All The Inline Skating Setups I've Tried So Far - My Setup Journey

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 297

  • @DinoRider710
    @DinoRider710 Год назад +40

    That slide under the parking lot gate was sick

  • @adamkreuz9068
    @adamkreuz9068 Год назад +87

    So cool to see us older guys picking inline back up again. I'm 42 and never tried hockey so I'm re-learning how to skate

    • @JakobDam
      @JakobDam Год назад +10

      Me too! I'm 44, and wanted to go roller skating last Sunday... all 3 straps broke on each boot. That plastic had gotten severely damaged... then again, these skates are around 23 years old. When these skates were new, the Nokia 3210 was the latest in mobile phone invention... So now I just ordered a new pair, and I'm pretty sure I need to relearn everything. I was never much of a roller skater, but I could roll around without falling all the time, so there's that...

    • @JesusChrist_IsTruth-LoveForALL
      @JesusChrist_IsTruth-LoveForALL Год назад +1

      Handle it you guys! 🎉🙌

    • @JesusChrist_IsTruth-LoveForALL
      @JesusChrist_IsTruth-LoveForALL Год назад

      ​​@@JakobDamsame thing happened with some of my dad's OLD rollerblades that I tried to revive. The straps and plastics started cracking and breaking, just too old. I picked up some rollerblade zetrablades as a come back starter blade and they are pretty good for the price. Stay away from the big 5 blades. I bought the most expensive ones the rollerderby aero q60 and they still sucked! I knew I should of just went with the rollerblades zetrablades from the start. I'll try another after those.

    • @ClintWilber
      @ClintWilber Год назад +1

      Same here

    • @Some_Guy_87
      @Some_Guy_87 10 месяцев назад +1

      36 and also getting back now! I guess it's that nostalgia time. Can't wait for spring to come!

  • @BongoBaggins
    @BongoBaggins 10 месяцев назад +47

    I got back on skates. I'm 53. Fuck it.

    • @HopelessBuz
      @HopelessBuz 9 месяцев назад +4

      Niceeee!! - Post some clips sometime 🥳

    • @LonzCantiLife
      @LonzCantiLife 5 месяцев назад +1

      proud of you big bro. started last year at 32. we here!!!

    • @ankurdev1419
      @ankurdev1419 4 месяца назад +1

      Proud of you. Keep pushing

    • @supercatforever
      @supercatforever 3 месяца назад +3

      amd back at it at 42. louisville ky. we out here.

    • @LonzCantiLife
      @LonzCantiLife 3 месяца назад

      @@supercatforever let's fucking go 🔥

  • @damecado7407
    @damecado7407 Год назад +32

    My story is similar: I restarted blading at 40 during covid (used to skate as an early teen, but nothing serious, maybe 2 years). Bought some cheap adjustable length skates from Target, never felt comfortable in them. Then bought some FRXs EU 45. They were decent, but I ultimately found them too big for my feet and I only skated them for 2 months. No maneuverability and the wheel base was way too short. Skating backwards was a calamity, always tipped forward.
    Skip forward 2 years to present day, decided to get serious. Did a lot of research and purchased the FR1 Deluxe 80s size EU 42 that are the limit of my size 280mm feet. They were super tight at first, but after a few heat molding sessions, they now fit just right. Like rerolling, my intention was always to get the Endless 90s. Decided to get the Endless 90 ES for that "Extra Stability". So after 3 months/15 - 20 hours over a 2 year span, I can finally carve, at least to my left, my right carves and turns are terrible. I have a fear of leaning on my right leg for some reason. Can't even drag stop using the right leg as the glide. I'm currently using a wobbleboard to work on my balance. Anyway, I can also finally do lemons forwards and backwards effortlessly, while with the stock 80s it was a struggle. I'm trying to work on my powerslide, but that transition to backwards frightens me. My fear of falling at 42 yo is REAL.😅
    In summary, I do recommend the Endless 90s to even a beginner blader. Here's my current setup.
    FR1 Deluxe 80
    Endless 90 ES
    Rollerblade Hydrogen 90mm Wheels
    Twincam MW9 Bearings

    • @damecado7407
      @damecado7407 Год назад +7

      Two week update. I can now carve to my right and perform mini powerstops to my left. No powerslide yet, but my one leg balance is improving and I'm comfortable street skating. Did 5 miles the other day.

    • @deltafour1212
      @deltafour1212 Год назад +2

      @@damecado7407 Getting back into inline skating at 59. I can relate to your comment. Thank for helping me decide which skate to get.

    • @zyberus316
      @zyberus316 Год назад +1

      getting back on wheels at 40 too. Had to relearn everything all over again. Took about a year to get back to speed and now starting to break through more barriers and learn new tricks.

    • @kahopukehau
      @kahopukehau Год назад +1

      Dude same here! I used to skate everyday from middle school to high school, got pretty good at it too. Stop skating life happened, and Covid changed all that. Picked up skates during Covid at age 37, but went straight for the aggressive inlines cuz I always wanted a pair in high school. Skating is just so fun and freeing.

  • @Devilsqueen123
    @Devilsqueen123 9 месяцев назад +9

    This is one of the best inline skating videos I’ve ever seen

  • @tabttu
    @tabttu 5 месяцев назад +6

    I'm so glad I found ur channel! I need a little help getting back into skating after a 20+ year break. I started skating standard quads when I was 3-4 yrs old and switched to inline when I was about 8-9. 90% of my skate experience was urban street, and some mild street hockey, with the other 10% simply spent at the local rink. I got married, had kids, and by the time I was in my early 20's, my skates saw very little use. Eventually, I just forgot about it. Now, at the age of 41, I find myself alone, divorced after over 20 years of marriage, with 3 beautiful daughters who are all grown and busy with their own lives... and I'm just here, trying to figure out what the hell happened to the time! It's been at least 10 years since I've used them, but a few weeks ago I was moving some old boxes and came across my old K2's. That was all it took! I've been researching since then, just trying to find the right skates. I was NOT prepared for all the different options. Ur videos have been super helpful tho!

