I definitely agree with your ideas for why Tryndamere is not played. He's a really hard champion to play, despite how simple and plain his kit is, which makes him not very popular. Thanks for the shoutout! I'm doing my best to correct Tryndamere not being played much by offering a fun playstyle that works well enough to even be challenger with it.
Heyy! Glad you could catch the video. I hate you for one tricking one of the most frustrating champions to go up against but respect you for also picking one of the hardest champions to play in high elo XD
@@VarsVerum You shoulda pointed out how Tryndamere is a diver adc which is why his r is needed for his kit. Your video was really good about talking about how Tryndamere isn't as easy as he seems but I feel like you should have talked more about what his r does and why he needs his r.
@@VarsVerum Unlike Yasuo and Yone in team fights he has to go in as he is unable to play the standard front-to-back playstyle as his range is abysmal while being as squishy as an adc. This gives him a "brain dead" look as you see Tryndameres rush into the enemy team when going for a typical 5v5 fight as that is usually their only option when unable to a flank off.
@@VarsVerum Oh, I almost forgot about the complexity of his r as it isn't just a boom im invulnerable to the damage button as it requires Tryndamere to predict the enemies damage as Tryndamere needs to time his r correctly so that he can do the highest amount of damage possible in the 5 second time frame as after Tryndameres r is popped he is quite useless especially later on as he is a melee adc that has no real counterplay, unlike Yasuo and Yone. Because of this Tryndamere ends up not able to play the game for 60 seconds late game as killing Tryndamere is quite easy but living against Tryndamere is hard(obv when he has r).
One of the highest base damage in the game, has ridiculous sustain, dashes that can go over walls, can debuff enemies and an ult that prevents him from dying. What can possibly go wrong with this character? Well.... everything else.
@@VarsVerum love the videos man and I bought myself playing azir after the video of why no one plays azir and now I’m M5 with 4 S’es and elder wood skin
It would be great to see a series called "Why everyone hates", in which we see why some champions are really disliked in the community like Yuumi, Irelia, Yuumi...
A friend of mine once said that playing Trynd was like playing single player in a multiplayer game. It can be rewarding, but it also creates bad habits and when you lose you'll be firmly reminded that this is a multiplayer game first.
Another good thing about his W which also helps with splitpushing is that it locates nearby champions since you can't use it if no enemies are in range. With this you always know if some1 is waiting for you in a bush or is just around a corner
@@andychua2766 Completely true. Just happens so often with Trynd because he's less good at teamfighting than a lot of other split pushers, like Nasus, Sion or Yorick.
But only the enemy Tryn one trick. The ally Tryn one trick, meanwhile, dies once top and runs it down mid starting from 5 minutes onwards until they decide to finally leave the game if the game hasn't ended yet by 25 minutes.
The reason is simple his usefulness is tied to his ult; once his ult is on cooldown then he's pretty much useless against anything with even a single ranged ability
@@jaishkhan7442 A buff won't help, it'll lead to him being exactly the same but with higher highs. What do you buff that tackles the inherent flaws of his kit? You can buff his dmg or lower his cooldowns or change any stats you want, but he will still be a squishy melee ADC who struggles against tanks and CC. Buffing him will make him 2x more oppressive against immobile squishes but just as useless vs Leona. So he'll have the same exact struggles but be even more annoying when he's ahead.
@@jaishkhan7442 The thing that most crazy me is how much bruisers and tanks are strong in this season. A lot of ap mage champions who have a LOT of hp and still one shoots. His damage being mostly attack speed focused even when you build galeforce (you don't build essense reaver or hydra anymore, bork either). You are more outsustained than before. Etc etc etc... People don't realize there are a really little amount of casual players of tryndamere, and the people that they seeing crushing in low elo ranks with tryn are a lot of otp who are masters in the champ and try to keep him alive, fogged and yasukeh have helped a lot in this.
Tryndamere taught me a lot of stuff about wave management, matchups, towerdives etc. Because he’s so unforgiving, I think he’s one of the best champions to learn the game on. Yes, even more than Garen.
100% agree. He is simple but EXTREMELY unforgiving if an opponent fucks up Plus he is a fun champ that is very forgiving for learning how to split push. Both because of his ult and mobility, but also for how snowbally he is (which has been the only thing in league that's mattered since I started playing)
@@NeuroNinjaAlexander pretty sure "unforgiving" means you can't afford to mess up while playing him not facing him, which is still wrong, 5 seconds of death immunity and the ad debuff is more than enough to turn the tables on the enemy especially if he's an ad based champion
@@ApocalypticFart What? I re-read my comment like 3 times trying to understand what you're talking about in relation to my comment I wrote that if an opponent fucks up he fucks them up. And because of his mobility he is easy to split push on There's literally nothing wrong with either of those statements. Did you mean to reply to me lol
Before I watch the video, as a Tryndamere main: - He is widely hated as a character, for his high damage and 1v1/2 power but inability to teamfight, and having the best ultimate in the goddamn game - The most extreme example of a superultimate champion, he has an OP ultimate, an ok E that is only saved by its ridiculously low cooldown if you can crit, a meh W and a Q that is utterly useless past the early game, not even healing for that much. No CC, no teamfight capabilities, his damage only really comes from basic attacks - Although he isn't hard mechanically, he is counterintuitive, and people picking him up for the first time just don't understand what they're doing wrong with him - His power curve is weird. Level one is highly hazardous and RNG-reliant, he is then relatively weak until level 6 where he is super strong, then slowly falls behind unless he can snowball, but comes back roaring in the very late game - He doesn't fit in any elo: in low elo where you want to carry games alone, you cannot sync with your team because 80% of the time the four of them will be de-synced, you can't rely on them to have good vision, and you push in the constant fear that your team just engages 4v5 for no reason and dies, or 3 people just rotate on you and your team does not ping it; and in high elo, where you can rely on your team, well you don't bring much to the table for yourself: no utility, no cc, and no tankiness (aside from your ult but in that case you need to choose between frontlining and then just leaving, and actually doing damage): you're a really selfish champion after all - Splitpushing is not that good in the current meta After having watched: yeah I pretty much agree. The counterintuitivity is pretty well explained in the second point, and so have the other problems. Good job. I will say, in conclusion, that Tryndamere is a champion based more around knowledge than anything else. He's a keep-cool, all-brainer. Feel free to ask me anything you wonder about the champion
As a Trynda main I agree with you. Pretty ironic that a champion with a "braindead" kit requires knowledge and patience to play him more than anything else
In my opinion as a tryn main, while he is good at split pushing and a great duelist, he can also be used as engage and as a tank for a couple seconds to distract the team if you are fed enough, (at least in low elo), so if you're fed enough you can usually engage in a teamfight and come out pretty much unscathed most of the time.
