London Grammar | Qobuz Interview

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 21

  • @Strawberry80x
    @Strawberry80x День назад +1

    I love that in the interviews she referes to "the boys" has a innocence to it, so humble

  • @avibuch
    @avibuch Месяц назад +3

    The three of you are simply amazing and beautiful! So comforting to have you in our crazy times!

  • @sebastianward324
    @sebastianward324 12 дней назад

    the 2nd album was phenomenal - I automatically brought the third and have not yet listened to it. I brought it almost 3yrs ago or at least when it came out.

  • @johnmcnulty1129
    @johnmcnulty1129 2 месяца назад

    Never doubt that vocal delivery Hannah, NEVER ! :)
    Would still sound spine tingly out of this world, even if you had a sore throat, raging cold and a peanut had gone down the wrong way !
    ( backed of course by the guys incredible muscianship )

  • @scrumpy213
    @scrumpy213 Год назад +4

    After seeing them support Coldplay recently at Wembley Stadium I was soooo inspired by them that I ordered all 3 cds and played them in my old car on a holiday for a week. Then when I got home I put them all on a memory stick for my other car where all 3 are on constant repeat where they are gradually starting to get personal to me, accompanying me on different journeys and being the perfect soundtrack to anywhere I go. I'm 10 years too late discovering London Grammar but I am doing my best to make up for lost time. One of my all time favourite songs is 'Bridge over trouble water' by Simon & Garfunkel and I think London Grammar's' Wasting my young years' and 'Big Picture' are definitely on par emotionally with that song for sure. Can't wait for the next tour and album!

    • @cavior44
      @cavior44 Год назад

      rooting for you 😉

  • @robertlavington2332
    @robertlavington2332 6 месяцев назад +2

    Love the band, Love the music. Thank you to three brilliant musicians.

  • @lindaw.5836
    @lindaw.5836 9 дней назад

    Sometimes Hannah looks like Annie Lennox! Very strong beautiful face, and heartachingly haunting voice ❤

  • @NeilFarrimond
    @NeilFarrimond 2 года назад +4

    A wonderful group of people and great music!

  • @daniloeismann535
    @daniloeismann535 Год назад +2

    If I understand correctly, Mrs. Reid listens to music tracks she likes over and over again?
    I know that feeling!😂
    For me lately it's "What a day"!😊
    I wish you all LG and everybody Frohe Ostern ("Merry easter"?? :-), especially you! 😊👨🏾‍🦲😊

  • @jeanpaulgrosbois2079
    @jeanpaulgrosbois2079 3 месяца назад

    HANNAH j'adore

  • @daniloeismann535
    @daniloeismann535 Год назад +1

    I know it's not really good for business to have a fan like me.🤨 What I post here goes far beyond, "Great music! Thanx!"
    I have to appologize for it!
    But I'm not looking to make any money of it either, nor am I looking to be famous!
    And if you don't want to read it, you don't have to/my comments can be deleted too.
    That's not because of I'm starting a stress!😉
    But sadly at the end I personally would only be (unlike the protagonist of my short story :-) if I had not try to express my praise and respect like I'm doing it here!💪🏾😊
    The rest (what "she" thinks about it/how someone reacts to it) is out of my hands!
    "Try makes wise!"😂
    In that point I'm the same like the guy in the story.😂💪🏾🖖🏾
    Ich weiß, es ist nicht wirklich gut für's Geschäft, einen Fan wie mich zu haben.🤨 Das, was ich hier poste, geht über: "Tolle Musik! Danke!", weit hinaus!😁
    Ich will auch kein Geld damit machen und auch nicht berühmt werden!
    Und wer es nicht lesen will, muss das nicht tun/meine Kommentare können auch gelöscht werden.
    Deswegen fange ich keinen Streß an!😉
    Aber traurig wäre ich persönlich am Ende nur (im Unterschied zu dem Protagonisten meiner Kurzgeschichte :-), wenn ich mein Lob und Respekt nicht so ausgedrückt hätte!
    Der Rest (was "sie" darüber denkt/ wie jemand darauf reagiert) liegt nicht in meiner Hand!
    "Versuch macht klug!"😂
    In dem Punkt bin ich doch wie der Typ in der Story.😂💪🏾🖖🏾

  • @Afritunez
    @Afritunez 7 месяцев назад +1

    they all look like models wtf!