    • @kietzi
      @kietzi 5 месяцев назад +1

      here too 😅 i thought my old K2 are good enough, but before i started to buy new wheels, i thought it would be better to invest in better skates. After watching a lot of tutorials, i found out, my skates are too big for me 😅 well it works, but i am looking forward for my Powerslide Next and how they will feel. Maybe i was skating wrong 🤷‍♀

  • @solswis
    @solswis Год назад +19

    What a well narrated, "filmed", edited, and informative video. Thanks for the detailed info.

  • @DriveCarToBar
    @DriveCarToBar Месяц назад +1

    My son just went to a birthday party at a skating rink. I spent a bunch of time there wishing I had brought mine.
    So we got home, I fished my old Salomons out of a box and old (42) fat me did a few laps around the block with my son in awe that I was so good. 😂
    I'm nowhere near as good as I was in the 90s but it felt great. I can't remember why I stopped. I'm going to be buying a modern pair and working off this gut that's seemingly shown up.

  • @alexwinder665
    @alexwinder665 Год назад +42

    Dude love this. I use to skate around 10-13 and fell off when I moved I'm 34 and just starting to glide again this has been very useful cause I've been outta the game a bit, thanks. Also seeing your progress getting back to it has giving me way more confidence.

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад +4

      That’s awesome, I love to hear it. Welcome back! You can see how much I’ve gotten into it, lol. All my core skills were basically “like riding a bike” and the repetitions over time are just refining them and giving me more confidence

  • @sultanabran1
    @sultanabran1 Месяц назад +1

    this is funny. i'm 43 and i'm getting back onto inline skates after not touching skates since 1998. i played roller hockey every week for years in high school.

  • @thetrueyuiop
    @thetrueyuiop Год назад +9

    Your transitions and backwards riding are absolutely magnificent!!

  • @humzzzikle
    @humzzzikle Год назад +4

    As someone who is thinkning of getting into inline skating, this vidoe was really helpful. Thank you.

  • @ECsponger2
    @ECsponger2 Год назад +6

    Started seriously skating again last year at 38 after years off the skates. Bro, I need to get where you are although I was never there to begin with. Your style in impressive .

  • @notenrique666
    @notenrique666 Год назад +35

    WOW! How are you going that fast and not slowing down for any obstacle? Not even little stairs! WOW!

  • @MustPassTruck
    @MustPassTruck 10 месяцев назад +6

    The Stuttering Skater channel is great for city skating. Wish he did more in depth stuff on equipment like this.

    • @MustPassTruck
      @MustPassTruck 10 месяцев назад

      38 too. Been using my 20+ y/o K2's at the local-ish rink with the kids.

  • @Jay-uh6qn
    @Jay-uh6qn Год назад +2

    Rollerblading on snow! What a champ.

  • @cyy3793
    @cyy3793 Год назад +2

    Used to skate on quad skates in the 1970s, and stopped when i turned 13 as i had to go to a boarding school. Now i am 59, and returned to skating last year. I've graduated from quads to inline skates, and am now on 4x80mm. Planning to upgrade to 4x100mm soon for urban skating as i feel larger wheels are safer on uneven ground.

    • @Cheezmonka
      @Cheezmonka 7 месяцев назад +2

      Larger wheels can be less stable and harder to stop on due to increased height off of the ground and increased rolling speed compared to smaller wheels, so just keep those things in mind when you start using larger wheels.

  • @BigGirthyJohnson
    @BigGirthyJohnson 4 месяца назад +1

    I loved this video man. I loved hearing about your experience with different setups. Ive only had 3 different pairs my whole life (I'm 31). My current pair is the K2 Trio 3x110. They are pretty comfy, which is important to me.
    Im looking to buy a new pair and this video helped me gain some insight into my options. You've used all sorts of stuff.
    Thanks man. Be safe out there.
    Also bonus tip to whoever reads this. Wear impact resistant gloves, its a must if you ask me. They allow you to use your hands in all sorts of ways and grab onto your environment like poles and rails without fear of jacking your hands up. Your hands are very important. Plus IF you fall its always nice to reduce the impact.

  • @davetechme
    @davetechme 6 месяцев назад +1

    Same! Bladed in middle school, picked it back up in my late 30s during Covid. Have done mostly ice hockey with my kids since, but they also love skate parks and skating around the neighborhood.

  • @jakkejakaali849
    @jakkejakaali849 Год назад +4

    Hey dude, awesome stuff. Crisp skating as always! Keep em coming.

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад

      Thanks! I'm gonna try to keep 'em coming. I've got plenty of skating to do and ideas for videos that aren't just "flow skate" sessions.

    • @jakkejakaali849
      @jakkejakaali849 Год назад

      @@rerollinginline Yeah man, I think many of us would be interested in hearing you breaking down your skating sessions a bit more. I'd love to hear your reasoning that leads you to use a certain techniques over something else or to skate an certain area over someplace else. Ya know, the stuff that defines your individual style of skating.
      Oh, would you recommend those shroom wheels for drilling stops and slides?

