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Brother, you should see the replies on your videos, you can get a glimpse of what the people think and also know of the conflicting arguements against the things you say, so you can develop and give even better arguements, in sha Allah...
Quran 5 : 5 - (Lawful to you in marriage) are **chaste women from the believers and chaste women from those who were given the Scripture** before your time when you have given their due Mahr (bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage), desiring chastity (legal wedlock) not committing illegal sexual intercourse, nor taking them as girl-friends. ... Quran 2 : 221 - And do not marry Al-Mushrikat (idolatresses, etc.) till they believe (worship Allah Alone). **And indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a (free) Mushrikah (idolatress), even though she pleases you.** And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikun till they believe (in Allah Alone) and verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater), even though he pleases you. **Those (Al-Mushrikun) invite you to the Fire, but Allah invites (you) to Paradise and Forgiveness by His Leave,** and makes His Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to mankind that they may remember. --- Polygyny may be ruled as Fard-ul-Khaffay, why... here... in some times and places Nisa are more numerous then Rijal! It can also be haram if the man is not ready, like its not for every man its not for every woman i guess, but in the future women outnumber men 50 to 1 in hadith, so we have to be careful and prepare, and learn from good Salaf's polygyny!
the lack of unity on Muslims will affect our lives, it is basic to worship Allah as the sunnah of our Prophet peace and blessings be upon him taught! the problem is bida, we need to remove the bida which divides the Muslims and then is reaplced by colonies and secualrism and feminism. Read : --- In order to be a team be grounded as an umma as hadith Jibril taught us. 5 Pillars of Islam to guide our area, 6 of Iman for individuals all fard al ayn, obligatory on individuals, (be careful of your words) 5 pillars of shariah by specilists or Fard al Khaffayah! Learn salafi dawa (authentic info), unite & build together! 5 Protected pillars of Shariah are : 1) Din - atheism built 0 civilizations, we reject bida to keep our din firm! Allah created us in pairs ( even at cellular level, dna and rna codes) shows He is 1. Quran 36: 36 & 112:1 2) Life - we teach healthy diet and hygeine, we reject extremism, Ibn Taymiyyah said there is no deviant except a non Muslim behind them, cia backing iran in 79 who took in exiled al queda is no different! 3) Mind - We teach following clear evidence, Quran is preserved, even modern science method is made by a Muslim to make evidence transparent to unite society on whats trustworthy and build society. We avoid harmful substances. 4) Family - Marriage to balance individuals and society and allows us to grow, ppl aren't born Qoem Loot, the (ID) twins reports proved that! 5) Money - Islam's Zakat inspired social benefits, h/e we also prohibit gambling and unequal lending to squander and unfairly divide wealth! etc.
⚠️ Only 0ne $ect Will Enter Paradise ( 1 ) Every sect claims to be following the Quran & Hadith ( 2 ) The main problem Is people connect to a sect & then go along with whatever they have been taught even if it contradicts the Quran & Hadith on some matters. ( 3 ) We should not join any sect, we should only follow Allah;s order the Quran & Hadith. ( 4 ) Question for all those people who claim we must follow or respect the Opinions of $CHOLARS, are you ready to become a Shia if you was preached by a shia SCHOLAR❓ ( 5 ) The Prophet P.B.U.H made it clear 0NLY one sect will enter PARADISE, this means SCH0LARS from all the other sects will enter the FIRE 🔥🔥🔥 ( 6 ) This is why we should not be afraid of telling anyone who is preaching against the QURAN Or HADITH, whether It be a SCH0LAR, MUFTI, or ALIM. ( 7 ) The Prophet P.B.U.H said even if you know one Ayat then pass it on, this proves we do not need to become a SCH0LAR, MUFTI, or ALIM before preaching
MashaAllah great video.. my husband has three wives and we live by the first model.. turns out he loves me even more now for supporting him thruout the marriages alhumdulilah
I’m an unmarried virgin, but I would not mind to be the second wife honestly. If he can treat me right, and his first wife as well, what is the problem? I am not superior or better than the wives of the Prophet pbuh who were in such a marriage. Only if he is a man of taqwa, and if he can guide me to Jannah, I will gladly be in a polygamous relationship. Deen > Dunya
Bro, You should do matrimonial services to get ppl married. Lets start with 1 in shaa Allah, then maybe think about polygyny later. Now most can’t even get married once.
@Moo Miller unmarried man is not like unmarried women.. emotionally, financially, stability.. Both are problems but generally speaking, unmarried women are more vulnerable in most aspects of life..
This comment section is a mess. First of all to clarify i’m a woman & Muslim. I can understand many women get angry talking about polygyny & avoiding polygyny. I used to get the same feeling & maybe even worse when it comes to women in Islam in general. But, it doesn’t justify my action & anger nor does it changed the condition. If i didn’t held myself back, i would become kufr & that’s the reality. Women, our anger does not making anything better, it’s only creating a fitnah. We have been conditioned to have a monogamous relationship. And we get trauma, even if some of us doesn’t experience traumatic events, just by hearing other ppl’s problem, we get the trauma. We are affected by those stories & news. Our anger only make women look worse. Look at those females that get angry every time people told them advices or the reality, they don’t get any respect from people. Only the same women that have the same mentality as them that would respect & support them. But what is the result of their behavior? The view of people towards women get even worse & more men thinking good woman is rare. I hate to hear bad things about women, i really do, but it doesn’t justify my anger & i should not get angry in the very first place. One thing that women should remember, women of paradise are rare. Allah knows best about your heart (whether you dislike the ruling of Allah or not), but if you don’t accept polygyny, don’t even bother yourself to watch someone supporting polygyny videos, it will only trigger you. For the sake of Allah, ask Allah to humble yourself, and ask Allah to make it easy for you to accept polygyny & be patient. Ask Allah to give you a righteous man that fears Allah. But in order to get a righteous man, you also have to be righteous. Look at the real conditions of righteous woman in Islam. Don’t look at the watered down version. And improve your self according to it. May Allah rectify our Muslims women & may Allah make all of us easy to accept polygyny
Amin to your dua. Point in Polygny has virtue and so does monogamy, whatever you do, follow it properly, try to strive for best ( polygyny) and don't judge others if you are never ready!
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 but how does that indicate that women are rare in heaven? Every Muslim would go to heaven eventually after hell & it’s said there’ll be 50 women for every man.
@@schorpioen7466 but still now it's difficult for widow's and divorces to get married. Because virgin men usually don't want to marry non virgin women,and there's nothing wrong with this
I thin that, if you are going to have a convo about polygyny, you have to talk about the shortcomings that are occurring in the Muslim community. One thing that has to be considered that if polgyny is going to hurt your wife or family, that should be considered. Some women are not going to be able to accept it, that's just the way it is. You can't change her feelings. Resentment may build. Is that an ideal situation? If polygyny goes wrong, it's bad. Really bad. Also, it seemed that the only reason Br. Gabriel discussed that polygyny is appealing for a women is sex and that's pretty much it. Okay...What about financial support, is that cool for a woman to want? Also would have been nice if he would have spoken about the man's responsibilty, since it's pretty hefty. I can understand some men don't have the capability to support more than one wife.
His main point is sex.Practically is saying that if first option doesn't work then the mysiar(women gave up her rights on time and money) marriage is fine.I wonder why he did not mention the option in which woman gave up her rights on sex and time but not the MONEY.Is this not appealing to brothers who wants to do the sunnah of taking care of widows divorcee and orphans?
@Moo Miller exactly.According to his reasoning why don t we apply this method i a regular marriage too.Partners can meet for sex in weekend in rest everyone with his life.They may not even share a house ,if woman give up her rights except sex.So it can be just like a boyfriend girlfriend relation .But with a certificate in court stating wife/husband.Well ,I can say that is a solution for protection against fitna.And no need to worry about children cause they can also gave up their rights of having children.Nice ,isn 't it?
I enjoy my peace and my space, so polygamy is perfect that way I don’t have to see him all the time. I can have more me time. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. He can spend as much time as he likes with the other wife or wives.
@@jeffreyepstein4310 are you a girl? Some men and women are very attracted to their partner but want space due to work. there was a man, an imam, with 3 wives, he spent 2 days with each a week and a day to himself as he stated!
@@yotubeinternethypocrite8412 I am pretty sure it was Dawud Adib, i think he answered this question while a woman wrote a note to him in the questions and answer session after a lecture, asking if he is married or not and that she had to know...
1. Polyamory is already on Netflix and is coming to a Western law near you. 2. Muslims have been conditioned by the west to hate polygyny. 3. Regulations should be by what Allah has decreed not by what people have experienced or think is best. -- How does it work? -- 4. First model: everyone is okay to partake in sunnah and there's no mistreatment on anyone's side. Usually this model results in higher Iman for everyone. 5. Arguments are always in the first wife's perspective. They feel hurt because of a Western model in their mind and not built on the Muslim model. 6. You are allowed as a wife to give up some of your rights, on condition it's her free choice. For example, if he says he can't divide time equally she can offer to have only two days a week instead to make it work because she wants to be married to him. 7. Why do secret marriages even exist? Men are weak or his first wife is a monster. 8. Polygyny is a woman's right. Don't judge women who chose it. Many women are single and can't get married, and the solution is to be okay with polygyny and less judgmental. 9. Thought the ages, the ummah was strong with polygyny, but it requires strong men who can handle it.
I was expecting to hear about models like how to structure the family and children when it comes to living quarters and location. The way our lives are structured today is different than what it was throughout the ummah, so I would like to explore the best theories here. Like for example, I know a family that stays in the same city but each wife lives in a different district. So they're close but not too close. This is hard on the kids tho because their father isn't always accessable to them, but does he have to be?
@@yotubeinternethypocrite8412 well it used to be that u have property and communal areas and each wife has a home in that. It's each wife's right to have their own home, and u can't make them live together.
@@MARYAM-Aspen We need courageous and rightous voices like yours to be heard loudly in this day and age where most sheeple have been brainwashed and indoctrinated. Their mind is controlled, their thoughts are shaped and they have been programmed and conditioned to hate anything that strenghens Muslim Ummah in any shape or form, but still they argue they know better by winning against the divine doctrine with unrealistic logic and shallow reasons to justify their war on the divine law that Allah has decreed upon his servants for his wisdom that puppets deny intentionally or fail to understand! _"It’s Easier To Fool People Than To Convince Them That They’ve Been Fooled"_ - Mark Twain
I keep telling my friends, just because you went through something does not mean the same is written for me, your qadr is your qadr and my qadr is my qadr. As long as Allah made it halal, He is the All Wise so do not brain wash me. POLYGYNY IS HALAL PERIOD
When I hear a sister saying that she refuses polygamy as a concept I feel scared for her deen because refusing something that Allah decreed can make someone get outside the fold of Islam.
@@labelleb6705 That is different from rejecting it completely, if someone doesn't like it for herself then why reject it openly for all people and condemn it as a non ethical and pushing to ban it at that point are they still considered muslim ?!
