DESTINY'S USELESS TO US - Destiny's Ban Debate Leaves Panelist Speechless

  • Опубликовано: 22 июл 2024
  • Debate panel discussing his ban leaves Destiny speechless ft NotSoErudite
    Date: 28 Mar, 2022
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    00:00:00 Teaser / Intro
    00:00:40 Destiny's ban on Twitch
    00:03:01 Destiny doesn't have value left
    00:09:21 Destiny is a liberal, he's not on the left.
    00:14:51 Slanderous claims against Destiny
    00:25:06 Good debater is an insult
    00:28:49 What is actually brigading?
    00:36:37 You get clout for attacking Destiny
    00:46:51 Will Destiny ever get unbanned...?
    00:54:59 Destiny's audience range
    01:04:34 Extreme self selection is harmful
    01:11:49 Hasan gave his editor his means of production

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @destiny
    @destiny  2 года назад +165

    NotSoErudite loses her mind after realizing that some streamers on Twitch don't consider Destiny as part of the left...
    Destiny's Argument w/ Linus On Twitter Leads To Frustrating Lefty Debate ►видео.html

    • @Taint_Rot
      @Taint_Rot 2 года назад +1


    • @lancemagmer9701
      @lancemagmer9701 2 года назад

      Destiny doesn't consider himself as part of the left, for many definitions of left

    • @damonknight2494
      @damonknight2494 2 года назад

      shit man i feel bad for these dirtbags, they turn on people because you dont agree with them on everything 100% of the time, these people are fucked up

    • @thethinkingcatakaneonormie3527
      @thethinkingcatakaneonormie3527 2 года назад +1

      The serfs had a Keffals video that has vanished it's pretty amazing how much Salt and Cope Lance is living off at the moment as his Ratioing Keffals stuff is pure cringe he's also claiming you had multiple twitter account taken down due to how abusive you are 😸😸😸😸yes because owning Tonkasaw and Ian Miles Cheong is so abusive 😸😸😸

    • @Cashout95
      @Cashout95 2 года назад +1

      @M S M4A not really, but open borders sure. But most left people don’t want open borders eirher so.

  • @robertminnis6540
    @robertminnis6540 2 года назад +355

    "Liberals aren't on the left."
    I didn't spend my life getting called a "Liberal F-slur" just to now be called a Right-winger by people who don't understand nuance.

    • @P.Aether
      @P.Aether 2 года назад +12

      Yes. Liberalism has nothing to do with left or right wing politics

    • @schizophrenic_AI
      @schizophrenic_AI 2 года назад

      Wait, you spent your life getting called a liberal f slur? Lol.
      tfw a based nuanced not-right-winger gets humorously mislabeled for life. Sorry bro

    • @DjMaxi005
      @DjMaxi005 2 года назад +23

      @@P.Aether to be fair, there are leftwing liberals and rightwing liberals, like libertarians, they are on the both sides of the center, so technically, there are more than just 2 sides on every given issue, but during voting people usually consolide mainly in just 2 camps, for a higher probability of winning, so we ending up choosing lesser of 2 evils

    • @DjMaxi005
      @DjMaxi005 2 года назад +10

      I think liberals/centrists should be consider as a third side, next to the left wingers and the right wingers

    • @sgonzo5572
      @sgonzo5572 2 года назад

      @@DjMaxi005 liberals are right leaning. They just place people left leaning or right leaning because of social beliefs, not the economic theory behind the classification.
      Liberals are capitalists are against things like universal healthcare, they are more to the right. Hell they even used to be against free elementary education. They are less for regulations. But some people have mixed beliefs and arent exactly pure liberal also.
      Facists and communist systems are more similar but people place one far left and one far right. Makes no sense unless its a social perception of social issues, not the economics behind it

  • @YemYum
    @YemYum 2 года назад +706

    Destiny not helping the left is like the most revealing talking point ever. Is this a veiled conversation about banning all those who hurt the left? Are we really that deep into the echo chamber that the discussion revolves around if destiny, the liberal, is far left enough for us to care about him being banned?
    Also, its like clockwork. How can destinys takes be so bad but somehow you need to get him kicked from the platform because you have a hard time arguing against them? Is this a self report?

    • @uUuWolf16uUu
      @uUuWolf16uUu 2 года назад +76

      Hmmm. Its almost like people predicted this happening... Which destiny laughed at at that time. Ya know, anti sjws n such.

    • @DSPHistoricalSociety
      @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 года назад

      Amen brother!

    • @GOGOROBOv2
      @GOGOROBOv2 2 года назад +2

      Yes officer, this man, right here.

    • @WhopperCheeseDota
      @WhopperCheeseDota 2 года назад +33

      Yeah their argument seems to be "if you aren't virtue signaling with us, you're against us"

    • @AntonioProla
      @AntonioProla 2 года назад +16

      critical thinking isnt allowed, just accept the narrative and keep your head down

  • @kingryan69
    @kingryan69 2 года назад +273

    Destiny- finally has enough of leftist nonsense and starts actively calling it out.
    Leftists- Destiny is alt right

    • @chavaspada
      @chavaspada 2 года назад +1

      that's what leftist do, always. Mussolini was a socialist until lefties wanted to paint facism as right wing, Lenin literally sent a letter to the Italian Socialists telling them how they should be like Mussolini.
      Lefties can't cope with reality and Adorno had a copium overdose and defined facism as rightwing despite reality and how the ideoligy comes from the left.

    • @uUuWolf16uUu
      @uUuWolf16uUu 2 года назад

      Hm... almost as if the left is a giant politically correct meatgrinder who will literally devour themselves and hack each other into tiny bits until they stop existing. And I have a deja vu as if this was pointed out before and people warned of this.... I believe anti-sjw's did that like 3 or 4 years ago.

    • @meatball5336
      @meatball5336 2 года назад +38

      Who could have foreseen this?

    • @bonda_racing3579
      @bonda_racing3579 2 года назад +24

      Purity purges

    • @MClaudiusMarcellus
      @MClaudiusMarcellus 2 года назад

      These people speak for themselves. Nobody elected them to represent the 'left'.

  • @eugkra33
    @eugkra33 2 года назад +167

    Imagine the pain of not being able to jump onto these streams anymore to 1v20 people, because you've been banned.

    • @TonyCox1351
      @TonyCox1351 2 года назад +33

      To be fair if Destiny dropped in half these people would clam up immediately and not have shit to say to him

    • @leleltea8921
      @leleltea8921 2 года назад

      twitch is turning into an orgy of radicalization. eventually things will snap

  • @Eta_Carinae__
    @Eta_Carinae__ 2 года назад +57

    Jesus please. Dude, please please let these people know: that challenging _the left_ on their BS _IS ACTUALLY HELPFUL TO THE LEFT._ Holy shit.

    • @hazzardalsohazzard2624
      @hazzardalsohazzard2624 2 года назад

      I doubt they'd agree with it, but it looks like a lot of them have decided the world is a fight between the left and right and the left has to win or we get to Nazism, or some other horrific outcome.

