After listening to this event like 10 times I realized that the door opening, heil, and firing line is supposed to be the scene where Huttig is couped.
I was playing as gao china and being pretty chill doing the new puzzle asset. Then the piano started sounding and my first reaction was saying out loud "OH NO"
If you listen, you relaise, that this is the voiceover of the final Reichstaat event. The solders arriving to Hüttig's mansion, gunning down Mengele with "exactly 52 rounds" entering his office, where his last quote is "Heil Hitler!", before executing him.
For bonus points, there's a click right before he speaks. Presumably he got up from his desk, stood at attention (his heels clicking), and gave the Nazi salute as he spoke. It's amazing the detail they fit into a handful of sound effects.
I wonder how much damage this would have done? Like the millions if not 100’s of millions that died, and what would even be left after such devastation. It’s truly hard and sickening to think about.
I imagine tens of millions of people die in this scenario. The states that rise up after Huttig's African Reichkommisariat finally collapses would have few if any institutions, so rebuilding will be slow. They might take over and repurpose German infrastructure and maybe even get the OFN to send over some experts, teachers, etc to help them rebuild. Imagine the most developed parts of Africa looking like Central Africa does in our timeline. Then again, this is a worst-case scenario. The best route for Africa would be to end the South African War with a pro-OFN ceasefire. The RKs collapse very soon after and let new African states rise without all of the extra devastation.
If it gets to this point, Huttig effectively succeeded for a while. That would means tens of millions at the very least, but more likely well over a hundred million. There's even an event that mentions a German patrol not even encountering a single creature or animal in their entire patrol because of how dead and empty the continent is becoming.
@@bindukopparapu2795 I think best ending is OFN ceasefire, the RKs cede land to South Africa and then collapse (either by themselves or because of Huttig). Then the natives are completely free, the borders are not the arbitrary straight lines we see today and South Africa is not taken over by the Boers.
@@shamefurdispray859 as ostafrika obtain unconditional victory in south africa war: then stay alive long enough to piss off your boer vassel and the 2nd civil war will fire(complete focuses on far right) just keep in mind that thr guy you support will 9/10 get wreckted quick and supplying him . costs a lot of pp. if he does somehow win you completely remove anc influence on your stability but it still decays at.01 a day downward
@@shamefurdispray859 you can actually have a third south African war if the SS wins the second one they collapse again and south Africa turns into even more of a clusterfuck of genocide
@@Gustavogukpa The Nazis found no shortage of turncoats, collaborators, and bootlickers within even "subhumans". I'm guessing, in this case, the Nazis considered him sufficiently "Germanized" for the SS.
It's really saddening to think how... in a world where technology can be several times more advanced than in our own, Africa will be even more devastated than ever before.
(2021)The best country to live in the former Grobafrikaner Reichsstaat is the National Republic of Greater Uganda with its gdp per capita of 800 USD, it's life expectancy of 50, and it's relatively low murder rate of 40.
dude Himmler nukes the world, Japan has order 44(explain that one because its ties wit the real world horrify me), India i believe would have Avatar, USA has yockey(explain that one did the far right's brain broke after george wallace being kicked out?), Russia has Tabby. African devastation is nothing dude. I like how they still have slow construction & difficulties building up their economies ,we have worse tech & probably less people but jeez even we earn more.
@@ВладиславЛ-ь3ь Berlin capital of self hatred. The place reeks with the thousands of statues and monuments dedicated to wallowing in regret of their past and their 'crimes'. I'm not sure why anyone would want to visit a place so depressing.
Spoiler for the Reichstaat: The 'HEIL HITLER' is actually Hans Huttig, and the guns are the firing squad that executes him. The audio perfectly mimics his death event.
@@mingQWERTY General Burgundian System wacky antics, the fact officers were constantly under the threat of being purged and the fact that his death only fires when Afrika is essentially in full-scale revolt.
A world with the African Devastation Japan wins EA war Dengist Speer with maximum Einheitspakt Black League Russia And a Firmly segregationist USA Hell yeah, worst timeline.
Keep putting down the unrest. Make sure you don't lose Mozambique because that causes the coup event to happen. Also, make sure to save the left side focuses that increase the local situation, as they will help you a lot. The goal is to cause max devastation. The collapse is inevitable, but if you lasted long enough to get max devastation you will get this event.
@@3gtheepic your the first person that actually explained it, everyone usually just say, don't die and when i ask how do I not die? They usually say idk
And that's why Schenck and OFN should win (I don't mean a total OFN victory obviously, but a partial one, OFN-leaning truce in the best case), so that Hüttig never gets to create the Reichstaat, Angola will be free with a kickstart from Schenck, and the RKs will colapse, which will lead to native Africans gaining independence, or if the OFN mandates will replace Zentralafrika and Ostafrika, probably CAR won't form . Or at least Angola won't be a part of it.