Not gonna lie, this one felt a lot more tame compared to others. Sometimes with this series we realize a character just has it bad on multiple fronts and they can't do much about it like Lissandra, but in Tryndamere's case its more along the lines of "the few downsides that come with playing Tryndamere, but whatever".
It is. Tryd’s wave clear isn’t that bad compared to other similar champs (with his e, he doesn’t even need Tiamat when that still have an active) All he mentioned isn’t really big problems. Team doesn’t understand Split Push? Just do ur thing and team will eventually understand u. The main issue for Tyrd is too easily kited in team fights, and without actual Cc for team fight.
I'm rank 2 trynd na, loved the video. I agreed with so many of the points you brought up and watching you disect my champ made me feel really happy. Most people just think my champ is braindead and very easy, but it took me a few years before I was able to hold a 65-70% Winrate in diamond. I speak for all trynd onetricks when I say great video!
So happy to finally see my main boi! I think you perfectly hit the nail on the head, however I'd like to add that season 11 has not been kind to us. The crit changes nerfed him, they removed the auto reset on tiamat, and plated steelcaps make your autos feel like wet noodles until you get IE. However Tryndamere is my favorite champ and I encourage anyone looking to play him to watch NEACE coaching on him as its one of the best learning tools for the Angriest Man Alive
same, i love him and i even bought the bloodmoon and a chroma for it because I love him so much but I know deep inside that once they rework him, he just won't be the same. if they ever do rework him to the point I won't enjoy it anymore I plan to main sett tho
i'm right now otp, i have 700k mastery points. I too main kayn but with 300 only. Before kayn was my otp, and i used some times other champs (sometimes i use others too, but almost always lose if i don't use Tryn or Kayn xd). I remember the first time i meet tryn, got the nightmare skin in chest, and i tried the champ, i was bronze, i was really really awful playing him, and after i reacher silver almost gold, it was worst. I could not play him well. Then i got another skin, monster hunter . Two skin already and i didn't even play the champ. And i keep just playing him ocassionally, but one of those times i tried, i played really good, i liked so much that game and started to develop a liking to the champ. Then i started to playing one game after other, losing all XD. And playing like shit. I just could not care about it, i just wanted to play him. After some time, i was decent enough, but still not enough and a lot of champions would kill me. Then i discovered fogged, then i discovered some tricks in other places, and i became one of the best otps of the game (i'm really good but my macro game is really bad XD)
Even though he’s technically viable in almost all ranks, he is not only a bit boring to play due to his stack checky nature (See Trundle) but his main playstyle of split pushing can be outright counted by good enough macroplay, meaning if his main strat is punished, he has to rely on flanking, which is also not great since he’s very kitable.
@@N12015 kinda but its generally because he doesnt have good gank setups so in pro play they can literally just slow push into tryn and dive with the jungler
Calling tryn a stat check champion is selling the champ short and trundle takes skill and is ftun if you play pillar max. If he has ghost hes flanks are very threatening and he can work in high challenger look up rangerzx he consistenly goes to high challenger with solo tryn
He's just the perfect one trick Champion in my opinion. Simple kit but still with enough subtleties to not get boring too fast, which means that you reach the point of normally very small, not-so-important minor differences (I'm talking 1-2% on the outcome) in different decisions you take. Which, at least for me, is one of the most fun and motivating things about being a one-trick: squeezing out those last .1% effectiveness out of every situation, min-maxing everything. And I can fully understand that this might not appeal to most of the other players. Also, I am really glad you point out the major differences in playstyle, regarding win conditions and everything. Especially in lower elos, I had that experience countless times: people blaming me for basically focusing on my laning for 15-20 min straight without really doing much apart from maybe one or two short visits at herald or in the enemy jungle, and then basically transitioning to splitting or flanking in team fights. There is no way you get behind the frontline when facing a cc heavy opponent when just running into a team head on. It is way more effective to either wait and play the cleanup crew (dueling, the opponent most likely isn't retreating as a full group of 5), or to exert pressure somewhere else on the map (say splitting on sidelane or even soloing objectives with good q sustain after it is maxed out.
Another thing worth mentioning for Trynd is that his R can be cast through cc (even through suppression). I believe this is the only non-cleansing ability in the entire game with this characteristic. If not for this, Trynd might actually be a pretty useless champion. A lot of what Trynd has going for him is that you can't ever stop him from becoming unkillable when he needs it the most (well, unless he fails ult, but that's on the Trynd player). Otherwise it'd be super easy to either kill him while he's cc'd or force him to ult super early, wasting most of the duration of the ult.
I mainly play Tryn but im bringing him in the jungle. His clear is insane if you "intentionally mismanage" your health pool, allows you to pick your fights and get over your items much more smoothly, without being bullied by toplaners. Can also gank pretty well and both smites are amazing on him.
I think it's because splitpushers are no longer as prevalent. Everything people want to do now is unga unga teamfight until one team dies long enough so they end the game.
It's so annoying, even if a minor "draw pressure" incidence instead of full split pushing, when you're in one lane, maybe with your jungler securing a kill, and your teammate(s) just roam up to join you because they dont know where to be, and see you're up there. But they joined you too late and get caught out by the whole team rotating for us.
Riot is actively trying to remove split pushing in it's entirety, because it's effective; trying to promote "team play" but introducing so new many bs 1v5 champs. Riot is so clueless on their own game it's actually laughable.
I agree 100% with what you're saying. Also, i loved that you pointed out Yasukeh, been using his playstyle a lot. I once got killed by a zed and lost lane because i had 40% crit chance but only got 1 crit in 7 attacks. Feels bad man
I played Tryndamere last season a few months after I started, stopped to play jungle and now, I'm picking him up again. The bonking feels too good. Honestly I agree with your points, he also is basically an ADC, but you don't need a support. Also, Tryndamere sort of needs a lead to be useful, so, for a more scaly champ, its another weird thing. Great video man, keep it up !
as a tryndamere main its frustrating and annoying how people are so incorrect about tryndamere so im kinda impressed how someone like you that doesnt main him has taken the time to understand him to a knowledgable extent.
good vid, i used to be a trynda main but switched from top to jungle last season so now im playing xin. Still fun as hell to play trynda top once i a while!
His weakness of split pushing as a win-con is also what makes him an attractive champion. There is satisfaction in knowing that you were the reason for your loss. If you stomp your lane you will have a huge impact and don't need to rely on your team for team fights particularly much because you split push.
When I started playing league more early 2020 Tryndamere was my first main and I one tricked him for some time mostly in the midlane. Though I branched out to other champs I kept coming back every session at least once to play the man. After preseason 11 that changed though, what mostly stopped me from playing him was the crit reduction on full items and the changes to tiamat, an item my playstyle was built around. The change from two longswords and a rejuvenation bead to a pickaxe, so you could no longer start the build path level 0 and the removal of the active ability made the item hard to build. No tiamat meant that hard shoving wave and running between raptor camps was no longer viable. Then later they also removed sanguine blade, an item that was particularly useful in a damage based split pushing build instead of hull breakers more tankiness focused split pushing ability. Though I might pick him up again having seen this video, I'm inspired.