    • @hallo-mt5tx
      @hallo-mt5tx 2 года назад

      they dont care
      they care about their set in stone, specific brand of leftism where anyone who isnt a socialist or communist is a right winger
      but they call it broadly "the left" because thats the only thing they consider to be left

    • @krystalmoss7390
      @krystalmoss7390 2 года назад +1

      Being pro nato literally does not

  • @joshyrew22
    @joshyrew22 2 года назад +261

    How unironic is it that they find you defeating their arguments (ie. forcing them to strengthen their arguments to hold up in debate) as having no value at all xD

    • @axoltl1
      @axoltl1 2 года назад

      Because they're all just stupid ideologues with a quasi-religious belief. They just want to preach that belief system without anyone criticizing its flaws or disagreeing with them.

    • @knes167
      @knes167 2 года назад +35

      People want the anime power up without having to go through the training arc

    • @kuro2797
      @kuro2797 2 года назад

      Using “un-ironic” sarcastically melts brains.

    • @lossnt557
      @lossnt557 2 года назад +1

      And they say he doesn't prepare, he has been preparing for fucking years that's why most of the time he doesn't have to do research because he already did it

  • @callmedoc6294
    @callmedoc6294 2 года назад +190

    "If the person who I disagree with can argue their point well, and have people agree with them rather than me; that's a bad thing."
    "I disagree with Destiny on some things, so he's hurting the 'LEFT'."

    • @larrylegend2521
      @larrylegend2521 2 года назад

      Its the Fauci Argument...(Instead "...I am Science.." "I am THE LEFT")

    • @Hydranox
      @Hydranox 2 года назад +2

      They are absolutely idiotic

    • @MrDavo511
      @MrDavo511 2 года назад +2

      It’s like they don’t understand the concept of losing or that these things have real stakes and when your point sucks you deserve to lose people following it

  • @Gecko_Papa
    @Gecko_Papa 2 года назад +241

    Theres a weird thing that Katee does. She always first says something incredibly inflammatory to virtue signal and then walks it back a little bit to a still unjustifiable position which makes it very hard to pin her down on anything she says. Everytime she speaks she makes at least 2 separate claims (which often are even diametrically opposed) and she can choose which one she really meant depending on the person shes talking to. For other twitter lefties she will always pick the first inflammatory statement and take social credit and for opponents she will take the other claims and say shes being misrepresented when people criticize the horrible inflammatory takes. This happened in the debate on casual sex multiple times as well. Dont know if she just isnt aware that she holds multiple opposing views or if she is just doing it as a debate tactic

    • @ringspinna2904
      @ringspinna2904 2 года назад +20

      We went from conservative 'rationalist' motte and bailey debate tactics to virtue signalling 'the real left' motte and bailey debate tactics. It's as if they don't realise that they have completely lost the plot when they're so deeply entrenched into 'their teams'.

    • @Gecko_Papa
      @Gecko_Papa 2 года назад +8

      @@ringspinna2904 oh my god i didnt know that this was called motte and bailey, now the memes all make sense 😭

    • @basedhacker
      @basedhacker 2 года назад +3

      Lukas Maier are you saying she is the female Tim pool?

    • @bradleyjohn111
      @bradleyjohn111 2 года назад +8

      The eternal curse of someone who has absolutely nothing valuable to say but feels like they should be talking anyway.

    • @Tartersauce101
      @Tartersauce101 2 года назад

      None of these people are intelligent. What you're describing is how unintelligent people that don't spend alot of time thinking express themselves.

  • @RealmRabbit
    @RealmRabbit 2 года назад +200

    I really thought it was stupid when socialists started using "the left" to refer to specifically socialists... And now they're actually starting to believe that they are the entire left...

    • @ClockCutter
      @ClockCutter 2 года назад

      Marxists have been referring to themselves as "the left" for a long, long time. At least since WW2. And almost universally in the 60s. And they intentionally used it to exclude liberals. A lot of liberals adopted the term "the left" within the last few decades, especially in the US, in order to set themselves up in contrast to conservatives, Republicans, "right-wingers". Ewww. We're not them, so we must be "the left". Lefties were happy about this, of course, since it gave them an opportunity to start drawing old school liberals closer to themselves.

    • @whasian1487
      @whasian1487 2 года назад

      Or maybe the overton window has shifted. Classical liberals are considered right leaning at this point.

    • @know_no_th3ory128
      @know_no_th3ory128 2 года назад +8

      Yeah. I’ve always thought it was kinda weird for the term “leftist” to be used explicitly as a socialist label. I’m sure there are many socdems that are ubiquitously considered to be on the left. I don’t think Destiny would be considered a part of that left though.

    • @theprofesionalist7927
      @theprofesionalist7927 2 года назад

      It's almost as if these self-proclaimed leftists are just nazis or filthy commies in disguise. I don't even think that half of these crazed tankies would label socdems as "part of the left". If you show one ounce of liberalism or love for freedom and basic human rights then these people will say that you're not really part of the movement. These guys are basically just fascism or red fascism bootlickers.

    • @damonknight2494
      @damonknight2494 2 года назад +33

      they say the right is the far-right so i think these people don''t understand anything

  • @harryfieldson
    @harryfieldson 2 года назад +20

    It's been like a sad documentary to watch NotSoErudite enter the twitch world as a functioning human being and seeing her horrified reaction to the shit that goes on here

  • @scarfhat1
    @scarfhat1 2 года назад +288

    Destiny being funny is a clear sign that he's a right-winger

    • @sarinat3101
      @sarinat3101 2 года назад +11

      Being mean is a big 2nd sign.

    • @scarfhat1
      @scarfhat1 2 года назад +1

      @@sarinat3101 oh yeah, big time

    • @AcrossTheSea12
      @AcrossTheSea12 2 года назад +4

      There's funny right-wingers?

    • @scarfhat1
      @scarfhat1 2 года назад +16

      @@AcrossTheSea12 yeah. Destiny. Pay attention

    • @brunoverasferreira6263
      @brunoverasferreira6263 2 года назад +11

      @@AcrossTheSea12 Humour is an instrument of the far right, now. And games. And freedom. Basically you're not allowed to have fun on the left.

  • @Zonno5
    @Zonno5 2 года назад +201

    NotSoErudite seems like a cool person but it's pretty sad to see normie people clash with out of touch streamers. I hope it doesn't get to her much.

    • @Wiffernubbin
      @Wiffernubbin 2 года назад +50

      Her conversation with Viv. I feel like it woke something deep within erudite and she realized she was talking to actual crazy people

    • @Awesomeficationify
      @Awesomeficationify 2 года назад

      @@Wiffernubbin yeah and I actually like her content so I hope this doesn't burn her out. She's trained to deal with the mentally deranged though, so I think she'll be fine.

    • @en510
      @en510 2 года назад +1

      @@Wiffernubbin link?

    • @Wiffernubbin
      @Wiffernubbin 2 года назад +1

      @@en510 it was Fridays stream I believe.

    • @Wiffernubbin
      @Wiffernubbin 2 года назад


  • @ryohio4706
    @ryohio4706 2 года назад +104

    These people are absolutely insane, not erudite tho btw, she's really cool. That one girl in the top middle and the guy to the left of her are 2 of the most annoying people I've ever heard

    • @brandonislemons
      @brandonislemons 2 года назад +6

      Erudite is a breath of fresh air

    • @Immor7alBG
      @Immor7alBG 2 года назад +5

      Tbh I'm not sure what that Chumlee impersonator is even there for.

