Obi-Wan likely snuck away for a drink when he could. We see it in Attack of the Clones. Some points in the Clone Wars and he most definitely indulged living on Tatooine. Likely how he aged so much in 19 years on top of the dual suns. Another way you could tell is that he knew quite a bit about the patrons and seemed to know the bartender in Mos Eisley when he brought Luke there.
I remember reading pieces of the Jedi book that went into what is expected and how they live. From what I remember when there’s nothing to do they are encouraged to meditate for hours on end. Even if they were standing outside waiting for class to start. Something like that will ensure they’re in a constant state of tranquility and calm even in the midst of chaos
I think a big difference between them and ordinary soldiers is summarized by the clones. Order 66 catchphrase "good soldiers follow orders" well, the Jedi follow their code but they really are monk-like both Christian monastery monks and Asian style monks were they live a life of aesthetic discipline
A general service member is not gonna have a day like this. They will wake up early conduct physical training for an hour or two as mandated by the unit they are with, then grab chow clean up and go to their MOS unit detachment and work their typical job day unless the service member is doing their essential qualifications with weapons or something else similar. If they are about to deploy to combat then maybe this kind of day could possibly happen but highly unlikely. The jedi do closely resemble a military in their training and conduct but our real life military and the fictional jedi are not quite comparable at least not a 1 to 1.
@@klaykid117 Exactly. It is very much based on Catholic/Orthodox/Coptic monastic discipline, and the Shinto and Buddhist discipline. Their very belief system is based around a kind of syncretic view of such things. One should note, they actually do all have time off. They enjoy things. Only the most serious cut themselves off from worldly things. Most Jedi likely couldn't. They were more like the Templar, in their original incarnation. The Knights of the Temple of Solomon were initially just Catholic knights who took monastic vows. They kept their weapons, and armour, but lived a simple existence in relation to their faith. They were serious in their orthodoxy, to an almost dangerous level, but didn't view themselves as a military force. Not initially at least. They were later.
I would absolutely love to live the life of a Jedi. I already get up every morning at 5am to workout before work and I am always eating healthy and reading and growing as a person. I just wish I could tap into the Force. LOL Though I am more Qui-Gon than I am Mace Windu.
I would be resistant to such a militaristic regiment, but it once again makes me wonder what kind of Jedi I would be. I love martial arts, and interacting with the public would be good, but I love the spiritual aspect of the force, and both healing and diplomacy are needed in both times of peace and war. So Guardian or Consular is up in the air. Sentinel is nice, getting to pretend to be a normal guy and interacting with society, but there is the issue of keeping secrets from everyone like a real life secret agent would.
If I was a Jedi & I had spare time I would mainly be studying the deeper aspects of the force , doing a lot of physical exercise training , a whole lot of random galaxy travelling on my personal small ship & a whole load of sleeping 😆👏🏾✅.
It's kind of a massive indictment of the Jedi Order that the phrasing "what did they do when there were no injustices to correct" exists. The galaxy is full of quadrillions of sentients. Throw a rock and you'll hit an injustice (and possibly cause one). The only way in which "injustice is not currently taking place" can be defended is if you look to the political designations of injustice from a Senate who is itself complicit in a great deal of the injustices in question.
That's why they became so weak. They tied themselves to the government and became corrupted, rather than simply having diplomatic level clearances to go anywhere as they did in the old Republic.
On the contrary, the fact that we DON'T have a clear immediate idea of what they do in their free time and need it explained to us in a video essay implies that they don't have very much, lmao. It's not like they watch TV when they have 'free time,' they train and learn which is.... Woah.... A necessary part of trying to solve complex galactic political problems. Every living body also needs rest to do things, who would've thought?
8:06 Obi-Wan and Anakin have this banter line in battlefront 2: Anakin: “At this rate none of us will make it home for dinner.” Obi-Wan: “Well, this battle scares me less than the food at the Jedi temple.”
Actually sounds nice lol! Wouldn’t like the actual wars but the daily life of eating healthy, exercising and having a lot of alone time but still being around others sounds great lol! Being on the spectrum this is kinda how I live now only I do yoga (no saber training lol) and don’t eat as healthy as a Jedi lol!
Yep. The Jedi seem VERY militaristic. The one difference I recognize is that they do breakfast BEFORE training. The food, however, seems similar. We'd get slop of some kind that had all of the necessary nutrients, but didn't taste very good.
