Arcane: The Art of Perspective (Full Spoilers)

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 63

  • @renzocypers1683
    @renzocypers1683 2 года назад +46

    you never miss with these, the combination of your way to convey the feelings of a story with the masterpiece that is arcane can only result in 10 perfect minutes

    • @HarshReviews
      @HarshReviews  2 года назад +3

      Thanks so much! Glad you enjoy my style I appreciate that a lot :)))

  • @isamendez8525
    @isamendez8525 2 года назад +7

    When Silco says "don't cry you are perfect" after she shot him really tore me apart

  • @carloszerna4514
    @carloszerna4514 2 года назад +6

    Silco’s last words had me tearing up so much! Great vid man I can’t wait to finish the way of kings to watch your other videos!

  • @waynejia9322
    @waynejia9322 2 года назад +22

    Amazing vid!
    As for your question: its not who is right, but understanding why everyone takes certain actions. They can all be argued as right(except jinx whose just a hot psycho), as they were raised in different environements, and each have different perspective on topics. Perhaps Arcane was trying to portray the real world to show the viewer that all sides have their own story, and judging without full context is outright wrong.

    • @HarshReviews
      @HarshReviews  2 года назад +3

      So true! No one is really right here, but they kind of are in their own ways at the same time, which is why I think that question “of who do you think is right”is so effective

  • @CapitanDePlai
    @CapitanDePlai 2 года назад +10

    Always a pleasure when i hear these kind of reviews that match perfectly with my understanding and appreciation of this masterpiece

  • @henhen33
    @henhen33 2 года назад +1

    Omg...I love Ur deeply review...huffhhh...
    My tears!
    This is really the beauty of perspective

  • @darthfisa6165
    @darthfisa6165 2 года назад +4

    Thank've put into words a lot of what I saw and felt when I watched Arcane.

  • @muf_inn6740
    @muf_inn6740 2 года назад +10

    You always make such nice videos
    Great perspective as always

  • @ziadahmed3095
    @ziadahmed3095 2 года назад +2

    Wow, honeslty brought a couple of perspectives to light that flew over my head. That's amazing how you highlight that there isn't a true evil or good in a world of chaos.

  • @GoldenRo
    @GoldenRo 2 года назад +6


  • @sadanandbhushan6713
    @sadanandbhushan6713 2 года назад

    It's breathtaking How you convey and express all of our hindsighted thoughts and feeling about the shows we love and feel for... And I'd love to see u make more of these and Thank you🙏💝

  • @vivy6079
    @vivy6079 2 года назад +2

    your videos are amazing i love this feeling when you talk about these types of anime

