Jesus vs Calvinism: Exposing False Doctrines of TULIP Theology

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 406

  • @Dr.CorneliaKratzer
    @Dr.CorneliaKratzer 2 месяца назад +20

    "Resist the Devil and he shall flee from you." James 4:7 if the individual didn't have the power aka choice to resist (or alternatively to give in to) the Evil One then this Bible verse would make no sense at all. We have the power to Resist evil doings out of our own Free Will. And God asks us to make that Choice of the Will continuously.Otherwise He would not ask us to be in the battle and to resist. Fight Fight Fight! We are in this battle with God.

    • @bghvid
      @bghvid 2 месяца назад +5

      This is a good point you make. I have captured many verses that oppose Calvinistic doctrine but missed this that you are talking about. Thank you.

    • @Dr.CorneliaKratzer
      @Dr.CorneliaKratzer 2 месяца назад

      @@reynaldodavid2913Jo What you say makes absolutely no logical sense. Zero. I hope you realize that!

    • @Dr.CorneliaKratzer
      @Dr.CorneliaKratzer 2 месяца назад

      oh and as to the verse you are quoting: I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me" That also proves that Jesus is our ONLY Bridge to the Father. Absolutely correct. No one comes to the Father but by Jesus. It also falls utterly outside of any of the Calvinist false claims.

    • @andrewtsousis3130
      @andrewtsousis3130 2 месяца назад +4

      @@reynaldodavid2913Jo”I am the way, the truth and the life” refutes election completely, even though Jesus is God.
      If anyone questions if their family or friends are “elect”, their hope for salvation is not in Christ, it’s in “election”.
      Any doctrine that takes the focus off Christ alone for salvation (which is the truth of this verse, IE Jesus is the ONLY way) is false.

    • @andrewtsousis3130
      @andrewtsousis3130 2 месяца назад

      @@reynaldodavid2913Jo you said nothing. Ie no one says “all” men come to father, what you’re saying is illogical?
      We believe any man /one can hear the gospel and come to father through Jesus, calvinists don’t believe that.

  • @Jesusisking235
    @Jesusisking235 Месяц назад +9

    Calvinism is a cult in so many ways. Here's 5 similarities that put them right up there with some of the mainstream cults such as Mormonism and JW's...
    1. They distort scripture and make the gospel confusing.
    2. They preach another Jesus (doesn't love everyone, did not die for everyone, and does not want all to be saved).
    3. Leave their church and many will go into shun mode.
    4. They literally believe they have the corner on true Christianity.
    5. They follow a man (John Calvin/Augustine). I put John Calvin up there with Joseph Smith.
    My advice to anyone is to learn as much as possible about this strange doctrine in order to avoid stumbling into a stealthy Calvinist Church since most stay under the radar and focus on slowly indoctrinating you. They will never come out and be upfront when it comes to their strange doctrine.
    I love the Calvinist people. It's their view of God that is another gospel and why I see them as a cult who follows John Calvin's writings.

  • @gene4231
    @gene4231 2 месяца назад +24

    Using the logic of JP again, if calvinism was correct, there would be no debate about it. You are appreciated in exposing the many contradictions of this man made doctrine.

    • @reynaldodavid2913Jo
      @reynaldodavid2913Jo 2 месяца назад +1

      "I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me"
      His logic is wrong, This verse indeed apply to all including the Calvinist. What is not true is: If you believe that all people comes to the Father.. The truth is more people will not come to the Father.. The proof for that is Jesus Himself said that few will be saved...

    • @gene4231
      @gene4231 2 месяца назад +1

      I'll let Brian speak for himself, but I don't disagree with anything he has said. If you do okay. Tell him.

    • @andrewtsousis3130
      @andrewtsousis3130 2 месяца назад +1

      And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the lord shall be saved.
      And it shall come to pass that only those predestined by the lord in eternity past will call on his name to be saved.
      The lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness, but is long suffering to us ward, not willing that any should perish, but all shall come to repentance.

    • @andrewtsousis3130
      @andrewtsousis3130 2 месяца назад +1

      If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
      If you’re one of the elect from eternity past, you will confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and God will regenerate your heart so you can believe that God raised Him from the dead, for you were predestined to be saved.

    • @psysolipsist
      @psysolipsist 2 месяца назад

      I think the calvinist would respond that he only regenerated their heart to believe the gospel. He didn't cause them to understand the entire bible. If God regenerates our hearts to believe sound doctrine, then there would only be calvinists and reprobates. So he only regenerates to believe in Christ, so you will be saved. He doesn't regenerate to make you understand what the entire bible says, or the character of God. That will always be a mystery, like his will or his good pleasure.

  • @bibleteachermac5561
    @bibleteachermac5561 2 месяца назад +8

    Just think about this: How many people would Satan like to take to hell where he will end up? ALL!!!
    How many people would Jesus like to take to heaven? According to Calvinist, only the elect. Complete nonsense!!!

    • @psysolipsist
      @psysolipsist 2 месяца назад +3

      Also, if Calvinism was biblical, satan wouldn't try so hard to deceive people, he wouldn't bother knowing his efforts were useless. Satan also wouldn't need to blind anyone, lest they see the light of the gospel and be saved. God also wouldn't need to harden any hearts, since he created them with hardened hearts. No one who reads the bible comes out a calvinist, they have to be taught it by man, because God doesn't teach it.

    • @EugeneHolley-rc6ry
      @EugeneHolley-rc6ry Месяц назад +1

      @@psysolipsist Amen.

  • @SalvationIsEasy-op2qs
    @SalvationIsEasy-op2qs 2 месяца назад +15

    Calvinism, which is an offshoot and close relative of Roman Catholicism (Calvin was heavily influenced by Roman Catholic Augustine) teaches that faith is a work and that since salvation isn't by works then an unregenerate (unsaved) person isn't saved by faith which is completely antithetical to what The Bible teaches:
    "For it is by GRACE you have been SAVED through FAITH. This (salvation) is not of yourselves. It (salvation) is the GIFT of God. NOT BY WORKS LEST ANY MAN SHOULD BOAST." (Ephesians 2:8-9)
    Salvation is the FREE GIFT.
    An unregenerate perain is saved by receiving the FREE GIFT (of salvation) BY FAITH.
    And since we know with 100% certainty that an unregenerate person isn't saved by any ammount of works, we can conclude with 100% certainty that faith is not a "meritorious work" (as Calvinism refers to it) since the Word explixitly and unambiguously declares that an unregenerate person is saved by BELIEVING ("through faith") The Gospel!
    Calvinism essentially teaches that a person DOESN'T have to believe the Gospel in order to be saved.
    Let that sink in...
    But, again, thank God for His Word which explicitly teaches that after a person hears The Gospel and BELIEVES The Gospel, he/she immediately receives The Holy Spirit (and is ETERNALLY saved).
    "In Whom ye also trusted, AFTER that ye HEARD the word of truth, THE GOSPEL of your SALVATION: in whom also AFTER that ye BELIEVED, ye were SEALED with that HOLY SPIRIT of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory." (Ephesians 1:13-14, KJV)
    The Bible teaches the following chronological order for salvation:
    1. A person HEARS The Gospel.
    2. A person BELIEVES The Gospel.
    3. A person who has believed The Gospel is sealed by the Holy Spirit. (Regenerated/Born Again of The Spirit).
    Calvinism inverts the order and teaches:
    1. God unilaterally regenerates (saves) a person He has arbitrarily chosen to save.
    2. An already saved person believes The Gospel as a RESULT of BEING saved not as a PRECONDITION for BEING saved.
    Calvinism teaches that God regenerates (saves) His arbitrarily "chosen elect" for Heaven BEFORE they can believe The Gospel which, again, is totally contrary to what The Scriptures teach.
    Calvinism teaches that an unregenerate (unsaved) person doesn't need to believe The Gospel to be saved.
    And ironically enough, when you ask a Calvinist how they can know for sure they possess true saving faith they will inevitably point to their works as the proof.
    So not saved by faith (which they consider to be a work) but if you are genuinely saved you will have an always unspecified ammount of works???
    Calvinism is 100% illogical and complete heresy...

    • @4jchan
      @4jchan 2 месяца назад +1

      It is sad that you misrepresented Calvinism ☹️

    • @jtcharland
      @jtcharland 2 месяца назад +4

      @@4jchanit is sad that you didn’t specify how.

    • @4jchan
      @4jchan 2 месяца назад

      @@jtcharland I don't have to specify. I am under no obligation to do so.

    • @jtcharland
      @jtcharland 2 месяца назад

      @@4jchan do you believe Calvinism is true?

    • @4jchan
      @4jchan 2 месяца назад +1

      @@jtcharland yes I am a Calvinist. I have been studying both sides for years and still learning. The more I study it the more I see the non Calvinist view to be absurd. Absurd philosophically, theologically and scripturally

  • @SmileyCat72
    @SmileyCat72 2 месяца назад +7

    I've been told by a 5point calvinist that John 3:16 is over used. Imagine the magnitude of pride and arrogance to say such a thing about the Lord's words.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +2

      Wow, that is pretty bad. But at least the person was being honest. Most Calvinists don't say that part out loud.

    • @SmileyCat72
      @SmileyCat72 2 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries unfortunately it was my husband who said that to me. But at the same time I guess I'm thankful if calvinist don't say that out loud because it would be things like this that would have me question the man books he was reading.
      Please keep our marriage in prayer.
      Thank you Brian!

    • @EugeneHolley-rc6ry
      @EugeneHolley-rc6ry Месяц назад +1

      John 3:16 gets stuck in their craw, it is offered to the world, not the elect. 1 Timothy 1:15 Paul said this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. He does not say that he came into the world to save the elect, the elect are those that believe and are justified by faith.

    • @EugeneHolley-rc6ry
      @EugeneHolley-rc6ry Месяц назад

      @@SmileyCat72 I suggest that we pray Ephesians 1:17-18 for him and all of the lost, Jesus said in Luke 19:10 For the son of man is come to seek and save that which is lost. How can Satan blind some to the point of not seeing and understanding the truth, it is by false teaching by false prophets, once a false doctrine is established more false doctrines follow. GBU.

    • @angloaust1575
      @angloaust1575 5 дней назад

      John3.16 was a conversation Between Jesus and Nicodemus not to the masses
      His command was except ye repent Ye will.perish!

