Would you say your life is great Bryan? Well Bill, Its 1:30pm on a Tuesday and I am getting paid a lot of money to sit and talk about how bad black people have it... So yeah, it could be worse.
there are more poor whites than poor blacks. White privilege is not real, class privilege is. Name a privlage I as a white guy has that a black guys doesnt? that lives next door to me?
As I backed space in order to save my brain cells and small amount of physical use to comment on the comment directly above yours. Lol Your comment was #perfecttimimng! 😆
Probably 95% white, 5% Asian and >1% “ celebrity” black. They’d be so sick of them in a week. Ever wonder why all black celebrities live in white areas?? If everyone is so racist go live around your own ppl.
Wouldn’t the minimal amount of presence of black/Latino people in wealthy neighborhoods insinuate that there *is* in fact a degree of privilege that white people have?
Haha calm down. Everyone's so politicized nowadays they feel like they have to hate people who disagree with them. We're just people, forget all that shit, would a person help you in times of need? Will they be a shoulder to cry on and listen? Will they respect you and the people you love? You're wasting your lives on this shit honestly, it's sad.
“The worse I think things are, the better person I am.” He hit the nail on the head. That is precisely the psychology of these people. I know because I went slightly down that path and now am aware of what was going through my mind. It’s almost like a self-brainwashing. And this is why I agree with John McWhorter’s book that it’s a religion, because that’s a religious thinking. I mean truly religious, not the way conservatives are “religious,” in that they believe the Bible, but those types who try so hard to live virtuously that they become monsters. Like the prototypical catholic nun. The psychology says to be a good person you just want to fix the world and there are just oh so many problems with it that it’s too much so if you’re not upset about it constantly, you’re a bad person. This is the kind of thinking Alan Watts warned people about too. It’s dangerous for the person thinking it and for society if too many people think it.
That’s true for some people but Bryan Cranston is arguing legit points of empathy and understanding. It’s not great to be black in America. White people are not bad for being white lol, the point of “white privilege” is to say that it’s a privilege to not have to worry about racial discrimination in your own country when you walk down the street or apply for a job or whatever. That’s all that it means. It’s not saying that you didn’t earn anything or have to work hard, it’s just saying that being a minority in America makes it MORE challenging because of the racism that they experience. I used to believe that racism was no longer a problem in America but that’s because I lived in a bubble where I never had to hear it. I also chose to ignore friends who told me their own experiences. I used to think that racism meant Nazis, slavery, segregation, etc. which are racist but that’s not where you draw the line. Genocide, slavery, and murder shouldn’t be the line, it should be A LOT further back. This is what Bryan Cranston is talking about. Today, we cover up racism and we excuse it, we try to pretend that we’re above it now but it’s still there. It’s why many people wear that Trump hat and it’s why a lot of people care about the first amendment “freedom of speech”. Again, not everyone, but that is what many people in America care about. They want to be able to say the n word.
Bc Cranston sounded like a pathetic self hating white lecturing everyone about how they suck and the country Lynches black ppl. Out of touch insufferable ppl. The only poor black people he sees are in cnn articles. Maybe if he was around then more he’d have a different opinion. They are rude, entitled, loud, disrespectful , materialistic, jealous, petty (the list could really go in and on) and are the cause of all their own problems.
You shouldn’t take advice from famous people simply because they’re famous, yes. There’s nothing inherently wrong with taking advice from famous people. For example Jordan Peterson has phenomenal advice
I'm Eastern European and my wife is Spanish. Despite both of our families being immigrants from poor backgrounds, I did not receive the same opportunities she did simply because I'm white. She has a master's degree, fully funded through minority scholarships and works in upper management. I am still paying off my bachelor's...15 years later and only make more, because I picked a better field to study and got lucky. When we were talking about this, and I made this realization, it kind of blew me away. You can extrapolate this to basically any special privilege available due to her ethnicity, even down to basic social interactions with others. Because I'm doing okay, and ultimately benefit from her success anyway, I kind of find the whole thing funny. Also I get to give her crap about her special treatment and the systemic racism that I apparently had to endure (joke...sort of?). All that said, identifying and having these opportunities for minorities has been an important part in promoting the success of future generations, allowing them to escape the cycle of poverty they probably wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. My wife is a clear example of that. But it may be time to start shifting our focus towards combating poverty and its contributing factors in general.
Absolutely BRILLIANT! We don't have racism...we have CLASSISM in this country. Dr. King said that when he started protesting the Vietnam war. It's the poor kids that are sent...poor white and blacks. Then he was killed. It's the haves vs the have nots.
The “shift” never happens. The same debate occurred in the 70s. Instead of shifting to equal treatment, the establishment decided to import a hundred million immigrants and grant them illegal preferences as if they were “oppressed” by coming here.
Just what I was thinking as soon as he said it. Rich white guys just have the numbers by default. The most cringe argument the left or DEI make is just pointing at white guys outnumbering minorities or women.
@@barneygimble8984As an Irishman, it's even more annoying when Maher tries to claim to be one of us because his dad's family were Irish. Nobody wants to claim him. 😂
@@AntUasalÓNiadh A caricature of a leprechaun, leaning against a lampost, drunk and singing is their idea of being Irish. But they think they are embracing culture . While they lecture about their middle class upbringing. That is why they became actors
@@barneygimble8984 Look at the way Biden talks about the Irish. He claims to be proud of his heritage, but can't seem to stop saying how dumb we apparently are. The chronic lack of self awareness is comical.
I love it when celebrities who live in Malibu say that America isn’t ‘good’. I’ve been to 40+ countries, and without a doubt, can say that America is amazing
@@paulmoore3280 The OP is that the States is "amazing". I may be wrong, but it seems like you side with that. Again, before I can compare countries, it is vital to know why the States is amazing?! If you list "amazing" qualities I may be able to offer counter points or acceptances. Fundamentally, I need to know what is the criteria. Until then, I have no idea what is "amazing" in which respect.
Bryan Cranston seems like a very intelligent, decent, and kind-hearted man. He just has misguided views likely caused by being in the Hollywood bubble for decades.
Wow, Bill, I guess you are THE ANTI-Woke Warrior!? So When Black America sets Boundaries for YOU... You mad? That makes me think you were down with us only as long as you can make money off of it... Am I going to continue watching your show? Watch?, I prefer the word MONITOR.
Dang Bill hit him hard here. I think Cranston needs to stop surrounding himself with woke people. The guy seemed to really struggle with hearing a different point of view on this topic
Have you watched Bill's show during Trump's presidency? All he did was surround himself with woke people. He will do whatever is profitable for him as an entertainer.
I am a conservative Republican, but I love Bill Maher. He debates issues rather than ideology. He recognizes that we live in a great country. He has one of the most entertaining television program. Would love to watch him and Dennis Miller debate.
Dude are you really a republican? Maybe you just haven't been listen to Bill Maher for the last 10 years, I mean he has made some extremely defamatory a rational statements and not just about Trump which by the way he's totally deranged about but Republicans in general he plays this game when he says well, but then he cast anyone who's not moderate Republican as a gun nut or a monster
I'm a Libertarian. I'm very socially liberal, I couldn't care less if you're gay, straight, trans, white, black, or any other group. Don't scream it in my face and demand I love you and agree with every issue you deem as correct. Just because I disagree with you about anything doesn't make me a homophob, racist, sexist, etc. I'm fiscally conservative, support a strong military and don't believe in wide open borders. I have been discriminated against because of being a white male. The ACLU would not help me when I felt I lost a job unjustly. The ACLU claimed they could not help me because I was not a "protected class". That was more than 30 years ago.
Disagree? On what? The semantics of slamming the door behind them after they made theirs? Or their actual privilege while they infer that anyone who disagrees with them is racist? The hyper-sensitive alarmists are these people. They make money when they alarm you by targeting your ignorance at your neighbor. They taught you to covet your neighbor even if they are worse off than you because they may have one minor thing you don't have. Maturity is being thankful they get to live like kings, eat the best food, spending their almost entire life in free time with no responsibility preaching to the followers of the new masses. Maher is 5% towards reality, the breaking bad guy left reality somewhere around season 2 and we should expect him back any time soon.
Out of all the -isms that people try to point out and avoid, the strongest and oldest is Classism. Socioeconomic class determines more than 75% of all sorts of discrimination, not only in US but all across the world and there is a reason for it; people in higher socioeconomic class do better, get away with more, have better connections, own more etc. It is an undeniable truth, and until technology solves the problem of the scarcity of money, we will have this discrimination in all of us. Extreme left tried to fix it with tyranny and failed miserably (soviets), so we know the answer is not making everyone equal and take the money away from the rich. Maybe one day the advancement of technology changes this for the good of humanity.
