  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 41

  • @theliamofella
    @theliamofella 3 года назад +15

    I am a sceptical person by nature, and rational (I think) but I have precognitive dreams very often, they usually happen on the morning or the day after the dream, they are usually trivial things but absolutely undeniable and extremely startling, I often know when I have had one of these dreams, I had one yesterday where in my dream I was looking through a drawer and in the drawer there was a load of fan motors without the blades, and my sister called me that day to say her fridge is broken, I asked her if she took the back panel off, when she did she he found that the fan was not working, I looked on the internet to find a fan and found they sell them and the blades are not needed because they are taken of the old fan motor,
    this sort of thing happens all the time and had given me lots of food for thought about the nature of reality for example is life determined or is time flowing multi directional or something

  • @nicwither5913
    @nicwither5913 3 года назад +15

    I’ve had so many precognitive dreams it’s crazy It’s like I can feel the emotions of the moment

  • @becausehefirstlovedme427
    @becausehefirstlovedme427 4 года назад +15

    I dreamt of my soulmate/fiance at a time when I was not looking for a mate as I was with someone else albeit unhappy. I dreamt of his face, facial features, eye colour, race, and a particular and very specific detail about his life that stood out in the dream. We were so happy and in love in the dream.
    I didn't know him before the dream and he lived in a totally different country.
    In real life, mountains were moved for our coming together, making everything I thought impossible possible, and my plans were totally changed from what I had planned for my life but all for the better.
    I recognised all the details about him from my dream. The funny thing is I only made this connection after one detail that stood out in the dream was just too much to ignore. By that time I already knew we were soul mates, because for the first time in my dating life I just knew. We both did.
    We are now getting married.
    I realized I have had these dreams before in other areas of my life but ignored them and put it down to coincidence, but this dream changed everything. I don't believe in coincidences anymore.
    There is something bigger than us.

    • @roxannegonzales1668
      @roxannegonzales1668 2 года назад

      What about dreams about accidents that you think are dreams but actually happen.

    • @luisianaolivieri3912
      @luisianaolivieri3912 Год назад

      Hi, I had a dream about my soul mate too a couple of nights ago. May I ask how were you feeling when you woke up? I am having such a whirpool of emotions and I don't know what to do.

  • @rebecca_8888
    @rebecca_8888 3 года назад +7

    I also had a lot or precognitive dreams in my life. The most scary was about a young woman being killed by her ex boyfriend. I saw the face of the woman, the general appearance of her ex and the location where the crime was taken place. One week after my dream the scenario happened. The girl´s first name was the same than mine.
    From that point on I started to do a lot of research about precognitive dreams and synchronicities. As soon as I put the informations from different scientific fields together, I started to understand the logic behind them. No I´m not afraid anymore of phenomena like this - in opposite! I love my synchronistic patterns and I would preceive life as pretty boring and empty with precognitions / premonitions. They are beautiful little sparks in our daily lives, reminding us about the deeper levels of life and ourselves. :-)

  • @elite_lurker7589
    @elite_lurker7589 3 года назад +9

    I had to google this term, because these precognitive dreams have become SO frequent in my life.

    • @elite_lurker7589
      @elite_lurker7589 3 года назад

      And I made the 13th comment... a number that pops up a lot for me...

    • @nenzmus
      @nenzmus 3 года назад +1

      Same thing happens to me. It's driving me insane lately. I'm now amping up the research from what I've done the last few years. It's called Deja Reve.

  • @deathsheadtarot7875
    @deathsheadtarot7875 4 года назад +9

    I dreamt that my Mom had moved into an apartment on her own.
    I had gone into the apartment to find her and saw that she had passed away and was on the floor with her eyes open. I then was looking out her eyes as myself to see, through her eyes that she could see me standing over her body and looking at her with great sadness.
    3 years later (two years ago) in an apartment that she had moved into and lived alone, I found my Mom passed away lying on the floor, where she had fallen with her eyes open.
    When my Mom moved into this apartment I recognized it from my dream and was very sad but didn't know how long it would be.