The best thing for me is how consistent he is on laning phase, if you choose the right runes and build there ir always a way to kill the enemy laner if they mess up. If they play correctly you can always farm with infinite sustain. The worst thing ever is to time your ultimate late game, is very hard to macimize ult demage. if you ult early you dont do enought demage, if you ult late you die, that is the worst for me. It is also bad have to wait to fight with you ult up
As a trynd main for over 3 years now, I think the main reason why only 1 tricks play him is because he is the ultimate stat checker. Meaning, you must know if you'll win a fight before you engage, otherwise you will likely die as his kit relies on all ins. This only comes with practising the matchups consistently.
I played Heroes of the Storm before the splitpushing nerf in 2019 so that taught me alot about splitpush macro and trading objectives. Picking up that strategy wasn't hard, andTryndamere was a fun pick for awhie, but his gameplay is one dimensional. Fiora is still based on splitting but has a much more mechanically expressive kit.
Another point I will add as a tryndamere main is that he is countered most by CC. As such your power spikes can be significantly slowed down by the need to purchase QSS. He also struggles more than many top laners by being counterpicked by specific champions like Teemo, Jax, Quinn, and Garen. Jax and Teemo cripple your damage with blind and counterstrike while still being able to inflict their full damage during the duration. Garen and Quinn cripple your chase potential by silence and counter engage that prevent you from sticking to them. He also struggles to kill champions that can stack armor while also dealing significant damage through abilities (Darius, Malphite, Volibear). All these factors combined make it feel like if you want to beat your opponents, you have to be substantially better than them at wave management, positioning, and knowledge of power spikes in order to win lane. This leads to most tryndamere champions being one tricks because of the massive learning curve needed to overcome all of these challenges.
A thing about Tryndamere that i don't understand is why the sultan skin has much better feeling on autoattacks as animations that both recent skins and even the legendary one are the exact same of the base skin
As a trynd main starting in season 3 I can confidently say this video show cases the love that hooks you not the current reality. His crippling bane is kite and every champion in the game has a slow. Also about 60% of my games are cloth 5 into a 5 min bramble negating all my juicy stats. Mid is really the only way to have fun and it’s not that great for the champion.
Hey Vars once again an excellent video. Can't wait for the next one you do. Since you already have done Kha'zix's, when will you do Rengar? Also what video category would you say Rengar is in?
aight i had to comment lol, so being new to League (2 weeks in), I've loved maining trynd and have carried a few matches with him using your exact playstyle mentioned. I do agree with the drawbacks as they have caused many loses too, but like u said, for the people who do main trynd or one trick with him, it makes it look so nice lol. I personally want to dedicate my time to this champion because of how underated he is. I always tend to think trynd is broken late game lol, but i have friends who beg to differ. All in all a great anaylsis video :)
I need to tell that Trynda feels like champion that needs rework in need future, but Riot don't know how to rework him to not make a situation similar to Aatrox or Kayle reworks. And also i think that Cho'Gath and Corki are in similar spots, there are just enough players that like those characters that they don't want them to be "deleted", but there's cost of being rarely played.
Well for me one of the most fun thing to do with tryndamere is go doransshield fleet footwork into a heavy poke midlane and just not dodge anything and taunt them while they tryhard hitting every abilities and I keep healing back.
trynd’s crits arnt entirely rng, theres a gameplay mechanic where the more autos you have that dont crit, the more likely you are to crit, and vice versa. his damage is actually pretty calculable early and as an otp its pretty clear to me when i win and lose regardless of if i get a few lucky crits. id say luck is only a huge factor in matchups where your only way to trade unless the enemy makes a huge mistake is auto e away like darius. other than that i think this video is really accurate
oh yes! you forgot an honorable mention: several seasons ago, AP trynd used to be a thing, Foggedftw2 used to abuse it in NA and got to challenger because of it. Riot saw him abusing it to climb, so they nerfed to the ground. 1 person out of the entire NA server lmao.
Id love to see a "Why NO ONE Plays: Quinn" I dont remember when, but a good 3 or so years ago I played her in ARAM and loved her. Since then she has always been a strong pick for me in top lane when im not playing mid. She is rarely ever played. On one hand I can see why in some cases. but on the other, she is still an incredibly strong pick. Decent Mobility, damage. A brief vision buff, bonus atk spd and movement, her dash cancels out some abilities like garen silence. So im just wondering what your thoughts are
The game gave me the Demonic skin for free and so he's been chosen as my main coming back to the game after years from being away from the game. So much fun!
Mained jg starting s4, got bored and decided to play top. Picked up trynd a little bit over a year ago. He has become my all time favorite champ. He is so addicting to play. On paper, he looks easy to play, since he does so much dmg. However, I found that laning phase was tricky when I first started playing him. Way trickier than every other champ I play. He can be very weak and very strong, depending on the matchup, his level, and fury. You need very specific knowledge about every matchup in order to be consistently good with him. The biggest tilter is when you get horrible crit luck early game. It can literally lose you lane. Learning how to trade with him is more crucial to winning lane than any other champ. Due to his q heal you can take trades that don’t seem optimal. Basically, you’re thinking 3min ahead of slowly wearing down your opponent’s health or mana and outsustain them via your q heal. Wave management is also very important, but even more so with trynd. If you get an early lead you can control the wave so you can get a nice slow push and dive the enemy with your ult. At that point, there’s honestly not much tour enemy can do. He’s interesting in that once you get a lane matchup, it becomes very easy to replicate. For instance, people say malphite counters him but he really doesn’t, some for shen. Yes they are stronger than you at certain times, but you can beat them. For instance beating malphite basically means you need to get a very early kill. After that, you cannot kill him so forget about that. Instead focus on draining his mana and forcing him to back so you can hard shove, take enemy jg camps or gank mid. That’s another thing, with trynd it’s all about rotations. Even if you’re against a fiora late game who will rip you a new hole (I frankly perma ban her, hate giving an ass whooping in lane to only have her pop me before I can even ult lol), you can out rotate her and clear faster. That means you can force a 5v4 with your team or just take enemy jg or get vision.
