Five Reasons I Am Not Roman Catholic

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • I am sure none of these reasons will be a real shock to anyone. It is clear there are disagreements between the Catholic and Protestant church. My goal is to talk about them in a non combative way to invite conversation.

Комментарии • 351

  • @Sonic2Chronicles
    @Sonic2Chronicles 3 месяца назад +20

    One of your Catholic followers here and I just appreciate you as a brother in Christ. God Bless!

    • @ralphashmore5694
      @ralphashmore5694 3 месяца назад

      Maybe you should leave your Catholic faith,and become a true believer

    • @Sonic2Chronicles
      @Sonic2Chronicles 3 месяца назад +7

      @@ralphashmore5694Catholic church is the true Christian church. God Bless you, bro.

    • @fantasia55
      @fantasia55 3 месяца назад +3

      Church Fathers said those who deny the Real Presence are not Christians.

  • @CliffR
    @CliffR 3 месяца назад +22

    Good video explaining without bashing anyone. Thank you Tim

    • @biblealone9201
      @biblealone9201 3 месяца назад +3

      The prayers of penance are not punishment. Although our sins are forgiven by God through the sacrament, the effects of our sin are still present in the world. The prayers are given for our penance not as punishment but as an attempt on our part to make up for the effects of our sins.
      Then the priest imposes an act of penance or satisfaction on the penitent; this should serve not only to make up for the past but also to help him to begin a new life and provide him with an antidote to weakness. As far as possible, the penance should correspond to the seriousness and nature of the sins. If you break a window you replace that window .This act of penance may suitably take the form of prayer, self-denial, and especially service of one’s neighbor and works of mercy. These will underline the fact that sin and its forgiveness have a social aspect (Rite of Penance, 18).

    • @CatholicPentecostalTalks
      @CatholicPentecostalTalks 2 месяца назад

      When someone shares their opinion in a respectful manner that is always good. I just wish those who explain the Catholic faith would explain accurately by simply quoting the Catechism of the Catholic Church and saying why it is false using scripture vs their personal interpretation of what the church teaches. That way at least everyone can accurately hear or read what the Catholic church stands on.
      It is hard as a Catholic to repetitively hear false interpretations that can misguide others.

  • @mrjustadude1
    @mrjustadude1 3 месяца назад +8

    Hey Tim. I'm Orthodox, but spent most of my life as a Catholic. I appreciate that you review all sorts of materials. I had a few thoughts:
    I think all of these come down to Authority.
    I think "Pay for our sins" might be too clumsy of a way to put the Catholic position.
    I think a better way to put it would be to make amends for or reperation for sins with the understanding that ultimately no amount of Pray, Fasting or Alms giving can pay off the debt of our sins.
    I think there has been a shift in how Catholics talk about this.
    I would also push back a bit on Prayer Fasting and Alms giving being part of Penance. I think yes, they are for the things you mentioned, but you also see fasting as a form of penance in the OT, think Jonah for an example. As far as Alms/ good works goes you have Tobit 12:9 and 1 Peter 4:8.
    In the Orthodox tradition Prayer, Fasting and Alms should be done individually under the guidance of ones Spiritual Father, or as a collective church during the prescribed seasons (like in Jonah)
    You mentioned these three things have "Nothing to do with payment for our sins" and on a certain level I would agree...but Orthodox and Catholics don't believe we are "paying" for the sins. Its more lik making reparations and repenting.
    Repenting involves more than a legalistic process of being declared righteous for Catholics and defiantly for Orthodox.
    I do think where the Catholics get into trouble is byover-emphasizingg legalistic language similar to how protestants do.
    Purgatory is a mess, I agree on that. To be fair to Catholics they don't think that the Souls of those in purgitory can really "do" anything to change the final destination. That ship has sailed, they are now in the purgation process we can pray for them.
    I think the Catholic church has made some pretty big adjustments on purgatory vs the late middle ages...Time, years etc that sort of language.
    I'm more ok with the current definition than the older one, though of course I few it all as speculation that never should have been dogmatized.
    That said, I understand your objections based on protestant eschatology and the protestant tradition that generally doesn't believe that that the Church Glorified and the Church militant can communicate. I personally don't think this is biblical or traditional, but of course that's my opinion and tradition.
    Understand Vernation of Mary and Saints is a major difference. Just a few notes
    Catholics are not required to believe Mary died or didn't die that's open to the individual.
    That said,
    On the Orthodox side we follow the older tradition that she did indeed die, but also that she was assumed into heaven.
    Regardless of if Mary was assumed into heaven or not, it would appear to be an early church belief that she was. by the 2nd and 3rd century and certainly by the 4th relics and the spots where Saints are Buried is a huge deal within Christianity. Rome's high esteem and authority is largely based on it being the location of Peter and Paul.
    I know of a couple sites that claim to be the site of where she died/ was assumed. There are relics, real or fake of her sash, or belt. But I've not seen any reference where you can find her relics.
    Even if one was very skeptical and didn't believe that the relics were real, you would at least expect to see multiple "Fake" relics of Mary...but you don't. To me this proves that the belief that Mary was assumed is very very early...otherwise you would absolutely hear about her relics.
    On the perpetual virginity thing....idk i personally find the Modern Protestant Skepticism on it to be....well odd and a little distasteful. All of the classical protestants agreed on it. I kind of thing it became popular to doubt it out of some sort of "Anti Catholic" setiments. As in Protestants felt like Catholics were going overboard on the veneration and they swung back the other way too hard.
    I mean yes, the gospels are not explicit on if Mary and Joseph did or didn't engage in marital relations. I could make a long comment longer here but I just can't imagine Joseph as a devout Jewish man having martial relations with Mary...given the entire OT it just wouldn't make sense. I think a lot of it is projecting our own sort of sexual sensibilities back on an older time and specific people.
    Also if Mary was a virgin before she had Jesus and if that is important, why wouldn't she stay one after?
    If the bible isn't explicit it makes no sense to assume the less Pius of the two options imo.
    I also notice that you refer to Mary as the Mother of Jesus. I think alot of these issues were hashed out with the Theotokos title for Mary...I mean this kindly but I think a lot of Protestants tend in the direction of Nestorianism which hey, many might not have a problem with.
    2. + 1.)
    We have different ecclesiology but I agree that papal infallibly a heretical development.
    PS you can believe in Apostolic Succession W/O a pope or a papal system.
    Hopefully, that comes off as friendly and engaging with the material vs combative or preachy.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      Thank you for this thoughtful comment!

    • @AnnesiBindings
      @AnnesiBindings 3 месяца назад +1

      This expresses my own response very well.

    • @fantasia55
      @fantasia55 3 месяца назад

      Catholics respect the validity of Orthodox Eucharist.

  • @7Dorie
    @7Dorie 3 месяца назад +7

    Thank you so much Tim! Thoughtfully prepared and presented! I agree with you completely. I am a protestant, but believe Roman Catholics to be my brothers and sisters in Christ. Yes, there are major differences between us (Protestantism and Catholicism) and I would also love to see those differences resolved, but it is important to pray for, support and love each other in the meantime.

  • @georgesemaan743
    @georgesemaan743 3 месяца назад +8

    Hey brother Tim another Catholic follower here. I really appreciate and enjoy your Bible reviews but respectfully and with all charity and brotherly love think it’s best to stick to those reviews! Thank for all you do and “Jesus on “ ! God bless you and your ministry !

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +9

      Well, I can’t review bibles in every video. Unless perhaps you’d like to donate a large box of them. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 My pockets aren’t deep enough.

    • @melindaanne6036
      @melindaanne6036 2 месяца назад

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviewsthank you for this video! This is your channel and you can do whatever you want with it! If someone doesn’t like your opinion, they can keep scrolling. Just my humble opinion as a Catholic!

  • @BramptonAnglican
    @BramptonAnglican 3 месяца назад +13

    Even though I’m not Catholic absolutely love our Catholic siblings.

  • @Cliff_Dixon_42
    @Cliff_Dixon_42 3 месяца назад +3

    A viewer here who grew up Catholic, left the Church (or, to be more precise, stopped going to church) in my twenties, and only recently started going BACK to Catholic church a little over a year ago in my fifties -- with the help of reading the Bible (not Catholic editions) and channels like this one. Thank You, Tim, for this video!

  • @elihop9419
    @elihop9419 3 месяца назад +18

    Just in case you need to shut the comments down on this one, I just wanted to say thank you for your informative viewpoints as always. Being able to describe what one disagrees with in a mature and kind way seems to be a lost art these days, and you nailed it. I hope that those who disagree with your statements can conduct themselves in a civilized manner that will honor Christ. 🙏🏼

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +5

      I’m hoping to be able to keep them on…but you know how it be…

    • @sharondavidson7412
      @sharondavidson7412 3 месяца назад

      To be fair, those who agree with him need to conduct themselves in a civilized manner as well. We all do.

    • @elihop9419
      @elihop9419 3 месяца назад +3

      @@sharondavidson7412 I never said otherwise. I specifically mentioned those who are in disagreement since they are the ones who were most likely be defensive and commenting in a non-civilized manner and thus starting confrontation. Of course anyone replying to such comments should be civilized as well. I thought that would have been clearly understood without needing to state it specifically, but perhaps ‘all who comment’ would have been a clearer statement. Some times it is difficult to ‘cover all of your bases’ in a brief comment. Apologies for the lack of clarity.

    • @sharondavidson7412
      @sharondavidson7412 3 месяца назад

      @elihop9419 No, you were fine. I didn't take umbrage with what you said. I mentioned it only because there ARE other comments, made by those who do agree with Tim, that are not so civilized, and they go unchecked. I was merely calling out both sides because sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the moment. I thought I was basically agreeing with you, and I was also trying to include myself in my statement by my use of the word "we." Sometimes I have difficulties conveying things.
      ETA: the comment I was alluding to may have been taken down.

  • @bradgoodnight
    @bradgoodnight 3 месяца назад +14

    Hi, Catholic here, and also a subscriber and viewer of your channel. With all respect (as it is your channel to post whatever you wish), please validate from official sources the actual beliefs of Catholicism. Some points you made were legitimately stated regarding differences in belief; however, other points were incorrect in Catholicism’s positions. Again, it is your channel to post whatever you like, and it is our decision whether we continue to watch it. I enjoy your channel and recommend it to others. Please consider this request. Thank you.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +9

      What I expressed was based on my own experience as a Catholic, and from Catholic Answers. It seems there aren’t universal positions on some of these matters and I acknowledge that.

    • @bradgoodnight
      @bradgoodnight 3 месяца назад +3

      @anickelsworthbiblereviews one example and a simple search “Did Mary Die?” is an article on Catholic Answers, with the answer in the first word of the first line stating “Yes.” (Not that Catholic Answers is an official source of dogma, just that you mentioned it.) To make statements about what Catholicism believes and why you’re not believing it, then to follow-up with saying that Catholicism does not have universal positions on these beliefs, seems both contradictory and ill-informed. I am confident you would have a response if a Catholic channel you enjoyed happened to make a video called “Five Reasons I’m not Pentecostal” with a mixture of facts and errors. It’s fine to disagree, but I think it would make more sense to disagree over actual official points of departure.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +3

      @bradgoodnight It is widely believed by Catholics that Mary did not die.

    • @bradgoodnight
      @bradgoodnight 3 месяца назад +4

      That’s simply not true. Early iconography used throughout the Catholic Church globally shows Mary’s body dead. The Church of the Dormition in Jerusalem is dedicated to this event as well. Finally, Pius XII said in Munificentissimus Deus: “They offered more profound explanations of its meaning and nature, bringing out into sharper light the fact that this feast shows, not only that the *dead body* of the Blessed Virgin Mary remained incorrupt, but that she gained a triumph out of death, her heavenly glorification after the example of her only begotten son, Jesus Christ-truths that the liturgical books had frequently touched upon concisely and briefly.” (Emphasis mine)

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +3

      I totally understand, and you have a point. But to Catholics are free to believe Mary ascended into heaven while still living. I was taught this as a Catholic by my priest. Regardless I think the larger issue here is what happens with the dead, and the saints. How do we interact with them and how do they interact and intervene for us? It’s simple, we do not, and they do not.

  • @yahusrevus
    @yahusrevus 3 месяца назад +10

    Nothing surprising here to me. I would just say thank you for laying it out in a considerate manner. (Nothing "sugar coated" but not deliberately confrontational either.) My hope/prayer is for even a few folks watching to pause and consider.

    • @CatholicPentecostalTalks
      @CatholicPentecostalTalks 2 месяца назад

      I love that prayer to pause and consider. Whenever anyone listens to another discussing the faith it is great to stop and meditate through prayer. Especially because some agree and some strongly disagree with that understanding of the Roman Catholic faith Tim has explained. There can only be one truth regarding the Holy Trinity and Jesus' church. What is that truth?

  • @sebastianbaran9645
    @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад +10

    Veneration of Mary and the Saints is not necromancy; it is asking for their intercession, similar to asking a living person to pray for us. Revelation 5:8 describes the saints in heaven offering our prayers to God. Hebrews 12:1 refers to the "great cloud of witnesses" surrounding us, indicating their awareness and involvement. The practice of honoring Mary and the saints is rooted in Scripture and Tradition. For example, Luke 1:48 states that all generations will call Mary blessed. The communion of saints is a testament to the unity of the Church, both in heaven and on earth.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      You can call someone blessed without praying to them.

    • @sebastianbaran9645
      @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад +5

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews The holy souls in Heaven are alive, not dead, and the Bible clearly shows that holy people have intercessory power with God (e.g., Revelation 5:8). Mary, in particular, as the Ark of the New Covenant, holds a unique and powerful intercessory role given her special status as the Mother of God.

