Anyone who gave a "thumbs down" to this spectacularly beautiful Mozart concerto and the wonderful backing support from the orchestra to the amazingly delightful playing of Valentina Lisitsa needs to get immediately tutored in culture!
Perfection, as always my dear Valentina ❤️❤️ ps - YOU GOT ME THROUGH CANCER!! I was suppose to die, with only weeks to live….I drowned myself in every recording you’ve ever made to sooth my mind, and?….THE CANCER STARTED TO SHRINK!! The doctors can’t explain it, but I can, it was you, and the incredibly talented gifted and passionate composers who wrote the music you so eloquently and lovingly play, I owe you my life, literally! Just pray to God it never comes back, that was the fourth time, that’s enough! From the bottom of my heart, thank you! (And yes I prayed to God until my knees were bleeding, and he also had a lot to do with it I’m sure, because once science fails you, all we’re left with is our beliefs, and I believe that you and the good Lord above saved me from being buried, and instead lifted me up❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
@@hypolyxa7207 thanks, I am indeed, just walking in the sun, and enjoying every second of it…. when you’ve almost been dead, several times, it’s incredible how it makes the little things in life so much more wonderful and precious. I take nothing for granted anymore, I leave nothing unsaid, and always make sure everyone knows how much I care about them, because at any given time, it could come back, and finish me off. That sounds terrible, but it’s the truth. Even my oncologist told me it’s a miracle I’m still alive, but to me, it doesn’t matter, my faith in God, and my love for my family and friends is the reason as far as I’m concerned, and, of course, thanks to Valentina, who kept me so very happy and optimistic with her incredible talent, I’m not afraid anymore, no matter what happens. It can happen to anybody at any time, so please make sure you take time to enjoy life, I don’t take it for granted like I used to. Don’t wait for cancer to nearly kill you before you truly learn to appreciate the simplest pleasures we all take for granted, many thanks and God bless.
@@GIguy My apologies for my late response. Your message is incredibly heart-warming, it fills me with joy to know you are doing great. It's great to hear your faith and loved ones keeps you going. What are some of the simplest pleasures you now enjoy?
@@hypolyxa7207 thank you for your kind response, and to answer your question, I think I appreciate pretty much everything, I’m just going for a nice walk through the small forest, near my house, being with the people, I love, taking my parents out a few times a week for lunch, most of the things everyone takes for granted, are the things that I cherish the most. Unfortunately, a new complication has arose. I did routine bloodwork last Thursday, and my kidneys are failing once again. Last summer I went into complete Reno failure, but was getting better, follow everything. The doctor told me to do, unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be working, so I’m at the hospital right now, hoping they can pull another rabbit out of their hat. But, don’t you dare feel sorry for me, I still have a lot to be thankful for, and I just deal with each situation as it happens. I know we can go either way, but that applies to everything in life, I refuse to let it dictate my future. So, I’m just gonna say I’m doing fine for now, keep my fingers crossed, and my faith in God, close to my heart, and see what happens. Thanks again for responding, with all my love and respects, Eric. .(that’s my real first name, which I rarely say on an open forum, but you deserve to know who I truly am).
@@GIguy Dear Eric. It is me who thank you, as you take time midst your current peril to reply to me. It always makes me so happy to hear when people appreciate and take their time to spend moments with their parents. My heart did indeed sink when I read that you are back in the hospital, but I will stay optimistic without falter, knowing you will succeed on your own terms. I hope there's a rabbit or two hidden in the doctor's office. You deserve the best, if nothing less, the grace of God. Although if I was forced to put a label on myself, I would say I am agnostic, I still hope there is a God of some sort. But declaring such a belief is something I take with great caution and respect. I have only truly prayed once in my life. Tonight, I will, hand on my bible, pray for you, Eric. Duly and heartfelt - with all my love and respect. From one gentleman to another, Alexander. I hope this note finds you well.
Я был на её концерте в крохотном русском городке. В 2023 году. Она играла Рахманинова. Как всегда - без нот. Как всегда - безупречно. А потом вышла в фойе и долго-долго запросто разговаривала со зрителями обо всём. Это жемчужина человечества.
By the time Mozart composed this he was finally getting famous as adult in Vienna (He was famous when child). And his father who was angry with him because he married an "unknown girl" (Constanza) went secretly to see his performance. Only he could understand all the feelings Mozart represented in this piece. Specially in the second movement which represents his struggle and opinions (piano) against his father's (Oboes). You can appreciate how the piano and the oboes keep discussing even in different keys until they finally agree! Source: BBC Documentary: The genius of Mozart Thank you Ms. Lisitsa for bringing that moment from the past to our present in such a wonderful performance!
@@saclhqtlssa5761 grAmmar nazi, I suppose. I have Little difficulty in imagining Wolfie A. Mozart, in the 2000s not chastising anyone for calling to this as a song. Also easy to imagine would be Mozart calling out the small minded correct everyone on every mis pronounced word, or small faux pas stemming from their own fidgety discomfort. it's a lovely song
Listening to this beautiful concerto 8 years after Valentina shared it, is absolute balm to the soul. When the world is going through so many tribulations, Mozart ' s music reminds us that there is still beauty and faith . And joy too. Thank you Val for your sharing of your musical gifts.
Перед нами пример исключительно достойного исполнения великого произведения ! Спасибо , глубоко уважаемая Валентина ! Берегите себя. Вы очень нужны нам.
As always she caresses the keyboard with her excellent and delicate artistic expression. Anyone who can play Rachmaninoff as well as Val can probably play Mozart with one hand tied behind her back. She's an amazing talent that never disappoints no mater what she plays. We are so lucky to have this person on the face of the Earth. She's a gift from heaven.
g bridgman Good intention, but every pianist knows that Mozart is just as difficult as Chopin, Rachmaninoff and all those composers that come after him. His music can expose faults very blatantly and without warning, so people who master Mozart are really fine players who could play Rachmaninoff with one arm tied behind their back. Don't be fooled by pyrotechnics lol.
Stephen Valentine My brother is an excellent pianist and knowledgeable in a vast array of classical music and that of the romantic era. He’ particularly fond of Rachmaninoff so may be a bit bias, but I don’t' think it detracts from what he has to say. Since he’s way more knowledgeable on the subject than I am, I’ll paraphrase below some information he sent me regarding this discussion. I trust you’ll find it interesting: “From the standpoint of interpretation, that is, musical sensitivity and and faithful rendering of the composer's intentions, Mozart's music is as difficult as any. It requires control and expert musicianship if it's to be played well. You can be sure that Horowitz invested as much time polishing his performances of Mozart as he did for any other composer in his repertoire. To state that Mozart is technically as demanding as Rachmaninoff is to state it wrong. In radio days there was a rumor going round that Rachmaninoff had three hands. Why? Because of the complex weaving of multiple melodies and counter-melodies. Because of the lightning speed of his faster passages, the juxtaposing of different simultaneous notations (two against thee, three against four, three against five, etc.), and the exploitation of the full range of the (eight-octave) keyboard. There are instances in the third concerto of two melodies played simultaneously against each other, three against four in the right hand alone, while the left is playing an accompaniment. Nothing like that exists in Mozart. Then there are the large four- and five-note chords, sometimes in both hands (e.g., the finale of the Third Piano Concerto). It's physically very demanding. Lastly, the large stretches in both hands, but particularly the left. Likewise, nothing like that in Mozart. Mozart is comfortable under the hand and flows easily for any well-trained pianist; Rachmaninoff requires the same interpretive skill, but combined with physical stamina and a formidable technique. A student with a few years of intensive training can tackle a Mozart Sonata. To do the same with either of the Rachmaninoff sonatas would take the gifts of a prodigy. Rachmaninoff to my knowledge was not an exponent of Mozart's music, although I'm sure that, like every student, he played his share. He would have had no trouble learning, say, a Mozart concerto in a few days or a week, with the time spent working out interpretive questions, not mastering technical difficulties. I think it's safe to say that Mozart, towering genius and brilliant pianist that he was, would find almost any work by Rachmaninoff a very daunting challenge technically, if not outright unplayable.”
