I'm an accountant. Don't let them lie to you, there is almost NO MATH! The finance people and statisticians get to do all the cool math. Accounting is recording and reporting. All we do is record what transactions happened so that the auditors (also accountants) can examine your records and write reports about it. It is super-boring, but the hours are great, the salary is sweet, and if you're an auditor, everybody is scared of you. Don't work for a public accounting firm, tho. That sh*t sucks.
I work in internal audit for a transportation company right now, but I've also done bookkeeping and technical accounting. Working on getting my CPA for promotion right now. I really wish I had taken the tests right out of college, because it's really hard to study for. I work an avg 40 hour week, 9 - 5. As far as big 4, I'm not a fan. Public accounting sends you on an engagement to a client, like my company, for either audit, consulting, or tax services. It's usually a team crammed in a tiny room working 80 hours a week during busy season. The only good thing is that you get alot of experience fast and having a couple of years in big 4 on your resume will get you hired practically anywhere. I chose a slower path that would be less demanding, because I have a family that I like to spend time with. Besides, the whole reason I went back to school was to not have to work crazy hours anymore. If you're young, ambitious and don't mind working in close quarters with a bunch of other young, ambitious people for long hours to get ahead, then go for it!
Candice Waller totally agree! I'm an auditor but Im extremely nice. I've never known people to be scared of me until I became an auditor lol. It's actually interesting, but I hate ruining people's year when they get in trouble for simple mistakes. It's more paperwork than anything. I am always glued to the computer. It really takes you out of your comfort zone.
Candice Waller i'm in accounting too and i agree 100%. tbh i think having the accounting education is great but working in accounting is a drain on one's lifestyle and even personality. tbh i wish I did something else with my accounting degree besides accounting. my life would be a lot more interesting.
My friend was an accountant intern, he's a fckn number wiz. But, right before graduation he got arrested with 2 kilos of cocaine a gun and 65,000 in cash. He's doing 15 years now. Guess accountants aren't all boring lol.
Accounting is tough work, and somehow, we always end up getting the blame for the mistakes management makes.... Despite its complexity and difficulty, accounting is very rewarding.
im in accounting.. if i was in 10th grade again i would have never thought id be doing this for post secondary, i picked it cause there is job stabilization. ive always wanted to be a professional hand model.
+Mercy Pleading Accounting itself is not that difficult. It's the classes that make you want to quit your major. Both my parents are accountants and my mom is not good at math. She just knows how to do basic calculator functions. The highest levels of math you will have to take are calculus and statistics. But accounting math can be done with the most basic calculator.
Mercy Pleading I failed math every year except senior year ;D the math isnt hard once you're in the class, its pretty much all word problems, then you use microsoft excel for everything... u just plug in the numbers and it does it for you..
They only have tax accountants....they should have had at least one auditor! Their the best! !! I know...I'm one 😅... but seriously there is more to accounting then taxes. There are dozens of types of accounting in every industry. ..any personality type can find one they like. People think accounting involves hard math and shy nerds... well guess what...while accounting involves numbers, it doesn't have a lot of complex math and you have to be a people person to work in accounting. Plus, accounting is one of the few fields with lots of options, lots of jobs, and good entry level pay.
I don't understand how anyone would want to be an accountant. I find it extremely hard to try and memorize every equation within those word problems. Even though I have had a hard time understand the idea behind accounting, I give all props to those who can handle a company's finances.
accountants dont handle anything, they just stare at some numbers that 99% of the time are wrong anyway! accounting is the worst thing ever and most accountants are boring sad assholes
Raffboy919 My uncle is an accountant and he's told me he really doesn't do much high high level math, mainly algebra to figure out how much you need to make to get so much profits, and other things over and over and over again. He says the math isn't difficult just repetitive and requires a lot of patience and concentration.
But... Accountants don't do hard math. I'm an accountant and I triple check my calculator if 6x6 is actually 36. Accountancy is a crossover of many disciplines, math is a very minor part of it.
I had no idea what he was talking about when he mentioned Algebra. I'm an accounting student and I haven't used it ONCE while studying the course....??
"I spend my life accounting With figures and such, unhappy To what is my life amounting? It figures, not much, unhappy I have a secret desire Hiding deep in my soul It sets my heart afire To see me in this role I wanna be a producer!"