What about the children? Fairness can go so far and it is only compromising the first wife right to her husband time, attention, and risk even resources. That is understandable for women to fear men who are not acting as husband and as a father or that divorce the first to have a second replace her or force her to compromise because of the children sake and make her struggle to raise them alone. It is not an easy choise for women and also it is a great responsibility in many ways for the men who want that.
Can I just ask.. if men who want to engage in monogamy are weak then why did the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) remain monogamous to his first wife until she passed away?
He is not saying all monogamous men are weak.. There are 2 types of monogamous men.. first, those men who are currently not into polygyny for whatever legitimate reasons they have. Second, those who want polygyny, they are capable of doing itu but they are weak or afraid to do it or admit it. I think the brother discussed the second type.
Polygyny is stupid, it makes men isolated. Eventually those men without wives will quit society, by using social welfare (neet) or doing the bare minimum to survive. These men won't help others who need help since society ostracised them. Polyngny works if there are wars and 10s of millions of men die then sure it will work. No Major war took place after ww2. If Im not able to get married, I'm leaving society,and leveraging my assets somewhere else. It creates. A cycle of unmarried, s3xually unsatisfied men.
@@jeffreyepstein4310 u're making no sense. Polygyny make no sense from non muslim perspective, because marriage is seen as individual struggle. If u dont get a wife or a husband, its ur fault, then probably yes, the society will cast you out. But from islamic perspective, the guardian of a person should find him or her a (good) spouse. So.. no.., in islam, the society should supports marriage for everyone. There are two types, monogamy and polygyny. Polygyny comes with extra heavy burden of responsibilities compared to polygyny. If a man is not capable or ready to bear that responsibilities, then he should stick to monogamy.
@@housse51 yeah you are talking about the optimal case but truth is no one looks out for easy marriage these days let alone making marriage easier for young men to not fall into haram and begin the cycle of ruining sisters. Most guys can’t marry even if they wanted to that’s the truth
This seems a little one sided, polyngy has also been the source for a lot of heartache, broken children and negatively affecting people's deen...reality is depending on the man some women would've been better off single....when done right polyngy can be good for all involved but the problem is the majority of the time it's not....there are also married people addicted to porn because they don't enjoy their partners so marriage of any kind is not an automatic fix all the time. We have to do better with painting a full picture, not just the one that supports our cause....also if you REALLY read the verse on polyngy in the Quaran, it's not as encouraged as people like to say that it is because of the human condition, not just the "Western influence" that we're so quick to blame.
@@yotubeinternethypocrite8412 Well I guess in the west it's a bit difficult... its possible in the 3rd world countries you just need to have money that's it!
The funny thing is if men could practice polygyny without any restriction there wouldn't be many unmarried divorcée and/or widows. This is because guys get what they want, which is variety, whereas women get some stability and security, win win. However, because polygyny had been demonised by society, men have not been able expand their mind to these types of women who are more vulnerable and need a man. Unmarried Divorcées and Widows are the fault of women of our society, who want to control their men and weaken them.
The problem is also that most Muslim men who want polygamy only want virgins, they don’t want a divorced woman or a widow. I know people have a preference which is fine, but if polygamy is done right, widows and divorcées should be looked at first.
@@StarsabovetheEmeraldForest what a generalization wow most muslim men,fun fact most muslim men don't even have two wives,I have seen your comments before,you have some personal hatred for muslim men?your father is also a muslim man remember that.
MashaAllah amazing Brother! this is an ancient solution to modern day problems which upholds morality. In addition to brother Gabriel's polygyny videos , check Outstanding Personal Relationships .
Ustadh gabriel, i wonder if you could share some practical examples.. how it works.. maybe some case studies of a good polygyny relationship.. How they divide their time, their house, financial issues etc.. Some best practice of relationship between wives, and how the should behave to avoid jealousy.. some best practice of how men should behave when more then one wives are around him etc..
Sawda (ra) was 60 years old when she got married to our beloved prophet (peace be upon him).... That's why she gave up her right to aisha (ra).... Cmon sir, tell the full story
@@wanderer318 brother... If anyone can have sex with 50 or 60 years old woman, then he should go for it.. But I'm feeling like puking coz I don't think that I can ever imagine my granny is.... OK... If anyone can involve, then go for it...but you have to admit that women do change when they are aged... And when they aged, they can easily pass her duty to other wives... Not while she is capable of performing her duty
@Moo Millerhmmm yes I'm the sinner.... Yes, I talked about my MOTHER..... So what now? Cmon judgmental judge, give the justice to the people without having a single idea about the sinner's sin actually.... Cmon world is waiting
@@sanjanamowis this a joke? Sawda was roughly the same as Muhammad! If you believe the standard narrative, She was taken on basically as Aishas nanny and it’s much age appropriate for the Prophet to be banging her than a 9 year old. Im pretty sure he wasn’t in prime physical condition himself at 53!
It's difficult in western countries. Because unfortunately, most men fear the state and not Allah swt! Even, if they're good practicing brothers. So, the civily married woman gets all the rights. While the second wife, who he's not able to marry legally in a western country, is treated like a cheap side chick! And he divorces her quicker and she even can't claim certain rights, which she is entitled to in Islam. Because a lot of brothers don't care! But if he divorces the wife, who's 'legally' married to him, she comes for him with an attorney and he shakes from fear! I know, I can't claim that for every brother, but I experienced this myself! The first wife and I even liked each other a lot after while. But the unfair treatment of the husband was the problem. And I saw a lot of sisters here in the West experiencing the same!
Dear brother Gabriel. I’m second wife (divorced and children left). I have been married for one year, but my husband doesn’t give my rights. He only spends 3 hours a week with me and recently (2days) ago his first wife found out. His children are upset as is the wife. He has limited conversations with me and has said he won’t be able to see me until dust settles. I’m really afraid his wife and children will push him into divorcing me. I don’t know what to do. He is keeping her happy as she is the mother of kids and ultimately doesn’t want to lose his kids.
@@yotubeinternethypocrite8412 what about all the men who say that "It's my right, I don't have to tell my first wife I'm getting married to another woman." Looks like the brother in question has this view.
"If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess." - If he cannot treat you equally then he is not doing the sunnah, I suggest you seek help from a reputable imam in your place.
Why to complicate your life with polyginy .Is not even recommended.Do you take hasanat for this or you put yourself in a difficult situation that may actually makes you collect bad deeds.Alhamdulillah so many single men in the world.
Exactly. I don't understand why men want to run from one busy household to the other, being stressed over being just, earn all those money and so on. Life is more than that. They will find out later, but then there will be no way out for them. And in the day of judgement, they will see.
Ouhhh on judgement day they will see are you both serious? Shushu commenting under everything spewing her hate of the Sunnah bruh of course not all man are physically, financially and emotionally able to love more than 1 wife but for the ones that do what is the issue? Saying it's not recommended as if it's bad it's part of the tools that Allah has put in place for men to preserve their chastity and as an obedient wife who fears Allah you should accept it and not guilt your husband if he wants to do it. The wives of the prophet saws argued sometimes between each other they all wanted him and sometimes there was resentment between them but the man saws was worth it. If you have a great husband a leader and you love him and love Allah's laws you will prefer him marrying again rather than divorcing you. I swear it is sad to see how the West polluted the mind of our women with this concept of soulmates etc. and even they are finding out some people need multiple partners. Especially you shushu fear Allah for the comments you make on what Allah ta3ala has made lawful you will have to answer for what you said and if you don't repent I'll be there to testify against you.
@@hmzzrg5045 Allah did not make polygamy obligatory .And I did not see any proof that is recommended I am not against it or denying it..Is just I don t like the obsession around it .Women putting conditions against polygamy in their marriage contract means that is not haram to refuse for themselves a right that Allah gave to man but not an obligation on them.Otherwise nikah won t be valid.if you bear witness that I am a hater of sunnah ,then I bear witness that you spread a lie against me!! ( are not even oblige to love all wives the same.)
Islam is such a sweet religion for men 🤣 ! Bro Gabriel please explain to us how polygyny works when the population of men is higher than that of women ? When some men take more than one it disallows some men to be able to pair bond with women - leading to not enough women and enraged young men who can't get a woman cos there are not enough women to go round .
Assalamualaikum brother .Times are getting very bad people.need to be aware of what's going on in our Umah. They need to know what is right and what is wrong some people don't have good knowledge about Islam. I think it's good you are covering the topics which not many scholors talk about . May Allah reward you . Insha'allah ..
Allah says in the Quran: “0 you who believe! stand out firmly for Justice as witnesses to Allah-- Q u r a n 4 :1 3 5 We Don't even stand up to those preachers who contradict the Quran & Hadith 😠 We Don't even defend the Quran & Hadith 😠 We Do defend preachers who are contradicting the Quran & Hadith -- Astaghfirullah 😠
Mufti Menk & Tariq Jameel know the Worst Crime is SHIRK - Mufti Menk & Tariq Jameel have the most followers & with that comes a bigger responsibility - Both of these Lecturers hardly talk about SHIRK 😡 ( Quran 12 : 106 )
Yes.. With a Niyah Intention Like Wholesome Embracing.. Our Messenger *Saw* Not only what we need, more building Wholesome characters.. What we are Focusing on Growing.. Its a Quote.. Not easily done..
I m always hurt when so called religious men keep bashing Muslim women who don't want a polyamorous marriage... This is her choice.. If men want multiple women, they are free to find 4 women happily willingly want to live together... If MEn are free to chose WOMEN are free too.. Not all widows and single mom want polyamorous marriages.. So plz MEN come out of your imaginary paradise.. Thank u.. Sorry if it offends someone..
@@yotubeinternethypocrite8412 there are some... Like in Arab culture... They marry more women bcz they are filthy rich.. And then MEN call them GOLD DIGGERS.. 😂
The fact he is calling men that want to be monogamous weak is disgusting. What’s weak that he wants to concentrate on his family and kids. He’s got control of his own desires and is responsible 🤔
We get it. You have a problem with the teachings of Islam. Nice strawmanning and conflating "controlling desires and being responsible" with being monogamous.
@@sarahosman9030 You have a problem with leading between the lines and take everything on face value. He's railing against people, men especially, who have been conditioned to believe that polygyny is not allowed and / or not desirable because some artificial external ideology is dictating it on them from outside. There is a big difference between calling men who don't practice polygyny weak and people who believe that polygyny is obsolete (something Allah didn't abrogate for His slaves) weak. As far as I am concerned, I am not even dying to marry one person, let alone four. It's up to the Qadr of Allah. But no one is getting away with trying to shame people for upholding what legal right he is given. This is the crux of the issue.
Salamalaikum brother Gabriel, barakallah feek, keep up the great work and May Allah reward you. I have one question- would it be okay to take a second wife from another country for example and see her for 2 months in a year? As long as she accepts it, will that be permissible?
