What quote and movie are most connected in your personal cinematic world? Let us know in the comments! For more content like this, click here: ruclips.net/video/csbwyq53zFE/видео.html Don't forget to play our Live Trivia (www.watchmojo.com/play) games at 3pm EST for a chance to win cash! The faster you answer, the more points you get!
I agree but it's more of a character line than a movie line. Most people can't name Sudden Impact, Magnum Force or The Dead Pool, but they know Dirty Harry.
"I'll Have What She's Having" (When Harry Met Sally) "I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it." (Back To The Future) "To infinity and beyond!" (Toy Story) "E.T. phone home." (E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial "Hey, I'm walkin' here! I'm walkin' here!" (Midnight Cowboy) "Just keep swimming." (Finding Nemo) The mother line from Bambi. "I'm Batman!" More over I'm a surprised that "Rosebud" form Citizen Kane isn't on the list. I mean, they spent the whole movie trying to figure out what it meant.
@@ebinrock The line from Gone with the Wind was there. And if you go by number of tickets sold as opposed to the money grossed off the movie, Gone with the Wind is easily number one.
I agree with "To infinity and beyond". I think the others might only be known by people that Know the actual movies they are from. By that I mean, even people that don't Know movies know where "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" and "I'm king of the world" came from and the exact movie, instead of just "I think that's from a movie"
a lot of quotes that i had hoped would be on here - IE one that is literally the movie name: "GOOOOOOOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!!!" or "Oh captain my captain" were two that immediately came to mind and I was disappointed that weren't on here. and one I know wouldn't be on here but I would love it to be from my favorite comedy of all time "the greater good"
@@KaiserTheDemon everyone knows GMV, but DPS is lesser known but what movie is for the greater good from ( sounds like something from citizen kane , 1984 , or a biden campaign slogan
@@politicalPUN-dent The Greater Good! - its a reference to Hot Fuzz, part of the cornetto trilogy (with Shaun of the Dead and The World's End). Basically a running gag throughout the movie is anytime someone says "The Greater Good", one or more characters will repeat back the exact phrase
"My Name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Such an awesome delivery from Mandy Patinkin, he solidified as one of the best quotes of cinematic history!
@@RopiGaming07 I saw it as a kid and enjoyed it (because I was so young), but saw it again later as an adult and . . . Well, quite frankly it's pretty stupid, but that's okay. It was a fun movie anyway. Thanks for your comment.
“ It rubs the lotion on it’s skin or else it gets the hose again” And “A census worker once tried to test me…I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti” Silence of the Lambs. Iconic.
I also think “Follow the yellow brick road “ also could be mentioned or “I’m melting, I’m melting” could also work. There are so many iconic lines in that movie.
@@DragoX7It's too bad that people can't report somebody for spoiling the shock ending of a thriller for those who haven't seen it yet. It's the sort of thing that a bratty little kid would do. So are you a bratty little kid?
Honorable mentions: 1.“STELLAAAA!!!” Streetcar named desire 2.”ET Phone Home” ET 3. “Hey! I’m walkin’ here “ Midnight Cowboy 4. “I’ll have what she’s having” When Harry met Sally 5. “I’ll get you my pretty! And your little dog, too!” Wizard of Oz
"1,500 years ago everyone knew the earth was the center of the universe, 500 years ago everyone knew the earth was flat, and 15 minutes ago you knew we were alone on this planet! Imagine what you'll know tomorrow." Men in Black
that movie has SO many quotes that are relatable to real life and I remind myself often "a person is smart, people are dumb, panicky, dangerous creatures and You know it", just to name one
“One does not simply walk into Mordor” spoken by Boromir in Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings. “One does not simply …….” has become the starting line for many a viral meme.
@RinJackson that's exactly why it SHOULDN'T be on the list. A line should be recognizable if you aren't into the movie. I've never heard of this either. Never seen the movie with "Here's Johnny! " but I know it!
The greatest movies have many iconic lines Princess Bride : - Inconceivable! - As you wish - My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die - Anybody want a peanut? - You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. - You're trying to kidnap what I've rightfully stolen. - Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
I got a story about "Gone With the Wind". I went to one of those universities that was funded by Southern Baptists, and when the school showed "Gone With the Wind", some maroon decided to mute the words at the end of Clark Gable's line. All of the audience yelled the line simultaneously.
She needed to let the film clip say the line first instead of telling us what the line is and talking about it and finally showing it. I had to turn it off because I wanted to hear the film clips, not her saying the line first.
@@laurellane1721 yeah, I'm hoping they were being sarcastic. I always have to think about whether it's worth watching the list because she talks over every damn thing way too much.