  • @teslatacos9806
    @teslatacos9806 Год назад +3

    Just getting back into skating at 41 years old on my old Bauer agility hockey skates, awesome vid and info! Waiting on some new wheels and bearings in the mail and getting stoked on some TY vids. Cant wait to grab a pair of urban freestyle skates too!

  • @thomaszacharias222
    @thomaszacharias222 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks so much for this concise overview ❤. My journey is very similar to yours (including Bill's early PintoPony material, Bauer HiLo, etc). I've been deliberating over the endless 90s and will try this now after watching your clip. Greetings from London..!!

  • @infinion3
    @infinion3 4 месяца назад +1

    omg dunno how i came across this, but im glad. never knew they had skates with mild rockers. its been 20 yrs for me n i remember i always had to choose between flat or extreme rocker. its time to get back into inline skates

  • @deltafour1212
    @deltafour1212 Год назад +2

    This video is a godsend! Because of this video, it finally helped me decide which skate to get.

  • @woodtsunami
    @woodtsunami Год назад +1

    Yooo the giantbomb hoodie made me so happy halfway through. Really love your video style!

  • @Brisasfrias2
    @Brisasfrias2 Год назад +2

    Thanks for the review on all set ups. I was one of those viewers that was really questioning me to determine whether getting the endless 90 or arc 165 frame, and since I will be just starting back on skates decided yesterday to pull the trigger and get the endless 90 es frames...due to my boot size 45 and based on endlessblading's recommendation..awesome video by the way

  • @JoshuaBmusic
    @JoshuaBmusic 2 месяца назад

    I watched your entire video, I appreciate all of the incredible information and footage you included!
    From what I understand, for trail/suburban focused skating, you suggest the Endless 90 frame 3x110 on F1I/FR SL?
    My girlfriend and I want to get into rollerblading & would be mainly skating on a trail/sidewalks. I'm so eager to buy our skates but I want to make sure we avoid any intro mistakes.
    Thank you!!

  • @bingo1967
    @bingo1967 3 месяца назад

    BEST review ! Thanks so much, I think your perspective on speed context IS so right !

  • @bewater4732
    @bewater4732 Год назад +8

    Wizard, Endless and Roka are the only 3 frame brands I'd consider - all skater owned and in different price brackets!

  • @Frank-os6gq
    @Frank-os6gq 10 месяцев назад +3

    Your video is awesome, thats for your perspective it helped me alot. Also what camera/stick is that?? it looks great. No distortion at all

    • @allwaysobserve
      @allwaysobserve 3 месяца назад

      +1 for wondering what camera/stick being used

  • @TheRollingRaptor
    @TheRollingRaptor Год назад +12

    Great stuff! Very relatable to see you progressing from setup to setup. And I don't quite think your setup journey is over yet. 😉

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад +4

      Oh I know it's relatable for you. I think your version of this video would be about 6 hours long. Here's to neither of our journeys being over yet!

    • @MusiCaninesTheMusicalDogs
      @MusiCaninesTheMusicalDogs Год назад

      @@rerollinginline Lol! I picture Tim walking through a warehouse full of frames while showing us his setups! 😆

  • @netmanto2
    @netmanto2 Год назад +1

    broo!! u just discribed my path lol, stopped at 19 years old (agressive) and getting back at it at 39 haha, but now im going to be a urban skater haha, my knees does not handle souls anymore hehee! cheers from Brazil m8!

  • @vincentc2466
    @vincentc2466 4 месяца назад +1

    This video is a gem. I just reached the endless 90 purchase in my journey. Im considering buying a hockey skate too for training in parking lots but not sure its worth it

  • @MusiCaninesTheMusicalDogs
    @MusiCaninesTheMusicalDogs Год назад +2

    Great video! Thanks a lot! I'm trying to figure out what Endless frame I should try next and this helped me a lot!

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад +2

      Thanks, I’m glad you liked it!

    • @MusiCaninesTheMusicalDogs
      @MusiCaninesTheMusicalDogs Год назад

      @@rerollinginline Lemme ask you something. You said the natural choice for your first Endless frame would be the 4x90. Why not the 4x84, since you were riding 4x80!? 🤔

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад +1

      @@MusiCaninesTheMusicalDogs I didn’t think 4x84 would be that much different and also, that wheelbase wouldn’t be longer than my foot. I almost went with 4x100 first, which would have been a much bigger jump. I still would have been fine on 4x100, I just didn’t know until I tried

  • @skuko1980
    @skuko1980 Год назад +3

    beautiful video man, i hope this helps a lot of people when picking frames. next up, mix90/100 by either FR or rockin frames :) 283mm wheelbase seems to be the sweetspot for my 271 feet.

    • @duploh
      @duploh Год назад

      As a beginner at age 37. I started with 80mm last summer, but needed an upgrade quick. Couldn't decide between 90's or 100's, so got these mixed from Rockin'. Foot/boot size 43EU. I love'm. My friend keeps switching between 100's, 110's, and 90's for our regular town runs and is now seeing which one he i think i made a good 'all around/hybrid' build, for a beginner at least.

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад +1

      Thanks! Oh I was unaware of those FR 90/100 frames. Perhaps one day I'll try one of these 90/100 frames.

    • @skuko1980
      @skuko1980 Год назад

      @@rerollinginline i think the fr ones are fairly recent

  • @fisherchi
    @fisherchi Год назад +4

    I currently have the NN 4x90 on the FR Spin boot. and have used them for a few years now. I'm looking to get new frames. This review helps, although now I'm torn between upgrading to the Endless 4x90 or the Endless Arc frames. Too many choices, so little time. :) But thanks for this great review.