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews So do you call Mary Blessed? When is the last time you positively did so? come on.

    • @fernandojrapodaca
      @fernandojrapodaca 3 месяца назад

      @@sebastianbaran9645have you really studied Rev 5:8, 8:3,8:4? In the Latin vulgate “orationes(prayers) Sanctorum (holy of Holies) “.
      Acts 9:13” sanctis( Saint)”, Hebrews 6:10 “Sanctis et ministatis” 1 Thessalonians 3:13” Sanctis eius amen”.
      The Latin vulgate applies in Rev 5:8,8:3,8:4 “orationes Sanctorum “, in Acts 2:42”orationibus( prayers)”, now let let the Latin vulgate interpret itself to define what a saint is, let go to Rev 11:18 “prophetis et Sanctis”, seem like Rev 5:8,8:3,8:4 is referring to something other then a SAINT =SANCTIS .

    • @fernandojrapodaca
      @fernandojrapodaca 3 месяца назад

      @@sebastianbaran9645 “Sanctorum” is used to denote anything but just the “holy of Holies”, or Sancta Sanctorum which is referring to all of Hebrew 9 and Rev 5:8,8:3,8:4 because “Sanctis” is not present which you want to add to them verses of the Latin vulgate itself and want to preach or add words not applied to neither of your narratives. So Rev 5:8,8:3,8:4 is “Prayers to the holy of Holies” and not saints you are adding.

  • @Hithereitsme32
    @Hithereitsme32 3 месяца назад +6

    Overall I appreciate the video I would state that in terms of transubstantiation us Catholics do not “resacrifice” Jesus but rather represent his sacrifice on the cross. Kind of like if you were to take a time portal back to Calvary. Jesus was sacrificed once for our sins.

  • @sebastianbaran9645
    @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад +7

    The concept of purgatory is based on the belief in the final purification of the elect. It is supported by Scripture and Tradition. In 1 Corinthians 3:15, Paul speaks of a person being saved, "but only as through fire," indicating a purifying process. The Book of 2 Maccabees 12:44-46 describes prayers for the dead, suggesting a belief in an intermediate state where the dead benefit from the prayers of the living. Additionally, Matthew 12:32 implies that some sins can be forgiven in the age to come, further hinting at a purgatorial state.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      Purifying in life, not death.

    • @sebastianbaran9645
      @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад +5

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews Matthew 12:32: "And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come."
      This verse clearly implies that there is a place in the afterlife where sins are forgiven.
      "Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire."
      This verse clearly shows that there are sins which do not damn a person to hell but that still require punishment.

  • @limen5442
    @limen5442 3 месяца назад +6

    Thank you for the measured take! Your description of a Catholic perspective on penance is a bit off from this Catholic's perspective-penance itself does not erase the effect of sin on the soul; it is the Grace of the Cross, imparted through Christ's minister in his words of absolution to the person confessing their sin.
    An excerpt on this from Fr. John Zuhlsdorf:
    "In the 1983 Code of Canon Law for the Latin Church we read in one of the instructional canons (there are some canons which are less legal and more theological):
    'can. 959: In the sacrament of penance the faithful who confess their sins to a legitimate minister, are sorry for them, and intend to reform themselves obtain from God through the absolution imparted by the same minister forgiveness for the sins they have committed after baptism and, at the same, time are reconciled with the Church which they have wounded by sinning.'
    One of the necessary elements for the sacrament of penance to be efficacious is “satisfaction” for sins committed. The three elements necessary for the sacrament to be efficacious are adequate sorrow for the sins, the confession of the sins, and satisfaction for the sins.
    Christ did the satisfaction part perfectly. From the penitent’s point of view, the very act of confession is itself a form of satisfaction."
    While I am not intending this comment to spark a debate in the comments, if you do ever touch on this subject in the future, I would love to hear you address this perspective, and your taking on it vs. what you included in your 5 reasons video.
    Many blessings!

  • @flowerlass
    @flowerlass 3 месяца назад +7

    Excellent video. I am not Roman Catholic, but I want to say that I admire how they care about the poor and people who live on the margins of our society. Many Protestant churches do not have a heart for these people. My family and I have volunteered in Catholic soup kitchens and other projects because there were no Protestant outreach groups unless it was to get more members. The Roman Catholics never expect people to become Catholic. They love and give freely.

  • @sebastianbaran9645
    @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад +6

    Papal infallibility, as defined by the Catholic Church, applies only when the Pope speaks ex cathedra (from the chair of Peter) on matters of faith and morals. This doctrine is based on Jesus' words to Peter in Matthew 16:18-19, where He gives Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven and the authority to bind and loose. Furthermore, in John 21:15-17, Jesus entrusts Peter with the care of His sheep, implying a special role in guiding the Church. The Church teaches that this charism of infallibility is a gift of the Holy Spirit, protecting the Church from error in essential teachings.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      Any time it is dangerous.

    • @sebastianbaran9645
      @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews Are you aware that if a Pope preaches doctrine that contradicts the teachings of the Faith, he automatically (ipso facto) loses his office? A Pope can't just say whatever he wants and pass it off as Catholic doctrine. It is a dogma that a heretic ceases to be a member of Christ's Church, so a Pope who teaches heresy is no longer Pope because he cannot be the head of that which he is not a part.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      @@sebastianbaran9645 I am aware.

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews It's no more dangerous than the Truth is dangerous.

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад

      @@sebastianbaran9645 well, Sebastian, it's not a dogma, it is a theory (which seems quite reasonable to me as it did to Robert Bellarmine.) We have no actual teaching on what happens to the office of a heretical pope, only theories so far)

  • @praisingann4him
    @praisingann4him 3 месяца назад +9

    As a former Catholic, I totally agree with you Tim. Thank you for a respectful presentation of your views.

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад +1

      That you think Tim's points are well-taken shows a mistaken grasp on the faith you were never taught. To clarify:
      1. Catholics don't say we "pay" for our sins as opposed to Christ paying for them: we say Christ paid for our sins, and we cooperate with His full payment by our life of loving faith. It is the Catholic both/and as opposed to the protestant either/or.
      2. Purgatory is not taught as a "time" spent after death: that's not the teaching. The teaching is that some perfecting must occur between the death of the imperfect man and his standing perfect before the face of the Living God: the unpleasant experience of being perfected, whether it has duration or not, is purgatory. Calling purgatory a place is using human language as humans must do, to approach or approximate: not meant literally. Why caricature the doctrine?
      3. Communion Of Saints = Necromancy, not. Such a lazy objection. Catholics believe in the "Communion" of saints. It's in the Nicene Creed: protestantism has no way to admit this "communing" except to make it conditional: the communing is only with some, not all of the saints, a distinction not found in the bible. Those who die in Christ are alive in Christ, according to St. Paul--so they are more alive than you and I are on earth: they remain members of the Living Body of Christ. So they are together with us who are also members of the same Living Body. They can pray for us if God lets them participate in His knowledge of us.
      4. Mary: when is the last time you positively complied with Luke 1:48? Mary is a special case of Saints. For she is the most perfect (holiest) saint who ever lived: given a new name by the angel, "Kecharitomene", "Having Been Completely Graced." The word is in the past perfect tense. That's her name in salvation history.
      4. As to Mary's death: Why not admit the official statement in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, free and online? You are FACTUALLY incorrect in stating that it is Catholic doctrine that Mary did not die. The Church tends to hold the opinion that Mary did die, but the official teaching is only and merely this exact statement and no more(Catechism 947 ): *The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, when the course of her earthly life was completed, was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven*. This teaching is defined in a papal encyclical couched among references to many the opinions of doctors and fathers that Mary did die and *was entombed*. And THEN assumed into heaven. (See if you can find any place of pilgrimage where Mary's bones are venerated, or any relics kept of Mary's body. hmmm...)
      5. You want to know where is that in the bible: I want to know where does the bible say that it has to be in the bible? Where in the bible is the canon of the bible, e.g.? The canon of the bible is part of Sacred Tradition.
      6. Yes, Mary is a perpetual Virgin: "brothers" of Jesus are step- or cousins or kin in some sense. Joseph "knew her not until": How about the sentence, "He was faithful until death." Not after death? "Until" does not mean what you wish it to mean.
      7. There is no way to read the Bread of Life Discourse straightforwardly and humbly without accepting the 2000-old-teaching: otherwise you are a #666, that is, you leave the Lord in disgust at the revolting thing He is saying, and you are never heard of again (see John 6:66).
      8. As to Apostolic Succession, The Mandate was to go out and preach to and baptize the WHOLE WORLD: a mandate given to 11 mortal men, a mission which can only be fulfilled by them having successors. "I will be with you ALL days." "I will send my Holy Spirit to guide you into ALL truth." "Feed My lambs/sheep/lambs." "You are Kepha, and upon this kepha I will build My Church." "The Church is the bulwark and foundation of the Truth." To you Kepha I give the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven...what you, Kepha, loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven etc... And of course there is the unbroken historical record of the primacy and jurisdiction of the bishop of Rome (early ch. fathers).
      9. I would love just one protestant ever to answer: just when in history did your cherished but baseless assumption of a general apostasy occur? Let's see the proof: a battle, a council, a declaration, a pope, an emperor saying/doing this or that, a rebel body peeling off to Where? When? Who? We know you have to have a general apostasy to make room for protestantism to be legit: so let's see the historical moment when this crucial apostasy happened, and the church Christ said He would be with ALL days split off and went underground and only surfaced with failed monk Martin Luther a millennia later. Are there archaeological remains? Grafitti scratched on stone catacomb?
      It has to always exist since Christ promised He would be with it ALL--not just some--days.
      And it has to be a visible, human-led organization to which you can literally take your arguments.
      In contrast, it's easy to see a priest and bishop-led Church in the earliest Christian documents, as well as the unbroken understanding of the Eucharist as Christ's Real Flesh and Blood.
      Not one of Tim's shop-worn shibboleths are good reasons for not being Catholic. They are answered over and over again: so it is not an intellectual objection then. Rather it is a position of the will.
      Tim is right in that the rise of Christianity and Western Civilization, and the spreading of the bible throughout the known world, is due to the Catholic Church. Which exists today, as we must expect Christ's church to have done from Pentecost to the end of time.

  • @ViscountDI
    @ViscountDI 3 месяца назад +6

    Re penance, I don't think you've actually delved into what Catholicism teaches. Penance is not paying for sins. Penance is making amends for sin, which is different. It is a sacrificial act (remember, we are to be a living sacrifice) symbolizing our contrition.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      Making amends for send that’s already been amended for. Same difference.

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews Protestantism has no concept of man's real participation in God's nature and effects.

  • @markwalkerrocker4Jesus
    @markwalkerrocker4Jesus 3 месяца назад +4

    3 reasons you should be Catholic - John 6 (the entire chapter - about the True Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ in the Eucharist), Matthew 16:18 (You are Peter, on this rock I will build my Church...) James 2:24 (you are not justified by faith alone) - meditate on these three areas and let me know if I can help you, or just go to a local Catholic Church and start RCIA and join the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church - the Roman Catholic Church. Viva Cristo Rey!

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      John 6 is not clearly about communion. It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with it.

  • @austenlockhart2982
    @austenlockhart2982 3 месяца назад +6

    Hey Tim I would love to see a video on why you are a Pentecostal! That would be super cool.

  • @Jarnvir
    @Jarnvir 3 месяца назад +6

    Thank you or sharing this, brother.
    I’ve recently discovered your channel and appreciate all the work you do.
    I’m of the mind denomination (for the most part) isn’t as important as true belief in the Word of God.
    I long for the day we can all bring down our walls and truly form the one body of Christ.
    We are stronger together as Sacred Scripture shows than divided.
    God bless you, and keep up the great work.

  • @dloveofgod8269
    @dloveofgod8269 3 месяца назад +4

    Thank you so much for this video Tim! I am so grateful for you & appreciate you ✝️. Blessings to you & your family.
    I as a cradle Catholic left the church for many years maybe 40 years almost. Am a born again spirit filled believer & have great peace and joy being back at Catholic church. I went to confession after all these years though confess daily to God in Jesus name. I will say in my conversations in reconciliation with my local priest my 'penance ' has been reflection on scriptures & advice in my life. Personally am still working through the Word again in with Catholic doctrine. We are saved by Jesus who gave His life. We have the Word yet none of us has died other than cases of people believe they have etc. We have life everlasting so maybe those in heaven, as Mary are not 'dead, so not speaking to the dead'. Who is it when we read we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses? I believe some in our family possibly who've passed before us & possibly saints and angels. God chose Mary who said yes; of course she has a special place. All the years I was away I never prayed to her. We ask others to pray for us why not the mother of God? He's the creator God & a trinirarian God able to do what we can't imagine. Just because it's not in the Word doesn't necessarily mean it's not true. We don't have all of Jesus years, life outlined in the Bible yet we know He lived them. My opinion, So I believe she's in heaven and can intercede for us. I believe she died then was taken up. There are others who've been taken up. Who was with Jesus when He appeared at the mount of transfiguration? Exactly my thoughts.
    How is she a Virgin? She was when birthed Jesus. How or where did Jesus brothers come from? Personally I don't believe Joseph had others; not mentioned his being the father of the brothers specifically in the Bible. I don't have an answer I'll get to know this in heaven also. As far as the eucharist being the body, blood & divinity; this is also belief in other protestant churches if not in yours. Most of my questions not all have been answered in the Bible. Am just now reading a Catholic Bible. This is so long am sorry. Basically am praying asking the Holy Spirit to intercede & reveal His word & truth to me.