@@xeagaort while is no question that total OFN victory will be a hell of a lot better for Africa it still essentially means that Africa isn't exactly independent as the extensive amount of work the OFN puts in to africa means that its essentially tied to the OFN (mainly just america), I believe there is a lot of events that explain its a huge playground for OFN corporate interests and i think some stuff to do with the congo says mullers system basically remains untouched minus the slavery and Nazism. while the collapse of the reichstaat doesn't lead to the stable OFN aligned nations a total OFN victory gives it means that Africa for the first time in centuries is well and truly free and that the people there can decide there own fates whether it is good or bad without having be led by a foreign super power.
@@intensespoon6290Sounds like a bunch of cope. "Were free but we all starve to death" is not a good ending. A democratic and stable Africa with a total victory will actually have the strength and prosperity to actual reform itself in the future. It's like some cave dweller dying at 35 to an infection going "atleast I don't have to pay my hospital bills!"
how can i trigger this event? Is there a way to fasten the collapse when playing as Germany proper? And is there a console command to trigger it prematurely?
You have to play as Reichskommissariat Ostafrika,either you win the south african war or accept one of the first ceasefires,then you can coup the other 2 RK's and create the Großafrikanischer Reichsstaat,after that,you have to manage the "reichsstaates"(wich are the colonial divisions) and devastate Africa,the african devastation will trigger when you reach level 3 of devastation and something happens to Hüttig
@@joaquindiegolazcano408 I meant if i play as another faction. Case in point: i played as AutDem Speer and supported the african war until a favourable ceasefire for our side. After Hüttig's coup, i supported the underground resistance, spending ridiculus amounds of ressources on them, yet their influence always sinks down to 0% after a short while, no matter my support. Speer's story ends after the slave revolt and Hüttig is still going strong while i wasted copious amounts of cash, PP and CP... That's why i asked...
@@friedipar event MZB_reichstaat.808 Just make sure huttig has devastation 3 (you can check in national spirits) before using the command or else you'll just get the "End of the Reichstaat" super event
Unlike the Russians though, they regrettably didn't have the technical and administrative know-how to do so, not without a compelling charisma that must surpass Napoleon. Stuff's quite a literal battle royale over there.
Alexander Enrique True. The administration under the old colonies and the Nazis would leave them woefully underprepared. Plus there is no United African “identity” to rally behind like there is for Russia. Still, I’d imagine that this would produce quite a few Kovners and Yazovs. Maybe some of them would move to Russia and volunteer in time for the invasion of Moscow.
@@BoldOne8760 "Hail Idi Amin" "Hail Africa" "We are not Hutu, Burgu, or whatever, we are the Aryan race!" "It is the sacred duty of every man and woman in East Africa to participate in the liberation of the rest of Africa, and in the finding and killing of traitors and White imperialists"
Someone answered the Huttig question so I’ll answer the other 2,the. CAR is the Central African Republic,,if the us totally wins in Africa they can create the mandates or the car,it’s a huge shitshow that I think it’s almost doomed to die,to avoid this event fuck up as Huttig
@@BilalAhmad-ff3xq In the game, Mozambique is one of the most stable territories. Losing it is essentially the equivalent of losing your high command, capital, and other government offices
Th African colonies have basically been adrift and separate from the reich since hitlers death, with Hüttig and the Reichsstaat seen as traitors in Berlin by whichever faction wins the civil war
Huttig's justification for his slaughter is to bring light to the "Dark Continent". Huttig saw Hitler as a role model, and in his last event is tells us that Hitler's name was the only thing that had meaning and emotion to him.
What Happens in the event? Africa has collapsed. It wasn't obvious that was happening because the general is having done about him and worse he lost Mozambique where they say he's a base commander and stability on there. If devastation level 3 increases not only in warring states in Africa but also his base on Mozambique that means he has been finished by his general reasonable.
@ClintonstilldoesitRAW FawkYT "Bro, eradicating the life out of a continent to the point where no living creatures for miles out isn't that bad. Just look at Venezuela lmao."
@@Garangus"Unstable, authoritarian regimes that are probably in 12 or even 50 way civil wars AND are constantly trying to genocide one another" is not all that good of an outcome.
What Awesome Potato says, plus Huttig gets couped and the gamerstaat collapses, a spark of revolution burning into a fire soon to be smothered by the hell that is sub-Saharan africa.
@@BilalAhmad-ff3xq genociding nearly the entire African population, destroying their lives and completely breaking any hope of reunification. The Burgundian system is all about Genocide and mass killing for the sake of purifying the nation involved. If the nation collapses anything coming out of it will be massively weakened.
@@damnationdan5253 Yeah, it was the Congo river on account that it's the river that passed by that area(and loops). I have my doubts that it'd form a lake this size, it's not big enough.
