The History of America BEFORE the Europeans Came | Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
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    What happened in the Americas before Columbus? What is the history of Native Americans? Mainstream science has maintained that today’s Native Americans are the descendants of the first people who migrated to America from Asia around 15,000 years ago. Modern genetics upends this view-with radical implications for who was here first, and who followed. (with Ken Ham and Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson)

Комментарии • 584

  • @dwolfe2907
    @dwolfe2907 Год назад +4

    Sons of Eber is one rabbit trail I've followed for a minute. Eber is the father of the Hebrews. He had two sons, one Peleg and the other Joktan. Peleg went towards the west , who became the Hebrews we know of today - the 12 tribes of Israel. Judah and Benjamin to the south , the kingdom of Judah. And ten of the tribes up north making close ties with Tyre and Sidon. They created a Triune alliance, called themselves Phoenicians. With the ten tribes taking much of the lead.
    The ten tribes weren't pagan in the beginning, but because the King of the North found it to be a security threat for his people to make pilgrimage to Jerusalem every feast - he made his own idols, his own priests, and his own temples. He made his people to serve god in his own country. No longer were Levites in charge of God's ordinances, but priests chosen by his governing body. They worshipped in high places, and built monuments ; eventually adopting the gods and goddesses of the Sidonians, and the Philistines. Giving their children up to Molech a Fire god; a bronze Bull humanoid with outstretched arms, heated to sizzling temperatures and burned babies upon it. It was believed to give them eternal life. Passing through the fire.
    God was wetting his sword, and used the Assyrians and the Babylonians to take them into captivity. And many were killed, and enslaved. Many integrated into gentile nations, and their identity was lost. But much of the remnant of the northern Israelites took upon their ships (Phoenicians were master ship builders, and could circumnavigate the earth) , and escaped past the Gibraltar , and headed to the isles, and much to the north. Especially the tribe of Dan , creating Danmark -> Scandinavians.
    Later the same pagan children of Isaac (Saxons/Celts) become the sword of God again, and destroy the English who were Christian only by name, and were corrupted in their beliefs ; relics, greed and false teaching abound. The Dragon ships came and destroyed their false temples, and killed their false priests and monks. Much of the hypocrisy and false practices were put to the test , and they were found wanting.
    The Pagans( Danes/Norse) then brought humility to the people of the isles, and they themselves were later baptized becoming true Christians themselves. Eventually creating the UK ; Fast forward the Norman invasion and once again Christians persecuted by the Catholic Church , because they believed in Christ alone. They escape to the Americas.
    So all of the brothers , all twelve end up on the same continent. A new world. A promised land; literally flowing with milk and honey. They start to intermingle, and you have the Americans, who are basically the mixing of all the brothers. Yet they too eventually bowed their heads to false idols, and served the gods of their enemies. They practice Yoga, worshiping Hindu gods. They follow shallow religions like Buddhism instead the God that led them out of Egypt. So the curse has come upon them. They will farm, but their enemies will eat of them, because they forsook their God.
    Joktan is interesting because he became the father of the Asian race. The Chinese , the Koreans, the Japanese, the Mongols - they all come from the line of Joktan. They kept much of the stories of Noah , the garden, and many of the biblical truths in their pictogram and characters. Before China was China they were a bunch of warring tribes. One in particular is interesting, the Shang. They believed in Shang Ti, the Emperor of Heaven. They believed there was no higher God, the most High. They even have a temple with no idols in it, and burnt offerings to God every year. But this was too corrupted by Buddhism, and Confucianism, which is a fancy Asian way of saying Humanism. That man can fix himself, and that he can become god's knowing good and evil. So God also prepared a sword for them. They were the Mongols. Whom, just like the Norse , came like locusts and punished the idol worshippers, until they proclaimed God is God. Interesting note, Genghis Khan said he was the punishment of God , and called him Sky father. He was Pagan, but was still used by the most High.
    Now many Asians are Christians, and many turned to Christ. Asians and Europeans are much more closely related than you think. Not to exclude anyone else, but there is a reason why Asians and Europeans are under attack more than any other. Why we succeed , and why we've been blessed in all manner of ways and punished in many ways. Its not because we were better than anyone- it was because the promise of God. But this promise also came with curses if you disobeyed, and served other gods.
    This calls for repentance. To realize we've been crucified with Christ because of our sins- and that our goodness will never amount to righteousness. We are worms destined for hell, but Christ Jesus from the lineage of Judah , came to die for us. Shed his precious blood, that everyone, both jew and gentile be saved forever. So know your history , know who you are, and turn to God. You are NOT to be ashamed of your skin color or too proud, but with all humbleness boast in God. He has blessed your nation beyond measure. And no enemy was able to stand before you - but if you serve other gods, you will be punished much more harshly because you are his chosen people and you had the Law of the Lord.
    Chosen not because of your greatness, but solely by promise. We are all under the promise of Christ for salvation, but the birthright belongs to you. Don't despise his blessings, and don't turn your back on God.

  • @michaelnash5124
    @michaelnash5124 2 года назад +18

    Oooo… I like that Black Death question…. This series so very very wonderful! Humans really were made to be fruitful and multiply!

  • @dekutree64
    @dekutree64 Год назад +31

    Hmm, I may have just made a connection... the Hopi tribe in Arizona has legends of taking refuge with "the Ant people" during global cataclysms. And there's an ancient underground city in Turkey called Derinkuyu which is constructed much like an ant colony. I always wondered if those were the ant people from the legends, but figured they were too far apart. But if the pre-Columbian Americans were originally from central Asia, that could mean those legends are from before the migration.

      @HOSCOFOODS Год назад +9

      What we were told about humans not being here during Pangea is a lie. People were here during the continental shift and before.

    • @Mockturtlesoup1
      @Mockturtlesoup1 Год назад

      @@HOSCOFOODS but how do we possibly explain the massive heat/energy problems that arise from the continent's moving so quickly? It's enough heat to melt the entire planet.

    • @lisamoag6548
      @lisamoag6548 5 месяцев назад

      Cliff dwellers as well.

    • @lisamoag6548
      @lisamoag6548 5 месяцев назад

      I am sure of where and Who I am.

  • @NinaWasamata
    @NinaWasamata Год назад +32

    Genealogy is so fascinating.
    I joined 23& me a few years ago after a son gave me their DNA kit for Christmas.
    I use several other genealogy sites, especially Geni.
    I already was aware, before I had my DNA results, that most of my ancestry is French, English, Irish, Scottish, German, and Norwegian.
    What surprised me is that I am also Native American, Anatolian, Southern Mediterranean, & Sub Saharan African.
    The more I have used Geni, the more I have realized just how small the world is.
    My mother was born in Southeastern Louisiana. Her ancestry is Cajun/Quebecois French Creole and some German on her father's side and English who settled in New England in the 1600's on her mother's side.
    My father was born in Cincinnati Ohio descended from the Boone family (I am first cousin to Daniel 7 x removed) and Scots-Irish who immigrated to Pennsylvania in the early 1700's on his dad's side, with English, Scottish, and German on his mother's side.
    What has really astounded me is that when I find relations that are back just a few generations, I am often related to them through both my mother and my father.
    I have "close" relatives in Brazil, Norway, Denmark, Australia, France, England, Spain -- everywhere.
    According to my DNA, they might be fourth or fifth cousins but when I look at them on the records that are in Geni it might show that they're 18th cousins or more.
    What I realized long ago is that I'm not just related to these people once.
    I'm related to them multiple times, which makes it a closer relationship then the records that I've found, so far, reflect.