Maybe it's the editing or the background music, but this video actually makes being an accountant sound so depressing, contradicting what the people in the video were trying to convey. I'm disappointed Buzzfeed. - an accountant
I'm an accountant and this video felt kinda weird... My perspective is quite different, and so are my friends'! These people were only saying that their life is all rad and pumped up, but never ever explained or gave examples.. I myself train fighting, won a few dance competitions, go out to drink with friends every single weekend.. I was hoping to hear stuff like this, as if their lives were actualy good, not some people pretending to be like it (not that they'r lying, but that's how it felt)
Its actually true... you never choose to be an accountant it just happens.... I actually wanted to be a graphic designer - but im an accountant! My boss actually said im a natural accountant, that my brain was suited for this job :P Accountancy choose me
"I don't think any accountant chooses to be an accountant" I'm in highschool and I'm hoping to go into accounting after I graduate. I've had this dream for a little more than a year.
Thats in a dreamland Reality Accounting job prospects : depends on the size of the firm Salary: low Hours: no work life balance~~ work 50 hours a week especially at the end of the year and at the sart of the new year
I'm an Accounting Major and my dream was to work with the ocean, research marine life. I chose to study Accounting simply because of job stability. If I had the chance to redo my first 3 years of college I would have definitely changed my major. But here I am now...studying leases, tax, and debits/credits...not to mention also I'm terrible at interpersonal communication which no one told me that to be an Accountant you need to have superior communication skills. *sigh*
I'd recommend joining a Business/Accounting organization at school. The sheer amount of networking, skill building, and resume workshops you will be exposed to will not only help prepare you for the real world, but also help place you in a job after graduation.
Funny, I discovered that I wanted to be an accountant in the 5th grade. Disabilities and life modified my path, but I'm still one heck of a bookkeeper/tax preparer.
Thank you for sharing! Mark 1:15 - “The time is fulfilled,” He said, “and the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe in the gospel!” John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Getting an Accounting degree is more challenging than any other business major. Aside from the actual accounting classes, you need to be proficient in Information Systems, Finance, Project Management, and Statistics. However, you will *always* be able to find a job. And good paying ones, too. You can do a heck of a lot worse than being an Accountant.
I took plenty of accounting classes in college and their is absolutely no hard math in accounting. Their is adding, subtracting, and multiplying and dividing, but on a 4th grade level, OMG, so difficult! XD If you want hard math become an engineer or math major. Nothing like a Calculus problem that takes up an entire page to get the gears working! XD
***** may I ask what is the other major please? I'm currently so so not sure about what I want to major in. I already am in Pre-med and I'm not doing so great in it... i think i would just have to study more but I'm having a tough time finding what I like... I feel like I don't like anything at all..... sorry didn't mean to bother you with my problems...
GoldenCH One was in Managerial Sciences...where we learned everything about managing a business and the aspects/roles involved. It was a tough major...especially when Accounting came into play...I loved the law part of it more than that. The other was Hospitality Admin...It was all hard work. I regret going because I still haven't found a job yet (it's been almost 2 years). I wish I had chosen a different path...There's sooo many things I would have majored in (teaching, nursing, or music composition, law, or English). I wasted a good year because I couldn't decide what to do. It's tough finding out what you like...I read a lot about things and I took certain classes just to see if I liked it. The best thing I can tell you is to just sit down and think about things you could possibly like and just research it or take electives in different areas that you may be interested in... Or talk to your professors and your family...they know you well enough I hope... (that's what I did). Pre-med sounds hard...but just like you said, study more! lol But most importantly....do NOT give up. Even if you waste a bit of time taking courses you may or may not need...don't give up and don't get discouraged. :)
Don't feel stupid about it, many people won't know. To answer your question, accountants manage finances. They record how much money you earn, spend and such. Often accountants help with paying taxes and payments.