If the Nazis win the South African war, one esoteric Nazi will coup the other German African nations and implement a super Burgundian system. His regime can fall pretty early on and leave Africa mostly intact, or if it stays to devastation level 3 Africa is basically destroyed forever and there are events about patrols going hours or days without seeing a single person.
@@jameskowanko7574 oof, wait so Germany won WW2. Have they become even more insane and worse or something cause it thought the whole idea of Nazism is genocide and make "lebensraum" not turn the land into wastes. Now the Nazis seem to just be a death could from what I heard. And what is burgundian system.
@@milotura6828 Oh I'll explain more in depth, I thought you knew which mod this was. This is 'The New Order' a quite dark and not super realistic alternative history mod about if the Axis won WW2. It it Germany takes over a huge portion of Africa, all of the Congo and East Africa, the Portuguese colonies there, and like all the way down to South Africa. In the game the German controlled African nations go to war with South Africa and it becomes a US vs Nazi proxi war. Should the Boers and various German client states in Africa win, one Huttig will coup the other African governments and have full control over all of German Africa. The "Burgundian System" is unique to the mod. It is like Nazism on steroids. In the mod Himmler is given control of Belgium and eastern France and names it 'De Organstatt Burgunde' where he reinstitutes slavery, has state mandated poverty, and treats anyone who isn't the picture perfect of an Aryan as subhuman. (even most Germans aren't safe in Himmler's Burgundy) It's basically like Pol Pot's Cambodia, like a whole country is one big concentration camp. Huttig when he gets in control of all of Africa tries to outdo Himmler. He tries to enslave or exterminate all of Africa for the purpose of making a new Aryan state. It's mentioned that he has his slaves work day and night and he doesn't bother expanding electricity, instead he uses candles made out of those he executes to light the factories. His regime will inevitably fall, leading to this event. If Africa is lucky, it can fall really quickly meaning not that many people have been killed and turned into candles, but that is not always the case.
Конец рейхсштаата - это означает что режим Хюттига не успел сделать многое и рухнул рано, ущерб им был минимален, Африка может восстановиться. Это же появляется в случае если стадия опустошения дошла до 3 и после падения режима там будет полная анархия и ничего хорошего, т.к Хюттиг уничтожил миллионы.
@@Earthball_Productions The African Devastation superevent, which plays should Hüttig's Reichstaat collapse as bloodily as it can after his extensive attempts at purging it, drives home how this is a failstate for the entire continent. Much of Sub-Saharan Africa is thus turned into a wasteland of perpetual warlordism and barbarism, whose inhabitants may never have a moment's peace. At the highest level of Devastation, some of the leaders are among the most terrifying names in African history, such as Francisco Macías Nguema, Théoneste Bagosora, John Okello, Mobutu Sese Soko, and Idi Amin, offering a look into how brutal post-Hüttig Africa is.
@@troslan4685 It might not be realistic in the historic sense or plausibility, but I imagine the devs would intend to maintain accuracy when it comes to physical possibility
this ending is literally impossible, no matter what you do, the africa will always win. This shows panzer hipocrisy where "evil will always lose" but communist warlords russia gets good ending, even when they as evl as fascist.
For me the dealbreaker was that anarchists somehow can unite Russia and create a functional state but Huttig cant create a burgsys despotate without reaching max devastation
"when they as evl as fascist" Peak centrism Plus, you're wrong to begin with. There are plenty of evil but stable countries that can exist aside from Authoritarian Socialists. Fascist Speer Germany, Fascist/NatSoc Russia, Yockey's America, etc.
Aleks Gołąbek You can play as Fascist Speer and, with enough skill, create a stable Nazi Germany that can last the Cold War. Plus there are several Russian unifiers that qualify as both evil and stable. The messaging of the mod isn’t necessarily that “evil will always fail”, since it takes place in a world where it didn’t in the first place. Only that it’s destructive to all parties. Speer’s Germany gets rid of the more outwardly evil elements of Nazism but it will eventually erode over time (like China OTL).
After listening to this event like 10 times I realized that the door opening, heil, and firing line is supposed to be the scene where Huttig is couped.
"A perfect 45° angle."
"He would face the firing line with dignity"
I think it's a sample from the movie Downfall
@@millarddon6356 Yes but it's put in there to represent the coup.
@@millarddon6356 Oh, that's Fegelein dying. Good.
@@defaultpfp8182 He can't die! It's another antic
Oh boy! Speer reformed Germany into a Democracy, Italy joined the OFN, and Sablin's on his way to reunifying Russia!
What could possibly go wro-
best timeline tbh
Speer cannot reform germany into a democracy.
@@thugborea you say that like the ofn and germany wouldn't try to destroy sablins union.
worst timeline
@@MouldMadeMind yeah someone like Shukshin would be better than Sablin in this case
The TNO superevents are just getting better and better.
cursed and more cursed
@@genericchannelname4110 As they should be
@@BifronsCandle yeah gamer and more gamer
I was playing as gao china and being pretty chill doing the new puzzle asset.