As a Vlad constantly splitpush I totally understand why splitting is so hard to pull off, like stars need to be aligned to have a good splitpush. Yes splitpush sometimes wins me games but I need to act like the mastermind and calculate everything could go wrong. Can their top laner shut me down completely? Can we contest objectives? Is the wave good to pressure at least an inhib tower? Will I be in a correct timing to force them to a lose-lose situation? Can my team not int into an 4v5 when I am not here? A lot of seemingly brain dead champion like jax and Tryndamire actually takes a lot to master just because how complicated splitting is
Trynd was literally my first "get me out of silver" champs and i hit gold 1 with him due to understanding the splitpush and pressuring your opponent into dealing with you. I understood it really well honestly! But yes, your team might not agree or understand so they blame you alot... If you want to climb out of low elo play trynd, look at fogged for items and boxerpete for playstyle, i think the latter is the better of the two mechanically
tryn is super simple and basic but hes hard cuz he is basically the purest form of stat checking. You mentioned it in the video, basically you have to min max all of his situations including his ult and that only comes with extensive matchup knowledge and a lot of playtime. A good example is a very experienced tryn can make his 5 second ult feel much longer than 5 seconds while a less experienced one will only be able to utilize maybe 2 seconds out of his ult. And any mistake will basically make him useless so he is also extremely punishing.
I don't know if Why everyone plays has this in mind, but what about a series where you talk about those champions people one trick? Champions that might or might not be popular but the people that play it play it a lot
0:40 if u are jumping on someone from bush, don't start with your gap closer and istead walk for auto attacks, then dash in after they use their escape tool . i just hate to see people do what that trynda did .
Honestly, I'd be more dejected to find my main in "Why Everyone Plays" then "Why No One Plays-" not that I'd complain since I'm sure the video would be high quality either way.
1:15 i just realized my mains are old champs that are AA heavy. They already reworked aatrox, fiora which were 2 of my old mains. At least xin’s rework didnt change much
hey vars, i think u did a good job of covering why not many ppl play him but u definetly miss out a few things: 1. tryn has actually a preety good lanigphase vs most match ups because of his high base stats esp his base ad. u win most trades/all ins early even if u dont crit but u dont calculated crits for trades obyl because of rng. most ppl play him waay to passive because his kits allows it, thats where the misunderstanding of a weak lane comes from when u always q spam for healing u cant trade anymore, thats why u take dorans shield+second wind which makes your sustain even better and imporves your lane by quite a lot imo. 2. tyrn doesnt have the best scaling anymore, this obvl depens on who u playing against there are currently alot of toplane champs which outscale u even on sidelane, also riot nerf critical strike dmg to 175% in presession 11 which hurts his late game scaling, u cant 2 shot ppl anymore if they build armor or immortal shieldbow. another thing are his summoner spells, nowadays u take flash and ghost or flash and ignite, not taking teleport which can make the mid game difficult to play, also if ure laner opponent has tp youre straight up in a numbers disadvantage for baron fights which can easly lose u games. 3. tryn is like an adc with 125 range which means if u dont win lane and if u dont dominate sidelane you are basically useless. u need lvls and more gold then the average player in the game to carry on tryn, which is a hard task in most games esp. in higher elos with better junglers. 4. his build is very expansive (kraken/gale 3400, navori 3400, ie 3400, most toplaners impact spikes are at 1 or 2 items, at 3items+ every carry will outperform u in dmg because their kits scale much better with items then yours. also tryns kit has not much space for defensive items, his whole kit is about dealing as much dmg as possible in his 5 secs ultimate and his bonus ad from q which goes higher how lower his hp gets.
I definitely agree with your ideas for why Tryndamere is not played. He's a really hard champion to play, despite how simple and plain his kit is, which makes him not very popular. Thanks for the shoutout! I'm doing my best to correct Tryndamere not being played much by offering a fun playstyle that works well enough to even be challenger with it.
Heyy! Glad you could catch the video. I hate you for one tricking one of the most frustrating champions to go up against but respect you for also picking one of the hardest champions to play in high elo XD
@@VarsVerum You shoulda pointed out how Tryndamere is a diver adc which is why his r is needed for his kit. Your video was really good about talking about how Tryndamere isn't as easy as he seems but I feel like you should have talked more about what his r does and why he needs his r.
@@VarsVerum Unlike Yasuo and Yone in team fights he has to go in as he is unable to play the standard front-to-back playstyle as his range is abysmal while being as squishy as an adc. This gives him a "brain dead" look as you see Tryndameres rush into the enemy team when going for a typical 5v5 fight as that is usually their only option when unable to a flank off.
@@VarsVerum Oh, I almost forgot about the complexity of his r as it isn't just a boom im invulnerable to the damage button as it requires Tryndamere to predict the enemies damage as Tryndamere needs to time his r correctly so that he can do the highest amount of damage possible in the 5 second time frame as after Tryndameres r is popped he is quite useless especially later on as he is a melee adc that has no real counterplay, unlike Yasuo and Yone. Because of this Tryndamere ends up not able to play the game for 60 seconds late game as killing Tryndamere is quite easy but living against Tryndamere is hard(obv when he has r).
@@VarsVerum I just wanna say that I love your content man it's honestly so good your insanely underrated as a content creator!
One of the highest base damage in the game, has ridiculous sustain, dashes that can go over walls, can debuff enemies and an ult that prevents him from dying. What can possibly go wrong with this character? Well.... everything else.
Very accurate description XD
He’s boring
@@VarsVerum love the videos man and I bought myself playing azir after the video of why no one plays azir and now I’m M5 with 4 S’es and elder wood skin
@@Bot-vl7pp mission accomplished!
@@DEFxRECON not if you play him jungle. It'd basically a better Olaf with a wall dash.
This series is starting to become as consistent as Riot's lux skin releases.
Uhhh... is that a compliment or? XD
Or ryze reworks
@@VarsVerum A complimentt to you, a roast for Riot
Lux mains are disgusting
Αδελφέ μ φοβάμαι πως έχεις δίκιο... Ο ορν έχει μόνο 3 skins :(
Vars: To win with Trynda you have to be very patient
Underrated Comment!!!
"stop dying play safe under tower" xdxdxdxd. I'm otp btw xd
Actually a nord dragonborn, shouts to win, wears the iron helmet from skyrim and came from cold area and is good with 2 handed weapons
Using this video as podcast while im going to play Tryndamere
HMMM YES......im gonna watch a mukbang video while eating
Wait you werent lifting while playing try already
@@joekenwood4956 Exactly
Motivates me to keep representing Trynd as a fellow one trick
It would be great to see a series called "Why everyone hates", in which we see why some champions are really disliked in the community like Yuumi, Irelia, Yuumi...
I think you forgot "Yuumi"
Master and Rengar
Rossboomsocks used to make an old series called "why I hate (champion)"
OOooo I really like this idea!!! Hope he does it.
A friend of mine once said that playing Trynd was like playing single player in a multiplayer game. It can be rewarding, but it also creates bad habits and when you lose you'll be firmly reminded that this is a multiplayer game first.
Happens to me, Trynd main here. When I play other picks, I have to constantly remind myself to group and not splitpush lol
@@felipecuenca2811 THIS
Gotta love the effort that Riot made when animating the two frames of his autoattack-animation
His crit animation is still one of the funniest animations ever though XD
Man this channel is my go-to for some relaxing after school or during studying. Ur voice is nice and the content is amazing :)
Thank you!