  • @noelleofnaath7600
    @noelleofnaath7600 2 года назад +2

    Who do I think is right? Well, before I answer that, let me first speak on the thing I like most about your video- your scene selection:
    Example A: When you speak of Vander not wanting to sacrifice people for change, you showed the moment Vander removed his gauntlets to pick up the girls… the most literal interpretation of what you said. And you contrast that against Silco hugging a weeping Powder- because while many of Silco’s actions can be seen as hypocritical, when he whispers to Powder, “We will show them all”, his desire for Zaun to benefit those of the undercity feels genuine. And both images show the characters surrounded by the flames of violence, showing their similarities- despite their very different choices. Well done!
    Example B: When you highlight how we all think we’re doing the right thing, you show Powder being blown from the factory, right before the fatal repercussions, and contrast that against Vi whose act, while understandable, can be seen as needlessly causing far more harm than she intended. But what was particularly lovely? When you say, “At the end of the day it all depends on… perspective”, the last word said as we are staring into Vi’s eyes.
    This is no random b-roll footage- and that’s not to throw shade on those who utilize it: these videos are work-intensive, and time consuming. And the fact that your image and word choice is so specific, is what makes the production particularly good. Too bad your essay betrays you. Why? Let me answer that question now: who do I think is right?
    Mel Medarda is right! You believe me, right? I mean, Riot even had Jayce state it plainly: “With respect I don’t give a **** what any of you think of me anymore. Except you. You were right. You were always right.” And every point of view is valid, right?
    Nope; you don’t agree- not if I were to base the answer on this essay. That’s why I wanted to highlight your choices- because what you leave out is as telling as what you leave in.
    There are numerous shots of many characters, and whole sections devoted to Silco and Ekko. Ambessa gets 3: her first appearance, where she is surrounded by light, but her visage encased in darkness; her speaking with Jayce in the bath- a shot of her profile from a great distance; her last appearance, as she stands in front of the damaged painting, her back to us. But one could say, hey- she’s a supporting character who shows up at the 11th hour; she should only factor but so much.
    But far more problematic is the treatment of Mel. Mel, who is a main character, with her own poster- the actor who voices her even did the press rounds. She shows up 5 times in this video- and in a particularly striking way:
    1. When she is gazing into the sunset, very tiny against the backdrop; Elora looms larger, since she’s coming into the scene.
    2. Young Mel, small in age, stature, and literally so small she’s barely visible on the screen.
    3. Mel speaking with Jayce before his speech: again, mostly a profile, and so small, when she turns to face us, you can’t see her features at all.
    4. Mel on the terrace outside her fundraiser, zoomed in, and larger than life!
    Of course I’m kidding! It’s much of the same, but shows even more bias. Because not only is it another tiny image, but you contrast the scene itself with the firelight sanctuary. You call the Piltover air “perhaps… artificial”, as opposed to the firelights “breathing fresh air, straight from an organic healthy tree.” Perhaps, indeed. There is nothing in the show to even imply that Piltover air is artificial- it’s one of the their privileges. And while I certainly agree trees are helpful for clean air are you seriously trying to assert many breathing air, in a building… with just one tree is superior to one woman breathing on an open balcony, in one of the seeming tallest buildings in the city?
    And also, let’s look at that last image….
    5. It’s the scene where the bomb is barreling towards the council. It is the only image of Mel that is a close-up, although, again, her back is turned- the shot zooms out before we get a full look at her face. And, in your narration, the word you utter when she’s in the frame is “simple”, on “yet” the virtual camera pans back, and “daunting” is the word said when we see the bomb. And frankly, that in a nutshell describes Piltover proper vs. the undercity: the lanes are daunting, but topside? Simple.
    So imagine that: one of the main characters, and you do not show Mel’s face one time- despite her having numerous close-ups. And while she is often bathed in light, wearing white, you went out of your way to use the tiniest, most obscure moments where she is either in shadow and/or wearing her black outfit. The council doesn’t fare any better. Barring Heimerdinger, there is exactly one shot of the council, from an overhead, where they are tiny, and, again obscured. Even at the beginning, when you say, “the fine streets of Piltover, with its remarkable progress and prosperity”, it would have been the perfect time to use one of the images from Progress Day, since it was virtually the only time we saw citizens that were not main or supporting characters. But nope, just a picture of the sky.
    I’m thinking you see what I am getting at. You said, “every character we come across not only has their own perspective but also a personal touch that leaves its mark”. Clearly not, if Mel didn’t even warrant a decent picture of her, let alone an elaboration of her point of view on… well, anything. When you said the show “manages to convince you of [Silco’s] humanity, his vulnerability- by giving you his perspective”, it strikes me as ironic, since Mel’s humanity was summarily stripped away from her, by you. That’s why I focused on your image selection: there is nothing like staring at someone’s face to reveal his/her’s humanity, and Fortiche excelled at depicting emotions you only see in live action. And when you render someone small, faceless, always with their back to the audience, that is a simple, and very subtle way to dehumanize him/her.
    I took a break from this to do stuff, and decided to watch a reaction before continuing. I could add yet another “b****”, and “seductress” to the pile of adjectives I have most often heard spoken about Mel. Doesn’t much sound like they are humanizing her. And it’s not an isolated example.
    I’m not trying to get you to love Mel, or Piltover, btw. Make a dozen videos on Silco; considering how often I’ve read comments by people who wanted him to be their father, thought he was right in his lechery, if it freed the undercity, and hashtagged #silcowasright!, you’d receive a high view count!
    What I am saying is that while I agree with you on several things (ie the breathe taking cinematography), your language on perspective is excessive: there are POVs that loom large, and others so apparently insignificant they were never mentioned (like, exactly why was the council initially against independence, and what changed their mind?). And the perspectives that were present (like Mel’s), you ignored entirely, so how thorough and resonant can their portrayal(s) be?
    So, it doesn’t excel at depicting the various perspectives present in the story, but it not terrible either… I guess. However, I enjoyed thinking on this, and honing my thoughts. So thanks for that! Also, thanks for the read- I know it’s long, but you can’t do a thorough counter in a soundbite.