  • @justicelr3577
    @justicelr3577 4 года назад +11

    As a child I've dreamt of going to jail, 14 years later, I was in Jail.

  • @GabrielRendonJuarez
    @GabrielRendonJuarez 2 года назад +5

    I had a dream very recently that I saw my ex that I hadn’t seen in about 7 years… she was there one moment and than she was gone…
    The very next day I took my dog for a walk and Lo and behold… there she was.. after 7 years.. there she was biking down the street.. I called out to her we locked eyes and went out separate ways.. I wish things had gone differently. But anyways this isn’t the first time I’ve had these experiences. I can’t explain. I need guidance from somebody.. please.

    • @fletcherdevelyn9467
      @fletcherdevelyn9467 2 года назад +1

      Don’t take this neseessarily as advise but do hear me, maybe that is the divine and or your subconscious mind possibly even working together to have you reflect on the relationship you have with this person, there could be something inside of you that needs to be released. A quote I like is reflection of reflection is the best medicinal prescription. Reflection to me implies asking yourself questions verbally or mentally or physically written. There is sometimes symbology that is places in dreams by subconscious mind as a way of making it conscious, it is not always easy to understand the symbology but there is help you can find with research on the internet. Hope this is helpful

    • @fletcherdevelyn9467
      @fletcherdevelyn9467 2 года назад +1

      I find the divine intervention through predictive dreams is very interesting and have experienced it myself several times just recently but so far I have found no significance in the dreams aside from them being predictive to random yet specific things. Maybe it is symbolic of a connection with a buggier power most people are not yet accessible to due to their ego I assume or lack of knowledge or awareness or something like that

  • @TheSpiritualMinistry
    @TheSpiritualMinistry 2 года назад +3

    I've been having precognitive dreams since I was a kid. I predict pregnancies mostly. When I was a kid, I had a dream and saw my granny in the casket dressed in all white. At her actual funeral, she was wearing all white.

