How I quit alcohol: life-changing habits that ended my addiction.

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 132

  • @thomasorchard
    @thomasorchard 10 месяцев назад +43

    Another good tip is to not even bother with "moderation". It's actually easier to simply just quit because then you avoid decision fatigue.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +12

      I love "decision fatigue" nailed that on the head!!! Wish some people we knew would understand this. They are just so far gone down the booze hole.

    • @Artsyca
      @Artsyca 10 месяцев назад +9

      None of the reasons that anybody drinks alcohol are actually qualities of drink. Whether you drink to help you sleep: it doesn’t. Whether you drink to become more confident: you aren’t. Whether you drink because it taste good: it doesn’t. You’re just gaslighting yourself. Walking away, and never looking back is the only strategy. I don’t get cravings. I’m disgusted. Seeing grown ass men walking around stumbling. Going into their 60s. Drunk.

    • @thomasorchard
      @thomasorchard 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@Artsyca Agreed! I also feel a similar sense of disgust from cigarette smokers.

    • @cambsfarmer
      @cambsfarmer 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@Artsyca Very true

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +2

      @Artsyca WOWZA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap you literally just nailed that! It is absolutely disgusting to see grown ass men stumbling, acting a fool, and women acting frickin ridiculous also( I was that person). I am glad I don't have to be that person anymore. Too many people I know use all those excuses as well. Shit, my MIL makes an excuse to still drink even though she has a medical condition, and apparently only certain alcohols cause it, but yet the flare ups keep happeing..... all alcohol is the same. SMH

  • @jgage9170
    @jgage9170 10 месяцев назад +8

    Day #10. I feel great, much happier .
    I reset my Brain and the cravings are gone.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      DAy 10!!!!! Wahooo!!!! Congrats to you! Funny how that works, you shift your mindset, and voila, you are moving forward and can do it. To many people stay stagnant with their mind, and that is why some have such a harder time i think. Keep up the good work!

  • @btown8210
    @btown8210 2 месяца назад +1

    One of my fave sayings I heard on a podcast was ‘switch the ritual, dont ditch the ritual’ - I stocked up on Pentire, Seedlip, Kombucha, Keffir, Sparkling tea drinks, CBD drinks and anything that had a slightly fermented ‘adult’ taste. Pour one of these over ice in a decent glass and it hits the spot. Plus most of these options are under 20 cals for the drink, and literally no sugar, unlike alcohol. Other things are sort outs and decluttering, exercise, gardening, journaling, watching sobriety vids on youtube, trying out a new class or workshop. Or simply a nice hot bath, and an early night with a book!

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  2 месяца назад

      Oooh I like this so much! I definitely switched the ritual. And I’m loving it

  • @frasermackie19
    @frasermackie19 10 месяцев назад +12

    One of the things I have changed to help, is to do with the idea of rewarding yourself. For some reason, alcohol is seen by a lot of society as a reward for getting through a tough week, or a reward for making time and catching up with old friends. Some people can keep these as rewards, and moderate. I can’t moderate, it is just to much of an easy promise to break. Now, I really look forward to just waking up the next morning to start my day. That is my reward, start off a day with mental clarity, and not mental gymnastics trying to remember what I done the previous night. Waking up for work still sucks though haha...

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +1

      It is totally used as a reward, and why, beats me, because we are rewarding ourself just to feel like complete junk! Society has drilled into us, that 5 o clock somewhere, is what we cannot wait for to get our hands on a drink. Rewarding ourselves in other ways is a must, maybe it is having a coffee on our way home for work, or getting pizza at the end of a rough week, or treating yourself to brunch on a saturday because you had an awesome week. So many alternatives, it just takes the willpower to push through to see it. I absolutely love not having the "mental gymnastics' anymore hahaha. That is so well said!

  • @goju09alt9
    @goju09alt9 10 месяцев назад +5

    I went to AA.. I never dependent on alcohol for anything. I just ignored my life for alcohol. I never had a problem with alcohol, everyone around me had a problem with me drinking. It was ridiculous what I did to people around me.
    I took money out of my girlfriends account to drink.
    I took money i put aside for my girlfriends bday and i decided to get shitfaced drunk that day.
    My mother hates me I stole stuff from home.
    I had mental health problems from drinking.
    Got a criminal record for doing stupid shit.
    People around me hated me.
    I'm just starting to undo what i fucked up.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +1