    • @edeancozzens3833
      @edeancozzens3833 Год назад +4

      Daniel Boone is on a branch up my line too.

    • @theducklinghomesteadandgar6639
      @theducklinghomesteadandgar6639 Год назад +1

      I've not had a DNA test done yet, but according to my Mom and paternal Grandma I'm related to Daniel on both my Mom and Dad's sides of the family! They also believe all four of my Grandparents are at least 1/4 Native American and that is part Cherokee and Choctaw for each of them as well, so I really need a DNA test ran to be sure!!!!!!! LOL!!!!
      I'm very proud to have Native American DNA. I don't know how I would feel should it come back I have zero!! I'm as close to being sue my mother's side actually was, due to pictures I've seen and their last name. This would have been on from the branch that would be my maternal grandmother and Great Granny's branch!

    • @temjiu9915
      @temjiu9915 Год назад +6

      I was surprised as well. My family name is Scottish, and I know from family oral history that I have Scotch, German, Norwegian, Danish, and Welsch in my blood. What I found out through genetics, I actually have a higher percentage of Moravian (romance countries) and Nigerian. Yep, this pale freckled brown haired dude has more Nigerian blood then Scottish where my surname comes from. wild stuff!

    • @DramaMustRemainOnTheStage
      @DramaMustRemainOnTheStage Год назад +1

      Fascinating. Thank you. I'm still trying to under stand the 1x 2x 3x etc removed lol I've read it but need to study better. I can't repeat it after one reading.

    • @DramaMustRemainOnTheStage
      @DramaMustRemainOnTheStage Год назад +2

      @@temjiu9915 that's pretty cool. We all are related somehow and if we can't treat each other well as family then we must learn how to respect each other by humanity. We have to come together to save ourselves across the globe 🌎 We all only have this one rolling spinning ball to live on. If we realize that mother earth won't flip her axis but certainly will slosh us all around again and we must protect each other always.

  • @UpperZenith
    @UpperZenith Год назад +4

    I am absolutely not shocked to learn that what many history experts today label as "Native American" were not actually the first peoples to land here in the Americas. Albeit my hypothesis was a bit different because I was defending the integrity of European settlers of not being the flagrant and abusing homicidal maniacs they are made out to be - by the professional historical grievance crowd. It is unrealistic given human history to assert that Native tribes were a genetically homogenous, loving, peaceful, kind, collect community of forgiving and gracious people who loved nature and convinced all those wild animals to offer their skins as clothing.
    Those early native tribes were not living together harmoniously and peacefully together like one big happy family on the North and South American continent before Europeans arrived. Obviously, because they were living in separate tribes, with unique languages, unique decorum, distinguished and varying mentalities of governance and norms - some warlike and aggressive, others peaceful and passive types, then most likely what we deem as Natives were also journeymen, explorer, adventurists, seeking land, treasure, personal space, dominion over their own chosen domains who fought and conquered each other, and the established boundaries.
    Siberia, central Asia, Asia in general is a very large area. Is it possible that early arrivers had grown into a large and sizable society, and after a few hundred years or more, a second wave came across from a different region of Asia, and since their ancestors were enemies, they fought again after meeting in the Americas. Maybe tribal warfare in Central Asia pushed the secondary "native" bands into North America.
    It is probable that Asian migrants began their journey as far back as 100 to 200 AD, coming in small bands of 100 to 300 person groups across what would be 3000 to 5000 miles of ice-cold mountainous terrain with glacial flow. Approaching 300 AD and the Roman Empire was fully collapsing. In 300 AD, the Qin Dynasty in China was warring with at least 6 other large tribes. Who knows what pushed them away. Central South Asia was once dominated by a godless warrior people, the Scythians in 600-500 BCE.
    The natural human mind in its common way of calculating complex issues is usually overly simplistic, 2 dimensional, lump-sum, and static view of historical events. It is not easy to calculate several tens of dozens of large ebbing and flowing waves of migrants coming into the America's - some warring, some peaceful, some growing, some flourishing, others stagnant and perishing.

    • @jasonbrown372
      @jasonbrown372 3 месяца назад +1

      And none of them on horseback.

  • @gaylelescanec4410
    @gaylelescanec4410 Год назад +30

    This series is awesome. For not being as smart as you, thank you you answered questions that have been haunting me for many years. I have had these since grade school....I'm feeling so grateful for your due diligence.

    • @shanedemont9980
      @shanedemont9980 Год назад +5

      this whole site has been like this for me, the scripture parallels are so amazing! im seeing the world in a whole different light and having that much more faith for it! God is good

    • @chrisramage5581
      @chrisramage5581 Год назад +3

      Mate I'm feeling you ,maybe it's all about gratitude

    • @lisamoag6548
      @lisamoag6548 5 месяцев назад

      Smart ?
      Or Intelligent?
      Educated definitely.
      Well researched and clearly presented, definitely.
      Ouch, that smarts!
      Clarity of meaning is essential to communication.
      Ouch or smart same meaning, oh SNAP!
      In tell - inner truth
      Educated- led forth by virtue of knowledge
      Programmed- no in tell. Just in form a Timon.
      Not educated.
      Not wise.
      Not intelligent
      Just art If fcial or facial
      Artificial not True.
      Programmed face.
      Not image of God.
      Imagination of mere men.
      Not good information or good intentions.

    • @lisamoag6548
      @lisamoag6548 5 месяцев назад

      Spell check changed my word.
      In. Form. A. Tion.
      Action to form in your mind that idea which is not your own in tell .

  • @trukeesey8715
    @trukeesey8715 Год назад +20

    The oldest skull found in NA was found in a bog in MA, and resembles that of Patrick Stewart, and has been categorized as "Irish kind". At nine minutes into the videograph, I await your mentioning of the Solutreans, Egyptians in Grand Canyon, runes in Texas, and Kentucky petroglyphs, etc.. Also the encounter between Huguenots and Canaanites on Jekyl Island, whose 12-foot skeletons have been preserved in the museum there. And newspaper reports of giant skeletons found by early farmers in USA and confiscated by Smithsonian Institution and sunken in the deep Atlantic Ocean.

    • @Mockturtlesoup1
      @Mockturtlesoup1 Год назад

      That...certainly is a lot of words.
      Has DNA analysis been done on the 12ft tall human?

    • @trukeesey8715
      @trukeesey8715 Год назад +2

      @@Mockturtlesoup1 IDK. Maybe contact the museum? Huguenot artist made a contemporary painting of the contact. It's available in Google Images searching.
      Listen to Prem Rawat!

  • @dekutree64
    @dekutree64 Год назад +22

    30:10 That's quite striking when you consider the known population of approximately 53 million in 1491 from the previous episode. I would have liked to see an approximate reconstruction of the true population during the flatline period for comparison. All the way up to ~26 million men, and then back down again. So much history virtually erased from the genetic record.

  • @davidmcfall7067
    @davidmcfall7067 Год назад +8

    Don't know if you still keep up with your comments but at 32 minute mark that question you asked about what could have pushed the asiatics out and across to the Americas while there is theory based on study of trees and wood used in construction in the European area that there was a massive volcanic eruption in the Indonesian area that caused an 18-month blackout globally that would tie in around the 250-500AD range

  • @PEoplearepeople
    @PEoplearepeople Год назад +1

    188,000 people have seen this video. If 5,000 would “like” it, the algorithm would force it to be shared with more people.

