Excelent ride, its one of my great favorite . I lived in Osaka but I love Kobe , amazing city. Much better after weather was shiny ; Thanks for precious job !
"Speed that makes you feel fear" is such a great tagline. I really love the speed on the E223s! And the scenery is always beautiful in Japan. Do you get to travel full time as a job to capture all these great train journeys?
A non-high-speed train feels really fast at 130km/h in the city. Especially because it is a commuter vehicle, the sound and vibration are amazing. My main business is construction, so basically I shoot only on Sundays and holidays. We go out for a photo shoot once every 1-2 months.
Gran calidad de video y trayecto atractivo. NO difume a las personas, toda persona en la vía pública está expuesta a ser observada, examinada e incluso monitoreada con seguimiento, No existe privacidad en calles, avenidas, andenes o cafés al aire libre, si no, todos andaríamos con una máscara. Tome como ejemplo a sus colegas de tours en Tokio o en buses en Londres.
Es una consideración, no un problema legal. Japón es un país con una abrumadora cantidad de personas a las que no les gusta que las fotografíen sin permiso.
I wonder has JR West thought about pushing the top speed even higher, like to 140 km/h (87 mph). I think it could be done but it may too much interfere with all-stops local train service.
In Japan, there is a rule that except in special sections, a car must stop within 600m after applying the brakes. The very limit is 130 km/h. Even if braking technology is developed and trains can stop at 140 km/h, it will be difficult to achieve this due to the burden on the rails and the cars. The difference in the maximum speeds of the trains is another reason why it has not been possible to achieve this goal.
In the past, there was a limited express that ran at 160 km even on narrow gauge in Niigata. I think the biggest reason is that it cannot be operated safely, and even if it can be done, it costs too much to maintain the track and maintain the durability of the train. People who want to move quickly should use the Shinkansen.
@@ys-train That was the old _Hakutaka_ limited express service between Kanazawa and Echigo-Yuzawa Stations. On the Hokuhoku Line, they could achieve speeds as high as 160 km/h, but then with so little traffic on the line, braking was not exactly an issue. But with the former JNR lines with much busier traffic like between Osaka and Himeji Stations, they kept the top speed to 130 km/h so in case of the need to do emergency braking, it will do it reasonably quickly.
Many thanks 🙏😊
Thank you for your support!
新快速 MH(+警笛)ポイント(作成途中)
近江八幡 19:50
草津 33:12
摂津富田 1:14:02
千里丘 1:17:33 2コーラス
岸辺 1:18:27
新大阪 1:21:55
0:00 米原止まり 新快速 到着(折り返し 米原発 姫路行き 新快速)
1:24 米原(発車)
6:11 彦根 (停車)
6:31 彦根 (発車)
9:01 南彦根 (通過)
10:27 河瀬 (通過)
12:18 稲枝 (通過)
14:37 能登川(停車)
17:40 上りにひだ25号
18:02 安土(通過)
20:20 近江八幡(停車)
20:55 近江八幡(発車)
23:33 篠原(通過)
26:51 野洲 (停車)
27:06 野洲 (発車)
29:57 守山 (停車)
30:15 守山(発車)
32:02 栗東(通過)
33:45 草津(停車)
35:00 草津 (発車)
38:19 南草津(発車)
40:24 瀬田(アニキ)(通過)
42:14 石山(停車)
42:46 石山(発車)
44:58 膳所(通過)
Excelent ride, its one of my great favorite . I lived in Osaka but I love Kobe , amazing city. Much better after weather was shiny ; Thanks for precious job !
the rainy day make it more real and content! thank you for the good video❤❤❤
@@クロウクロウ-y6u 0:06 からプラレールのような列車が走る。
@@ZeddahnTonybin ぁぁーwそゆことか、ごめんなさい
I just love a rainy train ride in Japan, awesome!😁
0:54 フロントマスクの両側に「耳」みたいな構造物があるんですが空力パーツの類かな?