I agree, I think they use racial identity politics to divide the lower class. If we had any sort of solidarity among lower income people we could have actual change but that will never happen as long as we’re divided.
Right, and the rich push the me too movement (sexism) George floyd (racism) and every other ism so we don't unite and see that it's the rich that divide us and who are against us and not each other.
Or collarism(S) from classism(S) or...or classism(S) to collarism(S) and formerly, classism(S) from casteism(S) or...or casteism(S) to classism(S). So, collarS from classES, or classES to collarS, formerly, classES from casteS or casteS to classES. UNDER-pinS ethnicity(IES) from race(S), race(S) to ethnicity(IES), formerly race(S) from religion(S) or theology(IES) or religion(S) or theology(IES) to race(S). There's a mix and merge/blend and blur, so ethnic collarS from racial(-ISED/-IFIED) classES, or racial(-ISED/-IFIED) classES to ethnic collarS, or formerly racial(-ISED/-IFIED) classES from religious casteS or religious casteS to racial(-ISED/-IFIED) classES. The template thinking (and feeling) and (public-sectorS) descriptionS/definitionS, largely remain the same, yes? Even if the wordS have changed or shifted, generationally and academically. Slight variationS/versionS in or on it, but overall and foundationally, the same or VERY similar. You're still born into it, mostly, but there is finer adjustmentS made, here and there, at the discretion of select and specific individual personS per generation, globally.
No amount of public-sectorS centre-left proper and broadly, or centre-proper and broadly, centre-right proper and broadly and right-wing proper and broadly, in or on or about the following: economicS, economic culture, collarS, collar cultureS, collar cultural issue divisionS, the urban, SUB-urban developmentS, in localitIES/municipalitIES or municipalitIES/localitIES, communitIES, the development(S) a private-sector business-sector or private-sectorS business-sectorS... Is going to practically change this or that. The private-sector business-sector or private-sectorS business-sectorS tells, teaches and trains, especially teaches and trains the modern-day viewS and (modern-day) valueS, throughout the english-speaking world.
Advantage is free high end college that you can get into with a 2.8 gpa because someone decided that people your color are so stupid that they need everything provided by us oppressors.
I always hated the lame argument of, there aren't enough people of this race or sex in this field. While everyone has a fetish for race they totally forget about culture which has a greater influence over people than just color. In the end you cannot expect perfect representation because there isn't perfect representation in people with the same interests. You could instead try to say how do we get more of this group interested in pursuing any specific endeavor. The latter would be far more productive.
I would go even further. Insure equality of opportunity and let the chips fall where they may. That would mean no preferential treatment based on race or gender. Who could ever have a problem with that?? Lol
@@vital17 Except that the woke proclaim any unfavorable outcome is automatically the result of preferential treatment based on race. No evidence required.
Yea, so I agree with you and disagree with you here.. so, 1) I agree that it’s kinda wild to want to arbitrarily fill spots on the basis of “race” or “gender”.. I think it opens the qualified spot-fillers up to unwarranted scrutiny and creates resentment in the people who feel like they’re snubbed by unqualified spot-fillers.. 2) “culture” is almost like a virtue signal on the opposite pole of the one you’re rejecting.. how about “conditioning”? I think that more accurately spreads responsibility to the individual, their surroundings AND society at large, which all play a role.. and 3) I think in general, in order to make the claim of “I can’t stand this race stuff now” always needs to come with at least *some* acknowledgment of how we got here in order to be effective.. I can’t wait to move beyond it too, trust me.. but to judge “wokeness” in a vacuum just won’t advance anything.. to be fair, I don’t think “wokeness” will either.. but SOMEONE has to blink first.. and if the answer (from either side) is always “them”, then we’re gonna be here a while..
@@vital17 I don’t think ppl are saying we need a quota of any particular race. I think they are saying why haven’t we hired ppl who still fit out standards but may be a different race or culture or gender.
He doesn't feel bad about it in the slightest. It's kind of like how when you were a kid and you had a cooler toy than your friend so you would tell him how cool his toy is so that he would play with you knowing full well that his toy is shít. You keep him happy so that he doesn't make a fuss and you get to keep your cool toy and play with it.
But he won't go out and actually give his wealth to black families he argues are dispossessed, or even give up his acting opportunities to black actors. He'd rather just sit and signal his virtue.
And Bill is a miserable boomer who wants to blame minorities and young people for the world's problems. Typical boomer who can't recognize how privileged his life has been.
Congress is actually a great example. There are significantly more black people in congress than Asian people. The assumption that Bryan would be making is this would heavily correlate with the idea that Asian people are facing systemic racism in this country. When actually they are the most successful racial/ethnic group by a pretty solid margin.
But you can make the argument that because Asian people have more opportunities available to them, to have higher paying private sector jobs, they may not be looking to do public service jobs. Also, it's anecdotal, and I'm all for having evidence to the contrary, but you always hear, even from Asian people themselves, that their parents want them to be doctors, lawyers, etc. Point is, the point you're trying to make in trying to highlight a potential hole in Cranston's argument can be credibly argued away.
@@flybriur But if that were the assumption. That the more opportunity a group has the more they gravitate toward the private sector, it would dispel Cranston's whole argument, which was that most political offices are held by white people and that this indicated group privilege/power.
When what you're saying is that it also ties into cultural values and attitudes. Which I think is probably true. But that would counter Cranston's argument, not support it.
How does this debunk white privilege? No one is saying that if youre white, your life will be easier no matter the circumstance, they’re saying that white people have certain PRIVILEGES (Higher birth rates, access to opiates that are denied to black people, homes are estimated at higher prices on account of race, lower infant mortality, etc.) The disabled talking point is just intersectionality.
Seriously, it must’ve been nice to work a factory job with no education and be able to make a living wage and afford a house in your early 20’s. I know we have certain advantages but some of the stories I hear from boomers are unimaginable today.
Agreed, there's not even any biological basis for the term "race". *The history matters. Specifically property ownership and how it's passed down generationally. Large portions of the citizenry were banned from owning property (assets) until less than 100 yrs ago as well as denied gi bill benefits post ww2. *This is merely the tip of the iceberg. Abjectly substandard Public education and the mental illnesses that are inherent in those forced to live in such squalor have tremendous residual effects and these are immensely relevant today, right now . It might be too late for the usa..
@@Jeremyramone Never too late for the US. They just need to learn from others. Germany and Japan were bombed to dust, less than a hundred years ago, but they are both now economic giants, clean and safe. Humans are capable of great things.
"A society that has done something special against the negro must now do something special FOR him. Therefore justice for the negro must sometimes require special treatment." -Martin Luther King Jr. Does that answer your question? If somehow still not, let me spell it out - we do.
I grew up poor af, living in a trailer in the middle of nowhere Tennessee, sometimes all we had to eat was a can of corn, like wtf? "White privilege" 😂
Yeah I think people fail to make the distinction that things like “white privilege” and “systemic racism” occur in aggregate, not at the individual level. If you are a black person born into a wealthy family you obviously won’t feel systemic racism, in the same way a poor white person certainly doesn’t have any privileges. When people make these super broad claims as if they apply to everyone it is very unfortunate
@@knevil753 Well, when you finishing barfing out all the corn you ever ate send me another message, so that I can confirm that your debt to my ancestors has been paid.
Dog Whistle by definition is a whistle that is a frequency that can only be heard by a dog. If you don’t hear it, then it’s meaningless. When was America great? When you could raise a family, own a house and send your kids to college on a single income. When we used to manufacture things here.
The comment about being a "white comedian in the 80s" would get a gig black comedians wouldn't is BS. Richard Prior was one of the greatest comedians of all time, so was Eddie Murphy and he was the voice of comedy in the 80s. Cheech & Chong we're extremely popular in that era. Everyone wanted to "be like Mike" in the 80. And that was Micheal Jordan, Mike Tyson or Michael Jackson. This shit of saying the 80s were racist is revisionist history.
Its funny how people love to talk about how people should speak their opinions, but those same people call them "NPCs" who can't think for themselves lol. Grow up
Well that was a waste of 8 minutes. Cranston acknowledges his own privilege by saying his life is great because of it then proceeds to complain about its’ existence. There is no coherent argument provided here. Still loved BB though!
I'm not MAGA, racist, or right wing but I have no problem with making America great again. Making it worse doesn't seem to be working out for most of us.
