  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 92

  • @NateNavarro
    @NateNavarro  3 года назад +12

    Thanks for watching my demo of the Photon!
    THOMANN: redir.love/thoprod/532541?offid=1&affid=561
    SWEETWATER: imp.i114863.net/oeVR6E
    REVERB: reverb.grsm.io/photon
    Nate’s Bass Book: www.nathannavarro.net/books

    • @friolo
      @friolo 2 года назад

      what power supply did you use?

  • @The-Duggernaut
    @The-Duggernaut 3 года назад +53

    (Nate) "blah blah blah, PRETTY LIGHTS THAT CHANGE COLOR, blah blah"

  • @odiec5567
    @odiec5567 3 года назад +139

    See Nate knows the real things that sell products, who cares about its intended use, we all know that pretty lights that change color are the important part.

    • @davegiard2221
      @davegiard2221 3 года назад +1

      He had me at pretty lights that change color. Ordered one about 5 seconds after that.

    • @x1991xx
      @x1991xx 2 года назад

      The same with the Darkray bass.. im sold with the light that change color 🤣🤣

  • @JLandroid
    @JLandroid 2 года назад +2

    The tones coming out of this thing are crazy, but like, that riff is even crazier, daaaaaaamn.

  • @adammee5437
    @adammee5437 3 года назад +8

    I think I speak for the bass community, this guy so nice and down to earth with explanations etc...plus he's a beast on the 5 string rumble hammer :D

  • @SiliconBassist
    @SiliconBassist 3 года назад +12

    Excellent demo! This pedal keeps getting more and more tempting. It has a great character that very different from anything else I have, and the feature set is also really nice.

  • @markust8904
    @markust8904 3 года назад +4

    I probably will not buy any of the products he plays on, but i so enjoy all the riffs he comes up with each different product he shows, and i totally watch all his vlogs. Love it Nate.

  • @Bongo_G_La_Costa
    @Bongo_G_La_Costa 3 года назад +14

    Another great video and amazing bass playing.🤩👌🏾😙🤌🏾

  • @charlesbukowski7730
    @charlesbukowski7730 3 года назад +7

    Man... these groove are amazing😍

  • @Stoitism
    @Stoitism 3 года назад +4

    Best bass demos on youtube bar-none. I love your playing style dude.

  • @tuomasaalto7987
    @tuomasaalto7987 3 года назад +19

    That intro has "Bleed" (Meshuggah) vibe to it
    🤩👍 Brutal..

  • @HondoFelder
    @HondoFelder 3 года назад +7

    I died at "Pretty lights that change colors" LOL. Cool vid brotha!

  • @TheStp77
    @TheStp77 2 года назад +20

    I hope darkglass is paying you well, i must have watched this vid 100 times just to hear that badass playing

    • @steffomca762
      @steffomca762 2 года назад +2

      Same here

    • @bobbymccrary6107
      @bobbymccrary6107 2 года назад +1

      That riff is nasty!

    • @XROBX4X
      @XROBX4X 5 месяцев назад

      I discovered this looking for something else, but this is the best! Thank you.

  • @user-se3dt6ds8k
    @user-se3dt6ds8k 2 года назад +1

    Nathan Deserves more attention omg hes a great bassist

  • @brunosimon4751
    @brunosimon4751 3 года назад +2

    Amazing bassist and huge sound , Congrats Nate 👍

  • @willrouse2351
    @willrouse2351 Год назад

    Very professional as always. Great explanation of tone setting variety. Those last two in particular were NASTY and BRUISING.

  • @trfmusic902
    @trfmusic902 3 года назад +3

    Yeah, the more lights the better! Especially because most stages can be dark

  • @markbass354
    @markbass354 3 года назад +1


  • @AmosHeller
    @AmosHeller 2 года назад

    smashing as always!

  • @davedixon2167
    @davedixon2167 3 года назад

    What a great demo; I'm not the biggest fan of the AO circuit, but this one sounded great in your hands. Even though Darkglass and Dingwall are more versatile than people may think, I simply canNOT get "that darkglass clank" with anything BUT a Dingwall! Source: I've owned 4 DG pedals and currently have the M900v2 amp - and currently borrowing a Dingwall since I haven't owned one in a long time.

  • @javie5080
    @javie5080 3 года назад

    Always the most detailed reviews. Tight riff too B

  • @davidswanson6219
    @davidswanson6219 3 года назад

    badass petal and playing the Bass hope you will have a wonderful weekend and merry Christmas to you and your family love ur Bass technique of playing keep up the great stuff that you do on your channel regard from a fan David

  • @Mattseak
    @Mattseak 3 года назад

    Do want this now yes now must have precious!!!

  • @Sicel1304
    @Sicel1304 2 года назад

    You had me at pretty lights and touchpad.

  • @coreyu4590
    @coreyu4590 3 года назад


  • @paoloantonio1531
    @paoloantonio1531 3 года назад +1

    Dude , tha green bass.. omg

  • @siemekkisiel8963
    @siemekkisiel8963 3 года назад

    Amazing bassist! Dark what? Amazing bassist!