The fact that there's men and women arguing in the comments is the problem. Either marry the second wife or don't. Then live with the consequences. If the woman wants to go, then set her free in a good way. Also, can everyone stop complaining about how oppressed they are by the west or the opposite gender? It feels like a BLM rally.
@@ImranKhan-gc1tl I get your point, but your analogy is not right. Oppressed people will always ask for help. That is natural, you see it all the time all over the world.
as a muslim in the you recommend that men inform their first wife before marriage that they intend to practice polygyny? How can this be practiced without having the first wife being 100% against it and insulted by the idea of polygyny?
Then you have to let polyandry too. What you want for your self you can’t band from others. sorry women are not stupid anymore. If you accept Polyandry we may accept polygyny!
How about this scenario:woman divorced 5 kids need husband to suport her and kids financially and gave up all her rights of time and bed in favour of first wife .🤣everybody happy
IT IS MUSTAHABB (MERITORIOUS) TO HAVE ONLY ONE WIFE ACCORDING TO THE MAJORITY OF SUNNI SCHOLARS OF JURISPRUDENCE. This is the standard ruling in the Hanbali school. Al-Mardawi al-Hanbali has said in al-Insaf: (وَيُسْتَحَبُّ أَيْضًا : أَنْ لَا يَزِيدَ عَلَى وَاحِدَةٍ ، إنْ حَصَلَ بِهَا الْإِعْفَافُ ، عَلَى الصَّحِيحِ مِنْ الْمَذْهَبِ ... قَالَ ابْنُ خَطِيبِ السَّلَامِيَّةِ : جُمْهُورُ الْأَصْحَابِ اسْتَحَبُّوا أَنْ لَا يَزِيدَ عَلَى وَاحِدَةٍ) “And it is also meritorious to not exceed one (wife) if he can ensure his chastity by that according to the correct opinion of the (Hanbali) Madhhab... Ibn Khatīb al-Salāmīyyah said: The majority of the companions (in the Madhhab) are upon the opinion that it is meritorious to not exceed one (wife).” And according to many scholars, having one wife is actually Sunnah. In al-Rawd al-Murbi`, Imam al-Bahūtī expounds upon the principle in Zād al-Mustaqni` “It is Sunnah to marry one”: (ويسن نكاح واحدة ، لأن الزيادة عليها تعريض للمحرم، قال الله تعالى: {وَلَنْ تَسْتَطِيعُوا أَنْ تَعْدِلُوا بَيْنَ النِّسَاءِ وَلَوْ حَرَصْتُمْ} [النساء: 129]) “And it is Sunnah to marry one (wife) because more than that exposes one to harām. For Allah the Most High has said: {And you will never be able to do justice between your wives no matter how bad you want to..} [Qur’an, al-Nisa’ 4:129]” The harām referenced here is injustice to one’s wives for which we would be held severely accountable for before Allah. But this view is not limited to the Hanbalis. Imām al-Shāfi`ī said: (وأحب له أن يقتصر على واحدة وإن أبيح له أكثر؛ لِقَوْلِهِ تَعَالَى: ( فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلا تَعْدِلُوا فَوَاحِدَةً.. ).) “And it is preferable to limit one’s self to one (wife), even though more is permitted. This is due to (Allah) the Most High saying: ‘And if you fear that you can not do justice (to more than one), then (marry) only one...’” A hanafi scholar also said the following: Ibn Humam al-Hanafi: If a man leaves out marrying a second wife, in order to not sadden his first wife who’s already with him, then he will be rewarded for his intention! [Safinat at-Tarikh] ابن الهمام: "إذا ترك الرجلُ أن يتزوج الثانيةَ كي لا يُدخل الغمَّ على زوجته التي عنده كان مأجورًا" سفينة_التاريخ People need to remember that relationships are supposed to have empathy and love, and consideration for our spouses will have us rewarded. One should also remember that our beloved Prophet (pbuh) did not allow his son in law Ali (RA) to remarry in his daughter's lifetime, and he was very severe about it: "I heard Allah's Apostle who was on the pulpit, saying, 'Banu Hisham bin Al-Mughira have requested me to allow them to marry their daughter to Ali bin Abu Talib, but I don't give permission, and will not give permission unless 'Ali bin Abi Talib divorces my daughter in order to marry their daughter, because Fatima is a part of my body, and I hate what she hates to see, and what hurts her, hurts me.'" (Bukhari, No. 4887) DO NOT USE ISLAMIC WORK TO MARRY MULTIPLE WOMEN.
LMAO Ali had LOTS of sl@v£ women from war WHILE HE WAS MARRIED TO FATIMA. He was one of the most prominent Mujahedeen during the prophet's time. So ur saying u will allow sl@v£ women but not wives? The prophet did not forbid Ali to get another wife, he just forbade him to marry Abu Lahab's daughter(the same Abu Lahab who literally threw shit at the prophet) . Pls do ur study first before putting ur 'fatwa' on the net. Also why should we listen to some femisoy 'scholar' when THE QURAN AND HADIDTHS say that polygeny is sunnah and monogamy is not sunnah? Is the 'scholar' a prophet or smth? You should stop worshipping 'scholars' and start worshipping Allah.
@@LazyPepe2359 the language you have have used here depicts that you are either deeply ignorant of the basic Islamic etiquette when speaking about the holy personalities, or you do not belong the realm of Islam. Whoever you are, your beliefs are a false. Ali RA lived in abject poverty during his marriage to the Prophet pbuh's daughter, so much so that Fatima RA developed marks and blisters on her back due to the household work she had to do. She RA and Ali RA both requested the Prophet pbuh for a servant, in turn he pbuh told her to recite the azkaar سبحان اللہ, alhumdulilah and اللہ اکبر. This incident is well documented in all the books of hadith and had her husband had "slaves girls" as you say, someone would have helped her out with the chores. The incident with abu lahb is just one recorded incident, albeit this daughter of Abu lahb was one of the earliest converts of Islam and very pious. In other documented hadith, it is well recorded that none of the other daughters of the Prophet pbuh had co wives, even when huge no of martyrs left widows n orphans in need of support, as he disliked that this would hurt his daughters(sahih bukhari) . Lastly, there is no ayah in the entire Quran or the hadith or the sharia that says polygamy is sunnah, and it is not an act of sawab. There is no reward for plural marriages in Islam. I am not sure what "femisoy" scholar are you talking about, but the individuals that i have mentioned above have established the foundations of fiqh and sharia in sunni madhab, and have spent their entire lives in the study and propagation of Islam. So unless you develop a brain with manners, do not bother commenting on them.
@@WhiteDove3511 lol u talk about 'adab' and simultaneously make takfir on me and talk like an absolute b1tch. Also the slaves belonged to Ali, not Fatima. Fatima had her own house and the slaves had theirs. And the hadith u mentioned does not talk about Fatima AND Ali asking for help, it's just Fatima. Stop making stuff up to match ur neo feminazi agenda to reform Islam.
Why do you force All men to do poligamy? What if he doesn’t want? You call him WEAK? You are tired, and suffering to take care of your wifes, but don’t force other men to do poligamy too. For those who wants it, it’s their right, but some men decided to have only one wife, why are you calling him weak😨😨
سلام عليكم.. Yes.. Its Halal and obviously something going around.. Personally I heard of some good cases (cases😂) its not a sickness but abused and there Are Prophetic Rules.. Its Not A Joke.. Yet i totally see the Mood of rejection need to be Adressed.. Educating ourselves.. And Not be Afraid to face it as a reality in society. I am Listening from Egypt.. 🌍
Quran 5 : 5 - (Lawful to you in marriage) are **chaste women from the believers and chaste women from those who were given the Scripture** before your time when you have given their due Mahr (bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage), desiring chastity (legal wedlock) not committing illegal sexual intercourse, nor taking them as girl-friends. ... Quran 2 : 221 - And do not marry Al-Mushrikat (idolatresses, etc.) till they believe (worship Allah Alone). **And indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a (free) Mushrikah (idolatress), even though she pleases you.** And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikun till they believe (in Allah Alone) and verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater), even though he pleases you. **Those (Al-Mushrikun) invite you to the Fire, but Allah invites (you) to Paradise and Forgiveness by His Leave,** and makes His Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to mankind that they may remember. --- Marraige to more then one women can also be Fard-ul Khaffayah or obligatory on a group of ppl because in many parts of the world women outnumber men. It can also be haram if the man is not ready, like its not for every man its not for every woman i guess, but in the future women outnumber men 50 to 1 in hadith, so we have to be careful and prepare, and learn from good Salaf's polygyny!
I wrote a comment says Astaghfirullah the way some of these so called Muslim men are speaking to the women in comments, slandering them and calling them names is disgusting. And someone reported it 😂 😂. Truth hurts
Cope. Don't play the victim card when you're calling people who want to uphold a Sunnah in derogatory terms. Some of you need to learn to take the heat for what you believe in instead of complaining about mannerisms, doesn't bode well.
@@sarahosman9030 You. Yourself. Saying Gabriel called monogamous men as disgusting (a blatant strawman that can easily count as slander). That was a major projection on your part and the comment is still here as far as I can tell. Self retrospection is on the cards.
@@MechkanysT can you read brother “I said calling men weak IS disgusting” I slandered no one. I had an opinion on a comment he made. But you are making false narratives against me now
This is completely fatuous because as you know polygamy is not limited in any way (including by gender in the W). Allow a woman to hv more than 1 partner and we hv no problem.
Suada gave up her rights because the alternative was to starve as an older single divorced woman in the desert with no income or status. Not much of a choice. note the prophet banned polygamy for his own daughter. Wonder why tht was? Because he genuinely loved her perhaps.
There is no reason for polygyny. The population of both genders is roughly the same. Everything is created in PAIRS according to the Quran (Verses 51:49, 78:6-16). PAIRS = TWO. Unless you want all the single men to fail at fasting and turn to homosexuality, stop promoting such concept.
tbh polygamy is not the ideal for MAJORITY of the people. I disagree we don’t like it because of the west lol the prophet’s SAW wives didn’t like it either. its natural to dislike it because for women they have to share already limited resources, love, time etc of their husbands. For a certain men as well if some men get 4 wives each it leaves a lot of men without so i would argue it’s natural for the majority to not like it. Its halal though so u CAN practice it if you like/ have the means to do so, which a small number of men can do successfully but again it’s not mandatory or even necessary. Its really not a big deal that people don’t like it imo, its innate but some ppl dont mind it. again it’s not ideal. find someone that doesn’t mind lol.
in the future women will outnumber men 50 to 1 and in some places women out number men alot and in non Islamic places the economy is banking ree - bah and makes the poor poorer, your point falls! the wives of the Prophet peace and blessings on him also were friends as well.