  • @spookwackadoo
    @spookwackadoo Год назад +3

    Fantastic insight. Your explanations are articulate and relatable, which is hard to achieve when really delving into a topic. Well done

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад

      Thank you! I'm definitely still learning. Skating is easy, making videos is hard lol. This is the first video where I wrote scripts for the voiceovers instead of just winging it. It certainly helps me gather my thoughts if nothing else.

  • @ronvanrijn1956
    @ronvanrijn1956 Месяц назад

    I use 3*110 mm to go fast and make more distances and to curve and I use 4*80mm rockered placed to make figures . I love skating in my older years 68.

  • @PopyMartins
    @PopyMartins Год назад +3

    Nice to see your road to Carbon Skates! I have a PS Arise (would be the Powerslide model that matches the FR SL) and I it was simply impossible for me to do any kind of wizard skating due to the boot being so rigid. I paired it with the IQON Decode 110s. Now I kept the boot, switched the frame for a 3x125, long frame for speed skating and this is my marathon/race setup. For wizard I got the UFR paired with the IQON Decode 100, so much better. They feel like slippers. Also next time trying a new frame I suggest you to try the Decode series. I felt in love with them the same way you did with the Endless. Top notch quality and they also have the added bonus of having 3 or more different setups for each frame.

  • @djdimapasoc7988
    @djdimapasoc7988 11 месяцев назад +2

    I used to skate back in the mid-late 90's. Now Im 44 and would like to try it again to keep fit. Maybe do city skating in the morning. (God I hope my body can still do it. lol)

    • @bluelad_
      @bluelad_ 7 месяцев назад

      TEAR UP THE STREETS!!!! I wish u luck on ur skating fitness goals, it looks really fun

  • @milkyISO
    @milkyISO Год назад +1

    I'm also near 40, used to ride CCM with Labeda wheels. Also played street pick up hockey late 90s in Cuiabá, Brazil. Believe it or not there were a BUNCH of people that played street hockey down there.
    I'm also getting back into it to battle my sedentarism lol.

  • @9jhlikesmusic9
    @9jhlikesmusic9 Год назад +2

    Great video! I am obsessed with setups. Please do another vid where you compare the rollerblade crossfire with the FR SL! I am on the fence about the crossfire

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад +2

      Thank you! I'll definitely covert the Crossfire in some way, which will probably end up comparing/contrasting with the FR SL, though they're fairly different. But I'm still breaking in the Crossfire, so I'm withholding my thoughts until I've got more time on 'em!

  • @dickensrivers9862
    @dickensrivers9862 Год назад +2

    well done...have fun out there!

  • @inlineskatemartinez5207
    @inlineskatemartinez5207 Год назад +1

    Thanks for the video, I still skate on my hockey skate Hilo 76,80 on the street.

  • @JoeyCups
    @JoeyCups Год назад +2

    Very nice video, super cool to hear your thought process between each setup!
    I know it's hard to say for each individual and to think like a beginner, but I have been learning and still working on the very basics, but I think my 243mm frame is a bit short for my size 12/47 boot. I know I'll go with an ES frame but do you think it would be detrimental to learn the basics on the 5 wheel Arc as opposed to the 4x90?
    I guess the goal is to do most urban-ish skating, just on the streets in my little suburb, but I wouldn't mind eventually learning swively stuff one day, I just think that's pretty far in the future so learning basics is the priority for now.

  • @Glowtrey
    @Glowtrey Год назад +2

    I feel like the endless 90 in 4x90 is a crowd favorite 😁 sure is mine.

  • @flyboy96
    @flyboy96 Год назад +2

    Dude, you’re such an amazing skater!I’m working up the courage to skate at pennypack. Nothing but hills as far as the eye can see. You should come up to northeast Philly sometime and try it!

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад +1

      Thanks! Interesting... I like hills. At least going down them. I'll have to look into that!

  • @danknoize
    @danknoize Год назад +4

    Really appreciate hearing your thoughts along your "setup journey". Great job keeping the bias to a minimum too. I find myself really interested in the Endless frames as my first skates had an adjustable rocker setup (some Roces agressive skates from '95 if memory is serving me right) and I really loved the agility of them. Also just bought my first pair in ... 15 years?!? the K2 VO2 90 with the single sided frame which I really like. Makes changing wheels so fast and easy. Been a long time but I am not noticing and lack of stability or stiffness from them. Of course after that I started looking into where skating currently is and discovered the Endless/Wizard world and now I'm gonna have to get some boots I can add a frame to. Which is where this video perfectly fits.
    I have heard others say similar things about Ninjas vs Endless 90s btw 🤷🏻‍♂
    Thanks again! And Enjoy Phili! Miss it I do. Germany sucks for skating 🤦🏻‍♂ cobblestones of death everywhere 😆

  • @justanothernoobe
    @justanothernoobe Год назад +2

    Love this vid! Really cool to see the difference in setups. I'm the same foot size as you are - which size did you go for in the FR1 Deluxe?

  • @hrshy491777
    @hrshy491777 10 месяцев назад +1

    Ive play hockey for years ice and street hockey. Never really liked hockey rollerblades. I got the Rollerblade Twister XT and feel I could play hockey in them effortlessly

  • @kietzi
    @kietzi 5 месяцев назад +1

    i am 38 now and just restarted skating, too. And i have the same footlength...😆 at least at the right foot, the left one is 1cm shorter. 🙈 very inspiring watching this :D

  • @BuDu-ms2qe
    @BuDu-ms2qe Год назад +3

    Awesome video brother. It gives is a window as to what to expect when you share your thoughts on each particular frame/setup. Looking forward to getting my first real frame. All's I need it moola! 🎉

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад +1

      Appreciate the support as usual, thanks! Do you have a frame in mind?

