I have been an adult altar server for almost two years in a fairly large parish in Ireland. In that time I have never seen any boy or man step forward to be a server, no girls either for that matter. In the neightbouring diocese the cathedral of that diocese has a large and exceptionally well trained team of servers, all girls. I see this as symptomatic of a larger problem, parents aren't bringing their children to Mass and they aren't praying. If the men aren't stepping forward to serve a parish then the women will, women make up the largest part of any congregation and usually make up the majority of parish volunteers as well. This goes deeper than just 'liberal' parishes allowing women to serve at the altar, or making some superficial appeal to 'tradition' that it's better to only allow boys to serve because it acts as an apprenticeship to the priesthood, you degrade the vocation of acolyte by only seeing it in purely practical terms. If I were to show you any primary or secondary school in my parish I can guarantee you that 99% of children in any classroom don't darken the door of a Church on Sundays, maybe Easter and Chirstmas if you're lucky. If we want more acolytes we need to bring children to Mass, we need boys and men to have a close enounter with the priesthood. We need bishops and priests that inspire. We need parents that pray and love the Church enough to encourage their boys to step forward and offer themselves in service to the Church.
It reminds me of The book of Judith. This is the problem in the modern world. When men drop the ball with leadership, women end up having to fill in that spot. Usually having to compromise themselves or expose themselves to unnecessary dangers in the process. This is the importance of having the father at home be the spiritual leader regarding spiritual involvement, so his son can follow in his footsteps. Be it apathy or sloth, many men are dropping the ball at parishes.
Notice how you put the onus on the boys for "not stepping up"? Therein lies the real issue, I think, always blaming the men while also not supporting the men when they have to make tough calls. Guys like order, structure, and hierarchy. Once you sacrifice that and they can see people being hypocritical about things, the young boys are naturally not going to want to be a part of the group. Nobody wants to be on a team that doesn't put their team first in every way possible. What you describe is a symptom of a larger problem -- christians being weak-kneed and always giving ground trying to please outsiders. This is why islam holds such appeal among westerners. The people can see how the muslims stand up for each other, to the point of drawing blood. They are insular, sure, but that's just them putting their team first however they can. They might fight amongst each other, but they circle the wagons as soon as there's a threat from outside the tribe. You don't have to like it to respect it. Christians, otoh, go out of their way to betray their own in some vain attempt to appease outsiders, and they don't go out of their way to support each other. I often point to the jews, muslims, and amish as groups to be emulated. They take care of their own and hold to their ways. They are happy to discriminate against outsiders because they understand that they have to protect their own culture and heritage if it's to continue for generations ahead. Yes, most kids don't darken the doorway of the churches unless they have to, but why would they? I'm old enough to remember the Times Before when there was no internet or computers. I remember all the times I've seen the churches bend the knee to outside pressures like Brian talks about in this video. Why would I want to be part of a team that doesn't even adhere to their own rules? Time and time again, we've witnessed small things that add up to really big thing. And today, we have churches celebrating homosexuality and having gay priests. What that means is that the church admits they were wrong about a pretty big issue, so you're left wondering what else they've been wrong about and just haven't admitted yet. If a kid joins up today, he has to wonder what he's devoting his life to because the church is constantly changing their ways, accepting new things, and not supporting their own. That's a recipe for disaster, as we've seen, but it's not the fault of the boys or even the men, because they are the ones who get the blame but have zero authority or support from the very team blaming them all the time.
NOPE. Not even close. Even in my old N.O. liberal parish, there were plenty of boy Altar Servers...until the Altar Gurlz came along. POOF! No more boys. Over night. ONLY stringy-haired, hair-flipping girls, dripping in makeup. Up to that point, we had a few vocations to the priesthood. None have come from that parish in the last 20+ years. I've kept track. It's really sad. In our (relatively) small SSPX parish, it's very, very different. High Mass, 6-9 Altar Servers per Mass, 5 or 6 priestly vocations, and already 2 in Seminary with a 3rd entering next year. That's not bad for a smallish (a bit over 200 members, including gobs of infants and swarms of littles) Congregation.
Acolyte is not a vocation. That aside, the underlying problem is feminism. It has permeated everything so that men don't see masculinity anywhere. That includes at Mass at a typical Catholic Church. It's a simple fact of life that men want to do manly things with men, and intimate things with women. If they perceive something as effeminate, they aren't interested in it. Simple as. If men see the Mass as effeminate, they lose interest, and so do their children. If boys see altar serving as effeminate, they lose interest. And, because of feminism, everything in our culture has become effeminate.
@@informationtransmitter599 Altar Service is good for boys . It’s a way to discern and also learn responsibly in the most important way possible . I’m glad your parents pressured you .
@@paddyleather5434 Yeah... I got the last laugh for being pressured into that asylum. Was also a great place for child abusers to get access to children. Was so bad where I am from that the bishop sent by the Vatican to work out a settlement with the victims also got caught shortly after signing the settlement by customs crossing the border after returning from the Philippines with a bunch of CP on his laptop of the children he had abused while travelling. They ended up having to sell a significant amount of the Catholic Churches property in the region to pay all the settlements. Was the biggest die off of Catholicism I've ever seen...
Is it possible that Altar Girls can us that role to discern a vocation for the religious life. We do need more Sisters now because there is a significant drop in women becoming Sisters! The modern secular world does not have a mechanism for holiness and girls, not just boys. Boys and girls are not rescuing he priest for goodness sake.
Anything that spits in the face of Catholic Tradition- the Traditions of Christ and His own handpicked Apostles, that exists on this earth, is a FAR bigger problem than we think. Thanks for this Brian- you and your family are in my prayers.
@Thetruthiscosmic HOPE is one of the 3 Cardinal Virtues: Faith, Hope, and Charity. "Now, there remain these things: Faith, Hope, and Charity...". "Hope" to a Catholic does NOT mean "hope" to a Prot.
Every High Mass offered in our community has 11 servers: 6 torchbearers;1 crucifer; 2 acolytes; 1 thurifer; and 1 MC. All these boys have progressively deeper understanding of the Mass and see the priesthood as a possible vocation. My eldest (10) asked to serve because he saw the discipline and devotion of the servers as a good to be sought. Now he asks questions about the priesthood frequently. He'll spend a few years as a torchbearer; and when he has enough knowledge, experience, and dedication, our priest will allow him to take on more responsibility. Since he started serving, he has begun to ask frequent questions about vocations, particularly the priesthood. I answer as best I can, but his questions are getting quite good, and I'll have to ask for our priest's help at some point, I'm sure. Faithful liturgy inspires vocations. I see it in my three boys and in the other boys in our community. On an unrelated note, please pray for a nephew of mine who was recently ordained in Ontario.
Finally someone is talking about this. It’s been bothering me for a long time. It’s one of reasons I prefer the TLM . It’s not allowed in the TLM. When I go to the Novis Ordo and I see “alter girls” it looks so off base. What happens in the NO is that when they bring in the girls…the boys leave. So sad.
I moved to San Francisco the same year a new priest was installed who brought the TML. He immediately removed all female altar servers and encouraged more boys to sigh up, and they did. Hooo Boy! Did the press in SF like the chronicle drag him for years afterwards. Nothing ever came of their complaining and the bishop backed him up.
Wow… just wow… I really can’t say here what I want but to say, what would Jesus say. I say Jesus would say all are welcomed to serve my people… including girl altar servers, etc.
@@pamferguson1870 No. Girls do not have to intrude in the space of boys, just as women aren't allowed to be priests nor deacons, they shouldn't. Girls can serve the Lord in other ways.
@@Lucylou7070 in my diocese, we specifically have a group of sisters called the “school sisters of Christ the king”. they were founded to teach. I just wish they were more traditional and not Novus ordo. at least they do wear traditional habits, but I’m talking about the mass.
@@femaleKCRoyalsFan At least they are Sisters. I know 2 elementary Catholic schools that have closed, and one high school that has mostly lay teachers. The few Sisters who teach are aging, and their order is not attracting young women. Just bothers me to think there could come a day when there are no or few Sisters given their devoted history.
Extraordinarily Ministers of Holy Communion are needed for extraordinary situations, like the sinking of the Titanic or a platoon of soldiers rushing into battle, when one priest cannot distribute Holy Communion fast enough. A hundred people going up to the altar to receive Holy Communion is not an extraordinary situation.
My reasoning or thinking is it gets boys less interested because they think it’s for girls. Looks at the Boy Scouts when they started allowing girls to join. Cardinal Sarah said it can also be frustrating for young girls who can feel stuck because nothing more can happen for them. And like you said most clerics come from our servers. Also I agree on your exclusivity on gender, again with Boy Scouts like I mentioned here also
I was an altar server from age 7 to 12, and I look back on that time very fondly and I am so happy that the opportunity was available to me. It was a blessed time and it gave me a sense of belonging that I didn't have at home or at school. When I was 12, my mother declared that I was "too old" to serve anymore. She was so terrified of me becoming a nun. Instead I went down the completely opposite path and lived a very sinful life before returning to the faith in my late 30's. I often wonder how my life would have went if she had let me continue. Thank you for explaining this with your usual gentle way. I find many people on both sides of this issue get quite nasty when discussing this. While I do agree with you, I can't help but remember my time as a server and the good it did for me.
I never even knew that the purpose of altar boys was to give boys the chance to see if the priesthood was a choice for them in the future. That completely changes my perspective on this issue! Yes, male-only spaces need to be protected just as much as female-only spaces. It's sad when these spaces are taken away. I was at NEC and on one of the days, there were non-Catholic women singing and protesting outside about "equality in the Church". As in letting women be priests....
I find it so sad that people think girls have it unfair in the church. A cloistered nun is a higher calling in lifestyle than the diocesan priesthood. And only women get to be consecrated virgins 💍💍💍💍💍aka marry Our Lord Jesus Christ. What a privilege we have!
As I recall growing up in the 50s and early 60s. The responsibility of altar boys was primarily to respond to the prayers of the liturgy on behalf of the congregation. I recall many boys in my class spending hours leaning the Latin responses. I know of at least one of the boys was later ordained to the priesthood.
Outstanding insight. Anecdotally, over a lifetime, I have encountered numerous men in my life who are lost vocations. Mine was the first generation to have been disillusioned by the post-conciliar church's diminution of the priestly vocation when priests became just regular guys who happened to preside at the table of the Lord once in a while.
I believe Pope St. John Paul II gave permission for this in limited circumstances, and that there still is a preference for boys. But since then they have become pretty common. I agree that this is a discipline that should be reversed.
@@laraluna9365 that's the thing: if you say girls could discern religious Life without altar serving, why shouldn't it work the other way around for boys discerning the priesthood?