I think the messaging would be received better if he left out the word “again.” If he just said “let’s make America great,” that would speak to everyone, but what he’s referring to is mostly the economy and people’s ability to be homeowners, entrepreneurs, and/or have well paying jobs without a college degree.
Not sure about white privilege… there’s definitely black privilege. Civil Rights Act - 1964 On July 2, 1964, the Civil Rights Act was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The Act aimed to end discrimination in voting, education, employment, and public accommodations. It also allowed for the desegregation of schools and public spaces. This law served as a cornerstone in the struggle for racial justice in America. Affirmative Action - 1965 Affirmative action was introduced in 1965 by President Lyndon B. Johnson as a means of leveling the playing field for disadvantaged minorities. The policy allowed for the intentional inclusion of women and minorities in education and employment opportunities. This policy was designed to prevent discrimination based on race, sex, or national origin. Voting Rights Act - 1965 In 1965, the Voting Rights Act was signed into law. The act aimed to prohibit discriminatory voting practices that disenfranchised Black voters. The act removed barriers to voting, such as literacy tests and poll taxes, and opened up the polls to African Americans. Fair Housing Act - 1968 The Fair Housing Act was signed into law on April 11, 1968, by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The law aimed to prohibit discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, religion, or national origin. This law also included measures designed to combat redlining, a practice whereby banks would refuse to lend money to people in certain areas based on their race. Black-owned Business Development - 1970s During the 1970s, the federal government began providing support to Black entrepreneurs through programs such as the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Minority Enterprise Development Program (MED). These programs aimed to increase the number of Black-owned businesses, which in turn helped to stimulate the economy in areas that had previously been underserved.
People all up in the comment section hating on Bryan Cranston for stating the obvious. Y'all are the reason wokeness has become so obnoxious. Just keep white washing the facts and the country's history.
So... Bryan says to some people it isn’t a dog whistle... you mean like the people who say make America great again? Lol. Cuz I’ve noticed the people who like maga shit like myself tend to not mean it in the way people like Bryan think we do which would mean he’s mad at me for believing something he knows I don’t
@@redaderoua8816 bro, two white rich liberals from Hollywood talking about race and boohoo hoooio.... gtfoh with that... Its cringe and btw. When a old white man is talking like that, he probably did some really raszist stuff... Just my opinion
@@aztro187 So it's pandering because they're two rich white guys talking about and disagreeing about social issues on a podcast that's meant to advice discussion and disagreement, like what? 🤦
@@aztro187 I asked why they're pandering, and then you're telling me cause they're white and rich, why can't they actually just disagree on social issues?
If only money , status , prestige and education were the litmus test of ones character, than qualities like compassion , empathy, love, humanity would be considered useless. According to me the only thing that makes anyone better that the other is ‘knowledge’ . Nothing else matters, i have seen educated people with status money and prestige being rude, inconsiderate and stupid. At the same time i have seen simple people coming form humble backgrounds being kind , generous and much more knowledgeable. Consider this, when someone passes away , people gather and reminisce what kind of a person he or she was, not how much bank balance they had or what degree they possessed. This explains a lot about what really matters!!
Everything you've just written is absolutely true. There's nothing I disagree with. It's, however, not even remotely relevant or salient to the discussion. If we actually held those character traits as a driving force for who we are then the fact that people are starving and homeless would be a thing of the past. The greatest minds of our generation and the greatest wealth of our generation would be focused on making the world a better place and not at hoarding wealth and creating more and more obscene amounts of it. The country we currently live in has the greatest disparity between rich and poor in its history. Everything you indicated was ideals that don't really exist beyond anecdote. Giving people access to opportunities doesn't compromise their character or turn them into selfish heartless people.
Great discussion. I’ve never understood the concept of ‘white privilege’ because everything I’ve ever had, I’ve earned through hard work and determination-just as those before me did. It’s natural to want to provide my children with the best opportunities for a successful life. Whether with or without assistance, those who achieve their goals do so through perseverance and effort, which also builds character and other virtues. My advice is simple: stay focused, surround yourself with successful, positive people, and avoid those who want to pull you down.
Bryan Cranston might've had advantages and "privilege" but if white privilege is real, who don't any of my white friends have millions of dollars and a large status in the American film industry. In other words, white privilege is somehow a constant societal truth, which only affects a select few white millionaires while the rest are working regular jobs a d worrying about their bills. Maybe "luck" shouldn't be conflated with racism, Bryan. You're a gifted actor who has been blessed with a successful career through both luck and hard work ... And I seriously doubt your skin colour can be given any of the credit.
I always thought Bryan Cranston was a cool guy but I see now that he has just become completely disconnected from reality. This interview made me sad because it showed me that someone I had really admired has now gone the way of ridiculous.
How sway?? I don't know what you were listening to but I heard the complete opposite, I will say that your so stuck in your bubble that you are completely blind and disconnected to your surroundings
A few presidents have use the slogan "Make America Great Again" including Bill Clinton at the start of his presidential run on the front steps of the capital of Arkansas.
There is nothing inherently racist about the slogan. Reagan used it, too. There was a time prior to Affirmative Action when there was a thriving black middle class in this country. The idea that there is an implicit dog-whistle in that phrase is just based in the need for some people to convince themselves than anyone who would vote for Trump is racist. And inevitably, it's liberal whites who need to believe this, as his relative support among black voters (men specifically) increases.
Here's how you know this country was great, even to those that were discriminated against....they never left. People flocked to this country, they never fled.
@@alondvorkin2762 People who leave do so out of a desire to live abroad (see the world) or follow some career opportunities. They are not fleeing poor conditions, see the difference? Even the oppressed in this country had no intention of going anywhere else despite being free to do so. That says it all.
@@Hatrimn Ah yes, I'm sure it would be very easy for the poor to just pack up and move Also, typically asylum seekers don't attempt to immograte just because of poverty. It's an important factor for sure, but not the only one.
@@alondvorkin2762 I didn't say it would be easy, but it is doable. The vast majority of immigrants that came to this country were poor. The point remains that people do not "flee" this country unless they are criminals...it isn't the condition of this country that drives people away unlike other immigrants.
@@Hatrimn Isn't the vast majority of them STILL poor? How far back in history are we talking here? Also, surely you don't believe that it's doable for everyone? Like not for a guy born to a poor family without arms or legs? I'll wager it's not very doable for him.
Playing crazy dad with control freak wife and a drug dealer that kills people isnt enough of an evidence??? These actors play what they are close to . For example de niro played all his life mafia dude and ended up being one .
@@alondvorkin2762 Who did he say that to? Some group led by a hispanic male who was slandered as a 'white supremacist' but has never really demonstrated anything like that. Wow, no one sane gives a shit.
Cranston recognizes things are pretty good right now for rich white guys. Bill took offense to that lol, cuz Bill is a miserable person. "Things are good? GOOD?!?! How can you say things are good when I hate my life?!?" - Bill Maher
People need to understand that if things are getting better year by year but nobody acts like it is and people are becoming gaslit or guilt tripped. It will just get worse again, humans like to be applauded for doing better, not denounced and shamed.
As a Latina, the woke, pobrecita, you're going to fail, so let us help you crap messed me up. They told me I wasn't good enough and made me feel like I was going to fail, so I did. It wasn't until I stopped listening to the woke stuff that I was able to really do something. The woke crap is so crippling.
that's what politicians and the media want, it makes the industry go round in circles. People are not wise to this at all, Cranston is an idiot and doesn't see this or doesnt have the balls to call it out
Every race has suffered on a ling enough timeline. He calls it privilege but i call it preference. We've had anti discrimination laws for years. What we didn't have in the past was systemic systems of hiring to exclude a certain race religion and sexual preference. You got the job if you could do it correctly and most information was private other than race obviously. But if why would they not hire and African American if they were previously buying them to work for them? It's about skill nothing else and if we base it off of anything else then we will quickly find out how mistaken we were.
That's why I always cringe when I see stuff like a video being recommended where it's Gervais and Colbert debating religion and I'm just thinking, who gaf what those two think about religion? Neither of them are experts in the field.
I really like Bryan Cranston and he’s a terrific actor. But he seems to “wear” his Progressive politics on his sleeve like an elitist badge of courage. It’s rather snobbish.
You talking about the kkk, proud boys, and neo Nazis right? They definitely hear it. And it stopped being a dog whistle pretty quick too. Good people on both sides. Leave the statues up. Proud boys stand by. Etc. You remember all that right?