I would have replaced "Are you not entertained" with "There's no crying in baseball". While Darth's quote may have more emotional force, still would go with "May the Force be with you." More iconic.
the best "I'll be back" was in the expendables 2 when Arnold says it to Bruce Willis character and he replies "no, you've been back too many times, I'll be back"
* Jurassic Park : Clever Girl! * Casablanca : Play it, Sam! * Godfather : Keep your Friends Close, and keep your Enemies CLOSER! * Terminator : Come with me if you wanna live! * Marathon Man : Is it SAFE ?! * Lord of the Rings Franchise + The Hobbit, The Unexpected Journey : My PRECIOUS ! * Forrest Gump : Run, Forrest, Run !
What about "They call me Mr. Tibbs" (In the heat of the night) and "I'm walking here, I'm walking here" (Midnight Cowboy)? I was seriously expecting those famous lines in movies in this video!
Dear Mojo, you're gonna need a bigger list... "Tis but a scratch!" "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti." "This one time at band camp..." "You cheat, Doctor Jones, you cheat!" "Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings." "I know Kung Fu." Sore throat voice: "I'm Batman." "Draw me like one of your French girls, Jack!" "The call is coming from inside the house." (...not from where most people think.) "There can be only one." "SMOKIN'!" "ADRIAN!!!" "COWABUNGA!" "Asphinctersayswhat?" "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!" "Leeloo Dallas Multipass!!" "To infinity and beyond!" "I'm ready for my close-up, Mr Deville." "Laugh it up, fuzzball." "I'm not bad; I'm just drawn that way." "Shaken, not stirred." "As if!!" "Alright, alright, alright." "Shagadelic, Baby!" So many more... but I needs to stop for now.
Speaking of Austin Powers “Ooo behave.” “Riiiight.” “Shit. Oh hell, let's just do what we always do. Hijack some nuclear weapons and hold the world hostage. Yeah? Good!” “Zipp it.” “Why make trillions when we can make… billions.” “Throw me a freakin’ bone here.” “I’m the boss, need the info.” “Mole! Bloody mole! We aren't supposed to talk about the bloody mole, but there's a bloody mole winking me in the face. I want to c-u-u-t it off, ch-o-o-p it off, and make guacamole!” “Let me tell you a little story about a man named Sh! Sh! even before you start. That was a pre-emptive "sh!" Now, I have a whole bag of "sh!" with your name on it.”
Great lines, but "Shaken not stirred" is reminiscent of the franchise, not a specific Bond movie. Same with "Shagadelic Baby!" and "Cowabunga". Great lines though.
Aside from that angry interjection from Kirk, Nicholas Meyer was such a brilliant writer/director on that film. And I think it's one of the rare occasions when the director's cut is superior to the theatrical cut.
"You do know how to whistle, don't you? You just put your lips together and....blow". *Often quoted as; the first line is actually: "You do know how to whistle don't you, Steve? - Lauren Bacall to Humphrey Bogart, 'To Have and Have Not (1944)
"Sonny, true love is the greatest thing in the world, except for a nice MLT. A mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato's ripe. They're so perky, i love that."
"I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-Beams glitter in the dark Near the Tannhäuser Gates. All these... moments... will be lost in time, Like tears... in... rain. Time....to...die."-Roy Batty, Blade Runner. One of the best movie quotes.
it does not make the movie recognizable, it´s in every reeboot of spiderman....so in about felt 200 movies, as they reboot that about every 10 years....
Never said it. It was either "Hello Agent Starling" or "Good evening, Clarice". "Hello Clarice" is a very misquoted line, mostly perpetrated by Jim Carrey in Cable Guy.
As much as “show me the money” is recognizable, “you had me at hello” is more iconic, and has become a staple in conversation by changing it a bit as in “you had me at cheese”
"I'd Buy That For A Dollar" - Robocop "That's not knife - this is a knife!" - Crocodile Dundee " I'm too old for this shit!" - Lethal Weapon “Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.” - Back To The Future "Great Scott!" - Back To The Future "Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?" - Dirty Harry "E.T, Phone Home" - E.T "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." - Godfather Part 2 "Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape." - Planet of the Apes "Another basement, another elevator. How can the same shit happen to the same guy twice?" - Die Hard 2
"You're a wizard, Harry"(perhaps this one's cheating) "Alllllllrighty then" "If he dies, he dies" "Clever girl" "Maximum effort" "On your left" "Of course I'm serious.....and don't call me Shirley" "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball" "America, F*ck yeah!" "Let them fight" "I know Kung-Fu" "Who ya gonna call?" I know some of these are niche movies but if you have seen the movies, you know the line.