    • @hazzardalsohazzard2624
      @hazzardalsohazzard2624 2 года назад

      Erudite is great. Katee is normally good. I like her as long as she's not talking about Destiny.

    • @brandonw2471
      @brandonw2471 2 года назад

      I've never heard of erudite before. I thought it was kinda weird when she said she was defending destiny like she was defending an indigenous child.

    • @neck_acrobatics
      @neck_acrobatics 2 года назад +3

      Erudite is literally mecha-Hitler for muting the panel every few minutes.

  • @typhoidmary2967
    @typhoidmary2967 2 года назад +77

    how to be an online debater in 2022: "this person i don't like is umm, bad for the left and uhh, he did the bad things!"

    • @autumneagle
      @autumneagle 2 года назад

      Of course he is bad for the Left, he isn't Left! He's a liberal

    • @Tartersauce101
      @Tartersauce101 2 года назад

      You also must be female or trans. None of the males can get away with being that empty headed.

    • @schizophrenic_AI
      @schizophrenic_AI 2 года назад +5

      although admittedly it has been increasingly spiraling.

    • @shockwavesyndrome6433
      @shockwavesyndrome6433 2 года назад +5

      I honestly hope the alt right comes back to twitch and these people get demolished, imagine having to debate an actual hateful person who won’t care if you call them bigoted

    • @saisameer8771
      @saisameer8771 2 года назад +4

      How to be an internet socialist: "a person of my status and stature shouldn't be criticized by his own community. I will burn this community to the ground".

  • @yadv
    @yadv 2 года назад +54

    I never imagined Erudite was able to fucking John Wick massacre the other panel guests.

    • @King_Solomon_the_Libtart
      @King_Solomon_the_Libtart 2 года назад +12

      She worked with homeless youth addicts. I’ve learned not to be fooled by her Canadianness

  • @swaggitypigfig8413
    @swaggitypigfig8413 2 года назад +50

    Commies: Liberals are NOT part of the left!
    Rave Dubin: A liberal in the true sense of the word is a modern-day conservative.
    The horseshoe theory keeps giving eh.

    • @DSPHistoricalSociety
      @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 года назад +11

      Horseshoe theory actually true

    • @rocketrelm1125
      @rocketrelm1125 2 года назад

      @@DSPHistoricalSociety Horseshoe theory is absolutely true, we just need to be careful because when we talk about horseshoe theory it gives the appearance of all else being equal. In America, radical commies are a tiny tumor on the Democrat party. Meanwhile, alt-righters, maga hats, anti-vaxers, and the like *are* the Republican party. The difference is that Democrats didn't elect Hasanabi to the White House.

    • @fisharepeopletoo9653
      @fisharepeopletoo9653 2 года назад +2

      I buy in to the horseshoe theory myself, but this also just makes sense. For some time the left has been pushed more left where the right has stayed largely the same. If you imagine the spectrum, and see that while liberal was once considered far left in the U.S., you can see how by expanding much further to the left to include socialism and communism puts Liberals more center-left, and eventually center and if it goes far enough Liberals would eventually be pushed into the right wing. And it's not that liberal politics are changing, it's not that liberals have crossed the line, it's that the line has been moved so far that it's crossed the liberals while they sat still.
      Edit: Also, if you think about it, liberal values have been winning slowly but surely for some time. Conservatives are traditionalists, but the fact that Liberals have been winning have slowly altered tradition, and if liberals are happy with their gains and see little need to keep gaining more, you could see how they may want to conserve the traditions that have been established, and that may well make them "conservatives" in that point alone. Although, I think while this isn't explained by the shift in spectrum, it is a cause of that shift. TL;DR, liberal politics have mostly stayed liberal politics, the movement along the spectrum is not caused by change of beliefs, but by a movement of the spectrum itself.

    • @ExeErdna
      @ExeErdna 2 года назад

      Because the theory is simply how time shifts. Years ago Liberal is "fresh" now Liberal is very much "old hat" even if only 10 years of time have happened. Look at how all this kicked off because of "sexism in video games and believe all women" To basically now "fuck women they don't deserve those spaces"
      10 years... Simply think of all that has happened. All the shifting to where we are now. Watch those like Vaush and Hasan are soon to break their facades. Their fans will destroy them too by being "too right wing"

    • @rocketrelm1125
      @rocketrelm1125 2 года назад

      @@ExeErdna Vaush, perhaps. Vaush, despite being malicious and axe crazy in a lot of ways, I do think has *some* principles, and already stands for them against the crowd. Hasan, however, I genuinely don't think holds any position at all other than the most surface level vapid understanding of a topic. He will seamlessly shift wherever a crowd wants him to go.

  • @justlooking1087
    @justlooking1087 2 года назад +28

    Lol the internet is a horrible place. “I’m a lefty but you’re not on the left; you’re a liberal because you don’t agree with everything that I do.” It’s tiring 😒🤦🏾‍♂️

    • @albertosillywhips7281
      @albertosillywhips7281 2 года назад

      "and if you're not on my team then you're a bigot."
      Good stuff.

    • @thelonercoder5816
      @thelonercoder5816 2 года назад +2

      so much for the left being "all inclusive" lol. I'm black and I wonder what they'd think of me as fairly centrist.

    • @albertosillywhips7281
      @albertosillywhips7281 2 года назад

      @@thelonercoder5816 You are literally a white supremacist.

    • @justlooking1087
      @justlooking1087 2 года назад +4

      @@thelonercoder5816 Lol right I know exactly what you mean. I consider myself centre left as well. People always expect you to have the most radical opinions when you’re black 😂

    • @miguelzavaleta1911
      @miguelzavaleta1911 2 года назад

      @@thelonercoder5816 I don't think that's ever been the case, though. The left has always been a lot more prone to infighting and schisms than the right -- both historically and on the internet.

  • @roughousegaming9606
    @roughousegaming9606 2 года назад +146

    Why does him helping the left even matter? This is a freaky conversation. Banning people biased on arbitrary how far you lean compass is not something I think people should support. What happens if the pendulum shifts and that same rhetoric is applied

    • @alswisha8519
      @alswisha8519 2 года назад +16

      They don't believe the pendulum will shift back

    • @cl570
      @cl570 2 года назад

      because if you don't toe the line, you will wind up dead

    • @theculturedjinni
      @theculturedjinni 2 года назад

      The people in the wooke left church (because it is as much a religion as anything) want to only hear their own views, and I say that as far trad-leftist.

    • @guffeluffe5987
      @guffeluffe5987 2 года назад

      @@alswisha8519 cus it won't

    • @Wolfpaxrunning
      @Wolfpaxrunning 2 года назад +25

      @@guffeluffe5987 tell me you have no understanding of politics or history, without telling me you have no understanding of politics or history...

  • @RossMellow
    @RossMellow 2 года назад +59

    "How do you determine which ones are oligarchs?"
    "That's for you to self determine"
    Doesn't that end the conversation at disagreeing at which things are oligarchs based on your opinion rather than definition?

    • @EdgarFriendlysCivicsTeacher
      @EdgarFriendlysCivicsTeacher 2 года назад +10

      "The Red Terror is, like, your opinion man."