@kaelibw34 You probably don't understand "Modernism". It is the "synthesis of ALL heresies" (Pope Saint Pius X, encyclical Pascendi Domenici Gregis). This is different from "modernity". The "winds of the world", which were allowed into the Church by Pope Paul VI, is addressing the "Modernist heresy" which was/is the values of the world (satan's): immodesty, immorality, ab0rt10n, functional atheism, divorce and remarriage, birth control, etc.... In fine, everything the secular world thinks is "okay". Hope that clarified things for you a bit (yes, it's confusing!).
I think it goes back to function over a symbol in our liturgies and the misunderstanding of what it means to actively participate. Vatican 2 wanted active participation but primarily interior participation. Activa vs. actuoso. So, we pushed for more singing, lecturing, and altar servers. From what I understand, the church allowed girls when there were no boys or men to serve. This opened the crack to it becoming a regular practice contrary to the initial intention.
Great video Brian. We visited Lincoln’s NE recently and I noticed on the seminary poster they have 17 men in the probadeutic year! Lincoln is a diocese that doesn’t have female servers. There is definitely something to it. I think a bigger factor we see less men discerning holy orders in the modern church is cause the idea of participating in mass means physically doing something so serving has become just another thing for the laypeople to do. I remember when the change first happened. I was a middle schooler and was the only server of age at my very small rural mission parish. When the change happened I was excited causeI’d finally get help or wouldn’t have to do every mass. Looking back now I realize o never saw serving as a way to discern the priesthood but just as something you can do to help with mass. There’s something else you said that I never really thought about. You don’t need alter servers. That’s absolutely true. The same could be said about Eucharistic ministers. I have two daughter that are serving age and do serve cause our 8am mass has very few kids of age to serve. My girls see serving as a way to be able to witness the sacrifice of the mass from a close up perspective and a way to grow more in love with Jesus and the Eucharist knowing they can’t be priests.
Anyone who’s raised boys will know that their natural inclination is not to take on responsibility, it needs to be taught. Are we teaching our boys that girls in the community will step in and take up their responsibility if only they avoid it long enough? Even if these boys don’t take up the priesthood, how will that fare in their marriages in the future?
WOW. Darned right! I raised a son, and really had to double down on him, often!, to make him take responsibility. EXCELLENT point! Yes, where women jump in to "help", boys are ALL too happy to back off and go play!
My son serves at the TLM and it’s so awesome seeing him and his crew of fellow servers. They are disciplined in church as the priest is strict with them, and then after Mass they go outside and have wars. It would not be the same with female servers.
My son serves a lot. I agree. They seem annoyed if the kids make a mistake and if the child has never worked with that priest before then how’d they know? ...Our church cycles between about 9 priests. A couple we only see every couple months. And N.O. Masses there’s lots of options for the priest to choose in carrying out the mass.
When I was growing up, for quite a while the only children at the Mass that I attended were girls (besides my brother who only went to Mass because our mum made us). I personally never wanted to be an altar server, but the only people who did volunteer were girls. We did have male altar servers when I was younger, but those boys all stopped attending Mass once they got to about 16 or 17. Generally speaking, most of the volunteers for any position in the parish, from the child safety officer, to the catechism teachers, to the extraordinary ministers, were women. I don't think this is the fault of the women - they were the only people stepping up to serve. But it creates a vicious cycle where the men in the parish feel like they don't need to step up or even feel that they're not welcome to get more involved in the parish. Many of these women's husbands didn't attend Mass regularly. The catechism teacher's husband left her despite her best efforts to reconcile the marriage. Unfortunately many modern parishes are lacking faithful men to serve in the parish, but then boys growing up in those parishes don't see any male leadership, so the cycle continues.
I have friends who have girls/granddaughters who get very upset when I say altar servers should be boys. Lots of defensiveness such as oh, I love seeing my daughter serving God in that way. Some of these people are quite devout, but in this they cannot see beyond personal feelings. Lots of prayer needed.
They are not devout, if they do not have the faith. One heresy destroys the faith in a person. Do they believe all the teachings of the deposits of the faith? If not, they do not have the faith. St.Thomas Aquinas
@@challengableI get you, but there's literally no argument you can make that it's heresy or contrary to the faith to have altar girls. And while saying this, one can still believe only boys should be altar servers. But yeah, don't fool yourself that it's contrary to the faith or it's heresy. It's a valid opinion, but don't overstep your argument.
@@adamrad2220 not at all, you either believe the faith or you don’t. It’s really just that simple. We have many people around us now who call His name but refuse to do the will of the Father. When you see influences of the world being spoken and promoted by those cafeteria Catholics, know that they do not have the faith. Perhaps you should read St. Thomas Aquinas on this theology. Then tell me who’s overstepping who. Pray for these cafeteria Catholics, don’t lash out at them. Most of them have very poor catechesis
That's what I call "the spirit of Eve". Like Eve in the Garden, it's always only about what they want, right then. It's what makes them feel good, and they will rationalize it however they like, without a care in the world for what God commanded. And it all stems from listening to the snakes in the grass who whispered in their ears for a lifetime, convincing them that wrong was right.
@@threeriversforge1997 exactly on point. When evil presents itself, it is totally invisible if you don’t have the faith. It becomes glaring as the sun if you live to accomplish the will of the Father. God is the authority over a demonic pope who seeks to remove supernatural faith from Catholicism
The dynamic at work, although you're not supposed to say this, is when girls enter (in addition to CWL activities) the boys end up seeing 'church' as a girl thing - which later translates into an absence of adult men (which we are seeing).
@@flick1302 well that's a problem with the boys not the girls. Maybe the holy Spirit wants the men to change their attitude to women. Society at large certainly needs such an example from the church. Any intolerance of women is from the dark side surely you all know that!? The woman is the arch enemy of the demon who clearly doesn't want her on the alter serving the God who made her. Division is always from the demon. Just look at the tone of this conversation and you will see it. Think and pray before you all takes sides in women vs men and novus ordo vs TLM. You are all walking right into the snare set for you. These discussions show a huge degree of spiritual immaturity sadly.
This was a great conceptual understanding of this topic. The other half of the story is the scandalous manner in which we started the girl altar boy during the jpii pontificate. I call the role girl altar boy not to be controversial, but because I have girls and I want the way I speak of these things in a manner that makes it clear that they have no business doing this.
I've been in a new parish for just over a year now. I was so surprised to see older teenage - & handsome! - boys serving on the altar and no girls. I don't know if it's a rule my priest has or just the way it's happened. He also conducts a casual philosophical / catechetical / evangelical group with older and twenty something boys. My son has joined in when he's home from university. And of course, our parish has had recent vocations! By the way, the Girl Guides in the UK is now open to trans girls, ie biological boys who "identify" as girls.
Well said, Brian! I am perplexed each time I heart anybody defend girls serving at the altar. There is no prudential reason they should be allowed to serve at the altar, considering the numerous negative consequences when they do. Girls have not been serving at the altar for more than a few decades and yet we've had countless of beautiful and holy women throughout the Church's 2000-year history
I don’t think this is the only reason for altar servers. Adult married men frequently serve at the altar too. I think it was Paul VI who said girls should not be altar servers, and gave good reasons why. Individual priests have given in to continuing pleas of the laity. +
All of our altar servers, male and female are at least 55 years of age. We had a scandal here, as other churches did in decades past and the decision was made to prevent future scenarios from occurring through who worked around the altar.
You missed an equally important vocation that comes from altar servers, marriage and fatherhood. Husbands and fathers are the priests of the family, the domestic Church. They are called to spiritual leadership of the family and self sacrifice for the family's good. This is implicit in the Church's teaching on the family. C.S. Lewis discusses a bit about this in his works. How many more men become husbands and fathers than priests? Many more, and all the more reason for those boys and young men to serve at mass!!
I grew up as a girl altar boy through high school. My brother did not serve. When I was in college - it did actually cross my mind that maybe, just maybe, one day I’ll be a woman Deaconess. A college professor had put that idea in my mind as something the early church had allowed so maybe the Church will bring it back. When you know better, you do better. I regret my service at the altar, wish my brother (now a lapsed Catholic) had served, and my 4 daughters will never altar serve.
Good argument. I would add that altar servers were not just a good recruiting pool for seminarians but a good source of recruits for the US Marines, US Army Rangers, and the US Navy SEALS. It not just a liturgical benefit but a national security benefit as well. Moreover, the liturgy of the Eucharist is supposed to represent the Last Supper which was a male-only event by order of Christ himself. Lastly, the liturgy of the Eucharist is also supposed represent a Jewish wedding where the groom promises to give all of himself to his bride. Whoever heard of a wedding with female groomsmen? It's non-sensical. What priest would officiate at such a mockery?
Agreed. I was an acolyte (alter server) and considered the vocation of priesthood as a teenager. I enlisted in the US Army Infantry, fought in two wars, and chose the sacrament of marriage and family instead. But my service as an acolyte helped me understand my Catholic faith, and that shaped my life for the better.
@emmagrace6396 The Last Supper was where Our Lord taught His Apostles how to confect the Blessed Sacrament, something women cannot do. But, I believe His Body and Blood were also shared among the other Faithful followers present, including His Mother.
@fairyspunfibers9098 if the argument is that only men were present at the last supper, therefore only men should distribute communion, then the logic also follows that since only men received the eucharist from Jesus at the last supper, therefore only men can recieve communion. It's not a good argument, there's no limiting principle.
In 1903, Pope Pius X restated the Church’s ban on women participating in church choirs. In his “Instruction On Sacred Music,” he ruled that women were not to be allowed any liturgical function. However, Pope Pius XII, in his 1958 “Instruction on Sacred Music,” reversed this, but in actuality, he was only acknowledging the reality that women organists, soloists, choir members and choir directors were already common across Catholicism.
Young women and former altar servant here. Serving in the liturgies was crucial for me in order to discern religious life - now I'm a postulant hoping to be admitted into the noviciate soon. And I know several sisters with similar experiences.
It confuses me how sharing in the PRIESTLY function helped you discern the life of a woman religious. Those two things are not the same. That's like me saying becoming a mother helped me become a man. It makes no sense. Women on the altar is an act of desecration in my eyes. Please do not give the false impression that being a girl on the altar helped you discern religious life as a woman. Being a woman religious has nothing to do with serving at the altar.
@@JulianNaremore Well, in that sense maybe the point is that you as a man don't know what discerning religious life as woman is like :D No, seriously, I think partaking in and more deeply understanding the liturgy can be helpful for anyone to discern their calling, rooting them in service to the Lord and others as well as recognizing the beauty in it. This is not ordained ministry. Oh, and by the way please don't dismiss other peoples experiences out of hand, this comes across as rather rude.
