5 Apologetics Questions Every Christian Should Learn How to Answer

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 3 тыс.

  • @oshenwalker9178
    @oshenwalker9178 3 года назад +366

    As an indigenous person I love love love this. Many proclaimed to be Christian and tormented my people… I hope to open some eyes in my lifetime that what happened was not Gods will. Thank you for your work!!

    • @logicianbones
      @logicianbones 2 года назад +1

      I found this video as a top result of searching "apologetics." Since this is a subject of the video and this is a "top" comment I'd like to summarize a lot of the evidence for Christ's resurrection here if it's okay.
      The following logic boils down to that the specific details of Christianity made it virtually impossible for it to spread, yet it overwhelmed the west rapidly. This evidence is largely drawn from JP Holding's work and that of sources he cites. What it works out to is that the whole of the Christianized West actually is overwhelming evidence that Christ had to rise from the dead. (Don't confuse this for "popular = true"; you have to follow the specifics of this logic:)

    • @logicianbones
      @logicianbones 2 года назад

      > The gospels report details that if true would be public and require that Jesus really did die, and 1 Corinthians, a letter from Paul that even informed skeptics admit is genuine and early, says 500+ witnesses saw him alive. The relevance of these will be more obvious after you read further down this list. For now the point is that if these documents are early, it would have been easy to debunk these claims, and everybody involved had strong motive to test them and debunk if false, yet if these claims are true, they logically require resurrection (all other attempted copouts for 2000 years since have been debunked).
      So, skeptics have retreated to insisting the gospels are actually late works. The details below show some of why that doesn't work.
      > Jesus in the gospels also predicted accurately the fall of the Jerusalem temple in 70 AD. This is another reason skeptics have to assume the gospels were late.
      > All early libraries put the same titles for the 4 gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John). With documents where the author was unknown (kept that way by the author intentionally or otherwise) typically each library would make up its own title.
      > Ancients were also good at spotting documents that would use false names. This had been a practice by some well before the NT so they knew what to watch out for to catch it. Especially simply that it would make no sense that these men (Matthew and John as original members of the 12 top disciples, Luke and Mark as major figures in the Acts time) could have written documents without anybody knowing it. Late sudden works "by them" would have been rejected immediately.
      And most people couldn't read and ancient societies were socially collectivist which basically meant they were constantly all talking to each other (even those who could read). Modern individualism and relative social isolationism didn't develop until more modern tech made survival much easier so people had much more leisure time. Especially post-Industrial Revolution, and even more so in the last 30 or so years.
      Usually a wisdom teacher would focus on teaching his top students (Jesus teaching the disciples) who would then go out and teach verbally in front of many crowds, refining it to the most memorable word choices, repeating it over and over. Then their top students would be the ones to later write the teachings down -- so the wisdom teacher had better be effective at teaching his students. Jesus adopted this role to be more effective for the culture at the time, and it also removes any room for a false version of events as the actual written gospels would have simply been the same content taught many times publicly before that, plus those students' eyewitness accounts of events surrounding the original teacher's ministry.
      Matthew, as a tax collector who would be well-educated and already work with paper records, also fits the pattern of an official scribe for a prophet like Baruch for Jeremiah so he may also have been writing live notes. These would later be compiled into his gospel, and all his teachings and accounts would be known by heart by all of his top students.

    • @logicianbones
      @logicianbones 2 года назад +7

      So a late gospel introducing major new details wouldn't have been added to the canon. The same process would continue reliably for several centuries. So there's no point in which a gospel not written by Matthew could ever become part of the Bible, whether it was titled as if it was or not (note that titles were tags attached to scrolls; they weren't part of the document itself except for letters (as with the epistles -- so this in combination with the above evidence like the universal titles in early libraries is why the gospels aren't anonymous as some claim).
      This practice of public teaching and memorization of common wordings is also why things like the Synoptic gospel similar word choices happen, and why skeptic accusations of problems based on that fail. That doesn't mean the authors just copied from each other; it's natural genuine authors would have had these common memorized wordings, right from the start (though they're also often paraphrased).
      > We also have tons of manuscript evidence for the whole NT. We can deduce what it said despite copyist errors with near 100% certainty since copies were sent out to so many geographical regions. An error in one area wouldn't be copied in the other, so by comparing the major copy families we can deduce what was in the original. Even skeptics admit that we know what the originals said, and we know which things in some later copies are errors.
      Also some charges of intentional changes have been leveled but we know what that looks like and it leaves a historical trail of evidence as it either requires a single individual who travels all over the place and somehow obtains tons of paper to replace all copies (not gonna happen) or requires help which makes the secret of it impossible to keep.

    • @logicianbones
      @logicianbones 2 года назад +3

      Such an editing campaign and destroying of undesired early versions was done for the Quran and left a historical trail. Today many modern Muslims have tried to make an apologetic argument based on supposed perfect preservation, so there's every motive to hide this record, but it still exists despite this.
      The same would have been true to a much greater extent had such an alteration campaign been done to the Bible, and likely it still would have failed as some manuscripts could get buried only to be rediscovered later.
      So in short neither accidental nor intentional changes could have happened that wouldn't be detected. The only "hope" for major changes would have been before the original copies went out, and only by the original authors themselves.
      (OT preservation is more complicated, though confirmed by the Dead Sea Scrolls and by the confirmation of the NT since Jesus affirmed the OT of his time.)

    • @logicianbones
      @logicianbones 2 года назад +2

      > The gospels and Acts get every obscure local detail right, unlikely that a late fraudulent author would guess right. Skeptics actually know about this and have tried to make accusations of inaccuracies along these lines (like the recent denying Nazareth existed, which failed) but have been debunked where currently testable.

  • @gillgirl19
    @gillgirl19 2 года назад +101

    This is wonderful. We need to driving more of this kind of preparation in the church along side the study of scripture.

    • @casparzalwel175
      @casparzalwel175 Год назад +3

      Please study the whole bible. Not nitpicking the nice stories. If you look at all of the bible. There are lots of atrocious things god does.

    • @justin10292000
      @justin10292000 8 месяцев назад +2

      "Atrocious" by what objective standard? And what is "god"? No Christian believes in or worships "god." I AM is not "god."​@@casparzalwel175

    • @nafisasalie6230
      @nafisasalie6230 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@casparzalwel175which Bible are you referring to who is the liar

    • @casparzalwel175
      @casparzalwel175 6 месяцев назад

      @nafisasalie6230 why does the version of tbe bible matter and who is this liar?

    • @casparzalwel175
      @casparzalwel175 6 месяцев назад

      @justin10292000 there are no objective standards. People generally live by the social consequences of their actions. Murder doesn't help a society so it is generally seen as awful. God murders lots of people so he is a dick.

  • @StallionFernando
    @StallionFernando 3 года назад +178

    Thank you for this, only became a Christian recently and have been plagued with so many apologetic questions both from myself and others around me. I have so many books too read. I'm thankful to God for opening a thirst for knowledge within me, and most importantly saving my soul from damnation.

    • @sm8johnthreesixteen
      @sm8johnthreesixteen 3 года назад +4

      Hello Sushi...Best counsel to a new believer is to make Bible reading and study primary! God's word equips believers in every way: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
      Your own Bible reading and study will equip you to test everything as believers are instructed in 1 Thessalonians 5:21, Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Generally speaking, too many believers read books about the Bible instead of reading the Bible. Being grounded in the scriptures is necessary in order to avoid being led astray by error that can be found in many popular books circulating in Christian circles today.

    • @kyleisaacson4852
      @kyleisaacson4852 3 года назад +3

      Yes studying the Bible. You will see that it promotes slavery, protects the stoning of adulterers and unruly children and presents a god that committed Mass genocide by drowning every single baby, unborn child and infant in a worldwide flood... You don't have to read but a few chapters to see how disgusting the book is. You want answers go directly to the book in question and read it yourself. Most people are intelligent enough to understand a simple book and don't need anyone else telling them bullshit about that book. You want answers, do the work my friend.

    • @jacobtack2258
      @jacobtack2258 3 года назад

      The Bible is the truth, but christianity is not. Before you get brainwashed, i suggest you seek the truth.
      Here is some idea why the christian faith is not the truth.
      Christianity is a theology that sets the Christian up for failure.
      You are told by the church all are sinners, and it is impossible to be without sin.
      Our Messiah says:
      Joh 8:11 And she said, “No one, Master.” And יהושע said to her, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”
      The church says, nobody is perfect, but our Messiah says:
      Mat 5:48 “Therefore, be perfect, as your Father in the heavens is perfect.
      The church says it is impossible to obey the commandments, and our Messiah says:
      Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
      One of the two is lying. It it our Messiah? OR the church.
      I believe Scripture to be the Word of our Father, and He can not lie:
      Tit 1:2 in expectation of everlasting life which Elohim, who does not lie, promised before times of old,
      The Christian theology is a lie and against Scripture. It contradicts what our Messiah Yahusha tells us.
      By changing the Scriptures, they took away the Father and Son’s Hebrew Sacred Names. It is not “Lord”, “God” nor “Jesus”.
      They make you rest on the day of the sun worshipper, Sunday and not the 7th day Sabbath of Scripture.
      It makes you obey pagan traditions like celebrating Christmas and Easter instead of the Scriptural feasts of Lev 23.
      Christianity is a hybrid religion mixed with the original faith of our Messiah Yahusha and paganism.
      The best lie is the lie closest to the truth.
      Wake up seeker of truth. Don’t be led away into the darkness of false teaching.
      Obey the commands, this is the only way you will receive authority to enter into the kingdom of our Heavenly Father Yahuah.
      Rev 22:14 “Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.

    • @sm8johnthreesixteen
      @sm8johnthreesixteen 3 года назад +1

      @@jacobtack2258 The best commentary on the Bible is the Bible. It is the study of the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27-30, 2 Timothy 2:15) that equips believers to discern truth from error and to detect the wresting of the scriptures (of which Peter warned in 2 Peter 3:15-17) which can lead people astray.
      The scriptures bear consistent witness: The only hope of sinful men is to be reconciled to God through the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:19, 1 Timothy 2:3-6). Eternal life is freely offered to all (Romans 6:23, Isaiah 45:22) and is received by faith (Romans 5:1) based upon the work of Jesus Christ in his suffering and death for our sins, and his burial and resurrection, which were according to the scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Apart from Christ, men perish (John 3:16).
      A person who has been saved by God’s grace has been quickened (i.e. made spiritually alive) (Ephesians 2:1-5). Such persons are called to many things which include to 1) walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4), 2) grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord (2 Peter 3:18), and 3) walk in the Spirit (thus not fulfilling the lust of the flesh) (Galatians 5:16-18). Scripture speaks of believers as made spiritually alive, but yet having flesh and thus a conflict (Romans 7). Believers are called to obedience, but the scripture both acknowledges our sins and cites the provision that has been made for them (1 John 1:9-10, 1 John 2:1-2).
      Believers have redemption in Christ: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:14). Believers have been counted righteous by their faith in Christ: But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness (Romans 4:5). Believers look to the day when they will live in a promised glorified state with Christ (1 Corinthians 15:35-58). In the meantime, they are to know and heed the word of God (John 17:17, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Matthew 28:19-20), while preaching the gospel of Christ to all: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16).

