  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 378

  • @annetteevans1281
    @annetteevans1281 13 дней назад +59

    This whole ‘ I want to live off grid’ is not for the weak . Let’s start being honest on RUclips to the masses. It’s not fairytales and green living …. Sometimes it’s mosquitoes and loneliness. All the best ❤

    • @fungsho12
      @fungsho12 12 дней назад +6

      But they were absolutely clear about that, if you are a avid follower you would know it wasn’t a bed of roses for them. So if people didn’t see that they struggled to get to where they are now I don’t know what else to tell you.

    • @Josina.E
      @Josina.E 10 дней назад

      @@annetteevans1281 THISSSS!!

    • @tony.6048
      @tony.6048 10 дней назад +1

      @@slaveman2818very wise words, that’s why I could not purchase any thing in Ghana, that 50 year lease is a total scam. Ghana like most west African countries are beautiful, but one needs an income savings and a great deal of sense. So sad the kings have chosen to sell their house, well that’s what the “Most High” told them. Well let’s wait and see who will purchase their compound. That was built by so called substandard builders 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  9 дней назад +9

      @@tony.6048 there is this notion that the land ends after 50 years you can renew your land, infact we have a 50 year lease with a auto renewal of 45 year and after that time you can renew again, foreigners are out here building malls and skyscrapers you think they would do that if after 50 years it would be taken away? Please do your research before you say something is foolish a scam or doesn’t make sense

    • @tony.6048
      @tony.6048 9 дней назад

      @@LYFEwiththekiings Mr King dear Brother, I was in Ghana, three months ago truth be told not everyone can get an automatic 50 year renewal.
      Most new expats to Africa are purchasing small individual plots of land then building a simple compound of two or three room bungalow style homes. That fits their present and future requirements.
      Now if you invest in big plots of land and hotels and such, clearly you’re a top tier guy.
      The Ghanian government will see the investment and potential it makes sense such players are granted citizenship.
      With citizenship (Aleta and the Shark Island Guy I’ve met them both) again with citizenship comes perks and advantages, it’s then the 50 year lease may not apply. I came to Ghana to buy a house in the eastern region. For me It was too far from Accra so I lost interest . Not everyone wants to live out in the bush. Coming from the West one may want a little modernity. Schools, shops, shopping Malls nearby clinics good decent roads, Churches to attend cinemas etc etc.
      I presently live in The Gambia (again a beautiful African country, but not for those that have never been to Africa) I have a decent set up (I say decent) friends that visit from London have said I should set up a You-Tube channel, Alas I’m very private person (the wife and I) don’t want the whole world in our business, with subscribers comes judgement. I’ve been following your story from the Tent days till now.
      You’re a brave man So Good luck brother. May God grant you peace and a blessed time for you and your family on this African Journey.
      I say many black folk from the UK and the Sates should not attempt An African exodus why you may ask, because it is for the physically tough and economically sound.

  • @nanagwenmylifemystoriesmyg303
    @nanagwenmylifemystoriesmyg303 15 дней назад +45

    Great Rising Family..
    Today I Cry 😢. I'm 81 years young living in Ghana for over 51 years back and forth. 🇬🇭 is hard.My prayer is 4 your happiness as a family. Stay Bless..Pound 2 you.
    May The Most High God Give You Your Portion. Nana Gwen/ ❤️
    Miss You Already 😢

  • @anthonymccauley9101
    @anthonymccauley9101 14 дней назад +26

    The hymnwriter says "Life is full of swift transitions"...."hold on to God's unchanging hand". Your journey has been inspiring, I am now almost 70 years old, and I can attest to the fact that change is difficult but sometimes necessary in order for us to advance to the next stage in God's plan for our lives. I am still working, and I have on more than one occasion, even up to fairly recently, had to totally re-order my steps, and make significant changes....by starting over again. You have your youth...and your God on your side. You have been an inspiration, I am sure it cannot be easy to abandon your home and land after putting so much time, financial and sweat equity into it, especially as you have a family. But sometimes, you've just gotta do what you have to do, and make no apology. You have actually laid a great foundation for someone else to build on, hopefully you get a good buyer, who will put the kind of love, into it that you have. Whatever you do, I am fully confident that God will be with you as He has been up till now. Wishing you all the very best of God's best, and just end as I began....'hold on to God's unchanging hand'. Sometimes things are for a reason...and a season..........and sometimes only you will know in your heart...that it's time to up and get on with the next leg of the journey. Be well.

  • @donjaguar
    @donjaguar 13 дней назад +40

    It’s not easy living in Ghana. System doesn’t function properly 💯💯

    • @kwesidiamonds8242
      @kwesidiamonds8242 11 дней назад +4

      Doesn't function at all

    • @smoothoperator9845
      @smoothoperator9845 11 дней назад

      @@kwesidiamonds8242 Fix it! Go into Politics.

    • @Alyisha6
      @Alyisha6 10 дней назад

      @@donjaguar first of Africa needs to abandon the ideology of a palm color Jesus coming to save them ,and these false churches, It’s called idolatry worshipping a god and Jesus that don’t look like them. They need to learn to read the Bible for themselves , especially when it comes to The true color of The Most High and Christ bLk with woolly hair Daniel7:9 KJV bible and Revelation 1:10-16Kjv bible. Your pastors have been deceiving the people.
      Isaiah 34:16 KJV bible
      “Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.”
      2 Corinthians 11 KJV bible
      11 Would to God ye could bear with me a little in my folly: and indeed bear with me.
      2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
      3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
      4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
      Matthew 24:4-31 KJV bible
      4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
      5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
      1 John 4 KJV bible
      4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
      2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
      3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

    • @tony.6048
      @tony.6048 9 дней назад +1

      @@kwesidiamonds8242 Blanket statement, when you say don’t function what do you mean. We that have moved to Africa, just want a different way of life to be in the sun and around people that look like us.
      It takes a mindset to believe things don’t function in Africa, it depends what African country you visit, how long you plan to stay your income or savings and how much you love the West. I say and know Ghana is one of the better and more modern African countries.

