Answers to Postmillennial Objections (Dr. Kenneth Gentry)

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry answers typical concerns and refutations of the postmillennial position.

Комментарии • 131

  • @GodsTruthMinistries
    @GodsTruthMinistries 4 года назад +32

    I've only adhered to post millennialism now for about two years and it has absolutely changed my outlook to a positive one instead of a negative one as far as the future outlook and the Victorious future for Christianity and the world.

    • @earthwatcher2012
      @earthwatcher2012 3 года назад

      I am leaning towards PostMil but all those Trumpet & Bowl Judgments in Revelation have never been explained away

    • @GodsTruthMinistries
      @GodsTruthMinistries 3 года назад +8

      @@lexle6203 He doesn't 'explain them away". The judgements were prophesied and fulfilled exactly as their context dictates; on Jerusalem and it was just as Christ said it would happen. And I know you weren't saying that in a negative manner.

    • @ReformedGibberish5881
      @ReformedGibberish5881 2 года назад +8

      @@earthwatcher2012 those are all the judgements that you find in The book of Deuteronomy because they did not keep the word of the Lord their God . They’ve taught me to interpret revelation with the Old Testament.
      It can be done.

    • @earthwatcher2012
      @earthwatcher2012 2 года назад +4

      @@ReformedGibberish5881 thank you brother. i will go back and study Deuteronomy

    • @DavidKing-qd3sp
      @DavidKing-qd3sp 2 месяца назад

      premillennialism is correct view read Rev.20.4-6

  • @jenkydesignz
    @jenkydesignz 3 года назад +29

    1. Historical decline disproves Postmillennialism (5:03)
    2. Postmillennialist Gradualism destroys a spur to holiness by denying the imminent return of Christ (14:58)
    3. Postmillennialism rests on liberal foundations (22:24)
    4. Total Depravity undermines the Postmillennial hope (24:56)
    5. Narrow gate, broad is the way (Matthew 7) (28:07)
    6. The Parable of the Wheat and Tares (Matthew 13) (31:31)
    7. When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (Luke 18) (35:41)
    8. Evil will grow worse and worse (2nd Timothy 3) (42:01)

    • @xdanielgs
      @xdanielgs 2 года назад +3

      Thank you!

    • @MrHoracioceballos
      @MrHoracioceballos 2 года назад +6

      You the real mvp

    • @odycmboden3580
      @odycmboden3580 2 года назад

      @@MrHoracioceballos hi!

    • @uncommonsense6295
      @uncommonsense6295 2 года назад +2

      Technically, all of these references do not disprove “postmillennialism,” but I would agree that they make it difficult to hold to the optimistic view of postmillennialism. All of these references align perfectly with the pessimist view of postmillennialism (what most folks mistakenly call amillennialism).

    • @nappyboyhooper1626
      @nappyboyhooper1626 2 года назад +1

      Actually a lot if references mentioned here can be answered by the fact that the last days is referring to God’s judgment on Israel in 70 AD

  • @stevehansel5080
    @stevehansel5080 4 года назад +10

    Wow, this has answered so many misconceptions of this Biblical view of Postmillennialism. So often mischaracterized by those who do not understand if but only have a hyper view.

  • @johnsells1689
    @johnsells1689 Год назад +4

    Still listening to these talks.

  • @carlosdanger1843
    @carlosdanger1843 Год назад +2

    Excellent teaching Dr. Gentry.
    It’s almost 20 years since you preached this and you’ve remained faithful to our Lord and His Word.
    Thank you for posting this, Eschatology247!

  • @JohnO318
    @JohnO318 12 лет назад +30

    He needs more exposure. Modern Evangelicalism interpretation has had too much influence in our day. It's like Evolutionary interpretation's influence verses Creation Science not having as much exposure.

    • @MrHoracioceballos
      @MrHoracioceballos 7 лет назад +1

      John O'Donnell exposure to what exactly

    • @odycmboden3580
      @odycmboden3580 2 года назад +5

      @@MrHoracioceballos I think he’s saying gentry needs to be made known to more people.