  • @elizabethhood3263
    @elizabethhood3263 Год назад +11

    Awesome videos!! What is interesting is the fact that this evidence that modern natives came after different people who came before them actually lines up with natives own passed down traditions and lore. Many of these natives tribes have oral traditions that describe people and structures that were already here when they came into the land. Some of these legends describe these people that were here already as being giants

    • @hunnybee971
      @hunnybee971 Год назад

      You actually found mention of who the First Natives were and where they came from? I didn't see it. My attention span is pretty bad and I got lost in DNA rhetoric. I'm looking for the Time Stamp, to get just that bit of info about who came first..

    • @captainkrajick
      @captainkrajick Год назад +1

      @@hunnybee971 about 31:15

    • @hunnybee971
      @hunnybee971 Год назад

      @@captainkrajick Thank you

  • @rumblerowdy5332
    @rumblerowdy5332 Год назад +11

    They don't talk about the nephilim on this channel, which is odd since it was such a huge part of why God brought the flood

    • @rumblerowdy5332
      @rumblerowdy5332 Год назад +4

      There were a lot of giants (nehilim) in North America

    • @deboraballes9044
      @deboraballes9044 Год назад

      God wiped out the "tainted blood" with the flood, the ones that went into the ark ,Noah and his family, were free of this tainted blood even though there are stories that it came in with one of the wives,but God wouldn't have been so blind to let tainted blood onto the ark if he is going to bother with wiping out everything on the Earth's surface and start anew. So any giants after the flood are just a reflection of what was before but not true nephilim

    • @TempoRhythmRhyme
      @TempoRhythmRhyme Год назад

      Great point, and question. Surprised Ham doesn't ask him about that.

    • @devaunramsey923
      @devaunramsey923 Год назад +2

      That’s what I understand from other North American archaeological finds. Especially the “Native American” tribe in Florida, which is actually a Canaanite tribe. Their weapons were seen in a museum in Florida and an archaeologist who is well experienced in middle eastern archaeology recognized the artifacts as Canaanite. Research Laura Sangers finds on the history of the Federal reserve and you’ll hit the bullseye on what I’m re-telling. Also RUclips video “Jekyll island: Canaanite Alters & The Federal Reserve”

    • @betornween
      @betornween Год назад +2

      You need physical proof of these Giants to talk about them legitimately. Relying on a book of stories to promote an agenda is no different than listening to a con man steal your money and like it.

  • @EvaderGuy
    @EvaderGuy Год назад +30

    I’m watching this some two years after the initial RUclips presentation. It is fascinating and exciting investigation. I must ask: do we see the same type of dynamic shifts in population demographics in Western Europe with massive, unchecked immigration from the Middle East and Northern Africa? What will the U.S. look like in just a few generations with a wide-open Southern border and much lower population growth among those with European ancestry? It is complete,y believable to me that cataclysmic changes can (and do) occur) in very short periods of time. Thank you all very much and glory to God and His Word!

    • @chrisramage5581
      @chrisramage5581 Год назад

      People jumping boarders, are running from guns,

    • @user-ut9ln4vd5m
      @user-ut9ln4vd5m Год назад +2

      _"You best start believing in population replacements, you're in one."_

    • @dalew801
      @dalew801 Год назад

      @@chrisramage5581 No . . . they are Running Too FREE STUFF ! . . . . those that aren't working for the Drug Cartels that is . . . lol

    • @jasonbrown372
      @jasonbrown372 3 месяца назад

      I'm reading this one year after the initial inquiry of the RUclips presentation. Your fascination and investigation of the previous Nations must ask: What did the United States look like in just a few generations after 1776, when it had a wide-open Eastern border and much lower population growth among those with Native ancestry that survived the "exploration and settling of the American West" by those with European ancestry? It is completely believable to me that cataclysmic changes can (and did) occur in very short periods of time, periods relegated to a casual mention the first day of History class.

  • @keldfc
    @keldfc Год назад +17

    Yes certainly, it's very small, one day some friends from Nepal, and i, was watching a video where an anthropologist, -i think it was, a woman, was visiting an indian tribe in the amazones, then suddenly, the nepalis told me they understood some of the words that these indians was speaking, just single words, but still, it was enough for me to think there was some connection between the tribe and this part of asia... !

    • @francesacoy4730
      @francesacoy4730 Год назад +6

      Using the language families can be faster to create a different map of relationships/families.

    • @TommyZ9448
      @TommyZ9448 Год назад +2

      Like I commented also I read in a book the natives use to refer to the ancient ones who use to live their before them. It is like this answer was always there in folklore. Amazing.

    • @AndreaHernandez-7722
      @AndreaHernandez-7722 3 дня назад

      No asias people wasn't here

  • @bbgun061
    @bbgun061 2 года назад +14

    The population graphs for the Amerindian population size are fascinating! Does the genetic evidence show a 'flatline' due to the Black Death in the Middle Ages?

  • @TerryWehr1986
    @TerryWehr1986 Год назад +5

    In 1982, I was in the 3rd grade. I argued the same thing you did because I read as a child there was a cash of Gold found in Texas that was proven to be from Carthage. I combined that with the teaching of the Indians(Native Americans) traveled the Bering Strait. Furthermore, I had learned the reason for Christopher Columbus voyage to the new world was because he discovered in his research of the battle of Carthage that the Carthaginians had territories across the sea to the West of Alkebulan. Now that you have the scientific data, I would encourage you to find the historical data.

    • @mikeyrose4183
      @mikeyrose4183 Год назад

      Why would there be gold in AMERICA from Carthage when WE always had gold ourselves?
      It's like saying Columbus came to AMERICA looking for Carriage corn when AMERICA is the Mecca of corn.

    • @veronicaredmond3520
      @veronicaredmond3520 Год назад +1

      He was sent long before we had any discovery of gold to be mined. That was a stash of gold, not a mountain, or river if gold.

    • @mikeyrose4183
      @mikeyrose4183 Год назад

      @@veronicaredmond3520 Yeah. . , ,that is why we adorned ourselves with gold right?
      Maybe Columbus had GPS to find these mines

    • @Original94
      @Original94 Год назад

      Native Americans aren't Indians lol

    • @jasonbrown372
      @jasonbrown372 3 месяца назад

      @@Original94 modern Americans aren't Europeans lil

  • @elwar5
    @elwar5 Год назад +5

    Wow, Dr. Jeanson you have made an amazing discovery!

    • @JeffsTrades
      @JeffsTrades Год назад +3

      He didn't make that discovery. ;)

    • @juanitajackson4347
      @juanitajackson4347 Год назад

      What a lie.

    • @johnvan6803
      @johnvan6803 Год назад +2

      Yeah, the discovery is that the SOLUTRIAN people from Spain & Southern France were here long before the BERINGIANS and who were wiped out by them!

    • @juanitajackson4347
      @juanitajackson4347 Год назад

      Arabs took over Spain around 600 years, so what's that tell you

    • @RealHooksy
      @RealHooksy Год назад

      He’s made up an amazing discovery 😂

  • @chrisramage5581
    @chrisramage5581 Год назад +5

    DNA archeologists finding history ,these men rock

  • @CupcakeCottage
    @CupcakeCottage Год назад +1

    I knew a Japanese girl who did a paper in school, as a teenager, and she figured out that the original Americans were Asian.