    • @kwesidiamonds8242
      @kwesidiamonds8242 9 дней назад +1

      @@tony.6048 And where in my comment I said things doesn't function in Africa. Being realistic is another thing and being unrealistic is another thing. Am sure I love Africa more than you. Been to over 22 Africa Countries and will continue to explore my continent .

  • @nadinedesouza8496
    @nadinedesouza8496 15 дней назад +50

    That river and those fruit trees alone is such a plus on that land. I know exactly how this bitter-sweet it is to sell the home you put so much love, blood, sweat, and tears into. I built my home with love for my family, but life has caused me to switch gears and now I am selling my home here in the Virgin Islands, so I can move to Africa. I am excited for you, because I know to make that decision, it means that God has even better for you there in Ghana. I can see someone taking that place up and really doing a villa or an Bnb paradise.

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  15 дней назад +13

      We have our plans but the Father as his plan and all we can do is submit to the process, great things are ahead

    • @nadinedesouza8496
      @nadinedesouza8496 15 дней назад +5

      @@LYFEwiththekiings Great things indeed are ahead. I am excited to see the beginning of those great things.

    • @oranechaos
      @oranechaos 11 дней назад

      Just curious, are you originally from VI, born and grow?

    • @nadinedesouza8496
      @nadinedesouza8496 11 дней назад

      @oranechaos yes I am born and grew up here in the VI.

    • @nadinedesouza8496
      @nadinedesouza8496 10 дней назад

      @@slaveman2818 When you have a calling, you have to go, you move, you act.

  • @TheRoxyB
    @TheRoxyB 14 дней назад +20

    I really feel for you RUclipsrs because these comments are a trip. People feeling like they know more about your life and what’s best for you and needing every detail of your business. Not to mention only listening to hear what they want to hear. I guess it’s the risk of sharing anything online. Looking forward to see where the journey goes next. You’ve done a massive thing and it’s only up from here. ❤🇯🇲

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +7

      Exactly,,, its a drama for them, let them keep speculating like we are a netflix programme its quite flattering! if they put this much energy into their own live or better still the Most High their misery would'nt require company

    • @MrILES-gu3xb
      @MrILES-gu3xb 14 дней назад +1

      @@TheRoxyB they are broke haters and can’t even afford a plane ticket to less of buying land in Africa

    • @MrILES-gu3xb
      @MrILES-gu3xb 14 дней назад +3

      @@LYFEwiththekiingsHey fam, Let them speculate all they want. They’re Bums with no ambition in life. You moving to Africa alone is a very big to me as a New Yorker. Very inspiring 😇

    • @Abeikirt
      @Abeikirt 14 дней назад +2

      @@TheRoxyB Actually Ghanaians need to do better. Ghanaians could be really petty trust me. Been to Ghana twice, Ghanaians could really discourage investors

    • @Abeikirt
      @Abeikirt 14 дней назад +1

      @@LYFEwiththekiings Ghanaians could be really petty people. I am from Cameron, but residing in the United States. Big fan!

  • @jackb7982
    @jackb7982 10 дней назад +4

    ❤Well done Kiings!🎉 What amazing growth. Ghana has brought out the best in you! You could never have had this opportunity in oppressive England. Wishing you all every success for the future. Can't wait for you to share your updates, because nothing is going to stop you now.xx ❤❤

  • @jocieluch4784
    @jocieluch4784 15 дней назад +32

    Your story inspired me and my husband to the point that we purchased our own land in Africa.
    The river you show on your land become my dream, vision which I was always drawing on paper
    I'm sad to see you leaving and selling and I'm sure it wasn't easy decision to make but I'm excited for you,for your new dreams and blessings to come
    All praises to the Most High

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  15 дней назад +14

      @@jocieluch4784 thank you for your words , we are selling not leaving 🙏🏾

    • @tony.6048
      @tony.6048 14 дней назад +1

      @@jocieluch4784 I hope you visited the place where you purchased your land, before I moved to Africa I visited my chosen country. You. Need to get a feel for the place you plan to call home. No one would purchase a car new or used without a test drive. Africa is a beautiful place to live. Sadly you need a plan, sufficient funds and you need a robust personality having small children does not help.

    • @jocieluch4784
      @jocieluch4784 13 дней назад

      @@tony.6048 I've never been in Africa before but my spirit istelling me to go.
      My husband was raised in that country but left many years ago.
      I trust God and his word.He choose me to know and understand.I choose him to obey.And he will keep his promise.
      My plan is to give and provide,explain and revil the truth.I don't expect anything in return as I recive everything I dream about

      @DIYHOUSEANDFARM 12 дней назад +3

      This place is stunning!!! 🥹

  • @Sharimurdock
    @Sharimurdock 14 дней назад +54

    Wouldn’t it be a good idea to have a what’sapp group with all the people who have purchased land in the area so they can get to know each other and established a community. That way they are not driven to abandon their land due to feeling alone and isolated.

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +7

      We do had the group going for two years now

    • @Sharimurdock
      @Sharimurdock 14 дней назад +5

      @@LYFEwiththekiings can I join the group please.