If you are a Female you dont need to become an altar server to discern religious life, haha thats not the proper way. Traditionaly Altar serving is only design for boys. Your personal reasons are due to false guidance of the modern leadership of the church filled with feminism. Unfortunately theres also plenty of women who already became nuns and sisters who leave or resign their vows some of them have regrets, one of the Main cause is they have improper discernment.
@@leafraenzle7746so speaking the truth is rude when it doesn’t match your misguided version of the truth? 🤦🏻♂️ look at your own words and actions in the mirror. Take the plank out of your eye.
@@bobtosi9346 this is about a random dude telling me about my discernment (and women religious in general) while clearly he has no clue. 😂 So yes, mansplaining is kind of rude.
Lay boy altar servers are mostly a modern thing (maybe since the reformation period or newer). They are substitutes for clerics (men of various ages) of the minor orders, i.e. lectors and acolytes. It was a mistake to turn altar service into a kiddy job. It's a clerics job.
More like this please Brian. This issue is one of many in the church that make a mockery of a coherent, rational, holy church. Hierarchy is a fundamental component of our church and our families. We need to show how well it works within our church so we can attract society.
Role of girl altar boys is not fair to girls, infact it is very dark and accelerates gender confusion among the faithful. Boys are meant to do the heavy lifting on the front line that is everything Adam - military, emergency response, police, firefighting, mining, including priesthood. Women already have motherhood which is a lot of heavy liftling and men need to step up to Adam's role just like how Christ did. Lex orandi lex credendi...allowing women to roles at altar, including lectors, deacons etc., triggers gender confusion as the role the exclusivity of the sexes gets blurred, nothing against women but this is a fallen world. All religions even pagan religions that brought in women clergy have been destroyed...fortunately Christ promised He will not let the gates of hell to prevail over His church. Research shows that all male emergency response teams and front line teams on the battle (which is the hallmark of priesthood) outperforms teams that are made of males and females. Look up Katrina.
Agree with you. Fortunately we don’t have female altar servers at our Parish. We pray for increase to vocations after every Mass. we usually have four to eight altar servers and acolytes at every Mass. a good thing.
Since my communion, I was an altar boy for ten years in a parish in Germany that held a very reverent Novus Ordo Mass. Over this time, I have seen how altar servers are becoming fewer and fewer, especially boys. Although I would describe myself as traditional and conservative, female altar servers never seemed to me to be a question of "equality", but one of youth inclusion and necessity. In the meantime, the average number of altar servers at each mass halfed with now 80 % girls. I find your argument, that the priesthood becomes more inspiring for boys without female altar servers, very compelling. Like a comment that said that having female altar servers (and other female volunteers) makes church more a "girl thing", which leads to young boys dropping out. But I think that if our Priest forbid female altar servers, there will just be no altar servers. And I would find that worse than having female altar servers.
Excellent commentary,very true we now have less boys in our parish serving as altar servers! Lets return to the original service as boys being altar servers leading to the priesthood for some !
So if we managed to understand the basic principle of developing appreciation through experience why should it slip our mind that long-lasting sexism in occupying important roles in church pushes women back from the said institution?
I am a woman, but for a long time I have been disturbed by girl servers at Mass. It just yet again feels like the girls want to invade the boys’ space. The reasons you give in your video are real, valid, and logical. Thanks
Sadly here in Europe and United Kingdom, we have no traditional Nuns anywhere to be seen in churches. It would be lovely for girls to have nuns to befriend and then want to emulate.
There is a small but growing number of traditional Nuns here in the US. I have four grown daughters and no sons. My daughters saw very few Nuns while growing up and so despite my suggestions and encouragement, none of the four seriously considered becoming a Nun... at least so far.
@@diana-wilde yep we got em. Franciscians of the immaculata, sisters of charity of st Paul and others. Be not afraid. Consecrated laity also....servites,carmelites
20 years after female altar servers were introduced we've been bombarded with propositions for female priests. Not a coincidence that the point of altar servers was to introduce them to the idea of priesthood and assist in early vocational formation.
Back in the day, my sisters were quite happy they didn't have a turn as an altar server...especially when we boys had to get up on summer week days to go serve a mass.
We don’t have a vocation crisis. The traditional seminaries are full, and the bishops are trying to prevent their ordinations. We have a Novus Ordo crisis.
@@nancyast5717 Which is the lie and paranoia? The seminaries are full and bishops stoping it are neither. Perhaps you need to actually know what’s happening in your Church.
@@nancyast5717stop gaslighting people. If you cared so much you could answer those simple questions. Where is the lie he told or the information that is incorrect?
It is up to the pastor. Mom’s have a lot of roles in the parish. So pastors have altar girls. My dad said girls would end up driving away the boys. I served with my brothers week day mass and Sundays. Now never see any weekday servers and Sunday is hit or miss. My bishop wants us to submit names of potential vocations for priests to interview. Hope it works because the mom’s with daughters is just too much for our clergy. Only our TLM has altar boys for Sunday and the weekday masses. That pastor hopes it will be fruitful but will a kid raised in tradition prosper in an ordinary seminary and parish?
The problem that so many don't want to acknowledge is that you lose the "moral authority" when you surrender even one tradition that seems so trivial. When you joined the ranks of "altar server", you broke the ages-old tradition and it was accepted by everyone. You further broke that tradition by having your daughter do the very same thing. And while it all sounds good and fine, you can't then say there shouldn't be female priests and deacons because that's just another "tradition" and you've already demonstrated that the rules can be broken. While people will often say that's a "slippery slope fallacy", it's not a fallacy because we see it happen regularly. The road to hell really is paved with good intentions -- each cobblestone along the way being where someone gave in just a little or thought they were doing the right thing without thinking about the consequences. Think about your own experience. When you joined the altar boys, demanding that it be made co-ed or at least taking advantage of it when it happened, you helped to fracture a catholic tradition that'd stood for hundreds of years. There were plenty of 'stodgy, old stick-in-the-mud people" who complained at the time, and they were shouted down or ignored. And look at the state of the church today where gay pride flags fly from the ramparts. Small steps, each cobblestone seemingly innocent and right and proper, but all leading to where we are right now. Tradition is the solution to problems long forgotten exactly because the tradition solved the issues the culture was dealing with.
Too many women holding the Eucharist, why can the priest stay in line extra 5 min to distribute it?. They went to seminary for a decade why a woman who hands have not been consecrated will distribute it? The Catechism of the Catholic Church, in its article 1548, states: “In the ecclesial service of the ordained minister, it is Christ himself who is present to his Church as Head of his Body, Shepherd of his flock, High Priest of the redemptive sacrifice, Teacher of the Truth. The Church expresses this by saying that the priest, in virtue of the Sacrament of Orders, acts ‘in persona Christi Capitis’ (in the person of Christ the Head).” Thus, the ordained minister is the sacramental link that connects the liturgical action to what the apostles said and did and, through them, to what Christ said and did, the source and foundation of the sacraments. Section 154 of RS states: "the only minister who can confect the Sacrament of the Eucharist in persona Christi is a validly ordained Bishops, priests and deacons distribute Holy Communion in virtue of their office as ordinary ministers of the Body and Blood of the Lord.
Just women! clearly your statement is more concerned with unconsecrated hands only if they are female, therefore your real gripe here is female hands, not unconsecrated hands.
Exactly, and there's something else too. What about if someone is not in a state of grace and they need a blessing? I'm sorry, it's not the same to receive a blessing from the laity especially an unconsecrated hand. It is better to be blessed directly by the priest.
The altar boys distributing it haven't been consecrated for it either...also what's with the comment about too many women's hands touching the eucharist?! Women are all going to receive it. Women held Jesus and touched him. Ridiculous.
@emmagrace6396 Altar boys are *not to touch the Consecrated Host!* NO ONE but a Priest should be distributing Jesus' Precious Body and Blood! The only woman allowed to touch Jesus was His Mother, Mary. Jesus did not allow St. Mary Magdalene to touch Him, except with her hair when she repented of her sins. Even after His Resurrection, he told her "Nolo tendere me!" "Do not touch me!"
Which “feminism” are you talking about? Because feminism has existed for over 100 years, and early feminists secured the right for women to vote and own property. Are you talking about third or fourth wave feminism?
@@onewholovesvenison5335 All feminism. If you research those early days, you'll see that the overwhelming majority of women not only didn't want it, but were actively against it. Furthermore, you can read the writings of those early feminists and see that their cause was rooted in evil and hatred. Their stated goal was to destroy the nuclear family and western civilization which they hated That they used lies, deception, and violence to get their way... well, that's pretty telling. Not exactly the actions of the angelic, I'd say.
@onewholovesvenison5335 Women have ALWAYS bern able to own property in their own right in the U.S. And, she did not have to surrender ownership to her husband when she married. But, I agree: it would have been 3rd and 4th wave feminism that went WAY too far. And, it has been HORRIFIC in its effects upon Society.
Agreed. I was an altar girl and regret it. I wasted time thinking about how women could become priests, not knowing God didn't want me to be a priest. Maybe I wouldn't have considered that if I never went on the altar.
The elephant in the room is that boys do not want to serve. Do not want to be priests. It's not anymore "I serve , I discover vocation", but actually the opposite today. Any other speculation (even if The Osservatore Romano itself stated recently that there are no valid theological reasons for girls not serving ) is a nice chat but in the west at least this is how things actually are. As an African Catholic in Europe, if not for women and lay people , 50℅ of churches could be closed. (Being optimistic, maybe even more than half)
The persistence of Female Sacristans, altar servers and Cantors has continually lead to one thing, men growing lax and not fulfilling their calling in the church. Women are not inherently evil, nor unworthy of such roles, but the fact that men have largely abandoned these duties is evidence enough of the problems such a stance causes.
Post hoc, ergo propter hoc is an invalid logic. Gien there was only one sacristan in a parish, how did that impact the hudreds if not thousands of other men in the parish?
Correlation does not Causation, have you maybe consider that it could be down to the immoral nature of the church or maybe that as people learn to think critically they realise that it's all just nonsense so they leave or any number of other reasons you failed to account for before you jumped to the most absurd 'solution' it's this inability to examine your beliefs critically that keeps you trapped in a false religion.
@@Jerome616 men have got lax and abandoned their duties absolutely. But that isn't the fault of women is it!? This discussion is the age old Adam blaming Eve for the sin he committed isn't it!? It's classic gas lighting. Don't try any get the women to believe they are at fault for serving God and "scaring" the men off the altar. The men have abandoned the altar haven't they !? That's the truth and the men need to look it in the eye.....!!!
