Who can explain how a sniper not from some unit like SAS or Mortal Kombat could make 2000 shots in 7 days, even if he shot 28 shots per hour for 7 days in a row (that is, 10-11 hours in total), which is also not possible. For example, the price of such training despite the fact that, according to legend, the sniper is so-so. he wrote off how many rifles due to barrel wear
Such a shit reacher but an amazing James Wayne Barr by Joseph sikora our hero in dark armour can we please have him in the tv series with the real reacher Alan ritchinson
Despite physical description in the books, even the author thought he was perfect for the role. That's why he was making a cameo in this movie and produced the damn' thing. A.R. act like a piece of wood and is a little man, in real life despite his physical appearance. 😁
Same thing applies to people who try to join the police. The government. Literally anything, kind of. Some people want a legal means of being evil.
As a Canadian whose government is under communist tyrant control, I 💯 agree with this.
This is an amazing movie.
A dollar a bullet that’s a lot of money spent on ammo
Wasn’t she in a Mr. Bean movie? :-)
yes she was, in a johnny english movie to be exact (starring Rowan Attkinson aka Mr Bean)
also in die another day (2002)
Who can explain how a sniper not from some unit like SAS or Mortal Kombat could make 2000 shots in 7 days, even if he shot 28 shots per hour for 7 days in a row (that is, 10-11 hours in total), which is also not possible. For example, the price of such training despite the fact that, according to legend, the sniper is so-so. he wrote off how many rifles due to barrel wear
Such a shit reacher but an amazing James Wayne Barr by Joseph sikora our hero in dark armour can we please have him in the tv series with the real reacher Alan ritchinson
Y'all keeo bitching about the same thing over and over again. Yeaz Tom Cruise doesn't have the physique, but he nails the mannerism of the character.
I think T.C. is too small physically. Other than that, i think he is fine. @nungbear1398
Despite physical description in the books, even the author thought he was perfect for the role. That's why he was making a cameo in this movie and produced the damn' thing.
A.R. act like a piece of wood and is a little man, in real life despite his physical appearance. 😁
1) learn punctuation 2) see #1