I'm surprised Trynda's in this series. After all, with a press of a button, he can become-
*title screen plays and blood splatters*
Good reference
I just play Tryn to ensure that Top and Mid towers never exist.
Yorik be like
Another good thing about his W which also helps with splitpushing is that it locates nearby champions since you can't use it if no enemies are in range. With this you always know if some1 is waiting for you in a bush or is just around a corner
This guy tryndameres
Holy fuck i main Tryn and NEVER realizes this!!!! Thank you man!!!
Bloody bastard! Thanks!
It doesn't matter how much you apologize, we tryndamere mains are ALWAYS ANGRY
It only makes sense
How will you crit otherwisr
Thats my secret, im always angry.
ye we are always angry and thats why we destroy top lane but bot ints always :-
It takes a special kind of Psychopath to main Tryndamere!!! Good thing that’s me!!!! Hahaha
"Considering most slows are 1-2 Seconds, 4 Seconds is a really long time"
*Laughs in Nasus W*
Split pushing bot and pulling 3 people to stop it, killing all of them while my team loses a 4v2 at Baron. Ah... yes... the Tryndamere experience.
u forgot to add "while ur team flames u for not helping them in the 'team fight'."
Nah that’s just the split pushing experience
@@coopergardyne424 Yup!
@@andychua2766 Completely true. Just happens so often with Trynd because he's less good at teamfighting than a lot of other split pushers, like Nasus, Sion or Yorick.
Trynamain problems.
What you said about the one trick was so truee. You don't see them, but when you do, it's an absolute pain in the ass to deal with.
But only the enemy Tryn one trick. The ally Tryn one trick, meanwhile, dies once top and runs it down mid starting from 5 minutes onwards until they decide to finally leave the game if the game hasn't ended yet by 25 minutes.
Oh hi 👋
Dude, it’s like facing a fucking Anivia before her major buff quite a while back if you know what I mean
6:00 There’s actually another one, and you’ve made a video on him: Yorick
It’s ok, I forget champions all of the time; so Vars probably forgot too :p
I still keep seeing Jayce as an Ezreal skin.
@@SaiKisaragi The idea of Jayce is kinda cool, but actually playing Jayce, not really that cool.
@@SaiKisaragi virgin ezreal vs chad jayce, how can you mess them up >:(
@@hideyourgf8502 Because I don't see Jayce enough. And honestly, not enough Ezreals either lol
The reason is simple his usefulness is tied to his ult; once his ult is on cooldown then he's pretty much useless against anything with even a single ranged ability
Especially withy this season's burst on champions and objectives, people are willing to send a few people to stop the trynd splitpushing.
Well that’s why you build against ranged and squishis(runes, galeforce, PD, ghost, etc)
@@bautilo6600 still he stuggles from a lot of things; Enemies stacking armor, Ranged snipers, CC, Teamfights... I really want them to buff him
@@jaishkhan7442 A buff won't help, it'll lead to him being exactly the same but with higher highs. What do you buff that tackles the inherent flaws of his kit? You can buff his dmg or lower his cooldowns or change any stats you want, but he will still be a squishy melee ADC who struggles against tanks and CC. Buffing him will make him 2x more oppressive against immobile squishes but just as useless vs Leona. So he'll have the same exact struggles but be even more annoying when he's ahead.
@@jaishkhan7442 The thing that most crazy me is how much bruisers and tanks are strong in this season. A lot of ap mage champions who have a LOT of hp and still one shoots. His damage being mostly attack speed focused even when you build galeforce (you don't build essense reaver or hydra anymore, bork either). You are more outsustained than before. Etc etc etc... People don't realize there are a really little amount of casual players of tryndamere, and the people that they seeing crushing in low elo ranks with tryn are a lot of otp who are masters in the champ and try to keep him alive, fogged and yasukeh have helped a lot in this.
I just started playing MapleStory and stumbled across your old videos for it, which was so weird because I found you through this series xD
As a trynda one trick, I feel respected. Thank you.
Tryndamere taught me a lot of stuff about wave management, matchups, towerdives etc. Because he’s so unforgiving, I think he’s one of the best champions to learn the game on. Yes, even more than Garen.
100% agree. He is simple but EXTREMELY unforgiving if an opponent fucks up
Plus he is a fun champ that is very forgiving for learning how to split push. Both because of his ult and mobility, but also for how snowbally he is (which has been the only thing in league that's mattered since I started playing)
@@NeuroNinjaAlexander pretty sure "unforgiving" means you can't afford to mess up while playing him not facing him, which is still wrong, 5 seconds of death immunity and the ad debuff is more than enough to turn the tables on the enemy especially if he's an ad based champion
@@ApocalypticFart What? I re-read my comment like 3 times trying to understand what you're talking about in relation to my comment
I wrote that if an opponent fucks up he fucks them up. And because of his mobility he is easy to split push on
There's literally nothing wrong with either of those statements. Did you mean to reply to me lol
Before I watch the video, as a Tryndamere main:
- He is widely hated as a character, for his high damage and 1v1/2 power but inability to teamfight, and having the best ultimate in the goddamn game
- The most extreme example of a superultimate champion, he has an OP ultimate, an ok E that is only saved by its ridiculously low cooldown if you can crit, a meh W and a Q that is utterly useless past the early game, not even healing for that much. No CC, no teamfight capabilities, his damage only really comes from basic attacks
- Although he isn't hard mechanically, he is counterintuitive, and people picking him up for the first time just don't understand what they're doing wrong with him
- His power curve is weird. Level one is highly hazardous and RNG-reliant, he is then relatively weak until level 6 where he is super strong, then slowly falls behind unless he can snowball, but comes back roaring in the very late game
- He doesn't fit in any elo: in low elo where you want to carry games alone, you cannot sync with your team because 80% of the time the four of them will be de-synced, you can't rely on them to have good vision, and you push in the constant fear that your team just engages 4v5 for no reason and dies, or 3 people just rotate on you and your team does not ping it; and in high elo, where you can rely on your team, well you don't bring much to the table for yourself: no utility, no cc, and no tankiness (aside from your ult but in that case you need to choose between frontlining and then just leaving, and actually doing damage): you're a really selfish champion after all
- Splitpushing is not that good in the current meta
After having watched: yeah I pretty much agree. The counterintuitivity is pretty well explained in the second point, and so have the other problems. Good job.
I will say, in conclusion, that Tryndamere is a champion based more around knowledge than anything else. He's a keep-cool, all-brainer. Feel free to ask me anything you wonder about the champion
This comment needs more likes, it’s well written and thought out!!
I used to play Tryndamere when I was still playing Lol, and I relate with "first time don't understand what they're doing wrogn with him" imensly.