    • @dloveofgod8269
      @dloveofgod8269 3 месяца назад +1

      I have issues with the pope especially pope Francis but I pray for him. I personally believe he's being deceived and hope he's delivered if not will hold a great responsibility for his words & actions.

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад +1

      dloveofGod--very nice post, welcome back home! As to your point about Jesus' "brothers," the word is used lots of ways in the New Testament, sometimes meaning just everybody somehow related even if not in blood--like how you and I are brothers or siblings in Christ. Also, the word brother and cousin turn out to be interchangeable in the language these passages were spoken in. The theory that Joseph was older and widowed with kids of his own goes back very far in the early church fathers; it's a possibility, and theorizing further, I would see how an older man would be mature in righteousness--Joseph is called "just" in the bible. Just a few thoughts. Happy Sunday to you.

    • @dloveofgod8269
      @dloveofgod8269 3 месяца назад

      @@pmlm1571 thank you. I personally don't see Joseph as soo much older was not said anywhere he was a widower. I don't know my Fr says his cousins considered brothers, I don't know. Will probably know someday meeting them all hopefully.

  • @justfromcatholic
    @justfromcatholic 3 месяца назад +4

    My feedback on sacrifice of the Mass:
    Heb. 13:10 says: “We have an altar (θυσιαστήριον, Strong G2379) from which those who serve the tent (σκηνή, Strong G4633) have no right to eat”. The word “we” is first person plural that includes even the person who wrote Hebrews - in other words it refers to believers. “Those who serve the tent” refers to Levitical priests of Judaism who served in the Jerusalem Temple or Tent of Meeting during Exodus. In the Old Testament priests have the right to eat some of offering or sacrifice (Lev. 6:26; 7:6; 24:9, Num. 18:10-11). “Having no right to eat” in Heb. 13:10 refers to having no right to eat sacrifice from the altar of believers of Christ. Thus believers of Christ do have altar and sacrifice, which they eat, and sacrifice requires priests. Catholics agree that Christ' sacrifice on the cross was once for all and there is no need of other sacrifice and OT sacrifices were abolished with His single sacrifice (Heb. 10:9-10). Since Scripture cannot contradict itself how do we reconcile them?
    First Catholics do believe that all baptized Catholics, males and females, are priests following what Scripture says in 1 Pe. 2:5 and Rev. 1:6, prefigured in OT in the kingdom of priests of all Israelites (Exo. 19:6). Yet God still established another priesthood, levitical priesthood, which He declared to be everlasting one (Exo. 40:15). Numbers 18:19 applies “covenant of salt” to this priesthood, which means it will last forever as salt is used to preserve food. “Covenant of salt” appears twice in the Old Testament and the second one (2 Chr. 13:15) is applied to kingship of David and his descendants through Solomon, which is based on God’s promise to David (2 Sam. 7:12-13) - God will establish his throne through Solomon forever. The perpetuity of both Davidic kingship and Levitical priesthood were later reaffirmed by prophet Jeremiah in dual prophecies written in Jer. 33:17-18. After destruction of Jerusalem Temple in 70 AD levitical priests of Judaism can no longer offer sacrifice. Their role is taken over by the New Covenant Levitical priests. What sacrifice those New Covenant levitical priests offer if Christ' sacrifice on the cross is once for all?
    The answer is they make present the same sacrifice Christ made on the cross in every Mass. To understand how such thing is possible we need to go to Rev. 13:8 that says Christ as the Lamb slain before/from the foundation of the world. The Greek verb "slain" is in Greek passive perfect tense. Unlike that of English Greek perfect tense indicates the action described by the verb (to be slain) was completed in the past (at foundation or creation of the world) with continuing result to the present . For comparison the phrase "it is written" (Mat. 2:5; 4:4, 6, 7, 10 etc.), referring to Scripture, is also in Greek passive perfect tense. Whenever we buy a new Bible in any language, Scripture is reprinted but it is not rewritten. Thus Christ’ single sacrifice on the cross can be made present in every Mass without Him being re-crucified or re-slain again. His "being slain from the foundation of the world" appeared on the cross where His Blood shed once for all (Heb. 9:26).

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      Indeed. The same sacrifice over and over that need not be made. Obviously it isn’t truly sacrificing him over and over any more that it is truly the physical body in communion.

    • @justfromcatholic
      @justfromcatholic 3 месяца назад +2

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews If you read what I wrote you should note that in the Mass Christ is NOT re-sacrificed over and over again. I did give explanation of what Catholics mean by His Sacrifice is made present in every Mass, including scriptural supports. You don't have to agree with what Catholics believe but I presume that (1) there is no altar in your church and no altar implies no sacrifice, then how do you explain Heb. 13:10 that mentions altar and something to be eaten from that altar?; (2) there is no priests, other than general priesthood according to 1 Pe. 2:5. Then how do you explain that everlasting priesthood of Levitical priests (Exo. 40:15) and that they will continue offering sacrifice as it is written in Jer. 33:18? How do you explain that while His sacrifice took place on the cross, Scripture also says that He has been slain (in Greek passive perfect tense) from the foundation of the world?
      You cannot cherry pick verses that suit your belief and turn blind eye to those who do not.

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews The sacrifice is not, as you say, "made" "over and over." It is the One Sacrifice made once and for all: it is RE presented at Mass. Time touches eternity at the Consecration. If you relax your formula, you can see what we mean.

  • @nan.starjak
    @nan.starjak 3 месяца назад +5

    It was so nice to hear this discussion without (and no, I wasn't at all worried about Tim doing this!!) being told I worship demons and am going to Hell. 🙄 (Pro tip: that's not the way to talk someone out of the Catholic Church!)

    • @NX2-30
      @NX2-30 3 месяца назад +5

      Someone told me that the Eucharist is a circle because we Catholics “worship a sungod”. Another told me that emperor Constantine started the church. Some people just love spreading misinformation

    • @nan.starjak
      @nan.starjak 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@NX2-30 And the saddest part is that usually, they really believe this nonsense. There are a few out there who seem to be deliberately lying about the Church, but mostly it's just GIGO.

  • @576sqft
    @576sqft 3 месяца назад +1

    I’m Catholic and acknowledge there are differences, but I love the zeal of my Protestant brothers and sisters. From watching pastors on YT, including yourself, I’ve become enriched! I never knew about how to fight when experiencing spiritual warfare. When it comes to scripture, I’ve learned more about how to apply it to everyday life. For all of us, Jesus is the goal! 😊

  • @meisterjoshi4523
    @meisterjoshi4523 3 месяца назад +2

    1 Peter 4:8 says, "And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins"

  • @YesurajaTaffiya
    @YesurajaTaffiya 3 месяца назад +6

    I very much appreciate this video and the way you presented it. God bless you.
    Along with the things you mentioned I too disagree certain doctrines revolving around Mary , especially calling her the 'new Eve' or 'Queen of Heaven'. Mediatrix and so on. I even feel sorry for Joseph sometimes 😅

  • @sebastianbaran9645
    @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад +3

    The doctrine of transubstantiation is firmly rooted in Scripture and the teachings of the early Church. Jesus' words in John 6:53-56 are clear: "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you." At the Last Supper, Jesus took bread and wine, saying, "This is my body" and "This is my blood" (Matthew 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, Luke 22:19-20). The early Church Fathers, such as Ignatius of Antioch and Justin Martyr, affirmed the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is not a repeated sacrifice but a re-presentation of the one sacrifice of Christ, making it present to the faithful (Hebrews 9:24-28).

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      I mentioned I believe in real presence.

    • @sebastianbaran9645
      @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад +4

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews Ignatius of Antioch (c. 110 AD): "They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, flesh which suffered for our sins and which the Father, in His goodness, raised up again."
      Justin Martyr (c. 150 AD): "For not as common bread and common drink do we receive these; but since Jesus Christ our Savior was made incarnate by the word of God and had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so too, as we have been taught, the food which has been made into the Eucharist by the Eucharistic prayer set down by Him, and by the change of which our blood and flesh is nourished, is both the flesh and the blood of that incarnated Jesus."

  • @CRHjr
    @CRHjr 3 месяца назад +7

    841 The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."
    The god of the muslimes is NOT the True and Living Triune God of Christianity.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +4

      I would agree it is a completely different and false God.

    • @Jarnvir
      @Jarnvir 3 месяца назад +2

      I can help with this one. The key word in the Church’s statement about the Mohammedan is “profess”. Profess does not mean the same as know or believe.
      Those of us that have studied the Mohammedan religion know “Allah” is NOT the same God we believe in. A simple reading of the Quran will tell you that much. I suppose we all could come together and tell them point blank they don’t worship the one true God, but that may launch another Crusade. We have all seen what happens around the world when you deny them, are you ready for that?
      Though, I would argue. As followers of Christ, it’s up to us to help them come to the knowledge of the truth, just as we should help our Jewish brothers and sisters understand that all the Patriarchs and Prophets point to Jesus of Nazareth as the longed for Messiah.
      Hope this helps.
      Edit: a word

    • @Vexx_Line_
      @Vexx_Line_ 3 месяца назад +1

      That's the "New Catechism" you need Catechism of Trent or Baltimore Catechism. Sacred Tradition & the Depositum Fidei of the CC definitely not agree with that idea. Many books after VII council contain heresy.

    • @nobodyspecial1852
      @nobodyspecial1852 3 месяца назад

      Mohammed didn't teach Christ, wasn't a proto-christ, wasn't a miracle baby champion, etcetera. He killed a bunch of pantheistic pagans and taught them Jesus free monotheism. Any Christian that is an apologist for Muslims and Jews that deny Christ isn't Christian. They can believe in the others and convert, they can't believe in a Christianity without Jesus supreme. Ecumenicalism somehow misses this but allows each camp to have "house rules" and thereby invalidate all positions.

  • @Justinr9171
    @Justinr9171 3 месяца назад +6

    Thank you so much for this video Tim! One thing that I would like to say is that, as a Catholic, we do not believe that Jesus is being re crucified at every Mass. There is only one sacrifice for all eternity and the Eucharist is just the representation (re presenting) of that sacrifice.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +4

      Right. But the statement made by the priest says “let this sacrifice be acceptable.” Of course it isn’t re-crucifying Jesus over and over, but it is a weekly sacrifice, even if it is simply re-presenting it. Thanks for the comment, and for the point of clarification.

  • @christinawynkoop4027
    @christinawynkoop4027 3 месяца назад +4

    Thank you for sharing! ❤🙏🏼
    You always fair and honest.
    And I 100% believe the same as you.

  • @ryannel3899
    @ryannel3899 3 месяца назад +13

    I am Catholic, I enjoy your channel. Obviously you disagree with the Catholic Church - you're not Catholic. But, you're not disrespectful. Anyway, all Christians face the common threat of secularism. I'll 1000000% rejoice if every atheist became Pentecostal

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +4

      Ha ha. That’s a great outlook! Thank you.

    • @sebastianbaran9645
      @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад

      The Catholic Church explicitly states that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church ("Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus"). The biggest problem the Catholic Church faces today is not secularism but heresy in all its forms.

    • @sebastianbaran9645
      @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад

      The Catholic Church explicitly teaches no salvation outside the Catholic Church ("Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus"). The biggest problem the Catholic Church faces today is not secularism but heresy in all its forms. But I supposed its no wonder you think that being a Pentacostal is OK considering all the inappropriate videos you have saved to your public playlist.

    • @sebastianbaran9645
      @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад

      The Catholic Church explicitly teaches "Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus". The biggest problem the Catholic Church faces today is not secularism but heresy in all its forms. But I supposed its no wonder you think that being a Pentacostal is OK considering all the inappropriate videos you have saved to your public playlist.

    • @sebastianbaran9645
      @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад

      The Catholic Church explicitly teaches "Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus". The biggest problem the Catholic Church faces today is not secularism but heresy in all its forms. But I supposed its no wonder you think that being a Pentacostal is OK considering all the inappropriate videos you have saved to your public playlist.

  • @123tjr
    @123tjr 3 месяца назад +5

    Once again great content Tim

  • @pgstudio4651
    @pgstudio4651 3 месяца назад +2

    I have never been asked to give money or anything for penance.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      I was.

    • @nan.starjak
      @nan.starjak 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews I haven't either. Nor fasting, either. Always prayer. I had never even heard of that until you mentioned it in the video.

  • @danielsteinberg5281
    @danielsteinberg5281 3 месяца назад +4

    Some of the reasons you are not Catholic are the very reasons I am. But another great video respectfully done.
    Now we need The top five reasons I am not…
    1) Jewish
    2) Lutheran
    3) or Presbyterian
    Just saying.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      Well, I am not Jewish because I am a gentile. Ha ha! Perhaps you mean 5 reasons I do not practice Judaism.

    • @danielsteinberg5281
      @danielsteinberg5281 3 месяца назад

      Hahahhaha. I hope Schuyler offsets their cross even more just to annoy you.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      Well, I have a full yapp ordered. It’s possible.

    • @nobodyspecial1852
      @nobodyspecial1852 3 месяца назад

      That misalignment is out of control. They could just use an asymmetrical design or leave the front blank.

  • @edwardbell9795
    @edwardbell9795 3 месяца назад +7

    All generations will call me blessed....except those after 1517....

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +5

      You can call her blessed without veneration, giving her sinlessness, and assuming her into heaven once her life was completed.