“Freedom” - brave heart “I can do this all day” - Captain America “Adrian, I did it!” - Rocky “But, Why is the rum gone?” - Pirates of the Caribbean “Roar” - Godzilla
"Through dangers untold, and hardships unnumbered..." or "Should you need us?" or "I think I'll name him Jareth. He's got my eyes." or or or...😁 Or maybe Labyrinth happens to be my all-time favorite movie, and every quote is burned into my memory😅
Roy Scheider adlibbed the line "You're gonna need a bigger boat." and Robert De Niro adlibbed the entire "You lookin' at me?" scene. These iconic lines weren't even in the scripts.
@@5610winston I've read about that. A random NYC cab driver drove through the film set without realizing it and almost hit Hoffman who stayed in character with his response.
Fun Fact: While making The Dark Knight, one of only four IMAX cameras in the world at that time was destroyed while filming the chase scene with The Joker and the S.W.A.T. vans
What about, "As you wish" from Princess Bride? 😊 And, true story: I was shopping at a resale store, and I almost bought a blouse with "As U Wish" on the tag! It was too tight, or I would have had a Princess Bride blouse! 😂
Aww man. You forgot the best one from the Treasure of Sierra Madre “Badges? We ain’t got no badges. We don’t need no badges I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!”
A different idea, a quote I waited to hear and finally heard it in 2019 (happens more often than you think): "Avengers! Assemble." Nothing compared to this list, but something to think about. I remember the first time I heard it and repeated it to my friend at the movie theater and someone told me he hadn't seen it, so don't spoil it. He had no idea I had just spoiled it. On another note in the movie theater, a guest walked in for Top Gun: Maverick. He yells to his group, "I feel the need!" He was left completely hanging, and it was so funny!
What quote and movie are most connected in your personal cinematic world? Let us know in the comments!
For more content like this, click here: ruclips.net/video/csbwyq53zFE/видео.html
Don't forget to play our Live Trivia (www.watchmojo.com/play) games at 3pm EST for a chance to win cash! The faster you answer, the more points you get!
🃏....he can be fun
Honorable mention:
"To Infinity and Beyond" - Toy Story series
"Run, Forrest, Run!" - Forrest Gump
"Good Morning Vietnam" - Good Morning Vietnam
Top 10 or 20 songs of Akcent, please! 😊😘😊
"It's..... It's a dinosaur." Jurassic Park
"Was that the Boogeyman?" Halloween (original)
"It's the stuff that dreams are made of." --Sam Spade, "The Maltese Falcon" (1941) 😊
I think "Go ahead, make my day" from Dirty Harry could have been justified being on the list.
"You've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky?"
I agree, though it's actually from Sudden Impact....but is a Dirty Harry movie.
Totally agree.👍🏻
I agree but it's more of a character line than a movie line. Most people can't name Sudden Impact, Magnum Force or The Dead Pool, but they know Dirty Harry.
"I'll Have What She's Having" (When Harry Met Sally)
"I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it." (Back To The Future)
"To infinity and beyond!" (Toy Story)
"E.T. phone home." (E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
"Hey, I'm walkin' here! I'm walkin' here!" (Midnight Cowboy)
"Just keep swimming." (Finding Nemo)
The mother line from Bambi.
"I'm Batman!"
More over I'm a surprised that "Rosebud" form Citizen Kane isn't on the list. I mean, they spent the whole movie trying to figure out what it meant.
I figured it out almost instantly. You would be surprised if you knew what Rosebud meant in r/l in regards to Hearst.
Yeah, you would think the line from "the greatest movie ever made" (as we're constantly told) would be here!
No I am Spartacus
@@ebinrock The line from Gone with the Wind was there. And if you go by number of tickets sold as opposed to the money grossed off the movie, Gone with the Wind is easily number one.
I agree with "To infinity and beyond". I think the others might only be known by people that Know the actual movies they are from. By that I mean, even people that don't Know movies know where "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" and "I'm king of the world" came from and the exact movie, instead of just "I think that's from a movie"
"That's not a knife - this is a knife! Crocodile Dundee.
That’s not a knife. That’s a spoon. 🥄
The Simpson’s
“You work on commission, right? Big mistake. HUGE!!”
i hear that line with the aussie accent LOL
Feeling lucky punk?
"Surely you can't be serious?"
"I am serious, and don't call me Shirley."
I said the same.
@@loganbyrne3054 or the one line that would absolutely be not allowed today. Is when the young girl say 'I like my coffee black, like my men'.
@@soupdragonuk I gave my heart and it was misused. (DragonHeart)
"I picked the wrong day to quit amphetamines".
Rated funniest movie ever.
“Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.”
"Great scott!"
One point twenty one giga watts!
88 miles an hour!!!!!
@@WinsberryEntertainment "I know, this is heavy!"