As a Trynda main I agree with you. Pretty ironic that a champion with a "braindead" kit requires knowledge and patience to play him more than anything else
In my opinion as a tryn main, while he is good at split pushing and a great duelist, he can also be used as engage and as a tank for a couple seconds to distract the team if you are fed enough, (at least in low elo), so if you're fed enough you can usually engage in a teamfight and come out pretty much unscathed most of the time.
Hydra and spirit visage have always been my go to for offtanking
totally agree, people will throw everything at you and your team can have a chance to fight back
True, then you watch the teamfight as you recall will 50hp and hope to god that your team can clean up.
Not gonna lie, this one felt a lot more tame compared to others. Sometimes with this series we realize a character just has it bad on multiple fronts and they can't do much about it like Lissandra, but in Tryndamere's case its more along the lines of "the few downsides that come with playing Tryndamere, but whatever".
It is. Tryd’s wave clear isn’t that bad compared to other similar champs (with his e, he doesn’t even need Tiamat when that still have an active) All he mentioned isn’t really big problems. Team doesn’t understand Split Push? Just do ur thing and team will eventually understand u.
The main issue for Tyrd is too easily kited in team fights, and without actual Cc for team fight.
The completion of each "Why NO One Plays?".
Being OTP make every champion OverPower
I'm rank 2 trynd na, loved the video. I agreed with so many of the points you brought up and watching you disect my champ made me feel really happy. Most people just think my champ is braindead and very easy, but it took me a few years before I was able to hold a 65-70% Winrate in diamond. I speak for all trynd onetricks when I say great video!
Apes together strong
So happy to finally see my main boi! I think you perfectly hit the nail on the head, however I'd like to add that season 11 has not been kind to us. The crit changes nerfed him, they removed the auto reset on tiamat, and plated steelcaps make your autos feel like wet noodles until you get IE.
However Tryndamere is my favorite champ and I encourage anyone looking to play him to watch NEACE coaching on him as its one of the best learning tools for the Angriest Man Alive
My first main, just got back into him recently.
I’m not ready for when he inevitably gets reworked.
same, i love him and i even bought the bloodmoon and a chroma for it because I love him so much but I know deep inside that once they rework him, he just won't be the same. if they ever do rework him to the point I won't enjoy it anymore I plan to main sett tho
i'm right now otp, i have 700k mastery points. I too main kayn but with 300 only. Before kayn was my otp, and i used some times other champs (sometimes i use others too, but almost always lose if i don't use Tryn or Kayn xd). I remember the first time i meet tryn, got the nightmare skin in chest, and i tried the champ, i was bronze, i was really really awful playing him, and after i reacher silver almost gold, it was worst. I could not play him well. Then i got another skin, monster hunter . Two skin already and i didn't even play the champ. And i keep just playing him ocassionally, but one of those times i tried, i played really good, i liked so much that game and started to develop a liking to the champ. Then i started to playing one game after other, losing all XD. And playing like shit. I just could not care about it, i just wanted to play him. After some time, i was decent enough, but still not enough and a lot of champions would kill me. Then i discovered fogged, then i discovered some tricks in other places, and i became one of the best otps of the game (i'm really good but my macro game is really bad XD)
Even though he’s technically viable in almost all ranks, he is not only a bit boring to play due to his stack checky nature (See Trundle) but his main playstyle of split pushing can be outright counted by good enough macroplay, meaning if his main strat is punished, he has to rely on flanking, which is also not great since he’s very kitable.
That's why his best role right now is Phase Rush midlane, Essence Reaver into Stridebreaker. Crazy teamfight presence, downright unkitable.
@@N12015 kinda but its generally because he doesnt have good gank setups so in pro play they can literally just slow push into tryn and dive with the jungler
Calling tryn a stat check champion is selling the champ short and trundle takes skill and is ftun if you play pillar max. If he has ghost hes flanks are very threatening and he can work in high challenger look up rangerzx he consistenly goes to high challenger with solo tryn
He's just the perfect one trick Champion in my opinion. Simple kit but still with enough subtleties to not get boring too fast, which means that you reach the point of normally very small, not-so-important minor differences (I'm talking 1-2% on the outcome) in different decisions you take. Which, at least for me, is one of the most fun and motivating things about being a one-trick: squeezing out those last .1% effectiveness out of every situation, min-maxing everything. And I can fully understand that this might not appeal to most of the other players.
Also, I am really glad you point out the major differences in playstyle, regarding win conditions and everything. Especially in lower elos, I had that experience countless times: people blaming me for basically focusing on my laning for 15-20 min straight without really doing much apart from maybe one or two short visits at herald or in the enemy jungle, and then basically transitioning to splitting or flanking in team fights. There is no way you get behind the frontline when facing a cc heavy opponent when just running into a team head on. It is way more effective to either wait and play the cleanup crew (dueling, the opponent most likely isn't retreating as a full group of 5), or to exert pressure somewhere else on the map (say splitting on sidelane or even soloing objectives with good q sustain after it is maxed out.
Thank you very much, your explanations are getting better and better. I wish you a great day 😊👌
Another thing worth mentioning for Trynd is that his R can be cast through cc (even through suppression). I believe this is the only non-cleansing ability in the entire game with this characteristic. If not for this, Trynd might actually be a pretty useless champion. A lot of what Trynd has going for him is that you can't ever stop him from becoming unkillable when he needs it the most (well, unless he fails ult, but that's on the Trynd player). Otherwise it'd be super easy to either kill him while he's cc'd or force him to ult super early, wasting most of the duration of the ult.
Actually here in SEA specifically Philippines, Tryndamere is often picked by players for the flashy crit and invulnerablity
Oh god I really love your videos! I don't play League that much but enjoy the theory and story! Thanks!
Thanks Franzy! :D
I mainly play Tryn but im bringing him in the jungle. His clear is insane if you "intentionally mismanage" your health pool, allows you to pick your fights and get over your items much more smoothly, without being bullied by toplaners. Can also gank pretty well and both smites are amazing on him.
So interesting to see champions analysed in this manner thnx man!
I think it's because splitpushers are no longer as prevalent. Everything people want to do now is unga unga teamfight until one team dies long enough so they end the game.
Boring meta tbh
It's so annoying, even if a minor "draw pressure" incidence instead of full split pushing, when you're in one lane, maybe with your jungler securing a kill, and your teammate(s) just roam up to join you because they dont know where to be, and see you're up there. But they joined you too late and get caught out by the whole team rotating for us.
@@amandaslough125 oh god.. stop reminding of that nightmare,even spamming i will be split pushing they come....
Seeing as Trynd is one of the two champs I mostly play, everything you said pretty much sums up what his problems and strengths are.
1:36 Morgana stealing the crab high key tilted me
I am a trynda main and I love the vid!Really nice editing.
Riot is actively trying to remove split pushing in it's entirety, because it's effective; trying to promote "team play" but introducing so new many bs 1v5 champs. Riot is so clueless on their own game it's actually laughable.