  • @LIOTBs
    @LIOTBs Год назад +6

    Love this!
    The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ really helps fill in the gaps here. It also supports what you were saying.

  • @newunderthesun7353
    @newunderthesun7353 Год назад +2

    You should have the Episode Number in the title so we don't have to click on every one to figure out which one is next.

  • @keelon18
    @keelon18 Год назад +5

    Might help explain why artifacts have been recovered in different locations in North American grave sites of old Native Americans with Ancient Block Hebrew discoveries.

    • @51MontyPython
      @51MontyPython Год назад +1

      I was thinking the same thing. You're the only one I've seen mention that. I've thought about that a lot (though haven't actually studied or looked into it, but it's been an intellectual/historical thorn in my side, wondering how that can be, and what that says.

  • @maverickpaladin4155
    @maverickpaladin4155 Год назад +3

    Is there a Playlist with all parts in order? I'd really like to watch this series from start to finish.

  • @TommyZ9448
    @TommyZ9448 Год назад +4

    Amazing research. I read a book years ago by louis l'amour. And in the book the character lives with a native south of big bear, California. They would always reference the ancient ones who built the trails. Their spirits could still be seen walking around. So, maybe somewhere a long the way there is a Native American story of people before them.

    • @TommyZ9448
      @TommyZ9448 Год назад +2

      The Lonesome Gods! Louis L'amour.

  • @JeffsTrades
    @JeffsTrades Год назад +2

    This isn't exactly groundbreaking gentlemen.... We have known that smallpox wiped out 90% of the population post Cortez for years. Cortez arrived with large populations in Mexico, and by the time he got north, populations were already dead. Disease spread from trade between tribes northward. There is a docu-series called "The West" or something to that effect that explained all of this years ago.

  • @deepenuf2dream287
    @deepenuf2dream287 Год назад +24

    These are very good studies, but when it comes to the history of north America why are the giants that were here not being looked at and studied in the same way as the Mayan's, Aztec's, and the Inca's? I mean we know there was a race of giants here because of all the skeletons and stories about them, also there were the mound builders that still have many ruins here, are the mound builders and the giants related? I feel as good as the study is, it is still just scratching the surface and ignoring some very important evedinces that need to be explored and studied further or at all.

    • @bubstacrini8851
      @bubstacrini8851 Год назад +3

      Jack & the beanstalk, has a description of the Giant found near San Francisco and how he was killed

    • @raymondpinfold9870
      @raymondpinfold9870 Год назад +2

      The mound builders and their history is described in the OAHSPE.

    • @deepenuf2dream287
      @deepenuf2dream287 Год назад +4

      @@raymondpinfold9870 Thanks for the reply, but I'm not looking to fiction for answers, but actual study.

    • @pajarocampana7980
      @pajarocampana7980 Год назад +4

      @@deepenuf2dream287 A lot of what is said in this video is nothing but baloney.

    • @deepenuf2dream287
      @deepenuf2dream287 Год назад

      @@pajarocampana7980 That is kind of what I was implying while asking about the other.

  • @DavidSummers-wt1hz
    @DavidSummers-wt1hz Год назад

    Your investments & findings are appreciated by my family & DNA. Thank You respectfully.

  • @TheSpiral37
    @TheSpiral37 Год назад +4

    It would be even more surprising to discover the descendants [i.e. survivors] of Lemuria and Atlantas who migrated from these ancient civilizations into the Americas, like Mexico and Equadore(?) can be identified. Before the geonology of the bible and 6000 years generally associated with it. These ancient peoples did not have white skin, they were shorter and their cultures were qiite advanced, but it all got burried, not much to go on historically. They are an earlier part of the link to understanding our ancestory, I believe, and some of them are ancient [old] souls reincarnated from Lumeria or Atlantis today at the closing of this Piscean age. Thank you for sharing this study.💥

    • @grammystanley8736
      @grammystanley8736 Год назад

      According to our 23andMe DNA tests my dad's line comes from Doggerland and 23andMe claims that is Atlantis

  • @theducklinghomesteadandgar6639
    @theducklinghomesteadandgar6639 Год назад +6

    The X chromosome is just as important as the Y chromosome in telling a story as well. The information doesn't help his research so he is calling it "just white noise" like it is just worthless information that amounts to nothing. In fact the X chromosome has given us the ability to determine relatives and locate person by name to seek out potential and/or the exact persons or the immediate family members of a suspect, who may have committed crimes decades ago.
    I find it highly illogical for people to believe their family tree and/or their direct lime isn't a mixture some of if not most of the various groups of people in the world, even the "royal" family. I don't call/say them/they're races because we are all one race, the human race. Like they said changes actually occur over 3 to 4 generations, and differences we see between the different regions and those in it, breaks down into mostly coming about due to change in the people's diets per location, the weather and amount of time spent directly in the sun playing the biggest part in our human differences, same as it does in the animal kingdom!! Just an opinion!!

  • @MP-in4or
    @MP-in4or Год назад +4

    One thing I cannot stand is when people call Indians "native" American. That is not the proper term. The same goes with "African" or "Asian" American. First, native does not mean first. It means point of origin. Indians did not originate from the Americas. The first Indians that came here were not native. Anyone born here after are native. Just like every single person born in this country. We are all native Americans. The same goes with Africa. Africa is not a country. It is a continent. Same with Asia. No one has citizenship of a continent. And of course white people are not allowed to have a hyphenated after theirs, offff course. But why should anyone. If you are born in the US, you are just American. If you have duel citizen ship of another country, like Korea, then you would be Korean-American. That is all this is, citizenship. If a white person moved to Korea and got citizenship, they would be Korean. It has nothing to do with race. it is citizenship. Just like I hate when people say they are Italian or Irish, yet they have never been to that country nor have citizenship. They may have had descendent from there, but that does not make them either of those. I find it funny when people ask me if I am Irish and I say no, I am American. It is only citizenship, not race. Just like white people who live in Africa, depending on their country. It has nothing to do with race. Which brings me to the next point to label people of Chinese decent as the only "Asian" Americans. There are a lot of other countries in Asia with many different races. How is a Chinese person more Asian than a person from Iran? Both countries are in Asia. Yet if you ask the average person who is Asian, they would say the Chinese person. We need to get away from these progressive liberal stereotypes.

    • @RealHooksy
      @RealHooksy Год назад


    • @jasonbrown372
      @jasonbrown372 3 месяца назад

      You had a year, did you evolve away from those progressive liberal stereotypes and reclaim your elusive, regressive conservative prejudices?

    • @MP-in4or
      @MP-in4or 3 месяца назад

      @@jasonbrown372 and how has anything you said have anything to do with the facts I stated? Don't try and use big words to try and validate your mambo.

    • @jasonbrown372
      @jasonbrown372 3 месяца назад

      @@MP-in4or That's not a clear reclamation of your prejudices, please restate

    • @jasonbrown372
      @jasonbrown372 3 месяца назад

      @@MP-in4or Since you need definition: everything I wrote is the opposite of everything you claim

  • @edsiceloff9473
    @edsiceloff9473 Год назад +5

    Hmmmm! I watch a lot of videos, old age. Major surmising over the building of large buildings in a couple of monolithic stone styles, would seem to fit what you are answering some questions about. Question I now have, it is almost a given that the replacement peoples did not have the technology to build with these monolithic stones and the presence of a couple of different styles of building would seem to be evidence for that. Where the monolithic stone architectures were partially destroyed, they were repaired with much smaller stone works.
    Is there any body of evidence beyond the genetic (as in preserved remains) of a people who would have preceded who would begin to match up with the different monolithic stone building techniques. The evidence shows that the present people could not build with monolithic stone.

