We're all getting angrier, right? I don't think so. Rather, dumbed down by psychology.

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • We're all getting angier, right? I'm not so sure. Modern psychology has reduced the complexity of human emotions to six basic ones, so that empirical research can be done. And it's making us less emotionally intelligent. Speaking on Sunday Morning Live at the BBC.

Комментарии • 13

  • @spiritedcrone
    @spiritedcrone 7 месяцев назад +4

    Great title. Agree, we pathologise the human condition. Let us live and experience the whole range of emotions as normal and life enhancing.

  • @TheDionysianFields
    @TheDionysianFields 7 месяцев назад +4

    I agree. Everything's losing its nuance. Besides, most anger stems from the frustration of not being able to properly parse our emotions and link them to their causes.

  • @Mystery_G
    @Mystery_G 7 месяцев назад +7

    Dumbed down or warped and manipulated for control?

  • @jennysteves
    @jennysteves 7 месяцев назад +1

    Fear .. growing anxiety

  • @sensereference2227
    @sensereference2227 7 месяцев назад

    ...or people are getting angrier due to more and more frequent hostile interactions on social media between ideological tribal groups combined with stress about the current economic climate and the growing instability in various regions around the world.

  • @samrowbotham8914
    @samrowbotham8914 7 месяцев назад

    I believe the jab has something to do with it plus everyone being pushed into less space.

  • @susanmcdonald9088
    @susanmcdonald9088 7 месяцев назад +3

    Helplessness & empathetic grief, trauma, despair over what's happening in Gaza, has effected me & others, deeply. Course, trump uses this emotional frustration & anger, to his advantage...
    I love the ancient Greek Trinity of concepts, LOGOS ("logic", reason, language, communication...); ETHOS (our "ethics" & moral values), and PATHOS (utter Psyche, emotions, deepest feelings, chaotic, etc).
    But in Democratic Athens circa 580 B.C., a fascinating development also grew up . . . DRAMATIC THEATRE! ...and in honor of the god, DIONYSUS, god of wine, rivalry, and "contact" if you will, a very active communal participation in exploring human behavior that the likes of Shakespeare, Nietzsche, Freud, and many others, found inspiration and basic formats... Why is this?
    I think we need to understand this unique culture where every citizen voted on every little thing, where free speech ideas & criticisms of leaders came out of comic dramatic theatre, and dilemmas of such tragic proportions were played out live on stage! What Aristotle called "CATHARSIS" of those emotions.
    If the Assembly, debate, politics, and the schools concentrated on the LOGOS, using reason in arguments & debate, it was in the theatre, that the PATHOS & FOIBLES, were examined, with ETHOS somehow playing in both arenas of human life & society.
    An excellent documentary of classicists & the BBC, explores the range of democratic life, and the implications for us. The classics are not being taught in our educational systems, a crying shame really.
    Because they have much wisdom for us!

  • @thewanderingmonk47
    @thewanderingmonk47 7 месяцев назад +3

    I have been very angry for most of my life. But what I found was that it was covering up all my fears, self-doubt, worry, and feelings of not being enough, loneliness, self-hatred to name a few. Once I started truly and honestly wanting an answer by going deeper into the more uncomfortable feelings and really sitting with them the anger simply lessened without effort.
    Thank you Mark for all that you are doing.

  • @HowardARoark
    @HowardARoark 4 месяца назад +2

    "The richness of human emotion" being reduced to a simplistic set of basic emotions. That's pretty much convenient for our present regime. Helps them to keep us all in check and to endlessly patronize us. But anger? Out of the 7 deadly sins (wrath, pride, envy, sloth, greed, gluttony, lust) it is one of the 3 most serious ones - the other 2 being pride and envy. I believe this was considered to be the case by theologians because these 3 types of sin constitute a love of something evil - the other 4 are a love of something not evil, but in an inappropriate way (eg love of food or rest). But there is also righteous anger, a kind of right form of anger. There is a subtle distinction there. But yes your point is spot on, totally 100% agree, its definitely the game plan. How the few can control the many.

  • @marshalmcdonald7476
    @marshalmcdonald7476 7 месяцев назад +1

    VERY insightful.

  • @annakeiller2820
    @annakeiller2820 7 месяцев назад +1

    We're not dumbing down, we're expanding our awareness exponentially! Almost everyone have views and awareness regarding multiple ways of living one's life that were unheard of 50 years ago. Women's rights, sexual freedom, the issues surrounding gender, race, social inclusion, religion, work/life balance...we talk and emote about topics that were taboo only a few generations ago. I call that progress. It's messy and chaotic and yes rage occurs as a response but look at all the walls we have bashed down!

    • @brendantannam499
      @brendantannam499 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@NilSatis1983 I'm with Jordan Peterson that we should show all the love we can but show what he called the 'monster' when necessary to protect ourselves.