I recently had a conversation with a friend. Her head cannon is that the jedi would engage in casual hook ups with each other. Since it's forbidden for them to form attachment but no where in the rules did it state that they couldn't enjoy each other's company like that.
In legends , they were allowed to do the deed . They were only forbidden to fallen in love and marry , etc but allowed to have s*x. There were many Jedi knights who did it on a daily basis.
In legends it's It's somewhat implied that they're a lot like the the black cloaked watchers of the wall from game of thrones. They swear off love and romance and they're supposed to be chaste but everyone turns a blind eye if they sneak off for some more "natural lightsaber" training
I bet the real reason Dooku left the order was because he could never get five minutes to himself to enjoy a glass of fine wine without the other jedi getting pissy about him drinking in the room of a thousand fountains.
We've seen, apparently, even Droids have down time. Seems to me they socialized in their own cliques, or hung out in they own canteena/sports bar of sorts, or LITERALLY hit the gym or meditation chambers if not some classroom... according to narrated. Unless the plot cam was focused on them then apparently they forgo laundry day to pursue the plot
This sounds really interesting. If I was a Jedi I would practice my lightsaber skills,meditate, help people. I would socialize with people too. I would be restless😁Very😂May the Force be with you too😁
The stupendous wave the video you made about the force priestesses about them being even much more stronger and powerful than the Mortis gods is fact and true true because they are immortal and eternal they can’t be killed or destroyed, but the mortis gods including abeloth can
Because the force priestesses are more akin to actual gods or archetype spirits. Beings that had transecended death and dark and light of the force. The beings on mortis are decendents of the celestials. Extremely powerful force weighing beings. But still mortal.
I assume Jedi would study the force when not on active missions yet be skilled with the blade. A guardian when on missions, a counselor when off-duty. Now what is a typical day for a Sith?
@@PirateJohnson I can’t tell if you’re complimenting my grammar or railing against it. If the latter, perhaps you should work on your own grammar before attacking that of others.
Stupendous wave, could you possibly make a video going over how the Sith spent their free time if it is in the old Republic era, or the rule of two era
I'd always be in trouble if I was a Jedi... There would be like five of us meditating for hours on end and then as soon as everybody is that the best point of focus you hear a knock on the door and hear pizza Delivery.....
I get the feeling I would've hated down time as a Jedi. Because my version of down time is me doing nothing at all. Except drinking some tea and watching something that will make me laugh.
The consumption of alcohol for recreational purposes was technically allowed, but discouraged. Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker all did (though Anakin only when he attained the rank of Knight, but he might have when younger), but by the time of the Clone Wars it was discouraged for all, except those investigating certain instances like Obi-Wan and Anakin did, so was acceptable as a means to get closer to gaining information by seeming more personable. Though it was, again, just discouraged. Padawans old enough to consume it weren't forbidden, necessarily, but it was seen as a pretty strong guideline; they should focus more on their studies. That's mentioned in Star Wars Insider 83. That implies, while their free time was quite limited, they definitely had enough to sometimes go out to consume liquor, or that the temples and outposts might have had some on hand. Obi-Wan was fond of Corellian whisky, which is apparently an in-universe version of Scotch whisky. His master, Qui-Gon, played by Irishman Liam Neeson, preferred Corulag whiskey. Those are just references to real-world actors origins, but still, it is noted they did imbibe on their free time, and it was acceptable. Anakin apparently drank but I assume he followed his master's habits, so the same whisky, or perhaps cocktails with it, or something else. There is rum in Star Wars, and Anakin strikes me as a rum and coke kind of man, from inveterate drinker. I don't know what the Star Wars equivalent of Coca-Cola is though I'm afraid.
As boring as it might sound, I think we need a Tales of the Jedi episode that covers exactly this topic. Have some minor character go through the motions in his or her life as a Jedi
It’s noteworthy to say that not all jedi guardians and consulars stuck to their typical lightsaber color. Jedi like Windu, is a guardian but has purple. Jocasta Nu has a blue blade, but is a consular. It’s very rare they ever change their color but that’s what it is.
I understand the reasoning behind the regimenting of the lifestyle, but I think it’s kind of ridiculous The Jedi built their entire lives around fear of the dark side, and I think that led to a lot of Jedi actually falling They should’ve instead tried to instill in students strong senses of morality and compassion, rather than promoting detachment,and simply ignoring the dangers that were present
I think the truly holistic teaching of force based literature, is that even everything requires balance. Neither extreme way of choosing is necessarily more correct. The purest dualities they share are selfishness v selflessness. The answer for anyone's self, is a balance. The jedi for what we strive for in ourselves, the sith what we accept. Love works the same way, if you cannot be without someone you dont truly love them.
