekar finds success in it and I do as well but building rengar like a crit bruiser is so vital to enjoying him at least in my eyes
I don't miss the times when Rengar was popular because there's less chance to see him top than it used to be. Still managed to play against a Rengar top recently smh
@@MegaChigga new tahm is garbage. in the past he outtraded me in early hard. now i outtrade him extremly. in mid and lategame he is a melee minion with some extra gold
@@MegaChigga So glad they reworked Tahm Kench and made him a worse toplaner. It's so cancer to play top when enemy laner just locks in Tahm Kench, basically it just stops you from doing anything proactive in the earlygame, and what makes it worse is how thoroughly unskilled Tahm Kench was, hit Q run them down, you win every single all in against all other melee champions. Yeah, you start hard outscalíng Tahm Kench for 1v1s after 15-20 minutes or so, but untill then, you cant play the game.
Few things, the first being that people didn't just start building him as a bruiser because of his W change, he's always been a bruiser and always played as such, particularly in top lane. Hell, before his first rework that you didn't mention he was popular as a full tank top laner cause his W healing scaled on ability rank and max health. Speaking of his W, the defensive stats he got from his old W was why he was so good as a bruiser, with proper usage he could sit in the middle of enemy teams with fighter items and still be a massive tank. Yeah, it was never as popular as full assassin, which kind of leads to my second comment. When you talked about how he was difficult to learn but easy to execute, that is so unbelievably accurate and so many Rengar players today still haven't even realized this very clear fact about him. I still remember how so many "Rengar mains" could literally only effectively do his "one shot combo," to the extent that once they nerfed it with a simple E cast change his winrate PLUMMETED! They couldn't play him top lane, they couldn't fight anything outside of that combo, many couldn't even properly make use of his passive leap outside of his ult, much less ever properly use his empW or empE! As a Rengar main it was actually mentally painful to have to watch the majority of other people play Rengar, and when he was changed my posts and comments about how Rengar was actually really good as a bruiser still fell on deaf ears cause even when the people who'd only learned the one-shot combo and started "maining" him actually gave it a shot they just COULD NOT even play him anymore. It was a hole second hurdle to actually fully learn him that wasn't required in order to "effectively" play him. Even to this day, it's not as bipolar but it's why his jungle winrate is so abysmally low right now, many of the people who play him now rely on crit to one-shot but that's a game of chance, when it doesn't crit their targets don't die and they don't know how to do anything else. On another note, you said he was "designed as an assassin but plays like a diver," and that's just inherently incorrect. Riot originally made him as a fighter, that was his original identity, he was supposed to hunt people down and skirmish through the brush of the jungle, not one-pop them. Riot fucked up by giving him stealth and recastable abilities which gave him insane burst potential, and that just stuck cause it was fun, even though I personally find him more fun fully as a diver, but like I said it takes more work to actually get good playing him as such. And again, players have not "RECENTLY" taken to itemizing as a bruiser, HE'S ALWAYS BEEN A FUCKING BRUISER lol Personally, my opinion on his future is very unpopular, cause Riots difficulty in balancing him over his last 3 reworks and single revert is that they're now trying to build him around his assassin playstyle but don't want to lose his original identity of a diver, which creates this problem you mention of him being versatile but not specialized in either role, which is rough nowadays. So in order to properly balance him and bring him back into the meta Riot really just needs to abandon the idea of him as an assassin, cause to abandon his bruiser side would require a kit overhaul like nothing else, might as well just do a full rework again for that, but to push him back into a focus on being a diver they would only need to change some numbers; Reduce damage on Q burst but give empowered attack speed on both normal and emp cast, while returning damage on the empQ by giving his autos bonus damage for duration and likely increasing duration so he can actually keep it up 100% of a fight if he keeps consistently using his Q. W worked better in previous iteration, with defensive bonuses, but the cleansing of CC is more interactive, so either option can work. What should change though is the damage, it just has to be buffed to help the diver playstyle. Making it scale on HP or defensive stats would be a good start, instead of fucking AP (especially since Riot nerfed the AP scaling so AP Rengar wouldn't be viable anyways....). His E should have it's slow buffed and it's cooldown reduced, but it's AD scaling reduced. It should be a catch tool, not part of his burst. Ult should either be camouflage OR have a siren of his approach, it should not be both. Right now the fact that you stealth is utterly worthless, it could be removed entirely and work exactly the same. So for a diver focus, I think keeping it as a camouflage is best but remove the sirens so people don't know to run away LONG before you're ever close enough for an actual gank. Let it work as a means to gap close (movement speed and leap) but AT LEAST give him the ability to effectively bypass wards with it, cause the siren defeats that purpose right now. Old necklace was better as well, maybe make it a trinket like Fiddlesticks gets as well, give it utility stuff instead of AD as well, like if a target kills it they remain revealed to you for a duration, and/or it gets the sweeper effect as well as a ward like Fiddle, but instead of a clone to jumpscare or trick people it could be an actual trap of some kind. Maybe a sweeper that puts a trap down where if people step in it they get revealed and pinged like a ghost poro but for longer. Idk, just having it scale on AD is the most boring and arguably worthless version the necklace has seen to date....
While I agree with 90% of this, Rengar is definitely not a bruiser, as he was designed as an assassin and was also included in the assassin rework. If he performs better as a bruiser, it's on riot's balance issues, like when voyboy used to play top lane tank katarina.
@@Boneificus "Melee assassin, FIGHTER, and jungler." At the time bruiser wasn't a thing, they were called fighters. Also pay attention to the end, where they talk about his recommended items, where they clearly intended for him to build fighter items.
@@TheGreatAlfafa No, I addressed it in another reply but he was created so that he could fill both roles while building bruiser items. Riot wanted him to basically be a single target bruiser who would play the role of an assassin. Riot also placed him in the diver category when they expanded on champion classifications, years ago. Not too mention when he was included in the assassin rework Riot actually posted that they understand he doesn't necessarily fit "with the others" but they wanted to include him cause most of the community played him as an assassin. And it's not that he "works top lane as a tank in niche scenarios or when pros use them," the dudes actually always had a higher winrate as bruiser top lane then he has in the jungle, and most of his nerfs have come from the fact that any buff to his jungle usually buffs top lane too much. This isn't a new thing, building him as a bruiser, and it's always been intended.
Rengar is still good, There are a lot of Rengar mains in challenger in almost every region. But the point is, Not everyone is willing to play a champ which requires a lot from your brain and fingers, People are only after effortless champs, like master Yi and Yasuo.
I do agree with you (Yi 100% banrate for me cuz in low elo, everybody feeds him within 2 mins) but Yasuo does aquire a lot of skill to play correctly. Yone however doesn't, so i guess that still counts as you are right xD
rengar is strong in high elo because people undersatnd that he cant just aram. and so that lead that rengar gets is utilized better. thats why u cant buff him. because it would push him into op tier in higher lvls on play. id personally like to see them revert the W changes, and give him more dmg. so its harder to execute for more reward. like last season, but even then people will be upset so i guess it doesnt really matter lol
I personally think a large part of his difference from other assassins lies in the fact that he’s really the only assassin who isn’t mostly ability based. Pretty much all of his damage is from auto attacks and I think that’s why lethality builds have slowly been replaced with bruiser builds as because he doesn’t have damaging abilities he can make as good use of lethality as some other assassins as well as what you stated about his escape tools being limited
To add to this, The only dps build that capitalizes on auto attacks is crit, but his clear without tiamat is too weak to warrant having enough income (unless you snowball) to buy crit items reliably.
The W gave him more sustain in my opinion. Double W will basicly heal you 100% of the damage you took in 1.5 sec. He got the most OP trading in the game if he don't get bursted, that's why top lane rengar is more popular but jungle knife cat is still a great pick.
Maybe Riot can give Rengars R second cast wich would allow him to jump agin - to chosen location, to ally champ, or another enemy (one of those possibilities or few combined - alla of them would be too OP) without needing to go in bush agin. Would kinda solve his escape ability.
i think if he got slightly reworked by changing his ult to invis instead of camo and giving him the ability to re cast nerfed version of his ult if he has max ferocity this version would have camo and would only last 3 sec he would be good again
I love how you made more of a Why No One Plays Rengar Anymore video! Great idea! Do you think you could make a Why No One Plays Syndra Anymore video? I know she used to be popular, but now she's in the D tier for mid lane.
I would like to see more rengars in my games even if that means occasionally getting oneshot but still better than yone or katarina deleting the entire team.
Did not expect Rengar to be in this series. Great video and I really like how he is now. He has more option and require more than just mashing Q. Rengar's play style now represent his lore much better. 10/10.
I've played League for 2 years now, and I fell in love with Rengar. He is the most fun to play, to me at least, but you know what is not fun?.... having to spend 2 years straight learning a champ so well that you can do the same you can do on Warwick in a 2 hour first time play afternoon.... its ridiculous how much harder it is for you as a Rengar otp to achieve the same as a kha6 player that just picked up the guy.... I really love this champ and I wont stop playing him, but I do hope they buff the dude, not with more damage, but with a different tools.... right now is a win hard or lose hard.... no middle ground at all
There is every game this weird coinflip about the drakes, you can get fire drake and your brushes just gets burned away or get lucky with water or maybe air drake, it`s pure rng
if old rengar would to be released in this meta, he would be considered healthy. because before, there were no shield items that would protect mages, adcs. There were no support items that would peel carries. there wasn't as much mobility. there are other assassins now that can do his job so much better.
kinda funny how u say ppl dont play him because hes so flexible (which makes him hard to play) but that is exactly the reason why i love him so much. because of incredible versatility
The other thing that really hurt Rengar more than a lot of champs is the randomness of elemental rifts. Infernal Rift and Ocean Rift both COMPLETELY change his options. Your ability to utilize your passive either disappears or becomes insane, respectively.