Then the piano started sounding and my first reaction was saying out loud
If you listen, you relaise, that this is the voiceover of the final Reichstaat event.
The solders arriving to Hüttig's mansion, gunning down Mengele with "exactly 52 rounds" entering his office, where his last quote is "Heil Hitler!", before executing him.
For bonus points, there's a click right before he speaks. Presumably he got up from his desk, stood at attention (his heels clicking), and gave the Nazi salute as he spoke.
It's amazing the detail they fit into a handful of sound effects.
52 славься санкт-петербург
I wonder how much damage this would have done? Like the millions if not 100’s of millions that died, and what would even be left after such devastation. It’s truly hard and sickening to think about.
I imagine tens of millions of people die in this scenario. The states that rise up after Huttig's African Reichkommisariat finally collapses would have few if any institutions, so rebuilding will be slow. They might take over and repurpose German infrastructure and maybe even get the OFN to send over some experts, teachers, etc to help them rebuild.
Imagine the most developed parts of Africa looking like Central Africa does in our timeline.
Then again, this is a worst-case scenario. The best route for Africa would be to end the South African War with a pro-OFN ceasefire. The RKs collapse very soon after and let new African states rise without all of the extra devastation.
If it gets to this point, Huttig effectively succeeded for a while. That would means tens of millions at the very least, but more likely well over a hundred million. There's even an event that mentions a German patrol not even encountering a single creature or animal in their entire patrol because of how dead and empty the continent is becoming.
@@herbivorethecarnivore8447 Wait you mean their killing all the animals too?
@@gregghunt8859 They use a fuckton of napalm and pesticide on jungles, so I presume a fuckton of animals would die as well.
@@bindukopparapu2795 I think best ending is OFN ceasefire, the RKs cede land to South Africa and then collapse (either by themselves or because of Huttig). Then the natives are completely free, the borders are not the arbitrary straight lines we see today and South Africa is not taken over by the Boers.
This a certified yee yee ass haircut moment
The "heil" and shooting almost seem like they were cut from Downfall
That's because they were.
isn't it from valkyirie? sounds like tom cruise saying it
@@qavwav8497 I think that's from Downfall where Fegelein shouts "Heil Hitler" before getting shot
@@zhuohangliu3239 Maybe. I thought it was from thisвидео.html
The fire and shots are from Waterloo.
I recognize that "FIRE" from Waterloo (1970)
It was taken from Stalingard
It’s Stalingrad the execution scene
Real question tho,why does it say fire in english when they are supposed to be german
this and the 2nd south African Civil war is probably my favorite surprises from the new editions.
There's a second South African war in TNO?
@@shamefurdispray859 as ostafrika obtain unconditional victory in south africa war: then stay alive long enough to piss off your boer vassel and the 2nd civil war will fire(complete focuses on far right) just keep in mind that thr guy you support will 9/10 get wreckted quick and supplying him . costs a lot of pp. if he does somehow win you completely remove anc influence on your stability but it still decays at.01 a day downward
@@130lukas Ah alright, didnt know that, thanks
@@shamefurdispray859 no worries. what determines your collapse event IIRC is losing control of Mozambique (so under 50 regional stability)
@@shamefurdispray859 you can actually have a third south African war if the SS wins the second one they collapse again and south Africa turns into even more of a clusterfuck of genocide
*_The damage will forever be permanent and the scars across the continent will be too_*
"You call me criminal? Me? My only crime is that I only killed 10,000 roaches and not 10,000,000 roaches!"
- Karl Chmielewski
“It’s gamer time”
-SS-Ostafrika kommando”
"How compelling. You may face the wall now."
Rwandan Genocide?
Do you know what is the worst part? The fact that he is a nazi with polish ancestry
@@Gustavogukpa The Nazis found no shortage of turncoats, collaborators, and bootlickers within even "subhumans". I'm guessing, in this case, the Nazis considered him sufficiently "Germanized" for the SS.
Hüttig has finaly done it, he made Germany proud.
How do you get this?
@@Matt-vh2ci Make the Großafrikanischer Reichsstaat (Super Hüttig) last enough, let's say till 1970
@@gabrielvicuna9734 I lasted till mid 67 and got this
You get this by reaching Stage 3 devastation than it plays when you collapse
Lebensraum but without the Leben.
The way a German pronounces "heil Hitler", and then gives the order to be shot, really gets to goosebumps...
The person hailing Hitler is Hans Huttig before he is shot when his Generals Coup him
tom cruise says it lel
It's Tom Cruise from Valkyrie, when he gives the no-handed heil
The one saying "Heil Hitler" is the one being shot at.
Its Hans Hütting
i was playing tno thinking that the only destiny of the huttig's africa was collapse with the optimist music
and this appeared in front of my screen
Fun fact : Despite popular belief, Hüttig was actually couped due to his yee yee ass haircut.