  • @greensoplenty6809
    @greensoplenty6809 5 лет назад +5

    i went to sleep about 1 1/2 - 2 weeks before september 11th 2001...
    i heard a dream that made the hair on my neck standup so straight it was sorta uncomfortable, felt sorta spikey. like a porcupine is what i thought.
    when i went into my dream i saw and heard sounds and a voice.
    i was about 50 stories high? dont know estimating height. i was looking down the side of one building and saw enough or all of the other(starting to get hazy). i didnt see smoke or fire so i assume it was the first plane which i didnt see till later news footage.
    i saw the buildings and an obvious large passenger airliner heading toward the building. the side which was on the other side and i couldnt see, i saw about half - 3/4 of the plane and it was in sorta super slow motion. looked like just a few frames of footage slowed way down and i believe it sorta replayed once maybe twice and gave the definitive impression that theres no way this airplane will miss hitting this building.
    while this was going on i saw a translucent image of a outline of a naked women standing up. it was from the opening credits from the outter limits, easily one of my favorite 2 sci fi series when i was a kid.
    i also heard my own voice repeating 3 times i believe possibly 4. my voice said "dont forget this, this is important" do not forget this this is important".
    trying to remember all details takes me a bit so many.
    i saw or thought i sensed a brick building nearby or i was possibly standing on the edge of a high floor on the building but so close to the edge i saw no railings and rooftop.
    i was about 1/4 - 1/2 mile from the towers, which at the time i called anything that big a "sky scrapper"
    my mother knocked on my door and started to sing " get up get up get out of bed" which she does and knows i hate. but i wasnt upset at her i was scared.
    i woke up and sat up in bed quicker than i ever have in my life, after any nightmare i never woke up this fast.
    i sorta half yelled at my mother "shut up" which made me feel bad but i remembered probably 98% of the dream when i woke up, i wanted to burn it into my mind.
    i had a almost manic feeling that i needed to remember this and it was very important and it was real and going to happen. at the same time i realized it was a dream. felt strange.
    a couple days later i was about to go outside and hangout with my friends but i forced myself to stop and go into my brothers old room where my computer was because i was about to change rooms with him(first room change of my life).
    i at this point had begun to forget some parts of the dream. i remembered that atleast 1 square flat looking building was gonna have something very bad happen to it. i had forgotten about the airplane(i dont think about airplanes much).
    i searched google images for "sky scrappers" and went threw about 2-3 pages of images looking pretty closely but not recognizing anything because i wasnt familiar with the "twin towers" at the time. there was lots of pictures of the taipei towers whatever they are called those 2 connected ones because they were still fairly new i suppose.
    when i wasnt having much luck i thought about what i would say if i could recognize the building and find some general contact info off its website and call security and say what?
    i got a real bad feeling from a dream you guys are gonna have a big problem sometime soonish?
    i gaveup pretty fast told myself it was just a funny dream then about a week week and a half later my dad banged on my new bedroom door which i was now sleeping in(another reason i know i didnt just think this up later). my dad said "get up we just got bombed".
    i didnt really get to look at the news much i was already late and had to go to school and when i got there and sat down in the class with the tv everyone was in i got the hair on the back of my neck feeling again as i remembered that i had had this dream days before. long enought to forget it and re-remember. i knew it wasnt a figment of my imagination because i had searched google for the building and i remembered that and unless i went temporarily crazy and searched google days after and forgot why wouldnt i have searched twin towers? im sure it was the only image on google images when you type sky scrappers days after september 11th.
    i think i forgot one or 2 details. the thing that makes me sound like im just making it all up is when i mention that i used to get a ton of deja vu and i was sorta trying to induce it threw meditation if you wanna call it that but im not the meditation kinda guy. though i have been called very zen. i kinda quiet. used to be.

  • @raydoucette3383
    @raydoucette3383 2 года назад +2

    I fell like it's only certain people a empath. A feeler. It's not everyone. The desire to hate or love or make something happen in life. Can you have a dream and your children wake up too? Or someone faraway. The frequency you give off . Stranger things

  • @namaste2270
    @namaste2270 5 лет назад +2

    Ive has loads of precognitive dreams but dreamt I was in the Bahamas watching the sunset next of all it got really cloudy and we had to leave....this was about two weeks before The hurricane.... this was the most significant one ever my mind is still is crazy sometimes

  • @truthhertz8321
    @truthhertz8321 6 месяцев назад

    I have had many strange dreams that have come true. One lasted 10 years straight. It would continue from where I left off and I would age in the dream. In 2019 I met one of the people in that dream. I looked at him and had this weird feeling like I knew him. Eventually he spoke to me and asked for my number and we became acquainted. I had never mentioned to him that I saw him in my dream. One day he told me that he knew me from somewhere. Thats when it all came back to me in flashes from the dream. It scared the crap out of me. During that time, I was also having dejavu, although I was having very new experiences(new career path, new people). In that dream it was like episodes to a show and my life has taken the path. Major detail in the dream that came true was me having 2 boys and now I have 2 boys. I love them with all my soul. I knew them before I had them. Very scary to think about it all sometimes.

  • @missinginmichigan6446
    @missinginmichigan6446 5 лет назад +4

    I dreamt my miscarriage 😖
    after finding out I was pregnant
    I dreamt of going to a party of dead friends and relatives who had been dead Years
    I was telepathically communicated that my father in a younger of himself was pushing my blue daughter who was clearly a toddler . I was told she was ok and so was he. That my family would care for her and she told me that she was my baby. I was jawed that also my sisters child father who died was also there with them and he was proud of her presence in the world they were in. I was then told after that point I was meet others who awaited my visit and I could take none of the memories of the following the conversations with any other persons back with me.😭 I was aware that the encounter was negotiated and planned for my comfort So that I could get closure. I awoke in pain bleeding badly for 40 days after until my self miscarriage completed itself.