He is more viable toplane than jungle now. Especially now, with longer leap, with growing popularity of ranged tops. He is good against ranged toplaners, which makes him great. I definitely prefer to pick Rengar than Renekton for example when I need to deal with Quinn, Jayce, or Vayne. He is also great splitpusher when go bruiser build. Has good 1v1, destroys turrets fast with empowered q (especially equipped with Hullbreaker), has good waveclear with hydra, and good escape.
As a Rengar main since S2, I couldn't be happier. The current Rengar's kit is the most versatile one. There are some many possibilities that (in my opinion) playing assassin rengar is a waste. Bruiser/fighter is so much fun, and the fact that nobody else is playing him is good 'cause that means you can pick him more often and there won't be nerfs in sight.
Vars is getting more comfortable with the swearing lol but I want to mention the Rengar vs Kha'Zix. Kha'Zix is made to be extremely adaptable while Rengar is only good near brushes. They are opposites. Kha'Zix is better generally because that's how he was made but near brushes Rengar will come out on top every time. Rengar is stronger but only near brushes. Kha'Zix is more adaptable but is squishier. My personal opinion is that Rengar is stronger since he can destroy anyone wgen near a brushes but I also main Illaoi so Im kind of used to having to be near something to do good.
I play both rengar and kha, and honestly if they both go head to head, and they're both even and the kha knows what hes doing, its hard for the rengar to pull ahead. I mean in the latest of games with full bone tooth and like a mega crit build rengar might edge out the W but that just proves he SCALES harder than kha. Which, at almost every other stage of the game if the 2 are even, kha's gonna win.
the thing about rengar is he's *too dependent* on brush. while near brush, he can jump infinitely and be a slippery assassin but what can he do when outside brush? almost nothing. you get kited to death without your precious brush
I feel like Rengar is one of those champs that fall of pretty hard in these current years to the point he's only good in hands that KNOWS him. He was the definition of oneshotting, in a world that oneshotting was a "thing" and not every single day in League of Legends.
I would be happy that Rengar isn’t getting played but if it’s not him, it’s someone else. Also, Vars needs to vent and just make a whole ass video on talking shit about Yone.
rengar kit problem is exactly what nocturne has , both designed to be assassins but both must fight their way out like bruisers and divers and that's not very healthy for assassins
I don't know if I am worthy to say about Rengar cause I play him on Wild Rift. He is one of my main. (Yasuo, Zed, Rengar, Pantheon, Rengar) I always have this feeling starting the match with Rengar. It feels like I have to win this early game no matter what. When I get my first kill, I have the thought "THIS MATCH IS MINE". Each time I lock on to an enemy using my ult, I can already sense their fear. This feeling of joy and excitement makes the win and lose feel worthless. If I win, I win. If I lose, play again until I win. It's always the thrill that makes me love playing him. And his lore is the first one I've fully read by myself. His story is good too. I hope all the fellow Rengar mains feel the same. It doesn't matter if they nerf him, I will just play him better.
Rengar for sure needs a little touch up to keep himself up with the times As someone who mained rengar before maining jhin i can confidently say rengar was a very amazing champ to play before riot decided to nerf him into oblivion and while he is still a good pick hes not super great and if he picks the wrong fight hes inindefinite trouble its feast or famon but the only ones feasting are the dedicated players and everyone else suffers at an extreme level And as a comment pointed out fire removing the bushes is a big downside for him but ocean bringing more bushes is ironically his lowest winrate one of them all last i heard
honestly, yes, rengar is much worse as of now but he isnt really DEAD, he's super rewarding and fun to play so as long as u put the time to play him he brings super big kitty power to the table, fuck zed tho
I think I am one of the few Rengar mains who actually has very few problems with the way he currently works. Rengar is first and foremost a hunter and predator and I think the kit reflects that quite well. You don't see predators walking directly up to the thing they are hunting they stalk them and strike them down when the best opportunity arrives. He excels early game because of his diversity with choice and the power they provide when it comes to his empowered abilities. Understanding jungle, how it works completely, and how other jungle champions play the role, is nearly a necessity for this champion because of the way he is designed. Knowing all this allows you to especially exploit his empowered abilities early game and find that opportunity when the enemy jungle is vulnerable, resulting in an earned killed not a "lucky kill" that some people say you need to be given in order to pop off. The most important aspect of his ultimate people seem to forget is the True Sight it gives you. Late into the game when you can spam it, it provides insane ability at spotting the enemy team. Furthermore, it's a gross counter to champs with true stealth, you just pop it and let your team do the work while you sit in your ult. Yes, Rengar is an assassin but it's a team game, his kit gives so much utility to help your team out in creative ways. The most disappointing aspect of his current state is the fact that when you ult it completely ruins the element of surprise that Rengar is designed around. Any good player will watch for the symbol over their head or where it moves throughout the group to pinpoint him, completely denying him a chance to use his kit. Even if you wait for your target to misposition in a team fight and then pop it, more often than not, the enemy team will locate the symbol and swarm whoever it is over, again denying you the chance to use the champion for its exact purpose, and exploit the enemies mistake.
@@osyrisking5437 That's just a horrible generalization of the champion. Renekton is an alligator in APPEARANCE not theme. "Renekton is a terrifying, rage-fueled Ascended being from the scorched deserts of Shurima," straight from the LoL website, this is reflected in his kit with his rage bar and ultimate. If you take a look at a lot of the recently released champions their lore/theme is taken into heavy consideration into the champion's design so that they make sense together. Rengar is literally the PrideSTALKER, keyword STALKER.
The reason why people doesn’t play rengar is because they don’t know how to play him, all they do is build one shot and complain if the enemy has 4 tanks and falls off the game.
No. Lol no one plays assassin rengar anymore. I just tried with an entire squish comp and bot lane just went double exhaust and adc with immortal bow and Katrina with zhonyas. I knew it was a long shot even with their entire comp being squishy but it still didn't matter. Too much easily attainable anti assassin utility in the game for anyone to go rengar assassin. Other assassins have built in escapes. He doesn't so it makes him pointless to go assassin and everyone that plays rengar knows it
I feel like the biggest problem is just the meta changes that have occurred recently. One big thing that comes comes mind is stopwatch. Sure it's a one time use, but it can be a game changer if you're not paying attention. Another problem is elemental dragons. Rengar either gets a decent buff or a huge nerf depending on with dragon you roll. Nowadays it's become so hard to get a lead that players have even opted into taking ignite instead of flash into the jg, something I've been trying out recently and it actually help. You do speak some truth though, there are a lot of people who don't know how to play rengar and it's too much of a hassle to have to lean him when other Champs do his job better
I saw this on reddit about a month or so ago, im very excited to see what the video has to say on my main because he doesn't feel nearly as good to play as he used to.
1 year later, hes even worse now. I've seen rengar i think 2 or 3 times in the past 3 months. The champ is so shit its actually hilarious. Oh, look at that, here comes a jungler with 4 dashes, infinite attack speed, a ton of true damage, lifesteal, impossible-to-dodge cc, damage immunity(pretty much as she takes negative damage when she uses her E). Oh, would you look at that, here comes another jungler "a new champ?" no, a rework of udyr "oh it's udyr, i mean theres no way the rework will be broken, right....right??" No idea how to even begin with this bs. Just play against an udyr, you will instantly realize how broken he is. And then we have Rengar. Good champ, nice champ, fun champ. Too bad he is: useless till level 6 if the enemies have flash, heal, barrier or literally any kind of summoner spell they can escape him and live Assuming they did that rengar is now even more behind because he lost R, smite and didnt take camps Every champ has a dash now some champs are just too tanky with way too much overlapping damage like udyr infernal soul removes bushes has shit late game(40 mins in) + its too hard to even get somewhere in early to mid game. Waiting for more easy level 3 ganking infinite scaling best lategame tanky speedy junglers riot, keep them coming! Rengar is balanced!
If they made it so that he only needed to participate in the kill, the pressure would be eased from his shoulders. Kindred, for example, only needs to participate in the kill of her marked target. Rengar on the other hand, has to kill the target himself. With the hunter runes in the red rune tree, everyone has a little bit of Kindred in them, which means they all have a little bit of Rengar in them due to him coming out first. I'd still keep the whole "Rengar has to be the one to land the killing blow on Kha'Zix and visaversa" shtick. It's a fun gimmick and there should be more rivalry things like this in the game. Garen vs Darius for example, or Morgana vs Kayle. Pantheon vs Aatrox. Aurelion vs Zoe. Renekton vs Nasus. Sona vs Seraphine.
