Don't worry he would likely give those rights up as well. Thus guy would ban allot of speech as well. I'm sure he would get rid or greatly reduce every freedom we have today.
Well regulated in 1789 ment "in good working order" it had nothing to do with legal regulations and I'm sure the founders didn't exactly like legal regulations...
I’m a pediatrician and a father of 5 children- I have my “ I will not comply shirt” and am a strong 2A supporter. Pete has no clue what he is talking about like most of the other 2A haters. Fix mental health, talk about it and address the issues head on! Parents and schools need to teach about gun safety and respect of firearms- I was 11 years old when my father taught me about guns and gun safety- that was 45 years ago. Colion keep up the great work you do!
I understand the notion behind “hearing both sides of the argument”. But people like this argue in bad faith and are aggressively uneducated on the subject...They shouldn’t be given a platform to spread their disinformation.
Is England is a good example of criminals walking in and taking stuff and in some cases harming people inside a home? The American commies would love that their brethren could walk into any home and help themselves to anything they want. The American commies would probably pass a law that the victim will help the criminals pack, carry and load the stolen property for the criminals. If the victim refuses to help the criminals load their former property and the criminal is injured while loading their ill gotten gains then the home owning victim will be sued
Yep, Home Invasions may be relatively uncommon. Yet it happened to Me, and I was very nearly Murdered. I had to fight for my life, bare handed, while being Stabbed over a dozen times. Obviously I survived, but I was very lucky and I refused to stop fighting. I was young and unprepared. Trust me on this, when a group of armed criminals kick in your door in the middle of the night, you Will be wishing like hell you had a gun within reach. End of F***ING Story.
The Gentleman I mean, car wrecks really aren’t that common either when you think about it, neither are house fires. Why don’t we ban seatbelts and fire extinguishers?
11:24 , On point EXACTLY! I can't remember off the top of my head who's Quote about the 2nd this is, but I'll try to paraphrase it here... When it comes to interpreting and defining the Correct meaning and intentions of The Second Amendment, "Words have Meaning. And Word mean what they meant When they were written." For ANYONE that bothers to understand and admit the Truth of the statement made in this quote, seeing the Completely Unambiguous intent of The 2nd Amendment becomes glaringly Obvious. It is indeed a mandate. The ONLY people that can't see what should be Self Evident, are those that are utterly blinded by their own twisted political dogma, confirmation biases, and their preference for Emotion based decision making. *The frustration of listening to a person with this kind of Primitive and Willfully Ignorant thought process is infuriating!!*
John Brown we the people got too comfortable. We weren’t good stewards of our Republic and because of that bad actors have gotten entrenched and they have corrupted our nation. We need to restore our republic before it’s too late.
There never has been any actual * Compromise * done or offered . Compromise means a negotiation where each side gives something , AND each side gains something . For example , a real compromise would hypothetically be , in exchange for universal background checks , establishing nationwide Constitutional Carry , with no means for any jurisdiction to opt out . ( Not necessarily saying that would be a desireable outcome , but it would be a true Compromise .) Instead , ( with one minor exception) it has always been to the effect of " We're going to take your Rights period . Let's talk about how much we take today , and how much we take next time .
New Hampshire: -Safe Pro Liberty, Pro Gun culture -Castle doctrine -Stand your ground -No background checks for private sales -Constitutional carry -No central database of licensed holders -No restrictions on firearm action type, magazine capacity or features All this and NH still has the number one lowest homicide rate in the United States.
Massachusetts has the opposite and in urban areas there are 2-3 shootings a day and most of mass is less than an hour from nh...must be all those guns from nh causing trouble in ma, yup it has to be
@@ftniceberg874 no, I meant boyo. As in boy. Because he argues like a petulant fucking child. Screaming and yelling and refusing to listen to the other side.
But Pete here doesn't need a weapon so that means that no one else needs a weapon no matter where you live..Pete has shot guns but has respect for people who have guns because everyone knows, criminals get guns from going to the gun store, passing a background check and robbing your local Wendys after the 72 hour wait... Because we all know that law abiding citizens are the ones we should go after since they are the ones commiting all of the murders in all of our Democrat run cities oncluding my own, Chicago..Gang bangers need to stop buying guns legally so it makes sense to put into place gun laws that the criminals will 100 percent follow everytime! Thanks Pete 👍....🖕
Also people are less likely to break into a home when there are so many guns in America. The Uk doesnt have guns therefore your not going to be shot robbing a house. Tbh im not sure on the stats but it has to play a factor.
@@danzeee2102 CDC did a study and on the low end....500,000 lives a year are saved by someone using a firearm.....low end....they actually believe the number is higher than that. So, it does play a HUGE difference.
@@roylogan51298 Short answer is you're right Long answer: There are 327 million people in the U.S. A little over 1 million home invasions happen each year on average. 30% of the time a resident is present in the home. About 50% will have a repeat burglary. Most of these happen during the day so if you have anyone in the home primarily during the day they should know how to use a gun. The only positive is that about 90% of the time they aren't trying to hurt you just steal your jewelry and tvs, but do you really want to bet your life on whether or not you might get hurt? So yeah, there is a higher chance you get shot in the head beating your meat in your room on your off day from work than get caught up in a mass shooting.
@@snipes503 Well said, friend. I wish I could give your comment more than one like. However, there is one small potential flaw with your statement (that in no way undermines your point, nevertheless)--for a burglary to be considered a home invasion, doesn't someone has to be present in the home? Thus, if a resident is present for only 30% of those 1 million incidents of housebreaking per annum, then there would only be 300,000 home invasions each year.... which is a whole lot more than the number of mass shootings per year. If the U.S. had 300,000 mass shootings each year, or even 10,000 mass shooting incidents each year, then the country would have to be a veritable war zone. There weren't even that many individual engagements/battles during the four years of the U.S. Civil War, even if you include all of the hostile encounters between guerillas and scouting parties that never made it into the history books.
And also say stupid shit that isn't true i just like for someone to just ask the question what will you do if a bunch of armed guys break in your home while you're wife and children are there?
Most people don't realize, that back when the Constitution was written, it was common for each household to have 2 or 3 guns as well. Especially rural homes.
Oh, if only we could have the government remove all the guns from the hands of the people. Then, all the murders and attempted murders would stop........because nobody could ever commit a murder with ....oh,...let's say.....a knife?.....or a cast iron skillet?,....or....a pointed stick?,...or,.....a rock?,....or....need I go on???
2 or 3 in places with registries. on the frontier or the Great Plains where families were 20 to 30 deep and they were the only form of protection they had…….. way more
Lol. I need it that. I read many comments from some gun owners saying Americans are just going to give up their rights because we are not out there shooting already. Remember, these are other Americans. So we will hold off until the last minute before it comes to shooting them. We work around their laws, and push back as much as we can. But the day they actually decide they are going to come for our guns 😔. I feel bad for them. We need to keep working and talking to people for as long as we can. It’s easy to say “ we should be shooting already”. But I have a feeling that is being said by people that don’t know what that will look like. I do. That’s why we need to keep fighting. But we have to let them make the first move on physically trying to take our guns. It will be such a sad day. I am prepared to do whatever needs to be done. But I need to be sure.
Cars, swimming pools, skateboards, bicycles, motorcycle, football, baseball, snow skiing, snowboarding, airplanes, circumcision , sex and the biggest killer of all marriage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have prayed to God to give me the power to snap them out of my country, sending them to an island where they can never leave or be found. They can create their own country on that island, with whatever laws they deem fit. I am still waiting for God to give me that power. I don't He is going to give me that power, which is sad. These people are cancer to freedom.
Not exactly sure what your implying. " this guy" was anti gun... at least " this guy " defends the constitution as it was written. People these days want to pretend our forefathers had no forsight.... secondly, the people who want to rewrite the constitution think their smarter than our forefathers and constitution is outdated.
Dear Pete whatever your name is, I have one thing to tell you: "A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but that they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them. Which would include their own government." - General George Washington, 1st President of these United States of America.
If only their were some other writings by the people who framed the Constitution and the Bill of Rights so we could get some idea of private citizens ownership of firearms. Well anyone who has studied The Federalist papers or taken the time to read other writings from any of our founding fathers would know that they believed private gun ownership was a right. lets just read one quote from the very author of the Constitution. "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." It seems pretty clear this author believes the people should own firearms.
@@Killsnapz yeah but they only wrote it. they were just peasant farmers, it's up to the intellectual left to determine the true meaning of everything. SMH
“The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject.” - Marcus Aurelius predicting the future of every gun control advocate.