    • @HarshReviews
      @HarshReviews  2 года назад

      Thanks for writing this out, I appreciate your thoughts! Glad you enjoyed the scenes I chose in the intro, I tried my best to bring my words to life there. Now, about the rest of the video. If I spent the entire video discussing every single perspective in depth, showing how every single character's perspective is valid, that would be a long, long video, and I simply didn't want to make that long of a video. I wasn't really targeting Mel or portraying her in a bad light. That being said, I think you're looking too deep into the shots I chose for Mel, because I just thought those were cool looking cinematic shots, as well as the scene with the council. Just because I didn't spotlight her story arc doesn't mean I think less of it, and there wasn't a reason for choosing the scenes I did; they just looked cool, dude. I try to make my scene selection as meaningful as possible, but sometimes I pick scenes so 1) It looks cool, 2) I don't lose my sanity in finding a scene for every word I speak. However, I see where you're coming from, and your points about my assumption of Piltover's air are very fair. My point wasn't to put Piltover down, rather to highlight what I loved about the Firelights. So yeah, sorry if the video wasn't what you were looking for, and I'm glad I could receive insightful criticism like this :)

  • @ammarajabbar2232
    @ammarajabbar2232 2 года назад +9

    love your videos 💜

  • @loycos3648
    @loycos3648 2 года назад +18

    This video is about perspectives, and well, I can offer mine. I'm shocked to see how many people jump to defend Silco and paint his actions as if done out of pure love. I don't doubt that he loved Jinx, but that love is toxic and twisted. the fact that it's true love doesn't change anything (and we don't know how true it is). people often hurt people they genuinely love and even more often would rightfully claim that love is the reason they do what they do in the first place. Silco's love in unhealthy and despite what Jinx said, he *created* Jinx, using her trauma from Vi's abandonment as fuel.
    A lot of people compare Silco to Vander. it is an obvious comparison to make, considering their history and stories. but I don't see people comparing Silco to another narrative foil of his: Caitlyn. there's a reason they are the only 2 members present in the very last scene alongside the two sisters. Silco and Caitlyn have a similar place in the narrative for the sisters: both appear in each of the sisters' lowest point in her life, offer their support and compassion. both become a sort of life-line for each sister; Vi and Jinx are traumatized young people who latch onto the first person to offer them kindness rather quickly. Both open the sisters to a world view they haven't considered before. Both are hell bent on protecting their respective sister to the bitter end.
    The difference: Silco stands for lies and betrayal. Caitlyn stands for truth and trust. and you can see in the last episode how that influence affected each of the sisters.
    as Jinx said, "I thought you could love me like you used to... even thought I'm... different. But you changed too".

    • @loycos3648
      @loycos3648 2 года назад +3

      Also, Vi blames Silco for changing Powder and wants to end him to bring her sister back.... and Jinx... well... do i need to explain how she feels about Caitlyn?