03:35 Oh no a champ thats able to go invis and attack whoever he wants to while all the enemies know is that he is there? Seems insanely broken Btw rito pls buff Shaco Q, maybe a minute or 2 of invisibility before the oneshot with one button and escape would be nice
LOVED THIS VIDEO. As an OTP Rengar, right now he's too hard to escale in the Jungle, you have more chances on top lane but after they changed the Tiamat there's no way to do one shot cancelling animations and you need to farm a lot and let the enemy jungler mad behind to do something. I think if Riot removes camouflaging of his R and put it invisible again, and buff his Q damage a lil bit + not loosing passive stacks while u r not fighting will bring him at least tier 3 because he has been tier 5 for the last 3 seasons and riot just don't care about it.
Where the hell did all my HP go It was there just a second ago I thought his magic damage was too low So i wanna know... How'd AP Rengar get fed? I try to farm and I'm dead Walk out of base and I'm dead So I wanna know... How AP Rengar got fed!
They should just rework rengar's ultimate. Current is just a shit version of it's former self for the sake of balance. A huge pancard on your head saying Rengar is about to come at you, him showing on random pinks and ruining the whole purpose of the ult, being outright useless in team fighting, not having an actual ultimate restricts him from being played top lane effectively because you are missing a skill while the enemy has their best one. A lot of times when I'm playing Rengar top, the matchup magically turns into me losing trades and not being able to fight the enemy anymore simply because they got their ult and ı don't have an ultimate. Also like 7 times out of 10 while playing Rengar, you don't even get to jump on enemies with your ult because everybody is just waiting for you to land so they can fuck you up, you end up jumping on a plant or a minion. İf they actually give him an ult which takes care of the obvious problem, team fighting and escape power, he would be played by many more and would be much stronger. The rest of the kit is just simply perfect. Love him so much but ult being this clunky and telegraphed is just unacceptable.
the absolute opposite is true, jungle mains are just animals. Like what is a hecarim player gonna do on rengar but int? Too on the other hand you have to learn to play so many matchups and alot of them play and build very differently
@@giletteadri467 im a toplaner (dont play rengar) im literally changing every match my runes, items and playstyle. everything on the same champion.... even calls me a generalist even when I play only 1 champ...
One thing I would like to add is that this champion is so ridiculously buggy. Navori Quickblades literally does not work on him, when you have 4 stacks his regular W doesn't show the correct cooldown, his animations are jarring, etc. There's a video compiling 30+ Rengar bugs that still have not been fixed. It makes Rengar really frustrating to play despite being one of my favorite champions and I hope they would take a look at them because I believe that if Rengar was more popular his bugs would have been hotfixed a long time ago. These bugs can be really impactful with how precise you have to play as Rengar and can be so detrimental when one mistake takes you out of the game entirely.
Yesterday playing as k6 and i out objective (drs and 1 rh)a rengar so hard with a considerable mastery points ( we had both mecha skins lmfao) ...and It tells you much about the champ as i am not a very good jg..out kda was close though still i had the better ganks overall and it says something really about the champ and not player IMO
@@naser3000x well i was lucky that wasnt a good rengar ...the game ended before we can do the event though but it would be a little risky as a scaled rengar can one shot me ez more than i can more shot him
Rengar is one of the very few assassins who, when i get killed by them, I can actually see and appreciate that they are a good Rengar. The mechanics are p hard and force quick and difficult decision making, he needs to be piloted well enough to get to his mid game in a healthy state and without tiamat his clear takes a bit of practice to get down. And on top of that he can only take out 1 person at a time. A good rengar is a good player, where as most other assassins (and lets be honest slayers too) feel like incredibly cheap picks with very braindead escapes.
They better give him a mini rework to put him in par with other assassins , since it seems like every other assassin has an extra that lets them excell at their job while rengar just finds himself in a hardspot specially with recent nerfs/deletion of core items that synergized with his kit
I feel like they could change him so his ult gives him invisibility not stealth, but doesn't let him leap. That way he could still get to the backline but there wouldn't be all this difficulty with balance around his burst combo.
Yeah i remember liking Rengar so much when i first got into league, but thought he was too hard to play (back when he still had his bonetooth passive). He's not a champ that lends himself to a "Do A, then B, then C and you win" formula, he's more of "if this, then do that, maybe -- it depends" champ, Seeing him here makes me think about trying to learn him. I feel like making an account playing him and Azir (who I've also needed to learn for a long time)
Remember when Rengar was like the only champion with a 1 frame 100-0 combo? XD
I miss the time Rengar could build literally anything and still oneshot you.
@@PhantomShibe i on the other hand hated. Still riot has really mistreated him.
Ap still can lol
Still rather playing against rengar than any of the new shit like viego, yone, serahine or gwen
old rengar was nothing but a cruel joke. easy 100-0 combo with invisibility and built-in leap, he was the master of one shot kills
As a Rengar Main, you have to try soo much harder to make him even viable in a match when other champs just are straight up better than him. However it does feel amazing when played correctly to 1 shot everyone
Sounds exactly like ASol tbh
Yeah i think kled is kind of the same but from a bruiser pov. Managing to get your lizard back during an enemy gank and getting a doublekill feels so good.
As a fellow Rengar main I must say that after unlocking many champions I just have to say that, it took me to mastery 7 to do the things with Rengar That I can do with no mastery on khazix or zed I have to agree with Rengar is like azir where you need to be sooooo good to only be on par with the other assassins and it feels just as good playing the others
But at the end of the day im still a Rengar main so
@@liambradbury7754 that should be the Rengar Mains anthem
Rengar early game is so oppressive that you get delusions of being able to carry but the moment the 1v1s end you get splashed with cold water to make you wake up and that wake up call is team fights
Either way this is me being negative if you get fed you can mostly try to roam around getting your teammates fed while you get more trophies and get more fed
Maybe cuz these days everything oneshots adc's and mages not especially him XD
these days everything oneshots everything
Maybe if Riot stopped releasing champions that can build bruiser and then do over 2k true AOE damage with a non-ultimate ability that also shields them for 75% of their HP...
and because of that less mages are played, giving him less targets
@@Justme-ip3wc Sett: And I take that personally.
But yeah, I totally agree with your point.
@@Justme-ip3wc posted that here by mistake, anyway, that's just due to the meta favoring shaco otherwise he's rarely picked with a low banrate, same case with the why no one plays taliyah video
"Yone can dash in from 5 screens away, nuke the entire enemy team and yeet himself out of there" - Best summary of Yone's horrible design.
or dash in get yeeted by the enemies and be burned to the ground by his teammates
He should receive 1.5 more damage while out of his body, that thing is sooo overpowered
@@CelVini or better yet, he shouldn't exist. He is just Yasuo with training wheels.
What you mean horrible design? It's a badass design 😉
Oh shut up and stop hating champions because u dont know how to play agaimst them
Hes even more useless when the infernal drake burns the brushes away
true, no other champ gets so disadvantaged like that from drake
although he does get help from ocean drake though. the coin flip is dumb but just have to mention that ocean helps him out
I agree. Everytime I get infernal Drake I assume that game is already a losing game and when I get ocean Drake I assume that it will be an easy game or a free win.
Thats why me and my friend love to play IvernGar botlane and make the enemy adc cry
His win rate was higher on infernal than ocean soul the last time I checked it
playing rengar was fun, but i really dont wanna play inconsistent champs just because of how much they rely on getting lucky early kills and still being limited to bushes.
As a OTP I can tell you that once you manage to learn his mechanics you won't have a bad game but you also need to have a very good gameplan of what you need to do to get fed.its different every game and for most players it's hard to adapt to every situation but if you do it feels really rewarding.
@@mihail221 in league u always need luck dosent matter how good you are ^^ i was a Rengar otp 1 season ago always d1 - d2 but if ur team is shit rengar will have a hard time to get fed other champs are just much better into shity team mats
Rengar is legit the only champ I don’t get bored of, his jumps always make fights fun for me and specially trying builds like, lethality mythic into crit, or strikebreaker into crit, or even AP. God damnit
Said it for another comment of yours, repeat it here. I highly agree, rengar is what kept me playing this game, whether i lose or win, i have fun, and your snowball can also come in clutch when you are 0/4, and then get a triple, which is totally possible
@@ponglenis9273 There have been many games where I'm playing Rengar top with a score of 4/12/18 or something like that with a full on bruiser build getting flamed into infinity by my team for split pushing, or as I like to call it "You either send 2-3 people or I'm ending that shit*, of course that wins the game and then someone says shit like "you're welcome" while I got 10k+ dmg on them and 3-4k gold lead with a 65-70% kp. There aren't many champions that can get ahead that quick while constantly getting roamed on. I'd say Rengar top forces a lot of junglers to spend time top in the early game which leads to your botlane popping off if your jungler is not a monkey and a dragon as well.. gotta love that kitty.
As a rengar main in the jungle I am so much excited to hear this since its so true
Out of all the ad assasins i feel he's the most 'fair' of the buch, especially in the jungle. No low CD stealth that can be combined whit mythic to be permanently invisible or an untargetability to stay safe while waiting for the cds. Great mobility but mostly only being able to use it aggressively in a specific scenario and a high skill ceeling.