But you're also assuming that adding more notes = more difficulty. Which it isn't. In fact, the Bach Sinfonias are some of the most difficult things due to the polyphonic demands. I'm a piano teacher as well, went to college to become a teacher of piano, and had to play a Mozart sonata and the Rachmaninoff Elegie. I found the Elegie easier to play than the Mozart. There is complexity in simplicity, and the necessity for complete tonal control in Mozart is far greater than in Rachmaninoff, where the lushness and richness can hide much. Sure Mozart might be easier to sight read and learn the notes, but to make it sound like what it's supposed to is a far greater challenge. P.S. I love Romantic music, particularly Chopin, so I understand the love.
Your comment about adding more notes, in particular, are valid but might be considered subjective. Your comment about adding notes could also be applied to the piano music of Scriabin, Prokofiev, Balakirev, Bartok or even Brahms, all of whom, I would suggest, are far harder to play technically than Mozart. In any case, it makes no matter. You're obviously a music lover and fine musician who is fond of Mozart and Chopin, and why not? If the music speaks to you and you enjoy playing it, that's what's most important. Play on in peace. I have a friend who's a big Mozart fan. he can ID all 27 piano concertos by ear. I sure as hell couldn’t, although I could ID all of Rachmaninoff's just by listening. I'm a huge fan of Valentina Lisitsa. To me she's Rachmaninoff reincarnated. No one I've heard since Horowitz plays SVR's music as well. Regarding the Mozart piano concertos, for some reason the 27th is always the one that gets to me the most.
Chère Valentina. Je suis devenu un de vos "fans". Avant hier c'était les Consolations. Hier la sonate Hammerklavier, et ce soir le plus Beethovenien des Concertos de Mozart, le 20 eme en ré mineur, la tonalité la plus sombre chez Mozart. Votre toucher qui vole comme un oiseau au dessus d'un Bosendorfer cristallin. Ces 2 cadences incroyables. Ce mouvement lent où votre visage devient celui d'un ange... Vous êtes au même niveau que la référence pour moi : Geza Anda. Merci pour cet extraordinaire concert !
Браво, Валентина Лисица, Великая гражданка всей Музыкальной Вселенной, слушаю вас и восторгаюсь умом и сердцем вами и Моцартом. Русские поэты говорят, что Пушкин это наше все. Пушкин создал современный русский язык, на котором мы, русские, говорим сейчас. Моцарт это музыкальное явление мирового масштаба. Моцарт заложил основы музыкальной культуры мира, мощно развитой потом великими музыкантами девятнадцатого века и прежде всего великим Бетховеным. Реквием Моцарта и его концерт для фортепиано с оркестром просто потрясают, их звуки встраиваются, записываются в наш мозг, оздоровляют нас и управляют работой нашей эмоциональности, наших умов и наших сердец. Слушая Моцарта, мы делаемся человечнее, здоровее и проживем мы дольше на этом свете, благодаря Моцарту и вам, Валентине Лисице.
What I love about this Mozart piano concerto is this "sturm und drang" quality on it, there is something so ferocious amid those sound of the double basses and how the violins absorbs the sound of every single instruments creating this gigantic, overtly-romantic and heavily foreboding sound. This concerto introduced me to Classical Music and up til now I always comeback to hear this piano concerto whether it is being interpreted by an amateur pianist or a virtuoso pianist like Ms Lisitsa. This is really a cacophony of complexity, and drama and most of all haunting bravura to the highest level possible. Long live Mozart!!!!!!!!! What a stunning, flawless work of art.
Apart from the well deserved praise for soloist Valentina Lisitsa, the conductor and orchestra do a magnificent job as well, and I especially appreciate the quality of the sound engineering on this recording--the aliveness of the sound is simply stunning!
We notice that she manifests a great appreciation towards Erren for the freedom he allows her by following Jan Nepomuk Hummel’s cadenza with great fluidity and complicity!
The recording quality is due to simplicity. Most (if not all) of the sound was originating from the cross over pair of microphones centre stage. The few microphones situated in situations such as the woodwind, would only have been skilfully mixed if required (such as the solo flute opening the second movement of Tchaikovsky's second piano concerto), In this work they may not have been used at all. I somehow think that this video was a recording session rather than a concert.
Valentina is one of many pianists who we are thankful to have access to watch/listen to on RUclips. I only wish she had MORE Mozart piano concertos available to view! I ALWAYS come back to this video; something about her style, & she's graceful, beautiful, etc. More Mozart V!
Очень мало комментариев на русском. Даже обидно за нас. Блестящее исполнение, Валентина. Концерты №20 и № 21 мои самые любимые . Успехов Вам, родная! Слушаю Вас в Ютубе насколько позволяет время.
This is my very first listen to Valentine.I am very impressed with her superb performance & the speed at which she moves the music along.What a delight to all who is fortunate to hear her.
@@juerbert1 Valentina plays without a music score like all the professional pianist do: it’s not a question of memory of the head, it’ s the memory of the hands: when you plays a piece more and more times your hands “remember” what they have to do for playing the whole piece, if you are able to maintain the concentration.
@@nibavares , with all respect, Nino, hands and fingers are mechanical levers, which move by nerve impulses originating in the brain, nervous pathways that were established by relentless repetition (in Valentina's case, from the age of 3 onward) !!🎹
@@juerbert1 of course the brain is the final commander, but you do not need to learn the music notes by heard. I’m a not professional piano player, nevertheless when I play, for istance, the Rapsody in blue or the Toccata and Fugue in D minor of Bach I play without reading the music score. Technically it’ the so called “memory of the hands
Performing solo artists are a rare breed. I know plenty of good musicians, excellent pianists, virtuosos even who simply cannot perform before an audience even if their lives depended on it. To be able to walk out on stage before a live audience and put your talent and soul on the line is not an easy thing to do. Performance anxiety (some call it stage fright) has stopped many careers in their tracks. Too many have gotten used to hearing perfection in studio recordings that required dozens of takes, editing, fancy software to ‘fix’ things. Unfortunately those very musicians who are unable to perform before an audience often become teachers and are harsh critics of those who can perform. I suspect that many of the negative comments about this performance are from the ‘can’t do it myself’ crowd. I have attended live performances by Rubinstein, Horowitz, Van Cliburn, Ruth Slenczynska, Simon Trpceski and none of them were note perfect. That’s simply not possible in a live performance. But in every case the performances were electrifying, emotionally engulfing, satisfying.
She has a photographic memory , and hated practicing , in fact preferred to play in front of people , I think her talent has gone beyond the technical, watch one of her Master class video's and you will see why she's as good as she is.. remember the genus takes the complicated and simplifies it without having to use the steps in between, combine that with 12 to 14 hours a day practice, and you get someone that has complete command of every aspect of the instrument, that Steinway is bending to her every whim and fancy..
Thanhk so much to Vale Lisi post for us How about Mozart. I am learning Mozart 35 years. When I hear this Concerto I remeber my teacher passed 2008 and all people in Frech love this Concerto. Thanks again.