      Words out of my mouth as I was reading this were "what the f*K" that first part, holy sh*t!! Got me! It is everyones fault but ours, but once we figure our shit out, we realize we were the problem the whole time!!!!! Good for you to undoing what you f'ed up. I hope your mother and you gf will forgive you, and I hope you can forgive yourself. Give yourself grace, push forward, and things will fall back into place happily! HUGS

  • @Kando439
    @Kando439 10 месяцев назад +7

    I like the term "Shit Faced". It really is what happens to our faces when we drink. ! We look like shit, feel like shit, act like shit. Faces become contorted and misaligned like being drugged , Oh Wait... If alcohol were invented today you would need a prescription from the Dr. to get it. I choose to not be shit faced which for me was always accompanied by a head ache later, who chooses to have a head ache? I did until I stopped getting shit faced. Great videos keep it up .

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +2

      NAILED IT!!!!!!!!!! 100%! I definitely am so thankful I am not "shit faced" anymore, you brought up so many good points. How long ago did you stop?

    • @Kando439
      @Kando439 10 месяцев назад

      I am 62 and had many bouts with alcohol. My longest stint of sobriety was 10 years. I am currently sober these days and love it. That is all that matters. I did not Drink today. Yesterday is gone today is a gift and I am sober, tomorrow is a promisary note. I don't believe in comparison of sobriety timelines it becomes almost a competition. I am old school. Incredible that you chose this path of sobriety stay the course.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +1

      There is def no competition or comparison in any of our journey, that is truth!!! We all have our own story, our own struggles, and each day we push to be sober, and stay sober, that is what matters. You got this, and thank you for bringing this to my thinking ;)

  • @superdarkenvy
    @superdarkenvy 10 месяцев назад +3

    All this totally rings true with how I was with my family. The thing I keep in mind is how much time drinking robs from you. With kids you become so unbelievably time poor. Sobriety gives you so much more energy & time to do other stuff you like doing - hobbies etc. No more cracking beers open & falling asleep by 9pm. Now I can hit midnight no problem & still get up with the kids in the morning. I wish I'd been taught that drinking isn't normal & where I'd be now had I never touched it in the first place. It's something I'll certainly try and guide my kids on & hopefully help them make better choices.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +1

      When you said timer poor, gosh that hit so hard. Letting alcohol steal time away from us, and our children is absolutely heartbreaking. Being more present with my family and my children, especially is one of the reasons actually, the number one reason I never want to go back to drinking. It all starts with that one Dang drink!

  • @tundrastrong2689
    @tundrastrong2689 10 месяцев назад +6

    It's like getting rid of an ex. Cut off all contact, communication, & don't go around people, places, etc, that remind you of them. Then you proactively surround yourself with good influences & hobbies to train your mind that you are moving on.

    • @Fuckbeingpoor21
      @Fuckbeingpoor21 10 месяцев назад +1

      It's more like getting rid of a "stalker"... 😆 but, I hear ya... 👌

    • @tundrastrong2689
      @tundrastrong2689 10 месяцев назад

      @@Fuckbeingpoor21 applies to both! Absolutely!

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +3

      YES!!!! It is def like getting rid of toxic relationships! Good bye not see ya later!!!! GOOD RIDDENS! Surrounding ourselves with positive influences in truly a must, and you start creating those other good habits with those better influences, and it just is a whole new life

  • @ForestForTheTrees3283
    @ForestForTheTrees3283 10 месяцев назад +11

    You hit the nail on the head. I don't want my son thinking what I'm doing is a good idea. Kids really look to their parents and two things always happen: They either do the total opposite or the exact same thing as their parents. Most of the time it's the same thing unless the parent is way over the top and too strict. Then the kids usually do the opposite. My motivation was/is my family. :)
    Great job, young lady!

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +2

      Gosh so spot on!!! I hated watching everyone smoke, and with that, I was one of the few that never smoked! But I did pick up the drinking, but now, I want to be better for my family and break all those "traditions"! Thank you so much

  • @shelliallibhai2114
    @shelliallibhai2114 10 месяцев назад +14

    Youre so awesome and open as usual! You asked what helps me, inam a wine drinker and have purchased "fake" good wine. It just helps in those times where id like a drink. Its friday afternoon and id be in a good mood right now looking forward to that drink. Now i can open a bottle of fake wine. Just until the cravings fade away. I also focus on the feelings i have in the mornings when i no longer feel like crap. Feeling like death while making breakfast and school lunches for the kids. I also didn't want my kids to think that everything i do has to revolve around alcohol. I am also 20 lbs over weight and started working out. If I drink then why bother working out? Doesn't make sense. Ive cut down big time!! Going from drink8ng daily to now once a week. I haven't had a drink in eight days. For me, thats huge!! I count on your channel to keep me going and appreciate you. ❤ well done!!