The horror! The ho-
-Hans "Gamer" Huttig
You can just go with TND
@@glintwane5309 Cant say nigger too often without getting banned
Very based
@@Brslld how the hell did you get away with saying that in a yt comment wtf
@@JackSardonic What? It doesn't show anything in my feed
It's really saddening to think how... in a world where technology can be several times more advanced than in our own, Africa will be even more devastated than ever before.
Did I say devastated? I meant desecrated.
(2021)The best country to live in the former Grobafrikaner Reichsstaat is the National Republic of Greater Uganda with its gdp per capita of 800 USD, it's life expectancy of 50, and it's relatively low murder rate of 40.
dude Himmler nukes the world, Japan has order 44(explain that one because its ties wit the real world horrify me), India i believe would have Avatar, USA has yockey(explain that one did the far right's brain broke after george wallace being kicked out?), Russia has Tabby. African devastation is nothing dude. I like how they still have slow construction & difficulties building up their economies ,we have worse tech & probably less people but jeez even we earn more.
@@nejadsalialam9517 damm
@@BilalAhmad-ff3xq The US has something 10 times worse than Yockey, the communist Gus Hall.
Need The German Devastation by Black League ASAP
Reverse Holocaust. Based.
Most blessed 😇 event
Hello welcome to 2020's Germany.
@@karl_fallout4523 i had been in Berlin in 2019 winter, great place
@@ВладиславЛ-ь3ь Berlin capital of self hatred. The place reeks with the thousands of statues and monuments dedicated to wallowing in regret of their past and their 'crimes'. I'm not sure why anyone would want to visit a place so depressing.
Spoiler for the Reichstaat:
The 'HEIL HITLER' is actually Hans Huttig, and the guns are the firing squad that executes him. The audio perfectly mimics his death event.
Who execute him ?
@@titanime3830 Otto Forschner and the other pissed off generals. They litter Mengele with bullets in the same event
@@herbivorethecarnivore8447 Could you please explain to me why were they pissed and tired of Huttig?
@@mingQWERTY General Burgundian System wacky antics, the fact officers were constantly under the threat of being purged and the fact that his death only fires when Afrika is essentially in full-scale revolt.
This is still arguably one of the best superevents. The game just feels incomplete without African Devastation.
A world with
the African Devastation
Japan wins EA war
Dengist Speer with maximum Einheitspakt
Black League Russia
And a Firmly segregationist USA
Hell yeah, worst timeline.
@@Tribute7373 why is dentist speer so bad? I only played go4
@@Fred_the_1996 nazism continues to exist
@@Tribute7373conservative speer*
@@Tribute7373more like Yockey is president in the USA and joins the Pakt
The most horrifying superevent.
Breaking News: Some old German guy with a really bad hair cut decide to detroy Africa
Most wholesome event in the game.
The only horror this event is gonna give me is the 5 millions countries tag that will probably lag the hell out of me
This gives me chills
I’m still fucking baffled that Mr. “You got a friend in me” Randy Newman composed the music used in this event.
Africa broke into a million pieces
Nguema TNO will be real in 48 hours
How does one not collapse with Huttig long enough to go to hell for playing a video game?
Keep putting down the unrest. Make sure you don't lose Mozambique because that causes the coup event to happen. Also, make sure to save the left side focuses that increase the local situation, as they will help you a lot. The goal is to cause max devastation. The collapse is inevitable, but if you lasted long enough to get max devastation you will get this event.
@@3gtheepic your the first person that actually explained it, everyone usually just say, don't die and when i ask how do I not die? They usually say idk
It's raining in Africa! Acid rain to be exact.
TND will become real in 72 hours.
i wish
Tiger mafia?
Everybody in the Reichskommissariat knows Kung Fu!
Jesus Kung Fu!
@@konradcurze8176 This is Serious!
Deadly commandos!
Subaru Subaru!
And that's why Schenck and OFN should win (I don't mean a total OFN victory obviously, but a partial one, OFN-leaning truce in the best case), so that Hüttig never gets to create the Reichstaat, Angola will be free with a kickstart from Schenck, and the RKs will colapse, which will lead to native Africans gaining independence, or if the OFN mandates will replace Zentralafrika and Ostafrika, probably CAR won't form .
Or at least Angola won't be a part of it.
I think this is just good. The African warlords have free will to kill every one for power at least.
OFN leaning truce is only good for the OFN
What the hell is wrong with a total OFN victory?
@@xeagaort while is no question that total OFN victory will be a hell of a lot better for Africa it still essentially means that Africa isn't exactly independent as the extensive amount of work the OFN puts in to africa means that its essentially tied to the OFN (mainly just america), I believe there is a lot of events that explain its a huge playground for OFN corporate interests and i think some stuff to do with the congo says mullers system basically remains untouched minus the slavery and Nazism. while the collapse of the reichstaat doesn't lead to the stable OFN aligned nations a total OFN victory gives it means that Africa for the first time in centuries is well and truly free and that the people there can decide there own fates whether it is good or bad without having be led by a foreign super power.