"You're gonna see some serious shit."
a lot of quotes that i had hoped would be on here - IE one that is literally the movie name: "GOOOOOOOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!!!" or "Oh captain my captain" were two that immediately came to mind and I was disappointed that weren't on here.
and one I know wouldn't be on here but I would love it to be from my favorite comedy of all time "the greater good"
The greater good!
Nobody's perfect from Some Like It Hot
@@KaiserTheDemon everyone knows GMV, but DPS is lesser known but what movie is for the greater good from ( sounds like something from citizen kane , 1984 , or a biden campaign slogan
@@politicalPUN-dent The Greater Good! - its a reference to Hot Fuzz, part of the cornetto trilogy (with Shaun of the Dead and The World's End). Basically a running gag throughout the movie is anytime someone says "The Greater Good", one or more characters will repeat back the exact phrase
"My Name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Such an awesome delivery from Mandy Patinkin, he solidified as one of the best quotes of cinematic history!
That's definitely not "inconceivable."
Completely agree!
To say otherwise would be absolutely, unequivocally, and in all other ways inconceivable!
@@russelljohnson6267you keep saying that word… I do not think it means what you think it means
@@signergirl1 😀😀
For The Princess Bride just one word will do it: "Inconceivable!".
I do not think that means what you think it means
As you wish
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders
@@amolbhatki5278 The most famous of which is, never get involved in a land war in Asia
"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum."
-"They Live" (1988)
YESSSSSSS!!! Rowdy Roddy Piper. I LOVE that line.
I only came here to drink beer and kick some ass, and looks like we’re out of beer.
Dazed and Confused
Iconic line.
Fun fact: I never even watched that movie, it was just so iconic and I noticed that it wasn't included in the video
@@RopiGaming07 I saw it as a kid and enjoyed it (because I was so young), but saw it again later as an adult and . . .
Well, quite frankly it's pretty stupid, but that's okay. It was a fun movie anyway.
Thanks for your comment.
One word. "Wilson" the only movie that can make you cry over a volleyball
Um, no
didn't to me... but it came super close
“ It rubs the lotion on it’s skin or else it gets the hose again” And “A census worker once tried to test me…I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti”
Silence of the Lambs. Iconic.
I like the closing line better for its gleefully sinister dad-joke pun: "I'm having an old friend for dinner."
@@robertlevine2827this one.
Mentioned that one too, awesome.
You left out the best part of that line: "Ph-pf-pf-pf-pf-pf-pf-..."
No, I'll do one better: "Hello Clarice."
"Its alive!"
-Frankenstein (1931)
this one comment is better than entire video
" I'm too old for this shit!"- Roger Murtaugh Lethal Weapon
totally iconic. Followed by "we're not too old for this shit" shouts in the end.
"No, I'm Chaos, and he's Mayhem. We're a double act."
I quote it often.
@peterfijten7470 "Gee Sarge, does this mean we're through for the day?"
"Son, there ain't no more draft"
I m too old for this shit . I say something like it " I'm too sober for this shit!" 😂😂😂
But for a lot of us in our 50's, not enough money yet to retire. What a spot to be in.
"Go ahead. Make my day!" I am so surprised it didn't make the list!
Whenever I go jogging near my area, you can guarantee that a neighbour will randomly shout "Run, Forrest, run!", just to be funny! 😅
Lol thanks for the laugh. Forrest Gump is such a fantastic movie.
Rebecca makes every one of Watch Mojo's videos worth watching... what a great personality and voice she is... thanks Watch Mojo!
@@mikememine1423 that is true. I been here since 2014 or 2015 my self
Nice :D
"You'll shoot your eye out," is tragically missing.
nice wordplay...
Too many to list. Dozens of instantly recognizable could have been here.
“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” - Wizard of Oz
Nah ... The line for Wizard of Oz is "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!"
I would hazard a guess that this is the most referenced movie
@@matthewdigiacomo2580 One could argue "We're not in Kansas anymore." That movie had so many quotable lines, it's hard to pick one.
I also think “Follow the yellow brick road
“ also could be mentioned or “I’m melting, I’m melting” could also work. There are so many iconic lines in that movie.
I can't believe they didn't say "May the force be with you."
Doesn't narrow it down to a single movie.
And they did add it as a honourable mention.
and "I've got a bad feeling about this"
Nah, it's "Use the force, Luke."
That’s what I just posted too😮
“What’s in the box?” - Se7en
Gwyneth paltrow's head
I was gonna add that one too.
@@DragoX7It's too bad that people can't report somebody for spoiling the shock ending of a thriller for those who haven't seen it yet. It's the sort of thing that a bratty little kid would do. So are you a bratty little kid?