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +2

      HEHE thank

    • @andrealittle6103
      @andrealittle6103 10 месяцев назад +2

      Still in the search for a good fake wine! For me it’s the taste not the feeling that I crave!

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      I really like the Ocean spray white cran peach, it really reminds me of a rose. Yes, the sugar is dumb, but it gets the job done. I am looking for a red juice to find for these cold nights, because that is when i drank the most.....

    • @andrealittle6103
      @andrealittle6103 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@Soberstrong ah I don’t know if I can get that in UK. I bought some Kombucha in hopes it will help!

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +2

      I tried kombucha yesterday... It was not as bad as I was thinkin lol

  • @xyzct
    @xyzct 10 месяцев назад +5

    Sobriety provides everything drinking promises but fails to deliver.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      Ooooh I love this!!! Ain't that the cold hard truth though!!

    • @xyzct
      @xyzct 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@Soberstrong, I can't lay claim to it, but good God, it is a life-changing truth.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      @@xyzct it really is 🥰

  • @snookupfishing8612
    @snookupfishing8612 10 месяцев назад +5

    Replaced the bar scene with the gym pickle ball and other things but focusing hard on NOT being around it.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      Good job on focusing hard on not putting yourself around it, because it is hard sometimes!!

  • @user-gx5pv7en1v
    @user-gx5pv7en1v 10 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you. The more days without mood altering alcohol or any other substances that do more harm than good all the better. Stronger you will be. Been more than 10 years don’t know or care exactly w/o alcohol or other recreational drugs. There will be a time like a runner’s high when an overwhelming freedom and power within shows itself. Embrace that moment. GJB

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      Thank you for this. I needed the reminder. The best is yet to come. Congrats to your sobriety

  • @amyomeara2515
    @amyomeara2515 10 месяцев назад +5

    Great video. And - worse case scenario: you stop drinking and don’t lose weight, business doesn’t turnaround, your family struggles don’t improve at least you’re not drinking. Seriously, there’s nothing to lose by choosing to not drink. Source: 3 year non drinker, still living a very average life and loving it nonetheless :)

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      I like the average living life :-)
      It is very true, maybe nothing will change, but hopefully in most cases, that is not the scenario lol. I haven't lost anymore weight, and I don't think I will, I think that is a factor of many things involved. What is your biggest life change since you stopped?

    • @amyomeara2515
      @amyomeara2515 10 месяцев назад

      @@Soberstrong Possibly I wasn’t drinking enough to make an immediate obvious impact on my life and wellness. Biggest impact for me: I no longer need to keep a running calculation in my head of how many drinks I had his week v the “recommended” limit. I just don’t drink - so easy and highly recommend.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      Hahaha I love this perspective.

  • @andyinstaller7748
    @andyinstaller7748 10 месяцев назад +4

    Total respect to you, and thank you for the 75 hard introduction, You can not remove something from your life without a replacement, 75 hard 🤔

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +1

      I swear by 75 Hard. If I didn't do it, I probably would have never stopped drinking. I feel like a walking/talking advertisement for it lol, but it's free, it's just you, yourself, and you again doing this. I highly suggest trying it.

  • @hayleyoesch1313
    @hayleyoesch1313 10 месяцев назад +1

    I totally agree with your point on fancy glasses. I absolutely love them! I went to lunch after a family celebration last weekend, and there were carafes of wine on the table for everyone. Me and a few others ordered coke and the servers brought them in wine glasses for us. I felt so sophisticated haha! Sometimes we miss the ritual of drinking more than the alcohol itself: the toasting, the nice glasses, the chatting and laughing with loved ones... Putting non-alcoholic drinks in fancy glasses really helps me.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +1

      It is like the fancy glass trick that helps us quit and still feel included! Every night I pour something into my wine glass. I even put my green powders and pre workout hahaha. I should start asking for fancy glasses for my club sodas when we go out to eat. Love that you still had a good time without drinking

  • @checito2742
    @checito2742 10 месяцев назад +3

    I commend this lady on being so open, thorough, and really just exposing her life for the benefit of viewers. I love that the video is a single take, there's no shortcuts to getting healthy, and this video embodies that truth. Thanks so much for sharing.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      That would be me, and open book

  • @rickb2437
    @rickb2437 10 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you for your transparency and amazing perspective. Keep it up!