    • @jacobtack2258
      @jacobtack2258 3 года назад

      @@sm8johnthreesixteen Hi Shirley, thank you for your reply. It sure took a lot of effort and I can see your passion for your belief. I hope we will be able to speak a few times, to clear some theological errors.
      I agree with some of your words, because it is the word of our Father. But disagree on much of your interpretation. I understand where you come from, I was a Christian for over 40 years. But then Yahuah called, and showed me His Way.
      But the problem is that the church have changed His Word and now are the savage wolfs leading Yahuah’s flock astray by their false theology and traditions.
      They teach falsehood, preaching the pagan names of Lord and Jesus instead of His Sacred Hebrew Name YHWH pronounced Yahuah.
      Act 20:29 “For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves shall come in among you, not sparing the flock.
      Act 20:30 “Also from among yourselves men shall arise, speaking distorted teachings, to draw away the taught ones after themselves.
      Yes the church teaches the traditions, but not the traditions the disciples learnt from our Messiah Yahusha, but the lies of the church, with Christmas, Easter, Lent, Ash Wednesday, Halloween etc.
      2Th 2:15 So, then, brothers, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or by our letter.
      I do take issue with your grace teaching. And this is the very serious error of the Christian faith. Of course all these verses you quoted are correct. But you are looking through tainted glasses. Grace is not a license to sin. You use Yahuah’s word to ok sin. You refer to the teaching of Yahusha Messiah pointing to the fact that He came to take away our sins.
      That is correct, BUT even more importantly, it is not for us to remain in Sin. Freedom from sin is "the gift".
      But the Christian is taught they are all sinners. That too is correct. But they are sinners BECAUSE they follow the theology of the church.
      By calling the Father and Son by pagan names. You break the 1st three commands. Keeping the Sunday instead of the 7th day Sabbath, you break the 4th command.
      And because of these and more errors in the Christian theology you will always remain in sin.
      You say that eternal life is free to all, is a blatant lie and false teaching. Eternal life is free, BUT is also conditional. It is free for ONLY those who walk in His Torah/Law.
      And the condition is obedience. See what Yahusha said to the rich young man who enquired about eternal life.
      Mat 19:16 And see, one came and said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good shall I do to have everlasting life?”
      Mat 19:17 And He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except One - Elohim. But if you wish to enter into life, guard the commands.”
      Scripture warns us about teachers twisting the Word for their own agenda’s. Tickling the ears of those unstable min the faith.
      2Pe 3:16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these matters, in which some are hard to understand, which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the other Scriptures.
      2Pe 3:17 You, then, beloved ones, being forewarned, watch, lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the delusion of the lawless,
      Key word in the above passage, is the last sentence. Being led away with the delusion of the lawless.
      You see we are required to be pure and clean. Just like Yahuah freed Yisrael from the bondage of slavery to Egypt, so are we to be free from the bondage of slavery to sin. When Yisrael was freed from Egypt, were they still slaves? NO! Today we are being set free from the bondage of slavery to sin and death. But you want to remain a sinner.
      Yahuah does not hear the sinner:
      Joh 9:31 “And we know that Elohim does not hear sinners. But if anyone fears Elohim and does His desire, He hears him.
      But He hears those who do His desire. And what is His desire?
      Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
      And this is the problem with the church and its followers. They do not keep the commandments. Your disobedience to His Word is an abomination to Him:
      Pro 28:9 He who turns away his ear from hearing the Torah, Even his prayer is an abomination.
      Yes our Messiah did come to save us, but saving means to be free from sin.
      Rom 6:1 What, then, shall we say? Shall we continue in sin, to let favour increase?
      Rom 6:2 Let it not be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?
      Sin is what separates man from Yahuah:
      Isa 59:2 But your crookednesses have separated you from your Elohim. And your sins have hidden His face from you, from hearing.
      What is sin? Sin is disobedience to the Law/Torah of Yahuah:
      1Jn 3:4 Everyone doing sin also does lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.
      And this is how our Messiah Yahusha feels about the lawless one:
      Mat 7:23 “And then I shall declare to them, ‘I never knew you, depart from Me, you who work lawlessness!’
      These are not words you want to hear!
      The following are very dangerous words to say. You said, quote “ Believers are called to obedience, but the scripture both acknowledges our sins and cites the provision that has been made for them (1 John 1:9-10, 1 John 2:1-2). Believers have redemption in Christ: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:14). Believers have been counted righteous by their faith in Christ:”
      The truth is that believers are called to obedience, BUT then very quickly you add “BUT” Scripture acknowledges our sin. That is utter lies, and false security. Yahuah does not accept sin! He says, those who are in sin, are of the devil:
      1Jn 3:8 The one doing sin is of the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Elohim was manifested: to destroy the works of the devil.
      Yahusha has come to DESTROY the works of the devil. And now we must live free from sin. Because we are born in Him.
      1Jn 3:9 Everyone having been born of Elohim does not sin, because His seed stays in him, and he is powerless to sin, because he has been born of Elohim.
      Man can not receive the Set Apart Spirit of Yahuah being sinners or in disobedience! We receive His Spirit through our obedience:
      Act 5:32 “And we are His witnesses to these matters, and so also is the Set-apart Spirit whom Elohim has given to those who obey Him.”
      Yahusha will cause us to be saved by our obedience:
      Heb 5:9 And having been perfected, He became the Causer of everlasting deliverance to all those obeying Him,
      We are not counted righteous living in Sin. We are counted righteous, living with Yahusha in us WHICH EMPOWERS US TO OVERCOME SIN!
      He can not dwell in darkness, and Yahuah sent His Son to restore the relationship, so that He and His Son, through our love and obedience to Him, can receive both the Spirit of Yahuah and Yahusha:
      Joh 14:23 יהושע answered him, “If anyone loves Me, he shall guard My Word. And My Father shall love him, and We shall come to him and make Our stay with him.
      Salvation comes through our obedience to His Commandments, and that gives us the authority to enter into His Kingdom:
      Rev 22:14 “Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.
      Man will not enter through the gates as sinners. Only Yisrael will be able to enter into His Kingdom. Who is Yisrael? It is a spiritual nation, living in obedience to the Father. Yisrael means to overcome with EL(Elohim).
      That is Yahusha in us. Engrafted into Him - Rom 11.
      No gates for the Christian:
      Rev 21:12 and having a great and high wall, having twelve gates, and at the gates twelve messengers, and names written on them, which are those of the twelve tribes of the children of Yisra’ěl:
      The conclusion of the entire matter is:
      Ecc 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the entire matter: Fear Elohim and guard His commands, for this applies to all mankind!
      I will send a separate reply on the requirements to be saved.

  • @jackjohnhameld6401
    @jackjohnhameld6401 3 года назад +50

    I was distributing Bible tracts in my native city while a minister from the Free Church of Scotland preached in the busy street.
    People were surprised to learn that we were Scottish Christians, not Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons.
    The motto of my city is *Lord, let Glasgow flourish through the preaching of Thy Word and the praising of Thy Name.*

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 3 года назад +3

      is glasgow flourishing? cos there appears to be a lot of poverty, starvation, homelessness and general horrors going on despite your god, and your constant reminders you want his help.

    • @leticiastar30
      @leticiastar30 Год назад +4

      @@HarryNicNicholas there also seems to be a lot of charities and people helping no? Or are we going to ignore that because we always focus on the bad instead of helping?

    • @Afriqueleblanq
      @Afriqueleblanq 9 месяцев назад

      I grew up in a town where Scots were influential, here in South Africa 🇿🇦. Dr Andrew Murray and the Great Revival of 1860 happened in our church. Google 'NG Kerk Worcester' for photos

  • @theboombody
    @theboombody 2 года назад +239

    I have a bachelor's degree in math, and that actually strengthened my belief in God. When you're dealing with a huge mess of equations that look like they are going nowhere, and all of a sudden order arises out of it, it's a beautiful and unexpected thing. Clear evidence of God in my opinion. And I'm not the only one. Kurt Godel, Bernhard Riemann, Isaac Newton, and John Lennox are all mathematicians that believed in God. John Lennox is still very active in apologetics. Most militant atheists rely on Christian ignorance of these facts to win apologetic arguments. But study a bit of science and you'd be surprised how much order and beauty lie within our broken world, and there's no way there isn't some kind of intent possessed by nature that's behind it all.

    • @reginaford8575
      @reginaford8575 2 года назад +9

      Brillant stated, my dad was a math teacher and I loved to see how the mess of equations worked out. At 9 years of age I gave my heart and life to Jesus listening to. Billy Graham crusade 60.years ago. I enjoy apologetics, but never place anything above the Creator, Savior and Ancient of days. Great dividends are paid in Solomon's admonition to worship the Creator in the day of yout youth...and fear the Lord and keep his commandments. Keep growing in The grace and knowlege of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the wonderful counselor and teacher 💘

    • @jobloggs8021
      @jobloggs8021 2 года назад +1

      Actually, most atheists rely on the 99.9% of of the world's PHD accredited scientists for supplying the overwhelming weight of evidence for the lack of a god, not just the ignorance of Christians!

    • @theboombody
      @theboombody 2 года назад +1

      @@jobloggs8021 There was also overwhelming evidence for the lack of an aether as a medium for light to travel through, but that sure didn't keep most of the PHDs in the scientific community from believing in it for decades. It wasn't until the Michelson-Morley experiment that the scientific community renounced their belief in an aether. No scientists believe in aether now, because of the lack of evidence for it, but at one time they sure did.

    • @jobloggs8021
      @jobloggs8021 2 года назад +1

      @@theboombody. That is so funny. When did science ever claim it knows everything about everything? The scientific method is always in a perpetual state of motion. Always revisiting it's theories as more science gives us the tools to discover ever better theories. It's not unusual for old scientific theories to be rejected in favour of better ones. That's exactly what science is. (Can't believe I even have to explain this🤭)
      Have you ever noticed 100% of the time that it takes other scientist's using more science to debunk old and out of date science? Never Christians or other religious fanatics, just other scientist's 🤣
      Next time you consider criticizing scientists for not knowing everything, what has religion ever discovered or invented? Mobile phones? Electricity? Radio waves? Automobile's? Has religion ever put a man in space?
      Did Michelson and Morley use more science to carry out their experiments? Or did they use the Bible to figure it all out ? 🤣
      Challenge: Can you give me one single example of your God giving man any scientific knowledge whatever, that he didn't already know?

    • @WDBsirLocksight
      @WDBsirLocksight 2 года назад +1

      Look up "34 Great Scientists Famous Scientists"
      Here it lists off Boyle, Euler, Michael Faraday, James Maxwell, Arthur Compton (inventer of the photon), Reiman (gave Foundation to Einstens General Relativity), Issac Newton a protestant who spent more time on Bible study than math and physics, John
      Dalton and Carl Gauss among many more.

  • @davidronbrothers1764
    @davidronbrothers1764 Год назад +37

    I am sharing this video today with a young man (13) who is torn between his mother's faith in Jesus and his father's agnostic cynicism. Thank you for doing this video.

    • @darkeen42
      @darkeen42 10 месяцев назад +2

      But she's lying about pretty much everything she said there are more differences in our manuscripts of the new testament than there are words in the new restaurant. Stop learning about the Bible from people whose job it is to convince you it's real and actually learn about what it actually says

    • @davegink9222
      @davegink9222 10 месяцев назад


    • @davegink9222
      @davegink9222 10 месяцев назад

      Direct this young man to Mike Winger’s RUclips channel “Bible Thinker”. He has hours and hours and hours of videos that will probably answer just about any question or concern he might have. It’s an excellent resource and he’s a great teacher. He had been a youth pastor for many years, which is why I think his teaching style is very easy to follow.

    • @darkeen42
      @darkeen42 10 месяцев назад

      @@davegink9222 don't worry one day you too will be able to master words... Well at least dabble in them

    • @sethl7858
      @sethl7858 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@darkeen42 Why are you trying to prove that something doesn’t exist if it doesn’t exist?
      How can you prove something doesn’t exist if there’s no proof to say whether it does or doesn’t exist?
      Why does it matter, who are we to you, how can you help us and why do you care to help us?
      What should we believe in?
      What is the truth and how can you be sure?
      what evidence do you have and who are you to be trusted?
      Why do you want to convince us, who are we to you and what great deed have you done for us if we all die and there’s nothing? Thanks for taking away all hope and purpose, you won’t be remembered and neither will we if there’s no God.
      Everything around us shows there’s a creator. How are all these people on a rock in the middle of nowhere in space not floating away and full of war and anger?
      You seem to know the truth, what is the truth?
      Is there such thing as absolute truth?