@@louisejohnson6057Bro that movie came out so long ago. It’s not his fault you haven’t seen it yet
"What we have here is failure to communicate."
- Cool Hand Luke
So classic Guns & Roses used it.
In the movie, it sounds like he leaves out the word "to", so it sounds like "What we have here is failure communicate."
Nobody can eat 50 eggs...😊
@@charlotteryner6583 I bet the L.A. Beast could!
I used to tease my step grandmother with that saying because she always got things messed up
First rule of the fight club
You don't talk about fight club
Why it's Johnny Ringo
Honorable mentions:
1.“STELLAAAA!!!” Streetcar named desire
2.”ET Phone Home” ET
3. “Hey! I’m walkin’ here “ Midnight Cowboy
4. “I’ll have what she’s having” When Harry met Sally
5. “I’ll get you my pretty! And your little dog, too!” Wizard of Oz
Stella is technically from a Play turned Into a movie, so not sure if that one counts.
@@elijahwatt9643 fair enough
"1,500 years ago everyone knew the earth was the center of the universe, 500 years ago everyone knew the earth was flat, and 15 minutes ago you knew we were alone on this planet!
Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."
Men in Black
that movie has SO many quotes that are relatable to real life and I remind myself often
"a person is smart, people are dumb, panicky, dangerous creatures and You know it", just to name one
“You know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in Paris?”
Royale with cheese! (because of the metric system)
Live long and prosper will always be a favorite of mine.
Not a single movie though ;)
Was already a famous line from TV before it made it to the movies. Otherwise ... maybe ...
"As You Wish"❤❤❤
Wizard of Oz i'd def go with "I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore" as more iconic
"There's no place like home"
Or even "I'll get you, my pretty. And your little dog too"
“One does not simply walk into Mordor” spoken by Boromir in Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings. “One does not simply …….” has become the starting line for many a viral meme.
Ferris Bueller: "Life moves pretty fast."
Ian Malcolm: "Life, uh, finds a way."
John Hammond: "Welcome to Jurassic Park!" (or if you want to be humorous: "Dinosaurs eat man, Woman inherits the earth")
While we're quoting characters played by Jeff Goldblum, "Time's up" from Independence Day.
Jack Nicholson as the Joker: “You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?”
You wanna get nuts?? Come on! Let’s get nuts!! 😁 it’s my favorite Batman movie 🙈
The iconic, "They´re here" should have been on here.
Agree. Poltergeist's famous line that everyone knows.
@@joshuaburba1048 I don't. Not into horror movies.
@@michaeldemus6666I'm not into a good chunk of the movies on this list and I still know the quotes
@RinJackson that's exactly why it SHOULDN'T be on the list. A line should be recognizable if you aren't into the movie. I've never heard of this either. Never seen the movie with "Here's Johnny! " but I know it!
The greatest movies have many iconic lines
Princess Bride :
- Inconceivable!
- As you wish
- My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die
- Anybody want a peanut?
- You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
- You're trying to kidnap what I've rightfully stolen.
- Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
"Hasta la vista, baby".
I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.
I can’t remember which movie this is from, but I know I’ve seen it
Terminator 2
"Rosebud." And another from The Godfather: "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli."
I heard the cannoli one was an ad-lib
"I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that." is the line most recognizable for 2002 Space Odyssey.
LOL...oops, butter fingers@@kennyboggs3676
Absolutely, I immediately thought HAL’s reply was more iconic
@@kennyboggs3676 It was repeated in the sequel.
I was going to mention that. Nobody remembers the "Hal, open the pod doors" line, just the response.
"Daisy.... Daiiisssyyy..."
I got a story about "Gone With the Wind". I went to one of those universities that was funded by Southern Baptists, and when the school showed "Gone With the Wind", some maroon decided to mute the words at the end of Clark Gable's line. All of the audience yelled the line simultaneously.
Was it frankly my dear i don't give a damn
Rebecca is what makes Watch Mojo so enjoyable....Her iconic voice is what keeps people coming back. She needs a raise!!!
She needed to let the film clip say the line first instead of telling us what the line is and talking about it and finally showing it. I had to turn it off because I wanted to hear the film clips, not her saying the line first.
@@laurellane1721 yeah, I'm hoping they were being sarcastic. I always have to think about whether it's worth watching the list because she talks over every damn thing way too much.
@@jadarv Agree!
I know right?! Every time I hear a different voice, I'm like, "what the heck, did I click on the wrong video?!", & I check the title to make sure. 😂😂
"Badges? We don't need no steenkin' badges!"
"With great Power comes great responsabilty", " Bond, James Bond".
To be fair (harmonized), "Bond, James Bond" isn't associated with one specific Bond movie. But it's an awesome line!!
@@katty5100You can. It's his proper introductory line in Dr. No.