Can The Force be used to create kinetic and thermal energy as defined by real life physics? How about negative thermal energy so you can Force Freeze people?
should be harder since you are trying to decrease entropy. physics does not like to decrease entropy. If the force is a force, it might even not be able to decrease entropy, meaning freezing.
Theoretically, yes since telekinesis is creating/cancelling kinetic energy. The only difference between that and thermal energy is scale in two directions- scaling down in target size, and up in target number. Whether this is possible or not depends on whether your sense can target something that small, and whether or not you can kind of macro the action out for the particles, since each particle will need to be pushed a different amount and in different directions. TLDR; I don't think so. Not in a combat sense. At most, cool things down slowly.
In Legends Jacen Solo was able to use telekinesis to not die of a decrompressing corridor by keeping hold of all the air molecules around him. If you're at that level of mastery you should be able to intentionally increase or decrease the temperature of a substance by making its molecules move faster or slower. But it's likely a rare talent because it requires a huge amount of telecinetic control on a minuscule level. I guess, making a Star Destroyer crash from orbit to a planet's surface would be easier as that crazy feat requires "just raw strength".
Right?!? Force penetration would make me drop my light saber real quick during a duel. Force titty twister would definitely suck bro.@@stevenbrooks5429
I think I might suit for this kind of lifestyle. I like to follow daily routine and complete assigned missions. Following daily routine and completing assigned missions comfort me. And I guess probably I may look like master ken obi after all🤔️
Being a jedi was ttaining, teaching, peace keeping missions and repeat. The only time they were was sleeping eating meditation and commute time. During the clone wars they became soldiers
There is a flaw here. "When there is no problem, or no enemy". Not that there has to be an enemy, but Jedi do a ton of things. They help solve crime or prevent it, they act as advisors, they help the Republic with major projects, they patrol space, they act as scouts and explorers, they escort VIPs and keep them safe, they help with galactic diplomacy, need I go on? Even when there is no war or conflict there is an entire galaxy. There is always something to do, some request from the Republic, some dangerous criminal or something else that requires their attention or could benefit from their presence. - Sure, describing their everyday life is fine, but there was always something to do. Even if there are 10.000 Jedi there are millions of inhabited star systems in the Star Wars universe, trillions of beings. There is always something to do. With such a large galaxy and many factions and worlds there will always be some sort of conflict somewhere.
Though i connect more with guardians, I would rather live the life of a Sentinel. Out in the galaxy, seeing real life, and interacting with the people and cultures. Especially the food.
Personally, knowing me, I don't think I could handle hours of meditation. (ADHD's a b¡tch!) I do think I would spend hours if not days practicing my lightsaber forms and running the obstacle course. From there, when I wasn't maintaining my robes, saber, and other equipment, I would be leading marathon parkour runs over the local topography. When I wasn't doing any of that, I would be doing one of two things. One, exploring whatever "town" or other settlements were near the temple/outpost, getting to know the people, sampling the street food of the market place, enjoying the community, letting the Force guide me to whomever needed my help. Two, studying how to achieve sustained "Force-Push" telekinetic flight! (Do *NOT* tell me they "can't"! Everything I've seen of what they're capable, they *should* be able to!) Another more recent notion for Force Ability that has come to my mind is, if my Force Potential was high enough, to learn to use Tutaminis and hone it to the point where I'd only need to use my saber as a last resort. Like, taking what Ezra was doing on Peridia against the bandits and Shin Hati to the next level. You know, using 100% unarmed hand-to-hand, blithely batting aside blaster shots and saber strokes with my bare hands.
If I was in the Old Jedi Order, I would become restless since my attention span is a bit low and I get bored easily. I think I’ll be alright in Luke’s New Jedi Order. Heck, I prefer the New Jedi Order over the old one.
I always say that I'm VERY THANKFUL to have both ADHD & an Autism Spectrum Disorder, because the two balance each other out. Most people like you, with only ADHD, would be too fidgety to handle meditation, but if a person like me with both could learn to see meditation as a special interest, that person would not only handle meditation but EXCELL at it. Likewise, those who are only on the Autism Spectrum likely obsess over more things, whereas I can't obsess over something that I've forgotten.