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +1

      You are very welcome

  • @allardvanderstarre
    @allardvanderstarre Месяц назад +1

    my fav tune lou rees underneath the bottle....i like it; i like lou reead since i was 16 i ne today is anyway close i guess

  • @user-de6cd1ll9f
    @user-de6cd1ll9f 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you thank you….I’m so relieved to hear the experience you’re having. I hope to be on the same path very soon ❤

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  9 месяцев назад

      Stay strong, stay busy, stay positive, and baby steps!!! You are so welcome 💕

  • @snookupfishing8612
    @snookupfishing8612 10 месяцев назад +3

    Perfectly said

  • @lovetodaylisa3967
    @lovetodaylisa3967 10 месяцев назад +1

    you have the exact same backsplash and kitchen as a client of mine so creepy to me. ANyways. i was a 13 year pot head and recently have become sober. The person i wasn't present for was myself. I want to be here for me. My life has been rough lately but i'm doing it sober and my confidence in my independance of creating joy from myself is the reward.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +1

      I love it! Absolutely true, we need to be more present for ourselves, that is where we being to make ourselves happy, and that is what matters most. Everything else will fall in to place

  • @marthatreasure9232
    @marthatreasure9232 10 месяцев назад +2

    Love all of this! No BS, common sense, and the desire to be better and happy! Thank you for sharing! ❤#thefreedommodel

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +1

      Absolutely!! I fell it is a lot of common sense when it comes to making the right decision. We can read books all day, but we just have to figure it out and put our best foot forward and keep going!!!!

  • @shannenmcphail1263
    @shannenmcphail1263 10 месяцев назад +1

    You are truly inspirational thank u I’m glad I came across u

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      I appreciate that! I am glad you found me! What is your story?

  • @gnrg
    @gnrg 10 месяцев назад +4

    Great video, as always 🎉

  • @davidneal6920
    @davidneal6920 10 месяцев назад +1

    Great video, for me it is always about getting up early and enjoying the outdoors . 🇺🇸 🇳🇿

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      Yes!!!! Now that I think of it, the colder months would have been hard for me to quit, because during summer, I was able to get outside without being miserable lol!!

  • @savvyshine7735
    @savvyshine7735 10 месяцев назад +1

    Awesome advice, you are an inspiration!! ❤

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much! Makes my heart happy ❤️

  • @leecee2135
    @leecee2135 10 месяцев назад +1

    Wow, it takes a lot of courage to share your story with the world. You're amazing and inspiring. Thank you!

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much! I hope my story resonates with so many, and they realize that they have the opportunity to quit and live life as well

  • @twktwo123
    @twktwo123 10 месяцев назад +2

    You are beautiful but you look extra great. Well done. Seriously. What you have done is a big deal. 🙌👌😍

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much!! I love being able to share my story and help so many others in the same situation. :)

  • @JamesP44
    @JamesP44 10 месяцев назад +2

    Ive been an emotional and anxious wreck since stopping. It will be 5 weeks from tomorrow for me and in comparison its a lot better now but still struggling.
    I hope this is normal to still struggle mentally even after 5 weeks 😢

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      Honestly , it’s so normal. I had soooo many days of feeling like this, and about the same time frame. It gets better I promise, and it’s worth it!

    • @JamesP44
      @JamesP44 10 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah the thoughts have been disturbed and not normal. Makes me feel as if I'll lose myself completely, especially today. Yesterday went for a bit of a jog and yesterday seemed to feel more at ease. Today I do the same thing, try to go out for air and did another jog this morning which is supposed to be good for me and this is my reward, feeling worse. I hope it does get better and thanks for your response by the way.
      Hope you don't mind me asking, how long did it take for you to feel good and normal again after quitting?

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      @@JamesP44 I honestly felt that way for a couple months if I remember correctly. There were days that I really hated, cried, was angry, didn’t know how to deal with the emotions(female here 😂). I think once I was done with 75 hard, and made the decision to officially be done, my bad days got fewer and fewer. You can ask me anything anytime, just might not see it right away, but I’ll always reply 🤗❤️

    • @JamesP44
      @JamesP44 10 месяцев назад +1

      Ok a good couple of months, so can take some time then. This 75 hard challenge looks good not sure I can commit to that fully with going without the cheat meals. Love my food too much 😅. The booze I can definitely go without now, I'm actually scared to have any because of how bad its made me feel and think recently. It was shocking smh.
      This 75 hard I could consider giving it a try and see how long I can last. 💪. Did you find that tough I bet?