I wouldn't say "With great power comes great responsibility" is an iconic *movie* quote necessarily
@@katty5100To be faiiiir.
This line was also in Spider-Man!
"You're killing me smalls!" The Sandlot. Thought for sure that was gonna make the list.
The line "Hello my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die" from the princess bride was awesome
I would have replaced "Are you not entertained" with "There's no crying in baseball". While Darth's quote may have more emotional force, still would go with "May the Force be with you." More iconic.
This list needs to be a top 100 list. There are WAY too many quotes to list and the bulk of them (about 95%) we have heard one time or another 😁😁😁
the best "I'll be back" was in the expendables 2 when Arnold says it to Bruce Willis character and he replies "no, you've been back too many times, I'll be back"
For me, it have to be "To Infinity and Beyond" from the Toy Story series.
I used to have a manager named Dave. My personalized ringtone for him was Hal saying, "I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."
Ha! How perfect.
* Jurassic Park : Clever Girl!
* Casablanca : Play it, Sam!
* Godfather : Keep your Friends Close, and keep your Enemies CLOSER!
* Terminator : Come with me if you wanna live!
* Marathon Man : Is it SAFE ?!
* Lord of the Rings Franchise + The Hobbit, The Unexpected Journey : My PRECIOUS !
* Forrest Gump : Run, Forrest, Run !
“Clever girl” still gives me chills!
Blues brothers : we're on a mission from God
Casablanca line is Play it again, Sam.
@@danicegewiss862 or maybe Of all the gin joints in the world, you had to walk into mine
What about "They call me Mr. Tibbs" (In the heat of the night) and "I'm walking here, I'm walking here" (Midnight Cowboy)? I was seriously expecting those famous lines in movies in this video!
Dear Mojo, you're gonna need a bigger list...
"Tis but a scratch!"
"I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."
"This one time at band camp..."
"You cheat, Doctor Jones, you cheat!"
"Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings."
"I know Kung Fu."
Sore throat voice: "I'm Batman."
"Draw me like one of your French girls, Jack!"
"The call is coming from inside the house." (...not from where most people think.)
"There can be only one."
"Leeloo Dallas Multipass!!"
"To infinity and beyond!"
"I'm ready for my close-up, Mr Deville."
"Laugh it up, fuzzball."
"I'm not bad; I'm just drawn that way."
"Shaken, not stirred."
"As if!!"
"Alright, alright, alright."
"Shagadelic, Baby!"
So many more... but I needs to stop for now.
Speaking of Austin Powers
“Ooo behave.”
“Shit. Oh hell, let's just do what we always do. Hijack some nuclear weapons and hold the world hostage. Yeah? Good!”
“Zipp it.”
“Why make trillions when we can make… billions.”
“Throw me a freakin’ bone here.”
“I’m the boss, need the info.”
“Mole! Bloody mole! We aren't supposed to talk about the bloody mole, but there's a bloody mole winking me in the face. I want to c-u-u-t it off, ch-o-o-p it off, and make guacamole!”
“Let me tell you a little story about a man named Sh! Sh! even before you start. That was a pre-emptive "sh!" Now, I have a whole bag of "sh!" with your name on it.”
Great lines, but "Shaken not stirred" is reminiscent of the franchise, not a specific Bond movie. Same with "Shagadelic Baby!" and "Cowabunga". Great lines though.
@@katty5100 So, my takeaway here is Mojo needs a new list based on that topic: "Franchises that can be identified by one line alone."
"You got to ask yourself one question: do I feel lucky?... Well, do you, punk?"
You're killin' me Smalls!!!
But is that one as iconic as "THE GREAT BAMBINOOOOO"
You play ball like a girl!!!
@@alankeith7866 still say it but have no idea were i picked it up, i cant remember the film at all , i just keep picturing the Tupac/Biggie beef
@@politicalPUN-dent From the movie The Sandlot. Awesome movie!!
"Shaken, not stirred." "Do ya feel lucky? Well, do ya punk?"
Star Trek II has everyone beat, it’s just one word: “KHHHHHHHHAANNNNN!!!”
And repeated in "Star Trek: Into Darkness" - but with a different person speaking the line.
@@kegginstructure It was Spock while Kirk was dying.
Aside from that angry interjection from Kirk, Nicholas Meyer was such a brilliant writer/director on that film. And I think it's one of the rare occasions when the director's cut is superior to the theatrical cut.
@@kegginstructure Oh yeah, young Spock WHINES it out. Horrible.
"It's leviOsa, not leviosAh" 😂😂😂 🧙🏼♀️⚡
You do it then if you're so clever
Harry Potter: You’re a wizard, Harry.