I had lived overseas for a time and was surprised when I came back to the USA and saw alter girls. I went back and forth on if this was another encroachment of modernism into the church. I used the same line of logic about the purpose of alter boys. Where I found peace, was settling on maybe allowing alter girls could have the effect of making them want to become nuns. This way the vocations of both men and women could grow in the church. Obviously if the next step is allowing both to be priests then that’s a problem. However, if the justification is to encourage women to become nuns and a link can be shown, then I could live with that. Thoughts? And God Bless!
Brian, you bring up one point that should be a concern to the Church. We must pray for our priests and for more vocations to the priesthood. God is in charge.
"The Church´s mission is not here to establish artificial environments that ignore God´s created order." Nailed it. There is a reason why the TLM parishes are thriving and the Novus Ordo parishes are not. This alignment with secular ideas does no good whatsoever. "You will know them by their fruits" - it´s fairly obvious that the traditional way is the right way.
***I do not buy that "secular ideas" if it an idea can be secular or clergy, if is a good idea. The "traditional way" is not at all the right way, it is only traditional way that all Christian should be ashamed of it.***
@adelinomorte7421 "Secular" in this instance means the "values" of this world's master (satan): s€x-on-demand with anyone - with no consequences, impurity, @bOrt10n "rights", divorce-and-remarriage, living in sin with someone, birth "control", etc. God's Ways are not our ways, which is why we cannot ignore God's ways. HIS ways *are* Traditional, which is why we follow them: we love Him enough to desire eternal life with Him. We do not wish to imperil our Salvation by refusing to live in His Grace. Yes, Traditional is the ONLY way to go if you wish to have a chance to save your soul. It is not easy, even so. Jesus said, "The way is narrow, and FEW there are who find it." Those who cannot get to a TLM because of health or extreme distance (more than 2 hours), just need to cling to the Faith _as it has always been taught for over 2000 years_ and THAT is Tradition. Love God, dear Adelino, more than you love your own, worldly desires. 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for covering this. I would not let my girls serve Mass (they grew up in the 90s.) Our six boys did. They are adults now, and most of them married and with children.
We have Altar Boys 3 and an Alter Girl!! I was an Altar Server since I was 12 years old noe 43 years old! I am now a Extraordinary Minister of Communion! Thinking of becoming a Deacon! due to my time on the Alter so I agree with your sons experiences!
@@fr.loomis997 Pope Francis issued a Motu Proprio titled SPIRITUS DOMINI in 2021 modifying canon 230 §1 of the code of canon law.. Canon 230 §1 now states: “Lay persons who possess the age and qualifications established by decree of the conference of bishops can be admitted on a stable basis through the prescribed liturgical rite to the ministries of lector and acolyte. Nevertheless, the conferral of these ministries does not grant them the right to obtain support or remuneration from the Church”. The Holy Father wrote in SPIRITUS DOMINI: "...that these lay ministries, since they are based on the Sacrament of Baptism, may be entrusted to all suitable faithful, whether male or female, in accordance with what is already implicitly provided for by Canon 230 § 2."
What is allowed is not always what is best or most fitting. Canon law also allows lay people to distribute Holy Communion; but many layers of symbolism are lost when churches do this and the Mass is HIGHLY symbolic. Even though Sprite and saltwater look like freshwater, ONLY freshwater can be used for the Sacrament of Baptism. In the same way, even though women are similar to Jesus in that they are human, ONLY men can become priests because the priest is the Father who feeds, the image of Christ, etc. So, just because female altar servers are allowed does not mean they are a good idea. And statistically, they are a bad idea. From an essay by an American priest (Father Z): "Realistically, that effort will be most successful when we limit the role to boys. Time and again, we see that the introduction of altar girls leads to a decline in the boys’ willingness to serve. This shouldn’t offend us. It’s developmentally normal for children (adults too, for that matter) to crave opportunities for same-sex companionship and service. Girls should get those opportunities too, but other roles and activities can be found for them." And: *"The average parish surveyed, when switching from co-ed servers to male-only saw their server numbers grow 450%"*
Hm. I'm not a catholic, but after a while of going to a church, they asked me to serve. I'm not a teenager any more, and I'm a woman. It seemed like the church was sorely lacking in staff in general, having mostly middle-aged or elderly servers in the first place, so I accepted. That being said, until now I've never understood why serving was even a thing, and I think I understand. I think it's too late for the church I'm going to, though. The chance of them getting any young people in there is going to be close to zero. That being said, my husband considered becoming a priest after serving, so it's still doing *something* I guess, even if it's not the target demographic.
My Parish is a contradiction. Its the one lone diocesan parish allowed to have one weekly Latin Mass, yet the Novus Ordo Masses not only have girl Altar Servers, but a grown woman Altar Server. That makes me very uncomfortable. And our current pontiff is equivocating about deaconesses. Its all soo wrong. 🤔
@@jonahstephens2904lol. Lay off the hopium. They are going to figure out a way to shoehorn deaconettes into the post conciliar Church. The Vatican just announced another synod working group to figure out how to make it happen despite the magesterial teaching of JPII forbidding *consecrated* female priests / deacons. They will probably do it by destroying or fundamentally altering the permanent diaconate. With modernism all things are possible.
@reverendcoffinsotherson5807 "Dude", yourself! BerGOGlio is well-known for meaning YES when he says NO! That is S.O.P. for Perónist-Marxist thinking! And he was raised and trained in that belief from childhood through Seminary. ALWAYS gaslighting, never telling the bald Truth. Very well-known tactic. Wake up and smell the coffee, "Dude". He has already encouraged the German SIN-OD to CONTINUE "exploring" the possibility of deaconettes.
I had no idea about female altar servers, and asked (curiously and without rancor) “is it normal to have those?” The response I received was not pleasant.
It is not the Catholic Church that sees its longstanding traditions and teachings as unjust or discriminatory but the counterfeit Novus Ordo church because that church opposes Catholicism.
If your kingdom is divided then how can it survive. I have no problem with traditional mass but I am for girls to serve as altar server. We were all created equal by God - man and woman. So much hatred from woman towards innocent little girls serving the Lord. Be happy that they are serving the Lord and not selling their bodies on the street or going on Sunday sport practice but instead chose to be there for the Lord
It is a baby step towards female priests. Brian is right; those pushing this in the name of equality will never be content with a "discriminating" priesthood.
They need to be involved as well. Maybe not on track to become a Priest but why can't they be involved as much as the boys in some way? Women/girls are having everything taken. Our sports, bathrooms and showers have men now. We have no privacy and nothing exclusive. We are called chest feeders and birthing people now. Lord help us 🙏
We were created equal in dignity not equal in everything as is obvious . Not all act like innocent little girls many are not little anymore .....some wear high heels and mini skirts and put the cassock on over that
Pray for me, at the end of this month I’m heading off to seminary. I will be one of eight seminarians in my entire Diocese.
@@The_Archivist_84 🙏🙏🙏
Christ bless you brother
God bless you. I wish you well in your discernment and studies.
Praying for you. God bless you
May God Bless you and accompany you !
Our school doesnt allow girl altar servers. And we have a high per capita record of vocations to the priesthood. ❤ Praise God!
Probably just a coincidence....probably doesn't mean anything.
A huge, new study shows otherwise: DIRECT CORRELATION. Sorry-not-sorry, bub.
@@fairyspunfibers9098 what study? Authors, methods? Link?
@@fairyspunfibers9098 you do now correlation doesn´t mean causation don´t you?
@@pedroparamo891that idea is used very selectively
I have been an adult altar server for almost two years in a fairly large parish in Ireland. In that time I have never seen any boy or man step forward to be a server, no girls either for that matter. In the neightbouring diocese the cathedral of that diocese has a large and exceptionally well trained team of servers, all girls. I see this as symptomatic of a larger problem, parents aren't bringing their children to Mass and they aren't praying. If the men aren't stepping forward to serve a parish then the women will, women make up the largest part of any congregation and usually make up the majority of parish volunteers as well. This goes deeper than just 'liberal' parishes allowing women to serve at the altar, or making some superficial appeal to 'tradition' that it's better to only allow boys to serve because it acts as an apprenticeship to the priesthood, you degrade the vocation of acolyte by only seeing it in purely practical terms. If I were to show you any primary or secondary school in my parish I can guarantee you that 99% of children in any classroom don't darken the door of a Church on Sundays, maybe Easter and Chirstmas if you're lucky. If we want more acolytes we need to bring children to Mass, we need boys and men to have a close enounter with the priesthood. We need bishops and priests that inspire. We need parents that pray and love the Church enough to encourage their boys to step forward and offer themselves in service to the Church.
It reminds me of The book of Judith. This is the problem in the modern world. When men drop the ball with leadership, women end up having to fill in that spot. Usually having to compromise themselves or expose themselves to unnecessary dangers in the process. This is the importance of having the father at home be the spiritual leader regarding spiritual involvement, so his son can follow in his footsteps. Be it apathy or sloth, many men are dropping the ball at parishes.
I always thought the whole reason to allow girl altar servers wasn't really an equality thing but because of a lack of boy altar servers.
Notice how you put the onus on the boys for "not stepping up"? Therein lies the real issue, I think, always blaming the men while also not supporting the men when they have to make tough calls.
Guys like order, structure, and hierarchy. Once you sacrifice that and they can see people being hypocritical about things, the young boys are naturally not going to want to be a part of the group. Nobody wants to be on a team that doesn't put their team first in every way possible.
What you describe is a symptom of a larger problem -- christians being weak-kneed and always giving ground trying to please outsiders. This is why islam holds such appeal among westerners. The people can see how the muslims stand up for each other, to the point of drawing blood. They are insular, sure, but that's just them putting their team first however they can. They might fight amongst each other, but they circle the wagons as soon as there's a threat from outside the tribe. You don't have to like it to respect it.
Christians, otoh, go out of their way to betray their own in some vain attempt to appease outsiders, and they don't go out of their way to support each other. I often point to the jews, muslims, and amish as groups to be emulated. They take care of their own and hold to their ways. They are happy to discriminate against outsiders because they understand that they have to protect their own culture and heritage if it's to continue for generations ahead.
Yes, most kids don't darken the doorway of the churches unless they have to, but why would they? I'm old enough to remember the Times Before when there was no internet or computers. I remember all the times I've seen the churches bend the knee to outside pressures like Brian talks about in this video. Why would I want to be part of a team that doesn't even adhere to their own rules? Time and time again, we've witnessed small things that add up to really big thing. And today, we have churches celebrating homosexuality and having gay priests. What that means is that the church admits they were wrong about a pretty big issue, so you're left wondering what else they've been wrong about and just haven't admitted yet.