  • @OGDreamer
    @OGDreamer 2 года назад +5

    So glad I found Gentry!

  • @ArginGerigorian32
    @ArginGerigorian32 12 лет назад +16

    Very well presented Dr. Gentry! I pray, once people see the perspicuity of postmilennialism (specifically a partial preterist postmillennialism) then the doctrine of government and law will change and be theonomic as well!

    • @MrHoracioceballos
      @MrHoracioceballos 7 лет назад +1

      Argin Gerigorian do you still hold this view?

    • @gch8810
      @gch8810 2 года назад +3

      @@MrHoracioceballos I sure do.

    • @sarahd5341
      @sarahd5341 2 года назад +2

      Completely agree. Dr Joe Boot has helped my understanding of this view immensely.

    • @MariaVazquez-du3st
      @MariaVazquez-du3st Год назад +1

      All these " views" can be laid out in a very educated, slick manner, making scripture fit into whatever " interpretation" sounds agreeable to you, and biblical -see, what God meant is right here. This is symbolic, but this is not symbolic. Since there is only ONE WAY that God meant his word to be understood, I have to stop listening to all these guys and their " interpretations." I don't trust any of them.

    • @AMightyFortressIsOurGod24
      @AMightyFortressIsOurGod24 Год назад

      @@MariaVazquez-du3st What is the one way God's word is meant to be understood?

  • @manueltroche2405
    @manueltroche2405 3 года назад +5

    Greerings from Puerto Rico. I have the book in Spanish of Keneth Gentry thanks for the good work in this book. This book name its El Tendra el Dominio Im reeding this book right now, amazing I liked the hope of this world the book of God the Bible, the Power of God.

  • @danbrown586
    @danbrown586 2 года назад +2

    6:30 ...and to that objection, my answer is that I don't get my theology from the newspapers; I get it from the Bible. My less-snarky answer is that the objection assumes that we're close to the end, and there's no reason to assume that.

  • @rolysantos
    @rolysantos Год назад +2

    Post Mils agree with Amils on a lot, except regarding what it means that Jesus will "Reign until I make your enemies a footstool."
    When interpreting this verse (and others) they make the same mistake that Dispensationalists make with their entire Eschatology. Rather than apply a biblical dichotomy of Earthly/Natural (OT) vs Heavenly /Spiritual (NT) BOTH Literal, Dispys apply a "Literal" vs "Spiritual" dichotomy, claiming that the things that Amils "spiritualize" are "literal." Yes, we agree! But they're not EARTHLY/NATURAL!
    There's a reason Paul says in 1 Corinthians that Adam was the "earthly" man and Jesus is the "Heavenly" man and that as we are born in Adam, so too we will take on the likeness of the Heavenly man.
    There's a reason Paul tells us there's an Israel "After the flesh" and an "Israel of God."
    And why there's a "Jerusalem BELOW who is in bondage" and a Jerusalem ABOVE and SHE "Is the mother of us ALL " (Believers. Thoe who Hebrews 12:22 says HAVE come (present tense) to the Heavenly Jerusalem)
    Forgetting (or not understanding) about this Earthly/Natural vs Heavenly/Spiritual biblical dichotomy, Postmils believe that Jesus' enemies being made His footstool means that we will see the results ON THE EARTH!
    But this is not the case!
    Ephesians 6:12 tells us that the enemies we fight against are SPIRITUAL!
    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
    Ephesians 1 tells us that Jesus enemies HAVE been made a footstool!
    18I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,
    21far above ALL rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.
    22 *And God PLACED ALL THINGS UNDER HIS FEET* and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.
    In Romans 8, Paul juxtaposes EARTHLY suffering and apparent defeat, with the HEAVENLY/SPIRITUAL reality that we ARE "more than conquerors" through Christ Jesus, *AT THE SAME TIME!*
    "But you are not in the flesh (earthly/natural) but in the Spirit (Heavenly/Spiritual) if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you............. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. 23 Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. 24 For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what WE DO NOT SEE, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance..........35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written:
    “For Your sake we are killed all day long;
    We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”
    37 Yet *IN ALL these things* (in our sufferings while in the earthly realm and earthly body)
    we *ARE* (present tense) more than conquerors through Him who loved us."
    Yes, the Wheat AND Tares will GROW TOGETHER until the harvest! The "Field" will not gradually becomes mostly wheat and the world (the earth) WILL continue to "wax worse and worse" because evil will abound but GOD'S KINGDOM will also be Trimuphant at the SAME time because by the GOSPEL, "The strong man's house" is being plundered and God's people ARE being "delivered OUT of the Kingdom of darkness (Spiritual) and transferred into the Kingdom of light! (Colossians 1:13)
    One might ask: "Well if scripture says Jesus will reign UNTIL His enemies are made a footstool, and His enemies HAVE been made a footstool, then why hasn't He handed the Kingdom over to the Father?"
    Answer: Because by THE GOSPEL, the dominion of darkness has been overcome but the "hostages" are still being rescued out of the "strong man's house." Right now Satan IS bound while Jesus rescues His people! THEN for a short time satan will be released to deceive the nations (gentiles/ethnos) and as before Jesus came, they will be walking in darkness again (Isaiah 1:9)
    THEN it will be time for the last enemy to be desroyed!
    Some of God's people will be in Heaven waiting for their eternal body.
    Some of God's people will be on the earth "remaining" or "surviving" as 1 Thessalonians 4 tells us, like solidiers trapped in enemy territory waiting to be evacuated, undergoing suffering (Romans 8)
    WHEN Jesus returns, He will bring the "dead" saints WITH Him as He comes FOR the living saints.
    And IN A MOMENT, we shall be transformed!
    THEN the saying will be brought to pass "Death, where is thy sting?"
    And at THAT time, 2 Thessalonians 1 will be made reality.
    Jesus will trouble those who troubled His people AND Give "rest" to His people at the SAME time!