    • @tony.6048
      @tony.6048 14 дней назад +12

      80 percent of those that purchased are not doing more than that, its easy to buy a plot of land in Africa, but to build a compound and live takes a great deal of tenacity, courage and sufficient income. We the subscribers have not seen any of the buyers developing any land. Because its too hot, to dry and too humid to live away from the city…

    • @lornareynolds3764
      @lornareynolds3764 14 дней назад +2

      What is the group? How can I join?

    • @Runbackwards
      @Runbackwards 13 дней назад

      @homewiththewills came up on my feed I'm sure they said he bought from them and are actually there now a year later

  • @Sharimurdock
    @Sharimurdock 14 дней назад +45

    With you guys leaving, I feel anxious about finalising my land purchase. I don’t want to bring my family in the middle of nowhere with no community. By community I mean fellow people from the Diaspora going through the same journey.

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +6

      Leaving who said we’re leaving

    • @Sharimurdock
      @Sharimurdock 14 дней назад +2

      @@LYFEwiththekiings leaving Suhum

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +4

      @@Sharimurdockwe didn’t say that, WhatsApp me

    • @elizabethbekoe381
      @elizabethbekoe381 14 дней назад +9

      Please follow your dream ..lm confuse why they are living ..their journey might not be yours ..just stay legitimate and transparent ..Ghana is beautiful

    • @sweetbadd9852
      @sweetbadd9852 14 дней назад +9

      Their daughter said that lots of the people in the community left, and they felt isolated. That's why they left.

  • @sharonthompson2969
    @sharonthompson2969 8 дней назад +4

    You both look so well and healthy. You will get a buyer who will take the project further.

  • @twiggs65
    @twiggs65 13 дней назад +20

    Not surprised, I heard life in Ghana is difficult.

    • @SamuelAsare-mo4jy
      @SamuelAsare-mo4jy 2 дня назад

      Life is difficult everywhere on this planet. U just have to plan.

  • @sarahdadzie2001
    @sarahdadzie2001 14 дней назад +15

    Ghana is like anywhere else but with its own added challenges in terms of infrastructures and ways of doing things. Its all about Location Location, Location... With your pioneering mindset im sure you would be fine whatever you decide to do. Word of caution though! dont sell in haste because its a beautifully appointed property that could be developed into "Wellness Resort" with the right partners and investment.
    Find partners and bring investors on board to buy into your vision and develop the land. Sorry to hear you couldn't settle properly on the land. All the best with you and family.

  • @Millionaireyl
    @Millionaireyl 15 дней назад +28

    Best to be brutally honest in the challenges faced so others are aware. As long as you've got Each other all is good 👍

  • @lloydhastings9784
    @lloydhastings9784 14 дней назад +14

    This looks like a financial problem.

  • @yolanderanthony4693
    @yolanderanthony4693 14 дней назад +8

    I have learnt soo much from you both, even met you in person to acquire lands. Life and circumstances change and the resilience and faith you demonstrated from the beginning will surely see you through, best of luck.

  • @taluj2298
    @taluj2298 13 дней назад +3

    All the best with the new ventures. Life changes constantly and we have to pivot with the new direction. Remain fluid in what you do!

  • @jojoyah_1236
    @jojoyah_1236 14 дней назад +7

    You had gotten so far with the buildings. I had not watched or seen the country home for a while. I was mainly watching your stay in the city. The main house is beautiful.

    @IJUSTWANNAFLYDJIDRONES71 12 дней назад +5

    Those deadly snakes and no hospital in sight….its a no for me.

  • @naturaltherapistnt6856
    @naturaltherapistnt6856 10 дней назад +2

    This is very sad, guys. To hear you are moving on. What happened, guys? I think you are not telling us. Anyway, only God knows

    • @Mrchygozman
      @Mrchygozman 16 минут назад

      That is very strange. Imagine buying the property only to realize why they are running.

    @IJUSTWANNAFLYDJIDRONES71 12 дней назад +5

    That’s a lot of revenue wasted especially if you can’t find a buyer.

  • @onelove5572
    @onelove5572 14 дней назад +41

    🇯🇲 Guys they are not leaving Ghana. This is a business move. They want to build bigger and better in a better area. That is why people need to research well and live there physically a while before buying.

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +11

      Thank you, they would know this if they actually watch our episode and knew our story or maybe just listened more 😂

    • @showtime1524
      @showtime1524 14 дней назад +12

      @@LYFEwiththekiings make another video explaining to people that you are not moving out of ghana for people to understand

    • @spacesandplacesoutthere
      @spacesandplacesoutthere 14 дней назад +1

      @@showtime1524 👊🏿💯🎯✔️

    • @gladysjohnson2320
      @gladysjohnson2320 14 дней назад +4

      Hi What's The Reason Of moving Out Of Unfinished building?? I Taught You Said There was Dame Mould issure😊

    • @AfricanUSA-th9ov
      @AfricanUSA-th9ov 14 дней назад +1

      ​@@gladysjohnson2320hopefully the mould haven't cause any medical issues with the children

  • @ckbond41
    @ckbond41 11 дней назад +2

    I can hear both of you spoke with alot of passion. I wasn't keeping up with all your videos but can see you done a lot of work to your former home.
    May I ask, What are you both going to do now?
    And, why did you get all the seeds or trees from to plant on the land. The reason I say that is because I didn't know Ghana have Passion fruit, that's more a Caribbean fruit.
    And once again, good luck to the whole family on your increaible jouney.

  • @audreyappleby9487
    @audreyappleby9487 14 дней назад +6

    i love all that you have accomplished. please continue to strive for bigger and better. sending you abundance of you goals and aspiration.