    • @nunyabizz3357
      @nunyabizz3357 2 года назад +3

      Turns out the real Oligarchy was the friends we made along the way

    • @sameash3153
      @sameash3153 2 года назад +1

      @@EdgarFriendlysCivicsTeacher based

  • @BlastinRope
    @BlastinRope 2 года назад +123

    The way the younger people come at politics and discussion paints a horrifying future outlook

    • @DSPHistoricalSociety
      @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 года назад +17

      Dystopian nightmare, friendo

    • @hemligstamplad3489
      @hemligstamplad3489 2 года назад

      Why boomer? Discussing if antagonism should be part of politics has been a discussion for forever. The right wing has been shitting reactionary rhetoric down the throats of people for the last 100 years. I say let the twitter zoomers even out the playing field.

    • @DSPHistoricalSociety
      @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 года назад +1

      @@hemligstamplad3489 So... let the _Twitter Zoomers_ be as bad as the knot-sees? Cool, dawg

    • @DSPHistoricalSociety
      @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 года назад

      @Adolf Hitler I never said anything about you King

    • @knes167
      @knes167 2 года назад

      @Adolf Hitler
      You killed that asshole Hitler atleast. Props

  • @civilprotection3114
    @civilprotection3114 2 года назад +160

    “Not very helpful to the online left” I’m more conservative than liberal but Destiny is one of the very few where I can understand why he believes in what he believe and doesn’t just throw logic out the window for the sake of being inclusive. They basically burned a whole bridge between left and right to come to mutual understandings.

    • @unclebobboomergames
      @unclebobboomergames 2 года назад +12

      Im 32 so i grew up being shouted at my righties about how evil and satanic i was. So though i get what you mean...depending on age...for me that bridge was burnt by the right but lime a decade and a half ago

    • @JonathanS344
      @JonathanS344 2 года назад +10

      ​@@unclebobboomergames I think the idea of the "bridge being burnt" is so counterproductive. There is always room for common ground and a mutual understanding, therefore saying that the bridge is burnt is not helpful to the debate at all.

    • @unclebobboomergames
      @unclebobboomergames 2 года назад +1

      @@JonathanS344 in reality yes you are correct. When im talking to a righty in real life there would be 0 point if i talkes as if theres 0 connection between us

    • @chumchum2191
      @chumchum2191 2 года назад +5

      @@JonathanS344 in terms of content online he’s actually willing to challenge ideas on the right and left which many people can respect. But to have a whole platform with people who are intolerable of anything remotely centrist is the problem and they ofc don’t care cause he doesn’t help the online “left”

    • @bucherregaldomi9084
      @bucherregaldomi9084 2 года назад +2

      No need to just throw logic out the window for the sake of being inclusive. Inclusivity follows the same logic of human rights.

  • @jascu4251
    @jascu4251 2 года назад +34

    many are practiced at talking, few are practiced at listening

    • @CaulkMongler
      @CaulkMongler 2 года назад +2

      Fewer are practiced at backing up their arguments with cited sources.

  • @DirtCobaine
    @DirtCobaine 2 года назад +44

    I remember not knowing who Destiny was and seeing clips and not understanding who he was and believing all the “destiny bad” hype. But the moment I took the time to actually sit through and watch entire streams, which btw it’s rare I even do that, and I was like wow this guy is great even if you don’t like how he delivers it. I do because I like honesty even if it’s mean. But he does help the left, especially for people like me, who were always social democrats, and when this weird pendulum swing happened where irrational cancellation and silencing of the right, and victimization happened it made me think that the left was no longer a place for someone like me. Because only people on the right actually seem sane to me. And as much as I will always watch and respect those people on the right, Destiny has shown me that hey there are liberals like myself who feel like the left on the internet is toxic as hell and at this point is just group of radical irrational people

    • @cameronpatterson130
      @cameronpatterson130 2 года назад

      Destiny showed you that being right wing is ok and it’s good to hate the left? Amazing lmfao. It’s like you lack self awareness but carry on bud

    • @DirtCobaine
      @DirtCobaine 2 года назад

      @@cameronpatterson130 No idiot he showed me that you don’t have to be right wing to think and be rational, that there are still people on the left that don’t fall into that online bullshit meaning he kept me from going to the right at the last moment because of people like you

    • @LoudWaffle
      @LoudWaffle 2 года назад +6

      Agreed. Not here for identity politics, and there are plenty of things I disagree with Destiny about, but I love the guy and love watching his debates. Unlike (seemingly) all of these other internet politics debaters, he's actually thought through his stances and ideas while also being capable of critical thought in general. Sadly this is exceptional.

    • @DirtCobaine
      @DirtCobaine 2 года назад +4

      @@LoudWaffle exactly and you know what, we’re never going to all agree on everything and sooner or later the world needs to realize that, and that it’s okay. There are things that I don’t agree with that Destiny holds as views too, but I know that he’s not getting to his conclusions nefariously. That he’s actually being critical and thoughtful and doing research. So even if I might not agree with a certain view of his, I’ll keep it back there in my mind that it totally might be valid.

  • @Nyquiltips1
    @Nyquiltips1 2 года назад +154

    I am on the right and I watch a lot of destiny. I’ve seen so many debate panels and watched Vaush and Hasan and such and I have to say that the lefty community is seriously depressing and vile. Destiny is the only one I respect.

    • @Nyquiltips1
      @Nyquiltips1 2 года назад +41

      @@bass7100 the left seems this way to me outside of destiny’s circles as well

    • @322aareyn
      @322aareyn 2 года назад

      lol the right is worse on literally everything

    • @bird6472
      @bird6472 2 года назад +10

      @@bass7100 Lol, ok then let's see what Twitch turns into without him.

    • @Nyquiltips1
      @Nyquiltips1 2 года назад

      @@322aareyn I don’t agree. The right has a lot of dumbasses too but the overall feeling of the dialogue isn’t nearly as toxic. It’s much easier to listen to.

    • @jamesmorrow1646
      @jamesmorrow1646 2 года назад +6

      Lefty? I’m an Australian Socialist who was a Vietnam war draft resister.
      There are very few Lefists in America.

  • @Tormund_Giantsbrain
    @Tormund_Giantsbrain 2 года назад +75

    Hasan finally giving in and having Grimes on is like if that Jeff Bezos wearing a Eat the Rich shirt meme was real life. Hasan and Grimes forming a voltron is like the final boss of all socialism cosplays.

  • @Holy_Grapefruit
    @Holy_Grapefruit 2 года назад +44

    "Destiny is not good for the left"
    That stance is the reason I refer to myself as a centrist, even though I lean left.

    • @cameronpatterson130
      @cameronpatterson130 2 года назад

      You probably lean right. Leaning “left” has come to mean anything these days. If you don’t hate gay people apparently that means you lean left.

    • @MrDavo511
      @MrDavo511 2 года назад +3

      Don’t refer to yourself as anything, that’s how you get grouped in with a certain group and all their bullshit. Don’t force yourself into some shitty narrow lane by labelling yourself.

    • @Hayden_Cat
      @Hayden_Cat 2 года назад

      I don’t give a shit about economics so I usually just say I’m a progressive

    • @louisrobitaille5810
      @louisrobitaille5810 2 года назад +1

      Just remember that "the left" has 2 positions: "insane" or "leftist". If you compared the left in the US to the rest of the world, the leftists become centrists and the insane ones spread about evenly over the rest of the spectrum. The US is a propaganda machine bigger than North Korea at this point -_-.