And yes, I prefer a m7 otp rengar on the enemy team over kha or blue kayn
@@ivandelcarmencampos5988 I started this season playing lol, I have basically a main for each role and my first role main which I still love is jungle, started from nunu, to xin zhao and when i tried rengar i fell in love with his playstyle, 3 games in a row win with over 30 kills when I got counter picked. He is fair but when you got the skills he is more op sometimes than kha zix or even shaco
A champion can be fair and op in the right circumstances. The problem (at least for me) comes when It feels like I can't do anything to deal whit a champion. Against rengar you can avoid playing teamfights arround bushes and make him use his ult to get to the backline, while a champion like blue kayn for example can e half of the map, smite, ult, pop your backline whit his aoe and scape out of danger.
@@ivandelcarmencampos5988 If the rengar got a good early game using ult to escape wont really be useful since the cooldown will be short and hell use it to atack next time, but in the fact that he is fair its correct, unlike kha zix and his ult rengars ult alerts you before the atack
@@gentlemannpootis8372 And that's why I think rengar is the best assassin design-whise because he doesn't have the amounts of bs other champions on his role have.
I usually like assassins. But Rengar is my exception. I just can't get into the enemy without any bushes. Unlike other assassins like Evelynn, who has her passive to let her sneak in, Akali which have dashes and a smoke, Katarina with her blinks, or Kha'zix with his leap and ult. Sure Rengar has an ult that makes him invisible but Evelynn has that too, and it's in a passive. And he also has a trophy collection passive which you have to deal with. Forcing you to kill people to snowball. And he also has no easy escape once he commits. And not only that, he is more vulnerable to cc than other assassins. Since you can always see him except in his ult and he doesn't have an on command dash or blink too. Even his cleanse is hidden behind 4 ferocity stacks. And it just gives you move speed. No leaping over walls, or any positioning. And he has a hard time sticking to targets too. Since he lacks mobility like Akali and Katarina, or other special ability that actually works without bushes like Evelynn, or Warwick(Not really an assassin but still acceptable for his class). But heck, I love him because His passive is just too fun, while very situational. And he can build bruiser too. Just someone who could do better. Even though not as fun or lovable as assassins, he brings a different kind of fun that some assassins can't bring.
One thing that I'll add to all the problems rengar has. If he builds ad most of this dmg comes from basic attacks so building plated steelcaps is more effective that whit any other assassin, and if u build him ap he only has 1 ability that can deal dmg that is also his only survival tool out of his basic kit.
So true. He just need Invern to support him😹
You dont even fcking need bushes. They never fixed The retard bug Who makes him able to jump OUTSIDE of bushes
@@Moffattt yes good point very true
@@Moffattt is only the split second when you leave the bush, rengar still heavily rely on the bush
Season 11 freaking killed him
Rip Tiamat
Rip Ghostblade
DoD Rengar is old Yorick levels of aids to play against
Is Ghostblade that bad now?
@@Justme-ip3wc ppl barelly ever build it since it lost CDR but Rengar also switched to crit build.
@@sighman9209 DoD?
@@dylanhelvetios2300 duskblade of draktharr
The loss of true stealth on his ultimate ruined him. I don’t even mind losing the old triple Q, but knowing that they see you when you press R is such a let down. Especially when Evelyn and twitch can use better stealth for much longer/better
get gud, i played rengar up to plat and i can easily set up triple Q and the R's stealth rarely matters unless i am seen by a pink ward
What rengar truly lost was his utility. Same with leblanc. Those reworks could have worked(especially leblanc) but as always riot does not know how to buff or nerf champions.
It kinda makes sense tho, his old ult had no counterplay. You couldn't stop him until he one-shoted someone and that is unfair, there shouldn't be an ability that allows you to kill someone without giving them the option to fight back somehow, and the only two ways you could avoid dying was with a Zhonya, a Guardian Angel or Kayle's ult, but both items have pretty long cooldowns meaning you wouldn't have access to them Everytime Rengar wanted to kill you, and there's not always a Kayle in the team
@@jeffulloa218 I mean most people wouldn't even have the reflex to burn their Zhonya's given that Rengar bursts his targets that fast.
@@jeffulloa218 i think they could fix him if they return his ability to hold ferosity BUT his ulti could no longer max ferosity on cast. Basically reworking his ult to only give camouflage + Passive jump with True sight on the nearest enemy champion. They could also add a Passive on his ult that would give him ms while in stealth (would end 1,5 secs after becoming visible) and the ability to jump while in stealth. However if he was proven to be to strong with this change, they could simply put a cooldown on both Passive leaps with a refresh on takedowns.
Remember the mess of the bonetooth necklace history? From being an item you actually had to buy and stack a lot of kills on it, and that the first final effect was an active that automatically maxed your ferocity on-command? How it then straight out turned into a trinket, and finally it became just the actual passive.
I remember that fully.... Good old days....
@@lovableairheadmile6809 I remember being it back in the days. Was it like mejais and it could lose stacks?1
@@soulsemblance3163 yeah it was -1 stack per death.
You forget when it increased jump range
Rengar top enjoyer here: also a thing is when teams aram in soloqueue randomly you cant do anything about it you cant R into 5 ppl even if you are 20 0 you need to fight around objectives and also when there is an infernal soul up in a game it can make the game way more difficult (ocean makes little easier ofcourse) wich is quite frustrating in some cases
Thats why i go ap to burst 3 champs with double w
you can splitpush when you're ahead
Hes a mix between a skirmisher and an assassin, but has none of the extreme strengths of either, and almost ALL of the weaknesses of both. It kinda sucks. His reputation proceeds him because when people think of him they think of the absolute nightmare his history brought upon squishies, but how often is that nightmare reality in high levels of play? AND even in low levels, where it might be possible to 0-100 a squishy, how often would low level player be able to do that successfully? The game has changed, and he hasn't.
He's a jack of all trades master of none now, before he used to specialize in doing 5k damage in
They showed winrates/dragon soul a while back and rengar actually had lowest winrate with ocean map and highest with infernal map. At the end of the day the drakes themselves are more important than the brush changes.
Rengar will always be and will forever be the original one shot champion
Why you hating on my cho gath boi ;-; he doesn't deserve it got bullied so hard it turned into a mage
Thematics-wise, rengar is the best champ riot has ever released... There's just something special about a lion jumping around one-shotting people, he's the main reason I've played league in the first place
And now u have immerse into the Du Couteau family
Huge fan of Rengar, but sad to see the state of him and his items this season.
Rengar is super strong this season as an assassin and bruiser, the reason his winrate isn't very high is because he is a high skill champion like akali
@Tangoballerz how is he worse than other assassins? he can 1v1 most assassins easily and one shot all squishies, how is he worse in comparison??
@@naser3000x Because he literally has a worse winrate than all of them?? A 45% winrate across all ranks and several Challenger 800+ LP Rengar players now being stuck in GM or Masters?? Did everyone playing this champion just get worse? No, the champion is objectively weak vs. everything Rengar players find themselves playing against.
@@-ASTROMAGIC why are you looking at win rate across all ranks? you always only look at plat + to see if the champ is balanced because that is where people are actually good at the champ.
also everywhere i looked he had at least 47.5% winrate in jungle higher in top, that is on par with akali and qiyana who are other hard to play champs so are they weak too????
@@naser3000x That argument can easily be used against you. Many people still think that Plat and low Diamond are also low elo. If I check in Master, GM, and Challenger stats, Rengars win rate barely goes over 46% according Are you going to tell me players in that skill range that Plat+ win rates mean anything to them? Of course not cause people in Plat and Diamond still don't play the game at the highest level.
Akali's play rate is 5x's higher than Rengar so that is a pretty shitty and uneducated example to use. If anything it just proves my point even more cause a champion with a 25% banrate can still have comparable winrate to a champion that is only ever target banned against specific players. No one with a brain thinks Akali and Rengar are even in the same realm of effectiveness. Rengar is exclusively played by OTPs judging by his playrate even the OTPs are struggling to make him work.
You really sound like you don't actually play this champion at all. I could never get the full understanding of a champions' state just by looking at their win rate and what they should be able to do when kind of ahead. Playing Rengar leaves little room for error and other assassins just do his job better. There isn't a really reason to pick him over Khazix or Blue Kayn unless you like him or are good at him, and both champions do his job with way less effort.
onestly as a kha'zix main i wish they buffed rengar, haven't played "the hunt is on event" in game for years now, and when i do it's not even a challenge. i also enjoy playing rengar a lot
Taking bone plating on rengar destroys khazix
@@panikk2245 bone plating on rengar is trolling dude
@@cicatox6345 how
@@panikk2245 second wind and revitalize are to busted on him to ever consider bone plating. I'd rather take a 7k over the match heal than only blocking 300 damage over a game
dude, I otp Rengar, and I honestly feel so happy whenever I get to play against Kha'Zix, "the hunt is on' is such a nice thing to witness, but yes I agree with you 100%, I would have to go 100/100, no mistakes at all!!! never in the hole game with an all engage super high risk champ to even get a chance to get the last reward from the event... it's a shame how in the lore they are equal adversaries, and in game Kha'Zix is just superior, not because raw strength, Id say a super fed Rengar is stronger than a super fed Kha, but because as Rengar you can't make mistakes... there is no comeback from a death in the first 5 minutes... or a failed invade, Kha'Zix is just better suited as a champion all around.... a shame, I really love this champ
how far we went that now we miss the old days of Rengar oneshots. Proves how "balanced" new releases are
The new champs are legit disturbing with how good most of them are. Like overload kit but nobody knows how to play them for a few days so riot hotfix buffs them and they become pick or ban 1v9 machines. Only new champ that i think is still pretty bad is Rell.