I didnt realize some people sincerely want a job like accountants and stuff until I read "Goodnight PunPun" in middle school and one of the minor character wanted to be an accountant I've always loved the thought of being an artist, so I've never thought that anyone would ever be interested in anything else. Anyway, it's even cooler to hear from real accountants, though a character from a manga was cool too. Super awesome vid. :)
as silly as the question people think it is you can, i'm training to be an accountant and all the maths you need to know is how to add subtract multiply divide do percentages and square root
My parents are trying to force me to be an accountant or an equally...business-y career. They tell me pursuing my dreams is a waste of time because my hobbies are hobbies, nothing more, they are not real careers, and I will end up homeless if I want them. I already told them I want my dream jobs to be a side-job I do in my spare time when i come from my job that is my main source of income, which I hope will be working at a library, book store, art store, or something else related to art or books. They just keep ignoring the fact that I am only saying it will be my real job if I become one of the fortunate few that gets hired and paid so much that I can live off my dream careers, and will be working elsewhere until that day comes if it does. Follow your dreams. If there is something you love to do and there is a (legal) career for it, try to do it. Try your hardest. If it does not pay well, make sure you have another job you will enjoy to help pay the bills. My parents say you should never get a job you like, you should get a well paying job and learn how to like it, but I think that would just lead to a depressing lifestyle. Besides, studies have shown some of the hardest working employees for all different jobs are the ones who would consider this a dream job of theirs or something similar. They work much more productively than even the workaholics. You can enjoy your career. Just set a logical goal and do not give up on it.
Total Trash Mammal same here I want to be a model (even though I'm 5'3) but I don't think I can get into it but my dad is forcing me to be an accountant
Have you guys ever played the game ToonTown? In that video game, kids get on and they fight businessmen, accountants, salesmen, and lawyers. I think that video game was teaching me to never become one of these.
When and if you start your own restaurant you will need all of these things. Why pay someone else to do your work? And if sadly things don't work out you have a fallback. OMG I just sounded like my mother. Shoot me.
I got a bachelors degree in accounting, finance and banking. I'm not going to speak for them but for me, it was the worst decision I've ever made. I absolutely hated it, it was boring, I found it hard to pay attention and after a while I didn't even want to go to class. It's literally a miracle that I passed and got the degree. Either way it was so bad I decided to do a masters in international business which is sooooo much better.
i study accountancy not cause of hard math but cause there is market for it and to generally understand the use of money in businesses and politics. Honestly if there was a huge market for engineers as much as accounting and i prob do it too
Although it's not hard math, it is a difficult profession, with the difficulty not stemming from the math portion but the conceptual relationships between accounts. Really, all of the "math" in accounting can be done on a 4 function calculator.
I study accounting, and I can't really say that I relate to anything they said except when they debunked the stereotype that said that accountants are dull and boring.
Props to these people taking pride in their work. Fighting numbers is a bitch and I'm going to need someone like them. Everyone needs a math guy actually.
I love this video, so true I did not imagine myself becoming an accountant. However, now I am on my third year as an accounting major at Sam Houston and I can't imagine a better fit for me! I love the people, the environment, and not to mention the pay 😁
As an accounting major, people think its hard math, but it's not. You dont have to be good at math,learn the rules and your debit and credit accounts. As you learn more it does get harder but you just have to focus. Accounting is not bad, its actually good to have a accouting background when working with big companies.
I'm an accounting student and i definitely love accounting is the best thing I ever had I mean without it I don't know what I would be doing I hope everyone appreciated the way we kinda suffer (but love u know guilty pleasure) in stress ❤️❤️✌️
Im majoring in accounting and people act like all you do is sit in a cubicle and crunch numbers and bean count all day. No, there's SO MUCH you can do and have fun with it too! You can even go all the way and become a professor of accounting. You can become a CPA become a forensic accountant work for one of the big 4 companies, under the accounting umbrella there are a bunch of things you can do, the list goes on. you can have so much fun doing what u like everyday and you can go anywhere with an accounting degree, and yea theres some math but to mw it's not that hard, economics was harder than what I do now, I wouldnt change my major for a second.
Half of the people in the comments probably failed Principles of Accounting I and realized college was too hard so now they're Marketing or Mangement majors 😂
I have so many friends who quit accounting and picked marketing major And when i tell em accounting they are like "tooo hard for me" though they did better than me in high school
Literally thought this was a video about accountants describing a dream they had.
lol same
me too, i was hoping to relate to them
I'm an accountant. Don't let them lie to you, there is almost NO MATH! The finance people and statisticians get to do all the cool math. Accounting is recording and reporting. All we do is record what transactions happened so that the auditors (also accountants) can examine your records and write reports about it. It is super-boring, but the hours are great, the salary is sweet, and if you're an auditor, everybody is scared of you.