    • @cameronpatterson130
      @cameronpatterson130 2 года назад +1

      @@Hayden_Cat which makes you a right winger

  • @dantheman627
    @dantheman627 2 года назад +39

    Just listening to the first three minutes made realize a huge problem with political discourse. The left vs right dichotomy, it's not very useful to understand people's political views, and it easily falls into this stupid idea that "left good right bad" or "right good left bad" that people who aren't fully bought into the bull shit of one side is a traitor or "isn't useful". It's so dumb Destiny supports many of the things these guys support like trans rights, regulations for corporations, and large saftey net for the the poor but since he doesn't constantly virtue signal "America bad" and "capitalism is the cause of all evil and needs to be destroyed" he is actually a fascist demougoge. This clearly a product of echo chambers and purity culture that infest the internet and the left right dichotomy that pushes this idea that poltics can only move left or right, and for absolutely stupid ideologues that means either moving left towards socialism and communism, or right towards fascism and nazism. So it's really hard for me to take seriously people who's criticism are "this person isn't useful for the left" "and they are moving towards the right" like as though the left is monolithic united force of good and the right is a dark force of evil.

    • @theculturedjinni
      @theculturedjinni 2 года назад +2

      I would not even call these neo-leftists *left*, to me that are something else. But I agree, the left/right scale is an oversimplification.

    • @OpiatesAndTits
      @OpiatesAndTits 2 года назад +4

      The left vs right spectrum is bad at providing an accurate label for someone’s political positions. It also doesn’t help us get to what is right or true.

    • @dantheman627
      @dantheman627 2 года назад +1

      @@OpiatesAndTitsI agree it is to simple and it often too easily falls into "one way good one way bad" rather than actually figuring out what we should do to solve problems.

    • @Coastpsych_fi99
      @Coastpsych_fi99 2 года назад

      It’s very difficult which is why I tend to ask who people vote for and their views on policy.

    • @krystalmoss7390
      @krystalmoss7390 2 года назад

      @@dantheman627 Except it warrants it when the truth is more often than not he'll uncritically do the exact opposite of what someone like haz does and go all in on nato. He's constantly defended using the same solutions that establishment does even when its blatantly a croc.

  • @AncientGrease
    @AncientGrease 2 года назад +14

    Am I dumb thinking that the argument "He isn't consistent with his views" is pretty dumb since the whole point of debating is trying to understand the others and change your point if they make a good argument? I don't believe people, who never even acknowledge what others are saying, and just repeat their talking points... but maybe I'm just dumb??

    • @bookterror
      @bookterror 2 года назад

      I think it more stems from the fact that a) Destiny often makes that argument with other debaters regularly when they don't seem to have thought things through to the end so it appears to be an easy "gotcha" point they can throw back at him and b) any kind of personal growth when it comes to political opinions is not allowed and they're trying to make it seem like its a bad thing.

    • @Hanex94
      @Hanex94 2 года назад

      No, you are not wrong, that take is just horrid and pestilent

  • @MMAGamblingTips
    @MMAGamblingTips 2 года назад +11

    I’m glad we’ve finally graduated from the No BS “debate tactics“ to now clarifying that Destiny isn’t a “magician“ as I assume somebody believes? Yes, Destiny is a good debater, and it makes it even easier when you have the facts on your side and aren’t just in your feels.

  • @recklez8131
    @recklez8131 2 года назад +24

    notsoerudite out here in the fuckin' trenches breh

    • @shiftdb
      @shiftdb 2 года назад

      I respect her so damn much

  • @egr1957
    @egr1957 2 года назад +17

    Destiny is getting close to Trump levels of how many people he lives in the heads of rent free.

  • @chronographer
    @chronographer 2 года назад +8

    Oh god, that flashback to the superpac 'dark money' discussion... "Oh yeah I do tons of research" "Superpacs can donate unlimited funds untraceably to government officials..."

  • @MichaelTermini
    @MichaelTermini 2 года назад +26

    The multi people panels feel like a battle of who can be the most cringe

  • @Northex23
    @Northex23 2 года назад +12

    The 'liberals are not left, its just a fucked overton window' logic should also mean you're not right wing unless you're a fascist. Of course I realise a lot of people on the left think all right wingers are fascist anyway. But then, a lot of people on the right think all leftists are communists, so I guess it is what it is.

    • @madmonkeys88
      @madmonkeys88 2 года назад

      Well according to the lefties they actually are all communists/socialists xD.

    • @Northex23
      @Northex23 2 года назад

      @@madmonkeys88 When I say left I mean all Democrats. Maybe its unprecise, I'm from Norway where we have more than two parties so its easier to 'classify.'

  • @RealmRabbit
    @RealmRabbit 2 года назад +7

    RUclips has more diversity of opinions because RUclips doesn't really purge people's controversial opinions... Unless they're WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY out there... Twitch is far more trigger happy on the bans...

  • @CumSmuggler
    @CumSmuggler 2 года назад +8

    Katee talked for an uninterrupted 2 minutes for her intro. Then another 2 for her response. I already want to blow my brains out.

  • @880330145789
    @880330145789 2 года назад +32

    these guys are delusional. we need destiny to balance the leftists otherwise far left becomes the norm

    • @Onthebrink5
      @Onthebrink5 2 года назад +5

      Think we are past that tipping point.

    • @theguywiththefish7732
      @theguywiththefish7732 2 года назад

      Don't kid yourself. On social media, the far left lunatics have won already. They are the norm. Destiny getting banned for voicing moderate left/ liberal positions is just a confirmation of that. The problem is that it's clashing with reality hard. Which is exactly why when the pushback is going to come - and there is no way it's not - it's going to be insane.

    • @albertosillywhips7281
      @albertosillywhips7281 2 года назад +2

      I'm sure that these people spend most of their lives in front of computer screens and rarely interact with anyone outside of their weird lefty echo chamber.

    • @theguywiththefish7732
      @theguywiththefish7732 2 года назад +2

      @@albertosillywhips7281 People said that five years ago as well. Positions that are considered "only online" now will start sipping into the real world sooner or later.

    • @albertosillywhips7281
      @albertosillywhips7281 2 года назад

      @@theguywiththefish7732 Unfortunately, you might be right. There are GOP representatives who believe Quanon conspiracies, and Democrats who believe that men can bear children.

  • @85Hellkite
    @85Hellkite 2 года назад +47

    I am vicariously watching twitch through Destiny vacariously living through notsoerudte on twitch with topic about Destiny....

    • @morgangreen2601
      @morgangreen2601 2 года назад +5

      Strange times

    • @someshkilari
      @someshkilari 2 года назад +7

      Vaush didn't expect to find you here.

    • @greyblob1101
      @greyblob1101 2 года назад +1

      My life was starting to revolve around Destiny for a while, good thing I got a job.

    • @Wiffernubbin
      @Wiffernubbin 2 года назад +1

      I'm going to watch Chud logic watch this video of destiny watching aerodite on a twitch panel

  • @knwr
    @knwr 2 года назад +4

    Lmao the person who said they've "seen some documentaries" as their defense just said they "do their research"?!? I wish I didn't know they exist...