  • @Jelda957
    @Jelda957 2 месяца назад +10

    My husband has become a Calvinist. I absolutely cannot because I think it’s a horrible unbiblical view of God as the determiner of both good and evil…and many other reasons. I’m so torn as a wife on how to handle it. I hate going to the Presbyterian church every Sunday…but trying to do the right thing as a Christian wife. If it was an obvious cult or other religion, I wouldn’t go. Any thoughts for wives married to Calvinists? The most common feedback I get is to pray for him, submit to him, and be an example of Christ…no actually speaking on theology with him.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +7

      I feel for you. However, I hate to break it to you but it is a cult, every bit as much as Mormonism or Jehovah's Witnesses. They believe they have a superior theology and superior theologians and they have their own special way of re-packaging the Bible into a distinctively unique systematic theology. And if any Christian disagrees with that theology, they are labeled stupid or immoral by rejecting God's Sovereignty, which is just code for rejecting Calvinism. They don't even apply a correct definition of the word sovereignty.
      That said, you are in tough spot and the advice you received sounds perfectly sound to me. I'm not really sure what else you can do. Prayer is powerful and effective. Wait upon the Lord. 🙏🙏🙏

    • @jeffdollar1646
      @jeffdollar1646 2 месяца назад +1

      I would suggest reading up on the "Calvinist" Scottish Covenanters, who died rather than recognize the king of England as head of the church rather than the Lord Jesus Christ. As well as the many other martyrs of church history, a majority of whom were also "Calvinists". The idea that this theology is a cult is bunk. It was people that held this theology that sacrificed all for the opportunity to worship God unmolested and came to America (we know them as Pilgrims). It wasn't until the real cults became popular, and Charles Finney introduced his hatred of Calvinism, that it began to decline, resulting in the culture degenerating into the religious chaos we experience today. I became a Calvinist before my wife, and it wasn't until years later she also adopted the theology. Not because I forced her, but as she studied Scripture on her own. She has said to me she could never go back to our previous churches, as they have such a high view of man and low view of God, that true worship practically doesn't exist. You are in a much better position to learn this firsthand, rather than being a slave to the anti-Reformed propaganda put out by this channel and many others.

    • @SmileyCat72
      @SmileyCat72 Месяц назад +3

      @@Jelda957 I'm with you sister! It's a very tough spot to be in. I've been living it for the last 3 years since a little blue book was handed to my husband by his unmarried co-worker (the sister of the Reverend who wrote the book and preaches at the church my husband is now married to). We've now become more like roommates than living in a covenant with the Lord.
      I maybe wrong, but I disagree with going to a church that is not in submission to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I struggled with that at first too.
      I began to believe reformed calvinism is a cult when my husband started to twist scripture followed with telling me I follow another Jesus, he serves another god than the God I serve, the word of God hasn't been revealed to me and he's compared our intimate life with that church (gross 😝), I've been told that Reverend has the highest degree of biblical knowledge and only god dwells in that church. We did try and visit other churches together, but only the true saints go to that church of his and he refused to take Communion with us because he believes we're not the elect. We even unknowingly visited a calvinist leaning church and he had disagreements with them too saying that they are only 4pointers 🤦‍♀️
      He refuses to even call me a sister in Christ. These were not said to me all at one time, this has become a relationship of torment.
      It's a cult hidden behind the guise of a church, just like the ones who hang their pride flags.
      It's sad because we had a good marriage before his 5point calvinist conversion. The enemy prowls around seeking to devour and destroy.
      There's not much communication anymore because you can't talk with someone who's so filled with pride and arrogance and has constantly told you that you don't have understanding. It's been mind blowing.
      Months on end I wasn't sleeping, constantly praying for my husband.
      Recently the Lord has been shifting my prayers to praying for Him to deliver me from this storm. I don't know what that looks like, but I know I trust Him! I still pray for my husband and love on him in ways that I can still do, like picking up his dirty laundry from the floor without complaining, ect. Intimacy I haven't figured out yet because my husband has made it gross.
      The Lord has reminded me how He hardened Pharaoh's heart after repeatedly refusing to obey God. My husbands heart becomes more hardened each time he disobeys, rejects & twists God's word. I can't control that, but I can rest in the Peace & Joy of the Lord. He's also reminded me that I'm His before my husbands. I submit to Jesus Christ of Nazareth first.
      I'm so sorry you're going through this and please know you're not alone❤🤗
      I pray the Lord gives you the wisdom on how to move forward. Seek the Lord's peace through this storm. Blessings to you.

    • @dankmartin6510
      @dankmartin6510 Месяц назад

      @@jeffdollar1646 Calvin was a murderer and some small group of people who followed him maybe doing something righteous doesnt change that or the fact that Calvinism is false-teaching.

    • @Jelda957
      @Jelda957 Месяц назад +2

      @@SmileyCat72. Thank you so much for responding and for your transparency. It is encouraging to know someone else understands and that I’m not alone. It has felt pretty lonely. It has been completely shocking to see my husband’s transformation in this area too. I’ve been told I only see in 2D and he sees in 3D spiritually 🤪. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 for both of us and our families. 🤗

  • @jameslowrance5009
    @jameslowrance5009 2 месяца назад +5

    Fantastic, and one of the most needed messages today, in the face of Calvinistic false doctrine! 👍💛✝

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад

      Thanks brother! I watched your teaching during the premiere on false prophets earlier today. Good work! Keep it going! God bless you!

  • @spacecoastz4026
    @spacecoastz4026 2 месяца назад +30

    The bible says that God wishes no person to be lost, and shows no partiality. To me that destroys Calvinism.

    • @scienceandbibleresearch
      @scienceandbibleresearch 2 месяца назад +4

      Are you referring to 2Pe 3:9? Peter is addressing believers who are waiting for the Day of the Lord to come. In response, Peter tells them that the reason why that Day hasn't come is because God is being "patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance." This is about the full number of the elect being brought to salvation. God isn't waiting for every single wicked rebel to be saved.

    • @dankmartin6510
      @dankmartin6510 2 месяца назад +3

      @@scienceandbibleresearch Of course that isn't true as it is not in line with actual scripture that God wishes no man to perish but to repent, and sent the Holy Spirit to convict the Entire World of its sin to accomplish that purpose. It also runs against what the Bible clearly says about Jesus coming to save the world and not to condemn it. Your interpretation is narrow and unjustifiable.

    • @spacecoastz4026
      @spacecoastz4026 2 месяца назад +2

      @@scienceandbibleresearch If Calvainsm is true, then there is no point in reading Scripture, no point in seeking God, no point in repentance, etc. 2 Peter 3:9 reads...
      "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance". Any means any. Romans 2:11 reads..."For there is no partiality with God." That too should be clear.
      When the bible talks about the "Elect", it's talking about the Jews, who were given the prophets and were the first to receive the Gospel message. That is why Peter was surprised that the Gentiles were being saved.

    • @reynaldodavid2913Jo
      @reynaldodavid2913Jo 2 месяца назад

      If God wishes all people to be saved, why is it that more people are not saved?

    • @reynaldodavid2913Jo
      @reynaldodavid2913Jo 2 месяца назад

      ​@@dankmartin6510, If God wishes all people not to perish but to repent and bring the Holy Spirit, why is it that more people perished?

  • @JacobChavez-s5z
    @JacobChavez-s5z 3 дня назад +1

    Ty so much Brother Brian I'm In a Non Denominations church now I'm ordained as a office of a Teacher Recently sense June .Let me tell you I came out of Oneness Pentecostal church over 25 years and i was spiritual abused i was told i really didn't know nothing I was never used in the church i was called made fun of due to some mental health issues. the preachers i seen in the pulpit in the oneness were no different from Calvinist preachers . Its totally different teachings. I had a supernatural encounter with Jesus he delivered me from demonic oppression. I give him all the glory. Now I live for him walk with him Yes i believe wish should walk in holiness preach against sin. Bring people to the feet of Jesus . I know Jesus loves everyone and wants to help us. I love people so much now coming out of Religion and legalism. Who the son sets free is free indeed. I love you my brother God continue to use you . I will continue to pray for you and your family

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  3 дня назад

      Thanks so much for this wonderful comment. Well said! There are truly so many people who are only religious and without a personal relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ, just religion always leads to legalism. Praise the Lord for your deliverance! God bless you!

  • @primeobjective5469
    @primeobjective5469 2 месяца назад +4

    Wow, Jn.14:6 is exactly what came to mind.
    Jesus says, "No one comes to the Father except through" him.
    Ephesians 2:18 states: “For through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father.”
    Calvinism teaches that the Elect never accessed the Father through Christ or any faith, but that they have "ALWAYS" belonged to the Father, and were "regarded in SECRET as His own."
    John Calvin: “Christ says that the elect always belonged to God. God therefore distinguishes them from the reprobate, not by faith, nor by any merit, but by pure grace; for while they are far away from him, he regards them in secret as his own.” (John: Calvin, The Crossway Classic Commentaries, p.393, emphasis mine)

    • @primeobjective5469
      @primeobjective5469 2 месяца назад

      @@TheBereanVoice - Did you not bother to read Calvinisms quote?

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Месяц назад

      Correct. Salvation depends on their election, (you cannot have it both ways) not through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • @Brotheral-pb1oj
    @Brotheral-pb1oj 2 месяца назад +2

    Brian you are spot on and an excellent teacher concerning the fatal deception of Calvinism and many other issues that have divided the Faith. As a disciple of Christ myself, I always rejoice in the ministries of all brothers and sisters in Christ, who are proclaiming the Gospel of Christ. Romans chapter 1 verse 16. And the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Mark chapter 1 verse 15. The stakes are so high! Jesus teaches us that being born-again is a life or death option. Of course it is encumbent upon All Born-Again believers to proclaim this spiritual reality of being eternaly separated from God if we refuse the offer and gift of salvation through Faith in Christ. This is more important than what president might take office. The Bible teaches that men shall wax worse and worse and that God will eventually destroy the world. Politics is a Spiritual cancer that is taking the lives of untold multitudes of people. So-called Christians and non-believers alike. Politics causes people to hate people that they don't even know. It is earthly wisdom at its best. I humbly beseech you to apply the wisdom from above and release yourself from the fray. Lead people to Christ! Not to Donald Trump or any politician for that matter. By the way: John McArthur is a Trump supporter, hopefully you'll see that as a red flag and seriously reconsider your assessment of politics vs Christianity. However I still love you much whatever you do. I cannot deny that your ministry has been a significant, collective blessing to me as I desire to walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, and to be fruitful in every good work and to increase in the knowledge of God. Peace be upon you Faith On Fire!