@par32 I do remember all those things. Maher coined a term "zombie lie" many years ago, defined as one of those things that constantly gets repeated that isn't true but just won't die. You just listed many of the favorite hits from the past 6 years. Good people on both sides has been thoroughly debunked, all one has to do is listen to that whole paragraph, an insurmountable task no doubt by some consumers of Bill Maher, but I have hope. The KKK are Democrats, I legit don't know what or why Trump would dogwhistle to them. The proud boys stood by, sure. How many riots did they start and how many businesses have they destroyed since 2016? How many card-carrying Neo Nazis do you think actually exist in America? I've heard the term thrown around, can you define it in this context, precisely? What makes a NN different from a Trump supporter who just wanted lower taxes and your typical populist American stuff? Spoiler, the famous white nationalists liked Biden in 2020 because they thought he was worse for minorities, oof. Even assuming none of those things you listed are zombie lies, and you're not trolling me, none of it was action, just words. But yes, let's teach CRT. Make everything about race again. Segregation is coming back to university dorms and graduations. You can search for businesses based on race ownership now. Idk about you, but that seems like a dark and effed up way to see the world.
Bill literally said millennials are running the world lol. That makes no sense. Bill is a miserable boomer who deludes himself into thinking rich old white guys like him have it rough whereas young people and minorities are living the dream.
The ignorance of Bryan Cranston is astounding. Look at how he looks down on blacks. How he feels so much better than them. Just watch the laugh at 1:30
It takes a special kind of stupid to claim Bryan Cranston is being racist here. Or you’re just trying to run cover for Bill Maher’s racism. Either way, it’s gross. Take that BS elsewhere.
Walter White Privilege.
Underrated comment
Bravo 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I mean he is fully aware that he has white privilege.
@@HashknightGaming no such thing as white privilege.
Cranston had it too good for too long, he has lost touch with any reality
Would you say your life is great Bryan?
Well Bill, Its 1:30pm on a Tuesday and I am getting paid a lot of money to sit and talk about how bad black people have it... So yeah, it could be worse.
there are more poor whites than poor blacks. White privilege is not real, class privilege is. Name a privlage I as a white guy has that a black guys doesnt? that lives next door to me?
"It's better to be silent and thought a fool,
than to speak and remove all doubt" -- Mark Twain
Takes one to know one.... swish
@@robertgalster6777 he who smelt it, delt it.. got'em
@calholli oh yeah?. Well Scobby doo can do doo. But Jimmy Carter is smarter....
"When the rich rob the poor it’s called business. When the poor fight back it’s called violence." -- also him
As I backed space in order to save my brain cells and small amount of physical use to comment on the comment directly above yours. Lol
Your comment was #perfecttimimng! 😆
Would be interesting to see the ethnic breakdown of their neighbourhood
Probably 95% white, 5% Asian and >1% “ celebrity” black. They’d be so sick of them in a week. Ever wonder why all black celebrities live in white areas?? If everyone is so racist go live around your own ppl.
I'm willing to bet that minorities are WAY under represented in BC's neighborhood!
It would, but that has nothing to do with the conversation
70% white, 30% time of death 1973
Wouldn’t the minimal amount of presence of black/Latino people in wealthy neighborhoods insinuate that there *is* in fact a degree of privilege that white people have?
Damn, it's always disappointing to discover just how insane someone is for real
such a bummer, because he seems like such a cool dude
Haha calm down. Everyone's so politicized nowadays they feel like they have to hate people who disagree with them. We're just people, forget all that shit, would a person help you in times of need? Will they be a shoulder to cry on and listen? Will they respect you and the people you love? You're wasting your lives on this shit honestly, it's sad.
@@JoshuaKhosayes 🎉
This is insane? It’s called empathy, stupid haha
Yeah Maher is a real nutter
“The worse I think things are, the better person I am.”
He hit the nail on the head. That is precisely the psychology of these people. I know because I went slightly down that path and now am aware of what was going through my mind. It’s almost like a self-brainwashing. And this is why I agree with John McWhorter’s book that it’s a religion, because that’s a religious thinking. I mean truly religious, not the way conservatives are “religious,” in that they believe the Bible, but those types who try so hard to live virtuously that they become monsters. Like the prototypical catholic nun. The psychology says to be a good person you just want to fix the world and there are just oh so many problems with it that it’s too much so if you’re not upset about it constantly, you’re a bad person. This is the kind of thinking Alan Watts warned people about too. It’s dangerous for the person thinking it and for society if too many people think it.
That’s true for some people but Bryan Cranston is arguing legit points of empathy and understanding. It’s not great to be black in America. White people are not bad for being white lol, the point of “white privilege” is to say that it’s a privilege to not have to worry about racial discrimination in your own country when you walk down the street or apply for a job or whatever. That’s all that it means. It’s not saying that you didn’t earn anything or have to work hard, it’s just saying that being a minority in America makes it MORE challenging because of the racism that they experience.
I used to believe that racism was no longer a problem in America but that’s because I lived in a bubble where I never had to hear it. I also chose to ignore friends who told me their own experiences. I used to think that racism meant Nazis, slavery, segregation, etc. which are racist but that’s not where you draw the line. Genocide, slavery, and murder shouldn’t be the line, it should be A LOT further back. This is what Bryan Cranston is talking about. Today, we cover up racism and we excuse it, we try to pretend that we’re above it now but it’s still there. It’s why many people wear that Trump hat and it’s why a lot of people care about the first amendment “freedom of speech”. Again, not everyone, but that is what many people in America care about. They want to be able to say the n word.
I can never watch breaking bad again
yeah I liked that a lot too
@@LuneyTune72”people are racist because they like free speech and that’s why they like the first amendment so they can say the n word”
@@jenkemuser4636 Ikr. Pretty much the definition of going off the deep end.
This is why nobody should take general advice from famous people
Doesn’t matter if you are famous or not you live in the World $ see what’s happening. It doesn’t have to be happening right in front of you.
Bc Cranston sounded like a pathetic self hating white lecturing everyone about how they suck and the country Lynches black ppl. Out of touch insufferable ppl. The only poor black people he sees are in cnn articles. Maybe if he was around then more he’d have a different opinion. They are rude, entitled, loud, disrespectful , materialistic, jealous, petty (the list could really go in and on) and are the cause of all their own problems.
You shouldn’t take advice from famous people simply because they’re famous, yes. There’s nothing inherently wrong with taking advice from famous people. For example Jordan Peterson has phenomenal advice
Like Trump
I cringe when Bill calls clearly straight men sweetheart. It’s like this guy thinks he’s Humphrey Bogart or something.
Another half-intended backhand pet name. It means "youre stupid and im insecure so here, have this..
new rule: dont call clearlt straight men sweetheark. okaaaayyy
@@lederpium1965 include not-straight men. And women. Good rule!
I appreciate these type of debates. No yelling. No insults. Both sides listening to each other.
yea, dont worry about the content of their words, as long as they are polite.
@@larrylucid5502 what was wrong with the content of their words?
Bills worst guest
I know this is a new concept for most people but it's not a debate, it's a conversation.
I'm Eastern European and my wife is Spanish. Despite both of our families being immigrants from poor backgrounds, I did not receive the same opportunities she did simply because I'm white. She has a master's degree, fully funded through minority scholarships and works in upper management. I am still paying off my bachelor's...15 years later and only make more, because I picked a better field to study and got lucky.
When we were talking about this, and I made this realization, it kind of blew me away. You can extrapolate this to basically any special privilege available due to her ethnicity, even down to basic social interactions with others. Because I'm doing okay, and ultimately benefit from her success anyway, I kind of find the whole thing funny. Also I get to give her crap about her special treatment and the systemic racism that I apparently had to endure (joke...sort of?).
All that said, identifying and having these opportunities for minorities has been an important part in promoting the success of future generations, allowing them to escape the cycle of poverty they probably wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. My wife is a clear example of that. But it may be time to start shifting our focus towards combating poverty and its contributing factors in general.
But Spaniards are white
Absolutely BRILLIANT! We don't have racism...we have CLASSISM in this country. Dr. King said that when he started protesting the Vietnam war. It's the poor kids that are sent...poor white and blacks. Then he was killed. It's the haves vs the have nots.
But Spanish people are white...
The “shift” never happens. The same debate occurred in the 70s. Instead of shifting to equal treatment, the establishment decided to import a hundred million immigrants and grant them illegal preferences as if they were “oppressed” by coming here.
@@CaptainGrimes1 since when LMFAO seriously dude im a life long liberal but are you colour blind?