@@Black-nf3tx rell is pretty good
@@note3neo411 Yeah but nautilus and leona are just better imo. Her unmounted form is so useless and slow that unless she gets more than a 2 man engage she just dies instantly
@@Black-nf3tx did u really play her? She is really tank and her team fight is a lot better than naut and leona
This video is actualy insanely accurate. honestly im a rengar otp since last season (i started playing league a few months earlyer) and everything in this video fits a lot of gaps i had from rengars background. i really feel he has an identity crisis now that all champions have very expresive abilities, also he is not a good assasin nor bruiser and riot probably needs to update that .but i love the fact that he is the hardest he is ever been, and if riot changes him in some way i hope he is as hard or even harder to play, macro and micro wise. i think that is the only thing that rengar has always been and the main reason i started playing him.
The issue with Rengar is that the only people who play him are psychopaths (rengar mains), so it feels like every game you play against a rengar, he curbstomps your entire team
I needed to learn to play something good against vayne top. Didn't wanted to play teemo. Am I a psychopath.
@@mateuszkucharski1350 against are the most civilized person in the game because no one is more of a psychopath than a teemo.
TLDR: Why would u play a champ so hard to play instead of an easy champ which dominates better than rengar lol
because tits much more fun and rewarding mastering a champion that takes a lot of time, practice and skill.
I'm a furry 😎👍
Because Predator>Xenomorph
Anyone else feel the salt when Vars described Yone
The Guy really hates yone, I don't really think yone is that broken, comparing to the likes of master yi, tryndamere and Katarina, yone is strong but not broken
This guy said fucking yi and trynda, every player above silver knows those two are not broken LMAO
@@alucard5841 As someone who plays Yone, I would say Yone is stronger than any of those 3. The main contender there would be Yi just cause we all know how Yi is when he's ahead. If Yone has his E out and forces Tryn to ult, he can just E away and wait it out or just use E when Tryn ults and use the movespeed to outrun him and if Tryn catches up, E back. For Kat, when I play that match up, I usually just lifesteal/shield through all her burst or just knock her out of it with Tornado Q or Ult.
Yone's E alone is what makes him so busted, he just gets to go in for free against basically any champion, he has ramping movespeed so they can't escape, ult to gap close, Q is a low CD so he'll probs get his tornado if he didn't have it already, and then he procs Zed ult on you and gets out for free. Oh and his passive makes it so you can't build against him as every other hit does half physical half magic damage. The thing about Yasuo is that he has a crap ton of damage, but once he's in, there is no getting out for him and burst assassins have to wait for their Cooldowns to come back to reengage (Zed, Leblanc, etc...), Yone basically ignores both of those issues as he can just leave for free during trades and his autos/Q (And sustain once he has Shieldbow or Bloodthirster) are enough to win fights.
@@CrimsonKnightmare1 solo Baron at LV 14 with Just 2 itens isn't broken? Not to mention on hit true damage, untargetable that resets, immunity to slow and grounded, atk speed way above the 2.5 limit, heal and damage reduction.
@@CrimsonKnightmare1 💀💀💀
He was the coolest champion ever to me back then
He was the reason I started playing this game
I honestly used to love playing renagr but honestly I feel like renagr is the worst champion in league this season. He gets overshadowed by so many assassins and bruisers especially his nemesis khazix.
I dont think he's the worst, I started at season 11 and I think theres much worse, like rammus which was good for like a day
@@gentlemannpootis8372 He might not be the worst but he just is not needed in a comp ever and khazix overshadows him so hard which is depressing.
@@komgoo4974 I honestly got luckily a kha zix main which was a smurf, i did kinda bullied him but my mid laner was yasuo and had his favorite syndrome so we lost at the end... It was a good feeling tho bullying a champion that counts better as my fav
@@komgoo4974 or Nocturne
@@dylanhelvetios2300 noct has been broken for most of the season. Stridebreaker noct has been meta for a while and it became even better after the stridebreaker changes
Something really sad is that the third dragon is a gamble. If the rift changes into fire or mountain, you're fucked
Everything in the video is right, but I believe one thing may have been missed. If it is mentioned and I didn't see it sorry about that, but I want to add.
New Rengar ult sucks because it actually reveals your location to the enemy. Back then Rengar could see everyone in the enemy team if they're in ult range, not be seen, and then attack with all strength. Now Rengar can only see 1 enemy, and if 2 players are together they can easily understand where Rengar is by moving around. If the player on the left is lit, then Rengar is around your left, if the player on the right is lit, then Rengar is on your right. More players together means more information as to where Rengar is. 4 players together and the one on the top left is lit? You already know where he is and how to deal with him.
I played a lot of Rengar back in the day. After the rework Rengar wasn't just what it used to be anymore.
I remember way back around Season 5/6 I saw how Rengar plays from a friend, who used to main Kha'Zix before he had a taste of Rengar, and then after I played him for about a year like an otp a friend of mine also saw Rengar from me, tried the champ from the free weekly rotation and got it to Mastery Level 5 in that week. Remind you that 5 was the highest back then. Rengar was strong, fun and addicting.
Then the rework hit and even if the Q got reverted I just can't have the same fun anymore. Countering that champion has become so easy in time.
I didnt even think about that, you're right. By nature of how his kit works with the way the ultimate works it literally nerfs you, i always wondered why it didnt reveal all champions in the radius. If for comparison nocturne gets to globally BLIND everyone and then ult them from the CENTER of the massive radius then rengar should reveal all in his ult radius.
Definitely needs a buff. Has been my main for 5 years, it's just sad how other junglers can do his job way better than he can. Every time there's a Rengar on the enemy team, I instantly pick Xin since there's no way in hell Rengar can beat him in a 1 v 1.
He needs a mini rework
Doesn't need a buff or rework. Just bug fixes. Every single Challenger Rengar agrees.
@@jeremias-serus bug fixes? he has the only 1 bug with nexus.
he need buffs. remove E-cast time, return ferocity generation/add ms after jumping from ulti, return back elements of old bonetooth necklace
every t1-t2 jungler has way to go in and go out and deal a lot more impact overall then this tier5 shit champ. he rly need buffs, but the buffs which wont skyrocket him into tier1 toplaner.
(im not even d1 pisslow peaker euw, dont try to argue with me)
@@idontlikeyou.7192 He has a lot of bugs. Do a quick search and you'll find out.
I only play league with my friends and it is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally apparent when you see a main rengar and someone just playing him. My friend has like 500k mastery with him and plays him even in mid lane and carry games HARD, its so nice to see him play and doing crazy builds. But when you see someone whos just playing it for playing it its.. sad.
Dude, what's the point of playing Rengar when the enemy janna support can oneshot your adc as well.
My friend unironically plays AP janna toplane and says decimating someone as a “support” is so much fun
@@rolandfabik2475 I'll not be extremely surprised if you had a sadist friend.
Its not just oneshots. Its his insane tracking and offensive mobility
Problem is - Rengar's gap closer is an external element i.e. bushes . So Infernal drake already nerfs him . Old Rengar had true invisibility ult, so even if something went wrong after he jumps out of a bush , still he can abuse ult and decide his next move . Now his ultimate is just an extra bush jump.
Solution - 1) give back his true invisibility R
2) movement speed buff element on normal E
3) a mechanic where he can jump from anywhere to an enemy if he is unseen to that enemy i.e. from behind a terrain or wall.
His E should give him the leap from the passive. That would be great to make his ganks easier, and his ferocity bar shoud have the decay removed, like the old Rengar. And a little more base stats for resistance.
Vars: He has utility assassins wished they have
Qiyana: bring me my ring
"It's not a ring blade, it's an ohmlatl! Idiots."
Here's a drinking game: Take a shot every time Vars says that Yone can jump from 5 screens away and one-shot the enemy team.
(he is broken tho, i agree. But its an anime protagonist, what did you expect?)
Also, on a more serious note: Rengar's whole concept is great, with the whole trophy hunt and bush mechanic and everything. But the execution is mediocre at (a very generous) best. Forcing you to kill (or damage in the last 1.5 secs, but generally to kill) the entire enemy team to get full value from his passive is too much; Kha gets his upgrades by virtue of existing (you get the point). Honestly, i believe that a few tweaks to his numbers (not damage numbers, he received nothing but buffs in that regard for the last year and more) would make his execution simpler, while still retaining his core weaknesses; Making his leap grant a ferocity stack regardless of whether he is at 0 ferocity or not; Increasing his W grey health duration, but dropping the healing by a bit; alternatively give his passive an adaptive force increase instead of just ad, and open up new ways of playing him, etc. He has enough damage in his kit, and on paper has all the tools he needs to do his job, but has no access to them.
I disagree, I like the idea of having to “hunt” all 5 members of the enemy team, fits his character theme, and it’s not that hard to get all 5 stacks since assists count
@@peterd4047 i didnt elaborate enough. Its an okay mechanic, like you said it fits his theme, but it shouldnt be that restrictive imo. Maybe the passive stacking a lot faster if you kill different people, so that it encourages killing everyone, but doesnt *force* you into it.
take a shot every time he says rengar
Yone is not broken ask any pro player he will tell you that he needs buffs because u see yone has so many terrible matchups and relies on getting ahead in the early if he dosent he's useless in high Elo atleast this makes your only win factor is hoping your lane opponent is bad he's terrible in high Elo and because of his kit and itemisation is best in low to mid Elo he's not broken.