    • @larrymcclain8874
      @larrymcclain8874 6 месяцев назад

      I take the Amill view, but other than this I am in complete agreement with Dr. Gentry on his eschatological point of view. I believe we are heading toward the events of Revelation 20:7-10. In the late 1790's in France, the Age of Reason, this was the first time that a whole nation rejected Christian thought since the Jewish and Roman enemies of Christ were defeated. This produced such thinkers as Voltaire and others. The French influenced the rest of Europe, and by the mid 1800's you had two writers who became major influencers for events which happened in the twentieth century, Karl Marx and Charles Darwin. By the mid twentieth century, a rebellion against Christianity especially in the West was well underway. By the end of the twentieth century Christianity had dramatically declined in Europe, and currently in the early twenty-first century, church groups in America have had major declines in membership, with the religious "nones" growing in America exponentially. I believe that when Satan is released from the bottomless pit, his deceiving of the nations to persecute Christians worldwide will abruptly happen, and then Christ immediately intervenes. This is my Amill take on the situation, as much as I would hope that the Postmill optimism would prevail, I just don't see it.

  • @loganholdaway769
    @loganholdaway769 9 месяцев назад +1

    This is fantastic!!

  • @HealingIsForYou
    @HealingIsForYou 11 лет назад +3

    Great Stuff !

  • @blackpatriot3
    @blackpatriot3 4 года назад +3

    The road is narrow and few find it. How is that reversed or changed in Post Mil?

    • @guessable
      @guessable 3 года назад +5
      Here’s a video addressing that issue
      If you don’t feel like watching he basically goes into Luke 13 where few verses later Jesus also talks about many people coming from all over the earth and eating at the table. He is talking to the Jews who later rejected Him as the messiah.
      The beginning and end of the chapter is an indictment against Jerusalem. The verses before talk about kingdom of God starting as a mustard seed and covering the whole garden and then the yeast filling all the dough.
      Take those passages and others where Jesus says He didn’t come to judge the world but save the world
      Also take Genesis 8 to account where God promises NEVER to curse the earth or kill all living creatures because the sin of man.