    • @reynaldodavid2913Jo
      @reynaldodavid2913Jo 2 месяца назад +1

      "I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me"
      His logic is wrong, This verse indeed apply to all including the Calvinist. What is not true is: If you believe that all people comes to the Father.. The truth is more people will not come to the Father.. The proof for that is Jesus Himself said that few will be saved...

    • @Brotheral-pb1oj
      @Brotheral-pb1oj 2 месяца назад

      @@reynaldodavid2913Jo I agree.

    • @reynaldodavid2913Jo
      @reynaldodavid2913Jo 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Brotheral-pb1oj ,
      Thank you brother..

    • @Brotheral-pb1oj
      @Brotheral-pb1oj 2 месяца назад

      @@reynaldodavid2913Jo You are definitely welcome!❤️🙏

    • @reynaldodavid2913Jo
      @reynaldodavid2913Jo 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Brotheral-pb1oj ,
      I don't understand why the non-Calvinist cannot understand what I said, I am not a Calvinist myself but I believe that God indeed predestined the elect for salvation and the reprobates for damnation...

  • @BloodBoughtMinistries
    @BloodBoughtMinistries 2 месяца назад +7

    Calvin-ism degrades the person of God

  • @mikelyons2831
    @mikelyons2831 2 месяца назад +6

    Keep it up Brian 👍 You are provoking thought. I can't believe this extra biblical man-inspired theology has made it into "Christian" pulpits... but they creep in & take root to the unaware & the under-discipled CAN fall prey to every wind of doctrine.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +1

      Yes, that is exactly what happens. Well said. God bless you!

    • @mikelyons2831
      @mikelyons2831 2 месяца назад

      @@TheBereanVoice Interesting?? Calvinists (JMac, Sproul, Washer, Lawson, Pink, Packer...) "Man is so totally depraved he can't & won't seek God he is unwilling & incapable"
      Scripture: You were born when where you were born to seek God (Acts 17:26-31). Besides a host of passages of people doing just as Jesus instructs "Ask, seek & knock & you will get results" & "Blessed are they who hunger & thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled" & "Seek first the Kingdom of God & His righteousness & your needs (food, clothing, housing) will be added unto you"

  • @lmorter7867
    @lmorter7867 2 месяца назад +3

    Calvinists eisegete world "of the elect" in their interpretation of scripture.

  • @vanreichelderfer8053
    @vanreichelderfer8053 Месяц назад +1

    Great video! Here are some verses that I use against the heresy of a limited atonement.
    Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
    1 John 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
    God bless you brother! I HATE Calvinism! I have found out over the years that they seem to be the most arrogant condescending people when trying to speak to them about their heresy. James White comes in to mind as one of the most ridiculous Calvinist in modern times.
    Psalms 119:104 Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад +1

      Amen! Totally agree with you. By the way, thanks for uploading all the Pastor Lawson and Temple Baptist videos. If I lived there I'd be there but I don't so I am so grateful for channels like yours, a tremendous blessing. And I like your teachings as well.. The Serpent and the Seed was spot on great! I learned a lot from your presentation. God bless you!

    • @vanreichelderfer8053
      @vanreichelderfer8053 Месяц назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries God bless you brother. It’s encouraging to know that others like you are out there! Someday we’ll meet in heaven, around the throne of our great God and Saviour!! Maranatha!!

  • @Richard_Rz
    @Richard_Rz 2 месяца назад +3

    Love these Brian. Do you have any full sermons online yet?

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад

      Thanks so much! I guess that depends on what you mean by sermon. I have various teachings that run from pretty short up to 45 minutes at the most on my channel, but most of them I try to keep around 15 minutes but some go longer of course. I guess I don't consider them to be sermons as in the traditional sense of a pastor giving a sermon.

    • @Baltic_Hammer6162
      @Baltic_Hammer6162 Месяц назад

      @@faithonfireministries More teaching and less preaching. Having grown immersed in Purest Calvinism 24/7 I should know the Bible inside out. In my return to faith I repeated prayed to be lead to truth, truth speakers & discernment. With the Holy Spirit guiding me step by step to the proper teacher at the proper time to expand and prepare for the next step, the process was seamless and flawless....absolute perfection. That's what opened the Bible like a beautiful flower opening to reveal its details and colors. The last big step was being led to Dr MIchael Heiser's work and that flower turned into a field of blossoming flowers and made my head spin for a couple years.
      After about 8 years has gone by and recently a couple thoughts popped up. When I was "learning the Bible" I was mostly learning a religion, learning only what other Calvinists wrote so they can quote one another. Looking back there definitely was no bona fide "study" of the Bible, just the same recycled word salads. The preacher or elders tried to make each service 1 hour not including singing & misc. I cannot recall anything they said because none ever made sense. Turned out they were likely more focused on their sexual "issues".
      So, less preaching and more teaching. People need to have solid, HONEST, teaching and understanding (not twisted) of the Bible in context. Dr Heiser harped on that a fair amount. When the people have a clear HONEST understanding in context with no theological filters or distorters, then the people themselves can start sorting gold from garbage without being lead with blinders.

  • @Imsaved777
    @Imsaved777 2 месяца назад +1

    Did Adam and Eve have free will or did God determine they had no choice but to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Месяц назад

      And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: *and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof*

  • @WithoutGodYouCantDoDiddlySquat
    @WithoutGodYouCantDoDiddlySquat 2 месяца назад +1

    May God have mercy on me if I ever reach a place of contentment that God passed on offering eternal life to most of mankind, dooming them to the flames instead, before they were even born. One faulty interpretation, and you have a whole different Jesus - yes!

  • @Castille4real
    @Castille4real Месяц назад +1

    Calvinist I never understood. However they told me there was no such thing as a mental illness. And is God's will that I am suffering. And is to the glory of God to for someone burn in hell. I really think Calvinism is false

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад +1

      Oh yes, it is not only false but a dangerous and blasphemous theological system.

  • @scottl361
    @scottl361 2 месяца назад +5

    Great video! Calvinism is a horrible doctrine distorting the very character of God

  • @gregorylatta8159
    @gregorylatta8159 Месяц назад +1

    The Bible refutes Calvinism!

  • @pastorandymcdaniel4512
    @pastorandymcdaniel4512 2 месяца назад +1

    clear and simple teaching of the truth. thanks as always. my prayers continue for you and your family. blessings my brother in Christ

  • @chrisfametano6361
    @chrisfametano6361 2 месяца назад

    Thank you brother, for your continued pursuit in calling out calvinisim. It's very interesting to me on your second point, where you referenced in Mark. I found a similar scenario in the book of Jonah a few years back. By the way, I'm the guy who sent you the long comments about a month ago. I have struggled with Romans 9 for a long time now, and I'm not afraid to admit that. But as I stated before I stand strongly against Calvinisim, so I appreciate your effort on this front. Anyway, back to Jonah.. The Lord commanded Jonah to preach to Nineveh a very specific sermon. Specifically that in 40 days, if they do not repent that the city would be overthrown. Now if Calvinisim is true, that would mean God went through the trouble of forcing Jonah to peach a punishment that He already knew would never happen to a people he already knew would repent. Sounds more like a strong arm tactic than a call to repent. I believe God meant what He said in Jonah, I believe God would of backed up what He said completely by destroying Nineveh just like Sodom and Gomorrah. We speak to God organically and likewise responds to us organically, the same way He responded to Abraham's prayers to spare the just from destruction.
    The Calvinistic view of this story would not add up.. Why would He tell the Ninevites a tale of destruction if they were saved already, why use fear?
    Seems more likely God knew they had moldable hearts and sent a messenger to deliver a looming fact rather than a story of something God knew would not happen.
    I don't know if I'm explaining this very well. I hope you see what I'm getting at. Anyway, just thought I'd share.
    Also, is there another similar instance of this in the Bible you can think of?

    • @reynaldodavid2913Jo
      @reynaldodavid2913Jo 2 месяца назад

      "I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me"
      His logic is wrong, This verse indeed apply to all including the Calvinist. What is not true is: If you believe that all people comes to the Father.. The truth is more people will not come to the Father.. The proof for that is Jesus Himself said that few will be saved...

    • @chrisfametano6361
      @chrisfametano6361 2 месяца назад

      @@reynaldodavid2913Jo I could never come to the father, as I am covered in blemishes. But thankfully I can go to Jesus, who is my great redeemer. He can lead us to the father.

  • @onetinsoldier777
    @onetinsoldier777 2 месяца назад +2


  • @endtimesbiblestudy3948
    @endtimesbiblestudy3948 2 месяца назад +1

    I appreciate you doing these videos! I really had very little idea about Calvinism until I started watching your channel. God bless!

  • @SimplySurrender
    @SimplySurrender 2 месяца назад +1

    Oh this is so needed!! Thank you always😊 Good Bless...
    The speech was awesome by Trump😊

  • @pamelaoneill7941
    @pamelaoneill7941 Месяц назад

    The unbeliever is not grieving nor quenching the Holy Spirit, that is the believer.

  • @libertyordeath12
    @libertyordeath12 2 месяца назад

    I think the issue with much of the controversy is unconditional election. You can hold to unconditional election as being biblical without being a Calvinist. Unconditional CORPORATE election is Biblical, so I think that people who recognize this like to naturally acclimate this unconditional election to individuals also, which is not biblical. Balancing this out, in my opinion, can help to treat some of the bad logic in this discussion. Romans 11 is a key place to start. It deserves more attention. I've tried to explain this in my recent video.
    God Bless Brian

  • @ironleatherwood
    @ironleatherwood 2 месяца назад +1

    Amen 🙏

  • @anacovarrubias9423
    @anacovarrubias9423 26 дней назад +1

    Absolutely well said!

  • @jasonmason6909
    @jasonmason6909 2 месяца назад +2

    Amen!! Good stuff!!

  • @alenasvarkulys2810
    @alenasvarkulys2810 2 месяца назад +2

    Very good

  • @TheBlubunni
    @TheBlubunni 2 месяца назад +1

    Amen! Well said! God is Love. Jesus is Lord.

    • @davidbradsher8460
      @davidbradsher8460 27 дней назад

      Jesus is Lord...oh except over salvation or the hearts of men apparently.

  • @josephjroy6593
    @josephjroy6593 2 месяца назад

    Using John 14:6 is a bad idea against someone who knows the Bible for John is not a Synoptic Gospel. John's Gospel is not viewed as the word of Christ since it was written nearly a century after Jesus.