Couple this with the fact that he's an Ionian champion who is built to 1v9 when ahead like yi
He is rarely seen but when u have him in the game it usually otp
He really felt the Tiamat removal in my opinion. He had a good camp clear so he could path at a good tempo but with new items it just hasn’t been the same. he could use a buff
the clear is decent now tho but you have to use your W meaning you can get cheesed easily
I think the issue is too many people are trying to play him like a lethality assassin when the truth is, he doesn't function like that anymore. Dekar finds success in it and I do as well but building rengar like a crit bruiser is so vital to enjoying him at least in my eyes
Rush Divine Sunderer to Ravenous Hydra
I love your tracks you put on your vids. Giving me so many flashbacks. Those were the days on the 3DS
I don't miss the times when Rengar was popular because there's less chance to see him top than it used to be.
Still managed to play against a Rengar top recently smh
rengar top has some very bad matchups. Every AD bruisers has an easy time against him in fact.
*laughs in Tahm Kench top and Darius*
Rengar is just a kitten against Tahm and Darius
@@MegaChigga new tahm is garbage. in the past he outtraded me in early hard. now i outtrade him extremly. in mid and lategame he is a melee minion with some extra gold
@@MegaChigga So glad they reworked Tahm Kench and made him a worse toplaner. It's so cancer to play top when enemy laner just locks in Tahm Kench, basically it just stops you from doing anything proactive in the earlygame, and what makes it worse is how thoroughly unskilled Tahm Kench was, hit Q run them down, you win every single all in against all other melee champions.
Yeah, you start hard outscalíng Tahm Kench for 1v1s after 15-20 minutes or so, but untill then, you cant play the game.
Few things, the first being that people didn't just start building him as a bruiser because of his W change, he's always been a bruiser and always played as such, particularly in top lane. Hell, before his first rework that you didn't mention he was popular as a full tank top laner cause his W healing scaled on ability rank and max health. Speaking of his W, the defensive stats he got from his old W was why he was so good as a bruiser, with proper usage he could sit in the middle of enemy teams with fighter items and still be a massive tank. Yeah, it was never as popular as full assassin, which kind of leads to my second comment.
When you talked about how he was difficult to learn but easy to execute, that is so unbelievably accurate and so many Rengar players today still haven't even realized this very clear fact about him. I still remember how so many "Rengar mains" could literally only effectively do his "one shot combo," to the extent that once they nerfed it with a simple E cast change his winrate PLUMMETED! They couldn't play him top lane, they couldn't fight anything outside of that combo, many couldn't even properly make use of his passive leap outside of his ult, much less ever properly use his empW or empE! As a Rengar main it was actually mentally painful to have to watch the majority of other people play Rengar, and when he was changed my posts and comments about how Rengar was actually really good as a bruiser still fell on deaf ears cause even when the people who'd only learned the one-shot combo and started "maining" him actually gave it a shot they just COULD NOT even play him anymore. It was a hole second hurdle to actually fully learn him that wasn't required in order to "effectively" play him.
Even to this day, it's not as bipolar but it's why his jungle winrate is so abysmally low right now, many of the people who play him now rely on crit to one-shot but that's a game of chance, when it doesn't crit their targets don't die and they don't know how to do anything else.
On another note, you said he was "designed as an assassin but plays like a diver," and that's just inherently incorrect. Riot originally made him as a fighter, that was his original identity, he was supposed to hunt people down and skirmish through the brush of the jungle, not one-pop them. Riot fucked up by giving him stealth and recastable abilities which gave him insane burst potential, and that just stuck cause it was fun, even though I personally find him more fun fully as a diver, but like I said it takes more work to actually get good playing him as such. And again, players have not "RECENTLY" taken to itemizing as a bruiser, HE'S ALWAYS BEEN A FUCKING BRUISER lol
Personally, my opinion on his future is very unpopular, cause Riots difficulty in balancing him over his last 3 reworks and single revert is that they're now trying to build him around his assassin playstyle but don't want to lose his original identity of a diver, which creates this problem you mention of him being versatile but not specialized in either role, which is rough nowadays. So in order to properly balance him and bring him back into the meta Riot really just needs to abandon the idea of him as an assassin, cause to abandon his bruiser side would require a kit overhaul like nothing else, might as well just do a full rework again for that, but to push him back into a focus on being a diver they would only need to change some numbers;
Reduce damage on Q burst but give empowered attack speed on both normal and emp cast, while returning damage on the empQ by giving his autos bonus damage for duration and likely increasing duration so he can actually keep it up 100% of a fight if he keeps consistently using his Q.
W worked better in previous iteration, with defensive bonuses, but the cleansing of CC is more interactive, so either option can work. What should change though is the damage, it just has to be buffed to help the diver playstyle. Making it scale on HP or defensive stats would be a good start, instead of fucking AP (especially since Riot nerfed the AP scaling so AP Rengar wouldn't be viable anyways....).
His E should have it's slow buffed and it's cooldown reduced, but it's AD scaling reduced. It should be a catch tool, not part of his burst.
Ult should either be camouflage OR have a siren of his approach, it should not be both. Right now the fact that you stealth is utterly worthless, it could be removed entirely and work exactly the same. So for a diver focus, I think keeping it as a camouflage is best but remove the sirens so people don't know to run away LONG before you're ever close enough for an actual gank. Let it work as a means to gap close (movement speed and leap) but AT LEAST give him the ability to effectively bypass wards with it, cause the siren defeats that purpose right now.
Old necklace was better as well, maybe make it a trinket like Fiddlesticks gets as well, give it utility stuff instead of AD as well, like if a target kills it they remain revealed to you for a duration, and/or it gets the sweeper effect as well as a ward like Fiddle, but instead of a clone to jumpscare or trick people it could be an actual trap of some kind. Maybe a sweeper that puts a trap down where if people step in it they get revealed and pinged like a ghost poro but for longer. Idk, just having it scale on AD is the most boring and arguably worthless version the necklace has seen to date....видео.html What first word did he describe Rengar as? Definitely not bruiser.
While I agree with 90% of this, Rengar is definitely not a bruiser, as he was designed as an assassin and was also included in the assassin rework. If he performs better as a bruiser, it's on riot's balance issues, like when voyboy used to play top lane tank katarina.
@@Boneificus "Melee assassin, FIGHTER, and jungler."
At the time bruiser wasn't a thing, they were called fighters.
Also pay attention to the end, where they talk about his recommended items, where they clearly intended for him to build fighter items.
@@TheGreatAlfafa No, I addressed it in another reply but he was created so that he could fill both roles while building bruiser items. Riot wanted him to basically be a single target bruiser who would play the role of an assassin.
Riot also placed him in the diver category when they expanded on champion classifications, years ago.
Not too mention when he was included in the assassin rework Riot actually posted that they understand he doesn't necessarily fit "with the others" but they wanted to include him cause most of the community played him as an assassin.
And it's not that he "works top lane as a tank in niche scenarios or when pros use them," the dudes actually always had a higher winrate as bruiser top lane then he has in the jungle, and most of his nerfs have come from the fact that any buff to his jungle usually buffs top lane too much.
This isn't a new thing, building him as a bruiser, and it's always been intended.
Rengar is still good, There are a lot of Rengar mains in challenger in almost every region. But the point is, Not everyone is willing to play a champ which requires a lot from your brain and fingers, People are only after effortless champs, like master Yi and Yasuo.
I do agree with you (Yi 100% banrate for me cuz in low elo, everybody feeds him within 2 mins) but Yasuo does aquire a lot of skill to play correctly. Yone however doesn't, so i guess that still counts as you are right xD
rengar is strong in high elo because people undersatnd that he cant just aram. and so that lead that rengar gets is utilized better. thats why u cant buff him. because it would push him into op tier in higher lvls on play. id personally like to see them revert the W changes, and give him more dmg. so its harder to execute for more reward. like last season, but even then people will be upset so i guess it doesnt really matter lol
How is yasuo an easy champion XD?
I personally think a large part of his difference from other assassins lies in the fact that he’s really the only assassin who isn’t mostly ability based. Pretty much all of his damage is from auto attacks and I think that’s why lethality builds have slowly been replaced with bruiser builds as because he doesn’t have damaging abilities he can make as good use of lethality as some other assassins as well as what you stated about his escape tools being limited
To add to this, The only dps build that capitalizes on auto attacks is crit, but his clear without tiamat is too weak to warrant having enough income (unless you snowball) to buy crit items reliably.
The W gave him more sustain in my opinion. Double W will basicly heal you 100% of the damage you took in 1.5 sec. He got the most OP trading in the game if he don't get bursted, that's why top lane rengar is more popular but jungle knife cat is still a great pick.
I was dying for someone to do this champ, as a rengar main, this made my day, thanks Vars!
Maybe Riot can give Rengars R second cast wich would allow him to jump agin - to chosen location, to ally champ, or another enemy (one of those possibilities or few combined - alla of them would be too OP) without needing to go in bush agin. Would kinda solve his escape ability.