    • @LFJ10.
      @LFJ10. 2 года назад +4

      Watch the video

    • @toolegittoquit_001
      @toolegittoquit_001 3 месяца назад

      The gate being narrow doesn’t mean many cannot pass though it 🤨

  • @Mike65809
    @Mike65809 Месяц назад

    Why do you have to be preterist to be post mil?

  • @rayortiz6189
    @rayortiz6189 5 лет назад +3

    the audio is terrible

  • @sammcrae8892
    @sammcrae8892 9 месяцев назад +1

    So we as Christians are supposed to take over the world (mostly anyway), so that when Christ returns we can hand it to him as turnkey Kingdom?
    I can only imagine that this is a view that assumes that ALL (mostly) of the prophecies of the end times as told in Revelation at least, were completely (again, for the most part) fulfilled by the end of the first century. My (admittedly limited) understanding of Revelation, Daniel etc, indicates that there should be some fairly drastic things that will happen before Jesus returns that don't seem to have been fulfilled in circa 70 AD. The destruction of Jerusalem was no doubt very drastic for those who experienced those times, but don't appear to reflect the seal and bowl judgements etc of Revelation. I don't recall any of the history of that time telling that (basically) half the planet and the living creatures on it was laid waste and destroyed. I haven't read of anything that indicates that all of those prophecies WERE fulfilled then, though some were of course.
    What about the whole New World Order plan of the elitist power mongers that are about to grab totalitarian world control? There's strong reason to believe that these people are worshippers of Lucifer under the pagan gods of Egypt, and they are involved in supplying the physical troops and Antichrist of the spiritual warfare that has been going on since the fall of Adam.
    Basically, I have personal preferences, but fundamentally don't care about which eschatology is correct, I just want to know, as best as can be determined -- WHICH eschatology is most likely to be correct.
    My understanding (admittedly limited) from personal study is that Christian beliefs and salvation will advance until the last days, but that evil will also advance, culminating in a period of Tribulation -- with a rapture in there somewhere, then Christ returns, rules for a thousand years with a rod of iron, then the devil pulls a jailbreak, there's a final battle, and then the judgment.
    If all was fulfilled in 70 AD, who were the two witnesses? I just can't help but feel like the whole eschatology thing is a mess if what I lined out above is not somewhat accurate.
    Help us Lord, for we are confused! 🙏✝️🙏🙏

    • @GodsChild145
      @GodsChild145 4 месяца назад +1

      100% I AGREE WITH YOU!!! I just feel it’s another person using things to lead people astray and DECEIVE us….. who cares if Revelation was the last book, that doesn’t mean that this entire theory he has is correct and that we aren’t living in the last days spoken of in Matthew, Mark, Luke, Daniel or for that matter books that “THEY” have REMOVED FROM OUR BIBLES like the fact that Enoch 1 is biblically inspired and says “this book is written for the end time generation”, now the 2 and 3rd Enoch books I think were written by a totally different Enoch and are NOT biblically inspired…. Also there are many other “lost books of the Bible” and in fact more of them then there are the 66 books that we do have in our Bibles!!! How can people look at the time we are living in NOW and not agree that everything has completely changed for the worst and not agree that these are the last days and we are seeing all the AC things coming like the red heifer and 3rd temple rebuilt and put that together with what we’re told in the Bible about the one who sits there and claims he is god is the abomination of desolation…. I could go on and on but who ever said that just because the things in the book of Revelation HAVE somewhat been fulfilled…. That we aren’t in end times? Also nobody ever said that the things in Revelation had to even happen in ANY certain order???? Many unanswered questions and I’m not changing my mind about the fact I know we are IN END TIMES!!!

    • @toolegittoquit_001
      @toolegittoquit_001 3 месяца назад

      Preach the Gospel and disciple the nations
      That’s about it 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @DavidKing-qd3sp
    @DavidKing-qd3sp 2 месяца назад

    I always find it amazing that you can take people with the highest education and find error...Premillennialism is the correct view....there are no 7 or 1000 years of peace or of Christ's rule.....there will be persecution followed by the close of probation, followed by the 7 last plagues then the 2nd coming of Christ..The church is not raptured from tribulation that is a demonic lie

  • @Benjamin-rp4hq
    @Benjamin-rp4hq 3 года назад +1

    How does Satan get his power back at the end of the millennial reign in this context?