@Zik Zak ure right majority of women are not jumping for joy when they find out their husband who was already average (average income, average looks, average intellect) is going to remarry, cutting their average income in half and making life difficult. in theory and on paper it sounds like a total fantasy but in real life it doesn’t work for most .4 women means as a man u work 4x harder bc there is 4 different households u are responsible for including their children(some from previous marriages so they not even yours) just for normal/average life. 4x the stress, 4x the attitude u gotta deal with and then mix jealousy and competitiveness between the women and u get a receipt for disaster. also when u think about how men’s desire for variety will never be satisfied even by 4 women. so yeah ur patience will be tested hard and the thing is u cant keep divorcing ur wives everyday to seek more variety when you get bored or they are giving u a headache it doesn’t work that way. food for thought.
"the prophet’s SAW wives didn’t like it either" how do you know they didn't like it? just because they competed in looking good for him? and wanting him to be for them only? but that doesn't mean they went bashing people for wanting polygyny just like your sisters are doing everywhere
It's big to say that the Prophet's (Peace and Blessings be upon him) wives didn't like it. They were the best generation and accepted whatever Allah decreed no matter what. Women also have jealousy and most would prefer to keep their man to themselves, but saying they didn't like polygyny is too much. They also lived in a polygynous environment already where it was practiced very badly. Some men had more than 10 wives and had no respect for them before the Islamic rulings.
you need fair men. teach them if you can. divorce happened always and if it isn't working and he isn't fair a woman has the right for divorce if he isn't fair.
@@jeffreyepstein4310 Some women are very happy, I think if the man is nurturing they become happy but he also has to be structured and tell the woman to work to the greater cause of the akira and education, the wives of the Prophet peace and blessings on him were very happy, we need strong Aqida manhaj Salaf!
@@OsadeTOOT wow, thank you for your great insight to my mind. as i was a second wife myself i believe i am fair and remained fair until my cowife made her own decision. your assumption proves only that you are not fair. you should think before you post.
Really disgusted by this video, instead of teaching men how to become strong providers now you're giving them an easy option the fact is many women even those single mothers want strong providers and want time! How can you even meet her needs once in a blue moon! How many cases I hear of women who agree to these sort of transactions and then regret it! Sawda the wife of the Prophet swa actually was an older woman and didn't have needs and was happy to give uip her night! There's a reason why Allah has put these rights in place, you're happy with women doing away with her rights but when a woman asks a man to do away with getting poly not happy
This isn't just about sex this a whole family unit you're building, when children come into the picture, when the woman gets attached her giving up her rights just doesn't work. You're trying to find a solution to a problem when the problem is sorry we don't have many strong men, teach men to man up. When I was single I was getting asked by men hey do you want to be my second wife and accept to meet tw days a week? It's insulting, I've come out of an unhappy marriage and the best a woman can expect is that? No thanks. One sister I know she is a second wife she sees her husband twice a week But he a strong provider and that makes up for the lack of time he spends with her. Now they have a daughter, do you honestly think seeing her twice a week will suffice? Enough with this nonsense, marriage is a responsibility its companionship and its a protection. Intimacy isn't enough. It's a whole family unit. Stop treating women like theyre just some side pieces.
Like have these men even saved college funds for children for two families like these men are financially a disaster and try to encourage it. Maybe if you lived in a farm and grow your own food okay but still they don't offer any security. And oh boy when their first wife has a high sex drive good Lord they aren't gonna keep up lol
So I've always had a high sex drive. My first marriage I was the one often crying myself to sleep because this guy wouldn't do anything. Also I always had to initiate which got tiring quickly. It also made me feel undesired. So fast.forward to when this guy left me shortly after I got remarried to my now husband. He has a high sex drive and desires me a ton. So for me he's a perfect fit. Some days he tells me to leave him alone because I want it. Being sexually frustrated leaves me with intense pains and anger so regrettably I sometimes take it out on him if it's not taken care of. Telling me that "women don't have a high sex drive and men need multiple wives because one can't satisfy" is completely false in my situation. I'm sure I'm not the only woman like this on earth. If my husband is intimate with me multiple times in a day and he's already tired of that how will he go to another woman and keep going? It's not possible for some men. So telling men they're weak or whatever that they aren't polygamous is really odd. It's as though these guys want to change the narrative completely and have it be normalized that men marry more than one woman. The earth is a terrible place. There are going to be unmarried women and men that aren't accounted for. People get murdered. People get frauded. People will divorce and cheat and lie and do horrible things. There aren't solutions for everything on this earth because it isn't meant to be perfect. There are men on this earth who haven't even begun praying one of their obligatory prayers who are concerned about some multiple wives situation. Why are we sitting here talking about this as if it's something we must all engage in. If someone wants to do it then go ahead. Stop forcing everyone. That's the main problem. It is not for everyone. It is not fard.
There's so many alternatives to your argument. But whatever it is,if the conditions are met, Allah has made it halal. If a 2nd wife before marriage agrees to have her husband come to her twice a week,that is her prerogative,what's it to you?If a man is unjust towards his wife,he will pay for it in the hereafter. Alternatively,If he does justice to the wives to the best of his ability,he shall be rewarded. As is everything else in this world. Why do you argue as if there's no day of ultimate judgement?
This is fatuous. The reason is obvious - in Islam only men have the right to more than 1 partner. And the men don’t even have to tell their wife! This is no different to a mistress except some for the notional blessing of Allah. In reality it’s just the same. Personally I don’t like any polyamory and I don’t think it works long term. The key thing though is that it should be equal if done. In Islam thts not possible.
22 :40 - I 'd rather die then be polygynous ( as if shes better then Aisha, or the grand daughters of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him ) then she is sick and psycho at age 40... shame... Muslim brothers leave bida and follow the sunnah because you misrepresent Islam... sisters same to you - both return to Islam!!
Actually it is recommended if you want to have a another wife. Its recommended to get married and not commit zina ect. Its . But if you're not able to do justice between both wives then only marry one
@@papasul29 it’s not even recommended. The whole point of polygony is for the help of woman like widows, orphans, more woman then men in the world while it’s vise versa now, Muslims sexuallize it while it’s not supposed to be sexualizing
Yeah but she won't respect you even if she agrees, I'm telling you as a woman myself our psychy is that we respect men who have the upper hand over us financially, it's natural. Even if we have money, we want to be taken care of.
@@LoveYou-ol3dt he worked for khadija, and yes she had more money than him and invested her money in spreading the message of Islam. He was a real man not the men of today, wanting from women everything and leaching off and doing nothing and saying I am a man, so unattractive.
Men always go for the young and beautiful leaving the divorcees and this what islam teaches to go for young nd beautiful when considering polygamy.. ? 🤦♀️
You bints on RUclips comments are something else. Where is your outrage with female hypergamy and the fact that so many women jump ship after finding another person who is of a higher status that the man they are with currently? Time to bring oneself down to earth.
The divorcee situation works both way lmao do some reaserch before spouting nonsense women dont want to marry divorced men and vice versa mostly because of being skeptical about thier past
Can you stop commenting? No one is interested in your emotions. We're talking about islam here. If you dont like, just leave. We don't care what you think.
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Brother, you should see the replies on your videos, you can get a glimpse of what the people think and also know of the conflicting arguements against the things you say, so you can develop and give even better arguements, in sha Allah...
Quran 5 : 5 - (Lawful to you in marriage) are **chaste women from the believers and chaste women from those who were given the Scripture** before your time when you have given their due Mahr (bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage), desiring chastity (legal wedlock) not committing illegal sexual intercourse, nor taking them as girl-friends.
Quran 2 : 221 - And do not marry Al-Mushrikat (idolatresses, etc.) till they believe (worship Allah Alone). **And indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a (free) Mushrikah (idolatress), even though she pleases you.** And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikun till they believe (in Allah Alone) and verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater), even though he pleases you. **Those (Al-Mushrikun) invite you to the Fire, but Allah invites (you) to Paradise and Forgiveness by His Leave,** and makes His Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to mankind that they may remember.
Polygyny may be ruled as Fard-ul-Khaffay, why... here... in some times and places Nisa are more numerous then Rijal! It can also be haram if the man is not ready, like its not for every man its not for every woman i guess, but in the future women outnumber men 50 to 1 in hadith, so we have to be careful and prepare, and learn from good Salaf's polygyny!
the lack of unity on Muslims will affect our lives, it is basic to worship Allah as the sunnah of our Prophet peace and blessings be upon him taught!
the problem is bida, we need to remove the bida which divides the Muslims and then is reaplced by colonies and secualrism and feminism. Read :
In order to be a team be grounded as an umma as hadith Jibril taught us. 5 Pillars of Islam to guide our area, 6 of Iman for individuals all fard al ayn, obligatory on individuals, (be careful of your words) 5 pillars of shariah by specilists or Fard al Khaffayah! Learn salafi dawa (authentic info), unite & build together!
5 Protected pillars of Shariah are :
1) Din - atheism built 0 civilizations, we reject bida to keep our din firm! Allah created us in pairs ( even at cellular level, dna and rna codes) shows He is 1.
Quran 36: 36 & 112:1
2) Life - we teach healthy diet and hygeine, we reject extremism, Ibn Taymiyyah said there is no deviant except a non Muslim behind them, cia backing iran in 79 who took in exiled al queda is no different!
3) Mind - We teach following clear evidence, Quran is preserved, even modern science method is made by a Muslim to make evidence transparent to unite society on whats trustworthy and build society. We avoid harmful substances.
4) Family - Marriage to balance individuals and society and allows us to grow, ppl aren't born Qoem Loot, the (ID) twins reports proved that!
5) Money - Islam's Zakat inspired social benefits, h/e we also prohibit gambling and unequal lending to squander and unfairly divide wealth!
Misyar marriage... in part by some women!
⚠️ Only 0ne $ect Will Enter Paradise
( 1 ) Every sect claims to be following the Quran & Hadith
( 2 ) The main problem Is people connect to a sect & then go along with whatever
they have been taught even if it contradicts the Quran & Hadith on some matters.
( 3 ) We should not join any sect, we should only follow Allah;s order the Quran & Hadith.
( 4 ) Question for all those people who claim we must follow or respect the Opinions of $CHOLARS, are you ready to become a Shia if you was preached by a shia SCHOLAR❓
( 5 ) The Prophet P.B.U.H made it clear 0NLY one sect will enter PARADISE, this means SCH0LARS from all the other sects will enter the FIRE 🔥🔥🔥
( 6 ) This is why we should not be afraid of telling anyone who is preaching against the QURAN Or HADITH, whether It be a SCH0LAR, MUFTI, or ALIM.
( 7 ) The Prophet P.B.U.H said even if you know one Ayat then pass it on, this proves we do not need to become a SCH0LAR, MUFTI, or ALIM before preaching
Alhamdulillah, straightforward, no nonsense, honest and practical.... This is Islam, Masha'Allah.
MashaAllah great video.. my husband has three wives and we live by the first model.. turns out he loves me even more now for supporting him thruout the marriages alhumdulilah
"the solution to return to the Quran and Sunnah" - Solid advice 👍
I’m an unmarried virgin, but I would not mind to be the second wife honestly. If he can treat me right, and his first wife as well, what is the problem? I am not superior or better than the wives of the Prophet pbuh who were in such a marriage. Only if he is a man of taqwa, and if he can guide me to Jannah, I will gladly be in a polygamous relationship.