    • @HarshReviews
      @HarshReviews  2 года назад +1

      Fair points! But I don’t think I’m defending silco here, I mention many times that “just for a second, the show manages to convince you of silco’s humanity.” He is toxic and he is evil but my point was that he’s still human. Not to mention, Silco’s VA confirmed that Silco was not going to give up jinx for anything, so I think it’s safe to say there is love there. I agree with you though, he did create Jinx, and he is 100% at fault but my point wasn’t about that. Thanks for the comment :))

    • @hinnyu7748
      @hinnyu7748 2 года назад +3

      Defending Silco does not mean he was never wrong. I also defend Silco JUST because most people throw allegations/accusations at him that he never did, never said, or sometimes something that does not make sense just because we are “supposed” to hate him because he is a “bad person”.
      It irks me that people blame all the shit to Silco as if Jinx does not have any bit of agency to herself. She's a smart girl, disturbed, but she has the ability to make her own decisions. Wrong decisions but she's the one who made them.
      Same thing with Mylo, he has a miniscule amount of screentime but people managed to make a whole narrative on why he is evil and why we “supposed” to hate him.. while he's just an insecure kid.

  • @Pixotes12
    @Pixotes12 2 года назад +3

    Great video as always! I really love how u give us your perspective and thoughts about all this wonderful series.

  • @BakirTorkman
    @BakirTorkman 2 года назад +1

    Aayyyy another banger from my boy

  • @HelloPenguinYT
    @HelloPenguinYT 2 года назад

    Fountain talk of just hits different ....

  • @1JasperStories
    @1JasperStories 2 года назад +3

    SIlco & Viktor my mvps.

    • @HarshReviews
      @HarshReviews  2 года назад

      You have exquisite taste good sir

  • @suto5704
    @suto5704 2 года назад +2

    Fantastic analysis

  • @devampurohit4929
    @devampurohit4929 2 года назад +1

    I was waiting!!!

  • @ahmedramadan53
    @ahmedramadan53 2 года назад +1

    Banger as always

  • @akhileshbhardwaj3756
    @akhileshbhardwaj3756 2 года назад

    Damn it i should have hit the bell i was wondering if you posted or not.

  • @scarffromash9456
    @scarffromash9456 2 года назад +4

    Nice video!!

  • @Pavl0sss
    @Pavl0sss 2 года назад +1

    the music is gonna make me rewatch it

  • @dalhadalha7533
    @dalhadalha7533 2 года назад +1

    Might watch this now

  • @danielmugisha3725
    @danielmugisha3725 2 года назад +2

    Great video arcane is just amazing.

  • @akashhag618
    @akashhag618 2 года назад +1

    I am still waiting for oikawa's video for manga

  • @MrKinLV
    @MrKinLV 2 года назад +2

    I would love you to do more video's on Arcane.

  • @iamlinax1025
    @iamlinax1025 2 года назад +1

    Yay some harsh content!!!!

  • @lucase6077
    @lucase6077 2 года назад +5

    A spoiler tag would be nice for the people who haven't watched it yet. I want to watch it now, but I won't because I kinda know a lot about it now and that takes it away from the experience.

    • @HarshReviews
      @HarshReviews  2 года назад +1

      Apologies for that. It should’ve been in the description though?

    • @lucase6077
      @lucase6077 2 года назад

      @@HarshReviews It could be in the beggining of the video, you could just say "Spoilers Ahead" or "If you haven't watched it yet I advise you not to hear this part/watch this segment" in a specific part that has big spoilers or something of the sort. Nothing that takes away from your video, just a little warning for people like me.

    • @HarshReviews
      @HarshReviews  2 года назад +1

      @@lucase6077 Yeah, I should've done that my bad dude

    • @lucase6077
      @lucase6077 2 года назад

      @@HarshReviews You did it in the Title, that's great, man. I think that is already enough. And don't worry about it, it happens.