  • @biblealone9201
    @biblealone9201 3 месяца назад +5

    Some other interesting remarks made by Martin Luther...
    The Blessed Virgin Mary...
    "The great thing is none other than that she became the Mother of God; in which process so many and such great gifts were bestowed upon her that no one is able to comprehend them. Thereupon follows all honor, all blessedness, and the fact that in the whole race of men only one person is above all the rest, one to whom no one else is equal. For that reason her dignity is crowded into a single phrase when we call her the Mother of God; no one can say greater things of her or to her, even if he had as many tongues as leaves and blades of grass, as the stars in heaven and sands on the seashore. It must also be meditated in the heart what it means to be the Mother of God."
    - Die Erklarung des Magnificat - 1521.
    The first Protestant loved and honored the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of GOD. Why haven't all of the rest of Protestantism followed his example in honoring her?
    Martin Luther wrote the veneration of Mary is inscribed in the very depths of the human heart
    September 1522.The veneration of Mary is inscribed in the very depths of the human heart." [Martin Luther, Weimar edition of Martin Luther's Works (Translation by William J. Cole) 10, III, p.313.]
    "Is Christ only to be adored? Or is the holy Mother of God rather not to be honoured? This is the woman who crushed the Serpent's head. Hear us. For your Son denies you nothing." [Martin Luther
    One of the oldest catacombs contains a drawing of the Madonna and child dating back to the second century
    And the oldest know request to Mary. The Sub Tunm Paresidum dates back to at least 300 AD, It reads
    We fly to your patronage oh Holy Theotokosz despise not our petition in our necessities but deliver us always from all dangers o ever glorious and blessed Virgin 300 AD
    "Mother of God, listen to my petitions; do not disregard us in adversity, but rescue us from danger." Rylands Papyrus 3 A.D. 350😒😒

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      Honor, and veneration are two different things.

    • @biblealone9201
      @biblealone9201 3 месяца назад +3

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews so is worship and veneration😒😒

  • @RogerBesst
    @RogerBesst 3 месяца назад +4

    I recommend you read "Catholicism and Fundamentalism" by Karl Keating. I think you are a fine man and brother in Christ. (Pope John Paul II said Mary died.)

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад

      You are right, and the Church does tend to think Mary died--reason would be because she would wish to follow her Son in all things. The part the Church insists on is her assumption body and soul into heaven. The Eastern Churches call it Mary's Dormition, her going to sleep...

    • @RogerBesst
      @RogerBesst 3 месяца назад

      @@pmlm1571 The Church always believed Mary's body was taken to heaven.

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад

      @@RogerBesst Agreed, Christianity/the Church always believed Mary's body was taken to heaven. What preceded that assumption of her body and soul is not defined: in the encyclical defining her assumption, the pope quotes many ancient theologians who spoke of her dying, being entombed, and then taken body and soul to heaven. When the pope gets to the definition of the dogma, he does not address that aspect, saying no more than "when she came to the end of her earthly existence" she was assumed. OK?

    • @RogerBesst
      @RogerBesst 3 месяца назад

      @@pmlm1571 OK!

  • @justfromcatholic
    @justfromcatholic 3 месяца назад +3

    My feedback on infallibility of the Church (the Pope and college of bishops):
    In Greek the phrase "whatever you bind/loose" of Mat. 16:19 and 18:18 is written in Greek aorist tense while the phrase "will be bound/loosened" is in Greek passive perfect tense - it is not in future tense. Unlike that of English Greek perfect tense indicates the action described by the verb was completed in the past with continuing result to the present. In other words whatever Peter and the apostles bind/loose will always be in agreement with what was already bound/loosened in heaven. Does it point out to infallibility?
    Why we need infallibility if we have Scripture? Scripture is neither self defined nor self interpreted. There is no single verse either in 66-book Protestant Bible or in that of 73-book Catholic Bible that tells us how many and which books belong to Scripture. The so-called canon of Scripture or list of inspired books must be determined by authority outside Scripture, that is, the authority of the Church. If Scripture is self interpreted, then everybody who accept the same Bible will have the same interpretation - but this is not the case.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      This is a well thought out comment. But the corruption of the Roman Church in times past shows why this error is so dangerous.

    • @justfromcatholic
      @justfromcatholic 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews Are you saying that Christ is not able to keep His promise in what He said in Mat. 16:19 and 18:18? You refer what He said as error? The popes and bishops are (and were) sinners - some were horrible sinners. Infallibility does NOT mean that everything they said/did/wrote is always right; it is applicable only when they declare something that was already declared in heaven.

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews nothing human is pure, everything human participates in humanity's woundedness. It is the perfect, immaculate Mystical Bride aspect of the Church which persists throughout all time periods: it is She Who is Our Catholic Church.

  • @justfromcatholic
    @justfromcatholic 3 месяца назад +3

    My feedback on praying to the saints in heaven:
    Catholics neither pray to the dead nor practise necromancy, but we pray to the living. Saints in heaven are not dead but alive - their physical bodies turned to dust, but their soul are alive. Only those in hell have their bodies and souls dead according to what Jesus said in Mat. 10:28 (ESV): "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Jesus said in John 11:25-26 (ESV): " I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he died, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.” Jesus Himself conversed with Moses and Elijah (Mat. 17:1-3) - did He practise necromancy? Even John managed to converse with one of the elders in heaven (Rev. 5:5, 7:13-14).
    If you can ask other saints on earth to pray for you through speaking directly or through phone or through letter/email/texting, then we can ask saints in heaven to do the same through prayer. The intercessory prayers of all saints, be they on earth or in heaven, will go to God through Christ who is the only mediator between God and us. It is God who answers their prayers, NOT those saints, be they on earth or in heaven.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      While yes, they are alive in heaven, they are dead here, they are not to be prayed to.

    • @justfromcatholic
      @justfromcatholic 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews Why not, If you can converse with saints on earth and ask their help or assistance?

  • @MrIshmael81
    @MrIshmael81 3 месяца назад +2

    I’m not Roman Catholic but I do hold to traditional catholicity (in fact, if my wife and kids would move, I’d probably be Anglican).

  • @e.m.8094
    @e.m.8094 3 месяца назад +2

    I humbly recommend the book "The Gospel According to Rome" by James G. McCarthy.

  • @stuartskooler
    @stuartskooler 3 месяца назад +1

    Honest video, your open and honest and defend your belief. It's nice to see. Cheers from 🇬🇧

  • @libertys.1534
    @libertys.1534 3 месяца назад +1

    I'm heavily discerning the Catholic church and I've watched several videos of "Why I left the Church" or "Why I'm not Catholic" and all of them were filled with so much misinformation. I'm so glad I clicked on this video because this was the first one of these that I've seen where a protestant is incredibly well-informed about a lot of Catholic teaching. I actually took away a couple of questions I want to dive into. The penance question and the point about contacting the dead were great questions.
    I would say regarding papal infallibility not everything stated by a pope is deemed infallible. I want to preface my response by saying I've only done a little research into this and could have mixed up some of it or gotten some of it wrong. My understanding is that papal infallibility only occurs if some very large disagreement is happening in the church and the church has decided they need to take a definite stance on it. For example, the newest dogma was about Mary's assumption into heaven. For something to become dogmatic there must be evidence of the belief always existing and the Holy Spirit would protect the pope from saying anything wrong in this case. Another time would be when all of the bishops of the world come together for a council or something of the sort. So not every sentence a pope says in an interview or every document that the papal office puts out is infallible. For example, what Pope Francis put out regarding blessings of same-sex couples isn't infallible that is just his teaching/thought on it. Again I have just started to research this so I might be wrong on some of this but I know for sure not every word out of a pope's mouth is infallible!
    I greatly appreciate this video and look forward to watching more of your content!

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад

      I'm glad you are discerning, and want you to know there's a good bit of misinformation here. Thus:
      1. Tim is wrong if he thinks Catholics think we "pay" for our sins as opposed to Christ paying for them: we say Christ paid for our sins and we cooperate with His full payment by our life of loving faith. It is the Catholic "both/and" as opposed to the protestant "either/or."
      2. Tim is Wrong: Purgatory is not taught as a "time" spent after death--that's not the teaching. The teaching is that some perfecting must occur between the death of the imperfect man and his standing perfect before the face of the Living God: the unpleasant experience of being perfected, whether it has duration or not, is purgatory. Calling purgatory a place is using human language as humans must do, to approach or approximate: not meant literally. Why caricature the doctrine?
      3. Communion Of Saints = Necromancy, not. This is a very shallow objection. Catholics believe in the "Communion" of saints. It's in the Nicene Creed: protestantism has no way to admit this "communing" except to make it conditional: the communing is only with some, not all of the saints, a distinction not found in the bible. Those who die in Christ are alive in Christ, according to St. Paul--so they are more alive than you and I are on earth: they remain members of the Living Body of Christ. So they are together with us who are also members of the same Living Body. They can pray for us if God lets them participate in His knowledge of us.
      4. Mary: when is the last time a Protestant positively complied with Luke 1:48? Mary is a special case of Saints. For she is the most perfect (holiest) saint who ever lived: given a new name by the angel, "Kecharitomene", "Having Been Completely Graced." The word is in the past perfect tense. That's her name in salvation history. To to be in communion with Saint Mary is a good thing.
      4. As to Mary's death: Why not admit the official statement in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, free and online? It is FACTUALLY incorrect to say it is Catholic doctrine that Mary did not die. The Church tends to hold the opinion that Mary did die, but the official teaching is only and merely this exact statement and no more (Catechism 947 ): *The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, when the course of her earthly life was completed, was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven*. This teaching is defined in these words in a papal encyclical couched among references to many opinions of doctors and fathers that Mary did die and *was entombed*. And THEN assumed into heaven. (See if you can find any place of pilgrimage where Mary's bones are venerated, or any relics kept of Mary's body...) The pope was well aware of the strong feeling in Eastern Catholicism that referred to this event as Mary's "Dormition," her "falling asleep," and the pope's phrasing does no violence to that eastern sense, whatever it clinically means. The pope's phrasing passes over just how her time was up in order to be specific about her being assumed body and soul.
      5. You want to know where is that in the bible: I want to know where does the bible say that it has to be in the bible? Where in the bible is the canon of the bible, e.g.? (It's not: the canon of the bible comes from Sacred Tradition.)
      6. Yes, Mary is a perpetual Virgin: "brothers" of Jesus are step- or cousins or kin in some sense. Joseph "knew her not until": How about the sentence, "He was faithful until death." Not after death? "Until" does not mean what you wish it to mean.
      7. There is no way to read the Bread of Life Discourse straightforwardly and humbly without accepting the 2000-old-teaching: otherwise you are a #666, that is, you leave the Lord in disgust at the revolting thing He is saying, and you are never heard of again (see John 6:66).
      8. As to Apostolic Succession, The Mandate was to go out and preach to and baptize the WHOLE WORLD: a mandate given to 11 mortal men, a mission which can only be fulfilled by them having successors. "I will be with you ALL days." "I will send my Holy Spirit to guide you into ALL truth." "Feed My lambs/sheep/lambs." "You are Kepha, and upon this kepha I will build My Church." "The Church is the bulwark and foundation of the Truth." To you Kepha I give the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven...what you, Kepha, loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven etc... And of course there is the unbroken historical record of the primacy and jurisdiction of the bishop of Rome (early ch. fathers).
      9. I would love just one protestant ever to answer: just when in history did your cherished (but baseless) assumption of a general apostasy occur? Let's see the proof: a battle, a council, a declaration, a pope, an emperor saying/doing this or that, a rebel body peeling off to Where? When? Who? Names/Dates? We know you have to have a general apostasy to make room for protestantism to be legit: so let's see the historical moment when this crucial apostasy happened, and the church Christ said He would be with ALL days split off and go underground and only surface with failed monk Martin Luther a millennia later. Are there archaeological remains? Grafitti scratched on stone catacombs? What?
      His Church has to always exist since Christ promised He would be with it ALL--not just some--days.
      And it has to be a visible, human-led organization to which you can literally take your arguments.
      In contrast, it's easy to see a priest and bishop-led Church in the earliest Christian documents, as well as the unbroken understanding of the Eucharist as Christ's Real Flesh and Blood.
      Not one of Tim's shop-worn points are good reasons for not being Catholic. They are answered over and over again: so it is not an intellectual objection. Rather it is a position of the will.
      Tim is right in that the rise of Christianity and Western Civilization, and the spreading of the bible throughout the known world, is due to the Catholic Church. Which exists today, as we must expect Christ's church to have done from Pentecost until (!) the end of time. (This "until" does not mean the Church stops existing at the end of the world. We believe the Church exists Triumphant in heaven.) cheers.

  • @tony.biondi
    @tony.biondi 3 месяца назад +1

    Totally agree, Tim. I was born and raised in the UK, but my parents came from Italy and so Catholic by default. I was forced to go to catechism, confession and mass (after my first communion) and even served as an altar boy. Rejected all religion in my early teens and became an atheist punk. Was wonderfully saved at 18 out of a sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll lifestyle. Catholicism doctrine is extrabiblical but Catholics are obviously loved by God and Christ died for everyone of them. My mum and most of my family is Catholic - I love them but hate the religion that blinds them.