  • @aborowka
    @aborowka Месяц назад

    So, having said that, God did not know who will be saved and just waiting for you to decide? When you decide God already knew it.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      Nope, I never said that. Fact is that God knows everything. He is also almighty. That means you can't put God in a Calvinist's theological box. Modern Calvinists got that one confused when they took "almighty" out of the KJV Bible and replaced it with the word "sovereign" in modern Bibles and then worse yet, didn't even define sovereignty correctly, but turned that word into meaning total theistic determinism. So, they went from an all-powerful God who seeks relationship with us His creation to determinism of God who wrote out a script that is set in stone, unchangeable even by Him, and He is just watching it play out over time.

  • @holybusiness9624
    @holybusiness9624 2 месяца назад

    I have enjoyed some Calvinist preachers over the years, but making God the author of fatalistic determinism seems to make Judgment Day a pointless exercise. Why would God judge me if I was predetermined for eternal damnation before the world was created? Just send me to hell without unjustly judging me for my actions over which I had no choice.

  • @mustaffa1611
    @mustaffa1611 2 месяца назад

    your discernment on exposing calvinism and false docrine is a 9 out of 10. yet your discernment on how satan actually operates in the world today is like a 2 out of 10.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад

      Well, then I guess its a good thing that most of my content is about exposing Calvinism! 😜

    • @mustaffa1611
      @mustaffa1611 2 месяца назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries that made me laugh

  • @davidbradsher8460
    @davidbradsher8460 27 дней назад

    So you accused me of not paying attention. So I decided to listen to this video. Your arguments are so unbelievably ridiculous. John 14:6 does not refute election/predestination (forget 'calvinism', let's stick with biblical words), nor does the great Commission. If you actually knew the reformed confessions you would know why this is absolute nonsense. Do your homework before you speak, and remember those who teach will be judged with greater strictness. (James 3:1)

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  27 дней назад +2

      Yes, teachers of the Bible will be judged with greater strictness. And that should cause all these Calvinist pastors to have fear of the judgment that awaits them for all the lies they have taught perverting the Gospel and leading so many astray into their false theology rather than sound biblical truth.

  • @gmac6503
    @gmac6503 Месяц назад

    No, the whole bible is not true. He starts with a claim and then proceeds to use verses debunking calvinism. lol. Like when the arminian uses his 'verses' and the calvinist usus theirs. Like when universalists use their 'verses' and the eternal hell defenders use theirs. Like when Paul uses 'faith' and James uses works. When others use the TR and others use NA28. This is christianity folks. I could go on and on yet this dude (who obviously from other videos I tortured myself watching) has not studied any of these "dogmas" christians come up with. Don'tcha just love these apologists who are ignorant of church history and lacking knowledge because they refuse to read scholars on these issues?

  • @JesseVarnon
    @JesseVarnon 2 месяца назад

    John 14:6 and your representation of Total Depravity and Irresistible Grace is correct.
    Where you missed it 4:48 where you said "God has removed Jesus and the truth from the non-elect" Jesus is the truth no matter if no man were to accept it. Now Him being the way to salvation is for His elect whom the Father gave Him before the creation of the world. Jesus is the Truth that sets you free, but who is gonna be set free? Those whom the Father gave to Him before creation.
    I and the Father Are One
    22 Then came the Festival of Dedication[b] at Jerusalem. It was winter, 23 and Jesus was in the temple courts walking in Solomon’s Colonnade. 24 The Jews who were there gathered around him, saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.”
    25 Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me, 26 but you do not believe because you are not my sheep. 27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all[c]; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.”
    Jesus said in John 6:44 “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day."
    Also John 6:65 And he said, "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father."
    The Great Commission and the Gospel is the means to the ends of God having an elect He chose to believe on Christ and be saved.
    You said "People not believing with a incapacity to believe makes the good news not good news." (paraphrasing) and "Why would Jesus have them lie"
    The Calvinist agrees that Jesus is the good news for those who believe and are the elect. Its bad news for those who naturally do not want to believe. But assuming that Jesus is telling His disciples to lie because Calvinism teaches that majority of people are non elect and therefore its really bad news from a Calvinistic perspective is such an ignorant statement against Calvinism. Because no where in Calvinism does it teach majority of people are non elect and therefore it really bad news for the majority.
    Also your statement that "Calvinist prefer to tell people God doesn't love everybody and warn people that the gospel is for the elect only" is also ignorant name one Calvinist you listen to that ever said that before giving the gospel. Just preach the gospel that's what determines who is the elect and not because one will end up believing before he dies and the other wont.

  • @ervinvandermerwe4134
    @ervinvandermerwe4134 Месяц назад

    Brian, you focus on what I call, "None-salvation-factors". You have a gripe with Calvinists because of TULIP. Believing in TULIP or not, does not save or condemn. The primary matter that is a "Salvation-factor" is; WHO YOU BELIEVE JESUS IS: If you are believing in the WRONG Jesus, you are in TROUBLE... You are making an issue of peripheral matters while the PRIMARY matter of our faith is centered around WHO YOU BELIEVE JESUS IS. In this matter, however, YOU are the one at fault. You are calling Jesus "God" whilst God Himself, the prophets, angels, the apostles, and Jesus himself said: Jesus is the "SON OF GOD". Nonetheless, you find ample proof to take a contentious verse like 1 John 5:20 to OVERRIDE what the latter said, by calling Jesus "God the Son".

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      Calvinists believe in a different Jesus from the Bible. That is why they believe in Limited Atonement, that Christ did not die for all despite the many Bible passages that affirm He did, and they will not say God and Jesus loves you because their Jesus only loves the elect, etc. They believe in a different god from the Biblical God. Their god decrees evil and sin and is the cause of it all rather than Satan and our own weak rebellious flesh, and their god meticulously determined everything anyone ever does and if you don't agree with them on that they will accuse you of rejecting the sovereignty of God as they have redefined "sovereignty" to not actually mean sovereign (supreme ruler) but to mean total theistic determinism.
      Cults always do claim superior theology just as Calvinists do and so do Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses for example, while they all have their special men they idolize who wrote zero Scripture and are not even mentioned in the Bible but were leading figures of their cult's rise in popularity and those men become the highest authority instead of the Word of God which is the Bible believer's sole authority.
      So, in all due respect to your comment, I speak out against Calvinism precisely because they challenge and undermine Scripture and the very core essentials of our Christian faith regarding Jesus Christ and the Gospel.

    • @annikaelisaa1879
      @annikaelisaa1879 20 дней назад

      Not sure why are you emphasizing so much that Jesus is the Son of God? He is still God.
      God also called the fallen angels sons of God.
      Read Genesis 6 to see what I mean.
      The Father is God. The Son is God. The Holy Spirit is God. They are all referred to as God interchangeably because they are one and the same God.
      Isaiah 9:6
      For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace"
      Jesus never corrected people when they called Jesus God.
      John 20:28 Thomas replied, "My Lord and my God!"
      29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed
      Are you rejecting the deity of Jesus Christ?
      Like the antichrist?

  • @johnirish989
    @johnirish989 2 месяца назад

    Calvin's primary mistake was mistaking first for only. Jesus came FIRST for the elect, but NOT ONLY for them.

      @R.L.KRANESCHRADTT 2 месяца назад

      🎯 He starts with a false premise that "all" men are "born" unable to believe and then tries to support that idea with scriptures to solve the problem it creates. But each "answer" just creates more questions... rinse and repeat. They get hung up on the word "elect", which simply means chosen. They do not bother to ask "who" chooses, who is chosen, and "why" and for "what" purpose. They impose their 'meaning' upon the verse where ever they find it BUT they do not bother to discover the context in which it is used. An exhaustive word/instance study indicates no one is ever 'chosen' 'elected' TO BE saved. Election is always to service whether is it is an individual or group, or for a specific instance or a lifetime. Yes, in that sense the 'elect' were the children of Abraham. God chose them to bring the scripture through Moses and the prophets. And he chose them to bring the Messiah/Christ to the world. Jesus told his disciples to go to the Jew first to fulfill prophecy. He came to his own and his own received him not....He did not reveal himself. Paul said If they knew who he was they would not have crucified him. But NOW, after his resurrection, he calls ALL men unto himself.

  • @ervinvandermerwe4134
    @ervinvandermerwe4134 2 месяца назад

    You stated: "Calvinists make Jesus a liar when they do not believe what he (Jesus) has said". How come you call Jesus GOD the SON if Jesus said he is; "The SON of God". Are you talking about the SAME Jesus as the one Jesus was referring to, or are you referring to ANOTHER Jesus that God, God's angels, God's prophets, Jesus' disciples, and Jesus himself referred to as "The Son of God?

    • @EugeneHolley-rc6ry
      @EugeneHolley-rc6ry Месяц назад +1

      1JOHN 5:20 says that Jesus Christ is the true God, and eternal life.

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Месяц назад

      Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of *the great God* and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
      {Titus 2:13}
      καὶ σωτήρ < "and Savior" is a conjunction/cumulative to the great God...

  • @scase1023
    @scase1023 11 дней назад

    No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day. John 6:44
    All that the Father GIVES Me WILL come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. John 6:37-40
    But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
    And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which GAVE them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
    John 10:26-29
    You did not choose Me, but I chose you. John 15:16
    This guy has no idea what Calvinism teaches. His explanation makes that clear. Scripture is clear that all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved, but we can only choose Christ by Gods grace. This man teaches a works based salvation when he claims he chose Christ and he can clearly boast that he must be smarter than all unbelievers and somehow, in spite of the fact that he is dead in sin, has been able to raise himself to life to choose Jesus. His ideology makes the sacrifice of Christ completely ineffectual to save anyone, nor can anyone have any assurance of salvation based on this man’s belief. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  10 дней назад

      I know exactly what I am talking about, but clearly you don't. You demonstrated in your comment the typical cherry picked isolated prooftexts to make your point but devoid of actual context that would debunk your presuppositions. I wish I had a nickel for every lying, deceptive Calvinist who only partially quotes John 15: 16 just as you did, designed to mislead people and give Calvinism credibility it does not deserve. Why didn't you quote the entire verse? I know why! Because that would only prove Calvinism is wrong.
      Jesus said John 15: 16 to the 12 Apostles and Judas wasn't saved. Jesus was not saying they were chosen for salvation as Calvinists teach, but chosen for service, to bear fruit that remains (other Christians) by their witness of His death, burial and resurrection and the preaching of the Gospel of Christ. Many millions of Christians around the world prove that fruit was abundant and has remained.
      And God does not meticulously determine everything as Calvinists claim. We must ask God, which is why that verse ends by Jesus telling them "anything you ask of my Father in heaven will be given to you." If everything was set in stone determined already by God since before time began, then the Apostles would not have been told to ask God for anything, because nothing would change if they asked or didn't ask, if all was already meticulously determined.