Liberal: Let's have a conversation... Translation: I'm going to tell you how it's going to be and if you disagree with me I'm going to call you something that ends with "ist".
It's not liberals, they hijacked that title, liberal gun laws means no gun laws, liberals are pro gun, pro weed, pro freedom and against any laws, if they are for a new law they are not really liberals. It's not a partisan philosophy.
No, his thought process is not silly. These people know exactly what they're doing. They just have to disguise what they're trying to do and word things very carefully. And try to sell it to you in a way that in the average Joe can accept. They always have to get us to ask for our own enslavement.
“LeT’s ReWriTe ThE CoNsTiTuTiON” man, gtf outta here, guns and freedom of speech would be the first to go if that happened. Just maybe that’s why they are number 1 and 2... because they’re the most important!
Funny he pretends to be an intellectual but is dumb enough that he wants to rewrite something that's happend to work for over 200 years, this guys a bitch
Rofl you realize the anti 2a twat thinks he's smart because he has bookshelves full of books he's never read that go along with his kendal stuck on the same page of Hawkings regurgitating Kepler.
“Mass shootings and accidental gun deaths happen all the time.” “Home invasions and kidnappings are so rare we shouldn’t make policy based on them.” Seriously?!? Does this guy live in the same world that I do??
I think his mindset comes from what he's exposed to. He's probably never been robbed nor any of his friends, so he thinks they are rare, but he sees mass shootings all the time on TV. Therefore because he sees one more frequently than other, that must be how it is across the board.
He was talking about asking health care professionals about the solution to health problems. Fair enough, but maybe we should be asking a certain group of people tasked with enforcing the law on how to cut down on "gun crime" which is just crime. Those people are called "Police" and most of them have no problem whatsoever with law abiding people owning guns. In fact, some of them really love the idea. Just saying.....
Indifferent Centrist agreed👍, they need to leave law abiding gun owners alone, like myself. I got a cop who lives next door to me, he comes over and shoots my AK all the time and he said if congress passes anything like gun confiscation, he will not enforce that law.
@@nipnip2551 They won't ask cops because cops won't give the answers they want. Trying to pass a law that those who would be tasked with enforcing disagree is just bad form. I grew up in Arkansas, and I never met a cop who agreed with gun control. Their answer was always something to the tune of if they could stop all crime, they would, but they can't be everywhere at once or that guns don't kill people, people do.
Yep! Then when you agree to have it, they change the subject. Or my favorite "It's not that simple!". Also a few honorable mentions: "I just don't have time to explain it to you." or "I just..I can't do this right now!" and "Seriously, I'm about to have a fucking panic attack right now!" 😂😂😂
They usually get all defensive and start with the insults. I learned that the hard way, lol. I don't bother anymore. I refuse to argue with a stupid person because they always win, I always find myself at their level. 😂
PC Planet after listening to these two morons trying to sound articulate and really just sounding moronic. They can’t have that conversation because they couldn’t have this one.
@@robonick3607 it refers to well trained, according to Hillary's excuse for changing the original language- "A militia, being necessary for the security of the free state. The right of the people to keep and bare arms, shall not be infringed." Vs Hillary's newer version, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of The People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." There was nearly a revolution fought back when I was a little kid, over the contraversy she created. Now, people don't even remember that she was the defining factor in it. So many people forget Waco, and Ruby, and the actual reason why they started. People didn't want their families placed in danger by an overreaching government misinterpreting the 2A.
Supreme court time and time again have said we not only have the right but ar15s are covered by the 2nd amendment yet here we are year after years people being denied of their 2nd amendment rights not wants its a right the government should only be able to protect rights not govern how far they stretch to deny our rights
@@handsometall28 You do realize that when slavery was legal there were some free black people and that all black people who lived in the north were free. Escaped slaves had to hide because they could be taken back if captured. My point is that you don't know what they would have been or if his family was even brought here or had come of their own accord. I may be wrong but I can't recall hearing of any amendment ever being amended or recalled , unless the prohibition of alcohol was an amendment. I don't think it was .
what you said "WE ARE GOING TO NEED SOME OF THAT BACK" dude that's the most important thing we need right now. Gun laws as they are our rights can be taken by anyone with ease. Your only the second person i have heard say that. Thank god, im 56 yrs old i have been saying this to people all my life
Hahaha! I work with a guy who was leashed as a kid. You can still see the effects of that leash in everything he does from walking to decision making, everything. 😂
Seems if he has an AR-15, he probably can buy his insulin, maybe had medical insurance to pay for his insulin. The government can't buy back something it sold in the first place. Look at Australia and what's happened since their buy back. In the UK guns were banned, now they have a surge I knife violence, the result, a ban on knives/certain types of knives if not all knives. Getting rid of tool used in violence won't get rid of violence, it will just change what tool is used in violence. In Sweden I believe, a man with a bow and arrow went around shooting people. Since the police didn't have any guns a special exception to the law was made. Civilians still couldn't have guns, now only the police could carry/have guns.
Ya, pretty sure that was what the ENTIRE Revolution was about... The ONLY reason it was even fought actually... British: "Go take their guns and ammo" US: "UuUUUUuuuHHhhH, NOPE!" and here we are 250 years later with a certain group trying to do it AGAIN... How well did that work LAST time?!? GFYS!
As one who hunted in the 50s, I can tell you that the reason the case was not decided before 2008, was that no one was contesting the right to keep and bear arms. I could walk into a sears and buy a 12 ga. at 16 and no one even looked cross eyed at me. It is only in more recent times that the fear mongering has stirred up the pot.
Got the audiobook can't listen to it on interstates but it's still an excellent book just very slow start in the audio book nearly fell asleep to it best to bring AC DC and some Arctic Monkeys Albumbs
Nice. Anyone ever watch "Ravens Roughnecks"? I believe its based off of Starship troopers. Anination show I used to watch when I was you. Had the zerglings, etc. Awesome show.
Let him debate Ben Shapiro on the issue and when his head is on the wall like everyone who's gone up against Eminem in rap, he'll go home and reevaluate that decision because he'll want to kill himself for looking so dumb.
@@dick-parkerno that's not it but maybe a good ass whoopin might have him seeing things in different light one he realizes that stuff like that can happen to him... not saying it's right or anything but it could be effective...
Johnny G I bet you could convince him now. Hell he’s probably one of the jerks still waiting for his background check to go thru when he bought during the panic 😂
Colion you are awesome. Love your responses 😂😂😂 I'm an armed guard in Chicago. This dude is a complete tool & definitely shouldn't ever protest or podcast again about this subject again. Constitutional carry is the only simple answer for crime & less average deaths in the United States. Everyone carries & more criminals would think twice about their actions before doing them. Constitutional carry is the Thanos snap this country needs.
"Using tax-payer money to buy back guns." So you mean stealing people's money, and then giving them their OWN money back to them in exchange for their guns? That's simply confiscation, only more disingenuous.
@@brucejsanchez And let's not forget, you are so gonna NOT get what the weapon is worth, and you are correct, now you have pay taxes on that chump change!
That would be the same as paying for your gun twice and the government storing it for you. "Oh, we're sorry citizen. Your gun fell in that pot of molten steel. We'll see if we can get it back for you...….craaaap it disappeared. I wonder where it went??"
"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776
That makes no sense. Why would that one statement be why the 2nd amendment was made? Even more so the Constitution has been changed multiple times, I get it. You're obsessed with a piece of text a bunch of old slave owning white people made. Fan fucking tastic but if we come up with something better than it's replacement time. That's life.
Even more so you'd go to war because someone suggested changing something? Are you insane? You don't even know what the change is. What if the change is to help fucking orphans in our country get food or some shit? Would you still be rasing your rifle like a hick just because something was changed?
@@AlexiasPlaylist the government isn't supposed to have the authority to grant or revoke the rights of the citizens. The function of the government is to uphold the laws and to serve the needs of the people, not their own agendas. The purpose of the second amendment is to make sure that if the government tries to make the people subject to it's will, they have the ability to fight back and get the government back under control. So the other person's comment about Pete's remark being the reason the second amendment exists is accurate, because it's a government power grab and it's the exact thing the 2nd amendment is drafted to safe guard.