Chère Valentina, C'est du grand art, au degré planétaire ! Ton jeu pianistique extraordinaire révèle ton immense talent. Aussi souvent soit-il, j'adore t'écouter. Je savoure, de l'intensité expressive de ton regard, de ton âme, dans l'exécution et la beauté de tes prestations musicales, de ses sonorités, de la vélocité de tes mains précieuses sur le clavier. Tu es exceptionnelle et sublime dans toutes tes interprétations. Celles que je préfère: Mozart, Beethoven, Bach. Bravo et félicitations, Valentina. Cordialement. Jean-Louis
Wunderbar 👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️Gott hat durch diesen kleinen Freimaurer zu uns den wahren Segen musikalisch übermittelt. Es ist für die Ewigkeit in meinen Augen. Die Musik ist ehrlich, überirdisch und reine Liebe 🧡 Vielen lieben Dank 😊 Es gab natürlich auch nach ihm super Komponisten, jedoch trifft seine Musik meine Seele zutiefst. Fühle mich verbunden zur Musik Gottes 🎉
valentina mérite une carrière internationale ,, j'ai si souvent écouté mozart et je regrette de découvrir seulement aujourd'hui cette pianiste géniale dont la sensibilité me rappelle une certaine clara haskill ,, ce qui est peu dire et que dire de la sonorité du bôsendorfer ,, l'avenir vous est grand ouvert chère pianiste ,, la reconnaissance mondiale arrivera j'en ai la certitude ,, bon vent valentina et surtout ne quittez pas votre bosendorfer ,, un grand merci a vous
After reading many listed conflicting comments, I gratefully say my thanks to Mozart who will survive far beyond what we say. Bravo Mozart and his music as well as to those who helped to give it existence.
One of my favorite modern pianists playing one of my favorite ancient composers. I could live on this stuff. Thank-you and my love always to you, Valentina. I absolutely adore listening to you and watching you play..
that was so perfect for me right now. Mozart has this inerrant priority, that supersedes all other considerations in composition. each phrase, each note, reenforces perfect relationships that seem unbreakable when this artist is in command. you can hear his freedom, in a world that others find highly restrictive and predictable. it's really quite amazing.
You negative commentators are off your rockers. This is brilliant. Is it note perfect? Who the heck cares? You want note perfect, go into a recording studio for 3 months - you can get nice/sanitary clean playing. I'll take "live" any day. I got goose-bumps all over the place listening to this (both the orchestra & pianist ........amazing).
Non mi stanco mai di ascoltare questo concerto: grande l'orchestra e magico il tocco di Valentina Lisitsa che accarezza i tasti e ne trae una musica assolutamente perfetta. Grazie
when i ran across the title for mozart d minor concerto i was shy to listen. so many pianists play mozart like a typist at a typewriter. and the performance ends up being typical and boring. but beethoven was about 15 years older than mozart. and there are stories that mozart and beethoven spent some time together in eastern europe. no composer exists in a vacuum. they are influenced by what was before and then have an individual vision for moving forward and experimenting. valentina played this piece with phrasing, melodic line, voicing and timbre and also on the bösendorfer that gave me new insight into this concerto. absolutely brilliant. this is how beethoven would have played this piece. so instead of the usual stoic interpretations of this concerto she has moved it closer to beethoven. but not on the romantic side of beethoven so much. but just enough. beethoven also wrote cadenzas for this concerto, but not used here. but still, this was really fantastic. it was like hearing this concerto reborn into a time period somewhere between mozart and beethoven. valentina, you know a lot about what what i have done commentary for above. that is why you are what you are. all anyone has to do is just listen! you are a gift to us mere morals. thanks so much for posting this video!
Beethoven was (almost) 15 years younger than Mozart, not older. (Mozart born 1756, Beethoven born 1770). Yes, there are mentionings of the two of them having met and even Beethoven asking for lessons. There is no true evidence, though, that both have "spent time together". I agree, however, about the influencial part. As for Mozart, he has influenced almost all great composers coming after him, starting with Beethoven and all the way to Chopin, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and Liszt. While Mozart was influenced by Haydn and J.S. + J.C.Bach, Schubert by Beethoven and so on and so on.
yes, thank you.the usual posts on youtube are... well. i agree of course the "influential part"; even without the history anyone with an ear can hear it. some motiv get circulated around. after all great music is great music. but valentina really understands this, not just the history but also the sound. and this performance to me really opened my eyes and ears. the orchestra and conductor were really in tune to her vision for this piece.and the result was fantastic. one of my best friends from many years ago is hiro harada, he is a concert pianist who is back in tokyo for many years now. he had some students who were prodigies. the one he had me sit in on a lesson for. this kid was born on the same day as mozart (calendar date, not actual date of course). anyway the kid thought he was a reincarnation of mozart, but played mozart like a typist at a typewriter, so hiro's main task was to get him to think and play like a musician and not a secretary. it was really funny in a lot of ways.thanks for the correction about the "15 year". i guess i'm not getting any younger ;)
Seleuce I'm not sure how true this is, but in Marica Davenport's biography of Mozart she says that they had met when Mozart was 24 and that Beethoven was beyond excited and played badly in front of Mozart, given to the speculation that Beethoven's mother had died recently. Mozart wasn't impressed, but then said to play a variation of the same song. And then Beethoven played so well that Mozart said he would be the best pianist in all of Europe; supposedly; sounds likely though.
Ernest Mendez yes, i was fatigued and got the apx 15 yr period reversed... afrikitty pointed that out to me on that a while back... so i stand corrected :)
The idea that she contemplated not pursuing this career is almost unbelievable. Thank goodness that internet fans demanded otherwise. I just love the way she sometimes tucks her hair behind her left ear as if she is in class taking notes or listening to a lecture. She's so fabulous! At times, she touches the keys as if she is caressing a baby - so fun to watch!
I haven't heard this wonderful concerto for a long time and to watch this fabulous rendition on a big screen brings me close to tears! Valentina must commune with the spirit of Beethoven.
Valentina, You play this piece of music like it was your "baby" lol What I mean is that you look so stress free and delighted to be playing this wonderful music ! It is such a delight to listen to anything you play
She's one of the best. It's not an accident the 1.702.603 views in that concert in D minor of Mozart Lisitsa won the prize i guess ! Saludos from Greece you have to come here Valentina
The pianist, Valentina Lisitsa, shows in her elegant body language while performing this magnificent Piano concerto deep emotions. It reminds me of what PLATO says: "Music must be FELT, it penetrates the soul and cleans it."
Quelle clarté de jeu exceptionnelle. Peu d artistes possèdent cette capacité même dans les passages virtuoses. One of my prefered video, you are so expressive play and face .❤
This was an outstanding performance throughout .Its one of Mozart's most dramatic pieces and harkens the fury of Beethoven yet to come. This was one of Beethoven's favorite Mozart pieces and you can see why. Fabulous performance by Valentina and a very strong forceful performance by the orchestra. Mozart's excellent use of counterpoint is starting to shine here and reached its ultimate in SYM 41
First I've heard this cadenza, everyone plays Beethoven's. One of my favorite Mozart pieces. Mozart has a way of blending dark and light in his melodies that just gets better with age. The older I get the more I appreciate!
Tremendous performance. Lisitsa's playing, as always, sings, is fresh, and uniquely penetrates to the heart of the music. I never heard Hummel's cadenzas before. They are nice.
Thank you Max Keizer for bring Valentina Lisitsa on your show ( The Keizer Report ), I am sure you helped me to know this talented magical Valentina and others as will......., you are special gifted person. it is a medicine to prepare a broken soul........... very nice and smooth ............Thank you Valentina.