@@intensespoon6290Sounds like a bunch of cope. "Were free but we all starve to death" is not a good ending. A democratic and stable Africa with a total victory will actually have the strength and prosperity to actual reform itself in the future. It's like some cave dweller dying at 35 to an infection going "atleast I don't have to pay my hospital bills!"
before the update hutting was able to have evry region stable ( as an AI so big surprise here )
Now it keep crash and burn
I just used allowdiplo to reannex any territories that tried to escape
@@jackchurchill3777Einstein son?
by far the most impressive superevent
The land of Uwuwuewe Osas will never be same again.
Mfw when de man is killing us man! Drop de bomb man!
i just realize the firing squad sound is from firing squad scene of Stalingrad film
Don’t make fun of me but the first time I saw that Super Event and the dude yelled hiel hitler, it scared me.
you're not the only one
Почему в такие моменты не играет «убили негра» запрещенных барабанщиков?
War never changes...
...Men do, through the roads they walk.
At least for humanity... something about humanity its seft just never change... if one die, another one will take places... unless there is no more
@@alphariusfuze8089 dude the context makes me think this can happen in the real world.
I wish this superevent still kept in the newer versions..
Based TND
Huttig achieves TND, based
how can i trigger this event?
Is there a way to fasten the collapse when playing as Germany proper?
And is there a console command to trigger it prematurely?
You have to play as Reichskommissariat Ostafrika,either you win the south african war or accept one of the first ceasefires,then you can coup the other 2 RK's and create the Großafrikanischer Reichsstaat,after that,you have to manage the "reichsstaates"(wich are the colonial divisions) and devastate Africa,the african devastation will trigger when you reach level 3 of devastation and something happens to Hüttig
I meant if i play as another faction.
Case in point: i played as AutDem Speer and supported the african war until a favourable ceasefire for our side. After Hüttig's coup, i supported the underground resistance, spending ridiculus amounds of ressources on them, yet their influence always sinks down to 0% after a short while, no matter my support. Speer's story ends after the slave revolt and Hüttig is still going strong while i wasted copious amounts of cash, PP and CP...
That's why i asked...
@@friedipar event MZB_reichstaat.808
Just make sure huttig has devastation 3 (you can check in national spirits) before using the command or else you'll just get the "End of the Reichstaat" super event
Thank you very much
underrated event
0:00 In Germany Before the War by Randy Newman
No this is in Africa
@@maozedong69420 Yeah, but that’s the name of the song that’s playing, and it’s by Randy Newman.
Can you tell me how to trigger this event?
You have to win the South African War as Huttig's RK Ostafrika, create the Grossafrikaner Reichstaat, and hold on until you get Level 3 Devastation
@@thakin1109 rip, you know what they say, gotta catch em all
@@thakin1109 what causes devastation?
@@BilalAhmad-ff3xq You just have to wait I think
African Yazov and Great Trial when?
Unlike the Russians though, they regrettably didn't have the technical and administrative know-how to do so, not without a compelling charisma that must surpass Napoleon.
Stuff's quite a literal battle royale over there.
Alexander Enrique True. The administration under the old colonies and the Nazis would leave them woefully underprepared. Plus there is no United African “identity” to rally behind like there is for Russia.
Still, I’d imagine that this would produce quite a few Kovners and Yazovs. Maybe some of them would move to Russia and volunteer in time for the invasion of Moscow.
@@BifronsCandle Several Kovners amongst the already poisoned environment. Surely, what could possibly go wrong with that?
I would love to see that, Pan-Africanism with Burgundian/Ultranationalist Characteristics.
@@BoldOne8760 "Hail Idi Amin"
"Hail Africa"
"We are not Hutu, Burgu, or whatever, we are the Aryan race!"
"It is the sacred duty of every man and woman in East Africa to participate in the liberation of the rest of Africa, and in the finding and killing of traitors and White imperialists"
Oh boy it’s speed run time.
I don’t know why but this music reminds me of i am legend
whats the music used in this ?
Randy Newman - In Germany Before the War
The music?
Randy Newman's "In Germany Before the War", more specifically the instrumental (piano) accompaniment at the end.
@@rolandli4459 thanks
TNO make a horror from strategy
Who executes Hutting and why? Isnt it SS dudes? Why?
And what is the CAR? How do you avoid all this
If you lose mozambique the event fires and otto forcherner kills huttig and post taboritsky like warlordism happens
Someone answered the Huttig question so I’ll answer the other 2,the. CAR is the Central African Republic,,if the us totally wins in Africa they can create the mandates or the car,it’s a huge shitshow that I think it’s almost doomed to die,to avoid this event fuck up as Huttig
Huttig is betrayed by his second in command once he loses his capital.