Nothing in the constitution says don't help orphans. It legitimizes our abilities to protect ourselves from tyrants and criminals. We can bear any type of arms. We Will go to war over it too. It is our way of life. The bullets in our guns are the greatest argument for freedom when tyrants with guns come for us. The guy above talks about our founders being slave owners but their constitution protects us current day from being enslaved by our current government Who Want To Enslave Us Now no matter what your color or religion. It's all a game to them. Wake up. Liberty or Death
"thinks"? you give him too much credit. he's blindly parroting what he been told by "smart people" so he can feel superior to us knuckle dragging constitutionalists
Ask chat gpt to Write 500 word essay that promotes the second ammendment and that is against any gun laws infringing on the second ammendment in america. It essplains all that you need to know why fuck people messing with second ammendment
I couldn't agree more with any comment I've ever read. I would pause and essentially say the same thing Colin is saying too lol. This guys ignorance about the constitution, guns and our freedoms in general is revolting.
Why is Joe Rogan even interviewing this person. He's all over the place with and just likes listening to his own rambles... ALOT OF DUMB$H!T.. sums it up
Here in Australia in 1996 when our idiot govt. "bought back" (a few hundred thousand of mixed types) our semi auto's most of us went out and bought 2 or more other guns to replace every one we were forced to cash in. There were more semi auto's bought in the preceding decades (millions of 'em) than were handed in. The rest are still out there. Somewhere.
@Anglus Patria the only cringe here is you thinking that anyone would want to emulate your shitty soccer teams. Why don't you sit the fuck down and let the immigrants take over the rest of your country? You guys are so beta you can't even own butter knives anymore 😂 good luck defending yourself when achmed comes to ravage your ass🤣🤣 and nice 2010 9gag meme format, you're really almost too dumb to make fun of, but I'm willing to make an exception to prove my point.
I love how he yells out "comma", but doesn't realize that the comma was added to specify that right to bear arms belongs to the people, not to a militia
A lot of people have lost all faith in government. Our justice system keeps putting criminals back on the streets. So disarming law abiding citizens might not be tolerated.
Will not be tolerated. You can’t expect to prioritize criminals freedom over the law abiding, and expect them to willingly hand over the only implement that can protect them. Government and law enforcement protects no one but politicians.
What he actually means by "compromise" is that everyone who disagrees with the way he thinks the world should be, must concede their beliefs over time until he gets everything he wants and his ideas have complete control over everyone.
nothing vague or misconstrued about them trying to take it either ,saw this coming a long time ago around 1974 first song in protest to gun control i can remember SKYNRD Gimme back my bullets. point is gun control if u believe that its(control) nothing new been trying for a good long minute they have been just a whittling away itty lil bites at it for years ,every country that has ever had the people subjugated started with confiscation of weapons all the way back to when they came & snatched you're swords & any metal that could be turned into one (Napoleon comes to mind) on up through to Hitler & today if these anti American folk get their way
@@marcuslambert2162 Except a piece of paper only hurts you. you got to be a real moron to think lawyers use it for the people rather than their own will. Open your eyes the constitution is the literal thing they will use to take our guns away. I dont need the constitution to be free, do you?
"Everything gets regulated"--And he's not complaining, actually demanding it and happy about it?! George Orwell tried to warn us, but we just didn't listen...
"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor safety" - The only man printed on US money that wasn't a president
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it. "The guy who died on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the declaration of independence to the day July 4th, 1826, which he signed"
Add one more to that number for me... Biden's administration signaling they're going to fuck with 2A restrictions inspired me to get my pistol now along with my CPL.
There's probably over half a million easy. Remember , this is what the government thinks there is . Toss in pre background check guns, 80% receivers, 3d printer guns ( FGC-9) and homemade shotguns etc... Also there is over a easily billion " high capacity" magazines.
@@immelting9834 They’ll never be able to truely regulate firearms as they want to. You would not only have to ban the guns, but also ban the knowlage of how firearms work. You can go to home depot, buy a few hundred dollars worth of stuff, and build yourself a machine gun in your garage, or a shotgun, or a handgun. You can litterally build a firearm without using a single actual gun part lmao
Punisher762 I would say it does. I own guns for 2 reasons not just protection, hunting is a passion of mine and if I can’t have guns to hunt it would vastly limit what I can Harvest. The second amendment I would say is more important to hunters than it is to to someone that just owns an ar because it would force me to change my whole way of life
Joe, who the fuck is this guy on your show!? What the fuck? Did this guy smoke meth while being dropped on his head in the middle of having a stroke? Because of the way he is speaking I am inclined to believe so. Or, I could be wrong! He could be speaking out of fear. You know. He’s in an abusive relationship with someone who owns lots of firearms and bullets for sed guns. But!! He can’t leave because he's in love; plus he doesn't have the balls too! However, if the government took them away, he’d feel a little safer. Fuckin pansy!! He doesn't deserve the have a bald head, Joe!!! This fuckin guest of yours does not! Tell that pussy to go out and purchase a man wig.
“Home invasion is every family’s worst nightmare, but it never happens” Righttt... and what’s the percentage chance of being in a mass shooting in a school? Democrats always use that thhough
Sadly...Democrats will get their folks out to riot when an 80 year old lady blows away a 20 year old thug trying to break into her house... The best security system is a big NRA sign out front...and a loaded AR-15 in the bedroom.
And here is another funny thing: When he makes the argument that home invasions don't happen that often and neither do kidnappings...........that's the same kind of argument I heard as reasons for replacing police officers with social workers, as the argument for that was that only less than 10 percent of police incidents involved a violent suspect. I was a volunteer firefighter and did my EMT training. You don't train for the 99 percent of daily incidents, you train for the 1 percent, which are the incidents that will kill you. And those incidents are never a question of if, but a question of when. It only takes 1 percent of incidents to finish you off if you are not prepared. You have 1 life.
@trenton5285Yes. And even with how relatively rare home invasions are in the US, they still happen *FAR* more often than mass shootings. So the rarity argument doesn’t even make sense to begin with. Why use something that happens so rarely as an argument against guns, while also ignoring a reason for gun rights that happens *MORE OFTEN* than your reason *against* guns? And home invasions aren’t even the main reason for our gun rights. The main reason is something that still has yet to happen in the entire history of our country. And that is government tyranny. Though the government has been trying some tyrannical things lately. We might need to use the 2nd Amendment for its original purpose one of these days.
@Shane Lackey Very true, in Europe we've lost sense of this. So timeless you can quote the ancient Germanic havamal (basically a bible of Odin) one of the passages is that a man should never leave without a spear at hand, i.e concealed carry: 38. Let a man never stir on his road a step without his weapons of war; for unsure is the knowing when need shall arise of a spear on the way without. Do not be mistaken, concealed carry to defend one's life is as European as it gets.
“That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.” ― George Orwell
Had someone try to break into my bedroom window while I was asleep a few years ago... needless to say it was terrifying to wake up to. Now I own a gun.
"According to the FBI, in 2020 there were 365,348 NCIC entries for missing children. In 2019, the total number of missing children entries into NCIC was 421,394."
@@davidpelton1885 I was just pointing out how likely you could be kidnapped... 400,000 people every year are kidnapped! I thought that only people in MOVIES were kidnapped! #notreality #likerealife
I'm glad u said that if I said .I watched ppl enslave ppl that look like me for no reason all because the color of there skin ...NOW I OWN A GUN 🤣🤣
Lets remake the Constitution... As he uses his First Amendment Right to bash the Constitution
In N Korea youd get shot or executed for talking against your own government
the irony lol
Don't worry he would likely give those rights up as well. Thus guy would ban allot of speech as well. I'm sure he would get rid or greatly reduce every freedom we have today.
Your an idiot
@@davidmurdock5730 Read again, everyone here is bring sarcastic!
Literally, almost nothing this guy is saying is true.
It's like some of the stupidest crap I've ever heard! Unreal but this guy really believes es this crsp.
not almost nothing, nothing he said was true, he is a living brain donor
@@larryzach7880 Have to have a brain to be a brain donor.
Would someone just make a Thunderdome debate tournament already!!! These fools need a wake up call
Are you aware that criminals don't obey laws. it that's that simple.
This clown lost me at "everything should be regulated".
Well regulated in 1789 ment "in good working order" it had nothing to do with legal regulations and I'm sure the founders didn't exactly like legal regulations...
This guy just moved from CA to TX to flee this garbage. Still thinks the same way. Sorry Texas.
@@Nobody-11B wasn't at the reason for the revolution
I’m a pediatrician and a father of 5 children- I have my “ I will not comply shirt” and am a strong 2A supporter. Pete has no clue what he is talking about like most of the other 2A haters. Fix mental health, talk about it and address the issues head on! Parents and schools need to teach about gun safety and respect of firearms- I was 11 years old when my father taught me about guns and gun safety- that was 45 years ago. Colion keep up the great work you do!