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад

      One day I hope in your maturity you will look with fresh eyes at your rich heritage. Because:
      1. Tim is wrong if he thinks Catholics think we "pay" for our sins as opposed to Christ paying for them: we say Christ paid for our sins and we cooperate with His full payment by our life of loving faith. It is the Catholic both/and as opposed to the protestant either/or.
      2. Tim is Wrong: Purgatory is not taught as a "time" spent after death--that's not the teaching. The teaching is that some perfecting must occur between the death of the imperfect man and his standing perfect before the face of the Living God: the unpleasant experience of being perfected, whether it has duration or not, is purgatory. Calling purgatory a place is using human language as humans must do, to approach or approximate: not meant literally. Why caricature the doctrine?
      3. Communion Of Saints = Necromancy, not. This is a very shallow objection. Catholics believe in the "Communion" of saints. It's in the Nicene Creed: protestantism has no way to admit this "communing" except to make it conditional: the communing is only with some, not all of the saints, a distinction not found in the bible. Those who die in Christ are alive in Christ, according to St. Paul--so they are more alive than you and I are on earth: they remain members of the Living Body of Christ. So they are together with us who are also members of the same Living Body. They can pray for us if God lets them participate in His knowledge of us.
      4. Mary: when is the last time you positively complied with Luke 1:48? Mary is a special case of Saints. For she is the most perfect (holiest) saint who ever lived: given a new name by the angel, "Kecharitomene", "Having Been Completely Graced." The word is in the past perfect tense. That's her name in salvation history. So to be in communion with Saint Mary is a good thing.
      4. As to Mary's death: Why not admit the official statement in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, free and online? It is FACTUALLY incorrect to say it is Catholic doctrine that Mary did not die. The Church tends to hold the opinion that Mary did die, but the official teaching is only and merely this exact statement and no more(Catechism 947 ): *The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, when the course of her earthly life was completed, was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven*. This teaching is defined in these words in a papal encyclical couched among references to many opinions of doctors and fathers that Mary did die and *was entombed*. And THEN assumed into heaven. (See if you can find any place of pilgrimage where Mary's bones are venerated, or any relics kept of Mary's body. hmmm...)
      5. You want to know where is that in the bible: I want to know where does the bible say that it has to be in the bible? Where in the bible is the canon of the bible, e.g.? (It's not: the canon of the bible comes from Sacred Tradition.)
      6. Yes, Mary is a perpetual Virgin: "brothers" of Jesus are step- or cousins or kin in some sense. Joseph "knew her not until": How about the sentence, "He was faithful until death." Not after death? "Until" does not mean what you wish it to mean.
      7. There is no way to read the Bread of Life Discourse straightforwardly and humbly without accepting the 2000-old-teaching: otherwise you are a #666, that is, you leave the Lord in disgust at the revolting thing He is saying, and you are never heard of again (see John 6:66).
      8. As to Apostolic Succession, The Mandate was to go out and preach to and baptize the WHOLE WORLD: a mandate given to 11 mortal men, a mission which can only be fulfilled by them having successors. "I will be with you ALL days." "I will send my Holy Spirit to guide you into ALL truth." "Feed My lambs/sheep/lambs." "You are Kepha, and upon this kepha I will build My Church." "The Church is the bulwark and foundation of the Truth." To you Kepha I give the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven...what you, Kepha, loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven etc... And of course there is the unbroken historical record of the primacy and jurisdiction of the bishop of Rome (early ch. fathers).
      9. I would love just one protestant ever to answer: just when in history did your cherished (but baseless) assumption of a general apostasy occur? Let's see the proof: a battle, a council, a declaration, a pope, an emperor saying/doing this or that, a rebel body peeling off to Where? When? Who? Names/Dates? We know you have to have a general apostasy to make room for protestantism to be legit: so let's see the historical moment when this crucial apostasy happened, and the church Christ said He would be with ALL days split off and go underground and only surface with failed monk Martin Luther a millennia later. Are there archaeological remains? Grafitti scratched on stone catacombs? What?
      His Church has to always exist since Christ promised He would be with it ALL--not just some--days.
      And it has to be a visible, human-led organization to which you can literally take your arguments.
      In contrast, it's easy to see a priest and bishop-led Church in the earliest Christian documents, as well as the unbroken understanding of the Eucharist as Christ's Real Flesh and Blood.
      Not one of Tim's shop-worn shibboleths are good reasons for not being Catholic. They are answered over and over again: so it is not an intellectual objection. Rather it is a position of the will.
      Tim is right in that the rise of Christianity and Western Civilization, and the spreading of the bible throughout the known world, is due to the Catholic Church. Which exists today, as we must expect Christ's church to have done from Pentecost until (!) the end of time. (This "until" does not mean the Church stops existing at the end of the world. We believe the Church exists Triumphant in heaven.) It is time for you to re-investigate the rich heritage your parents gave you but which you have tossed carelessly aside.

  • @preachermanko
    @preachermanko 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank You for this video brother, God Bless You!!!

  • @pozzimusica
    @pozzimusica 3 месяца назад +3

    Well, I think Martin Luther took care of the paying of Alms to purchase salvation or forgiveness in the Catholic Church. Luther actually reformed the Catholic Church on that issue. Every church asks for money, perhaps with different labels, but money nevertheless. Purgatory ; you don't have to believe in, but it's an interesting thought, especially Dante's version. We could actually experience purgatory here on earth, the natural consequences of sin. Catholics are not required to venerate Mary, but it's a custom among many. We believe in salvation based on Christ alone. I agree that there are layers of tradition that seem to indicate otherwise. But the baseline truths are the same as Protestants.

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад

      Are you sure you are clear on Catholic doctrine? Purgatory: The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines purgatory as a “purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven,” which is experienced by those “who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified” (CCC 1030). It notes that “this final purification of the elect . . . is entirely different from the punishment of the damned” (CCC 1031). So Purgatory IS a doctrine in which we Catholics must believe.
      You say, "Catholics are not required to venerate Mary," but we are indeed required to believe these four dogmas: Mary being the mother of God, ever virgin, immaculately conceived and bodily assumed into heaven.. Honoring/venerating her for these qualities comes naturally from believing them.

  • @BigStack-vg6ku
    @BigStack-vg6ku 3 месяца назад +19

    I don’t follow any man, I am only interested in finding Truth. I trust the Holy Spirit to guide me. Again,for a non Catholic, Tim is as good as you can get for his honesty in his reviews.

    • @KillerofGods
      @KillerofGods 3 месяца назад +4

      I mean Jesus was a man/human. So obviously your statement isn't true if you believe in the Trinity.

    • @stormy_waters
      @stormy_waters 3 месяца назад +7

      @@KillerofGods I can’t believe this needs saying, but Jesus was no mere mortal my dude. Jesus was born without sin, our Lord Jesus was God in the flesh. Christ the King 🐑✝🕊

    • @jamestrotter3162
      @jamestrotter3162 3 месяца назад +5

      @@KillerofGods Jesus Christ is fully God and fully sinless man according to the word of God. He is one divine person with two natures. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were all present and active in creation since they are one God.- Gen. 1:1-27, Jn. 1:1-18, Col. 1:16-18.

    • @KillerofGods
      @KillerofGods 3 месяца назад +3

      @@stormy_waters And he was fully human and fully divine. He wasn't a normal man to be sure. But he was the new Adam and was still a man.

    • @KillerofGods
      @KillerofGods 3 месяца назад +3

      @@jamestrotter3162 Yep fully human and fully divine. That is how (among other reasons) we were saved

  • @gedat5538
    @gedat5538 3 месяца назад +3

    Colossians 1:24-29 "Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church." St Paul is very much a Catholic!

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      That’s a stretch. At least in regards to Roman variations.

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews "Roman" variations? I don't know what that means.

  • @justfromcatholic
    @justfromcatholic 3 месяца назад +2

    My feedback on purgatory:
    Why Protestants reject purgatory comes from their belief on how God justifies believers to enter heaven as taught by the Reformers. They taught that through faith alone believers will get Christ' righteousness imputed on them while all their sins (past, present, and future) imputed on Christ - known as double imputation. Believers and Christ exchange their identities - a glorious exchange as Luther wrote. Believers took Christ’ identity and are counted or declared righteous while they remain sinners. Christ took believers’ identities and was counted or declared as sinner while He remains sinless and righteous. Because Christ was declared sinner, He bore the punishments the believers deserve on the cross for their sins. There is no limit of amount or type of sins (of believers) imputed on Christ - He bore them all. Under such belief purgatory, will add what Christ already did on the cross for believers.
    Catholics reject double imputation of the Reformers because Scripture says in Eze. 18:20: "the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.” Declaring a non-righteous person as righteous is a false declaration and declaring a righteous person as sinner is both false declaration and injustice. Even in human courtroom it will be injustice when a guilty person was declared not guilty because his wrongdoings were imputed on innocent person who then underwent punishment for wrongdoings he did not do. Scripture says in Pro. 17:15: “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the LORD.” Why would God make false declaration, do injustice and abomination through double imputation taught by the Reformers?
    In contrast to the teaching of the Reformers Catholics believe our sins (past, present , and future) must be washed away - they are NOT imputed on Christ. Christ willingly offered Himself to die for our sins in order to reconcile us back to God. According to Eze. 33:12-13, a righteous person will lose his righteousness (or will not live) when he sins and according to 1 John 5:16-17 there are deadly (mortal) and non-deadly (venial) sins. Scripture refers God as refiner’s fire and fuller’s soap (Mal. 3:2) - both have something to do with refining and cleansing. Zec. 13:8-9 says God put some into fire as one refines silver and test gold - the word purgatory is not mentioned but the concept is.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      I am not a double imputationist.

    • @justfromcatholic
      @justfromcatholic 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews Double imputation is the core of sola fide (faith alone justification). All Protestants hold to this belief, regardless they are aware of it or not. If you are NOT a double imputations, then tell me and the other readers what you believe? What happened to you when you put your faith in Christ and on His finished works on the cross?

  • @BrendaBoykin-qz5dj
    @BrendaBoykin-qz5dj 3 месяца назад +2

    Thank you, Brother Tim. Great topic.🌹⭐🌹

  • @stormy_waters
    @stormy_waters 3 месяца назад +3

    I was born, raised, and baptized in a nominally Catholic household but as an adult I actually started to research what it actually meant to be Roman Catholic and found that I practically disagreed with everything in their Catechism from the Lord’s Supper and the Sacraments, Justification, papal supremacy, and veneration of the Virgin Mary and the saints, all adiaphora in my humble opinion. The late reformers really restored The Faith back to what was really essential, and discarded the folderols that the Roman Catholic Church got so occupied with. God Bless you Tim, the Holy Spirit truly does work its wonders through you.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +2

      Thank you! The Reformers are not without fault, but they were critical in getting us where we are today.

  • @BD-fi2oq
    @BD-fi2oq 3 месяца назад +1

    I love the richness and depth of the Catholic Church 2,000 year history. We have the teachings of the Magestrium, Doctors of the Church, the Saints, mystics and the movement of the laity through the ages.
    I believe brother you will one day become a Catholic. Enjoy the journey.

  • @YesurajaTaffiya
    @YesurajaTaffiya 3 месяца назад +3

    I'd like to add that asking prayer of passed on saints is on thing but displaying someone's dub body or parts like head and praying next to it is straight our creepy 😢.
    I understand its not prevalent but still. It baffles me.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      I’ve visited a church in Louisville that has skeletons of dead saints in it. It’s wild.

  • @daviddrake8742
    @daviddrake8742 3 месяца назад +2

    I love this channel and thank you for your efforts. Merely Christian has been my path to the triune God. Deep into bible study and possessing many study bibles (ESV, CSB, NLT Life Application, Ignatious NT, Ancient Faith, and of course ESV Fire Bible…thanks for the recommendation) and commentaries, I do not consider myself to be a person of The Book. I do consider the Bible to be the inspired word of God, but I am a person of God and strive to have the Spirt within and to walk with Jesus. I was baptized Catholic but have ventured into multiple Protestant denominations. I do better finding God by not getting too caught up is team politics. I also like football but hate it when I have to pick a team and cheer for “a” team. I already have my team and it is God my triune team. I am not against these teams but I want my focus on God and not which team I am rooting for this week. But on my trip with God I want to thank you for fun filled rest stops. You do a great job.

  • @cyberxcrime8935
    @cyberxcrime8935 3 месяца назад +4

    Does anyone else think 5:08 sound quite Nestorian? Correct me if Im wrong

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      I’m certain not advocating the incarnation didn’t happen or that Jesus was simply an inspired man. He was God in the flesh born of the Holy Spirit with God is his father.

    • @cyberxcrime8935
      @cyberxcrime8935 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviewsPutting a disclaimer that im just clarifying, no hate intended. But do u not affirm Mary as theotokos? Cause you also said that Mary is the mother of the godhead which while im not catholic, am pretty sure catholics do not believe that.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      I said essentially. If she’s the mother of God. I do not believe she is the theokotos. She is the mother of Jesus who was 100 percent man and 100 percent God.

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад +1

      @@cyberxcrime8935 You are right, we do not use such a phrase, we say "God Bearer." "Mother of God." Never "mother of the godhead" who says this but perhaps protestants seeking straw men to knock down. If one can't say Mother of God about Mary, one has a problem with one's Christology. Her title is all about her Son.

  • @pixel7038
    @pixel7038 3 месяца назад +1

    Im not Catholic cuz I find infant baptism theology inconsistent. I hear some say it causes regeneration from original sin or witnessing Gods grace but still not saved. Adolf Hitler being infant baptized and so many babies dying helped me reflect John 3:5 means a born again Christian (re-birth).

  • @joeldavid0592
    @joeldavid0592 3 месяца назад +4

    Thank you for your charitable words. However, the holy Catholic Church does not actually teach that Mary never died. Catholics are free to believe that she did or didn't die. I personally believe that she did die. We are only required to believe that she was assumed body and soul into heaven. Ave Maria, gratia plena!

  • @davecrawford4377
    @davecrawford4377 3 месяца назад +1

    Hi Tim very good , you made a lot of sense. I agree with everything you said. God Bless!!