  • @daniloeismann535
    @daniloeismann535 Год назад

    My drug is love
    I laughed
    to myself
    quietly, really happy
    Only then did I realize
    who I've been thinking about
    all the time
    So it works better 😎
    Hope you like my fingerfood for the soul (with "you" I really mean everyone who likes something like this and the one - the soul, the light, the voice :-))) 😎👨🏾‍🦲🖖🏾
    My drug is love
    Ich lachte
    vor mich hin
    leise, wirklich froh
    Erst dann merkte ich
    an wen ich denke
    schon die ganze Zeit

  • @daniloeismann535
    @daniloeismann535 Год назад +1


  • @daniloeismann535
    @daniloeismann535 Год назад

    Sorry, it should be "blown away" (auf deutsch: weggesprengt) and not "locked away"!
    I've already corrected it ... otherwise makes little sense 🤯👨🏾‍🦲🖖🏾

  • @daniloeismann535
    @daniloeismann535 Год назад

    After Rush Hour
    Spring tickles me
    even more
    my desire
    The wide blue amazes
    even more
    dream castles born from my admire
    I float
    even more
    barriers open - let you inspire
    Fancy & future all dance
    even more
    I see, feel - only hire & no fire
    Fragrant mornings
    even more
    hands, kisses or lovely visions either
    even more
    You, me - flower, bee, childrens laughter
    A ring
    (hopefully) even more
    her "Yes!" - Deep, deep breath ... after
    I hope so much it works in english 😂😂😂
    Have a nice day all of LG, all of the friendly readers 👍🏾 and especially you, brightest joy in the blue sky of my dreaming thoughts😃👨🏾‍🦲🖖🏾
    After Rush Hour
    Der Frühling kitzelt mich
    noch mehr
    mein Verlangen
    Das weite Blau staunt
    noch mehr
    Luftschlösser entstanden
    Ich schwebe
    noch mehr
    öffnen sich alle Schranken
    Lust & Zukunft tanzen
    noch mehr
    ich sehe, spüre, kein Schwanken
    Duftende Morgen
    noch mehr
    Hände & Küsse, weich, samten
    noch mehr
    Du, ich - Blume, Biene, Kinderlachen
    Ein Ring
    (hoffentlich) noch mehr
    ihr "Ja!" - feiern, Platz im Schrank schaffen 🫶🏾😁🖖🏾

  • @daniloeismann535
    @daniloeismann535 Год назад

    Everything wavered before his eyes. If not for the Dsiplay, which projected all sorts of warning colors onto the visor of his helmet as if nailed down, he probably would have passed out again immediately.
    "Has nobody survived?"
    He choked as his brain chased a million thoughts at once. Mechanically, he checked the life support systems ...
    "Mayday, mayday, this is Admiral Arlo Noir, commander of the spaceship New Earth! We have been hit by an unknown object! The engine room is on fire! The fire is out of control! We are aborting the mission! Prepare for emergency landing! I repeat! Mayday, Maday, this is Admiral Arlo Noir, commander of the spaceship New Earth ..."
    One look at his instruments was enough and he knew that they had only seconds left before it would tear the spaceship apart. According to his readouts, they were losing fuel in insane amounts while the temperature on the engines was skyrocketing, and that could only mean that it wasn't just the engine room that was on fire!
    Noir and he had known each other for a long time. They had volunteered, as had everyone here on board. Everything in his brain was working at full capacity! Then it was clear what their only chance was: The tail had to go!
    One look at Noir was enough! The admiral returned his look with well acted calmness. He knew it, too! Everything, the whole truth!
    "Dr. Santa Cruz!" shouted Noir briefly and dryly into his headset, "Dr. Ngouabi!", at this Noir looked at him attentively and very carefully, as if to memorize every detail - a farewell forever! Then the admiral pointed to the cockpit display, "Here lies the moon Calysto. We are turning the ship! The decoupler is catching the propulsion and we're going down with what we've got left! On my signal, they'll blast the tail! Then ..."
    "It's all right, old friend!" he had already released the straps!
    Santa Cruz was a biologist, no one needed him now, and as chief engineer he was most familiar with the ship. A good decision! And how quickly! How often had he envied Noir's determination, but just now in this situation? The tail had to go! And now he would do everything in his power, that was certain for him!
    A determined swing and he tore the astonished Santa Cruz half out of his seat and literally rammed him in the direction of the main bulkhead!
    Except for the guys from the engine room, everyone was in their seats. Those with nothing to do stared ahead, some praying.
    Still hovering, he briefly explained what Santa Cruz was supposed to do.
    Santa Cruz looked alternately nothing understand like a schoolboy times like a completely crazy.
    Strangely, he felt nothing of the sort. On the contrary! The uncertainty of his colleague relaxed him, sharpened his senses!
    "No, the button next to it!" he shouted to the overly nervous Santa Cruz. "On my mark! But we absolutely have to press it at the same time! Do you hear? Simultaneously!"
    The turning maneuver began! A warning tone sounded, then the signal came from Noir!
    "Santa Cruz on three ...", he heard himself still calling, the explosion of the fuel preceded any further word.
    In his mind, he saw the fireball race through the ship. Instinctively, he pushed the buttom! Without venting, the bulkhead was blown away with a freak concussion and they were both hurled outside ...
    "Warning! Oxygen low! Warning! Oxigen low! Warning ...", he turned off the sound, trying to calm himself, but the fear could not be shaken off. Finally, he stopped doing senseless things, recalling rehearsed procedures.
    Then he felt it.
    How had he ever missed it? This perfect, completely filling him, so gently embracing, mysteriously transforming him, absolute silence.
    Hope you like it all of LG, espacially my unbelievable "oxygen" ... and all other friendly readers, too!😊
    Are you musicians? But where are your new music???🤔
    Come on! Give it to us! Super is good enough!😅👨🏾‍🦲🖖🏾