  • @princesslivingfree
    @princesslivingfree 14 дней назад +12

    Shalom family ❤️May Yah bless you on this next season of the journey. What I am finding is that many of us Hebrews who have left Babylon, are encountering a wilderness season along the way, myself and my family including. It’s just a season though and The Most High is still will those of us that He has called to leave. Everyone’s journey is different, and sometimes much like that bumpy winding road you described. The one commonality for each of us though is OBEDIENCE TO OUR FATHER. Keep obeying no matter what it looks like or what others say. Love you King family!!

  • @jojoyah_1236
    @jojoyah_1236 14 дней назад +12

    That land is not for you but for the next generation. In a few years, that area will be all built up. I know you have thought of this. Best wishes in whatever you decide to do.

    • @AfricanUSA-th9ov
      @AfricanUSA-th9ov 14 дней назад +1

      Yes. He Should Hold On To Some Of The Lands. Especially Those Surrounding The River/Water Running Through

  • @simaozinha3575
    @simaozinha3575 7 дней назад +2

    When building a property in Africa, one of the significant challenges that can arise, beyond logistical or financial concerns, is the potential for encountering spiritual conflicts with the local community. Many African societies have deep-rooted cultural beliefs and traditions that are closely tied to the land and its spiritual significance. For instance, certain locations may be considered sacred, and disrupting them could lead to tension with local residents. In some cases, these spiritual beliefs may involve rituals, ancestral reverence, or a strong connection to nature, which can be difficult for outsiders to fully understand.
    As a result, it’s important for developers to approach such projects with cultural sensitivity and a willingness to engage with local leaders or elders to gain their support and ensure the project respects the community’s beliefs. Ignoring these concerns can lead to misunderstandings, resistance, or even conflicts that could significantly delay or derail construction. Properly addressing these issues requires not only practical negotiation but also a respectful acknowledgment of the cultural and spiritual dimensions that are an integral part of many African communities.

  • @toria3544
    @toria3544 14 дней назад +7

    You could turn it into an Airbnb. But then with kids, it would probably be too much work. Hopefully, it’s bought by someone who will be dedicated to completing it.
    Good luck to you guys with whatever you decide to do. Ignore jealous people and their negativity and continue to live your lives and dreams fully. Stay strong and blessed.

  • @Andrea-ft9ug
    @Andrea-ft9ug 11 дней назад +3

    The fact you came from 🇬🇧 got me watching. Truly Loved watching and the fact you showed the up and down struggles of life on continent. Pray you follow the will of the Most High for your life and family. All the best on your endeavours .

    @DIYHOUSEANDFARM 13 дней назад +3

    I watched and get it. This is a beautiful awakening of purpose. Thank you for sharing.

  • @KenRobert1
    @KenRobert1 15 дней назад +11

    What a journey. Bless you both and your works.

  • @aspinat
    @aspinat 13 дней назад +4

    You guys are awesome time to give someone the chance to manage, Apostle Paul built, but its Yahweh who brought the increase. From what i deduce, Ghana is treating you guys well i can tell by the complexion of your wife and you, less stress and you guys are glowing.. shalom

  • @donaldtracey4541
    @donaldtracey4541 12 дней назад +3

    Keep Rising 😁 .
    You are the Architect of your life Journey.
    Raspect from the Hat man Wstow market 🇯🇲 .

  • @JoyBringers
    @JoyBringers 14 дней назад +25

    "Aint it funny that the way you feel shows on your face, and no matter how you try to hide it'll state your case." Those are the lyrics from an old Earth Wind and Fire song. I'm old and I don't know everything, but I do know your face will tell on you. You're hiding something.

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +3

      Well you must know! Poor poker face 😂 I guess time will tell 👋🏾

  • @prisoner_of_hope8386
    @prisoner_of_hope8386 11 дней назад +3

    Life is a journey not a destination. I have erased the word pivot from my vocabulary (especially as a Christian). I have replaced it with evolution. What looks sometimes like a "setback" or any negative description, is often just a natural evolution of where the Lord wants you to do next. We live life in seasons and that's neither bad nor a crime. Kudos to those who stay put for a century. But not everyone wants to/gets to do that. You both look wonderful, and I am wishing you sooooo much peace, happiness and success for the next season. One Love.

  • @hitmakerstudio6405
    @hitmakerstudio6405 14 дней назад +12

    You didn't say why you are selling the I like to know that part of the story as well!💪🏿👑💯🌍

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +2

      We made it very clear why we are selling listen carefully one of the first things we speak on

    • @lovelybutterfly2480
      @lovelybutterfly2480 14 дней назад +2

      Come back & visit show them how to roast the breadfruits

  • @cicelysoulsojourn0101
    @cicelysoulsojourn0101 15 дней назад +11

    LYFE Love your Life for Eternity, Love it ❤When I send someone good wishes, I always send them Love for Eternity ❤ Lovely land and property.

  • @channellwoods
    @channellwoods 13 дней назад +2

    I can see the growth all over you two! Very happy for you!

  • @Abeikirt
    @Abeikirt 14 дней назад +36

    Living in certain countries in Africa is spiritual. Contantly batling envy, hatred, and jealousy.

  • @veronicajjingo8313
    @veronicajjingo8313 13 дней назад +13

    Having lived in Africa and the U.K, convenience can put you off living off grid. It is hard living far from amneties unless you were raised in such an enviroment.