Agreed, the NRA’s Eddie Eagle firearms safety program should be in every single elementary school.
@@troytomlinson8534 well, probably middle or high school would be better since people tend to forget things they learn that early
@@shiedakayn3430how able energy 4 years then. Because it definitely needs to be taught before middle school.
@@bradhertzler4451 what?
He is so foolish. I also absolutely HATE this “I’m the smartest guy in the room” arrogance.
All the people who "dont believe in guns" will really start believing when one day the crimes increase enough, which they are.
That guy isn't even the smartest guy in the room when he's alone in a room.
@@cinkidaz I usually dont condone making fun of people. But im not perfect. LMFAO !!!!!
I understand the notion behind “hearing both sides of the argument”. But people like this argue in bad faith and are aggressively uneducated on the subject...They shouldn’t be given a platform to spread their disinformation.
Typical liberal logic man
People like this is why we have the 2nd amendment
Exactly it protects you from decisions these idiots would make
He should stack up and be the 1st one through the doors.
@@insanityplease ill buy his ticket out of here
@@Jrplatt, oh I meant if he wants to ban guns, then the weaselly bastard needs to gear up and take them
Jrplatt they’re the TRUE tyrants
"Ban guns because home invasions aren't very common" don't you think they'd become more common if burglars didn't have to worry about being shot?
Is entire argument is "silly"
Is England is a good example of criminals walking in and taking stuff and in some cases harming people inside a home?
The American commies would love that their brethren could walk into any home and help themselves to anything they want. The American commies would probably pass a law that the victim will help the criminals pack, carry and load the stolen property for the criminals.
If the victim refuses to help the criminals load their former property and the criminal is injured while loading their ill gotten gains then the home owning victim will be sued
Yep, Home Invasions may be relatively uncommon. Yet it happened to Me, and I was very nearly Murdered. I had to fight for my life, bare handed, while being Stabbed over a dozen times. Obviously I survived, but I was very lucky and I refused to stop fighting.
I was young and unprepared. Trust me on this, when a group of armed criminals kick in your door in the middle of the night, you Will be wishing like hell you had a gun within reach. End of F***ING Story.
The Gentleman I mean, car wrecks really aren’t that common either when you think about it, neither are house fires. Why don’t we ban seatbelts and fire extinguishers?
@plixplop Lol, I'd rather be stabbed in the face... Again 😎, 😜! 👊💥!!
If you forget you history you are doomed to repeat it. This man has made some really good points as to why I should go buy another gun.
“Our constitution is silly”
Sorry bro, I’m gonna follow the guys who created the most free nation on earth and not a soy boy.
11:24 , On point EXACTLY! I can't remember off the top of my head who's Quote about the 2nd this is, but I'll try to paraphrase it here... When it comes to interpreting and defining the Correct meaning and intentions of The Second Amendment, "Words have Meaning. And Word mean what they meant When they were written."
For ANYONE that bothers to understand and admit the Truth of the statement made in this quote, seeing the Completely Unambiguous intent of The 2nd Amendment becomes glaringly Obvious. It is indeed a mandate.
The ONLY people that can't see what should be Self Evident, are those that are utterly blinded by their own twisted political dogma, confirmation biases, and their preference for Emotion based decision making.
*The frustration of listening to a person with this kind of Primitive and Willfully Ignorant thought process is infuriating!!*
Democracy is stupid and America already sold her Virginity and Soul. FUCK WHAT AMERICA HAS BECOME!!!
John Brown basically a joke these days
Fuckin facts bro.
John Brown we the people got too comfortable. We weren’t good stewards of our Republic and because of that bad actors have gotten entrenched and they have corrupted our nation. We need to restore our republic before it’s too late.
This guy is so privileged he doesn’t even know crime is real.
You nailed it friend -
They should just make crime illegal!
- that guy, probably
Shelby Nemeth I bet he has home security system at his house An locks his car door
Shelby Nemeth well when you are born in a 10 acre lot with a 12 foot fence . ya you definitely dont know sh1t
@@Wickedtingzzoh I see...if you live on acreage you don't know anything about it. Shut up fuck face
"Shall not be infringed" means no compromise homie.
Exactly. To me that means it’s set in stone and shouldn’t even be an argument.
30,000 gun laws sounds like compromise homie
@Chris Farley peace DOES NOT WORK. The time for peace is over, they dont respond to peace. 1776!!!
There never has been any actual * Compromise * done or offered .
Compromise means a negotiation where each side gives something , AND each side gains something . For example , a real compromise would hypothetically be , in exchange for universal background checks , establishing nationwide Constitutional Carry , with no means for any jurisdiction to opt out . ( Not necessarily saying that would be a desireable outcome , but it would be a true Compromise .)
Instead , ( with one minor exception) it has always been to the effect of " We're going to take your Rights period . Let's talk about how much we take today , and how much we take next time .
@@HistoryandReviews sounds a lot more like 30,000 infringements
The Constitution dose NOT need to be rewritten. IT NEEDS TO BE RE-READ.
It's frustrating to hear this dude talk. He's just vomiting nonsense
He made me vomit
I feel like I'm losing brain cells listening to Pete.
You are, we all lost a few listening to this douche bag.
I said the same exact thing..
The cringe is strong with this episode.
I’ve lost half this year alone listening to people like this
I deadass said that in my head rn
SMH. Aren't we all tired of someone else telling us what's best for us.
Yup 👍
I only get tired of it when they are wrong 😑
This has to be the hardest thing I’ve watched in a long time. What a nimrod
New Hampshire:
-Safe Pro Liberty, Pro Gun culture
-Castle doctrine
-Stand your ground
-No background checks for private sales
-Constitutional carry
-No central database of licensed holders
-No restrictions on firearm action type, magazine capacity or features
All this and NH still has the number one lowest homicide rate in the United States.
Massachusetts has the opposite and in urban areas there are 2-3 shootings a day and most of mass is less than an hour from nh...must be all those guns from nh causing trouble in ma, yup it has to be
Hell yeah
And we all know why but we cant really say it..
Never knew NH was so pro gun. Props to them for defending the 2nd and letting people exercise their Constitutional rights.
And we're coming closer and closer every year to losing them to assholes that move up from Massachusetts and try to turn our state blue
"our constitution is silly"
So then leave boyo
vorbo01 he sounds like a soy boy to me.
Send this fool to North Korea.
That's right, if he doesn't like the US he can leave
Is his last name boyo? Or did you mean bozo lol?
@@ftniceberg874 no, I meant boyo. As in boy. Because he argues like a petulant fucking child. Screaming and yelling and refusing to listen to the other side.
Us real gun owners need to stand together.
How many guns do you have to have before you a legit “gun owner”?
@@MurderCount just one.
Dillan Foster “one”😈
Fight the Fudds. They'll drag you down and cheer while they do it.
We already do. Join a local milita in your area.
Notice how they ALWAYS pivot immediately into controlling behavior.
This man just inspired me to buy a gun.
Big brain
Whatever inspires you, hope you get into the hobbay my broo.
My man 💪🏿
Robert sir. You are an idiot.
Pete here did more to promote the 2A than he realizes....Thanks Pete!
The upcoming riots will help too.
But Pete here doesn't need a weapon so that means that no one else needs a weapon no matter where you live..Pete has shot guns but has respect for people who have guns because everyone knows, criminals get guns from going to the gun store, passing a background check and robbing your local Wendys after the 72 hour wait... Because we all know that law abiding citizens are the ones we should go after since they are the ones commiting all of the murders in all of our Democrat run cities oncluding my own, Chicago..Gang bangers need to stop buying guns legally so it makes sense to put into place gun laws that the criminals will 100 percent follow everytime! Thanks Pete 👍....🖕
He really did promote its lmao
@@Jyoelmejor absolutely, thanks for this 😊👍
Just heard shots fired in my neighborhood. I’m glad I’ve got a way to defend myself.
“Home invasion doesn’t happen that much” neither do mass shootings
Also people are less likely to break into a home when there are so many guns in America. The Uk doesnt have guns therefore your not going to be shot robbing a house. Tbh im not sure on the stats but it has to play a factor.
@@danzeee2102 CDC did a study and on the low end....500,000 lives a year are saved by someone using a firearm.....low end....they actually believe the number is higher than that. So, it does play a HUGE difference.