  • @terryblanchard5842
    @terryblanchard5842 3 года назад +9

    Alisa, so much thanksgiving offered here. You are so well focused on Christian apologetics and are a great pillar in my recovery to a period of deconstructive period in my life. I salute you for your coherent and professional approach to these questions. An excellent thing to hear as a reminder that we all question and have need to consider the overwhelming research and documentation that continues to enlighten us in these troubling days of the 21st century.

  • @ritajames7797
    @ritajames7797 3 года назад +13

    Thank you Alisa, for covering so much ground in such a short time. Thanks also for the recommendations of literature that offers the opportunity to explore more deeply into each question. God bless you and keep you strong in every way.

  • @fksthn3235
    @fksthn3235 3 года назад +21

    Thank you so much Alisa as Christians we are being attacked in so many ways it is great that you and other who are educating the flock as we are not all Scholars and Thank you to Pastors Priests and Teachers who are teaching us all
    God Bless us all

    • @kiabvaj5656
      @kiabvaj5656 3 года назад +5

      Christians are being attacked? God must be crazy then.

    • @fksthn3235
      @fksthn3235 3 года назад +1

      @@kiabvaj5656 so you don't think they are being attacked am I understanding you correctly ?

    • @kiabvaj5656
      @kiabvaj5656 3 года назад +3

      @@fksthn3235 I don't they're being attacked. I think they're attacking others. Christians hate non-Christians and LGBTQs.

    • @kiabvaj5656
      @kiabvaj5656 3 года назад +1

      @@fksthn3235 Who hasn't told you that? Your Bible tells you that too.

    • @WhyWasntIBornInTheMiddleAges
      @WhyWasntIBornInTheMiddleAges 3 года назад

      @@kiabvaj5656 I hate your actions. Hate the sin not the sinner.
      1 John 3:15
      Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.
      Luke 6:27-36
      “But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them. ...

  • @zekdom
    @zekdom 3 года назад +145

    1) 1:42 and 2:05 and 2:20 -
    Textual Criticism:
    “Have the New Testament documents been corrupted?
    … The New Testament documents have more manuscripts and earlier manuscripts to support their accuracy than any work of ancient classical literature. In fact, most scholars agree that the New Testament has been copied with an unprecedented, high level of accuracy. There’s really just a very small percentage of variations between the manuscripts that affect the meaning of the texts. And among those, there isn’t one that calls into question any cardinal Christian doctrine.”
    2) 3:00 and 3:20 - Resurrection:
    “Is there any evidence that the Resurrection of Jesus actually happened?
    3) 4:26 - “Has science disproved God?”
    4) 5:20 - “Does the Bible condone slavery?”
    5) 7:25 - “Is there any evidence outside the Bible that Jesus actually existed?”

  • @WeirdWonderful
    @WeirdWonderful 3 года назад +10

    Slavery is easy to argue against if you ignore all the parts about women being permanent slaves, and the process used to emotionally manipulative male slaves into "willingly" agreeing to being slaves for life by having their families remain hostages of their master, and that whole "get slaves from the countries around you" thing, and the whole "unless you in some way disfigure or beat them to death, you can beat your slaves without punishment" thing and that other thing which says you can pass slaves to your family members as inheritance, specifically saying they are your property.
    It's easy to adress incredibly amoral things if you just pretend they don't exist !

  • @a.m.hatfield9734
    @a.m.hatfield9734 3 года назад +4

    Thank you for these recommendations Alisa. Many expound upon Christian apologetics but it is the rare person indeed who takes the time to educate others about how to become sufficiently enlightened about the fundamental approaches to apologetics, so that they may become apologists themselves.

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 3 года назад

      it's not enlightenment, it's excuses.

    • @a.m.hatfield9734
      @a.m.hatfield9734 3 года назад

      @@HarryNicNicholas How so?

    • @timeshark8727
      @timeshark8727 3 года назад +1

      @@a.m.hatfield9734 if things were true and/or as clear as people like to claim, there would be no need for apologetics...
      If there was evidence, there would be no need for apologetics...
      Apologetics, is what you do when you really, really want to believe something, but don't really have justification to do so... basically, its someone making excuses for their beliefs in general, or making excuses for parts of their beliefs.

    • @a.m.hatfield9734
      @a.m.hatfield9734 3 года назад +2

      @@timeshark8727 No it is not making excuses for beliefs but rather defending those beliefs with reason and examples. Alisa does that very well.

    • @timeshark8727
      @timeshark8727 3 года назад +1

      @@a.m.hatfield9734 "I know these verses make it _seeemmmm_ like the bible endorses slavery, but if you ignore those and take these ones, that aren't about slavery, out of context... the bible is against slavery" ... is essentially what apologists do regarding that topic... when they aren't dodging the topic entirely by talking about American slavery vs slavery back then, or attacking critics rather than criticisms
      that's what apologetics is... if it didn't require the song and dance, and what just presenting reason and examples... it wouldn't be apologetics.

  • @ClaritySinger
    @ClaritySinger 3 года назад +66

    You speak kindly and communicate so clearly. Thank you, Alisa!

    • @precognition9270
      @precognition9270 3 года назад +5

      Clearly and kindly, now if we can just add rationally to that list.........

    • @johnzuma4688
      @johnzuma4688 3 года назад +4

      @@precognition9270 What was not rational in what she said?

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 3 года назад +2

      @@johnzuma4688 well she was lying about slavery. i mean, they do it well, they make really plausible (to other theists that is) reason why god "isn;t really condoning slavery" but admit it, if you're lying to save the face of an imaginary sky pixie, that's not rational at all.

    • @MisterItchy
      @MisterItchy 3 года назад +1

      She's still lying.

    • @MisterItchy
      @MisterItchy 3 года назад

      @@johnzuma4688 The Bible talks about a lot of different kind of owning human beings. She seems to ignore that and is a liar.

  • @rakastellar8955
    @rakastellar8955 3 года назад +99

    This video is so well-researched. I love that the answers are well thought out and that you provided references. I can only recommend the video for anyone who is struggling to provide explanations!

    • @lilchristuten7568
      @lilchristuten7568 3 года назад +1

      It's unnecessary, there's really only 1 question in the video that matters, did Jesus rise from the dead. But that isn't a question that needs to be explained to unbelievers that is a question that needs to be settled in the hearts of believers.
      Just because you explain something to someone doesn't mean that they will accept your explanation.
      What is useful for turning the minds and the hearts of unbelievers to Christ is the preaching of the gospel [Romans 1:16; 1 Corinthians 1:18], the word which God gives to those tuned to the Holy Spirit to speak to those who come to them seeking God [Matthew 10:19], and showing the power of God to people [Mark 16:20].

    • @professorneturman2249
      @professorneturman2249 3 года назад

      @@lilchristuten7568 ever heard of decomposition?

    • @lilchristuten7568
      @lilchristuten7568 3 года назад

      What does that have to do with anything?

    • @professorneturman2249
      @professorneturman2249 3 года назад

      @@lilchristuten7568 being dead for days and decomposition isn't a problem? Please explain

    • @lilchristuten7568
      @lilchristuten7568 3 года назад +1

      Are you a Christian or are you an unbeliever or an atheist?

  • @jeffreycanipe1936
    @jeffreycanipe1936 3 года назад +2

    I always enjoy Alisa's videos. I tell many of my friends about these, Very educational

  • @drreason2927
    @drreason2927 3 года назад +2

    Wow. What a clear, concise, valuable, simple, and accurate presentation.
    Very well done.

    • @jacobtack2258
      @jacobtack2258 3 года назад

      Christianity is a theology that sets the Christian up for failure.
      You are told by the church all are sinners, and it is impossible to be without sin.
      Our Messiah says:
      Joh 8:11 And she said, “No one, Master.” And יהושע said to her, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”
      The church says, nobody is perfect, but our Messiah says:
      Mat 5:48 “Therefore, be perfect, as your Father in the heavens is perfect.
      The church says it is impossible to obey the commandments, and our Messiah says:
      Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
      One of the two is lying. It it our Messiah? OR the church.
      I believe Scripture to be the Word of our Father, and He can not lie:
      Tit 1:2 in expectation of everlasting life which Elohim, who does not lie, promised before times of old,
      The Christian theology is a lie and against Scripture. It contradicts what our Messiah Yahusha tells us.
      By changing the Scriptures, they took away the Father and Son’s Hebrew Sacred Names. It is not “Lord”, “God” nor “Jesus”.
      They make you rest on the day of the sun worshipper, Sunday and not the 7th day Sabbath of Scripture.
      It makes you obey pagan traditions like celebrating Christmas and Easter instead of the Scriptural feasts of Lev 23.
      Christianity is a hybrid religion mixed with the original faith of our Messiah Yahusha and paganism.
      The best lie is the lie closest to the truth.
      Wake up seeker of truth. Don’t be led away into the darkness of false teaching.
      Obey the commands, this is the only way you will receive authority to enter into the kingdom of our Heavenly Father Yahuah.
      Rev 22:14 “Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.

  • @angelajackson3258
    @angelajackson3258 3 года назад +5

    Love this! Thank you Alisa for breaking this down and all of the referrals.

  • @Huntlifts
    @Huntlifts 2 года назад

    God Bless You all. All Glory Honor Praise Worship and Thanksgiving to God!!

  • @Sistergirl787
    @Sistergirl787 3 года назад +4

    This is a great short video to share with my son and his friends in youth group! Thank GOD for your faithfulness and resilience my dear sister Alisa!

    • @Georg3e
      @Georg3e 3 года назад

      More like excuses to not read your bible 👀 Christians today making excuses for slavery and the bible never condoning it🙄 shame

  • @nathanlennon5990
    @nathanlennon5990 3 года назад +3

    Another great RUclips video by AC!! Great job!!

  • @cutlercutler9576
    @cutlercutler9576 3 года назад +1

    Thanks, I always appreciate a well studied and well prepared teacher. There is a most important question that takes the full council of God and His divine revelation to understand. After the Gospel, when by faith we are converted to serve the creator; the "God of Israel" we need to know who we are and who is Israel. The three main theological positions of; two covenant theology, replacement theology and dispensationalism are wrong. Not knowing who Israel is causes many false doctrines and theories that corrupt are beliefs and how we view God's plan.

    • @jacobtack2258
      @jacobtack2258 3 года назад

      Christianity is a theology that sets the Christian up for failure.
      You are told by the church all are sinners, and it is impossible to be without sin.
      Our Messiah says:
      Joh 8:11 And she said, “No one, Master.” And יהושע said to her, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”
      The church says, nobody is perfect, but our Messiah says:
      Mat 5:48 “Therefore, be perfect, as your Father in the heavens is perfect.
      The church says it is impossible to obey the commandments, and our Messiah says:
      Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
      One of the two is lying. It it our Messiah? OR the church.
      I believe Scripture to be the Word of our Father, and He can not lie:
      Tit 1:2 in expectation of everlasting life which Elohim, who does not lie, promised before times of old,
      The Christian theology is a lie and against Scripture. It contradicts what our Messiah Yahusha tells us.
      By changing the Scriptures, they took away the Father and Son’s Hebrew Sacred Names. It is not “Lord”, “God” nor “Jesus”.
      They make you rest on the day of the sun worshipper, Sunday and not the 7th day Sabbath of Scripture.
      It makes you obey pagan traditions like celebrating Christmas and Easter instead of the Scriptural feasts of Lev 23.
      Christianity is a hybrid religion mixed with the original faith of our Messiah Yahusha and paganism.
      The best lie is the lie closest to the truth.
      Wake up seeker of truth. Don’t be led away into the darkness of false teaching.
      Obey the commands, this is the only way you will receive authority to enter into the kingdom of our Heavenly Father Yahuah.
      Rev 22:14 “Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.