The first time that I was ever exposed to Valentina's musical prowess was at Skanfest in Skaneateles, N.Y. She was playing with the extremely talented Hillary Hahn , yet I could not take my eyes off Ms. Lisitsa. It was my lucky day.
Valentina, so beautiful.. Those sensuous hands play so beautifully... With your facial expressions you seem to enjoy it as much as we do... Thank you...
Excellent performance magnificent world-class pianist Valentina Lisitsa Concerto D Minor K 466 Amadeus Mozart. Your filigree, sparkling passages bring delight, unbelievable lighting explosion strumming key are a delight, breathtaking improvisation lit heart. Mozart is one of the founders of the genre classic concert. Of importance Mozart attached opera, basis opera considered the music. His works are distinguished poetic and subtle elegance. His operas - an epoch in the development of this kind of music. Much attention is paid Mozart symphonic music. His instrumental music is different melodiousness of opera arias and dramatic conflicts. The most famous symphony number 39 in E Flat Major, number 41 in C Major and G Minor number 40. Concerto D Minor K 466 remarkable. Listening to his magnificent music and the beautiful game Valentina, my countrywomen, I proud of it. I get great pleasure. Wonderful Orchestra with excellent musicians with perfect technique and game. Your presentations = holiday bright music and an unforgettable spectacle. Triumphal Successes Valentina to performed works by Mozart. Love and adoration!
depuis des décennies que j'écoute ce 20 ème concerto , il me donne des frissons me rappelle tant et tant de souvenirs difficiles et merveilleux ,, il est à l'image de la vie , fascinant effrayant à la fois ,, dualité du monde ,, quoiqu'on pense de mozart il restera un peu comme dans le film amadeus ,, trop éxagéré ,, connaîtra on un jour le mozart profond ,,,,,, le farceur scatologique eschatologique , franc -maçon fasciné par la mort qui était devenu comme une compagne ,, ces mots sont de lui ,, et que recherchait il dans la loge maçonnique sur laquelle il resta si discret même dans ses correspondance les plus intimes , il introduisit dans une loge viennoise la bienfaisance il me semble , son propre père et l'immense génie que joseph haydn ,, il y rencontra schikaneder , librettiste et créateur de la flûte enchantée ,, d'ailleurs le film amadeus n'aborde pas cet aspect métaphysique de mozart pas plus qu'il n'évoque sa soeur nannerl pianiste de talent ou la mort de sa mère à paris en 1778 et tant d'autres sujets encore ,, mais pour unfilm exhaustif sur mozart il eut fallu cent films ,, et je n'éxagère , j'ai lu tant d'ouvrages sur le maître assisté à tant de conférences vu tant de concerts d'opéras ,,,
This has been my favorite thing in the world ever since I was 10, for 10 years and counting! And I couldn’t feel more honored that this was uploaded on my birthday!!
Allright then, I am indeed addicted. I have been watching the enchanting Valentina's videos for 2 days now. Extraordinary ? Outstanding ? Exceptional ? Only words. Valentina...Thank you.
In the movie Amadeus: Mozart is dying on his death-bed and dictates the music notations to Salieri in a rush of ideas. Last scene: His Funeral coffin being carried at the Cemetery and a Flap opens at the end of the coffin as it is Tilted and his dead body slides out into a Common Grave. Buried without a coffin in a Pauper's Grave. Years later, part of his skull was retrieved from the common grave. Not one note of Mozart's music was changed for the movie. The "Romance Movement" at 15:38 of this Concerto RUclips is so exquisite. I really love it. Click 15:38 to listen again. The sweetest music I've ever heard! THANK YOU Valentina Lisitsa and the Freiburg im Breisgau Mozart Orchester also the Conductor Michael Erren. R.I.P. Herr Mozart and Herr Jan Nepomuk Hummel who completed the Cadenzas.
Anyone who gave a "thumbs down" to this spectacularly beautiful Mozart concerto and the wonderful backing support from the orchestra to the amazingly delightful playing of Valentina Lisitsa needs to get immediately tutored in culture!
Perfection, as always my dear Valentina ❤️❤️ ps - YOU GOT ME THROUGH CANCER!! I was suppose to die, with only weeks to live….I drowned myself in every recording you’ve ever made to sooth my mind, and?….THE CANCER STARTED TO SHRINK!! The doctors can’t explain it, but I can, it was you, and the incredibly talented gifted and passionate composers who wrote the music you so eloquently and lovingly play, I owe you my life, literally! Just pray to God it never comes back, that was the fourth time, that’s enough! From the bottom of my heart, thank you! (And yes I prayed to God until my knees were bleeding, and he also had a lot to do with it I’m sure, because once science fails you, all we’re left with is our beliefs, and I believe that you and the good Lord above saved me from being buried, and instead lifted me up❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
Dear Hanlan, I hope you're still doing great today and enjoying the good weather that summer brings with it.
@@hypolyxa7207 thanks, I am indeed, just walking in the sun, and enjoying every second of it…. when you’ve almost been dead, several times, it’s incredible how it makes the little things in life so much more wonderful and precious. I take nothing for granted anymore, I leave nothing unsaid, and always make sure everyone knows how much I care about them, because at any given time, it could come back, and finish me off. That sounds terrible, but it’s the truth. Even my oncologist told me it’s a miracle I’m still alive, but to me, it doesn’t matter, my faith in God, and my love for my family and friends is the reason as far as I’m concerned, and, of course, thanks to Valentina, who kept me so very happy and optimistic with her incredible talent, I’m not afraid anymore, no matter what happens. It can happen to anybody at any time, so please make sure you take time to enjoy life, I don’t take it for granted like I used to. Don’t wait for cancer to nearly kill you before you truly learn to appreciate the simplest pleasures we all take for granted, many thanks and God bless.
@@GIguy My apologies for my late response. Your message is incredibly heart-warming, it fills me with joy to know you are doing great. It's great to hear your faith and loved ones keeps you going. What are some of the simplest pleasures you now enjoy?
@@hypolyxa7207 thank you for your kind response, and to answer your question, I think I appreciate pretty much everything, I’m just going for a nice walk through the small forest, near my house, being with the people, I love, taking my parents out a few times a week for lunch, most of the things everyone takes for granted, are the things that I cherish the most. Unfortunately, a new complication has arose. I did routine bloodwork last Thursday, and my kidneys are failing once again. Last summer I went into complete Reno failure, but was getting better, follow everything. The doctor told me to do, unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be working, so I’m at the hospital right now, hoping they can pull another rabbit out of their hat. But, don’t you dare feel sorry for me, I still have a lot to be thankful for, and I just deal with each situation as it happens. I know we can go either way, but that applies to everything in life, I refuse to let it dictate my future. So, I’m just gonna say I’m doing fine for now, keep my fingers crossed, and my faith in God, close to my heart, and see what happens. Thanks again for responding, with all my love and respects, Eric. .(that’s my real first name, which I rarely say on an open forum, but you deserve to know who I truly am).
@@GIguy Dear Eric. It is me who thank you, as you take time midst your current peril to reply to me.
It always makes me so happy to hear when people appreciate and take their time to spend moments with their parents. My heart did indeed sink when I read that you are back in the hospital, but I will stay optimistic without falter, knowing you will succeed on your own terms. I hope there's a rabbit or two hidden in the doctor's office. You deserve the best, if nothing less, the grace of God. Although if I was forced to put a label on myself, I would say I am agnostic, I still hope there is a God of some sort. But declaring such a belief is something I take with great caution and respect. I have only truly prayed once in my life. Tonight, I will, hand on my bible, pray for you, Eric.