I would be willing to bet there are 10 time more home invasion than Mass Shootings
@@roylogan51298 Short answer is you're right
Long answer:
There are 327 million people in the U.S. A little over 1 million home invasions happen each year on average. 30% of the time a resident is present in the home. About 50% will have a repeat burglary. Most of these happen during the day so if you have anyone in the home primarily during the day they should know how to use a gun. The only positive is that about 90% of the time they aren't trying to hurt you just steal your jewelry and tvs, but do you really want to bet your life on whether or not you might get hurt? So yeah, there is a higher chance you get shot in the head beating your meat in your room on your off day from work than get caught up in a mass shooting.
@@snipes503 Well said, friend. I wish I could give your comment more than one like. However, there is one small potential flaw with your statement (that in no way undermines your point, nevertheless)--for a burglary to be considered a home invasion, doesn't someone has to be present in the home? Thus, if a resident is present for only 30% of those 1 million incidents of housebreaking per annum, then there would only be 300,000 home invasions each year.... which is a whole lot more than the number of mass shootings per year.
If the U.S. had 300,000 mass shootings each year, or even 10,000 mass shooting incidents each year, then the country would have to be a veritable war zone. There weren't even that many individual engagements/battles during the four years of the U.S. Civil War, even if you include all of the hostile encounters between guerillas and scouting parties that never made it into the history books.
I always thought gun control was being able to hit your target consistently.
John Wayne said “gun control requires concentration, and a steady hand.”
It scares me that there’s people out there like this guy
It's almost like the education system failed somewhere along the way.
And there are so many more like him out there
And they vote
martindude, education and parents.
Both of those bald headed assholes are living in a nice neighborhood that’s why they don’t need guns..
"Constitution is silly"
*takes breath
"Americans need to compromise"
Sorry, I don't negotiate with terrorists.
If there was such a thing as RUclips gold ... you'd get one right now.
Hell yeah brother
Agreed 100%. As a veteran I can say we love to kill terrorists.
Amen merica first
IM SICK OF “lets have that conversation” talk when the opposing side wont listen and will just talk over you
@Dan Snyder luckily it's a stupid one that hurts them in the audience of competent people
I agree, the conversation was settled 240 years ago, and then they wrote it down.
The don't want a conversation, they want to lecture you.
Plus, 90% of the time they have no idea what they are talking about and are just ignorant sheep who listen to whatever CNN says without fact checking.
And also say stupid shit that isn't true i just like for someone to just ask the question what will you do if a bunch of armed guys break in your home while you're wife and children are there?
Most people don't realize, that back when the Constitution was written, it was common for each household to have 2 or 3 guns as well. Especially rural homes.
Oh, if only we could have the government remove all the guns from the hands of the people. Then, all the murders and attempted murders would stop........because nobody could ever commit a murder with ....oh,...let's say.....a knife?.....or a cast iron skillet?,....or....a pointed stick?,...or,.....a rock?,....or....need I go on???
2 or 3 in places with registries. on the frontier or the Great Plains where families were 20 to 30 deep and they were the only form of protection they had…….. way more
Does his wife’s boyfriend know about this?
Lol. Nice
Which one? There’s probably a squad of dudes.
He's doing them Both
or his boyfriend's wife....
Lol. I need it that. I read many comments from some gun owners saying Americans are just going to give up their rights because we are not out there shooting already. Remember, these are other Americans. So we will hold off until the last minute before it comes to shooting them. We work around their laws, and push back as much as we can. But the day they actually decide they are going to come for our guns 😔. I feel bad for them. We need to keep working and talking to people for as long as we can. It’s easy to say “ we should be shooting already”. But I have a feeling that is being said by people that don’t know what that will look like. I do. That’s why we need to keep fighting. But we have to let them make the first move on physically trying to take our guns. It will be such a sad day. I am prepared to do whatever needs to be done. But I need to be sure.
“We should get rid of all the cars” I’m done.
People are to free today. Trade him for a hard working immigrant please
LMAO clever but it might be to clever for most to get but I follow!
Cars, swimming pools, skateboards, bicycles, motorcycle, football, baseball, snow skiing, snowboarding, airplanes, circumcision , sex and the biggest killer of all marriage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@slickric2176 Gettem!!!
How about all of those freedom loving guys and gals from Hong Kong.
@@ironrangerw6r1 Agreed, I feel for them especially when they wish and need a 2A.
What a man child. People like this is why we have a 2A.
People like Pete are why more "Bullying" is needed
@Russell Gerdes LMAO. Mom! Make me a sandwich lol.
I honestly can not believe there are actual living breathing people in this world like him!!! My mind is completely blown!!!!!!
I have prayed to God to give me the power to snap them out of my country, sending them to an island where they can never leave or be found. They can create their own country on that island, with whatever laws they deem fit. I am still waiting for God to give me that power. I don't He is going to give me that power, which is sad. These people are cancer to freedom.
Most of America doesn't know or care about the Constitution. 50+% of the US will sacrifice all their freedoms for perceived convenience.
This guy is paid to say it , even if he could believe it the money wont let him tell the truth
Half the damn country
Sounds like a dicktatter in the making.
This guy must work for big firearms, because he convinced me I need to go out an buy more guns.
2008 all over again
Not exactly sure what your implying. " this guy" was anti gun... at least " this guy " defends the constitution as it was written. People these days want to pretend our forefathers had no forsight.... secondly, the people who want to rewrite the constitution think their smarter than our forefathers and constitution is outdated.
My trigger finger is starting to have withdrawals
Same, I need a new one
@@snafuequals - no. It's *MUCH* worse... 🤨
People like him are the exact reason we are not willing to compromise.
Yes him, and those like him are uninformed products of intentionally skewed or outright untrue information. And emotional thinkers on top of that
Agreed 100000%
You really mean nazis like him.
Dear Pete whatever your name is, I have one thing to tell you:
"A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but that they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them. Which would include their own government." - General George Washington, 1st President of these United States of America.
I'm sure they'd try to impeach Washington these days too.
If only their were some other writings by the people who framed the Constitution and the Bill of Rights so we could get some idea of private citizens ownership of firearms. Well anyone who has studied The Federalist papers or taken the time to read other writings from any of our founding fathers would know that they believed private gun ownership was a right. lets just read one quote from the very author of the Constitution. "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." It seems pretty clear this author believes the people should own firearms.
@Dustin Dyer lol that ship sailed loooooong ago my friend 🤣🤣
@@Killsnapz yeah but they only wrote it. they were just peasant farmers, it's up to the intellectual left to determine the true meaning of everything. SMH
It would take someone spoiled by never having lived without rights to think rights should be abolished. Typical of a Hollywood Limousine Liberal.
“The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject.” - Marcus Aurelius predicting the future of every gun control advocate.
Liberal: Let's have a conversation...
Translation: I'm going to tell you how it's going to be and if you disagree with me I'm going to call you something that ends with "ist".
Or “phobe”
Like my wife!
Ummmm ok Boomer
@@最高共産主義 You Disrespectful little shit!
It's not liberals, they hijacked that title, liberal gun laws means no gun laws, liberals are pro gun, pro weed, pro freedom and against any laws, if they are for a new law they are not really liberals. It's not a partisan philosophy.
What a ridiculous thing to say. I think this guys thought process is “silly”
They used to redo peoples thought processes it was called lobotomy
No, his thought process is not silly. These people know exactly what they're doing. They just have to disguise what they're trying to do and word things very carefully. And try to sell it to you in a way that in the average Joe can accept. They always have to get us to ask for our own enslavement.
Buck looks like Jake Gyllenhaal
Everyones entitled to an opinion, but that doesn’t mean it has to be an intelligent one. 😂
SayHiToMyNicemn yeah he kinda does
“LeT’s ReWriTe ThE CoNsTiTuTiON” man, gtf outta here, guns and freedom of speech would be the first to go if that happened. Just maybe that’s why they are number 1 and 2... because they’re the most important!
Funny he pretends to be an intellectual but is dumb enough that he wants to rewrite something that's happend to work for over 200 years, this guys a bitch
this idiot actually thinks our partisan divided government would actually be able to write a new constitution
He's a friggin pot head!!
Jaden Rugg and while we’re at it, let’s rewrite the 10 commandments too! Lol
These idiots in this video are ignorant af man
Noir ❤ thanks for being here for us
"I'm fat because I own too many forks"
See how stupid that is?
Access does NOT create INCENTIVE.
Im fat. If i didnt have a fork food is still going to be eaten.