  • @houstonklinekole2510
    @houstonklinekole2510 Год назад +2

    Ezekiel 17:2
    [2]“Son of man, set forth an allegory and tell it to the Israelites as a parable.
    Holy is Jesus Christ!
    Son of the most highest God!

  • @tarot-karma-online
    @tarot-karma-online Год назад +1

    Wow, a truly intellectual, convincing guy, plus interesting new thought processes based on science.

    • @lisamoag6548
      @lisamoag6548 5 месяцев назад

      New process of thought?
      Or, new outcome of thoughts processes.
      All are hypotheses, or guessing.
      Educated guessing or pretending to be educated and agreeable to the next new programs.
      Think about that.
      If you will.
      Thank you

  • @jackrichardson9277
    @jackrichardson9277 Год назад +2

    I'm more confused than before I started watching it.

    • @jasonbrown372
      @jasonbrown372 3 месяца назад

      Pursue Higher education independently.

  • @mikegyver3193
    @mikegyver3193 Год назад +7

    Has anybody thought about the tower of Babylon

    • @LIOTBs
      @LIOTBs Год назад +4

      There is at least one record showing people coming from the Tower of Babel time to the Americas.

    • @actmrhata5079
      @actmrhata5079 Год назад +1

      Well I think ultimately that’s where ALL these people originate

  • @joelysawanas8411
    @joelysawanas8411 Год назад

    Science confirms we have been here for 23 thousand years and our treaties cover the entire North America ✊️

  • @kendesmarais9018
    @kendesmarais9018 Год назад +1

    So do I understand the graph correctly (at 31:00) that the great dying off started way back at around year 700 to 800?

  • @ravenhawk8758
    @ravenhawk8758 Год назад +4

    This was an awfully long winded way, around the truth....

    @HOSCOFOODS Год назад +1

    Indigenous Americans have known this. Especially those that are called black which is a non de guerre denationalized name. This is great that people are now beginning to realize what happened and the true nation of these lands

    • @azborderlands
      @azborderlands 9 месяцев назад

      Native Americans are not black people.

    • @jasonbrown372
      @jasonbrown372 3 месяца назад

      It's been a year, what more have you realized?

  • @lelandlittledog2263
    @lelandlittledog2263 Год назад

    Based on oral tradition and science indigenous peoples were here long before western scholars think.

  • @lisamoag6548
    @lisamoag6548 5 месяцев назад

    I wonder why they refer to some people as Latin ?
    I was taught in public school, that the Spanish Conquistadors were in the “ Americas “.
    So that the language of Spanish and Portuguese are now predominantly spoken currently.
    Spanish is a Romance language, derived from Latin.
    French and Italian are also, Romance languages , derived from Latin the language of Rome.
    So , Why are only the Spanish- Native American people described as “ Latin “?
    But !
    Italians and/ or French are not described as “ Latin American “, why?
    Germanic language- English, German, Yiddish
    Gaelic language- Irish, Scotch
    Interesting that only one people group are now considered “ Latin “
    but not those with French or Italian people are “ Latin “.
    Not logical assumptions ,just a method to confuse by misuse of language.
    Thank you

  • @trukeesey8715
    @trukeesey8715 Год назад +1

    They were here before America (Gothic for "Heavenly Kingdom") was made. Fore-Americans.

  • @goosedcoop
    @goosedcoop Год назад +4

    The Book of Mormon tells of three distinct groups who came to the Americas after the flood. The Jaredites arrived shortly after the Tower of Babel period, originating in Mesopotamia, and thrived until they were destroyed during a massive civil war. The Nephites/Lamanites arrived around 600 BC, and the Mulekites a short time thereafter, having left from Jerusalem. Eventually, these last three groups merged and a massive civil war erupted in 322 AD which led to a large population collapse by 350 AD. The first group (Jaredites) had been replaced. It's probable that the second group was also replaced by a third migration, but we don't have those records. Your population model fits with the timeline of the destruction of the Nephite civilization and the growth that would have happened after.

    • @sailingaeolus
      @sailingaeolus Год назад

      I think this is a Christian channel not freemason. He's assuming Genesis is accurate and divinely inspired. Mormons don't believe this. Reference, for example, the mysterious planet Kolob.

    • @goosedcoop
      @goosedcoop Год назад

      @@sailingaeolus Mormons, more accurately Latter-day Saints, believe the Bible to be the word of God. And Latter-day Saints are Christians.

    • @candyluna2929
      @candyluna2929 Год назад

      The book of Mormon is a lie. No HUMANS INHABITTED this land prior to the native Americans
      The giants do not count as humans.
      Read the apocrypha. 2nd esdras. The native American are the 10 lost tribes (also some stayed in the pacific Islands and Australia) then you will see why the Vatican doesn't consider those books canonical since they are also keeping up the great deception.

    • @sailingaeolus
      @sailingaeolus Год назад

      @@candyluna2929 I'm not sure the B.o.M. is a lie. We do have some very strange earthworks, ancient mines and megaliths in the Americas that can't be easily explained. Indians didn't do it. I just wonder if the B.o.M. is the biblical narrative told from the Nephilim point of view or aspects of it...? Who knows? Also to the O.P. I've met many fine persons who were LDS and Utah is a wonderful state. I really liked BSG 2004. I do see a lot in common in deed with Christendom and the LDS. However, I think there's a large doctrinal difference.

    • @lolagunz
      @lolagunz Год назад +3

      The book of Mormon, lol. They are liars.

  • @o0OBLACKIEO0o
    @o0OBLACKIEO0o Год назад +1

    The native americans came after the original europeans in america.

    • @jasonbrown372
      @jasonbrown372 3 месяца назад

      ...came in a white woman and their DNA strands braided.

  • @sagonka
    @sagonka Год назад +5

    The Europeans and Asians of the AD time frame mostly had both the wheel as well as metal implements and weaponry. But these technologies were absent in most of the Americas. Among the Aztecs,which were among the most technologically advanced before the Eeuropeans arrived, the wheel was present in limited places for things other than hauling goods. I've heard they were used in on their children's toy clay animals so the children could roll them. The plains indians had a hauling device called a Travois which was two long sticks tied together, upon which a burden was placed. This was attached to dogs and later horses and dragged upon the ground. To my understanding, there were no wheels until later, ;when the Europe;ans came. I would think if they made such a long journey in 300 - 800 AD time frame, these things would have been a very important part of their migration. This causes me to doubt the time frame you are presenting here.

    • @RealHooksy
      @RealHooksy Год назад

      Doubt it all, it’s all rubbish

    • @caitlinjohnny3828
      @caitlinjohnny3828 11 месяцев назад

      Agreed! No native american will say we came from Aztec culture. Completely different beliefs

    • @azborderlands
      @azborderlands 9 месяцев назад

      ⁠@@caitlinjohnny3828Speak for yourself …. Aztecs are a native American and they are related so some US Natives as well. I come from the Uto Aztecan nations.