Duly and heartfelt - with all my love and respect. From one gentleman to another, Alexander.
I hope this note finds you well.
Mozart was a concert pianist. He wrote stuff so he could WOW an audilence. Now we have Valentina Lisitsa.
Я был на её концерте в крохотном русском городке. В 2023 году. Она играла Рахманинова. Как всегда - без нот. Как всегда - безупречно. А потом вышла в фойе и долго-долго запросто разговаривала со зрителями обо всём. Это жемчужина человечества.
Valentina Lisitsa is not a pianist. She is a music angel. She is ABSOLUTELY perfect.
I think you're right.
She's a pianist tho
And you too, you must be a RUclips Angel from Heaven, giving out perfect heavenly comments XD XD XD
By the time Mozart composed this he was finally getting famous as adult in Vienna (He was famous when child). And his father who was angry with him because he married an "unknown girl" (Constanza) went secretly to see his performance.
Only he could understand all the feelings Mozart represented in this piece. Specially in the second movement which represents his struggle and opinions (piano) against his father's (Oboes). You can appreciate how the piano and the oboes keep discussing even in different keys until they finally agree!
Source: BBC Documentary: The genius of Mozart
Thank you Ms. Lisitsa for bringing that moment from the past to our present in such a wonderful performance!
That is an amazing observation on Mozart and this composition.
You took it from the BBC documentary on Mozart did ya ?
I can not take you serious if you call this a song.
grAmmar nazi, I suppose.
I have Little difficulty in imagining
Wolfie A. Mozart, in the 2000s not chastising anyone for calling to this as a song.
Also easy to imagine would be Mozart calling out the small minded correct everyone on every mis pronounced word, or small faux pas stemming from their own fidgety discomfort.
it's a lovely song
Amen to that, she did great. Thanks for the info about the composition!
Совершенная техника, полная слитность с инструментом, ошеломляющая грациозность, высочайшее искусство, потрясающее впечатление!!!!!!! Спасибо, Валентина!!!!!!!
Listening to this beautiful concerto 8 years after Valentina shared it, is absolute balm to the soul. When the world is going through so many tribulations, Mozart ' s music reminds us that there is still beauty and faith . And joy too. Thank you Val for your sharing of your musical gifts.
War in Ukraine, March 24, 2022
Freiburg i. Brsg. What a beautiful town. I attended medical school in Freiburg. I would love to see Freiburg again. I have been in the USA since 1970.
She has enriched my life and at almost 82 you can imagine how appreciative I am
I love the way valentina touches the chords with such a delicate touch
Перед нами пример исключительно достойного исполнения великого произведения ! Спасибо , глубоко уважаемая Валентина ! Берегите себя. Вы очень нужны нам.
Very well said! I agree completely!
I always return here for art, passion and peace. Muchas gracias Valentina Lisitsa.
Потрясающая музыка! Прекрасное исполнение! Валентина Лисица -- великий пианист!!! Спасибо!!!
As always she caresses the keyboard with her excellent and delicate artistic expression. Anyone who can play Rachmaninoff as well as Val can probably play Mozart with one hand tied behind her back. She's an amazing talent that never disappoints no mater what she plays. We are so lucky to have this person on the face of the Earth. She's a gift from heaven.
g bridgman Good intention, but every pianist knows that Mozart is just as difficult as Chopin, Rachmaninoff and all those composers that come after him. His music can expose faults very blatantly and without warning, so people who master Mozart are really fine players who could play Rachmaninoff with one arm tied behind their back. Don't be fooled by pyrotechnics lol.
Stephen Valentine My brother is an excellent pianist and knowledgeable in a vast array of classical music and that of the romantic era. He’ particularly fond of Rachmaninoff so may be a bit bias, but I don’t' think it detracts from what he has to say. Since he’s way more knowledgeable on the subject than I am, I’ll paraphrase below some information he sent me regarding this discussion. I trust you’ll find it interesting:
“From the standpoint of interpretation, that is, musical sensitivity and and faithful rendering of the composer's intentions, Mozart's music is as difficult as any. It requires control and expert musicianship if it's to be played well. You can be sure that Horowitz invested as much time polishing his performances of Mozart as he did for any other composer in his repertoire. To state that Mozart is technically as demanding as Rachmaninoff is to state it wrong. In radio days there was a rumor going round that Rachmaninoff had three hands. Why? Because of the complex weaving of multiple melodies and counter-melodies. Because of the lightning speed of his faster passages, the juxtaposing of different simultaneous notations (two against thee, three against four, three against five, etc.), and the exploitation of the full range of the (eight-octave) keyboard. There are instances in the third concerto of two melodies played simultaneously against each other, three against four in the right hand alone, while the left is playing an accompaniment. Nothing like that exists in Mozart. Then there are the large four- and five-note chords, sometimes in both hands (e.g., the finale of the Third Piano Concerto). It's physically very demanding. Lastly, the large stretches in both hands, but particularly the left. Likewise, nothing like that in Mozart. Mozart is comfortable under the hand and flows easily for any well-trained pianist; Rachmaninoff requires the same interpretive skill, but combined with physical stamina and a formidable technique. A student with a few years of intensive training can tackle a Mozart Sonata. To do the same with either of the Rachmaninoff sonatas would take the gifts of a prodigy. Rachmaninoff to my knowledge was not an exponent of Mozart's music, although I'm sure that, like every student, he played his share. He would have had no trouble learning, say, a Mozart concerto in a few days or a week, with the time spent working out interpretive questions, not mastering technical difficulties. I think it's safe to say that Mozart, towering genius and brilliant pianist that he was, would find almost any work by Rachmaninoff a very daunting challenge technically, if not outright unplayable.”
But you're also assuming that adding more notes = more difficulty. Which it isn't. In fact, the Bach Sinfonias are some of the most difficult things due to the polyphonic demands.
I'm a piano teacher as well, went to college to become a teacher of piano, and had to play a Mozart sonata and the Rachmaninoff Elegie. I found the Elegie easier to play than the Mozart. There is complexity in simplicity, and the necessity for complete tonal control in Mozart is far greater than in Rachmaninoff, where the lushness and richness can hide much. Sure Mozart might be easier to sight read and learn the notes, but to make it sound like what it's supposed to is a far greater challenge.
P.S. I love Romantic music, particularly Chopin, so I understand the love.
Your comment about adding more notes, in particular, are valid but might be considered subjective. Your comment about adding notes could also be applied to the piano music of Scriabin, Prokofiev, Balakirev, Bartok or even Brahms, all of whom, I would suggest, are far harder to play technically than Mozart. In any case, it makes no matter. You're obviously a music lover and fine musician who is fond of Mozart and Chopin, and why not? If the music speaks to you and you enjoy playing it, that's what's most important. Play on in peace. I have a friend who's a big Mozart fan. he can ID all 27 piano concertos by ear. I sure as hell couldn’t, although I could ID all of Rachmaninoff's just by listening. I'm a huge fan of Valentina Lisitsa. To me she's Rachmaninoff reincarnated. No one I've heard since Horowitz plays SVR's music as well. Regarding the Mozart piano concertos, for some reason the 27th is always the one that gets to me the most.
Val likes Bosendorfers but Iv'e seen and heard her plays Steinways, too. I'm sure she could make any piano sound good.
Valentina, your beautiful talent is a gift to the world! Thank you!!
Valentina Lisita, her expressions, in tune with each note, played Mozart's Piano Concerto in D Minor absolutely brilliantly.
I agree with you totally,
The ability and the dedication enthrals and amazes me.
Do I know you?