Don't work for a public accounting firm, tho. That sh*t sucks.
Do you have CPA and how are the hours like also what are your opinions on the big 4
I work in internal audit for a transportation company right now, but I've also done bookkeeping and technical accounting. Working on getting my CPA for promotion right now. I really wish I had taken the tests right out of college, because it's really hard to study for. I work an avg 40 hour week, 9 - 5.
As far as big 4, I'm not a fan. Public accounting sends you on an engagement to a client, like my company, for either audit, consulting, or tax services. It's usually a team crammed in a tiny room working 80 hours a week during busy season. The only good thing is that you get alot of experience fast and having a couple of years in big 4 on your resume will get you hired practically anywhere. I chose a slower path that would be less demanding, because I have a family that I like to spend time with. Besides, the whole reason I went back to school was to not have to work crazy hours anymore. If you're young, ambitious and don't mind working in close quarters with a bunch of other young, ambitious people for long hours to get ahead, then go for it!
thanks for the advice
Candice Waller totally agree! I'm an auditor but Im extremely nice. I've never known people to be scared of me until I became an auditor lol. It's actually interesting, but I hate ruining people's year when they get in trouble for simple mistakes. It's more paperwork than anything. I am always glued to the computer. It really takes you out of your comfort zone.
Candice Waller i'm in accounting too and i agree 100%. tbh i think having the accounting education is great but working in accounting is a drain on one's lifestyle and even personality. tbh i wish I did something else with my accounting degree besides accounting. my life would be a lot more interesting.
My friend was an accountant intern, he's a fckn number wiz. But, right before graduation he got arrested with 2 kilos of cocaine a gun and 65,000 in cash. He's doing 15 years now. Guess accountants aren't all boring lol.
What a waste..
Oh my godddd 😂😂🍺🍺🍺🍺
Your friend was a G
He debited Jail Time and Credited his freedom I guess
Accounting is tough work, and somehow, we always end up getting the blame for the mistakes management makes....
Despite its complexity and difficulty, accounting is very rewarding.
"Accounting is dope." xD
made my life
She probably heard it from her teen son and used it in this video.
+Lovelyleann it's a very common word. There's nothing so special about it.
Digital Dirk it's never too late. And this is youtube, you can comment freely.
the cool guy with the yellow tshirt and beard looks like shane dawson's brother
The fat version.
He does!!!
Even his voice sounds similar
Yeah! No wonder I thought he seemed familiar
The only good accounting is creative accounting.
Victoria Flamel Yeah, Enron was a beast.
Please, you need real accountants.
That's how Enrons are made
Until you cross the line to tax evasion lol
Magical power
im in accounting.. if i was in 10th grade again i would have never thought id be doing this for post secondary, i picked it cause there is job stabilization. ive always wanted to be a professional hand model.
+Mercy Pleading Accounting itself is not that difficult. It's the classes that make you want to quit your major. Both my parents are accountants and my mom is not good at math. She just knows how to do basic calculator functions. The highest levels of math you will have to take are calculus and statistics. But accounting math can be done with the most basic calculator.
Mercy Pleading I failed math every year except senior year ;D the math isnt hard once you're in the class, its pretty much all word problems, then you use microsoft excel for everything... u just plug in the numbers and it does it for you..
Intermediate accounting 2 is hard T-T
Ayusakura64 well imo advance accounting is harder :(
Jihan Hanum I dont think they have adv accounting at my college. But that sucks :(((
They only have tax accountants....they should have had at least one auditor! Their the best! !! I know...I'm one 😅... but seriously there is more to accounting then taxes. There are dozens of types of accounting in every industry. ..any personality type can find one they like. People think accounting involves hard math and shy nerds... well guess what...while accounting involves numbers, it doesn't have a lot of complex math and you have to be a people person to work in accounting. Plus, accounting is one of the few fields with lots of options, lots of jobs, and good entry level pay.
Wow, being an Accountant sounds fun......
Please do not type Accountant, it is very annoying type accountant insted.
They probably used siri to spell out "accountant" because they did not know how to spell it, that is why the "A" is capitalized.
Jill Sanders No, I don't have siri and I knew how to spell it. I actually don't know why I capitalized it lol
no! Dont fall into the trap...
When that old lady said "dope" my face hovered over my palm and landed there..