  • @jakecalhoun5187
    @jakecalhoun5187 2 года назад +14

    I love the idea that if you're having an argument against 20 other people and somehow you still come on top that's not an indication to those people that they might be wrong Instead it's just magic debate tactics

  • @1999_reborn
    @1999_reborn 2 года назад +7

    phew I almost had to actually go outside thankfully now I have more content

  • @Mike23443
    @Mike23443 2 года назад +5

    NotSoErudite on that Destiny steelman arc. You love to see it.

  • @kidtruck9157
    @kidtruck9157 2 года назад +4

    Destiny isn't on an anti lefty arc, the left is on an anti destiny take.

  • @richardtheimeriii9902
    @richardtheimeriii9902 2 года назад +18

    NotSoErudite is a treasure. I just hope she can maintain her sanity through all this.

  • @CreatorsC
    @CreatorsC 2 года назад +8

    Feeeeeeed right my into!

  • @philnguyen459
    @philnguyen459 2 года назад

    8:04 Great job Destiny and editing team! I literally posted a critique about the lack of twitter context in a week ago in the subreddit and I'm very glad to see the change in place almost immediately. Keep up the great work!

  • @eugkra33
    @eugkra33 2 года назад +3

    5:35 Cleave off the cancers? I think it's gotten malignant. It's in the blood people. Thing with cancer is that the body doesn't know it's cancer. So it hurts itself in confusion.

  • @sydneemikumuren9812
    @sydneemikumuren9812 2 года назад +5

    Can I just say not all of us right leaning people are total idiots and just regurgitate everything people like Steven crowder say. I am pretty right leaning on a lot of social issues. Even still I agree with a lot of leftists on many topics too. I think we could find a lot more common ground if we all stop assuming the other side are lunatics and wrong about everything. I've been listening to Destiny for a while now and he's made me have to rethink some stuff and actually change my mind. I hate that being reasonable like this makes me sound like.. a centrist. I just don't get why we can't agree that there are reasonable people and extremists on each side. Like I don't agree with the transgender stuff personally, but I'm not going to go out of my way to misgender someone or mistreat them. I just think that I should be able to have the personal opinion that saying you are x gender doesn't automatically make you that. At the same time, people that want to put trans people down and call them names are not people I consider "on my side".

  • @DontEatSmurfs
    @DontEatSmurfs 2 года назад +22

    Back in the day i considered myself pretty far right, had a lot of nationalist ideas, not racist but nationalist, i have to thank destiny, after i started following him i started seeing the other side and pretty much disown all what i said in the past, i still dont consider myself on the left but i could say im in the center now, thank to destiny i was able to see things with more clatity and i stopped believing everything i received, also concerning dgg, i believe pretty much people are cool and the left on the internet is just not used to trolly type of people, so when someone challenge things they believe they will always say its harassment

    • @leftphilange69
      @leftphilange69 2 года назад +1

      What radicalized people don’t understand is that it’s not radicalized people on the other side that are gonna bring them close (to the left in this case), it’s centrists/moderates because they can bridge the gap by mutual understanding, common ground, etc. Radicalized people create equally radicalized people on the other side and then push each other further and further apart until you have insane people like this stream so centrists and moderate leftists will always be important to the further left if they want to being right wingers closer to their side. But they don’t want that. It’s all or nothing with them and it’s a more and more un achievable, strict and ridiculous standard each and every day

    • @DontEatSmurfs
      @DontEatSmurfs 2 года назад +2

      @@leftphilange69 i feel like you are spot on, old Friends i had now call me a lefty even tho i still consider myself center or center right, it feels like the push the moment you disagree against more radical people can come from both sides

    • @pollytix7271
      @pollytix7271 2 года назад +4

      I've had the opposite journey. Why would you abandon nationalist positions? The more I'm exposed to the other side, the stronger my convictions get.

    • @DontEatSmurfs
      @DontEatSmurfs 2 года назад +3

      @@pollytix7271 because i noticed with more nationalism i would be against the working class that i wanted to protect so much, closing the country also means closing for new tech that could improve the life of everyone, i would completely welcome for example more foreigns companies into my country, i just cant defend nationalism anymore after looking how good my life could be with more job options

    • @leftphilange69
      @leftphilange69 2 года назад +6

      @@DontEatSmurfs that’s funny because I get the opposite coming from the left and moving more central. I live in a very liberal city and I was pretty left growing up, but over time, education and becoming more worldly, I realized how many viewpoints of the left are nice in theory but have massive issues logistically. Especially once I studied economics. And as they become more radicalized and hypocritical I just can’t consider myself in the same boat as people like this. But having rejected the crazy “woke” fringe, I get called “radical right winger” by my old friends for the most innocuous things ever. It’s quite sad. I just try to be objective and mediate as many situations as I can and get simultaneously claimed and rejected by both sides. What a disaster, lol. It shows you that people will radicalize themselves just to fit in even. They’re creating very dangerous precedents and social climates

  • @hartyewh1
    @hartyewh1 2 года назад +13

    It's good to keep in mind that being a streamer is an extremely particular thing for a person to get into and so streamers are extreme people. Most have serious personality issues and want to create an echo chamber around them, think that they are the kind of people who should have a well paying sycophant following or are not able to do any "real" work for some reason. Most streamers are toaster fuckers themselves and forgetting that can lead to losing grip on reality.

    • @DSPHistoricalSociety
      @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 года назад +5

      So... wannabe cult leaders

    • @hartyewh1
      @hartyewh1 2 года назад +1

      @@DSPHistoricalSociety Pretty much.

    • @DSPHistoricalSociety
      @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 года назад

      @@hartyewh1 though you did put it far more flowery and erudite than I could

    • @Maelstromme
      @Maelstromme 2 года назад

      That’s bad for society if those kind of people always end up as role models

    • @sethmarkov9130
      @sethmarkov9130 2 года назад

      Toaster fuckers?

    @MrDARKTOILET 2 года назад +50

    I consider myself right leaning but I can actually agree with a decent amount of Destiny's takes and logic

    • @ericstein8019
      @ericstein8019 2 года назад +11

      We expect you to vote for Biden now

      @MrDARKTOILET 2 года назад +24

      @@ericstein8019 oh fuck no, dude can barely make it through a sentence. Biden running again should not happen.

    • @ericstein8019
      @ericstein8019 2 года назад +7

      @@MrDARKTOILET so then where do you agree with destiny

      @MrDARKTOILET 2 года назад +13

      I agree that the general far left stance on Lia Thomas and trans women in women’s sports is overall harmful towards the outlook on the trans community and isn’t fair to women.

    • @ericstein8019
      @ericstein8019 2 года назад +1

      @@MrDARKTOILET so not the Biden simping, or his support for LGBT education in schools

  • @Alamand1
    @Alamand1 2 года назад +38

    Hilarious how Destiny is getting a taste of his own medicine having to hear Euridite mute the stream when he want's to listen to the panelists. Just like having to hear him mute to complain about league when he mentally checks out of a panel right when a decent comment is being said.

    • @PuddingXXL
      @PuddingXXL 2 года назад

      True lol

    • @PuddingXXL
      @PuddingXXL 2 года назад +1

      @@semperk1482 to be fair fair we're just like these orbiters but for destiny.
      Don't be too complacent this isn't a one way street.