  • @lxworld9923
    @lxworld9923 14 дней назад +11

    I have followed you from day one and I must say that through your courageous move, I was inspired to buy land in Cameroon and gave myself a 5 years plan. Like you am encouraging many to leave Babylon as Yah directs. It is no easy journey yet we must remain faithful because Yah is always faithful. My concern with you Kiing is: what will happen to the many followers that Yah brought with you? What will happen to thier lands? Because you are leaving it is possible that some will never make it there anymore. This was supposed to be a community that honestly i wished to be part of. I remember Kiing when you had the surgery behind your ears, when your wife had a baby, when one of your daughters ran away to return to England, when your oldest daughter came with her tall handsome Nigerian man, and when you tiny little son would follow you everywhere and worked so hard on the land, you and yours gave me inspiration and I always prayed for you. Where are you going now Kiing?? Are you sure about this?? Pls think about all the lands fellow believers of Yah bought through you, are you abandoning the sheep? May Yah lead you, May Yah grace you and yours with strength even through your wilderness. Loads of love brother Kiing, keep dwelling in Yah's love. From US❤❤❤

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +3

      The father is always we leading us we don’t without his say so, many have it in there mind that we are leaving but we never said such thing

  • @niquiniquita4512
    @niquiniquita4512 14 дней назад +4

    Kiing family, onwards & upwards better days are coming & doing what is best for your growing family is so important ❤

  • @melissadotson770
    @melissadotson770 14 дней назад +5

    I listen to their story and they clarify it as simple as their family is growing. ❤

  • @stormryder1572
    @stormryder1572 14 дней назад +3

    Greetings Kiings! We all have to live a life that works for us and ours. It's not about outsiders no matter how well meaning they are. When we know in your hearts we know.
    No point in going further down a path when we already know it's not the ultimate destination we seek.
    Wishing you and your family all you so richly deserve. Stay blessed and guided always by the most high 🙏 ❤🕊️💫

  • @hildafrempong300
    @hildafrempong300 14 дней назад +3

    Thank you very much for sharing your remarkable and bold journey. I pray that you are blessed continually with your future endeavours, Your family to me are a story of courage, determination and humility. Thank you 🙏🏾

  • @samuisun6684
    @samuisun6684 12 дней назад +3

    That place took too much out of you....hubby still needs to recover....and the behaviour of some of the locals.....hopefully you can afford to buy land in JA..I see you there, very well and happy.

  • @MadlyMelanatedHomeschoolers
    @MadlyMelanatedHomeschoolers 14 дней назад +7

    LYFE……Love Yah For Eternity 🥰

  • @mystykalmn4434
    @mystykalmn4434 13 дней назад +4


  • @SamuelNdaanbil
    @SamuelNdaanbil 15 дней назад +30

    turn into Airbnb or recreational center to host people,just my thought

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  15 дней назад +1

      @@SamuelNdaanbil that’s definitely still an option 😜 without us mixing business with pleasure

    • @Nurse_villa
      @Nurse_villa 14 дней назад +4

      ​@@LYFEwiththekiingsso if y'all feel tempted to do business with pleasure let someone else manage it so you won't see nothing to intise yall

    • @proudtobeasimp7259
      @proudtobeasimp7259 14 дней назад

      👆 🛑 stop

    • @AfricanUSA-th9ov
      @AfricanUSA-th9ov 14 дней назад

      ​@@Nurse_villayou Cannot trust anyone in Africa to help you managed anything. Many are Crooked

    • @Qwarku2kg
      @Qwarku2kg 13 дней назад +1

      Which place in Ghana is this building located and how much are you guys selling it for please !!!

  • @selassietetevie4966
    @selassietetevie4966 14 дней назад +14

    This is what happens in life,you make plans according to your circumstances, but when you record it on RUclips, your followers feel part of your lives even though they are not,you have no doubt more experience now,and know better what you want.

  • @goldbluetears
    @goldbluetears 14 дней назад +42

    I wonder what REALLY happened...

    • @sharonp.1376
      @sharonp.1376 14 дней назад +10

      ,good question ....after all those land sales they're leaving

    • @snowball6175
      @snowball6175 14 дней назад +10

      @@sharonp.1376 You just may have given us the clue... many land sales => money.

    • @AfricanUSA-th9ov
      @AfricanUSA-th9ov 14 дней назад +5

      ​@@sharonp.1376I Believed That They Are Already Back In UK 🇬🇧 They Traveled To UK With Their Children. I Don't Believe That They Are Back In Ghana

    • @Josina.E
      @Josina.E 10 дней назад +2

      Exactly! Whats gonna happen to the ppl who purchased land from them. Are they just gonna leave them in the lerch to get on with it. Selling them 'the dream' and now you are up and leaving it? VERY interesting...

  • @flowers2270
    @flowers2270 4 дня назад +1

    Sometimes, things happen in life, and people don't understand. But I think farming in such an area could yield more benefits.

  • @sharonscott822
    @sharonscott822 14 дней назад +9

    You guys inspire so many people to move to the off grid areas in Ghana now you guys just up and leave can’t say I didn’t see it coming that is why I waited

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +3

      We still want to live off grid and still want to be isolated

    • @sharonscott822
      @sharonscott822 14 дней назад +4

      @@LYFEwiththekiings kool I am on my way out 🇺🇸it’s still 🇬🇭or 🇯🇲 for me

  • @kryp10ite-t3j
    @kryp10ite-t3j 14 дней назад +15

    In your video" why we left" you talk about all the issue with the house you built: rising damp, mould, leaking bedroom roof, humidity etc.
    When we're those issues fixed and was it by local or professional? If so would love to see the documentation.
    I think it's wise for any interested to bring you own building surveyor/structural engineer to assess

  • @joyceduckett7308
    @joyceduckett7308 14 дней назад +10

    Wishing you all the best that life has to offer in the name of the Most High!❤

  • @mezzup1
    @mezzup1 14 дней назад +5

    Moving to a different country is not an easy task, some have very good intentions, but reality sometimes kicks in. I have watched a lot of tubers move or either stop their projects. All this land and you have outgrown it? Come on now.