  • @CityBlades
    @CityBlades Год назад +1

    fun video, subbed. And yeahhh I got a chance to see some NN frames in person yesterday and... wasn't impressed. It's interesting how similar a lot of these frame companies' offerings are on paper, but when you look at the execution... well, some are just clearly better, lol

  • @Deliverygirl
    @Deliverygirl Год назад +1

    I used to have carbon boots when I played hockey, when I got back into rollerblading I bought a plastic shell boot (Rollerblade Twister), they were nice but my next skate was a carbon shell again, and the other two pairs I bought since were also carbon skates.
    I would say they are better, and if you skate a lot every day they are totally worth it, once broken in, laced up and well adjusted they feel like an extension of your body. Going back to plastic shells I feel like the power transfer is much lower, it feels mushy and soft.

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад

      Agreed that there's nothing like a well-fitting carbon boot that just just gives your foot a hug when you step into them. I'm fortunate with how my SL fit, because as you said once broken in they're more comfortable (if they fit properly!). And yeah, that power transfer difference is night-and-day. I sometimes miss the shock absorption of my urban boots though, especially landing jumps. But as I said in the video, I'm sold on a carbon boot with integrated liner. I'm still curious about a carbon boot with a liner, like the wizards though. I want to try everything!
      Thanks for stopping by and the comment :)

    • @Deliverygirl
      @Deliverygirl Год назад

      @@rerollinginline The SL is also my current street skate, paired with a 3x125 267mm frame. I do use Superfeet carbon insoles that do a pretty good job at shock absorbing in the heel. I think in the future to try and gut these SLs once they are really worn down and stuff an Intuition liner in there. Love the videos, keep it up.

  • @piotrovitz
    @piotrovitz Год назад +1

    19:45 you could consider geting the Endless 100 RB that fits ssm165 and with most of the boots offers the 3x125 option :)

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад

      Yeah I realized after another comment that I should pin a comment explaining the difference between standard Endless 100 and the RB version with longitudinal mounting holes. But obviously I’d have to buy yet another frame to use them, which I didn’t want to do

  • @GameConnoisseur69
    @GameConnoisseur69 Год назад +1

    Wizard frames on a Carbon freeride/slalom boot looks like an absolute dream gotta try out the endless 90s

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад

      Can't go wrong with Endless 90s. What do you typically skate?

    • @GameConnoisseur69
      @GameConnoisseur69 Год назад

      I'm currently on the FR rockered 4X80 frame, looking for something with more stability and better on rougher pavement. I'm a fan of the playfulness and swivelyness of an 80mm slalom frame so Im lead to believe I wouldn't enjoy the 100 as much

  • @johnviera3884
    @johnviera3884 Год назад +1

    I used hockey skates for 12 years and just switched to Powerslide Next Charcoal 110. I love skating with them, but it takes me 10 minutes to put them on. So many straps and laces.

  • @nathanvigil4273
    @nathanvigil4273 Год назад +1

    This vid helped so much with what skates I've been looking to buy thanks so much

  • @philoki
    @philoki Год назад +2

    Your Soul Slides look dope as alwasy!
    I'm planning to get the FR SL Speed (lower ankle cuff, more freedom of movement) + the Sago 5 Pro Frame, which is essentially a Wizard Advanced Frame for only 200$ that fits the 165 mounting system. Have you heard of them? They have 100mm wheels in the front and back, which helps with shock absorption on rough terrain and toe/heel flatland tricks due to increased stability

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад

      Thanks! Those SL Speed boots look awesome. I’d love to know what that integrated Intuition liner is like. I went with the normal SL to have more support, but I’d love to know what the speed feel like. Yeah I’ve seen those frames. They’re the orange wheel ones, lol. Doesn’t look like something I’d try unless I got more into Wizard skating and wanted to experiment more. I have the Arc, which are great for my needs.

  • @jmin1029
    @jmin1029 Год назад +1

    Great videos and explanations as always. I just got back into skating at 38 as well. I don't know why I ever stopped. Rocking the k2 fit 90 at moment, now that the balance and muscle memory is back. I know I want the endless 90 for more aggressive speed. Just being indecisive on picking a hard boot.

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад

      Welcome back! The only thing I don't like about skating is that I stopped doing it for 22 years. But I'm having an absolute blast now. Never saw myself starting a RUclips channel either... but here we are, lol. Happy skating and good luck finding your next skate!

  • @LocoSkates
    @LocoSkates Год назад +1

    Loved the content… looking forward to seeing more from the channel 🙌

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад +1

      Cheers and much appreciated coming from Loco, I’m a fan! 🙏

  • @ebromoto
    @ebromoto Год назад +1

    Dude your reviews and your skating is killer! Great job - Subbed!

  • @何正尹
    @何正尹 9 месяцев назад +2

    Does the vibrations from suboptimal pavement and sidewalk cracks make your foot numb in the FR SL? And did the jumps still hurt after breaking in?

  • @BladeDan852
    @BladeDan852 Год назад +2

    That's some skate setup adventure you've been on. I enjoy switching from the smaller to bigger wheel setup, too, that my Stay Low frame offers. My next setup will probably be the High/Low setup that I haven't tried before but would like to just for fun and something different. It's great how there is such a wide range of skate setups available for different styles of skating that you can choose from. Just keep rolling out there, and by the way, I think Bill went with the new Cross🔥🔥 skates it'll be interesting what he thinks of them.