  • @yoshkebenstadapandora1181
    @yoshkebenstadapandora1181 Год назад

    You cannot legitimately call it Postmillennialism when it is really nothing more than optimistic Amillennialism. It is a misnomer that Postmillennials don't want to admit they were wrong about the millennium occurring in the future rather than being a present reality.

  • @jesusbrooks01
    @jesusbrooks01 3 года назад


  • @joshpeterson2451
    @joshpeterson2451 3 года назад +1

    Wow, I expected better from a supposed scholar. Luke 18:8 uses the word "ara" in Greek when Jesus asks, "Will He fine faith on the earth?" The word "ara" according to every lexicon I have is a particle that presupposes a negative answer. Therefore, no, Jesus will not find faith on the earth when He returns. No if's and's or buts about it.

    • @thewholeandholylife231
      @thewholeandholylife231 2 года назад +5

      He literally explains exactly this but clearly you didn’t watch the whole video 🙄

    • @sovereigngrace9723
      @sovereigngrace9723 2 года назад +3

      So there won't be any christians on earth?

  • @ishiftfocus7295
    @ishiftfocus7295 2 года назад

    Postmillennialists look at prophecy and say things will get better and better in the world. Premillennialists look at prophecy and say things will get worse and worse in the world.
    One sees prophecy being fulfilled by bringing in the kingdom. We are responsible to change the world.
    The other sees prophecy being fulfilled in times of trouble, and we should guard ourselves from the world.
    Both are looking in the wrong place to see what God is doing in the world.
    Prophecy does not describe this mystery dispensation. The events of prophecy do not describe the end of this dispensation, but the end of Israel’s.
    One sees the prophetic cup and says it is half full.
The other sees the prophetic cup and says it is half empty.
    According to Pauline right division we are not drinking from that prophetic cup. We are looking up where our life is hid with Christ according to the mystery (Col 3:1-3).

    • @ishiftfocus7295
      @ishiftfocus7295 2 года назад

      Often people start with an eschatological (end times) position and then build their doctrines of the church, salvation, and ministry from there. This is exactly backwards.
      It should be our doctrine of the church, salvation, and ministry that determines our view of the end times.
      When we rightly divide Prophecy from Mystery there is only one relationship to prophecy we can take: prophecy does not describe the present time in which we live, whether it be for the better or the worse.
      The millennium, tribulation, restoration of Israel are all parts of God’s prophetic purpose for his chosen nation and not the church. They describe the end times spoken about in prophecy.
      The pretribulational premillennial non-prophetic imminent return of Christ is seen as a weak position. It is only weak from the position that does not recognize the difference between Prophecy and Mystery.
      A failure to rightly divide Prophecy from Mystery will end up with a failed eschatology.

    • @ishiftfocus7295
      @ishiftfocus7295 2 года назад

      We are not living in the times of prophecy, but in a mystery dispensation. Therefore, we are not living in the end times.
      We will not go through the millennium; we are not looking for Israel’s tribulation; nor are we looking for Israel’s restoration.
      Instead we operate according to the mystery of Christ, doing our ministry as ambassadors and waiting for the mystery coming of the Lord to remove the church so that he can fulfill his prophecy and promises with Israel.
      These are not the prophetic last days for us. Every day is a new day of opportunity to be God’s grace ambassadors in a world that has rejected him. For the sake of ministering the gospel, we should hope there are a million more days.
      Our hope is in his appearing sometime in the future, unknown to us (Titus 2:13). Til then, we have work to do.

    • @ishiftfocus7295
      @ishiftfocus7295 2 года назад

      How do we get eternal life? Trust what Christ did on the cross for your salvation by grace, not what Christ taught Israel under the law.