    • @AfricanUSA-th9ov
      @AfricanUSA-th9ov 14 дней назад

      I Believe That They Didn't Returned Back To Africa When They Left Ghana To UK With Their Own Family

  • @elentsimpson1180
    @elentsimpson1180 14 дней назад +3

    Oh no good lack in selling your property and godbless you and your family. ❤❤❤❤.

  • @215RANDOM
    @215RANDOM 12 дней назад +2

    Reads title... "WHAT?!"

  • @cecestj430
    @cecestj430 День назад +1

    I saw a previous video in which you spoke of the issues you were having with the house I.e. mold and water coming in thru the roof.? Have these issues been taken care of prior to putting it up for sale?

    @CHRONICLES1634 14 дней назад +8

    Dem and dem spiritual warfare against you family nah go prosper. Who Jah bless no man curse the fight is on and nobody can move you except The Most High. Upright lamentations from my family to yours. Respect forward guidance and one love. And so IT IS.

  • @fleurbrun
    @fleurbrun 13 дней назад +7

    Many people are leaving Ghana because it isn’t what they thought. They aren’t being welcomed and there is an undertone of hostility there. A few American woman lost their lives from being murdered and poisoned. Please everyone reconsider moving there

    • @BlairsNGhana
      @BlairsNGhana 13 дней назад +6

      Many people have been and still live in Ghana (Africa). Even if they leave, more will come. No matter where you're at in the world. Things happen everywhere. There is no need for fear that limits you.

    • @nanafrima5522
      @nanafrima5522 13 дней назад +2

      Are you a personal witness to your statements, also the kings are not moving from Ghana, also what evidence or experience do you have to support the statements you have made.
      It really baffles me
      why do black provide the best support to people who are miserable and they wish to compound their suffering but cannot accept people are genuinely happy or want to stop people from making themselves happy.
      example the west is not a good place and you are suffering someone is telling you they are happy in Africa you don’t believe them they want to make changes but they assure you they are still happy but you won’t believe them. on top of that other people are miserable in the west but they are brave enough to consider escaping you believe you need to take assumptions and hearsay to squash their dreams.

    • @fleurbrun
      @fleurbrun 13 дней назад +2

      @@nanafrima5522 My statement is speaking on the reports of many speaking in their experiences and the unfortunate events that have been reported across the news and social networks. There needs to be full transparency as the blind faith that’s encouraged for many to come to the African continent because many are shocked and genuinely disappointed that they aren’t as welcomed nor safe even with coming with the best intentions . I support happiness and wholeness especially for Melaninated community world wide.

  • @Zionn0808
    @Zionn0808 14 дней назад +7

    Hmmm smh okay, are guys in Dept. something is not adding up, but God is in control.

  • @nomadictravelerfromTx
    @nomadictravelerfromTx 14 дней назад +10

    What the? I'm much older but I've been following your channel. My wife just got her citizenship so now our home is up for sale. We are moving to an apartment so we can start traveling to countries in Africa until we decide which place we want to reside in part-time. How do you feel about living in Ghana at this stage in your life? Just curious.....Good luck on accomplishing your goals. 😃😃😃

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +10

      We love Ghana and we are not leaving we are just selling our property

    • @user-zl8kn5bz4n
      @user-zl8kn5bz4n 14 дней назад +4

      Pin your comment that you guys are still gonna live in Ghana ​@@LYFEwiththekiings

    • @nomadictravelerfromTx
      @nomadictravelerfromTx 14 дней назад +3

      @@LYFEwiththekiings That's great! Hope to meet you in the future. Take care!😃😃

    • @AfricanUSA-th9ov
      @AfricanUSA-th9ov 14 дней назад

      ​@@user-zl8kn5bz4nI Believed That They Have Already Moved Back To UK 🇬🇧 The Day They Left Ghana To Go And Do Banking Issues Was The Day I Believed They Moved Back To UK 🇬🇧

  • @ZH4317
    @ZH4317 14 дней назад +9

    Ghana is expensive. To live there you must make money constantly. I addition you must pay a lot to have your children in good schools. Ghana is a good place when retired.

    • @Nurse_villa
      @Nurse_villa 14 дней назад +3

      Ghana is expensive because they made it expensive by moving all the African Americans and African British folks like them there

    • @GodsChild1159
      @GodsChild1159 14 дней назад +7

      @@Nurse_villa what about the whites, Asians, Arabs, Lebanese?

    • @emperor1681
      @emperor1681 14 дней назад +1

      @@Nurse_villa You said it all

    • @AfricanUSA-th9ov
      @AfricanUSA-th9ov 14 дней назад +1

      Yes. Any Developing Countries And Africa 🌍 and planning too before moving to Africa 🌍 I Am planning to Retired in West Africa 🌍 I Have 5 to 7 years to retired from USA 🇺🇸 I Have already started building my Retirement Home In West Africa and 3 rentals in the City in West Africa to generate extra income with my pension from USA 🇺🇸 In 5 years time ⏲️ I will be done in building my place in Africa 🌍 then moved there when I started collecting my Pension from USA 🇺🇸

    • @ayankunleakanbi1650
      @ayankunleakanbi1650 13 дней назад

      @@Nurse_villa Even before the diasporas started moving there Ghana had always been expensive. Ryt now, it cost about 3 times compared to say, Nigeria. I was born in Ghana and after I retired in the Western world, my childhood friends in Ghana were looking forward to have me in Ghana but when I thoroughly researched the cost of living in Ghana, I decided to go to Nigeria where it'll cost me only about 30% to 40% of what it cost in Ghana. U are correct, Ghana is expensive.