@@shartstanker2086 why? I get that he lost the capital but to kill ur boss? Thats extreme even on TNO standards.
@@BilalAhmad-ff3xq In the game, Mozambique is one of the most stable territories. Losing it is essentially the equivalent of losing your high command, capital, and other government offices
Why hitler? They are saluting the grave?
a reference to the event where Huttig is shot by the mutineers
Th African colonies have basically been adrift and separate from the reich since hitlers death, with Hüttig and the Reichsstaat seen as traitors in Berlin by whichever faction wins the civil war
Huttig's justification for his slaughter is to bring light to the "Dark Continent". Huttig saw Hitler as a role model, and in his last event is tells us that Hitler's name was the only thing that had meaning and emotion to him.
Background sound? Also what happens in this event?
The music is "In Germany Before the War" by Randy Newman
@@ironicdivinemandatestan4262 tyvm
What Happens in the event? Africa has collapsed. It wasn't obvious that was happening because the general is having done about him and worse he lost Mozambique where they say he's a base commander and stability on there. If devastation level 3 increases not only in warring states in Africa but also his base on Mozambique that means he has been finished by his general reasonable.
Reichskommisar Hans Huttig kills 25-75% of sub-saharan africa, Depends on how long the Groß Afrikanischer Reichstatt lasts
Randy Newman - In Germany Before the War
Poor Africa. They can’t seem to get a break. Colonialism and now this?
@ClintonstilldoesitRAW FawkYT bro wot
@ClintonstilldoesitRAW FawkYT "Bro, eradicating the life out of a continent to the point where no living creatures for miles out isn't that bad. Just look at Venezuela lmao."
At least they are finally free but for what cost?
@@vernedictb.valentine2057 A Rwandan genocide would happen like every day. I wouldn't even consider that "free"
@@Garangus"Unstable, authoritarian regimes that are probably in 12 or even 50 way civil wars AND are constantly trying to genocide one another" is not all that good of an outcome.
Yee-yee ass haircut man has a gamer moment in Africa.
Huttig reaches max devastation, slaughters tens of millions in the process and does un-repairable damage to the continent.
What Awesome Potato says, plus Huttig gets couped and the gamerstaat collapses, a spark of revolution burning into a fire soon to be smothered by the hell that is sub-Saharan africa.
whats the context for this?
Huttig commits gamer moment in Africa
Epic gamer moment in Africa. Huttig be lookin at Himmler and sayin' "heh. Those are liberal moves, THIS is how you run a country!"
At this point we have several competitors trying to Win against himmler in being the worst
@@dango6266 can someone explain the link btw Burgundian system & devastation?
@@BilalAhmad-ff3xq genociding nearly the entire African population, destroying their lives and completely breaking any hope of reunification. The Burgundian system is all about Genocide and mass killing for the sake of purifying the nation involved. If the nation collapses anything coming out of it will be massively weakened.
Whats the song for this? If it isnt just a custom one for this event
Randy Newman - In Germany Before the War
hüttig forms großafrikanischer reichsstaat and reaches max devastation
this super event pops up - sorry for grammar mistakes
What's the music from?
Randy Newman - In Germany Before the War
Wholesome ending
btw what happened to Africa in TNO please? (why is there like a big lake in Gabon)
Germany dammed the (congo river?) to make a fuckheuge lake for no real reason, i’m sure theres some super realistic lore that explains it
@@damnationdan5253 Thanks, maybe they wanted to weaken africa
@@damnationdan5253 Yeah, it was the Congo river on account that it's the river that passed by that area(and loops). I have my doubts that it'd form a lake this size, it's not big enough.
@@andreikovacs3476 'let us cause an ecological disaster in our own reichskommissariat'
@@damnationdan5253 I doubt they'd much care about the environment
What is the melody's name?
Germany before the war
By Randy Newman
Playing with 0.75 speed feeling
holy based
What happen ya?
huttig pulls an oopsy and tries to genocide half of africa
then he gets fucking poached and all hell breaks loose in Afrika
@@ivlivscaesar5898 thank ya
Ай яй яяй убили.....
If the Nazis win the South African war, one esoteric Nazi will coup the other German African nations and implement a super Burgundian system. His regime can fall pretty early on and leave Africa mostly intact, or if it stays to devastation level 3 Africa is basically destroyed forever and there are events about patrols going hours or days without seeing a single person.
@@jameskowanko7574 oof, wait so Germany won WW2. Have they become even more insane and worse or something cause it thought the whole idea of Nazism is genocide and make "lebensraum" not turn the land into wastes. Now the Nazis seem to just be a death could from what I heard. And what is burgundian system.
@@milotura6828 Oh I'll explain more in depth, I thought you knew which mod this was. This is 'The New Order' a quite dark and not super realistic alternative history mod about if the Axis won WW2.