  • @dabbler1166
    @dabbler1166 2 года назад +2

    VERY well-done Video! Concise and you gave "for more info" for each question. Excellent. And along that line, I offer this:
    More and more people seem to be "DE-constructing". Why? Because they go to college and and dont have comebacks for Philosophy and Theology professors or they read an Atheist book and can't disprove it, so...they give up their faith.And so---
    What NEEDS to happen, and ISN'T happening is this:
    Back in the 70s, Josh McDowell writes "Evidence that Demands a Verdict". Then, Jeffrey Jay Lowder writes a skeptical Critique of McDowell--but---
    Nnooooobody (that I am aware of) has written ANYTHING to then immediately counter, or disprove, Lowder, or Dan Barker, or Sam Harris or Bart Ehrman. So...people think that Lowder or other
    skeptics "won", and more folks fall away.
    The Christians DON'T make a comeback-book to disprove the skeptic. They (almost only) try to make a new "positive" book, simply re-stating how its all true again. But they don't engage or disprove the skeptic. And more people decide they "just don't believe it anymore."
    WHO WILL WRITE "the Comeback" to Dan Barker's "Losing Faith in Faith"?? and--
    WHO WILL WRITE the counter-arguments book to Robert M. Price's book: The Case Against The Case for Christ"?
    Who will show that Bart Ehrman is wrong?
    Christians need to counter those books and "convince the gainsayer". Fix that, if it can be done honestly.

    • @vishaldive3777
      @vishaldive3777 2 года назад +1

      Dappler: Yes, you make a good point. So far I have come across only one book refuting Bart ehrman,s Misqoating Jesus.
      "Misqoating truth" by Timothy Paul Jones.

    • @dabbler1166
      @dabbler1166 2 года назад +1

      @@vishaldive3777 Thank you for that! But its not just Ehrman. Who will write a comeback-rebuttal book to:
      Bertrand Russell
      Robert M. Price (especially those 2 , and their books mentioned above) but also:
      Dan Barker's "Losing Faith in Faith"
      Sean McDowell mentioned that he saw some things from The Secular Web that criticized his dad's writings -but- i haven't heard anything from him on RUclips about what convinced him (Sean) that Christianity is true despite the criticisms. This would be good info for many to have! What un-did his doubts? As far as I can tell, he hasn't said and we dont know. The skeptics keep getting ignored. They need to be dealt with and confronted head-on and counter-argued point-by-point to disprove their books. Otherwise more people give up and lose their Faith. Can it be done?

    • @keswes266
      @keswes266 2 года назад

      I'm sorry to burst your collective bubbles but there are no "comeback" books bc our knowledge has increased so much in this area as well as all the answers r right at our fingertips which make any "COME BACKS" futile.

    • @dabbler1166
      @dabbler1166 2 года назад

      @@keswes266 the problem is-- even if the answers are "right at our finger-tips" as you say, skeptics counter them and then the Christian does not respond to the objection/s. They don't disprove the criticism, they ignore it. Then, the public thinks the skeptics have won . . . and more people leave churches. For example:
      Lee Strobel writes The Case for Christ. Then, Robert M. Price writes "the Case AGAINST the Case for Christ". But Strobel doesn't engage Price or write anything to refute him.
      What happens next is that the public hears about some "new" apologist (J. Warner Wallace? Frank Turek?) who writes another new book sayinghow its-all-true, all over again....but they don't disprove Price, or whoever the previous skeptic was. The public is still waiting for an answer to the previous skeptic, doesn't get one, and concludes the skeptics won the argument and they lose Faith and quit the church.
      Avoidance isn't an "answer". DISPROVE the skeptic. The Churches are dying. Using some different author to write a new book and simply re-state the beliefs isn't working. Still more people keep leaving.

  • @chrieonawillbanks5799
    @chrieonawillbanks5799 3 года назад +16

    There were also over 500 witnesses that seen Jesus after His Resurrection

    • @markzander1000
      @markzander1000 3 года назад

      @Zainab Rokadia maybe at Circus Maximus

    • @professorneturman2249
      @professorneturman2249 3 года назад

      *Names please

    • @professorneturman2249
      @professorneturman2249 3 года назад

      Apparently decomposition has escaped you.

    • @precognition9270
      @precognition9270 3 года назад +2

      That sounds like the numbers argument. Not always that reliable, apparently, not that long ago, the majority believed the world was flat and then.........science. HTH.

    • @jacobtack2258
      @jacobtack2258 3 года назад

      Christianity is a theology that sets the Christian up for failure.
      You are told by the church all are sinners, and it is impossible to be without sin.
      Our Messiah says:
      Joh 8:11 And she said, “No one, Master.” And יהושע said to her, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”
      The church says, nobody is perfect, but our Messiah says:
      Mat 5:48 “Therefore, be perfect, as your Father in the heavens is perfect.
      The church says it is impossible to obey the commandments, and our Messiah says:
      Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
      One of the two is lying. It it our Messiah? OR the church.
      I believe Scripture to be the Word of our Father, and He can not lie:
      Tit 1:2 in expectation of everlasting life which Elohim, who does not lie, promised before times of old,
      The Christian theology is a lie and against Scripture. It contradicts what our Messiah Yahusha tells us.
      By changing the Scriptures, they took away the Father and Son’s Hebrew Sacred Names. It is not “Lord”, “God” nor “Jesus”.
      They make you rest on the day of the sun worshipper, Sunday and not the 7th day Sabbath of Scripture.
      It makes you obey pagan traditions like celebrating Christmas and Easter instead of the Scriptural feasts of Lev 23.
      Christianity is a hybrid religion mixed with the original faith of our Messiah Yahusha and paganism.
      The best lie is the lie closest to the truth.
      Wake up seeker of truth. Don’t be led away into the darkness of false teaching.
      Obey the commands, this is the only way you will receive authority to enter into the kingdom of our Heavenly Father Yahuah.
      Rev 22:14 “Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.

  • @code_monkey_steve
    @code_monkey_steve 3 года назад +2

    If you're going to ignore all of the slavery in the Bible you also need to ignore all of the misogyny.
    "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." -- 1 Timothy 2:12

  • @busybody1474
    @busybody1474 2 года назад +4

    Apologetics seems like arguing the gospel instead of sharing its simple truth and leaving the rest to God.. plenty of people witnessed the miracles Jesus performed and they still refuse to believe, I can't imagine our best arguments making the slightest difference to someone who doesn't accept truth

    • @tinat899
      @tinat899 2 года назад +1

      I get that but there’s so much noise/ misinformation about the Bible’s reliability that stops people from even picking up the book to read the gospel or sitting through a conversation long enough to hear the gospel.

    • @Moriningland
      @Moriningland 2 года назад

      Why would anyone trust what Christians say in 2022, in the trump era?

    • @busybody1474
      @busybody1474 2 года назад

      @@Moriningland if trumpers turn out to be fake Christians instead of true Christians, is that God's fault? I trust God alone

  • @kentuckygirl9752
    @kentuckygirl9752 3 года назад +3

    This was a wonderfully informative video. Thank you!

  • @christianityisunstoppable4155
    @christianityisunstoppable4155 2 года назад

    Thank you for this great info. A lot of Christian’s struggle with answering these questions especially when in a group setting where everyone is throw out rapid fire questions . A good passage to start is regarding what Paul taught is Philemon 1:10-17

  • @NewCreationInChrist896
    @NewCreationInChrist896 3 года назад +28

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight"

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 3 года назад

      and people do, amazing. i can't get over how dumb god has made everyone. he must really need labourers bad in heaven.

    • @logicianbones
      @logicianbones 2 года назад +4

      @@HarryNicNicholas It's the other way around from having interviewed thousands of skeptics. Our worldview teaches "test everything" and so forth and we tend to be smarter, more logical, etc. than skeptics. Prov. 3:5-6 isn't saying don't think; read the rest of Proverbs! It's saying when a subject is beyond what finite brains can handle (or what you might need at a particular time), having the support of (and trust in) the all-knowing perfect God IS a logical route to knowing he has acted justly.

    • @TorianTammas
      @TorianTammas 5 месяцев назад

      Why arent you a jew when you quote jewish scripture written in hebrew? Let me guess you do not know.

    • @beparticular1240
      @beparticular1240 3 месяца назад

      This is my favorite scripture. All of my life I have found that waiting on God in situations that are out of my control is never a waste of time. God never disappoints.

    • @TorianTammas
      @TorianTammas 3 месяца назад

      @@beparticular1240 Yes it work amazingly well with Anubis, Isis, Astarte and 9999 other goddesses and gods they always deliver in their time.

  • @jeffandsherriefranzwa8970
    @jeffandsherriefranzwa8970 7 месяцев назад

    Regarding the question of slavery: I recently read through the Pentateuch again. Something that jumped out to me was the repeated statement from God to remember that they had been slaves in Egypt, implying that they should treat their slaves, acquired by the normal means of that time, humanely.

  • @Mr.biggstrength
    @Mr.biggstrength Год назад +1

    Thank you

  • @davidwhunt
    @davidwhunt 3 года назад +2

    Really good video! I'm going to share this with some friends, & members of our church.

  • @lunardroux3261
    @lunardroux3261 3 года назад +5

    Christians need to realize that Christianity does not have to fear intelligent discussion or debate. If Christianity is true, then logical reasoning SHOULD result in its verification.
    God bless!

  • @legintv
    @legintv 4 месяца назад

    Fantastic and succinct breakdown sis. Great video

  • @jakeroberts6274
    @jakeroberts6274 3 года назад +6

    Great quote in this quick apologetics summary video. “To say scientists can disprove God is like saying car mechanics can disprove Henry Ford”

    • @redpillfreedom6692
      @redpillfreedom6692 3 года назад +3

      Except we have evidence Henry Ford existed. No evidence has ever existed for your sky wizard. Ever.

    • @professorneturman2249
      @professorneturman2249 3 года назад +1

      Religions have failed miserably in 4,000 years to bring forth verifiable evidence for any gods of mythology. Meanwhile in 500 years of countless scientific discovery not one has supported any gods of.
      Is this even a deal point in the 21st century?

    • @kyleisaacson4852
      @kyleisaacson4852 3 года назад +2

      Scientist and science have never tried to disprove the existence of your God or any of the other 10,000 gods that humans have thought existed. Science looks for truth and doesn't go on faith which is believing something for no good reason.

  • @laureldreinking
    @laureldreinking 3 года назад +1

    Thank you so much. Frequently, I have a question and spend hours looking for an answer that satisfies. Pointing me to relevant sources will help me to spend my time more wisely.

  • @Richardj410
    @Richardj410 3 года назад +3

    The the writers you mentioned did not say jesus existed. They just say that christians existed.

  • @pattube
    @pattube 10 месяцев назад +1

    4:27 Regarding the book God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? by John Lennox, it might be helpful to know that Lennox significantly revised and updated God's Undertaker and re-titled it Cosmic Chemistry: Do Science and God Mix?. Cosmic Chemistry is a much expanded book and even better than God's Undertaker (which I already loved). I'd highly recommend Cosmic Chemistry for an excellent introduction to the so-called science vs. religion debate. 😊

  • @ahkilnalls2451
    @ahkilnalls2451 3 года назад +17

    Haven’t even watched the video yet, but agreed

    • @daniel1fullerton
      @daniel1fullerton 3 года назад

      Of course you do, Christianity has no basis for truth, so how could you possibly determine otherwise

    • @iahmarielle
      @iahmarielle 3 года назад

      @@daniel1fullerton hey Daniel! do you mind explaining why you believe and claim that Christianity has no basis for truth?