Deen > Dunya
May allah bless you with righteous muslim husband Alhamdulillah
May Allah choose the best for you, sister.
may all of you be granted righteous spouses, ameen☝🏻
@@gulpari8222 ameen.
Mashalllah sister
Bro, You should do matrimonial services to get ppl married. Lets start with 1 in shaa Allah, then maybe think about polygyny later. Now most can’t even get married once.
@@redsquirrel6176 true
@Moo Miller unmarried man is not like unmarried women.. emotionally, financially, stability..
Both are problems but generally speaking, unmarried women are more vulnerable in most aspects of life..
@@housse51 vulnerable to what?
Unmarried women, or single women, are more vulnerable to be more financially insecure and to be victims of crime.
This comment section is a mess.
First of all to clarify i’m a woman & Muslim. I can understand many women get angry talking about polygyny & avoiding polygyny. I used to get the same feeling & maybe even worse when it comes to women in Islam in general. But, it doesn’t justify my action & anger nor does it changed the condition. If i didn’t held myself back, i would become kufr & that’s the reality.
Women, our anger does not making anything better, it’s only creating a fitnah. We have been conditioned to have a monogamous relationship. And we get trauma, even if some of us doesn’t experience traumatic events, just by hearing other ppl’s problem, we get the trauma. We are affected by those stories & news. Our anger only make women look worse. Look at those females that get angry every time people told them advices or the reality, they don’t get any respect from people. Only the same women that have the same mentality as them that would respect & support them. But what is the result of their behavior? The view of people towards women get even worse & more men thinking good woman is rare. I hate to hear bad things about women, i really do, but it doesn’t justify my anger & i should not get angry in the very first place.
One thing that women should remember, women of paradise are rare. Allah knows best about your heart (whether you dislike the ruling of Allah or not), but if you don’t accept polygyny, don’t even bother yourself to watch someone supporting polygyny videos, it will only trigger you. For the sake of Allah, ask Allah to humble yourself, and ask Allah to make it easy for you to accept polygyny & be patient. Ask Allah to give you a righteous man that fears Allah.
But in order to get a righteous man, you also have to be righteous.
Look at the real conditions of righteous woman in Islam. Don’t look at the watered down version. And improve your self according to it.
May Allah rectify our Muslims women & may Allah make all of us easy to accept polygyny
Ameen,so true sister,may allah bless you with a righteous muslim man,if he already not married to one.
Amin to your dua.
Point in Polygny has virtue and so does monogamy, whatever you do, follow it properly, try to strive for best ( polygyny) and don't judge others if you are never ready!
What do you mean by the woman of paradise are rare?
@@cupcake3215 many women go to hell... due to gossip, wasting time and being ungrateful to husbands, its a hadith
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 but how does that indicate that women are rare in heaven? Every Muslim would go to heaven eventually after hell & it’s said there’ll be 50 women for every man.
Polygamy is the solution for single moms and divorcees NOT working in a mixed environment
This has been the solution since beginning of islam
I agree 100%
@@violetanyc3007 May Allah make it easy for you and grant you the best
But now there are dating apps, unlike in the beginning of islam
@@schorpioen7466 but still now it's difficult for widow's and divorces to get married. Because virgin men usually don't want to marry non virgin women,and there's nothing wrong with this
@@ZAV218 May Allah bless you
I thin that, if you are going to have a convo about polygyny, you have to talk about the shortcomings that are occurring in the Muslim community. One thing that has to be considered that if polgyny is going to hurt your wife or family, that should be considered. Some women are not going to be able to accept it, that's just the way it is. You can't change her feelings. Resentment may build. Is that an ideal situation? If polygyny goes wrong, it's bad. Really bad.
Also, it seemed that the only reason Br. Gabriel discussed that polygyny is appealing for a women is sex and that's pretty much it. Okay...What about financial support, is that cool for a woman to want?
Also would have been nice if he would have spoken about the man's responsibilty, since it's pretty hefty. I can understand some men don't have the capability to support more than one wife.
His main point is sex.Practically is saying that if first option doesn't work then the mysiar(women gave up her rights on time and money) marriage is fine.I wonder why he did not mention the option in which woman gave up her rights on sex and time but not the MONEY.Is this not appealing to brothers who wants to do the sunnah of taking care of widows divorcee and orphans?
@Moo Miller exactly.According to his reasoning why don t we apply this method i a regular marriage too.Partners can meet for sex in weekend in rest everyone with his life.They may not even share a house ,if woman give up her rights except sex.So it can be just like a boyfriend girlfriend relation .But with a certificate in court stating wife/husband.Well ,I can say that is a solution for protection against fitna.And no need to worry about children cause they can also gave up their rights of having children.Nice ,isn 't it?
I enjoy my peace and my space, so polygamy is perfect that way I don’t have to see him all the time. I can have more me time. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. He can spend as much time as he likes with the other wife or wives.
Really?or this is just sarcasm?
If u were attracted to him you would want to see him everyday lol
@@jeffreyepstein4310 are you a girl?
Some men and women are very attracted to their partner but want space due to work. there was a man, an imam, with 3 wives, he spent 2 days with each a week and a day to himself as he stated!
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 who was that imam?
@@yotubeinternethypocrite8412 I am pretty sure it was Dawud Adib, i think he answered this question while a woman wrote a note to him in the questions and answer session after a lecture, asking if he is married or not and that she had to know...
1. Polyamory is already on Netflix and is coming to a Western law near you.
2. Muslims have been conditioned by the west to hate polygyny.
3. Regulations should be by what Allah has decreed not by what people have experienced or think is best.
-- How does it work? --
4. First model: everyone is okay to partake in sunnah and there's no mistreatment on anyone's side. Usually this model results in higher Iman for everyone.
5. Arguments are always in the first wife's perspective. They feel hurt because of a Western model in their mind and not built on the Muslim model.
6. You are allowed as a wife to give up some of your rights, on condition it's her free choice. For example, if he says he can't divide time equally she can offer to have only two days a week instead to make it work because she wants to be married to him.
7. Why do secret marriages even exist? Men are weak or his first wife is a monster.
8. Polygyny is a woman's right. Don't judge women who chose it. Many women are single and can't get married, and the solution is to be okay with polygyny and less judgmental.
9. Thought the ages, the ummah was strong with polygyny, but it requires strong men who can handle it.
I was expecting to hear about models like how to structure the family and children when it comes to living quarters and location. The way our lives are structured today is different than what it was throughout the ummah, so I would like to explore the best theories here. Like for example, I know a family that stays in the same city but each wife lives in a different district. So they're close but not too close. This is hard on the kids tho because their father isn't always accessable to them, but does he have to be?
@@MARYAM-Aspen why not they all live in a big house together?
@@yotubeinternethypocrite8412 well it used to be that u have property and communal areas and each wife has a home in that. It's each wife's right to have their own home, and u can't make them live together.
There are more men than women
@@MARYAM-Aspen We need courageous and rightous voices like yours to be heard loudly in this day and age where most sheeple have been brainwashed and indoctrinated. Their mind is controlled, their thoughts are shaped and they have been programmed and conditioned to hate anything that strenghens Muslim Ummah in any shape or form, but still they argue they know better by winning against the divine doctrine with unrealistic logic and shallow reasons to justify their war on the divine law that Allah has decreed upon his servants for his wisdom that puppets deny intentionally or fail to understand!
_"It’s Easier To Fool People Than To Convince Them That They’ve Been Fooled"_ - Mark Twain
I keep telling my friends, just because you went through something does not mean the same is written for me, your qadr is your qadr and my qadr is my qadr. As long as Allah made it halal, He is the All Wise so do not brain wash me. POLYGYNY IS HALAL PERIOD
True, so many non muslim women also suffer in marriage yet they get married again.
When I hear a sister saying that she refuses polygamy as a concept I feel scared for her deen because refusing something that Allah decreed can make someone get outside the fold of Islam.
@@Ya39oub_G polygamie isn’t even mandatory so we have right to refuse
That is different from rejecting it completely, if someone doesn't like it for herself then why reject it openly for all people and condemn it as a non ethical and pushing to ban it at that point are they still considered muslim ?!
What about the children? Fairness can go so far and it is only compromising the first wife right to her husband time, attention, and risk even resources. That is understandable for women to fear men who are not acting as husband and as a father or that divorce the first to have a second replace her or force her to compromise because of the children sake and make her struggle to raise them alone. It is not an easy choise for women and also it is a great responsibility in many ways for the men who want that.
May Allah bless you brother for speaking about these issues
Can I just ask.. if men who want to engage in monogamy are weak then why did the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) remain monogamous to his first wife until she passed away?
He is not saying all monogamous men are weak..
There are 2 types of monogamous men.. first, those men who are currently not into polygyny for whatever legitimate reasons they have. Second, those who want polygyny, they are capable of doing itu but they are weak or afraid to do it or admit it.
I think the brother discussed the second type.
@@housse51 ah I see. Thanks for breaking it down :)
Polygyny is stupid, it makes men isolated. Eventually those men without wives will quit society, by using social welfare (neet) or doing the bare minimum to survive. These men won't help others who need help since society ostracised them. Polyngny works if there are wars and 10s of millions of men die then sure it will work. No Major war took place after ww2. If Im not able to get married, I'm leaving society,and leveraging my assets somewhere else. It creates. A cycle of unmarried, s3xually unsatisfied men.
@@jeffreyepstein4310 u're making no sense. Polygyny make no sense from non muslim perspective, because marriage is seen as individual struggle. If u dont get a wife or a husband, its ur fault, then probably yes, the society will cast you out.
But from islamic perspective, the guardian of a person should find him or her a (good) spouse. So.. no.., in islam, the society should supports marriage for everyone. There are two types, monogamy and polygyny. Polygyny comes with extra heavy burden of responsibilities compared to polygyny. If a man is not capable or ready to bear that responsibilities, then he should stick to monogamy.
@@housse51 yeah you are talking about the optimal case but truth is no one looks out for easy marriage these days let alone making marriage easier for young men to not fall into haram and begin the cycle of ruining sisters. Most guys can’t marry even if they wanted to that’s the truth
This seems a little one sided, polyngy has also been the source for a lot of heartache, broken children and negatively affecting people's deen...reality is depending on the man some women would've been better off single....when done right polyngy can be good for all involved but the problem is the majority of the time it's not....there are also married people addicted to porn because they don't enjoy their partners so marriage of any kind is not an automatic fix all the time. We have to do better with painting a full picture, not just the one that supports our cause....also if you REALLY read the verse on polyngy in the Quaran, it's not as encouraged as people like to say that it is because of the human condition, not just the "Western influence" that we're so quick to blame.
Your lectures helps the ummah tackle everyday problems.
Great topic and conversation, JAK brother Gabriel!