Rapid eating not allow . One spoon at a time
@Yukon Farnsworth | Exacty lol you beat me to it.
I fat because of twinkies and dingdongs, we should ban sweets
Rofl you realize the anti 2a twat thinks he's smart because he has bookshelves full of books he's never read that go along with his kendal stuck on the same page of Hawkings regurgitating Kepler.
“Mass shootings and accidental gun deaths happen all the time.”
“Home invasions and kidnappings are so rare we shouldn’t make policy based on them.”
Seriously?!? Does this guy live in the same world that I do??
Home invasions and kidnappings happen so often and go unreported. Thousands go missing every year
''Seriously?!? Does this guy live in the same world that I do''
My brother, no, he does not... That's why he has such assbackwards thoughts...
He lives in the same world we do, and it is one in which many will lie if they think they can get away with it and it will get them what they want.
I think his mindset comes from what he's exposed to. He's probably never been robbed nor any of his friends, so he thinks they are rare, but he sees mass shootings all the time on TV. Therefore because he sees one more frequently than other, that must be how it is across the board.
Did you know most mass shootings occur at home between family members and friends but they don't get attention like public mass shootings.
This guy is a lost cause and the sad part is he thinks he makes sense.
j rand the sad part is that nobody is truly too far gone, but you will be, only if YOU allow yourself to be too far gone.
He was talking about asking health care professionals about the solution to health problems. Fair enough, but maybe we should be asking a certain group of people tasked with enforcing the law on how to cut down on "gun crime" which is just crime. Those people are called "Police" and most of them have no problem whatsoever with law abiding people owning guns. In fact, some of them really love the idea. Just saying.....
Indifferent Centrist agreed👍, they need to leave law abiding gun owners alone, like myself. I got a cop who lives next door to me, he comes over and shoots my AK all the time and he said if congress passes anything like gun confiscation, he will not enforce that law.
@@nipnip2551 They won't ask cops because cops won't give the answers they want. Trying to pass a law that those who would be tasked with enforcing disagree is just bad form. I grew up in Arkansas, and I never met a cop who agreed with gun control. Their answer was always something to the tune of if they could stop all crime, they would, but they can't be everywhere at once or that guns don't kill people, people do.
Indifferent Centrist same, cops in North Carolina are like that also, they all think it’s ridiculous.
“Our constitution is silly” but yet that silly constitution grants you the right to speak this bs coming out of your mouth!
Yep 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Both sides of his mouth.
This is like sitting in a bar having a conversation with the local drunk.
Goddamn you nailed it
Not really... The local drunk is generally fairly knowledgeable about events in their life.
This "Pete" dude is brainless.
Absolutely! And I can back that up
@@stormcrow7698 Back it with a nice Scotch, or a Bourbon?
You any kin to "Old Crow"?
@@Bullzeye1000yds As a matter of fact I just took a pull of scotch
Not American, but the founding Fathers had it right with the second Amendment.
Chris Pereira then come be an american. It’s difficult but I want you neighbor.
You should immigrate! Sure it’s not easy but if you want freedom come on. I would be proud to call you my neighbor.
Died 2day!? Are you trying to imply that I can’t care about blacks people because I’m not black? That is racist.
Died 2day!? Calling me white boy is not helping your argument. I wouldent do that shit to you.
Su!c!de Surv!vor The Founding Fathers wrote these laws for all Americans. That includes you my friend.
I cant tell you just how much I appreciate your channel and how VERY much i admire your commitment to trying to protect our 2nd amendment rights.
Ever notice Everytime they say "Let's have that conversation" they never actually want to "Have that conversation"?
Yep! Then when you agree to have it, they change the subject. Or my favorite "It's not that simple!". Also a few honorable mentions: "I just don't have time to explain it to you." or "I just..I can't do this right now!" and "Seriously, I'm about to have a fucking panic attack right now!" 😂😂😂
PC Planet they just yell
They usually get all defensive and start with the insults. I learned that the hard way, lol. I don't bother anymore. I refuse to argue with a stupid person because they always win, I always find myself at their level. 😂
It's double speak.
PC Planet after listening to these two morons trying to sound articulate and really just sounding moronic. They can’t have that conversation because they couldn’t have this one.
"Let's have a discussion about the second amendment"
"Shall not be infringed"
Good chat✌👍
guardsmanom134 well regulated; good chat
“Well regulated” refers to the militia a.k.a the people, not the guns.
Wayne Johnson it refers to the milita’s abilities and weaponry intelligence so no it refers to the guns
@@robonick3607 Hillary's add on. Good talking with you.
@@robonick3607 it refers to well trained, according to Hillary's excuse for changing the original language- "A militia, being necessary for the security of the free state. The right of the people to keep and bare arms, shall not be infringed." Vs Hillary's newer version, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of The People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." There was nearly a revolution fought back when I was a little kid, over the contraversy she created. Now, people don't even remember that she was the defining factor in it. So many people forget Waco, and Ruby, and the actual reason why they started. People didn't want their families placed in danger by an overreaching government misinterpreting the 2A.
That guy: "Lets let constitutional lawyers have the conversation, and we'll listen."
Also that guy: "The supreme court misinterpreted the 2A"
Supreme court time and time again have said we not only have the right but ar15s are covered by the 2nd amendment yet here we are year after years people being denied of their 2nd amendment rights not wants its a right the government should only be able to protect rights not govern how far they stretch to deny our rights
When he says “constitutional lawyers”, he means ones that agree with him.
He failed civics, because the 1st ten amendments are the Bill of Rights… The peoples rights NOT government rights.
@@handsometall28 You do realize that when slavery was legal there were some free black people and that all black people who lived in the north were free. Escaped slaves had to hide because they could be taken back if captured. My point is that you don't know what they would have been or if his family was even brought here or had come of their own accord. I may be wrong but I can't recall hearing of any amendment ever being amended or recalled , unless the prohibition of alcohol was an amendment. I don't think it was .
dude that's the most important thing we need right now. Gun laws as they are our rights can be taken by anyone with ease. Your only the second person i have heard say that. Thank god, im 56 yrs old i have been saying this to people all my life
This guy is a clown. No surprise I've never seen him before this.
I’ve never seen you before
This man was probably the first child to ever be put on a leash.
Funniest shit I’ve read tonight
Hahaha! I work with a guy who was leashed as a kid. You can still see the effects of that leash in everything he does from walking to decision making, everything. 😂
Lol, awesome comment
Problem is they put it around his neck not his wrist.
Someone selling their gun to buy insulin is a much larger issue than firearms.
Right? Like let's talk about our fucked up medical system before we talk about guns...
@@dankhill7917 Yup. The monopolization of everything from Big Tech to Big Pharma…
That part but that’s another argument for someone a bit more reasonable then he seems to be lls
It’s really not a larger issue tf u mean😂
Seems if he has an AR-15, he probably can buy his insulin, maybe had medical insurance to pay for his insulin. The government can't buy back something it sold in the first place. Look at Australia and what's happened since their buy back. In the UK guns were banned, now they have a surge I knife violence, the result, a ban on knives/certain types of knives if not all knives. Getting rid of tool used in violence won't get rid of violence, it will just change what tool is used in violence. In Sweden I believe, a man with a bow and arrow went around shooting people. Since the police didn't have any guns a special exception to the law was made. Civilians still couldn't have guns, now only the police could carry/have guns.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-Benjamin Franklin
You forgot the most important part: “and will lose both.”
“It wasn’t decided until 2008 that there was an individual right to own a gun” Uh, pretty sure it was ‘decided’ a looooong time ago.
Ya, pretty sure that was what the ENTIRE Revolution was about... The ONLY reason it was even fought actually... British: "Go take their guns and ammo" US: "UuUUUUuuuHHhhH, NOPE!" and here we are 250 years later with a certain group trying to do it AGAIN... How well did that work LAST time?!? GFYS!
As one who hunted in the 50s, I can tell you that the reason the case was not decided before 2008, was that no one was contesting the right to keep and bear arms. I could walk into a sears and buy a 12 ga. at 16 and no one even looked cross eyed at me. It is only in more recent times that the fear mongering has stirred up the pot.
It was! Beta males and snowflakes have a hard time understanding it!🤷♂️
“There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men.”
― Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers
He was spot on there
Got the audiobook can't listen to it on interstates but it's still an excellent book just very slow start in the audio book nearly fell asleep to it best to bring AC DC and some Arctic Monkeys Albumbs
Fredrick Bismark starship troopers. Lol. Great movie.