  • @rtpricetag3536
    @rtpricetag3536 10 лет назад +3

    How many are aware, that Christ says in the last days when He returns, it will be on earth much like Sodom and Gomorrah. Where does anyone see wonderful peace and prosperity for Christians... some to be put to death. When Christ returns, He sends the angels to gather (all) of the saints, from "one end of the heavens to the other"... and on earth (they) MOURN His coming.
    Millennium is a mistranslation of the original Greek (alpha-numeric Chilioi), of which even the Catholic church rejects this common teachings (Millennium). Read Rev 20:1-6, note Satan in the abyss is written in past tense, everything from Rev 20:7-15 is written in the future tense... saints reign with Christ for eternity, not one thousand years.

    • @rtpricetag3536
      @rtpricetag3536 10 лет назад

      Millennium is found only in the Catholic Latin Vulgate bible, and the Catholic church rejects the common 'Millennium' teachings that strays from the entire context of the NT. Why does the Protestant church teach old Vulgate verse, why not the original text that this was taken?

    • @DenverProphitJr
      @DenverProphitJr 10 лет назад +1

      Hey DeWayne Benson! Where can I find what you are referring to in the Hebrew or Greek text?

    • @rtpricetag3536
      @rtpricetag3536 10 лет назад +1

      Denver Prophit Jr. The Latin 'Millennium' has origin from 382AD when Pope Damasus commissioned his secretary Jerome to produce the Latin Vulgate bible, and he chose from Revelation 20:1-7 'Mile/Mille' to represent the Greek 'Chilioi' (Thousands). If you would like to read a much more detailed study on this matter, this is link to my web page:
      I would suggest first reading my study on the 'First Resurrection', it will give you a better start:

    • @DenverProphitJr
      @DenverProphitJr 10 лет назад

      Rather than read your interpretations, I'd rather seek out which translation you base your study? That way, I can come to an agreement with you. Thanks though for the prompt reply! ;-)

    • @rtpricetag3536
      @rtpricetag3536 10 лет назад

      Denver Prophit Jr. That is the best point, these are not my interpretations, this is forgetting what the 382AD 'Millennium' was all about, and going directly to the source, Revelation-20. Also keeping in mind, we are not relating a language concerning 'Chilioi', but the Greek math theorem base-10 of that age, when root 'Chili' represented (10x3rd power) 'Thousands', and stem 'Chilia/Chilioi' then also represent according to presentation (plural) 'Thousands'. Have you noted how in the English bible the numeric 'Chiliades/Chiliadon' standing alone represent (plural) 'Thousands', however when additional numeric (doodeka chiliades) are included, these (plural) numeric revert to being singular 'twelve thousand'..

  • @biblehistoryscience3530
    @biblehistoryscience3530 6 лет назад +3

    Jesus warned against false teachers who contradicted prophesy, saying he has already returned. Don’t believe this nonsense.

    • @dbeebee
      @dbeebee 5 лет назад +18

      he doesn't believe Christ already returned, but I expect you didn't actually listen.

    • @ministryoftruth1451
      @ministryoftruth1451 3 года назад +5

      False prophesy like Jesus saying "THIS" generation will not pass away until these things happen? dispensationalism makes Jesus into a liar.

    • @biblehistoryscience3530
      @biblehistoryscience3530 3 года назад

      Ministry of “Truth”, according to the Greek grammar, Jesus did not say that generation would not pass until all those things come to pass but was expressing the fact that it could all happen in that generation. But one doesn’t need to look closely at that grammar to prove that that’s what he meant because all those things did not happen.
      Nobody magic-worker sat in the Second Temple and declared themselves God, so nobody used Satan’s power to rule the world for the following 42 months, and there was no miracle-working sidekick forcing the world to take his mark or be starved or executed, and there wasn’t any greatest tribulation ending with God’s Wrath across the world, and Jesus did not return to destroy evil on earth at the end and setup his 1,000 year reign.
      And the only way anyone gets around all these facts is to claim that many Bible prophesies are not what it look like. It would be much safer for Preterists to find themselves a different book to base their religion on because at least then they would not be calling God a liar.

