muy bien explicado,en c4d existe un nodo matcap, y se puede asignar a los objetos, una buena forma de trabajar con varios efectos,, como cartoon, con sus lineas en el exterior del objeto, seria muy bueno aplicarlo en blender,, muchas gracias
It's easier to add an Environment shader with your matcap plugged in and set to mirror ball, use Ctrl T to get texture coordinates to rotate on Z, and a mapping node set to Generated...
Thanks that means a lot. The new one is great, but it is more of a follow along and isn't really complete any more, it's missing so much of what the original had.
muy bien explicado,en c4d existe un nodo matcap, y se puede asignar a los objetos, una buena forma de trabajar con varios efectos,, como cartoon, con sus lineas en el exterior del objeto, seria muy bueno aplicarlo en blender,, muchas gracias
It's easier to add an Environment shader with your matcap plugged in and set to mirror ball, use Ctrl T to get texture coordinates to rotate on Z, and a mapping node set to Generated...
Only god knows how bad I miss your old Udemy's Blender course
Thanks that means a lot. The new one is great, but it is more of a follow along and isn't really complete any more, it's missing so much of what the original had.