Polygyny needed today . Current marriage crisis would benefit
The fact that Allah has allowed men to marry 4 not even 2 means its in their fitra for this issue am gonna be quiet its their God given right 🤷♀️...
It's not mens nature to want 4 wives, I want more women in my life but I can't
But we never get our god given right that's the point sister,while women get their meher.
What's stopping you lol
Well I guess in the west it's a bit difficult... its possible in the 3rd world countries you just need to have money that's it!
Polygyny mostly common among the Arabs and Africans
The funny thing is if men could practice polygyny without any restriction there wouldn't be many unmarried divorcée and/or widows. This is because guys get what they want, which is variety, whereas women get some stability and security, win win.
However, because polygyny had been demonised by society, men have not been able expand their mind to these types of women who are more vulnerable and need a man.
Unmarried Divorcées and Widows are the fault of women of our society, who want to control their men and weaken them.
I get what you mean but it's a bit weird to say "Without restriction". Polygyny has restrictions and rules.
either you are a man or a woman who has desperately been looking for a MAN
The problem is also that most Muslim men who want polygamy only want virgins, they don’t want a divorced woman or a widow. I know people have a preference which is fine, but if polygamy is done right, widows and divorcées should be looked at first.
@@StarsabovetheEmeraldForest what a generalization wow most muslim men,fun fact most muslim men don't even have two wives,I have seen your comments before,you have some personal hatred for muslim men?your father is also a muslim man remember that.
@@StarsabovetheEmeraldForest Bro WHAT are you on about? Barely any men are polygamous 💀, how do you even know what they want 💀💀
MashaAllah amazing Brother! this is an ancient solution to modern day problems which upholds morality. In addition to brother Gabriel's polygyny videos , check Outstanding Personal Relationships .
@God Lord all women support polygyny, just not with most men. You think women wouldn't share Jason momoa?
@@jeffreyepstein4310 😂 I’m looking for that 4th position with Ustadh Gibril.
Ustadh gabriel, i wonder if you could share some practical examples.. how it works.. maybe some case studies of a good polygyny relationship..
How they divide their time, their house, financial issues etc..
Some best practice of relationship between wives, and how the should behave to avoid jealousy.. some best practice of how men should behave when more then one wives are around him etc..
Look up Outstanding Personal Relationships. Lots of examples and best practices.
It can never be old it is devine and a warning if disbelelive and follow tagut laws that is what you except nothing to do with Islam
Sawda (ra) was 60 years old when she got married to our beloved prophet (peace be upon him).... That's why she gave up her right to aisha (ra).... Cmon sir, tell the full story
@@wanderer318 brother... If anyone can have sex with 50 or 60 years old woman, then he should go for it.. But I'm feeling like puking coz I don't think that I can ever imagine my granny is.... OK... If anyone can involve, then go for it...but you have to admit that women do change when they are aged... And when they aged, they can easily pass her duty to other wives... Not while she is capable of performing her duty
@Moo Millerhmmm yes I'm the sinner.... Yes, I talked about my MOTHER..... So what now? Cmon judgmental judge, give the justice to the people without having a single idea about the sinner's sin actually.... Cmon world is waiting
@@sanjanamowis this a joke? Sawda was roughly the same as Muhammad! If you believe the standard narrative, She was taken on basically as Aishas nanny and it’s much age appropriate for the Prophet to be banging her than a 9 year old. Im pretty sure he wasn’t in prime physical condition himself at 53!
It's difficult in western countries. Because unfortunately, most men fear the state and not Allah swt! Even, if they're good practicing brothers. So, the civily married woman gets all the rights. While the second wife, who he's not able to marry legally in a western country, is treated like a cheap side chick! And he divorces her quicker and she even can't claim certain rights, which she is entitled to in Islam. Because a lot of brothers don't care! But if he divorces the wife, who's 'legally' married to him, she comes for him with an attorney and he shakes from fear! I know, I can't claim that for every brother, but I experienced this myself! The first wife and I even liked each other a lot after while. But the unfair treatment of the husband was the problem. And I saw a lot of sisters here in the West experiencing the same!
Dear brother Gabriel. I’m second wife (divorced and children left). I have been married for one year, but my husband doesn’t give my rights.
He only spends 3 hours a week with me and recently (2days) ago his first wife found out. His children are upset as is the wife. He has limited conversations with me and has said he won’t be able to see me until dust settles. I’m really afraid his wife and children will push him into divorcing me. I don’t know what to do.
He is keeping her happy as she is the mother of kids and ultimately doesn’t want to lose his kids.
Maybe you should try to talk to the other wife you might get along
He didn't even told his wife that he will marry you? Sorry sister but he was never man enough to do polygamy,I think you should leave him.
@@yotubeinternethypocrite8412 what about all the men who say that "It's my right, I don't have to tell my first wife I'm getting married to another woman." Looks like the brother in question has this view.
@@deedeee6271 that's wrong,if they aren't man enough to do polygamy they must not,like this sister's husband
"If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess." - If he cannot treat you equally then he is not doing the sunnah, I suggest you seek help from a reputable imam in your place.
Keep up the good work brother! May Allah protect you!
Why to complicate your life with polyginy .Is not even recommended.Do you take hasanat for this or you put yourself in a difficult situation that may actually makes you collect bad deeds.Alhamdulillah so many single men in the world.
Exactly. I don't understand why men want to run from one busy household to the other, being stressed over being just, earn all those money and so on. Life is more than that. They will find out later, but then there will be no way out for them. And in the day of judgement, they will see.
Ouhhh on judgement day they will see are you both serious? Shushu commenting under everything spewing her hate of the Sunnah bruh of course not all man are physically, financially and emotionally able to love more than 1 wife but for the ones that do what is the issue? Saying it's not recommended as if it's bad it's part of the tools that Allah has put in place for men to preserve their chastity and as an obedient wife who fears Allah you should accept it and not guilt your husband if he wants to do it. The wives of the prophet saws argued sometimes between each other they all wanted him and sometimes there was resentment between them but the man saws was worth it. If you have a great husband a leader and you love him and love Allah's laws you will prefer him marrying again rather than divorcing you. I swear it is sad to see how the West polluted the mind of our women with this concept of soulmates etc. and even they are finding out some people need multiple partners. Especially you shushu fear Allah for the comments you make on what Allah ta3ala has made lawful you will have to answer for what you said and if you don't repent I'll be there to testify against you.
@@hmzzrg5045 Allah did not make polygamy obligatory .And I did not see any proof that is recommended I am not against it or denying it..Is just I don t like the obsession around it .Women putting conditions against polygamy in their marriage contract means that is not haram to refuse for themselves a right that Allah gave to man but not an obligation on them.Otherwise nikah won t be valid.if you bear witness that I am a hater of sunnah ,then I bear witness that you spread a lie against me!!
( are not even oblige to love all wives the same.)
Islam is such a sweet religion for men 🤣 ! Bro Gabriel please explain to us how polygyny works when the population of men is higher than that of women ?
When some men take more than one it disallows some men to be able to pair bond with women - leading to not enough women and enraged young men who can't get a woman cos there are not enough women to go round .
The comment section is a circus
@precizion nah bro it's not controversial topic polygyny supported by Quran and Sunnah the problem is within the people
@precizion wrongfully what do you mean I wanna ask are you Muslim or not
@precizion oh I'm sorry for the misunderstanding god bless you
@@7ou7ou16 well whenever the talk will be about muslim men's rights it is gonna be a circus
Assalamualaikum brother .Times are getting very bad people.need to be aware of what's going on in our Umah. They need to know what is right and what is wrong some people don't have good knowledge about Islam. I think it's good you are covering the topics which not many scholors talk about . May Allah reward you . Insha'allah ..
My favourite topic. Jazakumallahu khayran!
Allah says in the Quran: “0 you who believe! stand out firmly for Justice as witnesses to Allah-- Q u r a n 4 :1 3 5
We Don't even stand up to those preachers who contradict the Quran & Hadith 😠
We Don't even defend the Quran & Hadith 😠
We Do defend preachers who are contradicting the Quran & Hadith -- Astaghfirullah 😠
Mufti Menk & Tariq Jameel know the Worst Crime is SHIRK - Mufti Menk & Tariq Jameel have the most followers & with that comes a bigger responsibility - Both of these Lecturers hardly talk about SHIRK 😡 ( Quran 12 : 106 )
@725 Claymore the real question is who doesn't want 4 wives. Deep down most men want multiple wives
@@onlyallahisworthyofworship5599 I don't want 4 wives, I want 2 or wives and unlimited concubines
@@jeffreyepstein4310 exactly, but there are no concubines right now so 4 wives is currently the best option
Every Muslim guys fave topic since 1400 years !
If the fathers are sound give them their children open the book
With a Niyah Intention Like Wholesome Embracing..
Our Messenger *Saw* Not only what we need,
more building Wholesome characters..
What we are Focusing on Growing..
Its a Quote..
Not easily done..
Alhamdulellah this is amazing🙏🙏
Lost Sunnah in our age
I m always hurt when so called religious men keep bashing Muslim women who don't want a polyamorous marriage... This is her choice.. If men want multiple women, they are free to find 4 women happily willingly want to live together... If MEn are free to chose WOMEN are free too.. Not all widows and single mom want polyamorous marriages.. So plz MEN come out of your imaginary paradise.. Thank u.. Sorry if it offends someone..
Lol no one keeps bashing you women,and calm down there are no women who accept polygamy.
@@yotubeinternethypocrite8412 there are some... Like in Arab culture... They marry more women bcz they are filthy rich.. And then MEN call them GOLD DIGGERS.. 😂
@@SchoolActivitiesIdeas lol then why they marry more women, ofcourse they marry these men for money.
@@yotubeinternethypocrite8412 yup.. This is the point... When they accept polyamory they r gold diggers.. When they not.. They are selfish...
@@SchoolActivitiesIdeas how many women they marry?those women are faithful?
The fact he is calling men that want to be monogamous weak is disgusting. What’s weak that he wants to concentrate on his family and kids. He’s got control of his own desires and is responsible 🤔
We get it. You have a problem with the teachings of Islam. Nice strawmanning and conflating "controlling desires and being responsible" with being monogamous.
Ummmm I’m criticising men 😂. I’m not the one calling men weak for their decisions, Gabriel did. What I do with my time is not your business.
@@MechkanysT and I get you want polygamy. Okay so you can comment your opinions but I can’t?.
@@sarahosman9030 You have a problem with leading between the lines and take everything on face value. He's railing against people, men especially, who have been conditioned to believe that polygyny is not allowed and / or not desirable because some artificial external ideology is dictating it on them from outside. There is a big difference between calling men who don't practice polygyny weak and people who believe that polygyny is obsolete (something Allah didn't abrogate for His slaves) weak.
As far as I am concerned, I am not even dying to marry one person, let alone four. It's up to the Qadr of Allah. But no one is getting away with trying to shame people for upholding what legal right he is given. This is the crux of the issue.