    • @daniel1fullerton
      @daniel1fullerton 3 года назад

      @@iahmarielle assuming Christianity is the foundation to one's worldview, how is truth determined, and if that basis for determining truth fails, then that means Christianity has no reliable basis for determining truth
      If I say, God spoke to me in a dream last night, or I say God fell the tree in my front yard, the first subjective, the second objective, Christianity has no reliable and verifiable method for determining the truthfulness of those claims

    • @jjllama2305
      @jjllama2305 3 года назад

      @@daniel1fullerton same can be said about islam

    • @daniel1fullerton
      @daniel1fullerton 3 года назад +1

      @@jjllama2305 yes lol the same can be said about any system of beliefs untethered to physical reality

  • @OrangeLibrary
    @OrangeLibrary 3 года назад +3

    Here is one Biblical claim no Christian has tried to defend: According to most Christian sources, Joshua and the Hebrews entered and conquered Canaan any time from 1500 BCE to 1200 BCE (I'm being very generous with the timeline). Yet according to historians and archeologists for most of that period Canaan was part of Egypt. That means Joshua either did not conquer dozens of micronations as described in the Bible but took the land from Egypt from whom they had just escaped slavery or the Egyptians conquered the Promised Land AFTER the Israelites had settled in the land. Why does the Bible omit this VERY IMPORTANT bit of information? Or is it true that the Exodus never happened?

    • @saltandlight316
      @saltandlight316 3 года назад +1

      There is a book by Timothy P. Mahoney called Patterns of Evidence Exodus where he explains the timeline of the Exodus. He traveled around the world to find proof that the Exodus actually happened and he found tons of proof that it occurred. He also has a movie about it. As far as the Bible omitting certain things, you have to keep in mind that the Bible is an ancient document. People back then did not record history the way we do today.

    • @OrangeLibrary
      @OrangeLibrary 3 года назад

      @@saltandlight316 That does not answer my question. Did the Bible ignore a second time the Israelites were dominated by Egypt OR did the Bible provide factually inaccurate information and Joshua took land from the Egyptians, and not the dozens of kings listed in Joshua?

    • @logicianbones
      @logicianbones 2 года назад

      @@OrangeLibrary Are you sure? Did you look up Patterns of Evidence to make sure? (By the way there's a documentary movie series. I don't know about the book.) IIRC that's mentioned but either way your original comment here seems to be assuming the uncorrected timeline from the historians and archeaologists.

    • @OrangeLibrary
      @OrangeLibrary 2 года назад

      @@logicianbones If you know better than the sources I looked up (I'll have to get back to you with a list in the future), I suggest you either confront the sources that contradict the Book of Joshua directly, or point me to specific evidence that overrides conventional secular claims. I can look up that book referenced, but you will forgive me if I say it probably won't make me a Christian.

    • @logicianbones
      @logicianbones 2 года назад

      @@OrangeLibrary Forgiven. But to clarify: 1) I don't know better as this isn't a main subject of mine but my question was if you were assuming the uncorrected timeline. Or saying that the alleged "contradictions" remain even if PatOfEv's timeline is correct. The latter seems unlikely. 2) You should be looking at more foundational lines of sound support to test whether to be a Christian. This is more peripheral as it can never "debunk" the Bible (that would be Hittite fallacy). There are much more testable categories. I went over some in some of the other "top" comments here if you're interested.

  • @Genesis.1-1
    @Genesis.1-1 3 года назад +1

    Another great video! Thanks for the information on additional resources. I am always looking to expand my ability to defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    • @jacobtack2258
      @jacobtack2258 3 года назад

      Christianity is a theology that sets the Christian up for failure.
      You are told by the church all are sinners, and it is impossible to be without sin.
      Our Messiah says:
      Joh 8:11 And she said, “No one, Master.” And יהושע said to her, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”
      The church says, nobody is perfect, but our Messiah says:
      Mat 5:48 “Therefore, be perfect, as your Father in the heavens is perfect.
      The church says it is impossible to obey the commandments, and our Messiah says:
      Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
      One of the two is lying. It it our Messiah? OR the church.
      I believe Scripture to be the Word of our Father, and He can not lie:
      Tit 1:2 in expectation of everlasting life which Elohim, who does not lie, promised before times of old,
      The Christian theology is a lie and against Scripture. It contradicts what our Messiah Yahusha tells us.
      By changing the Scriptures, they took away the Father and Son’s Hebrew Sacred Names. It is not “Lord”, “God” nor “Jesus”.
      They make you rest on the day of the sun worshipper, Sunday and not the 7th day Sabbath of Scripture.
      It makes you obey pagan traditions like celebrating Christmas and Easter instead of the Scriptural feasts of Lev 23.
      Christianity is a hybrid religion mixed with the original faith of our Messiah Yahusha and paganism.
      The best lie is the lie closest to the truth.
      Wake up seeker of truth. Don’t be led away into the darkness of false teaching.
      Obey the commands, this is the only way you will receive authority to enter into the kingdom of our Heavenly Father Yahuah.
      Rev 22:14 “Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.

    • @Genesis.1-1
      @Genesis.1-1 3 года назад

      @@jacobtack2258 You are really cherry picking and twisting scripture. I don't rely on what the church says because the church is not perfect. The Bible does not say that salvation makes you perfect and without sin, it says you're forgiven your sins but still subject to the flesh until you die. We are to strive toward sanctification as long as we live and ask forgiveness daily for our missteps. Only through the power of the Holy Spirit are we able to resist sin, even after salvation. Jesus warned Peter in the Garden just before his arrest that Satan had asked permission to "sift him like wheat" and Jesus prayed for him. True Christianity is not a hybrid religion, and the scriptural feasts" of Leviticus are not binding on any Christian. Only a Judiazer would attempt to mix Mosaic Law as part of Christianity. I recently had a similar conversation with a SDA. The indoctrination of these "christian" cults is very effective and will lead many to destruction.

    • @jacobtack2258
      @jacobtack2258 3 года назад

      @@Genesis.1-1 Actually it is not me cherry picking. I study all Scripture and apply all Scripture.
      You as a Christian are cherry picking from Scripture what you think apply to you as a Christian.
      There are 33 000 different Christian denominations, and they all believe the same as you, that only you are the “the true Christians”.
      All Christian denominations are hybrid religions. Let me show you how. I will quote your words: “True Christianity is not a hybrid religion, and the scriptural feasts" of Leviticus are not binding on any Christian. Only a Judiazer would attempt to mix Mosaic Law as part of Christianity”.
      So what you are saying in the above quoted passage, is that in the Bible there are two plans for salvation. One for the Christian and another for the Judaizers.
      First of all, our Messiah never came for the pagan or the Christian. He only came for the lost tribes of the house of Yisrael:
      Mat 15:24 And He answering, said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Yisra’ěl.”
      Let me correct you on your idea that there is a part of Scripture for you and another for the Jew.
      All Scripture applies:
      2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by Elohim and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for setting straight, for instruction in righteousness,
      2Ti 3:17 that the man of Elohim might be fitted, equipped for every good work.
      You refer to the Mosaic law as NOT part for the Christian religion. Well see what
      Our Messiah said:
      Joh 5:46 “For if you believed Mosheh, you would have believed Me, since he wrote about Me.
      Joh 5:47 “But if you do not believe his writings, how shall you believe My words?”
      Yahusha Messiah says, if you do NOT believe Moses’s writings, how would you believe Him?
      We read in the following passage, about the people like you, who disregard the Torah of Moses.
      Heb 10:28 Anyone who has disregarded the Torah of Mosheh dies without compassion on the witness of two or three witnesses.
      Yahuah says that those who disregard the Torah of Moses(Mosaic Law) commits the unforgiveable sin. You have the Bible, so you have the Torah/Law of Moses, the truth. But you choose to disregard it.
      There is no offering left for that:
      Heb 10:26 For if we sin purposely after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a slaughter offering for sins,
      Yahusha made it clear, the Torah remains. We also saw that all Scripture applies. Now the Bible is the word of Yahuah our Creator.
      He never changes:
      Mal 3:6 “For I am יהוה, I shall not change, and you, O sons of Ya‛aqoḇ, shall not come to an end.
      He does not profane His Covenant(10 commandments/Maosaic law), not change what He has said:
      Psa 89:34 “I shall not profane My covenant, Neither would I change what has gone out from My lips.
      He is unchangeable:
      Heb 6:17 In this way Elohim, resolving to show even more clearly to the heirs of promise the unchangeableness of His purpose, confirmed it by an oath,
      There is no shadow of change in Him:
      Jas 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of turning.
      AND His Word MAY NOT be changed either.
      Deu 4:2 “Do not add to the Word which I command you, and do not take away from it, so as to guard the commands of יהוה your Elohim which I am commanding you.
      So here is the deal.
      You want to believe in a God, that made special rules for you, and Who says you can choose any part or parts of scripture you want.
      And you are ok to commit idolatry to call Him and His Son by pagan names, believe in the lie of the trinity(a third god) some more idolatry. And it is ok to be a sinner.
      Boy you have been deceived.
      The conclusion of the entire matter according to Yahuah the father is….
      Ecc 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the entire matter: Fear Elohim and guard His commands, for this applies to all mankind!

    • @Genesis.1-1
      @Genesis.1-1 3 года назад

      @@jacobtack2258 The lie of the Trinity? That sounds like Modalism. The Old Testament covenant is not the 10 Commandments, That's the Mosaic Law. The Covenant is a promise to the Jewish people. The New Covenant is for everyone and is nothing more than the promise of eternal life to all people through Christ crucified and raised from the dead to pay the price of our sins. There are no special rules for anyone. Eternal life is gained by faith alone, through grace alone in Jesus Christ alone. There are no works; and the Mosaic Law cannot save anyone. I had you pegged as a JW or SDA but now I have no clue where you're coming from. The only thing I can say is that I'll pray for you.

    • @jacobtack2258
      @jacobtack2258 3 года назад

      @@Genesis.1-1 I am a Natsarene, a follower of the Messiah Yahusha.
      Mat 2:23 and came and dwelt in a city called Natsareth - thus to fill what was spoken by the prophets, “He shall be called a Natsarene.”
      I am also a Natsarim, meaning a branch.
      Joh 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who stays in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit. Because without Me you are able to do naught!
      I am what Yahusha taught us to be. I follow His Teachings which is the Scriptures(all of it). I do not follow after the traditions and false teachings of men. There is no denomination that I am part of. Accept being a Yisraelite, which means top overcome with Elohim. This is not where you are born from, but whether you are a child of the Most High Elohim, Yahuah.
      There are no gates for the Christian or church. Only for the children of Yisrael:
      Rev 21:12 and having a great and high wall, having twelve gates, and at the gates twelve messengers, and names written on them, which are those of the twelve tribes of the children of Yisra’ěl:
      SO whatever I share with you is Scriptural and not man’s opinion or some false theology of a group of people. Like the false belief of Christianity by the church fathers and translators.
      I will give you Scripture references as I answer you concerns. For the sake of space I will reply on a few shorter replies than one long one.
      Please don’t pray for me. Praying against someone’s will is witchcraft.

  • @faithharbour
    @faithharbour 3 года назад +3

    Thank you Alisa, this is really appreciated. 🙏🏼

  • @gleitonlopes8435
    @gleitonlopes8435 Год назад

    The video is very informative.thank you so much.

  • @MerBlack
    @MerBlack 3 года назад +3

    Thank you for the book recommendations, Alisa! Jews for Jesus is a wonderful resource for studying the existence of Jesus.