  • @williamgoggins4984
    @williamgoggins4984 2 года назад +4

    "Terminally online" has never rang more true

  • @FringeSpectre
    @FringeSpectre 2 года назад

    So where does destiny stream now? Just youtube? Also what exactly did he get banned for?

  • @wrusst
    @wrusst 2 года назад +1

    RDLs are fine to touch the ground of you push your ass back keeping back neutral as you stated . Only thing you can argue is in a leg curl especially seated would work more heads as it has knee flexion

  • @PlaytheListDude
    @PlaytheListDude 2 года назад +4

    NotSoErudite loosing her mind quicker than I am, aaaaamazin

  • @kodo936
    @kodo936 2 года назад +4

    If it wasn't for destiny i wouldn't even know the lefty side of the arguments tbh. he's introduced me to a lot of different ideas and sides that are more liberal/moderate. I know my buddy is the same cause i told him to start watching destiny too and he was an ultra right wing guy for a long time. Forever thankful for him.

  • @Anonymous-ks8el
    @Anonymous-ks8el 2 года назад +11

    Do these people have anything to talk about other than Destiny?

    • @junioralvarado629
      @junioralvarado629 2 года назад +8

      Rent free baby

    • @Anonymous-ks8el
      @Anonymous-ks8el 2 года назад +5

      @@junioralvarado629 when u hate landlords so much you become one

    • @PuddingXXL
      @PuddingXXL 2 года назад

      I mean the panel debate was about destiny to begin with. Would be kinda weird not talking about one of the most influential politics streamers getting banned.

  • @fisharepeopletoo9653
    @fisharepeopletoo9653 2 года назад

    Also I think it's important to point out that the shortcuts you open in the academy are traps for running to Rennala. There's a point where you can go up and fight a pumpkin head and a handful of mages, and you will stop the ball from falling down the ramp. But even if you don't do that, dodging the ball is super easy since it runs down a set path every time, and going that way you will encounter zero enemies (once you take care of the Carian knight invader type guy, anyway, which you have to do no matter which route you take, though a small hint if you're struggling with him: there's an elevator behind him that makes for a great death pit for the fellow.)

  • @Counterpoints
    @Counterpoints 2 года назад +14


  • @Gordo525
    @Gordo525 2 года назад +6

    dude you gotta crank that bitrate up like 10x whatever it is now, or change how it's being recorded or something. Blurstiny isn't my favourite to watch. Also use VoiceMeeter and the audio mixer in OBS to record with multiple audio tracks so your editor has something to work with, it's really hard to hear people talking with the repetitive game sounds blaring in the background. It's really easy to set up and it's only beneficial to the video.

  • @jamesmears3419
    @jamesmears3419 2 года назад

    Welcome to the Tube Destiny!!!

  • @olemanyounger5040
    @olemanyounger5040 2 года назад +1

    This video ended with my toaster and I staring at one another awkwardly.

  • @dmvbawse4265
    @dmvbawse4265 2 года назад +4

    People all have strong opinions until pressed on them smh

  • @Killerkiki313
    @Killerkiki313 2 года назад +3

    I used to lean moderately right and Destiny has talked me out of so many of those positions. I’m center left now in large part due to him. So saying he doesn’t help the left is really short sighted.

    • @wyrdsie6135
      @wyrdsie6135 2 года назад +1

      I'm centre left aswell, and i'm anti immigration because i'm against racial warfare because i see it as non political similar to that i am against pollution or something like that. You always have to compare it to the idiots that pat is talking to, if he's helpful or not. But obviously he's not going to be useful for any kind of fringe groups who want to absorb 1 of the 2 parties in USA. There's no fellowship with these people if you don't think exactly the way they think, and pat whilst he has placated them for a long time, is realizing that too.
      I can't claim i know a fuck about how USA was 30 years ago, and i'm not from USA, but as it is now, there doesn't seem to be allowed many different oppinions, there's 1 oppinion per party and that's it.. and there are only 2 parties. So either you hate europeans, you want mass immigration of USA, or you are a 'nazi' that is against/anti mass immigration, and you don't hate euro americans.
      And having every single acceptable political position under one of these two umbrellas, rather than having hybrid oppinions, is what creates this problems.
      Transsexuals for example, think they run the US democrat party, and if you don't do what they would like you to do, they declare you are not a US democrat, or you are not a libertarian or you are not a left leaning or you are not this or that.

  • @Doomed667
    @Doomed667 2 года назад +1

    It’s insane how people feel so legitimate to tell you what you should be thinking and saying.

  • @chzbrgr123
    @chzbrgr123 2 года назад

    8:05 What video is she talking about? I'm new here

    @GOGOROBOv2 2 года назад +4

    Destiny is the most useful. Also this intro makes me like NotSoErudite even more.

  • @Twilight.Princess
    @Twilight.Princess 2 года назад +1

    I just turned 25 but I’ve been listening to all this since I was 18.

  • @rudyeb4603
    @rudyeb4603 2 года назад +1

    I think that first person who was talking about oligarchs from the way she spoke I think she was getting confused with oligopoly

  • @zarlei6048
    @zarlei6048 2 года назад +8

    It's so strange how out of touch these people are, I'm not even politically aligned that much but he at least has real people takes. You know Rittenhouse, the stealthing shit, trans in sports, n word in private these are like all takes that regular people would agree with. These sophists aren't even real people.

  • @FringeSpectre
    @FringeSpectre 2 года назад +8

    The fact that people take any of this shit seriously at all is hysterical to me. I can't imagine thinking about political stuff every day all day. You can tell these people have no hobbies outside of looking at twitter.

  • @Nex47128
    @Nex47128 2 года назад +1

    This was an excellent convo with NotSoErudite, the age demographics part was fascinating. Cheers.

  • @CaulkMongler
    @CaulkMongler 2 года назад +2

    Bless NotSoErudite for being the only panelist with the ability to rationalize any kind of thought

  • @PinemartenMusic
    @PinemartenMusic 2 года назад +3

    I feel stupid listening to this conversation. These streamers need to grow up.

  • @prohealer3398
    @prohealer3398 2 года назад

    Lol at 15:00 “you’re making a lot of qualifying statements against our qualifying statements and see no irony”

  • @chocolatMouse
    @chocolatMouse 2 года назад +2

    In the first ten minutes, you can clearly see who has actually touched grass in the last year and who hasn't.

  • @octaviodagnino5518
    @octaviodagnino5518 2 года назад +3

    They keep moving the political bar

  • @thelast9021
    @thelast9021 2 года назад +17

    The same people who say that the working class need to come together against the Bourgeoisie create Virtue tests over and over to further divide people.

    • @uUuWolf16uUu
      @uUuWolf16uUu 2 года назад

      Hey, you found out what socialism and communism is actually about.
      Eroding social structures to grab power.
      Thats why they are called "revolutionary" in many cases.

    • @DSPHistoricalSociety
      @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 года назад

      While never having been a part of the working class, and truly not caring about the working class.