I don't understand how anyone would want to be an accountant. I find it extremely hard to try and memorize every equation within those word problems. Even though I have had a hard time understand the idea behind accounting, I give all props to those who can handle a company's finances.
accountants dont handle anything, they just stare at some numbers that 99% of the time are wrong anyway! accounting is the worst thing ever and most accountants are boring sad assholes
accountants dont do hard math...
K then. Manage my account and files for a year.
Sutter Breaux uhm no?
Sutter Breaux That's hard work but not hard math....
Lano Stone still dont see how managing accounts involves hard math oO
Raffboy919 My uncle is an accountant and he's told me he really doesn't do much high high level math, mainly algebra to figure out how much you need to make to get so much profits, and other things over and over and over again. He says the math isn't difficult just repetitive and requires a lot of patience and concentration.
I'm currently majoring in Accounting and Finance and somehow this video made it seem so depressing...
Karl Saleh Yea its not hard at all. Economics is the hard one.
totally same with you
Being broke because you can't find a good-paying job is SO much more depressing.
Jilane Gui yes totally same here
If you're not working in high finance, accounting will be a boring 9-5 job.
But... Accountants don't do hard math. I'm an accountant and I triple check my calculator if 6x6 is actually 36.
Accountancy is a crossover of many disciplines, math is a very minor part of it.
I had no idea what he was talking about when he mentioned Algebra. I'm an accounting student and I haven't used it ONCE while studying the course....??
I think that guy was an actor 😐🤨
"I spend my life accounting
With figures and such, unhappy
To what is my life amounting?
It figures, not much, unhappy
I have a secret desire
Hiding deep in my soul
It sets my heart afire
To see me in this role
I wanna be a producer!"
lol what?
My heart was stolen by an accountant in the making. He's almost there. WHOOT!
Maybe it's the editing or the background music, but this video actually makes being an accountant sound so depressing, contradicting what the people in the video were trying to convey. I'm disappointed Buzzfeed.
- an accountant
Farah A Is accounting depressing to you????????????
The lady when she said "Accountant are dope!" i died
I'm an accountant and this video felt kinda weird...
My perspective is quite different, and so are my friends'!
These people were only saying that their life is all rad and pumped up, but never ever explained or gave examples..
I myself train fighting, won a few dance competitions, go out to drink with friends every single weekend..
I was hoping to hear stuff like this, as if their lives were actualy good, not some people pretending to be like it (not that they'r lying, but that's how it felt)
Really I also wanna become an accountant when I grow up am Abigail
0:23 "I don't think any accountant, actually chooses to be an accountant. It's kinda of... Destiny."
Literally laughed out tears🤣😭
Its actually true... you never choose to be an accountant it just happens....
I actually wanted to be a graphic designer - but im an accountant!
My boss actually said im a natural accountant, that my brain was suited for this job :P
Accountancy choose me
The dude with the mustache was fucking hilarious!! Satire at its finest!
"I don't think any accountant chooses to be an accountant" I'm in highschool and I'm hoping to go into accounting after I graduate. I've had this dream for a little more than a year.
Same here, about to graduate HS and I CHOSE to major in accounting
Im glad im not the only one thinking that
I don't know because I am still in highschool
How are you doing now? after 5 years?
@@waff. I don't think he'll answer lol
Accounting Job Prospects: Good
Salary: High
Hours not too bad
nononononono oh god no!! Some accountants will have a traditional 40 hour weeks but some accountants can regularly do 60-80 a week
"Hours not too bad" haha, no.
Thats in a dreamland
Accounting job prospects : depends on the size of the firm
Salary: low
Hours: no work life balance~~ work 50 hours a week especially at the end of the year and at the sart of the new year
Not so bad after all!!!
I'm an Accounting Major and my dream was to work with the ocean, research marine life. I chose to study Accounting simply because of job stability. If I had the chance to redo my first 3 years of college I would have definitely changed my major. But here I am now...studying leases, tax, and debits/credits...not to mention also I'm terrible at interpersonal communication which no one told me that to be an Accountant you need to have superior communication skills. *sigh*
I'd recommend joining a Business/Accounting organization at school. The sheer amount of networking, skill building, and resume workshops you will be exposed to will not only help prepare you for the real world, but also help place you in a job after graduation.