    • @jacobtack2258
      @jacobtack2258 3 года назад

      Christianity is a theology that sets the Christian up for failure.
      You are told by the church all are sinners, and it is impossible to be without sin.
      Our Messiah says:
      Joh 8:11 And she said, “No one, Master.” And יהושע said to her, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”
      The church says, nobody is perfect, but our Messiah says:
      Mat 5:48 “Therefore, be perfect, as your Father in the heavens is perfect.
      The church says it is impossible to obey the commandments, and our Messiah says:
      Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
      One of the two is lying. It it our Messiah? OR the church.
      I believe Scripture to be the Word of our Father, and He can not lie:
      Tit 1:2 in expectation of everlasting life which Elohim, who does not lie, promised before times of old,
      The Christian theology is a lie and against Scripture. It contradicts what our Messiah Yahusha tells us.
      By changing the Scriptures, they took away the Father and Son’s Hebrew Sacred Names. It is not “Lord”, “God” nor “Jesus”.
      They make you rest on the day of the sun worshipper, Sunday and not the 7th day Sabbath of Scripture.
      It makes you obey pagan traditions like celebrating Christmas and Easter instead of the Scriptural feasts of Lev 23.
      Christianity is a hybrid religion mixed with the original faith of our Messiah Yahusha and paganism.
      The best lie is the lie closest to the truth.
      Wake up seeker of truth. Don’t be led away into the darkness of false teaching.
      Obey the commands, this is the only way you will receive authority to enter into the kingdom of our Heavenly Father Yahuah.
      Rev 22:14 “Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.

    • @Georg3e
      @Georg3e 3 года назад +1

      Yet theres absolutely no evidence of jesus outside the bible that wasn't a forgery -_-
      Hey whats your excuse for why the god of the bible allowed slavery as one of his many 625+ laws in the old testament and never once condones it even in the new testament paul the founder of Christianity says that slaves should obey their masters especially the cruel ones?
      The bible says you must buy your slaves from the heathens that surround you that you can trick your fellow Yahweh believer into being your slave for LIFe by getting them in single and giving them a wife before the 50th year of jubilee is up. That you're allowed to BEAT THEM and break all their bones and the slave owner wont get in trouble if the slave survives for a day or two.
      What is wrong with Christians not reading their bible and or cherry picking the verses they like when the whole thing states every word is inspired by God himself... Yet he's unable to say don't own slaves, instead he says you can own people as property, beat them within an inch of their life and rape the slave women and that's moral...
      Christians reading this:
      I want you to look at your bible and the verses where god or jesus says slavery is wrong and anyone who owns a slave will not enter into the kingdom of god and i can bet you $10000 you wont be able to.

  • @rehdwolfe
    @rehdwolfe Год назад

    @alisachilders The link the description to your book is broken. It goes to your site but with the error "This page doesnt seem to exit". The link in the description omits the '-' between 'another' and 'gospel'. - Wonderful concise survey of the major works of apologetics. I'm looking forward to your other content.

  • @downenout8705
    @downenout8705 3 года назад +9

    This video should be retitled to read:
    "Every Christian should learn how to sacrifice their humanity and rationality on the alter of Jesus/Yahweh, so they can answer these 5 apologetic questions".
    It is so sad to see what religion can do to an otherwise good person.

  • @RebeccaMills-vj6gr
    @RebeccaMills-vj6gr Год назад +1

    I'm learning so much from you I'm going to study apologetics Ive wanted to do it in my twenties I'm now 36 I'm taking consistent action this time asap x

    • @billy9144
      @billy9144 Год назад

      Pro tip: Look at both sides of the arguments and look at science. Apologetics = garbage arguments completely made up to make people less insecure of their faith. They actually prove zlich.

  • @jrch5563
    @jrch5563 3 года назад +1

    This is a great video with plenty of substance. Thank you.

  • @rishi-coc
    @rishi-coc Год назад

    Thank you sister,GLORY TO GOD.

  • @Iamwrongbut
    @Iamwrongbut 3 года назад +4

    The answer to slavery in this video is ridiculous. Foreign slaves were legal to hold forever according to Leviticus 25:44-46 and passed down to children as an “inheritance” of “property”.
    Look it up.

    • @kimbanton4398
      @kimbanton4398 3 года назад

      @Lead by Jesus 14 Ok, what has Jesus revealed about the issue of buying and inheriting gentile slaves? And in which passage? Where is there any love, mercy or forgiveness in owning slaves and in treating them unequal?

    • @DomskiOKKK
      @DomskiOKKK Месяц назад

      So we’re Israelites they could be passed down

  • @Tom-j4v7f
    @Tom-j4v7f 10 месяцев назад

    Also, forgot to ask...what brand of blogging camera and mic did you use for this video? IMO they are perfect.

  • @waldensmith4796
    @waldensmith4796 Год назад

    Great answers to Apologetic question to support our belief system. Keep up the good work Alisa.

  • @lutheragirigi3695
    @lutheragirigi3695 Год назад

    Thanks a million

  • @joshuakim802
    @joshuakim802 3 года назад +6

    The slavery one really slapped, thank you :)

    • @khumbomunsaka
      @khumbomunsaka 3 года назад +1

      Look at whaddo ya meme' response to cosmic skeptic's video
      He does a more through Job

  • @glennc.ganley1685
    @glennc.ganley1685 Год назад

    Solid! Well done Alisa.

  • @alexsaves
    @alexsaves 3 года назад +34

    It is immoral to own another person as property, and if there was a god - they would know that. God supposedly took the time to warn against the crime of "wear[ing] clothing woven of two kinds of material." but didn't see fit to ban owning another human being. Seems a bit more likely that it was written by primitive farmers than a timeless omnipotent being, doesn't it!

    • @isidoreaerys8745
      @isidoreaerys8745 3 года назад +9

      If a disembodied mind expected me to believe the Bronze Age superstitions of the Hebrews are the eternal laws of the universe,
      Based solely on hearsay evidence come state religion of the Roman emperor’s cult.
      What reason would I have for denying the evidence claimed for Mohammed, or Joseph Smith?

    • @utopiabuster
      @utopiabuster 3 года назад +2

      @@isidoreaerys8745 ,
      You don't read much do?
      Thanks for playing convinced thinking for yourself works.

    • @utopiabuster
      @utopiabuster 3 года назад

      @@isidoreaerys8745 ,
      You should know that what you wrote is incoherent.
      You may want to seek help for your reading and writing comprehension difficulties.

    • @isidoreaerys8745
      @isidoreaerys8745 3 года назад +4

      @@utopiabuster looks like at least 3 people understood it.
      If you can’t wrap your head around it, perhaps it’s You that needs to do some more reading.

    • @utopiabuster
      @utopiabuster 3 года назад

      @@isidoreaerys8745 ,
      You mean thumbs up?
      Yea, go ahead and depend on those!

  • @kathleenwikowitz5672
    @kathleenwikowitz5672 2 года назад

    Thank you !

  • @farrex0
    @farrex0 3 года назад +10

    It always saddens me, to see a seemingly good person, defending slavery in the bible. One of the many atrocities that only religion can achieve(not slavery, but defending immoral things that appear on the bible). And even if you say that slavery back then was different than slavery in the USA, the bible was definitely used to defend that slavery. I have no problem with people practicing any religion, but I do when this people try and defend slavery.
    Slavery is slavery, what you are doing is a fallacy of relative privation. The existence of a worse kind of slavery, does not make the slavery in the bible good. It is like saying that one murder is not wrong, because serial killers exist.
    Make this thought experiment, if Hebrews had "indenture servitude", even if it was "not as bad". But it was not condoned ion the bible... Would you be defending it? You all know that even if we grant the apologetic, that it wasn't that bad, it was still bad. Problem, is, even the apologetic is wrong and it was bad, real bad. I will prove it with the bible itself.
    What you define as indenture servitude only applies to the specific kind of slavery that was applied to Hebrews. The bible explicitly differentiates between how you should treat Hebrew slaves and gentile slaves. Gentile slaves were slaves for live, and the bible both allows you to buy and sell them and or they were taken captive from war.
    Leviticus 25:44-46
    44 “‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly."
    See the specific, differentiation between Israelite slaves and gentile slaves, gentile slaves are property and are for life.
    God himself commands several times, to take sex slaves from conquest. Imagine seeing everyone you know and love die in front of you, and then you are taken captive to live the rest of your life as a sex slave....
    Numbers 31 17:18
    "17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."
    God condones physical abuse of the slaves, as long as you do not kill them.
    Exodus 21:20-21
    20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.
    There are plenty of verses, condoning actual slavery, not indenture servitude. Indenture servitude was exclusive for Hebrews, for everyone else it was slavery. And sveral times it explicitly say that slaves are their property, I could quote more and more bible verses condoning slavery... but you cannot quote one single verse that abolishes slavery. Slavery in the bible, is only wrong if it is done to Israelites.

    • @isidoreaerys8745
      @isidoreaerys8745 3 года назад +2

      The Bible has literally laid the foundation for the most disgusting and inhumane racism throughout all of history.
      Now speciesism
      And ecocide.
      The Bible is such an obviously written by a territorial, aggressive, sexually possessive, tribalistic primate forgery.
      It reifies humanities most ugly tendencies

    • @apracity7672
      @apracity7672 3 года назад

      The levitius verse simply says you can buy foreign slaves. it says it right there, its volountary. Furthermore, it does not say to treat them poorly just because they are foreginers. Thats anti-thetical to the Mosaic law. Remember, the Israelites were once foreginers in Egypt and were enslaved for 400 years
      The numbers verse simply says that women were spared. These women would become wives, not sexual slaves. Any kind of sexual prostitution or debauchery is anti-thetical to the Mosaic law. Sexual relations are for within the confines of marriage
      The exodus verse simply says what would be the punishment in the event that someone beat their slaves, not a command to beat your slaves. Its like a jugde saying "In the event that someone slaps you, they will not be sent to jail. However, if they break a bone or something else, they will go to jail" The latter sentence is a reference to the following verse you ommited to cite
      Lastly, given your strong "slavery is immoral" stance, what should be the ideal punishment for someone who wanted to sell himself into slavery? Should he recieve the capital punishment? Should he be sent to prison for life? Should he be fined? If salvery is an absolute evil, then those who want to sell themselves as slaves into that system must be wicked and evil people right?

    • @Moriningland
      @Moriningland 2 года назад

      @@apracity7672 you can’t explain your way around the fact that it says you can beat a slave as hard as you want as long as they don’t die and recover in a day or two. Translation, whipping black slaves was condoned by biblical law.
      I do agree that the type of slavery the Bible was taking about was different in that they were released and subsidized by their owner after seven years. Seems like a pretty good deal during that time but people will never see it that way because slavery is simply wrong.
      Just like genocide is wrong, but the Bible condones it.
      The problem with the Bible is that there will always be another verse that contradicts any moral point you try to make. God did not make it easy on us to understand what he wants.
      Even Paul made the beautiful teaching of Jesus much much more complicated.

    • @apracity7672
      @apracity7672 2 года назад

      @@Moriningland beating a slave was for when he did something wrong. If the slave deserves a beating, he deserves a beating. Furthermore, the Bible does not condone genocide thats ridiculous. God killing the canaanites does not mean « Christian and Jews » no kill africans and go kill asians and take over the world

  • @timeshark8727
    @timeshark8727 3 года назад +4

    Here are the _real_ answers to these questions, in case anyone cares...
    _"Have the new testament document been corrupted?"_
    - *We have no idea. We don't have originals for **_any_** part of the New Testament. Up until around 300ad all we have of any of them are fragments. Therefor, we don't know if any of the documents are the same as the originals or the oral traditions they were recorded from.*
    _"Is there any evidence that the resurrection of Jesus actually happened?"_
    - *No, there isn't. There is hardly any evidence for any of the stories about Jesus in fact. Even the bible, which is the only source for 99+% of the stories, only contains passed down stories and is not a contemporary account of events.*
    _"Has science disproved God?"_
    - *Science doesn't even bother with the notion of God(s), so no... Science has disproven many of the stories about God, like Genesis, Noah's flood, The Tower of Babel, Exodus, etc. But doesn't even attempt to address the question of gods in a general sense.*
    _"Does the bible condone slavery?"_
    - *Yup... there's not much else to say here. The bible gives guidelines telling people where they can buy slaves, how much they can beat them, etc... even in the New Testament, the bible says "slaves obey your masters".*
    _"Is there any evidence, outside of the bible, that Jesus actually existed?"_
    - *Yes, but barely. The evidence of Jesus from outside the bible boils down to some secular historians from decades after the events talking about what Christians of the time believed. Its enough to say that there was likely a Jewish cult leader named Jesus who built a small following... but not much more than that. None of the stories about Jesus have any corroborating evidence of any kind.*
    Well, there you go... have fun kiddos.