    • @caitlinjohnny3828
      @caitlinjohnny3828 9 месяцев назад

      @Mestiza.11XX did your people live in teepees? And did they wear moccasins? If so then sure thing 👍, if not then NO. Not the same people.

    • @azborderlands
      @azborderlands 9 месяцев назад

      @@caitlinjohnny3828 That’s ignorant. There were whole functioning societies, not everyone living in a teepee 🙈. So what you’re saying is the border of today divided the nations back then? Many “tribes” are related in language meaning the Aztecs cousins are the Hopi and Comanche among many more. Teepees were for nomadic people, but used like we use a tent today.

  • @SoloRenegade
    @SoloRenegade Год назад +5

    there is evidence humans were in teh Americas at least 15k yrs ago, and that's largely due to lack of further excavation, and more excavations are showing humans were here even earlier than that by a longshot.

  • @davidbenner2289
    @davidbenner2289 Год назад +4

    Minutiae. Very simple. Was there more than one "migration" or "colonization" of the Americas? One about 600 years before Christ, arriving in Central America? One about 800 or so years after Christ along the Canadian and Pacific Northwest area, then spreading out? And did any of the earlier mix with the later as they moved from north to south and south to north? We're there, are there more than one migration population coming to the Americas over several hundreds of years? Make it easy.

  • @jeremyt4292
    @jeremyt4292 Год назад

    I'm an Agnostic but I do believe you're on to something in regards to humanities genetics and a recent cataclysm

  • @marschlosser4540
    @marschlosser4540 Год назад +2

    Preflood, one continent. Post flood, continents, subcontinents, and so on. Japheth's children scattered with my ancestors heading east. They hit the Pacific, then split, some south and others north. Close to the Arctic, they splint again, some going west, a few heading east overland or in seaworthy canoes. Old stories all indicate Asia as our last 'world' before the Americas. According to one, we came thru ice caves and canyons of ice to vast pasturelands, and most headed south. Mine hit the area of the Grand Tetons, WY, and moved east carrying what aggie we could, n the form of pits, tubers, and seeds. It took from post-flood to the Christian era to get from Asia to Wyoming to Great Lakes area where we had a civil war with Cherokee running south. Lenape ancestors moved from there to the Atlantic. niio

    • @jasonbrown372
      @jasonbrown372 3 месяца назад

      Maybe "preflood" was pre-meteoric collision, maybe "pre flood" was a spellcheck failure, maybe pre flood was precognited perfidy per fluent prefectures.

  • @frankedgar6694
    @frankedgar6694 Год назад +1

    Given the verbal histories passed for generations, why no mention of the prior people they wiped out to possess the land? I’m not aware of any oral tradition mentioning peoples we don’t already know about.

    • @SandcastleDreams
      @SandcastleDreams Год назад

      It's written about in one of our history books about the survey of Connecticut, brfore parts were sold off.

  • @Gryphyn3
    @Gryphyn3 Год назад +14

    This series is long winded. Ive watched 2 vids now and still don't know who came first.

    • @andralynsimmons3789
      @andralynsimmons3789 Год назад


    • @lukeconner81
      @lukeconner81 Год назад +2

      Not only that but the cherry picking used to desperately attempt to say native Americans aren't the first people's of America. It's actually really sad.

    • @RealHooksy
      @RealHooksy Год назад +1

      Not to mention racist

  • @donathantrout41
    @donathantrout41 Год назад +2

    There are only 2 nations. Red and Brown. Our fathers are Esau and Jacob who are twins.

  • @BryonLape
    @BryonLape Год назад +3

    It would be interesting to see where the Clovis culture fits into this. More and more, the "Clovis first" idea is being abandoned.

  • @joytrujillo9447
    @joytrujillo9447 Год назад +2

    Scattered Tribes of Israel.

  • @nenecitosart1405
    @nenecitosart1405 Год назад +4

    Let me break it down for y'all
    A long time ago everyone was gathered in one giant land mass people were nomadic hunters. Then the ice age occurred separating land mass aka continents. A long stretch of land the Serbian straight formed. The majority of folks from one region asia(keep in mind no such thing as cultures country or continents during this time) crossed that straight into new land America. The other folks from other regions African and European followed suit. While some decided to stay put in their respected region. With years and centuries past each distinct group evolved facial and skin type to match the climate they settled. Folks pretty much looked like each other during the dawn of man. If you think Adam was a strong handsome fella and Eve was a little hottie then I got a bridge to sell you. Now fast forward years/ centuries later through conquest mass migration settlements intermixing cultures clashing and forming new cultures everyone today is a product of those three original people the Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasian. So long story short Native American is not a race of people more of an evolution of the people that came from the Serbian strraight. Why do you think depending on region some natives look asian others look more European or a mixture of African/European or Asian/ European. Keep in mind in Native tribes their was mixing of folks. Even today a modern latino is a mixture of Native and European dna.

  • @jasongovett347
    @jasongovett347 2 года назад +30

    Some nations of Europe are actually descendants of the 10 patriarchs of the 10 tribes of Israel that disappeared from Israel. Abraham was told by God that Kings will come from him and that he's the father of many Nations not just Israel. Genesis 17, Genesis 49

    • @yudah-utahmeshiyach-mechic3561
      @yudah-utahmeshiyach-mechic3561 2 года назад +1

      Sorry to have to break it to you but the theory of caucasians being descendants of the Ancient Hebrew Israelites is the biggest fallacy in religious history. Just by given the fact that caucasians didn’t pop up in the scene of human history until Alexander the Macedonian and his father Philip of Macedonia went into Europe, Persia, and Egypt and destroyed everything and everyone in sight, just like their descendants U.S.A and U.K. been doing and spreading evils all over the earth. 1 Maccabees 1:1-28 and Job 9:24.
      Also, when the caucasian came out of the cliffs and caves of Russia, they were not a civilized people. In fact they came from dwelling in cold caves eating raw bloody meat, sharing caves with their dogs. No established religion whatsoever. Taking showers were unheard of. They were known to wear their underwear until it disintegrated. No type of architectural evidence or a organized worshipping system. These are FACTS.
      If you want to find out and learn about your ancestors, go look at the cliffs and caves of Russia and NOT the Bible. The people of the Bible left traits of a highly civilized and a well known advanced ways of worshiping God. Like the Aztecs for example. The blowing of horns for the gathering of temple worship and the wearing of fringes etc..

    • @jasongovett347
      @jasongovett347 2 года назад +3

      @@yudah-utahmeshiyach-mechic3561 Yup whatever you reckon but the Bible also states that people have forgotten who THEY REALLY ARE and that in the end they will know WHO THEY ARE as they will be told. You just responding like this is just proof that what I just said is TRUE.

    • @jasongovett347
      @jasongovett347 2 года назад +2

      There is evidence you just have to know what your looking for and where to look.