    • @scase1023
      @scase1023 10 дней назад

      @@faithonfireministriesAnd yet you ignore every other piece of scripture I give you. I wonder why? So you admit Jesus chose His disciples. They didn’t choose Him, but you did? And Yes, God is in control of ALL things. Jesus is the lamb who was slain before the foundation of the world. So God predetermined Christs death before He made the world? Meaning God made the world and permitted evil to enter it. He also must’ve got very lucky by finding the perfect place in time where He knew men would luckily kill Christ and in a way to fulfill 100s of prophesies. Have you not read Isaiah 53 when it says “it pleased the Lord to crush Him” (Christ). So Christ was ultimately killed by God. You can claim that somehow God is just another actor in “fates” wheel, but then you might as well claim to be an atheist.
      Since you like to avoid scripture, I’ll just give you one- There is none righteous, no, not one;
      There is none who understands;
      There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside;
      They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no, not one.”
      So since NO ONE seeks after God, how are you the exception? How did you, who are dead in your sin, hate God, being a child of wrath, seek God?

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  9 дней назад

      You lack understanding of Scripture because everything you read is isolated, devoid of actual context, and through the lens of Calvinism. Romans 3 is not teaching us that literally no person on earth is righteous, nor understands, nor seeks after God. That was Paul quoting verbatim from David in Psalm 14 and 53 in which David clarifies the ones he is talking about are the people who don't believe in God and persecute those who do. Yes, none of them are righteous, no not one. Not one Atheist or false god follower seeks after the one true living God, until they do thanks to the light of the world!
      There are many Bible verses that tell us we can seek God, and to do so, and that when we seek Him we will find Him. We are told to seek the Kingdom of God first. There are many more. The Bible does not contradict itself and that proves you simply have a false interpretation of Romans 3. You must be dealing with serious cognitive dissonance. On one hand you think nobody seeks God and nobody can and nobody is righteous. On the other hand, you think you have been made righteous by Christ. You have if you are saved. Scripture says quite the opposite of your false interpretation of Romans 3, and God declares every single believe to be righteous! We have the righteousness of Christ. Speaking of Isaiah, how about chapter 61? Believers have put on the garment of salvation, the *robe of righteousness!*

  • @webgold3408
    @webgold3408 2 месяца назад

    Concerning John 14:6: By saying that he is the "way", Christ is telling us that he is the source of all spiritual blessings for those embraced by the everlasting covenant grace
    (Heb.13:20). Man's so-called free will is not the way.
    By "Truth" he is saying that he is the fulfillment of all the types and shadows of the Old Testament and is also the sum and substance of all the truths of the Gospel.
    By "Life" he is saying that he is the source of all life both natural and spiritual.
    By saying "that no man can come to the Father but by me" he is telling us that man is unable to free himself from the bondage of sin. Only Christ set a man free from his bondage
    of sin (John 8:36).
    Concerning Rev. 22:17 I would point out that the invitation to come to the water of life is only given to those who hunger and thirst for things of the Spirt. By nature man hates
    Christ (John 15:25) and hates spiritual light (John3:19,20).

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Месяц назад

      Man has the freewill to choose the way. Just as they can choose to believe in Him and receive the Holy Spirit through faith in Him.

    • @webgold3408
      @webgold3408 Месяц назад

      Man is in bondage to sin (John 8:36 and Romans 6:20). Until the Son sets a man free he will stay in bondage to sin (John 8:38).

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Месяц назад

      Your adding your own words to the scriptures.

    • @webgold3408
      @webgold3408 Месяц назад

      No Sir, I did not add anything to scripture. Consider the words of Christ in John 8:47 which says " He that is of God hears God's words. Ye hear them not because
      ye are not of God." Unless God changes a man's heart man will continue as a slave to sin. See also Job 33:16.

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Месяц назад

      Man must have a change of heart. A renewing of their mind. God will not force His will on any man.

  • @bock1965
    @bock1965 Месяц назад

    Jesus teaching about Calvinism to his disciples must have been really confusing. "First with the parables now this ! Who's John Calvin anyway??" HAHAHAHA..... Not refuting you... just thought this was funny....

  • @brianhildebran4351
    @brianhildebran4351 Месяц назад

    Where does faith come from? Why does one person believe and another person reject? What makes them different? According to you, this faith is created within the person, right? Can man have faith in God apart from God? Because according to you they have the ability to believe within themselves? Or am I misrepresenting what you believe? Or does God give everyone the ability to believe? If so why don't they believe? I'm interested in your answers.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      Yes, you are misrepresenting me. I never said faith is created within the person. You said that, falsely misrepresenting me and what the Bible teaches us about faith. Romans 10: 17 explains it. Do you believe Romans 10: 17? Do you think it is impossible for a sinner today to believe the Word of God in the New Testament almost 2000 years ago, a gift of God's Word given to us?

    • @brianhildebran4351
      @brianhildebran4351 Месяц назад +1

      @faithonfireministries So then be specific, where does faith come from?Who or what is the originator of faith? I understand that faith comes from God through the Hearing of the word of God. Moses stated that God had not given Israel eyes to see ears to hear or a heart to understand. And that is repeated in the New Testament by Christ. How can you have ears that hear the word of God?
      Unless God gives you those ears? This is what is called regeneration. And the result of regeneration is faith. So then what does it mean to you to have eyes to see ears to hear and a heart to understand. When moses clearly says that is something God has to give you.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      It is very obvious you want to get away from Scripture and have a philosophical conversation. No thanks.

    • @brianhildebran4351
      @brianhildebran4351 Месяц назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries So you're saying you can't answer these questions from scripture? That is the whole point of the questions! But that tells me all I need to know about your understanding of Scripture!

  • @brianhildebran4351
    @brianhildebran4351 Месяц назад

    You're logic is so ridiculous. How is christ the way the truth and the life for those who reject him? Because They supposedly had a chance to be saved? What about those who have never heard the gospel? What about those who are on that forbidden island of silver island? The island where a missionary Tried to go but was killed?

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      I think you are ridiculous to call the words of Jesus a lie by saying it is not universally and absolutely true regardless of who believes or doesn't believe Jesus. It is true no matter what. He said it, and therefore it is absolute truth. Are you telling me as a professing Christian that you don't believe Jesus is always the way, the truth and the life? Wow!
      Your island scenario does not take into account Scripture and what it teaches us about spiritual truths, light given to us from God. You suggest without any Biblical proof that God rejects certain people arbitrarily such as those on that island. Read Romans 1 about how Creation alone leaves people without any excuse. Believing in God as Creator based upon this world we see us is light (truth) given to us from God. God grants more light to those who believe in the light that they have been given. This reality is seen in 2 Corinthians 4: 6, "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."

    • @brianhildebran4351
      @brianhildebran4351 Месяц назад

      @faithonfireministries You are a logical idiot im that you do not even understand logic. I am in no way saying the words of jesus are a lie. But I am saying that your interpretation of the words of jesus is a lie. And those two things are not the same. Your argument from Romans 1 is Contradictory to 1 Corinthians 1 that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to all those that believe. There is no power to save in creation.

    • @brianhildebran4351
      @brianhildebran4351 Месяц назад

      @@faithonfireministries Creation has no power to save, the Gospel is the power of God to salvation for all those who believe. Without the Gospel they have no light. That light doesn't come from creation but only through the Gospel. YOUR INTERPRETATION of Scripture contradicts itself and you can't or will not see it because you have a vendetta against doctrines you do not or will not or cannot CORRECTLY understand. The light you have (at least in the matter of God's Sovereignty) is only darkness. Like I said before, you acknowledge a King, just not a King over salvation. You want to have the final choice when it comes to accepting or rejecting Christ. You want to do this one thing (believe) apart from the grace/gift of God. I on the other side can do nothing without God's grace. I am 100% dependent upon the grace/gift of God in salvation but you are not. You believed of your own accord without God's grace. Or am I misunderstanding your position?

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      It is so obvious you are a Calvinist. The tell-tale sign is your lack of decent arguments and false accusations always coupled with unnecessary insults that you use in an immature way to try to boost the legitimacy of what you are saying. Goodbye!

  • @EugeneHolley-rc6ry
    @EugeneHolley-rc6ry Месяц назад +1

    Excellent video Brian.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      Thanks so much! God bless you!

    • @EugeneHolley-rc6ry
      @EugeneHolley-rc6ry Месяц назад

      @@faithonfireministries You as well, the Calvinist is as brainwashed as the Catholics, until they read the scripture for themselves without the religious lens, they have been taught through it is hard to tear down those strongholds. Keep up the good fight in your videos.

  • @AlexanderosD
    @AlexanderosD 2 месяца назад

    There are too many expectations of
    choice, decision, offerings, agreements, petitions,
    arguments and appeals, requests,
    accountability and culpability, and presumption of autonomous decision making;
    All throughout the Scripture, for me to take Calvinism seriously.
    Comparing and contrasting the character of God that He Himself describes of Himself in Scripture - compared to the systematic of Calvinism, shows the philosophy to be lacking in truly portraying the Lord God as He truly is.
    That Calvinist Jesus....sure don't look like the guy I've known these past 15 years.

    • @joemiller4747
      @joemiller4747 2 месяца назад

      Calvin real name cohen . He murdered christians

    • @joemiller4747
      @joemiller4747 2 месяца назад

      Bible is one race history book

  • @saraircrew8517
    @saraircrew8517 2 месяца назад

    Didn't you know? The command to preach the gospel to everyone is only to make hell hotter for the non elect that reject it!

    • @EugeneHolley-rc6ry
      @EugeneHolley-rc6ry Месяц назад

      That makes no sense, if it is the will of God that they are not elect to go to heaven then they would be doing the will of God to not believe, so why any punishment for obeying God. Calvinism is stupid on steroids.

    • @saraircrew8517
      @saraircrew8517 Месяц назад

      @@EugeneHolley-rc6ry I was being facetious. I'm not a calvinist by far!

    • @EugeneHolley-rc6ry
      @EugeneHolley-rc6ry Месяц назад

      @@saraircrew8517 No problem, my misunderstanding.