Nice. Anyone ever watch "Ravens Roughnecks"? I believe its based off of Starship troopers. Anination show I used to watch when I was you. Had the zerglings, etc. Awesome show.
I liked the part where they ended wars on Earth by only allowing vets to vote.
Sad part is nobody will ever be able to convince this guy hes wrong...
Oh yea. If he were in a situation where he desperately needed a gun it might change his mind.
Let him debate Ben Shapiro on the issue and when his head is on the wall like everyone who's gone up against Eminem in rap, he'll go home and reevaluate that decision because he'll want to kill himself for looking so dumb.
@@dick-parkerno that's not it but maybe a good ass whoopin might have him seeing things in different light one he realizes that stuff like that can happen to him... not saying it's right or anything but it could be effective...
Who cares? This asshole can eat the peanuts out of my shit
Johnny G
I bet you could convince him now. Hell he’s probably one of the jerks still waiting for his background check to go thru when he bought during the panic 😂
Colion you are awesome. Love your responses 😂😂😂 I'm an armed guard in Chicago. This dude is a complete tool & definitely shouldn't ever protest or podcast again about this subject again. Constitutional carry is the only simple answer for crime & less average deaths in the United States. Everyone carries & more criminals would think twice about their actions before doing them. Constitutional carry is the Thanos snap this country needs.
I couldn’t finish that episode, I rage quit. Pete is intolerable.
Josh Lemons I totally agree. People like Pete shouldn’t have a platform to discuss a conversation that they have zero knowledge about.
I stayed just for Colion's comments Lol!
I hope I never meet that jackass
Oh yeah I watched all of Colion’s video, I couldn’t finish that episode of Joe’s podcast.
Pete is incoherent. We should ban his access to a microphone.
He can give his rights away but I'm standing up for my rights and yours too,So help me God,what a dumbass.
Romans 13 that's freaking hilarious 😂.. "turn his bong into furniture "
I think we should ban his (and everyone like him) access to oxygen
Wow sounds like your very pro 2nd and no so pro 1st kinda hypocritical
He uses it as a disguise for his ignorance.
"Using tax-payer money to buy back guns."
So you mean stealing people's money, and then giving them their OWN money back to them in exchange for their guns?
That's simply confiscation, only more disingenuous.
Jeff Shirton then they tax you on that income
@@brucejsanchez And let's not forget, you are so gonna NOT get what the weapon is worth, and you are correct, now you have pay taxes on that chump change!
Why don't I just keep my money and my guns how bout that
That would be the same as paying for your gun twice and the government storing it for you. "Oh, we're sorry citizen. Your gun fell in that pot of molten steel. We'll see if we can get it back for you...….craaaap it disappeared. I wonder where it went??"
It’s like a Ponzi scheme, lol
I don't think I have ever even seen a gun ad before.
Only in gun magazines. RUclips isn’t allowed to advertise guns. Only gun accessories like holsters, and sights, and armor, and whatnot.
"Oppressors can tyrannize
only when they achieve
a standing army, an
enslaved press, and a
disarmed populace.
Doctor Amp sounds like what’s happening up in canadastan
I like the quote, whos it by though?
"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776
Always upvote the square and compass
@@kevinc1697 Nah, their cult doesn't allow atheists to join. All free thought is allowed, except the thought that god may not exist.
"Our constitution is silly" "let's just rebuild the whole thing" And your way of thinking is why the constitution especially the 2nd amendment exists
I don't mean to be dramatic, but that's treasonous.
That makes no sense. Why would that one statement be why the 2nd amendment was made? Even more so the Constitution has been changed multiple times, I get it. You're obsessed with a piece of text a bunch of old slave owning white people made. Fan fucking tastic but if we come up with something better than it's replacement time. That's life.
Even more so you'd go to war because someone suggested changing something? Are you insane? You don't even know what the change is. What if the change is to help fucking orphans in our country get food or some shit? Would you still be rasing your rifle like a hick just because something was changed?
@@AlexiasPlaylist the government isn't supposed to have the authority to grant or revoke the rights of the citizens. The function of the government is to uphold the laws and to serve the needs of the people, not their own agendas. The purpose of the second amendment is to make sure that if the government tries to make the people subject to it's will, they have the ability to fight back and get the government back under control. So the other person's comment about Pete's remark being the reason the second amendment exists is accurate, because it's a government power grab and it's the exact thing the 2nd amendment is drafted to safe guard.
Nothing in the constitution says don't help orphans. It legitimizes our abilities to protect ourselves from tyrants and criminals. We can bear any type of arms. We Will go to war over it too. It is our way of life. The bullets in our guns are the greatest argument for freedom when tyrants with guns come for us.
The guy above talks about our founders being slave owners but their constitution protects us current day from being enslaved by our current government Who Want To Enslave Us Now no matter what your color or religion. It's all a game to them. Wake up.
Liberty or Death
Petey is a good example of someone who literally thinks criminals will obey gun laws.
With technology advancing it is literally impossible to remove guns from our society. People will just print their own.
"thinks"? you give him too much credit. he's blindly parroting what he been told by "smart people" so he can feel superior to us knuckle dragging constitutionalists
“Drinking won’t affect my baby”
45 years later:
Not sure you know how criminals get their hands on guns. You must some special kind of stupid.
Ask chat gpt to Write 500 word essay that promotes the second ammendment and that is against any gun laws infringing on the second ammendment in america. It essplains all that you need to know why fuck people messing with second ammendment
I’ve personal never seen a gun ad trying to scare me into buying guns 😂 I love your channel keep up the good work we need more people like you
God bless and thank you Colion for being our voice.
Who is this fool? Never heard of this “Pete” guy...
I don't know her either!! 😂
No one has until rogans show that he probably begged to get on after he was fired from Sirius Xm
TT C agreed! Like the people that signed FF laws into action! Their names are right there on the documents!
Never heard of that ass 'til today.
Never heard of you before
"We can't afford the taxes for mental health, but we can afford to buy back every gun" is basically what he said
Great statement.
Yah except they can't "buy back" a gun they didn't sell.
And I’m expected to use MY OWN TAX DOLLARS to facilitate the government to purchase my firearms from me. What a clown 🤡
Yeah, they want my money to buy my guns. How about if you want a gun buy back program, you donate your own money.
Moreover, he says let’s cripple people into selling their guns, with the insulin statement.
This an older video that still hits hard love it bro
I love Colion Noir.
He's one of those heroes who doesn't wear a cape.
Just a hat instead. Lol
Coolbreeze LB “boom” roasted
The shadow in the darkness. The Dark Knight, wit a gun on his hip. He is PewMan!
Tracie Holladay I agree!
@@coolbreezelb5023 The next best headgear since the beanie.
That dude is talking communism. Sedition is treason...ever heard of the bill of rights?
Bill of suggestions anymore..
Not an advocate for communism, he’s not even talking communism but Tyranny.
Colion Noir, your responses are the only reason that I stuck it out through this video. This guy was making my head hurt.
I couldn't agree more with any comment I've ever read. I would pause and essentially say the same thing Colin is saying too lol. This guys ignorance about the constitution, guns and our freedoms in general is revolting.
Why is Joe Rogan even interviewing this person. He's all over the place with and just likes listening to his own rambles... ALOT OF DUMB$H!T.. sums it up
Here in Australia in 1996 when our idiot govt. "bought back" (a few hundred thousand of mixed types) our semi auto's most of us went out and bought 2 or more other guns to replace every one we were forced to cash in. There were more semi auto's bought in the preceding decades (millions of 'em) than were handed in. The rest are still out there. Somewhere.
We're willing to die to protect that "silly" document.
"Against all enemies, foreign AND domestic"
Why does this only have 5 likes.
@Anglus Patria good one, very original.
@@morganrager3512 god damn right.
@Anglus Patria I'm a ProudBoy stupid fuck, fuck soccer and your shitty country.
@Anglus Patria the only cringe here is you thinking that anyone would want to emulate your shitty soccer teams. Why don't you sit the fuck down and let the immigrants take over the rest of your country? You guys are so beta you can't even own butter knives anymore 😂 good luck defending yourself when achmed comes to ravage your ass🤣🤣 and nice 2010 9gag meme format, you're really almost too dumb to make fun of, but I'm willing to make an exception to prove my point.
This guy's IQ is a variable that cycles between 70 and 30.
Definitely IQ below room temperature
@tiger gary gary my wife calls them potato people
Probably 110-115. Typical midwit horseshit.