If a kid joins up today, he has to wonder what he's devoting his life to because the church is constantly changing their ways, accepting new things, and not supporting their own. That's a recipe for disaster, as we've seen, but it's not the fault of the boys or even the men, because they are the ones who get the blame but have zero authority or support from the very team blaming them all the time.
NOPE. Not even close. Even in my old N.O. liberal parish, there were plenty of boy Altar Servers...until the Altar Gurlz came along. POOF! No more boys. Over night. ONLY stringy-haired, hair-flipping girls, dripping in makeup.
Up to that point, we had a few vocations to the priesthood. None have come from that parish in the last 20+ years. I've kept track. It's really sad.
In our (relatively) small SSPX parish, it's very, very different. High Mass, 6-9 Altar Servers per Mass, 5 or 6 priestly vocations, and already 2 in Seminary with a 3rd entering next year. That's not bad for a smallish (a bit over 200 members, including gobs of infants and swarms of littles) Congregation.
Acolyte is not a vocation. That aside, the underlying problem is feminism. It has permeated everything so that men don't see masculinity anywhere. That includes at Mass at a typical Catholic Church. It's a simple fact of life that men want to do manly things with men, and intimate things with women. If they perceive something as effeminate, they aren't interested in it. Simple as. If men see the Mass as effeminate, they lose interest, and so do their children. If boys see altar serving as effeminate, they lose interest. And, because of feminism, everything in our culture has become effeminate.
Female Altar Servers should end . Altar Boys are often discerning for a vocation in the Priesthood .
There were none allowed when I was growing up. And as a former alter boy, most were pressured into the role by their parents.
@@informationtransmitter599 Altar Service is good for boys . It’s a way to discern and also learn responsibly in the most important way possible . I’m glad your parents pressured you .
@@paddyleather5434 Yeah... I got the last laugh for being pressured into that asylum. Was also a great place for child abusers to get access to children. Was so bad where I am from that the bishop sent by the Vatican to work out a settlement with the victims also got caught shortly after signing the settlement by customs crossing the border after returning from the Philippines with a bunch of CP on his laptop of the children he had abused while travelling. They ended up having to sell a significant amount of the Catholic Churches property in the region to pay all the settlements. Was the biggest die off of Catholicism I've ever seen...
@@informationtransmitter599 Usually altar servers are not alone with the priest. They are always together.
Is it possible that Altar Girls can us that role to discern a vocation for the religious life. We do need more Sisters now because there is a significant drop in women becoming Sisters! The modern secular world does not have a mechanism for holiness and girls, not just boys. Boys and girls are not rescuing he priest for goodness sake.
Anything that spits in the face of Catholic Tradition- the Traditions of Christ and His own handpicked Apostles, that exists on this earth, is a FAR bigger problem than we think.
Thanks for this Brian- you and your family are in my prayers.
I hope your son does become a priest
I second that. You are, by all outward appearances, a good catholic man. What a joy and honor it would be for you.
God bless.
He would be a great father if he is anything like his dad
If you are Christian, you ought to say I pray, not I hope. We don't "hope" to God, we pray.
@@Thetruthiscosmic If you were a real Christian you would know the theological virtues. They are Faith, HOPE, and charity.
HOPE is one of the 3 Cardinal Virtues: Faith, Hope, and Charity. "Now, there remain these things: Faith, Hope, and Charity...".
"Hope" to a Catholic does NOT mean "hope" to a Prot.
Every High Mass offered in our community has 11 servers: 6 torchbearers;1 crucifer; 2 acolytes; 1 thurifer; and 1 MC. All these boys have progressively deeper understanding of the Mass and see the priesthood as a possible vocation.
My eldest (10) asked to serve because he saw the discipline and devotion of the servers as a good to be sought. Now he asks questions about the priesthood frequently. He'll spend a few years as a torchbearer; and when he has enough knowledge, experience, and dedication, our priest will allow him to take on more responsibility.
Since he started serving, he has begun to ask frequent questions about vocations, particularly the priesthood. I answer as best I can, but his questions are getting quite good, and I'll have to ask for our priest's help at some point, I'm sure.
Faithful liturgy inspires vocations. I see it in my three boys and in the other boys in our community.
On an unrelated note, please pray for a nephew of mine who was recently ordained in Ontario.
Finally someone is talking about this. It’s been bothering me for a long time. It’s one of reasons I prefer the TLM . It’s not allowed in the TLM. When I go to the Novis Ordo and I see “alter girls” it looks so off base. What happens in the NO is that when they bring in the girls…the boys leave. So sad.
I moved to San Francisco the same year a new priest was installed who brought the TML. He immediately removed all female altar servers and encouraged more boys to sigh up, and they did. Hooo Boy! Did the press in SF like the chronicle drag him for years afterwards.
Nothing ever came of their complaining and the bishop backed him up.
@@Jerome616the point of “inclusion” and mainstreaming is to destroy institutions
@@Jerome616We need more cases like this.
If the boys leave, that's a boy problem. You teach male fragility.
Then the girls get asked because no boys stop up- girls are more likely to be agreeable.
Rather than being alter servers, girls should be encouraged to join the choir or to assist their mothers in the Catholic Women's League.
is it so that women know their place, know where exactly they belong and then be complacent with it, is that what God has designed women for?
Probably not the choir as a main voice. Men should be encouraged to be also in the choir
@@Mobuku Sure. My parish's choir is comprised of men, women and girls. I don't know why there aren't any boys.
Wow… just wow… I really can’t say here what I want but to say, what would Jesus say. I say Jesus would say all are welcomed to serve my people… including girl altar servers, etc.
@@pamferguson1870 No. Girls do not have to intrude in the space of boys, just as women aren't allowed to be priests nor deacons, they shouldn't.
Girls can serve the Lord in other ways.
We need more female mothers.
That statement is both a satirical tongue and cheek joke as well as a statment of fact.
ok - but we also need more Sisters. It's pretty sad to me that Catholic schools have so few Catholic sisters as teachers for example.
Brilliant! Thank you!
@@Lucylou7070 in my diocese, we specifically have a group of sisters called the “school sisters of Christ the king”. they were founded to teach. I just wish they were more traditional and not Novus ordo. at least they do wear traditional habits, but I’m talking about the mass.
@@femaleKCRoyalsFan At least they are Sisters. I know 2 elementary Catholic schools that have closed, and one high school that has mostly lay teachers. The few Sisters who teach are aging, and their order is not attracting young women. Just bothers me to think there could come a day when there are no or few Sisters given their devoted history.
Disgusting sexism, misogyny and bigotry.
We do not! Like we do not need extraordinary eucharist distributors
🙌🏼 Well said
I totally agree. We don't need female altar servers and we especially do not need female extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist.
Extraordinarily Ministers of Holy Communion are needed for extraordinary situations, like the sinking of the Titanic or a platoon of soldiers rushing into battle, when one priest cannot distribute Holy Communion fast enough.
A hundred people going up to the altar to receive Holy Communion is not an extraordinary situation.
Excellent show and arguments! Thank you, Brian.
My reasoning or thinking is it gets boys less interested because they think it’s for girls.
Looks at the Boy Scouts when they started allowing girls to join.
Cardinal Sarah said it can also be frustrating for young girls who can feel stuck because nothing more can happen for them.
And like you said most clerics come from our servers.
Also I agree on your exclusivity on gender, again with Boy Scouts like I mentioned here also
I am 100% in agreement with you!! God Bless you for bringing up this subject!!
I was an altar server from age 7 to 12, and I look back on that time very fondly and I am so happy that the opportunity was available to me. It was a blessed time and it gave me a sense of belonging that I didn't have at home or at school. When I was 12, my mother declared that I was "too old" to serve anymore. She was so terrified of me becoming a nun. Instead I went down the completely opposite path and lived a very sinful life before returning to the faith in my late 30's. I often wonder how my life would have went if she had let me continue.
Thank you for explaining this with your usual gentle way. I find many people on both sides of this issue get quite nasty when discussing this. While I do agree with you, I can't help but remember my time as a server and the good it did for me.
I had never thought about it that way, thank you for voicing this message.
Man and Woman are different. Who would have though even 10 years ago that that would be a controversial statement.
I never even knew that the purpose of altar boys was to give boys the chance to see if the priesthood was a choice for them in the future. That completely changes my perspective on this issue! Yes, male-only spaces need to be protected just as much as female-only spaces. It's sad when these spaces are taken away. I was at NEC and on one of the days, there were non-Catholic women singing and protesting outside about "equality in the Church". As in letting women be priests....
I find it so sad that people think girls have it unfair in the church. A cloistered nun is a higher calling in lifestyle than the diocesan priesthood. And only women get to be consecrated virgins 💍💍💍💍💍aka marry Our Lord Jesus Christ. What a privilege we have!
The idea of marrying Jesus Christ is beyond ridiculous.
You're Protestant, right?
You call that privilege? No, if women value is based on their virginity, then such position should not exist!
Thank you! I'm a fresh convert. This helped me to better understand the current situation.
As I recall growing up in the 50s and early 60s. The responsibility of altar boys was primarily to respond to the prayers of the liturgy on behalf of the congregation. I recall many boys in my class spending hours leaning the Latin responses. I know of at least one of the boys was later ordained to the priesthood.
Outstanding insight. Anecdotally, over a lifetime, I have encountered numerous men in my life who are lost vocations. Mine was the first generation to have been disillusioned by the post-conciliar church's diminution of the priestly vocation when priests became just regular guys who happened to preside at the table of the Lord once in a while.
Orthodox here. Legitimately had no idea Catholics allowed girls to serve. Not permitted in the East.
I believe Pope St. John Paul II gave permission for this in limited circumstances, and that there still is a preference for boys. But since then they have become pretty common. I agree that this is a discipline that should be reversed.
Thank you Brian! Keep up the good work! 🙏❤️🔥✝️
Wish our bishop and pastor would restrict altar serving to males. Not likely to happen anytime soon unfortunately.
In our parish, there have been several girls who have discerned religious life!
I think that’s great but how many boys have become priests? We need priests because we need the sacraments.
Is that our fault? Are you really so blind as to blame half of the church, just because the modern-day Catholic males are becoming weak-willed?
@@laraluna9365 that's the thing: if you say girls could discern religious Life without altar serving, why shouldn't it work the other way around for boys discerning the priesthood?
Your content is so good man.
I have to say. I think this is one of the best topics I’ve heard you speak on. Well said.
This was very eye-opening!
We get enough modernity in the world. We don't need it in church.