  • @Anna-in8hf
    @Anna-in8hf 3 года назад

    Wow! It’s amazing 😳

  • @KALFU
    @KALFU 3 года назад +3

    ✨ ALFA 🎸 OMEGA ✨🤘🏽💀🤘🏽✨

  • @FIN_Der-Otter
    @FIN_Der-Otter 3 года назад

    awesome demo!!

  • @賴繹傑
    @賴繹傑 2 года назад

    Awesome vids! And that pedal sounds incredible :) Btw Nate I wish there's a in-depth demo of Strandberg prog bass, I've been thinking about purchasing one and I can really use your opinion, thanks!

  • @abowla7187
    @abowla7187 3 года назад

    THAT FUCKING INTRO!!!!!!!! LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @FoamSquatch
    @FoamSquatch 3 года назад +4

    I love the features of this pedal but have the alpha omega head.... Seems a little redundant for me, Seems like the ADAM would be the better option for someone like me.

  • @SuperTabitha17
    @SuperTabitha17 3 года назад

    I have that same ESP model just in four string at least it looks alike it’s the one where you blended the alpha and omega

  • @AscensionX-uq1mk
    @AscensionX-uq1mk 3 года назад +1

    GOTTDAMNNN Bro... That "Demon March" riff at the end was HARD AS FUQQ!!! You probably coulda made a few G's selling that shyt to Dr. Dre!! 😂😂😂 I'm only JUST getting started into the world of music... JUST got my first guitar, and JUST picked out a bass I wanna get - maybe next year. I stumbled across your page today and this effects pedal... shyt had me like WTF?!?! Since I've been researching guitars, amps, pedals, basses etc... I feel like I've walked into a whole other WORLD of experiences that MOST people have NO CLUE even exists. I'm seeing these MONSTER GUITAR PLAYERS... and MONSTER BASS PLAYERS - such as yourself, and it's just like... (Woah!) 😳...
    I'm finding all this cool new musical gear I've never heard of.. Absolutely amazing!! I figure... with the way I absorb info, I SHOULD be up to speed in about a year or 2 on all this stuff. 😎 But DAMN, I got a LOTTTT TO LEARN - You guys are OFF THE FUQQING CHAIN with these guitars & basses!!
    Quick question tho... You mentioned the (ADAM) so I looked it up... Why didn't you do a video on THAT one? Because it's pretty much the same as THIS one?? What's the difference between the two units? The Adam seems to have more functionality and it costs more, but it's hard to discern exactly what it does that they Photon doesn't. 🤔
    Anyway... Thanks for the GREAT videos & info, you are a FUQQING BEAST on that thing bro!! ✌🏾😎

  • @randomchopsuey7165
    @randomchopsuey7165 2 года назад

    Nate awesome demo, killer chops! Question for you…I’m new to recording. I’d like to know how you “vamp a riff” to a pedal like this please.

  • @eitvinchuk
    @eitvinchuk 3 года назад

    Hey Nate! awesome demo and mad skills :) could you please share what bass are you using at 1:38?

    • @NateNavarro
      @NateNavarro  3 года назад +3

      Thanks, Egor! It's a Strandberg Boden Bass.

    • @eitvinchuk
      @eitvinchuk 3 года назад

      @@NateNavarro gotcha, thank you! the main reason I've asked is possibly not a bass itself, but I was mesmerised by how strings are vibrating after attack. looked like it's super precise combination of scale length and string gauge, that affects sound and playing feel. do you have any special method for such combination?

  • @drasgum
    @drasgum 3 года назад +1

    It could be great to see a demo of the new series of effects from amplitude x-gear.

  • @goju09alt9
    @goju09alt9 3 года назад +1

    Hello M8 amazing skills, can I ask you what's the reasonable time span it would get me to play on1/10 of your level?

  • @JasonicIR8
    @JasonicIR8 2 года назад

    Awesome, I like this pedal, I have it, and i have the AOU too, and is not really the same, when you try the same setup with booth pedals, the tone are not really the same ! Don't know why, i don't know if you already hear the difference ? ...

  • @kitsvn
    @kitsvn 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for the demo! Sounds awesome. How do you think they packed so much evil into that device?

  • @ThecrazyPiter
    @ThecrazyPiter 3 года назад


  • @MaxRyles
    @MaxRyles 3 года назад

    Any news on your 5 string book? I just picked up a D roc 5string. Would love to practice my chops on some of your riffs. P. S. Still loving your 4 string book. Really creative!!!
    Obviously not a big problem but if a song is short try and make it so we don't need to turn the page on the tab. Totally understand if that's a manufacturer cost issue. Still loving it 😊

  • @joshl8159
    @joshl8159 2 года назад

    What's the song at 4:00?

  • @abnerortiz3351
    @abnerortiz3351 2 года назад

    3:03 woah

  • @drkangel1134
    @drkangel1134 3 года назад

    If you have and element, other effects and dg pedals is it safe to say I would have to keep it and put the photon at the beginning of my chain so I can capture everything still?

  • @jasonharris2291
    @jasonharris2291 3 года назад +1

    I teach bass online with a Zoom G3x as my digital interface. I'd like something better for bass that can also take a microphone at the same time. Any suggestions?