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад

      Oh yeah the variety of equipment and diversity of skills/disciplines is one of the amazing and unique things about skating. I saw that Bill went with the Crossfire (I'm finally on Instagram). I just had my 3rd roll in mine today. Still breaking them in!

  • @MaximDybarskiy
    @MaximDybarskiy Год назад

    I am 36 and I have started a year ago. This is so much fun!

  • @MasonAveKid437
    @MasonAveKid437 11 месяцев назад +1

    Hell yeah, what up Philly! Currently only have hi-lo 76/80 bauer/mission hockey skates. Looking for a more something that feels a bit smoother on Philly's less smooth surfaces. Is there a big difference between the 90's and 100's as far as that goes?

  • @seancoonce9845
    @seancoonce9845 Месяц назад

    Love the GiantBomb hoodie 🤘

  • @photomorti
    @photomorti Год назад +2

    I thought my seba high light carbon pro + endless 100 frame was the best i ever had untill i got a Seba CJ prime with intuition premium liner and Wizard NR100 frame and its just next level atleast from my experience.
    They are a bit heavier but the support and precision you get from this combination is insane i feel super confident in these skates. I hope i can get my hands on a full carbon wizard boot for the future to really go next level :D

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад

      Wizard skates are certainly on my list of stuff I want to try! I've almost bought them a few times, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. Maybe one day...

    • @janar7507
      @janar7507 Год назад

      hey man, you use a gutted shell + liner? or use the same size like Seba Us6 + liner us6?

    • @photomorti
      @photomorti Год назад +1

      @@janar7507 If you talking about me no i use the normal non gutted Seba cj 2 primes with a removable liner. If wizard skates comes out with a new carbon boot im going to get that one probably to really get the most high end setup possible.

    • @janar7507
      @janar7507 Год назад

      @@photomorti thank you man! Is so weird found a good size. I practice ice skating in inline. And ordered a cj 2 prime 7 and a 6/6.5 intuition. Hope it fit good 🥹

    • @photomorti
      @photomorti Год назад

      @@janar7507 I could probably go 1 size lower but i installed some 45 degree angle buckles instead of the normal strap and now i get basicly no heel lift. So i dont really see a reason to downsize at this point im very happy with the fit and i can easily skate them for 2 hours without pain.
      The very hard liner tongue did take some time to get used to at first , i kept getting shin pain from the pressure but that goes away. I love really stiff hard tongues , gives me so much control.

  • @BretMiller
    @BretMiller Год назад +1

    thank you for making this video! it's very helpful for me in deciding which skate configuration to try. i'm thinking of going with a 4x90mm setup. curious, have you experimented with different bearings? i use bones swiss ceramic bearings in all of my skateboard cruiser builds. i'm thinking of trying them in a 4x90mm inline skate build but it's an expensive upgrade since there are twice as many wheels in an inline skate as in a skateboard.

  • @Toady85
    @Toady85 Год назад +2

    Pretty cool informative vid ❤

  • @danielames3937
    @danielames3937 6 месяцев назад

    What roller skates would you recommend for someone who lives in a small country town with rough/bumpy chip and tar rodes? I prefer speed first, then comfort. When I say comfort, I mean less vibration. These skates will just be used to go up and down roads and sidewalks; no tricks or anything. Please give me a middle of the rode price for first recommendation and a budget recommendation. If it's the same model for both that's fine too. Thank you.

  • @chrisogrady28
    @chrisogrady28 Год назад +2

    Thank you for mentioning your foot size, I've got sice 47 feet and really struggle with frames being so short and unstable. My current setup is a 3x100 and the wheelbase is only about 236mm

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад

      Oof. Yeah, that sounds rough. Are they Powerslides? Have you tried a longer frame?

    • @chrisogrady28
      @chrisogrady28 Год назад

      @@rerollinginline yeah powerslide swell, just checked it's actually 231mm, jave it all the way back but still easy to fall back on when jumping. The boots are also too narrow for my feet really so want to put together a new pair like maybe RB crossfire with endless 100

    • @nicoboulanger9805
      @nicoboulanger9805 Год назад +1

      I got the endless 100s under my size 47 feet. Love them! I also had a problem with the way to short stock frames.
      Going to try 5 wheel frames next out-of curiosity.

  • @nigelbrown2274
    @nigelbrown2274 Год назад +1

    very interesting, thanks for the upload!

  • @Qbukekw
    @Qbukekw Год назад +2

    Hi there 🙂
    I am loving this work of yours as I loved all the other videos I watched on your channel. Keep it up!
    I am debating between the endless 90 and the 100. I do very very similar skating to yours (even though way less advanced), so one might think the 90's might be perfect. My feet are bigger than yours (270 mm) though and you mentioned, that you really wanted the frame to be longer than your feet. How much longer do you think is advisable? The 90 is 11mm longer with your feet, with mine it would be 6mm longer.
    Your estimation would mean a lot to me and I of course am very well aware, that it can only be an estimation 🙂

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад

      What frames are you using currently and what do you have experience with?
      Also… to help complicate things, Endless offers the “Endless 90 ES” (Enhanced Stability) that’s 291mm wheelbase, so in between the standard Endless 90 (276mm) and Endless 100(303mm)