I see. Then you might wanna get off your computer and get back to work tilling the fields by hand if modernity is so scary
"To be modern is to be Jewish"
You probably don't understand "Modernism". It is the "synthesis of ALL heresies" (Pope Saint Pius X, encyclical Pascendi Domenici Gregis). This is different from "modernity". The "winds of the world", which were allowed into the Church by Pope Paul VI, is addressing the "Modernist heresy" which was/is the values of the world (satan's): immodesty, immorality, ab0rt10n, functional atheism, divorce and remarriage, birth control, etc.... In fine, everything the secular world thinks is "okay".
Hope that clarified things for you a bit (yes, it's confusing!).
@@kaelibw34 He means in terms of culture, not technology. And it's not about modern culture being "scary" but it being degenerated
You put it so well Brian. You are right.
I think it goes back to function over a symbol in our liturgies and the misunderstanding of what it means to actively participate. Vatican 2 wanted active participation but primarily interior participation. Activa vs. actuoso. So, we pushed for more singing, lecturing, and altar servers. From what I understand, the church allowed girls when there were no boys or men to serve. This opened the crack to it becoming a regular practice contrary to the initial intention.
Great video Brian. We visited Lincoln’s NE recently and I noticed on the seminary poster they have 17 men in the probadeutic year! Lincoln is a diocese that doesn’t have female servers. There is definitely something to it. I think a bigger factor we see less men discerning holy orders in the modern church is cause the idea of participating in mass means physically doing something so serving has become just another thing for the laypeople to do. I remember when the change first happened. I was a middle schooler and was the only server of age at my very small rural mission parish. When the change happened I was excited causeI’d finally get help or wouldn’t have to do every mass. Looking back now I realize o never saw serving as a way to discern the priesthood but just as something you can do to help with mass. There’s something else you said that I never really thought about. You don’t need alter servers. That’s absolutely true. The same could be said about Eucharistic ministers. I have two daughter that are serving age and do serve cause our 8am mass has very few kids of age to serve. My girls see serving as a way to be able to witness the sacrifice of the mass from a close up perspective and a way to grow more in love with Jesus and the Eucharist knowing they can’t be priests.
Anyone who’s raised boys will know that their natural inclination is not to take on responsibility, it needs to be taught. Are we teaching our boys that girls in the community will step in and take up their responsibility if only they avoid it long enough? Even if these boys don’t take up the priesthood, how will that fare in their marriages in the future?
WOW. Darned right! I raised a son, and really had to double down on him, often!, to make him take responsibility.
EXCELLENT point! Yes, where women jump in to "help", boys are ALL too happy to back off and go play!
Very well said. I will be happy to see the return of all male altar servers.
Altar girls are the biggest misstep of john Paul Ii's papacy.
My son serves at the TLM and it’s so awesome seeing him and his crew of fellow servers. They are disciplined in church as the priest is strict with them, and then after Mass they go outside and have wars. It would not be the same with female servers.
Ours, too! It's great. Our priests are strict, but very kind and understanding. After all, they were once boys, too!
I think these days, some Priests would rather not have servers at all.
I think that is true.
I’ve been at a novus ordo mass where the servers did not participate during communion. I’m so glad I go to the TLM now.
My son serves a lot. I agree. They seem annoyed if the kids make a mistake and if the child has never worked with that priest before then how’d they know?
...Our church cycles between about 9 priests. A couple we only see every couple months. And N.O. Masses there’s lots of options for the priest to choose in carrying out the mass.
@@sam12587Maybe all those options are an issue…
When I was growing up, for quite a while the only children at the Mass that I attended were girls (besides my brother who only went to Mass because our mum made us). I personally never wanted to be an altar server, but the only people who did volunteer were girls. We did have male altar servers when I was younger, but those boys all stopped attending Mass once they got to about 16 or 17. Generally speaking, most of the volunteers for any position in the parish, from the child safety officer, to the catechism teachers, to the extraordinary ministers, were women. I don't think this is the fault of the women - they were the only people stepping up to serve. But it creates a vicious cycle where the men in the parish feel like they don't need to step up or even feel that they're not welcome to get more involved in the parish. Many of these women's husbands didn't attend Mass regularly. The catechism teacher's husband left her despite her best efforts to reconcile the marriage. Unfortunately many modern parishes are lacking faithful men to serve in the parish, but then boys growing up in those parishes don't see any male leadership, so the cycle continues.
I have friends who have girls/granddaughters who get very upset when I say altar servers should be boys. Lots of defensiveness such as oh, I love seeing my daughter serving God in that way. Some of these people are quite devout, but in this they cannot see beyond personal feelings. Lots of prayer needed.
They are not devout, if they do not have the faith. One heresy destroys the faith in a person. Do they believe all the teachings of the deposits of the faith? If not, they do not have the faith. St.Thomas Aquinas
@@challengableI get you, but there's literally no argument you can make that it's heresy or contrary to the faith to have altar girls. And while saying this, one can still believe only boys should be altar servers. But yeah, don't fool yourself that it's contrary to the faith or it's heresy. It's a valid opinion, but don't overstep your argument.
@@adamrad2220 not at all, you either believe the faith or you don’t. It’s really just that simple. We have many people around us now who call His name but refuse to do the will of the Father. When you see influences of the world being spoken and promoted by those cafeteria Catholics, know that they do not have the faith. Perhaps you should read St. Thomas Aquinas on this theology. Then tell me who’s overstepping who. Pray for these cafeteria Catholics, don’t lash out at them. Most of them have very poor catechesis
That's what I call "the spirit of Eve". Like Eve in the Garden, it's always only about what they want, right then. It's what makes them feel good, and they will rationalize it however they like, without a care in the world for what God commanded. And it all stems from listening to the snakes in the grass who whispered in their ears for a lifetime, convincing them that wrong was right.
@@threeriversforge1997 exactly on point. When evil presents itself, it is totally invisible if you don’t have the faith. It becomes glaring as the sun if you live to accomplish the will of the Father. God is the authority over a demonic pope who seeks to remove supernatural faith from Catholicism
The dynamic at work, although you're not supposed to say this, is when girls enter (in addition to CWL activities) the boys end up seeing 'church' as a girl thing - which later translates into an absence of adult men (which we are seeing).
Boys don’t do what girls do. Want to get rid of altar boys? Simply allow altar girls.
Are you suggesting that we get rid of girls in general?
@@flick1302 well that's a problem with the boys not the girls. Maybe the holy Spirit wants the men to change their attitude to women. Society at large certainly needs such an example from the church. Any intolerance of women is from the dark side surely you all know that!? The woman is the arch enemy of the demon who clearly doesn't want her on the alter serving the God who made her. Division is always from the demon. Just look at the tone of this conversation and you will see it. Think and pray before you all takes sides in women vs men and novus ordo vs TLM. You are all walking right into the snare set for you. These discussions show a huge degree of spiritual immaturity sadly.
It also blurs the reference to the Old Testament's temple servers who were exclusively male Levites.
This was a great conceptual understanding of this topic. The other half of the story is the scandalous manner in which we started the girl altar boy during the jpii pontificate. I call the role girl altar boy not to be controversial, but because I have girls and I want the way I speak of these things in a manner that makes it clear that they have no business doing this.
I've been in a new parish for just over a year now. I was so surprised to see older teenage - & handsome! - boys serving on the altar and no girls. I don't know if it's a rule my priest has or just the way it's happened. He also conducts a casual philosophical / catechetical / evangelical group with older and twenty something boys. My son has joined in when he's home from university. And of course, our parish has had recent vocations! By the way, the Girl Guides in the UK is now open to trans girls, ie biological boys who "identify" as girls.
Well said, Brian! I am perplexed each time I heart anybody defend girls serving at the altar. There is no prudential reason they should be allowed to serve at the altar, considering the numerous negative consequences when they do.
Girls have not been serving at the altar for more than a few decades and yet we've had countless of beautiful and holy women throughout the Church's 2000-year history
I don’t think this is the only reason for altar servers. Adult married men frequently serve at the altar too. I think it was Paul VI who said girls should not be altar servers, and gave good reasons why. Individual priests have given in to continuing pleas of the laity. +
All of our altar servers, male and female are at least 55 years of age. We had a scandal here, as other churches did in decades past and the decision was made to prevent future scenarios from occurring through who worked around the altar.
First glory be to God
You missed an equally important vocation that comes from altar servers, marriage and fatherhood. Husbands and fathers are the priests of the family, the domestic Church. They are called to spiritual leadership of the family and self sacrifice for the family's good. This is implicit in the Church's teaching on the family. C.S. Lewis discusses a bit about this in his works. How many more men become husbands and fathers than priests? Many more, and all the more reason for those boys and young men to serve at mass!!
I grew up as a girl altar boy through high school. My brother did not serve. When I was in college - it did actually cross my mind that maybe, just maybe, one day I’ll be a woman Deaconess. A college professor had put that idea in my mind as something the early church had allowed so maybe the Church will bring it back. When you know better, you do better. I regret my service at the altar, wish my brother (now a lapsed Catholic) had served, and my 4 daughters will never altar serve.
I also regret my time as an altar server and my daughters will also never altar serve because what a waste of a Sunday morning.
Absolutely fascinating. It always seemed strange to have female altar servers but I couldn’t articulate and put my finger on why.
Good argument. I would add that altar servers were not just a good recruiting pool for seminarians but a good source of recruits for the US Marines, US Army Rangers, and the US Navy SEALS. It not just a liturgical benefit but a national security benefit as well. Moreover, the liturgy of the Eucharist is supposed to represent the Last Supper which was a male-only event by order of Christ himself. Lastly, the liturgy of the Eucharist is also supposed represent a Jewish wedding where the groom promises to give all of himself to his bride. Whoever heard of a wedding with female groomsmen? It's non-sensical. What priest would officiate at such a mockery?
Agreed. I was an acolyte (alter server) and considered the vocation of priesthood as a teenager. I enlisted in the US Army Infantry, fought in two wars, and chose the sacrament of marriage and family instead. But my service as an acolyte helped me understand my Catholic faith, and that shaped my life for the better.
Saying the Last Supper is a male only event is bad justification. In that case, why should women even be allowed to receive communion?
The Last Supper was where Our Lord taught His Apostles how to confect the Blessed Sacrament, something women cannot do. But, I believe His Body and Blood were also shared among the other Faithful followers present, including His Mother.
@fairyspunfibers9098 if the argument is that only men were present at the last supper, therefore only men should distribute communion, then the logic also follows that since only men received the eucharist from Jesus at the last supper, therefore only men can recieve communion. It's not a good argument, there's no limiting principle.
Yes! Only men should go to Mass!
An excellent analysis Brian.
In 1903, Pope Pius X restated the Church’s ban on women participating in church choirs. In his “Instruction On Sacred Music,” he ruled that women were not to be allowed any liturgical
function. However, Pope Pius XII, in his 1958 “Instruction on Sacred Music,” reversed this, but in actuality, he was only acknowledging the reality that women organists, soloists, choir members and choir directors were already common across Catholicism.