  • @observingyt6159
    @observingyt6159 3 месяца назад +2

    I do not believe the Apostles failed to start the church Jesus wanted. Which he founded on St Peter. There's no way beliefs such as Mary remaining a virgin could just be made up at some point. They knew Mary. Does that make sense? God bless

  • @anthonym.7653
    @anthonym.7653 3 месяца назад +7

    The 3 main reasons for me were the papacy, purgatory, and the Marian dogmas.
    I still love my Catholic family & friends and consider them brothers & sisters. I just disagree with those issues.
    I am intrigued with the Orthodox faith which has some similarities with Catholicism.

    • @fnjesusfreak
      @fnjesusfreak 3 месяца назад +1

      My main contentions regard Mary, the saints, and the papacy.
      My dad is Orthodox; but I was raised Methodist and so remain.

    • @pmlm1571
      @pmlm1571 3 месяца назад +1

      Your reasons are easy to answer.
      1. Tim is wrong if he thinks Catholics think we "pay" for our sins as opposed to Christ paying for them: we say Christ paid for our sins, and we cooperate with His full payment by our life of loving faith. It is the Catholic both/and as opposed to the protestant either/or.
      2. Purgatory is not taught as a "time" spent after death: that's not the teaching. The teaching is that some perfecting must occur between the death of the imperfect man and his standing perfect before the face of the Living God: the unpleasant experience of being perfected, whether it has duration or not, is purgatory. Calling purgatory a place is using human language as humans must do, to approach or approximate: not meant literally. Why caricature the doctrine?
      3. Communion Of Saints = Necromancy, not. This is a very shallow objection. Catholics believe in the "Communion" of saints. It's in the Nicene Creed: protestantism has no way to admit this "communing" except to make it conditional: the communing is only with some, not all of the saints, a distinction not found in the bible. Those who die in Christ are alive in Christ, according to St. Paul--so they are more alive than you and I are on earth: they remain members of the Living Body of Christ. So they are together with us who are also members of the same Living Body. They can pray for us if God lets them participate in His knowledge of us.
      4. Mary: when is the last time you positively complied with Luke 1:48? Mary is a special case of Saints. For she is the most perfect (holiest) saint who ever lived: given a new name by the angel, "Kecharitomene", "Having Been Completely Graced." The word is in the past perfect tense. That's her name in salvation history. So to be in communion with Saint Mary is a good thing.
      4. As to Mary's death: Why not admit the official statement in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, free and online? It is FACTUALLY incorrect to say it is Catholic doctrine that Mary did not die. The Church tends to hold the opinion that Mary did die, but the official teaching is only and merely this exact statement and no more(Catechism 947 ): *The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, when the course of her earthly life was completed, was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven*. This teaching is defined in these words in a papal encyclical couched among references to many opinions of doctors and fathers that Mary did die and *was entombed*. And THEN assumed into heaven. (See if you can find any place of pilgrimage where Mary's bones are venerated, or any relics kept of Mary's body. hmmm...)
      5. You want to know where is that in the bible: I want to know where does the bible say that it has to be in the bible? Where in the bible is the canon of the bible, e.g.? (It's not: the canon of the bible comes from Sacred Tradition.)
      6. Yes, Mary is a perpetual Virgin: "brothers" of Jesus are step- or cousins or kin in some sense. Joseph "knew her not until": How about the sentence, "He was faithful until death." Not after death? "Until" does not mean what you wish it to mean.
      7. There is no way to read the Bread of Life Discourse straightforwardly and humbly without accepting the 2000-old-teaching: otherwise you are a #666, that is, you leave the Lord in disgust at the revolting thing He is saying, and you are never heard of again (see John 6:66).
      8. As to Apostolic Succession, The Mandate was to go out and preach to and baptize the WHOLE WORLD: a mandate given to 11 mortal men, a mission which can only be fulfilled by them having successors. "I will be with you ALL days." "I will send my Holy Spirit to guide you into ALL truth." "Feed My lambs/sheep/lambs." "You are Kepha, and upon this kepha I will build My Church." "The Church is the bulwark and foundation of the Truth." To you Kepha I give the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven...what you, Kepha, loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven etc... And of course there is the unbroken historical record of the primacy and jurisdiction of the bishop of Rome (early ch. fathers).
      9. I would love just one protestant ever to answer: just when in history did your cherished (but baseless) assumption of a general apostasy occur? Let's see the proof: a battle, a council, a declaration, a pope, an emperor saying/doing this or that, a rebel body peeling off to Where? When? Who? We know you have to have a general apostasy to make room for protestantism to be legit: so let's see the historical moment when this crucial apostasy happened, and the church Christ said He would be with ALL days split off and went underground and only surfaced with failed monk Martin Luther a millennia later. Are there archaeological remains? Grafitti scratched on stone catacombs?
      His Church has to always exist since Christ promised He would be with it ALL--not just some--days.
      And it has to be a visible, human-led organization to which you can literally take your arguments.
      In contrast, it's easy to see a priest and bishop-led Church in the earliest Christian documents, as well as the unbroken understanding of the Eucharist as Christ's Real Flesh and Blood.
      Not one of Tim's shop-worn shibboleths are good reasons for not being Catholic. They are answered over and over again: so it is not an intellectual objection. Rather it is a position of the will.
      Tim is right in that the rise of Christianity and Western Civilization, and the spreading of the bible throughout the known world, is due to the Catholic Church. Which exists today, as we must expect Christ's church to have done from Pentecost to the end of time.

  • @kumquat0910
    @kumquat0910 3 месяца назад

    Interesting video, thank you! I’m a Protestant myself but I took a good hard look at the Catholic Church when I first came back to the faith as an adult, and the issues you describe are essentially the same reasons I’m not a Catholic either. But always, nothing but love for our Catholic brethren.
    As long as you’re tackling these larger issues of faith and doctrine and not just reviewing Bibles, I’d like to say that I would definitely watch a video where you explain why you *are* a Pentecostal. It’s always interesting and illuminating to me to learn more about what other folks believe, and it inspires me always to examine my own relationship with God more deeply.

  • @gilanbarona9814
    @gilanbarona9814 3 месяца назад +1

    I am a Messianic Jew. For Jews, Messianic or otherwise, we have a problem with the Roman Church's old Replacement Theology. I don't know what the official doctrine is now in regards to this, but as far as I know, it has never been repudiated. My people and I could not accept that the church replaced Israel. Scripture actually says otherwise, as does history.

  • @armandus505
    @armandus505 3 месяца назад +2

    Hi Tim, I appreciate your comments and the way in which it was delivered. I enjoy watching your channel especially when you review NKJV & Catholic Bibles. I love to collect most mainline translation Bibles, especially the NKJV. I don't know why, because I end op reading the NKJV One Year Bible on Kindle, where I can adjust the font size and not worry about bleed through! For me, the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist was which led me to eventually being received into the Catholic Church from the Reformed Church. I value the Reformed Church for laying the foundation of my faith, but especially the Catholic Church for bringing me into the fullness of faith. God bless and keep up the good work! 🙏🌺🙏🌻

  • @pablovelasquez6917
    @pablovelasquez6917 3 месяца назад +2

    1. Penance does not save, it shows you are sorry. To submit and "suffer" is a way to do that. Its a way to show you are trully sorry. Penance doesn't save, its just as you said so in that regard I see no distinction between you and us
    2. Purgatory is not really a "time" but rather a process (for realities besides life are more or less misterious) where the soul is fully cleasend of evil and enters heaven. Purgatory is for the saved, not in the slightest for the damned. That is why as you said, we could defend the position without saying that we "act on behalf of the death for their salvation".
    3. The concept of communion of the saints of old church theology revolves around the idea that those who follow Christ died, but are "alive" in heaven. That said, mary and the saints are not "dead" but with christ. That given, you said why mary is worthy of devotion and that is good. Our only difference besides that would be epistemolohical: How to know the truth. We do not follow the principle of sola scriptura and that disagreement is not the topic here, I must warn of the "solo scriptura" mistake, some protestants make and which is disputed among Protestants as well.
    4. Papal Infalabillity: This applies only in faith and morals, and its the maximal power to clarify, and because of that, it cannot go againts things like scripture and tradition. The power is the de jure posibility of something everyone does de facto: that being giving their interpretation the value of absolute authority.
    5. I like that we both agree on the real presence, and the way of that why that is can be disputed, what I want to clarify is the concept of the mass. The mass is not a sacrifice we make, is the atemporal sacrifice of christ. That is the reason why the real presence is true.
    Id love to hear you thoughts on this hehe, God Bless

  • @roberthakchin8520
    @roberthakchin8520 3 месяца назад +1

    I thank you for your honesty. I pray for your conversion and for you to go beyond the Bible as the way God reveals.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      Thank you. But I’ll stick with the Bible.

    • @roberthakchin8520
      @roberthakchin8520 3 месяца назад

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews Follow up question, are you a literalist to all words in the Bible? Just trying to see how far the blinders go.

  • @justfromcatholic
    @justfromcatholic 3 месяца назад +2

    My feedback on penance:
    According to Eze. 33:14-16 when a wicked person turns from sin (or repents) AND does what is just and right he would be back to life. Doing what is just and right after repenting is known as temporal punishment, from which Catholics have penance and even indulgences. What these verses say contradict the teaching of the Reformers who taught that all your sins (past, present, and future) through faith alone were imputed/counted on Christ who was already punished for those sins - the punishment the believers deserve. That is why you have problem with penance.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      While I see your point, there is no other offering for our sin than the cross. Repentance is not penance.

    • @justfromcatholic
      @justfromcatholic 3 месяца назад

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews I did NOT write "repentance is penance". The verses I cited say when a wicked person (1) turns from sin and (2) does what is just and right he would live again - all the wicked things he did will be forgotten. No 1 is repentance and no. 2 is temporary punishment, from which we have penance.
      In your daily life you apply the same concept as written in Eze. 33:14-16. When a person, say, broke the windshield of your car and he apologized; you will forgive him but you still demand him to replace the broken windshield. The latter belongs to "doing what is just and right".

    • @Daniel-yc1ff
      @Daniel-yc1ff 2 месяца назад

      ​@@justfromcatholic Ephesians 2:8-9 the Apostle Paul wrote clearly with Word given by the Holy Spirit : "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
      The verses in Ezekial wrote of the law expanded given to the Jews. The Blood of Jesus made Grace possible because He fulfilled all the law and works by becoming our sacrifice. Therefore, not by any works (penance, sacraments, traditions, etc) can one be saved. Only by repentence of sin and accepting God's free gift of Grace by Faith in Christ alone.
      FYI -- I was a roman catholic for nearly 22-years and directed music for over 500 catholic masses. I was not born again until I turned 22 after hearing a local preacher and firsr reading the scripture myself. I had to believe in what God's word said...not in works or religion.

    • @justfromcatholic
      @justfromcatholic 2 месяца назад

      @@Daniel-yc1ff Eph. 2:8-9 is perhaps the most cited verses to support faith-alone salvation. But Scripture also says in 2 Th. 2:13 that God saves us through sanctification.
      The verses of Ezekiel cited are applicable to us. If you think they are meant for the Jews, then what James wrote in his epistle is also applicable only to the Jews based on James 1:1. You attempt to set aside those verses in order to justify your belief based on the teaching of the Reformers. God does not change his standard both in OT and NT. Scripture is supposed to be your final authority. If your belief contradicts what Scripture says, then it is wrong belief.
      FYI: I was once in the same situation. Born and raised Catholic I became evangelical after doing Bible study with an evangelical friend and read verses of Scripture he pointed out to me. After reading other verses I realize that what the Reformers taught is wrong.

    • @Daniel-yc1ff
      @Daniel-yc1ff 2 месяца назад

      ​​@@justfromcatholic That's not the works referred to in Ezekiel to substanciate the 'Christ's Grace isn't enough you need works' fallicy. Christians do, however, need sanctification. But the works as James put it(which also means fruit of the born again believer) are necessary. Some simple believe they get saved but then find themselves struggling with the same. Why? They lack holiness or sanctification. When one dedicates their life daily to Christ and His Word, the work/fruit will come.
      Many have a problem with that. I'm a simple Bible believing Christian. I'm not a reformer. Luther believed in baptismal regeneration (works and not what water baptism represents as an ordinance). On the other hand, he contradicted himself by becoming so furious with the book of James, Jude, Hebrews and others (which he clearly didn't understand from the Textus Receptus); that he tried to remove them from the N.T. canons.
      I'll leave it here:
      Romans 11:6
      “And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.”

  • @sebastianbaran9645
    @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад +2

    Catholics believe that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was sufficient for the forgiveness of sins. Penance is not about paying for sins in a salvific sense but is a way to express sorrow and amend for one's sins. The Douay-Rheims Bible explicitly uses the term "penance," highlighting its biblical foundation. Here are some examples:
    Matthew 3:2: "And saying: Do penance: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
    Mark 1:15: "And saying: The time is accomplished, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent, and believe the gospel."
    Luke 13:3: "No, I say to you: but unless you shall do penance, you shall all likewise perish."
    Acts 2:38: "But Peter said to them: Do penance, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins: and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
    Acts 26:20: "But to them first that are at Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and unto all the country of Judea, and to the Gentiles did I preach, that they should do penance, and turn to God, doing works worthy of penance."

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      Repent it says.

    • @sebastianbaran9645
      @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews The Douay-Rheims version uses the word "penance".

    • @sebastianbaran9645
      @sebastianbaran9645 3 месяца назад

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews It uses the word "penance" instead of "repent" because it follows the Latin Vulgate's translation closely. The Latin Vulgate, translated by St. Jerome in the 4th century, uses the term "paenitentia" (penance) in passages like Matthew 3:2 and Acts 2:38.

  • @abelreturnstoeden2130
    @abelreturnstoeden2130 2 месяца назад +1

    Threatening to turn off the Comments is Pretty CONTROLLING Tim! It Undermines your Sincerity!! 😏

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  2 месяца назад

      It’s my channel. I can pretty much do what I want.