Salamalaikum brother Gabriel, barakallah feek, keep up the great work and May Allah reward you. I have one question- would it be okay to take a second wife from another country for example and see her for 2 months in a year? As long as she accepts it, will that be permissible?
Jazakallaahu Khairan
The fact that there's men and women arguing in the comments is the problem. Either marry the second wife or don't. Then live with the consequences. If the woman wants to go, then set her free in a good way. Also, can everyone stop complaining about how oppressed they are by the west or the opposite gender? It feels like a BLM rally.
I dont get the BLM analogy. How is that similar to complaints about polygyny
@@akplayer007 I meant the fact that everyone is complaining about being oppressed all the time and begging someone else to do something about it.
@@ImranKhan-gc1tl I get your point, but your analogy is not right. Oppressed people will always ask for help. That is natural, you see it all the time all over the world.
as a muslim in the you recommend that men inform their first wife before marriage that they intend to practice polygyny? How can this be practiced without having the first wife being 100% against it and insulted by the idea of polygyny?
Curious, since it’s been two years did u marry another ?
Very good analysis.
Then you have to let polyandry too. What you want for your self you can’t band from others. sorry women are not stupid anymore. If you accept Polyandry we may accept polygyny!
Polygyny is the best
How do you bring up the topic of Polygamy in a marriage meeting? Is it haram for a women to ask to place it in a nikkah contract??
Most women on tinder and such are sharing the top 20% of men. It is happening, but in a haramized way.
But they are happy with that that's the point,haraam makes people happy not halaal.
@@yotubeinternethypocrite8412 short term happiness.
You are such a great man!
How about this scenario:woman divorced 5 kids need husband to suport her and kids financially and gave up all her rights of time and bed in favour of first wife .🤣everybody happy
This is why women need to be able to support herself and her family so that she wont be depended on other people to provide for her
If my husband wants to add on another wife im leaving ..sorry i cant accept that i dont like to share my husband with others. It would hurt me alot
Preety sure he wouldn't care either way 😂😂😂😂
if you don`t give him his blessing, it`s your right, i`m sorry in behalf of our brother comment, preety disgusting i must say...
No one cares what you like
What if your daughter struggles to marry in future?
@@kiadav9529 s imp is here
We have the leadership the ummah the way of marriage two witness
This is the standard ruling in the Hanbali school. Al-Mardawi al-Hanbali has said in al-Insaf:
(وَيُسْتَحَبُّ أَيْضًا : أَنْ لَا يَزِيدَ عَلَى وَاحِدَةٍ ، إنْ حَصَلَ بِهَا الْإِعْفَافُ ، عَلَى الصَّحِيحِ مِنْ الْمَذْهَبِ ... قَالَ ابْنُ خَطِيبِ السَّلَامِيَّةِ : جُمْهُورُ الْأَصْحَابِ اسْتَحَبُّوا أَنْ لَا يَزِيدَ عَلَى وَاحِدَةٍ)
“And it is also meritorious to not exceed one (wife) if he can ensure his chastity by that according to the correct opinion of the (Hanbali) Madhhab... Ibn Khatīb al-Salāmīyyah said: The majority of the companions (in the Madhhab) are upon the opinion that it is meritorious to not exceed one (wife).”
And according to many scholars, having one wife is actually Sunnah.
In al-Rawd al-Murbi`, Imam al-Bahūtī expounds upon the principle in Zād al-Mustaqni` “It is Sunnah to marry one”:
(ويسن نكاح واحدة ، لأن الزيادة عليها تعريض للمحرم، قال الله تعالى: {وَلَنْ تَسْتَطِيعُوا أَنْ تَعْدِلُوا بَيْنَ النِّسَاءِ وَلَوْ حَرَصْتُمْ} [النساء: 129])
“And it is Sunnah to marry one (wife) because more than that exposes one to harām. For Allah the Most High has said: {And you will never be able to do justice between your wives no matter how bad you want to..} [Qur’an, al-Nisa’ 4:129]”
The harām referenced here is injustice to one’s wives for which we would be held severely accountable for before Allah. But this view is not limited to the Hanbalis. Imām al-Shāfi`ī said:
(وأحب له أن يقتصر على واحدة وإن أبيح له أكثر؛ لِقَوْلِهِ تَعَالَى: ( فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلا تَعْدِلُوا فَوَاحِدَةً.. ).)
“And it is preferable to limit one’s self to one (wife), even though more is permitted. This is due to (Allah) the Most High saying: ‘And if you fear that you can not do justice (to more than one), then (marry) only one...’”
A hanafi scholar also said the following:
Ibn Humam al-Hanafi:
If a man leaves out marrying a second wife, in order to not sadden his first wife who’s already with him, then he will be rewarded for his intention!
[Safinat at-Tarikh]
ابن الهمام:
"إذا ترك الرجلُ أن يتزوج الثانيةَ كي لا يُدخل الغمَّ على زوجته التي عنده كان مأجورًا"
People need to remember that relationships are supposed to have empathy and love, and consideration for our spouses will have us rewarded.
One should also remember that our beloved Prophet (pbuh) did not allow his son in law Ali (RA) to remarry in his daughter's lifetime, and he was very severe about it:
"I heard Allah's Apostle who was on the pulpit, saying, 'Banu Hisham bin Al-Mughira have requested me to allow them to marry their daughter to Ali bin Abu Talib, but I don't give permission, and will not give permission unless 'Ali bin Abi Talib divorces my daughter in order to marry their daughter, because Fatima is a part of my body, and I hate what she hates to see, and what hurts her, hurts me.'" (Bukhari, No. 4887)
LMAO Ali had LOTS of sl@v£ women from war WHILE HE WAS MARRIED TO FATIMA. He was one of the most prominent Mujahedeen during the prophet's time. So ur saying u will allow sl@v£ women but not wives? The prophet did not forbid Ali to get another wife, he just forbade him to marry Abu Lahab's daughter(the same Abu Lahab who literally threw shit at the prophet) . Pls do ur study first before putting ur 'fatwa' on the net.
Also why should we listen to some femisoy 'scholar' when THE QURAN AND HADIDTHS say that polygeny is sunnah and monogamy is not sunnah? Is the 'scholar' a prophet or smth? You should stop worshipping 'scholars' and start worshipping Allah.
@@LazyPepe2359 the language you have have used here depicts that you are either deeply ignorant of the basic Islamic etiquette when speaking about the holy personalities, or you do not belong the realm of Islam. Whoever you are, your beliefs are a false. Ali RA lived in abject poverty during his marriage to the Prophet pbuh's daughter, so much so that Fatima RA developed marks and blisters on her back due to the household work she had to do. She RA and Ali RA both requested the Prophet pbuh for a servant, in turn he pbuh told her to recite the azkaar سبحان اللہ, alhumdulilah and اللہ اکبر. This incident is well documented in all the books of hadith and had her husband had "slaves girls" as you say, someone would have helped her out with the chores.
The incident with abu lahb is just one recorded incident, albeit this daughter of Abu lahb was one of the earliest converts of Islam and very pious. In other documented hadith, it is well recorded that none of the other daughters of the Prophet pbuh had co wives, even when huge no of martyrs left widows n orphans in need of support, as he disliked that this would hurt his daughters(sahih bukhari) .
Lastly, there is no ayah in the entire Quran or the hadith or the sharia that says polygamy is sunnah, and it is not an act of sawab. There is no reward for plural marriages in Islam. I am not sure what "femisoy" scholar are you talking about, but the individuals that i have mentioned above have established the foundations of fiqh and sharia in sunni madhab, and have spent their entire lives in the study and propagation of Islam. So unless you develop a brain with manners, do not bother commenting on them.
@@WhiteDove3511 lol u talk about 'adab' and simultaneously make takfir on me and talk like an absolute b1tch. Also the slaves belonged to Ali, not Fatima. Fatima had her own house and the slaves had theirs. And the hadith u mentioned does not talk about Fatima AND Ali asking for help, it's just Fatima. Stop making stuff up to match ur neo feminazi agenda to reform Islam.
Why do you force All men to do poligamy? What if he doesn’t want? You call him WEAK?
You are tired, and suffering to take care of your wifes, but don’t force other men to do poligamy too. For those who wants it, it’s their right, but some men decided to have only one wife, why are you calling him weak😨😨
Only unmarried men talk about polygamy lol
Gabriel is married well
I wasn't referring to this brother I was talking in general ....
Do you have any scientific surveys?
سلام عليكم..
Yes.. Its Halal and obviously something going around..
Personally I heard of some good cases (cases😂) its not a sickness but abused and there Are Prophetic Rules..
Its Not A Joke..
Yet i totally see the Mood of rejection need to be Adressed..
Educating ourselves..
And Not be Afraid to face it as a reality in society.
I am Listening from Egypt..
Jazakallah khair
They did not claimed it is Islam
Quran 5 : 5 - (Lawful to you in marriage) are **chaste women from the believers and chaste women from those who were given the Scripture** before your time when you have given their due Mahr (bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage), desiring chastity (legal wedlock) not committing illegal sexual intercourse, nor taking them as girl-friends.
Quran 2 : 221 - And do not marry Al-Mushrikat (idolatresses, etc.) till they believe (worship Allah Alone). **And indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a (free) Mushrikah (idolatress), even though she pleases you.** And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikun till they believe (in Allah Alone) and verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater), even though he pleases you. **Those (Al-Mushrikun) invite you to the Fire, but Allah invites (you) to Paradise and Forgiveness by His Leave,** and makes His Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to mankind that they may remember.
Marraige to more then one women can also be Fard-ul Khaffayah or obligatory on a group of ppl because in many parts of the world women outnumber men.
It can also be haram if the man is not ready, like its not for every man its not for every woman i guess, but in the future women outnumber men 50 to 1 in hadith, so we have to be careful and prepare, and learn from good Salaf's polygyny!
Can we have 2 wives in this day and age in the west, where they both receive money from the government towards living costs?
Just hope
Why the concern once been told about Islam the Laws of the Quran the Hell fire this polygyny about Malkal Yameen in the Qur'an???
I wrote a comment says Astaghfirullah the way some of these so called Muslim men are speaking to the women in comments, slandering them and calling them names is disgusting. And someone reported it 😂 😂. Truth hurts
Cope. Don't play the victim card when you're calling people who want to uphold a Sunnah in derogatory terms. Some of you need to learn to take the heat for what you believe in instead of complaining about mannerisms, doesn't bode well.
@@MechkanysT show me one comment where a female said anything classed as disrespectful
@@sarahosman9030 You. Yourself. Saying Gabriel called monogamous men as disgusting (a blatant strawman that can easily count as slander). That was a major projection on your part and the comment is still here as far as I can tell. Self retrospection is on the cards.
@@sarahosman9030 i can show you thousand your best friends deli E. And sammy sammy did you forget how them including you slander Gabriel?