  • @hinnyu7748
    @hinnyu7748 2 года назад

    Defending Silco does not mean he was never wrong. I also defend Silco JUST because most people throw allegations/accusations at him about something that he never did, never said, or sometimes something that does not make sense just because we are “supposed” to hate him because he is a “bad person”.
    It irks me that people blame all the shit to Silco as if Jinx does not have any bit of agency to herself. She's a smart girl, disturbed, but she has the ability to make her own decisions. Wrong decisions but she's the one who made them.
    Same thing with Mylo, he has a miniscule amount of screentime but people managed to make a whole narrative on why he is evil and why we “supposed” to hate him.. while he's just an insecure kid.

  • @elijahmcdaniels922
    @elijahmcdaniels922 2 года назад

    He don’t miss

  • @BLUD796
    @BLUD796 2 года назад

    Pls do a video on ushiwaka

  • @josef-english4904
    @josef-english4904 2 года назад +6

    Yeah, man, one of my favourite characters is Silco, although he's a bad guy and so.

  • @tryoncemore8570
    @tryoncemore8570 2 года назад

    I had a feeling the Video was going in that direction by the way you described Silco in contrast to the other characters at the start of the video. For me, Silco was simply the biggest hyprocite of them all and I didn't feel anything but joy by his demise. What made it even better was the fact that he died by his own creation and ignorance to his own importance to said creation. He never was this "changed Man" that had overcome the pain and despair by his brothers betrayal, that he was always meandering about. It was a delusion he placed upon himself to justify his actions and set aside morality. His relationship with Jinx is a parody of a father-daughter dynamic and they are the worst people to have found each other. In the aftermath of Silcos plan to murder Vander and his children including Powder btw, but I know Silco lovers are quick to forget that part to indulge themselves in their fantasy about them having some sort of healthy relationship going on.

    • @HarshReviews
      @HarshReviews  2 года назад

      These are all fair points! But btw I didn’t mention even once that powder and silco’s relationship was healthy, but to me it was definitely real. They cared for each other, even though they were both going off the rails. Yes, silco planned to kill powder when she was a kid, but overtime he did care for her. We’ve seen that trope done many times where people who were formerly enemies become close allies, I don’t see anything new in that department.

  • @k.sedits8056
    @k.sedits8056 2 года назад


  • @CzarsSalad
    @CzarsSalad 2 года назад +5

    Silco has never been a father to Jinx. If he truly loves Jinx and treated her like a true daughter then he should not have denied her Vi. I could not sympathize with him.
    He is like my estranged wife. She poisons my daughter's mind by all the lies, and manipulated her to hating me. For me a real parent's love is unselfish.
    Should I believe Silco's final words to Jinx? Maybe. But it's all for the wrong and selfish reasons. His ultimate sacrifice should have been this - let Jinx make the decision on her own. Up to his last breath it's still full of toxicity.
    Again this is just me, a broken father.

    • @griswo3272
      @griswo3272 2 года назад


    • @ziadahmed3095
      @ziadahmed3095 2 года назад

      Perspectives, as the video is titled and that's yours. Your perspective of perfect fatherhood might not apply to Silco but to his perspective he found himself being selfless for her. He sacrificed his entire lifetime goals instead of Jinx. He was on his dying breath and said "I never would've given you to them" I don't think that was an attempt at manipulation since he was dying.

    • @CzarsSalad
      @CzarsSalad 2 года назад

      @@ziadahmed3095 his ultimate sacrifice should have been letting Jinx decide for herself what she wants... not to inject more poison to her mind. This is gaslighting of massive proportions.

  • @TheAnimeAlliance
    @TheAnimeAlliance 2 года назад

    They're all right. They're all wrong.

  • @isobelcarmichael3429
    @isobelcarmichael3429 2 года назад

    Ambessa, Kaitlin and Vander all have the most logical and correct political views when you consider what they say

  • @wpelfeta
    @wpelfeta 2 года назад

    Jinx was right. Eat the rich. Jayce is the real villain.

  • @ArsenalQ8
    @ArsenalQ8 2 года назад +2

    First 🥇