    • @saraircrew8517
      @saraircrew8517 Месяц назад

      @@EugeneHolley-rc6ry there are actually calvinist that say and believe this. That's why I posted it.

    • @EugeneHolley-rc6ry
      @EugeneHolley-rc6ry Месяц назад

      @@saraircrew8517 I get that now, but I always say that first, then everyone knows, I have done the same before.

  • @laxi8305
    @laxi8305 2 месяца назад

    Are you a Trump supporter? If so, i cannot, in good faith, continue following your commentary
    While I'm also interested in following politics, I find Trump to be gross in numerous way, from his convicted crimes, to his flaming xenophobic rethoric. In your channel you have warned against mentioning people in neutral or positive light.. least there be an unintended endorsement. If you are consistent, it means you endorse Trump who displays nothing but un-christian values

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +1

      I don't want you to follow me, but to follow the Bible. I must say, your comment epitomizes spiritual immaturity. My answer is a resounding Yes! He will have my vote for many reasons but also including my wife and I have two children and we care about their future, as well as that for others. I rarely ever talk politics on this channel but I am not ashamed of standing on the Word of God and exposing evil, and the Bible teaches me that God expects us to be good stewards of all He has given us, and that includes realizing our role as citizens and to do our civic duty of voting that others died to secure us that right, and our involvement or lack of involvement does impact others.
      Further, if you are a US citizen and would vote for Biden or not voting at all, then you are the problem and will be held accountable before God for the lack of love and damage done to your fellow neighbors and their children at the hands of the liberals you allowed into office by your vote for them or by your silence not voting against them.
      Liberals have led our nation away from God and into wickedness and they continuously seek to indoctrinate and destroy our kids into LGBTQ and an anything goes mindset (except the Bible) and heavily promote and fund with taxpayer money a culture of death including demonic Moloch sacrifices of children. You either stand in support of God's Word against that wickedness or you are for it. I am not voting in elections for a pastor or Bible school teacher or for the winner of best Christian of 2024, but for Trump and other people down ticket who will absolutely make a positive impact on all of us for the better at the local, state and federal elected position based upon the laws they would enact or abolish.
      Too many Christians are impatient and want all or nothing while the left is patient and willing to inch forward to their goals and win the long game over decades if necessary. It is sad that some Christians hurt the rest of our country by passing over good candidates with a holier than thou mentality because they are not as pure as they think they themselves are, or simply because the person does not belong to their own particular denomination. It is this mentality that allows Satan to destroy our nation at the hands of many wicked people who will get out and vote against everything Christianity stands for, even trying to call our Bible hate speech and seeking to silence us once and for all in this country.

    • @laxi8305
      @laxi8305 2 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries WOW what a shocking response. I'm dissapointed in myself for even giving you the time of day to begin with. You contradict yourself in so many ways I don't even know where to start.. let me just highlight a couple:
      1. You say people act holier than thou because of small denominational differences when your entire channel is built on deconstructing different denominations which you claim to be dangerous. What happened? Oh right.. everything can be compromised except the true gospel, according to you.
      2. Speaking of gospel, you are not electing Best Christian 2024 for president but you are boldly putting your support behind ungodly people as long as (in your mind) they shepherd christian values.... forget the corruption, criminality, sexual immorality, cheating, racism, lack of social justice or income equality, lack of kindness, self sacrifice and respect for their duties as public servants... forget all of that, as long as they are against LGBTQ, that's where you draw the line. What hypocrisy.
      You will agree there is no point arguing. You called me immature, and may the Lord forgive me if I am wrong, but I am calling you LOST. You may have SOME fraction of correct theology but let me assure you that your attitude is far far away what I'd expect from a true, mature Christian.
      "In that day, not all that will call to me Lord, Lord.. will be saved..."
      Let this be a warning to you and I hope you won't be too proud to examine yourself humbly in prayer for the Lord to show you where you are going wrong. Because best believe, you are!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +1

      You would fit right in as a guest on MSNBC with all those lies. You sure did drink the kool-Aid big time. And that is what happens when you listen to the wrong voices. And to correct you, I do not speak out against different Christian denominations on this channel which is yet another lie from you. I expose the dangers of Calvinism which is very specific. Also, you have clearly established your political views as being the Gospel that saves. Believe like you politically or you accuse me of being LOST. Yes, that is spiritually immature at its worst. Though hardly the topic of my channel videos I occasionally warn against liberalism and its damaging impact on society that mature Christians should discern and recognize, but I don't distinguish on who is saved or not based upon how they vote. But you do.

    • @mikem3789
      @mikem3789 2 месяца назад

      So, are you saying you are a Biden supporter and that is consistent with your Christian values?

    • @laxi8305
      @laxi8305 2 месяца назад

      @@mikem3789 you all display such ignorance and lack of reading comprehension skills that I won't even ask you to point out where I said I was a Biden supporter... but please do if you think you can find that 💀

  • @ervinvandermerwe4134
    @ervinvandermerwe4134 2 месяца назад

    What I do not understand from your video is: (1) How can you say that Calvinists worship a different Jesus, because they misrepresent what Jesus said, and (2) what is your gripe with Calvinists because ultimately ANYBODY who hears the gospel, whether preached by Calvinists or anybody else, can potentially be saved by that preaching. Lastly, please let me know whether you were saved by the DECISION you (personally) made when you became a believer or if the Holy Spirit worked in you BEFORE you made the decision so that you can make your decision.

    • @EugeneHolley-rc6ry
      @EugeneHolley-rc6ry Месяц назад

      The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin, he does not regenerate you and then you can believe, that would be against what is taught by Paul. Ephesians 1:13 tells us it is AFTER that you have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in whom also AFTER that you believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. James 1:5-8 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that gives to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think he shall receive anything of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. We are saved by grace through faith, not we are saved by faith through grace, it is of faith that it might be by grace that the promise might be sure to all the seed. You must first trust in the gospel of Christ, because it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes, to the Jew first and also the Greek. The Spirit of God does not regenerate you BEFORE you trust in the gospel, it says AFTER you believe.

  • @reynaldodavid2913Jo
    @reynaldodavid2913Jo Месяц назад

    Jesus Himself revealed that there are only two(2) kinds of people in the world, The elect and the reprobates.. The elect are literally the children of God and the reprobates are literally the children of the devil..
    Example of the children of the devil can be found in John 8:44
    where Jesus said:
    "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
    Example of the children of God
    can be found in Romans 8:14
    where it says: "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."
    and also in Psalm 82:6

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      No, they are NOT literally those just like people are NOT literally sheep or goats. Those are metaphors for what people literally are, believers or unbelievers.

    • @reynaldodavid2913Jo
      @reynaldodavid2913Jo Месяц назад

      You're a fool, Did you read John 8:44? Do you think Jesus was lying when he said, you are of your father the devil?
      So Jesus did not mean what He said?
      In Genesis 3:14-15, God said to the serpent: "And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
      15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between THY SEED and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
      So who do you think is the seed of the serpent(devil) if it is not Cain? The descendants of Cain are the Children of the devil.
      The descendants of Adam are the children of God because Adam is a son of God as revealed by Luke in Luke 3:38
      In Psalm 82:6 God said: "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are CHILDREN of the MOST HIGH."
      So this is not true also?
      In Romans 8:14-16
      It says:
      For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, THEY are the SONS of GOD.
      15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, ABBA FATHER,
      16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that WE are the CHILDREN of GOD:"
      So these are not true also?

    • @reynaldodavid2913Jo
      @reynaldodavid2913Jo Месяц назад

      Did you read John 8:44? Do you think Jesus is lying when he said: you are of your father the devil?
      How about Psalm 82:6 where God said:
      "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are CHILDREN of the MOST HIGH."
      In Romans 8:14-16,
      It says:
      For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are THE SONS of GOD.
      15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, ABBA,FATHER
      16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the CHILDREN of GOD:"

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      Really? Jesus uses a metaphor and I pointed that out and your response is to ask if I think Jesus is lying? Wow! How do I hold an adult dialogue with a person like you that leaps to ridiculous conclusions coupled with immature insults? I'll try one more time though I don't have high hopes you are capable of a decent discussion. Read it again! Satan is the father of lies as Jesus said in that verse. Satan told the first lie in the Garden of Eden. Yea, hath God said... and he commenced to lie. That is why Jesus says these unbelieving liars are of their father Satan, the father of lies. Being liars is the connection Jesus is making between them. Aristotle is the Father of Biology. That does not mean every biologist is literally Aristotle's children. To say they are of their father Aristotle is a metaphor, not literal.
      Later on in Scripture many of the religious leaders and Pharisees, including Paul who were initially unbelievers, became believers as accounted for in the Book of Acts and they ceased to metaphorically be children of Satan and became metaphorically children of God. Children, sheep, light, branches, living stones are all metaphors in the Bible for believers. There are metaphors for unbelievers as well.

    • @reynaldodavid2913Jo
      @reynaldodavid2913Jo Месяц назад

      @@faithonfireministries, Sorry it's useless to argue with you, you don't even refute what I said, come on don't pretend you are annoyed with my responses.. You have never refuted what I said, You are a fake Christian? You answered me satan is lying.. How rediculous your response, as if you are ouf of your mind.. It was Jesus talking telling the pharisees
      "You are of your father the devil" but your response satan is lying, You said they are all allegories about the children of the devil and the children of God, then I showed you multiple verses about the children of God and the children of the devil, but you just ignored them, I asked you If it was not Cain mentioned by God in Genesis 3:15 as the seed of the serpent, then who is the seed of the serpent? You all ignored because you are scared to be exposed, We should stop this argument. You are not capable of accepting the truth.. Bye...

  • @brianhildebran4351
    @brianhildebran4351 Месяц назад

    Manipulation 101. First set forth a false dichotomy. Insist this dichotomy is true based upon you're interpretation Of a text. Then insist you have proven your point. And everything else is false.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      The only one manipulating truth is you. You already stated in another comment that you don't believe Jesus is the way, the truth and the life for anyone who does not believe in Jesus. That means you think Jesus lied to most people and that truth is subjective to the person and not based upon Scripture but based upon the person and what they believe is true or not. No sir! Jesus is the way, the truth and the life no matter what anyone believes or doesn't believe. It is a universal and absolute truth.