It it Germany takes over a huge portion of Africa, all of the Congo and East Africa, the Portuguese colonies there, and like all the way down to South Africa.
In the game the German controlled African nations go to war with South Africa and it becomes a US vs Nazi proxi war.
Should the Boers and various German client states in Africa win, one Huttig will coup the other African governments and have full control over all of German Africa.
The "Burgundian System" is unique to the mod. It is like Nazism on steroids. In the mod Himmler is given control of Belgium and eastern France and names it 'De Organstatt Burgunde' where he reinstitutes slavery, has state mandated poverty, and treats anyone who isn't the picture perfect of an Aryan as subhuman. (even most Germans aren't safe in Himmler's Burgundy) It's basically like Pol Pot's Cambodia, like a whole country is one big concentration camp.
Huttig when he gets in control of all of Africa tries to outdo Himmler. He tries to enslave or exterminate all of Africa for the purpose of making a new Aryan state. It's mentioned that he has his slaves work day and night and he doesn't bother expanding electricity, instead he uses candles made out of those he executes to light the factories.
His regime will inevitably fall, leading to this event. If Africa is lucky, it can fall really quickly meaning not that many people have been killed and turned into candles, but that is not always the case.
@@jameskowanko7574 big oof. I should try it out.
А может ли хуттинг не развалиться?
His regime will always fail.
What music
In Germany before war
we need this irl
I Dont understand, what is the difference between this and the end of the reichstaat?, both happen to be the collapse of it.
End of Reichstaat is peace ending. While this African devastation is brutally and worse ending.
Конец рейхсштаата - это означает что режим Хюттига не успел сделать многое и рухнул рано, ущерб им был минимален, Африка может восстановиться.
Это же появляется в случае если стадия опустошения дошла до 3 и после падения режима там будет полная анархия и ничего хорошего, т.к Хюттиг уничтожил миллионы.
End of Reichstaat - Huttig's regime collapses before doing ireversable damage to Africa.
African Devastation - He kills half the continent.
@@russian8086when i see it africa dosent become a full anarchy, it just collapses in multiple countries like the end of reichstaat.
@@Earthball_Productions The African Devastation superevent, which plays should Hüttig's Reichstaat collapse as bloodily as it can after his extensive attempts at purging it, drives home how this is a failstate for the entire continent. Much of Sub-Saharan Africa is thus turned into a wasteland of perpetual warlordism and barbarism, whose inhabitants may never have a moment's peace. At the highest level of Devastation, some of the leaders are among the most terrifying names in African history, such as Francisco Macías Nguema, Théoneste Bagosora, John Okello, Mobutu Sese Soko, and Idi Amin, offering a look into how brutal post-Hüttig Africa is.
omsk better hurry up
Такую страну развалили...
i love africa
Africa is still Africa... *right?*
Its more or less ruins and death camps that use bodies as fuel (that is not a joke)
@@troslan4685 They might have to re-write that. You can't use bodies as fuel since we aren't flammable. we don't burn we need to be burned
@@troslan4685 It might not be realistic in the historic sense or plausibility, but I imagine the devs would intend to maintain accuracy when it comes to physical possibility
@@jameskowanko7574 Just ask them if Africans are flammable in the TNO universe
@@troslan4685 lol
Blessed and based
Okay man
@@TahaAddam it would be better than what we see now
Long live imperialism
-Nazi leader Hans Huttig, Moments before being executed by firing squad
When I listen to this, I think of Palestine. 😢
I dunno, but I don’t think Palestine is run by a burgsys state that sees himmler as too liberal
this ending is literally impossible, no matter what you do, the africa will always win. This shows panzer hipocrisy where "evil will always lose" but communist warlords russia gets good ending, even when they as evl as fascist.
I've been told he is a leftwing.
For me the dealbreaker was that anarchists somehow can unite Russia and create a functional state but Huttig cant create a burgsys despotate without reaching max devastation
"when they as evl as fascist"
Peak centrism
Plus, you're wrong to begin with. There are plenty of evil but stable countries that can exist aside from Authoritarian Socialists. Fascist Speer Germany, Fascist/NatSoc Russia, Yockey's America, etc.
@@BifronsCandle but still, its impossible to play as evil country, only because devs are saying "good will always win" but its not thruth in real life
Aleks Gołąbek You can play as Fascist Speer and, with enough skill, create a stable Nazi Germany that can last the Cold War. Plus there are several Russian unifiers that qualify as both evil and stable.
The messaging of the mod isn’t necessarily that “evil will always fail”, since it takes place in a world where it didn’t in the first place. Only that it’s destructive to all parties. Speer’s Germany gets rid of the more outwardly evil elements of Nazism but it will eventually erode over time (like China OTL).
TNO? More like TND
Before the war but I think the band is germany
Randy Newman - In Germany Before the War