  • @nilzaluzuka7751
    @nilzaluzuka7751 14 дней назад +3

    Wow, you guys didn't big things there, I was expecting all that, God bless you always ❤

  • @philanimahla8094
    @philanimahla8094 14 дней назад +8

    Guys really what went wrong you can't live that nice place like that what went wrong

  • @QueenofAfrica1217
    @QueenofAfrica1217 15 дней назад +112

    I'm only a few minutes in a bit, I'm confused. How can a family of five out grow four acres of land. That's not making sense to me. You not telling us the whole truth but never the less your property is beautiful. Also are you going to move to another African country or back to England. I don't know why you would sell such a beautiful peice of property unless there's something serious. You invested so much on the land abd you selling it. That breaks my heart. You don't know how much that breaks my heart. I wish for divine intervention on whatever it is making you sell that beautiful property. I really wish you changed your mind.

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  15 дней назад +61

      Many reason and answers to your question, first one being we never said we grew out of the land we said we have grown out of the home, many reason for selling… like the long and winding road, the fact that we no longer want to do business were we live from our experiences, we have multiple lands in other areas therefore we have choices, we built a small home with 4 guest suites, we have no use for guest suite as we will no longer be hosting guest! This as been a 4 year long healing journey living in a tent for 1 year this chapter is over for us, but we remain in Ghana and will probably build a home again minus guest suites

    • @QueenofAfrica1217
      @QueenofAfrica1217 15 дней назад +23

      @@LYFEwiththekiings thank you for your reply. I still think you should reconsider selling your property. It's beautiful. I wish I could of buy it but I'm currently building my home in Nigeria so all my resources go to my home. Besides, I'm not sure if I can afford your beautiful property 😅 😆 🙃 😂 🤔. Once again thank you for your reply. God continues to bless and increase you my brother. You're Jamaican, I believe, and I'm from Trinidad and Tobago 🇹🇹 .

    • @jabbarthomas4583
      @jabbarthomas4583 14 дней назад +38

      @QueenofAfrica1217 yeah it's obvious something from the story is missing.

    • @1yourtube
      @1yourtube 14 дней назад +17

      I think it's a similar reason as his daughter and her husband leaving their home it's just to far from anything. I'm building in Aburi and I pray I didn't make the same mistake

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +14

      @@Covered-Girlwe have no issue with been isolated infact we love that fact about the land that’s why we chose it, that lifestyle is not for everyone but it works for us and when we build again it will be again in a rural area! So the reason are not the same as my daughter at all! We had land in Aburi and didn’t like it 4 years ago we loved our home and land but chapters do come to a close and plans change with growth and healing

  • @thedude9984
    @thedude9984 12 дней назад +2

    Africa is not easy no matter how you slice and dice it, but it's paradise. Just make sure that you have very, very, very deep pockets and good health. One thing I don't understand is why the "most high" is sending people here there and everywhere? Isn’t the "most high" suppose to protect? Meaning, no matter where you want to live, you are protected? Man, keep your land. You've completed a few units, that can be rented so start marketing! Source out the marketing you keep doing what you're doing building, etc. If you sell now you will be at a lost, I can see you've invested well. Think well.

  • @blaqboylarry
    @blaqboylarry 13 часов назад +1

    Don’t sell it. You Could regret it 10 to 15 years later.

  • @ericatillocksingh6058
    @ericatillocksingh6058 8 дней назад +1

    Hi guys what ever you next plans are I no you will continue to inspire all as you have inspired me from the beginning of your journey..I always wish you the best and continue to follow you ❤

  • @yermiyahubenyahudahbenyisr4990
    @yermiyahubenyahudahbenyisr4990 15 дней назад +6

    Grand rising peace love light and healing Shalom. I have a question are you staying in Ghana or moving to another country?

  • @Crystal-t6g
    @Crystal-t6g 9 дней назад +1

    Well done for been honest 😢

  • @naana-scelyne6370
    @naana-scelyne6370 13 дней назад

    It amazing to find someone you can build a life with and go through all the challenges and changes life brings. Choose each other always and continue to let God guide you 😊

  • @thehebrewshemitescollective
    @thehebrewshemitescollective 14 дней назад +4

    SHABBAT SHALOM All 31/8/24 Yahweh Blessings Tianna in the resent London video look so grown up wise move Peace,Love Light health HalleluYah in the Rauch Ha'Qudash 🙏🏽💕

  • @gracesarpong6792
    @gracesarpong6792 15 дней назад +7

    Awww I wish I can buy your property it’s very beautiful

    • @Nurse_villa
      @Nurse_villa 14 дней назад

      You can if you are working in the right country

  • @EmmatineUkwuoma
    @EmmatineUkwuoma 14 дней назад +3

    I'm so sad to hear this news. I trust God's guidance in your life and ours. May he continue to bless and cover you. I love and respect you both so much. I've been on this journey qith you since day 1. Many many more blessings from the most high❤❤🎉🎉

  • @elaineleslie3006
    @elaineleslie3006 15 дней назад +27

    Youve outgrown a vision that you have not fulfilled?

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  15 дней назад +4

      We have outgrown our home not the vision! Are you aware of the vision ?

    • @Abeikirt
      @Abeikirt 14 дней назад +1

      Freedom of choice

  • @fabianasarfo4681
    @fabianasarfo4681 13 дней назад +2

    They're not leaving Ghana! You people should just finish listening to what they're saying.

  • @christianjiancc
    @christianjiancc 11 дней назад +1

    What I dislike is when other people said these things in the beginning of the journey not because of anything in Ghana. It's was because of the things the couple actually said an experience, so they were haters. Now everybody in the comments is hating, and these are the same people they were getting support from the irony. Another thing stop having your dreams to my God is going to bless you. When God promised certain people a certain land, he made them go and spy in the land and when they didn't believe he made them wait in the desert for 40 years, and then they had to fight and build and defend the land. Most of y'all think religion is trying to get God to do things for you that you have to do for yourself.