Very Good Idea :)
i think if he got slightly reworked by changing his ult to invis instead of camo and giving him the ability to re cast nerfed version of his ult if he has max ferocity this version would have camo and would only last 3 sec he would be good again
I love how you made more of a Why No One Plays Rengar Anymore video! Great idea! Do you think you could make a Why No One Plays Syndra Anymore video? I know she used to be popular, but now she's in the D tier for mid lane.
I would like to see more rengars in my games even if that means occasionally getting oneshot but still better than yone or katarina deleting the entire team.
Just got this recommended. Very informative video with great editing and it really seems like you did your research. Subbed!
Welcome! Hope you can take a look at my other content too :3
It's actually so weird hearing you say that rengar is not that good and then hear a Rengar main like Dekar say he's completely overpowered
Dekar is known for smurfing in bronze games just watch his streams and you will see the enemy team just plays really bad.
he does have a good account but it is still na
@@zambaretulzambitor3713 How does this have anything to do with dekar saying rengar is overpowered lol.
Did not expect Rengar to be in this series. Great video and I really like how he is now. He has more option and require more than just mashing Q. Rengar's play style now represent his lore much better. 10/10.
pov: hes khazix with extra steps atm
i don't know man, rengar feel like i am playing khazix without waiting for my evolution
If you wait for the evolution, you are playing kha'zix wrong. You can still do dmg without the evolution
Thats not how POV works
I've played League for 2 years now, and I fell in love with Rengar. He is the most fun to play, to me at least, but you know what is not fun?.... having to spend 2 years straight learning a champ so well that you can do the same you can do on Warwick in a 2 hour first time play afternoon.... its ridiculous how much harder it is for you as a Rengar otp to achieve the same as a kha6 player that just picked up the guy.... I really love this champ and I wont stop playing him, but I do hope they buff the dude, not with more damage, but with a different tools.... right now is a win hard or lose hard.... no middle ground at all
In Wild Rift, Rengar is quite populer
There is every game this weird coinflip about the drakes, you can get fire drake and your brushes just gets burned away or get lucky with water or maybe air drake, it`s pure rng
So true, I lose so many fights with infernal that i just pray i never get it regardless of the AD that it gives me
meanwhile in WildRift
if old rengar would to be released in this meta, he would be considered healthy.
because before, there were no shield items that would protect mages, adcs. There were no support items that would peel carries. there wasn't as much mobility.
there are other assassins now that can do his job so much better.
Yet here in Wild Rift: he’s very popular along with LS and Master Yi
That's low elo you talking about ._.
@@redcraft6038 Well I don’t really mean he’s very popular. I’m in Platinum rank and I still see alot of people play him
@@Chrono_topher What is Ls
@@joeyishere9498 Lee Sin (LS for short)
@@Chrono_topher O, I forgot this Champions, Cause i were Same rank with youbut i always see Eyelnn and Khazix
kinda funny how u say ppl dont play him because hes so flexible (which makes him hard to play) but that is exactly the reason why i love him so much. because of incredible versatility
weirdly i started playing him when people stopped playing him
The other thing that really hurt Rengar more than a lot of champs is the randomness of elemental rifts. Infernal Rift and Ocean Rift both COMPLETELY change his options. Your ability to utilize your passive either disappears or becomes insane, respectively.
His winrate on ocean drake actually goes down, on infernal its 60% (his best one)
I think that Rengars must get flamed in all chat pretty much every game.
Usually yes, especially in low elo people don't understand how he functions and it's hard to carry.
set doing 1k true damage at 13:31 and almost one shotting the twitch really shows how far the game has come
Let's do the camouflage thing to Shaco
He is more viable toplane than jungle now. Especially now, with longer leap, with growing popularity of ranged tops. He is good against ranged toplaners, which makes him great. I definitely prefer to pick Rengar than Renekton for example when I need to deal with Quinn, Jayce, or Vayne. He is also great splitpusher when go bruiser build. Has good 1v1, destroys turrets fast with empowered q (especially equipped with Hullbreaker), has good waveclear with hydra, and good escape.
As a Rengar main since S2, I couldn't be happier. The current Rengar's kit is the most versatile one. There are some many possibilities that (in my opinion) playing assassin rengar is a waste. Bruiser/fighter is so much fun, and the fact that nobody else is playing him is good 'cause that means you can pick him more often and there won't be nerfs in sight.
I agree wholeheartedly, the only time when u dont get to pick him if there another one-trick on the enemy team
I remember that Rengar's ult didn't even pop an exclamation mark on enemies to alert them of his presence while he was invisible at first lol
and bonetooth necklace was an item that only rengar could buy
Vars is getting more comfortable with the swearing lol but I want to mention the Rengar vs Kha'Zix. Kha'Zix is made to be extremely adaptable while Rengar is only good near brushes. They are opposites. Kha'Zix is better generally because that's how he was made but near brushes Rengar will come out on top every time. Rengar is stronger but only near brushes. Kha'Zix is more adaptable but is squishier. My personal opinion is that Rengar is stronger since he can destroy anyone wgen near a brushes but I also main Illaoi so Im kind of used to having to be near something to do good.
I play both rengar and kha, and honestly if they both go head to head, and they're both even and the kha knows what hes doing, its hard for the rengar to pull ahead. I mean in the latest of games with full bone tooth and like a mega crit build rengar might edge out the W but that just proves he SCALES harder than kha. Which, at almost every other stage of the game if the 2 are even, kha's gonna win.
the thing about rengar is he's *too dependent* on brush. while near brush, he can jump infinitely and be a slippery assassin but what can he do when outside brush? almost nothing. you get kited to death without your precious brush
"90% of his damge is single target"
Looks at AP Rengar
Good video as always.
I miss the old triple W burst....
I feel like Rengar is one of those champs that fall of pretty hard in these current years to the point he's only good in hands that KNOWS him. He was the definition of oneshotting, in a world that oneshotting was a "thing" and not every single day in League of Legends.
I would be happy that Rengar isn’t getting played but if it’s not him, it’s someone else. Also, Vars needs to vent and just make a whole ass video on talking shit about Yone.
rengar kit problem is exactly what nocturne has , both designed to be assassins but both must fight their way out like bruisers and divers and that's not very healthy for assassins
I think rengar has alot more issues than nocturne.
I don't know if I am worthy to say about Rengar cause I play him on Wild Rift. He is one of my main. (Yasuo, Zed, Rengar, Pantheon, Rengar) I always have this feeling starting the match with Rengar. It feels like I have to win this early game no matter what. When I get my first kill, I have the thought "THIS MATCH IS MINE". Each time I lock on to an enemy using my ult, I can already sense their fear. This feeling of joy and excitement makes the win and lose feel worthless. If I win, I win. If I lose, play again until I win. It's always the thrill that makes me love playing him. And his lore is the first one I've fully read by myself. His story is good too. I hope all the fellow Rengar mains feel the same. It doesn't matter if they nerf him, I will just play him better.
Rengar for sure needs a little touch up to keep himself up with the times
As someone who mained rengar before maining jhin i can confidently say rengar was a very amazing champ to play before riot decided to nerf him into oblivion and while he is still a good pick hes not super great and if he picks the wrong fight hes inindefinite trouble its feast or famon but the only ones feasting are the dedicated players and everyone else suffers at an extreme level
And as a comment pointed out fire removing the bushes is a big downside for him but ocean bringing more bushes is ironically his lowest winrate one of them all last i heard
honestly, yes, rengar is much worse as of now but he isnt really DEAD, he's super rewarding and fun to play so as long as u put the time to play him he brings super big kitty power to the table, fuck zed tho
he is actually kinda dead as a jungler. you can still see him in top
for those curious, song is "storm clouds" from fire emblem awakening, thank me later
Rengar is just Kha'zix but more difficult to get into playing.
I think I am one of the few Rengar mains who actually has very few problems with the way he currently works. Rengar is first and foremost a hunter and predator and I think the kit reflects that quite well. You don't see predators walking directly up to the thing they are hunting they stalk them and strike them down when the best opportunity arrives. He excels early game because of his diversity with choice and the power they provide when it comes to his empowered abilities. Understanding jungle, how it works completely, and how other jungle champions play the role, is nearly a necessity for this champion because of the way he is designed. Knowing all this allows you to especially exploit his empowered abilities early game and find that opportunity when the enemy jungle is vulnerable, resulting in an earned killed not a "lucky kill" that some people say you need to be given in order to pop off. The most important aspect of his ultimate people seem to forget is the True Sight it gives you. Late into the game when you can spam it, it provides insane ability at spotting the enemy team. Furthermore, it's a gross counter to champs with true stealth, you just pop it and let your team do the work while you sit in your ult. Yes, Rengar is an assassin but it's a team game, his kit gives so much utility to help your team out in creative ways. The most disappointing aspect of his current state is the fact that when you ult it completely ruins the element of surprise that Rengar is designed around. Any good player will watch for the symbol over their head or where it moves throughout the group to pinpoint him, completely denying him a chance to use his kit. Even if you wait for your target to misposition in a team fight and then pop it, more often than not, the enemy team will locate the symbol and swarm whoever it is over, again denying you the chance to use the champion for its exact purpose, and exploit the enemies mistake.
I dont think theme really matters for champions. I mean renekton is an alligator. He does not play like an alligator.