Thank you leauge daddy 🥺
I agree 100% with what you're saying. Also, i loved that you pointed out Yasukeh, been using his playstyle a lot. I once got killed by a zed and lost lane because i had 40% crit chance but only got 1 crit in 7 attacks. Feels bad man
I played Tryndamere last season a few months after I started, stopped to play jungle and now, I'm picking him up again. The bonking feels too good. Honestly I agree with your points, he also is basically an ADC, but you don't need a support. Also, Tryndamere sort of needs a lead to be useful, so, for a more scaly champ, its another weird thing. Great video man, keep it up !
as a tryndamere main its frustrating and annoying how people are so incorrect about tryndamere so im kinda impressed how someone like you that doesnt main him has taken the time to understand him to a knowledgable extent.
Finally, a video I can use to defend myself against my friends for playing trynd
3:20 - I had no idea spinning slash was his W. Dang I've been wrong for so long.
since you are running out of champs then maybe go with items, so: "why NO ONE buys: XXXXXXXXX"
He already has
@@milkjug4237 Yeah... about the pre s11 items, not about the s11 items
@@user-fk1ew3kg8r yeah he did that with ohmwrecker
good vid, i used to be a trynda main but switched from top to jungle last season so now im playing xin. Still fun as hell to play trynda top once i a while!
It did not take long for this video to become straight up untrue, holy shit league is changing too quickly
His weakness of split pushing as a win-con is also what makes him an attractive champion. There is satisfaction in knowing that you were the reason for your loss. If you stomp your lane you will have a huge impact and don't need to rely on your team for team fights particularly much because you split push.
Tryn is all about patience indeed. I couldn't have said it better.
Man you only have 60k subs ? HOW!? Your content is flawless
I honestly could've sworn I've played these exact games as Tryn.
When I started playing league more early 2020 Tryndamere was my first main and I one tricked him for some time mostly in the midlane. Though I branched out to other champs I kept coming back every session at least once to play the man. After preseason 11 that changed though, what mostly stopped me from playing him was the crit reduction on full items and the changes to tiamat, an item my playstyle was built around. The change from two longswords and a rejuvenation bead to a pickaxe, so you could no longer start the build path level 0 and the removal of the active ability made the item hard to build. No tiamat meant that hard shoving wave and running between raptor camps was no longer viable. Then later they also removed sanguine blade, an item that was particularly useful in a damage based split pushing build instead of hull breakers more tankiness focused split pushing ability. Though I might pick him up again having seen this video, I'm inspired.
The best thing for me is how consistent he is on laning phase, if you choose the right runes and build there ir always a way to kill the enemy laner if they mess up. If they play correctly you can always farm with infinite sustain. The worst thing ever is to time your ultimate late game, is very hard to macimize ult demage. if you ult early you dont do enought demage, if you ult late you die, that is the worst for me. It is also bad have to wait to fight with you ult up
Literally just saluted without even thinking about it here 8:06
As a trynd main for over 3 years now, I think the main reason why only 1 tricks play him is because he is the ultimate stat checker. Meaning, you must know if you'll win a fight before you engage, otherwise you will likely die as his kit relies on all ins. This only comes with practising the matchups consistently.
i love this series, too good !!
I played Heroes of the Storm before the splitpushing nerf in 2019 so that taught me alot about splitpush macro and trading objectives. Picking up that strategy wasn't hard, andTryndamere was a fun pick for awhie, but his gameplay is one dimensional. Fiora is still based on splitting but has a much more mechanically expressive kit.
Another point I will add as a tryndamere main is that he is countered most by CC. As such your power spikes can be significantly slowed down by the need to purchase QSS. He also struggles more than many top laners by being counterpicked by specific champions like Teemo, Jax, Quinn, and Garen. Jax and Teemo cripple your damage with blind and counterstrike while still being able to inflict their full damage during the duration. Garen and Quinn cripple your chase potential by silence and counter engage that prevent you from sticking to them. He also struggles to kill champions that can stack armor while also dealing significant damage through abilities (Darius, Malphite, Volibear). All these factors combined make it feel like if you want to beat your opponents, you have to be substantially better than them at wave management, positioning, and knowledge of power spikes in order to win lane. This leads to most tryndamere champions being one tricks because of the massive learning curve needed to overcome all of these challenges.
A thing about Tryndamere that i don't understand is why the sultan skin has much better feeling on autoattacks as animations that both recent skins and even the legendary one are the exact same of the base skin
As a trynd main starting in season 3 I can confidently say this video show cases the love that hooks you not the current reality. His crippling bane is kite and every champion in the game has a slow. Also about 60% of my games are cloth 5 into a 5 min bramble negating all my juicy stats. Mid is really the only way to have fun and it’s not that great for the champion.
Tryndamere is like high gamble you either loss or double crit at level 1.
that's why i love tryndamere, when you can splitpush and get into and out of fights you feel very good
Hey Vars once again an excellent video. Can't wait for the next one you do.
Since you already have done Kha'zix's, when will you do Rengar? Also what video category would you say Rengar is in?
Hmmm... Probably WNOP. He's been falling off like crazy in terms of pick rate.
6:25 That Lee Sin must be blind somewhere else if he thinks he can kill a Tryndemere with ult up.
I agree that despite the violent personality tryn has, it does take a lot of patience and calculation for his macro plays.
aight i had to comment lol, so being new to League (2 weeks in), I've loved maining trynd and have carried a few matches with him using your exact playstyle mentioned. I do agree with the drawbacks as they have caused many loses too, but like u said, for the people who do main trynd or one trick with him, it makes it look so nice lol. I personally want to dedicate my time to this champion because of how underated he is. I always tend to think trynd is broken late game lol, but i have friends who beg to differ. All in all a great anaylsis video :)
Tryndamere is the definition of high risk high reward in every way possible.
Tryda is sh1t son
I need to tell that Trynda feels like champion that needs rework in need future, but Riot don't know how to rework him to not make a situation similar to Aatrox or Kayle reworks. And also i think that Cho'Gath and Corki are in similar spots, there are just enough players that like those characters that they don't want them to be "deleted", but there's cost of being rarely played.
there is almost no cost, except the small balance patch in and far between
Thanks for reading out the abilities this time!
-why no one plays Tryndamere
Me: *Proceeds to play against a Tryndamere on 3 out of 5 games
My first main
Well for me one of the most fun thing to do with tryndamere is go doransshield fleet footwork into a heavy poke midlane and just not dodge anything and taunt them while they tryhard hitting every abilities and I keep healing back.