A lot of privileged people like Bryan confuse class with race. Bill is brave enough to call it out
Just what I was thinking as soon as he said it. Rich white guys just have the numbers by default. The most cringe argument the left or DEI make is just pointing at white guys outnumbering minorities or women.
At 2:07 bill says he is a white comedian
I wish Bryan would ask when he switched from semite to white as bill does that at will.
@@barneygimble8984As an Irishman, it's even more annoying when Maher tries to claim to be one of us because his dad's family were Irish. Nobody wants to claim him. 😂
A caricature of a leprechaun, leaning against a lampost, drunk and singing is their idea of being Irish.
But they think they are embracing culture .
While they lecture about their middle class upbringing.
That is why they became actors
@@barneygimble8984 Look at the way Biden talks about the Irish. He claims to be proud of his heritage, but can't seem to stop saying how dumb we apparently are. The chronic lack of self awareness is comical.
I love it when celebrities who live in Malibu say that America isn’t ‘good’. I’ve been to 40+ countries, and without a doubt, can say that America is amazing
Just curious, what is the criteria that you used to conclude that the States is "amazing"?
@@ninjacrumbs what's more amazing in other countries versus the USA?
@@paulmoore3280 Before I can even answer that I need to know what makes the States "amazing". Once I know that I might be able to compare.
@@ninjacrumbs what does amazing mean to you when it comes to a place to live?
@@paulmoore3280 The OP is that the States is "amazing". I may be wrong, but it seems like you side with that. Again, before I can compare countries, it is vital to know why the States is amazing?! If you list "amazing" qualities I may be able to offer counter points or acceptances. Fundamentally, I need to know what is the criteria. Until then, I have no idea what is "amazing" in which respect.
Bryan Cranston seems like a very intelligent, decent, and kind-hearted man. He just has misguided views likely caused by being in the Hollywood bubble for decades.
True, but maybe people who can't see white privilege are also in the privilege bubble and can't see it.
Wow, Bill, I guess you are THE ANTI-Woke Warrior!? So When Black America sets Boundaries for YOU... You mad? That makes me think you were down with us only as long as you can make money off of it... Am I going to continue watching your show? Watch?, I prefer the word MONITOR.
He's right.
No , he's just a smart mind. He's absolutely correct .
lol no, he's just right and *you* are the one that is wrong sir.
Dang Bill hit him hard here. I think Cranston needs to stop surrounding himself with woke people. The guy seemed to really struggle with hearing a different point of view on this topic
well, in hollywood, I’d imagine it’s pretty difficult :D
Y’all really don’t know what the term woke is and it shows
Have you watched Bill's show during Trump's presidency? All he did was surround himself with woke people. He will do whatever is profitable for him as an entertainer.
@@yeeyeebubba1885 i dont think you know what woke means
@@Obamas_Nippleyou sure as hell don’t
I am a conservative Republican, but I love Bill Maher. He debates issues rather than ideology. He recognizes that we live in a great country. He has one of the most entertaining television program. Would love to watch him and Dennis Miller debate.
Yes!! A Dennis Miller appearance would be awesome!
Dude are you really a republican? Maybe you just haven't been listen to Bill Maher for the last 10 years, I mean he has made some extremely defamatory a rational statements and not just about Trump which by the way he's totally deranged about but Republicans in general he plays this game when he says well, but then he cast anyone who's not moderate Republican as a gun nut or a monster
You love him because he spreads right-wing lies while disguised as liberal.
Difference is, Dennis Miller has enough humility to admit when he doesn't know something. Maher doesn't.
😂😂 you’re funnier than bill
I'm a Libertarian. I'm very socially liberal, I couldn't care less if you're gay, straight, trans, white, black, or any other group. Don't scream it in my face and demand I love you and agree with every issue you deem as correct. Just because I disagree with you about anything doesn't make me a homophob, racist, sexist, etc. I'm fiscally conservative, support a strong military and don't believe in wide open borders. I have been discriminated against because of being a white male. The ACLU would not help me when I felt I lost a job unjustly. The ACLU claimed they could not help me because I was not a "protected class". That was more than 30 years ago.
This is how mature people disagree. Wish we had more of this in our hyper-sensitive, alarmist world.
Speak for yourself
On what?
The semantics of slamming the door behind them after they made theirs?
Or their actual privilege while they infer that anyone who disagrees with them is racist?
The hyper-sensitive alarmists are these people. They make money when they alarm you by targeting your ignorance at your neighbor. They taught you to covet your neighbor even if they are worse off than you because they may have one minor thing you don't have.
Maturity is being thankful they get to live like kings, eat the best food, spending their almost entire life in free time with no responsibility preaching to the followers of the new masses.
Maher is 5% towards reality, the breaking bad guy left reality somewhere around season 2 and we should expect him back any time soon.
This is how 2 clowns try to push their agenda
@Harold Paulle So that's what you're doing here .
@Harold Paulle Yeah sucks when you step in your own shit doesn't it So you just don't have egg on your face you got shit on your foot . 😂😂
Out of all the -isms that people try to point out and avoid, the strongest and oldest is Classism. Socioeconomic class determines more than 75% of all sorts of discrimination, not only in US but all across the world and there is a reason for it; people in higher socioeconomic class do better, get away with more, have better connections, own more etc. It is an undeniable truth, and until technology solves the problem of the scarcity of money, we will have this discrimination in all of us. Extreme left tried to fix it with tyranny and failed miserably (soviets), so we know the answer is not making everyone equal and take the money away from the rich. Maybe one day the advancement of technology changes this for the good of humanity.
I agree, I think they use racial identity politics to divide the lower class. If we had any sort of solidarity among lower income people we could have actual change but that will never happen as long as we’re divided.
A very valid point. People are so consumed with the other -isms that they forget about the one you mentioned.
Right, and the rich push the me too movement (sexism) George floyd (racism) and every other ism so we don't unite and see that it's the rich that divide us and who are against us and not each other.
Or collarism(S) from classism(S) or...or classism(S) to collarism(S) and formerly, classism(S) from casteism(S) or...or casteism(S) to classism(S).
So, collarS from classES, or classES to collarS, formerly, classES from casteS or casteS to classES.
UNDER-pinS ethnicity(IES) from race(S), race(S) to ethnicity(IES), formerly race(S) from religion(S) or theology(IES) or religion(S) or theology(IES) to race(S).
There's a mix and merge/blend and blur, so ethnic collarS from racial(-ISED/-IFIED) classES, or racial(-ISED/-IFIED) classES to ethnic collarS, or formerly racial(-ISED/-IFIED) classES from religious casteS or religious casteS to racial(-ISED/-IFIED) classES.
The template thinking (and feeling) and (public-sectorS) descriptionS/definitionS, largely remain the same, yes? Even if the wordS have changed or shifted, generationally and academically. Slight variationS/versionS in or on it, but overall and foundationally, the same or VERY similar.
You're still born into it, mostly, but there is finer adjustmentS made, here and there, at the discretion of select and specific individual personS per generation, globally.
No amount of public-sectorS centre-left proper and broadly, or centre-proper and broadly, centre-right proper and broadly and right-wing proper and broadly, in or on or about the following: economicS, economic culture, collarS, collar cultureS, collar cultural issue divisionS, the urban, SUB-urban developmentS, in localitIES/municipalitIES or municipalitIES/localitIES, communitIES, the development(S) a private-sector business-sector or private-sectorS business-sectorS...
Is going to practically change this or that. The private-sector business-sector or private-sectorS business-sectorS tells, teaches and trains, especially teaches and trains the modern-day viewS and (modern-day) valueS, throughout the english-speaking world.
Bryan Cringeston
Great actor, severely underrated, and here we see his Oscar worthy performance of being a self hater.
Haha nice
Dudes a clown and a mental infant
white people are so mad at being privileged lmaoooo
So Bryan Cranston was on the island…🤔
He wasn't, but your boy trump certainly was :D
@@gibsonflyingv2820lol you don’t like jokes do you
@@gibsonflyingv2820except he wasn't lol check the flight logs
@@gibsonflyingv2820 trump wasnt on the island
"Advantage" is definitely a better word. And for all my "advantage," I still have nothing.
Advantage is free high end college that you can get into with a 2.8 gpa because someone decided that people your color are so stupid that they need everything provided by us oppressors.
But there’s also MORE shit you could be having to deal right now that you’re not.
@@scifisyko 💯
@@scifisykolike what?
@@robbyrdog Like, if you’re not a woman, you don’t have to pay for feminine hygiene products every month, for example.