@@osyrisking5437 That's just a horrible generalization of the champion. Renekton is an alligator in APPEARANCE not theme. "Renekton is a terrifying, rage-fueled Ascended being from the scorched deserts of Shurima," straight from the LoL website, this is reflected in his kit with his rage bar and ultimate. If you take a look at a lot of the recently released champions their lore/theme is taken into heavy consideration into the champion's design so that they make sense together. Rengar is literally the PrideSTALKER, keyword STALKER.
The reason why people doesn’t play rengar is because they don’t know how to play him, all they do is build one shot and complain if the enemy has 4 tanks and falls off the game.
No. Lol no one plays assassin rengar anymore. I just tried with an entire squish comp and bot lane just went double exhaust and adc with immortal bow and Katrina with zhonyas. I knew it was a long shot even with their entire comp being squishy but it still didn't matter. Too much easily attainable anti assassin utility in the game for anyone to go rengar assassin. Other assassins have built in escapes. He doesn't so it makes him pointless to go assassin and everyone that plays rengar knows it
I feel like the biggest problem is just the meta changes that have occurred recently. One big thing that comes comes mind is stopwatch. Sure it's a one time use, but it can be a game changer if you're not paying attention. Another problem is elemental dragons. Rengar either gets a decent buff or a huge nerf depending on with dragon you roll. Nowadays it's become so hard to get a lead that players have even opted into taking ignite instead of flash into the jg, something I've been trying out recently and it actually help. You do speak some truth though, there are a lot of people who don't know how to play rengar and it's too much of a hassle to have to lean him when other Champs do his job better
I saw this on reddit about a month or so ago, im very excited to see what the video has to say on my main because he doesn't feel nearly as good to play as he used to.
1 year later, hes even worse now. I've seen rengar i think 2 or 3 times in the past 3 months. The champ is so shit its actually hilarious. Oh, look at that, here comes a jungler with 4 dashes, infinite attack speed, a ton of true damage, lifesteal, impossible-to-dodge cc, damage immunity(pretty much as she takes negative damage when she uses her E). Oh, would you look at that, here comes another jungler
"a new champ?"
no, a rework of udyr
"oh it's udyr, i mean theres no way the rework will be broken, right....right??"
No idea how to even begin with this bs. Just play against an udyr, you will instantly realize how broken he is.
And then we have Rengar. Good champ, nice champ, fun champ. Too bad he is:
useless till level 6
if the enemies have flash, heal, barrier or literally any kind of summoner spell they can escape him and live
Assuming they did that rengar is now even more behind because he lost R, smite and didnt take camps
Every champ has a dash now
some champs are just too tanky with way too much overlapping damage like udyr
infernal soul removes bushes
has shit late game(40 mins in) +
its too hard to even get somewhere in early to mid game.
Waiting for more easy level 3 ganking infinite scaling best lategame tanky speedy junglers riot, keep them coming! Rengar is balanced!
If they made it so that he only needed to participate in the kill, the pressure would be eased from his shoulders.
Kindred, for example, only needs to participate in the kill of her marked target. Rengar on the other hand, has to kill the target himself.
With the hunter runes in the red rune tree, everyone has a little bit of Kindred in them, which means they all have a little bit of Rengar in them due to him coming out first.
I'd still keep the whole "Rengar has to be the one to land the killing blow on Kha'Zix and visaversa" shtick. It's a fun gimmick and there should be more rivalry things like this in the game. Garen vs Darius for example, or Morgana vs Kayle. Pantheon vs Aatrox. Aurelion vs Zoe. Renekton vs Nasus. Sona vs Seraphine.
03:35 Oh no a champ thats able to go invis and attack whoever he wants to while all the enemies know is that he is there? Seems insanely broken
Btw rito pls buff Shaco Q, maybe a minute or 2 of invisibility before the oneshot with one button and escape would be nice
As an OTP Rengar, right now he's too hard to escale in the Jungle, you have more chances on top lane but after they changed the Tiamat there's no way to do one shot cancelling animations and you need to farm a lot and let the enemy jungler mad behind to do something. I think if Riot removes camouflaging of his R and put it invisible again, and buff his Q damage a lil bit + not loosing passive stacks while u r not fighting will bring him at least tier 3 because he has been tier 5 for the last 3 seasons and riot just don't care about it.
Where the hell did all my HP go
It was there just a second ago
I thought his magic damage was too low
So i wanna know...
How'd AP Rengar get fed?
I try to farm and I'm dead
Walk out of base and I'm dead
So I wanna know...
How AP Rengar got fed!
hahaha how indeed ?
They should just rework rengar's ultimate. Current is just a shit version of it's former self for the sake of balance. A huge pancard on your head saying Rengar is about to come at you, him showing on random pinks and ruining the whole purpose of the ult, being outright useless in team fighting, not having an actual ultimate restricts him from being played top lane effectively because you are missing a skill while the enemy has their best one. A lot of times when I'm playing Rengar top, the matchup magically turns into me losing trades and not being able to fight the enemy anymore simply because they got their ult and ı don't have an ultimate. Also like 7 times out of 10 while playing Rengar, you don't even get to jump on enemies with your ult because everybody is just waiting for you to land so they can fuck you up, you end up jumping on a plant or a minion. İf they actually give him an ult which takes care of the obvious problem, team fighting and escape power, he would be played by many more and would be much stronger. The rest of the kit is just simply perfect. Love him so much but ult being this clunky and telegraphed is just unacceptable.
not true, people still play him, he is just a toplaner now
there are people that still play rengar Master and above. But ye Rengar top is waaay easier to pull off than jungle.
the absolute opposite is true, jungle mains are just animals. Like what is a hecarim player gonna do on rengar but int? Too on the other hand you have to learn to play so many matchups and alot of them play and build very differently
@@giletteadri467 im a toplaner (dont play rengar)
im literally changing every match my runes, items and playstyle. everything on the same champion.... even calls me a generalist even when I play only 1 champ...
Flashbacking to when he didnt have an indicator for the hunted and could literally kill you without anyone noticing.
4:20 rengar skill floor was lowered, not raised, thats a very common mistake
One thing I would like to add is that this champion is so ridiculously buggy. Navori Quickblades literally does not work on him, when you have 4 stacks his regular W doesn't show the correct cooldown, his animations are jarring, etc. There's a video compiling 30+ Rengar bugs that still have not been fixed. It makes Rengar really frustrating to play despite being one of my favorite champions and I hope they would take a look at them because I believe that if Rengar was more popular his bugs would have been hotfixed a long time ago. These bugs can be really impactful with how precise you have to play as Rengar and can be so detrimental when one mistake takes you out of the game entirely.
Sheesh, one of the worst junglers right now. Good thing I'm in silver where anything works out.
In Silver you can make him look the best jgler don't worry
3:50 actually the rengar R' rework in s7 was makig his next jump to marked target 100% crits. What you show was after his Q re-reworked
Yesterday playing as k6 and i out objective (drs and 1 rh)a rengar so hard with a considerable mastery points ( we had both mecha skins lmfao) ...and It tells you much about the champ as i am not a very good jg..out kda was close though still i had the better ganks overall and it says something really about the champ and not player IMO
when ever i see a rengar with the mecha skin i doubt that he is a rengar main, the skin's animation are bad and it feels cluncky to play
@@naser3000x well i was lucky that wasnt a good rengar ...the game ended before we can do the event though but it would be a little risky as a scaled rengar can one shot me ez more than i can more shot him
Rengar is one of the very few assassins who, when i get killed by them, I can actually see and appreciate that they are a good Rengar. The mechanics are p hard and force quick and difficult decision making, he needs to be piloted well enough to get to his mid game in a healthy state and without tiamat his clear takes a bit of practice to get down. And on top of that he can only take out 1 person at a time. A good rengar is a good player, where as most other assassins (and lets be honest slayers too) feel like incredibly cheap picks with very braindead escapes.
Me, an Ivern main: *I am glad nobody plays him*
They better give him a mini rework to put him in par with other assassins , since it seems like every other assassin has an extra that lets them excell at their job while rengar just finds himself in a hardspot specially with recent nerfs/deletion of core items that synergized with his kit
dont give him mini rework revert ult to inviz agin and give him more ad thats all he needs to be competetive agin
Every assassin in decay, is a smile in my face
Kha'zix is the only one that keeps evolving.
And on top of all that you said, he has 30+ bugs, and Riot August said his code is such a mess, it's a pain in the ass just to look on it.
More like THANK GOD no one plays rengar
Seeing a decent wr kitty 1trick is horrifying
I feel like they could change him so his ult gives him invisibility not stealth, but doesn't let him leap. That way he could still get to the backline but there wouldn't be all this difficulty with balance around his burst combo.
Terrible idea, without the jump he can't get 4 stacks of ferocity + thats the only unconditional jump he has in his kit.
Yeah i remember liking Rengar so much when i first got into league, but thought he was too hard to play (back when he still had his bonetooth passive). He's not a champ that lends himself to a "Do A, then B, then C and you win" formula, he's more of "if this, then do that, maybe -- it depends" champ, Seeing him here makes me think about trying to learn him. I feel like making an account playing him and Azir (who I've also needed to learn for a long time)
Rengar is so damn satisfying to watch; I honestly don't even mind when I'm killed by him