    • @abelreturnstoeden2130
      @abelreturnstoeden2130 2 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviewsYou have proven my point! You sound like every Pastor I have ever met or observed when it is pointed out to them that what they are saying contradicts the Bible or an obvious fact. They REACT rather than Respond with Civility. 🤨

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  2 месяца назад

      I’m not really reacting. I am just pointing out, this is a platform I have control of. To call it controlling is a bit ridiculous when I am literally controlling the entire process. If people start fighting amongst each other in a hostile way in the comments, I can reserve the right to turn them off. It has nothing to do with sincerity. It has everything to do with assuring things stay civil. The fact that comments actually aren’t turned off should say something. You’re actually commenting now, so tell me, what’s your issue?

  • @Bruised-Reed
    @Bruised-Reed 3 месяца назад

    Nice and concise. I’m reformed Anglican and we follow three creeds, (sounds like you already have found them). They explain the essential Christian faith and trinity very well. As such we still use the term catholic faith and Catholic Church but reject the Roman doctrines like you have explained. It is nice to see therefore you used the term Roman Catholic in your video and explained catholic means universal or whole. This term needs to be reclaimed by Protestant churches as it helps cement where the faith has come from. Really enjoyed this video and I pray it will help many, Roman Catholics are an often forgotten group which need to be evangelised to.

  • @josephraimondo102
    @josephraimondo102 3 месяца назад +2

    Spot on explaining the Reform position.

  • @Justas399
    @Justas399 3 месяца назад +6

    Start with the papacy. No office of a chief shepherd-pope in the NT.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      That is a big factor for me.

    • @Justas399
      @Justas399 3 месяца назад

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews so long as the papacy exist there can never be unity with Christians.

    • @fnjesusfreak
      @fnjesusfreak 3 месяца назад +2

      There wasn't even a pope for quite some time afterward - the bishop of Rome got too big for his breeches.
      Even the Orthodox Churches understand "Quia tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram aedificabo meam ecclesiam" ("That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I shall build my church") correctly, i.e., that the rock is the confession, not Peter himself.

    • @asggerpatton7169
      @asggerpatton7169 3 месяца назад

      ​@@fnjesusfreakThere was always a bishop of rome and he had a special placement recognized by all the other patriarchs. Also, Peter means rock as you know, so how can "you're Peter and upon this rock I'll build my church" not mean Peter himself?

    • @fnjesusfreak
      @fnjesusfreak 3 месяца назад +1

      @@asggerpatton7169 He said "this rock", not "thee, O rock". Also the head patriarch was the Bishop of Jerusalem, James the Just, not Peter.

  • @mariagutierrez4721
    @mariagutierrez4721 3 месяца назад +3

    Great job I agree 100💯

  • @biblealone9201
    @biblealone9201 3 месяца назад +1

    The prayers of penance are not punishment. Although our sins are forgiven by God through the sacrament, the effects of our sin are still present in the world. The prayers are given for our penance not as punishment but as an attempt on our part to make up for the effects of our sins.
    Then the priest imposes an act of penance or satisfaction on the penitent; this should serve not only to make up for the past but also to help him to begin a new life and provide him with an antidote to weakness. As far as possible, the penance should correspond to the seriousness and nature of the sins. If you break a window you replace that window .This act of penance may suitably take the form of prayer, self-denial, and especially service of one’s neighbor and works of mercy. These will underline the fact that sin and its forgiveness have a social aspect (Rite of Penance, 18).

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      Our sins are forgiven by God through the cross alone by Jesus alone.

    • @biblealone9201
      @biblealone9201 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews that's right they are sin is forgiven by Christ But the effects of our sin are still present in the world aren't they If you break a window you replace that window .you don't just ask you neighbor to forgive you and walk away you repair that broken window that's penance

  • @fr.johnwhiteford6194
    @fr.johnwhiteford6194 3 месяца назад +2

    St. Ignatius of Antioch was a disciple of the Apostle John, and if you read his epistles, he was not a Protestant.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +5

      I have read Ignatius. I really don’t see anything that leads us to where the Catholic Church is today.

    • @fr.johnwhiteford6194
      @fr.johnwhiteford6194 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews Me neither. But it is not Protestant for sure.
      “Similarly, let everyone respect the deacons as Jesus Christ, just as they should respect the bishop, who is a model of the Father, and the presbyters as God’s council and as the band of the Apostles. Without these no group can be called a church” (Trallians 3:13).
      "Make no mistake brethren, no one who follows another into a schism will inherit the Kingdom of God, no one who follows heretical doctrines is on the side of the passion" (Philadelphians 3:3).
      “Be zealous, then, in the observance of one Eucharist. For there is one flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one chalice that brings union in His blood. There is one altar, as there is one bishop, with the priest and the deacons, who are my fellow workers” (Philadelphians 4:1).
      “But consider those who are of a different opinion with respect to the grace of Christ which has come unto us, how they oppose the will of God…. They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they confess not the Eucharist to be the flesh of our Saviour Jesus Christ, which suffered for our sins, and which the Father, of His goodness raised up again. Those, therefore, who speak against the gift of God, incur death in the midst of their disputes. But it were better for them to treat it with respect, that they also might rise again” (Smyrneaens 6:2-7:1).
      “Flee from divisions, as the beginning of evils. You must all follow the bishop, as Jesus Christ followed the Father, and follow the presbyters as you would the apostles; and respect the deacons as the commandment of God. Let no one do anything that has to do with the Church without the bishop. Only that Eucharist which is under the authority of the bishop (or whomever he himself designates) is to be considered valid. Wherever the bishop appears, there let the congregation be; just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. It is not permissible either to baptize or to hold a love feast without the bishop. But whatever he approves is also pleasing to God, in order that everything you may do may be trustworthy and valid” (Smyrneans 8:1-2).
      “Assemble yourselves together in common, every one of you severally, man by man, in grace, in one faith and one Jesus Christ, who after the flesh was of David's race, who is Son of Man and Son of God, to the end that ye may obey the bishop and presbytery without distraction of mind; breaking one bread, which is the medicine of immortality and the antidote that we should not die but live for ever in Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 20:2).

  • @biblealone9201
    @biblealone9201 3 месяца назад +2

    Scripture for Purgatory 👍👍
    Luke 12:58-59; 1 Corinthians 3:15; Mathew 5:25-26 ... temporary agony.
    Hebrews 12:6-11 God's painful discipline.
    Mathew 12:32 no forgiveness ... nor in the age to come.
    1 Peter 3:18-20 might be purgatory (limbo?).
    1 Peter 4:6 preached to the dead.
    Revelations 21:27 ... nothing unclean shall enter heaven.
    Hebrews 12:23 souls in heaven are perfect.
    Colossians 1:24; 2 Sam 12:13-14 extra suffering.
    2 Macabees 12:43-46 sacrifice for the dead. (not in Protestant Bibles)
    2 Timothy 1:15-18 prayer for Onesiphorus for "that Day."
    1 John 5:14-17 ... mortal/venial sins
    Since you claim there is no "purgatory " Then please explain where Jesus' Spirit went for the 3 days his body was dead? Sacred Scripture says ",, that he went and preached to the spirits who lay in prison. " ( 1 Peter 3:19) Where was this prison? was it in Heaven? If so why would there be a prison in Paradise? Was the prison in the Hell of the Damned? If so why would the damned need to hear the Gospel? .
    as you say there is no "purgatory" then Jesus did not have to die on the cross. If Moses and Abraham and the rest of the OT Faithful were already in the presence of the Lord then Jesus did not have to die.
    His death on the cross opened the narrow gate and the OT faithful passed through that narrow gate from the wilderness into the Promised land.
    The OT Faithful that died waiting for the Messiah weren't in slavery in Egypt- the antetype of hell of the damned for they had been rescued but they weren't in the Promised land of heaven either. Jesus' death opened the narrow gate and fulfilled the Covenant. Please study the Hebrew thoughts of Sheol and the grave, and note that Sheol is NOT Gehenna. Gehenna is for the accursed and the Damned not Abraham or Moses.
    The waiting in the spiritual wilderness is the best explanation of "purgatory" I can think of right now.
    Thanks for listening and remember Revelation 21 :17 & 1 Cor 3:15 especially verses 10-15. ----
    the word hell means Hades or Sheol, the collective abode of the dead, divided into Paradise or Abraham's Bosom--the state of God-fearing souls--and Gehenna, the state of ungodly souls. Thus the descent into hell suggests that the Son of God carried the sins of the world to hell; or the Son of God carried Good News of deliverance to the godly dead such as Lazarus the beggar and the repentant thief.
    Christ says in Matthew that, like Jonah, he would be in the belly of the earth for 3 days. Acts tells us Christ remained on earth for 40 days before He ascends. So there were 43 days BEFORE Christ went to Heaven. Did the good thief go ahead of the Lord to make sure the lights were on for His arrival? Or, more likely, Paradise that Christ mentions, is Abrahams Boosom. The place where the prisoners Christ preached to in 1st Peter were awaiting the Messiah

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      The realm of the dead is a place. Purgatory is a doctrine. Not comparable.

    • @biblealone9201
      @biblealone9201 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews Ever hear of Sheol or Hades that’s were the word was derived from in Latin "purgatorio" Purgatory The Greek word used for fire is "" (puroo) of which "pur" is the root word for Purgatory. a translation of Hades and Sheol. By the way The word Trinity and Easter Isn’t in the Bible either where did they come from …..
      Hell" is english, "sheol" is Hebrew, "hades" is Greek. Purgatory is Latin for the same
      The Abode of the Just - Abraham's Bosom (Lk 16:22-26) This is where they awaited their promised deliverance.
      Gehenna (Greek): This is the lake of fire. Eternal damnation (Mt:18:9)
      The good guys went to the Abode of the Just (Abraham's Bosom), the bad guys when to gehenna. There was a great chasm between the two places and there was no way to get to one side from the other. (Mt:18:9). Christ descended into hell on Good Friday so he could rescue the righteous from the part of hell where the righteous were.(1 Pt 3:18-19) Jesus is the only way to Heaven so it was important that he descended to the dead. (Jn 14:6) Jesus didn't go to hell as a dead guy. He went there as the Saviour. Jesus blew down the doors of the Abode of the Just and grabbed out every faithful servant of God from the beginning of history. He rescued them and freed them from this prison on Holy Saturday. Praise God! That must have been a great party.😁😁

  • @vermontmike9800
    @vermontmike9800 3 месяца назад +1

    We’re you an atheist at one point? If so, do you have a video about that transformation? I’m agnostic trying to find the truth.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +2

      I’ve always believed in God but I didn’t serve him. I did make a brief video about my testimony but it’s not exhaustive. It’s called Three Bibles That Changed Everything.

  • @gedat5538
    @gedat5538 3 месяца назад

    2 Samuel 13b-14 Nathan said to David, “Now the LORD has forgiven your sin; you shall not die. Nevertheless, because by this deed you have utterly scorned the LORD, the child that is born to you shall die.” Sin has many temporal consequences besides offending God. Catholic prayer, fasting and alms-giving are not for OBTAINING FORGIVENESS (that is given by God through power of ABSOLUTION -Jn 20:22-23) but to learn to walk in the ways of God.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      I do not doubt we are to make restitution, but that is far different than the doctrine of penance.

  • @apracity7672
    @apracity7672 3 месяца назад +1

    If contact with the dead is an absolute prohibition, then did Jesus sin on the mount of transfiguration? Why not?

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      A glorified Jesus talking with a glorified Moses and Elijah isn’t comparable. Jesus is God.

    • @apracity7672
      @apracity7672 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews Jesus, the man, communicated with two dead men. Therefore, necromancy cannot be interpreted to mean that any and all contact with the dead is intrinsically sinful

  • @EricSmith-mc5gx
    @EricSmith-mc5gx 3 месяца назад +1

    Take note of those who hold heterodox opinions on the grace of Jesus Christ, which have come to us, and see how contrary their opinions are to the mind of God. . . . They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, flesh that suffered for our sins and that the Father, in his goodness, raised up again. They who deny the gift of God are perishing in their disputes [Letter to the Smyrnaeans 6-7 (c. A.D. 110)].

    • @EricSmith-mc5gx
      @EricSmith-mc5gx 3 месяца назад

      We call this food Eucharist, and no one else is permitted to partake of it, except one who believes our teaching to be true and who has been washed in the washing that is for the remission of sins and for regeneration [i.e., has received baptism] and is thereby living as Christ enjoined. For not as common bread nor common drink do we receive these; but since Jesus Christ, our Savior was made incarnate by the word of God and had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so too, as we have been taught, the food that has been made into the Eucharist by the eucharistic prayer set down by him, and by the change of which our blood and flesh is nurtured, is both the flesh and the blood of that incarnated Jesus [First Apology 66 (c. A.D. 151)].

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      It is not literal presence I take issue with, I mentioned that. It is the means that I take issue with.

  • @zachpeterson8341
    @zachpeterson8341 3 месяца назад

    May attempt to write up a detailed point for point clarification on this, since I was surprised to see more fuzziness on the particulars of Catholic belief than I thought I would.
    No shade, no hate, I appreciate your coverage of Catholic content.