@@ys-train なるほど!前後連結部分の隙間へのホームから線路への転落を防ぐんですね。貫通扉同士だと通常連結よりも間が空いちゃうんでしょうか。新型車の曲面ガラスの採用がさらに広げたか?
@@Kazudon_8500 返信どうもです。格好いいのも痛し痒しってことですね。
"Speed that makes you feel fear" is such a great tagline. I really love the speed on the E223s! And the scenery is always beautiful in Japan.
Do you get to travel full time as a job to capture all these great train journeys?
A non-high-speed train feels really fast at 130km/h in the city. Especially because it is a commuter vehicle, the sound and vibration are amazing.
My main business is construction, so basically I shoot only on Sundays and holidays. We go out for a photo shoot once every 1-2 months.
thanks for share! very stable train ride.
Gran calidad de video y trayecto atractivo. NO difume a las personas, toda persona en la vía pública está expuesta a ser observada, examinada e incluso monitoreada con seguimiento, No existe privacidad en calles, avenidas, andenes o cafés al aire libre, si no, todos andaríamos con una máscara. Tome como ejemplo a sus colegas de tours en Tokio o en buses en Londres.
Es una consideración, no un problema legal.
Japón es un país con una abrumadora cantidad de personas a las que no les gusta que las fotografíen sin permiso.
What is the gauge of the rail track?
All JR lines in Japan are 3 ft 6 in (1,067 mm), except for Shinkansen.
@@ys-train Thanks.
@@karlwu5599There are a number of exceptions such as the Toei Shinjuku line which is 4ft 6in (1,372mm).
I wonder has JR West thought about pushing the top speed even higher, like to 140 km/h (87 mph). I think it could be done but it may too much interfere with all-stops local train service.
In Japan, there is a rule that except in special sections, a car must stop within 600m after applying the brakes. The very limit is 130 km/h. Even if braking technology is developed and trains can stop at 140 km/h, it will be difficult to achieve this due to the burden on the rails and the cars. The difference in the maximum speeds of the trains is another reason why it has not been possible to achieve this goal.
@@ys-train is it also including the safety reason because Japan are using narrow gauge rail?
In the past, there was a limited express that ran at 160 km even on narrow gauge in Niigata.
I think the biggest reason is that it cannot be operated safely, and even if it can be done, it costs too much to maintain the track and maintain the durability of the train.
People who want to move quickly should use the Shinkansen.
As far as I know, the only limited express in Japan that currently runs at 160km/h (the Keisei Skyliner) is on standard gauge.
@@ys-train That was the old _Hakutaka_ limited express service between Kanazawa and Echigo-Yuzawa Stations. On the Hokuhoku Line, they could achieve speeds as high as 160 km/h, but then with so little traffic on the line, braking was not exactly an issue. But with the former JNR lines with much busier traffic like between Osaka and Himeji Stations, they kept the top speed to 130 km/h so in case of the need to do emergency braking, it will do it reasonably quickly.
タイトルが不穏なんですが・・・ :( ;´꒳`;): ビクビク
関西の新快速は 117系で運転されていた頃から何回乗車したか分からないほど乗ってるけど、2006年迄頃の方が今よりも早かったよ
米原~姫路間の列車最高速度は 130kmで変わらないけど、所要時間は最短時間の頃より 10分以上伸びているし(停車駅が増えたのもあるけど)
乗客数も増えて終日 12両編成での運用にも成ったけど、最近はコロナの影響で夜間に乗車すると、両端末付近の車両などは米原付近では超ガラガラ状態に成っている事も...
停車しなかったのは 221系の頃までです、南草津、高槻、尼崎、芦屋には停車しませんでした、最高速度は 120キロでしたけど
其の後、停車駅を増やしても 130キロに上げて所要時間は延ばしませんでした
히코네에서 오미철도 타고 토요사토 갔다왔는디 ㅋ