  • @CultureDishes
    @CultureDishes 13 дней назад +2

    You guys look good stay in Ghana ❤

  • @unknowna7020
    @unknowna7020 14 дней назад +8

    I am confused
    Why are you selling your assets?

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +1

      We explain in the video, this is also not out only assets!

    • @unknowna7020
      @unknowna7020 14 дней назад +1

      @@LYFEwiththekiings i
      No worries. Thank you for your response

  • @iam-marita
    @iam-marita 12 дней назад +1

    It's sad to see you leave that nice land but remember;, "not all African countries are boring... Find another African country that will embrace you in "full" and fulfil your dreams. All the best 🙏🏽

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  11 дней назад +2

      Indeed it’s jus to the end of a chapter something bigger and better awaits us

  • @FreedomQuests
    @FreedomQuests 11 дней назад

    This is huge area and lovely may i add. To sell this is definitely a hard thing to do. Wow blessings for your entire family.
    I believe people makes things bad for you and once you get disrespected its hard to settle. I understsnd

  • @BayoAjayi-zn3fi
    @BayoAjayi-zn3fi 14 дней назад +2

    For such a large parcel of land, you should provide a location plan showing the layout of the buildings, and the other features you mentioned. In addition it will be helpful for a potential buyer to see an aerial view (drone view) of the land and adjoining lands inward and outwar roads. Good luck to you.

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +2

      We have all this available for interested parties

  • @Bamidele-ee8ch
    @Bamidele-ee8ch 11 дней назад +1

    Did you have to pay annual property taxes, ground rent, or land rates on your land?

  • @whatsuptrish9284
    @whatsuptrish9284 14 дней назад +6


  • @balamadoumbe3400
    @balamadoumbe3400 14 дней назад +2

    Wish you the best for the rest

  • @marciadenson4382
    @marciadenson4382 14 дней назад +4

    Oh please don't, rethink, no weapon formed against you will prosper and every tongue that rise up against you, God will bring under condemnation,may God continue to bless you all in Jesus name 🙏

  • @djones9162
    @djones9162 10 дней назад +1

    Very beautiful.

  • @rosieenchill2196
    @rosieenchill2196 13 дней назад +1

    Looks beautiful listening i can imagine the huge amount of money invested how will you get a return without selling will be hard wishing you all the best

  • @mumfour1839
    @mumfour1839 11 дней назад

    Hie blessed kiing family.I have The Word for you
    1.Psalms 35
    2.Psalms 91
    3.Psalms 140
    The verses against serpentine spirits fighting you Psalms 74 vs14 and Isaiah 27vs 1

  • @HonorineS
    @HonorineS 8 дней назад +1

    You and your family have done a good job.

  • @mavisburke495
    @mavisburke495 13 дней назад +4

    Wow, this is very sad news and whatsoever the real.issue is it must be severe,so as longer as it not health related and you have an intact family thats what matters the most.

  • @QueenofAfrica1217
    @QueenofAfrica1217 15 дней назад +21

    Do not sell it to a non black. Find a black buyer.

    • @selinab.8611
      @selinab.8611 14 дней назад +12

      @@QueenofAfrica1217 completely agree, sell to only black

    • @Divambi
      @Divambi 14 дней назад +10

      Really? That's preferable but you are telling them not to accept money from non black and possibly end up stuck with the property and never selling it. Mhhhh

    • @QueenofAfrica1217
      @QueenofAfrica1217 14 дней назад

      @@Divambi are you saying blacks can't afford his property. How do you mean he can end up stuck with the property? Non blacks own most of Africa, I simply prefer if he sell it to a black person. How much resources you non blacks want to own in Africa? Africa is for Africans and her children. All over the world we black people are disrespected and discriminated upon. Africa is our home. Even if you're black yourself Africa is our home. Too much non blacks in Africa controlling ours wealth in Africa. Stay conscious and woke. Stay woke.

    • @emperor1681
      @emperor1681 14 дней назад +1

      @@Divambi You are right

    • @Tataymuntu
      @Tataymuntu 14 дней назад

      @@Divambi black people will never learn all is not about money!

  • @proudtobeasimp7259
    @proudtobeasimp7259 15 дней назад +2

    Where you heading? I will keep up you guys,you are good people.

  • @bigmama5048
    @bigmama5048 14 дней назад +3

    A lot of good work has gone into this so why do you say it’s not big enough for an expanding family something does not add up. Your kids left now you too are leaving

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +1

      We said our house is not big enough for our growing family thats not all we said either but you can watch again and listen more carefully! fact we left along time ago you would know this is you was actually following our journey

  • @pamela5313
    @pamela5313 14 дней назад +6

    Dont leave please tell the truth why are you leaving? Yall found out that you were not from Africa? Alot of America realize the same thing. The people in Africa tricked yall with the come back to Africa.please be safe

  • @islyrevans295
    @islyrevans295 14 дней назад +2

    I feel down hearted,i was hoping to see you guys find a true home in ghana, but don't know ur reasons for leaving but whatever it be,may God continue to guide u

    • @LYFEwiththekiings
      @LYFEwiththekiings  14 дней назад +3

      Were selling our property not leaving Ghana

    • @user-zl8kn5bz4n
      @user-zl8kn5bz4n 14 дней назад +1

      @@LYFEwiththekiings where are you guys heading to in Ghana?

  • @mli6861
    @mli6861 14 дней назад +3

    Hmmmm so much fire and now hmmm

  • @Gypsy-o1m
    @Gypsy-o1m 10 дней назад +1

    the lady is soo pretty..