Female altar servers are an occasion of sin for me. Makes me too upset to be properly prepared for the reception of the Eucharist.
@@Coastie4 Very strange statement.
@@brucewechtler7721 The posotion of altar server is a sub order of the Priesthood, allowing females is counterproductive needs to be revoked.
Young women and former altar servant here.
Serving in the liturgies was crucial for me in order to discern religious life - now I'm a postulant hoping to be admitted into the noviciate soon.
And I know several sisters with similar experiences.
It confuses me how sharing in the PRIESTLY function helped you discern the life of a woman religious. Those two things are not the same. That's like me saying becoming a mother helped me become a man. It makes no sense. Women on the altar is an act of desecration in my eyes. Please do not give the false impression that being a girl on the altar helped you discern religious life as a woman. Being a woman religious has nothing to do with serving at the altar.
@@JulianNaremore Well, in that sense maybe the point is that you as a man don't know what discerning religious life as woman is like :D
No, seriously, I think partaking in and more deeply understanding the liturgy can be helpful for anyone to discern their calling, rooting them in service to the Lord and others as well as recognizing the beauty in it.
This is not ordained ministry.
Oh, and by the way please don't dismiss other peoples experiences out of hand, this comes across as rather rude.
If you are a Female you dont need to become an altar server to discern religious life, haha thats not the proper way. Traditionaly Altar serving is only design for boys. Your personal reasons are due to false guidance of the modern leadership of the church filled with feminism. Unfortunately theres also plenty of women who already became nuns and sisters who leave or resign their vows some of them have regrets, one of the Main cause is they have improper discernment.
@@leafraenzle7746so speaking the truth is rude when it doesn’t match your misguided version of the truth? 🤦🏻♂️ look at your own words and actions in the mirror. Take the plank out of your eye.
@@bobtosi9346 this is about a random dude telling me about my discernment (and women religious in general) while clearly he has no clue. 😂
So yes, mansplaining is kind of rude.
Girl altar boys are a counter sign.
Girls are never the counter sign. Isaiah 7:14 "This is the sign: the virgin shall conceive..."
Very interesting line of argument I had not considered.
I like your channel so much I resubscribed after RUclips unsubscribed me! 😂
Lay boy altar servers are mostly a modern thing (maybe since the reformation period or newer). They are substitutes for clerics (men of various ages) of the minor orders, i.e. lectors and acolytes. It was a mistake to turn altar service into a kiddy job. It's a clerics job.
More like this please Brian. This issue is one of many in the church that make a mockery of a coherent, rational, holy church. Hierarchy is a fundamental component of our church and our families. We need to show how well it works within our church so we can attract society.
Role of girl altar boys is not fair to girls, infact it is very dark and accelerates gender confusion among the faithful. Boys are meant to do the heavy lifting on the front line that is everything Adam - military, emergency response, police, firefighting, mining, including priesthood. Women already have motherhood which is a lot of heavy liftling and men need to step up to Adam's role just like how Christ did. Lex orandi lex credendi...allowing women to roles at altar, including lectors, deacons etc., triggers gender confusion as the role the exclusivity of the sexes gets blurred, nothing against women but this is a fallen world. All religions even pagan religions that brought in women clergy have been destroyed...fortunately Christ promised He will not let the gates of hell to prevail over His church.
Research shows that all male emergency response teams and front line teams on the battle (which is the hallmark of priesthood) outperforms teams that are made of males and females. Look up Katrina.
Agree with you. Fortunately we don’t have female altar servers at our Parish. We pray for increase to vocations after every Mass. we usually have four to eight altar servers and acolytes at every Mass. a good thing.
Since my communion, I was an altar boy for ten years in a parish in Germany that held a very reverent Novus Ordo Mass. Over this time, I have seen how altar servers are becoming fewer and fewer, especially boys. Although I would describe myself as traditional and conservative, female altar servers never seemed to me to be a question of "equality", but one of youth inclusion and necessity. In the meantime, the average number of altar servers at each mass halfed with now 80 % girls. I find your argument, that the priesthood becomes more inspiring for boys without female altar servers, very compelling. Like a comment that said that having female altar servers (and other female volunteers) makes church more a "girl thing", which leads to young boys dropping out. But I think that if our Priest forbid female altar servers, there will just be no altar servers. And I would find that worse than having female altar servers.
Excellent commentary,very true we now have less boys in our parish serving as altar servers! Lets return to the original service as boys being altar servers leading to the priesthood for some !
Yes. Thank you for stating the obvious 🙏🏼
So if we managed to understand the basic principle of developing appreciation through experience why should it slip our mind that long-lasting sexism in occupying important roles in church pushes women back from the said institution?
This was the most convincing argument for altar servers to be only male that I had so far.
I am a woman, but for a long time I have been disturbed by girl servers at Mass. It just yet again feels like the girls want to invade the boys’ space. The reasons you give in your video are real, valid, and logical. Thanks
AMEN!! AMEN BROTHER. Just subscribed
Sadly here in Europe and United Kingdom, we have no traditional Nuns anywhere to be seen in churches. It would be lovely for girls to have nuns to befriend and then want to emulate.
@@diana-wilde we have plenty. Not sure this is correct
@@marymoloney5784 Traditional, in full habit, in the Old Rite.?????
There is a small but growing number of traditional Nuns here in the US. I have four grown daughters and no sons. My daughters saw very few Nuns while growing up and so despite my suggestions and encouragement, none of the four seriously considered becoming a Nun... at least so far.
@@diana-wilde yep we got em. Franciscians of the immaculata, sisters of charity of st Paul and others. Be not afraid. Consecrated laity also....servites,carmelites
20 years after female altar servers were introduced we've been bombarded with propositions for female priests. Not a coincidence that the point of altar servers was to introduce them to the idea of priesthood and assist in early vocational formation.
Back in the day, my sisters were quite happy they didn't have a turn as an altar server...especially when we boys had to get up on summer week days to go serve a mass.
I'm a female altar server, and I get up at 6 every day to serve morning mass. It's the perfect way to start the day...
@@Squib-kb2tn it is a perfect way to start the day:)
Excellent point of view, as usual.🙏
We don’t have a vocation crisis. The traditional seminaries are full, and the bishops are trying to prevent their ordinations.
We have a Novus Ordo crisis.
You have to stop listening to lies and paranoia
@@nancyast5717 Which is the lie and paranoia?
The seminaries are full and bishops stoping it are neither.
Perhaps you need to actually know what’s happening in your Church.
@@MrTzarBomb I pray that you are released from sin . Your soul is in danger
@@nancyast5717stop gaslighting people. If you cared so much you could answer those simple questions. Where is the lie he told or the information that is incorrect?
@@laraluna9365 John 9 39 satan does not want you to see the truth of the Lord .
It is up to the pastor. Mom’s have a lot of roles in the parish. So pastors have altar girls. My dad said girls would end up driving away the boys. I served with my brothers week day mass and Sundays. Now never see any weekday servers and Sunday is hit or miss. My bishop wants us to submit names of potential vocations for priests to interview. Hope it works because the mom’s with daughters is just too much for our clergy. Only our TLM has altar boys for Sunday and the weekday masses. That pastor hopes it will be fruitful but will a kid raised in tradition prosper in an ordinary seminary and parish?
You will know them from their fruits. I would love to see a study of how many girls who serve at the altar go on to a religious life versus boys.
Amen. Thank you for this.
I was a female altar server 38 yrs ago, my daughter was also. I am against female priests or deacons.
Same. And I wanted to become a Nun. Never dreamed of being a priest
@@mariaimamura92 yes as a young girl I wanted to become a nun also.
Just my personal opinion is that the priesthood is a calling not because boys were altar servers. Vocations are a calling of God.
Same. POV: Try everything. God called me to become Nun. 🙏🌹 Never dream to go more than that title.
The problem that so many don't want to acknowledge is that you lose the "moral authority" when you surrender even one tradition that seems so trivial. When you joined the ranks of "altar server", you broke the ages-old tradition and it was accepted by everyone. You further broke that tradition by having your daughter do the very same thing. And while it all sounds good and fine, you can't then say there shouldn't be female priests and deacons because that's just another "tradition" and you've already demonstrated that the rules can be broken. While people will often say that's a "slippery slope fallacy", it's not a fallacy because we see it happen regularly. The road to hell really is paved with good intentions -- each cobblestone along the way being where someone gave in just a little or thought they were doing the right thing without thinking about the consequences.
Think about your own experience. When you joined the altar boys, demanding that it be made co-ed or at least taking advantage of it when it happened, you helped to fracture a catholic tradition that'd stood for hundreds of years. There were plenty of 'stodgy, old stick-in-the-mud people" who complained at the time, and they were shouted down or ignored. And look at the state of the church today where gay pride flags fly from the ramparts. Small steps, each cobblestone seemingly innocent and right and proper, but all leading to where we are right now.
Tradition is the solution to problems long forgotten exactly because the tradition solved the issues the culture was dealing with.
Excellent Presentation 👏
Jesus of Nazareth Bless and Protect your Church ✝️
Too many women holding the Eucharist, why can the priest stay in line extra 5 min to distribute it?. They went to seminary for a decade why a woman who hands have not been consecrated will distribute it?
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, in its article 1548, states: “In the ecclesial service of the ordained minister, it is Christ himself who is present to his Church as Head of his Body, Shepherd of his flock, High Priest of the redemptive sacrifice, Teacher of the Truth. The Church expresses this by saying that the priest,
in virtue of the Sacrament of Orders, acts ‘in persona Christi Capitis’ (in the person of Christ the Head).”
Thus, the ordained minister is the sacramental link that connects the liturgical action to what the apostles said and did and, through them, to what Christ said and did, the source and foundation of the sacraments.
Section 154 of RS states: "the only minister who can confect the Sacrament of the Eucharist in persona Christi is a validly ordained Bishops, priests and deacons distribute Holy Communion in virtue of their office as ordinary ministers of the Body and Blood of the Lord.
Just women! clearly your statement is more concerned with unconsecrated hands only if they are female, therefore your real gripe here is female hands, not unconsecrated hands.
Exactly, and there's something else too. What about if someone is not in a state of grace and they need a blessing? I'm sorry, it's not the same to receive a blessing from the laity especially an unconsecrated hand. It is better to be blessed directly by the priest.
The altar boys distributing it haven't been consecrated for it either...also what's with the comment about too many women's hands touching the eucharist?! Women are all going to receive it. Women held Jesus and touched him. Ridiculous.
@@emmagrace6396 i was wondering the same, it's almost suggesting women are unclean, sort of Islamic.