Anyone remembers Tryndamere, when his rage still was a stacking crit damage buff? Those were the good days lol
Trynd demands a very high amount of game knowledge, that's it.
trynd’s crits arnt entirely rng, theres a gameplay mechanic where the more autos you have that dont crit, the more likely you are to crit, and vice versa. his damage is actually pretty calculable early and as an otp its pretty clear to me when i win and lose regardless of if i get a few lucky crits. id say luck is only a huge factor in matchups where your only way to trade unless the enemy makes a huge mistake is auto e away like darius. other than that i think this video is really accurate
oh yes! you forgot an honorable mention: several seasons ago, AP trynd used to be a thing, Foggedftw2 used to abuse it in NA and got to challenger because of it. Riot saw him abusing it to climb, so they nerfed to the ground. 1 person out of the entire NA server lmao.
You should do a why no one played series
Id love to see a "Why NO ONE Plays: Quinn" I dont remember when, but a good 3 or so years ago I played her in ARAM and loved her. Since then she has always been a strong pick for me in top lane when im not playing mid. She is rarely ever played. On one hand I can see why in some cases. but on the other, she is still an incredibly strong pick. Decent Mobility, damage. A brief vision buff, bonus atk spd and movement, her dash cancels out some abilities like garen silence.
So im just wondering what your thoughts are
The game gave me the Demonic skin for free and so he's been chosen as my main coming back to the game after years from being away from the game. So much fun!
Mained jg starting s4, got bored and decided to play top. Picked up trynd a little bit over a year ago. He has become my all time favorite champ. He is so addicting to play. On paper, he looks easy to play, since he does so much dmg. However, I found that laning phase was tricky when I first started playing him. Way trickier than every other champ I play. He can be very weak and very strong, depending on the matchup, his level, and fury. You need very specific knowledge about every matchup in order to be consistently good with him. The biggest tilter is when you get horrible crit luck early game. It can literally lose you lane. Learning how to trade with him is more crucial to winning lane than any other champ. Due to his q heal you can take trades that don’t seem optimal. Basically, you’re thinking 3min ahead of slowly wearing down your opponent’s health or mana and outsustain them via your q heal. Wave management is also very important, but even more so with trynd. If you get an early lead you can control the wave so you can get a nice slow push and dive the enemy with your ult. At that point, there’s honestly not much tour enemy can do. He’s interesting in that once you get a lane matchup, it becomes very easy to replicate. For instance, people say malphite counters him but he really doesn’t, some for shen. Yes they are stronger than you at certain times, but you can beat them. For instance beating malphite basically means you need to get a very early kill. After that, you cannot kill him so forget about that. Instead focus on draining his mana and forcing him to back so you can hard shove, take enemy jg camps or gank mid. That’s another thing, with trynd it’s all about rotations. Even if you’re against a fiora late game who will rip you a new hole (I frankly perma ban her, hate giving an ass whooping in lane to only have her pop me before I can even ult lol), you can out rotate her and clear faster. That means you can force a 5v4 with your team or just take enemy jg or get vision.
As a Vlad constantly splitpush I totally understand why splitting is so hard to pull off, like stars need to be aligned to have a good splitpush. Yes splitpush sometimes wins me games but I need to act like the mastermind and calculate everything could go wrong. Can their top laner shut me down completely? Can we contest objectives? Is the wave good to pressure at least an inhib tower? Will I be in a correct timing to force them to a lose-lose situation? Can my team not int into an 4v5 when I am not here?
A lot of seemingly brain dead champion like jax and Tryndamire actually takes a lot to master just because how complicated splitting is
Trynd was literally my first "get me out of silver" champs and i hit gold 1 with him due to understanding the splitpush and pressuring your opponent into dealing with you. I understood it really well honestly!
But yes, your team might not agree or understand so they blame you alot...
If you want to climb out of low elo play trynd, look at fogged for items and boxerpete for playstyle, i think the latter is the better of the two mechanically
tryn is super simple and basic but hes hard cuz he is basically the purest form of stat checking. You mentioned it in the video, basically you have to min max all of his situations including his ult and that only comes with extensive matchup knowledge and a lot of playtime. A good example is a very experienced tryn can make his 5 second ult feel much longer than 5 seconds while a less experienced one will only be able to utilize maybe 2 seconds out of his ult. And any mistake will basically make him useless so he is also extremely punishing.
He also suffers hard if your lane opponent goes frozen heart/randuins omen, and starts grabbing brusier items...
I don't know if Why everyone plays has this in mind, but what about a series where you talk about those champions people one trick? Champions that might or might not be popular but the people that play it play it a lot
0:40 if u are jumping on someone from bush, don't start with your gap closer and istead walk for auto attacks, then dash in after they use their escape tool .
i just hate to see people do what that trynda did .
Honestly, I'd be more dejected to find my main in "Why Everyone Plays" then "Why No One Plays-" not that I'd complain since I'm sure the video would be high quality either way.
Ty for showing some mundo 💘
Please do a wnop mundo before the rework! :)
Another great video
Meeting a good tryndemere is scary imo
1:15 i just realized my mains are old champs that are AA heavy. They already reworked aatrox, fiora which were 2 of my old mains. At least xin’s rework didnt change much
One of this only stat check champions Riot will never rework
hey vars, i think u did a good job of covering why not many ppl play him but u definetly miss out a few things:
1. tryn has actually a preety good lanigphase vs most match ups because of his high base stats esp his base ad. u win most trades/all ins early even if u dont crit but u dont calculated crits for trades obyl because of rng. most ppl play him waay to passive because his kits allows it, thats where the misunderstanding of a weak lane comes from when u always q spam for healing u cant trade anymore, thats why u take dorans shield+second wind which makes your sustain even better and imporves your lane by quite a lot imo.
2. tyrn doesnt have the best scaling anymore, this obvl depens on who u playing against there are currently alot of toplane champs which outscale u even on sidelane, also riot nerf critical strike dmg to 175% in presession 11 which hurts his late game scaling, u cant 2 shot ppl anymore if they build armor or immortal shieldbow. another thing are his summoner spells, nowadays u take flash and ghost or flash and ignite, not taking teleport which can make the mid game difficult to play, also if ure laner opponent has tp youre straight up in a numbers disadvantage for baron fights which can easly lose u games.
3. tryn is like an adc with 125 range which means if u dont win lane and if u dont dominate sidelane you are basically useless. u need lvls and more gold then the average player in the game to carry on tryn, which is a hard task in most games esp. in higher elos with better junglers.
4. his build is very expansive (kraken/gale 3400, navori 3400, ie 3400, most toplaners impact spikes are at 1 or 2 items, at 3items+ every carry will outperform u in dmg because their kits scale much better with items then yours. also tryns kit has not much space for defensive items, his whole kit is about dealing as much dmg as possible in his 5 secs ultimate and his bonus ad from q which goes higher how lower his hp gets.
Can we take a moment to recognize that every teenager, plus everyone in team chat, has Tryndamere's W?
As a trynd main, I definitely feel the pain when my teammates not understand splitpush.