Get to a point where no one cares... focus on what is necessary for my current situation... operate in the gray areas with everything else. Utter perfection in all things leaves no room for mistakes. Mistakes are how people learn and grow. Masters know this... or at least they should.
I know what the Jedi really do on their days off. They lounge around an apartment. Obi Wan kicks his feet up and watches Star Wars re-runs. Alongside the force ghost of Qui Gon Jinn. Eating a bag of force doritos. So they can reflect on their pasts. 😁 hahaha
Can you say "Priest"? Cause that is what I've been told or read (mind you it's been mostly from movies N novels. lol) But, _GEEZ!!_ not even cross-stitch or bingo?! No Bingo means no credits! So, there must not have been any culinary arts jedi because the food was prepared bereft of _TASTE!_ And when meditated for hours and days, what were they actually thinking? I find it hard to believe that during all those hours N days that Obi-Wan didn't set aside some time to think about the hot Twi'lek girl who works the hotdog stand he occasionally sneaks off to! Another thing I noticed was no nap time for the feelings and couldn't they have given them some more dignified helmuts (they looked ridiculous!!) It's no wonder Jedi would defect! Some were prolly going insane anyways!! There's a reason someone make up the axiom "All work and No play makes you Dull" cause it's bloody well true! The Jedi want _balence_ and yet THEY don't even have it on a personal level! Light side/Dark side, it makes no difference. Sith or Jedi are both very detrimental to ones health!! Aaaand the answer to your inquiry would be an absolute _NO!!!_ \m/
Obi-Wan likely snuck away for a drink when he could. We see it in Attack of the Clones. Some points in the Clone Wars and he most definitely indulged living on Tatooine. Likely how he aged so much in 19 years on top of the dual suns. Another way you could tell is that he knew quite a bit about the patrons and seemed to know the bartender in Mos Eisley when he brought Luke there.
I remember reading pieces of the Jedi book that went into what is expected and how they live. From what I remember when there’s nothing to do they are encouraged to meditate for hours on end. Even if they were standing outside waiting for class to start. Something like that will ensure they’re in a constant state of tranquility and calm even in the midst of chaos
The jedi may not have thought of themselves as a military force, but the well regimented training is very similar in many ways to any military.
I think a big difference between them and ordinary soldiers is summarized by the clones. Order 66 catchphrase "good soldiers follow orders" well, the Jedi follow their code but they really are monk-like both Christian monastery monks and Asian style monks were they live a life of aesthetic discipline
A general service member is not gonna have a day like this. They will wake up early conduct physical training for an hour or two as mandated by the unit they are with, then grab chow clean up and go to their MOS unit detachment and work their typical job day unless the service member is doing their essential qualifications with weapons or something else similar.
If they are about to deploy to combat then maybe this kind of day could possibly happen but highly unlikely. The jedi do closely resemble a military in their training and conduct but our real life military and the fictional jedi are not quite comparable at least not a 1 to 1.
@@klaykid117 Exactly. It is very much based on Catholic/Orthodox/Coptic monastic discipline, and the Shinto and Buddhist discipline. Their very belief system is based around a kind of syncretic view of such things. One should note, they actually do all have time off. They enjoy things. Only the most serious cut themselves off from worldly things. Most Jedi likely couldn't. They were more like the Templar, in their original incarnation. The Knights of the Temple of Solomon were initially just Catholic knights who took monastic vows. They kept their weapons, and armour, but lived a simple existence in relation to their faith. They were serious in their orthodoxy, to an almost dangerous level, but didn't view themselves as a military force. Not initially at least. They were later.
Yes. This is one of the ways in which the Jedi order lost its way. They essentially became a military order.
I'd probably practice with my Saber and learn about galactic culture at the brothel 😂
Space clap
I would absolutely love to live the life of a Jedi. I already get up every morning at 5am to workout before work and I am always eating healthy and reading and growing as a person. I just wish I could tap into the Force. LOL Though I am more Qui-Gon than I am Mace Windu.
I both baffled & entertained by how deep many go into thinking & creating ideas for imaginary characters & stories. Crazy & Fun ;)
This is the way
I would be resistant to such a militaristic regiment, but it once again makes me wonder what kind of Jedi I would be. I love martial arts, and interacting with the public would be good, but I love the spiritual aspect of the force, and both healing and diplomacy are needed in both times of peace and war. So Guardian or Consular is up in the air. Sentinel is nice, getting to pretend to be a normal guy and interacting with society, but there is the issue of keeping secrets from everyone like a real life secret agent would.