I always hated the lame argument of, there aren't enough people of this race or sex in this field. While everyone has a fetish for race they totally forget about culture which has a greater influence over people than just color. In the end you cannot expect perfect representation because there isn't perfect representation in people with the same interests. You could instead try to say how do we get more of this group interested in pursuing any specific endeavor. The latter would be far more productive.
I would go even further. Insure equality of opportunity and let the chips fall where they may. That would mean no preferential treatment based on race or gender. Who could ever have a problem with that?? Lol
@@vital17 Except that the woke proclaim any unfavorable outcome is automatically the result of preferential treatment based on race. No evidence required.
Yea, so I agree with you and disagree with you here.. so, 1) I agree that it’s kinda wild to want to arbitrarily fill spots on the basis of “race” or “gender”.. I think it opens the qualified spot-fillers up to unwarranted scrutiny and creates resentment in the people who feel like they’re snubbed by unqualified spot-fillers.. 2) “culture” is almost like a virtue signal on the opposite pole of the one you’re rejecting.. how about “conditioning”? I think that more accurately spreads responsibility to the individual, their surroundings AND society at large, which all play a role.. and 3) I think in general, in order to make the claim of “I can’t stand this race stuff now” always needs to come with at least *some* acknowledgment of how we got here in order to be effective.. I can’t wait to move beyond it too, trust me.. but to judge “wokeness” in a vacuum just won’t advance anything.. to be fair, I don’t think “wokeness” will either.. but SOMEONE has to blink first.. and if the answer (from either side) is always “them”, then we’re gonna be here a while..
It would be effective, but I don't think it would be productive.
@@vital17 I don’t think ppl are saying we need a quota of any particular race. I think they are saying why haven’t we hired ppl who still fit out standards but may be a different race or culture or gender.
Cranston's guilted himself into feeling bad about his success.
Couldn’t be me 😂
It's funny because if Breaking Bad came out now it would get panned for a lack of diversity and "glorifying white male fragility".
He doesn't feel bad about it in the slightest. It's kind of like how when you were a kid and you had a cooler toy than your friend so you would tell him how cool his toy is so that he would play with you knowing full well that his toy is shít. You keep him happy so that he doesn't make a fuss and you get to keep your cool toy and play with it.
Not bad enough to donate his fortune.
But he won't go out and actually give his wealth to black families he argues are dispossessed, or even give up his acting opportunities to black actors. He'd rather just sit and signal his virtue.
Walter White Privilege. Lmao🤣
Cranston isn't about to bite the hand that feeds him😆
You know it.Bought and paid for.
Unfortunately you are wright.
I think Cranston is very cognizant of the unique relationship between liberalism and good roles.
And Bill is a miserable boomer who wants to blame minorities and young people for the world's problems. Typical boomer who can't recognize how privileged his life has been.
Congress is actually a great example. There are significantly more black people in congress than Asian people. The assumption that Bryan would be making is this would heavily correlate with the idea that Asian people are facing systemic racism in this country. When actually they are the most successful racial/ethnic group by a pretty solid margin.
But you can make the argument that because Asian people have more opportunities available to them, to have higher paying private sector jobs, they may not be looking to do public service jobs. Also, it's anecdotal, and I'm all for having evidence to the contrary, but you always hear, even from Asian people themselves, that their parents want them to be doctors, lawyers, etc.
Point is, the point you're trying to make in trying to highlight a potential hole in Cranston's argument can be credibly argued away.
@@flybriur But if that were the assumption. That the more opportunity a group has the more they gravitate toward the private sector, it would dispel Cranston's whole argument, which was that most political offices are held by white people and that this indicated group privilege/power.
When what you're saying is that it also ties into cultural values and attitudes. Which I think is probably true. But that would counter Cranston's argument, not support it.
I'm a quadriplegic white man, my parents abandoned me at age of 3.
Thank God for my white privilege
No you re not but nice try
😂okie dokie smokie, even if you were? That’s not what white privilege means for fucks sake
@@briandenapoli3250You don't know him, dude. Typical of people like you to dismiss someone's struggle based on your distorted world view.
How does this debunk white privilege? No one is saying that if youre white, your life will be easier no matter the circumstance, they’re saying that white people have certain PRIVILEGES (Higher birth rates, access to opiates that are denied to black people, homes are estimated at higher prices on account of race, lower infant mortality, etc.)
The disabled talking point is just intersectionality.
It's great now that you can get into college when it's finally not worth the money
The thirteenth grade
Seriously, it must’ve been nice to work a factory job with no education and be able to make a living wage and afford a house in your early 20’s. I know we have certain advantages but some of the stories I hear from boomers are unimaginable today.
Either we organise society along racial lines or we don't. Choose wisely.
Agreed, there's not even any biological basis for the term "race". *The history matters. Specifically property ownership and how it's passed down generationally.
Large portions of the citizenry were banned from owning property (assets) until less than 100 yrs ago as well as denied gi bill benefits post ww2. *This is merely the tip of the iceberg. Abjectly substandard Public education and the mental illnesses that are inherent in those forced to live in such squalor have tremendous residual effects and these are immensely relevant today, right now .
It might be too late for the usa..
@@Jeremyramone Never too late for the US. They just need to learn from others. Germany and Japan were bombed to dust, less than a hundred years ago, but they are both now economic giants, clean and safe.
Humans are capable of great things.
@@stephenkane1074 i like your energy, even bismarck understood , he said.
The nation that has the schools has the future.
Cheers from San Diego
"A society that has done something special against the negro must now do something special FOR him. Therefore justice for the negro must sometimes require special treatment." -Martin Luther King Jr.
Does that answer your question? If somehow still not, let me spell it out - we do.
society would be better segregated honestly
I grew up poor af, living in a trailer in the middle of nowhere Tennessee, sometimes all we had to eat was a can of corn, like wtf? "White privilege" 😂
Yeah I think people fail to make the distinction that things like “white privilege” and “systemic racism” occur in aggregate, not at the individual level. If you are a black person born into a wealthy family you obviously won’t feel systemic racism, in the same way a poor white person certainly doesn’t have any privileges. When people make these super broad claims as if they apply to everyone it is very unfortunate
you should of gave that can of corn to a person of color
@@knevil753 Corn (Maize) was the first thing that you European colonist stole from the Native Americans.
@@TimothyDeSomerville im gonna barf out all the corn i ever ate and give it back. blacks get first dibs though
@@knevil753 Well, when you finishing barfing out all the corn you ever ate send me another message, so that I can confirm that your debt to my ancestors has been paid.
Bryan Cranston trying hard to land the next role… That ending couldn’t have been more perfect😂😂🤜🏻🫲🏻🤛🏻🫱🏻🤣
Dog Whistle by definition is a whistle that is a frequency that can only be heard by a dog. If you don’t hear it, then it’s meaningless. When was America great? When you could raise a family, own a house and send your kids to college on a single income. When we used to manufacture things here.
The comment about being a "white comedian in the 80s" would get a gig black comedians wouldn't is BS. Richard Prior was one of the greatest comedians of all time, so was Eddie Murphy and he was the voice of comedy in the 80s. Cheech & Chong we're extremely popular in that era.
Everyone wanted to "be like Mike" in the 80. And that was Micheal Jordan, Mike Tyson or Michael Jackson.
This shit of saying the 80s were racist is revisionist history.
I think I like it better when actors stay out of politics, religion , etc etc
bryan is right if u don't like it don't watch movies and don't watch sport.
@@thedadlife247 Don’t like what? I can’t take a break from the news and enjoy movie?
Innately racist? Dude kick rocks.
He went to Epstein Island, Hollyweird got him by the balls
To be fair Their “culture” is horrible. It’s the negative “stereotypes” are true.
He is correct.
@@84kjk The same can be said about ANY and ALL groups/cultures/ethnicities, etc.
It's a blanket statement.
That sucky moment that you realize the lead actor from your favorite TV show is an NPC.
And Bill Maher of all people trying to put some sense into him.
It's such a letdown. I used to think this guy was great back during the Malcolm in the Middle days.
@@spenser9908 agreed. I hate to say it but it's actually shocking how dumb he is. I guess that's the conundrum with actors. They're acting.
Its funny how people love to talk about how people should speak their opinions, but those same people call them "NPCs" who can't think for themselves lol. Grow up
@@nevinusa7164 It's not his opinion. It's lock-step with the status quo. He's chanting the mantra of a million Facebook moms.
Well that was a waste of 8 minutes. Cranston acknowledges his own privilege by saying his life is great because of it then proceeds to complain about its’ existence. There is no coherent argument provided here. Still loved BB though!