+Luc Kyminfrouade open your ears, forget all the puns and for a moment give it a real try !
You can get enchanted too ^^
Valentina Lisitsa is not only a pianist, but a doctor. She heals my soul with music!
Valentina Lisitsa is without a doubt my favorite present-day classical pianist!
Mines too
Mine too
And mine
Chère Valentina. Je suis devenu un de vos "fans". Avant hier c'était les Consolations. Hier la sonate Hammerklavier, et ce soir le plus Beethovenien des Concertos de Mozart, le 20 eme en ré mineur, la tonalité la plus sombre chez Mozart. Votre toucher qui vole comme un oiseau au dessus d'un Bosendorfer cristallin. Ces 2 cadences incroyables. Ce mouvement lent où votre visage devient celui d'un ange... Vous êtes au même niveau que la référence pour moi : Geza Anda. Merci pour cet extraordinaire concert !
Концерты №20 и №21 мои самые любимые.Исполнено будто на одном дыхании.
Браво, Валентина
I love Music. My maternal grandfather had an orchestra (two albums on RCA). I am an Oldeafool. Tone deaf, but Love to Listen :)
you are the best valentina!
Браво, Валентина Лисица, Великая гражданка всей Музыкальной Вселенной, слушаю вас и восторгаюсь умом и сердцем вами и Моцартом. Русские поэты говорят, что Пушкин это наше все. Пушкин создал современный русский язык, на котором мы, русские, говорим сейчас. Моцарт это музыкальное явление мирового масштаба. Моцарт заложил основы музыкальной культуры мира, мощно развитой потом великими музыкантами девятнадцатого века и прежде всего великим Бетховеным. Реквием Моцарта и его концерт для фортепиано с оркестром просто потрясают, их звуки встраиваются, записываются в наш мозг, оздоровляют нас и управляют работой нашей эмоциональности, наших умов и наших сердец. Слушая Моцарта, мы делаемся человечнее, здоровее и проживем мы дольше на этом свете, благодаря Моцарту и вам, Валентине Лисице.
What I love about this Mozart piano concerto is this "sturm und drang" quality on it, there is something so ferocious amid those sound of the double basses and how the violins absorbs the sound of every single instruments creating this gigantic, overtly-romantic and heavily foreboding sound. This concerto introduced me to Classical Music and up til now I always comeback to hear this piano concerto whether it is being interpreted by an amateur pianist or a virtuoso pianist like Ms Lisitsa. This is really a cacophony of complexity, and drama and most of all haunting bravura to the highest level possible. Long live Mozart!!!!!!!!!
What a stunning, flawless work of art.
Valentina e Mozart un simbiosi perfetta....è un piacere ascoltarla in silenzio...........
Apart from the well deserved praise for soloist Valentina Lisitsa, the conductor and orchestra do a magnificent job as well, and I especially appreciate the quality of the sound engineering on this recording--the aliveness of the sound is simply stunning!
We notice that she manifests a great appreciation towards
Erren for the freedom he allows her by following Jan Nepomuk Hummel’s cadenza with great fluidity and complicity!
Steven Tiger precoso y hermozo bello
The recording quality is due to simplicity. Most (if not all) of the sound was originating from the cross over pair of microphones centre stage. The few microphones situated in situations such as the woodwind, would only have been skilfully mixed if required (such as the solo flute opening the second movement of Tchaikovsky's second piano concerto), In this work they may not have been used at all. I somehow think that this video was a recording session rather than a concert.
Steven Tiger See you n
Valentina is one of many pianists who we are thankful to have access to watch/listen to on RUclips. I only wish she had MORE Mozart piano concertos available to view! I ALWAYS come back to this video; something about her style, & she's graceful, beautiful, etc. More Mozart V!
probally the best concerto ever written,,,by a man who lived just 36 years, what an epitaph,
I know they think he ate undercooked pork trichonosis I think it’s called absolute genius he was
Очень мало комментариев на русском. Даже обидно за нас.
Блестящее исполнение, Валентина. Концерты №20 и № 21 мои самые любимые .
Успехов Вам, родная! Слушаю Вас в Ютубе насколько позволяет время.
Многие русские пишут на других языках, чтоб нас поняли. Но мы очень любим Валентину - ее чувства и мысли нам близки.
Fantastic "touch" of Valentina! Absolutely brilliant also when playing Mozart.
This is my very first listen to Valentine.I am very impressed with her superb performance & the speed at which she moves the music along.What a delight to all who is fortunate to hear her.
Valentina plays without any music sheets !
What an incredible GOD-given mind she has !!
@@juerbert1 Valentina plays without a music score like all the professional pianist do: it’s not a question of memory of the head, it’ s the memory of the hands: when you plays a piece more and more times your hands “remember” what they have to do for playing the whole piece, if you are able to maintain the concentration.
@@nibavares ,
with all respect, Nino, hands and fingers are mechanical levers, which move by nerve impulses originating in the brain, nervous pathways that were established by relentless repetition (in Valentina's case, from the age of 3 onward) !!🎹
@@juerbert1 of course the brain is the final commander, but you do not need to learn the music notes by heard. I’m a not professional piano player, nevertheless when I play, for istance, the Rapsody in blue or the Toccata and Fugue in D minor of Bach I play without reading the music score. Technically it’ the so called “memory of the hands
Performing solo artists are a rare breed. I know plenty of good musicians, excellent pianists, virtuosos even who simply cannot perform before an audience even if their lives depended on it. To be able to walk out on stage before a live audience and put your talent and soul on the line is not an easy thing to do. Performance anxiety (some call it stage fright) has stopped many careers in their tracks. Too many have gotten used to hearing perfection in studio recordings that required dozens of takes, editing, fancy software to ‘fix’ things. Unfortunately those very musicians who are unable to perform before an audience often become teachers and are harsh critics of those who can perform. I suspect that many of the negative comments about this performance are from the ‘can’t do it myself’ crowd. I have attended live performances by Rubinstein, Horowitz, Van Cliburn, Ruth Slenczynska, Simon Trpceski and none of them were note perfect. That’s simply not possible in a live performance. But in every case the performances were electrifying, emotionally engulfing, satisfying.
She has a photographic memory , and hated practicing , in fact preferred to play in front of people , I think her talent has gone beyond the technical, watch one of her Master class video's and you will see why she's as good as she is.. remember the genus takes the complicated and simplifies it without having to use the steps in between, combine that with 12 to 14 hours a day practice, and you get someone that has complete command of every aspect of the instrument, that Steinway is bending to her every whim and fancy..
also sheet music ever.. i'm not sure if this is normal for concert pianists, no safety net, impressive..
@@planegaper it's a Bosendorfer, not a Steinway...
Very interesting comment. Can't confirm that personally, but as a serious music lover and amateur musician, I believe what you are saying.
@@planegaper Starting at age 3 certainly helps.
Superb rendition. Valentina is remarkable as always.
For the record:
Mozart was in his 20s when he wrote this music.
& for the record he was in his 30s when he died.
Heh. Yes, comparisons of any aspect of Mozart to normal people just don't really have any relevance!
And that was late in his career...
Mr Loud in his 0s?
Aye, written in 1785
I literally can't stop listening to this. It's so amazing.
A benefit for everyone who opens his heart for this touching music.
She breaks my heart, I adore her so much. I love Valentina
Valentina herrlichen, grandiosen Freiburger Mozart-Orchester. Gluckwunsche.
I just cry each time I hear this......... Too wonderful to put into words, you need to just listen.
Thanhk so much to Vale Lisi post for us How about Mozart. I am learning Mozart 35 years. When I hear this Concerto I remeber my teacher passed 2008 and all people in Frech love this Concerto. Thanks again.