Prolly chillin I’m guessing rn
If I was a Jedi & I had spare time I would mainly be studying the deeper aspects of the force , doing a lot of physical exercise training , a whole lot of random galaxy travelling on my personal small ship & a whole load of sleeping 😆👏🏾✅.
Is that what you do in your normal life, minus the force and space stuff
@@kadbenson7540obviously, but space travel would make it cooler
It's kind of a massive indictment of the Jedi Order that the phrasing "what did they do when there were no injustices to correct" exists.
The galaxy is full of quadrillions of sentients. Throw a rock and you'll hit an injustice (and possibly cause one). The only way in which "injustice is not currently taking place" can be defended is if you look to the political designations of injustice from a Senate who is itself complicit in a great deal of the injustices in question.
Another Jedi Order hater. What else is new? 🙄
That's why they became so weak. They tied themselves to the government and became corrupted, rather than simply having diplomatic level clearances to go anywhere as they did in the old Republic.
On the contrary, the fact that we DON'T have a clear immediate idea of what they do in their free time and need it explained to us in a video essay implies that they don't have very much, lmao.
It's not like they watch TV when they have 'free time,' they train and learn which is.... Woah.... A necessary part of trying to solve complex galactic political problems. Every living body also needs rest to do things, who would've thought?
Also, any phrasing of anything exists. People can just say words. That doesn't mean that phrasing is the definitive truth of a situation 😂
Obi lives in England with Gandalf and a guy named Charlie. 😂
Obi-Wan and Anakin have this banter line in battlefront 2:
Anakin: “At this rate none of us will make it home for dinner.”
Obi-Wan: “Well, this battle scares me less than the food at the Jedi temple.”
Actually sounds nice lol! Wouldn’t like the actual wars but the daily life of eating healthy, exercising and having a lot of alone time but still being around others sounds great lol! Being on the spectrum this is kinda how I live now only I do yoga (no saber training lol) and don’t eat as healthy as a Jedi lol!
Yep. The Jedi seem VERY militaristic. The one difference I recognize is that they do breakfast BEFORE training. The food, however, seems similar. We'd get slop of some kind that had all of the necessary nutrients, but didn't taste very good.
A sith series would be awesome they could start with Bane and continue all the way through to Palpatine being an apprentice
You trust Disney with this ?
@@redred1952 not at all I just think it would be cool
I recently had a conversation with a friend. Her head cannon is that the jedi would engage in casual hook ups with each other. Since it's forbidden for them to form attachment but no where in the rules did it state that they couldn't enjoy each other's company like that.
In legends , they were allowed to do the deed . They were only forbidden to fallen in love and marry , etc but allowed to have s*x. There were many Jedi knights who did it on a daily basis.
Oh the Jedi Barracks had crazy orgies
In legends it's It's somewhat implied that they're a lot like the the black cloaked watchers of the wall from game of thrones. They swear off love and romance and they're supposed to be chaste but everyone turns a blind eye if they sneak off for some more "natural lightsaber" training
And women say men only think about one thing…. Lmao
I bet the real reason Dooku left the order was because he could never get five minutes to himself to enjoy a glass of fine wine without the other jedi getting pissy about him drinking in the room of a thousand fountains.
Honestly guy just wants some time to enjoy fine wine and reflect on his life and the force
We've seen, apparently, even Droids have down time. Seems to me they socialized in their own cliques, or hung out in they own canteena/sports bar of sorts, or LITERALLY hit the gym or meditation chambers if not some classroom... according to narrated. Unless the plot cam was focused on them then apparently they forgo laundry day to pursue the plot
If I were a Jedi, I would spend most of my spare time watching and sharing videos on JediTube.
Sounds just like a typical businessman's daily lifestyle
Dude you're cranking out the vids, keep em ' comin!!! 🤘🤘
Me being a bit of a history nerd, I'd probably spend a LOT of time in the archives.