I've wanted to be an accountant for awhile now. Accounting just relaxes me and it's the only work I can keep up with tbh
Funny, I discovered that I wanted to be an accountant in the 5th grade. Disabilities and life modified my path, but I'm still one heck of a bookkeeper/tax preparer.
Thank you for sharing!
Mark 1:15 - “The time is fulfilled,” He said, “and the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe in the gospel!”
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
SO thankful for people who get and love this kind of work. Figuring out how much to tip is the pinnacle of my math/financial abilities.
Getting an Accounting degree is more challenging than any other business major. Aside from the actual accounting classes, you need to be proficient in Information Systems, Finance, Project Management, and Statistics.
However, you will *always* be able to find a job. And good paying ones, too. You can do a heck of a lot worse than being an Accountant.
I took plenty of accounting classes in college and their is absolutely no hard math in accounting. Their is adding, subtracting, and multiplying and dividing, but on a 4th grade level, OMG, so difficult! XD If you want hard math become an engineer or math major. Nothing like a Calculus problem that takes up an entire page to get the gears working! XD
Thanks for pointing that out ;)
I actually wanna be an accountant now...
Amir Khadar No!! Doooon't do it!!! Save yourself the headaches you'll endure if you take the classes for it.
***** any type of useful major you will take comes with it's own set of headaches
But accounting has the worst headaches...(coming from a person who has 2 degrees with different majors...)
***** may I ask what is the other major please?
I'm currently so so not sure about what I want to major in. I already am in Pre-med and I'm not doing so great in it...
i think i would just have to study more but I'm having a tough time finding what I like...
I feel like I don't like anything at all.....
sorry didn't mean to bother you with my problems...
One was in Managerial Sciences...where we learned everything about managing a business and the aspects/roles involved. It was a tough major...especially when Accounting came into play...I loved the law part of it more than that. The other was Hospitality Admin...It was all hard work. I regret going because I still haven't found a job yet (it's been almost 2 years). I wish I had chosen a different path...There's sooo many things I would have majored in (teaching, nursing, or music composition, law, or English). I wasted a good year because I couldn't decide what to do. It's tough finding out what you like...I read a lot about things and I took certain classes just to see if I liked it. The best thing I can tell you is to just sit down and think about things you could possibly like and just research it or take electives in different areas that you may be interested in... Or talk to your professors and your family...they know you well enough I hope... (that's what I did). Pre-med sounds hard...but just like you said, study more! lol But most importantly....do NOT give up. Even if you waste a bit of time taking courses you may or may not need...don't give up and don't get discouraged. :)
I feel super stupid, but I don't really understand what exactly they do?
Don't feel stupid about it, many people won't know. To answer your question, accountants manage finances. They record how much money you earn, spend and such. Often accountants help with paying taxes and payments.
They count.
Work with the businesses financial records to help keep it running properly. They deal with the money side.
Taxation, financial management, audit and assurance, general accounting
Lol i always tell friends that math is easy and that being an accountant is a sure-fire lazy aspiration
The guy with the mustache literally made me LOL. He's so hilarious.
I don't love the job, but I like it when people hear that im an accountant and they be like "Oh beautiful and smart too" plus the pay cheque too :-)
Is accounting 'dope', is it? Ahaha, I've never heard it described as that before :P
Great stuff
thesheepthatwentmooo love your videos :)
I didnt realize some people sincerely want a job like accountants and stuff until I read "Goodnight PunPun" in middle school and one of the minor character wanted to be an accountant
I've always loved the thought of being an artist, so I've never thought that anyone would ever be interested in anything else.
Anyway, it's even cooler to hear from real accountants, though a character from a manga was cool too. Super awesome vid. :)
Don't worry guys he was high
Missfluffykinz Xo OMG!!!! ME TOO, BUT I AM DANCING ON A RAINBOW!!!!!!
At least you're not a brony
i feel like i shouldnt comment but heh heh *thumbs up for ur dreams*
If I can count am I an accountant?
as silly as the question people think it is you can, i'm training to be an accountant and all the maths you need to know is how to add subtract multiply divide do percentages and square root
***** anyone could be an accountant you just need the dedication
***** those formulas are easy most of it is a x b = c or a / b =c manly those formulas but a lot of it is using logic
glad i helped
Nope, you're merely counting. The Math in accounting isn't hard, but the body of knowledge one needs to understand is challenging and extensive.