Bryan Cranston just got owned
You must have watched a different video.
@@geoffstocktonyeah I was thinking the same...
I don't see how bill won anything here😂😂
I'm not MAGA, racist, or right wing but I have no problem with making America great again. Making it worse doesn't seem to be working out for most of us.
I think the messaging would be received better if he left out the word “again.” If he just said “let’s make America great,” that would speak to everyone, but what he’s referring to is mostly the economy and people’s ability to be homeowners, entrepreneurs, and/or have well paying jobs without a college degree.
Cranston strikes me as a person whose never heard the counter arguments to his own opinions.
Strikes me as a atheist man that will think and say whatever his boss tells him, he truly has no soul. He’s a BETA
Of course not. He is surrounded by sycophants.
I had a much higher opinion of Bryan Cranston before I heard him speak his mind.
You hate him because he lives in reality. Bill thinks Millennials are running the world lol. Bill is a delusional boomer.
Regarding Cranston..(to quote the Confucius-like 🐰 B. Bunny, Esq.) “WHAT A MAROON”! 😂
Became a citizen in 99. I struck gold.
Not sure about white privilege… there’s definitely black privilege.
Civil Rights Act - 1964
On July 2, 1964, the Civil Rights Act was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The Act aimed to end discrimination in voting, education, employment, and public accommodations. It also allowed for the desegregation of schools and public spaces. This law served as a cornerstone in the struggle for racial justice in America.
Affirmative Action - 1965
Affirmative action was introduced in 1965 by President Lyndon B. Johnson as a means of leveling the playing field for disadvantaged minorities. The policy allowed for the intentional inclusion of women and minorities in education and employment opportunities. This policy was designed to prevent discrimination based on race, sex, or national origin.
Voting Rights Act - 1965
In 1965, the Voting Rights Act was signed into law. The act aimed to prohibit discriminatory voting practices that disenfranchised Black voters. The act removed barriers to voting, such as literacy tests and poll taxes, and opened up the polls to African Americans.
Fair Housing Act - 1968
The Fair Housing Act was signed into law on April 11, 1968, by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The law aimed to prohibit discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, religion, or national origin. This law also included measures designed to combat redlining, a practice whereby banks would refuse to lend money to people in certain areas based on their race.
Black-owned Business Development - 1970s
During the 1970s, the federal government began providing support to Black entrepreneurs through programs such as the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Minority Enterprise Development Program (MED). These programs aimed to increase the number of Black-owned businesses, which in turn helped to stimulate the economy in areas that had previously been underserved.
Did Bryan get kidnapped, hypnotized and reprogrammed Manchurian Candidate style ?
I'd love these two to talk about healthcare.
Why would rich people talk about healthcare? It's not a concern for them.
“Would you say your life is great?”
I respect that. Most of these ppl try to act like they got it rough out here. lol
Cranston is living in reality and Bill hates him for it. Bill would much rather whine about how rough things are for him.
@@PatrickPierceBateman Hes not in reality. Maybe youre trolling Patrick Bateman
@@jameskozy7254 Let me guess, you are white?
People all up in the comment section hating on Bryan Cranston for stating the obvious. Y'all are the reason wokeness has become so obnoxious. Just keep white washing the facts and the country's history.
So... Bryan says to some people it isn’t a dog whistle... you mean like the people who say make America great again? Lol. Cuz I’ve noticed the people who like maga shit like myself tend to not mean it in the way people like Bryan think we do which would mean he’s mad at me for believing something he knows I don’t
Bryan has be hollywashed 🤐
@Supreme^90s But it's not different. It's exactly what you would expect from a brainwashed woke cult believer.
Nice grammar
The pandering is real... Pffff
How do you know it's pandering? Is there like a meter you use to know if somebody is pandering or not?
@@redaderoua8816 bro, two white rich liberals from Hollywood talking about race and boohoo hoooio.... gtfoh with that... Its cringe and btw. When a old white man is talking like that, he probably did some really raszist stuff... Just my opinion
@@aztro187 So it's pandering because they're two rich white guys talking about and disagreeing about social issues on a podcast that's meant to advice discussion and disagreement, like what? 🤦
@@redaderoua8816 haha you people just don't get it huh 🤣
@@aztro187 I asked why they're pandering, and then you're telling me cause they're white and rich, why can't they actually just disagree on social issues?
If only money , status , prestige and education were the litmus test of ones character, than qualities like compassion , empathy, love, humanity would be considered useless.
According to me the only thing that makes anyone better that the other is ‘knowledge’ . Nothing else matters, i have seen educated people with status money and prestige being rude, inconsiderate and stupid. At the same time i have seen simple people coming form humble backgrounds being kind , generous and much more knowledgeable.
Consider this, when someone passes away , people gather and reminisce what kind of a person he or she was, not how much bank balance they had or what degree they possessed.
This explains a lot about what really matters!!
Everything you've just written is absolutely true. There's nothing I disagree with. It's, however, not even remotely relevant or salient to the discussion. If we actually held those character traits as a driving force for who we are then the fact that people are starving and homeless would be a thing of the past. The greatest minds of our generation and the greatest wealth of our generation would be focused on making the world a better place and not at hoarding wealth and creating more and more obscene amounts of it. The country we currently live in has the greatest disparity between rich and poor in its history. Everything you indicated was ideals that don't really exist beyond anecdote. Giving people access to opportunities doesn't compromise their character or turn them into selfish heartless people.
Great discussion. I’ve never understood the concept of ‘white privilege’ because everything I’ve ever had, I’ve earned through hard work and determination-just as those before me did. It’s natural to want to provide my children with the best opportunities for a successful life. Whether with or without assistance, those who achieve their goals do so through perseverance and effort, which also builds character and other virtues. My advice is simple: stay focused, surround yourself with successful, positive people, and avoid those who want to pull you down.
Bryan Cranston might've had advantages and "privilege" but if white privilege is real, who don't any of my white friends have millions of dollars and a large status in the American film industry.
In other words, white privilege is somehow a constant societal truth, which only affects a select few white millionaires while the rest are working regular jobs a d worrying about their bills.
Maybe "luck" shouldn't be conflated with racism, Bryan. You're a gifted actor who has been blessed with a successful career through both luck and hard work ... And I seriously doubt your skin colour can be given any of the credit.
Great conversation here…loved Bill’s approach and thoughts on this talk…
I always thought Bryan Cranston was a cool guy but I see now that he has just become completely disconnected from reality. This interview made me sad because it showed me that someone I had really admired has now gone the way of ridiculous.
How sway?? I don't know what you were listening to but I heard the complete opposite, I will say that your so stuck in your bubble that you are completely blind and disconnected to your surroundings
@@AReazy67 Cranston ain't gonna bite the hand that feeds him.That's how sway.
A few presidents have use the slogan "Make America Great Again" including Bill Clinton at the start of his presidential run on the front steps of the capital of Arkansas.
There is nothing inherently racist about the slogan. Reagan used it, too. There was a time prior to Affirmative Action when there was a thriving black middle class in this country. The idea that there is an implicit dog-whistle in that phrase is just based in the need for some people to convince themselves than anyone who would vote for Trump is racist. And inevitably, it's liberal whites who need to believe this, as his relative support among black voters (men specifically) increases.
Malcolm X described what the white liberal is. Bryan should look into that speech
Malcolm X was a garbage pail.
When was it great? Name a more humane and righteous society ? Ill wait. Not perfect mind you...but name a better more Rights filled society.
If Bill is the conservative one in a conversation you know the other is way too left
Except Bill IS a conservative. He and his dem party are right of center.
Bill's just a 2004 liberal. The left has just moved so farrrr left now that a liberal from 2004 is now a Nazi lol.
@@gurugee2112 According to what metric lmao
@@gurugee2112 What is "center" and what do those people believe about politics? Or are you just making up bullshit to sound smart online
@@hackinggamerxd He just think he's being edgy.
Watching this makes me happy I won’t be around in 25 years when this country collapses. We’re doomed.
How tf you get that from this?
Keep your powder dry is all I’ll say….
@@xxnightopsxxROFLMBAO! Wtf are you, a civil war vet?
This is what happens when someone is much smarter saying words written for them than saying their own.
Are you taking about Bill Maher ? 😂
@@btowhidi_1713 Both…
What an insane low rent racist rant BC laid out. Hollywierd
Cranston should have a converation with Thomas Sowell. Sowell would set him straight with a few facts.