    • @Qbukekw
      @Qbukekw Год назад

      ​@@rerollinginline Yeah, the ES version really doesn't make the decisionmaking easier ^^
      Thank you for your answer, really appreciate it!
      Sry for the wall of text in advance: Don't worry in case you can't find the time to read it and answer to the initial question (rather buy endless 90 or 100?), it would be infinitely comprehensible. You know.... I am hooked with your stuff already anyways and there is not really such a thing that could change that right now ;D
      I am using the stock frames that came with my Rollerblade Cruisers (flat 4x 80). I got them one year ago and I like them so far, though I haven't experienced anything else yet. They were my first skates since I skated as a kid. I never learned it properly back then.
      Today I love using my skates to make the city my playground. Therefore I have to learn it properly: My most recent accomplishment has been getting very confident with my powerslides. After mastering it on my weaker side too, my next step will be getting better at the soul slide, I loved your tutorial on that one! I also like doing little jumps and in general being very playful; at least as far as my skilllevel allows. A friend of mine has been teaching me some little dance moves recently. Getting better at that is not at all an A-goal, but I like playing around with it.
      Yes, I like using my skates for going from A to B, but I don't feel the urge to cover the distance very very quickly. Often thats actually not really possible in the citycenter anyways. I am much rather looking out for fun little sequences to play with in between my journey.
      I think this describes where I am at with the stock 4x 80 rollerblade cruiser frames right now...
      Again, sry for the wall of text! 😁😅

  • @BladeRunner-PFK
    @BladeRunner-PFK Год назад +1

    Have your tried the Adapt Hi-Lo at 90-90-84-84 frames? Also their new carbon boots look a lot better than Carbon FR skates. As you've mentioned FR skates are too tight with many straps and long around the ankles. I am still waiting for my Adpat SuperLeggera boots to be made but when you look at the design in their YT videos, they are not only free around the ankles and low but also has a very good forward bend and looks like glove fitting, similar to Missoin Hockey skates. They are also leaps and bounds to the hockeys skates you show on this video. Perhaps another option to try ;-)

  • @gameloozer731
    @gameloozer731 Год назад

    I bought my first pair a year ago. I wear a size 12.5US so on 80mm wheels the boot extends far past the wheels. I just ordered the FR1 90’s and I’m hoping that will add some stability.

  • @rollingdubaiguy6415
    @rollingdubaiguy6415 Год назад +1

    I've been finding the same thing with my Carbon Flying Eagle Drifts. They feel so good for slalom (I'm a very basic slalom skater) and when I put a big wheel frame on them (rockin' mix 100/90) they feel amazing for control but man do they hurt my toes when jumping and landing. I'm not sure what to do. Keep them as a slalom-only skate or keep the big wheel frame on them but limit (or eliminate) jumping while skating them. Great video of your skate set-up journey!

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад +1

      I’ve adjusted how I land jumps in these skates and I just land with my feet more flat. Of course you have to be careful not to put too much weight backwards and fall or slip out. I do the same when rolling rough terrain, which also rattle my toes if my weight is forward. I shift my weight ever so slightly back off my toes and it makes a big difference.

    • @rollingdubaiguy6415
      @rollingdubaiguy6415 Год назад

      @@rerollinginline Thanks. I have also tried to adjust how I land from jumps when using my carbon skates by bending my legs more. Its a better way to absorb shock anyway! But my carbon skates are very tight. I'm thinking Rollerblade Crossfire are going to be a good option for me based on the reviews I am seeing.

  • @BigDaddyMacc
    @BigDaddyMacc Год назад +3

    im 38 and i never skated... but just thinking of skating home from work would be so chill.

    • @gbj6581
      @gbj6581 7 месяцев назад

      I used to commute to work on rollerblades back in the day. Its fun, convenient and is forced exercise : )

  • @Drunken_Hamster
    @Drunken_Hamster Год назад +1

    What wheel count/size would you rec for urban skating x freestyle slalom (those dancy shuffle/moonwalk moves) without losing the ability to do the wizard 3-shape moves and without being too fast (or not acceleratable enough) for a roller rink? My foot size is 28.5-29cm (space included) and 11cm wide.
    Also, what do you think a 329mm wheelbase 90-84-80-76-72 frame with an Endless style rocker might feel like? Just as a hypothetical "evolution" or modification to the Arc frames to perhaps make them more like hockey frames.

  • @intro-sc1ut
    @intro-sc1ut 10 месяцев назад +1

    Hello, Im looking to upgrade to the FR SL's with endless 90's as well. How come you didn't go with the speeds? Also, my foot size is 12 US, would you recommended going with the endless 90 ES frames or would I be ok with regular 90 frames. Thanks, enjoy your videos and insight.

  • @johnviera3884
    @johnviera3884 23 дня назад

    you have to try the Endless 90 LR FRAME with the 3x100 wheels.

  • @ryakuss1987
    @ryakuss1987 3 месяца назад

    Looking at getting my first set of actual nice skates, great video! Always have ridden a hard shell and a little nervous about the SL Thinking go with the FR1 intuition. My foots 267 mm long 110 wide, can you recommend size? Think you said you're 265? Thanks!

  • @NoQualmsTheArtist
    @NoQualmsTheArtist Год назад +1

    Thanks for this video. I'm in a similar situation, getting back into skating after decades. How do you make your GoPro stick disappear?

  • @Martz604
    @Martz604 Год назад +1

    Great video and thanks for your thoughts on all these setups! I do think the 90mm frames offer the best versatility between cruising speed and acceleration. I have the Endless 90 on my FR1 and the NR100 for the Seba Wizard combo and usually always feel more agile on the FR1. I hope to get the new Rollerblade Crossfire carbon skate for some more slalom-y kind of stuff on a rockered 80mm setup.

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад +1

      Thanks! Yeah and of course everyone will be different, which is one of the cool things about skating. There's a diversity in skating that's pretty unique vs a lot of other sports/activities. I'd love to try a wizard skate at some point.
      But yeah, the 90s make me feel like "a stable ninja", essentially.