My parents are trying to force me to be an accountant or an equally...business-y career.
They tell me pursuing my dreams is a waste of time because my hobbies are hobbies, nothing more, they are not real careers, and I will end up homeless if I want them.
I already told them I want my dream jobs to be a side-job I do in my spare time when i come from my job that is my main source of income, which I hope will be working at a library, book store, art store, or something else related to art or books.
They just keep ignoring the fact that I am only saying it will be my real job if I become one of the fortunate few that gets hired and paid so much that I can live off my dream careers, and will be working elsewhere until that day comes if it does.
Follow your dreams. If there is something you love to do and there is a (legal) career for it, try to do it. Try your hardest. If it does not pay well, make sure you have another job you will enjoy to help pay the bills.
My parents say you should never get a job you like, you should get a well paying job and learn how to like it, but I think that would just lead to a depressing lifestyle. Besides, studies have shown some of the hardest working employees for all different jobs are the ones who would consider this a dream job of theirs or something similar. They work much more productively than even the workaholics.
You can enjoy your career. Just set a logical goal and do not give up on it.
Total Trash Mammal same here I want to be a model (even though I'm 5'3) but I don't think I can get into it but my dad is forcing me to be an accountant
You know what else feels like *your inside and everyone else is outside*?
*I Thought Accountants Only Dreamt About Numbers*
Have you guys ever played the game ToonTown?
In that video game, kids get on and they fight businessmen, accountants, salesmen, and lawyers.
I think that video game was teaching me to never become one of these.
Omg yes!!!
I over that game when I was 7-ish and now I really want to become an accountant
That guys love for maths was pretty inspiring :P You rock those numbers sir!
It's 3 am where I live.. and here I am studying Loans Receivable, Amortization and UGGHH wtf I wanna be a chef tho. 😭 (Accountancy student) 💔
accounting student(me): originally wanted to do something in EDM industtry lol
blackczer123 I love edm :D
auditing student(me): originally wanted to be a doctor or someone who saves lives
When and if you start your own restaurant you will need all of these things. Why pay someone else to do your work? And if sadly things don't work out you have a fallback. OMG I just sounded like my mother. Shoot me.
Thanh Le actually accountant is the doctor....... for financial report. lol
I'm majoring in Accounting right now. The math isn't all that hard. Remembering all the damn rules, that are also constantly changing, is hard.
“I don’t think you realize how DOPE accountants are” 😂😂😂
I got a bachelors degree in accounting, finance and banking. I'm not going to speak for them but for me, it was the worst decision I've ever made. I absolutely hated it, it was boring, I found it hard to pay attention and after a while I didn't even want to go to class. It's literally a miracle that I passed and got the degree. Either way it was so bad I decided to do a masters in international business which is sooooo much better.
Winnie what gpa did you have as an undergrad? Was it hard finding a job within accounting or an internship?
Lol that’s your own opinion. Accounting is fun to me
HAHAHAHA accountants doing "hard math", I bet they'd have a seizure if they even attempted to resolve the problems real mathematicians work on.
i study accountancy not cause of hard math but cause there is market for it and to generally understand the use of money in businesses and politics. Honestly if there was a huge market for engineers as much as accounting and i prob do it too
I'd like to see them try my math homework.... And I'm only 19 years old.
Although it's not hard math, it is a difficult profession, with the difficulty not stemming from the math portion but the conceptual relationships between accounts. Really, all of the "math" in accounting can be done on a 4 function calculator.
***** ooooohhhh your doing some hard stuff aren't you XD
luis719251 Haha I'm about to graduate with a math degree and this made me laugh
You can tell David (moustache guy) probably tasted some coffee before the video. lol
That mustache guy hahahahahah awesome!!
I study accounting, and I can't really say that I relate to anything they said except when they debunked the stereotype that said that accountants are dull and boring.
the music makes everything inside sound sarcastic
What I don't like is that the end of this video makes it inappropriate to show students unless you stop it by 1:50.
The mustached one knows he dominates the accounting world!
"Tax season is my Super Bowl" Awesome line
Props to these people taking pride in their work. Fighting numbers is a bitch and I'm going to need someone like them. Everyone needs a math guy actually.