Altar boys are *not to touch the Consecrated Host!* NO ONE but a Priest should be distributing Jesus' Precious Body and Blood!
The only woman allowed to touch Jesus was His Mother, Mary. Jesus did not allow St. Mary Magdalene to touch Him, except with her hair when she repented of her sins. Even after His Resurrection, he told her "Nolo tendere me!" "Do not touch me!"
The devil will never stop
NO! Feminism has been a disaster & I’m a 60 year old women
Which “feminism” are you talking about? Because feminism has existed for over 100 years, and early feminists secured the right for women to vote and own property. Are you talking about third or fourth wave feminism?
@@onewholovesvenison5335 All feminism. If you research those early days, you'll see that the overwhelming majority of women not only didn't want it, but were actively against it. Furthermore, you can read the writings of those early feminists and see that their cause was rooted in evil and hatred. Their stated goal was to destroy the nuclear family and western civilization which they hated That they used lies, deception, and violence to get their way... well, that's pretty telling. Not exactly the actions of the angelic, I'd say.
Women have ALWAYS bern able to own property in their own right in the U.S. And, she did not have to surrender ownership to her husband when she married.
But, I agree: it would have been 3rd and 4th wave feminism that went WAY too far. And, it has been HORRIFIC in its effects upon Society.
@@onewholovesvenison5335 Every feminism is evil at its roots. There would be no 3rd, 4th or n-th wave if it wasn't for the 1st one.
Agreed. I was an altar girl and regret it. I wasted time thinking about how women could become priests, not knowing God didn't want me to be a priest. Maybe I wouldn't have considered that if I never went on the altar.
Excellent explanation. The church isn't an institution!
The elephant in the room is that boys do not want to serve. Do not want to be priests. It's not anymore "I serve , I discover vocation", but actually the opposite today. Any other speculation (even if The Osservatore Romano itself stated recently that there are no valid theological reasons for girls not serving ) is a nice chat but in the west at least this is how things actually are. As an African Catholic in Europe, if not for women and lay people , 50℅ of churches could be closed. (Being optimistic, maybe even more than half)
The persistence of Female Sacristans, altar servers and Cantors has continually lead to one thing, men growing lax and not fulfilling their calling in the church.
Women are not inherently evil, nor unworthy of such roles, but the fact that men have largely abandoned these duties is evidence enough of the problems such a stance causes.
Post hoc, ergo propter hoc is an invalid logic. Gien there was only one sacristan in a parish, how did that impact the hudreds if not thousands of other men in the parish?
So women just need to stop doing … anything? Because it’s their fault men don’t step up anymore?
Correlation does not Causation, have you maybe consider that it could be down to the immoral nature of the church or maybe that as people learn to think critically they realise that it's all just nonsense so they leave or any number of other reasons you failed to account for before you jumped to the most absurd 'solution' it's this inability to examine your beliefs critically that keeps you trapped in a false religion.
@@Jerome616 men have got lax and abandoned their duties absolutely. But that isn't the fault of women is it!? This discussion is the age old Adam blaming Eve for the sin he committed isn't it!? It's classic gas lighting. Don't try any get the women to believe they are at fault for serving God and "scaring" the men off the altar. The men have abandoned the altar haven't they !? That's the truth and the men need to look it in the eye.....!!!
I had lived overseas for a time and was surprised when I came back to the USA and saw alter girls. I went back and forth on if this was another encroachment of modernism into the church. I used the same line of logic about the purpose of alter boys. Where I found peace, was settling on maybe allowing alter girls could have the effect of making them want to become nuns. This way the vocations of both men and women could grow in the church. Obviously if the next step is allowing both to be priests then that’s a problem. However, if the justification is to encourage women to become nuns and a link can be shown, then I could live with that. Thoughts? And God Bless!
Popes have been explicitly clear about this. They’ve all said no resoundingly!
Brian, you bring up one point that should be a concern to the Church. We must pray for our priests and for more vocations to the priesthood. God is in charge.
"The Church´s mission is not here to establish artificial environments that ignore God´s created order." Nailed it. There is a reason why the TLM parishes are thriving and the Novus Ordo parishes are not. This alignment with secular ideas does no good whatsoever. "You will know them by their fruits" - it´s fairly obvious that the traditional way is the right way.
***I do not buy that "secular ideas" if it an idea can be secular or clergy, if is a good idea. The "traditional way" is not at all the right way, it is only traditional way that all Christian should be ashamed of it.***
"Secular" in this instance means the "values" of this world's master (satan): s€x-on-demand with anyone - with no consequences, impurity, @bOrt10n "rights", divorce-and-remarriage, living in sin with someone, birth "control", etc.
God's Ways are not our ways, which is why we cannot ignore God's ways. HIS ways *are* Traditional, which is why we follow them: we love Him enough to desire eternal life with Him. We do not wish to imperil our Salvation by refusing to live in His Grace.
Yes, Traditional is the ONLY way to go if you wish to have a chance to save your soul. It is not easy, even so. Jesus said, "The way is narrow, and FEW there are who find it."
Those who cannot get to a TLM because of health or extreme distance (more than 2 hours), just need to cling to the Faith _as it has always been taught for over 2000 years_ and THAT is Tradition. Love God, dear Adelino, more than you love your own, worldly desires. 🙏🙏🙏
Sold. Thank you Brian.
Thank you for covering this. I would not let my girls serve Mass (they grew up in the 90s.) Our six boys did. They are adults now, and most of them married and with children.
We have Altar Boys 3 and an Alter Girl!! I was an Altar Server since I was 12 years old noe 43 years old! I am now a Extraordinary Minister of Communion! Thinking of becoming a Deacon!
due to my time on the Alter so I agree with your sons experiences!
Female altar servers are allowed as per canon law. Full stop.
Yeah but internet Catholics are more wise than the Church (sarcasm)
Which canon? Not challenging you but would like to educate myself.
@@fr.loomis997 230 §2
You could also Google it, there's plenty of resources online.
@@fr.loomis997 Pope Francis issued a Motu Proprio titled SPIRITUS DOMINI in 2021 modifying canon 230 §1 of the code of canon law..
Canon 230 §1 now states: “Lay persons who possess the age and qualifications established by decree of the conference of bishops can be admitted on a stable basis through the prescribed liturgical rite to the ministries of lector and acolyte. Nevertheless, the conferral of these ministries does not grant them the right to obtain support or remuneration from the Church”.
The Holy Father wrote in SPIRITUS DOMINI: "...that these lay ministries, since they are based on the Sacrament of Baptism, may be entrusted to all suitable faithful, whether male or female, in accordance with what is already implicitly provided for by Canon 230 § 2."
What is allowed is not always what is best or most fitting. Canon law also allows lay people to distribute Holy Communion; but many layers of symbolism are lost when churches do this and the Mass is HIGHLY symbolic. Even though Sprite and saltwater look like freshwater, ONLY freshwater can be used for the Sacrament of Baptism. In the same way, even though women are similar to Jesus in that they are human, ONLY men can become priests because the priest is the Father who feeds, the image of Christ, etc.
So, just because female altar servers are allowed does not mean they are a good idea. And statistically, they are a bad idea. From an essay by an American priest (Father Z): "Realistically, that effort will be most successful when we limit the role to boys. Time and again, we see that the introduction of altar girls leads to a decline in the boys’ willingness to serve. This shouldn’t offend us. It’s developmentally normal for children (adults too, for that matter) to crave opportunities for same-sex companionship and service. Girls should get those opportunities too, but other roles and activities can be found for them."
And: *"The average parish surveyed, when switching from co-ed servers to male-only saw their server numbers grow 450%"*
Hm. I'm not a catholic, but after a while of going to a church, they asked me to serve. I'm not a teenager any more, and I'm a woman. It seemed like the church was sorely lacking in staff in general, having mostly middle-aged or elderly servers in the first place, so I accepted. That being said, until now I've never understood why serving was even a thing, and I think I understand. I think it's too late for the church I'm going to, though. The chance of them getting any young people in there is going to be close to zero.
That being said, my husband considered becoming a priest after serving, so it's still doing *something* I guess, even if it's not the target demographic.
My Parish is a contradiction. Its the one lone diocesan parish allowed to have one weekly Latin Mass, yet the Novus Ordo Masses not only have girl Altar Servers, but a grown woman Altar Server. That makes me very uncomfortable. And our current pontiff is equivocating about deaconesses. Its all soo wrong. 🤔
Did you see his 60 Minutes answer to that question?
Equivocating? Pretty sure he gave the clearest possible answer about the question of deaconesses. He contained it to only two letters.
@@jonahstephens2904lol. Lay off the hopium. They are going to figure out a way to shoehorn deaconettes into the post conciliar Church.
The Vatican just announced another synod working group to figure out how to make it happen despite the magesterial teaching of JPII forbidding *consecrated* female priests / deacons.
They will probably do it by destroying or fundamentally altering the permanent diaconate. With modernism all things are possible.
Dude. Pope Francis clearly said no to female deacons.
"Dude", yourself! BerGOGlio is well-known for meaning YES when he says NO! That is S.O.P. for Perónist-Marxist thinking! And he was raised and trained in that belief from childhood through Seminary. ALWAYS gaslighting, never telling the bald Truth. Very well-known tactic. Wake up and smell the coffee, "Dude".
He has already encouraged the German SIN-OD to CONTINUE "exploring" the possibility of deaconettes.
I had no idea about female altar servers, and asked (curiously and without rancor) “is it normal to have those?” The response I received was not pleasant.
Yep, always a hateful, rancorous answer. Tells you all you need to know: we're looking at rebellion and pride: satan's specialties.
This video needs to be shared far and wide. 🙏🏻
It is not the Catholic Church that sees its longstanding traditions and teachings as unjust or discriminatory but the counterfeit Novus Ordo church because that church opposes Catholicism.
If your kingdom is divided then how can it survive. I have no problem with traditional mass but I am for girls to serve as altar server. We were all created equal by God - man and woman. So much hatred from woman towards innocent little girls serving the Lord. Be happy that they are serving the Lord and not selling their bodies on the street or going on Sunday sport practice but instead chose to be there for the Lord
It is a baby step towards female priests. Brian is right; those pushing this in the name of equality will never be content with a "discriminating" priesthood.
They need to be involved as well. Maybe not on track to become a Priest but why can't they be involved as much as the boys in some way? Women/girls are having everything taken. Our sports, bathrooms and showers have men now. We have no privacy and nothing exclusive. We are called chest feeders and birthing people now. Lord help us 🙏
We were created equal in dignity not equal in everything as is obvious . Not all act like innocent little girls many are not little anymore .....some wear high heels and mini skirts and put the cassock on over that