    • @darryladams519
      @darryladams519 Год назад +2

      12 tribes 10 lost

    • @godschild3640
      @godschild3640 Год назад

      @@darryladams519. JESUS🩸 IS 🩸WHITE 🩸REVELATION🩸 1:14:15. 🩸,, brass when refined in a furnace is white any metal in the inside that means in is white fire when it burns is blue white and gold uses eyes are blue face and hair white as snow like the wool of a lamb 🐑. Just like Adam and eve Mary Matthew Mark Luke John Peter Paul Sarah Samuel Solomon David Daniel Jacob Joseph John Elijah Elizabeth Abraham Enoch Jesus Christ who is God in the flesh by the door 🚪. Benjamin Ruth Abel …

  • @aronmarc5575
    @aronmarc5575 Год назад +1

    Blessings upon you Tsouharissen, chief of the proud Neutral Nation. From the mists of Niagara Falls to the shores of Lake Huron and the Detroit River, your people have prospered in the fertile lands that have come to be known as Southern Ontario. Having chosen to remain peaceful in the ongoing wars between the Huron and Iroquois, your wisdom was not mistaken for weakness, as you led your warriors into glorious battle against the Fire Nation. In your lifetime, your lands were considered a fortress of noble fighters and palisades, until your death and the Neutral Nation's eventual defeat during the Beaver Wars.
    Child of the Sun, Tsouharrissen, your people call you once more! They seek your strength and guidance to reclaim your rightful lands and defeat your enemies, old and new. Will you lead the Neutral Nation into a new era of prosperity and greatness? Will you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?
    Just another servant of God guiding His people to truth and salvation. I know Tsouharissen witch means to Mash up would be honored for his people to recognize truth in the word of God and that the curse be lifted after many years. The Europeans knew they had to find and eliminate the source of the Creator's message, but not knowing it would backfire some four hundred years later. Unfortunately man created many false beliefs from the bible and known of them have served the Creator's purpose but to deceive all.
    Matthew 13:13-15
    Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

    • @jasonbrown372
      @jasonbrown372 3 месяца назад

      It's been a year, what did you hear? Have you seen what you thought you would see here a year later, that being known for foresight of the scene would make it seem that you've foreseen with foresight

    • @aronmarc5575
      @aronmarc5575 3 месяца назад

      @jasonbrown372 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3) 🥭 looK uP privately 🪜 📐 🐎 👈HerAmes👈 SaraH🥚Har💤🎀piC MaY pEarL🥚7jewd
      Face🌽booK👈Uroc 🌽MaY buch 🥖HpAol SunArU 🥖Die bread opH EVE No33aM The LesSon👈 MaiSon👈 Jung 🪜Gustavvatsup Cejiilec 🍑 haS a Herman phatts👅👈staG❤️‍🔥deR VenisoN tunnelS🙃SlawNF aGaiN 👈Nu🍑Yok iAM all ✌️ PieCeS☯️SacAid👈

  • @eldin14
    @eldin14 Год назад +2

    MANY peoples found their way to this continent. South America and the Caribbean have peoples from Africa and Polynesia. There is evidence of the ancient Chinese along the Californian coast. Not being taught by main stream cuz it messes with their invented paradigm.

    • @francesacoy4730
      @francesacoy4730 Год назад +1

      We have to remember the ocean was NOT a barrier to some people. Sails follow the winds. Also the northern crossing IS A THEORY, not a proven land bridge.

    • @davidbenyahuda5190
      @davidbenyahuda5190 Год назад +1

      Perhaps maybe so-called non-black people could ask so-called black people about what happened in the past. After all that is our history but no one else's. Shalom

    • @susannebrunberg4174
      @susannebrunberg4174 Год назад

      Tell my why. You have made the most stupid comment I have seen for a long time here on yt.

  • @fernandocaceres2955
    @fernandocaceres2955 3 месяца назад

    Wow this totally disproves the Book of Mormon on a major scale

  • @hughblack5898
    @hughblack5898 Год назад +1

    No matter how you look at it the native people of America had their lands and culture taken from by the Christian white men from around Europe

  • @michaelgrasa3656
    @michaelgrasa3656 Год назад

    Through genetics I’m not completely convinced they say Lake Superior had the Minoans and there is evidence to show Indians came from these people as well. They say the copper from that area filled the Bronze Age from the 5 million tons that is missing from copper island in Lake Superior.

  • @jw9366
    @jw9366 Год назад +2

    Attila the Hun had long blonde hair. I imagine Caucasians are named for where they came from. We all come from central Asia

    @GCAVIDEO Год назад

    How can it be assumed that the "flat-lining" wasn't just an artifact of meager existence and low survival in a difficult environment? Why is a large population with a collapse assumed again? Why not just a population that barely survived? Is he saying the lack of variation over time is an indicator of collapse?

  • @robertfantazo4751
    @robertfantazo4751 Год назад

    He said this is like the 9th episode or is there are there DVDs or something that I could buy. The whole set? Does anybody know?

    • @jasonbrown372
      @jasonbrown372 3 месяца назад

      Try the library before Ebay.

  • @itzcaseykc
    @itzcaseykc Год назад

    The native Americans probably met up with those who arrived here shortly after the flood; some had 6 fingers and were very tall. That's one reason why the native Americans held up their hand and said, "How" to have the "White Man" to do the same to show how many fingers they had. The native Americans thought those who had 6 fingers were of their enemies whom were conquered.

  • @me3tv
    @me3tv Год назад

    Is the dilution of genetics accounted for in the population that intermarried to the Europeans? Also .. while our reference points are current tribes ... These are amalgrams of near extinct former large cultures. To be fair at some point we don't even know what these "nations" were called. This is a fascinating series.

  • @sunhorsemooncougar1557
    @sunhorsemooncougar1557 Год назад +1

    There is a book called 500 nations

  • @Rockhoundingcolorado
    @Rockhoundingcolorado Год назад +2

    Man was in alamosa colorado 22k years ago. So unless you figure that out?

  • @LiuYan07
    @LiuYan07 Год назад

    I can not find this serie in play list. can you list all the episodes related to NA . Thank you

  • @willlantion6096
    @willlantion6096 Год назад +1

    I’m just a little confuse they are founding ancient Egyptian in the green canyons and also in Chicago and also other parts of America. And also, do you have oh my God in the library of Spain in the library of Germany when these two explorers visit America, they saw kinky hair, Black people, so the more they dig this finding these black Egyptians

  • @kilroywashere513
    @kilroywashere513 Год назад +1

    This is fascinating🤔.

  • @elizabethannegrey6285
    @elizabethannegrey6285 Год назад

    I might have enjoyed this more if the narrator didn’t speak as though he is late catching a train. The information is complex, generally fairly new, and it’s like trying to hold a conversation with someone on a travelator going the other way.

  • @aaronchambers9888
    @aaronchambers9888 Год назад +1

    The dates of the ad 530s and the ad 1380s being periods of coldness, bubonic plague and starvation due to the volcanic ash of major eruptions coverage the earth and causing ice ages and die offs really coincides good with these genetic charts.

  • @11buttnaked
    @11buttnaked Год назад +2


    • @edwinking9438
      @edwinking9438 Год назад +1

      Let the victors write the truth and be amazed 😂

  • @godschild3640
    @godschild3640 Год назад +2

    YES HAM & SHEM MIXED. GENESIS 3:15 and revelation 12:3 to 16. And. This verse. Tell. You exactly who they are. Deuteronomy 20:17.

  • @lisamoag6548
    @lisamoag6548 5 месяцев назад

    Oh, good.
    Thank you

  • @PEoplearepeople
    @PEoplearepeople Год назад

    Why are ther not as many likes in this video compared to the amount of commercials?????????????