  • @Rod-Wheeler
    @Rod-Wheeler 3 месяца назад +3


  • @carlose4314
    @carlose4314 3 месяца назад

    0:45 Only confession can absolve sin. Penance is the removal of temporal punishment of sin, not the removal of sin. A person who goes to confession but intends to keep on committing the same sin is still guilty of his sin. Penance opens your heart to allow God's grace to enter. You may have been forgiven, but you still have to deal with the consequences of your sin (an adulterer who repents isn't suddenly going to be on good terms with his wife).
    1:55 Purgatory is the purification one experiences before entering heaven (not a waiting room and not a personal judgement). Everyone in purgatory will eventually end up in heaven. This goes back to the first and second temples when Jews would purify themselves before entering the temple. Heaven is supposed to be even more pure, so the purification process would be more intensive. It is Jesus that purifies us in purgatory.

  • @shirleygoss1988
    @shirleygoss1988 3 месяца назад +1

    Tim , you are right as far as Purgatory is concerned. You are right. Papal Infallibility is huge issue, and a wrong one Christ is the Head of His Church.
    You are looking at Apostolic Succession as stemming solely from the Roman Pontiff. That is wrong. All of the Apostles passed on their Succession. NO ONE BISHOP is in any way superior to any other Bishop. If you look at History, Peter was the first Bishop of Antioch, and passed on His authority there as well. As did John, , Andrew, and Paul! Look at Titus 1:5 for one. The words Apostolic Succession are not there, but the teaching is implicit.
    None of the first generations, or anyone who has finished their mortal race by God's grace is DEAD! To us yes, but we are not God. If you believe they are dead until the Resurrection, do you not in actual point of fact, adhere to soul sleep. If yes, how does your denomination differ from the JW's in that regard. differ?
    I love your videos, and I love your stance on the New King James Version.
    You should do a video on the Eastern Orthodox .
    I used to be an IFB, so my ideas of theology have under gone a major change!

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      I do not believe apostles today have the same authority as the twelve, but I think there are modern day apostles.

    • @shirleygoss1988
      @shirleygoss1988 3 месяца назад

      @anickelsworthbiblereviews I believe they must have the same authority as the Original Apostles. Sadly however, not all will remain faithful.
      The same can be said for some modern liberal Biblical scholars. Who by their 'superior' education, I believe are ultimately reeking havoc on the trustworthiness of the Biblical record.
      I read some modern versions, but my trust is in the older translations, of which the New King James Version is!

  • @elingeniero2000
    @elingeniero2000 4 дня назад

    I love your nuance however I think your misunderstanding Catholic teaching a bit, but I can see your sincerity and I won't change your mind in a comment. I will address one issue the assumption does not say Mary did not die simply that her body was united with her spirit in heaven the idea of her death is left open. In scripture 2 other people were assumed Enoch and Elijah. Her assumption is not explicitly in scripture but it's implied. As your priest says it is primarily from tradition. I like your content keep up the good work.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  4 дня назад +1

      You’ve been among many to make this comment. It seems some believe she never died and others believe she did. What I didn’t know was that the RCC is actually a bit divided on this issue. Appreciate the comment!

  • @DrGero15
    @DrGero15 3 месяца назад +2

    What denomination are you?

  • @robertboyer5926
    @robertboyer5926 2 дня назад

    Hmmmm, I wonder why every single anti-cathololic theology disagreement I've ever heard always states Catholic theology incorrectly. It is easy enough for anyone to get the theology regarding all 5 of your "disagreements" stated correctly but nobody ever does this. This is especially true of the Eucharist and the Mass. There is no Catholic theology that states the Mass is resacrificing Christs body "over and over and over" as a new sacrifice every Mass. Nobody says or believes this in the. Catholic Church. Nobody.
    It is really a shame that Catholic theology explained by protestants is incorrectly explained every time.
    Just a note... In every case I've ever heard with the infallibility "problem" the entire concept of infallibility as defined by the Church is not even close to the way the Church difines and understands that term. What's more, when you have a "problem" with this and overall church doctrinal theology you make yourself the infallible definer of doctrine. So you are just your own Pope, I think we've seen the fruit of that doctine of infallibility play out to see how unworkable that is.

  • @biblealone9201
    @biblealone9201 3 месяца назад +1

    1085 In the liturgy of the Church, it is principally his own Paschal mystery that Christ signifies and makes present. During his earthly life Jesus announced his Paschal mystery by his teaching and anticipated it by his actions. When his Hour comes, he lives out the unique event of history which does not pass away: Jesus dies, is buried, rises from the dead, and is seated at the right hand of the Father 👍👍"once for all."8 His Paschal mystery is a real event that occurred in our history, but it is unique: all other historical events happen once, and then they pass away, swallowed up in the past. The Paschal mystery of Christ, by contrast, cannot remain only in the past, because by his death he destroyed death, and all that Christ is - all that he did and suffered for all men - participates in the divine eternity, and so transcends all times while being made present in them all. The event of the Cross and Resurrection abides and draws everything toward life. But if the sacrifice of the cross is all-sufficient, what need then, you will say, is there of a commemorative Sacrifice of the Mass? I would ask a Protestant in return, Why do you pray, and go to church, and why were you baptized, and receive Communion, and the rite of Confirmation? What is the use of all these exercises, if the sacrifice of the

    1 Heb. ix. 25. * Ibid. x. 11,12.
    cross is all-sufficient? You will tell me that in all these acts you apply to yourself the merits of Christ's Passion. I will tell you, in like manner, that in the Sacrifice of the Mass I apply to myself the merits of the sacrifice of the cross, from which the Mass derives all its efficacy. Christ, indeed, by His death, made full atonement for our sins, but He has not released us from the obligation of co-operating with Him by applying His merits to our souls. What better or more efficacious way can we have of participating in His merits, than by assisting at the Sacrifice of the Altar, where we vividly recall to mind His sufferings, where Calvary is represented before us, where " we show the death of the Lord until He come," and where we draw abundantly to our souls the fruit of His Passion, by drinking of the same blood that was shed on the cross?

  • @caroldonaldson5936
    @caroldonaldson5936 3 месяца назад

    "We cannot under-emphasise..." - you mean we cannot 'over-emphasise' how important...

  • @nobodyspecial1852
    @nobodyspecial1852 3 месяца назад

    The mana during exodus wasn't literally Godflesh, passover lamb wasn't literally Godflesh, Moses and Jesus fasting 40 day periods weren't eating Godflesh, Jesus didn't really feed his disciples flesh and blood.... Jesus was never really a lamb outside of metaphor and visions.
    Sustenance, permanence, deliverance come from the word and will of God. It's so serious that God reiterated such throughout the bible. We aren't really fruit of the vine and the cup of wrath isn't really alcohol, the vengeance and fellowship ARE real. What's so hard about poetic metaphor?

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      I’m not sure what you are trying to get me to say.

    • @nobodyspecial1852
      @nobodyspecial1852 3 месяца назад

      People that believe in transubstantiation are missing the point, that's my statement. Not only are they missing the point, they're sensationalizing it so much that they twist it into something it's not meant to be. I have no aim to direct you to respond in a specific fashion or at all, I stated my opinion.

  • @macinius4564
    @macinius4564 2 месяца назад

    ‭ Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you really are unleavened. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. Let us therefore celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
    1 Corinthians 5:7-8

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  2 месяца назад

      This is a bible verse. It’s God’s word.

    • @macinius4564
      @macinius4564 2 месяца назад

      I believe this bible verse supports the Catholic Mass...hey,i love your reviews!! Im looking at your reviews to find the cheapest rebind​@anickelsworthbiblereviews

  • @nobodyspecial1852
    @nobodyspecial1852 3 месяца назад +1

    AFAIK James says you can cover a multitude of sins by leading others to Christ..... it didn't say anything about Mary or Saints or Angels. Also disgusting weird relics like finger bones and Jesus nails (that are supposedly authentic).

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      I do believe many of the relics are fake.

    • @nobodyspecial1852
      @nobodyspecial1852 3 месяца назад

      It's idolatry and necromancy either way, I hope they're all fakes with no power attached to them. The truth is they all have the power to deceive, and clergy backs it up.

  • @jimmu2008
    @jimmu2008 3 месяца назад

    Luke 11:41. But now as for what is inside you-be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      If you are clean on the inside you will be generous.

    • @jimmu2008
      @jimmu2008 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews I think your video was fair enough, but it seems like with this verse, you invert it. Just consider that, please. No need to respond, though. Thanks.

  • @Dylan-wn7dm
    @Dylan-wn7dm 3 месяца назад +2

    Amen Tim 🕊🤍💛

  • @billmartin3561
    @billmartin3561 3 месяца назад +1

    Penance - is not necessary for absolution. Priests do NOT give penance that requires you to pay for penance. You are misinformed.
    Purgatory - if you die with unrepentant sin, you are not pure. And revelation says nothing impure can enter heaven. Everyone who goes to Purgatory goes to Heaven, it is not limbo. Purgatory is biblical.
    Saints and Mary - it is not necromancy, there is no two way communication. We simply ask saints to pray for us as you would ask your buddy to pray for you. Hebrews 12 speaks of the cloud of witnesses cheering us on, that implies the saints can hear us. There is no biblical verses that say saints can’t hear us.
    Mary’s perpetual virginity - all of the reformers (Luther, Calvin) believed in Mary’s perpetual virginity. Not believing this is a very recent innovation.
    Papal infallibility- this only applies to when the Pope speaks authoritatively with the bishops on faith and morals. It is very rare, only used twice since it became dogma. You make too much out of it.
    Transubstantiation - read the church fathers, they all believe the doctrine of the real presence. The fathers know better than you. It is a sacramental change of substance. John 6 “unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you”
    Catholics believe the mass is a re-presentation of Christ’s once-for-all sacrifice. It is NOT a re-sacrifice of Christ. We bring our personal sacrifices to the altar.
    I know you were raised Catholic but your formation was not complete. Please read the Catechism of the Catholic Church and go to Catholic sources to learn what the Church really teaches.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      I said I believe in real presence. You’ll read nothing about a substantiary change. Also purgatory is biblical? If you die impure you die without Christ. He makes us pure. Mary not being a virgin isn’t a modern invention, it’s fairly obvious in the Bible. As for the other things, it’s semantics.

  • @fantasia55
    @fantasia55 3 месяца назад

    Tim thinks he understands Christianity better than Church Fathers, who unanimously and adamantly declared the Eucharist to be the Body and Blood of Jesus.

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      You think you understand me better than I do because I never said it wasn’t. I just said the substance doesn’t change.

    • @fantasia55
      @fantasia55 3 месяца назад

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews Private interpretation of the Bible is forbidden in the Bible. Jesus entrusted the truth to his Church, not individuals.

  • @lanemiddleton9
    @lanemiddleton9 3 месяца назад

    Well said, brother

  • @apracity7672
    @apracity7672 3 месяца назад

    Transubstantiation is not that the elements of the bread and wine change into the elements of the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Molecularly, its still bread and wine. However, in substance, the consecrated bread and wine become the blood and body of Christ, just like the Bible says. Why do you say that it is NOT the body and blood of Jesus when Jesus says it is? In other words, what scripture would you cite to arrive at your conclusion?

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      By your own admission it is still bread and wine.

    • @apracity7672
      @apracity7672 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@anickelsworthbiblereviews Only the elements remain that of bread and wine. Jesus teaches unequivocally and clearly that the bread and wine are truly his blood and body (John 6: 55). Hope this helps, best regards

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад

      @apracity7672 and I also believe in literal presence.

  • @biblealone9201
    @biblealone9201 3 месяца назад +1

    well whether it is praying to the dead saints or asking them to pray for you, THE BIBLE says that God clearly says that those who communicate with the DEAD are an abomination unto Him. Right (hey, I can repeat myself, too, if you want to play that game), so when Jesus addresses the dead man Lazarus and communicates with him, he is committing an abomination. When Peter communicates with the dead woman Tabitha before raising her, he is committing an abomination (or are he and Jesus talking to the wind and not to the people involved?). And when Jesus talks to Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration, He is committing an abomination. And whoever talks to the dead people who came out of their tombs after the crucifixion are also guilty of the same thing. And not just that; according to your “logic” in citing Deuteronomy 18:9, Jesus and Peter and these folks who talked to dead people in Jerusalem on Good Friday must have been either witches or soothsayers, or sorcerers, or mediums, or spiritists or some other such occultic category. So you prove from Scripture that Jesus and Peter are evil and of the devil. That’s no mean feat! One can only be awestruck at such chutzpah
    the person who seeks the medium to reach the dead or you directly communicate with the dead, it is an abomination to God. That’s fascinating. I agree about the mediums, which is the occult, and condemned, but what about both Jesus and St. Peter, who both “directly communicate[d] with the dead” and thus (according to you) committed abominations? It’s interesting that your unbiblical position leads you to this conclusion. Jesus (now He is a downright habitual sinner) did the same “abomination” on the Mount of Transfiguration, when He talked to Moses and Elijah: men who had been dead for hundreds of years (Matt 17:1-3). KJV uses the word necromancer in place of one who calls up the dead, which means the same anyways. Either way, God frowns upon communication with the dead, and it is present in Scripture. Peter and Jesus certainly “called up the dead” (in a very real, proper sense): they raised them. So did other disciples. I hadn’t heard before that Jesus and Peter were to be classified as “necromancers.” I’ll have to add that to the list of remarkable things I have learned from my esteemed Protestant brethren😁😁

    • @anickelsworthbiblereviews
      @anickelsworthbiblereviews  3 месяца назад +1

      Using a glorified Jesus and his communication with glorified beings is hardly apples to apples. Also, using the act of raising someone from the dead is pretty ridiculous.

    • @biblealone9201
      @biblealone9201 3 месяца назад +1

      @@anickelsworthbiblereviews did Jesus talk with dead guys that died hundreds of years before Jesus at the transfiguration is he a necromancer

  • @jrtoler69
    @jrtoler69 3 месяца назад +1

    Orthodoxy for the win