Браво! Спасибо большое за доставленное удовольствие!!!
Chère Valentina,
C'est du grand art, au degré planétaire !
Ton jeu pianistique extraordinaire révèle ton immense talent.
Aussi souvent soit-il, j'adore t'écouter.
Je savoure, de l'intensité expressive de ton regard, de ton âme, dans l'exécution et la beauté de tes prestations musicales, de ses sonorités, de la vélocité de tes mains précieuses sur le clavier.
Tu es exceptionnelle et sublime dans toutes tes interprétations.
Celles que je préfère: Mozart, Beethoven, Bach.
Bravo et félicitations, Valentina.
One of Mozart's best works of music. I would give anything to be able to be there that night when he released it.
Brilliant,fragile,tender,sounds like small pearls!
Wunderbar 👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️Gott hat durch diesen kleinen Freimaurer zu uns den wahren Segen musikalisch übermittelt. Es ist für die Ewigkeit in meinen Augen. Die Musik ist ehrlich, überirdisch und reine Liebe 🧡
Vielen lieben Dank 😊
Es gab natürlich auch nach ihm super Komponisten, jedoch trifft seine Musik meine Seele zutiefst. Fühle mich verbunden zur Musik Gottes 🎉
Дорогая Валентина Лисица, я восхищаюсь Вами за смелость Ваших мнений.
Извините, что Вы имеете в виду, говоря о смелости Валентины Лисицы? Я просто ничего об этом не знаю.
valentina mérite une carrière internationale ,, j'ai si souvent écouté mozart et je regrette de découvrir seulement aujourd'hui cette pianiste géniale dont la sensibilité me rappelle une certaine clara haskill ,, ce qui est peu dire et que dire de la sonorité du bôsendorfer ,, l'avenir vous est grand ouvert chère pianiste ,, la reconnaissance mondiale arrivera j'en ai la certitude ,, bon vent valentina et surtout ne quittez pas votre bosendorfer ,, un grand merci a vous
After reading many listed conflicting comments, I gratefully say my thanks to Mozart who will survive far beyond what we say. Bravo Mozart and his music as well as to those who helped to give it existence.
She plays my favorite Mozart piece,perfect! Those gentle floating hands. The way you play it.
One of my favorite modern pianists playing one of my favorite ancient composers. I could live on this stuff. Thank-you and my love always to you, Valentina. I absolutely adore listening to you and watching you play..
Valentina è la mia pianista preferita..... esibizione meravigliosa pianista e orchestra!!!!!!! Un vero spettacolo Mozart sarebbe felicissimo!!!!
that was so perfect for me right now.
Mozart has this inerrant priority, that supersedes all other considerations in composition.
each phrase, each note, reenforces perfect relationships that seem unbreakable when this artist is in command.
you can hear his freedom, in a world that others find highly restrictive and predictable.
it's really quite amazing.
You negative commentators are off your rockers. This is brilliant. Is it note perfect? Who the heck cares? You want note perfect, go into a recording studio for 3 months - you can get nice/sanitary clean playing. I'll take "live" any day. I got goose-bumps all over the place listening to this (both the orchestra & pianist ........amazing).
Uh.....I don't see any negative commentators....
What Note wasnt „Perfect“
This is a great MASTERPIECE and was played with perfection!! I am always listening this performance!
The romance is just heavenly
played with so much feeling by Valentina
I. Allegro 0:01 (cadenza 11:22)
II. Romanze 15:38
III. Allegro assai 25:32 (cadenza 31:35)
...és sensível! ...
And what an amazing cradenza! Wolfgang would love it.
Who wrote the cadenza?
@@spfqr4977 Jan Nepomuk Hummel, Mozart's favorite student.
Very useful, thanks.
Thank you for giving your performance free, Valentina. I wish now and for ever to be a pal of a person like MOZART.
Non mi stanco mai di ascoltare questo concerto: grande l'orchestra e magico il tocco di Valentina Lisitsa che accarezza i tasti e ne trae una musica assolutamente perfetta. Grazie
senza partitura.....passione-amore. Grande Valentina.AUGURI A LUI!Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.Un abbraccio.
when i ran across the title for mozart d minor concerto i was shy to listen. so many pianists play mozart like a typist at a typewriter. and the performance ends up being typical and boring. but beethoven was about 15 years older than mozart. and there are stories that mozart and beethoven spent some time together in eastern europe. no composer exists in a vacuum. they are influenced by what was before and then have an individual vision for moving forward and experimenting. valentina played this piece with phrasing, melodic line, voicing and timbre and also on the bösendorfer that gave me new insight into this concerto. absolutely brilliant. this is how beethoven would have played this piece. so instead of the usual stoic interpretations of this concerto she has moved it closer to beethoven. but not on the romantic side of beethoven so much. but just enough. beethoven also wrote cadenzas for this concerto, but not used here. but still, this was really fantastic. it was like hearing this concerto reborn into a time period somewhere between mozart and beethoven. valentina, you know a lot about what what i have done commentary for above. that is why you are what you are. all anyone has to do is just listen! you are a gift to us mere morals. thanks so much for posting this video!
Beethoven was (almost) 15 years younger than Mozart, not older. (Mozart born 1756, Beethoven born 1770). Yes, there are mentionings of the two of them having met and even Beethoven asking for lessons. There is no true evidence, though, that both have "spent time together". I agree, however, about the influencial part. As for Mozart, he has influenced almost all great composers coming after him, starting with Beethoven and all the way to Chopin, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and Liszt. While Mozart was influenced by Haydn and J.S. + J.C.Bach, Schubert by Beethoven and so on and so on.
yes, thank you.the usual posts on youtube are... well. i agree of course the "influential part"; even without the history anyone with an ear can hear it. some motiv get circulated around. after all great music is great music. but valentina really understands this, not just the history but also the sound. and this performance to me really opened my eyes and ears. the orchestra and conductor were really in tune to her vision for this piece.and the result was fantastic. one of my best friends from many years ago is hiro harada, he is a concert pianist who is back in tokyo for many years now. he had some students who were prodigies. the one he had me sit in on a lesson for. this kid was born on the same day as mozart (calendar date, not actual date of course). anyway the kid thought he was a reincarnation of mozart, but played mozart like a typist at a typewriter, so hiro's main task was to get him to think and play like a musician and not a secretary. it was really funny in a lot of ways.thanks for the correction about the "15 year". i guess i'm not getting any younger ;)
Seleuce I'm not sure how true this is, but in Marica Davenport's biography of Mozart she says that they had met when Mozart was 24 and that Beethoven was beyond excited and played badly in front of Mozart, given to the speculation that Beethoven's mother had died recently. Mozart wasn't impressed, but then said to play a variation of the same song. And then Beethoven played so well that Mozart said he would be the best pianist in all of Europe; supposedly; sounds likely though.
Ernest Mendez yes, i was fatigued and got the apx 15 yr period reversed... afrikitty pointed that out to me on that a while back... so i stand corrected :)
The idea that she contemplated not pursuing this career is almost unbelievable. Thank goodness that internet fans demanded otherwise. I just love the way she sometimes tucks her hair behind her left ear as if she is in class taking notes or listening to a lecture. She's so fabulous! At times, she touches the keys as if she is caressing a baby - so fun to watch!
I haven't heard this wonderful concerto for a long time and to watch this fabulous rendition on a big screen brings me close to tears! Valentina must commune with the spirit of Beethoven.