    • @CC-ks3tj
      @CC-ks3tj 3 года назад

      You’ll probably need an audio interface with at least two XLR inputs and direct out for your bass by using an amp or DI box.

  • @JBirdBobbyJ
    @JBirdBobbyJ 3 года назад +1

    Cool but how does it sound when felling trees?

    • @NateNavarro
      @NateNavarro  3 года назад +7

      🤣 I'm gonna have to get back to you on that.

  • @The-Duggernaut
    @The-Duggernaut 3 года назад

    Can we get a comparison between this and the A.D.A.M. pedal? Is the only difference in either pedals are the distortion circuits?

    • @TheUmbralPresence
      @TheUmbralPresence 3 года назад

      I have both (for a couple of days now). My answer is "kinda yes". The compressor is a bit different too. It sounds the same, but reacts to the knob a bit differently.

  • @regortex3364
    @regortex3364 2 года назад

    That double thumbing is just ridiculous, next level chops.

  • @zekt976
    @zekt976 3 года назад

    I think the issue for me now is, is it worth pairing this with a Darkglass x ultra?

  • @clovers1175
    @clovers1175 2 года назад

    You should do a bass cover of My first Car by vulfpeck

  • @nj1255
    @nj1255 3 года назад

    What's the difference between this and the ADAM? Is it just the same thing with different name since they couldn't use ADAM for copyright reasons?

  • @-Ry-Guy
    @-Ry-Guy 2 года назад

    It's; funny how you look like a lawyer then you hit them with that evil bass shit! lol

  • @Norangell
    @Norangell 3 года назад

    What does Studio Rig on the fifth distortion mean ? What does that do?

    • @tomaskilian5026
      @tomaskilian5026 3 года назад +3

      It's with bite and growl on but a bit more crispy high end and deeper low end. The difference between 4 and 5 is minimal imo

    • @drphalanges1520
      @drphalanges1520 3 года назад +2

      It's clean low end and distorted high end like the X series.

  • @NightEmbers
    @NightEmbers 3 года назад

    Why would you need an fx loop built into a distortion pedal?

    • @NateNavarro
      @NateNavarro  3 года назад +1

      Post distortion, pre-amp/cab sim effects. :)

    • @NightEmbers
      @NightEmbers 3 года назад +1

      @@NateNavarro ahh makes sense, especially if your DI ing out of this

  • @p.1802
    @p.1802 3 года назад

    Not sure that new version AO sounds better than first preamp. Maybe comparison test? If you don’t need more functionality - it’s waste of money.

  • @iplaybass6690
    @iplaybass6690 3 года назад

    Pretty sure Nate could plug into a piece of wood and it would sound fucking amazing and I would want to buy that log.....

  • @adityabali1939
    @adityabali1939 3 года назад +2

    All this but no FX loop

  • @Bassmaniaaa
    @Bassmaniaaa 2 года назад

    Adam and darkgrass team are wisards 😱 This is definitely the best pedal for bass guitar.

  • @jozinbazin8574
    @jozinbazin8574 3 года назад

    Holy fuck

  • @bigfiat
    @bigfiat 2 года назад

    Hi You are a great musician. I love to watch and listen to you. I try to play bass myself a bit, but I'm far from you. Maybe in the next incarnation I will equal you 😀. I have a big request . Very great! You're a bass genius and I'm just learning. Could you play something for me? There is no TAB on the Internet for this track. I've been looking everywhere. Please 🙂 Mercyful Fate Nightmare .

  • @jeremiahwilliams7809
    @jeremiahwilliams7809 2 года назад

    Whereas I am a badass bass player myself and I am getting better!!!!still I like to admire the skills of other players who's leve of skill exceed mine.........but.... I'm gonna getcha.............

  • @PondoSinatra680
    @PondoSinatra680 3 года назад

    No D.I. :(

    • @NateNavarro
      @NateNavarro  3 года назад

      It’s on the left side. :)

    • @PondoSinatra680
      @PondoSinatra680 3 года назад

      @@NateNavarro Oh good, I guess I missed it.

  • @M0rbidPh8
    @M0rbidPh8 2 года назад

    And cant afford any Darkglass stuff.

  • @msnrc
    @msnrc 3 года назад

    Dude, you have to learn the greek alphabet first.

    • @SevenEightSE
      @SevenEightSE 3 года назад

      I'm wondering if he wasn't fucking with us though

  • @GutspillPhil
    @GutspillPhil 3 года назад

    Idk I’m not to impressed so far with what I hear… I have one in order so we will see… I try every Darkglass that comes out.. so we will see if it makes the cut

    • @blubein
      @blubein 2 года назад

      Make the cut?

    • @GutspillPhil
      @GutspillPhil 2 года назад

      @@blubein … make make the cut = if I like it and want to keep it.

    • @blubein
      @blubein 2 года назад

      @@GutspillPhil thanks, did it make the cut for you?

  • @pfg_pedals
    @pfg_pedals 3 года назад +1

    The Darkglasa sound just doesn't do it for me. They have finally made the bass sound like a downtimes guitar and to me that misses the whole point of bass. Every metal bassist is using them now and of course .. they all sound the same.