I would be learning the dark side tbh
I would meditate
This sounds really interesting. If I was a Jedi I would practice my lightsaber skills,meditate, help people. I would socialize with people too. I would be restless😁Very😂May the Force be with you too😁
The stupendous wave the video you made about the force priestesses about them being even much more stronger and powerful than the Mortis gods is fact and true true because they are immortal and eternal they can’t be killed or destroyed, but the mortis gods including abeloth can
Because the force priestesses are more akin to actual gods or archetype spirits. Beings that had transecended death and dark and light of the force. The beings on mortis are decendents of the celestials. Extremely powerful force weighing beings. But still mortal.
@@daganlove8536 so im right
@@YayoHernandez-b1j right? Idk if that's the correct word for this lol more like you can comprehend a TV show lol
@@daganlove8536 did you get my other comment
I assume Jedi would study the force when not on active missions yet be skilled with the blade.
A guardian when on missions, a counselor when off-duty.
Now what is a typical day for a Sith?
Why the finger pyramid of evil contemplation of course!
A typical day for a sith: being the senate
The same, but meditation on their own negative feelings.
@@magicaltour1 Maul was known to mediate on occasions. His own personal time while being replenished by the force.
@@PirateJohnson I can’t tell if you’re complimenting my grammar or railing against it. If the latter, perhaps you should work on your own grammar before attacking that of others.
As a USAF Vet that was in between 2009 and 2012 and was medically discharged, it sounds like how the "Basic Training" at Lackland AFB was.
Batman and the Jedi would have gotten along wonderfully. Highly disciplined, no frills, every moment dedicated to their cause.
Stupendous wave, could you possibly make a video going over how the Sith spent their free time if it is in the old Republic era, or the rule of two era
Loved this detailed video
I'd always be in trouble if I was a Jedi... There would be like five of us meditating for hours on end and then as soon as everybody is that the best point of focus you hear a knock on the door and hear pizza Delivery.....
I think this way of life is well rewarding
Oh come on, you know what they're doing. They're playing with their light sabers
I would much rather spend my days meditating or training with my lightsaber. I get rather nervous around other people.
I get the feeling I would've hated down time as a Jedi. Because my version of down time is me doing nothing at all. Except drinking some tea and watching something that will make me laugh.
After I had trained to a certain point I would likely pack my kit and get my but out of the order and explore and train on my own.
Makes you wonder how Anakin got away with brooding and Boning padme and knocking her up with all the Zero Free time they had lol
He was assigned to protect her so he was always with her, not wearing protection
@@Star-Destroyer lol exactly he was working PRO-BONE-O LOL
Greasy lol
@@tombondcrispy6585 lol
The consumption of alcohol for recreational purposes was technically allowed, but discouraged. Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker all did (though Anakin only when he attained the rank of Knight, but he might have when younger), but by the time of the Clone Wars it was discouraged for all, except those investigating certain instances like Obi-Wan and Anakin did, so was acceptable as a means to get closer to gaining information by seeming more personable.
Though it was, again, just discouraged. Padawans old enough to consume it weren't forbidden, necessarily, but it was seen as a pretty strong guideline; they should focus more on their studies. That's mentioned in Star Wars Insider 83. That implies, while their free time was quite limited, they definitely had enough to sometimes go out to consume liquor, or that the temples and outposts might have had some on hand. Obi-Wan was fond of Corellian whisky, which is apparently an in-universe version of Scotch whisky. His master, Qui-Gon, played by Irishman Liam Neeson, preferred Corulag whiskey. Those are just references to real-world actors origins, but still, it is noted they did imbibe on their free time, and it was acceptable. Anakin apparently drank but I assume he followed his master's habits, so the same whisky, or perhaps cocktails with it, or something else. There is rum in Star Wars, and Anakin strikes me as a rum and coke kind of man, from inveterate drinker. I don't know what the Star Wars equivalent of Coca-Cola is though I'm afraid.
As boring as it might sound, I think we need a Tales of the Jedi episode that covers exactly this topic. Have some minor character go through the motions in his or her life as a Jedi
I would be restless.... Probably end up giving Yoda an upper decker or something lol and getting kicked out
One fine day then it turned night, two dead kings got up to fight, back to back they drew their swords... And slew em' all.