    • @WhiskeySam1
      @WhiskeySam1 3 года назад +2

      Each of your unsupported, dogmatic assertions can be refuted. This video, at a cursory level does so. Your responses are embarrassingly inaccurate, and all the more arrogant for it. I’m not going to waste my time on that. The question that interests me is why? What’s the point of this trolling, condescending post that isn’t even minimally factually accurate? If you’re an atheist, you shouldn’t care less what Christians believe, much less be spending your time writing lengthy, but substantively empty posts in the comments about apologetics videos. I know flat earthers are wrong. I also know I’m not going to persuade them.
      What do you get out of wasting your time like that? What psychological need are you trying to fill?

    • @exiled_londoner
      @exiled_londoner 3 года назад +2

      "Have the new testament document been corrupted?"
      - We have no idea."
      This is not quite true. We do have clear evidence that the gospel stories have been tampered with, changed, amended, and added to since they were first written. We just don't know the full extent of those changes.

    • @SilortheBlade
      @SilortheBlade 3 года назад +1

      @@WhiskeySam1 I find it rather sad and pathetic that you haven't read your bible.
      Number 31:18 ""But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves. ... But all the female children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. But all the girls, who have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves."
      There are numerous other passages about buying slaves and keeping slaves, but the one passage I find the most egregious so wanted to highlight it to you as i doubt you have ever read it. Please go look it up yourself. I encourage you to so do. In fact I encourage you to read your bible from front to back in one go.
      You will find that the indentured servitude (which is still reprehensible in my opinion), only applied to Jewish men.
      And Timeshark here isn't trolling you, as everything he said is factually correct based on current information (maybe there is some hidden writing that would give more credence to jesus being a real person buried somewhere). He's trying to correct misinformation. That's all. Whether you chose to verify this information is up to you. If you chose to ignore it and believe what you have been told (as since we have established you have not read the whole bible), then that's good for you. If your belief makes you happy and you don't try to force it on others than I am happy for you and I don't know any other atheist who would have a problem with you. I'm sure there are some who might, but terrible people are terrible no matter what views they have.
      Just be careful about reading your bible front to back. I was already an atheist when I did, but the most common story I hear on what the tipping point for most atheist was reading the bible on their own and not just hearing the cherry picked verses in their church.
      I hope you have a good day.

    • @WhiskeySam1
      @WhiskeySam1 3 года назад

      @@SilortheBlade The Bible also talks about divorce and makes provision for divorce. Does that mean the Bible “condones” divorce? Acknowledging something and encouraging something are quite different.
      Again, I see no need to litigate this with you or the other atheist who spends his time with verbose versions of “nuh-uh!” on apologetics videos. It’s amusing that you’d presume to tell me what I have and have not read. “We’ve established…” lol you haven’t established anything except that your arrogance goes hand in hand with your ignorance.
      So I’ll put the same question to you: what psychological itch are you attempting to scratch here? It’s like an incel trolling a women’s group. You’re just exposing yourself as an agitator. If there was more substance to your life, you’d find something else to do with your time. Sad and pathetic is you spending so much mental energy on a book you disregard as fiction.

    • @timeshark8727
      @timeshark8727 3 года назад

      @@WhiskeySam1 Except that all my "dogmatic assertions" are in line with the scholarly consensus in the fields.
      But hey, if you want to show that they can be refuted then by all means try to refute them... I'll even make it easy for you by telling you exactly what would refute them:
      1. Present a full copy of the New Testament for examination from prior to 300ad.
      2. Present a secular account for _any_ of the stories about Jesus. Not a secular recording of what Christians believed, an account of the event.
      3. Present any scientific evidence supporting one, or more, of the stories from the bible I mentioned.
      4. Explain how telling people where to get slaves, what they can do to them, and telling slaves to obey their masters _isn't_ condoning slavery.
      5. Show that there is no evidence of Jesus outside of the bible.
      _"The question that interests me is why?"_
      - *Why correct lies about the bible? Simple, I value truth.*
      _"If you’re an atheist, you shouldn’t care less what Christians believe"_
      - *Why not? What Christians believe affects how they behave and I live in a culture that is mostly Christians. What Christians believe influences politics, education, social morals, etc... you don't think I should care about any of that?*

  • @terreliv
    @terreliv 3 года назад +2

    3. No. God's hard to prove. Disproving would be even harder.
    4. Nope. Neither slave nor free. Free them all every seven years referred to indentured servitude. Be slaves to Christ is figurative. Make your thoughts slave to your goal & one man cannot serve two masters speaks to self-control.
    5. Yes. There's a bunch of letters.

    • @dayakarrao2206
      @dayakarrao2206 3 года назад

      3. It is not hard to prove or present yourself.
      4. Free is to be through. Not half way through. We are on earth, the largest womb. From earth through the Son is full way through. With LIFE (the Son) in the womb will be with LIFE out of the womb.
      5. Whatever be the number of letters, get through, you can answer.

    • @terreliv
      @terreliv 3 года назад

      4. Free is to be through *what*, dude?
      5. Dude, I meant like letters at the time about Jesus existing, not ones I'm receiving.

    • @dayakarrao2206
      @dayakarrao2206 3 года назад

      Through is, we are on earth, from father through mother to earth. But every human is from the Father in heaven. Will have to be through Jesus "to" the Holyspirit.
      It is hard to believe Jesus. Jhon the Baptist himself asked Jesus, are you the person to come or we'll have to wait for someone else?
      So we should have morden approach to tell people the gospel.
      Gospel is: we are sent & required as children. Become a child immediately because at any time we'll have to leave.

    • @jopolanco8371
      @jopolanco8371 3 года назад

      Taking for granted for the moment that you are in fact both reasonable and neurotypical, let me ask you this: Do you believe your emotions demonstrate the existence, validity or truth of reality, or are you rational and rely on facts instead?

    • @dayakarrao2206
      @dayakarrao2206 3 года назад

      @@jopolanco8371 yes, facts & realities are not beliefs. If you put things in proper to understand, itself is demonstration.

  • @alifmuhammadchicago
    @alifmuhammadchicago 2 года назад +1

    Ms. Childers...
    Why would a loving God allow His followers to preach in His name for centuries that my ancestors should be victimized and murdered because Exodus 21 says so?
    Aren't I living proof that God simply couldn't or wouldn't prevent Christianity from accepting slavery?

  • @djba
    @djba Год назад

    Hi …the link in the description to your book seems to be broken. I just thought you would want to know.

  • @willstevens4289
    @willstevens4289 3 года назад +4

    I’d respectfully suggest that your ‘top five’ leaves out the most difficult question which Christian apologists have to face: if God loves his creation, why does he permit humans and other animals to experience such dreadful levels of pain and suffering?

    • @downenout8705
      @downenout8705 3 года назад

      Theists have had centuries to come up with excuses for suffering. What they will not address however is the concept of gratuitous suffering and the fact that such suffering is logically inconsistent with an all loving God.

    • @sm8johnthreesixteen
      @sm8johnthreesixteen 3 года назад +3

      Sin brought death and suffering into the world. Because of his great love for mankind, God provided a Savior for man in his Son, Jesus Christ. We read in 1 John 4:14, And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world. Jesus suffered and died for the sins of all mankind; he was buried and rose again on the third day. Speaking of him in 1 Peter 2:24 we read, Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
      Read Isaiah 53, a descriptive chapter which foretold of Jesus's sufferings on behalf of every man.
      It is a wise person that humbles himself and believes the word of God, and, in believing, receives the gift of eternal life through the Lord Jesus Christ.

    • @downenout8705
      @downenout8705 3 года назад

      @@sm8johnthreesixteen Your reply has absolutely nothing to do with animal suffering and gives no explanation for the gratuitous suffering that is so prevalent in the world. The fact that you are able to quote verses from the Bible says absolutely nothing about the truth of those verses.

    • @sm8johnthreesixteen
      @sm8johnthreesixteen 3 года назад +2

      God does not owe man explanations. He has graciously provided a Savior for sinful men in his Son. He has given an invitation to all men, Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else (Isaiah 45:22).
      We are assured, He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him (John 3:36).
      There are those that refuse God's gracious gift of eternal life through the Lord Jesus Christ. I would not choose one of them to be my counselor.

    • @thewholemessprinciple
      @thewholemessprinciple 3 года назад

      Well, to be radically honest with you, my response to that is this: Christ's death on the Cross wasn't simply a gift of atonement for our sins. I think it was also an atonement on behalf of God. "I am suffering with you. Will you forgive me?" Christians like to dance around Isaiah 45:7, but I think it's time for them & everyone to grow up. "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." God created evil. Creation is worth it, the whole goal being a project of cosmic love. Time is a carefully constructed illusion of consciousness, and all things within it pass, but we do not. I also do not believe that suffering occurs outside of it, and thus I do not believe in any hell that doesn't occur on Earth. We suffer here for our sins, and the only remedy is to quit sinning. Crime & punishment are one. (I do believe that we face judgement, but the hell involved with that is one mostly of shame in the face of God's unfathomable mercy.)

  • @captainnolan5062
    @captainnolan5062 4 месяца назад

    I think it is important to add that Paul and James were also willing to suffer and die for their belief that Christ had risen. Modern psychology has shown that people are not willing to die for a belief they know to be false.

  • @Paheena1
    @Paheena1 Год назад

    Thanks for your videos and pointing us to solid resources, Alisa!

    • @billy9144
      @billy9144 Год назад

      Solid resourecs? Not a single one was contemporary or scientific. Why do people think hearsay is a good argument?

    @ODEMUZIC 3 года назад

    With gentleness and respect.

  • @danielwuerdeman651
    @danielwuerdeman651 3 года назад +2

    Paul wrote against slave trading in 1 Timothy 1:10.

  • @ravenvalentine4919
    @ravenvalentine4919 3 года назад +3

    the amount of false information in this video alone needs 20 pages to correct , if she didnt bother checking with her own religion i dont feel like putting the effort for her to fix it

  • @sysprogmanadhoc2785
    @sysprogmanadhoc2785 3 года назад +3

    This video is a prime example of Christian apologists getting desperate with the seepage from the faith. The loudest noises are made by those who make a living from peddling religion of one sort or another...they have the most to lose.
    The rapid decline of Evangelicalism in the US ....has many parallels with an exploding supernova. Contracting under its own weight, to suddenly explode in a noisy big bang of hot gases

  • @onesimusthings3455
    @onesimusthings3455 3 года назад +1

    Yep, got me all, it’s very useful when you’re on the streets sharing Jesus

  • @philosophicallogic
    @philosophicallogic 3 года назад

    I really liked your brief but helpful responses to these five questions Alisa, great video. :)

    • @jacobtack2258
      @jacobtack2258 3 года назад

      Christianity is a theology that sets the Christian up for failure.
      You are told by the church all are sinners, and it is impossible to be without sin.
      Our Messiah says:
      Joh 8:11 And she said, “No one, Master.” And יהושע said to her, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”
      The church says, nobody is perfect, but our Messiah says:
      Mat 5:48 “Therefore, be perfect, as your Father in the heavens is perfect.
      The church says it is impossible to obey the commandments, and our Messiah says:
      Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
      One of the two is lying. It it our Messiah? OR the church.
      I believe Scripture to be the Word of our Father, and He can not lie:
      Tit 1:2 in expectation of everlasting life which Elohim, who does not lie, promised before times of old,
      The Christian theology is a lie and against Scripture. It contradicts what our Messiah Yahusha tells us.
      By changing the Scriptures, they took away the Father and Son’s Hebrew Sacred Names. It is not “Lord”, “God” nor “Jesus”.
      They make you rest on the day of the sun worshipper, Sunday and not the 7th day Sabbath of Scripture.
      It makes you obey pagan traditions like celebrating Christmas and Easter instead of the Scriptural feasts of Lev 23.
      Christianity is a hybrid religion mixed with the original faith of our Messiah Yahusha and paganism.
      The best lie is the lie closest to the truth.
      Wake up seeker of truth. Don’t be led away into the darkness of false teaching.
      Obey the commands, this is the only way you will receive authority to enter into the kingdom of our Heavenly Father Yahuah.
      Rev 22:14 “Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.