Die Hard: Yippie-kai-ya
I love the Die Hard line, always makes me laugh 😂
Do you really think you stand a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy?
Going with the 2nd version.... Yippee-ki-yay Mr. Falcon.
As The Princess Bride is one of THE most quotable films of ALL TIME the fact that it's 14 is a travesty
“Do you expect me to talk?”
"No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die.”
Epic :D
YES! Wanted to add that one myself.
This might be a 007 movie.
It's cheating mentioning the main character by name in the quote 😛
@@DerKiesch Goldfinger isn't in that quote.
"Life moves pretty fast; If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
I'd argue that "I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship" is more iconic for Cassablanca
Bud won't we always have Paris?
"You do know how to whistle, don't you? You just put your lips together and....blow". *Often quoted as; the first line is actually: "You do know how to whistle don't you, Steve? - Lauren Bacall to Humphrey Bogart, 'To Have and Have Not (1944)
When I think of Casablanca, the line that always come to mind is Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Play it again Sam
"The problemsh of two people don't amount to a hill of beansh in thish crazhy woorld."
I totally agree
Me too!
Me too!
It's also the film title, so kinda doesn't leave any room for misdirection, no matter who hears this line.
@@nancyjay790 how about "Rockin' from the delta to the DMZ"
In my opinion, "the princess bride" should have been at least a little bit higher up than #14 but I am so glad that it was at least on here somewhere.
Inconceivable !!
@@petermontoya1796you keep using this word, I do not think it means what you think it means! 🤣
@@scorch1968 No more rhyming !!
Yeah cos there are 3 that fits this film and every one will know the film
I can not believe this one did not make the Top Thirty: "Shall We Play A Game?" War Games (1983)
The princess bride has to be the most quotable film I've ever seen. Take your pick, virtually the entire script is memorable
As you Wish
"Sonny, true love is the greatest thing in the world, except for a nice MLT. A mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato's ripe. They're so perky, i love that."
So true. Depending on what going on, there is a quote.
He's mostly dead.
Have fun storming the castle
As you wish
It's inconceivable
"I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe...
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
I watched C-Beams glitter in the dark
Near the Tannhäuser Gates.
All these... moments... will be lost in time,
Like tears... in... rain. Time....to...die."-Roy Batty, Blade Runner. One of the best movie quotes.
and Rutger Hauers delivery.... top notch...
@@Metzwerg74 As I remember to have readed it somewhere, it was Hauer himself that invented the text.
I'm surprised Uncle Ben's quote isn't here
'With great power comes great responsibility'
it does not make the movie recognizable, it´s in every reeboot of spiderman....so in about felt 200 movies, as they reboot that about every 10 years....
It's also pretty much Stan Lee's go-to in his stories.
I'm your huckleberry. (Tombstone)
Never give up. Never surrender (Galaxy Quest)
"Snake's why did it have to be snake's" Indiana Jones
I’ve had it with these mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane
I love Sallah's reply: "Asps. Very dangerous. [Turns to Indy]: You go first."
@@Tylordvondoom had to know this was coming
"I have had it with these motherf***ing snakes on this motherf***ing plane!"
This list deserve a part II, hasta la vista baby.
The princess bride should’ve been in the top 10. That line is too damn iconic to be that low.
I can't believe you left out: "Bond, James Bond". " Do you expect me to talk. No Mr Bond i expect you to die" (Goldfinger).
"Hello Clarice"
Never said it. It was either "Hello Agent Starling" or "Good evening, Clarice". "Hello Clarice" is a very misquoted line, mostly perpetrated by Jim Carrey in Cable Guy.
@@BrianJNelson "I have an old friend for dinner."
It’s “good evening Clarice”
Whichever.. these lines are more memorable than some others listed
"Who's Clarice?"
-Wanda, "The Fairly Oddparents"
As much as “show me the money” is recognizable, “you had me at hello” is more iconic, and has become a staple in conversation by changing it a bit as in “you had me at cheese”
"Excuse me while I whip this out" "I've got a golden ticket" "They call me Mr. Tibbs!" "Do you feel lucky, punk?" "Warriors, come out to playay!"
The Sheriff is near!
Great list-definitely some of my favorites. My suggestion is from The Elephant Man: “I am not an animal, I am a human being.”
I coulda been a contender.. I coulda been somebody.. How'd you leave that out?
"I'd Buy That For A Dollar" - Robocop
"That's not knife - this is a knife!" - Crocodile Dundee
" I'm too old for this shit!" - Lethal Weapon
“Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.” - Back To The Future
"Great Scott!" - Back To The Future
"Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?" - Dirty Harry
"E.T, Phone Home" - E.T
"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." - Godfather Part 2
"Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape." - Planet of the Apes
"Another basement, another elevator. How can the same shit happen to the same guy twice?" - Die Hard 2
"You're a wizard, Harry"(perhaps this one's cheating)
"Alllllllrighty then"
"If he dies, he dies"
"Clever girl"
"Maximum effort"
"On your left"
"Of course I'm serious.....and don't call me Shirley"
"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball"
"America, F*ck yeah!"