  • @daniloeismann535
    @daniloeismann535 Год назад

    Wet branches slapped his face.
    The cold dug through his clothes with the wetness. It didn't matter!
    His pulse had long been racing in the red zone. He gasped rattling. Every breath hurt. Lead hung on his legs. That was all he could do! More was not possible! Nevertheless, the barking behind him approached incessantly.
    Throw the bag away!
    A brief thought. Useless, because it wouldn't make him go any faster. Besides, it would all be for nothing! An image, completely out of place: He in a cabriolet, the wind in her hair, sun everywhere and that lust in her eyes ...
    They were almost there! He had to go on, faster, much faster still. In his head he kept checking when they would reach him.
    He had missed the chance, now it was too late!
    Ahead of him in the dim twilight was an open field! Panic-stricken, he looked around and, fling wildly with arms, plunged headlong into a half-frozen drainage ditch.
    In the movies, everything is so simple. In the last seconde the heroes always found a way out.
    Shots rang out before he had even crawled back up the embankment! Shouting everywhere, angry dogs.
    He dropped the bag, raised his hands as he sank to his knees as a sign that he would surrender no matter what happened to him after that.
    Then, from behind, a violent blow. It hits him full force on the back of his head.
    "Truely, I have deserve that!", he thought!
    But it was not remorse that filled him as he toppled forward and lost consciousness. Only grief, infinite grief. And the convertible, the wind, the sun and finally her laughing, so unique face dissolved ...
    Hope you all like it, all of LG and especially you, unique shinny voice ... "painter" of my dreams ...😁👨🏾‍🦲🖖🏾
    Fata Morgana
    Klatsch nasse Zweige schlugen ihm ins Gesicht.
    Die Kälte grub sich mit der Nässe durch seine Kleidung.
    Es war egal! Sein Puls raste schon längst im roten Bereich. Stoßweise rasselnd keuchte er. Jeder Atemzug schmerzte. An den Beinen hing Blei. Mehr ging nicht! Trotzdem näherte sich hinter ihm das Gebell unaufhörlich.
    Schmeiß die Tasche weg! Ein kurzer Gedanke. Sinnlos, weil schneller würde er dadurch auch nicht. Außerdem war dann alles umsonst! Ein Bild, völlig fehl am Platz: Er in einem Cabriolet, der Wind in ihrem Haar, überall Sonne und diese Lust in den Augen …
    Sie waren fast da! Er musste weiter, schneller, viel schneller noch. Im Kopf überschlug er ständig, wann sie ihn erreichen würden. Er hatte die Chance verpaßt, nun war es zu spät. Vor ihm im trüben Dämmerlicht ein freies Feld! Panisch schaute er sich um und stürzte wild fuchtelnd, kopfüber in einen halb zugefrorenen Entwässerungsgraben.
    Im Film war alles so einfach. Die Helden fanden immer einen Ausweg.
    Schüsse krachten, noch ehe er die Böschung wieder hinaufgekrochen war! Überall Gebrülle, wütende Hunde.
    Er ließ die Tasche fallen, hob die Hände, während er als Zeichen, dass er sich ergeben würde, egal, was dann mit ihm geschah, auf die Knie sank.
    Dann, von hinten, ein heftiger Hieb. Er traf ihn mit voller Wucht am Hinterkopf. Genau, das hatte er verdient!
    Aber nicht Reue erfüllte ihn, als er nach vorn kippend das Bewusstsein verlor. Nur Trauer, unendliche Trauer. Und das Cabriolet, der Wind, die Sonne und zuletzt ihr lachendes, so einmaliges Gesicht lösten sich auf …
    Hope you all like it, especially … 😊