  • @thinkfastful
    @thinkfastful 3 года назад

    These five arguments are solid answers to questions non-Christians will have. It equips folks to win a debate, but I doubt you will win many hearts that way. I Pet 3:15 says we are to be ready to give reason for "the hope" we have. When someone asks you "Why are you not concerned you could die of Covid", give them the answer that God loves you and will always take care of you. Show the world hope and they will long for what you have. Don't get into these mindless debates. They make you feel good for being right, but you won't get someone to accept Jesus into their heart and be saved.

  • @skepticon9390
    @skepticon9390 6 месяцев назад +1

    To use the canonical Christian bible to prove the validity of the Christian bible is the epitome of circular logic.

  • @1magicthegathering
    @1magicthegathering 3 года назад

    Excellent video. Faith in God is not blind faith. It is steeped in an avalanche of corroborating evidence.

  • @jonnyrondo507
    @jonnyrondo507 Год назад +1

    Did God not commit genocide on more than one occasion?
    Is there anything that exists in reality that one has to have a field of apologetics for?

  • @knockout4121
    @knockout4121 2 года назад

    A teachable moment for many. Thank you.

  • @harrycooper5231
    @harrycooper5231 7 месяцев назад

    "Have the NT docs been corrupted? Considering you don't have the originals, you have no idea. Many of the scholars who make the claim that the text is accurate are required to by the terms of their employment.

  • @onceamusician5408
    @onceamusician5408 7 месяцев назад

    when they see a life in us that they want they will do one of two things.
    they will either want to know where we got it from, and thus be willing to listen to our words. Or they will get furious for they know full well what they must do to get it and will not do it so will hate us even more tan if we were hypocrites.
    and note, this will ONLY work if they see in us , before we start talking, a life worth having
    if we don't have this we are simply spouting empty talk, and are in fact the hypocrites they already, so very often hate us for

  • @NathanKeysMusic
    @NathanKeysMusic 3 года назад +1

    This was an awesome video thank you for sharing 🙏🏻

    • @jacobtack2258
      @jacobtack2258 3 года назад

      Christianity is a theology that sets the Christian up for failure.
      You are told by the church all are sinners, and it is impossible to be without sin.
      Our Messiah says:
      Joh 8:11 And she said, “No one, Master.” And יהושע said to her, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”
      The church says, nobody is perfect, but our Messiah says:
      Mat 5:48 “Therefore, be perfect, as your Father in the heavens is perfect.
      The church says it is impossible to obey the commandments, and our Messiah says:
      Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
      One of the two is lying. It it our Messiah? OR the church.
      I believe Scripture to be the Word of our Father, and He can not lie:
      Tit 1:2 in expectation of everlasting life which Elohim, who does not lie, promised before times of old,
      The Christian theology is a lie and against Scripture. It contradicts what our Messiah Yahusha tells us.
      By changing the Scriptures, they took away the Father and Son’s Hebrew Sacred Names. It is not “Lord”, “God” nor “Jesus”.
      They make you rest on the day of the sun worshipper, Sunday and not the 7th day Sabbath of Scripture.
      It makes you obey pagan traditions like celebrating Christmas and Easter instead of the Scriptural feasts of Lev 23.
      Christianity is a hybrid religion mixed with the original faith of our Messiah Yahusha and paganism.
      The best lie is the lie closest to the truth.
      Wake up seeker of truth. Don’t be led away into the darkness of false teaching.
      Obey the commands, this is the only way you will receive authority to enter into the kingdom of our Heavenly Father Yahuah.
      Rev 22:14 “Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.

  • @kjarneson655
    @kjarneson655 3 года назад

    Very good-I enjoy your topics and admire your delivery 👍

  • @davidlalremruata
    @davidlalremruata Год назад

    For those without the faith we have in our Lord, it is extremely easy to throw accusations at us.
    If I was not a Christian myself there are various points I could throw at myself.
    End of the day, I choose to believe that Jesus died for me on the cross at Calvary and rose again so that my soul may be saved.
    It takes a whole lot of faith.
    So, we can be apologetic about being faithful to Jesus and the Bible.
    If and when we step beyond them that's when we are at the mercies of the unforgiving world.
    So, let us remain in Christ and hold on to our faith because He Lives.

  • @Indorm
    @Indorm 2 года назад

    Wow, exactly what we need. Thank you!

  • @psiloveyoucrux
    @psiloveyoucrux 2 года назад

    75% of scholars believe the tomb was found empty.. I’ve never heard this. Can you provide your source?

  • @bevie29
    @bevie29 2 года назад

    The only thing that corrupts the text is leaving the original Greek and substituting it with modern day language that changes the meaning of the original Greek text. Youngs Literal Translation is helpful.

  • @simonpeter8742
    @simonpeter8742 2 года назад

    its helpful,think you sister

  • @saashamoniquew1
    @saashamoniquew1 Год назад

    This was so good and help. Thank and God Bless.

  • @96tolife
    @96tolife Год назад

    Don't forget. It is okay to say, "I don't know" instead of feeling you have to be a Christian encyclopedia. Please learn these things but don't feel overwhelmed into believing that whatever you offer as a reason for your faith is inadequate. We are called to convince others to believe. We are called to tell others what convinced us to believe.

  • @SantaFe19484
    @SantaFe19484 9 месяцев назад

    Wonderful video!

  • @joelbuzbee1750
    @joelbuzbee1750 Год назад

    Great instructions-

  • @LindaSueGarland
    @LindaSueGarland 2 года назад

    Great video and resources! Thank you.

  • @HarrisonDean
    @HarrisonDean 3 года назад

    Great video! Keep up the good work Alisa.

  • @bradpeterson5299
    @bradpeterson5299 3 года назад

    Thank you Alisa. This is a very helpful video

  • @larrysexton2955
    @larrysexton2955 3 года назад

    Well done! Best apologetic book in my opinion, Mere Christianity by CS Lewis.

  • @dlove9034
    @dlove9034 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for this video

  • @jamesnewton3709
    @jamesnewton3709 3 года назад

    and gentleness! :)

  • @blackheart5385
    @blackheart5385 2 года назад

    If you have to lie to defend your religion then your religion isn't worth defending. If I was on the fence about doubting my faith then this is all the evidence I need. Thank you so much

    • @itninvestigate
      @itninvestigate 2 года назад

      Where did she lie?

    • @blackheart5385
      @blackheart5385 2 года назад

      @@itninvestigate basically the whole video. I left Christianity for largely the lies, judgemental hypocrisy and the holier than thou attitude.
      In this video let's start at the beginning about Apologetics. Lying by exclusion by not stating Apologetics is also used to try and reconcile contradictions, errors and mistakes in the bible

    • @itninvestigate
      @itninvestigate 2 года назад

      @@blackheart5385 What you're saying is she didn't clearly define Apologetics?

    • @blackheart5385
      @blackheart5385 2 года назад

      @@itninvestigate so you're saying the bible is the inerrant, infallible word of god?

    • @itninvestigate
      @itninvestigate 2 года назад

      @@blackheart5385 I'm trying to understand where you're coming from.

  • @shinywarm6906
    @shinywarm6906 2 года назад

    There is no getting away from the fact that Leviticus 25:39-46 mandates chattel slavery - the owning of people for life. If a destitute Israelites wishes to sell himself into indentured labout, he must be treated as a hired worker, and realeased in the year of jubilee. However, "foreigners" - and their children -can be enslaved as chattels (permanent property). One could even say that the whole point of these verses is to point out that to be a chattel slave is so grievous that no Israelite should be subject to chattel slavery. Only "foreigners" could be treated as property. This is similar to other legal codes prevalent in the Ancient Near East.

    @CALALAMILA 3 года назад +1

    Great video. Please include timestamps next time so that we can move back and forth between questions. Wanted to go back to some particular questions but they were hard to find.

  • @JohnSpencer90
    @JohnSpencer90 11 дней назад

    I was particularly disappointed with the misleading commentary on slavery. A casual reading of exodus 21, or Leviticus 25 paints an entirely different story.

  • @jimbx2097
    @jimbx2097 3 года назад +1

    It is never one's purpose to discredit, and this video is certainly thoughtful. However, the greatest way to answer the critics of Christianity is to simply be biblical believers. Western Christianity today is largely an academic undertaking that falls far short on so many fronts primarily because it is based upon so much that is merely technical. Scholarship will never be a sufficient substitute for spiritual apprehension. If we want to preach Christ we must first live Christ-and such an "education" is never manufactured academically. It is "received" by faith, perfected upon the knees in prayer, and the possession of those who have literally left all else to follow Christ in absolute surrender. Rather than seeking to be "apologists," let us rather determine in our heart to be slaves to Christ, for He knows how to answer His critics superbly, and no theological acumen in the world can attain unto His wisdom. It is Himself that we need, not studied answers in a tidy box of theological opinion.

    • @whitestone4805
      @whitestone4805 3 года назад +1

      God bless you and thank you for making that comment.
      You speak the truth in love, plainly, simply, respectfully.
      Your point is very well made as it is (obviously) true that neither academic knowledge nor intellectual ability are prerequisites for a living faith.
      There is a word in scripture that for me demonstrates this without question.
      “Whosoever believes in me shall not die but have eternal life.”
      The free gift of salvation through Yeshua’s atoning work and bodily resurrection is available to all, but not accepted by all.
      I have followed many debates from all sorts of people online and although there is a real value in this it is clearly not a substitute for spiritual rebirth.
      For me (63 years old) I accepted the gift of salvation nearly 30 years ago, but the process of sanctification is most definitely (and always) ongoing.
      These of course are separate issues.
      No matter how “good” I am on a continuum of good ↔️ bad I am in my natural state lost…unregenerate.
      I, like all mankind, “fall short of the glory of God.”
      When it comes right down to it my apologetic response is simply this.
      I know I desperately need a saviour….Jesus/Yeshua.
      He came to us in the Fathers name and comes to us still in the person of The Holy Spirit.
      For me it is not who can save me…but who else. ?

    • @jimbx2097
      @jimbx2097 3 года назад

      @@whitestone4805 "For me it is not who can save me...but who else." This is a magnificent statement, and the end of all debating. It is Christ only and fully, the manifestation of God's great "I Am." He is the sum and substance of life. I appreciate your comments-so full of grace.

    • @whitestone4805
      @whitestone4805 3 года назад

      Likewise James. 🙏

  • @aldosigmann419
    @aldosigmann419 3 года назад

    Hi - thanks for the vid - something i've been meaning to study more to be better prepared to give and account!

    • @timeshark8727
      @timeshark8727 3 года назад

      Just read the bible, cover to cover, in order, with an open mind... no need to listen to professional liars talk about it.

    • @aldosigmann419
      @aldosigmann419 3 года назад

      @@timeshark8727 I have read the bible cover to cover numerous times - perhaps you missed the part about slandering others.

    • @timeshark8727
      @timeshark8727 3 года назад

      @@aldosigmann419 If you read the bible cover to cover numerous times, then you already know that she's lying about what it says... so why thank her for that?