    • @brianhildebran4351
      @brianhildebran4351 Месяц назад

      @faithonfireministries There you go to manipulating my words to make a point. Or maybe I just misspoke. So just to be clear jesus is the way the truth and the life absolutely. But for unbelievers, they do not follow the way the truth or the life. And do not receive the benefits of following jesus as the way the truth and the life. That was the point I was trying to make. But evidently, I was not clear on that point.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      Okay, now you clarified and I wholeheartedly agree with you as you explained it. Yes, unbelievers do not follow Jesus, the way the truth and the life and therefore receive zero benefits of following Jesus like believers do. However, Calvinism says something quite different which is what I am refuting. They claim it is not the individual who chooses to reject Jesus, the way, the truth and the life, but it is God who chooses them individually and decrees that they will have no ability to make that choice to believe Jesus. Therefore, God has taken the way, the truth and the life off the table for them. It is not even a viable option for them by His own determination established for them individually before time began and that remains unchangeable, according to Calvinism. That is a false theology.

    • @brianhildebran4351
      @brianhildebran4351 Месяц назад

      @@faithonfireministries That is just not what Calvinism teaches. I have never heard any Calvinist say or claim that the individual doesn't choose to reject God. You will have to give a reference for the Calvinist who claims that. (and I utterly reject such a claim Calvinist or not) How can someone who hates God suddenly love God? What/Who makes that change? If it is the individual then why doesn't everyone believe if they have the innate ability to do so? (Unless that ability has been rendered inactive by their being dead in trespasses and sins.) It is because they are not able to save or change themselves, right? If they have the ability to change themselves, what need is there for the Gospel? What need is there for the grace of God? If an individual can choose for himself, without God's grace, to accept or believe in Christ, what need is there for the work of the Spirit? No, It must be that without the work of the Spirit, the grace of God, and the power of the Gospel NO ONE would ever believe the Gospel of God's Glorious Salvation! And if that were the case Christ would have died in vain, since NO ONE would have the desire or necessary power to overcome their unbelief. As far as election is concerned, God chose to not save them and leave them in their sin. And in their sinful condition they will never choose to believe, but rather hate God and all His ways. They love darkness and WILL not come to the light that they might be saved. God has taken nothing off the table for them. It is true is is not a viable option but not because of anything God has directly done to them. God chooses to withhold His Sovereign Unmerited Favor or Grace. God has chosen to leave them in their darkness because He is under no obligation to give them His grace. (Do you think God is obligated to give grace to everyone?) But He chooses to give this Grace to all HIs elect and they all believe and are saved. Not one is lost, all come to faith in Christ.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  Месяц назад

      You have been bamboozled by Calvinists. You don't even know you are in a cult or how you got fooled by the cult leaders and here you are defending the cult saying they don't actually teach what any real Christian who has studied Calvinism knows they do indeed teach. The reason I think you disagree is one of two reasons. You are either in on the cult deception and a true enemy of Christians or you are a decent guy who seeks truth but you got sucked into this cult and because you have not graduated further enough along into it then you truly believe you stumbled onto something super and more theological elite than any other form of Christianity out there and in your zeal for this systematic theology written by men who never wrote one word in Holy Scripture, you are just out there right now doing the typical "cage stage" outspoken stuff that Calvinism benefits from out of its new converts.

  • @bucky91361
    @bucky91361 2 месяца назад

    There are no verses in the Bible, spoken by Jesus, that debunk Calvinism. Oh and by the way.... Your definition of Total Depravity is wrong.... again. What a surprise

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +2

      Bucky, Total Depravity is not mine or yours to define, but is already defined by the theology of Calvinism in their confessional statements of faith. You don't define it. I don't define it. The systematic theology already defined it and I correctly explained it. What bothers you which leads to comments like this is not that I got anything wrong, but simply that I don't agree with it. That is it every time without fail. If a person does not accept Calvinism they are always labeled by Calvinists as not understanding it. That is because it is a cult and that is the best response cult members can come up with to try to discredit anyone speaking against their cult.

    • @bucky91361
      @bucky91361 2 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries sorry, you didn't correctly define it. Your side always objects to being told you get it wrong and then call us a cult or some other silly comment. Have you ever asked yourself if we say what we say because you really don't get it?
      This video doesn't even come close to explaining what we think Total Depravity is.
      You were correct when you say you don't get to define it. However, those who originated it do and I'm telling you that you are wrong.
      Those who put it on paper provide proof of their claims biblically.
      We're well aware that you disagree with this but that doesn't mean I can't call you out when you get it wrong.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +1

      You always say I am wrong in order to defend Calvinism, but in my video I explained what it means from what is taught by Calvinists. You just complain and never give your definition. Describe what Total Depravity means to you and then I can compare what you say to what Calvinism actually teaches.

    • @bucky91361
      @bucky91361 2 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries I don't say you're wrong to defend calvinism. I say you're wrong because you are.
      Here is Westminster on total depravity.
      “Man, by his fall into a state of sin, hath wholly lost all ability of will to any spiritual good accompanying salvation; so as a natural man, being altogether averse from good, and dead in sin, is not able, by his own strength, to convert himself, or to prepare himself thereunto.”
      In anticipation of your objection to me going to Westminster, you mentioned the creeds. I can easily use scripture.
      Your video implies there are those that want to come to faith but are held back from that by God's decree.
      Our contention is that no one will ever seek salvation with God removing their stony heart first.
      It's a will issue. Fallen man will always choose whatever he wants and in his fallen state he will never choose God.
      That is why I feel we have a higher view of God. (I know that'll hit a nerve) We know that we are born in a sinful wretched state and only the love of God will save us.
      No matter how many times we are presented with the gospel we will always reject it because we want to unless and until we are regenerated from this sinful state.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +1

      I've read it. You presented what is written on Total Depravity in the WCOF and that only confirms how I have explained it correctly when putting it in my own words. Nothing you wrote here suggests I have ever misrepresented Total Depravity. You are also putting words in my mouth I never said nor ever implied. I never remotely suggested that there is anybody that wants to come to faith in Christ but can't because of God. I have stated clearly that they DON'T want to come to faith in Christ because of God according to Calvinist theology.
      Simple question for you since you believe Total Depravity is true and also unconditional election. Do you believe God made the non-elect by His sovereign will to be in a state of Total Depravity for their whole life, foreordained to reprobation and ultimately damnation without exception, none added or taken away from that set number out of all humanity?

  • @halston4787
    @halston4787 2 месяца назад

    Are there things out of God's control or does he submit control to man's will in the case of salvation? ie. man's ability to reject the call to salvation. This is not meant as confrontation, just trying to understand your points. Also, the elect are mentioned quite often in scripture, how is one considered elect if God did not first elect him/her? Did they elect themselves? Again, please take these as genuine questions, I'm just trying to understand your pov.

    • @andrewmorse2181
      @andrewmorse2181 2 месяца назад +1

      Election means "chosen for a purpose". This very often overlaps with those who are believers, but it is not wholly synonymous.
      Romans 11:28
      Concerning the Gospel they are enemies for your sake, but concerning the election they are beloved for the Father's sake
      In this passage, the beloved elect(the Jews) are enemies according to the Gospel.
      The Jews=Enemies according to the Gospel
      Also the Jews=Beloved according to God's Election of the Jews to bring the Messiah to the world
      Believers in General=Elect according to God's Purpose to bring the Messiah to the World Through the great commission
      (This also includes the Jews who are believers)
      Election expands as God's purpose expands.
      The original commission of the Garden was to spread Eden-God's Kingdom to the world
      The new great commission is to spread God's Kingdom to the world

    • @mikelyons2831
      @mikelyons2831 2 месяца назад +3

      Regarding God's control/often referred to as God's sovereignty. God sovereignly created us in His image & likeness as volitional beings so as to have genuine fellowship personal relationship with Him. Adam & Eve ate after being told not to...& hid themselves & made inferior coverings. Cain vs Abel & God's reprimand towards Cain. Then the Roman Soldier whom told Jesus "no need to come to my house, just say the word" Jesus commends his faith (that God gives Romans 12:3).
      Same with Hebrews 11 inductees. They are noted for showing faith & we are to immulate them... that's why it's recorded.
      We have free moral agency. God hates divorce, says let no one cause it (spouses, mistresses or lawyers). Balaam used his Prophet status for a side-hussle & we are warned about several times. God is not our Puppet Master.
      God's foreknowledge of all events does not make Him the causal agent of all events (see Jeremiah 19:5 for one of many such examples).
      People can accept God's offer of salvation freely/volitionally...or reject it volitionally (John 5:40, Matthew 23:37, Acts 17 :32-33 & 28:24, Romans 1:18-28, 1 Timothy 4:10, 2 Peter 2:1, 2 Thessalonians 2:10)
      Notice the word "might" in John 1:7, 3:17 & 2 Thessalonians 2:10??
      Calvinists will quote Proverbs 21:1 to me thinking it validates their man-inspired theology (from misinterpreting passages like Romans mid-9). Sooo, God whom said Thou shalt not murder & hates divorce & inspired Paul to write "This is the will of God, even your sanctification that you abstain from sexual immorality"... that same God MADE King David commit adultery then arrange Uriah's death???

    • @elsamusoy
      @elsamusoy 2 месяца назад +3

      And a loving God must give free will to His creation to become His church, that is His wife. There is no other choice. Will you force a woman to be your wife only because you want? Jesus neither. Would it be love? Free will is love. Calvinism is garbage.

    • @mikelyons2831
      @mikelyons2831 2 месяца назад +1

      Exactly, good on ya Bro. It is also spoken of those who are elect for service in/for the Kingdom.​@@andrewmorse2181

    • @mikelyons2831
      @mikelyons2831 2 месяца назад +3

      @@elsamusoy Right on 👍. That's the only way "Obedience is better than sacrifice" can work... only if we have libertarian free will.
      Jesus: "Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, mind, soul & strength...& love thy neighbor as yourself"... Calvinist response: "Make me & I will"

  • @rogervincent2092
    @rogervincent2092 2 месяца назад

    That is the false dilemma fallacy. Yet again, it is not Jesus' words that conflict with Calvinism. It is your interpretation of Jesus' words. No different than you interpreting that the unintelligent gibberish we see today is speaking in tongues.

  • @verraymundo2016
    @verraymundo2016 2 месяца назад

    You folk,don't know what you are talking about.What you are talking about is not true calvinism,it is defamation against true calvinism,please research and study further about calvinism or/and Reform Theology!