@tiger gary gary that's not fair to grapefruit
I love how he yells out "comma", but doesn't realize that the comma was added to specify that right to bear arms belongs to the people, not to a militia
A lot of people have lost all faith in government. Our justice system keeps putting criminals back on the streets. So disarming law abiding citizens might not be tolerated.
Will not be tolerated. You can’t expect to prioritize criminals freedom over the law abiding, and expect them to willingly hand over the only implement that can protect them. Government and law enforcement protects no one but politicians.
"Compromise is something we dont do" - you'd be hard pressed to find a group that has compromised more than gun owners.
What he actually means by "compromise" is that everyone who disagrees with the way he thinks the world should be, must concede their beliefs over time until he gets everything he wants and his ideas have complete control over everyone.
If person A has everything and person B has nothing, then there is no incentive for person A to compromise.
@@cobes11 couldn’t of said it better
Here is my part of the conversation: "Shall Not Be Infringed".
Already has been and you haven't done anything about it
You'll be the first to call us terrorists when we do.
"There's nothing cryptic about the motivation behind the second amendment"
- Colin Noir
nothing vague or misconstrued about them trying to take it either ,saw this coming a long time ago around 1974 first song in protest to gun control i can remember SKYNRD Gimme back my bullets. point is gun control if u believe that its(control) nothing new been trying for a good long minute they have been just a whittling away itty lil bites at it for years ,every country that has ever had the people subjugated started with confiscation of weapons all the way back to when they came & snatched you're swords & any metal that could be turned into one (Napoleon comes to mind) on up through to Hitler & today if these anti American folk get their way
@@marcuslambert2162 Except a piece of paper only hurts you. you got to be a real moron to think lawyers use it for the people rather than their own will. Open your eyes the constitution is the literal thing they will use to take our guns away. I dont need the constitution to be free, do you?
I’ve NEVER seen a gun AD trying to scare me into buying more guns. In fact the only place I see gun ads are in gun magazines!
Fr. It’s people like this who try to scare people away from guns
"Everything gets regulated"--And he's not complaining, actually demanding it and happy about it?! George Orwell tried to warn us, but we just didn't listen...
"Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither."
- Somebody who is smarter than this guy
"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor safety" - The only man printed on US money that wasn't a president
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.
"The guy who died on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the declaration of independence to the day July 4th, 1826, which he signed"
@@jeverett1738 Clever...I'd pay $10 for some knowledge :)
Very good.or those who trade freedom for "safety" WILL get NEITHER!
It's about POWER thus its a con!
Tav Ferry one of the best quotes about why we need the second amendment!
"There's already 330 million guns, what do we do?"
All that's left is to see how quickly we can hit 600 million.
There's probably 500 millions hammers in this country. How many sofas exist in this country? How many toilets exist? Their point is pointless.
Add one more to that number for me... Biden's administration signaling they're going to fuck with 2A restrictions inspired me to get my pistol now along with my CPL.
There's probably over half a million easy. Remember , this is what the government thinks there is . Toss in pre background check guns, 80% receivers, 3d printer guns ( FGC-9) and homemade shotguns etc... Also there is over a easily billion " high capacity" magazines.
Awesome retort! Challenge accepted.
I'm a little late, but that was a great comment!
@@immelting9834 They’ll never be able to truely regulate firearms as they want to. You would not only have to ban the guns, but also ban the knowlage of how firearms work. You can go to home depot, buy a few hundred dollars worth of stuff, and build yourself a machine gun in your garage, or a shotgun, or a handgun. You can litterally build a firearm without using a single actual gun part lmao
love the content my guy, keep up the good work and speak for the 2A rights!
The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting I can’t stand these idiots who have no real experience with fire arms 😫
Punisher762 I would say it does. I own guns for 2 reasons not just protection, hunting is a passion of mine and if I can’t have guns to hunt it would vastly limit what I can Harvest. The second amendment I would say is more important to hunters than it is to to someone that just owns an ar because it would force me to change my whole way of life
@@dirkhagoort4949 the second amendment is totally about guns for self defense from a tyrannical government. read it.
Worthington I agree with you hunting is highly regulated !! And most of the time it’s a privilege not a right in my opinion
You know joe rogan hunts right
Yeah wtf, back then if you didnt hunt you starved lol
I didn't hear anything past
"our constitution is silly"
Joe, who the fuck is this guy on your show!?
What the fuck?
Did this guy smoke meth while being dropped on his head in the middle of having a stroke? Because of the way he is speaking I am inclined to believe so.
Or, I could be wrong!
He could be speaking out of fear. You know. He’s in an abusive relationship with someone who owns lots of firearms and bullets for sed guns. But!! He can’t leave because he's in love; plus he doesn't have the balls too! However, if the government took them away, he’d feel a little safer.
Fuckin pansy!! He doesn't deserve the have a bald head, Joe!!! This fuckin guest of yours does not! Tell that pussy to go out and purchase a man wig.
And yet he still uses his right to speak freely! Silly constitution.
“Home invasion is every family’s worst nightmare, but it never happens”
Righttt... and what’s the percentage chance of being in a mass shooting in a school? Democrats always use that thhough
Sadly...Democrats will get their folks out to riot when an 80 year old lady blows away a 20 year old thug trying to break into her house...
The best security system is a big NRA sign out front...and a loaded AR-15 in the bedroom.
It happened to me...
I always find it funny when people try to state statistics about guns when they are completely different stats on every single site😂
Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars.
Don't give those control-freak motherphuckers any ideas.
And here is another funny thing: When he makes the argument that home invasions don't happen that often and neither do kidnappings...........that's the same kind of argument I heard as reasons for replacing police officers with social workers, as the argument for that was that only less than 10 percent of police incidents involved a violent suspect.
I was a volunteer firefighter and did my EMT training. You don't train for the 99 percent of daily incidents, you train for the 1 percent, which are the incidents that will kill you. And those incidents are never a question of if, but a question of when.
It only takes 1 percent of incidents to finish you off if you are not prepared. You have 1 life.
It’s like tying to make beer illegal as the solution to decrease public drunkenness; oh, wait...
@@HutchTheWolf cuz prohibition worked well, right?
@trenton5285Yes. And even with how relatively rare home invasions are in the US, they still happen *FAR* more often than mass shootings. So the rarity argument doesn’t even make sense to begin with. Why use something that happens so rarely as an argument against guns, while also ignoring a reason for gun rights that happens *MORE OFTEN* than your reason *against* guns? And home invasions aren’t even the main reason for our gun rights. The main reason is something that still has yet to happen in the entire history of our country. And that is government tyranny. Though the government has been trying some tyrannical things lately. We might need to use the 2nd Amendment for its original purpose one of these days.
"Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither."
DOMIJOTO was here tyrant laughs with murderous intent
That would go straight over his head.
As a European: *Americans, your constitution is not outdated and silly. It is we who are wrong on this and the first amendment.*
*pat pat*
Good European.
@Shane Lackey Very true, in Europe we've lost sense of this. So timeless you can quote the ancient Germanic havamal (basically a bible of Odin) one of the passages is that a man should never leave without a spear at hand, i.e concealed carry:
Let a man never stir on his road a step
without his weapons of war;
for unsure is the knowing when need shall arise
of a spear on the way without.
Do not be mistaken, concealed carry to defend one's life is as European as it gets.
@@toilethermit4395 Aint a lot of them left I am afraid, especially regarding the issue of personal freedom, liberty and property.
Toilet Hermit don’t be a smug asshole either...
Collins. Thank you sooooooo much!
“That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.”
― George Orwell
Had someone try to break into my bedroom window while I was asleep a few years ago... needless to say it was terrifying to wake up to. Now I own a gun.
"According to the FBI, in 2020 there were 365,348 NCIC entries for missing children. In 2019, the total number of missing children entries into NCIC was 421,394."
@@justindr.yaegertodd6220 And wtf this got to do with a gun discussion?
@@davidpelton1885 I was just pointing out how likely you could be kidnapped... 400,000 people every year are kidnapped! I thought that only people in MOVIES were kidnapped! #notreality #likerealife
If it's a handgun, then sell it and buy an AR! You're not accurate with handguns, but you'll be very accurate with an AR 15...
I'm glad u said that if I said .I watched ppl enslave ppl that look like me for no reason all because the color of there skin ...NOW I OWN A GUN 🤣🤣
"Hoplophobia": fear of guns. "Alethophobie": fear of truth.
Fear of liberalspeak.
Way to go it's great listening to your Channel