    • @ministryoftruth1451
      @ministryoftruth1451 3 года назад +5

      @@biblehistoryscience3530 I'm sorry, you've taken the entire chapter out of context. you are looking at it first through the lens of dispensationalism rather than reading exegetically.
      show me where you are interpreting someone sitting in the temple for 42 months, because in case you haven't noticed the second temple was destroyed and theirs no prophecy for a third.

    • @ministryoftruth1451
      @ministryoftruth1451 3 года назад +1

      @@biblehistoryscience3530 dispensationalism claims to interpret literally but then constantly changes their own rule to fit their agenda. Do you also take 'those who are in Judea' to mean -those who are also not in Judea? (Matt 24:16)

  • @kubaxthree4751
    @kubaxthree4751 3 года назад +2

    More FALSE TEACHING ! ! ! He says that Jesus taught that it would be a long, long time until he returned. Yet Jesus said WATCH for you don't know when. He never says it will be a long time. In the book of Revelation Jesus says behold I come quickly. Is that a new definition for long, long time ? Didn't Paul say in the book of Hebrews " See the day approaching" ? For this guy to say what Jesus really meant, just to supposedly justify his position is heretical. This guy is full of false teaching, avoid at all costs ! ! !

    • @Durnyful
      @Durnyful 3 года назад +4

      So 2000 years & counting is soon ?

    • @kubaxthree4751
      @kubaxthree4751 3 года назад

      @@Durnyful You need to understand WHY Jesus came in the first place. He came to be the king of the Jewish kingdom that had been promised to the Jews all through the old testament. His intention to fulfill that prophecy continued even after he was crucified. He wanted to COME and be there king. But after Stephen was stoned to death, the Jews clearly demonstrated they didn't want him. So He went to the Gentiles instead.

    • @Durnyful
      @Durnyful 3 года назад +2

      @@kubaxthree4751 Christ came to do exactly what He did, to die to defeat sin & death. You speak as if the events that unfolded came as a surprise to Him.
      This was never a plan B, the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world was always the plan.

    • @kubaxthree4751
      @kubaxthree4751 3 года назад

      @@Durnyful Then show me in the Gospels where Jesus tells people, I am here to die for the sins of the world. as I read the Gospel, Jesus preached on the kingdom of God. NOT dying for the sins of the world. That would come AFTER the Jews rejected him, and therefore their kingdom. And Paul ONLY would be the one to start preaching exactly what we preach today.

    • @Durnyful
      @Durnyful 3 года назад +5

      @@kubaxthree4751 You may have read the gospels but I have the impression you do not have much of a grasp of their meaning or context in any depth within the whole context of scripture.
      Try reading Isaiah, Jeremiah, Micah, Jonah, Psalms etc. etc. Who inspired them to write what they wrote regarding the Messiah? How about John the baptist - 'behold the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world'.
      If you have the impression that the apostle Paul suddenly popped up a new angle that did not run throughout the whole biblical narrative from Genesis to Revelation then I honestly don't know where to start. I would try to clear your mind of your existing presuppositions and read through John's gospel.

  • @borntwyce2577
    @borntwyce2577 11 лет назад +1

    Are you joking? Theonomy is not biblical.

    • @jeff3putt
      @jeff3putt 7 лет назад +9

      Born Twyce the NT is built on the assumption that the Law continues. Unless of course, we get revelation that a law is no longer valid. For example, we don't follow Tabernacle laws because those laws pointed to Christ, He was the true sacrifice.
      Read Bahnsen's "By This Standard"

  • @JuanMartinez-bq4xd
    @JuanMartinez-bq4xd 4 года назад +1

    I smell heresy

    • @djm7038
      @djm7038 3 года назад +5

      Then Juan - pick the big booger out of nose - and smell a particular way to interpret Scripture. For your information heresy deals more specifically with essential doctrines like the deity of Christ, the Trinity, justification, etc.

    • @loganholdaway769
      @loganholdaway769 9 месяцев назад +1

      It's important that if we say we think that someone is speaking heresy, we say what is heretical. Vauge and heavy accusations are damaging, not helpful.