It’s noteworthy to say that not all jedi guardians and consulars stuck to their typical lightsaber color. Jedi like Windu, is a guardian but has purple. Jocasta Nu has a blue blade, but is a consular. It’s very rare they ever change their color but that’s what it is.
great video this one
Man Jedi are so freaking cool
Not exactly quite the life anyone expected being a Jedi
I understand the reasoning behind the regimenting of the lifestyle, but I think it’s kind of ridiculous
The Jedi built their entire lives around fear of the dark side, and I think that led to a lot of Jedi actually falling
They should’ve instead tried to instill in students strong senses of morality and compassion, rather than promoting detachment,and simply ignoring the dangers that were present
I think the truly holistic teaching of force based literature, is that even everything requires balance. Neither extreme way of choosing is necessarily more correct. The purest dualities they share are selfishness v selflessness. The answer for anyone's self, is a balance. The jedi for what we strive for in ourselves, the sith what we accept. Love works the same way, if you cannot be without someone you dont truly love them.
In legends, they could use a meditative trance in place of sleep.
That lifestyle is a little beyond strict.
Can The Force be used to create kinetic and thermal energy as defined by real life physics?
How about negative thermal energy so you can Force Freeze people?
should be harder since you are trying to decrease entropy. physics does not like to decrease entropy. If the force is a force, it might even not be able to decrease entropy, meaning freezing.
Theoretically, yes since telekinesis is creating/cancelling kinetic energy. The only difference between that and thermal energy is scale in two directions- scaling down in target size, and up in target number. Whether this is possible or not depends on whether your sense can target something that small, and whether or not you can kind of macro the action out for the particles, since each particle will need to be pushed a different amount and in different directions.
TLDR; I don't think so. Not in a combat sense. At most, cool things down slowly.
Maybe if you can somehow vibrate air molecules against eachother
To create heat I mean, dropping temperature or freezing something out right would probably be much more complicated
In Legends Jacen Solo was able to use telekinesis to not die of a decrompressing corridor by keeping hold of all the air molecules around him. If you're at that level of mastery you should be able to intentionally increase or decrease the temperature of a substance by making its molecules move faster or slower. But it's likely a rare talent because it requires a huge amount of telecinetic control on a minuscule level. I guess, making a Star Destroyer crash from orbit to a planet's surface would be easier as that crazy feat requires "just raw strength".
It's certainly a challenge
If I’d get any spare time I’d practice with my lightsaber more or look into the history of the Jedi.
Or play video games lol
Probably a lot of "force jacking and force bean flicking" in their down time.
I've wondered why the sith don't use force sac crush against enemies. Would be an effective tactic, and the dark side would lol with them about it.
Right?!? Force penetration would make me drop my light saber real quick during a duel. Force titty twister would definitely suck bro.@@stevenbrooks5429
I would go on little holidays to different worlds.
I’d love to see knights and padawans shooting the breeze at the water cooler
Id spend my time tinkering and in archives
I think I might suit for this kind of lifestyle. I like to follow daily routine and complete assigned missions. Following daily routine and completing assigned missions comfort me. And I guess probably I may look like master ken obi after all🤔️
Being a jedi was ttaining, teaching, peace keeping missions and repeat. The only time they were was sleeping eating meditation and commute time. During the clone wars they became soldiers
I wear heavy armor all day while I practice lightsaber forms and ancient sword techniques from Japan.
By the Force I would have quit years ago.
Jedi stuff
I have always thought I would make a good Jedi
As a jedi I just spend time thinking about dismemberment
We all know -who- what Anakin was doing during his down time 😏
Now I have this image of yoda whatching sopoprah
There is a flaw here. "When there is no problem, or no enemy". Not that there has to be an enemy, but Jedi do a ton of things. They help solve crime or prevent it, they act as advisors, they help the Republic with major projects, they patrol space, they act as scouts and explorers, they escort VIPs and keep them safe, they help with galactic diplomacy, need I go on? Even when there is no war or conflict there is an entire galaxy. There is always something to do, some request from the Republic, some dangerous criminal or something else that requires their attention or could benefit from their presence.
- Sure, describing their everyday life is fine, but there was always something to do. Even if there are 10.000 Jedi there are millions of inhabited star systems in the Star Wars universe, trillions of beings. There is always something to do. With such a large galaxy and many factions and worlds there will always be some sort of conflict somewhere.
Chris hemsworth sure would make a handsome Jedi.
Though i connect more with guardians, I would rather live the life of a Sentinel. Out in the galaxy, seeing real life, and interacting with the people and cultures. Especially the food.
Well they were very monk like.
Kind of like medieval monks but in space
I’m just a little bit too lazy for that, plus I would definitely slightly abuse my power. Grey Jedi here.
Sounds great to me!!!