Here's how you know this country was great, even to those that were discriminated against....they never left. People flocked to this country, they never fled.
Yeah that or its aggressiveness towards the places being fled from. Also, tens of millions have left
@@alondvorkin2762 People who leave do so out of a desire to live abroad (see the world) or follow some career opportunities. They are not fleeing poor conditions, see the difference? Even the oppressed in this country had no intention of going anywhere else despite being free to do so. That says it all.
@@Hatrimn Ah yes, I'm sure it would be very easy for the poor to just pack up and move
Also, typically asylum seekers don't attempt to immograte just because of poverty. It's an important factor for sure, but not the only one.
@@alondvorkin2762 I didn't say it would be easy, but it is doable. The vast majority of immigrants that came to this country were poor.
The point remains that people do not "flee" this country unless they are criminals...it isn't the condition of this country that drives people away unlike other immigrants.
@@Hatrimn Isn't the vast majority of them STILL poor? How far back in history are we talking here?
Also, surely you don't believe that it's doable for everyone? Like not for a guy born to a poor family without arms or legs? I'll wager it's not very doable for him.
As a white male, I would love to have some of this "white privilege" that everybody speaks of
Ask for some of Brian’s, he keeps it locked up in a bank. Showing he’s not quite that stupid….
1% of the Population
I hear you. And slavery wasn't as bad as those people keep claiming it was anyway. Time to stop catering.
I Never realized Cranston is totally insane
He’s in fact very sane
@@friendlypup5650 I guess it depends on the species
Playing crazy dad with control freak wife and a drug dealer that kills people isnt enough of an evidence???
These actors play what they are close to . For example de niro played all his life mafia dude and ended up being one .
Me neither … he’s pathetic
It’s so freaking sad to see. But he lives in California I think so I’m not surprised. You are who you surround yourself with
Bryan Cranston gives the impression of somebody who very seldom encounters anybody who disagrees with him.
I will never be able to watch Breaking Bad again.
America was great in 2019
Child trannies were becoming mainstream in 2019
Before Tump let in the coronavirus by not restricting travel quick enough.
When is Cranston going to give his money away to black colleges
Bryan: But how do we convince the browns and blacks that orange man bad
Except most of them don't need convincing
Him to white supremacists: "stand back and stand by"
@@alondvorkin2762 Who did he say that to? Some group led by a hispanic male who was slandered as a 'white supremacist' but has never really demonstrated anything like that. Wow, no one sane gives a shit.
Bryan has drunk the Kool-aid.
And Bill thinks Millennials are running the world. That's laughable.
Wealth privilege. That’s the one we all know to focus on.
Exactly correct, and this is what they try so hard to distract from.
There is a handshake fail at the end, if you're into that.
I’m just gonna pretend he’s still Hal from Malcom In The Middle.
He was dumb then and he is dumb now..
Bill seems genuinely disappointed in Cranston lol
Cranston recognizes things are pretty good right now for rich white guys. Bill took offense to that lol, cuz Bill is a miserable person.
"Things are good? GOOD?!?! How can you say things are good when I hate my life?!?" - Bill Maher
@@PatrickPierceBateman so rich brown and black people dont exist?
@@PatrickPierceBatemanlol more like Cranston could not accept that things ARE way better for minorities now and that in fact there are advantages
@ How exactly are things "WAY better for minorities now"? Maybe for minorities like Lebron James, but if you have no money things still suck.
Can't wait for his new series...."Raging Mad" it's a biopic.
People need to understand that if things are getting better year by year but nobody acts like it is and people are becoming gaslit or guilt tripped. It will just get worse again, humans like to be applauded for doing better, not denounced and shamed.
As a Latina, the woke, pobrecita, you're going to fail, so let us help you crap messed me up. They told me I wasn't good enough and made me feel like I was going to fail, so I did. It wasn't until I stopped listening to the woke stuff that I was able to really do something. The woke crap is so crippling.
You mean latinx. Be careful white liberals are watching you better use their vocabulary. Saludos amiga
@@elirivera3880 lol, love it! :)
that's what politicians and the media want, it makes the industry go round in circles. People are not wise to this at all, Cranston is an idiot and doesn't see this or doesnt have the balls to call it out
Glad to hear you are a recovering woke lol
My respect for bill just shot up ⬆️
Love the ending, you can agree to disagree and respectively stay civil. 🍻
Bro bill was sighing loudly and Bryan called him out in it
Had to comment twice: Bill Maher (white man) "Actually, all this woke stuff isn't helping black people." 5:55
Every race has suffered on a ling enough timeline. He calls it privilege but i call it preference. We've had anti discrimination laws for years. What we didn't have in the past was systemic systems of hiring to exclude a certain race religion and sexual preference. You got the job if you could do it correctly and most information was private other than race obviously. But if why would they not hire and African American if they were previously buying them to work for them? It's about skill nothing else and if we base it off of anything else then we will quickly find out how mistaken we were.
He is a great actor. He comes along as if he would be capable of critical thinking.
That's why I always cringe when I see stuff like a video being recommended where it's Gervais and Colbert debating religion and I'm just thinking, who gaf what those two think about religion? Neither of them are experts in the field.
@@zufgh Nobody is an expert in the field of religion. It's all made up bullshit.
I like listening to bill because he brings up the same bad boomer arguments as my dad so I can practice
Okay groomer
You're happy with Bryan cranston's Low key racism against white people?
Imagine practicing debates to justify why you’re a loser. Down tremendous.
"Millennials are running the world!" Bill has been smoking too much pot, he thinks Mitch McConnell is a millenial.
I wonder how many of bryan cranstons dinner guests are black?
I really like Bryan Cranston and he’s a terrific actor.
But he seems to “wear” his Progressive politics on his sleeve like an elitist badge of courage.
It’s rather snobbish.
Why is Bill Maher always the reasonable, levelheaded person in these conversations
Maher has a reasoned balanced approach opposed to cranston who feels irrationally guilty for his millions.
Brian is a fa*
Damn, Walter White has been using too much of his own product
Denying your privilege, while talking about your privilege.
Two Jewish guys debating white guilt
Brian must walk around head in hand crying out WHY?! 😂😂😂
If you're the only one who hears the dogwhistle, I got news for ya
You talking about the kkk, proud boys, and neo Nazis right? They definitely hear it. And it stopped being a dog whistle pretty quick too. Good people on both sides. Leave the statues up. Proud boys stand by. Etc. You remember all that right?
@par32 I do remember all those things. Maher coined a term "zombie lie" many years ago, defined as one of those things that constantly gets repeated that isn't true but just won't die. You just listed many of the favorite hits from the past 6 years.
Good people on both sides has been thoroughly debunked, all one has to do is listen to that whole paragraph, an insurmountable task no doubt by some consumers of Bill Maher, but I have hope.
The KKK are Democrats, I legit don't know what or why Trump would dogwhistle to them.
The proud boys stood by, sure. How many riots did they start and how many businesses have they destroyed since 2016?
How many card-carrying Neo Nazis do you think actually exist in America? I've heard the term thrown around, can you define it in this context, precisely? What makes a NN different from a Trump supporter who just wanted lower taxes and your typical populist American stuff? Spoiler, the famous white nationalists liked Biden in 2020 because they thought he was worse for minorities, oof.
Even assuming none of those things you listed are zombie lies, and you're not trolling me, none of it was action, just words.
But yes, let's teach CRT. Make everything about race again. Segregation is coming back to university dorms and graduations. You can search for businesses based on race ownership now. Idk about you, but that seems like a dark and effed up way to see the world.
@@masterphillips Ima get back to you later
@@par32 how you gonna throw proud boys in that group? Lol
Heisenburg would be confused seeing the lack of intelligence displayed by Bryan.
Bill literally said millennials are running the world lol. That makes no sense. Bill is a miserable boomer who deludes himself into thinking rich old white guys like him have it rough whereas young people and minorities are living the dream.
The whole concept of "dog whistle" is just gaslighting BS. You could have just kept your mouth shut, Brian.
What would Heisenberg think of Walter Woke?
The ignorance of Bryan Cranston is astounding. Look at how he looks down on blacks. How he feels so much better than them. Just watch the laugh at 1:30
seemed like bill found it amusing too. just didn't feel like mentioning him or are you trying to demonise one side?
Shut up. None of that happened
Dude either we did NOT watch the same video, or you ignore the plight of civil war issues.
It takes a special kind of stupid to claim Bryan Cranston is being racist here. Or you’re just trying to run cover for Bill Maher’s racism. Either way, it’s gross. Take that BS elsewhere.