When that guy said people don't want to be accountants, my smile dropped because I've wanted to be an accountant since I was 8 :(
Well I'm studying to be an accountant right now, so I'm happy to hear that people still love this job
I love this video, so true I did not imagine myself becoming an accountant. However, now I am on my third year as an accounting major at Sam Houston and I can't imagine a better fit for me! I love the people, the environment, and not to mention the pay 😁
OMG, i just enrolled in college with my major being accounting ,and now they got me excited for life
I'm currently taking accounting in school
how's that turning out
As an accounting major, people think its hard math, but it's not. You dont have to be good at math,learn the rules and your debit and credit accounts. As you learn more it does get harder but you just have to focus. Accounting is not bad, its actually good to have a accouting background when working with big companies.
Its the most boring math, speaking as an economics major
I'm 25 and starting school to become an accountant, though I wouldn't call it my dream. my ultimate dream is to own my own cafe when I retire.
this video should have been called "accountants say what they wanted to be as children, then talk themselves up for 2 minutes"
the guy with the moustache is awesome
I'm an accounting student and i definitely love accounting is the best thing I ever had I mean without it I don't know what I would be doing I hope everyone appreciated the way we kinda suffer (but love u know guilty pleasure) in stress ❤️❤️✌️
Tax season is my Super Bowl- guy with yellow shirt
Mustache guy is WINNING
Im majoring in accounting and people act like all you do is sit in a cubicle and crunch numbers and bean count all day. No, there's SO MUCH you can do and have fun with it too! You can even go all the way and become a professor of accounting. You can become a CPA become a forensic accountant work for one of the big 4 companies, under the accounting umbrella there are a bunch of things you can do, the list goes on. you can have so much fun doing what u like everyday and you can go anywhere with an accounting degree, and yea theres some math but to mw it's not that hard, economics was harder than what I do now, I wouldnt change my major for a second.
That fella in the the mustache is MY kind of accountant.
Them spread sheets must be real tough.
BUT!!! proto, spreadsheets are pretty fu...... yea your right there the devil himself
NEED a video like this for lawyers!
Yay! This is awesome, i actually want to be an accountant when i grow up!
Okay 2 things (about the guy with the mustache) #1- he is fly and hilarious and awesome #2- he looks like the father off of the wild thorn berries
"I don't think any accountant chooses to be an accountant" I'm a forensic accounting major and that's true for me. I fell into it by chance.
I'm an Accountancy student and I find this very inspiring.
My accounting professor once said, "When an accountant hates someone, they curse that his/her children become accountants."
That was both depressing and uplifting at the same time.
Couldn't stop thinking about Hermes Conrad while watching this. He also takes his job very seriously.
Both my parents are accountants and they approve this
And my Mom is accountant. I THINK I NEED A MOMENT ALONE.
I came here thinking I'd be watching a video about accountants' sleepy-time dreams, but what I got was sooo much better :-D.
Accountants love sarcasm. It's a common trait.
Love this. Plan to show this to my class.
The fact that I'm in the process of getting my BA in accounting and watching this video just makes me feel like I made a good choice 😜
Accounting is life.
accounting is the life to live you have low pressure and you get good money
I major in math and accounting and I'm planning to be an actuary, and people who exclusively study accounting do not study upper level math.
this vid sound so sarcastic and the background music make it sound so sad lol
I hate accounting so I decided to do audit instead.
Why does the guy with the mustache look so familiar?? Is he even a real accountant?!
Woah buzzfeed I wasn't accounting for this video.
I really like this
And mustache guy is cracking me up. Boom hard math
Um...all accountants don't do personal income taxes...
There are tax accountants, GL accountants, etc.
My moms an accountant and she plays soccer on the roof during lunch... It's awesome
"I don't think you realize how dope accountants are" she's awesome. that's how I would've worded that shit too probably lol
I'm currently pursuing ACCA, but up to now, Accounting seems pretty cool.
Half of the people in the comments probably failed Principles of Accounting I and realized college was too hard so now they're Marketing or Mangement majors 😂
I have so many friends who quit accounting and picked marketing major
And when i tell em accounting they are like "tooo hard for me" though they did better than me in high school
Accountants don't do hard math; they do simple math, but a lot of it. Engineers, physicists, and mathematicians do hard math.
It's not hard math, but it is very time-consuming math if one number is out of place you're screwed.