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +1

      I’ve studied reformed theology but as I’ve pointed out before, there are two types of people to consider regarding any cult. There is the the cult member who joined the cult and drank the Kool-Aid and there is the one who studied the beliefs of the cult, understands them, and rejects them and warns others to do the same. It’s the latter who truly understands the cult, and it is the cult member, who always accuses that person of not really understanding the cult. Fact is. it’s the cult member who doesn’t really understand what they got sucked into and deceived by because if they did they would leave it rather than defend it.

    • @DamonNomad82
      @DamonNomad82 2 месяца назад +1

      That's the same old song and dance all the internet Calvinists trot out on every channel that exposes Calvinism. The fact is that it is the Calvinists (apart from a handful of leaders who know better but have built their reputations and finances on falsehoods and usually refuse to be honest for that reason) are the ones who "don't understand" Calvinism/"Reformed Theology" and "don't know what they are talking about". Ministries like this one have studied Calvinism in-depth, using actual sources rather than the Calvinist propaganda that is the only side that those deceived into following Calvinism are familiar with. The more one knows about Calvinism and the more carefully one considers the implications of what sort of being the "god" of Calvinism is, the more firmly opposed to Calvinism one will be.

  • @ervinvandermerwe4134
    @ervinvandermerwe4134 Месяц назад

    You realize that 1 John 5:20 can also refer to GOD and NOT Jesus...
    THE FATHER IS THE “TRUE GOD” and NOT Jesus. The following verses CONFIRM it:
    1. 2Ch 15:3: For a long time Israel was without the TRUE GOD and without a teaching priest and without law. 2Ch 15:4: But when in their distress they turned to YAHWEH the God of Israel and sought him, he was found by them.
    2. Jer 10:10: But YAHWEH is the TRUE GOD; he is the living God, and an everlasting King: at his wrath the earth trembles, and the nations are not able to stand up to his indignation.
    3. John 17:3: And this is life in the age to come, that they know you, the ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ (“the Anointed One”) whom you have sent. (This is Jesus speaking to God in prayer)
    4. 1Th 1:9: because they themselves are reporting about us, how we conducted ourselves when we came and how you turned to God from idols to serve a living and TRUE GOD.

  • @NoahFred29
    @NoahFred29 2 месяца назад +2

    So where was Jonah’s Free Will?
    Where was then Saul now Paul’s Free Will?
    The Gospel Message goes out to the World. Only those who God has chosen will respond. Only those whom the Holy Spirit Makes Alive. Will respond.

    • @choosechrist67
      @choosechrist67 2 месяца назад +3

      Jonah was told to go to Ninevah and he ran . Free will went the other way

    • @NoahFred29
      @NoahFred29 2 месяца назад

      @@choosechrist67did his free will override what God wanted Him to do ultimately ? Do you not know the whole story ?

    • @spacecoastz4026
      @spacecoastz4026 2 месяца назад +3

      So God shows partiality when Scripture clearly says He doesn't. The story of Jonah wasn't about free will, but rather being thankful when people (who you really don't like) repent and come to God. Paul was a misguided religious zealot, who once understood that Jesus was the Messiah willingly worked what God put before him.

    • @NoahFred29
      @NoahFred29 2 месяца назад

      @@spacecoastz4026he was an enemy of the cross - he actively persecuted Gods people.

    • @AndrewAldissi-bg4go
      @AndrewAldissi-bg4go 2 месяца назад +2

      Acts 26:19 “Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision…”
      Paul definitely had a free will

  • @scienceandbibleresearch
    @scienceandbibleresearch 2 месяца назад +2

    This video is confusing the heretical teaching of Hyper-Calvinism with the true Calvinism that is supported by Scripture.
    Sinners have free will, but they will always use it to run from God.
    It's because sinners don't want to be saved that they will never be saved. Their inability is a result of their self-centered will.
    God decreed that they wouldn't be saved by permitting them to continue in their willful unbelief. In this way, God doesn't violated the will of the creature.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад +3

      No, I am not confusing that at all. I am comparing the words of Jesus to the doctrines taught in Calvinism, not what certain Calvinists (hyper or not) may or may not actually do in terms of practicing what they preach.

    • @scienceandbibleresearch
      @scienceandbibleresearch 2 месяца назад +1

      @@faithonfireministries : Your statements don't reflect the doctrines taught in true Calvinism. For example, you stated in this video that Jesus "chose that they would not have free will [to believe]." This isn't Calvinism. The Westminster Confession of Faith states, "neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures" (Chap.III). God doesn't force people into a state of unbelief, he passes over them.

    • @Brotheral-pb1oj
      @Brotheral-pb1oj 2 месяца назад +1

      Except that when God causes some to be saved, He's violating their will. Unconditional Election! Can't have it both ways. Please renounce Calvinism! Come to Jesus by Faith and be a light in this dark world by Loving God with all your heart mind and soul and Loving your neighbor as yourself!

    • @scienceandbibleresearch
      @scienceandbibleresearch 2 месяца назад +2

      @@Brotheral-pb1oj : God doesn't violate the will of the elect. The Holy Spirit changes their heart/mind and releases them from the bondage of sin so that they can see the beauty of the Kingdom of God, and thereby, can't help but believe. It is the will of the elect, after being regenerated, that believe.

    • @robertwheeler1158
      @robertwheeler1158 2 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries Yes you are confusing them. What the Synod of Dort actually said was, "Moreover, the promise of the gospel is that whosoever believes in Christ crucified shall not perish, but have eternal life. This promise, together with the command to repent and believe, ought to be declared and published to all nations, and to all persons promiscuously and without distinction, to whom God out of His good pleasure sends the gospel" (Second Head of Doctrine, Article 5). And that is certainly what George Whitefield, Andrew Fuller, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, and Martyn Lloyd-Jones did. Stop bearing false witness and slandering people!

  • @freakylocz14
    @freakylocz14 2 месяца назад +3

    The "God" of Calvinism is Satan.

    • @andypietrowski6915
      @andypietrowski6915 2 месяца назад +3

      If I were you I would fall down on my face tonight and ask God to open your eyes because you will have to answer one day for a statement like that

    • @verraymundo2016
      @verraymundo2016 2 месяца назад +1

      God damns you!!!

    • @freakylocz14
      @freakylocz14 2 месяца назад +1

      @@verraymundo2016 Jesus said, "You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not ➡️WILLING TO⬅️ come to Me, that you may have life." (John 5:39-40)
      The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come." And let him who hears say, "Come." And let him who is thirsty come. And whoever ➡️WILLS⬅️ let him take the water of life ➡️FREELY⬅️. (Revelation 22:17)

    • @psysolipsist
      @psysolipsist 2 месяца назад +1

      Thats a bit harsh. Calvinists are still saved and love God. They believe the gospel, they are our brothers in Christ. They've just been taught some very bad interpretations of scripture. The only difference between a Calvinist and other believers, is that the Calvinist was taught that he was made to believe, where as other believers just read the bible and believed what it said.

    • @freakylocz14
      @freakylocz14 2 месяца назад

      @@psysolipsist I agree, for many are misled or lack a full understanding of Calvinism. False prophets are another matter.

  • @JesseVarnon
    @JesseVarnon 2 месяца назад

    John 14:6 and your representation of Total Depravity and Irresistible Grace is correct.
    Where you missed it 4:48 where you said "God has removed Jesus and the truth from the non-elect" Jesus is the truth no matter if no man were to accept it. Now Him being the way to salvation is for His elect whom the Father gave Him before the creation of the world. Jesus is the Truth that sets you free, but who is gonna be set free? Those whom the Father gave to Him before creation.
    I and the Father Are One
    22 Then came the Festival of Dedication[b] at Jerusalem. It was winter, 23 and Jesus was in the temple courts walking in Solomon’s Colonnade. 24 The Jews who were there gathered around him, saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.”
    25 Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me, 26 but you do not believe because you are not my sheep. 27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all[c]; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.”
    Jesus said in John 6:44 “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day."
    Also John 6:65 And he said, "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father."
    The Great Commission and the Gospel is the means to the ends of God having an elect He chose to believe on Christ and be saved.
    You said "People not believing with a incapacity to believe makes the good news not good news." (paraphrasing) and "Why would Jesus have them lie"
    The Calvinist agrees that Jesus is the good news for those who believe and are the elect. Its bad news for those who naturally do not want to believe. But assuming that Jesus is telling His disciples to lie because Calvinism teaches that majority of people are non elect and therefore its really bad news from a Calvinistic perspective is such an ignorant statement against Calvinism. Because no where in Calvinism does it teach majority of people are non elect and therefore it really bad news for the majority.
    Also your statement that "Calvinist prefer to tell people God doesn't love everybody and warn people that the gospel is for the elect only" is also ignorant name one Calvinist you listen to that ever said that before giving the gospel. Just preach the gospel that's what determines who is the elect and not because one will end up believing before he dies and the other wont.
    ill respond when I have more time.

    • @faithonfireministries
      @faithonfireministries  2 месяца назад

      I totally agree that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life for everyone, regardless if they believe or not and I was very clear to say so. Their rejection of that truth is on them that reject it, and that is why God is just in judgement and hell is very real. The point of this video was to demonstrate that Calvinism teaches doctrines distinctly different from the Bible that contradict the words of Jesus, and according to Calvinism which is false, God already determined that most people cannot go His way, cannot believe in Him as the truth, cannot have eternal life no matter what because for one simple reason this false theology teaches... It is not people who choose to reject Christ but that God already foreordained them to reprobation and damnation, so God chose for them and determined them to never believe. It's right in the 3rd chapter of the Westminster Confession of Faith (Presbyterian Calvinism) and identical 3rd chapter of the London Baptist Confession of Faith (Reformed Baptists Calvinism). It's totally false but if that were true, then the words of Jesus are not true for most people of the world who reject Him because it would be Jesus Himself who is the cause of their rejection, who by His power and sovereignty eliminated the possibility of them being able to go His way, believe His truth, or receive life from Him.

    • @JesseVarnon
      @JesseVarnon 2 месяца назад

      @@faithonfireministries So what verse shows that Jesus hasn't determined the ones to believe and ones who wont believe? "Jesus is the cause of their rejection" again the Calvinist would say that all are born unable to come to God and all reject God until God regenerates that person to believe. So Jesus isn't the rejection that causes them to disbelieve it is them being left in their natural state and they will freely reject God. God doesn't have to make the non elect disbelieve everyone is born in a state of disbelief until God changes that person. Also God reprobating someone is not why people freely disbelieve. I feel as though when someone looks at the offer of salvation one automatically thinks they have full capacity to reject it or accept apart from Gods grace in being born again. Thoughts?