Valentina, You play this piece of music like it was your "baby" lol What I mean is that you look so stress free and delighted to be playing this wonderful music ! It is such a delight to listen to anything you play
She's one of the best. It's not an accident the 1.702.603 views in that concert in D minor of Mozart Lisitsa won the prize i guess ! Saludos from Greece you have to come here Valentina
full of joy.. long live mozart, little things like this keep my hope of humanity alive
Nice shoes, beautiful hands, and finally some interesting cadenzas here. Danke, Valé!
Mozart was the best composer that ever lived. Absolutely beautiful.
My favorite piano concert ever. Thank Valentina. You’re monumental
Hopefully, she will play more Mozart concertos. It is such a pleasure. This is absolute sublime! This concert is one of the best of Mozart.
Simply magnificent!! Valentina Lisista has magic in her fingers.
Да , это так ! Был на её концерте в Луганске за две недели до войны . Она великолепна .
Послушайте ещё Анастасию Хупман , Шопэна .
Mozart and Lisitsa, what more could anyone want? Sublime!
отлично сказано!!
The pianist, Valentina Lisitsa, shows in her elegant body language while performing this magnificent Piano concerto deep emotions. It reminds me of what PLATO says: "Music must be FELT, it penetrates the soul and cleans it."
Quelle clarté de jeu exceptionnelle. Peu d artistes possèdent cette capacité même dans les passages virtuoses.
One of my prefered video, you are so expressive play and face .❤
what a tender and great performance,what an age to be alive and have my beautiful lisitsa play just for me.u tube may you live forever.
Beautifully done by Valentina and the orchestra.
This was an outstanding performance throughout .Its one of Mozart's most dramatic pieces and harkens the fury of Beethoven yet to come. This was one of Beethoven's favorite Mozart pieces and you can see why. Fabulous performance by Valentina and a very strong forceful performance by the orchestra. Mozart's excellent use of counterpoint is starting to shine here and reached its ultimate in SYM 41
First I've heard this cadenza, everyone plays Beethoven's. One of my favorite Mozart pieces. Mozart has a way of blending dark and light in his melodies that just gets better with age. The older I get the more I appreciate!
PERFECT PIANO... Bravo and Bravisimo... Special and Different MUSIC... Epic Orchestra... ETERNAL... IMMORTAL Concert... Divine...
I listen to and watch this performance almost every Saturday morning.
wow! it's the first time I listen to this cadenza! Valentina, was brilliant up there! Greetings from Greece!
Tremendous performance. Lisitsa's playing, as always, sings, is fresh, and uniquely penetrates to the heart of the music. I never heard Hummel's cadenzas before. They are nice.
Fabulous playing as always. I interviewed Valentina recently for my RUclips channel and she was a delight.
Stunningly beautiful :1st Mvt; 0:00 - 15:102nd Mvt; 15:30 - 25:303rd Mvt; 25:30 - 35:00
Thank you Max Keizer for bring Valentina Lisitsa on your show ( The Keizer Report ), I am sure you helped me to know this talented magical Valentina and others as will......., you are special gifted person. it is a medicine to prepare a broken soul........... very nice and smooth ............Thank you Valentina.
But it is still my favourite Mozart concerto :)
The first time that I was ever exposed to Valentina's musical prowess was at Skanfest in Skaneateles, N.Y. She was playing with the extremely talented Hillary Hahn , yet I could not take my eyes off Ms. Lisitsa. It was my lucky day.
Wow! Amazing! Most beautiful cadenza I've heard for this piece!
I love listening to Valentina. I actually got to listen to her in the Teatro Municipal in Lima last year. What a great night!
Интересный концерт !
БРАВО !!!!
Весь оркестр прекрасен !
Nice cadenza, Ms. Lisitsa! You are most impressive. Please write more cadenzas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Es ist fantastisch!
Great meeting of superior talents. Mozart forever and thank you Lisitsa and the Freiburger Mozert-Orchester.
Valentina, so beautiful.. Those sensuous hands play so beautifully... With your facial expressions you seem to enjoy it as much as we do... Thank you...
Anthony Hazlewood
Excellent performance magnificent world-class pianist Valentina Lisitsa Concerto D Minor K 466 Amadeus Mozart. Your filigree, sparkling passages bring delight, unbelievable lighting explosion strumming key are a delight, breathtaking improvisation lit heart. Mozart is one of the founders of the genre classic concert. Of importance Mozart attached opera, basis opera considered the music. His works are distinguished poetic and subtle elegance. His operas - an epoch in the development of this kind of music. Much attention is paid Mozart symphonic music. His instrumental music is different melodiousness of opera arias and dramatic conflicts. The most famous symphony number 39 in E Flat Major, number 41 in C Major and G Minor number 40. Concerto D Minor K 466 remarkable. Listening to his magnificent music and the beautiful game Valentina, my countrywomen, I proud of it. I get great pleasure. Wonderful Orchestra with excellent musicians with perfect technique and game. Your presentations = holiday bright music and an unforgettable spectacle. Triumphal Successes Valentina to performed works by Mozart. Love and adoration!
I absolutely love how you caress each key with forethought and love! So beautiful! Especially the Romance.
depuis des décennies que j'écoute ce 20 ème concerto , il me donne des frissons me rappelle tant et tant de souvenirs difficiles et merveilleux ,, il est à l'image de la vie , fascinant effrayant à la fois ,, dualité du monde ,, quoiqu'on pense de mozart il restera un peu comme dans le film amadeus ,, trop éxagéré ,, connaîtra on un jour le mozart profond ,,,,,, le farceur scatologique eschatologique , franc -maçon fasciné par la mort qui était devenu comme une compagne ,, ces mots sont de lui ,, et que recherchait il dans la loge maçonnique sur laquelle il resta si discret même dans ses correspondance les plus intimes , il introduisit dans une loge viennoise la bienfaisance il me semble , son propre père et l'immense génie que joseph haydn ,, il y rencontra schikaneder , librettiste et créateur de la flûte enchantée ,, d'ailleurs le film amadeus n'aborde pas cet aspect métaphysique de mozart pas plus qu'il n'évoque sa soeur nannerl pianiste de talent ou la mort de sa mère à paris en 1778 et tant d'autres sujets encore ,, mais pour unfilm exhaustif sur mozart il eut fallu cent films ,, et je n'éxagère , j'ai lu tant d'ouvrages sur le maître assisté à tant de conférences vu tant de concerts d'opéras ,,,
Magnifique ! Tous ces musiciens sont en amour avec leur instrument.
This has been my favorite thing in the world ever since I was 10, for 10 years and counting! And I couldn’t feel more honored that this was uploaded on my birthday!!
I believe that if Mozart could see this he would be very pleased.
Allright then, I am indeed addicted.
I have been watching the enchanting Valentina's videos for 2 days now.
Extraordinary ? Outstanding ? Exceptional ? Only words. Valentina...Thank you.
In the movie Amadeus: Mozart is dying on his death-bed and dictates the music notations to Salieri in a rush of ideas. Last scene: His Funeral coffin being carried at the Cemetery and a Flap opens at the end of the coffin as it is Tilted and his dead body slides out into a Common Grave. Buried without a coffin in a Pauper's Grave. Years later, part of his skull was retrieved from the common grave. Not one note of Mozart's music was changed for the movie. The "Romance Movement" at 15:38 of this Concerto RUclips is so exquisite. I really love it. Click 15:38 to listen again. The sweetest music I've ever heard! THANK YOU Valentina Lisitsa and the Freiburg im Breisgau Mozart Orchester also the Conductor Michael Erren.
R.I.P. Herr Mozart and Herr Jan Nepomuk Hummel who completed the Cadenzas.