"Let them fight"
"I know Kung-Fu"
"Who ya gonna call?"
I know some of these are niche movies but if you have seen the movies, you know the line.
"Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire"
Knew them all. Nice.
“Freedom” - brave heart
“I can do this all day” - Captain America
“Adrian, I did it!” - Rocky
“But, Why is the rum gone?” - Pirates of the Caribbean
“Roar” - Godzilla
"You remind me of the babe - The Babe with power - The power of Voodoo - Who do? - You do - Do what? - Remind me of the babe" Labyrinth (1986).
hi dude how are you
@kennyboggs3676 Yes, the movie was "The Bachelor and the Bobbysoxer" with a teenage Shirley Temple and Myrna Loy.
Bligh me, should've gone that way, lead you straight to the castle.
@@AshC0at-DV8 Who me? I'm just a worm. Come in side, meet the Missus!
"Through dangers untold, and hardships unnumbered..." or "Should you need us?" or "I think I'll name him Jareth. He's got my eyes." or or or...😁 Or maybe Labyrinth happens to be my all-time favorite movie, and every quote is burned into my memory😅
“Fasten your seatbelts - it’s going to be a bumpy night”. - - - - - no one like Bette…….
Roy Scheider adlibbed the line "You're gonna need a bigger boat." and Robert De Niro adlibbed the entire "You lookin' at me?" scene. These iconic lines weren't even in the scripts.
"I'm walkin' here!"
Dustin Hoffman ad-lib in _Midnight Cowboy_
@@5610winston I've read about that. A random NYC cab driver drove through the film set without realizing it and almost hit Hoffman who stayed in character with his response.
“Tis but a scratch” - Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
“Go ahead…make my day” - Dirty Harry
“I take it black…like my men” - Airplane
Dirty Harry
1. "Go ahead. Make my day.”
2. “You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well do ya, punk?”
"This one goes to eleven."
Spinal Tap
Fun Fact: While making The Dark Knight, one of only four IMAX cameras in the world at that time was destroyed while filming the chase scene with The Joker and the S.W.A.T. vans
And I heard that bad boy cost about a million bucks😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I don't remember no pod doors line. I've always found the line, "I'm afraid I cannot do that, Dave" is the line I associate with 2001.
"How do ya like them apples?"
Good Will Hunting!
"No I am your father" is arguably the the biggest plot twist in movie history
What about, "As you wish" from Princess Bride? 😊 And, true story: I was shopping at a resale store, and I almost bought a blouse with "As U Wish" on the tag! It was too tight, or I would have had a Princess Bride blouse! 😂
I have only one thing to say about Princess Bride ranked so low on this list…
@@matrixphijr You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. 😆
"Be excellent to each other."
"Party on dudes!"
I was hoping Cool Hand Luke was gonna be on this list! “What we’ve got here…failure to communicate” -Captain
I can eat 50 eggs.
@@Issblodh Stop feeding on me!
What happens when we run out of road?
Aww man. You forgot the best one from the Treasure of Sierra Madre
“Badges? We ain’t got no badges. We don’t need no badges I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!”
That’s one of the first ones I thought of.
A different idea, a quote I waited to hear and finally heard it in 2019 (happens more often than you think): "Avengers! Assemble." Nothing compared to this list, but something to think about. I remember the first time I heard it and repeated it to my friend at the movie theater and someone told me he hadn't seen it, so don't spoil it. He had no idea I had just spoiled it.
On another note in the movie theater, a guest walked in for Top Gun: Maverick. He yells to his group, "I feel the need!" He was left completely hanging, and it was so funny!
@@kennyboggs3676 I think it was mostly Gen X and Gen Z, but there's fault on all sides.
Or how about " Puny god."
You could use any line from my favorite Princess Bride and I would instantly know it. ❤
As you wish
Ghostbusters? Who ya gonna call?! How did that one get missed?
I like, "We're ready . . to BELIEEEEVE YOU!"
Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god you say YES
He slimed me.😊
"I'm Spartacus!", "Is it safe?","Nobody's perfect!"
Oh I Love “Some like it hot”❤
I’m Brian and so’s my wife.
"Do you like scary movies?"
- Scream
Shmaltzy movie, virtually unwatchable.
You want to see something scary?
Twilight Zone the movie
Love it :)
We always use “you wish it was Ted” from Scream 2
Whats your favorite Scary movie?