  • @Loukaih
    @Loukaih Год назад +1

    Whipping through the city like I stole something hahaha 12:02

  • @Cheezmonka
    @Cheezmonka 7 месяцев назад

    I would love to get 90mm frames and wheels but where I live there are just SO MANY HILLS that I'm sticking with 80mm while I learn and build skills.

  • @ItalianMatchaVlogs
    @ItalianMatchaVlogs Год назад +1

    how do you rotate the camera view 360° at 14:50 min?

  • @sdlmpo109
    @sdlmpo109 Год назад +1

    Really good insight! For US 11 size do you think endless 90 or 100 is best? For a mix of wizard, cruise and some jumps

  • @sinasho6530
    @sinasho6530 Год назад +1

    Hi guys . I am 32 and I haven’t skate for over a decade ( I was semi beginner ) … then I lost interest and I want to skate again for fun . In dubai all the roads are very flat and clean so no bumpy roads . Cam u tell me which skate I should go for ? I am a bit over weight as well so I’m thinking going for soft boots for better comfort . Appreciate your answer

  • @thuando6556
    @thuando6556 Год назад +1

    Thank you man!! I listen to you during fortnite to help me 😁

  • @bramvanmil8754
    @bramvanmil8754 Год назад +1

    Nice to read how much you like the FR SL with Endless 90. I'm using the same setup for about 9 months now. I got rid of all my other skates and stopped experimenting. It's just the ideal setup for me, 90s as the standard setup and 110s for long fast rides.
    Keep up the good work with your channel, been enjoying watching your skating!

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад +1

      Awesome! Yeah, it's a fantastic setup. But I still want to try literally everything, lol.

  • @dannyt2471
    @dannyt2471 Год назад +1

    Great videos. Keep up the good work.

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад

      Thanks for dropping by and commenting, I appreciate it!

  • @jacek5587
    @jacek5587 2 месяца назад +1

    what time do you skate at? so empty streets...

  • @Geelani333
    @Geelani333 Год назад +1

    At one point you mention a certain setup feeling “sticky” is there a setup that you find that quality not as prevalent in? I’ve got all 80s on old hockey skates I had and I’m battling that issue.

  • @dpadboy1666
    @dpadboy1666 Год назад +1

    Man what do you use to record yourself while skating? It looks so awesome!

  • @xytroncore
    @xytroncore 3 месяца назад

    Nice video dude. I’ve been looking to get into skating myself, but finding skates in stock is becoming a real PITA. I dunno if it’s a seasonal thing or what

  • @freshasadaisy4782
    @freshasadaisy4782 Год назад

    A really good, entertaining piece of inline skating video and storytelling. 👌
    Thanks a lot for this.
    I've been stuck with the FR1 and FR2 for years and I'm thirsty for change. I hope at some point I can make the leap to a well-fitting carbon skate.
    I hesitate because heat molding doesn't help with a narrow foot. As soon as you use ankle booties, the advantage of a glued-in liner is gone imo.

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад +1

      Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yeah I think that "well-fitting" qualifier you used is an important one for carbon, especially considering the price and availability for some folks, or inability to exchange sizes etc. I'm fortunate with how my SL fit. Though I still don't see why everyone says FR's fit wide. My medium feet have been happy in them. And I'm still exploring of course, which is one of the reasons I picked up the Rollerblade Crossfire. I'm holding off talking much about the Crossfire until I've at least broken them in. I wish I could try everything, lol.

  • @victoralcorta
    @victoralcorta Год назад +1

    Great video man, as usual, thank you for the extensive explanation and put effort on every detail, being said that, I was about to buy endless 80 to try out that balanced rockered because 90 I think would be a little bit big for my foot size (40 EUW), and I normally use 76 mm, talking about that I will need to buy some new wheels for that and bearings, may I ask what you recommend there? I've noticed that you always has this white wheels, what brand they are? are they worth? durable?
    Thank you,
    Cheers from Uruguay! 💪

    • @rerollinginline
      @rerollinginline  Год назад +1

      Thank you! Yes, the white wheels are Rollerblade Hydrogen - they're amazing and I highly recommend them! They come in all sizes.
      Bearings I don't think are as important, but I've had good success with the "FR Twincam MW9 Tilalium": These came on my FR1 skates. I'm not sure what's available in Uruguay, but I personally like double-shielded bearings. Basically the best bearings to me are the ones that stay the cleanest.

    • @TheDragonsFlare
      @TheDragonsFlare Год назад

      I will also recommend the Endless 90. Once I updated my boot to a carbon one (still in the breaking period) I wanted to try the Endless 84/80 but after using them both, the 90 feel so good specially for urban skating. I came from 76 and the Endless 90 are the best. Also fully agree with the Oxygen wheels. They are the best and are very durable. I have a set that have been using for 2 years (skating miles and miles) and they sill have a year or so on them hehe also they are easier to find in south America

    • @victoralcorta
      @victoralcorta Год назад

      @@rerollinginline Awesome, thank you for the comments! will check them out, and thank you for the webpage as well, always is good to have another alternatives, I used to brought things from USA or EU, because unluckily here there are not too much things to buy.
      Thank you again! nice videos man!

  • @jairoquintero26
    @jairoquintero26 Год назад +1

    how long did it take for you to skates fully in your new skates after changing from hockey skates .. thanks very informative video

  • @mean78mashine
    @mean78mashine 6 месяцев назад

    Respekt, soo cool, i wold love to try the endless 100. you really ride like you stole it 🙂