    • @thisjungianlife
      @thisjungianlife  5 лет назад +4

      Your pain rolls right off this message. What a terrible process to endure. The images of comfort are a gift from the Self to help you bear this fate - to show you that your soul companions you through your dark experiences.

    • @inyobusiness4331
      @inyobusiness4331 5 лет назад +2

      I’m so sorry you went through that but everything happens for a reason take as a blessing & this reminds me of a dmt experience story that a friend told me she had

    • @namaste2270
      @namaste2270 5 лет назад


  • @MarkelUniversal
    @MarkelUniversal 2 месяца назад

    So glad I found this

  • @greensoplenty6809
    @greensoplenty6809 5 лет назад +3

    the closest dream to mine was samuel clemens precognitive dream.
    he saw something unusual to him and remembered details from the dream like it was a vision not a quickly fading dream.
    im not sure if its future time travel related experiments or a natural spacetime translation from our brains. like our eyes and brain translate light into vision and so on.

  • @1dk869
    @1dk869 3 месяца назад

    I had a dream recently that someone got run over by a tram and then about a week later a 70 year old woman got killed by a tram in my neighbourhood, and last night a dreamt of a family argument and it happened this evening.

  • @Laura-m3k1s
    @Laura-m3k1s Год назад +1

    Some 18 months ago I dreamt about a guy I hadn't spoken to for a while.
    I was sitting with hjm and a short haired girl. This girl handed me in a book.
    Then I suddenly woke up in his bed and I could overhear a conversation between his parents and a real estate agent.
    I rushed to the door but I did not know which train to catch, I felt lost and then woke up to the real world
    Since then, I have been interested in him and that girl.I found out they have been into a relationship for quite some time and they have a beautiful family now.
    Is this a wake up call for me to start a new life with my fiancé?
    ¿Quién sabe?

  • @misscadoixo
    @misscadoixo 3 года назад

    What do you think about left handed people, that have more functions in the right brain. Does it influence dreaming?

  • @woodwind63
    @woodwind63 5 месяцев назад

    Yay Debra…. Cape Cod! 😊💪🏼

  • @Bellaa1970
    @Bellaa1970 5 лет назад +1

    I have this happened to me for the past 15 years now it 5to 6days a week

  • @deloachapproach4273
    @deloachapproach4273 3 месяца назад

    My precog dreaaams hve been happening so long I'be learned they are for a reason - survival. My precog dreams now happen in series of three when coming through. In January of 2020 I dreamed I was standing at a train station, awating the arrival of a train (I've never been on a train). Suddenly. a train pulled up, the doors opened, and terrified, masked Asians (my wife was born in Beijing) were exiting, as if fleeing a terror. I called my parents, and sidlings, and then began preparing for an emergency. When COVID hit, we had toilet paper. Mt second dream, I saw myself hovering above China, looking down at the Wuhan area. The words came to me (audible), "it is all a lie. They are lying to you. It isn't what they are saying. The third dream I saw a dot denoting Wuhan. Then I saw archs originating in Wuhan which extended ro cities or location across the globe. Only later did I learn China sent many clothing representatives across the world to ply their trade, for Wuhan is a center for fashion. I have had a series of dreams concerning two events to come

  • @Aaron9065
    @Aaron9065 5 месяцев назад

    I dreamed who scored in the CL finals on 1st June

    • @Aaron9065
      @Aaron9065 5 месяцев назад

      But I dont wanna bet against my team 😭

  • @sev3n7z
    @sev3n7z 6 месяцев назад

    I think we are know the truth and that's why we a a society are depressed

  • @jacquiblackburn743
    @jacquiblackburn743 Год назад

    I have a massive message i wish to share with the world.

  • @Luvmeesh
    @Luvmeesh 6 месяцев назад