@@MechkanysT can you read brother “I said calling men weak IS disgusting” I slandered no one. I had an opinion on a comment he made. But you are making false narratives against me now
This is completely fatuous because as you know polygamy is not limited in any way (including by gender in the W). Allow a woman to hv more than 1 partner and we hv no problem.
No rules regulated
Suada gave up her rights because the alternative was to starve as an older single divorced woman in the desert with no income or status. Not much of a choice. note the prophet banned polygamy for his own daughter. Wonder why tht was? Because he genuinely loved her perhaps.
There is no reason for polygyny. The population of both genders is roughly the same. Everything is created in PAIRS according to the Quran (Verses 51:49, 78:6-16). PAIRS = TWO. Unless you want all the single men to fail at fasting and turn to homosexuality, stop promoting such concept.
tbh polygamy is not the ideal for MAJORITY of the people. I disagree we don’t like it because of the west lol the prophet’s SAW wives didn’t like it either. its natural to dislike it because for women they have to share already limited resources, love, time etc of their husbands. For a certain men as well if some men get 4 wives each it leaves a lot of men without so i would argue it’s natural for the majority to not like it. Its halal though so u CAN practice it if you like/ have the means to do so, which a small number of men can do successfully but again it’s not mandatory or even necessary. Its really not a big deal that people don’t like it imo, its innate but some ppl dont mind it. again it’s not ideal. find someone that doesn’t mind lol.
in the future women will outnumber men 50 to 1 and in some places women out number men alot and in non Islamic places the economy is banking ree - bah and makes the poor poorer, your point falls! the wives of the Prophet peace and blessings on him also were friends as well.
@Zik Zak ure right majority of women are not jumping for joy when they find out their husband who was already average (average income, average looks, average intellect) is going to remarry, cutting their average income in half and making life difficult. in theory and on paper it sounds like a total fantasy but in real life it doesn’t work for most .4 women means as a man u work 4x harder bc there is 4 different households u are responsible for including their children(some from previous marriages so they not even yours) just for normal/average life. 4x the stress, 4x the attitude u gotta deal with and then mix jealousy and competitiveness between the women and u get a receipt for disaster. also when u think about how men’s desire for variety will never be satisfied even by 4 women. so yeah ur patience will be tested hard and the thing is u cant keep divorcing ur wives everyday to seek more variety when you get bored or they are giving u a headache it doesn’t work that way. food for thought.
"the prophet’s SAW wives didn’t like it either" how do you know they didn't like it? just because they competed in looking good for him? and wanting him to be for them only? but that doesn't mean they went bashing people for wanting polygyny just like your sisters are doing everywhere
It's big to say that the Prophet's (Peace and Blessings be upon him) wives didn't like it. They were the best generation and accepted whatever Allah decreed no matter what. Women also have jealousy and most would prefer to keep their man to themselves, but saying they didn't like polygyny is too much.
They also lived in a polygynous environment already where it was practiced very badly. Some men had more than 10 wives and had no respect for them before the Islamic rulings.
@@superficial9653 another feminazi spotted.
you need fair men. teach them if you can. divorce happened always and if it isn't working and he isn't fair a woman has the right for divorce if he isn't fair.
Fair this fair that, women are never gonna be happy
@@jeffreyepstein4310 Some women are very happy, I think if the man is nurturing they become happy but he also has to be structured and tell the woman to work to the greater cause of the akira and education, the wives of the Prophet peace and blessings on him were very happy, we need strong Aqida manhaj Salaf!
and we need fair women, not feminists like you.
@@OsadeTOOT wow, thank you for your great insight to my mind. as i was a second wife myself i believe i am fair and remained fair until my cowife made her own decision. your assumption proves only that you are not fair. you should think before you post.
@@reneepoesnecker2889 how was your life sister,and she then divorced your husband?
Of course, we can have a boyfriend or marry a single man. We have many options.
Ma Shaa allah my favorite topic
Really disgusted by this video, instead of teaching men how to become strong providers now you're giving them an easy option the fact is many women even those single mothers want strong providers and want time! How can you even meet her needs once in a blue moon! How many cases I hear of women who agree to these sort of transactions and then regret it! Sawda the wife of the Prophet swa actually was an older woman and didn't have needs and was happy to give uip her night! There's a reason why Allah has put these rights in place, you're happy with women doing away with her rights but when a woman asks a man to do away with getting poly not happy
This isn't just about sex this a whole family unit you're building, when children come into the picture, when the woman gets attached her giving up her rights just doesn't work. You're trying to find a solution to a problem when the problem is sorry we don't have many strong men, teach men to man up. When I was single I was getting asked by men hey do you want to be my second wife and accept to meet tw days a week? It's insulting, I've come out of an unhappy marriage and the best a woman can expect is that? No thanks. One sister I know she is a second wife she sees her husband twice a week But he a strong provider and that makes up for the lack of time he spends with her. Now they have a daughter, do you honestly think seeing her twice a week will suffice? Enough with this nonsense, marriage is a responsibility its companionship and its a protection. Intimacy isn't enough. It's a whole family unit. Stop treating women like theyre just some side pieces.
Chill bruh Majority of muslim men only have one wife,but yeah your sister's marry many non muslims but no one says a word.
Like have these men even saved college funds for children for two families like these men are financially a disaster and try to encourage it. Maybe if you lived in a farm and grow your own food okay but still they don't offer any security. And oh boy when their first wife has a high sex drive good Lord they aren't gonna keep up lol
@@nlmlkadhsu1868 bruh chill many of us aren't even married,forget first,second wife.
So I've always had a high sex drive. My first marriage I was the one often crying myself to sleep because this guy wouldn't do anything. Also I always had to initiate which got tiring quickly. It also made me feel undesired. So fast.forward to when this guy left me shortly after I got remarried to my now husband. He has a high sex drive and desires me a ton. So for me he's a perfect fit. Some days he tells me to leave him alone because I want it. Being sexually frustrated leaves me with intense pains and anger so regrettably I sometimes take it out on him if it's not taken care of. Telling me that "women don't have a high sex drive and men need multiple wives because one can't satisfy" is completely false in my situation. I'm sure I'm not the only woman like this on earth. If my husband is intimate with me multiple times in a day and he's already tired of that how will he go to another woman and keep going? It's not possible for some men. So telling men they're weak or whatever that they aren't polygamous is really odd. It's as though these guys want to change the narrative completely and have it be normalized that men marry more than one woman. The earth is a terrible place. There are going to be unmarried women and men that aren't accounted for. People get murdered. People get frauded. People will divorce and cheat and lie and do horrible things. There aren't solutions for everything on this earth because it isn't meant to be perfect. There are men on this earth who haven't even begun praying one of their obligatory prayers who are concerned about some multiple wives situation. Why are we sitting here talking about this as if it's something we must all engage in. If someone wants to do it then go ahead. Stop forcing everyone. That's the main problem. It is not for everyone. It is not fard.
There's so many alternatives to your argument. But whatever it is,if the conditions are met, Allah has made it halal. If a 2nd wife before marriage agrees to have her husband come to her twice a week,that is her prerogative,what's it to you?If a man is unjust towards his wife,he will pay for it in the hereafter. Alternatively,If he does justice to the wives to the best of his ability,he shall be rewarded. As is everything else in this world. Why do you argue as if there's no day of ultimate judgement?
This is fatuous. The reason is obvious - in Islam only men have the right to more than 1 partner. And the men don’t even have to tell their wife! This is no different to a mistress except some for the notional blessing of Allah. In reality it’s just the same.
Personally I don’t like any polyamory and I don’t think it works long term. The key thing though is that it should be equal if done. In Islam thts not possible.
22 :40 - I 'd rather die then be polygynous ( as if shes better then Aisha, or the grand daughters of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him ) then she is sick and psycho at age 40... shame... Muslim brothers leave bida and follow the sunnah because you misrepresent Islam... sisters same to you - both return to Islam!!
16:19-16:25 🤣
Slander is serious and what did the men do they are Muslims they cannot take the Children
Yup i am getting atleast 3 wives hell yeah need to keep more option in bag considering how todays world is moving
You live in west?
@@yotubeinternethypocrite8412no brother
@@_Ruhul10 then where do you live brother? And will you really find three women who will marry you how?
@@yotubeinternethypocrite8412 no idea i will find or not 😂 but i will keep my options brother and am asian
@@_Ruhul10 lol bro,no one's gonna become your second forget third yeah here in asia also,it's just how it is.
Absolutely Right Bro. 100%
He speaks a lot of things but nothing has a point 😩
It obviously has its just that ur triggered by Polygamy fear Allah
you have to understand polygony is not recommended in Islam monogamous marriages are on top of that it’s also sunnah to have one wife
Actually it is recommended if you want to have a another wife. Its recommended to get married and not commit zina ect. Its . But if you're not able to do justice between both wives then only marry one
@@papasul29 it’s not even recommended. The whole point of polygony is for the help of woman like widows, orphans, more woman then men in the world while it’s vise versa now, Muslims sexuallize it while it’s not supposed to be sexualizing
Was just thinking about marrying a woman who can take care of herself. Crazy synchronicity
Yeah but she won't respect you even if she agrees, I'm telling you as a woman myself our psychy is that we respect men who have the upper hand over us financially, it's natural. Even if we have money, we want to be taken care of.
@@Onajourney519 What about Khadija ra
@@LoveYou-ol3dt he worked for khadija, and yes she had more money than him and invested her money in spreading the message of Islam. He was a real man not the men of today, wanting from women everything and leaching off and doing nothing and saying I am a man, so unattractive.
@@Onajourney519 This is also what I was thinking about. 🤔
@@Onajourney519 because, these women only respect a man with money. You contradicted yourself
Haramize it😂😂😂
Men always go for the young and beautiful leaving the divorcees and this what islam teaches to go for young nd beautiful when considering polygamy.. ? 🤦♀️
@God Lord get a life little blame all women for acting as victim
@@didi9269 and you are mocking a man's gheera
A man is not weak
A woman who commits adultery is stoned
You bints on RUclips comments are something else. Where is your outrage with female hypergamy and the fact that so many women jump ship after finding another person who is of a higher status that the man they are with currently? Time to bring oneself down to earth.
The divorcee situation works both way lmao do some reaserch before spouting nonsense women dont want to marry divorced men and vice versa mostly because of being skeptical about thier past
Can you stop commenting? No one is interested in your emotions. We're talking about islam here. If you dont like, just leave. We don't care what you think.
Go and married second wife if you want !!! But don’t encourage men to do that
What is wrong with it ? Islam promotes that. Why do you have problem with that?
@@Mark-go7qm Islam says it’s allowed, it does not promote it that’s why there are strong guidelines to follow
why not, the prophet encouraged it, as long you can treat them fairly of course.
@@sarahosman9030 if it is allowed what does that mean ? Islam has promoted it if you study hadith. !!!
@@kiadav9529 they don't want to hear it. They are "modern women" Aka feminist. They only take Islam seriously when it benefits them. Lol