Personally, knowing me, I don't think I could handle hours of meditation. (ADHD's a b¡tch!) I do think I would spend hours if not days practicing my lightsaber forms and running the obstacle course. From there, when I wasn't maintaining my robes, saber, and other equipment, I would be leading marathon parkour runs over the local topography. When I wasn't doing any of that, I would be doing one of two things. One, exploring whatever "town" or other settlements were near the temple/outpost, getting to know the people, sampling the street food of the market place, enjoying the community, letting the Force guide me to whomever needed my help. Two, studying how to achieve sustained "Force-Push" telekinetic flight! (Do *NOT* tell me they "can't"! Everything I've seen of what they're capable, they *should* be able to!)
Another more recent notion for Force Ability that has come to my mind is, if my Force Potential was high enough, to learn to use Tutaminis and hone it to the point where I'd only need to use my saber as a last resort. Like, taking what Ezra was doing on Peridia against the bandits and Shin Hati to the next level. You know, using 100% unarmed hand-to-hand, blithely batting aside blaster shots and saber strokes with my bare hands.
If I was a jedi, I would secretly study the dark side of the force very throughly cause I know it is a gateway to some considers unnatural.
I'd be sleeping
Talk about cultish behavior.
If I was a Jedi, I'd probably be expelled and go rogue lol
Basically, a blend of real life Buddhist monasteries and the military.
If I was in the Old Jedi Order, I would become restless since my attention span is a bit low and I get bored easily. I think I’ll be alright in Luke’s New Jedi Order. Heck, I prefer the New Jedi Order over the old one.
Where does all this information come from again? Do you have a reference??
I would have spent free time with the people in cities
I wanna know what the Jedi ate for breakfast along with blue milk. 😁
Solid and or gaseous blue milk.
Yoda with 4 fingers on his hand? WTF!?
Master Jedi Thich Nhat Hanh.
Look him up
It's a problem if people were born into it and did not have a choice. Having the ability to use the force would be like an incurable illness.
i have adhd i had trouble sitting still for this video so no i dont think i would make a very good jedi
I always say that I'm VERY THANKFUL to have both ADHD & an Autism Spectrum Disorder, because the two balance each other out. Most people like you, with only ADHD, would be too fidgety to handle meditation, but if a person like me with both could learn to see meditation as a special interest, that person would not only handle meditation but EXCELL at it. Likewise, those who are only on the Autism Spectrum likely obsess over more things, whereas I can't obsess over something that I've forgotten.
They watch reruns of the clone wars.
What about during the Clone Wars?
Get to a point where no one cares... focus on what is necessary for my current situation... operate in the gray areas with everything else. Utter perfection in all things leaves no room for mistakes. Mistakes are how people learn and grow. Masters know this... or at least they should.
I’m more aligned with the Sith more fun
I know what the Jedi really do on their days off. They lounge around an apartment. Obi Wan kicks his feet up and watches Star Wars re-runs. Alongside the force ghost of Qui Gon Jinn. Eating a bag of force doritos. So they can reflect on their pasts. 😁 hahaha
To knowledge.....
Would I be a jedi? Hmmmm..., Where is Luke at from legends I can probably hang with his lol.
Sounds pretty standard to me.
Wake up quick exercise get breakfast Etc
I there a Sith Version?
Day 316 of asking for a part 3 of what if anakin was trained by qui gon
Can you say "Priest"? Cause that is what I've been told or read (mind you it's been mostly from movies N novels. lol) But, _GEEZ!!_ not even cross-stitch or bingo?! No Bingo means no credits! So, there must not have been any culinary arts jedi because the food was prepared bereft of _TASTE!_ And when meditated for hours and days, what were they actually thinking? I find it hard to believe that during all those hours N days that Obi-Wan didn't set aside some time to think about the hot Twi'lek girl who works the hotdog stand he occasionally sneaks off to! Another thing I noticed was no nap time for the feelings and couldn't they have given them some more dignified helmuts (they looked ridiculous!!) It's no wonder Jedi would defect! Some were prolly going insane anyways!! There's a reason someone make up the axiom "All work and No play makes you Dull" cause it's bloody well true! The Jedi want _balence_ and yet THEY don't even have it on a personal level! Light side/Dark side, it makes no difference. Sith or Jedi are both very detrimental to ones health!! Aaaand the answer to your inquiry would be an absolute _NO!!!_ \m/
they crank 90s in fartnite and scam kiddos out of bobux