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      @@JamesP44 I think if you tell yourself you can do it, you will do it. I found ways around cheat meals, like I got creative with making “treats”. It took me 2 or so years to commit to it. So I did it when I’m as finally ready and it changed my life

  • @jamestaylor9537
    @jamestaylor9537 9 месяцев назад +1

    I’m working at it

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  9 месяцев назад

      It is a work in progress :)

    @BEACHDUDE71 10 месяцев назад +2

    I have for 8 months

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      Wahoo!!!! Congrats to you :)

  • @coleenbrugh7953
    @coleenbrugh7953 10 месяцев назад +1

    This is such an inspiring share you have provided me and others. Thank you! I have a question for you and any others who may read this: How do you handle when your spouse does not want to quit drinking with you? I have tried and made it only 2 weeks. I was finding he was so annoying so I felt I had to keep drinking to deal with him..haha. I know an excuse. We have only been married 5 years (2nd marriage). I love him very much but afraid I will have a hard time being happy with him if I stop and he dosent.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      I might have giggled out loud.... I literally told my hubby in the beginning of this sober journey, that I didn't like him with us being sober, and he was so annoying. Remind you, he quit a month and half before me. But After the first month of us both being sober, things started getting more normal, and now it's better. So I totally get what you are saying. You just have to stick through it and do what is best for you, and hopefully he will follow sooner than later. I annoyed the hell outta him when he quit before me, he would always make comments, and just not be impressed with me lol. We got past that part. We have been married 9 years, together 13. All we knew was drinking together :(

    • @coleenbrugh7953
      @coleenbrugh7953 10 месяцев назад +1

      @MaLeanFit Thank you so much for the encouragement! Same on the "It's what we did/do together". Our first date was over drinks and It's been part of our daily routine ever since...cocktail hour/s...haha. Fortunately my children are in their early 20s and out of the house now. I just don't want my last years of life to revolve around drinking. I come from a highly addictive family and have always prided myself on not being that way....whelp....I think I'm at that point now. Hoping to get a handle on it with the 75Hard u did.
      Peace and Blessings to you and your family. Day 1...hoping to be a good example and hubby will want to join.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад

      @@coleenbrugh7953 everyone has a day one, and it sounds like you are super ready for a change. Embrace it, and stay strong, the hurdles will come, but nothing you can’t conquer.

  • @Chris-qr7hc
    @Chris-qr7hc 10 месяцев назад +1

    I'm trying very hard

  • @whittakaren
    @whittakaren 10 месяцев назад +1

    I don't crave alcohol and only drink in social situations because I'm quite shy. Tonight I'm going to a Halloween party and I don't want to drink. The start of the night and answering why I"m not drinking is always hard for me. Any tips??

    • @helpfulcommenter
      @helpfulcommenter 10 месяцев назад +1

      It's nobody's business but your own. Just say "I'm not feeling great, I know alcohol will make it worse" if you need to make an excuse. But I recommend just saying "I don't want to drink tonight" end of story. Be confident in it.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  10 месяцев назад +1

      I guess I would personally say that I have a busy day tomorrow. Or just not in the mood. Have a headache 😂

  • @JimmyC-bf8tf
    @JimmyC-bf8tf 8 месяцев назад +1

    Seemed impossible, but it’s been over 2 years and I don’t crave a drop of alcohol, the key difference was that I didn’t suffer withdrawal, not even within the first 30 days, just happened after go’ogling Steffon Barkloads Quit Drinking Forever and genuinely quitting because I was a mess.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  8 месяцев назад

      I didn’t either! Thank goodness it wasn’t super difficult for people like us. Wish it could be that way for more! I don’t crave any either, just would like this mood to stabilize more 😂

  • @Luis-pz6ni
    @Luis-pz6ni 9 месяцев назад +1

    Glad you quit, saved your good looks

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  9 месяцев назад

      Appreciate that, thank you!

  • @MasonJ-zt9pn
    @MasonJ-zt9pn 8 месяцев назад

    I had forgotten what real energy felt like, yeah, it’s been over 2 years and I don’t crave the stuff anymore, surprisingly I didn’t suffer withdrawal and that was key, not even within the first days after go’ogling Steffon Barkload’s Quit Drinking Forever and quitting because I wanted to with no pressure or anything.

    • @Soberstrong
      @Soberstrong  8 месяцев назад

      I’m happy to hear it’s been a good road for you! It’s a good feeling 😊! Congrats 🎉