The Germanic Tribes Who Named The World

  • Опубликовано: 17 мар 2024
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Комментарии • 383

  • @NameExplain

    Suggest a topic for next Monday's video!

  • @balaam_7087

    Love to see this covered. People hear ‘Germanic’ and think ‘Germany’, and it ends there for them. Many ppl don’t realize just how much influence the Germanic tribes had, how encompassing aspects of the culture were. Elements are present in Celtic, Gaelic, Basque, Armenian and a number of other cultures.

  • @candyneige6609

    Fun fact : We, the French, are actually Germanic, we've always thought that our ancestors were the Gauls, which was popularized by the Astérix & Obélix comics, however after DNA analyses in recent times, and also the fact that we've just begin to notice the blatant name origin hint that we've been ignoring for centuries, we've realized that our ancestors weren't in fact the Gauls, but were instead the Franks, who were a Germanic tribe, meaning that, not only the Germans themselves, but also the English and the Dutch are our "cousins germains" as we call it.

  • @AlexSeesing

    Before you'll hate it, you're on a journey to learn Dutch. Can't be helped. It's how all Germanic languages are directed to. So unique sounding apart from .. Just make it Dutch

  • @SantaFe19484

    French is the most Germanic of the Romance languages.

  • @marcc375
    @marcc375  +82

    The name of Russia also comes from a Germanic word that meant "to row" and denoted a group of people who migrated from Sweden to Russia and eventually became the Rus' people. In Finnish Sweden is still called Ruotsi for example.

  • @DeusExHonda

    The Germans still call France by the old name. They call it Der Frankreich (the Frank Empire).

  • @arthur_p_dent

    Since you mentioned the Vandals, the region in what is now Spain that they invaded used to be called Vandalusia; now Andalusia. In fact, the Spanish language basically started as Vulgar Latin with a Gothic accent.

  • @huskadog7748

    I propose the germanic languages be renamed to "everything else"

  • @DiamandaHagan

    There's a book about Gothicness that covers the ancient goths, the architecture, the literature and the subculture. I think its just called Gothic.

  • @SgtLenor
    @SgtLenor  +50

    Let's not forget how Germany also has the Allemanni tribes which is where the romance language got their name of Germany from, as well as the saxons also being used for England in the Celtic languages and for all of Germany in Finland

  • @hcn6708
    @hcn6708  +78

    Lots of places in England are named after the Saxons

  • @colonelblastpack169

    I always liked the word "Jutland" because the peninsula literally "juts" out into the sea

  • @VGurrasKpist

    In Sweden we have Östergötland and Västergötland that is named after the geats. We also technically have svealand being named after the swear that later became modern swedes. It's said that the Swedish national symbol of the three crowns comes from when the svear and two tribes of geats unified under one king

  • @FoggyD
    @FoggyD  +44

    The black-red-gold design used in the background for a lot of this video wasn't introduced as a flag until the 19th century, and wasn't adopted as the German national colours until the mid-20th century, so they weren't associated with these old tribes at all.

  • @Ionut_Tudose

    In Romania we have two cities (Piatra Neamț, Târgu-Neamț) and Neamț county, where ”Neamț” literally means „German”.

  • @dmac7128
    @dmac7128  +11

    Here's one, Andalusia, the southernmost region in Spain. It's origin is indirectly from the Vandals. It was passed down through Arabic to its present form.

  • @juke9674

    Note that the reason so many regions in germany are called Saxony ISNT that the saxon tribes lived there. Initially, Saxony was in the area of the former saxon kingdom conquered by charlemagne. But during the HRE, feudalism did a feudalism and the lands of the dukes shifted, whivh is why a completely different region in the east is called saxony now

  • @texadian3392

    Belgium after the Belgae tribe; Swabia, Bavaria, and Thuringia after the Suebi, Bavarii, and Thuringii tribes, plus a whole host of local place names in Portugal and Galicia from when the Kingdom of the Suebi existed there; Essex, Wessex, Sussex, and Middlesex all come from the the same root word as the name Saxon (seax in Old English and sachs in Old High German to describe the knife you referenced) just to name a very few. Great video!

  • @yaroslavpanych2067

    "Lombard" in my language we use this specific term as "pawn shop" . On its own it got name from that Lombardia city, not sure if there any connection