  • @KazmirRunik
    @KazmirRunik 2 года назад

    1:05:52 On people separating themselves into walled-off communities where they become more & more extreme, I've actually seen this very topic discussed on a video that's several years old, from back when this was largely happening on Tumblr. It's from JT Sexkik, the same guy who made the "how is prangent formed" video, and it's titled "THIS VIDEO IS PROBLEMATIC," where he discusses where exactly social justice radicals are coming from. Make no mistake, he's talking about the very same people who were teenagers then and are adults now.
    He doesn't get into the weeds on their positions, either; he just makes this really familiar mention of how people just want to feel like they belong to something that has purpose and so they put themselves into these niche communities that get more & more extreme. With the Internet having gotten into everyone's homes, it's become a timeless discussion, at least until explicit awareness of it breaks into the common discourse.

  • @dharmatycoon
    @dharmatycoon 2 года назад

    Does the audio ever become bearable in this vid?

  • @ergovisavis
    @ergovisavis 2 года назад +3

    At least Destiny has good people in his corner. Quality trumps quantity IMO.

  • @theomnidegenerate5236
    @theomnidegenerate5236 2 года назад +3

    Why does destiny keep getting blamed for his community going to other peoples channels when he has already done literally anything and everything anyone can do to stop that from happening? or discourage that and has never directly told anyone to go and attack another person. to me if anyone ever makes the point that see you or his community or bad because of that happening you are instantly labeled in my eyes as a dishonest moronic actor who should not be taken seriously to any degree. because you’re grasping at the smallest frailest of straws to try and attempt to get any W over him whatsoever in anyway you can to the point of dishonesty and unrealistic expectations 21:00 Is literally the perfect example.

    • @DSPHistoricalSociety
      @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 года назад +3

      Because they cannot attack his beliefs or arguments reasonably

  • @Nightknight1992
    @Nightknight1992 2 года назад

    oh god, why did you remind me of the dark money incident

  • @AA-vr8ez
    @AA-vr8ez 2 года назад +5

    Destiny de radicalized me… from the left

    • @kloakheesten
      @kloakheesten 2 года назад

      Remember that having views In spite of what you disagree with is as retarded as the views you disagree with.

  • @lancemagmer9701
    @lancemagmer9701 2 года назад +4

    Is it even possible to word things good on twitter

    • @kev792
      @kev792 2 года назад

      It's possible, I watch Destiny a lot and his tweets imo seem overly exaggerated even though I agree with them. It's possible to word things good but trash, degenerate, lefties disagree with Destiny just for the sake of it so to them they don't care.

  • @roryonstrike
    @roryonstrike 2 года назад +2

    Thank god the “who gives a fuck if women can’t compete in sports” guy is here

  • @Jake-zn1qr
    @Jake-zn1qr 2 года назад +1


  • @hunteralbers1449
    @hunteralbers1449 2 года назад +9

    Conservative here, from my view Destiny helps the left by actually bringing reason and logic to debates against both sides, and that makes people like me actually listen and engage with the ideas he has, even if i disagree. The other lefty twitch losers literally just scream Reeeeecism on everything and it has completely lost its effect.

    • @PaxChristi7
      @PaxChristi7 2 года назад

      Yeeeeep. I’m definitely right-leaning but Destiny helps keep me tethered to the center and not jumping way out to the right every time a lefty dumbfuck give a hot take. He reminds me that there are rational positions on the left to engage with

    • @Cal-xq6im
      @Cal-xq6im 2 года назад

      Is this a meme now? Every RUclips video, “I like Destiny even when I disagree with his takes.”
      There is never anything qualifying that. What do you people disagree with? Name 1 thing and why. Even just link a video of the opposite take, I don’t care if you don’t want to personally defend it, just have anything, “I disagree when Destiny says trans women don’t belong in sports. *video title* is an okay representation of my view.”
      “I disagree with Destiny’s view on socialism because X, this video describes X well and why that take was wrong.”

    • @ericstein8019
      @ericstein8019 2 года назад

      @@Cal-xq6im breath

    • @hunteralbers1449
      @hunteralbers1449 2 года назад +4

      @@Cal-xq6im the point of my comment was to say I can agree with how someone argues with out agreeing with what they are argueing. I dont need to cite a source to make that point because its not an argueing point, im saying i think hes better for the left because I as a conservative actually listen to what he has to say its based on my own opinion not something someone else made a video about.

  • @kamakozy13
    @kamakozy13 2 года назад +8

    Did you know Destiny actually created leftism? He proofread Das Capital and helped Marc form his ideas.

    • @dylansevitt
      @dylansevitt 2 года назад +5

      right before Marc changed the c to an X for better marketing. all while destroying the markets...

    • @kamakozy13
      @kamakozy13 2 года назад +1

      @@dylansevitt auto correct got me down bad

    • @studiogimli7645
      @studiogimli7645 2 года назад

      @@dylansevitt i told him to do marcZ

  • @allelitememesaem3916
    @allelitememesaem3916 2 года назад +2

    Early check in

  • @veespa_
    @veespa_ 2 года назад

    8:07 what video of Destiny on a SA spree combo is out there?

  • @josho8539
    @josho8539 2 года назад +6

    NotSoErudite is such a breath of fresh air, we need more non-deranged women in the online political sphere

  • @aeiouaeiou100
    @aeiouaeiou100 2 года назад +19

    I really want to see a valid IQ test of every person in the twitch debate sphere. I think it would be truly enlightening.

    • @great_ape9791
      @great_ape9791 2 года назад

      Are there any good ones rn?

    • @aeiouaeiou100
      @aeiouaeiou100 2 года назад +3

      @@0doublezero0 Yeah people like MrGirl, Destiny and Erudite are probably around 2 stds above the mean (130) or higher while many people that debate them are just average or even below average

    • @DSPHistoricalSociety
      @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 года назад

      REEEEEEEEEE IQ tests are not fair to all peoples REEEEEEEEE

    • @DSPHistoricalSociety
      @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 года назад

      @@0doublezero0 A lot of things Mr. Girl says are wonderfully interesting- it's a shame neither "side" wants to allow looking below the surface of anything.

    • @joshuamichael2463
      @joshuamichael2463 2 года назад +3

      Midwits are more dangerous than the grugbrains, at least grugs have a sense of endearment about them

  • @sleepymuffin901
    @sleepymuffin901 2 года назад

    Why are seven days old videos comming up now?

  • @cavejohnson8444
    @cavejohnson8444 2 года назад

    Any hint of uploading the Dallas shit show this weekend?

  • @harrygraham5810
    @harrygraham5810 2 года назад +10

    Love destiny, he's a cool guy, I don't agree with all his takes, but he's one of the only people I'll watch listen to, and sometimes agree with.

    • @shockwavesyndrome6433
      @shockwavesyndrome6433 2 года назад +1

      It’s absurd to think someone could agree with all of anyones takes, what’s wrong with taking the good with the bad? But the problem with leftist people is they have no opinion and just absorb the opinion of the content creator they like

    • @harrygraham5810
      @harrygraham5810 2 года назад +1

      @@shockwavesyndrome6433 that's collectivism for you a true hive mind affect seen before our very eyes.

  • @jamesonrichards5105
    @jamesonrichards5105 2 года назад +11

    erudite is gigachad

  • @AvocadoAtrocity
    @AvocadoAtrocity 2 года назад +2

    Oligarchy vs oligopoly 🤣