    • @RealHooksy
      @RealHooksy Год назад +1

      Because it’s all bulls hit

  • @ronsilva516
    @ronsilva516 Год назад +2

    If you look at Genesis chap 4 just.21-22 Shows people where advanced they where making instruments and forging metals propel where not stupid

  • @michaelleroi9077
    @michaelleroi9077 Год назад +5

    Steve Martin says King Tut was born in Arizona then moved to Babylonia. So, this info only supports Steves great archaeological work. Thanks!

  • @EricWilliamsYO
    @EricWilliamsYO Год назад

    All Hail to the Ancient Moorish Empire!!!! We are the founders of all culture! Olmec Maya Incas on and on. it is us..

    • @RealHooksy
      @RealHooksy Год назад

      What about the Moops?

    • @azborderlands
      @azborderlands 9 месяцев назад

      The moors are not olmecs mate 😂

  • @saqueoperez3216
    @saqueoperez3216 Год назад +2

    Who where are they coming from?
    Would be possible that native of Americans are one tribe of Israel
    Let me know?

    • @candyluna2929
      @candyluna2929 Год назад +1

      Exactly!! These ppl believe ANYTHING other than God's word. They refuse to read apocrypha but then claim they arenr catholics when there is a reason the catholic church doesn't want you reading those books.

  • @tanl7756
    @tanl7756 Год назад +1

    You keep focusing on Y chromosome. Females do not have Y chromosomes. In real genetic tests they also test mtDNA which is ONLY passed to females. SOME populations that show Euro haplotypes from the Y father's line, show Asian haplotypes from X mother's line.

  • @ehouse430
    @ehouse430 Год назад +1

    almost all civilizations migrated from elsewhere. Same for the Inidian Nations

  • @marya6445
    @marya6445 Год назад +2

    I have Native American heritage. I had my DNA analyzed. There is NO Asian ancestry in my DNA... So how do you explain this?

    • @lolagunz
      @lolagunz Год назад

      Bc it's possible the Natives in your family were Negroid.

    • @Dancestar1981
      @Dancestar1981 Год назад

      There had to be multiple migrations occurring from many different continents

  • @Ken-ej6sc
    @Ken-ej6sc 6 месяцев назад

    🙂 The early inhabitants of America kept written records on metal plates. Some of these have been translated and are published in The Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Moroni 10 :4 tells us how we can know that these scriptures are true.

  • @madinewhite5982
    @madinewhite5982 Год назад

    Why are you saying native Americans weren’t the first ones here and you can’t find who it was then?? How do you know?

  • @pd2468
    @pd2468 Год назад +1

    Gotta love it when a white person always gotta tell you where another race is from wanted to work on your own culture and leave the natives alone trying to rewrite history and I don’t work

  • @vutube379
    @vutube379 Год назад

    Chico Norte is older than Olmec 1600 bce to 350 ad by a few thousand years 3100 bce contemporary with Egypt.

  • @Ideas4Prosperity
    @Ideas4Prosperity Год назад

    If we are going to bring the Bible into it, then do it fully. The Bible doesn't just claim that a flood happened in the recent past, it also claims that all but one family died during the flood event. Then it claims that we all descend from that family. The fact that there are about 112 tellings of the flood from different groups of survivors corroborate the flood event, but upends the Cristian account. The event does not center around Noah and the God of Abraham.

  • @mikegyver3193
    @mikegyver3193 Год назад +1

    Why does the native Indian’s have art that matches the Tower of Babel.

  • @budmerrill2593
    @budmerrill2593 Год назад +5

    I wonder when the meteors impacted Winslow ,AZ area and if this had an effect on the population die off??

    • @jimmiewomble416
      @jimmiewomble416 Год назад +1

      That meteor was tiny compared to the one that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. But for a few hundred miles in each direction, no doubt it wiped out everything alive.

    • @candyluna2929
      @candyluna2929 Год назад

      No meteor. It was a flood.

    • @KuntryBoyCitySlick
      @KuntryBoyCitySlick Год назад +1

      @@candyluna2929 so a flood made the crater outside of Winslow?

  • @jayfuller2323
    @jayfuller2323 Год назад +1

    Where are the Salutrean contribution?

  • @deanchristie3829
    @deanchristie3829 Год назад +1

    You are saying the migration was from Asia into the Americas. You are still stuck on the European story that The First Nations of the Americas are squatters from Asia, and so it is okay for the European squatters to displace these previous squatters. The migrations could just as easily originated in Central America and spread outwards. The sample size that you are working with is too small.

    • @marschlosser4540
      @marschlosser4540 Год назад

      According to stories passed down from the ancestors, we walked out of the northwest to Wyoming and then east.

  • @trukeesey8715
    @trukeesey8715 Год назад +1

    We are closely akin to frogs also, but frogs and we do not create the same kind of culture as each other. Should frogs be allowed to vote?

    • @jasonbrown372
      @jasonbrown372 3 месяца назад +1

      If they pay taxes, then yes. Ask Kermit.

  • @raymondpinfold9870
    @raymondpinfold9870 Год назад

    The OAHSPE says a lot about the history of native Americans.

  • @maarkuwarriorwolfamun9293
    @maarkuwarriorwolfamun9293 Год назад +1

    You all know who the indigenous people were. All of them had negro phenotype. I'm 5th gen Creek-Powhatan copper colored, not red.

  • @juanitajackson4347
    @juanitajackson4347 Год назад +1

    After killing all the Buffalo and starving us to death, now his people are trying to make all of us eat bugs.

  • @frankmartin8471
    @frankmartin8471 Год назад

    Jeanson's math is interesting, but his hypothesis is based on assumptions. On the other hand, we have actual DNA studies of both living and deceased Native Americans. And the consistent result of all these studies is that they rule out the possibility that the Native Americans mixed with Europeans or Africans or anyone else before 1492. if you want to move beyond Jeanson's fanciful hypothetical into the world of the studies of actual physical evidence of the First Peoples in America, I'd recommend that you read Jennifer Raff's insightful book, "Origins: A Genetic History of the Americas". If reading a whole book about it seems daunting, then take a look at her Scientific American magazine article on the same subject which appeared in the May 1, 2021 edition. She doesn't start with a conclusion of a time line and then wrestle with the data to make it fit. She extracts DNA samples from ancient remains and performs an analysis of it. There was no mixing of the then existing gene pool in the Americas with a second migration that Jeanson hypothesizes. If there had been a mixing, it would have been found by now. Theoretical genealogical charts cannot determine population sizes at a given time in history to support a hypothetical die-off that would support the hypothesis of a second migration. Jeanson is using smoke and mirrors, not actual evidence. Jeanson says today's Native Americans are descended from people who arrived in the Americas some time A.D. However, there is no genomic evidence that Native Americans mixed with Europeans or Africans or anyone else prior to 1492. Jennifer Raff holds two Doctorates degrees; one in anthropology and one in genetics, and works in the field of American anthropological genetics. She knows what she's talking about, and she doesn't use smoke and mirrors. If factual information based on actual evidence challenges Jeanson's teachings, then that's his problem.

  • @PhilipBelmont
    @PhilipBelmont Год назад

    After the flood, how did the animals spread across the world?

  • @lordcorellion3605
    @lordcorellion3605 Год назад

    Again, I really do wish that the nephite record was more widely known to people. Not only does it reveal where the native americans originally came from but it gives a summarized history of the nephite civilization from between around 600B.C to 421A.D and so much more. It is probably the only record we have of the native americans before 1000A.D